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The Pittsburg Headlight from Pittsburg, Kansas • Page 4

Pittsburg, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

IMaWJIWiahUWIIMIIUW Tnn Klder made a trip to Carl June- Inesdsy, Friday. sufforiiigH were tflnttvlllo TupodRy liy thf Brrlotitt 111- Temiy and family, Hens of hr rtatiKhtcr, Hazel MhuI. Andy nn1 Marlon Mitchell spent Sun- the child badly. Its Intense. Vr.

heard I tiie It would he some tinio doctor saj Jilfk Kelloy und wifo of IiHarpr, day evening; nt Jiiio1l Ijou Miller I very slek with erysipllls. Joseph Ho-ppiB 9 sick wth the grip. ami C. A. enk and wife nf hanm1.

I Mr. nnlilnmn startrd' Saturday morn-are visiting- Mrs. Alice liundy this jng. from Kamkner to Coffeyvlilc. Wu Mrs.

Mary Riley visited Mrs. Ruth Hudson Saturday. Mrs. Stella F.aton and Miss Filklna visited Mrs. Dora Smith Saturday.

Miss Roda Wethereli visited at th-MeGlnity home Monday evening. A few rrom here attended the play at Opo ll a and thought was fln'. Correspondence week. nil are sorry lose them from our A. Kelhv of Wintrraeit.

Towa, i "oinmti nil but wish them tho bust ot MON1IIHTH, (t rnwforil before tho little one would be well. Aunt Frnnkie Ferguson returned from Carl Junction Friday. She reports hr brother, Uncle Jim Rdfferty. no better. He fell from a building on Monday and both arms were broken, collar bone and one rib, besides Internal Injuries.

He Is seventy-two years of age, ami there Is was Innkins after the Interests of hid ueceiw. farm smith of here tills week. I tiert Hohb workinR- on W. K. Opo, Sinsrlfton and family of Slark, Nash's barn and had the misfortune to visited Saturday and wiln nearly sot his eye put out by a flying FA 1' It NT KH BOl'TE 1.

herokee Count j. Mr. Wilder burned his pasture Friday relatives and friends In this city. null whit-h ho was driving. F.

F. Fitzgerald was In Mineral Thursday. Several from here attended the funeral of the late a. LaP-iis, at Cherokee, Thursday. L.

J. King and family have niovd hut 111 tie hopes nf his recovery. He I'red MeKean and wlfp went fo Mr. and Mrs. W.

n. Nash' end son. is Wei) known in this place. Aunt getting ready for lhe grass. I Pick Shafer visited Art Nash and Crawford County Frank le Is In v-rv poor health.

lola 8umlay to visit a few days with rharley. visits) their dauKhler, Mrs. relatives. Ed'ith Tenny and family Wunihiy. Dr.

Oris wold and his brother l.nn, to the J. M. King farm, north of; Forest Jones was up front Kroirtc- Kd Nash and Addtle Smith attended town. have been called to the bedside of their aged mot her, who lives In To iiai'' over Sunday. enuren in auiKiu-r nig; lit.

Art Burnett purchased several Andy Mitchell Friday evening. TJItle Mildred Wilder Is unite. sick with a very bad cold this week. Andv Mitchell went tn Rartb tt's mill Friday and took off his wheat. W.

F. Strawn, the Home Insurance Win. W'nnn. of Heph tt a vis-J Kffie luiel spent Sunday with Andrew hnnsrs and lots here recently. ledo.

Ohio. We trust (hat they have found her better than they Itor In the clly Salurday. and family. Tie Mrs. Florence Huff man of Hepler.

Hev. gave an interest Inpr talk J. Wolfe and wife and A. R. 'amp he 1 1 a nd fa mlly ha ve moevd 1 visited relatives In this clly baiuiua Sunday nlgia ut I lie C'iuistiuu elimxii 'has, I Tomer's property.

but will tnd Sunday. 'In Faulkner. There are many sick about us. old agent, was on tiie route one day thin as well as young, but the doctor re- ports his patients better al this writ- Mr. Wilder' hired hand had a run Miss llelle Jyean of Jleplnr, visited ort ly leave for California to make elr future home.

Trustee Grant Winger was Inter friends in the elty over Sunday. away Wednesday, breaking the tongue ((rant TownNhlp, I rnn fnrd and A dauiihtfr was born to Mr. viewing our taxpayers on Saturday. Mrs. Kelt lliH Mareh G.

A Young Peoples' nieeling lias been A young tramp was among us lust nT leavt'e on the stock but luck-Friday trying to sell a beautiful gold Hy no great damage is done, band ring with these letters inside. a family from Illinois moved in dm J. to 1. We felt that it was stolen new house on the Talbot fa rm 1 his weett properly. We should have bethought hut we have not learned their names.

l'ittsbiirg, re I so of Ijis'len for the wedding- bell thl week. HaymoiK) Irwin was the guest of 1. Smith for supper the other -niglit visited home folks lust week. organized at the Christian church to meet on Sunday night with Clinton Campbell as lender. iwlille enroule from Ciirarcl.

The Mitchell ehihln ceive.l the ourselves and reported him to the Anils. There been several sus Mrs. Lnulsa Hook Is visiting (rela sad news of the death of t'leir iiiT-p! A son was born to r. and Mrs. J.

lllgley, March 3. A mm was born to Mr. and Mrs. C. hhilon, March 7.

Ihm (trace 1 mvidsoii, of Curran- tives In Missouri and Mr. ilnok Is si uyiing in MeCune wiih his da ugh I. Ihn and aunt in Blue Jacket, week. James Sbattery bougiiitt a fine span nf niule.s (tf Alton Heeler last "Wednesday. A number from ih'is emnniiinity were trading with the (liranli nierehants Saturday, reeeiving 15 ceutr, for eggs picious looking characters about us In the last few days.

Fveryhody should he on the guard of their valu-ii hies. Mrs. Miller, during her absence. J. Turklngton has purchasod Ihe Miss Ida Nash Is suffer Ing with very f-'ore at present.

vilie, visit fd over Sunday in the elt with" friends. She is of the 10. Michel Atkinson house and lot and Id) acres of land. linn, wh dissolved pa rlm-rslii i She now has nl Mls-J- 1 "'hani Is slowly blew.n..., Ie the s. Mrs.

Imcy Brown of JopHn, has last suiuuif uier i rand ma Nichols has been itiile AM I II It em key Co '(III rlty nf 30.000 hikI with hntol Rf-' HiinnnilH inns MiirprlHlnuly jnnct and tun-pi i.stiu;ly r. art.HiHhli; rut oh. A ny iji 1 Mii 1h No inn fur hoi it I'n iir mnntliH in yciir. (hniiiK' nlh.r fiKhi month in Htllc ilo-inn iiiul tho pi.pulii I in ili-rrcnscH with lli ti'h -ni ir wltil. -r unci liy thf tlnic ..1.1 wi'hIIht roirly Fi-ts in thorn am Ii ii ri prnplr In the town.

Ju spring llio pnpul.i Inn incrcasofi hy fri-sli tnitninrinils. Nnnic wiih aim" ply a ii a nn' ln-n r. Thnin jtHrui first stillrU llif pres. -lit Hilc nf the oltV. It i- tip ii I most In Hay a il ma il tin- rents arc oul'-rt oti only f.itjr nunillis In tin1 yi'ur.

One uf th' K'lt'itl i thivs in ihr histniv of Nonw was -Ian. L'S, 1 ft'Hl, I if li In- Alaska Rllil "liih hi'lit Its first annual iimmM inw. A I ni in of affiliate mark sin appcar-i-'l to roiitfst for tht- trophy, for il limy Will h- i ma I "il I )ia a ninn hardy pioin-crs that had tho cold and frozen nort h. (here were nmn- who Um-w how in handle a iii klv ainl will deadly preeon. It was 'riionipsons od fortunr In (lie liiruest iiimiher nf 77 oii of 7S and he was awarded tiie nif.htl wlih It is a iinlfjii'1 einhleni.

This mi-dal is a plain Ixdd nttjiuet wnrth irtenlar in outline ami dented and si-rah hed. with plate nf k' nn one side in the form of a shield nn which Is insciihe.l. "Nome ('hnrnplmi JS. Sle.phif; nn lop of the snow with the temperature 71 es heluw Willi nn shelter he-sides the Ihey WearlllK is nlie of lite ierl fines Thompson ri 1 1 1 )4 hen with two om pan" ions he was niaklnj; Ihe trip from iii i -1 1 1-hoo Son nd to l'liwsun and tho we a h'-r life a a if unexpef'todly eold-( Mm- iiltiht thf Mfifiiry Rank to the point notit imii-d and that nin'it (he party slept on hrushes hfa'd up to prevent eontaet wllh tlm snow mid with a roarine, lire which was wmird--d olnsely than If it were ii Haelt of Kold. Had the lire Rone nut while they wen- sleeping they would liavo heell sleephlW Tile ('lnlhlllff the' were was not so heay as Unit worn in this eliniah-.

They w.ire I is. a i i ho h-KKiiis, nsua My a and that pantile the fell of the Slheriati Wolf. pos sick. 111- Roy Morgan bought a new buggy in Curranvllle llnlu spent Sunday nfternouu Iiattb bl and family and Arch i'Uh Jamea OTooloy. Verda Witter has been hut is it Cherokee last week.

now improving. Thiellfall, resbling south of this city, jaim-s limadliurM has purclins- 1 ry i i 4 l0 I ii re 'a lnuin was a bseut fro in Hall ft for Pasademi, WedneHday r(1 vniicos in the Idell heen nn the sick but is now some school Thursday, having attended the lisl for ihe past ivi where they expect to make their in-o anu can now lint with iier better. funeral of the bile county Mr. MulllUen. at Columbus.

I tire home. been in town for several days the past week earing for her mother, Mrs. It. ioudermilk, who has been qultu ill. Prof.

F. Stoneipher Attended the funeral of A. W. Mulllken nt Columbus Thursday. School was dismissed for that day.

Prof. W. I-'. Morgan and famlty spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. S.

H. Morgan, March 2nd being the occasion of Mrs. Morgan's 7 7th birthday. Mrs. Anna.

Sikes of Raton. New Mex lyiindrlgan has moved to the J. K. Kwan raised Mp new barn Sat-larrison fariu north nf this city, and unlay. Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Conway were in Pittsburg the last of the week. .1. W. 1 1 night, who resided on mo Green Is timbered with the Tin- i al Literary has been piiie nourishing.

Mr. (iml Mrs. Smith made a business rip to i'itlsburg one day last week. Mr. and Mrs.

Hudson have heen entertaining their relatives liKin a dis fl. Heryford and family have tnrm during the winter, has moved nek. moved to the fleck farm. town, occupying the Jarrcit prop- aiu (, Aliisnn wm. trt J.

1. Turklngtnn shipped a ear Pittsburg last week on accounl of the tance. M. C. Wllaiin returned from Mon- niness of Mrs.

(. F. Tannyhlll nail nf hugs to Kansas City one day ist week. iHtlh a few lays ago, whero lie Misses Mai'y ami Maggie Fifgenu lied on Miss Hall one even Doran W. Smith has purchased a team of line volts.

spent the winter Willi, ins snn. ing hist week. laughter will arrive rrom Illinois H.out the mi'idle of tiie month to l.l(iiiTi; I tlmiia- Township, Crawford Co.) FIste CiitrPlhcrtsnn spent Tbui sday night with her cousin, Nellie Cuthhert- .1. W. liATKMAN, Since then; are so many telephones ie can tell just when tho neighbors keep house for him.

ico, Is visit tug her parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. Unper and other friends here.

W. Von Wedell has built a new fenco around two of his lots on Federal street. Dr. nnd Mrs. R.

C. Toudermltk of Galena, spent Wednesday night and Thursday with Mr. und Mrs. It. Joud-ermilk.

Mrs. Homer Brown a rs. S. K. Gard were shopping lu Joplin, Tuesday.

make Harden and set heny. Farmers have their oats sowed In is com mil it and the early po la AIM AI1 A Theiv wus a party at the home last Tim rsda ni lit in cs planted. rs. Press Jones who ha been with Ingrippc for some I line, is who bad Moiling Mr honor of Miss KllLd. i wlu welt at WlLy her daughter, Mrs.

I r. 1, for two weeks, left idav noon lo visit one said to be but little belter at this writing. Farlo J. I.eggett of iseosTio, enme up Ollie Allii'on visited SO pniool afternoon. Ressie Fahey nn.l Mrs.

J. M. Irwin culled on Katie O'Tonlo. (5. Meanor of Chine, pui( based a ctHii planter of A.

M. Smith in Guard Saturday. Doran W. Smith is the owner of a new top buggy purchased of A. M.

Smith. Ft tak1 1 and Gertrude Diixfuii called on Ka tie O'Tonle iSunday a tier noon. been visit ing li, A. liunnb for of her sons. Mrs.

Mary California, ai Miss Artie smith is visiting rela tives at Girurd at the present time. Miss Bertha Blair, spent Saturday Waleott. of Pomona, her daughter, Mi of Cherokee, were C. Anderson over night wit Kdna Tridle. llattie Kayln guestH of Mi tended and all present report a good time.

Miss Maggie has awa from home 'isiting with relatives, I r. Boss f'roin Weir K'ty has kept busy in this vicinity or some time, as there is much sickness. Myra Smith is going to the "Mount Ciirniel Hospital in J'ittsburg for treatment. Iier many friends, wish her it speedy recovery. Mrs.

F. Hudson hits bc-n on tho sick list. Sunday. Mr. Weaver anil wife went to Saturday and returned Sunday.

Don Neli or wus trading in McUuno Mrs. Mary A. Hutch nnd son liuils. Ralph Smith came up from Cherokee Pittsburg, were guests of relatives I Saturday. Saturday for a twenty-four hours vhdt in Hiis city over Sunday.

I Work has begun on the new bridge with home folk. for a couple of days this week on account of the Illness of his mother. Mrs. A. C.

Kenyon left Wednesday for a two months' trip through Western Kansas and Oklahoma. Mrs. Jennie Stanley was calling on friends here Wednesday. Harvey Scott has been on tho sick list this week. Mr.

and Mrs. F. W. Simmons 'are now at home to their friends in tho rooms over tho store in tho Hadioy building. Henry Card has rented part of the Vickers farm.

S. R. Simmons and family of Baxter Springs, spent Sunday in Lowell, visiting relatives and friends. Miss Carrie Roper is at home from High sellout for a few days. Julius and Ardath Pasloy eame A.

C. McGawn and wife iiiadl a trip known as the Buxton bridge. Mr. Doill Is doing the work. down from l-'orl Scott to spend a lo Gimrd Monday.

Clara Siple attended teachers' meet Win. Hudson from near Hepler was ing at Glrard Saturday. milking house to house calls in the In I'M I KM U. Cherokee 4 ouiily. Ruzzard and wife went to This garment Is put mi like a shirt and has a hood whieti the and leaves only a hlealhin space Siik nillens under imnifiise ni i i of hue sk i ore worn, and that enniplflfs tin- uniform, all told.

The w-lulit is consideiahly than the ht i Ii worn in a fol count y. Ihe one thint; Unit has made Alaska a foiinlry Is the Alaskan These animals are marvels of Will und-rn all the hard-ships of he ii- masters and it is safe lo say lhat many a rich claim would never have heen reached hart it not he en fur Ihe Alaskan dm; These tittle 1ral for days and weeks al a i me. re il iri li little attention only iheir niM-d pro-lection. They a etieri sed In tnoeea -Sins of lleeee. il lut IIhis slm.l Ihev are ready for the (rail.

They urn harnessed in 1's or four ilip fan l.ii a load I'M) pounds from to miles a day and pushed here in ntc hut that's the hest iliiy's jour- terest of a Kansas City medicine eoiii- pany, Monday. Tin- M.uHm 1 h. the Headlight, who .1. Imhis in liikiiiK iin st in v. i iilnu 1 1' I'm 1 1 I I'M' 111- ill ills Fin il 1 1 plant, i -1 I of corn Friday c.f hist k.

Al Haines Is bv tin- month fur it. m-M Wilt i v. iil no I 1 1 1 1 1 1) 1 1 In live if h. house i'i 1 1 ve in. .1.

Herri. I'itlshurg. in luwn ni a isil vvitli i Fa i down this wiiy are sowing on 1 r. a n.l rul l. H.

-n JmtiI.I. il ud son of 'h'-ro-keo, Suiulav in opi.iis wit their pa rents. Grandma Mgnr ln-re her om, W. "ir .1 ni i si. and r.

I i M.ld his in-1T-st hi iin- l.u.'.iri.-Hs to his pnrtm Will wsli. Mims Goldlm- Is ihhv hie, Si. -ilf s'l 1 -ill" iiii'l dumb I I ilul he, Ka lis, liirinu tj(- w-i-k our lvn had lis usitii i nn hi "1" a ml go-i-i wit lll. ti st.i s. I.

T. gathering ii IjisI in in. In- In make I another I-; Rat-man or liN 1... i. iihxm will.

l.i'- hi i Imisiii. 'i mi. Iimim ii i s. 'I Iiim i it Mineral Sunday to see their daughter and family, who have been sick. ulkner Sumiay.

work todiiy; soino Al! idbd in and Chnrlev Nicholson were the guests of Cora Weaver Sunday. hauling props and soniu plowing, making garden. Mrs. Mrs, Tridle was calling on Jones Friday, iil sick sit. this I by well Mrs.

Judge Foster is writing. We hope she Farmers are through with oat flowing and are now getting the ground ready for corn other crops. From four in tihe morn ing until eight a night Ih the usual length of the common day upon the farm now. A. C.

and wife were trailing In- Ciinm'd Monday. Mrs. M. (i. Shephetd has a 2uU egg "Old Trusty" incubator Iulell was viHiting homo Maggie again.

folks one day last week. Mrs. A. Swearing in spent Tuesda The Baptist people had their regular meeting Sat urdu a nd Sunday. TTin people of tin- Christ in denomination HAXTFit itimi, I.

W. Gates and mother left Thurs-da morn ing for 'Iterokre, ansa s. where he contemplates locating. rs. Harriet Me Ha in, of this city, died Wednesday night aged years.

Mrs. Mcllain is an old time settb-r of Baxter Springs having spent the greatest portion of his life in this clly. afternoon at the home ot K. Freed. saw tit to raise the rent of lui I days with Grandma Strecker.

A. W. Richards and wife and Mrs. F. A.

Smith 1 ra nsa ted business in Fort. Scott Monday. The inside work lo the new church Is praet lea My completed. Mr. ami Mrs.

T. K. Harrison were guests of his parents Sunday. Miss Ruth Warren of Huueweg, is here visiting her uncle, Dr. I.

A. Uunniou. Mrs. Lizzie Sholtz wag hero from PiUshurg Saturday. C.

K. West waa a Fort Scott visitor Monday. James I. Martin and family have moved from Sm 1 1 lie Id, where he lias been employed for number nf years as hi a ion agent for the Frisco, a ml will occupy their farm west of town. The carpenters are busily engaged in th' erection it 'J'txtU building for Philip Ki'ieger on the aoiith side of Race It will be used as an he ream parlor when completed.

Isaac Light le and J. T. Fnw let-have ret ii rued from their visit So ni west Kansus a nd Sout beast Colorado. Marvin Will lams, of Tallapoosa, 1 1 eorg la, closed tills season's lecture Fred and Nell Morrison went to to attend teachers' Life in Ihe An tie Tli' le is Girard Saturday FA I II VIFAV. 4 nslilnslon Tow nnhlp, rim ford .) haraf ler hoURh erlmepar-u l.ii Iv i hi ie hi almost unknown i Ihe a ml ia law is string Mrs.

K. H. Malhen- went to I'itlsburg meeting. Ray Smith, of the north side, was calling In this community Sunday evening. F.

R. transaeted business i tohle i An assault upon a tf'dd in JopMu, on Friday of last week. is punishable ck Monday. Mrs1. l-'red Friend, and duugh ter.

Edith, and jdsler, Mi Maude John M. Robertson met in session with 1 1 1 1 1 1 in -ath and th. knows ii Ie ponmls law in the An-ti delay. Soinellme of mules dusl 111 Ion, at Mrs. S.

H. Carhauglit. the staff of the mel ropnlitan Life insurance company at Joplin on last Friday. last Tuesday. Miss Annie Johnson has resigned Mrs.

John Hrooks Im op vjry ill oil nii'V 1 'a wsou mak Cherolee County .1 I. than a eoiipl i building on tin- Baptist people to mon-than they thought thev eon 14 siaml, and not wanting to enter into a contract which they thought they could not fulfill Hoy moved oui and hereafter will hold their meetings in the sehool house until they can buthi a house if their own. I'rayer meeting in (he house Wednesday nig hi. very body eonie out. Those who took dinner with Mr.

and Mrs. I'M Laws and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Laws Su day were Be v. Bu ins, Mr.

and Mrs. Lee, Will Needham and Misses Flora and Anna Jackson. We understand Jake McCarty's little girl had the misfortune tu get her arm broken yesterday while playing with her little brother. Miss Necdhain took dinner with Miss Mollie Jackson Bob Anderson has had a 'phono put lu his house. or body givo him a.

call. her position in the Republican oil ice amj accepted a position in J. C. Hns-ketis dry goods store. le tiie past week.

Mrs. James Morris waa in Fronton last Friday evening. nil vidian lilt 1 all ft veil d. hill I. K.

Untehack. of Ia Kan Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dniw called on Dieted nut. Tlii'lllf) her ahoul four year! Is always spel.l sas, is our town In the inletcst oi Mr.

and Mrs. Clyde Kill Friday evi I A laska Lonebarker Brothers. i ins a n.l hi lb-Ids. llll'lT of I 1 1 ill to I lare at the Christian church yesterday evening. Mi M.

S. Gross, of Tahlecplah. Ind. Te Kvu lierkey visited with Vcs out of has leased (I. I.

Tinner's nine lots in Ciirbiiugb Friday ei-ningiind Saturday. rompai Angel the railroad addition and intends put out some small nursery slock. share. 1 liv in I sarficif ill dfVeb.1 is. J).

Ji. 1 1 ort nn has pure bused property In Pittsburg and will be next door nelg hbor to i s. Sholtz. She expects to move to her iniv home next week. The box supper at the Bethel M.

hitrdi.i irldiiy night was well attcndeii I'liere were tjuile a number of nic 1 )J Kl A. Newton, proprietor the lrii Iron Hot el Baxter, passed away March h-helioo Miunds to I'awson ('II; boxes and Jill sudd for good price o'clock Mr Newton wus i'h ere was a mug voted on for born in Newton, Iowa, In He (he i.f hi Lhe ugliHsl man, Mrs. Lee Jo'inistou re- and hurt: has been In the hotel business for a nu in her of yea rs. Three years ago ei ving It. That shows 1 hero wen Mi s.

I'argen again. Glad to see Mr. able, to get out to winter lime traveling mi-r land with rhur rain and also al a point north A ic i i here I he sun linioiislv and while 1 1 1 ft im.ii Kt short that Hie hiiii many ugly men there. Also ask Un he eame to Baxter and took charge- of people how they got home. tel Baxter, he has made miners' 'amp in his ornings ago.

owner calling and proving our teacher visited at home Saturday cess of the business. The remains Mr. Lee found a corn crib it few i can have aatne. by property. i s.

P. Moore, of Nevada, is isil i ii her son, I ho doe or. Mrs. Herman Tvter and sisler-lu-law, Miss ha Tyler, have gone lo Guthrie, Oklahoma, fr a brief visit among relatives. I.illle Hale Hurhamin had an al-tiirk nf croup Tuesday night, but her i-oml i i pi wus soon much Improved.

Mrs, Flora. Umiptnn, of Fort Scott, visited her mother, Mrs. Strecker, the lirst of the week. and Sunday. were laid to rest in the Independence Th.

Mr. and i s. Jas. Curra went inetery Monday, March 11. W.

II. of Galena, has bought 1'ioiilenac Sunday. Mr. Ciirrau Is our Sunday school isuperinteiident. properly hi the north part ot town oil nt ansa and has permanently locateo pel-Mr.

Wood Is an old lime miner havir (Cherokee County.) Mr. S. W. Fleener lias his new barn nearly completed. Joseph Tedloek and Miss Anna Best were shopping in Co in bus on Thursday of last week.

We learned that literary was not Very well attended on account of It looking ho rainy. They decided to ha ve he sa nie quest ion for next Friday: Resolved, that the present funding bond on Cherokee county should not be Issued. Mr. George Roberts was at Mel rose one day last week to have tiotue grinding done. Some of the men In this vicinity are through sowing their oats.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Roehrts were out to literary Friday night. The little folks at Hopewell chose a question ad debut ed on lust Friday night.

It is report e.i that hey did just hue for their lirst debate. The preacher failed to come Sunday. huiked so rainy there were only ii out, anyway. Miss Mabel Felton is home from Joplin for few weeks' visit with home folks. J.

Bennett ami family of Joplin. are visiting with C. F. Martin for a few days. Some people in this vicinity can't do enough work In fix days and have lo put in seven.

is certainly a shftnm. Mr. Jacob P.uckley is on the nick list There a large attendance at Sun oinesl np ad. W. i I lie I ip.

Bartoi) Courjty had over thirty years experience in the mines, and aimes to do some pros lives in id i has returned from near S.dalia. H. 1.. big Stock h. r.

grandma Thninp ie to Isit liini. As a II feel Moll. I of a left Sunday for visit G. C. Mason 1 1.

Mmhon Kansas, AC. pecting In this locality. Soela Smith, of Melrose, was in Ba tor Thursday. All the teachers of the public selto went to Columbus Thursday lo be the funeral of Mr. Mullikeii.

1 1 igb I har.islHl.s day fhool and church at lletln-l Sun-da y. A.s the weal her roads get better we hope for a larger attendance. Mrs. W. H.

Garret died at her homo near 17 camp, March U. She leaves a hiiMband and six children who still survive her. Mrs. Clyde 10 1 1 Ih and daughter. Flora went Fi out cnac Monday.

and lainilv. 1 fin rt on Cenutj.l Mi s. Sli er k. reports Mr. St i kef.

nvus a le a ni il ul home lowers. While on he before her return will visit and s-e 7 of I grand children. lid who is still slopping Wllh Mrs. test at Monrovia. California, in fair cd Frank Rarnett movi J.

il. Myers has moved his family lunlha Tuesday. In-. J. 10.

a from lhe mines in the India a lory to Baxter Springs, where be in to make bis home. siunul wh. of health, although his cough does not M'l'tn to have improved mil- li. She expects him to reach home Hie. lust ot Joe Wood moved McFadnu from id, ishlngton also visit vomiiig.

who Is Mrs. Fox, mother of I. I and this month. Win. Gill of this elty und l-'od GUI.

a 1 1 le ranch, I Pake al husband is D. M. camp to Fronteuac. WooH called on Frank Davis to get a load of posts Ttiesray. Chas.

Wood got a load of bats west of Guard lust week. Topeka. died Tuesday morning in this lOSe city aged years. Mrs. Fox been ill for many weeks, hut J.

1 Green has sold the Cox properly to a gentleman from Haxler Springs. Green also bought some u. crago properly from F. A. Jewell and Id portion of same to John D.

Alpers. ss al thai plat possessed of great will power and AI.M T. fought a hard hatlle for life Funeru' Will Ml MIKItH V. a tnd W. It.

W. 1. Brown's- lit tie son I.nyd reported some better ut this writing. Pillabuig hlsl Sat. i (Crawford County.

1). Axley, of Whitehall, 111., I.s in i' i i they nir dwor of W. P-tti Willi Wef hUsllM It, 'l nn Im. Mulberry visiting relatives. last week George Roberts has bought a nie teum to begin his spring plowin having a lay off on Guy White in Cherokee, was visiting II, reside I ng into L'hleh F.

ml hogs fr The fanners a -count of rain. with. recent (y purchased 1 1 om They have enltle ding f.r the spring mar- his father Dr. White the llrst of the week. ni Si a I IKMii't nn ll'iliK the ids Shultz is Homo better at vet bad again, has been vlallllig home this writing.

th- Cur on the farm, and for this I'hos. Iwoi th, the son. Uttlo Cleona Jones has been quite lek but 'is Home belter ut present. Mrs. Flora Jones and Mrs.

Mary Ma Th dliee Mi: dnce Miss Lydia Rogers Sundayed with Misses Coy la and Grace Flee lie r. Friday. -t H-'flou in visiting home Friday. De will Tcliun to Fl. ill r.

rua in nn 1 lie farm until the is marketed. rion, timiJu a trip to Arcadia Sunday Miss I I TeHterman visited with and wife left for Ash-I Mrs. Geo. Roberts one day last week Ian, Clark county. Kansas, Tuesday, Mr Overman 1 nursing a very bud lru Moore und wife Sundayed el John llalu-r.

1.111'leil in 1 1 Tha eiih-r use of blood poison on his hand. Melrose. There ui-r a few present at the Thompson are erecting an ice telenhone meeting that was held In house ut the Frisco a llroad and otherwise for the summer's bus Veil I Faulkner Saturday a. week. They Im vh decided to ru a the line in to Scott the lllh where she will llulsh the prlng term ot school.

Mr. and Mis. Fred Heflnn ami children steal Salurd iy find Sunday with H. A. Ilefton and family.

Tiie church of God will give an Easier service at this place Faster. Bill Ciirlln Is reported on the mend at this writing. Harvey Hamilton's baby girl Is very poorly al writing. And'y Tenney and family moved front Faulkner Thutvday down I miles iness, F. H.

Polland, who has heen down with the grippe, was tble to be out to Melrose. were held from the M. 1,. church und the remains were laid to rest In lie city cemetery. Three sons and the husband survive, I).

S. Chubb Is building an addition on the bouse in town and is going to move to I ow n. F. R. McGregor aivd M.

Robertson made a business trip to Galena on Wednesday of last week. Mrs, Black, wife of our city ma r-shall is very low at this writing with pneumonia fever. Mr. Stone of Lowell, Is preparing open up a no'ut market on Military stret. The rain on Friday night was a welcome one.

The farmers re most nil through sowing outs and thinking about pluming corn. Mrs. Sullivun bus been quite sick, but Ih slowly improving. Mr. and Mrs.

Cheney entertained and Mrs. Cluudo Oh horn and Mr Jas. Sel lurs Sunday. Mrs. Ruth Hudson Js getting better, after her Illness.

Iss Th reeia Goedekc spent Sunday at Mr. Ashmore's, Bird Oertle entertained Mr. Crlt Hall at dinner, Sunday. Home from here attended the party on Thursday night given at the had lUhl Jesse Fouls was in Columbus on is thai the pi. i) day.

business Friday. tall to it ha, Monday. Us Fl vii Brown, who has been visiting her sister. Airs. chas.

Krtrn-ininger of Rosedale, Kansas. returned li nie Tim Mia y. Her fill r.nm: down after her. Finery Finby madu a business trip to Lamar, Tuesday. William Lakin who has in Montana for several months, returned home Wednesday.

John Hatch, tiie Arcadia liveryman, was in our ciy Monday. L. Nicholson left Tuesday for Santa Anna, Texas, to visit his son. He expects to be absent uhout two months. William Johnston, a prominent farmer and stockman of near Miinbti, transacted, business in Liberal, Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Homer Sin it aft or a visit here with relatives, left Tuesday morning for heir homo in Montana. B. Malum, one of Arcadia's early settlers, was in Liberal, Monday.

Mrs. Mary Smith of near VVrdclla, was in town the first of he week. Mr. Gllxner, of Lamar, was transacting business in our city Roy Hemeiiway has accepted a position as book-krpeer al the First National hunk, Roy is a worker and wu wish him success. H.

and T. F. Williams have moved to town. They expect to start for Montana lu about monlii. rs.

Ben Rowers und child rim re vit Ring relatives in Jefferson Clly, T. M. Fdwurds went down i'itlsburg, Monday evening, to do some carpenter work. Mrs. Jodit I lii-kerson who ha a been quite.

Ill, Is reported improving. Mrs. Mary Tannehill. of Kansas City, arrived in this city Sunday to be ut the bedside of her mother, Mm, Kennedy, who Is very sick. Mrs.

T. O. Bur sou and son spent Wednesday with tier daughter, Mis. C. A.

Smith. Mr, and Mrs. Joe White of near IiaiiflC nuti, want in town Tuesduy Mrs. J. H.

ingery was vri Hanniin, 1 laI Th LBdi-s Aui of tirt lu Chlua, la chureh hud an alt day's paid, ot Miss Emma Felton was shopping in Melrose one day last week. Oliver Shearer made a business trip -as mi. Uriel hid. I ii- Sa ula Fe, here Mr. Jones I.

-dies I look a I lie i.uiitry perhaps wllh the view healing. II is their iniciitloii (o continue. their I 1 Ip Into New Me leu, where their son and family reside. Marlatt and family last week moved iheir farm near Port erville, and Ihe same day Joseph Doyle and family moved into lln- Maria It va'iiting lhe Mrs. Harper house near i he Christian eh which is now occupied by J.

D. Mullin and sister. 1'Yed Geib was called lo (PllOil. Wednesday by tiie at of the lie of his cousin. Henry Kin ha nil.

retired aiuer. residing in Genoa. The deceased Irt il bout li yea I'H of The unci al will be today and Mr. Gdh will spend a days visiting -1 a 1 1 cm at Genoa und Km ing ton before ret UI'll illg home. A.

F. Albright and family moved lo Krie Monday, where they will reside, he having moved his tailor buslnoMM to that city. Henry Slaetinau who was hurt some time ago Is improving nicely. He was ahlo to be on tho street yesterday. Mrs.

Parson and Mrs. Carpenter spent Wednesday with Mrs. Colo, at Pleasant Valley. There Is a great deal of sickness In nnd around Mulberry al present, the to Col in bus Monday. low of Ul 111 wh'-r h.

sout ti ivi st of low The dance at Fd Nash's wah well attended Thui.s.lay night. Mrs. Martha Hoi la udworl und son, Kdgnr, und hi brother, George Culver, wIidkc father and mother recently passed away, viflled the chililruu on their way to Pappttisvillc, Mo, where Mrs. Hollaioiworth lives. Her brother intends to spend the mi mm or with her Cherokee (Incur Jenny Kiiiiuciiy, huv fl us.

Tlicv Iihvc been tried iicIkIi Mm About Uvclv. home. inn nank tdialls I jac-k. At If i nmiiv venrs. We will iiilH" lor Ihe far cvervwhiri ut church, anion old ti Ms and sailed from dilunloii.

April 1M with WilMani Tale and most of It being grippe. Miss Armsworlhy of Aread'hi, did not gve her ii I ben class- music, lessons this week on account of sickness. Guy Barthlow wait called to Anbury Saturday by the Hlckiui of IiIh father. Mrs, Pepin 'hiin been quite, sick tii past week. Sheit Reeder was In Fort Scott tin- sick und ii nelK'ilrs.

Our UtM wIhIhis rollow tllelll. our loHS Is til i.ln Hie MmltliHeld Dcoplc. for r. und ariived in and family, Ml Si Ida Nash spent Saturday und Sunday with her brulnicr, Arthur Nash and' wife. I'lyssea Mitchell wpent Sunday with Kverett NuhIi.

lliat Is their new home. Our central ulrl, Miss Funnlc Iu fRHt (Iruwlnu- lo a close Fleener -home. and report a good Mrs. Katie Moor and children will I Men W'aKUoli Kul.helH.o Son Wll hel't- I he Thompson 1h I talks tilth but he i'i Int. in it few days.

ids. Aug. s. H. in pel a re can dro degrees below- Kel'O a rellrlng disposition a bou his ri.n -es il en. to olivine an that gold ohtalue.l we. as a coiiiniimity, sincerely time. Mrs. Roda and Nellie Wethereli visited al Mr. Smith's Saturday Mhh May lloppls Ih quite sck with have for (lie Territory where the expect to mer.

upend tho aum- h.ipu she will retain Iier position tills torn Kverelt und B'lppe. Mm. W. II. cnsulnir vcar with higher wanes, hilc lila.

Kin-ill ISiilircluy John Milter Is quite, nick with tho Collins and Mrs, Delia iss Gussl i. kind and faithful und is Mrs. Seth Hn.lth expects to take danger and HiifTcriim ed Ill tile Jllle Clary relur from Kansas City the k. Nome Ids Ih hai'liV in the Hked liv every Mi's. H.

A. Moriarlty received llrst of the Mill 'Wlldier mul wife ulti-nili'd Hun- John Pt-lin ipurf.d homo from hltt tiny Ht'liool at Himduy morning, In IMattouri ll'huraday. nf a Ivilian with her daughter M.vra. to the hospital at Pittsburg next. Tuesday MP.

and Mn, W. B. W'TrpelJ en handsnme kitchen cabinet from Sears, on he wtdl nny regard fT his mother, Mr. wei in tho city KouiB (J Henslry. cuiiifort.

AH road Joo Tnlluck wus In tlili, vicinity Ki't- I W. C. LriinK, wno lias bon very sick lead to Nome, which A a now tertained George I lurs Hoebuck jlc CO. Oleta daughter-iiVN hist weelAU'i IBitH of Miss Fisie da. e.

liy nf prVt lliilN b. ii nd huU'- some Ucttfr. NiimIi ami w.ft uiiii Hll.l OeDrKt. OVnnmr Im wrestllllff wltil Michel. A't of Fm MIhh Brown visited ho lft mmn Vot- und Mrs, Jt'-TjrintTC tiioutiHi whimi Kti fn Monlunii if 4 1 urduy and Hunday.

Arvau Til. "3 'ttilttuL.

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