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Pittsburgh Weekly Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 1

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

4 A id THE WEEKLY GAZETL. THE DAILY GAZETTE: FIFTEEN CENTS FER WEEK. PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY. OCTOBER l6, 1871. IB TBI BKST AJVD CHJkAaWT Conunercial and Family Kewsptper atiaen su ii vras-iaaa www no Tarnar.

maasisnin or trttahoatlk. Rlna-ie Bl A Clabeot ttv IS Clnha ef tan T1 A eoey ts rumiahed s-ral nttrnslT tn tKi saai of a tuob of tVwaaasf ra ara nasi ad met a aaeata. Addreaa. ilXtt, REBD A CQ PRopRiarrx.aA. NEW APVERTOEBIXiyrg, J.BaHubley&Cos LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S Ice Cream 195 PENN AVENUE.

BILL OF FRJE. TUESDAY, October 10, 1871. DINNER. SO CP 0yler. nan JJJaiaoB, Brow Cbtokeo, Ex Haocsf.

Toneme, cornea ueei ana if BKOLLED. Iieer steaa, 'lenaeriou. i nvif Porter House. gprtnK Cbteken. Ufa turn rkdM, Beef ISteak.

Bar otn. Lame Chops. Pork Choua. HO AST. Beef.

Loin Bib. HpriPsf Latnb. Lota. futtoa. with CurraBt laDy.

OTSTEtW. Raw. Btawed. Fried. inlled.

Broiled, GAME AND 1B phtasant. Stadflln. (auo. BrfLvrd 8b at wltb Sweet Potatoea. Welen KareMts.

Hlrloin of Beef Brated wit Onlooa, Braced S.irlnR Cbieksma, Parele aoe, Mam and Rr, FrtM. ve.u vow B. )U1U Mffts-, i-ir bicker- A Macrlroot with Cb tjle. trii err m.fas B-Oced Potatoea, lsautbed Potatoea. 8 -wet PnsAAeea, B-nled Folates KriHd Potatoes.

Green Cora on oosj Celery. Parvnip Patties. Tarn I pa. Eu Pleat, Corn Fritters, ellced Towatwee. sw.

Tea. IToe, t'boc eaata. Omelet. Plain. Omelets.

Ham. OaaietaM Onwletr. Currant Jetty. Omeieta, I IrUUB. Poached, 9oram'ed Fried.

Mletl. ICE CREAM ranilla, Ptrewberry, (ocoaaU. FKCiT ICKti. Lemon, Cairo Foo Jeiiy. Caetard Froeea.

BTBY. ffwed Apple Pie, Conf ctlonery, AbMvfka4o Pudding, fponne. Prt wine taaoe. i rUQipiin iv. 1- KL'I rs-ant ope.

Hours for Meals from a. m. to 1 1 F. M. D.

Appleton Co Kos. S19 and sal Broadway. H.T. PUBLISH THIS DATl I. THE Diamond on the Hearth.

A NOVEL. BY MARIAN JAMES. lvol.Sro. Fapr eoTSrs. Pries.

easts. A leadirg critical Journal reauarkaS latslrtaaS the Engllali Hovls rceeotlr reprtnta br D. ap pleton a Co. nprtnsul a saw aekool or Soil on. la which the stories at ta saaw ao th.

moral tons th. ItU errr po.Mf uL Th. "Iihsiat OB taa n.r bel.msr to thta asa. o( which to la owa ot the most snccmlui spMlmane. I JOURNAL OF RESEARCHES INTO TH FCBUSHBD BI KLG, REED Caraer Sixth Are.

aaa Smithflcld St-Jcsiar una, m. r. eed, 1. r. HOtJTOM, JL M.

I.OH3. KU1TOU AMD PBOPBin-UiU. Tbumb or tiis BlUII.Mr wr ,.) rOVB O'CLOCK. CHICAGO. The Fire Fiend.

A CITY IX ASHES. A Raging Sea of Fire VIVID DESCRIPTIONS. Indescribable Scenes. FEOPLE HOUSELESS. Thousands Almost Naked1 STARVATION IMMINENT.

Aid Appealed For THE COUNTRY RESPONDING Arrival of Firo Engines, ONE HUNDRED SQUARES BURNED- Every Newspaper Wiped Out ALL BUSINESS HOUSES BBRNED. A Great Loss of Life. BLOWING UP BUILDINGS. Loss Over $150,000,000. FIRE STILL KAGING.

CBICAOO, October Xood. The who business portion of the city ia In ashsa, from Harrison street north to csgoavenae, and cut of the river to Lake avenue, three Bailee in length, and from one mile to one mile end a half in width. Every hotel, bank, express office, telegraph office, theatre and newspaper office, with ail trie wuoiesaie nooses in the cut, are totally destroyed. Many thousand dwellings and the water works are alio barned. Early this morning the wind was blowing a perfect gale from the southwest, with a sky of brass.

No oae can as yet tell what the end will be. The only salvation for the remainder of the city is in the wind keeping its present direction. The Western Uatoa-Telegraph has succeeded la getting up a few wires from the hastily improved office in the southern part At the city, establishing communication In nearly all quarters. Munificent offers of assistance are coming from every quarter. Thousands of people are homeless, and most of then in a destitute condition.

The unbare ed streets are for miles lined with household goods. No one dare to even think what the loss of life may be. The flames swept through the city with the rapidity of a prairie hre. Many mast have perished Chicago, October 9. To Hon.

William Orton, New lork: We are trying to get established a supply department, but as the fire is now coming up this way on Wabash avenne, we will probably be driven out of here before night. The water-works are burned. Every baukics house and railroad depot in the city has been burned. Signed J. J.

8. Wilson. Superintendent. This dispatch was daved in the south era portion of the city. I O.

U. Palmer, New York: One third of the city is ia rui ns. All the banks, insurance offices, warehouses and elevators are destroyed, ally tea tcoasaod build-lnsrs were burned. The fire isstill rairiDir Chicago. October The awful work of destruction goes on with relentless fury from Harrison street south to Division street nortb, and from the river to the lake.

Jn an area of four miles long by on wide, the names have swept everything before them. It ia estimated that at least one hundred thousand people are houseless and in a suffering condition. The streets in districts still unnamed are lined for miles with such household goods as have been eared from destruction. Host generous oilers of assistance in money, are coming from every city and town possible by telegraph. The Mayor has responded to several offers, asking that eooked food be forwarded as soon as possible.

Firemen are on their way here from Cincinnati, Hi. Louis and other cities. The water works are entirely destroyed. They are now blowing up buildings on the line of the fire to attempt to arrest the progress of the flames. bow believed that the spreading of the lira southward has been stayed at Harrison street, but on the north side there la bo diminution of its fury, and that entire division of ths city is evidently doomed to utter destruction, and tknre an grava fears that the (lanes may spread to the west side of the north branch of the river, and the inhabitants OS the streets nearest the river are already moving to places of supposed greater safety.

The Western Union Telegraph have aow six wires working east and south aad running into a temporary office on the corner of Htaie and Hiiteenth street. The Northwestern Railroad is running trains on both its branches, which are crowded with fleeing eitixena. It ia now positively ssserted by some that the water works are still intact, but that the water has been shut off from the south and west divisions on account of the quantity being used on the north side. Reliable gentlemen, just arrived from the north division bring the joyful intel-ligewee that the water works are uninjured. Uod grant it may prove true It ia) Impossible now to give even aa approximately correct statement of the losses, bat a faint idea may be formed when it ia stated that every bank in the city, except two email savings institutions, one ob Twenty-fifth street, ia the south division, and one on Randolph street, ia the west division, are destroyed.

All the wholesale stores aad all the large retail establishments, the PostorHce, court house, Chamber of Commerce, every hotel on the south division (except tHe Michigan A ve-aus Hotel, which stands on the eJ(jeeme southern limit of the tire, escaped, though badly scorched), every newspaper office, (the Tribfint building, supposed to be fire proof, having finally succumbed), every theatre, six of the larireat elevators, the immense depots of the Michigan Souther and Illinois Central Railroad, both passenger and freight depots of the latter, aad more than a score of churches, and much of the shipping In the river! ara burned. Men who were millionaires morning are nearly penniless more terrible than all ia vainly that many hoaw foand nary graves. Mar can now tell: perhaps) I tell, but some are knoer ad, and there is a that the victims of the aW counted by scores of ha. horses and cows have txieaTi their stables, and on the SEGOIDEDITIOI V. NO.

231. of the Chamber of Commerce to take measures for the relief of the sufferers. The great fire in Chicago monopolises all attention. Businees is entirelr sub pended. Newspapers bulletins keep tbe people advised.

Extras issued by the morning papers are eagerly caught up. The great calamity moves every heart. The citizftta' meeting called at the Chamber of Commerce is largely attended; Mayor Davis preeide. Committees on Finance and Transportation were sp. pointed.

Subscriptions and cash payments were at onoe received. The Chamber of Commerce gave five thousand dollars. Many leading firms gave one thousand each. At i o'clock twenty-five thousand dollars had been subscribed. At half past ten o'clock Mayor iavi sent by special train on the Hamilton and Dayton Rail toad three steam fire engines and all the hose at tbe command of the city, together with all the men neceseary to man them.

The Hamilton and Dayton Hailrosdsent notice that they bad ample transportation fnr all supplies and help necessary to be sent to Chicago, free. The Indianapolis. Cincinnati and Lafayette Itoad makes the same offer. Thb American Express Com pany also proposes to carry supplies free. In accordance with these offers the Mayor sends a dispatch to the cities along the Hoe of the railroads to collect sup plie to be taken free.

Blankets and clothing will be collected and sent to-day in large quantities; also cooked food. The committee will leave for Chicago at five o'clock in the evening. The streets In front of the newspaper offices are thronged with people eager to obtain the last news of the frightful calamity, and the only topic of conversation ia the terrible ditties of the people and fearful destruction of property. letter. A dispatch has just been received from Chicago, asking for fire en-sines and men.

They will be sent at once. The dispatch also says the fire is still rag-iug. At a meeting of both Boards of the Common Council, held atone was res olved by a unanimous vote to appropriate ooe hundred thousand dollars lor the relief of Chicago, despite the legal disability to make such an appropriation, but pledging themselves Individual ly to make the charity legal. A committee was appointed, and the action of the Mayor eendiog hre engines and police was endorsed. Business is partially suspended.

Nothing was done on 'Change, owing to the excitement about Chicago. nklevood. October 9, 10 a. m. The fire is still raging, and a southeaster ly wind is blowing.

The Joss, so far, is estimated at fifiy millions of dollars. The water work's are destroyed. A dispatch from St. Louis says. We are telegraphing to all the cities for food and clothes.

Our people are starving. H. D. E. Hotve, Agent O.

and S. Telegraph Co. St. Lot is, October 9. Mayor Brown has a dispatch from Chicago askicg for food for the suffering people of that city.

He has called a mass meeting of citizens at the Merchants' Exchange at twelve o'clock, which will be very largely attended. The sympathy here is universal, all classes expressing the deepest feelings of sorrow for the suffering, aud a coble aud generous response will be made to the appeals for aid. Mayor Brown has a special train stand tag on the Chicago and Alton track, ready to start at a moment's notice to take the fire engines, and anything else that may be required, for the relief of the suffering or the aid of the distressed. Later. The mass meeting at tbe Mer chants' Exchange at noon was the largest one ever held there.

People of all classes and conditions poured in to express sym pathy or contribute aid. Some seventy thousand dollars were raised in the space of one hour, and the meeting ia still in session. Commissioners will be appointed to canvass the city for money, food and and arrangements have already been made fur the reception of such articles at hotels and other points, at which they will be picked up by transfer companies' wagons and taken to depots of railroads leading to Chicago. It as al read gon a broad al most throughout the cuv that hungry women and children in Chicago want food. By night there will be, it is thought, tons of cooked provisions ready for transportation to the suffering people of Chi cago.

Washington, October 9. The fire at Chicago creates intense excitement throughout tbe city, especial ly among gentlemen from that locality, la addition to the press telegrams, Vien. Myers, of the Signal Service, has been receiving dispatches from time to time regarding the conflagration. On reading them this morning, Presi dent requested Secretary Belknap to telegraph Gen. Sheridan, saying it was the President's wish that Hen.

Sheridan issue provisions and clothing to the sufferers from the supplies he has at his disposal, and if these prove insutflcieat, to call on the military authorities at St. louis for the same purpose. Osweoo, 0. The members of the Board of Trade have contributed 00) to the Chicago sufferers. Boston, The terrible fire at Chicago causes a profound sensatioo here.

It is the all-engrossing subject, and depresses business of all kinds. Wheeling, October 9 The intelligence of the great fire in Chicago create iotense excitement. The Mayor of the city of Wheeling, in view of the great diaaster, has called a special meeting of the City Council for this evening to take action in the premises. CiNciXNATi. October 9.

To all cities and towns along the iiues of railroads leading to Chicago, Greeting At an immense mass meeting held at the Chamber of Commerce in Cincinnati, large donations have been made to relieve the suffering citizens of Chicago. Donations of all kinds will be transported free from all points. Cooked provisions aad bed cloth ing are mostly needed at prt-seot. Signed S. Davis, Mayer and Chairman of Finance Com mittee.

Kn.lwooi, 10 miles from Chicago. October 11a. m. The work of devastation continues. More than one-half of the city ia -already destroyed, and the flames continue their ravages almost unopposed.

At about one o'clock this morning the fire crossed the river at the Adams street bridge, it soon destroyed the gas works, and then spread itself in every direction, and at this hour almost every building fiom Harrison sir net north to tu Ciiicairo river is destroyed, in-, eluding all insurance offices, banks, hotels, telegraph the, newspaper eatab lishinents with the single exception of I the Tribune office, which is fire the court house, Sherman House, Tremont House, Palmer House, cew Pacific Hotel, 1 new Bigelow House in fact avery hotel and everything else ia ewept clean. I his district embraces an the neavy business houses in the city. The rag ing fire and brimstone in Sodom and (Jomorrah can hardly be com pared to the devastating reign of the lire fiend in Chicaio. More than one half of the population is now rushing through the streets in vehicles, which are obtained at enormous prices, on foot, and every other way, with the cnoicesi household treasures in their anna and on their backs, in utter confusion, sot knowing whither to go. Fearfu! suffering must follow, aud almost immediately.

Fully one hundred and fifty thousand peo ple are at this moment fcocneleaa and houseless, not knowing where to lay their heads or get anything to their cravings of hunger. New Yokk, October 9 Jay Gould, President of the Erie Vailroad. has ad dressed a communication to Mayor Hall, stating that he has received a telegram from the Mavor of Chicago coanernJjsff tbe fire, that tbe Erie Railroad has train at their depot, aad will receive and forward free, on fat trains through Chicago, all contributions which the clti- zens of New ork may lurnisn to saa toe sufferers. Louinviik, October 9. The news of the awful calamity which has befallen Chicago baa excited the greatest interest and commisseration in this city.

The Mayor has issued a proclamation referring to the disaster, savinir the stroke is sack an extraordinary and deep one that every instinct of humanity urges ns to rise up at once and proffer our sympathy and assistance to our afflicted fellow countrymen in that city. 1 therefore invite business men and all other citizens wbo are moved with sympathy by tbe deplorable affairs In Chicago to assemble at the Court House to-night, at half-past seven o'clock, 9th to devise ways and means for speedily forwarding contributions and assistance, and express the feel VOL. LXXX VII. number, thougU leaned from coo fi De ment, were oo bewildered aim cuu-fused by the iea of tire which surrounded them, that they rushed to aud fro, uttering cries of fritfhi aad pain until scorched and killed. Aaj attempt at a dt-acription of the scenes of this appalling calamity would be idle.

The aim pie fact that the once great city of Chicopo is destroyed, that hundreds of millions of hvr capital have a it-heJ, and that nearly one-third of her inhabitants are homeless and dependant, are enough. Any attempt to embellish would be but a mockery. As this awful day draws to a close thousands of aoxious eyea watch the dense clouds of smoke which still roll over the burnt district, with the dread that a sudden change of the wind may turn the rUmes upon that portion of the city yet spared. There seems, however, little cause for ths such apprehensions, aod reinforcemeots of firemen from other cities are constantly arriving. Col.

J.J, 8. Wilson, superintendent of toleffrapb, in receipt of dispatches from the leading cities, announcing that aid la being provided for the suftorers Col. I'lamry, of St. t-outs, telegraphs that 170.000 has been subscribed by merchants of Cincinnati and promises of two hundred thousand, aad Cleveland ia proportionately generous. All this and a good dl more will be needed to relieve the immediate pressing wants, and every thing is being done by Ueneral SUger and his assistant.

tj keep up communication for the ciiizeoH and the press with the world outside. Col. Ueo, T. Williams. Superintendent of Cinciunutt, (., reported promptly for dutvth morning.

About three iourths of the L'nited SLatee mail wi.s saved and taken poaeeseion of by Col. Wood, of the t'oetomce service. October ti P. M. The progress of the rUnics on the south di vision was n'naJJy arrested about ten o'clock this alternoon.

Thin was accomplished bv the hlowintp nn snd deoiolitihing of several buildings on Wa- uau avenue ana congress streetB by Lieutenant General Sheridan. The district burned ovr in the south division embraces everything from the maiu branch the Chicago river to the late, embracing about one hundred blocks, uu mu aiatncr, contained all tne leading business housts. the banks, insur ance orhcee, hotels, etc. A large number oi cnurcties, including ht. Mary (Catholic,) St.

Trinity, First Presbyterian, United Presbyif nan, St. Paul," Swedenbor-gian. etc. The Methodibt Church on ttie corner of Wabash avenue aud Congress street is saved. The Michigan avenue and Congress street churches and Congress Hail, i redly adjoining on Congress street, ar saved.

Michigan Terrace, on Michigan avenue, embracing the residences of Hen. Broas, Hon. Johu Scamtnon, 8. C. Cireggs, Peter L.

Uoes, and other leading cituece, is coiupMelv destroyed, with the furniture and neariv all the other contents. All the newspaper establishments are totally wiped out. The i ruuiic cmnuiDg resisted toe tire lor several hours, but tinallv Yielded. MeVirk- er's Theatre, immediately adjointDg. isa wuusiooa me raging element, but finally succumbed.

In fact all the buildings in the district which is claimed to be fire proof shared the fate of those which could make no such claims. The great central depot at the foot of Lake street has become a heap of ruins. About nine clock most of the passenger cars of the Michigan Central, Bur hogton Qulncy and Illinois Central Hailroads, were moved on the brake water and saved. In the south division, the fire extended aa far as Polk street, sweeping everything before it. The distance burned over here is some three blocks wide.and over half a mile in length, numbering about thirty blocks.

The build ings were generally of the cheap, er character, embracing- saloons, small shops, poor residences, etc. The district burned over on the west side commences at Taylor street; running to Dekover and to Jerfersoo; ran thence four or five blocks north, aud then moved diagonally towards the river, and finally the west line was established on Clinton street and reaching thence to the river. It moved on this line northward until it reached the Northwestern (west side) depots, where i stopped, a distance of nearly two miles from where it started. The Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago, and Chicago and St. Louis depots were in this territory.

Both passenger and freight were in this district, and arej wiped out. Almost the entire northern division from the main branch of the Chicago river to Linco'n-Park, early eight miles in length and one mile wide, is completely destroyed, including the water works, a number of chuxchei, etc. This statement embraces the districts devastated, aad embrace almost tke entire business portion of the city south of Harrison street, on the south division, and reaching out many miles, and covered almost entirely with dwellings, composed largely of the more elegant classes, which are untouched, and may now be regarded as safe from injury. For miles and miles in every direction the sidewalks, lawns, vacant lots and front yards of we 1 lepra are filled with people who have escaped from these burning dwellings, taking with them only a scanty amount of furniture and clothing. The sight is truly pitiful and harrowing They must receive immediate relief, or many from exposure and starvation will perUn.

As stated in my previous dispatch, it is utterly impossible to make an approximate estimate of the entire loss, but it can scarcely fall below one huudred and fifty millions of dollars. Of course, but a fraction of the amount can be rea limed from the Insurance. Hen. Sheridan has today telegraphed to St. Iuie to je Missouri Department there to send at once to Chicairo one hun dred thousand rations, lie telegraphed to Omaha for eight companies of soldiers and one hundred tents.

They will be all here as soon aa they can reach here by ran. lie will also order another 1U0.0U0 rations. Mayor Maon has isued a proclamation calling a meeting to-night in the west di vision to wnat provision ran be made for the relief of tbe sufferers there. There are at least one hundred thousand people wbo know not where to get provisions to satisfy their hunger. A late rumor from the north division says the devastation is leas wide spread than heretofore reported, yet undoubtedly mapy have perished.

Nkw York. October 9. The officers of the Western Union Telegraph Company report that the Sherman House. Poet office. Custom House, Hock Island depot, Brigga House, Tremont House, Illinois Central depot.

Board of Trade, all ths railroad depots, and the Western Union Tel egraph building at Chicago are all in ashes. i The Chicago fire has caused irreat ex- citement In this city. Keelinurs of nain are visible upon the faces of tbe crowds I gathered at the newspaper bulletins in search of particulars. Newspaper extras i were lisned at eleven clock this morn- iutr. containing ttie and were sold in large numbers.

In Wail street there is intense excitement. Ail stocks have suf' fered from the sorrowing intelligence. Many citizens are taking steps for calling a relief meeting at once. Cincinnati, October 9. Information received from Chicago this morning, via St.

Lsuis and Cairo, said to be reliable, states that the following buildings are burned: -Sherman House, Chamber of Commerce, Court House, Western Union Telegraph building, and all that part of ui ntj, covering over thirty blocks. The following is from .1 .1 Wilson Chicago :10 a. m. No water. The fire is coming south on Wabash avenue, and will probably reach us before night.

A mass meeting isbsioir held hr re sided over by Governor Hays, for the relief the Chicago sufferers. A dispatch from Superintendent Wit-. son, of the Western Union Telegraph, Company. Chicago, says cooked food at this momeut would be most valuable. He says, there are at least seventy fiv thousand people in the streets.

The conflagration is unabated A meetimr of the Common council was called at one o'clock to take action for the relief of the Chicago sutterers. At the preachers' meetings or me Methodist Episcopal churches this morning, resolutions of sympathy were adopted, declaring that they would call on their congregations to co operate with the city aiuoriiia In fiord in it lmmeaisie re net. The Mayors of nearly all the western titles have proffered relief aad assistance to the Mayor of Chicago. JThe Chief Engineer of ths Cincinnati Fire Department, with three engines and hose carta, has started for Chicago. A meeting of the railroad Presidents and prominent merchants and citizens of Incintiatl is now being held at the rooaia NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, rrSSOTKT.

The UraTmea.lVacon ere and Carters "iti meet at city Hail en WED. PB9DAY EVESIN, at 7 oclo, for tbe pur- poeacf coatrlboting their mit to the relief of tbe Cb 10374 snfTereri. 0,, MANT lHAjTMN rjJLIBRARY HALL. Vocal and Instrumental Concert BV TBI MENDELSSOHN Quintette Club OF BOSTON. Assisted bv tha IMsOnguished Vocalist.

MltS.J.W.WESTOX, ON Tharsday Friday Et- Oct 12 AI3 Tickets of Adm'Siln, 73c, with aerared seats. 9100. -i rtaleot seals wt'l roTBmence at ftielock Wedisesdiy morninar. OC'-ob 1 1 th. sU ChaHes BlomVs, No.

43 Fifth avenne. ocl.bH) IXrHAXiE ATIO 4 BASK- Wi'l be added former list of vtlnxb'a t'fcss to os) aoin 1 1 1 i ia sos'i o-tob-r 7S o'cl ck. aeconu ftxr oi Mo iiwame a abh uh rooms, sun in'tnn. ia street, shares Gxchanpa ationt Bank oclO a. McILWaIN mi Aa ci loneer.

'VTOTirE. hcreas. Mien iTesU- 1 n-eniary on tbe kTATE OF VILLIAM RE.vrER US, late of Indiana TownJnlp. e-on ed. have oe granted to the uader-tg ted.

al per'n indebted to ea Ktie ere rcqde-wdto make loiTsentate paimeit. acrl tBoa haring Claim against tne testate vtltl make knAwa th aame at fivut oeiay Vf LLFAM nEDSUSntf, JoMKril HKND" fN, OLlVifi-l UfCNDErtiKlN. ocl? Bxeguvi, Indiana Tp. Important Sale OF REAL ESTATE. Brordorof the Trastes of Thomas Bakewall, in Banktrcnf cy, will le Bold by ajctvm, on the pTrn ups, c.

1 Ll vcvDT 19 at ,94 o'clock m. mat valuable tot of srouod alfuated in roe Fourteenth wnrd tty of Plttebnrsb adjoining ibe urutces property of Jones Laugh 1 in. -n'H inn abo'ii tfti acrei In ail. ha-m a front of feetou both std af tbv 'nnells- ruie riu u. al on tbe ttver, mak nc this prot erty xa'f oestrabie manuiactu'ing p'jrposeo.

or for cub-dividing. The sptr anea ton 01 cat ittiiBt- s.ij juu be raUfd 'o imp''upt aaie. TtalB will ieuve Couneilevi! depot at 3 19. H. SMnflSON, teal Etae fn-nker.

Jas.T. Brady COR. WOOD FOURTH BAJSTKEBS, Offer for ule ttie Sew Bonds of the asaasasw 1 7 11 1 1 Al(Mnjrvaiiey naiiroaa to, 7 Free ol All Tax I'rinciiial ami Interest pnaranteesl b.r the lYnnxvlrnnla Kail road Com lanj. lor sale at Siaetj and Accru ed Interest. tiovernment and other reliable Se en ri ties taken in at Market Rates.

Imported Soaps. Just received, a Buoplj of Squire'a, Price's, Sard's, Breeknell'g and Low'g celebrated English Soaps. Most of these foaps contain over 33 ier cent. of Pure Plrcerine. IMI OliTEi) BV SIMON JOHNSTON, Corner Smltifleld St.

and Fourth Sole Agent forClGAEfS IE JOT fr the enre of Asthma. LNDUMTKIAL works, Cor. Point lllty and Duqn'tsne Stn (KHAR TTJB POINT.I HUGH M. BOLE, PROPRIETOR Saaafaetnrer of Steamboat aad Stay uonerv urines or all kinds, dpfclal attention in Invited to their aow Stationary uu ft ell engine ana Portable Btilier. Ia Horse power.

Caxtinirs of all klsia ean be had oa abort notice and warrastnd to be of tbe best metals, PlTTrSBURGUI Bank lor Savings, no. oi (vtrtiu av stiLK, ru isDUiiua. Iff 1SB4 OPEN DAILY from ft) to o'clock, and on SAT- UKDAT BV ENING. frjrn saar 1st to November 1st. from to 0 o'oioek.

and irom November 1st to iSnv lot. 4J to ti o'clock, tntereet paid at tbe rate of 0 per free of tax, and if not wUb-drawa. compounds semt Januaj-v and Julr. Books oi Bj-Lawa. Ac tuxnUbod aa tke office- Uoam or aan(rore ueo.

a. uerry. rrewiaenc o. rl art man Jas. Park, Vice Presidents, D.

E. UcKiiiie.Hecretary and TreHBnrer. a. taradiey, J. Ij.

raoaai, a. a. bcif, m. n-Nlniict. John 9.

Dil worth. K. Hahm. G. Fotlansbee, Joshua Rhodes, John ttooil, liobort C.

BChmena, Christopher Zutt. i. a eii. win raw ir, tyi-xiti). RAGS! BAGS Btfrbeet caeb prise pal for good raics.

Ut lajv or email 4 nan titles, at H. R. McOT.KT.T.AN 3 i PBNN w-W have also tbe best and latwett rtock of ATE HI A and WRAPPING PA PKH in the city, to which wa call the attention ot tbe trade. Ceil and aee us ii. WM.

W. anuws. rresiuent. oecretar. Enterprise Roofing ataJtUFACTUBKba or COLE'S ATENT CEMENT ROOFING.

urriCB AMD WOBK8: 871 Liberty Street. aulloer. mechktiilCB. and others interested, an reuiirjHted t't call anil antmlnn this mitring, ua it 1 "do re arable and sbuaper than all other In th marWAt-. iew Goods! New Goods! VTe hare jtut received a fine assortment of NEW AND ELEGANT GOODS contlstliv In niaaaond Rlntrs.

Beaattfnl Aetta of i.trat ana una jee ry. boo Bieeve nuttona 1 bain and Band Hraoaleta. fine Opera and ti -aid Chains uf new pane n. Ladies' and Oanta' i4.ui Waicbesln every varletj of casing-. BUrer Watcfasa wi niurit-uauu dv.

iM HiBiiuiaciu. q. Oliver re. Hieiu auu ricuL-ii iucii, c. Alt Will tm OOid Kw WAmia Jk UKAr b.lL.

IOI Fifth avaou. MULES AjND llOKbES FOB SALE. 13 EKHTCrKT DBAVT MULaa J.l UUUU tnJ KNTltT PIT HtLEl 1 hSttTT UVAtT HORSK-. I i Uxrit UlllVlHbl or aa. bj M.


BDNT1'S JMPBOVBD CHECK rilOTKOroa to thsterattonOf Chooas, Dratu. Nouts. c. also. Canosllas, Ribbon and Uolieetloa a-trnvt at w.

A. BCSIUIO'S BtencU and amtravlns 1 Wberty strM.or. Mr Vimn PttWOaraH. oevrw. SHELL OISTEKS AND CINCINMATI LAUEU EVKBT KAY AT C.

WuLTKH U1WTAUBANT, nas 1 No. A Plata TOa. nHOH'E BI'TTFR FOR A VI IT one. Our arranBremante with the Kutbrook. and other dairies are and we ax Bow uuueriM anuaeraxe prices.

JOHN A. RENHATTk CO. Kamiiy LtbertT a ninth tuseu, dressed a protest to the Central Committee against tne uiegai rj vt eitUen it. June last while on Ixwid the steamship VUIe Ie Paris. 'he tamer Peutsehiand has arrived.

GEStBALlTlFS. MiS Jave Coomb i is playing at Pike's 'pera House in Cincinnati. An Indiana bridal couch was recently enlivened by a concealed bunch ot hre crackers. Axothkr poor girl has dind in Virginia from the use of tobacco, at the ago of one nunarea. rue was an orphan.

ArTLrrON's encyclopedia is lo be re vised and condensed to the eiie of a ebster a I nabndged iictionarv. A It apical preacher of New Kngland has written a look entitled "iShaii We Know Oue Another?" If it is possible to avoid an introduction, we never shall. LouucilU Courier Journal. The French iron-ciad frigate Norman die, which cost mmiy millions, is to be broken up. the framework, attacked bv dry rot, scarcely holding together.

The vessel was built oniy ten years ago. The French Academy of Sciences has offered a prize of oue hundred thousand fraurs tilS-O-'G iu gold) for an rrticint remedy agamst cholera. A large number of essays have aireauy oeen ssni in. i aw Whkn agriculture becomes the great national pursuit, and Pier, I'annals cream ate the great national oeverage, then will we have passed the shoals and quicksands that threaten us as a nation with aestruction. nusaii.

wKKtuni POLITICIA.IS. "tickets. hK PUBLIC AN TICKETS FOR All the Election Districts can be bad br responsible paitles, snr time DURING TO-DAT at tbe Ollice of Hilan NORTBWS3T CORNER OF THE COrRT HOCSE. Tickets for Aneiheny CH7 can also be had or JOHV A. MTI.RR.

CITV TK'ktTN. UEPUCLICAN TICKETS For jiVlleglieny City alar be bad br paittes from tbe dif ferent dtstrKls AT 'I US OFFICE OF JOHN A. MYLER.Esq. OCl rjrCIT 1USTKICT TICKETS. ntPOBUCAN ELcCT'O! officers OF THE City oi" littsburgli Win please rn io-dy st th LINCOLN Ci-L ROOMS, third floor, u4 tfet their Ticket sad posts.

Extra Tickets will be kept on hatid at the rooms for use in case ot necM'ty tn TaendaT. oc9 on thii page, uiuUr th irmaf htads WASTED, FOR SALE. TO-LE1 Ac. win bt tnntrttA at transient ratet cmlvTES CESTS per lint for each insertion. A1 aitvcrtisc-nunt injert.d for Itts than THIRTY CEXTS.

WANTS. YTaVt l. MEN Twentj Ave men to vl on lh atsUI.ti for the nw gir) works, CTner of -etaUi lh and "nallmto eel. Money pTftrj MturdaT CU at (J. armatros.

a Coal tSoe ilihb' WASTED A pood biatksm that unCeitand tiorrebof Intt and mith-lT itenerary, ooe that wu recoitiaitnd-ed. Inquire lobn At ths Onkiston rar tuition, Fourteenth ward. nty. ct-S bt-? WAST'I) six to eitrbt 'Tinir man wHS (rood refereaoea to Hod (wjardtFS and furnished rtci9 priveie tamlly on Ml Waehtneton. Terms muai reasonable.

Addreaa. M. H. Gazetjb. LC3 VASTEI All parties into-entrd tr.

nn) that Bxki tvr rtioscrlpttoo to the Capital rtioct tne and "i Umn Inn Imtri)eajn( r-Hcpany i-ife Ten eh)ere po at the eniAMir. Kiral NaHnLa! Bwk Bui.dtn;, Fifth a.e-oue iMUDUTKh, t'. ocj C. A. BCRKOW3.

SecreiarT. AVI P. apitlit8 to join a ixtrtr In the tmrehae lit a Tntciof 1-and J-jt itf 3ji Address uii rel nitine 17. ftaUiiaJ woera an interview can ov iiaa. orj.l "WfiSTEW Two good agents to 1 rou Unt clMt book.

teTTar-a Rrcm 9. 9tfS fourth avenue. VrATEI At the AloO Rolling Cincinnati, TWO aKOO i btad etcn'jeient siren to oo 1 won. aueo acSfrtittt WA TEH M0KTGAj.ES. la sums of from tl.OOO to SIO.OOO.

Will tokva ou liberal terms- JAMES M. CHRISTY. Office In Buetasut, eomor uf t'MUrtb avenue antf Wood atreet. WAJSTKI4fir) for the city and to So oooktfisr, bonseworx. Aj.

aeerat men and bora with TVfefrrtO0Wrn pf Apply at isaupi-ijaient Ooioe, Ho, 1 Utb tireet. if.irnietlr St. ClairJ Unit door from rtndsie. fittilnrrb. Pa.

AT A TED TO RENT Houtt with tftn e-ght lo tea f-'bs, ob or near me Fav.h. Must hare tf Rath Koom, Ua and Water. Addrei. atvit'nir location mad vuroer Ltbeii and Iwent fl lh irsfU. se4aTT 7 ASTEI 3tOKTAGES.

A of 400eacb for -A or rears, -at of 1 30 each tur 'A ur 3 reara. of 1 OOO tor 'J or rer 1 of -j or A Fears. "iOOH for -4 or yeaia. of a.9,UOO far ii rears. Vnn.

K. HKTTY. JeU No. 17 TO THE LA HIES. Having opened arst-c'ass EMPLOVHKN i BUftfc.AU, we tHriicil a 'ronion oi -Dr piirunicp, as w-bare tbe moat relt bte help oa band with refer euce.

and we do not cbart t- he'p for procu Ids p.acea for tbem. Men for driving- i)i for work of ail ttn-lt; -mall tirl ut brimr nu oti call, at No. 129 fiMllllKi-LU S.hKKT, snrv. front, aoure the Meihudist Hook ure. IU-U TO liUT.

REST ilOUs--Thc Wan -lot A House, reeentlr occupied on the iserer TnrP'ke, near DimutHWOB. on the F. Is offered rent A tenant who wttl furnish meaa and tetrp- iry lodt.if to friends ol patients vip'tlr ibe Hospital will hire a etert-ucc. neeo aplf ei-cept thoe wbo can give ib- bt reere vs JOliN AnrKK, President Weal rn Peon a n.pltal. TV LET A bandfOmelT famished JL fnait ro -ec Tid Uij.

at tto. WA Pennsrl- axjii arenaa- itan. w- THI-LET A nHiuber of Furnished JL Hs-torus to "ei'. with Board, at Incline fane Iluuse Mt. Washtngtoi'iaisoatuttof four hand- ium Room in sum house to rent, with or without Board, alao tiiaoia to rent.

J. W. MAUT1N, Proprietor, jiUTS Mi. Washington. PO -LET The Second Floor, inctud- tn Office, of No.

347 LlberLr street, lately occupied br John '1'. Bade; to. Apply to LaI'U A 3tUKAt.Hl". salfi.aS TtM.ET. Hons and pro mi o- X.

'At A North avanue. AlleKfier j. r. ntina on the north side of iht park; ibr? or doors ast of v.1erai tureet- For part'eulars Inquire of DaVII'W. B11-L, Attoroe-l-L-w, No 144 frou-th avenue, Pittsrtursth.

FOK SA-LvC. SALE A wm1 Sirond-aaud nearly new, inch Under. 10 Inch stroke, wdh or wliliout botier Can sen KJ B. Ml'LHOLl-ANl, oeC, WS6 Filth sTenuj KAtcnaion fjOR (ALE SAFE- A pood econd- 17 hand PAKE made br Burke a Barnes, No-1, for B-ale eiieay. Iumq1" ai 1 First av.

one OK SAl.Er FIXE KESIOLCE Per-nsrlranla avenue, nflr On 1 ted. A arres, bsMtitifullj laid out In walks and erea with ail kinds oJ shrubbery and fruit. House la iae and rerr corrrenlent! arrantied. Hot and water op stairs and down, bata room, ohseeie, stable. house, wasti house, ac Ptrag.

cars pas witnln one hundred nf For further paxttcaiara inuim of TIluMAS K. dTKWAM-T. IXaaiena Uai Jtstate Kuth ar. DH.wT. B.

Si. 170 SALE HOH EH FOR THE MITLT1TUD1C. Tl.K WDHaiNQ MAN PUOV1PKO KOtt. HMtt.un-lln for sain ana ftase in tbe 14th and Itfih wartls, adlotnirj the Fcrinaylranla lUallroad rouod-houso ud workshops, and within ven aitnutea waik nf all the Wilis, asacblne shops and fouodriee rn tbe ib, lOtb. 14th ana 1 aa, The.a iota are seiliDtrat fromSlOO lu tJtitlO each; 4t down baiaioiaflreears.

oM KHKMY ob the premlaea ati. BITVIDEITDS. orncE or the Thitmph oir, mt'ast.) 405 L.ibertv strei, PlXTFDrHGH, 5eiLcmbr 1S71-) fTjTHE BHAKO OF IiKttTRS of this Company hare this day declared a dividend of F1VK PKH payable on and after October llitb. at omc. Tbe Transfer Booki will be rlosed from October 3th to lth inclusive.

WILLIAM Bee re tar and Treasurer. NEW YORK. Tammany Frauds. HOW THE MONEY (JOES. Officials Warmed by City Coal.

MURPHY'S REMOVAL DEMANDED. The rostoffice Inefficiency, TliK CHICAGO F1KK New York, October 1S1. THE RKAGO FUIE. The rest tire at Chicago has created the moat profound sensation here, and has had a depressing effect upon all de-partiUe! is of business. In all insurance ottices ie utmost anxiety prevails.

It is impossi le to tell as yet the number or extent of 1 he risks in New Vork offices. While iany companies will lose ueavily, perhaps none of thm will be so seriously Injured Us to susjend. The immediate resuH (here is timidity among those whd bve money to lend, based upon the expectatioj that the insuranie companies will be compelled to call in all their available assets and realize ou securities that are readily convertible Into cash. The scene in the Stock Exchange was one of the wildest ever witnessed tbefe. I'emoniac jells, such as one heard in the Gold Boom on the "black Friday" in i860, announced the struggles of desperate men to save at least a litile from their wrecked fortunes, Gestures of despair, and faces pale with mortaJ fear, racked by ang-uisb, such as one may well wish never to see a second time, greeted one on every side.

The scene was painfuliyiu-teresting and excUiog. To a stranger it would seem that the assemblage of well-dressed men before hiua was insane. Many a broker whose fortune is slipping from his grasp, without having power to stay it. was temporarily mad, aud with good reason. Hueh a scene has not btren witnessed since tbe famous break in Bock island last summer.

A meeting of the Chamber of Commerce hs been called for Tuesday at noon, to afford so opportunity to the merchants of this city to contribute to the relief of the sufferers by the fire. At the Produce Exchange there has been intense excitement all day, and measures will be i taken at once to send provisions, to the afflicted city. Arraugements are making for a relief meeting of citizens. The call for the meeting will be issued to-night. The excitement throughout the city in coE Sequence oi the terrible news from Chicago ws intense.

Nothing like it has ben witnessed since the first days of tbe Franco Prussian per office had double or treble bulletin boards out, with the freshest items regarding the spread of the rJsmes and de-t ruction of property. Crowds of readers, amounting to several hundred, pressed eagerly around these boards, and passed from one office to the other reading the bulletins. A dense crowd filled the sidewalk and overflowed nearly to the middle of Broadway opposite the'estern Cnion Telegraph office, on the windows and glass doors of which dispatches from the ucene of the disaster are posted as soon as received. In short, nothing but the fire in Chicago is talked of throughout the city, and the people are filled with the deepest sympathy and sorrow for the fate of the great western city. In many localities the shock has been such as to partially bring business to a stand still, in the insurance offices on Broadway very little was done beyond conversing about the calamity and comparing notes as to probable Josses of the several companies insuring in Chicago.

F-very moment visitors were arriving to see the Presidents or secretaries, and question them as to the ioeflr to themselves or neighboring companies, but they weretnone of tbin ab! to form even a rough estimate. The Insurance people are eserclsed oer the appalling Dews. At the ffin nderwriters the greatest apprehensions were entertained aa to the solvency qf some of the companies who have risked heavily on Chicago property. A meetiog has been called at the Chamber of Commerce for to-morrow, to take actios in the emergency, aud there is no doubt but the response will be of the heartiest and inott libeKi character, Business men of every class are ready and eager to do their daiy tow aid the suffering people, of Chicago, and it may be relied upon that the contribution from the Empire City will be a prompt and noble one. The meeting will be a crowded one and the utmost impatience is manifested for the speedy formation of a channel through which to convey the practical assistance and 8V mja'ihy of New Vork.

The officer a of the Ureat Western and Michigan Central railroads also announce that they will transport free, of charge trom the Suspension Bridge to Chicago all supplies forwarded to the Mayor of Chicago, contributed fur the relief of the sufferers from the great tire. tAMMAN AFFAIRS. At a meeting of the Working men's party, last evening, it was resolved to appoint a committee to confer with the Citizens' Committee of beventy, with a view to affording such committee the assistance of the workingmen The business municipal reform statement from ommissioner Hilton that the expenditures of the Park Department from January 1st to October 7tb, of the present year 1b iF.oiO,94),?l. is believed to extravagant. Comptroller Green, who is connected with this department, will be consulted as to the park expenditures before any further appropriation wille granted.

Another of the ways by which the city has been plundered, is said to be found in the coal supply contract for the Court House. Immense bills have been paid for coal, though the amount furnished is said to be small. is supposed, received much of the coal contracted for. The action of the Graid Jury in the matter of the charges against Mayor Hall will probably be known to morrow. The Ei strict Attorn-sy declines to give any information concerning the indictment.

It is possible that in a few days a formal consolidation of all the anti-Tammany organizations will be effected for the coming city election. Already the leaders of these organizations are in favor of running but one ticket against the Tammany ticket. The address which the Reform delegates have issued concerning their actions at Rochester, meets with favorable com nient. The delegates say, while their efforts were not wholly successful, they accomplished more than they anticipated. The Tribune thinks the re nomination of Champlain for Attorney Ueneral an evidence of Tweed's triumph at the Rochester Convention, and that the failue to nominate Charles O'Connor to that office cost the Democratic ticket ten thousand legal votes.

CHILUKKS'S LA BOH. The New Jersey State School Commis sioner will bring before the next Legislature a bill providing that no children under sixteen years of age shall be permitted to work in the factories unless they have attended school three months in a year. In no case will they be allowed to work more than forty eight hours per week. PtlST OFFICB INEFFICIENCY. There an many complaints against the management of the Post Offics.

Post. Blaster Jones seems to disregard the chargea of negligence or inetttciency which have been brought against his em-sioyea. The distribution of the mails is badly managed, but it is said unless there Ie a reform in the matter inaugurated the business community will demand Jones' REMOVAL KEQUKSTED. It 1 reported on good authority that the Grant Republican Bute Central Committee have passed resolutions calling for tbe reaooral of Murphy trout the Collectcr-ahinsBd requesting the appointment of ie, Chester 1 Arthur. Bfertri member of tbe Ku Klux from Xorth Carolina were on Saturday placed tbe Albaay penitentiary IMTB HI ATi ON AL 3 The Iatematlooal tiodety yesterday ad.

ledges of the Encampment in Ohio tft the necessity of taking Immediate actios, and that all contributions could be to the Order here. I The Masonic bodies hold a generJ meeting to morrow; also the Knights Pythias. I The contribution of Cincinnati to-day will Wch fully two hundred thousand dollars. The smaller cities otbdr States all seem to be moving to the relief of the sufferers. New York, October 9 Mayor Hall has sent the following letter for publication to (he morning papers' Atv Ynrk, October 9.

Mayor's office.4-Afiernoon A saster has befallen the great city of Chicago, which not only has destroyed the beat part of its dwellings and paralyzed its ia dustry and business, but threatens the gravest consequence fo the commerce and prosperity of our coua-try. has also reduced thouMtnds of people to houselessness and privation. A dispatch from the Mayor of Chicago comes in these words "Can you send as sonie aid for a hundred thousand houseless I have responded that New York wiU do evervthing possible to'alleviaie this I now call uporrthe people to make such organization's as may be expAdient and most effective, for the par-pose of sending moiiey. clothing aad food. I would recommend the immediate formation of general relief committees, who would take cuai'ge of all contributions.

In order that no time may be lost in carrying relief to those of oUr fellow-citizens wbo have fallen under the dispensation of Providence, i suggest that the Chamber of Commerce, Produce Exchange, Board of Brokers and the united Pres dents of banks, and all religious and charitable societies, immediately caiUa meeting of their respective members, and from them select independent relist committees, who Bfiall solicit subscriptions of money, and food and clothing within their appropriate spheres of action. lu the meantime I am authorized to state that contributions of food and clothing sent to the depots of the Erie railroad, Hudson river aud Central railroads, under the spontaneous offers vf Jay (iuuldand Wm. H. Vaoderbilt, in even small quantities from individuals or business enarces will be at ouce, forwarded through to Chicago free of expense. cannot too strongly urge upon our citizens immediate attention to this subject.

Signed A. Oaket Hall, Mayor. Rochester. N. October 9.

Toronto Lodge, No. I. O. O. contributed this evening two hundred and fifty dollars to the sufferers by the grval 'Chicago fire.

Oiher ludgea of the Order in thisciiy pro pose making similar donations. FOREIGN. FttASCi- MIMSTRT Paris, October is reported that Victor La Franc succeeds the late M. Lambrecht in the Ministry of the' Interior, aud that Picard will hit the posit i. Tirol Minister of Finance pro vacated by the transfer of Le Franc.

ELECTION ItETt'RIN S. Returns begin to come lu from the elections for delegates to the Conseils Oeneranx. They indicate that the radicals have returned their candidate1 frrra the cities of Lyons, Toulouse, Marseilles and Avignon. The moderate Republicans carry Lille, and are ahead in the northern departments of the Seine Inferieure, F.ure. Calvados.

Mouche and Orne. The Con servatives carry the city of Toulon. The Bonapartists have been successful in central France. The Due D'Aumale has been elected from CUremont, and M. Minister of Public Works, from i mes.

Uambetta is def eaied in the department of the Hot. The elections have passed off quietly. The vote is light, many eke tors having abstained from voting. OLU Y. Tit CUSTOMS TREA 1 V.

Berlin, October 9. The government has recalled Herr Von Arnim from Ver-vai Ik-s, for const 1 tat ion regaH ing the Franco-Oerman customs tr-aiy. Poyer uer tier had an interview with Bismarck to-day. THE CAPITAL. Washington, October 9, 1871.

HODGE 8EXTECCK. The court martial which recently tried Major Hodge for embezzlement has sen tencei him to be cashiered, to forfeit all pay and allowances that may be due him at the date of the promulgation of this efnience, to be imprisoned at hard labor for ten years in such penitentiary as the proper authority may direct, and thereafter to be Imprisoned in such penitentiary until he shall refund to the I'uited States the amount of his embezzlement, The latter would be equal to imprisonment for life. As no one supposed that this requirement would be filled, the President today, therefore, disapproved this part of the hading, but approved that which consigns him to the penitentiary at labor for ten years. The penitentiary at Albany is designated as the place of con fineuient. CAIRO.

Kinking of the Steamer Virginia, Cairo, October 9. Capt. Boyd, of the steamer Shreve. gives the particulars of the sinkiog of the steamer Virginia. At nine o'clock on Saturday night she struck an obstruction, unknown to the pilots, while rounding to Phigiey's wood vard, one hundred aud twenty miles below Cairo.

She sunk in two minutes. No lives were lost. She lies straight, in fifteen feet of water. The cargo, with the live stock, is a total loss. Capt.

Boyd tendered hie aid, but the passengers remained on the wreck, waiting for a down steamboat. The wrecking steamer Kckert went to her relief early this morning. BRIEF TLKUKAMS. A shock of earthquake was felt at Salem, N. yesterday, lasting several seconds, jarring bouses and windows.

George F.vaos, the defaulting State ageDt, has been surrendered by the New Vork authorities to the Pennsylvania State officials. The explosion of two hundred kecs of powder, about three miles from Wilmington, yesterday morning, started reports of an earthquake. Disturbances arose yesterday, at Philadelphia, between the whites and blacks, during which ehots were fired and stones thrown by an excited mob. The election excitement is the cause of the trouble. was a preemptible shock of earthquake at Kew Castle, Del accompanied by a roarinir sound, between nine and ten o'clock yesterday raorninir, caus log jrreat alarm.

All the houses were shaken. No dninaiie was done to proper A Nice Story. Apropos of Kenforth's death a correspondent of the London tStamlnrd tells a very pretty story of "a most successful mode of drugging- ia use over the American continent, which produoes loss of strength and torpor, and 'which, in the case of death resulting, defies the most acute medical analysis." He-was himself once a victim of thta drugging. He drank ooe mouthful of eo-cUd brandy, and ten minutes afterwards hesbeeame giddy, lost the use of his limbs, and then consciousness, and did Bot reoofer Jo some seven hoars snfflolentlytd btefclm towaJk. Be subsequently gotqBlnt4 with a man who.

bad been ployBd York vault to enact ta Bi)fitMw, andthlTSpctMB. abt rehabl. individual explains esas. Part of In-J. eantedaItfc.

spaeai ad up by. tr-w impregnntjdwith In bo til. Is then wall shake, and sriBpnwKh th. portion before "lknVS3' left to stand for a WW f0; ing before usatora twill be the result oi dn How many mar then bMn aa rat-menosntsat lawf- -ed at Kirby.a tuaif -Liverpool, east cam-tain tke dead bod weltering ia blood. -husband and land aarvevor.

killed hJa wife fra and Uses eonualUa law 4 occasion. The Board of Trade met and passed resolutions to the same effect, which we published in hand bills and dis tributed throughout the city. Every other interest is forgotten in pity for the afflicted people. Cincinnati, October 9. The officers of all Odd Fellows' lodges in the city held a meeting at four o'clock in aid of their suffering brethren in Chicago.

Sixty thousand dollars have been raised to the present time by private subscription. The Mayor of Chicago telegraphs for tents to protect the houseless and asks for some blankets. A special train will leave within an hour, conveying a committee of eitirens and four car-loads of provisions, consisting in part of about 10,000 pounds of cheese, 10.000 pounds of dried beef, 00,000 loaves of bread, 200 barrels of crackers and 2,000 blankets. The train will run at passenger speed. Donations of provisions continue to be made, and will be prompt-ty fdr Warded.

New York, October 9. It rev crowds are assembled at the bulletins and in pub places, eagerly seeking additional news of the conflagration. At the Produce Exchange the excitement is very great. In mercantile circles it is thought thai some of the accounts from the west represeut the Josses greater than they really are. Thus far no formal action has been taknn looking to relief, but it is expected that some measures will be commenced to give assistance to the dis tressfd sufferers.

The afternoon papers fdit-orially call upon the authorities to come to the rescue and bring the appeal from Chicago before th community forthwith. Profound feeling! of (sympathy and regret at the appalling calamity are manifested on every Hide. Philadelphia, October 9. Ureat ex-citemement prevails here regarding the Chicago fire. The streets are thronged with people in front of newspaper offices, to read the latest dispatches.

The sympathy for the sufferers is nuiversal. Nashville, October 9. The greatest interest is manifested In behalf of the uff'erers by the Chicago ti re. ay or Morris has issued a proclamation for a meeting of citizens to-morrow to provide means to assist he sufferers. A private citizen left a check at the Banner office today for oue hundred dollars, with the following note: "No North, no South, when our fellow men are in distress.

Here is a hundred dollais for the needy in Chicago. Signed, J. O. W. Allen." The managers of the Orey Theatrical Troupe tender a benefit to morrow night for the Chicago sufferers.

Memphis, October 9- The great fire in Chicago is the ail absorbing topic. Further details are anxiously awaited. Mayor Johnson and Col. Penion. President of the Chamber of Commerce, have issued a joint call for a meeting of cluns at half-past seven o'clock this evening, to take action in regard to the matter.

Coli mbus, October 9. Tbe Chicago fire has produced a profound sensation here today. At a meeting of the citizens this afternoon, ten thousand dollars were contributed and a committee appointed to raise money and provisions for the sufferers. The bakeries at the penitentiary are busy to-niffht in baking bread and cooking meats to be forwarded to Chicago. The 6 45 express train to night took out a large quantity of bread and meats prepared at the penitentiary.

Wheeling, W. October 9 At the special meeting of the City Council tonight, called by the Mayor, five thousand dollars were appropriated for the relief of the sufferers by the Chicago fire, and the Mayor and I' resident of the second branch of the Council were ordered to remit the same to the Mayor of Chicago. The Mayor was authorized to call a mass meeting of citizens to morrow morning at ten o'clock, to give an opportunity to large numbers of private citizens who are anxious to subscribe to the same purpose. The Franklin Lodge, No. I.

O. donated one hundred dollars for the same purpose at its meeting, held this evening. Indianapolis, October 9. The news of the terrible calamitv at Chicago creat ed the most intense excitement here to day. Nothing has equaled it siaoe the firing on Fort Sumpter.

Two steam engines and two cars of provisions were sent to Chicago this afternoon, with a corps of firemen and policemen. At a meeting held at the Board of Trade rooms to-night ten thousand dollars were subscribed and thirty thousand pledged. More provisions will be sent to morrow, and a general meeting of the city is called for to morrow night. Tksjie Hacte. October Common Council of this city has just made shipments of provisions by rail to Chicago.

More will follow. Tbe Vandalia line takes all contributions for the sufferers free to Chicago. Evansville, October A meeting for the relief of Chicago was called by Mayor Baker to night. The sympathy and excitement are great. iMr.

The citizens' meeting at the Opera House to-night appointed a committee to collect money and a committee to forward provisions tomorrow to aid the Chicago sufferers: also recommended that the City Council donate ten thousand dollars. Hen. Sbanklin subscribed three hundred dollars in cash and one hundred citv lots, to be given to such sufferers as will move to this city. Wm Huiman subscribed three hundred dollars, and several parties one hundred. Several thousand dollars were raised and will be sent to-morrow.

The meeting was large and very enthusiastic. Memphis, October 0. At a meeting of citizens at the Chamber of Con? mere to night, brief speeches men made by Han. Emmersoa Eld ridge, John Brown, Mayor Johnson and others. Subscriptions wen opened aad several thouaaad dollars subscribed.

A joint committee of eithsans and the Cham bef of Commerce was appointed, who reported die following reso lorioo: r. i Whbrkah. Intelligence of the appalling calamity that has faiien the great uiofl- nopoiies of tbo lake, saa awaaened me hearts of, the people of Memphis their profoandest sym pat hies, therefore, That we nre-dseply moved by tbe sorrowful misfortune that has in volved and still continues to involve ike the rich and poor of Chicago; that we feel for the nometees, tmnovensnea ana be reaved ef her citizens, and wish that it waa in oar power to extend full relief, bnt to tbe entire limit ot oer ability we pledge ourselves to give of oar means substantial aid. After which the meeting adjourned till tomorrow evening, when a mass meeting will be held at the Opera House. The railroad and steamboat lines offer to send all supplUs free.

Philadelphia, October 9. Mavor Fox has called a meeting of the citizens for Wednesday to initiate measures for a warm and generous meponse to the appeal of the Chicagoana for aid. The Commercial Exchange Association has appointed a eotnraittee of twenty to collect nod for Chicago and sent message of sympathy to me mayor ox tJ hi cago. Albany. October 9 Mavor Thatcher called a meeting for to-zuarrow in aid or the inhabitants of Chicago.

UALTIMOHE. October 9 The-' tv Council has requested the Mayor to offer sympathy and ask what aid Baltimore can tender to Chicago in her great calamity. or. mjovm, October The largest meeting of citizens ever held here to-dav raised 70.000 for Chicairo in an hour. Committees were appointed to canvass the city for money and clothing.

A train started to night loaded with cooked provisions. The Merchants' Exchange subscribed $10,000. Potjgukekpsik, October A meeting as called by the Mavor for to-morrow to aid Chicago. Saratoga, October 9 A meeting is called for to-morrow to raise imda for th Chicago sofferers. Boston, October 9.

Mayor Gaston has telegraphed to the Mayer of Chicago ex pressing sympathy, and inquiring in what manner Boston can best extend aid. Cincinnati, October 9 The excite-ment here concerning Chicago is unabated to-night Newspaper offices are thronged. Tbe city is moved -with pro ftmnd sympathy. The Merchants Kx-cfeaBe all day for the reception oi wtriptions. Large public meeting ar Vittgtat, The announcement of ens) 4 received with applause.

A oar i evening at five o'clock in chaxf eommittee of the Common Couae4rl tbe 1. L. Railroad, containing ee)S hundred and seventy-two barrels of crackers, two hundred and fifteen boxes of provisions ot various kinds, seventy-seven bales of blankets, and two thousand loaves of bread. Tbe Evangelical ministers held a meeting thin afternoon and resolved to cooperate with the authorities in affording relief. The Odd Fellows sent one car load of provisions to-night.

At a public meeting to-day they requested the Most Worthy Uranu Master to call the attention of all t' v. Natural History and Geology coisniff min DIBIMi TIE V6TABE WORLD, OFH.M.S.BEl.UI Coder the Conimaed of Captahs ItTsI BY CHARLES DARWIN, M. R.S. ABlbuf of the Orisln ur Bpela. Ta Descent of kf an," etc.

1 voL. 13io. Clot. tX'A O. A New BsUUea.

"Thitj voiaiat cio tains. In the form ef a Jooraal. a history of oar rorae, aad a sketch of than eb- eeTratiorjs in Naturml Biatorr and Qoolocr I thiak will pasees acme interest for tao reader. save la tbts edition largely and ovrreipied soma porta, and have added a little to tn order to render tbe voiaao aao? tlnfr for p-miar readleo." frose Preface). The Handy Volume Edilioi" of DICKENS'S Mutual Friend, Pot loc the Fonrth Issue of a New atdttio of the Works of CHAHLES DICKKX3.

wttfe Ilhas. tratk aa. seitlr bonnd In brown elo4b, haad To be completed In Fourteen Volume. daoSec-Imo, averaging 349 pa pes each Price, 9 oaarta esch. A NEW EDITION OF TBE Household Book of Poetry.

Callctied aid Edited br CUS. 4. BUI. 1 Sro- Cloth. Gilt atdea aod edceo.

Prtoa "Thu lo eaote colleetfoa of the ant ixtees to the BoRttski I anaTQfcsge." Chic ago Prow. "It gives so la a olegaot aad conpaei forso Owfe) bodr of vera a ama oe foand lo bo oi vaW Time or series of rotniae-' Transcript, Either of the above sent free by amj addreHs. receipt of the prke. HENRY G. HALE.

Fall and Whiter STOCK Of My Own Importing, ARRIVING DAILY. The Finest Goods FBOM THE BEST Franco and England. 9 HENRY 6 HALE, Merchant Tailor, COR PENN AVE. AND SIXTH ST. of Tkaw, ianaavvw ing ot thta community on this disastrous f.


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