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The Pittsburgh Post from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 1

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

KATES OF ADVERTISING i a 11 Tin: 4T ftltt OA HUCAkK- A FIRST-CLASS POLITICAL AND LITEBMY NEWS ft nf THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1809. TWEXTY-SEVESTU TEAK. FIFTEEX CENTS A WEEK. POLICE ITEII.HiF.xE l.intl Ii is Honey. Francis Uiley, a farmer hailing from Philadelphia county, arrived in the city yesterday morning en route to Illinois.

Mr. Kiley concluded to take a look at our city before proceeding westward, and in las rambles he looked into a large number of establishments where they dispense bad whisky. His frequent looking in pro- Aliottt the efficacy of Dr. Sargeant's Back- Thirtt Kelly.convicWof 1 tbe of of the vagrancy before the Mayor, was deposited Kidneys, The' numerous the bastile, there to remain thirty days. 1 demand be-Mr Joseph Irwin, of the Tenth iward, i tL oi thwr curative proprieties, made the complaint against Ann I 1 Pr coated.

Price fifty VfL8. 1' Sold hy all druggists. PITTSBURGH, buildings. The loss is heavy. The origin of the lire is a mystery.

Mrs. Dr. Schrader and her mother, of Red Itock, Marion county, Iowa, were both poisoned yesterday by taking a dose of balladonua," given to them by a blundering druggist. died in a few hours. Colonel Henry McKenley, formerly a very wealthy land owner in Minnesota, committed suicide in St.

Paul last evening bv shooting himself through the head with a pistol. He had been for some time laboring under, a depression of spirits, caused bv financial reverses in California and el-ewhcre. The great Ttirnerfest closed last night. so tar as the programme is concerned, This afternoon all joined in an excursion on the lake. The crowd was a jolly one.

Tin; closing ball, at Turner Hall, is now in full blaze. The total receipts during the festival were about $20, OUO; the expenses, S24.WKI, leaving a balance of $5,000 on the wrong side. At niiif o'clock this forenoon the seveu-i teenth animal Congress of the Turn Teach- crs and Turn Woris of the North Ameii-; Turner liund luet at ymuastic Hail. 'I he main business of the Convention was to decide upon some uniforii method fori lie teachers in i he maimer of giving or-I der. The gent leUjell were each aiiowed tiite, minutes iii which to illustrate their several methods.

The Convention finally that all tlm teachers otiuected with tin- North A tie ricau Turner liund be requested to Si nd a full description ot their -vera! methinis Inst rut tiou tuai otii-inittee appointed lor Ihe purpose, and after a carelul a. id study, the i -iiiimitav shad make a report to the a-i tnuial niei ting of Turn Tc het and Tin ort, which shall be called within for the jctrpose ot' fixing upon a uni- form method of instruction lor classes. Ten i- since a vniiiij '14 son of Win. ('. i a broker of this city, through a sU orT't at 1 be Sherman Hoa -atal was lust int iy killed.

Mr Van lueu was sllpJiORcl to be in KeVV York Ut the tiuie.atid .1 di-patch was sent to hiui tlicre. but lli.i reply iias leeli lecena-d Ih.u tiiriH cut th ii Van Itnvu, when he tt New York took ten thousand dollars I'llited ST b. I. el thi nginc tic Sf. Nichoia.

ton! oil. He VC ls on the ni, and at .1, Ml 1 I a 1 ii; a tl IN dav. xf til 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I -I. I 1 tl.nt i j. ii- I .1 1 ta U.e to Ii I 1 1 ill it the tti- I 1 1 1 1 il i naiins iagher hLXrB.

a lather l.r GTll wrl, husband, lor desortion. Ehenv Citv ti rPsiJes in AUe-and lLld ta was arrested and held to bail to answer at court. Charge Agaivst 1 ti-lin ts; nil 'j i drew a revolver on Simmons gave i bail for a hearing. Alleged Larcen-v Ann Kellv. mentioned elsewhere as having retired to i shades ol thestone building on Grant's Hill, appeared before Alderman Taylor, yesterday, and made an information charg- nig James Croggin.s, Mary uoggmn ami Ellen Jones with the larceny of a shawl valued at eight dollars.

The parties reside on Pike street. The two females included in the information were arrested and committed for a hearing. Had a Heahiso. We stated yester day that William Moore had been arrested on a charge of being one of the robbers who despoiled Mr. Jones residence on Penn street on Monday Yesterday after noon Moore's brother-in-law, named Charles Bock, who was included in the same information, was also arrested.

The two prisoners had a partial hearing yester day wuen in default ot bail, was sent to jail for a further hearing. Bock obtained bail and was released. SfLAKE's Court, or a portion of the inhabitants thereof, came before the Mayor's Court yeslerday afternoon, on compulsion. The parties who thus appeared were: Patrick Kinney, escorted bv offi cer Hook, Ann Kinney, in charge of officer Moorhead, and James Sewell, the prisoner i of officer Garber. This trio were charged ith disorderly conduct.

It apjiears, from the testimony of a Mr. Sullivan, 1hat Seweil came out ol" Kinney's house, and commenced blackguarding Mrs. Sullivan her own door. Then the Kinney came out and reinforced him. The accused wa ve fined by his honor, and failing to pay they were sent to the hill except Mr.

Kinney, who was released. The Paste" Vendetta. On Friday I eveuing James Thackeray bad posted some bills over the Variety showbills, and the poster of that establishment proceeded 10 tear them down. Thackeray observed The TiloVelilellT, Hlld llilX illg previously provided himself with a warrant, haviug evident ly suspected that such a course would be pursued by his rival, drew it out of his pocket, calling two officers directed them to arrest Albright, the alleged offender. Albright was escorted to the lock-up, but subsequently released upon bail for a bearing yesterday morning.

The case was called up at the appointed time, and Albright was discharged, it haviug been shown that the warrant upon which he was arrested had lteen issued previous to the commission of the alleged offense. Kruln Ihe Pitt-liuiarh Medical News and Health KetKirter. I. Ivor Complaint. Iii this disease there is a peculiar cachetic condition of the blood which gives rise toa long train of diversified symptoms.

The countenance becomes sallow, the eyes have a yellowish tinge, the whole skin becomes changed in color and appearances, and not nnfrequently terminate in a jaundiced condition of all the exertions, but especially the urine. Dyspepsia soon sets in, sometimes a cough simulating Consumption. Dropsy, with its usual symptoms of swelling of feet and legs Asthmaric difficulties; piles, These sometimes so far change the symptoms in every other respect as to make it difficult for the physi- clan to arrive at the true nature ol ihe 111 ibis disease, however, is nearly always sufficient to determine the nature of tlie case, and many times give a correct opinion of the extent of the mischief also. The melancholy which is so apt to take place in Liver Complaint, has often led to I i i I (in time I H.I I hnw tunc. line m'ik 7.1 Oil IIM-nfl! avi.i i.n.i 1 mounts i.voi II TIlH'C lll.llllll- 3.IMI six iiinnEii- B.oo one year 51.IN1 'I Hit Week" in.

CH I.O srx til Ttf.oo wo uiotilli. Three inunili one year UMIll -Advertisements ti -it page double, utwe i case rates ami a-halt. Pi. for miace of milled. Altai is twenty -Ave, ami I.

oral fifteen cents per line. TIIK WKKKLY POM. ADVKKTISINO BATHS I'llM ON By L' AKE, One time 1.S0 Two month" H7.KO Two times Three months lii.iio Three times Mx months I.U0 Obit nmiitli 4.IM1 one year SECOND EDITION Very Latest by Telegraph FOUR O'CLOCK TsjL. WASHINGTON. -nr.

i i a it i it prv nt t. nnliT limine In Hi Xnvnl Xoiui-iifliiiur Jurfir? Drnt Mill iiiiwm mlve 'mi-tllilwl ftr (frnor of lill. Trleuriii.h lo the Plt-burgh Pest. WASHINGTON, Allgllst 11, TMK Sl'ATFMKN I. The receipts anil i iii I it an til' (invi i un lit for the i ii ri I ending .1 utu lluth, show the total receipts t.i mill tin- cxpeiiditur.

1 Lf.2!!,!', It'll. lifc'N A I. I A II I Canity arrived here this morning ti. mi Hi. liiii.iinl, iiinl had an intei lew Willi tin- President.

Al l'i i TM VH l'li President to appointed Joseph W. Patfoii, Collector of Internal Beviune fur the lilt It District of PenusyU ani.i, vir Win. K. Floyd, resigned, Win. H.

White, Collector Internal LeVeiiue of the ili New Vutk, vu-f M. It. Kll lll HIlSJICInll il. NAMtH OF VrMSlI.H IIIAVC.FH Thtt follow in; rliani w. uiatli- 1i-lav In the naval until.

by tlm S-rn t.iry ul' fh" Xavy Centaur to S.i uu, tn CuluH-s, Cin Marietta, Cvilojis tn Kew ayiliti, Kilns f. Slia n-e. Krelnis tu Al'iiiua, I'ury tu Katskill, tu Minm toiika, Harpy to Klamath, Hecntrto Kllah, Hyilia to livpo, Medusa fo Natifin kef, Minerva to SanJusky, Netuesis to Najtee, Neptaue to Manhattan, Orion to Samson to Cliirkasavv, Hrylla to CanairiiM, Stroinltoli to Tartar tu Yauo, Tt initet to Vuiui, Ves ius, tu AVyamlotfe, Vi.en to lUrc. Toriuiilo to RV.Vf.NlT. SlllL UK.

Tim Revenue uttii-ers luaile a s. iute to-tlay of forty -three thoiisaml riiars for HiHi-liayinelit of tax. llllE MVT STII.I. IV Tir lieueral tlranthas not, either in rou-versation or I letter, i steil lnf to witlnlraw from the i-nisi-appi aiiviiss.

A tnl in view of the i oiiii li. a-ionx, it is reiterated that .1 lViit will i jiivasA isMssipiii in tlm iuteii of lie I'onservativf Kepiililiean camliil ate, whether hiinsili' or iiiiother lea.U the tieket. the eontimies to be a eandidatej before; the I'onventioii. NEW YORK- I i '1 li ItiprrM Kittilteil Ihe Onlml Kullrntxl -Tht ItabtnilP lslrr hii.I I reiiirii CHiiueil unit lilitro-loriiieil Mlolen-1 Kl-berv Frni Tlir Suineliiniiiu Kil-routl Wr -1iov. Ilnll'tnoii Tltreateiis to Klin til Itul III l.xeiiel lit Sttitc -Tti It.nnsey mill 1 ik 1'iirti i.niroiulsv t.U lnf Hi lioieruur l'or to Appoint a K-rivr A tit-rle of A rri-xli-t'lk NinIU Hi Mi rill' nuil Sklmlilli Th l'ol Trait, th A IIbI Tm-n lllutr-Kumorl Ietli ol Ait-miral I lok.

1 Blfnu.ta to tit I'M! r. Albany, Aiu'u-' of the express rol The patiictihtrs ry on the Central li.iiiiuau xpress office show that the robbers got on i i i as obtained at th a train at Fonda aud entered the two bag-lage earn at once. They attacked the baggageman and messenger, telling them there were eight of them in the party and resistant was useless They made a stout resistance, however, as evinced by their condition on the arrival of Ihe train here Their laces were bruised, heads cut and eye tilled with cayenne pepper. They were almost sutfocated by th" gags that had been forced into their mout hs, a nd were also stupefied with chloroform. A large club that had been used ly tbe rob- hers was found in the car.

When tin train reached Schenectady, the baggage for delivery theiti as thrown out in such a manner as to cause remonstrance, but no attention was paid to il, the door was slammed shut and the train passed on. It was undoubtedly one of the robbers who threw the baggage out. It was tit rlt'Ht thought that the robber got oil' the train at West Albany, but on going out there this forenoon, an agent of the Company found the way bills scrattert nil along the mad between there aud this city. When the train reached here, the baggage ear was entered ami the Messenger and Itaggage-man found on the floor in tlm condition de-Hcribed iibove, almost dead. There were wo haggiie cars attached to the train, tme of which was switched off here and the ntlier sent through to New York.

On the floor of he one sent through ware found gold coins ami other money which the robbers left behiud. The safe was found open, but it is impossible at present to give an approximate of the loss. All that can lie said is that it is very heavy. Owing to the loss of some of the way bills, and Ihe others being sent through to New York, no estimate of the amount stolen can 1 made. Just before the train reached Mcheuectady, two of the robbers entered Hie tlrst baggage car and attacked the baggage man and messenger.

Governor Hoffman to-dav gave the contending parties Susquehanna liall-road war to Understand that the riotous demonstration on en her end of the route must cease, and the question of cuiitrul be decided by tbe courts The parties undertook to agree upon some method of ndiusi-luellf, but failed. His KxceUeiicy, thereupon, said be would lie compelled to del-lure the district in a state of insurrection fuke nossession of the road as a mili- necessity and run it as a mi as a military I i the thought such a course a.l visable for tlie stock boldcrs.and the State should be put to the expense ot quarter r.l'a million of dollars to enforce bis pro- u'amatiou, tliey luigui um iu itv His course, however, was clear to It. a iiu an.l be should pursue it. 1 hereupon the counsel of the respect i ve parties, con sistitig of Davnt Liuiiiey and Amos J. Tarker representing the Erie interest, and Win.

Fallen and Kitfu W. IVckham, held a consultation in the Executive Chamber, the result of which was the signing of tbe following communication to the Governor 7 th Uormior of th? Slate of Sew Yoik: Uy virtue of certain judicial proceedings and conflict of the jurisdiction and collisions, it kas become and is impracticable to operate ami run the Albany ami Susquehana Railroad, either under the mauageuieut of tbe directors or the control ot lite persons claiming to be the receivers, the public interests and tbe nblip-ations of the a 1 inai the road should be ruu and onert.i the uudersigned as contending claimants the uudersignml as contending claimant 1 i I i I i I I respectively, to any part of said road or tlm oflieer or property thereof. It is understood that you are to employ such. ajt'u'ies, tinamial or otherwise, as you may require, and to fix the compensation of all persons employed by you. RoBF.KT H.

I'RVVK. Signed Charles Consi.v.k, Jamf.s Kisk, Oovernor Hoffman lias telegraphed to Col. Koliert Lenox 15ank tendering hiui a position as executive agejit for the management of the road. While Messrs. 1'ruyii Itanisey were in the Executive Chamber this afternoon, they were arrested on a warrant served by a sheriff, for contempt of court.

The warrant was issued by .1 udge Halliard of New-York. flute at once issued a writ Itdbt-an coritia, and Messrs. Pruyu Hauisey wen; brought before hiui. Superintendent Van Vulkeuburg was also arrested for contempt. It is said that Fisk understanding that a warrant would bo issued for his arrest for contempt, chartered a steamboiit thii uioriuusf, and started for New York.

The balcony in front of the railroad offices, gave way this uioruin, while several ersoii were on it, some of whom were injured but not seriously. In the case of contempt on the part of Pniyn, Kauisiy and Van 'a Ikeiil.iug, I ude Clutc has i ided to hold he matter open till teli o'clock to-morrow morning, and put the prisoner in charge ol city officers ti nt ii that time, taking them out of custody of the Sherilf ho ii peeled to appear with them before It.miard in New Yolk to-morrow This afternoon tiovernor Hoffman issued au order in pursuance of he agreement between the parties i-onteudii lot the control of the A Ihany and Siis.ueliaun.i Kailrowl, apioiiiting liuiicial M. liuade Superintendent of the Kmlroad until further orders, and directing; him to arrange at once for running n-gui ir trains lor public accommodation. New Yokk, Augutt 11 is uuder-stood tint the American Kvpress Cntii-pany robbers obtained SHo.ikiii. Adolph Steinberger, Jacob Steiubei gt-r, Meyer Steinlt.

rger, mid a pawnbroker named I alius Metzler, were nrresteil today and held in ten thousand dollars bail each on a charge of receiving a large quantity of silks bin glari-. from thi- store of Weltinger, No. 4sl Itroadway, on the "oth of June last. The lir-t named sold Mi. Kit.

tiger a portion ot the be being unacquainted with him, whn.ii to he diicov ery A report w.ii i -1 1 1 j-1 1 hi 1 a fr i-i I'nk, Jr. been killed a tra-cas connected with the SusqiKhatina IJ inroad. The report, however, lacks confirmation, and was generally discredited. Marshall Harlow has received an order from the Secretary of State to transfer the custisly of the Spanish gun bouts tin Conimauder of the lirookivn na yanl It is understood this afternoon that the two Wail streit usurer-', yester.l.iy sentenced by Judge Cor I07 i to imprisonment in the city prism, wereuot yet into the custody or the warjeti of the Judge McCunn has decided to discharge l'ratt, the alleged Texas rioter and murderer troui custody.

Though as l'ratt is hi military custody I t. l.aylayeite it do. appear how he is to do it. file points of decision are: Kirst, That murder is -e a nited States offence, except when coin mitted in a place over which the ttovetli-iii, tit has exclusive jurisd.ctioit. Second, That the prisoner had not been by a nited States Court THE SOUTH.

Senler Mnorlly Is With Mnelel'li oiiulie to lli'iir I rim; Complexion ol I lie lennevee I is-latiire 4 Kepntlliil Ion -Snl-cftli' ut lrriininem Men liniiit. IH a.h Hie Nasjhvillk, August 11 Seiiitr's ma- jorily is with l'l counties to bear from. Th Stat-Senate is of 25 members, and stand "gl 1 "oiien ai i and 4 Conservative Kepubli. ans. The House of Representatives is composed of 81 members; stands I7 Conservatives, Radicals and 6 Conservative Republicans, with two districts to hear from, In a spuech at Milan, Tennessee, on State affairs, Mr.

Etheridg announced his opposition to paving any portion of ihe twenty million debt contracted under the llrownlow Administ rat ini, A party euterlaiilin th -ir view, has been gr oin. li ly forming for sum mths past. Hon. H. L.

Pi lit of Kinherfonl, died suddenly this morning at his r. siib in M.irlree'sboro of apoplexy. He was a par- ty to the SnerlirooK-KiiUey sun rage from Ibis Sta'e now peuding in the titled States Supreme Court. The stockholders of the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad held an annual meeting here to day. The present diree-! tors will be re-elected.

No change will be made in the officers ot the railroad. The Nashville municipal election takes i.bics next month. Five Couservut f.r Mayor are already an nounced. Aloua Gaines of the riimof Gaines and Bieiiton, New Orleans, committed suicide ibis morning, about miles below here bv jumping from the steamer Indiana. Cant N'enl made every effort to rescue him, but hen the yaw 1 reached him Lie was extinct.

Hi llodv was brought here and left with C.ipt. Lightbuui to await the action of his friends ased was a native of Frankfort, Ky and as tu route for that place. GETTYSBURG. 1 he oiiilnt Ke-I nlon ol I'eilernl nml onl'eileral llllleer on 111 fnl Insl A Urte Attmlne for K-l Hlon Week. Uy Telegraph In the I'ittshurio'i Post.

lir.ITVSlil August 11 The re-union at Gettysburg of the officer of both armies, on the week commencing ilh the 23rd of August, bills fair to be a complete success. Telegrams from all parts of the country indicate, that officers of every grade are arranging to be present. In some cases those of an entire brigade are coming in a body. Col. no.

It. llach-elder, who is writing the history of this battle, anil having it fully illustrated with oil paintings, and Messrs. Walker Rothertnel each of whom have executed historical paintings of it, have accepted ivitatious from tbe Battle Field Memorial Association to be present. Col. Haehehler will spend the enlire week on the field receiving and imparting informal ioii to all who are desirous of establishing a correct account of" the battle.

In every ease the liositious indicated in his published isometrical draw inc of the tie! were found To uerfecllv coincide with 1 those established by ihe ottii fin who met on Hie 4tU lust. To secure the fullest advantage from this meeting aud avoid confusion, Col. Baehclder proposes the following programme, thus al lowing tnose no cau spare a tew days the certainty of being pit nut wbeu their partions of the field are visited: On the the positions of the first day's battle will be coinpleti on tl e25th Gulp's hill, Cemetery hill and vicinity on the JMith the position on the left, including apple orchard, peach orchard, wheat field, Round Tops and intermediate points on the 29th the general Hues of the third day's battle on the L'mhthe cavalry operations. The Western Pacific Railroad Compauy, between Sacramento and Stockton, California, will run regular frainsjo commence t0TbeV'New York IhruhV special from STA "ad a erai s.auoy c. resu of which nas noi ral Canby yesteruay o- ie result oi wnn-u transpired.

The Qo The Qoveruor lelt ior oi I I Onecnpr. per yea- "rims. In chilis of five or H-'r Siiig'le furnla'heii tliepuWishers, 1 of hrge. AHUieia, n. F.

BAHR Aro PITTSBURGH, PA. There Can no Hlntitk A Kelly, wholenal. iroer ot Second avenue and ol strot-t. Pnrhani SIltt Mobin, The most perfect, simple, and reliable lock stitch family mochineeverfavented. Officii 61 ood street.

tf Rates aud IlelCs Reariuced Prices for Figured Grenadines. Summer Silks. Lace Mantles. Silk Mantles. Ladies Garments.

Pretty Women. MteutKm orsortety. This ought not i oe i It is: ana out taees tor companions. I 111 'hanged l.y using gives u.e Kloum of Youth and refluedspaiklingwuty to thc oulpleil ing, powerful and natural. 'o lady need complain of a red, tanned, recklnit or rustic rotnl.teTimi an i cents Mafrnolh.

It, effect. Iruly won.lerfm. 1 wesei ve and use I you's Katlialiou. A Peril of Cockroaches Can lie killed hy a single Busk of Lyon's Inpet Ponder. N'oiliinir else kills inserts.

Tins it ttidr tuial eiieiny. See rliat gel the genuine. Ithms h. Lynn' sifftmttiri tur pneknqe. All otuei are frauds.

Dejiot, 31 Park How, N. Y. Mfniabunl fctennril "fen complain tliar 01 dinar? Raking Powders tusa tlteir utrenetfi an.l tjiiriliiy lieihl? on Uar a vessel or lioat for a feu dai -s. Donley's llakllttf Pow-' der is not afreet ed hy iiv ntuio'jjliei'e, anil keen KhI in any cliinate. ivrns'tly true from deleteri-i 011s niiisiiinees.

iiiid it ir'SXl, sweet, wttoia sunie lulls, hen mis or 1'nstiv to with-' al. the liiia-l ecuiioinii al. F.ii-s.iie ail Krueers. Til llou-e, Scar I'niou llrpiK. Hest of AceoiniiiiHlatiiins fur travelers, Nith as rti liiiHnltne and House t.p.-ii day anil night.

Kept mi the K.iirojieaii tl.pteia,'. liame and Ki di in even style, I liiitu.i ut liietiar. Luvi Uiii li is Hie sole nriijirielnr. IHF.I): -On We.nwv.iav twtmtoir Atnnist "lllli. Mary The funeral will lake place from the residence of lier parents.

39 Allegheny city this (Thin sdas AFTrnxoox at 4 o-cl(Hk. OAKES-Snddenlv. v.M June 26tli. 1M11I. ali( Ic li ivti I dauvhler of Gen.

and OE -Iavti. xt ageu ic ears auu motilhs. 1.OTICH vaiies. HE1EL On Weiinesday morning. Aturust 11th at ho

-iKx-xtt. ilaiighierof,,, l'and II es-tif Heisel. 13 inoiilhs and days. in rate place to-day at 3 o'clock p. fiomllie residence of the parents, Carson East Birmingham.

Tlie friends of the family ara Invited to attend. 0.5-A lex aniler AlUrn. I inlerlnlirr. ICO Fourth avenue. I'lttslmrgh.

Collins or all kinds. Shrouds, Crape, Gloves, and every description of Funeral Goods furnished. Rooms open day aud night. Heaisie and Carriage Furulsheal. mi.

Jt. nirb. A 1 nilerf Hbent. lit limitl street. Kveiy varielv of 'otHna constantly on hand: also, every description oC funeral

at lower prices han can I bad elsewhere. The best 4 'arriagrs ami Hearseai llithecities fiirnishe.1. Ordeis left at A. son Livery statile, I'enn street, near SI. flair street, promptly attended t.i.

f-J-Iili feyer A- Mon. I inlerlalitn. Office No. 42 Penn street. 4 'arriages for funerals.

S3 each. Cofiuisand all fuuei-a) fftKsIs at reduced prices. -Jolin ni-Kronl Livery Klahles mi if I'lidertaklns FstanilslmiPiiI. l-l Grant street. The liest cirri.

tg, 's and in ihe city. Carriage to funerals ah kiiels of funeral furnishing iruc'ds :iic.i-r notice, i'1-sjie anj gloves free of The Conditions of Health. It Is idle to expect health if the precautions ne. cessary to secure It are neglected. Tlie human or-.

gaiiiziili'iii is a delicate piece of mechanism, and re- tjuires as much intelligent care anil watchfulness keep it iu order as are requisite hi the management; of the most coiiiplicaud cnuiiiuaiiou of levers, wheels and pinions. At this of the year the lsly is peculiarly sensitive, isfamij it is greatly weakened and re-, lilxed by Ihe continuous le-at. The skin, iu summer, iitth its tuiiliciis of pores wide is a very different sort of ti-irnmeiit from the tsimpact filiroua covering liii-h it Is'i-utues under the action of the inter's cold. The inuseles, are comparatively flaccid, the nerves treniul.tus, the lilood toor, andl I the frame less capable of enduring fatigua. 1 and resisting dii ease.

than in fool weat her. T'hesa. indications of a depressed condiriou oi the vital, forces are so many uiiiiiisiakatile hints that uatuixt needs reinforcing. I Ordinary stimulants will not effect this object' They inflame and excite, but do not strengthen. I The only jiri'iiai-ariiin Inch can be depended npon.

I to impart staiuinal vior to ihe s.i srein, and enablan li to endure the ordeal nf the heated term without. giving way under the presstne, is II. tsTKTTER'si. I STOM A II KITTKHS. a tonic and corrective so, pure, so harmless, so utterly free from the draw backs render many nf the isiwerful astringe- meats in medical pnicliee more dangerousi than the ailments ihey ate employed to cure, that iu.

lie administered without fear to tlie feeblest fe -male invalid, or ihe luniit delicate child. The cathartic aud alterative vegetable ingredients, which: are I'l'iiibined in those oi a tonic nature in Its ciiin-. lt.islti.iii, keep the bowels moderately free and perfectly regular, while the imb of hivigoiatltin is go ing on. The tiiies! blood depiireuts which the herbal kingdom affords are also among lis so that It recruits, prtiities and regulates the sysren siniullaiieousb IIOSTKTTKK'S BITTERS. .1.1 iii Pittsburgh, at tlie lowest rates, whole and retail, at JOSS.

DUKl ti lllll. Asthma. There is disease so terribly haiTassing, nor-oii wb ieh Oils a with such terrible forebodings as i bat "1 Asilm.a. distressing is It au times as to threaten instant death, at the same tiim it is ied a of danger so as of annoyance and distress. 1 1.

subject of Asthma is subject to an attack at almost anj hour In the day or night. Persons are known to wake up threatened1 wl: siitrocaiinn, and ga- piiig fr breath; tlie respiration is hurried, the lips lieertiue livid, and tb patient has no rest and can find none until the attack passes off. This Is Asthma, a disease weir known to all win. are liable to lis attacks. It would.

1 well enough for all who are subject tortiisdlseasa to provide themselves will, a remedy. Wft know of one, perfect and la feci cseinprion from th ten miiiiites, procure i i ie i It-: vsloe en oiertiiaated by th We mean I' l'l I A Si AsTHMa. asinmalic slitter, i. oetii iliis inedieiiie is (THE. more ih3'' wltli we are ai iiualnted.

and we feel sure that na ill refuse tay the price for so valuables. remedy. 'W single lt or doen at Hit. KEY. SKB CHEAT MEHIf'INK STORK, 1S7 LID- FKTY STKFET.

It can lie sent by mail iqs'ii receipt a ns to lievser's Great is I'ittsbiirgh, Pa. ai i.tHil. ARK ov ftH'K SPKISG iWTll I4 CHAKBELERS, BRACKETS, F.mbraciiig allThelaiest and Buet.i,wi, 1, ,,,,1 .1... si, now on hand the esterit i kc ami i. "ellt l'l li astern Pu.i-.

ud put uu free of selhuj. rn MtovtM Humboldt Committee Mitns. The Executive Committee appointed to i take charge of the projected Humboldt Centennial, met last evening in the Libra-j ry of Turners' Hall. The members pres-: cut were Messrs. C.

Swartz, C. Megra-w, Gus., Hartje, Joseph Abel, R. Kocliler, C. Hess, A.

Bililman, Dr. Auelieiibacb, Dr. Ebirhanlf, President, Wilson King, Secretary, and Dr. Mein-ertzliagen, Corresponding Secretary. The Monumental Committee, through Mr.

Meyran, submitted a design for the proposed moument. It was prepared by Mr. Morganroth, a sculfttor of this city, the same who prepared fb design for the Sol- i dievs' Monument. In shape, the base of the monument will be circular, and about four feet high. The shaft will be i of granite, octagonal in shape; the exact i height has not been determined.

At the base of the shaft thure will be a basin and fountain. Attached to tbe monumeut will lie a bronze bust of Alexander Von Humboldt, which will be made in Purlin, by Prof. Biaeser. The Committee, after discussing the design, pronounced it altogel her satisfactory. The site selected for the monument is the crossing of the North aud West Com-inuns, Allegheny, nearly opposite the mouth of Rebecca street.

The Finance Committee, through Mr. Haitje, reported progress. The subscriptions are encouragingly large. The American people have contributed freely. Altotit twelve hundred dollars have been raised, with good prospects for a much larger sum.

The subscription lists will be at the next meeting. ii was resolved to lioiu a Humboldt pic- i me on the alternoon ol theldtli of Seufem, at Iron ity Park. Should the eath- er prove unfavorable a Volksfest will bo! held in one of our public halls, The Committee on Mitsierejiorted that' a sufficient number of bands had been se- cured. A concert will be given by a com-i bitintion of the various singing societies of the two cities and the All the societies will be invited to take pas! in Cue procossion. The committee aiso invite the Allegheny Medical S-T-aet to pun in the exercises.

A letter Horn a Humboldt Committee in Chicago was read bv the S-eretary, asKitig the ComtuitTec to icin ilh the'm in lorming an Atige UniveriTy honor "1 iiii i The proposii ion ommiitee of Arrangements will report a programme ot exercises at the next meeting. flu- on Sneakers will meet Hi- oll'ee Ot ('. MeCl.llltlesS, V. s. nt two Adioitnied.

A liiilh'ii-c i rom ll i.oill. II iiiii I has issued the following, which looK Jifce husitiess. and presents an op-port unit lor a lair racer lire, lot waiting fur the backers of Mr. uiiicr to laake anv reasonable terms ii li tic tor another contest with their representative, I will now make to them the loiiow ing I will row Heiiry oiiitei ii luemiie race over ihe same ours-' we started to row- upon last Satur-tlav. wain a guide boa! between us, for or 1 a side one week from this dm or I win row him the ssrne distance i icttne course before mentioned against tune, guiug buu the preference of starting first or last, ii either of these proisj-siiioiis are not acej.1,1.

1 win row aIlv other i-rsoii in the country for SoOO or 1,000 a. side, anow ing spK) and SgOO for p. tise James H.imili., August II. Mr. I i now has the floor.

July hi the I s. Collector' OHic. 1 mi i I i i I merit of the rev-i- Collector Davis, i Ic Di it July, in theTwenty- i I 1 i si HI Sell. si ll 2 -1 1 l-aii I'iici me In, -nils ol sit': 7s I'll rollers ul (Tup Tiny. Among 1 lie visiiors soioiirniug at Cape May.

on Monday, wvre tbe foiSowiug from Pittsburgh icu annv Charles Clark and taiiiiiv. Mr. Parker. r. 1 Mcliride, Mr.

lx. Nituick. Mr. (nav, and Joseph G.i am. Kq.

"l.TMBtA Mr. H. M. Long and wife. Mrs.

Dull. William Cassnlay, 1 rank haiiev. James B. Oliver, Miss Lor-1 -s 1 1 in 1 Mi an Mr. Win.

igiilcv. H.M Mr. and Mrs. N. 1 1 1 II 1 I Mrs 1 id Miss Patrick.

P. and Messrs. I- cttcrinaii. Aiioiirneil Inquest. 'sir readers will remember llie frightful accident which betel Ii.

O. ILultield, a moulder, at the Fort Pitt Foundry. The unfortunate man survived his injuries ittilil Tuesday evening, when death terminated bis sufferings. The deceased resided on Corry street. First ward, Allegheny, hither he was conveyed after the accident.

He was a married man and has resided in this country about eleven years. Coroner Clawson was notified, and proceeded lo hold an inouest on the bodv yesterday morning. After the jury bad I been empauiielod the investigation was adjourned until nine o'clock this morning, in consequence of the absence of important witnesses. SimitAry Mottlier" Homo. We give below the monthly report of the Pittsburgh Sanilary Soldiers' Home, for July, 1S6H No.

of inmates, duly 1. lSris. 7- iUlmlUed uilliii tuonlli 47 ilio dm iii uieiil h. 41 ilei'eitscil dm tug inunlli '1 I'clliiiinine Aiiir, 1 lH't 7i; lstiS 74 CITIZEN'S. No.

in Halite 1 lstja ad tin! led dtii-lne mi discharired during tiioiuli deceased during month remaining Ati. 1 iMl'l 2 A tiiooil Appointment, We are pleased to learn that Mayor Brush has appointed John Glenn ou his police force. Mr. Glenn is one of the most popular and policeman we have ever known, ami his selection will be geti- li 1 11.. low rccclltlv lleltl ItlllV .1 I' HO ISl- Is .1 i.iit wjilcnwun i tne City Batik, but has resigned in order tendered mm to by acceju.

i tie ihe May. Officer Glenn will go next Monday. on duty Was it niiel li On Sat unlay evening last, a few hours after the eclipse, an aerolite fell in a garden at Cleveland. A very brilliant meteor was seen to rapidly approach the earth, emitting bright sparkles and explode. The color of the stone is of a brownish cast, nearly round, and of remarkable hardness.

Too Mn eli Whisky. On Tuesday night a man residing in South Pittsburgh, while crossing the Mon-ongahela bridge, drank a quart of whisky on a wagon. He soon after became iusen-sible, and was carried home, where he is attended by Dr. Roberts. It is thought he will die ot congestion of the brain.

A Good l.oi-.iig;e 111 daytime and makes a good Sprin- bed at night a great saving of room, 21 Smith- uc-ni raiiita. j. i .1 OUUg l'0. m.w-t lor l'Hrlor furniture Of all kinds, the best assortment and the cheapest "at ,21 Smitbtield street. T.

B. Young Co. i at I i 7ti POLITICAL. HON. GEORGE If.

PENDLETON, iiniiliiiouttlr for JSorei-nor of 01. iolt Hi l'iio ratteMale Cetitrnl 4 Ciiiinli Ice Intense Ilmijiifclitnin TI. Mat Viil'O li.l 2U.UUS i I'eitn? Ivsiiriit en- tral ConBinliEee DtjafU to the ntt-biugli Coi.l. August 11. General Hoseerans, having declined the Democratic nomination for Governor of Ohio, the Democratic State Central Committee assembled here to day and nominated George H.

Pendleton, has accepted the nomination. The announcement of this result created a feeling of intense enthusiasm, and this city was jubilant. An immense impromptu meeting; va held 11! the State House yard to-night, was presided over by Colonel Moiiyjw nnev, and addressed bv Milton Siyler, Senator lion-man, Frank M. Kinney Colouei ud M. ul'eti and oi hers.

There i a genci.t.! -i isi'-a, ion e.xperi-eii. e.l by all, an the lea.ling men of the State are cntidi i.t i ihe eii- of ('cn-di. ton by ro, ina jorifj. Dispatches from all pitta of the State announce that Ihe Democrat receive the nomination with enthusiasm, and will give it a hearty and unanimous suppott. S.

liAltmsH! Pa Auiiast 11 The 1 1 i i -s lit thi afternoon, imirmau Alutt mer t-rc- I il i I 1 (i i i i i I i i Uielged bt T-l' i 1( 1 A lii-i r.i.'i'-i i l.i.'. Ill I. fleS. 1, I 1 1 11 "I 1't- II.

1 i 1 I 1 LOCAL AFFAIRS. ti' is' i to h. It s. 11- and i i I it pt el I li I IV! th 11 111 tl I i ersli Vol to ultra in del el itre VcS it ti' 'to Ie; if il.S- luriiaacc from Aii-i we want iar from the a lid bllSHies- life cl 1 1, (live lis Sotllet lillig id and street car, and when get there, s. nd distance dirt ti v.

tide f' hat lie steam III if room ram I ied up l'l ica wall i i 1 1 1 1 ue on i it woi cost morel han A great in tuv pi. apie wail their money's wnith back the monex the dry gi-d ts w. vth e.l her, get more than I ni think ot i men and the manlua makers and milliners and bonnet makers, and tailors, wail make in tarnishing dresses iS'c for th- people that want to drive or ride out to it, think of the backineii, livery stables, and and ol the market for good horses that be ill benefitted, and the saddle and harness maker, and carnage manufacturers. Why there is hardly trade or buairiess in the city that would not ike many times the amount of its cost to them out of it, and I lieu have enough to spare to pay their way to it several times and spend a little besides. These wise editors say that the Park should not be bought, because it would raise the value of somebody's property.

Why, the Milne of somebody's property in the rural districts bus been raising at a pretty lively rate ihe last few years, without any park, and if the city had bought a few years ago, she would haie had the benefit of the rise and if she wants a Park and don't buy for a cm years, she will see the and io a ileal better. I know a good many pretty places: nice little parks, and would like lo ow one of them, but not being blessed with the "mammon," I can't count myself in singly, so I want to go in on the ijriiet-al meaae principal, and I lake as much good out of my share of a public park as anv of the big bugs do.out of 1 heir Palatial. Iiieiililic.l. Last Sunday Ihe dead body of a young man was found in 1 he river near Shouse-town. An inquest was held by Justice Davis, but the body was not identified.

Some keys, a banderchief and other articles found in his possession, were retained, however, and these led to tbe identification of the deceased body. Ou Thursday last a young man named Kobert Bailey, in tbe'einploy of Singer, West Pittsburgh, has been missing. On the evening of that day he came to the ity to cngtgo a horse and buggy to attend a fuueralNnd was not seen atterward. The effects of the drowned man w-ere ex-fmtuedby some friends of Mr. Bley am! identified as belonging to him This leaves no doubt as to the fate of Mr.

Bailey The bod was brought yesterday to his' home in West Pittsburgh for interment. Deceased was about twenty-two years of age. ire In Allegheny. About four o'clock yesterday a fire broke out in the roof of Howard's paper mill, Fifth ward, Allegheny An alarm was sounded aud the engines turned out, but the tire was extinguished without the.r aid. The damage is trifling.

i 1 i I 1 i I I EUROPE. 13 ATLANTIC CABLE- ur.MiKr. or okm ihs Jinxrri i. Vrdl-1 of Ar Menial Denlli In lfi af-4'rll In 111 Sortnir iljlulslrv ailtilnler tunUsloiie--ri lament fcosii t5se THF I'liRTltil FSF irISTKV. Lisbon, August 11 The upper House hvs censured tin Ministry.

The resignation of the entire Cabinet is considered imminent. A I A A II All. Kl.oKKNCK, August 11. The (i.iVrin-inents of Austria and Italy have exchanged sattsf.ti Tory explanations relative t.i tin' recent bet ween All! i iaii and Italia saili Ml SIS! KK li I. A liSToN Mr.

(ilad-tone goto- t.i the n-ishore at Valnier to recruit bis health. i. tst. I. ON U'lN', 11 A II 1 uqileii 1 3e bodvof Cornciiiis tiiiiiio-i! as h.

ld at Hyde to-. lav. The principal wit m--i-i were James li.trdoii nnett, Jr. Shiqipard llotuans, of New York These testified that tin i -i panied Mr. Ciriuneli hotic, and licit Mr -nnett soon after left.

The evidence th went on to skew that Mr. tliliineli op-te'd hi indow and si. ppa 1 out on tic Soon alt. a v. aid he idw: nti and teil tc I ti.

ground and v. in lid i tie ill I 1. A I' I I proi The I illg ad Her 1 iroiii I. a ti -es Ml 11 'l I reign fr 1 tl 1 Ill 1 1 and H.I States I "1 tlel.H i ell. I tV.i Is' 1 VI I unei ring have pi.

I' I 111 '5 ,111 i.a caren oiisidi-raii 1 the si Hit toai It Queen that Is: reilK'tljW, twrinatienr 1 I I mix let I' 1 i I I I I.e I nrt stances t.v v. ha and to deal ti ee it 1, the nation, the may 11 I T. i --ii Hi the I Ir ul I Us i their 1 tortu tn extendi late Vi ted la I help in thai suba" I cnn-f 1 i 11 1 ors on he 1 1 la and it iprasoiiiu. nt 1 aiiaiisiou. 1 tn ci mansion pis! satisfacT.

and ue gi ti -ra lor the better I I nil i bv 1 1 ti 1 i 1 1 lit Of 'I." 1 I 1 I coin ami' Ill 1 I I ces ot these (, aei'csjii hie To ti more efficient in pur poses. Ill th- removal "I c. the Oilet'tl see lie -ire in extend industry and enlarge those our insu cir pi isniou tc tic li i I "I "tulne nil 1,1, 'I Hires. The Que: tr i Is tn- uieasari for the purchase arid mat: collect id tiie tchgtaphs bv lb- Stat" uiav be tuiind to facilitate tlm great and social object of a rapid, a el certain communication, and prove no unworthy sequ-l to th- of heap postage, which has p.i- ed Willi isilitries to stati ad that vantage world. into so We are many jtnuiainb the Queen thanks you t) plies which you have grant.

liberal aip-se i -by lo Kx -d for the vice of the year, and f. which have enable liquidate ihe chaig" of pedition. the measure 1 Her Majesty the Abyssiau THE WEST. IlrilliKsltislle Heeepl ion ol Ihe lireiit "tiiiller" I Ire In nil le lions iisiiiilile anil i rime -'I lie Tiirner-resl 41 loveil Aliollier IM-lnieiil ion. Hy Telegrapli to the Plit'Luili Cahson, Nevada, August 11.

His Excellency, Governor P.laisjeii, Mayor Adams, Judges Paidman and Whitman, and a large number of the leading citiens of Virginia City, Nevada, met Vice President Colfax yesterday morning and escorted him and his party to this city, where the Vice President was greeted with a most cordial welcome. He ami bis friends were made the guest of Hon. Win. Sharon. Iu Ihe evening the whole city seemed to have come together in front of the splendidly illuminated residence of Mr.

Sharon, and after a short address from Judge Whitman, be introduced Vice President Colfax, who made one of his most able anil eloquent speeches. He referred to bis former visit four years ago and contrasted the weary week it took to make it then, wilh the speed and comfort with which he hail now made the trip over the Pacific Railroad, iu one of Pull-mann's splendid palace cars, and spoke with great effect of the vast resources and the progress, the power and lie future glory of the Republic. He was frequently interrupted wilu round alter round ot applause. Governor Iiross, Senator Nye, Senator Frash, of Nebraska, and Judge Baldwin, also addressed the assembly. At a late hour, however, they adjourned with rousing cheers for ike Vice President, for the Union, aud oilier patriotic sentiments offered.

Iu the procession this afternoon, the Vice President ami his party -were entertained by his Excellency," Governor Blaisdell, at the Warm near this city. To-morrow mey visit Lake Tapoe one of the most delightful spots on the continent. All are iu the best of health and spirits. cuiriiM. August 11.

-Early thismorn- 7 .11, A 1 ing the six mammoth ice houses belonging to the Chicago ice company, ami mcatea at Crystal Lake, on the Northwestern Railroad, some forty wiles t- city were entirely destroyed by fire. A quantity of ice stored in tbt I 1 1 i i i i 1 I i i i A M.itti.' i is-r ivs I. i- la a iia i i a na a 1 1- a p' i IT a I oa.ili 1 1." i i -a ro h- 1. 1 an i i.i a i 11 )i v. 'a a I.

a a I ..1 hi I in v. -a i.i.., I i m. l'l Ii' laa-'la- is.e iialli iia 1- a. I i ii 1 I I It 1 1 i 1 Ul! 1 111 I hi. iiiai fil I i ii i 'It'll ii: oi I.e n-i i-s 1 1 1 i i I a iii I II at vision IV i i.e 1 1 I V.

ei ept -l lieai 1 ll 1 1 1 11 is sm; at,, oMcT ex- I It. i lot PI-- t- 1.1. (i I(. et, 'V a U. 1 la a H-'ia a a He' il.

I lit a i Il it a 1 1 i I 1 I 1 1 ill ll'lt 1 1 1 I I I 1 I I 1 111 11 I I 1 XI I lint i I i 1 t- I 1 1 II I 1 1 tl ill 1 II i i i i ii i it Hem Heiiiv a t.i la-. lie! w.i read aal i.a.'- civ "1 net v. i'li Ti 1 1 erroneous Treatment, and the worst quciices have thus befallen the patient. dnced a kind of mental unhappiness so i nearly approaching total obliviousness, that when two o'clock in the afternoon arrived, Mr. K.

found himself minus the sum of fifty dollars, and was unable to re-I member where he had left if. He said he bad stopped at a tavern on Penn street and handed the money over to a barkeeper with instructions to keep the same until) morning. During the afternoon entered the Franklin House, on Penn street, near St. Clair, and demanded the money which he claimed he had left there. The proprietor ap- peaiaal surprised at the demand, averring he had never before seen Mr.

Riley. Mr. K. took a drink and became noisy about his money so noisy that officers Auder- son and Hawk were attracted to the house. After bearing Mr.

Riley's state- I meiit, officer Anderson questioned him i closely, and found (hat he was not poai- tivv a 1o the botiSe he had Mopped at, but 1 he was quite certain it was in that locaii- ty. This he could tell from certain land- mark which he indicated. The Fanners' Inn being located in the same the ortieeiai i 1 r. Kih-y to that hotel, when- it was ntti'iiy denied that anv peison bad been there. He -was lieu, lakeu to the Mayor's office, and hav- his told his story, he was permitted to go.

I he i h.aiices are as a thousand to one against Farmer Kiley ever seeing his fifty dollar; it he lost it. i Reeling id trap tiironer. The Grape Grower's Association of stern Peniisyivania met yesterday af-leitioon at List? and Walz's Hall, corner irm.r Gar 'gin areiute and Chestnut Mr. Reed, President occupied the chair. 1 UI- i gr 1, on on The Aers exhi-i ri L-ard to 1 lief, 1 I nort tit 1 I til.

be-e- 1 rT I i i t1 tl i i i tsti.ti ft! 1 mill tne proposed exhibition. i I I I i 1 1 a in j. jo-, nil and H. Fiemuig o'loiiliiii- I cotninntee I r.e a.l ioiii to meet at the ci i i on; 11: it I I I Til 1 1 fi wuft read in legaid to the atfilll lie tit's! ol A 1 1. iprv.

i tr i i I a si 1 I iiwniii'. favi. 1 en serious! 1 i i ti mm ii aft it-' 1 1 1- hi i iisiialir becin lie i i I 11 jt Ii I hour i lie ut, in, red lo ca.i tl the th. m. but alter vigorous I 1 11 li'l'i- "I co-tei rang The 1 i- a tne sij and persistent is III ill tit I i in tl ii I is i i 1 1 i 1 1 ti ler ill I I.e I i 1 1 a i I I tl.e flCO l'l Hi C.lilo llll I 1 at.

ura ii! they see to tl Mo li Inrtlilii it igtil Km. Jt.f.r.11 La-t Lll'ellV STC" K-1 li.e a suit III Iia- I 1 I I lis was owned bv Mi' Pliers. .11 -a Ni a i no j.iiia based from ii a. ii. id oienanv.

11 1 1 11 Msll I I 1 I 1 I It 1 11 Si ti I til iv mil 1'iviiif condii mn. ana ihoul 1 Mas and other llie ins. got them mio his. wii 1 ai Mi 1 oi si in I claim that ts siii.seiiii: uiav caiini to their know -e showing tlie stateinetiis made bv Hoar tiiaiiiici to be incorrect, and that i iia- vara paving hatidsoui.av at tne Hence l.roneht this suit to hlltl remuneration lor the th. bv th'' ril ISSaetioU ill Seiiltl'r tile' Vail.

1 1 is expected a del lsloll Will I'C oo'tl I'li 1 illll'silav next. Jour. InGor onx nil Ion. in' faiiois International omentum i as c.a 1 order at tne usual hour ves- i terdav in.iniitia. The morning session was ohietlv occupied in bearing: reports oi com- niHtoos.

question ol aiiiunimg lilt- clothing cutters was taken up and dis- I cussed ut considerable length, a majority of the delegates favoring their admission, on the ground that tieir interest were in a measure identical with Ihe hiterests of Ihe lorn ney men tailors. Itimately the yeas and navs. were called on the quest ion, re- sidling in favor of admission, by a vole of mh lo I hree. A mass meet ing of Tailors, under the i auspices of the International Tailor's I nimi, will lie liel.l I tils evening at the Hall, No. ISo Smitbtield street.

The pro-! feedings wall tie of general interest. Aitintnieti. Some weeks ago a young man named AI01170 Stanley, while passing down Carson street, South Pittsburgh, after night, fell itilo an excavation in the sidewalk, that had been left unprotected, and injured Ihe bones composing ihe knee joint to such au extent that after having been taken to tlie HoiiioL'Opathic Hospital, the joint was excised with the hope of saving the limb. The prospects were very favorable until .1 shorl tune since, xi hen complications sel in which rendered amputation of the limb an imperative necessity. It was accordingly amputated on Tuesday morning at the upper third of the thigh.

The operation, which is thus far successful, was performed by Dr. J. H. McClelland, assisted by Burgher, Hofmauu, Willard and others. I'.

M. District Court. In Ihe United States District Court yesterday morning, Judge McCandless presiding, an argument on a motion to dissolve an injunction in the Case of John Snowdeu, ct al. vs. Adam Jacobs, et in so far as thi-same restrains proceedings upou the judgment of Lyon, Shorb (now for use of Adam Jaeibs.) This proceeding grew out nt a bill in equity tiled iu and of a proceeding in liaiiKruptey.

M. Achison, argued in lavor of tlie molion, anil Veech Sons and D. Reed contra. Hold Sate Kidihery. Yesterday, between the hours of twelve and one o'clock, a bold thief entered a store on Penn street, where agricultural implements are sold, and stole seventy-five dollars from a safe.

The thief entered the office, from Spring alley, aud with a chisel forced open the drawer in the sale containing the money. There was a check tor a large amount in the drawer, left un touched by the shrewd rascal, no clue. There is Pie 'ie To-Dny. As previously announced in these columns, the annual excursion of the St. Paul's Cathedral Sunday Schools comes off to-dav.

The excursionists will leave for Iron City Park by the nine o'clock train this morning, aud will be escorted to the Cniou Depot by the Cathedral Cor- onet Band. The arrangement are suck that all who attend will pas a day of eu-I joyment. have cured many cases ot melancholy amounting even to "derangement of the mind," wln-n the ease was plainly attributable to Liver Complaint alone. In this disease as in many others, the urine is so wi 11 marked as to denote the character of 1 he disorder long before it is manifested by any other symptom or outward sign. We have had tbe examination and treatment of so many cases of this disease ami its complications that we have learned the kind of medicines to be used in each particular case not only but feel satisfied that Hiey can be treated more sucessfiilly vithoi't, than irith any mercurial preparation whatever.

In tact, our success in this affection numbers thousands of cases, and reliable (aiies have been made in hundreds of instances, after nearly the last vistage of hope had been exhausted. lllents would not holdout any ludin to hopeless cases, however, but ould just say that what has been so many times successfully done we would hope to do again. And if any person in whose hands this periodical may fall, are simil ting a hojie-I less case, let them si ill have courage ami Should we by this article be the means of thus relieving one more subject of sickly lingering Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, or Dropsy, we will teel amply rewarded for the publication of this book. L. Oliishve, M.

D. 1.2 Grant street, Pittsburgh, Pa- lie Iron City College. Whose advertisement appears elsewhere, is au institution whose merits aie appreciated and gratefully acknowledged wbere-ever its name is known. But lew enterprises possess S'l brilliant a record or cau point to so many evidences of merited success. Scores of our prominent business lin took their first steps here, ami there is hardly a city or town in the Union which does not numlter among its successful merchants, bankers or business men, representatives of this college.

With a full faculty of capable ami devoted instructors, and the lest and most approved methods iu existence for thorough practical instructions. Ihe college was nevar in Itetter condition than now, and under the management of its present energetic and accomplished Messr Smil Cowley, we predict tor its future a still larger measure of popularity and success. Sfnperior Furniture, Piano, Carjiets, Glassware, Crockery, at auction at. Academy of Music Auction Rooms, 258 Lilierty street, to-day, at nine o'clock a. will be sold by auction four fine oiled walnut chamlier suits, two cottage suits, parlor furniture, rep and haircloth, together wilh a large assortment of bureaus, tete-a-tetes, lounges, sofas, divans, wash stands, toilet stands, sola, cane and wood seat chairs, glassware, crockery, cut lerv, plated ware, carpets, wines, liquors, One splendid Chickering seven octave piano, full rosewood case, elaborately carved legs, overstrung French action, good as new.

Do not fail to attend this sale. See advertisement of 1't M. Whiting Auctioneers. IVew Idiitds Xw Woods. I New Jewelry, latest styles.

New Tailor aud Neapolitan Hats. New Embroideries. Cheap Mosquito Netting. Hats and Bonnets, 4-Sc, and i. Hemstitched Han.I.kerfhifts, l- Lace Handkerchiefs.

O0t ami u. French Lace Veils cheap. Best Kid Gloves sd French Woven 7rt Market street. Mac III i.e. n-, ebeaoest double thread elasti stitch machine.

W'ood si reef. A 11" Price $25 00. Office til Ml'ClilloUKli. Aiuuue ai Law. No.

sft Fifth nvenue. Ot.O i 1 1 ti' i rs i i i 11 lilt il.siie to ic. i tils 1 h. II, Il 1 i ti bavin. i it Ill lu' a.llliit't- i I be t.

II 11 I will as shawa idera i-no loll t.v the I onvi nt ion lit Chi-nisi rat ion it Ii 1 ell'. 'Ill- ith I I' the dine in ted III lit. Is II I The ltli press ar on the New York Central I' t-ni iv tiiiirtiiu I. Three I he lll.iit'lll'i.'r early ye-tci- between Fonda and Al men entered the ir. seized and baggage l.get't, gagged and bound tin m.

took the kev of the sat. from the messenger and robbed it of it i otltetlts. The SI. Lollis lt-l e'a'ieflil has a Special fioin Spi inglield, Illinois, which say; Governor Palmer made a speech on Tuesday at Ihe Republican which was State Iiights iu politics. He avoided the suffrage question and the Fifteenth Amendment, for the reason that he opposes the surrender of the State control ol suffrage to the Federal authorities.

A Helena (Montana), dispatch says-At. the recent election the removal of the capital to Helena was carried. About one hundred ami flfiy Biackfeet and Pigeon Indian attacked an ox train twenty mile from Camp Cook, Montana, on the Sth iust. Due white man named Samuel Paxon, was killed and one wounded, mid twenty cattle shot. Two Indians were killed and several wounded.

The New York Jl-rtll says: The new commander of our fleet on the Cuban station, is an earnest sympathizer with the Cuban movement. The New York Worhl says: Paul S. Forbes, of this city, has been sent to Madrid by the administration, as confidential government agent, in association with General Sickles, a place for which his former intimacy with Prim, especially qualifiel him. Full private directions were given to Mr. Forbes, and formal instructions to General Sickles.

Both arrived at the single point of endeavoring to get Spain to concede political sovereignity to to the Cubans, on condition of the latter pledging themselves to pay Spain a certain sum of money, to be iu some manner guaranteed by the. L'uited States. The plan was heartily approved by Mr. Lemits, the Cuban Agent in this country. The Society of California Pioneers, iu San Francisco, have purchased a cane, valued al one thousand dollars, lor presentation to W.

H. Seward, on his return from Alaska. The head of the slick is composed of forty-one triangular pieces of gold, bearing quartz from the leading mines of the State, set iu gold. A special from Washington says General Sickles telegraphs to Secretary Fish that his proposition has been rejected. It is believed by the friends of Bow ers, Beckman the dry goods firm that, lately failed iu New York, that they will be able to pay 100 cents on the dollar.

Twenty Cuban prisoners have escaped from Fernando Po. Three arrived iu New York on the Java, aud the others are ex-peeled in a few days. Fires continue to rage io the woods in Washington territory, doing immense damage to the growing timber. Owing to the dense smoke, the navigation of Paget Sound is delayed. A.

Christy, an old and wealthy citizen of St. 1 aim Olie Oi llie IlllXICiltUi UWliCl of the Wiggins Ferry Coninanv. died ye: l-ouis, and one of the nrincmal owners terdav. Quimby and Sweitzers block, in Bidde Maine, was partially burned last night Valued at 15,000 insured for 10 urn pit" loan nerebv re- I folk last eveuing. spiest you to appoint some suitable person i The counting of the vote on the Consti-r persons to act as Superintendent, or u- I tut ion and 8tate officers in Virginia, being perintei.deiits, to run and operate now finished, General Canby has signified the road under your directions ami i intention of promulgating the result during your pleasure or until necessity cf iatt) eU.ctio thus far iu a few days.

.,1" such superintendence, shall cease, i Kully (l uiust before the Said appointment and the possession by vete on the members of Congress and yourself, and the person or persons to be Legislature counted, and it will be over appointed, not to affect the legal rights or I two weeks before tbe result of the latter is Uv present actual posseMiou ol the parties uuonced.

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