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Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 3

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


i IHMII t.llA.l. i ScE? KETRtlVEY'S HAlli TON10. I KETROUVEY'3 TCKKISH BASDOLENIAN EAIB TOXIC TOR SALE FOR RENT. wi eiaajt, 1 1 a 1M anUiA VH KU StSSION, THi MOUNT H'IPE PROPfclK-TY, AT WLOOS' RUN STATION; Filteea acres Lind, Biick Dwelliar with tooai an e-meti pieqayof aoft wer and frntt ol all ninites' irom federal s'raet Der-ot, heny. Enquire of the nhacrher, at his MA-i l.VE AND OIL TuOL WOitKS.

ii and at OW reet, Allegiieay atoc3IJnid R. H. LECKT. CECONl BTKEEt PBOPEUr FVOH A- SAL- 1 comfortable three story Brloit Pwelting House ot hall, two parlors, dining rooaa, kitchen, cellar, bah-roam and six chambers, tn good location near Market street. For piles and tetms, apply to S.

CTJTHBERT SONS. nolS si Market fKreet. GAZETTE TERMS: Clly morning Ter annum do, served by earner, a tetu a week. Dally Evening fM 1 year. to.

K-ryeJ by earner, 16 cents a wee. Vreekly, In dubs per you. single apples d0. HATES OF ADVER Tl SI NG. ona Q.oAna tadi a Period.

Daily at awl taw Wkly tire Two 1 hr times. Four Vive tlKs. 7i i -i 2 61 "i 1 I 36 TBI 7i 4 IS! 1 76 3 TO 1 20! I ti 6j 4 261 To I 1 ii eei ooj 3 26. 3 I) 13 001 0l 00 a 76 111 10 1 4 4 21 60 II Tkj Mi 4 13 00 34 (Ml 17 70 13 8 00 17 0O 40 3 0i 1 00i lo OU 30 VAitlOtS HEMS. Thb trial of Tiank Hlght.

Joshtia J. Doughty and Charles Wstkins, young Southern bliods charged with the murder of Capt. Aiei. Head- of the 33d reaimeut 17. H.

C. in Augusta, fca because be wag walking witb a mulatto Ctrl, has been concluded, fjjugaty and Wat-kins were acquitted. Bight was convicted and sentenced to be hang. iee. dttadmaa, iu his Order says: ''The proceedings, flndiosre and ecDterce of the Military in the case of Frank Blunt, citizen, are approved but in-asnsch as Charles Watklns, whose guilt the evidence, in the opinion ot the Major (ieneral Commanding, dearly establishes, has been acquitted, the sentence is modified to imprisonment in the Penitentiary at Auburn, New York, or such other place as tbe President of th United Steles may direct, for tbe period of fifteen years." The vrssel ouce known a the Chicamsuga, sunk by the rtbeu in Cspe Fear river, below Wilmington, N.

on the capture of Forts Fisher and Caswell, by the National troops. In January last, has been raised and taken to Wiiming-ton for overhaulieg and repairs. She Is a errew Steamer, and her machinery Is said to ke still in excellent condition. The Caicameuga's piratical career was a short but quite successful one, the having run out from Wilmington through the blockade in lbo4, destroyed several vesseisoif our Northern coast within the following two months, and returned to her port of departure, again eluding the blockading squadron, a few days before the Cape Fear river fort fell before the combined land and naval attack ot the Government force. Cotton.

The English papers report a better prospect of cotton next year from India and Egypt than at any previous time. Toe condition of raising and trabfporting the staples in both these countri. are greatly improving; and if the price could be kept up to the present figure for ten years longer; a permanent and eulucient supply for the European market might by that tijjfl be obtained. Bnt It is here tbat the peril and the fear arises. For if cotton can be again raised in thi country at pOR PALE.

A Well Fitmiwd Frame Two-Story DwtlljRg, Havtar SIX apwly Pn-vtri il Painted, iJfi POliliOO, HYi'KANT laaideaatl the HoiiM. THE LOT la Forty-rlve feet rront; by One ired tost aeep. FINE OKA Pit. ARuOR, a HOIT TR Ac poaaeion wtil be given oa Us lit ef AprtlDext. Also, A CORNER 8TORE-ROOM1 WITH ONE fDWtU-INQ HOUSE Poaseitlon will be iven on taa IK of April next.

The proprietor will either sell, or exonans for Country Property. Tarmaeas So. li Fourth street. 3. SAMPLE, Real Eft ate Brok- and Ioauranoe Aseat, atilHhiiU 85 Federal itreet, Allegheny 0WELL1ZHG HUCSfiTS ALLKEGHY rOH Gf A Xj El.

A one and a half atory frame Cottage Home, eon two parlors, dining room, kitchen and four Bhamhrs, with water and gaa, occupying a lot 69k Sfcv4, nixhly cultivated and ornamented With shrubbery and ahails tree a. The aurrouiidiDga are pleasant, atTordlny ample apace for freah and the outiook on tbe three rivtrs commanding an extensive and varied view for 1 mther Iniormatlon, applv to S. S. BRYAlf. Broker, Fourth itreet, Barae'a Buiidinc.

M)MFOKTABLfi DWELLING FOH SALE. I otter for aale tbftt well ttntshed three story Brick House and side Lot on th cornel ol Second aad Ferry streets The house 0ntalna sine room a beilde wash-room aod bathroom, and has ras and water throughout. This property ia convenient to the great bat 1 nee a centre, and jet from Ua surroundings retired and comparative! fiee irom am oae. full particulars given on application to H. HKYA.M, Stock and Real Estate BrcHer.


fc I MARKET STREET, Next door te BA.BEE'S Dry Goods Store. no JJOOTB AKI JAMES ROBB. Ho. Harket Street Ha just returnen from the EAST with a very luge and seasonable asock of BOOTH -A-ISTIO BXXCZX3, 01 the VERY BFST QUALITY. Men', Boys' aad Yootha' BOOTS AN II SHOES In all their varieties and styles.

LADIES WOJtJC of the Boost and beat that te manufactured, from the Do. Follah ts the plain Oalf ttoote. Children' Boots and Shoes tn every style aod variety. Our object is to tell such goals as wlil give satisfaction to tbe purchaser. afarFlease eII and examine, and yon will be aatnned with the Ul'ALlI an.lll'RIOEorgooda.

Kern amber the place. JAMES ROBB, oc7 No. 71 Market street. OTICE. ALL STYLES OF Boots jiml Shoes AT G3 MABKET STREET, SOTTia ft R0S3.

eel JJ00T3 AND SiiOiW. CALL AT 92 Federal S(rfft, Allegheny City, AND SEE THE BOOTS AND SHOES. 1 am selling better Hoods and for less money than any other house In the two cities. W. K.

McCLmTOOK, rcderal street, Allegheny Oity. ALL SJV JKiNTiiU- NOTHSiriRIUv'J1 OF Idie' MLsse' and Children' J5001' BaJmorala, Gaiters. Poluh Baots ana ot all style aad qualities Which will be sold at the lowest prl e. 1 Jew more rain el thise SOILEB SHOES on hand at twa low prices that ail can be utied. Cail early and often at the well kao a stand of J.

B. B0EL4XI), 98 Market Street, lud (2nd door from Fifth.) A DIES'. GENTS Hoofs, Shoes ani Callers, Of every Style, Make ad form, at COYLE'S, Corner Firth and Wylie streets. Prie toea suit everrbody. atll (ali7ani seethe OENT'S tlXE O.LT BOOTS J.

W. OARNAHAS, nos ss Itlarket street. I ULL AKil Bin lUU GEST'S KIP aOOTS At a Maikel street no3 J. W. OARNAHAV.


WKIT yyHITE SLAULE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW No. lOG Iirtlx Street PlTTSBTliQH, uuiiac. ia brie lice I mCtr Prolesslon, Including THE OOLLEOTIOW UP A1A1 An AI ST TH J( 1 vv VT Mr. Sl.ALni,having neon mustered out i' the tlen to the business or the firm. WOUNDED BOLDISRIJInIeTTHES The First or Second Three Yean Service im i eotM toe run oouaty tai aame as ir had served the full term of enlistment by ealUii ixa T.

WALTER DAY. solicitor for Bouotlea, Pensfona and Pay. 1 uura aoor teiw the Cathedral. ivil OFlTEf COCHRAN. Attoriioyat ait Ijaiwj Office No.


81 Diamoso Stxt, Plttsburgli, Pa. Court Business. Examinina Titles. (Inn v. vann ing, OoUections, and all klnita of Leeal promiitly attended to.

MILITARY CLAIMS, PSNSiONlT BOONTIEeJ.BAOK PAY and MILITARY OLA1MS of every desorlntion. aiibiorlber, at the following rates, viz Pensions. $ie ail other claims, f3 60. yj. iai irti, Attorney at, THamoad street oiHslte th Oourt House.

N. No chant are made If tha elaln not aiieceed, and ail lniormatioa given gratis. '-'r JJ C. MACKRELL, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. AND V.

S. LICENSED SOLDIERS' CLAIM A3E1VT. wuuw. wuectcat IS erom ten to twenty days. Oail with dlaaharge and twe witnetlaaTfuji FURS.

pURSI FCRSI FURS1 7" LADIES, MISSES AND CHILBRENS' FURS. The largest and Most Complete issottmtat lSb'5 INTER K'WO. A v. I Slrviiia 'EN ikAL K.1L-' TWELVE DAILY TWAIN'S. Oaand alter momiay, Hh, ttm, trio Will lfve I clia ooraer ot HAY EXPKfcS eave.

at 9 at a. stoi ping at principal xta'lom. Arrives at Altouta t7 -4 Ivrone a.Sj a. iBelie. lout a.

Lofk Haven 12.ip. ml h.r-Iisbulst p. Baliinior; tju p. m.w rk, via Alien own p. l-kiladelphial 6.4a p.

and New York, via Philadelphia at 1 NcTn A TI EXPRESS Leave Pittsburgh at s.60 a. stopping at nearly all t-tatloaa. Al-u-ooar at I p. Uariisbuigl au, arriv-ingat Phllailelphi at m.

MAIL TKAI Leave Pittsburgh! at IL a. stopping at nearly all station. AKeoaa, p. arllMng at Uarrlsbuig at li. a.

a 1 PHIiAdELPUIA EXPRESS Laavrs Pitts, burgh at stopping only at prineipal stations. Atrives at Latrobel 6.40 p. Altooaa lOp. Hartiaburgh am. Maltlmore' a nr.

New Yt rk, via Aliautown 10.00 aa Phlla-delphias 7.10. New York, vl Phlladal-uhia at p. m- Sleeping Oars rua Uireua on this train from Plttaburgh to Baltimore a4 l'hiladelrhie, nd to New York, vl AUeotowa. FAST LIN Leaves Pittsburgh at le.oe p. atominc principal Stations.

lArrives at AltoenatW. In ilirri.t.urg' J.16 a. B.l. timore' 12.30 p. New ork via Allcatown p.

Phlladelphiar l.lf p.m., and York yla Ph laoeiphia at 6.4-' p. m. fimhilt trtnner, Supptr. IValtij, til Mhcrtrw ajjai. JOHNSTOWN ACCOMMODATION, dallv.ex.

eept Sunday, at A.16 p. stopping at reguiarsta-tions betueca Pittshergn and 'or-emago. sou cen-nectlig at Blaiisville Intersection with ttalus of tiie Indian Branch and Weat l'ennylvauia K. It. ALTOONA ACCOMMODATION, dally Sunday, at 7.1 a.

toiiping at all regular station between Pittsburgh aud Altooaa, awt making close connection with tiaina on Indiana Branch, West Pennsylvania K. Ebeaaberg aad Cresson K. and Ifoliidaysburg Braach.i I Fust Accomuiouation Train lor Wair attio leaves daily iTce Sunday) at a. m. i I Seoond Accommodation Trata for Wall'l Stattoa leaves daily (except Sunday) at 10.4 a.

m. 1 Penn Accommodation No. 1, leave daily (except Sunday) at p. n. Third Accommodation Train for Wall' Statlea leaves daily (except Sunday) at 4.06 p.

at. Penn'Aeeemmoxiatian No. leave daily (ev. cept Sundaylat 10 p. stopping at all ion between Pittsburgh and t'ena St.llons.

The Ohurch Train leave Wall's station very Sumlay at a. and arrive la Pittsburgh at lo.iib a. m. Returnipg leave Pittsburgh at 12.1 p. m.

and arrive st Wall' Station at 2.00 p. a. Returning Train arrive Pittsburgh aa followai B.u. a. sa.

Fa.t I.ine. 3 48 a. aa. First Well's Station 4 a. as.

I'ena 1.S6 a. ni. Second Wall' Station Accommodation 8 Jolmatown 10.0 a. at. Fattlmore Express I to p.

at. Altoona Accommodation 100 p.m. Third Wall station l.o p. as. Philadelphia Express ee p.

a. Penn Accommodation No. 4-2 p. sa. l'ittiburgh and Erie Mall 12 s6 p.

oa. An Agent of the Excelsior Omnibua Compear will pass through each train before reaching the Depot, take up aad deliver baggage any Sart of the city. Onlc. No. 41 Penn Strega, opeal ay and night, where all orders for the movement of pastengcra and baggage will receive prompt at.

teation. Baltimore express will arrive with Philadelphia Express at 2. so p. m. on Mondays.

NOTICE In casa of loss, th Company wtil bold themselves respouilble for personal baggage only, and fur an amount not exceeding ioo. W. Ii. BECK WITH, Agent, At the Penaerlrania Central Railroad Passenger. Station, oa Liberty and Washington street.

18G5. COLUMBUS AND CINCINNATI RAILROAB. Tnt Crcai Short Line Route via StnbertTiUt, TO COLIMBTS, CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE, IXDIAXAPOLM, ST. LOCH, And ail the principal Cities, WEST AND 50TJTH.WEST. oa ao a vtxe ilOXDAf, TSOVESIBBR 30th, 19 Trams leave aad arrive at the CNIOH Dfjl'OT as follows: DifiSTi, A larva.

Fast 90 m. a. na. Mall B.IK) sa. Expres 3 aa, lx.M(a.

as, bteubenvilie w.tii a. as. s. r. ecruLu Gen 1 Ticket Agent, Steuben rlila, O.


Oo and fter UOKDA Oct 99th, th train Will leave the Depot, ooiilef C' Roaa an4 Wat-. Streets, as follows: Leave Arrive Pitt.burgh. PltUugB, Mall to and from TJnlnhlowa. 7:16 a. m.

4-uo p. aa. Express p. ai. loooo a.

aa. First McEeesport AO a. as. l. xa.

Second :16 p. m. liN p. aa. First Bradd oak's loo a.

m. Second ...4:10 p.m. Sunday Church Trala to aad from lrM p. Wn t'ot Unaeta aprCy to A. J.

SHANK, Ageat. W. B. STUTJT. Sujierlatynt.

JPIANOS, iviusic, JSOW, BEING RECEIVED. THAT ELEGANT STOCKIOP CHICKEKLNG tlANOS, Selested personally by the suhKrlber, during a recent visit to the Factory. SEYENTEEH INSTRUMENTS are now; open, and ready for examination. a public are Invited to call and see tae a. Warranted for Five CHARLES O.

MELLOK, Wood 1, tllO au5 Sole Agont for the Chlckerug a. piANOa" AND ORGANS. THE CELEBRATED BRADEFRY, NS YORS, AND Schomacker Philadelphia PIANOS. THE AMERICAN OffOAW, and KSTTS to OOn AGE OROAN, admitted rr deiii and .11 heard to svlparrul tone to other Instrument. a tae ktiTafana lactured ia the Unite Slates.

i unman We are prepared to furnish, at the ahotest notice. Braw and Germaa Silver Iristtmagnta, V. "wn.PWO". for Bias, and Oorn.t BaaSs. CataloVue.aS' Price List furnished on pplicaUoa New ant Second-hand Pianos tor Bent.

ALL THE LATE 80XGS AXD FIECES Coaituitly on nan, 4. WAKEXISTX ft bajls, No. ST. CLAIR KTKKKT. TNABE HIGHEST PRBHt-Orand, Parlor Grand, (soman aad Tto.

right Pianoa, with overstrung basa laiproved fram andu th.aluab?1i TtM ptire, brilliant, Mtfri musical character, ol tne best workmanehlp; tou evenness and quality of tone unsurpassed by any. Each Piano guaranteed for eight year. CMAKLOTTK KLUME, No. 43 FIFTH STREET Second door above Wood street JLOFEMAJi, HOENK 6 CX, ss rm-H STIEET, aout Aoxarr warn X3OlaVS9T'4al gtaAv.f.tlj PLUMBERS.GASFITTERS.&f JODY JCWEiii; PHACTIOAI PLUMBEES. Gas and Steam Fitters; K.

165 WOOD STREET, (OPPOSITE FIRST CHURCH, Pumps, Hydrants, Sheet LEAD PIPE, PIS ft BAR IXAB. AND PlumberB' Materials in General oii nEri.vEnwEa Fitted 19 ttie Most Appmel Styl. ranks lined with lead or eoDuer. lian. up Wit water ot gas TANDARD PETROLEUM IiEFIRESY.

(LiBK SDI-YEB. Work and Office, COLLINS TOWNSHIP. Office la Pitafcarga, 3-i WOOD 8TKFET. Tiiew works have the le.ryert capacity la the country. The brand stand th highest In this country and In Europe, for and tire test, and the oil is put tr.

well eeaeoned baireie, prepared MEalaulLt0uVeaPoTBOILERS, PTILLS.TAJJKS, and lstPKOVED bOhLlSQ TOOLS lor Oil Weil, deisiiy KNANfARM OIL CUUFANY. Bflitt Coracr Peni and Wayne Street. Thi Oompany waa orgaaled on the 28th nnder tl.e Pennsylvania Mining and Manufacturing Law. The Territory of tbe Oompaay Is situated on llunkard Oreek, lietween the lands of th liunkard Oreek I niontlll Oompany and the Dank-' ard Oreek Petroleum Company. Stoek no Working g'und 35,000 so Par value ol each 1 ou S.

A. JOHNSON, PresHeat. ISAAC NOCK, Secretary aad Treasurer. niaxcToas. James Or ah am, I J.

O. Weir, Lawson, I 1L W. Ritchie. Fiana bnyder, UNKAKD CKJK FJSTROLECM OOMPANY. Office Corner of Penn and Wayne Sta Thla couipany waa organised on the X9tn Inst, under the Pennsylvania Mining and Maaufactu ring Laws.

The territory of the company ad Joins trie lands of the llunkard Oreek Union Oil Oompany, of this city. t'npltat Meek S32M.OO0 at tirUiuar land. Par value ot tat Share 1 09 orricER President S. A. JOHNSTON.

Secretary and Treasurer ISAAC NOCK. DiaaoTas: S. A. JonirSTOK, 1 L. S.

RionoH, FSAKK SBTDk, jABtaS ObARAM, F. l. Obist, I w. At, KlK. H.

Kitchi. JPERIOR OIL ENGINES. We are constructing, and will keep on lianil a (uperior style ol OI3J JdTSTGrUSTXJ WITH Either a Common or Tubular Eailer. We Invite parties needing engine for this purpose to call and see them, corner of PI1E ana O'HARA STREETS, near Oity Waterworks. jea MAOKINTOSH, HEMI-ttlLL JJO.

(Q0MJ1ERCIAL OIL WORKS. Pure White Burning Oil, Constantly on hand, and for sale at TEE LOWEST MARKET RATES, B. C. J- H. SAWYKR.

No. 47WOOI) STREET. JAMES WILK.1ISB, bboxii Ann DBAnaa ia CRUDE AND REFINED OILS Slira Block, Iinqaems Way, Plltab'trh sT- Special attention given to the SALE ANI) SHIPMENT OP PETROLEUM and it products. Oonsienmenta reapectfully aoiicited. aa-POST OFFICE BOX 142.

mho- BENN So. 1 S. C'LAIat Pittsburgh, rORH ARDIKO AKD COMMISSION MtRCBAXT, AUD DEALER IN OILS. ILL MINATINO, LVCRIOATINO huT-Tia' rKOLEf OILS, -UHJD' sale at the lowest maii-- -lT Bn mB PETKOLEf for sale at menta and ordera solicit prices. Ooasiga- api-sai IJATEJiT OCTOBER 8, 1361' I) ITH RIDGE'S PATENT Oval i.atnp ('himmeyt.

Manufactured of XX Flint G'a. These Ohunneys are tnteoaea for the flat name, fieatlng all parts of the giaas equally, does not expose It to cracking. E. I). DITHKIDUE, Fort Pitt Ulais Works, Washington street, pTJ Plttahurgh, Penn 'a wap-tkb at.

Eaa yyARlSG KING, COMMISSION HEHOHANIS, AXD BBOISES 1st PETE0LETJ3S AND 1T3 PE0E1TCTS! And dealers In EcdnlES MaterUls. JMMY No.BMAHKF.rST. IWlburrh JgOiiDED WAUEIIOLBE riienix Company, rot of BALTIC A HAKRISON Brooklyru BTOBAOK OV REFI2STED PETKOLEUM. la Tank and Barrel. Sa Circular.

Jloe, No. BEAEE CTREET, New York. oel-iy vvscss, utraTJJ co. MAicrAcTTnsas of Pure White Refined farboa f)Us, Ko. 2S1 LIBERTY STREET.

(YIL, ITOCEB. the untiersigned wia sale of prticuIx atteatloa to the purnhate aad Stock! of ALL S'ELIABLE Compam'ei, invite buyers and aellers to eaii. J. K. BOKA56E No.

l(r? FOrRTH STREET Ja MERCHANT ILORS. JjjEKRY O. HALE, Merchant Tailor, BOKTB-l 10U.XE8 OF ITtSJf A bT.CU.IR STS. PITTSBUKGH, Takes great pleasure in announcing to his nutner ou customers and the puoltc generally, that his purchases and arrangement, for th. ITAr.i.

uca. SON are now completed, having beaa personally selected from the first-class cloth houses in tha x-asiern cities, uniy sucb a class or goods as can really be recommended, win be orrered, whish eai-eraeea the newest and moat approved materials and styles, the entire stock being very large, varied and select. Mr. Hale has much conudenc in invi. tin an earlv lnsoeciian.

KVPEKFINB BLACK, COLORED CLOTHS. SKI, lUtl' KVIH 1 colors, anu aound texture. MELTON CLOTHS and other new coating, new style for entire suits, A great variety of FINE CASSIMERES for Panta and Vesta, for Morning and Evening wear. au24 ASHIONABLE AKD DESIRABLt; GOODS. For Gents Youth's Clothing MADE TO ORDER, IN THE BEST STYLE AND MANNER.

E.B.K0REIS. MERCHANT TAILOR, nosi-uwd9 EDERAI TV INTER. fJEn-coTijra s-. Blue Chinchilla, Black Chinchilla, Brown Chinchilla, Daliah Chinchilla, TINE FRENCH BEAVERS, all colors Which will make up to order in a lunerior manner and style. RA Y.

rOSSIEL REESE, Successors to S. GRAY A SON, aOlt MHRfTTAKT Kn S7(rh tjOYS' DRESS AND SCHOOL SUITS. A aew lot of choice food lo i- Wear, JUST RECEIVED BY GRAY LOGAN, TfO. 4T ST. CT.4.IR STRERT.

DENTISTRY. jqSEPff'AbAMS, "uiining. ornr oi niAniOM) aad ORA PEHA HOUSE Aeaiae If avugerai, HISS ANNIE EBEHLE, I ait night bnt one of ti-esueeestfulenf agaaeat H3L A5D HllS. W. J.

FLOSESCE. IHUBSIiAY EVENING, Nov. Win, will be presented in Fittelmrgh tor tbe ttrst time, the new and beautiful an 4 acta, entitled SATULEEN HAVIII RaKF.Bt e)r, ST. FATetltli'S ET, Toeonclnde with Uie hirhly muslng Burletts, written by S. D.

Johnson, entitled the IRi-sTJ MORWOK. nr. THE MAX WITH T1IB.E VI I FES. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, XOT: or, The Crlebet on tbe AX ear SATURDAY EVEN IN (e, ths sew sensation of THE HOVER! BRIDE: or, Ike PIRATE'S Wfypin. PITTSBURGH THSATBii A Aesaes smd WM.

HENDERSON. Peicss AniriiFtoN Dress Circle, 40 cts; Pam-fly Oiicle, 35 cts; Third Tier, 35 cts; Private Boxes single Doois open at 1 o'clock. Curtain rises at 7t. THIS (THURSDAY) Will presented Hi CLE TO.Tl'J CABIN, With entire NEW SCENERY AND MECHANICAL EF EOfS. THE SrIUSBXJM aiEIVAGERIE li HOW OPE! AT o.

oi i ii ria V2VDEK THE OPESA HOUSE. ASUiilC HALL. Thursday and Friday Eveuinss, SOV. 30 stud DEC. 1st.

TWO IXie-iHTS OaHLY. Arlemas Ward's Parfwrll Wighis ia imcrifa. ARTEMVS WABD'5 HUMOR "More humoront than any other humor. The prin ii broiuler, uoiJer the mMk of whioh If not the eeeet witon, most iter tint; eomtnoa keose. Reftaen mutt buy the hook for Ukeoa elvei.

Chamber't London A. WARD A MONO THS MOB SONS. The public are reipetfiiliy informed tbat these will sttoa: pA-lttvetj- ba ARTEMns WARD'S Lift Btafhta In prior to his departure fr Knulaad, where arrancemeata are baiag peifeeted for hi a early appearauca ai tyyptiaa Hall Loai'ua. The pictorial put ot hit eatertainmenu ea braces EIGHTEEN GOfAJSSAl PAIXTXNS Faithfully photographing, oa eitantio acale, the STREETS OF SALT LA.K 01 aad tha intfu-Uriy beautiful Valley of Ulfxh. The accompmy-int aleaoiiprive Isecturea by rtemu Ward will te ebeeiluL The euceeats of ttjia eotertVAlatiaeat hta been ao marked thtt it ia parhapi proper to refer to it here, Commencinc la the O.ty of New York, it waa gives at UoUirorth Hall for one auaUred contecutive niffhtt to deaielp crowd? 1 houaes.

ucceaa iu Boaton, Philatleiphta, Baltimore, Waahlaton, mod bt. Louii waa do iea pmlttve aad briUiaat. AdmiMttto Keicrred aeata, 75a. Reserved eat for aale at O. O.

Mel lor' M.u-io Stor, Wood tret, where a pUo of the hall can oe aeea. Stle of IcterveJ Best! will coaraeaca oa Tuesday mrrninfr, Nov, Usth. The Piano used ia one of make, and kmJly lurataucd ty Mr. Alelijr. Djora at 7.

iTunmeac at 4 oioioclt. Paith ci.4t Notice A'temua will appear at New on WD5rK9ivT Evb.v-i no. Nor. 29tha nir27-td JOHN P. SMITH, Director.

"pLSOMC HALL, FAKE 'EEL BENEFtTOF CHANG A3STX3 BNG-. The (Jrifjiaal aai Far-I'diiel Siamese and tbf ir Uiiidrfn AI-SO, THE WONDERFUL Wild Australian Children posiiuelt Fosr. dais out. fffunewSay, Iharsdaj, Friday aad SaturJjf, December th, T.h, Sih aad tHh. TWO OnASDLEVEES BACK DAY-AlTer-soon and Kvenmr.

Docra on from to 5 anti from 7 to Admtaaioa 60 crnta; children fft 1 HAY, THHEK EXHIRI. BiTiON6. Iwora open from IB to 13, 2 to 5 aal nrM iOM FOUNDRIES. fort rin roiiDar. CHARLES KNAP NEPHEWS, BtAttrVAOTcnaas of HEAVY ORDNANCE AMD ALL KINDS Or TTT1 VY Special attention paid to ROLT.INf MILL W( I K.

BLAST MACHlNtKy ANDKETORrd. UEPAIKS attended to promptly. As heretofore, the best materials will always be used at this Founary. JMTT5BURGQ FOUNDRY. A.

oabifok, JOHt xicarreoa; A. GARRISON CO. (Successors to Boilman, Oarrlaoa, fc Co. FOUNDERS AND MACHDJISTS Mannfaeturere of Chilled Rollers of all sties, for Jroa, steel, Krass, Zlne, Dooiier. Silver, Ooi tstraw Hoards, Paper and India Rubber Woras alo.

Boiling Mill Castings ol all descriptions, Haik Mills, Parent Double Orroder, with a varle-y i.f other patterns, always on hand aad tltte I to rd er on short notice aud favorahle terms. Warehouse, smithileld street, PiUsbursa. TN MACHINE WORKS AND A FOLN'DKY. tt. win htss aw, EWrjINE HUILUKK AND MACHINIST, LAtota strkkt, between Federal aad Saodusy ALLSoaanv Oitt, Pa.

manufacturer of WIOHTMAN'S PATFWT ruhiAHLfi KTKAAl OlNES. Shafting, Pullers, to. Repairing all kinds atteaded to jel-ly IE3ECK Engine Builder aad Machinists; Manufacturers of Rteseck'e Patent Balance Ya! re cm caainee, uu Hrewers' Ma. afalaerv. b.n.

Corner Barrli gel rtke Hireeta. rilliburch, rai ncpniniia sou puttiuaip Machinery promptly attended to. ausa JOHN B. HlvRRON Btovo Manufeioturera AND IRON FOUNDERS, OEflceand Sales Roems, iei no. lie like Ft ry street BEVERANCjE, ISO.

63 Water. St. risWUiajUlLsBauuiMitirwOI DViAlbn niv ETS. WKOUOliT bPiDES, wmaoa aad railroad of every dearipUoa. ParrtiTUlr sized or shaped SPIKES mrre mt amslL Bad) erar a gaort aotieA.

A PITTSBURGH STEEL 'rTORlkS, ANDERSON, COOK SUCCESSORS TO JOSEl, BOYD Manufacturers or the bast refined Oast Steel, Square, Fiat and Octagon, of all sizes. Saw Plates, Hoe, Fork and Sheet Oaat Steel, Usst Steel for Reaping aud Mewing Machines. Steel Plow Wings, Springs, Axles, Circulars, Ae. Cast and Coanaon Ploagl and Spring Steel. 0 flloe Corner ef First and Bos streets, twe black above the Monongahela House.

ewj-ly JJLACkT DIAMOND STEEL WORKa PITTSBTJKOH PA. PARK, BROTHER CO. Manufacturers of BEST HDAJUTTT FEFTIfED CAST STEEL. Squej- eJlat sad Octagon, all sties. Warrant, iounllry.

il'na ex niaauactuied thi warehouse. Ns. snd 151 fell sn TTS, rtttuursh Fis bETF.Ol'VEY'S TUKK1SH BANDOLEVIAN HAIR TONIC. TCBKISH BELLES, FRENCH BKLLE-i, EN(LIsn BELLES, UEBMIN UELLKS, AalEKIOi BELLEf, AMERICAN BELLES THE ELITE OF ETESY COVNTKY, THE ELITE OF ALL OIVILIZED NATIONS Cse that delightful tpreparatton, tbe extract of many flowers ana herbs that great reatorer of hair, color and beauty. It makes the hair grow if the roots are not entirely lost.

It will restore th eolc r. It will make the hair curb It will keep the hair In place It will add luxuriance of hair and beauty to aJI. It la the grea'eat dressing ever offered to the publio. Iu popularity oa this aontinea exceeds any other since the introduction of it here We are daily, recelvlag unaoliolted testimonials of Its virtues. It only requires a trial to insure Its permanent reception in every family.

Being entirely free from sulphur or metallo poisons, renders It peculiarly adapted Tor the nursery. In tact, no toilet la complete without it. For sale everwhere. Wholesale, B. E.

SELLERS A Comer Wood and Second Pittsburgh, Principal Depot for I'nited States and Canadas. JAMES PALM IK A nolOJmeodkwF Philadelphia. fSf-AYER'Al ATII AetTIC riTllj ARE the most perfect pa-gatlve which we are able to produce or which wetnink has ever yet been mads by anybody. Their eifecta have abuo-dactly shown to tae community hw much they excel the ordinary medicines in use. They are safe and pleasant to taae, but powerful to cure.

Then penetrating properties stimulate the vital activities of the body, remove the obstructions of its organs, purify the blood, aad expel disease. They pu ge out the loul humors which breed and stow distemper, stimulate sluish or disordered oreans Into thetr natural actios, and impart a healthy tone with strength to the whole system. Not only do they otire tha everyday complaint of everybody, but aiso turmldable and dangerous dtsenses. While they produce powerful effects, they are at the aame time, la dtmlnlshed doses, tae safest aad best physis thai eaa be employed for children. Being sugar-eoited they are pleasant to take; and.

being purely vegetable, are free from any risk of harm. Cure nave been made which surpass belief, were they not substantiate by men ol such exalted posllt and character, aa ta forbid the susulolnu ot untruth. Man eminent clergymen and physicians hai'e lent their names ti certify to the pubac the reliability of our remedies, while otLers hive aent us the assurance of their convict on that, our Preparations contribute lnmenaely to the relief of our atfllcted, auffer inK fellow men. The Agent bel named is pleased te Ornish gratis our American Almanac, containing directions for the use and certificates of their ourea, of the following complaint: Costiveness, bilious Comolaiat, Rheumatism, Propsv, Heartburn. Headache arising from foul stomach.

Nausea. Indlgestlu, Morbid Inaction ol the Uowets and pain arla'siug therefrom, Fla uleticy. Loss of Appetite, all Diseases whioh require an evaeuant medicine They also, by purifying the blood and stimulating the system ire many complaints which it would not be supposed they could reach, suca as Dealuee, Partial tLtod-ness, Nr uralcia and Nervous Irritability, Derangements of the Liver aad Dldneys, Clout, and other kindred complaints arising from a lowatate of the body, or obatiueUoo. of Us functions. I not be put oil by unprincipled dealers with other preparations whih they make more prellt on.

Demand AVER'S, and taae no others. The siek want the beat aid there ia lor thent, and tbep should have It. Piepared by J. O. AYES A Lowell.

Mass. and sold by B. A. FAUN EM TOOT. SOI A OO.

and by ail Druggist. PlTTNBl HUH. 6AW WUKHtl. HUBBARD, BROt CO. SLAarirvAcmTKKaa or PATENT GROUND CIRCCtAKS, Warranted CAST STEEL SAWS, of every seriptlon.

Mill, Mulay, Cross Cut, Grang, and aU other varieties. All kinds of KNIVES and SPKINQS. made from Sheet Cast Steel Extra Kenned BEAPLK AND MOWINO KNIVES, fce. 4sy- Wsrehouse and Works, eoraer WATEB and SHORT STREETS, Pittsburgh, Particular attentfon given to Retoothlng, Oum mlng and Straightening Circular Saws; also, repairs of all klnda. Punching and Drilling done at reasonable ratea.

a-M. BAKNHlLa Boiler Makers Sheet Iron Workers No. 20,25,14 and se PENN STREET. Having secured a large vard. and furnished With the most ioiproved niachmery, we are prepar ed to macuiacturc every description of BOILEKS, In the best manner, aad warranted equal to any made in the country.

tVHlMNEYS, BMtJHEN, FUiE LIDS. SH AM PIPES, LOCOMOTIVE BOlLEJiS, OONKENSEKS, SALT PANS, TANKS, OIL S'TILLS, A'MTATOSS, SKT TLJNO PANS, BOILER IKON, BHIDliES, SUGAR PANS, aid sole manufacturers of BARN HILL'S PATfcNT BOILERS. BepslrUag don on the shortest notice. deistf aglJsVaiK Copper Hill and Smelting Worki, PITTBCrtaH. PARK, McCUROY It.

CO. Kanufacturers of SHE4THINO, LOLT CUPPKH- Pkblli K.uui'ii Il-fi1-1' B. ALTER Also, ivnd dealers in MET. ALS, TIN PLATE, SBSF7T IKON, WIHB, As. Constantiv oa hand.

Tl N.VRKS. a ohi vt-J It--'LS. Warehouse, No. HlflUSr and 1 SEO- i ivx.t.i.-, special order el t'l" unuw partem. ayi6aydawT S9SIAXllalll MUW lAtttr.

klo UMli'iitu Just Publisned, in a seal, ed Envelope. Price six cents. A LECTURE ON iar. nm ou, lahAiAtMT.iaa Kadioal Our of Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weakness. Involuntary Emission Sexual Debility and Impediments to illairiae generally Nervousuess, Coa- suuipiiuii, z.pitei.ay ana rite; mental and Pay steal Incapacity, resulting from Self Abuse, Ac, by RoeT.

J. Culvcbwilll, M.D., author of th Creea Book, fcc. a jjoo, to 0T Sryrsaitiw. Sent under seal. In a plain envelope, to any address, jwui, oa reeeiot of six cenia, or iwoposiage aiam by ur.

J. KJ. K1.1.VI, noTAnuUwT IST'l 1 niHlOIN rSKTIKrtll AIB BOTH SKX rtrran.l ku trvjriA fTM-jraw vrj in a ie aajr, aiVer an-dartjoine th usual routine anj xpeatr.v hfuia nf trpatwimt wit i-a 14. 1, (aerreii duty to oemaiimcat to his ntfltotatl iUow refttures the rsesn of tyure- Hac, od the receipt of tvlfiicievxvt be wlil Kad. fr.

uny of tlMprrterijloti iiftsi yj mrcet to JUUK M. 19e wnws a. x. mniiiirdeawT OEO. KIEITlist W.





SI SEO-ON and 1 KD ST KE LT, bet ween Wood and Market, have on aaod a variety of new patterns, Aer Particular attention paid lo enclosing 'ra-r Lois. obbln done at short notice. aua FRF A PHLKT OP VSJ Immense Importance to the old and young, married and single of both sexes, will be sent free by addressing, with stamp eueloeed, the agents J. A. KLNDRiCR A Hox 1J, Boston Post Office.

mtrJOdrdawF VXf SAY OP WAkNINO AND INSTRUCTION FOR TOUNO MEN. Also, new and rella. ble treatment ef the Urinary and Sexual Systems. Address Dr. J.

SKILLEN HOLOHTON, How ard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. aply BORING TOOLS, aml3 MANUFACTURES Or IMPROVED BOMJtG TOOLS. FOR Sinking Oil, Salt and Other Wells, Ko. 136 WOOD STREET -ITTSBUHIH PA. Tools warranted made of the very best SLICK) AND LOW MOOK IKON.

WELL BORERS Furnished at Xsowoat Cash Frloea with such articles as are necessary te eonduct opera! iona, ANYILS, BELLOWS, VTSES, SLEDOES, HA MM EflS, SHOVELS, PICKS, AXES, HATCHETS, r-AWS, SUNARES, CUISELS, WRENCHES, PLANES, LEVELS, NAILS, ko. Rope, Leather and Gum Belting, 'All of which I have seastantly In store. ocsiiamd DRAUGHTING. QKiJJSRAL, DRAUGHTING OFFICE AND PATENT AGENCTX No. II ST.

CLA1S STREET, near Suspensf oa Bridga, H.P.OENOEJI8KE, Otru niiaecr. esldtaee Ro. li Hay street, FOR BAIjE OITE LAROB DOUBLE DOORFIKEAND BCniaLAH PEOOFSAFB, lined with Steel, and in eomplote order, lately owred ty Rnhett Ashworth, deceased. For parte ulaia, enquire of I JAMES B. STRIOKLEB, Adm'r, No.

I St. Oiair street. JOR BALE. ENOINE, BOILER. FLY WHEEL, fcc, complete, ready for patting tip, suitable or a saw-mill or any purpose requiring 60 hoi-se power.

Apply at 1 is THIRD STRBET. AND LIMB-PROPERTY FOB SALE On the Steubenvill Railroad, seven miles irom the city, CONTAINING ONE HrrrTOUED AND EIGHTY tli ACKLS, Steam and Water Flonrlng and Saw Mill, an! other line improvements. For further information apply to WILLIAM WAKD, (Opposite the Oataedral,) JylS (I rant street. No. 110.

MOUNT "PROPERTY FOR SALF. A neat (Cottage House and Lot or Qround, Fruit and shad Trees, Shrubbery, etc, fronting on High street. Also, a large Honse, neany Dew; O.J aeres of ground; eoraer of Bertha and Hich streets. Also, a double Frame House of six rooms and large lot on Sycamore st. Price.

$1,260. Also, a Oottage House ot tnree rooms and lot on Union street. Price, (1,000, For sale by S. CUTUBKHT A SOWS, a on 61 Market street. J)EB1RA15LE CITY PROriRTY for rh r.

1st, LAKOE OFFIOS ROOHS. No. 0 Fourth street, opposite M. A M. Baax.

suitable for a Stoie, Brokefa omeea, arc, Ac. S4. A LAKoE PHOTOOKAPH OALLERY. d. A HALOON, In a good location for aa exten-alve Kestautant.

E. D. QAZZAM. ocaotr o. 40 Fourth and fenn street.

$3,500 WILL PURCHASE A NEAT FRAME HOUSE, wl'h SIX ROOIHS, and about TWO AORF.S or LAND, situated in the village of Mount Washington. For fuither particulars enquire ot ti. H. TOWER, 161 Fourth, Street. nolMtnd X'AfcUABLE COUNTRY HOA1K FOR SALE, situated on the Pennsylvania Rail' read, one-half mile from Wilkinsburgh.

and only three minutes walk from the newly granted Station on satd road, called EOOE WOOD STATION a LOT of gronrd eontaltt'ng 11 acres 138 perches; three aerea Oak Forrest; large Frame Building, just new, with 14 rooms, aad cellar underneath; hearing Fruit Trees; Waur and ether ooaren-lenees. These grounds will divide handsomely. For further InfoimstKn call on JAMES S. KINO, No. 10 Fifthreet- CPLKNDID DWELLING FORBiLE, situated at No.S63 Rebecca stseet, Allegheny Olty.

The Lot has a front on Kebeeca st reet of CO feet, andexttnda 10a feet to Park's street, oa whioh Is erected a neatly naiahed two story Brick Duelling with seven eomlortable rooms, Una kitchen, with range, bath house, gas, hot and sold water throughout; marble mantles, etoa heartha; grape arbor. Tata property Is offered cheap. Apply to, noil B. Mo LAIN a OO. pORRKNT.

THE TWO LARGE Front Rooms or Offices, KO. 6 rOI RTH SIltilKr. ALSO. A Pliot ograpli Gallery AND A LARGE FURNISHED CELLAR Iamediale possession glvea. Enquire of McMASTEB.

GAZZiM A nol ATToaxava, f.ranl Street. fXU COAL AND LAND FOR SALE V' Thav valuable FABU In Ellisbeth township, Allegheny coutty, eontainlog l7j cr oJM'RF ACL ANDt'OAL, aad ff.mliag oa the Monongahela Rrver lor more than hail a aaile. lo Pool Ko In this tract there are aire- of good raer. chaatat.lel'oAL froatlog oo the river. With dep "ateralalong the Tne water is never less than irom to lo feet deop, when tte river is at ltt lowest iage.

The Land is ef the very best q-iallty of river bolloni, si. la orfler, and tie (or w.ih a etorV uVujt IiWELLIN'thl) )SK. Irg. irame Barn, tram staliie teet long; omOrlb. Wagoa Hdaseand two Tenant Dwellings.

Tbe lreeost.ara and Waahtartse Turaoika 1.1.1 Lua imji; ai it altogelhel for convrr.lrnr. of i certainly one of the very best luvestatenU aow Pavaeau win be made to suit the paroliasars For particulars, oncuire of O. H. TOWER. Real Estate Agent, No.

lei Fourth straet. noiadtf "I7ARM FOR mbscrih. wi. effer at pi iv ate sale, the A KM UN WAlrH KF WnW Situated In Oeell Township, Wuhlnrtm ti Koad leadlug front Pitt.tmrth to Leat Mtddietown, Kiies Irom the (orgier, and "Sm tb UUtr eontsloinf lee At.l.LS. Tle lsnd is goo-L well traLen-a, Ilea well, with abou' XV AOKESOFOl Oil TI.MBEK.

The Imioveroeats are a gnod two story Frame wua aucnea; a rrame Baak htaio, neatly new, and olhtr necessary Farm BiilMugs. Theie are two Oicnards, ol about six acies. or choice aeleoted fruit. The loca.ioa Is within of a mile of Venice, and mlieeof Donald's Station, ea th Pittsburgh ani Stenhea-viiia Railroad. This Sam la la a god neignbor- to nurches, and lis KLl.U JTOR SALE, THOSE TWO HAIfDSOME 1 TKS.ES BSICK H0U323.

Nos. and 31. oa tha eait aide 0f WIST OOtt KON. near the eoraer of Obio street, built and flulthed throiisiiOut ia a iuDrior aia-naer DnLaUcd wiu. every anodera convTnienoe aad improremeat aad at prescat to perfeet oMer; oae ol tae sleao-sat aod moat desirable sltuatloaa ia AUegheay.

eaaeaatoa ob me lit or April, lStfJ. Ejaqutrs of JAMr.S T. SAMPLE, R'al Estate Broker anrt Imuraace Ajsrnt. ee'3 tf io. si i-edcral Alietjaeoy.

pAHM FOli HALE, comivnt. soo a rem, All of whleh oi! Fanrini, anl .25 acme ciearetl and urjer rood ffnfi, tiie reojainlnj 7 tint-rate tlmlrer. Tae land at present mrJy lo graa, and ia la ffoodcoatiition for ettael a HJKEP IrAiiM or tor AUKIUirLTUKAL i am ror nooa cotkI, and ot accesawitltio a few mile of tUc S. it at fticttTi St-tlon, mrj ttro linear manen. tr, theooutty ttiwnof Uabciwx aoualy, Weit Va alx mle from Wrllavltie.

aoil thir'r-ri fr tm O. The InipruTemeota arc, a iarra rrino nouie, uaru, waoa Oro Or ths. Sheep Hotmo, all necnry ont-biilMtnts and a Steam Will olos hT. There are two sooa velaaof OUAL. one of which la OWNKL.

oa tha frm. The pronertv ts weil tli a'untim ef sreies aeiirlDS anah rnrrrf. hsn wellvJptil for wol srowlnj, razin- or firminr aa the Washlnt ton 'ootiatv land, whirr. niDI Ilfallsl'r'Lr Viirt l.aar- 1..., 1 i'n i.iv.uiaii ui Al'pilCft' SI FOURTH Bullulag.) rOR SALE, 50 ACRES OF COAL LAND, Situate In Weatmoreland county, oa the North-Weatern Pennsylvania Railroad, containing two veins ol Limestone aad Fire Otav. The COAL.

LIMESTONE and KIRK f.v privileges of the above tract of land will be sold on or Dt lore SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9th, 1SS5. For further particulars la nnirt af th T.w nri Claim Office of W. J. It HALL ATTERSQS, ao34 Wo. 144 Fourth rutaburf h.

P. pOR BALE. A FARM of iTT aerea wtthn mtlea of TjaH. aier'a Statloo, oataePeoaa. Kallroad.

The provements are a hewed log ho us aad barn, youair apple orchard; reaping loO acres clear, eu; the oalnce well timbered. Ala, a amall tratt of I.nd ailjolnlns; tbe Boro Ol Kllcabeta. eoatalaiaf IS aorea. wall ut.ntn tn The soil la the very beat of river bottom, and ia la a high it ate ol oultivatlon. Alao, A No.

I atock aod gaia farm, ooa tain! a aeres, situate in Cherry Hill Townshap, ladi- nmr mt? wiiirxgra oi reen Villa. The Improvements are a two-atory frame house, the larseat and beat barn la the count feaotn grneraJfy nod; sores cleared; tha well Umbered. The land la good, larare maadowa arhlcfa prodaees fine eropa oi aay. it, ia very ooa-renlent to chtirches, sehoola, milia, atores, This property will be aoia very cheay and oa eay terma. Also, a Farm ef 11 Aerei.

la Fnlon town i hip Washington soiHity, Pa. Will be sold aheao. Also, ib best farm on tha Moaoojcahela River about one mile from MoKeesport, AUegheay eoDtauiiLV about i acrea. The Improvameuts are a frame house aodarn, oont crib aod wafrou shed, with other outbulldtQxa. A larira apple orchard of between 400 aod QUO trees; 60 ijuiooa lees, so pear tress, and 4A0 peach trees.

for furtbsr partlcniars, Inquire of U. 1L TOWKK, Real Batata Aent, ten No. 161 Fourth suaet. A BFLENDID (JOUSiTHll" BKAT FUK a. BALK, Oontalalng 60 aarea, ten of which are la Timber, tbe haianoe in a high state of Oultivatlon, and under a neat fence.

The Improvement are a modern built Cottage, Tenant House, Barn, fltahle and other outbuildings. A large Orchard of the beat selection or Fruit Trees In full bearlag, aiso all kinds of small fruit aad Ave never tailing 8prlnea. Situated ntteen minutes drive from Se-wickiey Station. This Is one of the pleasantest places now ottered. Apply to Boy-K it.

WILMS fc 00. One Two Three eeek. One Two months. I Three month ia Mlo month tm Inr. Advertisement inserted one year may tie changed at tae advertiser pleasure, at a charge of 36 per square, (or -30 rents If paid at trie time,) but aiuet be eoanaad to the Immediate bualaesa of tue advertiser.

Advertisement eoatracted for otherwise thau ttally, will be Inserted oa such days as tae Olilue say select. 1 rin.rI advertising TASK. yteath Notice, each Insertion 69 Marriage notleee, 75 heamboat advertisements, per trip 00 Executors' ot Administrators' Notice a on TMKIY ADvT.sVlTMMU RtTES One square confined to the mwrfMi on tineas the advertiser, and not to Include dissolutions, formation of new firms, wants, ehauzeable nee a week. Any excess to be charged as traa-eicat matrer. i tloiea 3 times; 1 time.

Aiauy. aweett. awe, a week. T-hre Six Mine One Year en 41 BO on 13 oo tdi a oa on oo 10 60 24 31 ibjI 16 00 11 00 34 (HI1 18 00 Fist Notlocs double tho above rates, if in. aerted one moata or more.

For a leas period 34 eeata a line. Local notices at auca rates aa may be agreed pei. A square to be considered ai the pi occupied by ten lines of the ordinary advertising type the paper. WAK WITH MEXICO. The I'apers ro full of wars and minors of wars with Mexico, jrnwln.j out of the recent collisions on the Rio Oranllc.

The Mexican. ImpcTilist) paper nuert that 1 heir gunboat was fired Into by men in the United State uniform from the Ttxas wlillst our people say that tiie Imperialist gunboat was the flrst to lira upou our nun. If tliere waB any anxiety en either aide for a war Jetn-ccn uud lleiico, a sufficient cause could undoubtedly oe found in these events; but kf ajelh are anxions, for the present, at least, to avoid a conflict, we do not anticipate tjiat tuose illtllculties will lend to anything worae Jnst low, taan angry crimination and rs.7-iini-nation. It canntt be disguised, however, that as louz as the Imperialists hold Mnlnmorns, there Is Imminent danger of collision with oar forces thai win lend to war. We bay a large force on tbe Rie Grande, and every one of tbe boy la blue is an ardent sympathizer with tbe Mexican Liberals.

It may be, too, that many of them aie spoiling for a fight, and longing fat a chance to clean ont tbe Frenchmen from Mata-moraa. Their ardent sympathies for tho Liberals cannot be repressed or suppressed; and the constant manifestations of it is no doubt very gajllsg to the commander of lha Imperialist forces. We do not, a we hare said, expect any serious complications to grow out of the recent collisions; bnt tha visit of General Grant to General Sheridan looks like business; and as the tinder is all ready, and waiting lor the spark to ignite it, some very alight circumstance znay precipitate us, almost any day, into a collision involving the mot rorious results. TESKESSEE. Jov.

Buownlow, in canvassing the for Congressmen at the August election, has thrown nut, for illegality, the votes of the following counties Hawkins. McMiun. Monroe. Meijs, firundv, Van Buren. White.

Smith, Putnam, Jackson, Macon, Coffee, Franklin, Marshall. Binton, Williamson, Davidson, Sumner, Iiobertsoa, 'hcntham, Manry, Humphreys, Montgomery, Stewart, Lawrence, tiibson. Weakly, Madison and Lauderdale. These twenty-nine counties are in Middle Tennessee. The Governor, In Via mesaae to tbe Legislature on the subject, says It will be seen that tho law was more extensively disregarded in the middle than in cither of the other divisions of tbe State.

In the face of my rroclaroations and address, In apito of the telegraphic Instructions of the and the presence of tbe military, bnt cue single county in the Nashville district held an election according to law, aud that only in part. In the county of WiLon there ware legal and Mi illegal votes cast. The action of the Governor changes the result of the election for Congress la the Sixth District only, where the Governor'a certificate will be issued to Mr. Arnell, (Union,) instead of Mr. Thomas, (Copperhead,) before declared fleeted.

IairoBTTD CaaPZTs the Hocsa. The fact that the Clerk of the Houee has imported a splindid carpet from Enropa to cover the floor of lha Representatives' Hallfe justly exciting icmark. If tt had occurred under a Democratic administration, it would not have been wordcred at; but it is a most extraordinary tbing to occur ander an administration pledged to the policy of protection to Ameilcan industry. The Clerk is a Fennsylvaniaa.loo, which makes the draught all tbe more bitter. Were there no American carpet goods enough to be soiled with the dirt of WashiEijton and the tobacco Juice ejected from the busy jaws of the members Sending Tnrai Wist.

Tke New York Utr aid says The health officials of onr port have derided to permit all the Dasaenrers. hrtth and steerage, of the stcatnsnip Atalanta, who show no cholera symptoms, and who design going to the West, to leave the vessel. Tnoee whose esses are considered donbtfol, but in whem the disease has not yet devi-ljped itself, will he aent to Ward 's Island for further detention. That's all right. If any of these liberated passengers should car ry the cholera with them to the Veat, what is the odda! New York will be saved, and let the west take ear of herself.

NuaTn.Lt.-The reign or terror at ill continues at Nashville, and the city la still beleaguered by robber hordes. The three murderers caught ire to be hung at once but those still at large laugh at inch a trifle as hanging three of their number, and keep oa robbing and murdering as nsnal. The new from Matamoras, though of no later date, seems to confirm the report that the Impeiial steamer Antonio had been fire upon from the Texas shore. The statement, though appearing in the Ilancuro, the Imperialist pa-ptr, it explicit, to theelfect that on tbe as the Antonio was pushlug her way up the ilTer nndei heavv llro Irom the Liberal fercca, she grounded, and when ia this received a tiro from the opposite side sud tbat the hostile party were dressed in tbe uniform of I'nited Hta'es soldiers. Two marines were wounded.

The Hanch.rro aiacrts that the Antonio did not return the lire, and lament the occurrence as threatening the peaceful relations of Mexico and tbe I sited States. It will be remembered Jlial the reported firinff by the Imperialists on tome bargua that had broken loose from the Texas shore, and supposed to be Yankee rams or hostile engines of some kind, was nbsenent to tbe attaek on the Antonio, ou or about the 14th inst. No Inckjusb ok National Bask To set at rest all the rumors with reference to -an increase of one hunored millions in tbe National bank capital, which, it 1 reported, will be recommended by the Secretary of the Treasury, we can state upon the very best antbority that no such increase of the bank capital will be recommended, either by the Secretary or the Comptroller of the Currency, except upon tho eipios condition that the Increase be in five-twenty bond purchased with one hundred millions ot legal tenders, to be withdrawn from the currency and replaced by ninety millions of national bank notes. This will result in an ac-lual reduction of ten miUiou in the currency HdMinjfon Ihxpaten. Mr.

Coltax doused. Hon. Schuyler Colfax Is ovei burdened with letters from all pari of the north, commending hi recent peech in Washington, and assuring blot that the people indorsed position. SenatorSum-nerhas added bis compliment la a letter, in which he says that although not going as far as he (Sumner) does, there is tbe ring of music in bis words. The Union League at Kiobmind passed resolutions Indorsing tbe speech.

It 1 reported tbat Maximilian of Mexico has received a letter from the Empeior Napoleon, Cbuking him for lacal of energy. anttmng near tne old price, or even at toe rate I of fifteen to twenty cent a pound, then neither tne Indian nor Lgvptiau grower can compete with us, and thtir prosperity will collapse. A Rxn bnt meeting la Paris In aid af the enfranchised slaves of America was crowded to such an extent that above 1.0C0 persons weat away, not having been able to find scats. M. Laboulaye presided.

Mr. Leigh and Dr. Sunderland gave tbe meeting several interesting facta as to tbe present condition of liberated rigroes. M. De 1'rcssensse, M.

N. De S'. and tbe well known member of the Pro-Ticeial Governmtn', the veteran barrister, M. Ctemlenx, mace eloquent appeals to the audience, reproaching their countrymen with having done little as yet in the cause lor hictt the oiieting bad been called. Jetp.

Davis Not to rm Kbtltused. Tbe grounds being taken by the tint hero press and many of then leaders, thai they have committed so crime, but bad the right to make war npoB the Urioo, has annoyed the President no little, and there are indications, for the last day or two, that his purpose to let Jeff. Davis off will be abandoned. The pressure from every Congressman who has seen him is very strong fir justice; they demanding that It thall be placed beyond eavil that a million of men hive not shed their blood in vale; that it can only be done by the scad jld. UtuhLnyUm liiip-tfck.

Stamped Envelopes By in arrangement made by the Piwtofiice Department at aahing-toD, we learn tbat on and alter the xirst of December there will be ready for delivery stamped envelopes the denominations of nine, twelye, eighteen, twenty four, thirty and forty cents, dosigned to cover mail matter, to be earned outside of tbe regular mails. These envelopes will be furnished to express and ateambaat corn-paries cn application at thedirferentpostofriccs, aid will prove of great advantage to our business men in their correspondence with all quarters. TnE Hon. Thomas Corwin, lately U. 8, minister to Mexico, being in New York, was lately introduced to one of the English railway magnates recently travelling in this country as be-lig an Ohioan.

This term evidently misled John Bull, who looked for a moment a good deal pnzzlcd; however his face suddenly brightened, and seizing tbe hand of Mr. Corwin, ha expressed bis happiness at making bis acquaintance, then kindly inquired whether hi tribe were at peac vWi tlie whilst! Mr. Corwin 'a complexion being rather Indian. Tna United States rolllBg-mill at Chattanooga, boilt by the Government during the war, and recently sold, has been handed ovei to the new purchasers, the Iron Com-lany. Mr.

Kcbb, formerly of New Orleans, now ol Winslow, Lanier barkers. New York, is piesidetit, and Mr. Auram S. Hewett, Trenton Iron Works, Is treasurer. Mr.

Taomas Yardley. of Pcttsv-illc in this and who as been ittentliied with these works from the beginning, will rem-io in charge at manager aad su-ftnotendent. I'M. rres. The Macon (Georgia) TtUgraph, of November 24, eats is aatheo'JcaUy 6.ated in this city thst the Ifoo.

llobert Toombs, who bad btcn concealed for months in one of tbe adjacent couotits, has eluded his pursuers, across tbe country, and made his sate exit from the port of New Orleans, for foreign parte." Ttib Executive Council of Cinala hs? assembled at Ottawa, which ha become the capital of the two Provinces. The annexation party ia growing stronger. It Is understood that several of the delegate to tbe Commercial Convention whict. met at Detroit, in July lait, are In favor of uniting the Province with the States TontB are over nine hundred cases en the docket of the court ol the of which KnciTille, Tenm-seee, is the shire town. Most of them are suits against rebel for damage growitg out of the war.

Those pjreons who acted aa reoel conscription otlicers receive se vtre punisbmc nu As exchange say "tie waterfall" artpro-bibiud by the Engush game laws. Tfceclause, which applie lo them, runs as follows Netting the hare (hall be punished by fine, imprisonment, etc. Kev. Wm. H.

MiLnt RN. the blind Drencher, received deacon's orders in the Protestant Episcopal Church at Buriington, on last Sunday. He has hitherto beea a Methodist. Tna wooden leg which wai taie from Col. Dahlgren by the rebels at Richmond, has been fonnd in the possession of a rebel down in Albemarle county.

AUCTION SALES. PLRNITBRE, CARPETS, FRENCH CHINA AND MLMfjHIES AT AUC THl.KSUAY mur.N in" Inst at 10 o'clock, at Maa hall Auction Kooms, 65 and 67 Film ttjeet. will lie sold premptorliv and ltbout reserve, a quantity urnl. ture. new Carpets and Jsundrita, embracing- Mahogany Sld-Boaids.

Iiifssig Huieau, tUlrSest So bide Tables, Walnut Louoe, Cane Neat ThalM, Stooto. Cottage, tut Tun post feet steads. Breakfast acd Kitchen 1 sides, stands, Trunks, Venetian Bilnds, handsome new Window shades, bsrrlo( frcisp Lsalher, lea ami Oouater Scale (ntaasr 3 Kiaoklia Stoves, Washing; Maoliae. Wheeier 4 Wilson Sewing Maculae. Ts ut-lery, Carvers, Batcher Knivea, Sllver-Plated Spoons end forks as.

Also, luu pltues cieirsnt French Ooina Ware. Also, new lnratn. Venetian, kag and Carpata, Hut ALata and a lit seeouchand matting. See saleol BiSDketa, Sf. at 2 p.

ncJ T. A. MaCLliLLA.ND, Auotr. FTKliNOON SALE. On Nov.

at 3 o'clock, at Jili Auction tteoms, 66 and 67 J-'irth stiett, will be aold. 60 pairs 10-4 White Blankets: 30 do listraUrre tire and heavy Blankets; ID do Mine do do Bed Spreads, Uorse Coveia, rianneis, Pant see raie 'of Furniturne, at 10 a. m. J-lCLELLAND, Auct'r. TIAMS, SF.OAKS, Ao AT AUCTION" 'n THURSDAY, loth I.

at ll o'clock, a. at H.asonioHell auction Kooms, 66 and 67 liltb street, win be wunout reserve, 1 tletc Hams; CHais, assurted brands ehests Black Tea; cases Pickles. "OM T. A. McOL.EL.LApj D.

Auct'r rnty improved PitapiiKrYf VTRTJSTKK SA I -TlMliliir 1 6th, at 3 o'slook, on the premise, will be sold, bv order of Trustee, three Brick Houses, Nos. so 21 and 24, on Cserry alley, between Seeooi and 1'ltird stieete. The Lots are 16 feet front eaoh and feet iu detta. Terma at aale. sou A.

ILWAINE Auct'r. DRUGGISTS. "Yyoouaiuis waLlacs, Vtlioloaiailo ANB DEALERS IN White Lea, Fed Lead, Paints, Ol Varnishes, Dye Stuffs, Window ilaxs aad Put Spieea, Perfumery, Benioie, Carbon Oil, An. Also, Agenta for Winter's Metallic Brown Paint Hamilton Wttte fx ad, Charter Oak White Leal, and Masary A Whlton's Celebrated Pateat Dryer iu oue and two nound cans. UTo.


ae NO. WOOD BTKCfTT FARM IMPLEMENTS. BLACK, kav oa aaad a large assortment of MOWING MACHINES. IXOHSB TT TtTlfil. Straw Bay Eakes, AT o.

28 and 30 OHIO 8TB.FBT, I U.laOIUENY. EVEH OFFEBLD IN THIS MARKET, AT cOORD CO S. ol tTo Street, Piukttrsu. pti HaLecTalt jktitSuaii atw. tr.

to, i.

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