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The Pittsburgh Post from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 4

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
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Broan iJuo. iiultiilj uu.J In iIhco 01 tlie late Wui. Stvlej ot dyne railroad oha St-idt-hl is Mistaken for a Uur- made chief eler rmsiaKuH sewers. glar hy II. S.

Huffman, WILTON MOOUETTE mtt.JUAW2UlvlJi Harvey Childs Beeson of Detroit. Is iothectiy. K03. 197, 199, 201 haviny come thither attend the weildineof SMALL PROFIT SYSTEM The Absurdity and ExtraTa trance of Mis Bate he! nr. daughter of Capt.

Batcbelor. AN1 Mr. is connected with the Detroit sun- LOCAL BRIEFS. Taehs is a big fire In the woods near Aitoona. i Jobs rncxsosr of McKeesport, had one leg broken In a wreck on tbe H.

at O. road at that place. Owiko to the railroad trouMes JuJe Collier had to walk about a long way yeatrday to get to Uoart. PiTEiCK Welch's face was severely burned by the explosion of a lamp at the Lacy Furnace night before last. A vRDir-r for flo.ien 51 In favor of W.

H. CfreKg Sl Co was obtained for goods lost In the riots, yesterday. The meeting ol the Pittsburgh Southern directors which was to have been held last nUht, Hrkrfupnri Pnlifpinaii, Hh Stent a Ballet Tnroagn Hfa Heart. the System PENN AVENUE, day Herald. Prof.

Andrew Burtt, Principal of the Ninth ward public schools is lying seriously ill ot In Axminster Carpts. DEP.IRTMNT XO. 2. Will continue to open In iow Tbfy Krrfd lUa ud (he Y8 Market Street, 80 John Seidehl, a resident of McKeesport, Of which our House is the Eeal Exponent, Added to Our was shot throi: gh the heart by Samuel H. flammation ot the bowels, at his residence on the South Side.

He had been eomi Uinlnic for Rime time, but was able to attend to hia duties until Moadav lat. Hoffman, a -d iceman of that borough, lloak and Suit Department Choicest Styles ot about two o'clock yesterday morning. Rev. Alexander MeCarrell. D.

of Clays- SeideLl had hen at Dravosburg attending PURCHASING BODY BRUSSELS At tlip meeting of tue T'iifriDrft Shirty of Western Penn-y last oignt, George H. FOR CASH Oil, ville. Washington county. Fa died last Monday eveninir. at 10 o'clock.

He was one ot the a miners ba'l. He returned to Mc did not take place. Thkrb is a boom In real estate, tbat Is unde- most devoted and fuccepfiul pastors in western Pennsplyania. "Ihree! his aons are Presbyterian ministers, and another Is an elder in the Keesport with Miss Maggie Miller and Mr. Charles Zimmerman, both relatives, read an mtOTMrting paper on tle.

Prices have advanced considerably and Sfw-n of Pittsburgh. Mr. Browne First Presbyterian church ot usmaburg. Pa. the outlook is hopeful.

accompanhd Jen to the ima CAKPETS. DEPJRTMBT AO. 3. Choicest Style? of is lir.w p-rvisr of tbe middle division 5 0 Fourth Avenue, 5 During this and the coming week ADDITIONAL NOVELTIES -IN Indies' Black SaMn Mervetlleux Wraps, Black satm DXyon Wraps, Black Satin and Brocade Wraps. Black Satin and Hemant Wraps.

Black Camel's Hair raps. Fancy Cloth W'ntus. Hunting Jackets, James A. HeCnne, for years a salesman for 'red. Stbcmm, a South Side barkeeper, was House, at Fourth and Market streets aud of tb Fort Wayne railroad, bat for a long it arrested yesterday on a charge of sodomy pre- continued his way along Market street.

Fleming Otclevee, and who ia well known In thlf eitv. was recently elected Mayor of Kokomo, time was -onnect-I with the City Eogi- i erred by Andrew Hauser. Colorado, which town enjoys the distinction ot IS BOUND TO DO THE BISINESS. IS A QUESTION OF MONEY AND NOTHING ELSE WITH ninety-nine in a hnnlrel men what they shall wear. They are not sure judges of clothing.

Nobody is. The lest judges nf rfiice, and thrfore knows whereof TaDestrv Brussels A Locowonva of the Pittsburgh Western At the corner of Fifth he was discovered by OfHeer Samuel H. Hoffman. According to Hoffman's statement, Seidehl, having one of tbe hitcbet il not the tniehest attitude? above the sea of any tywn in the country. The meeting wan very largely Pretrial Mtstcalfe occu pied Narrow Gauge Bail road was thrown from the trark by a defective rail, near Wurtemburg on WILL 0FFEK DUMMi THE EXTII5E WEEK THE F0L- i lowini; line of Special Bargains in rarious Departments.

Mr. McCnoeha? been a resident of Colorado for freaks. the chair. Clsterettes. Paletots and T'lsters.

tiom ne dm not recognize, excitea nis aiKut five yean and baa met with good ioitune Monday ana wrecked nauiy. aliased' Sacfues and Listen, Some routine business was in tbeunnliitf business. the Kokomo per A bcmor was circulated yesterday that the Now that the Spring Season lias nt last opened, we propose to suspicions and afterwards swore he would shoot him, and advanced toward him as though he meant to carry ont aft which Mr Browne de- trn hartal that the contest was very excttinc. ana Mr. McCune.

who was elected hy a majority oi forty, gets abalf column aend-oH under the head botiers tn Bailey Sl Brown's mill, on DmpjeHne Carpets. DEPiiiTMJlT NO. 4. 15 CHAIN CAliPETS iitandfd attention. Ladies' Black Hernani Suits, wy, had exploded, killing thirty men.

It was uur new iUayur. his threat wben Mottrnan nrea the fatal shot. Hoffman's brother fioax. as no sucn disaster occurred. The papr f'3t rfrm! to the agitation in Aiiiit, 177, caui ry the prevalence nf diphtheria on the Sonth Side.

At that surpass even our own record, and will place before our friends and patrons with each succeeding week a continuous succession of Novelties and Seasonable Goods at prices protionately lower than ever before, as well as Special Bargains directly suited to Jobs Hockstbttbr, the Somerset county man Tbe Humane Hoelety. utheers beard the shot, rushed to the spot and discovered that the victim was charged with moon Suing, was released on bail A regular meetina; of the Western Pennsyl tirnet'iTtr Enziceer loirtr doy idehl. The bod was removed to the In An Endless Variety of vesterday. Since his arrest one of hi daughter our Hvstm of ewra. He diseov- vania Humane Society was held yesterday afternoon at their cmce on Peon avenue.

Prof. 1. ha died aud two wore are dying with Bcarlet Montezuma house, kept by Jacob Weis-kercher, a reUtive of tbe deceased. en-ii that the d-ftt conid beat be reme- tbe Season. lever.

H. Eaton presided. A gentleman was presett to at Ieaf, ctt by building new sew bra. The nartfr then eon tinned The puddlers at Painter's mill yester Styles andot AllGrades. BEIMRTMVF AO.

5. make an application for a remittance of the nn Blak Broeade Satin D'Tyon Suits, Black Satin Mervetlleux Suits, Colored Cbth and PlaidSalU, Black tashmere Suits. Our Silk and Dress Goods Department La renlete with all the choicest thing? for Spring Wear, in Newest styles at good in both Foreign and American manufacture. THE TEST. Coroner Hope was notified of tbe homi day against the discharge of one of their nuoa Iet 11 first lay down tbe conditions to ot one of the young men who was recently before ber.

They said they would remain out till the whi4 a well built ttewer system must con cide yesterday morning. He repaired to Mayor Peterson of Allegheny, on a charge of man is out mni mey deter ftirm. ntillint? the torifneouioi a nore. me tuarnsr McKeesport, empanneled a jury and heard mined to resume work tms morning. DAMZIQBR'S.

Int. It mnst be of sacb size that it shall Rag Carpets, Cottage Carpets don't pretend to he. Nolwdy can lie really, who is not in the netiveClothingtradp. So how isita question of money I lVe mean that you intend it shall te. On the whole, you make it so somehow for ninety-nine in a hundred don't go wrong on a question of money.

We venture to admit lliat our clothing got the vogne it has through bt'ing less cosily and more reliable than any other, steadily, year in and year out. Put this in other language ami it is just what others would say. They do say we sot our immense trade by breaking; down prices. THEY ARE BIGHT, and we intend to keep it in the same way. But we choose to call attention to the fact that low-price is nothing unless joined to reliability in quality.

It is by this achievement, the joining of low prices, with absolute reliability as to quality that our name has got this meaning and its following in trade. We are not vain enouch nor foolish ei onsh either, to believe that yon will buy ourdothing when we cease to do the best we can and to charge you the least we ean. Oar title to yon trade exact ly tliis We clothe you bptter; we charge you less. Then why should we not have your trade we mentioned in laid over. Agent Ihians weekly tbe following testimony: Ikwis IVIilleh wag arrested by Detective carry off ail rainfall, sewage, etc, from report of cruelty --tises wan read.

Jac. Wefjtk'jrclier. sworn. At two o'clock I that district or basin for which it is do- ohn Curry' at Ureeosburg ior stealing a ride on embraced only a tew minor cases Si.lchi bad beard the rpor of a pitol. John cruelty.

The treatment of children at pitfn and not larger than is necessary to tbe P- It. on Wednesday It is said that returned troui an Ea-terhall across the rivr. and HempCarpets, DEWRT3IEXT NO. 0. I'oor rami wx uu jinvme Wilier had robbed the house ot John Haven in lrt(r from Suoenotendent nraun wio rtad, in ret the maximum requirements.

nd. The grade especially where this city and he will he brought here. ELEGANT NOVELTIES IN LADIES MULL TIES up street ard Hnflman told me how be bad come to ebout him. Hoffman said be ww playing drunk. Arked hiui wbohe was.

John lOating the chilaren were treated an well a liiiht fail can only be secured, should be MR. Wm. E. Schxsktz says that nothing ol uossible. and tnat mesexei were not allowed to aid it was nfee of Tour baainesii John.

Hoff oommtngle. Mr. Ivid Hutchinson of the special Jnst Opened, at Prices Never Surpassed in Pittsburgh. VTt rtly straieht. LiOTums, Linoleums, Oil man eatd.

advanced toward htm with bi hand iiommittoe to inspect the etanies ot the unufuy Dress and Cloak Trimmings. Every item tn tbi line that ia new and desirable will be found in this department. The largest line of High Novelties in Buttons We have ever shown. It phouid be built of such shape a mlsed a ii to pttuwt him. He eoubl not see importance wa done at the mectlnx yesterday of those interested In the Pittfuruh.

Baltimore t'hicaro rcwt. It wa.i agreed to await the action of tbe New Yorkers who are expected to aid oar retntrted that he found the staples in to Hectire trie greatest pfioie velocity, es- what he tud hts band. Jnhn eworeathtm. Cloths and Mattmgs. ejn-ellent condition, hut seventeen of the hoives pmuy at a minimum flow, and than car bad sore feet aud hmba and a tew others had HutJman tbeD said it was at that time be fired the fatal Astnra? I know Hnftman and the project.

ftr-re ifhoutders. 1 hee animals are not worked, ry ot. aU matter quick to pre however. Hutchinson thought all the JunsoH A. Pvgh of Altoona.

one oi aiy nhew aere the best of friends. 1 hae 3en tiiem fitber quite frequently. Think DANZIG-ERS. THE NEW HKI'AKTMKNT, DEPARTMENT NO. 7.

horses were not fed enough. here being no vent aepfmipotiinon. 4ih. Tne brick work or masonry ahou be rerfertly watertight. engineers on the P.

K. has been suspended further businew tbe meeting adjourned. they were the hest ot friends. THE OFFICERS TESTIMONY for refusing to run on Sunday. He had not been running on Sunday ior years on account ot 5rh.

Tbeinrertor should be finished to An Alleafneny htabbfna A ft ray. Upholstery andLace Curtains a Hiuooth and uniform surface. Trimmed and Vntrtmmed eoopciemloiis ecru pies, nut aKed to run re-ocntiy because ot the preswol business, and re Oeorge IMrotl is lying at his home on Brad 'tfbeer Berly. sworn. A an offirer of the police loiea At fifteen minutes besore two o'eUick I Henderstfin where Hoffman, his Tbe benefit to be derived from a smooth fused, wun uie aoove refuiu street, Allegheny, in a serious condition with Our Hat Department now occupies the first floor of tlie Fourth WW md I tn wen if wr ran m.i Dartner.

Be aid he was not hts box ly finished interior now briefly portrayed and the shape of tbe sewer was also hinted B0XXETS AND about ten or twelve cuts on his lace and head Dtnusw the week ending with the lSth inst. (a I 8iu IhjUi ta riiy ittvrniiit.i iiw ri i It appears that last Sunday be started out to there were shipped from this city on the Ohio but w5 out on his heat. We opened the dorof the wntrh Ikx at Haber's corner; when we stood tf era about a minute, I heard the puv avenue section of our immense establishment, and contains a display of Trimmed and Dntrimmed Hats and Bonnets, which for extent and at, the writer drawing the conclusion that a newer of the shape A an egg is perhaps I'M) WE US i. FEATHEKS, collect a bill from his brother. He found him in Hfver 12.000 tonsof manufactures by barire.1.

3.000 nd pht: we ent to the reopie naiik ton? ot inanuiactures by packet, aud 31 75 tons Sew Trimming Satin, Silks and Ribbons, fcc O.McGlinlock&Co elegance is unrivalled west of New York. We have Hats in every toe uenv TWEN'TV-FIBST STREET SBWIlt. corner: I heard the inamrman; no was in a sioop inn- rjPTure: Hoifrnun wa Ftandinjt nearby. Die house of Fred. Bierman in the Kleventh ward, and a dispute arose between them about the bill.

Finally three or tour men who were at coal, making a uiutl oi tons Of merchandise. This enormous nmo-nt would aod bad not m-ved fnm tbe time he size, shape and material, from the cheapest to the most expensive severely tax a ntst ciass railroad lor at least two 1JETA1L STOKES. present fell upon Oconre and neat and cut mm tired the shot. Henderson ratted him up and months. Mr.

Browne next paid his attention to the sewer on Twenty-first street, South are after is to get the best clothes you can and have as much money left over as you can Then come where th prices of such clothing as you really require are tlie lowest. Then you will by all means come to onr house. S. COHEN GO. I 52, 54, 56, 58 and GO Market CORNER THIRD AVENUE.

FIVE IIY1IYIENSE STORES IN ONE. lp OTuatlJUlIY. rOCKtfl Mllives and a lady must be hard to please, indeed, if we fail to suit her. thich tix cashes were inflicted on hts heid am Baiubrjdok Council. No.

12S. Jr. n. 1. A M.

and said. My 0ni it is Johnny setdrbt. iion-man have I shut my neighbor. I a-keti if be had anrtbinz in his hand. Holf- AMVSEJHISyTS.

hur or five on h's cheeks. His jaw twine was de, which insanely enough curves into Sarah ttreet, thence curves again into 0t Lawrenceville, Installed the fdlowing officers FIFTH AVE. fractured ih Riggs of Beaver avenue, wh We invite all our patrons to visit this branch of our establishment, and see for themselves how well selected is our assortment and maii I do nt know. It was ahout (oitv 33 he other evening: Jr. Burn? ftaiied.

-uu for a tiuie be (eared that the man vardf 'null where 1 stood. did not hear any tShearx; V.C, Wm. Fisher: A. K. thing aii.

When 1 had came back Hodman 1 IliBAItr IULI "iHKALS." W. nJU-WDon ManiHnr. Nineteenth street, which strangely enough follows in a straight line to the river. ieorge 1 lato; w. id.

on Win. how reasonable are our prices. tnld inc. John Seidehl was walkinij up tbe west rth: I. Albert Kvans: S.

Wm. siinll was fractured, also: hut be ha since de-Ber 'nined that the skutl was not Injured- Inie erys'peta or inhamuiatton sets in, lMroil will recover in the course of a ccupte ol week. It ic aald Bierman and a man named Bechtoid were lc oat over to my siue ami stoxm up TMKEE NitiUTS AMI WCUNESUA.V Trustees, Win. fcvans, B. Urino audT.

Dick against the bank tiiiMiioE. H-iflman saitl be MAT1KKK. son Burns. ked who are vou Jdin answered, none of part of the party that beat Dirolt. iur and niacin hip hand in his icket Co roller Mokhow yesterday forwarded to HIlSTJiN JDKAI.

Ol'KKA COMPANY. BOSTON IliKAI. OCtKA COMPANY. withdrew it tou pmntiug at him as li be was Harriburg tbeamendment intended to prevent nif to snoot anu ativat.eea toward m. Ma WALLPAPER DANZIGKERS, TiiwiIbt.

Al'HI Piratenol Penalr the city bankrfrora escaping taxation. Some of An I nrnvfred Brain. Jivhn Stnvub. who had his skull fractured by a beurd ot un Seidehl bin in tiktbts at the April Hs.tte elneflv hvenuyt, Aitrtl a Pinafore tne (Mtnker? say tney are wnung to pay tneir rove. on id not say but that his character lias lair snare ot city taxes, nut otnernare nt ana Tne alwars been sood Alter tbe -h-fotina he did Tbursila? Kveninjr.

At'rlt 21 iivotte Controller doesn protose. to icae any loop not speak, tlave heard liobman Sjikk of the rf-Saie of reserved seU now open at the noie oi encur to sucn af are unwiiHng ro T'y JAS. 1. WALLACE, deceasea tn term (). (apt tt Tnat would be unfair to the fairer-minded ba-nk liTicer Headen sworn an at tbe box witk trays tlie paper: "No sane engineer would make such a lotion.

Ic muHt certainly have been by soroe promiscuous Councilmanic interference, instigated by constituents, who thought tby were subserving their own interests wbun in reality they were culpably blind to them. This sewer has 8 ritcie for a cross-section when, judging from wfcat we have already said on the siiHect, it sboald have been egg-shaped The entire territory drained by th sewtr is about 219 acres. If a sewer 4 19 teet in diameter had been built on a straight line following Twenty-first srret the same benefits would have beerj derived. The iw to the city, Mr. Brown figured, 'was from the nnngline ers.

Bveriy; mv s-atemeot will be comttHirative to fabicK brick on Saturday. Ui lmpruvinir. He had thirteen pieces of loneiakn out ol hihead. but he talks freely and is perfectly conscious. The brain, the coverintr membrane ui which wae destroyed, was exposed for an area ot about five fijuare inches, and during the operation the pulsation of the arteries cuuld be observed wttb clearness, hococerinif from the ii A siNncLAR will was hied in tbe KegLster's ltlTEB AND tbat oi except as to tbe s'atetneut made to Hoffiuan who me nrft Elegant novelties in Getts' Neckwear, Gents' Dres3 Shirts and seasonable Underwear.

Prices always the lowest. I 75 Wood Street. t.lK (if office yesterday. It was that ot Meritx EDren ot the man was, oftmau stated that John had Pittsburgh. It beoueaths a eonUeraiue amount Iniilrsttotta.

hrt -itarted to com! across Market at the corner and turned ack. He then cro serf at tne upper BELOW we give you a few prices of our many goods. WE HAVE THEM ALL IN S10GK. and prices which will Please the Careful, Delight the Economical and make other storekeepers quake with fear. Ot property to a menu, maria women, to wnom I'or the thio Valley and Tennessee, fair fluence ot tbe Mrnuu appeared to oe la suroiitiDirlv izuod cor.iitioii.

taikintf In tlie he pays a man tnnute asa nnst'an woman. rn.inif an i suippt-a at me nank nuiidin in In the item makintr tlie beouet to her he thedurk. hint wnac he was i(iiow. weather, followed by Increasing cloadtnes. ame singularly cool headed w-y he had previous Paper Hangings, inif him tor.

Hollman answered that it wa bis wa? hungered ana sne aave ma meat, i wa; athirt and she aave me drifik. 1 waa a stranger to follow htm. I saw ht-ffiuan in tow cr barom tc, eateri at i nd staUuoary i er higher temperature to tne operation. I fcruua.mut uniiay ne um aioiijc nieefy. tbe pulse and temperature indicut fnsr very itttle chanue from their nomat DANZIG-BB'S.

and she took me m. I was sick and the cared titfht place a week auo and be is not excitable i ill, UKAMf.S nj for and assisted me." manner In winch this sewer was built. The lor to The city from the faulty conatrno He watt very mum exciiea woen ne nau muuu tion aout thirty years axe and out who be had sh't has been somewhat noted at an oarsman. Reports JFrom Vanean Section a. Al-Ril.

IV, lSftl I. oi I ol'ce iisley sworn: ent to bed at Plain and Fancy Window Slial's, ALLEGHENY JiEWS. eleven: awakened by a rap at my or: tion of the Washington street sewer was The fault of the sewers is that they are longer and larger than necessary, tlatro Bar. 5f.9t: thcr clear. Dt'Alt FINISH Mitl.I.ANIrs.

I.At KS, ott cer yerty awaneneu me. sayinsr that iion TheNilaatloB at nttlvale. The Evergreen Harrow tiuajre Railroad Cvm Chattanoo Bar. ther. elear.

-Th boy Haas wbo accidentiy shot bimseU, SIDCIA-L I3A.RaISrS IN nclnnaU Har. 2 ther. r. fair man'bitd killed John Seidebl. Huffman told me when 1 came dowu tbat be bad coate out of MEN'S DEPARTMENT.

is pauy has made no farther attempt to cro the aim are, nut, 01 rorreci snape. WHACK AT THE BOARD OF HEALTH. tkdwnbu Bar 29 ther. lavenitort Bar titer. cloudy.

The Road Committee of Councils met last niuhtand appropriated tor repairs ou Shady Weet Fenn tracks at Bennett1 statton. AU wm quiet at tbat place, although nearly a 1mer Kar. WVS: thr. clear. Iallra' Mnilln I ndf rKBrmenli.

Ijmt asil l.iKl brrad (ilnven. tbe bakery and saw a man coming up the street; in over he turned back in tbe middle ol the street "and came ver then at tbe next cross-lrjr He said he walked up toward him: John dr-ked him what he was loitowlnte him for. and Infanta' loabi. I.aaica MiNsa, an it ilitldrene; STRICTLY CASK lane ana 9100 ior jusert nreei. Ivd Moines Br.

iv.Hi; tiier. clear. lKMtg- Bar, 'J so: thr. es; clear. ub ifin ui huts xuara oi tieaitu on the South Side sewers was next discussed and the of the Board ridiculed.

laborers were kept there all yesterday to guard Tbe Health Committee wip elect a Health the newly laid sidiTitc of the West Petin road. Men's ''Empire" Casj-irnere Suits, the latent goods out. 7 o. Men's txtra Fine Imported Chevtot, Piatro-nil. Trtco, Knglish Caimera Suite, 20 to IIS.

worth douhle, which for style, tit, eiegance and quality ot trimming are unequalled. Men's Siiiirlc Ctuts, lined, II 15. CliIldren'H Fmlinddcrfd IVrraaea NtiAew. he sai "I have a rinht to follow you and know tort i iioson Bar. mi ther.

7: ciuudy, lndtaaa)ull Bar. ti wo: ther fair. Serviceable Suits, well made. 2 SO. 20.

Men's I aeon a i Suits. SO. Men's Light and lirab Color Plaid o. ilen tirey Cassiiaere SuiU, in various Fhadef. 13 SO.

Men's Basket Worsted Suits, $6 4. and prevent anv etfort on the part of Mr. Officer to-morrow Bight. 3Ir. J.

N. Harlau is opposed hy Christ Uoeh. Harlan will probably This proposition was that Councils should who you paw Hoffman this I Tuesday morn Keokua Bar. sw; tnr. ie: tair.

Hatry'a lorces to lay his narrow guae tracka injf also. Me trave me the revolver: said it wa re re-eiectea. Leavenworth Bar. 'JM HS; ther. clear.

consult the Board when building sewers- AND TUE VtUiY LOWEST PK1CES! S()UIl I.r.AlHKK the revolver with which he did the shooting Miiould the carrow irnaee roao oe exirnnci Tlie two men were nt'iifhbors and irood friendi Kook Bar. ther 74: clear, ljouisviiifr Bar. "it ther. cttmdy. The paper then continues: A boy named Fred Fry fell into the Wert Park lake yesterday mormmc and narrowly pro tne river and tip rtuuer sireei.

Hoffman f-ttid hi? turniDif iack and his action Memphis Bar. 3 vi: ther. 74: clear. Iiiwreni evitie. there will probanly he aiwujer "i ne worionpaneia river carries in escaped drowning.

When palled out be was InlDta KoImi a we 4 ap, Iktjiea tirnla mat 4 11 are-n'a Honlfry. Ladli'M1 raieri and Aprom. tients' Wear, tirnl' lren hirt. -fat' ullars and Cnir. M.wn'fn ftul l.ttihrotdertm.

Itoya htklrt wiwta. at nr wee suspicious. lie was advancing Naahville Bar. ther. hazy.

dittT'uitv in croewtiue the ot the A. K. unconscious hut revived. ward him with what be supposed was a revoiv pension a fine silt which has been deposited iaha Bar. ther.

UV: etuudy. That line beinir controlled hr the rflnyr in hf bard. He was rather leaning forward and dunne immersion over inis entire area Tbeotd nnnnerr on the hfl! above Federn-i vania Company would ao douht oppe the iitue Piwiie Bar. ther. 44; eiear.

Ptttstiurnh Bar. 4: ther. fc: clear. takinir sin nt. ft in i a strata al most i pervious BOOTS and SHOES road at this point.

sillier John came over the river BOYS' AXD CIIILDKEN'S DEPAIITMENT. f'hildren'g B'ue Blouse 2-pieoe Suit, 9Hc "Fine I re? Suit? ot Imported Trt-Ctiildreo'a Cmon Cs8iiar Suits, 1 0 I co. Crepes or Wflrctede with silk poeket? heauti-Chiliiren's Worrtd Sutts. 1 73. 1 fully made and trimmed.

3 4tS M. Children's Imported Casimere Suits, In hlue, brown, checker er Iicht ordor. $3 IV i water and certainly to sewage. Over this a land mark of the North Side, is to he shortly lorn down. Col James E.

Andrews proposes to erect a fine stone mansion on it site. The nuntery was abandoned In 1C5? or with two o'clock: do not think he was Sail Bar. ther. cear. San raociyi Bar.

ther. th: clear. Shreveprt Bar. 'is: ther. 7s: fair.

laver there is probably from fif under the influence of liquor; t-harlie imnier Kale of oil Property. man told me be I tofd Mr. Weaker teen to twenty feet of embankment. The Watson h. AVUloek Oil Company of Pitts thereatout3.

cher: I wai the corner at Wei 'kercher's an pnr.iDeia ar. tner. ciear. St. Ioui Bar.

2 ther. 46: cler. VickstHinc Bar. ther. ier.

Meat Inspector Treiler yesterday afternoon hunch have just sold to the Haziewood Oil Com hence the sewers He above the stratasinoe none of them are over twelve heard the hot: saw one man mn toward discovered where John Knixe bonirbt tlie dij- ANT) KKTAiU W. IVL LAIIU), bsTik. Did not see tbe otaoer or bear anyone UiQemuvca Bar. ai.u; thar. iair.

pany three piece of otl prodtKdnu territory the Bradford region aod the teriiiii eaied pork which save him the trichinosis. It talking fret deep. These sewers being badly bnilt the poisonous fluid has ieen escaping for We Desire to Call Special Attention to Our is a outcner siiop in tne vicinity 01 nixes rent-ldence- Mr. Ireiler will investigate it more DANZIQBR'S. i SPECIAL IJVIKIA I NTS I The Kt vera.

payment make it equivalent to a cash trans THE POST-MORTEM. Ir. Hot: man sworn Theball entered IMMENSE LISE OF Sl DIAMOND STREET, Below WoeA. She- Hu from tiie Market thoroughly to-day. action.

The three pie ar connected and The stage ol water ia the Moeongabela rtvar form a trat of fortr havtnir thirteen side of thti chest liiree and a bait inches above and to- th outride oi the nipple. It took a down lure art '21 t-v, last evening waa ten feel aud failing. Business CONFIRMATION SUITS ducintE wells in fee. Aim the one tuiinii r-yity ward course aDd entered tbe cavity ot the chest ver' brisk. I in two ut her weiis Inriutitid 10 this between he fou rt and fi tth rib3.

glancing otl a thirteen thousand harre! troa taiik. lc LIBKARV HALL- ''PIRATES OF FKX- The steamer Pittsburgh departed last evening cated on tlie irax'f; also over fx thmarsd harre the too ot the fifth rib, and pcuetratiog the riitbt funv; at the uppr margin ot the lower ZAIICB." turSt. I-ouis, and tiie Hudson arrived from Cincinnati. The Montana from Bt, L-outs isdua to 1 wooden tankage. The present prKluctmo can L-ay in ijuant-iiuf aaie prsoe.

le'-eod. JOHV A- FXL4-KR hole: it p.tssed immediately behind th heart, W. H. Macdonald hout hundred and fifty narreift f. Kammerlee day.

month I and has ia the pat been regarded a and pferc-id ti-e lower iooe of the left lung: the ball then struck the inner jnrlace of the ninth Boys' Fine lire? oiu in estru hna Worsteds, Trico, Diagonal. Pifjue or Serge handpomeiy gotten up with silt Jactnsa, 5 iM $10 20. Bnys Single Jacaets. Single Pant? Child 6 Single a3. one of the beat producing farms oi the rKtt The to boat Rover Is on her way en with kuys' tuod buita.

39. Boys' Worsted Suit. (2 2ft. Boys Cawtmer or heriot Smts ia light or (Sara colore. f2 59 to 20.

Boys Ejcotch Cheviot Suita, handsomely made and trimmed, 3 2ft. Boys' Imported Cassitnere Snits, J4 90 to Major (-feneral left nb and d'opped into tbe pleural Fac. Fro-fose hen orrhane curred into both the rUht empties. Mie repaired her drums at I alaunUrff ft fthlrf. ktBti1 Horklng fthlr(.

t.rnf' Suuiinr I udrrwf ar. 9alrhrla. ailkr and Kaga Uhlff Shirt a. re(. 9lliPttnl Ctiildrrik'a Hosiery.

Whan aud I rtasei. bate everyUiloie aa In trorhrt, Je. Cat time re and Illaoilaatetf t'rlnieea aod Ornament. aod waay ra'laalv vtylev ta tw to tnmlrh. AIno a fall avaortuieiit of novelties la Button.

BitlMtw. Elr. and left pleural caviries, nrodutung compression The) MonanEalila City Harder. Mehech Hey wood and Wm. Berringer (VWN1)A V.

April one week oi USt HA i A ulk arain baTee was launhM vester- Mr. FeiWenden tanley, H. C. tifto. FrothtDicham Stone Burton Zej'hie Oinsmore Murv 'alef Adelaide Phillipps Kjward Kate Kdfth ol the luua, which wastlie immediate cause ot rtav at 'Sewtcklev, It i'fr the Missiipt i Val ueat taken to jail at Washington to-dy for trial a ley I'rsniortatloo Compauv, and will bear ABBOTT Ir.

White, who asfistrd In tbe postmortem $7 6. grain. buheif at a trip, between Louie accefseries to tlie murder ot Thomas Forpythe by Kuth aud irieans wait gwom. aod Corxoborated the evidence feiven by Dr. iff man.

THE VEttDICT THE SHOOT 1ST AND HIS Pants Department. Opera at 1 healrli ul Pric. CnnMderahle is waiting forthe arrtral of The Boston Ideal Company when It has all iU Jonas Heywood, It "a brought out before the coroner's jury that had held ot For WFINFDAY MnM'E. AKTH members, is unquestionably strong a troupe bs ever travelled in comic opera In thit country. In wiiicor Si.rirut Buttoiur of which we hve Men'! Cheviot nvla.

Mca-5 Worsted Pntf. S3-. vthe wlitle Jonas was beating him, hen towttt.T9 Inm below. To-flay the Ale Swift will leave with 14 Iks oi buftelt; and the I. N.

wiih 10 barges. boat and i boats. hupbeii. Komewald. tne.

Foi-ie and Hr-arnwU. VICTIM. Thft Jury returned the following verdict: Berrtiijfer wai arreted his iittie son clung it 8tron in arttatic anowieiijfe of bdumc, stroiiif 1- xtr. Kln Itws PanU In Imtwrted I Men Vniun l'ants. it 2.

WEDNP.sDAY genera! re- tenaciously to him, "wme home tatlter. in its ginger and strunjf in the individual repu camain WtUiaais i at ijoulsvtlle. look- aeet in Umv tte -rand tiouiaetic pera. Cmlsof Wortd. Kasltet.

UloUl or I'assiiuere, Men Cawlmcre InaKouil or sitotcri Cherto "That John 8eulehl( aged twenty-two The father bid ihe chtld go home tot heftectined to be comforted and was allowed to accompany years, ana beiog unable to percolate Through this silt has spread laterally ami vertically leavening tbe entire so perineum hen mass of earth, so that there is not a house in this entire territory bat what encloses within its walls sewer deposits. On the Sonth Side are many wprings also which absorb water from the pnvies "That the diphtheria recurring in 1877 and IrtTfl mat have had its origin in this way is shown by its appearance in the weaithier families in the Kast End. and points where if investigation were prosecuted the cause might be found to exint. in the lack of a sewer system, the nature of the soil preventing any purification by percolation and the posnn1ns of the springs by a surface flow of water." I'lTTSIirtUJH'S A DVAJTTAOES REMEDY FOR THE BVII. "There are few cities in the United States, if any, lietter topographically situated than Pittsburgh for a correct sewer system, and to that fact alone can be ascribed 1 comparative freedom from contagions diese.

It certainly owes no debt of gratitude to its early engineers, who simply carried each sewer to tbe river, where they left jt to ponr ont its putrid contents where the current was most sluggish. As a result we find sewage matter held in suspension about the mouth at each sewer or deposited along the shore, rendering the entire river front a most, indescribable nuisance during the aum-mt-r months." "AH attempts at sanitary reform will tation oi tnose wno uetong to it. out cannot. Our Serial Ollei ins; of LACES AM) EM BliOf DERIES ill Ih rout inui't, and our jtatrous will have the jirivilije of jtro-furiii'4 15 VKIi.VINS iu tliis depsirttnent for tta days longer. Pant in light or dark to 3 1 yeatf, was shot and instantly killed on act.

It 13 a Boston eouiMrjation. and lrc.m 2 SO to VA VI AND V1KJIMA. Rowalc. Ma Mrddard and Ca'le. his lather to tne iock-u wnere ce tea Hieeii the morning of April 19rb, 1881, at the therefore It Is possible that may he an The little fellow was afterward removed to hts explanation for it.

Bortontans are often corner of Market and fifth streets, First THt'KSpAY-Kram At i--Tt Hnefit, ilreat i Ing atter the ill-fated A. Biackmore. He vipite-i the wretk and found lour feet of water in her hold, and her lartoard side stve up that It rtftihtfut if bulk head would be of advantage. She is lay in bead up stream, with noiug in bitK ah'ive water. Tfiere Is a barge alongside, taking otf such things at stuck to her in her e.

Jonai Uevwwd. ui murderer. 1- sull at 9inuera out never actors, it is not tneir line. liberty. ward, McKeesport, Pa by D.

H. Hoffman, police officer. The jury further inpiesiu, aware a KOU14UUC L'ttTa, "MAKITANA." They are too tar from the natural expression of emotions and too near bunker Hill monument Kilt and Sailor Suits a Specialty. OYER 500 STYLES TO SELECT FROM. Tbe Boiler Mai era fteniand.

Ahfwjtt. Maortl. Moddard, bij.1 Casfin found that the killing of Johu Seidehl was T1m -Mad sseene" from I tumbles. Captain Al Burrfss of the diving eorpsi, aiao airrived and went down to see In Boston. The shadow oi the monument eeems to have prevented the sunlight from havicir any effect- But to return to the Ideals.

Thev be- It is said that the boiler makers of tliis vicinity KtfeKWAhU a aud Sugn-r Jtng- justifiable, as the testimony clearly established the fact that Hoffman considered his own life in danger." demand that their wages shall be regulated by a the uoaL, Cil '-tJUOtl-Hlfi van their engagement under rather unfavorable id tug scale, somewhat similar to those ot the circumstances. The proaraind annonneii that FBIIjAY Abtxjtt'a dri't appearanoa in -uaiic Hoffman alter the shootinc was BI KNISO Or TBS Savawkah. April l1 The steamer W. Tom Karl would elntc the part of Frederic, puddlers. The holier makers demand that the wages now current shall prevail for one year.

a t.Jpera Auher's cparkltug wrk, "FKA IHAVt I.ff." allowed, to spend the night at home. After HAT AND CAP DEPARTMENT. The eiatce manaifer came out he to re the perlormam-e hean and announced that Kir. Karl would nt slot: could not be th inquest he was arrested, oy Chief ot OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT "Will repay a via t. Ladies will find that tiey can purchase from ut any and all of the Fine Grades of Shoes at about one-half the prices they have to pay for the same poods elsewhere.

All "ur l.adie-t', Children" Shoes wrrabted. shall also the computation of time forrepair jobs. X- Wbeless, with her entire cargo of freight, was destroyed by fire at six o'clock this morning. The tire originated In the after part of the eabia, Police figieyanu nrought to tins city. Al'tniU.

Maurel, and SATI'KIM Al'hott Matinee "Knieii and night and Sunday work. Tbe rate of waifes at His counsel here made application for his Aa immatM of Strav Hat. Chips. Eongb and 'Ready, Tajcam, Leghorns, Forespicea in all shapes and colors. Children's Trimmed Hats in all the Leading- and most becoming Shapes.

recent ranges treo vi ia to ao a oav, uie rate AhCott aud alie as Koujco Juliet. release, which was granted. He furnished at which tiie greater nuinrer are paid ueing Men's (rood Hats. 29c Men's Oood I.lht Saxony Wool Hats, Men's Fur Haw, 7Sc. Men's Oood Stltt Hats 4c found, we understood him to Bay and that Mr.

Fessenden would take his place. It was also learned that Mr. 3Iyron Whtney has become ill. Be could not sine lu Harrifburicon Monday and the physicians ordered hi Immeiiiate and in forty minutes the Yesei was a total lost. No lives were lost, but Pilot Ed.

Turner jumped ri 3o. ft det-ided that tbe MMile shout! tf fo.OOO bail. Saturday Night Tbe new brilliant 3om into effect yefcierday. and lite firms were noticed John fcieidehl, the victim, was employed frm the wheel houweaed broke hiilcK. Nothing Boys' Serge tc.

Boys' Worsted ITc. Boys' tiood Hats, 21c. Boys' llress Hats. 34c. Boys' Good KtitJ Hats, 41 Children's Fancy vasiinere un new.

69c. Children's bands, 990. and reiueed tosigii uieacaie. tpera, "MKHKY WIVES (F WINnsOK return to Boston. The announcement in mcard at the pop bottling house of Henry Eald- was saved.

Eery thing destroyed. The dock and wharf are ai(( rone. Nhe drtHed down the Mel's Oood.Foi Hats. o. Men's Serare Caps.

I le. Men's Basket Worsted Cap? lc to Mr Karl wae not correct ior he waa not cajst (or Frederic at all. strohm in McKeesport, He leaves a wife June Kcwewald tn her great mle and ti.e Ir. Ifall a l.erHire. er and set tire to the schooner Walton, which and one child.

He had no weapon on his Couifiany. ap- The rendennic ot tiie opera was catiifafttor'. A large audience listened to the ad drew nl The characters of Mabel, kldicarii and ft were prove as useless as expensive until two person when shot. He had been drinking, but was not intoxicated. was partly burned.

The Wireless was a stood boat, and was built at Pittsburgh, at a cot ot abttut The value of the freight aua other property dertrr-yed cannot arrived at. Kev. Dr. John Hall of New York, to the Stu Men's Fine Silk Hats, il 7, Boys' t'adet Caps, I4c. mam lines are constructed, one parallel dents ot the "Western Theolotctcal Seminary last FLOWERS.

better than they have ever been jriven here, Marie ttone i a charming sinirer with a deliriously pure and sweet voice, tbat is mort perfect AYI1M LVt'M'H- ATK1L .1 SA, 2t SO. Prof. Kitiaho A- I'wxtor. Officer Hoffman ia about 50 years of age, with the Allegheny and one parallel with tine neie was namat ruwQTvn nv night in the First Presbyterian 7fcurch. Hit FURXISIUXG GOODS DEPARTMENT.

and been on the McKeesport police force ooly four or rive months. He was me eiainem Konlih AmiiotiT, remrtiing Irom Australia lo wUt une lb roe leo- tain James Kees tor the Merchants' ami Planters' Steamboat Lane of -avannah. and subject was. tbe 'Sources of the Secondary tue ftlocotigaht-ia river, intersecting all laterals and their united content- into the Ohio Power In the Ministry. He vaid that ly couiroitea ana cuiuvateii.

Nhe ginif'' intelligently and like the that she is, A more thoroughly pleasing character tiiaa her Mabel would fe very hard to hod. She tan i the "Poor Wandering One" bo divinely tures ai Hie iHti Avenue u'u April art Hirth and le'ith nt Wi.rM Men's Colored Undershirt, 19c. Men's Jsunineer Merino StalrU or Drawers, formerly an auctioneer, and kept a store in the town. He is a very quiet, respectable man. He has been severely criticised should be siraiKhttorwnrd, be ercantxers and studenta oi maukind.

kimmon nence if a FEATHERS. Ostrich. Tips and Flumes, in Ombre and other equally Fashionable Colors, in immense and captivating assortment. river where the current is swiftest. Had this plan beeu adopted at an earlier date A prtl 1A "Th un and Hie l-e'iow the Slara." April Vtt-ne Moon A lca.t compietPl in ticuioer.

lfi'vi. ne was a brushed ide wheel steamer, 18 teet hmg, teet team. and fi Uot hold. She had three ixiler twenty-two feet ltn and forty-two Inches in diameter, with ten flues. Her cylinders were njiteeu lot'he in diameter aitd seven 24c.

itrea-t essential to minister. He told We have just imported a full line of Fruit Sprays, Silk Aster Wreaths. Steel and Gold Montures, Daisies, Poppies and Hoses of Finest Quality at surprisingly low prices. it could have been accomplished at an ex to secure the love and Iriendship of eorm rela All three lecturest itu.rnr'.I t.y the Men's Chertnt Worklnix Shirts. I9e.

for permitting bu rgiars to escape last week, and it was the numerous burglaries committed there so recently that made Men's Good 3v Men's Pallev 21c. Men's L.inen Collars. o. Men's Paper UollArF, 6c per Box. Men's Pine Cambric Kant-kerchiefs, fancy borlcrs, 4c.

Boys' Cam tne 21c. Boys' White Waiyts. 46c Stik Handkerchiern. pense very little greater than required to Men's Calko Dre Shirts, 2 -IUrs. 3fic.

tion, and adviFt.f young cienrymcn to act witn great caution aod to make haste slowly. The tmiui up tne present svstem, where each lantern. Omr tick etc. with re perv4 lente. ft rrtucie reaerved feat tu kct 7ac.

Uentrai a lioiiun icked uo aie atA.C. Hunker rur Filth avenue and W-1 Men's Percale Press Siiiru, 2 collari, extra. lecture wu a very interesting oue. stroke, aptam W. J.

UitiwQ was her (inlander. Slie reacriful her ilestinatton Tia MissiMSippt and Ui Ehjrida Keyn Ihe him appreneusive. se wer i carried several bund red feet make. further than would then have been neces WHAT THE i'KOPLB THfVK SE1DEHX. street, v.

edutwday, Apnl '2. (api-7 titat the tloororthe house quivered with the stamping ol feet and the walls rang with the applam-e. IMiillijn ui course gave an interpretation of Ruth euch aj rew here, she the music superbly. Mr. Fmthingham made a great hit aa Fdirard.

the Boliee Ser-teeant. and he sir it Hie two gomes in a way tliat wetiad not thought him capable ot. The "Is There Not One Maiden Here" wassuna: very sweetly by Mr. Kesseoden. but tee rest of his w-ork was not striking.

Xlr. Macdooald wa? only fatr aa the pirate Chirf. Mx. Barnabee sang his music very well. The valued at and injured for Smoke taooiner.

sary. A similar plan should be adopted FAMILY: i0.oju -incinuati companies Her detruc- Men's White lref Shirts, 2 eolUrs. 44c. Men's Ine White Shirt, linen bosoma, 57s. Men Pancjr Fiaured Satin Ties.

14 3Irs. In. E. Walton, the tnveator ol a smoke win uronarny give a nttsounrh firm the ob on the South Side. The plan may be ex Boys White and Fancy Shirts a Fpeeialty.

The McKeesport Times of last evening confuming apparatus which has been endorsed ol huiidiug a.tKiat to tfee her place. En. Pobt.j pensive, hnt tue necessity is urgent. RlllliOM Men's l-'anry Ktvured Satin Scarfs, 24c; 250 says by eminent authorities of Europe, is stopping in HAVANA CIGARS men tint i.ite inreaa injve, k-c. Shawl Straps, lc.

Mr. Samuel Diescher next read a paper on "A Kire Proof Library Building," and (nit terns to select from. White the greater portion of the pub Allegheny city. Mrs. altun the successful jtiMpaicnea.

WHmisa, April lw. Kiv-er feet 4 Inches ad lalitng. iHLOiTv. April 15 River 8 feet and risinir. presented piars lor ine same.

Uity Eo chorus is a strong one. To-niht "Picalore" lic condemn the nasty action of Officer Hoffman in shooting down his victim last DIRECT IMPORTATION. cflmpetitorof Prof. Edison tn Inventing a device to deaden tlie noie on tbe New York Elevated railroad and sobio pnwninent men think her In "our Custom Department wc open witli a stock of will be given. Cloudy and mild.

night, some surprise is felt and expressed alM at what some ople term the remark moke consumer a (tood invention, a oumoer Jut received, of onr nwn COVE Suitings and Trowscrings hich we propose to make Parkers Iakimsu, April ly. Kiver a teet tnidict and riciog. iear and warm. HiwwMKViut. Aii'it lu.

Kiver 8 feet gineer Ltempster desired to know what hid nggeteil the paper and President Metcalie said that he had suggfcstrd it though he would disclaim any intention of erecting such a structure. He felt that The audience waa an esceed'niy large one. Olivette will be given at the maunee to-lay! OPEKA HOUSE "BOHEMIAS CTRL." 1 our leadiUK engineers have invite! to KKAKliS UF make a critical examination oi the maenme. Inches and ialliug. air.

Thermometer dcirrec). The favorable impression created by Mies Ab iiu im in; ins. Worthy of the City of Pittsburgh. We employ will-' ins: but first class Cutters and Tailors and Guarantee I'ay log Blot I latum. shouid the society in time collect a vain liu Usuisd, April fc, Hirer 8 feet 3 bott on Monday night wan not les'ened by Iter able verdict ot the Coroner's jury, that of "Justifiable Homicide." The verdict was rendered upon hearsay evidence, the officer bimseif not having beeji Bworn.

Tne reasons given by the Coroner were that tbe officer should not be called upon to criminate himself and on the same The following riot claims were paid yesterday ante technical nt-rary such as tbo city iunsnnif last n.trnt. ai Arime wiewas pnghtiy incites aud tailing. Clear. Thermometer Proctor Oaiuble, 2i: James W.SIbiey vivacious and her element. I he gyy giri needed it should be btored in a fire proof a Perfect Fit.

TORnniED hits. Among other bargains this week wa are offering Fine Tuscan and Lace Braid Hats, in all leading shapes. Fine White and Black Hough and Ready Flats. Fine Leghorn Flats. Genuine French black chip Ha fine Quality.

We aolicit a special examination of our present stock of Ribbons, comprising ail the latest Spring Kovilties in Domes- tic and Imported Goods in medium to the i finest all Silk Qualities. Ombres, Baya-' dere Stripes, Colored and Bla Damasse Eibbons. I A full line of Ombre Satins.Silk Nets. I and other choi nov, lties, most desira- I ble for Trimmings. Prices tlways Domestic Havana Cigars, tironahiT one ot the most laminar ot all oper T.

t. Srevenson. a-'T C6; Mercer UUKUiUg. atic charcters to Ptttihuivherc. hut Mifa Oaiko, April v.

ArrWed Paclhc, St. lxuin. 1P.M.; Wui Kyle. New Orleans it; John 3laude, lemi.his. TboS.

Meaiiy. St. imin it 1'ottery pan v. $im 'Jt: Tlasn PoU ory Comuanv. 16: Wm.

M.; 12: Win. AU New tJr.p Tohaeco. THE CF.1.EHK Aitbott Uioroughfy tntereteti her audience borh bv her actinir and her sinking. the grounds perhaps he should not be allowed A t'roa Baby.

Jjfparted Hick ulton. thio. 2 M- kvi acnsmuair, tio iu; j. r.aenircyf wj, iu. the opportunity ot vindicating hitnseir.

irrown stntntrer in tne part man cne wa? last Oiocinnati. 6: John B. ilaade. J-oui. ti.

nommgisso conducive to a inan re Blum, $8 sl. No one questions that the deceased. and iinr? it with greater dufh and bril- Kiver4d loot i men ami nsicit. Weather NEW ORLEANS CIGAR, maining a bachelor as stnrmins for one All Wool Pants to Order, $3 40. All Wool Suits to Order 812 SO.

This department is under the supervision of the hancv of execution, ihenem oi trie oier waa Thermometer 7 degrees. Seidehl, did something to excite the sus IX KW 'KLKANS. Alrll A IT vedH unn picions of the, officer, whom he knew to be at the house of a married friend and being kept awake for five or six hours by the crying of a croa baby. All cros and All liberal-tDinded people are invifel his friend and being of a joking disposi Krauk. Memphis: J.

s. M-Lfonald, coal Kouisville. iiejuirted Pans C. Brown. Cincinnati: aiollie Mfore, St.

JjOUhj. Weather clur her Blmcinte of "1 Hreamt that I dwelt In Marble Halls." which wat warmly received. Signor Brianoli also at peared to great advantaiee. He wars in greHt voice and was encouraged by the audience who appreciated his effort. Mis mtwt in convention, at Turner Hail.

Sixth Maie Irotu choicestleaf. and aii elegant Smoking 4 'mar. Will he receiving regular tuil linoot Favorite crying babies ned only Hop Bitters to avenue, ou Thursday, April 2l8t, at 8 tion wauted to perpetrate a joke upon his friend, thinking, perhaps, the officer knew and warmer. Therm-'Uieter W. rieht.

i n.ake them well and smiling. Young man rtrariiif. to winch we invite tiie atteution ii Buiokem. Maurel sang very finely ay the Gypsy Queen. cloek t.

tor the purpose ot enacting an orgatiization to carry out liberal princi him. family and relatives and inends remeuiuer ims, irarefer. well known Cutter, Mr. Joseph 1L Orr. Rules for self measurement, samples and fashion plate mailed free on application to any address, irrespective of distance.

Mr. Stoddard as the Tounf was very clever. ot Mr. aeidehf, as tar as we can ascertain ples in the conduct of out local and State ii in "Bean Jrfowetl was peauti- are willing to believe Mr. Hoffman's story, fully flume and he was encored three and to advance measures The vrepauich Orrn-llo It Ap- times.

Mr. James was much better looking to the adoption of liberal ideas aa and are willing to, and do exonerate him from all blame in the unfortunate occur REYMER .1 rVon.ll!M 111 Tt-1111- pearra nt bat watt bald or It in a Lfrvitek oof than he was in hi? tiret character. ilvr ai.MI Ml lliu il nut iirvMii imriiL ui tne groundwork ot onr legislation. Atalt tutor e. rence, and the public should dismiss the subjt-ct regardless of the verdict of the By order 01 see live Committee, ap21-2t 126 N1 1SS WOOD linns Silks, all Shades: Surah Silks, Satins, at prices that defy competition.

124, ST. ine prison se-ne from "II Trovatore" was very fine iudeed. Mia Julie Kosewaid appeared for the hret time, and was a detided snecepfl as Isonora, whileStxnor Hrinnoli -Son Ti Sector di Mi" was the best piece ot artiettc work that he Coroner's jury." PITTSBUKUH, PA. A Realization of Or eat Fx pedal Iouh. AI.LF.bHF.V SlltEET KAILHAYS uis Kiveu iiere.

In the lanrefteam suar refinery ot IMPFsrs. McKean. Newhaii at Burie. on Alley, Mkmphis. April lu Kiver rose 5 Inches.

Tieparted Charles Morgau, Cincinnati: Jack Frost, New OrleanB; Vugie Lee, Cincinnati, Weather warm. Vu-KiiBritt, April in Weather talr and warm Thermometer Ht. Cp Thomas Sherlock. Belle of Memphis. Dowq j.

JU. White, Mary HoUaton. NaU-hez. Nashville. April 18.

Kiver falling; 2f.t ieet on should. Arnved Cook, Evansvlile; Throop, Kvansville. Iocihvillb. April 19. Kiver falling; 15 teet 7 I in canal; weather cloudy and wnrrn.

B. B. llrevol, Vevay to Vevay; Carrier. Pit Ui SL lAiui: J. O.

Nixon and tow, from B. I. Wood and tow. Pittsburgh and retun: The Eekert lias gone down to the wrecked Jas. A.

Blackmore; Silver Cloud, Ten-ueee river to Cincinnati. KviNsviuu. April is. Arrived Jaa. (ruthiro Hp.

Ben. Eraokliu, 6. le parted Jno. Hopkiiig, Carlo. 4 P.

Clyde, Florence, futhne, Ixiuisville. 6: Fntnktm, Cincinnati. 7. 'lear. wind north aud stationary.

Kiver 34 teet inches. Cini lNNATi, April IS. River 38 feet and falling rapidly. Weather fuir and ii. To-niaht is the onlr time ot Pant and Virginia.

with the grand love duo. "Bv the air we breathe." and the areat shipwreck chorus. I'hliadeipuia, Baf wwre iur iiiuny a uhv ruder C'onMltrallmi of tbe Council niaulc Com mil tee. middle aed laborer, popular with his comrades. iuo uiaiiuee -aianiia win te sung.

and iceneraiiy wen iiweu, uu uuuut j. na' school mm for sale. The Board it Plrectrs nf the Monrintrnhela HtV SchfMl District, llffors filf llnn.lK lh ANZIGER'S. The Street Ball way Committee ot Allegheny WDO JDVesteu QU uuiiar icKuirtnj iu a iia.ll ticket of the Iouisiana State JLoueiy, enciotftLg Council met last niirht will Mr. iorjfs rertr thn inonpv to M.

A. HaUMlin. 10. ai IJroad iTi rho cJiair. The uuuierou runway oMl Baid District, To the amount nf (loll of nrinci- wav New York tTitv.

IS. or U) th same ir- nance were tntr duct-d. a'l Hfter teiiiK read W. It. Storey's residence on Franktown avenue, tast V.

w8 burlanxed la.t Sun1av son at New Orleans. Ca. He realired last month wr all referred to BUti-OOOJiailteS wl. Uoul ui and got halt of the lid capital prize oi jiuiiuk. rnen.n.

The "hair a MrtHB Mtr. nikht. A Pom ftou worth ol jewelry and slli ware was fto'en. no wm ue me ueat. i hvw Alien.

BeilMtsin. Lamli an4 McAiee as the suh-roinmittee to couaider the uritn.4c-ce urautiu Charles Maioy is cfiarged before Alderman pal, witti semi annual interest coupons at mx ier cent, per annum attached, dated April IH, IHI. ant maturinit from one tu twenty years. There nre sixtT ffiOj bunds in all ot fit; denomination of HM each. Tcesc t.ynds are Issued under the power conferred on the uium-i-pal autboritie ty act ot ihe H-enerai Assembly of PeiinpytvantH, approved )e euiher 2ih, lse-4.

and afford the for the secure Lreslie with entermic Mrs. tliiiins' house. Where to tift Ienlal Work riKlit ol to tbe I'ttt -hurt h. F-t rark aod corner of rorty-mnth and Butler Btreets. and stealing a uuia 11 amount of money and eome The old and reliable dental offices ot Sj.r1ru iii'tiVn avemietAvtBimey.tfee Spring den aa.i Fitt.tun5h taiKiny.

the Para ai.d the Knd OoOit'tny. An st. Lawrence, WheeMnir: U.K.Snrlmrer (htincv A. Scott have been removed No. valuable oapera rie was nelrt lor a iiearine-.

ew trleanp. 27t Penn avenue, second door trom rinth Ctjn.Jii'tir.r Oi ftlWsTS The office of Uu Barry it Haul's planina mill at tbe 'cot ot Forty -hrst street. J-wrencevlile, street. Clmroher Lindsay and Oever w-sre ppoiotel wm eniereu iy tnieves aiaiate nour on Motidav Mi-i rxn th. nMinartv 1 winflr Ine HTUOtir'n Aiietiheny and Company to extend gifOur Special Hosiery Sale will he continued ten days longer, We have just added a full line of regular made Children's Hosiery, 1 in all desirable colors, at 39 TENTS A PAIR, a bargain never before iffered in Pittsburgh.

We ask an inspection of these goods, confident 2 hat our patroiis will agree with onr assertion that it is the best value ever offered in this city for the money. These goods cannot be duplicated at the price, and we would advise our customers to call early, as they are rapidly selling, evening, whotneii to make olt with some tools. The watch man dibcovered them, however, and investment of Rids for the whole amount ol these eecimttes will be received until Tl'KSDAY, tiie 3 day ot MAY, at oeiv-cfe P. when Uiev win oi to the lt and most favorable bidder. The succctul bidder to pny addition, the intTot ruin April I.

1SHI, to date of delivery. The Hoard raeks aittuff liobiiis'tn tret. BIBS AltKBI. Saw Framoisco, they tnavle a haty exit, dropping the tools in April 19. Ttur iobt.y VA mil ot and others, tiieir ii Km.

Vi ther tn the inter? oj ttie various pre ft; but ii the bills wtre all rt-larred there was hy, eitcan 4 lono -K i Noonaay Samuel Mills will have a hearing on the 7th int. he lore Alderman Ca.ssi.iy on a charge -iti DON'T FORGET THE PLACE: S. Cohen 52-5-56-58-60 MARKET ST. CORNER THIRD AVENUE. 5 Immense Stores in 1.

Flcase bear in mind we advertise FACTS 0XLY. All goods guaranteed as represented or money cheerfully refunded. All orders by, mail promptly attended to. $100 reward in every case wherein we fail to do as we advertise. "'e are, Very Respectfully, S.

COHEN 00., 52, 54, 56, 58 60 MARKET COR. THIRD AVEBiUE, 5 IMMENSE STORES IUST 1 tSTOtir Principles of Business are Full.Vttluc and Entire Sat Lsj act ton. ITap nd ot aruumetits nifc-ht. 3Ir. W.

It. Mc- Vesfarrday morning the streets were again thronged to witness the parade of repaugh's Circus. The glittering chariots atreatuing uanr.ers, wonderful animal. caparisoned sbwds, the many knigbt in itriliiant arnjfrr and equestriennes in charming habits made np a pageant of enct, Tbe chitf object of attraction was Uo kh, who was much ad-mited as she rode along in a howdah on the bark of a huge elephant, "tbe observed of n'A the observer." The attendance at ith performances yesterday was large. The circus bus probanly been as succesMul as any that has heretofore visited this city, i Vrtaiiiiy in the of its srreet parades, id the extent of its menagerie, aud in the variety and excellence of its (his circus has never been ex-cjl by any of its predecessors.

Its management also a model of precision and order, and altogether it can be said at it taat notwithstanding the magnificent announcementa of fta advance agents it Jeave uoseCfe of disappointment behind after itj remarkahle season here. liu'liiAurt Jftrtl Merited frererenee. ProlbIy no one more closely examines in every phaae, more eeverefy uriUtiwaa thesitghtet tlaw or deficiency, or is more exiting in their rcfiuiteuients of a nearap-pnjach to perfection Jn a prospective purchase than the Board of Baiik Directors who aeek fcunty for the moneys en-truud to them in tbe selection of Burglar I't'Mt rat a(jii vault work. And yet such is ihe thorough tens of exatniuation to wh' tbe c-iUMru (ions of tlie Barn en and of iLi city, have len fvA tit cjuip'-tttion with ijsm. urcm r-e ailing in the tif in the award tim tt contracts for the the Burglar Br-jf Safe and fA it f.r tiirKrib.r' 1 i.ranu.u, Pa the National '-n Vit.

ui Ujt A-ark i Tiontsva, ta. tne riht to rcjwt any or jiU hnU. Ail Ymu snouM Ite sealed and marked "liids lor Honda." Address. aecauiiaim naiLerv on m. m.

Hrenan. reerv of the rieasaiit Citiiipauy made 18 DKEKA Fine Stationery limm Hokh New and Artistic Ueeinns tn ILLUMINATED STATIONERY Ut Exquisite Execution. MfM A1SU DISSEK CAR ON In exclusive styles. CHJ2STNTJT PHIJA. Northern Bell 'Jphlr tew riuarks tbe Ptatuiit it.

was the ir.teitun c-tiTifCt the Srum (iardon rutiwav Willi tlie I'ieasunt Vailey tracke, T. H. wlUJ AMS. Preenlr-ntot l-'inrf Hrd. 20-23ei2T.

Monotifatieia Oity, 'a. The attention ul Aeot of the Humane Sitcieiy. is directed an outraeous piece of crueity upon 'Squtre Caidy's little black and tau duif. "Ttnk." Some hooundrel maliciously sjueeiM him with a pair ice )ra iverman. Alpha Alta liechtal itelcher Hept sl Bodle Bullion Bulwer Ohollar Uona Ilrown i'ureka Cons Lzcheo uer.

HDil in thitt way red oh i'ltL-ttanih. The ctu Potosl inv hail a tate oharter tiie unpned route tonus. The iron tufin deep tn the ammai skin Savage J-sj Sierra and thtiV will It the cumiuittfe. He 14' tliat the road should re rotuptted producing two gashes. -TmkM atlll lives but curlers intensely, and Alderman tssstdy would "liver itlng Sweet Potatoes, Pure Jersey, wft' 'ii si-ttv or ninety oa in-ia ine onai 4 give nve dollars ui who uun uiin.

ue tfe nd thm the tare irom 30 1. i ipiop t'liiou Con. Yellow Jacket SuririK ardeD to I'itti'urh mii! he no inure Onion Seta, (Seed Onions.) RF.n.Bnos. roaches, rata, cats. mice.

rTTi OTT TTTTITi I1 than what now cliiirtctd on the riuu-muL al llolden anta. clt-ared out by "Rough on Rata." Urani Prise. Bulsrer llULU tillU. Tew Maple Srp and Sti'jar. ANZ IGER'S.

Nos. 78 and 80 Market Street, Mr Wru. tpeer, reprtentirnr the 1'ark Hale Jk Nrtrr.88. Navaio 1 I5c boxe atdruggiscs. Agency 4 Market flU.9.

iifcld that fOild Xeto Dainf Jioll Jiutter. IVIartin Wnite lu Tbe Fall Eiver and Pittsbnrgb Mining Com will ttoi miertcre with other etteet railways and pany oi voioraao. will ie entirely Jndojtets'ieiii. Mr. Fhilupa uit' ed tliat tfte untroller he in t.MMM)iil OO: uon 10 nar: Catarrh of th DR.

(JIIMY SCOTT'S n. mrnih the ui 1 1 tee at its nvx market prioe a 8, baed on tbe actual value suiartneMH. irritation of the urinary ii of tbe propert-es. rLr-eJiii with latoriuatlou retr Itiiji the muuuu i into the ('it 1 rury t-y agw, di-iaseddirtcharges, care! by Buchu DENTAL OFFICES, paiba. tl, al druggists.

4 market street. f. 'om. rnaiuent, rail Kiver, James Allison, 1. Vice President: Hon.

J. F. Uravo, H. Kevin, Iiuis stret-ii company. Carried.

Ihe committee thr. ad iurneit. '1 i.e in-jtion was no douht brought about iresh Hen, Oooxe lmek EyJ-Potatoes, Onion 't'-'- SOMERS, BROTHER WHOLESALE PRODUCE, 211 Liberty Street. Ashton's K.wtory Filled Salt, Butter Tabs, Efor oases, Wrre uoops. mnla.

Have removed trom 7H Penn venue to tne Wlnaiis. of Fittsourgn; nev. m. r. Brown.

commodious building next dor, Do.v't forget that the Ouincy A. Scott J. S. P. wlnans, tJolorado, No.

59 Fourth Avenue. hy tiie rc-t-tit rticlo in Tmk rtnT exposing im-t tj-ot h.tis on 1'ittt'Ut a street car cumpaiiifcii, dental rooms are at No. 276 Perm avenue. Alljhjiiy 'ounriltn-Q diwire learu whether INo. 276 Penn Ayenue, the muit ul afliri eiit in their city wjcond door troiu Ninth; and don't forget that tbe work here ia aiwaya well done at or inlormatlon, W.

Ii. EVIN, or X.OU1S A. B- W1NANS, Sec. tL TTea. lieneral Agent.

67 Fourta Avenue, Plttaburgn, Pa, -feis-eodxm-trj. second door above lS'intn. lsA4 an'i-2a moderate) prices. smW -Uad Ui. Wiutuei't Advancement..

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