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Pittsburgh Weekly Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 3

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

'V railroad: COMMISSION MERCHANTS, yoop props; AUCTION SALES. JTIKST CLASS I fOEatry Reside ace aid CraBd 8PECIrUOTICES. Putfu-re you Sick" fbse and ir tb out of order with your system uid iWll-tr H' COmiortAhlcr i syrcrH'Uitv are-iitr-n th pr. lode to er.ou4 1Un-s. sma fit of i-kn.

i creeping npon you, and thoui.i m- are net t.v atim. -ly tte right TaHe Aw an i rlfDM Out in dtort-ra tm mora nttiMtv ihf tXIR SAI.F A and tUlrrr-UJt prrt- Ta Imnrore M02TDAY. fl 181- ADVERTISING RATEt, tsi rress Pitts.srKb STAVDLVO MATTER, la lW ssf Tarn IJavra. Eight WaurdU ta me I Im, aw- B-A 1Mb oao 7ft in time. 1 rnr.

llmea 1 75 4 Fuur lluaea 3) give llinca 2 a) sn timee, ws.k. 2 at tm I st iw ae-vea times, 40 Klarbltlmes Kin ttmee i lo Tea Ilnf 4 Bt li.T.a UtaeA 73 Twalre timet, 2 SOU IS IK 17 Three nit 7 Co loo I to IK Vsaiavoalli I ra 410 I wo mouths lion K00 Tto iw Tata moatha IS 05 12 00 am Six months "0 II as: um tw mi tn moathe I 17 on I 171 Throe antln 54 I do SIS monies I iitil It (lit 00 It 1 laTfi; ww, AHKAfcuK.HK VT.I KM.N?rLVA.MA CkSiTkAl. IL ta SB altu- SOU OAT, If ere It la trale-a wUl lea re the t'nlon Paaienger Mraatal waaw 1 Inavta and IJberty atreeta, ae ftMiwf DAT KXfEat-Lavee ttnabanrk at liaJA I fttinrttag at principal atailoa. Arrlvf A 'oow a at itu A. TyAaw, A.

JVIteawie. tr-m 1 A.K.; LaekRarea. r. a. Harrll.aa, r.

Baltimore, 4: r. New ork. via Aiteo- Men. K-r p. at.

Phltadrfpbla. r. and Na viva n.k .1. at Ml: T. V.

CINCINNATI ETtPltlCJ Ibarra flilahnrgh at s.aOA. stopping al nearly an stalloni; Altoona-v at r. ilarrlabarg.f r. arriving at at A. ST.

By this line paengers are lranMerre.1 at Calon lei pot, Phliadelplila, dlreetlr to Eaareas train for New toik. rearhlbg 1 there atft.i. w. I PHILAIIKLPBIA at r. sboppibg oiuy aa pruM-ipe Arrives at Latrobel r.

Altooa r. Baltimore A. Nest Vork, via Alleatown. 10:00 A. ta Phlladelpbla, A.a.: and Ne York, via fhtladeiDhta.

al r. m. bleeping Cars run tbmuah on this traia troaa I lit, bargh Baltlaaore an-1 t'ltHadt-tphlA. aad New Yort via Alleatown. FABT LINE leaves Ptrubnnth al WH r.

Bmpptng only at: principal aiatlous. ArrtveaatAi-looha Alt' A. s.js a. Ba CJU r. New Vork.t via Allrnurwn.

r. ri r. sad Sew York. ls lhlta.l,,liila. a.

ArenVt'- yWaavar. teJorp ITVrtts all aXAar frvtaavr, Awjaaaa a JOHNSTOWN Sunday at 4: Pt at regular atatw between 1'uiirurart. and Couemaogu. aad coni'--'! ng at lutt with UAuiP in tbe Indiana IVunsiTi aula Kallnmd. t- LlltMtAA ri.N-i-ai!v flft SDaJrsr t.

atallreguiarsiAitaVc abt Alt.xni. and tuftattuc elf coftneou wi.e ou tit tnotaua irancu. ri IVr.ivi- f-i-vlvvad, A t'rcyi-roa abi' Braticn. First Ao.otn3:suou Tratiu t.r Station-Leave diwiiv at (Second AttJt'iiiBitii 'aihiii Tmm jor aiCn hLatlvo- Leave dajtj ki-avrpiL-tmiday-tM i nird Mint-dailon iall lor ail StaUon, ieavedallTierei'i uitjyj a. Fourth AottojmodUon 1 rai kht Hai'aMUoo Leaves exeept umU)-) at P.

B. PeBBAeoowmo.lsa.ioa. No, 1 -Leave dallv (cvoept tTiiada-si at biijav etoin-ng at all atattwn be tweea rittwburjrb. and Penn Matioa. The Church Train leaves all t-iatlOB every kWm-dayatrrtOA.

and arrive in Pittaburvh at Mi.tA A. H. BeturitlKg, leave Pltlaburgh at P. M. aad arrive at Wall' dtatloa at r.

Kcturntng Tralnskrtive In FltUburgh a ftllows: A. H. Abt Line a. 2: A. U.

First Wall's ttjii.n Accomn.odatloa...... a. K. Ian No. 1...

7-' A. At becond Wli Ac- uiwtd at ton fcMl a. Johutown Accomutovlation 10 a. at. Hal tin.

ore 10 P. M. A Uttotta Ac-coniuiodaAion and r. M. Third Wyshutiou r.

M. rltiladejpbla Faprtr r. at. all's Accoiuiliodeaiion, JNo, 4...., Sc06 BW An Agent of tbe Ficcl-rior tompanv wtii pas through each train before rvaciiing the tVpt tivkt; up xbs'cksv, and liver batcgage to any part of the city, tlftice, Nu. 410 IVun ii-im day aad night where all order for the uiuTr-m in ol iiaaipea gert and baggage ill atlt ntlou.

Baltimore Fxpreae will arrtTe wtth Philadelphia prea, a. r. M. on Mouday. Stent In c-e cf h.fM, the ('ompauy will hold tbctniwl vt" responsible fir baggage ouiy, aud for an ataouuk aut eseeeuiug W.

H. Br aW'lTH, Agent. At the PennsylTaniat.Vntral ltatlnad Paawnger t-tloa, ou be rtv aud asbltujtoa FixiriBi VT.rrrm.-rypmac WAV Mb A CHIt AlvA VBtTnmTVP KAII.WAY, ASiO CLtVliLAMJ A bit HO A BAILJiOAl. jMt.

Winter Ai-raiaUEtanma. ou aad aAtir NovvaatXT Uib, iu I- alas will run follows, vix; ia-a For Fie Ptfirartrk. Chxeugo. VttixtmmA. M'Vr ntl KipreH a.

m. a. tt. Kaproa V. u.

r. as. 2: rv F.lpreir r. II. :05 P.

Afi Wall M- .00 A. At For NtiweavvUe and airie A. at. Returning, arrive at Ft. W.

A C. K. A. :10 P. P.

1 M. C. AP. K. r.

-Or ACCMMi.lAi'lN TKAIN8. Leave Allegheny NtW llRHiaios A. and i. r. st.

Kochk tab 2:05 P. at. Nkw Castle r. m. ECtKXOHT 19 P.

M. W'ttLbaVILXsV A. M. Keturuiug, amve at AHegbeny 1' Ft. A C.

U. a. A. 2:38 P. A.XF.

m. and 12 A. C. A P. JL K-lOruOA.

nr. OFa'KOIC PABKtV, Ticket Agent, Union raM-taa. i PUuborgh, Pa. A. t.


LOiriH sfU ANU MiUTHWUTa'. On and after WO NO AT, AH 11 lath. 1MMI, TraMu wtll 'eave and arriv at the UNION UEpOT at. foil ow; Fast Line i-jxi if. Arrivm.

fa) A. M. ft.Oi. a. K.

V. M. lU A M. .,.4:14 IUA. M.

press SicuirenvlUe Ate F. ULL, Oen'l-Tickt't Ap lit, bcubt.vUie, OL M. 1. M'tTHriPALtiH. Ticket Agetat, Cnion iepot.

CUtsixirgh. pITTSUl Rf.II AN1 A. it. Spring Airoiigemerit Oa and artr TliCK.SOAV, MARCH 1TH, lasa, Tbe trains will Iyar the lepct, eoro of ItVoa aud ater slxoris, as 6tows: almOsTtf Mall te and from m. Express, a-ut P.

u. A. M. West Now ton Atcommodation 6:15 P. M- a.

h. First Acaxm'b H. A. M. ttceond 4 2.6 r.

r. OrstithiCI'I 4.UJP. M. r. Ma unilav I hurrh Trshi from Wl lalr.

For Ticket, aonlv A. M. C. Agent. ocJT-lT H.

hli't'l, bupl. A LI.EfaKE.VV it V.VI.Lf OF I AM K. On and "ONUAV. Nov. Xth, Paaaengst trains wit'.

ed lo run as Pillowa: tlAll. aves PltUbargh al A. arrlelngr al A. at. Leaves Blllaa atogata.

arrives at PHialHtrgh r. at tSim Kl -taahlag at P. M-, arrlv-. at rutatnirgh at A. M.

Leavas Pittsburgh sltiltr. arrlviafat at silur. a. ACCOktHOUATlOS TKAlV-LeavaaSoda Works a- arriving at Pittsburgh al B--99 a. kf.

Leavee Plttaburjth as lien e. arrlvlojr al at ski MEDICAL. JiTIPHlsJES HOMOEPATHIC SPECIFICS. Hbts yrored, from tbe aott ampleerperteace an entire auceeaa. atmule.

efficient au.t reliable. They are tbe ouly medicine, perfectly adapted to popular ua so almpte tr al mistakea eanaia be made la ualng tt em; ao bam.tcas as to be free from danger, aad a. efllclent aa to ov Always reliable. vasvs. 9io.

1 cares FEVEU0. Conge. Hons, lataaas- tlon aa WoRMn, Worm Fever, Colle IN COl. IC, or TeeUling of In- fants at lMAKKUttA of children bK.Vi fcUV. Ilripittg and BUlous Colic CHOLFKA MIlUBfs, Nausea.

CHL't'Hrs, Colds, 'A Nr.t UALOiA. To-HllAcic Tace- HEAUACHlC 2f" PYHPRI'SIA, Billions at BCPPBtsStO, scanty aad painful perlvd 2S I.ECCOKKIIiEA, or i CROUP, hoarse oongb ii BAI.T KUkL'U, Jiryalpelaa, Erup- lions 56 RHh.LttATltitL altihensr.atltip.lna 3 FEVER AMI AGIL Chili, and Fever PICKS. Internal orellemal 68 4 i 7 II 14 15 pi 17 Kjeaisare-abewlTufdwaltnA a4 frame altcliea bank baxa ai.1 out tadoTug: S.00J and peark tr-e. t.l the beat Thj firn. underlaid with eoal aad llmentone of the heat fare.

onallie; a nag t'ne onav of a 1 qnaMty: very ea--yoi the vi ononganeta etevr a. aaaaa erry. Thu aaiall fane 1 am aatboriaed te aeii very ow agnrea. Alto, a of atanl 3m acre a. altaated is West neltlt-ld Township, IndUaae-onntr, feana.

The Itnproveme nta are a good. two-atory rame llouae. with rouble, a larite ftajae barn. er- rlf good eorn eeisi Twaah hooae, bne oves L- awne apritia sooae: nooel acref me kiwMr alMel laarm are.t and In timutbv andIaeert a orehard of ai.i.i. 7 i sJSeVaflyooBel dsnc of linicetOOft.

lat a dimrt diaisiuvaiytaai i This pro, vn wil. be sold, lVf ehoin I of aootti 3warrv Hons i me ynjajw ajvf orcnart a worifrf 'Iml These Csrros united goon atate ot aeparautr. auir.iaaUICE aVBBHl. HP Wt 1 be.aoid aahi. 'Weat I about tne neat farm la Falrn.

taw eoanty, eontalnlna San a aiea u.e ra. KallroaJ The tu.wr4 W- honwM oneoftb. largealandlaratrr.m. barn, lu the townahlb: two appie orruaroe. iM "hole tarn, ia under a hlga atate of enltlvatlon.

The renclag ta a 1 SoT 1 Tn. n-V'" ste-t Jrea the rat day irf April, i. Tnla propertv wlS be aoid at a great bargain. Theowuex wlabtaio enaaa-e In other bualneae. Alao, eevsral other Farata ranging from to gaa Alao, Farm of ISO seres, altnate tn Mc('aotlea 1 r.

Tams Innrtitr' tEtafn I ars a itood barn, a young- orcuard aft pit, peach a. 4 jr-ar. wilt aril this valuable property ar ch ano or. easT tormt. for farther particular, inottfrdof if.

TOW tK, BeaJ Rstme Agent, eSI iSo. lot Kourth street. QSE HDXDRED DOLLARS WILL I'LIK HASE A Lot in 3ritt Townsliip. IVljUlRI OF MeMASTER, fiAZZAN A f20 Attorneys at Law. MB rrant street.

1IADHOtIK C01TR 5JOME KuR HALE, situate 2i miles fom the citt, and within ten mi nu ten' walk of the Pittsburgh and tiiinctlsvllio Hailroad. oomtnantllng a beautiful view the cly, river and conntry. compriaes abiuit ti acre of ground, highly cnltlva-ted and latl et In the tuvsl approved style of modern landyjraire cardi alut-; 1, with shrub-(MrT. ni a great varlcL the choicest trolls si! vim tn full bearing. is aJ.o on it a never-fatltng sprtne- i.f water, andabont one acre In wood.

1 be improvement; consist In part of a noat Brt-ck Col lfc wltb 7 rooms aud wnh-houe. a large and handfiomeir built btable. an onl room for ma a. Ac. a fine cUlcn.

and splendcd pntnp are witliia f-w leet of the kitchen door, auU all fa uftderpxcel-letit fence, or partteatara, price, terms. ea-juire of tr2, 1 McLAIN A C'. HAt Aif LllfC PROfERTI fok HALE. On the tabtavlll UAilFoad. even miles froea the ally.

COTAJ.NlJitiO-NEHUKDKKD ANDEIUHTY MX AGUES, and Water FiotArli.g aad Saw Mill, and other Line 1 tup rove ru en ta. Alfut, about i-ijality Acre of COAL, without th burface. abjolitliiH ihc alnive. two Parms a Stewart's Station, ou Central Kallroad, coniaiulng- lacrej and aet. Porurtht-r partlculara, mtulre of WILLIAM WARD.

(Oppoirite the Cathedral,) wl No. UoOraiit street. VOR SAIaK A lrm of abul A- acres, sltaate in Kilmalteth township, Allegheny cimnty. attout oni mile and a half from ta Lorourh of MrKt'etrri. hatf mile of tbr aronoaga-in-la rivtr and llit aatnc from tbe YoaghioKhcay.

Tbe Improvements are, first, a Frame Cottage House, with 6 room, ami a g'od well of water at the door; s'eoiui, a two story p'rawe House, with four ri-oini. wllh two gord sptjnas of water third, a Lo iToaae, with. two roon.4, a frame bank barn, wtE Uie very l-e-t stalling, con crib, carriare bt.ust: and uLhe-r out-buii(ibr. Tbe tracA 1 all un-lt rUid with a vein of No. 1 This sirsHimefUmestont? 1 worth all that Is for lh prop rtv.

For far-tlier partlcalara, laoaire M. TOWER, Real La tate Agent, Ho. 1H Puartb 'street. fr2.Uf EDERAfs STREI.T PROPtRTf POH af TsJ3m Two First Clg Bnslaesa liQuaes, Sm. 51 and Fedtrat Street, Allegheny.

Pirc-L'roof an lit in each, aad tn complete order. For particulars, enquire of JAMES SAMPLE, Real Estate Broker and nssrance Agent, mit IS Federal ttreeu Allegheny. 1 I OTEL rROPKRT FOR HALE A A AND Ai 1(K LAND. That nearly i t-w lirlt HoU-1 ItiUMtliaT. containing r.mnitt.

MATI.i.N. the Penna. U. at ih. jnucium with th 1'ittatmrgU A Cou nelt-Ttil'' It.

li Btik-s i ruin 1 be city. There are aiwjn: it sere of laud connected with tbe Hotel, of lch Tu acres are Unable and 40 are fimlter. 1 bar- I a a(o yowTip retiart of apple, peach and pear trevs: two ui '-faitiiiK 'ft water nrtiigj of ulht-ifnt elpvatioti to carry the wai-r to a height of I'-Jt fe. t. i rfpTt if CApalor of iubdi inioB iBioloi for rounlr) residence.

Api.y t- 3. n. BkV AS. BroWf In Stocks au.J tLsiaie. mil 12 57 Fourth street.

(Mttrke'a BulMipg.) VALUABLE COAL LAND. Will sold Tft-ii AY roducsnd price. This trae 1 ettnate in Wt'Sttaioreiaud eouyty, on lbs ttsiinsyivania Kailrua), abont tw aullej rast of AiH'rtte and rttutauis two very large ofO'-'a. Z. 51EBTOS aud FIRE CLAT an verr ct.mpif l- vl" A3 k-ft IHWEB For furtbrir parascmara lu.nlre at the Law and Claim Ott.ce of W.

J. A HALL PATTEKSON, delS No. 144 Fourth Plttsbargb, Pa. OH WALK. A dMtreable Dwell- A Housr Li fr sale in Allegheny Cttv, So.

Voeattiy street, near to trt-fork. utreet; house buUt la modern sti le ant containing 7 rooms ball, parlor, dining room and k.umen on 1st koor; hall aud two large steeping atartnuat ta 3d story. With attic died into two neatly nni.bed roms, and cellar and wAh-houe in baseuiei with wat-r nlDee: tie bake -oven oiieniiic lnt en; hy'lran, aatrr in Tlie lot is well HI led with grape vines and fruit trees a Putscslon Anril I. rue ptszuv. fe McLAIN A IU, 103 Fourth street.

IVOR 8ALK--A. Faraas, contalnuiff A atwat 3uo acres, situate la Jegfcrsoa township, Allegh'-uv county, oa the Monongebela river, one ifitV from the Borough of Weal Elisabeth. The lniprovemeHt are a two story Brick House with six rooms. Frame House, two tor lei, with six rooms and a rood cellar. exm crib, vura sheds and other outbuildlDgs; about acres of the very beat river bottom.

Ttii property Is well located for garden lag furuo, aud wilt ld at a very reduced price, all quickly and secure one of Ihe best farms on th Monongabela river. O. li. TOW EH, Meal lUiatc Agent. No.

M4 Fourth street. HELUXW nOl'NE OM WTLIE eTktET FOB PALE. That lane aad wait tta- Ished three Mry Blict Irwetllng oa Wylle street near Fifth. Hblaaed In aiodera at vie. oontainlnar rooms, kltchaa, range, bath roots, hot aad eold wa ut ui im inruuiDvii ku- ouiiviing.

inistaenee fab moat desirable pripertles for a welling or basi This la once 04TI a If Int. Vrais reasonable. Apply to JaW.U" i. Li a ii4 A luz rourta street. SALE One Lot 90 feet Iront A.

on Penua. Avenue by 110 feet to Wataoa street; two-story Brlek Irwelllng oa rear of lot. Also; one lot feet front on Hummer street, Pitt township, by IWdeffp, oa which erected a two-slorv Frame Uwetling. Also, eleven lota adjolqing tbe above, 30 by go to 10U feet. JOHN l.

BAILF.T, SttK-k and Heal Estate Broker, mhlO Wilkin Hall, Fourth street. lRlALIImnedlate PtMt-Co- -A- giow. That desirable property known as the "Avery Mansion. ou WaAhlugton street. Fourth ard, Allegheny City.

The lot ts about aw fret deep, and the pnrchaaer can have 7s, or ton feet iront, aa may be desired. Alao adioiaiiig the above a number of beautiful Bu titling Lota, os one of a hlch la a Frame Cottage of JOHN 1. BA1T ET, Stork and keat Eatate Broker. fe34 WlUtaa UalL Foarlh atroet. OR SALE 1 40 acres mt Srst-ra te -t Lanit.

situated la TVafaa eonaty, Mlasoorl. litis frtH-t waa locked in lw3), aud eelected with great eare for a friend. Will sell the whole for CIW. Ap. piv soon.

Alko. that neat Conntry Keat. three acres, full of ceatce Irntt, good hoase, bant. tntiles front the eity. Price fctoO.

B. Met. A IN A jam item estate tiroser, lea roans strest DOHT PAT llE5fT, bat call aad nureFin a verr eliaan lot in tiMatliausr nT Imiaant W'abbiagtron. bo lid yoarse.f a bouse, boooeae a laud-lord, save your money, aad lsveat In those 14 valuable lot which I am aathorlzcd to aetl 01 very easy rciaaLat. wbi IHf uier JHUsiriliari ruuuuv Ol U.

U. TOW EAL Real iUuta AaeaL So i4 Fourth Btretft. P-TIO WILL PURCHASE THAT E8IKABLE COITNTUT BEAT. altn. a ted 1 minute walk from Ferry Landing.

The bolts tai Istravn ami nt.xallv tietl.hnel with t.u sive view of tbe rtvr and railroad, wtth 144 acres of grouad, arranged wttii auundaace, well water. with ward en aqd fruit In great well watered and la good neighborhood; ixrlage house. Apply soon to stable aad caxrlaate houae. Anno JaS B. McLAlK A CO.

LHR SALE la. acrea ol Coal, -a- aitaata la Hmlth township, Waahtactoa connty, near tbe llae of the Kteubenvllle Balhroad, at Mid war Station, about 2 milee trout the cltT. ror further partbxutara, eauatr. of ii. H.

1XIWEK. Keal Estate Agent, No. ISA Fourth alreet. or to WILLIAM C. CAMPBELL, on the premiaea.

Oj ftf VA ILls Pini HASETHAT VlaOVrVtitwo stYH-yTfi PwelllngoB Klv-er Avenue; lot 21 by Bouse arranged with wide hail, double pttrior. dining room and kitchen sad four bed rooms yard neatly feaced and full of sbrub- bery. Appif to v. atcLAia. to.

OR That ntmt CMttkfe A- House, with acre of ground, situated tf miles Arthur's Stattu. Oood warden. Fruit aad well of ater. Kat ateUpcr year. Aimiy qategjy to mhl H.

alcLAIN A CO, VOR MALE A two- lory Brick -A- Owelllna of 7 rtwmi. bail, and vestibule, three year built, with lot 4 by 130 feet, situate oa Ewalt rtreet, Lewrcuceville. all ia coaiplete ordfr. For further taformattoa, una, Ac, pp'y at the kleal Estate aad Utraucv titttcoof U. 8.

BATES, mh- Butier street, Lawrnovllfe. AtT T. ASUlA-TO PROPERTY AtA KORHALK A Collage Hoase, with large Let or uround. tor a iioaaeiH.rooms aao large Lot lorajtaj. A t-ot ot orouaa oa Vlrgialaatreelas leet troal by lot ep.

for BUS). For sale be mhlt B. CUTHMEKT A SONS, al Market at. ACMES OP LASH tm Basllla aJ-aVl eer county, Mlaaoart, la offered al Si.oo par Xppl ItuhU, B. MoLAJST A COT DlDGHTINQ.

(JEKEHAL DBAUtsliTlIC OFFICE a. St st. cuir Bam H. r. eErTOEktBBITCavH CaglaMr a.

HHav Mraat REMOVAL. I ssf 1 IVCTIOJ. TUESDAT, Marek 30th. at aa'deck. r.

1 Vi "ouae. ii aad S7 Fifth th lraMe and convenient eroandi ft WUkln.burar. witiils se mlautea' walk of the button, fronting oa the Railroad 7no reel, on JSfiTF "ir1 ad the Tnmt! T'- an wbtoBt. a lwenin .5 "Tl" with apeelal regard wavlV panur, ia leet a laeoe feet. With two targa bay wlndowa: hall feet no.

itie aoora ouuide ana i Inalde. arranged lor winter and 'auaiuerTealilalWa. Opening from toe kali are the Library, aitnng Boom 1 or Sammer I'arlor. aad llinlu Koom: the latter two 1 ttaYe a-h doors which opea oa a large Veranda oreiiooktne the tardea sad Ba view. The LHnlog i Koom la feet la shea by feet, and by opeuinf i alldlnrdooraeaabeexteailrdtoaireet.

TheKlleb- I en la well fnrnlehed. baeUkf the beat Etage to be had. elate sink with hat un from barrel tank la the roof auppllea froaa either a ela-tern or well, which ever ia daalred. Adjolnln. a larrr "ntry; alao a place for putting up fmlta.

Ae. The aeeond a lory baa 7 ehaathrra, well lighted, all opealag from balls. Water Cloaetaud Bath Booma, with tinned copper Bata Tab, caaad wltb walnut: atalloaary Marble Waah Stand: hot aad cold water convenhsacea Adjoining la a large room with Sue for above. Intended for airing dotiiea when weather not admlttine outalde TU mltle SnUhed rooms and cluaet. Tne room have all flae 8late Mat Me Mautiea.

and full Oratea with eun net frosta. The halla. parlor andtlbraryare warm ed wltb a well arranged ru rnwK. The Hiniavc baa tatravy caroicf at I in which Are nttrs mart ui faif.niaefi iron: inr wjiff usting conryei irom thrM Cfittaplrws, andr Mnmmd, to a UM ban-fl ciit ra. Itnrft with 1drMlK em-at.

The Vvatr ar-ranirrmeat throua-bout ar of the tnoat coin pie ts ebaraWtr. an4 cot upwards of a'hpr Is alAo a well to rent-tra alt litf waat-and dirty "Ji'-r from the nouae and wash hHu, which la out-id? and apart from 11 if dwUluf. Tbe bouse lias iwii Bf papered, wool-work oak crmined ta a superior mannt-r: (ilaa. double strenKtb, white and th minor dtatis one la Tht-re ta alaoastnail Brick Houaoti th pTiutara, saltd for tbe cardener. Tin tJ roundfi ara planted with Pro It Treea, (tlBO Strawbtrry Ptaats, ic, and very little aiteutioa woald make tt a lovely spot fur a home This proprlr will readily oomtncQ'i ttaclf from BD advantaji.

dlrabf altaattoD, and Is aa In-vettanent. i'o koalueaa muen tt As a rara chaaoc; Its clow- proalmltr aad eay arsa to tbe city mt ail hours, waking It desirable, TaRi-j. Iiu-bair4-asb; tli balance, lea0O0, In one yfar, with Intereat. This aa.uqo la a widow's dower, subject to the pay Die at of ftisOper aannm durtnr her file time; on her eath to Ire paid lu four annual lntailmats ol? ftOm each, wixb simple lo- sat asasoa laatuvaiaHl tat, aa aVBa Oi IttLaa nihis T. A.

jAittES H. CARLE At, SOKlV FIFTH GREAT SALE TALI ABLE FOBEICX AMERIC AS OIL PAIVTIUS. The estire Importatloa of JAMES s. eaRLE A HONH, aeleoted la the todloa ot lbs lieat European Artlata, by Ma. JAMES a.

EABLE, la tba (all of ISH5. will be told at Auction la the State rn UaJlerlee of PeBnaylvaaia Academy of Fine Arts, 'Philadelphia, oa TCRTAY, Man 17 th and WEDNES DAY, March Zalh. Palntlagaoa Free Exhibition oa and after HON. JIAT, March lttb. Catalogaea now and aet by mall oa applt-catloa.

mhllKodtd B. SCOTT, Ancttaneer. I ARGEHALCOF LIQI OKMRO- P.KIESAND WAKIHOL'ike, IN I1AMoNI, Al.MCiiHACN TClTYommaaaiflg Wtl.NK-OAY March list, at Clock, wit! be sold tbe Wareboaaa aad entire stock of Liquors, tiroce-rtt. of Ht-huita, Uanner A No. 34 iia-mottd, remprrialag 1 hbla.

old rye whisky. 10 beta, litarknerry a ed enerry lraadtes aaaaa rogaac brandy, Wu gall, eatawha wine. calls, old port intr, mtigs. jrt-uiap uiatOwSJ. astaj a' s.

sherrr aaa WlntB. li bale a isataadib Mniwii. wtstv ai, asBiajja catk tirmaa win c.a,kr. i set roarttfyiag tubs, 1 large cupper pump. 1 large force pump: also, tt.flOB cigars of various brands, h-HBi choice Llmburg chee.

16 bags prime Klo coffee 3E bWt, cbolce Sour, tn lira, ebole rem and black tea. bp la. sorghum. 1 bbia. llr prime artlc) la) bi.

salt, a doz. broon, to-retber wtth a latrjt tot of Itt.nors tn iMt-tlea, fruits auo 4pies, wi.Ua many snictri to tae 1'fioor and business, also, tbv building of v-bultx, DaSBatf at eoaialniug lara Stvoee-rtrom. Itch a and dining room ia ciitr, wtth btark ware room. aisoMveraA room In MStntl stwrr. with botfaad cottj water batb-room.

eke. Tbe balldtca has a front ut'St fVet on inamoud. raaatntt back lib fr 1, a lib leasv from April 1st, of years, ground rent a Also, ta rev or Haba a KMdl a. a BtaHle. rarraaJre kouae, harness room.

Ac. irwc et anniiai (mnnd rent, gal. TttU Is the most liutUitfts. stand In AUcgheny. Tnrut oa rroperty.

onsr-thtrd rah: tiaJanc 1 aad 2 yeara. stock ol jpootl, all aums an del ajatv, cash; over vh fonr mutttn. wltb approved papar. mhlS T. A.

Mt'Lf LLAN'D, A act. CT.C HAB LFJ ITRMTI RCC AR- PETH, AT All TKN om-meociac ou A KMN KjiIiaY MoUMX. March ait, at tii o't-laii. and at lr, aad ewatlnaing cry day at same hours, will be sold, wlihoat rr a. the entire furntkhtoenl of the at.

Charles Hotel, rorr ef Third aad td strvets, rmbraciag fultsnltsof i'arlor, l)ra in Kooaa, lcptloaa and taambpr furniture. In KawiH. afnuu Habajanr aud itnttaiion W4s. Kiesaat beJst-adst watt staa'la, wardJHiba, 4reainn caaea. niarbl tables, chair and every variety of Puniltiuw; magalftcent mirrors, veoet la blind, shades, carpets of evpry from taurraia to the riclHst tiaaaAr of elvws aad Rraacvt-la.

olTot.s. dragicrta. raark, mu. gc. Iv-ddiog eaabrac- feaiber, coiton, hair, bosk aad UvmIs aual natii-avMa.

opritiir beds, boUtera. and pillow, shafts, biaakats. qallta, eomforta, spreads, mnaoaltoneia, 4 dialag room ware, lo-Ciudiag the alive spoon, forks, castors, sat cutlery. quoaware, table IIem-b, ftc. Liquors, wiil be ln-lnd4 ta tbe sal and aaaoaaccd through the dally papacrs also, anerles, pecaerrea, Ac.

also, tbe wa-bltag Maohina In taaadry which coat gcao. Term caala. T. A. MoCXtL LAKU, Aut.

7y UALXOXII nSE IMafIEfTIC V.nj Wt4, PABM1KO I TCaSULa. PlAAiO, AT Tl'kri DAY. MaAcb aweb. a I o'e4oefc. a.

M. at the Cona-try Har-ai Vineyards of Edward Taylor, (formerly i-ati-nce and vineyards of Cot. Leopold tfahl. on airrel Hill, 4 miles from ritubarah, wIM be sold "on BTaiivms of supenor Catawba Wine, aad tt a-al-k I arrent fae, of the vlntag of lNg Also, Hoo-hold Purntture; piaaao, r-atr aad dining table. bedttsiais, chairs, stove.

Ae. Also. 1 two-horse wagon. I eo.erd spring wagon, bargv harnet-a. (rardea Implrmraia.

hot bed sa-h, ctdr press, wine press, cords of wwod, aad a aumber of articles to naiheroas to mention. Persona wishing attoud th aaie will tnke th F.aat Ltrterty street cars to bhadv Lab, toeaca un tii Squirrel HiU road. Terms at sale. mhH A. Met LELLAWT.

Aaofr. HEAT A I CTIOW ALX OF UAVT VJ ACHE LTS AT COLMMa PAKK, EAST LIB-PBTY. MUKbAT APTEBMO(N. March Mta. aA o'clock, will be sold, on thepreaalaea, tha remala-Ing Ubeaatifatiy situated Half Acra LoAa, sub-.

ylded froa CidtlasPark Uc Vn. Tbes Lou fir haudwomelv, and la the finest sttnation. A rBCk. EXCtHfltON SLAIN wUi leavo th Peaaa. Depot at o'clock, for tbe conveyance, of ladles and at-atlemea to and fram tbe sale.

ana-f--tair) can; naarc in awe aad two cars, with interest, Mcsral bf bsm ts aorttsgtt, f3 cash to tt paid oa each lst wheat a Mt wnaporehaed. A. McIL WAIVE. A act. anu is AT ACCTIOM HliTUIflOkr APTERXOtiN, March auti.

at 2lt o'clock, wtU be soAd, at Maaonte Mall Anetloa lUp-ms a6 aad Pinb street, the eligible lot, immediately opposite tha Car Station, fronting 3U feet tucbeft on Centre Aveane, aad rx tending back ia feet, oa whieh ts a modem style two-stocy Jlrick DwaJliag, of seven rooau bath-room, built la a soporfor maaaer; hot and eold ater tbrvagboat: gaa pipes la boaaa. marble mantles in parlor, and boas la thorough rapaJr, Tnrms, one-half cash; balance In one year. Bahl-'i T-A. MoCLEl-sL-ANU. Aact r.

I CRY STABLE AT Al CTIOW- Aaloa WIDKMDAT MOBMLICU. Match Hat. at o'clock, will be sold, at the stable of PATTisR-bM A who are retiring from bastaea, Plmt street, abov HmltliAcM. the entire stock, eomprls-hig Hersea, Carrtagas, Begalea, lAia, double aad tugle Harneta. Ifeaddle, Bridle, Bobea, llorae 1 overs, Bella, Catting Boitea, Offtce Paraltare.

Ac. Bpectal attention called to this sale, the stock be-liia- nearly new and In Ine condition, aad will be toTd without reserve. Terms at sale, fahtt T. A. MeCLEXLABD, Aa.

wixth ward Lots at auctiom TUESDAY APTEKNOON, March Strth, at I'i o'clock, at Masonic Mail Anetloa heosas, so and 7 Plfth street, will be sold, two Lot. No. 7 aad 7s on Congress street, being No. Ii aadk21n plan of Black's heirs, bavlag each a froat tt 9 feet, extending back fact ftlncbe. Theaa aru Tory doalr-a'tlc Butldlna Lata, aad tn on of tae lsait bii il arvati eon vro teat plaea a ttw eity.

Tma, eiAir casn; tmiaaio im one yaar. mhif T. arCLELXAXD. Aaetf. insrRAJfCE STOCRw TlJKOA a ArTEKM'MX, at St, o'clock, will tm sold at aft and7 Plfth street, sl shares Fenoaylvsala InroraiiiM Stock.


itroa at. sols. Bttarna, oaa. HUCH M. BOLE A FOUNDERS, ENtHNE BVILDEBB AKD MA- Crtlt9ta; Jaanaraerarera or Laaa Bad XMilMkM.

L(M OMOTIY KM (or Toal Wori ENUINEB, I.IKOMoTIVEt) for Coal Worka. OIL ELL liUiauL sad ovary a laa or Machinery, made ta order. All work wnreaatael. alAwrfaolil WELL EiOIBka, aad every klad of Maehlaeri of evary cMawrtpiioa maae ta order. Maehlnerv nromnalv atteaded tn.

Be pairing aay-auop AkJkOF tlfwnurch. ILLEUUENT K1VEK, Bear tba Point, rut fa. IVt2 RSCIVAL OLASS WOSULS. MODES, IY1IE A Mannfactnrers of BLACK atvd ORE EM ULAST WAKE, Dragglsta Ware, BotUf, DemJJohaa, Cai-Dsry. Ac Wajuoajaa fiia.

tft WATER LtTKEET be I wee a aulUutaid aad tiraat ttrecta, iTlUatmrgbl reoaa. wan oar War to ba perl or to aay atvaa afactared west of tba Mouataina. Always on lerd, Dlaaswara of tbe above ftoserlpUoa. Ail order promptly attnii.Wd tu, rarHcuiar atLenlioa paid la pflvai moulds. prl SEVERANCE, Nav AM WATER ww nari ittsumiu.

Bsisasiaevarsr euiKas RIVETS, WkOLOUT BlkEb, coatmoa aad rallxoad of everv deocrlDtioa. Particnlar siaed or shaped Bplka aad Rlrate, large or small, aaade to order at shoet aotfoa. A good aortaaaat coaatantiT oo haadu Ttija. p. coLidH waiaat lOLUiug av WRItiHT.

BrittMl Bra aad Slkeet Matal Wsfktie. Ba-teswatw lima tors. Carbon and Lard mi Burners, aad ail differ sty tee of Brittaala aaadt ap Otaea Malavetnrry nwttv 1 batgt. rnit. Jtw.

WaWAli BTtttk TJPHOIaSTEBY. bicbabb w. BOBSBTS. aratrstca VOIRTH STREET fJPfiraiaTERT roVaTTM BTBEET ssaaertbars saaaufketar, aad ittMa aoaataatly an aaada awan arucls astr ltasi, Vtst Coraloa Or-aaaaania, Vartala Comforts, raalkar itadat Bat raaaea. all tlada; also, tba oal.aealad Palear Hprtag AU tlada of BnaaAa, aUiadaaad Tii- attsathaa ts glrea loall awaaea a -aalai-laa sVawaCarawts, OM Clotka, 'aSUaastTB at aVUBBBUE.

PORK PACKERS. JAMES UPPISCOTT, vrx.J. i. i- J.tiTIXL ItltO- tat KH'itt- I IU PHOlH t. -t'MMIti UKBCHlKTa: Tereiee and -ell Ftr-nr.

orn Meat, at. slid tjorj. aad teraaa eeaiaera t'ata nud rou Htwa, l.tM, Hotter. Harrel. Hoop I'oies, Ja.

a. artU-uiar atttioa paid to theaaleof Forelpn and liomtatit tulta. No. 13a Third atreet. Btalrh, fa, M.lmd CHARLES C.

aad oaie3itea Dlltl Prarlnr Hen-bant. Warehoiiee No. SCtl I.IlltUTV i-TKKtT. Prtl.niirih. i'a.

Wbol.ale deairrln Bvitr. rhe, J.arU. Beana, Tsllrtw, Feathera, ttrtatima, 'utaloea. Hom Ifli1 ilu.1.' uratn, inter aenu, iivmn lrodace rtusl4pyucnl. ALtT.

I'll Ks S. ln and PKolit'l Soetaad alreet. berweea Vl ood and bmlthkeld, I'ltkakiirgb. aplt ly to. t.

tiaarrAko IWTTER, AIHE. A j4 HEP AKD CommlMlaa Merehanta, arid alera la Fori laa ST BEET, I'aawiijrjer ii-ot. flttatairgh. wi at, w. 41, .1 1 1 .1 o- W.

CCl; OTli UKFAKl TLP HHKPARO, 4 ouauitMt.iou Merchants and dealer in Flour, ti-rain aud I'ro-duce. MT Mb-4Tr street. litl.bir(rt. Choice brausla fu-r Hatver ami Pamltv constantly on AWh-I. Partfcniar attention paid to Ulng order Merchaadltte generally.

octi.lj 1 ITTLE. BAIRO A. PATTOV, 7 Wkole.aleOToeera, i and dealer, lu Prodliee. Fi.Mir. Ltaeoa.

beeee. ariKn and lrd oil. Iron. alia, liiaaa, Cotli'it manhlicisi, geusrally i P' A. CO- Ao.

IS aoleale "-hant. and dealer. In Cun- try I roduce, Prorialona, Baoou. Lart Hotter oJeeTanSS'IU VSmfr? 3ra "'t! Oreen and Ac. baa and Lime.

i It P. BJtTMBU A. Ww aaewKo EVMKB BBOS imt. Aadereoa.l elgn Frn lu, SataaaitRpteea. oniVetlonere.

is? KROHT. KXOX SXOX. WOI i. HOS, lomniissioii a MBltCH A NTwan.lilleali-r. IB IU It A I MILL FEE1A a.l.

PKOULCE gem Sa. Lllaiiiosd. optKlslbi 1 Alteghuny City. JOHV B.CAFIKI,D.t ommlsslon and Forwarding Merokaat aad wholeaal, delei la Western Beaie-va CUeeae. Butter, trd.

Pork, Bacon. Floor. Pish, Pot and Peart Aaiiea, Sateratnt Linseed and Lard ltls, lllied Fmit, aud lrodnv rent-rally. IM and Its Froat atroeb, PltlabaiaL O. BKITITK a.

fiRArr. a BEITEB, PKODl Commissloq and Forwarding MerclMiits, and purcliaalng ageutsC fr ali Pittsburgh Maniifactrireai. arvnotise. 10. iu i-iocrry sireet, I'lttsourgu, a atoufv i.

mnjsj. wt, u. JOHN 1. IIOtE At, BROS-, Surcea t-OHfaTO afOHK llot'sg A Wholesale tiro cer and Cmmltwstot) Merchants, corner ol atttiiii-b eld and WjiJer aUevta, PHtstmrga. lu 1AMES DILZEIX Sd, maou- faclu re of Lard OU, and Commission Merchant fa" the punUiate and salr l'ruie and Kenned l'e-tricum, Nos.

and 7C Water street, i'lltsbuulu Advances made oa Cunisignmuut. llOMAIkKH VlaANJ.WholeBa'le 3 dealers In Ort'jra. Fhrnr. Prtnture, 1'ro vis I otis. Fish, Salt, t'arbouofl.

Nos. 172 And 17 Wood biretta, near Litter ty btt-eet, I'lttKhuiirh, I- ACOKfiCtf. METZt-AK. HEAAf At, Anzi.AR, (rocerH and Comraiasbm Menhant-. and dealers tn all kinds ofCnutary Prodtice nd Cltt.borttrli Mauufaclures.

o. 24 I.I berty ttret. oppovl le bead of ood tret, Pittsburgh. apx.iy ETZEK iL For- A wardlnaf and omAlArilu'i Merclia.ijta. for trie sale I 01 Flour Urata, Bacon, Lard, TiutUr.

Sieeds. It. led Fruits, and Prodtir generally, 8o. to Market ritreet, corner of Kirvt, Pittsburgh, Pa. HRlDDLEto.

Liberty Pitt-burgh, Cotumiloa Merchant, and boleaale Ueatcr in Couolry Produc and Pittsburgh Caeh advaucl ua i.m- sign men La, and paid for aui KOBKBT ir. DALII LL- IJOBT. -ik, (OHhote-; A tirocera. CoBimlHekia ami Knrwardlne tlr.

chanu and dealer. Iia Produce abd Itttabnrgli Man- i uiactnrea, o. Liberty atrceu l'maburah. II. JA OROCEK, Koai I and 111 AMO.Ml.

PITTSBURGH, PA. CHARLES lTi AUIWCM, hiu5- ceaijor to James Hvfniea A Pork Packer and dealer In Provisions, corner of Maxkfci and Front stji-ects, Pjttsburira. J'tiflW WATT a. T.TioiiS WILaovC WATT At iL0. MholeHale Urotstars.

Commission Merrhaats, and dealers 11 Prodnceaa-J Pittsburgh MevntifaciutrA, So. J5a Liberty atreet, PlttatKirgb- to- HEXKT I glIlHT)l C. WALLACE I AltlBKRT, MIIPTOV f-aitr a.a tw 1 J.u Wholesale Irroeeps and rittdaiv leaiar No. a. SiNth street.

PlttsbursrJi. aiS SA1AII HkV Ororera, Coroinlssiou Mereb-ints. '( dealer? iu i Produce. No. and as Front Pittsburg lu DAKiKt.

.7.71.7.. V'Huht. III. VOIiIIT (SmtesHors to tiraff. Produce an-1 A rmaiiislta Mer- chants.

iM" Lltrerty streel, plttsburglu i WILK1NS WliHART. Socens)C to MicttowB A i Iea'erln and tiratii. Produce anl '(iisftilssloa Mcrciaanu o. aWl LlAjtiKTT AST RKAvT, Pittsburgh, -mwaaaaaawa PIANOS, ORGANS, fO VT BCMtt nEt El VEO, THAT ELECAKT TtK It OF CHICKERtNG PIANOS, Belected personally by tbe subscriber, cent visit the Factory. SEVENTEEN INSTRUMENTS are bow opea.

and reatly for examination, aad ta public are In He a to call aud see them. WAKEiBTIB WmU FITS TEAfiaH. CHARLES 0. MELLORs UTood HtreeuS HE BRADBl'RY, XEW VORK, Sr Hie Efltey ft Co Cott4vge Organ, AND AMERICAN ORGAN Acknowledged by the best moslcat talent Is th. uiteo oaatea to oe autenartoloallotnra ta power, purlrv- and uualltj of tons, sad thorough work aianahlp.

aaeaeiBaaramentaasTs tot yeara attea uie sm remluma. Over all alV-anntneOLor. .1 th. v.rlnn. S'-ate sad Conaty la prices they are loircr than anr Ail wsrraaled Cor Arm vears.

I WAMEUSK sv Baku, So. IS St, Clair StrrVt, PHtuburjrtl. Pa. WM- aaJlf ABE A FIRST TKEMIUM O0L11 Hl.Ull Tbaac IttstrnaaeBU liarlng been before the pSI.Uc for tha paal thirty have, apoa their etji l. knee alone, altaln.d ail CNI'KEC'KIiKNTEH PKEEMINENCE that rcvaiiouacea them U.Vt-tlUALAO.

ror sale UrTAKlAtTTK BLVMK. mb7 4 glrta atreek. Bole Agaht. CLAIM AGENTS. UOIXTIEN.

All pUctutrsed Sul- AJ dler. or the Heir a of lwrahnntMt imtmgliara swi.a. lis ted la the ftrat f. Yftra Aa4zxylov Aud soidlcrit who were dUC-arged from aay otket exvtco without iWrHvin tbcir ilmcrnlnsni or Iww e-i Hountlea, are reoeetettto call or sehd their ad ureas t. naLisa jjai.

Botlcttor for Bounties. Peasious and K. 1 FIFTH door below the Ca-tfertiixaL jaA W. J. PATTAUtaOlf.

Notary public BALA, ATTBAJiUX a lets a HALL PATTEHSO, 141 a FOUKTA BTBEET, PlTTSBCSUH, Al-torneyafor Collccllngrjialnas again, the Stale aj.i: United States Oovaraiaeata, for BoL'NTY, BAt'h A NO EXTKA PAT rESstONS. Ac. OFFICERS ACCOUNTS JkSiO CEttTIFIOATEtt Of BOMJJIOEBTEOBBaa BtOC MJll BORING. TOOLS. pETROLlA MACI1I.VE WORKIt.

BuSSOSAtStmAUeurweByJ MsDnlaetareT ol 1 1 IMPROVElt BOK1.NO TOOLS, ABO F1XTCUB CbEU IN SINklNOOIL A-Nl) hALT TA kl.l J. Particular atlealtoa Invited tt hie. Patented. trovameau In Jars aaa Joints, ntad. of Junlattta.

.8., aad Low Moor lroa.v.1n ataadard alaea. sue numbared, ao thai parts ess be ordered st Ssalloi aad found a perrecl at at all tlsses. we also furalsk ropes, tsettaag, asaalt tools, those who mar wish It. Eaajues aad maolilua wo: 1 mad worser. Orilera far mail proavtT sttended 1 am ore oared to arraat Ueaoiau.

to other tarera for these I topravajsvaaiaoa liberal tarvaa. Bos 17 Alleghaor P. tj. ht. tEDETi RE-PLATLNO.

JADIES, SAVE VOlttMOVET. By Baring yasy Old Table Wars EE-PLATED W1TJH S1LVKB. CABTOltS. TEA 81 run.KA "a riTCUEKS. KNI ITSOaa, "alAViS-flJ tahuatf Ba.

aWtUatraireeA INSURANCE AGE NTS. tUAROIVEM WrTia, AftyEtt for tks FraaAlla, Phuadelphla and Baltimore coaiuajnea, Aoetk-asa-ai eemce WOOI aau laird aaraaia 'V WL. JOXES, Afeatt tor thoSortb America, of Pennsylvania, and iiatt ford lnvuraac. Companiaa. Mt ATEKBTwEEr Wm.

a. SBEPAnb, ncrttktj oi lbs Cltlaeaa' latjtttsmos Company. eornerJ MJUsAlJlJsjiTijjti D15NTISTRY. JOSEPH JtDAAW, DemtUt, (ta. iBABT awthsafr Baramastwa.

or. A. OPERA UOtrSE. asu MAxt.tRs Axirtx El.a. HtLt WESTERN.

THREE GRET PIEIE8 T0-KI61IT. MOKOAT kVk.NINH. Ma-rh la. will be preteates the Llriona of the st. Ham it.

a w.ift Arab Koy. HkLCK r.6f tkN-j Wane AUvt tilth tb DEVELISH GOOD JOKE, tn ace the Buriiia at tht 40 TBIEfJSS, In Ut-bar9al, Jf0 C.J UO. VTVS. THE AT RE. ASQMAKAOr.s WM HE.NDICRSO.V, Kiieaement for lx nlshta or the great Traarlc Actreaih EMMA a -XiTFin HUN DAY kNKSIMi.

March Wk. wnl be pre- I aented 1 CUY MANNERINC. Me, Aterrltlea. Emma Waller. To conclude with THE TOODI.fcS.

K-A WAL1.KH AS Matinee jT MISUMl HUl. TIIIC SPHYIVX. FABIAN BRUCE Ooxijjosskii ozx-r, Keaasatloa EauertainaaeRl. BeBsattosi Later talaiaaeat. I-rononneed hv I he pree.

and the pnblle "the Ureal i gitlmate and only genuine tiift Organization that haa ever aupeand In the United Statea. rowdeo and delighted audieneea hare nightly greeted thwae. otll KnienalnmeuU" la the prunSt-I it titles of the I uloa for -the paal three yeara. IABT A TsT BZlTJCrjB, TiietilFT HEBOt(rTHE VKI.1, do not hc.l-1 t.PAKANirictbe imt perfect aad compirte i-atlRrariloi, lo ail (helrjatroiici. 'I'h i 'hieaa-fi faity Tribune nays of na that ket-p all tb- proaiUfK mJf to the public, aad to nil tbr letter evt'i-r iortlon of ourhlU." tJls tbarkablv and i tain OrganliaUon t-tkp pleasur tn iiinonnf- i 'kill, u'LVp FAUIAN, Tlie at-knowlt-difrHt b-ad and fr.nt or ffon.Wr-H orfcers, and thr favorlTe ENCHANTROMUND 1 tlw j.r.

spTii a will ppar In mnlnnetlOB with znut and ASTOtMSi, MTHTr.UY THE SPHYNX THE SPHYNX1 -tiVt 3Is.oiii3 Unlit Positively for i-lght day only, eommeaetng Eriiluy March 16, lfttSS. ISO lOO loo I'eefnl anil tSlattnrate Preaenta fUlVEaj AWAY kttry tl(klnllkaul Keaeree. FABIAN AND BRUCE, The. in Antfkrrat of the World, prrfotm all the? aST.rtle,t- and away every evening tbe whole tiip jTtM in on tht4r bin, and rh'al l-iifrr ant on- torf.W)to prove that everrthloa' la not to Um- le'An-r. TH k.

ONLY 25 OF NTS Reserved seats r- n. No TVAU'jrpci1- at 'rtirk to eommenre at o'elot-k fctvci-vely. ruhionable Matinee WE'FUA Tatid at a o'clock, wbea chlldn-a rtll he atltttt'is'd fitr re-nt. sij.l JtlleJ sit Uaelv av PrcseHt. its-ni.

sf-ht tlsjt tl.tiMania vrs tt ltr Lrnof A Brnrr'-i i.ignMc t.ift atntttrtata uu nta olffT a REWARD Or HA AO Tiunt prsm -h(i tl- ilhtt-t partii-ie oi proot thMt evtrry article i u-tii a away a ad- Vt'Ttt-ssTd. Ti iari will aif ai Hoffman. Hoene Co. att-t j.tnn Hunt A Book-tore. g.i-ari to sfwirt: trPt tout tickets In ad-vaare.

and liui the rub and crowd at the ticket tjfiVe lu Iho ntiia, i Bi liRl 4 'rialn Pnttietor. 1'ihUw AMl'KV KBl t. iiulue-wB Areat. THE Pupils of the $th ard tVhwl, Ko, i. Tt EHUAV.

IHAKCI1 AUkst, -A-t Xiafayette 3E3CfXX. The perfv.ruiaHes It! et'QsUt ofbeleet Ksvdlnasv la jfl-witPtii lrau. Siojringf. l'abloaus, Ac M. 1 UlCKl.AMJ wlliakaist lath ar-ranftrmt-nt of Tanieanm, and IVuC WM.

BLACM. win t-ttaiitti't ihv lpatic. luor t'prn at 7 Exereise couneset it eeni; hitdrei. 4 eeata. Ticket t-tie hi at th d-'it O.I..7 ii Jrinripa'.


MILL WOBKt lil.ASf M.M HlVtKY and KCTOHTS. IC I A I atteaded to promptly. As he re tort re, the tn.L naU-rial wilt a) way mated at tin 3 Koundry. Attrntl.m Is to oar NRW PUT "WHKKl ATrkUS, aud locrfcjaavod facIliLlea for flttlon optb fxame, WM. KU.

JOHtALLI1 Jt. L. yALLKI HTO WORK. ALLEN, M'KEE It Ofltrc sdWsrhM 31 Liberty Htret oppoalte HaUthstclal, aianufacturpa yreat variety of COOR, PAKIXiR and HFaATlNU HTOV KS, amone which are the ori- lira led Atlricbeoy and Monitor Coal Cooking Stoves; aito. th Autocrat and Sentinel, for coal or wxl, and tile aulvailed Star of th Empire, for w.aod; also.

Arches, Orat-i-i. Kpaders, bagar Kettles, liog Iron and Hollow Ware generally. nib WAKBlMtr M. MICWiWtMm A GARRISON ft CO. Staeaaor to Kolfauaa, Goev-Uoa a F0ll)tRS AD MACHIMSTS Manofk.

tarera of Chilled Bollera of all alaea, fot Irou. stefl. Hravia. Zlae, Copper, Mlver. tiold.

btraw uirds, l-apet aad Indla-Kuhber Worka: alao, klill lasting, of all deaetlptloBa, Bark Mllla, I'ateul Uouble Orluder, with a arlely of other pal-terna, alwayaon baad, and fitted to order oa abort notlee aud favorable trrma. ofllea and Warehooae, llaHmllhSeldreel. lltl.bnrea. A. TAMStas J.

S. aBABLS JfXA STOVE HOBms, A BRADLEY CO. Manufacture every vaxlety ot COOK, PARLOR AND HE AT STOVES Among which are tbe relebrated EITKEKA, TKOfTC and (Coal biovs; PuMAitfA, KT-EitAS and litoNsU'kVS tWtted Cook Loves.) A La ttuuiut'actur i.KATKH, CUATB roOKT1, aW. 'tffli- and arehoaao, corner of Baeoad aad Wo st reals, t.ttebore;h. kntmac oa beooud street.

Jftahit 9rka mv Foundry XI. 1 CtXE A.ZXs ENttlSK BUILDER AND MACHlMlHT, Lacoet between Pcleral and Kanwlusky, Allejcbent Ci-y, Pa. Maaofa ttTrcj-of i i-titauan's pATKNf wICl ABLE LUMLLATllS'tf OTEAM EKULAT Hi.amug, Pallera. Ae. KepatrluK ail kinds attended FURNITURE.

ANU CANE AND WOOD CHAIRS, ataaafacturea.aad for aslo, Wholesale or Retail. AHFM W. WOODWELL, HOi. 7 A TU1BD STBEXT, Opposite E. Edmaodaoa a Co.

-a, aad mhi WO. ill rOPBTH BTBEET. iosaVa asraa 1" i at. JOSEPH HEfEB a MS-HaVaaw factarar sad WeotaaaWee aUtaAliaaean ta rtisati una. tav Imm hajifla a laraa aaaartaaani of FANCY AK0 PLAIN PlJMNtTSAat, Walaat 01 jav and Mabogaay.

ot taslrovra aaaaei ranted la aad etyls la a la Usa.awlJaa'm.ssass ALL KIVUS t'F CTDRAIfTB, SflPPt TflH SVlPPt 7inp LEAD PIPE, BATH TUBS SINKS, WATE(LC10SETS; ASH ASH STAXIrS, Hj' tllISIliO Imft lllral. Brass Work alt kinds; Block Tla Pipe, forSods Fountalna; ai kinda of Ouin and Leather Hoae; Hoae Pipe- fnpiinga: laa Pipe and Flxlonta, ol.ail deaerlptlooa kept eoeatauUr on band at Addy, Willliaius Bartley's CfJKNKU MXfH AND bMlTHFlELU STS. PITTNBlRt-U, PA." ALSO BEAVER STREET, MANCHESTER BEET TO POST OFFICE. N. B.

All klsda of repairing done promptly. All order, by mall Immediately attended lo. jhUieodmAeeowsm pITTSRrRfUB EE A DPITPf: AMD SHEET LEAD WORKS, OFFER A StTPEKIOK ARTICLE OF LEAD PIPE AUD SHEET LEAD To the Trade, made any alxe. thlckneae or length to ocder at thu Letrasi Jftmfktt JRate a. I lly and Country order, promptly giled.

Alao, SOO PIOB OF SOFT LEAD Foil SALE. BAILEY, FABBELL K. 187 Saitkfield Pittsbargk, Pa. nihil PLt'nBIJC, UAH AMD STEAM FITTU.U, ISf ALL 1TB 11KA SOU Carefully atten-ted to by experienced and practical workmea. A Sue aaeartment of 8AS FIXTURES, SINKS.

BATH TUBS. SHOWER WATER CLOSETS, Hvnnt KTn. Constantly oa hand aad made to order. TATE SEVILLE, No. MFEIERAL5TREET, Allegheny And zc L1BE11TY rlHttr, Pltathurgh.

mhllgawdly tTt. fwxsa ionmrna gTEAM FITTL0, PisaanSinty and Sas MHIUng. FORCE PUMPS, FOR ENQINEERS. IRON PIPE A BRASS WORK, OP ALL DBACBiPTlONS. car) Addg A Iweu, IHE Wood 8 PltUlitirjtli, T.


LEAD PIPKS, SINKS. BASINH. WATEB (L0SET8 A XI) ASBSTASDS. (Meewmra to Addy A Eweaa,) JagrTteod No, Ptttabnrgb. Pa.

t. QA8 rrrrtGs PLUMSINQ AND STEAM FtTTIMQ. mmomlm: bells, 1 FtrUwIe a4 Ijar Lifters, jrtr'dCwrs ro, taceeaaors to Addy A Eweaa,) Ko. Wood st. PltUbarah.

Pa BOOTS, SHOES, jPRIVta CiOODS. A large stock of SPRING ANU SCMMKR Qoour Ja.l received. Lalaat style, of RSflTS, SHOES AID GAITERS, For Gentlemen, ladles aad Children, which will be sold CHEAP. Call aad look at them. J.


Bcueaalter, 9a I'etleraU Street. W. IL. JIcCLlltTOCk. W.

CARHABAH Av CO Blammrmlm un Boot. Ma, Si Msrkct street. W. CAKVAUAV A fO.J FOB Lataf ia aSalfcra. atli7 No.

at Markitt W. GABWAHAJH a FOR aTa. st Msrklst alreet JZbiKS, eciTTS, MMBES1 ASD CHILUKEH-8 AtsSwS. SAtM 4vat tSatUara, At OQTLaTS, aoi ttl Vilint.aaM MEDICAL. VORTT YEARS PRACTICE A fa alxniL 111 tN SttntL HIRE ABES Olvas as.

a kaow ledge seldom acquired by Pbvat-slaaa. Mw ksaa realdeaoe ta thla city, sad Ike amount of paAlarata tiwstad aamaallr bv ava, an saatclnl aeoor SWT aa HPEH MATORBHCEA, or Beznal Weakaeaa, and all aatalaa therefrom, are ear, A tn a much stwrtaf ums tssalsBrtrMioe. by my VEW VEUET-ABLB KaUlliliES. Ktadlelaaa seat to aay part of tba atoa. All letter, maat contain a stamp to par Add; raws, J.

W. Brans' lata tswrwa. ue wTUI'p m. It. BV big ssi aw.

Plttsaargk. Pa. BTVATE DISEASES. OFFICE MIX PEHN STREET, sail Haad. -yea? tna Sara of an drs.assa af a private aatare, la nam two ta tbar ttaya, by an aew aad aaik tiaalmsaa.

Also, swmlaaf Waakaeaa. aad all ailier of ttva raattal aeaaas aad their prarvcatloa i warrant, a Boar, to kt A. 1st I I It tot. aad lot r. I i I i I 1 blood, and let the fluid mo, oh unobstructed in; he a 11 again.

Tney ate tb- function- ol ii. -body into vigorous activity, purify the system from I the obstruction make disease. A cold a i -On -to-be where in the body, and deranges Us usuir-at runt Tb. if uoi relieved, r-t npn tbmtelTes th arrouallBr orjcftitft. general rrrmTat1.n.

nfrr.Dtf dl 4-rmaKfmeur While In Hits i.on.Jlilou. lak Avr' fills, nt sysVrni, uI with tt Hie buoyant fct-Unr of hfa't mc-iu. ni i aul sppmrent in thU trt Ul i common c.mpiaint aHo trn la mlTOftt I P-rtij kpla CaK4 br ittZr of lh boIy, the are rapt.lU aad nTau purg.u.t ATER't AtirE I RE, rr' lo r.jr lh srrn loH.IHII.,nF, and It lhi ihi 4I: "ll It suLJun If 'Uu tnlury t.thc patina. Il uaUln quinine or othrr I.hi, aor urota oulnum or iniurloa na you win s-c-rtlin4 c- I.ow.n, mml. CHETROC TI KKISI1 TtUKH bmkilIix, "aoiTaT-i li um funnouNiAif.

What ra X.SLr.V from falllajt oat. Its nai ral relor. makiua lojrrow tn la xarlanot' ana Im-uii irlaaot' anil tM-autv. it up arcrtlinit to tli pres to strife an.l ranlilM, and kt-p It lnpla-r? Tht ttrtvy THrkigb Hiimitil rr iowwwiu tw. anil lur pniol nr nffcrrmt loany iinoa who han Irlnl it.

It Is b-autlSrr of the ae, tlie only tlalr 1 vulc uVatorer worthy of the name, lu Turk-v In rranc-. In ICnalanil. In Amcrlca-rervwluTM wh. rr uowr-F. aou.uei-na, ovavtuully put up.

mb urual to the toilet. for aale by all Druav-lotianil ferramera. wboleaale. K. E.

SKI. I. HIS Jt CO. H. L.

rAHNEsTtH'K frUJTtm Urpollot I nltial Sl.U'f aiut Oanailaa JAVA PAUKtl A tgjrpiTTsm saw neRtaa, HUBBARD. BRO. CO. AacrACloaaas or PATENT UKOUXU CIKCULAKS. tf'VSl'o? Jl' "KM SAWS.

ofcveryrttK-rlp- v.A". y'S' kSflVKSaail ma le rron ASl- 4aT In sivlHue and Work, corner WaTKaant MJokt IKSAT. ritt.birrcli. atteatlos palif to 1 in I Ir. i rt-paira ol ali aaclilneT and UrUllttaT Untie at rtaM LAKE BCPERIOK COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS riTTTSttUROH.

PARK. McCUEDY CO. f7, KAlaEU STlLi, T-ruX. FfKI.TkR In Ml.tAljt, TIN WINK, Ac. fcan.l, TIN Nuns- 1A AlNfcs and TiH'LK.

win" So. HO Kiat-T n.l lai HUM STKIET-, PltlS-burah. pccUl ortiera or Copper cut to any drairrd 4 HM. UARXIIII.E A. E41er Makers A Sore.

Iron Workers. Jtea. ao. 29. aad Pewai street.

Hanoi eeenred a large yart, and rurnlshed It wt the mom approved machlnerr. we are preparl to maautauture every deacrlptioo of Blll.tK. In the best manner, ami warranted ruual to anv wx.le In tba I'HUIMVs, KKEKCIllNli, KlUB fcfnt. nt'e-S. LK'OMirriVK Bil.KH.S.

SAf.T l-AN. TANKS, Oil, sTILUf, AlilTAIORS, SETTIJNtl PANS, til I Ul IN. I :Kiil.l- SfUAK l-A; and li.anf-lurer. ol tt AH H1UM PA K.NT BtllLEKS. Jtpatrlna dout uu the liorleat notice.

dela-ll fjB-JOHX IIR4 A. BRO. Mauufacturerl of 1KO.N VAULTS AM VAII.T IMioltS. 1IW1N KAlLIMi. WINIIOW eHUrrtBS.

WlMXiW AUKS, SB TH1K1 STKttT. iKlween jd and Market, have on band a tariety of n-w raio-rj and plain, suitable for all purport farm -ilar atteuUos paid to rnciOilnit Ursta Lots. Jobbluk doae at abort noUre. aui REA (U. (sue- ccuri to UtHiN'K.

Hi.n-i tt MiLLsiaia. WASHINGTON WORKS. UAniilw'runiTa of li4AT AM tT ATlo.N 1 sTKAM KNtilNfclS. HLAT t.tiIK2.. CHIN KKT.

UtAKlNii. ASl I j-aii ojt, T.SKS5.ITU.Ia MHi.f.K PATENT I JF.1T ur RfiaiT TO 3VEKI bt'S Kl FFEKFUS. OP H(TH rTvr, jfntle-tt BaMTtas beea rwtorest to bJUi in a few daya, aftr itodvrjt'liic ttwasukl routine WMMlf of trt-aiuif at Without succe5, it h. Mtirfd (iiitr ct-mmunitilf lu lti aaiit u-i Uwr ttu-AJiit of cure. lit nc.

on ti.t aw-" ui tli prvseortpiion um1. Ilrtvcl to lr. JUlIS M. DAIiNAI.I,. lfe FnltMt rjgf- SEXT IRGEA Pauptaet of immenae linportance lo the old and young, married aad slugte.

of both aexea, will Im aent Tree by eddhealng. with a tamp eneloeed, tbe A. a.I.NDKlCK A IU, Boa Ho-V a roatOHce. meaKitdAw tT THE BRIOAE II AM HER; AS ESSAY OF WARNINU A Nil 1N- niK YotINU MI'S. Alao.

new and reliable trealmeatof the Crlnarv and 4eanal yfitvtn Addreaa Or. J. SKILLKN UOlbUKJ.V. Howar Aaaoelatlon. PhUadelphta.

Pa. STEEL WORKS. KTEEE-WOMK ISPERltOll, COOal aa wuooeatioKB to junks, oid a ttaaafaetarera of th beat resaed rant Hull, rtijnare, rial and Octagin, of ail Saw platea, lioe. e'oil and Bbeet Caat Bteel, Uaat Steel tot BEAPIS. ASI) M0Hle MAtUlSt, MTtlST PlxW WIHI.S,fiPII!lwS, axi.t a C'tmCVsJkaUt, ae.

Cast aad Cetanaon PUaLgb aawi SprlBf Stl, tflea ttoraerof Plret aad Boa twobloi aa above tile Huuaa. LACK tafraZIXa WOHIilB, prrrsBUHBit, i-a PAKK, nROI'HEN A Maasfactareri of BEST QUALITY ttJCFlKEi) CAST STEAL. tWiaara, rtat aad Octagoa, of all else. Warranted to aay imported or aaaaalactare! In Ihta t.oua-try. atsr-inrleand war'-bosae, No.

14 and Ltl rtrat. aa aad liaaaearad atre.aa Plrtabareh bXO. aSITEB D. BEEIBB. i.

r. IfoLLMAM I A UELI.E STEEL WORKS. -A-e taaBBlMtsasrs of CAST STF.KI.; SPKINU, PLOW and ilLOrfk STEEL; SPRINGS, AXLiUt, CUOW a a its, sc. atar OOce, No. WATER 8TBEET (up atatn).

PltlabnrpTh, Pa. yss PAINTERS. tAMM ItOMrl JOliH taAST jio.cwwi,Aiwe, SlfiN ARTISTS AND HOUSE PAINTERS. Leettern-Bf of ail ata-la azcwol promptly aatt la aa trpaAad lnaaoe. Aieaullhil Nvuw Cards oa enameled paper of alt Colors, and iillt Hlaras on slmaa, made to order and sol to all part Of ttw country.

itrioriai acttai in a nifniy aru tut asaaaer. Hoaaus falntlaai doae wltkareirard to durability harmoar of color, and ncataeaaorllnlsb. It" Ali work at iwaonau. ratea. ILMAM U.

BROWal. (laAtaofthc Mrm of Baowir at Monaow, rJOUBE rAIWTER, Horil. Kast eoraar of Third aa4 Market Btxeato. tl. pi mavMQ b.


Ail tka Latest Styles is Great Variety FARM IMPLEMENTS. J)KIJM a SLAck, ataavasMkaSAva lakraw AaMrtaaaaal MOWUfe OBSE lalU, TBAW CUTTkJta, I aCTTHEB AU Bay BAMta, Sa. SC aad MOttm AJlefruaaj I i I UrRA(. NEWM. A Su ai.

i. i miii.i; from Briusti India lor iuh kiw t- it. u. ul, mtii ma twin, of wrefiillnruT hav b-n Liulv kttow the proprtui Ave vrt buff, iu i.lih yard ila aralienque rlraitrn aro mud to rwuh the cttlrru.t iKiim of delicacy. It mu or.

I'-Hun Woretlt r- volt of the Htpoj ii and, Jhe Hftigw of uck- HOW, JOKKVH MlZ.INlliM-lliOell bernf the Italian Parliament' for the Tlty of Naplee. He wan aim voted for tn his native town of livnou, bat was dafeuted there bf aatMall mitjnrlly. He in, hoarever, an exile from Italy, aiv.1 cannot return to take the seat lo wnit-h hn been i-h'Mi, uninam ahonld be and relieved from hia dinabilitUoi. Tr New York. Timtx Irariti that on the lerinicntinn of the reviprotMlv troatv, now ehw at hand, dutlea at twenty per cent, will impofteil bv the Caiiadian auihoritii on dried fruitu, fur, akinfi and peltries, from the I'niied states.

There will be no other iimU rnd change- Tub Shreyeport ilut-jf savs Mrs. hf inuniiivnt plitrl-talioiiott 1U.nI tlver, ofipoaite tlia coiilatnins oyer on lliou-aml acre ohiiired htui, lo Nivlliern men for three yir, for. theamn of boing tit rale of a year. CitAJiT wns invited alter uervice in (anu.v Churrh, Now York, on Sunday, to remain to hear the orpui play. "So," r-Jlied the (eueral, "I kno one tiuu' Irom nu.l w.uil.l railu-r haar a boa drum than uu organ any day." Th Charleaton 'oa-tfr rnya that bnal-iMiaa in C'hHrleatnn ia Riupidly dujl.

The tooplu will not ha in tumU until the cotion bjniini tjm into the market and with-" OH money, or eutralent, trade cannot bf conducted. fitnesa or thinss is hardly ohariw-teratie of Virginia chivnlrv. 'I'ho people of lull's Bluff projioRe tk have a ernnd ball lor ho purpose of obtaining fundu to im-Vronb their grave yard. 0skhalShkiian recently titiislie 1 a tr of Texas; He was aaked bow he liked th Slate, and aaid in reply, "If I owned h- and Texas, I would rent Texas and hvaU the other place." Mi. THojf Dablinbtom died at his in.

Rlriuinichara tovnnhip, hea-tr cajiity, on the 17th ajjeil venra ne lived end died on the apot where he wuioorn. Hc Via a threat aimpl4ton who iiuairinpe hat the chief power of wealth is to supply vam. in ninety-nine caea out of a bun-trwi it creates more wanta tUau it san pios. rflE Lawrence (Kansa) 1'rihune aaya: have reliable information, from ia-xtr jnre-i, Uuit the whesit crop ttiroutrii-uuihe State ia lo.kin remarkably well." Itg of (Eng. by a of 107 to haa refused to allow le ur upon American history to be delivered the students of its colleges.

Ty Y.I mention thedtih of William Olcy, a pensioner of ABlX the ailva.licn,l am of on. and hi yeai and seven days. At ht accounts, Professor Ancaaxin had collect! in itrazil apeciuieas of-nine dred ad seventy species of tiah, of which ftight itndred were new. Iti-tMs cotton commands a premium of nva oer per pound, and this tact Is pro-ductutr ideciued etleet in the culture ol the staple irtnat statu. Six yeea airo a ireutleman in Worcester wrote lo i orotiier tn Mexico; the letter did not recjj iia destination till the middle of last Desmber.

At thaieriuaiug of tha war, there were offlirj of the regular army; of this number were killed ia battle, and raio wounded. Romk i Kome is Increasing in popo-. laUion. had i07.i3s inlisbimnts at the etoaa of i at year having gained 3,442 tn Tt Newt'ork 71iue says that dealers is beef catu in that city predict a start-. ling decline ibe price of beef within a week.

Tbb Londa jm deacrlbea Mr. Bancroft aa the aihor of a history of the I'ni-tad States case t0 talk about, than to read. A rlirj hiring the euphonious narue ol Acta, PetDien, recenUy died at a village in county, England. A DOZBIC iu Irelaud are offleera a men of the army who are supposed to Fenians. An editor aUtusl with hand-or(rnnh thinks the rimlerfca cannot ba raiupareil with the cntider-idt.

IaE ITEr LIST. 1ST Or Vfft'aLWED LETTERS rV.lfS To rttaia anyof the-ittera, the auplleaat aid sail Sm Arteerttaad glrlnr the dale of thla Uat aad pay osicsnt If aat railed for wfthin aaoaM they wilt aent to tbe Dead Letter OnUe. rasa KaXivsaT eaerteee. at the real-' aataeea of owaeva, may be Vrilb by otiaerviDg the following ai'LJce: liio ltera plalalT th. rtreet aad aamber, aa well aa tbe Poet office anMt.te MaABIeriera wiift tlie Ja.t ojaee aad aWa, gfeeaf an.lauv.Aer ei them wllb full name, aad reusee! thai an.wr.

baT directed accord- "f- twtera to atraaarers or -analent rial tor. In a town orclty. whoae tpeelal aay mav be aaknowa. abould be marked oa tbe baad corner, wltb laa ward I-LACS Ihe atamton the aje etoM Aaaal eoraer, and mee apace t.wevn Ike and aieaettua lor BoaSa-rkoa wttbal inlertertag with the writing. a.

A arqtraaTfortbe i writer. If uaeiaiaa wltnia WMrtew or printed ltb thwtT-, atoaae, PMt Of- arrow tne len-mm end of the etie.1- ape, on tbe face aloe, will be oj will be waptied potied-ayVble 'writer. ((. tied at tae aunt prepaid rata of thelei- tee la deilvnre te A Pobv tfaa tMrtatraa-hlln l' leader atlstltt A matron Aaaaldia Bonrk Ana Baukley A Barr Ada Breadina Blbar Beedle Danl Barr Ellen Bo vie tlita Blackford, Beck Ed JlclnUreO iOrltbea llda ssitaaters A lUawKlnlra, ayrWdKuMVQ JteUouald Bell itaraa Settle MflCrory rar.aa 'McC'lenneJ iktcCnllough jGeysr lacob i teallaran- A ftiaUaittW iNeelyU lUailvlirr Wm Nesmlth wniIl Mewell iUittog Nelson Wm iernbn Peters Kates p.rker kJ 'tfaaaae Brows arigga ueo inaaata Ella patton Biiruwlivor Hartaaa EU Bowman John HitcahaK lPndder Bell Jdm Hookreo Wm Black turd Uaroe sarab Patton Buchanan i feppora BaJdlnner Uault Bwatty Jaa X) jQulnlan Ellen butdley Ullnrm Barclay Hart Ury i Roland Bowdea May Hay laaer Kobutson i Barr Mary Ml liauaftoa Wm Knas Annie. Brauiey at aria itinaey Boot Klchanlaoa nunw aeakre miu.

Bark Wm i I Butler Jaa Hpragiie A Intcphenson A Short A I Short Ishlmit smith Boutherland Beott Shuck iahaleby Etty Sullivan tatavenaon St Clair Ida 1 Bucklnztiara 1 Jon. David Chapman Dr Jauins alboun Bev Joaa Emma Ca las Ana Joss Ana Collins 0 Jaaeou a Callen Jsiaton Conner Jrae Colaman Jsooa i ColUua hells: Ktfar Corey Jaa A A I A 1 1. Shaffer Isaac Clifton i 8 Cola Michael Collins PIE Caldwell Mrs Coy la Mania Chris tianVT Croasa Ella CalbertaoB Crow Bv at i i.iw.n sr uasay a Co sauas a j-arvna UtMarJ Uhwick Ullo A Lherty Wnt bwry UJ UM alack Jno Smith Mary Hantle Wm (HiBifer Shaffer WJ Smith Shorter 8 A TtromBaoa A Mr A CO I'ualaeh'ta akthaWS ronev a Whit taker Wood saml Wooda Jeaaa waytnaa Jaa Whits JC Wbstlow Mary Crouee ThlUlp lower 1) Crawford anohBtr itonlsoai Dodda 8arah A oroe li SawstMi Alex laartta at auauur Early Christy Eakia Was rorBarC rultoa vTaM flanker A rv a Waarnar Mrs It Wbltaad iwullams Paity Mary elaslra Ada, sat anaaaras ei OawM add ba easaaat at 7H a. aad sloao at p. svlWUW tha amaaa Millln Ma koaUtana II I a I at ts Z9 al II ti a tIPTll Al.tlY.

sore. Inflamed ATA KKH. mate or ehroulc tnOcr. WH' Hll'IU COt Oil, apaamodlc etuurs AMTllnA. aS EAR lllnCHAUo Impaired Bear- DRltVsY', enlarged tJKNKKlI, EBllLAlTY, phyatcal weakness ItRoPSi and Hcantv S4-crutloBS bE A or Btekneas from rlrHnsr KtUNET UUiKASE.

tv semmatj dlacliarges SOUK MnLTH. or Ciiiktr K1AAKY INCuNTlNt.NCE til PAIaTFVJL PEBluOtl. area wltk ttitastna SC PK ERIiVlis at Change of Bat EPIl.EPbY.tipmuaa. M. Vllua' lsm- AlllfiMEltlArBlotV 104 Cases of Tlala'ln morocco case and hook f-SM of'id "laVge muroecoand Caw of large plain cale and book Caaa of bose.

(No. Tw I Corner Foortk and Bara.t streef Pa. For sale be E. strrele. JOB.

EumSSTi MarAet Pllturgh. vit. NTIUt'skl-as a- waiiiBtrawi XS COUtaH HAUSAB warranted to a. tae only piw-riauoa kaowa lo curs KJtghi. C.ddfc OxewA AXthana.

ongh, cSonie Cougba, Coa.ump-ll.m. Bromhru. tmd Croup. Ii4-lag prepared from Itoaey o. t.

It 1. beallnir. soft ening and eapectoratilot. and e-vrtlcularly aultahie nr ail affections ot tne inrw iieu.elata sverTwaara. a B.K-BLLEBs A iVl UOUe-ALS AuaaT 1XR.

STRICULAVD'S PILE BEJM- and, of Use worst case of akaaa aaai KLIN IS A IS ai.B K.I,tai,a I lu S4ltljrJ TILES. If give, lmmeutl. 7. a perasa- It la warranted to cure. For sale by all liraagtats.

BOceaU per botlla. ocltilya i waoiasAAB AMrya. 1 a eoaeea-rialed prenaratMof waa sad Berba. with aatl-aride and oarmlnattve to Btsengtaea tba atomec ana servonasyatem. II is tain remedy tor Ifv.pepla.

orfladlseattoa. "J- it1 at Alitreforvj, Knal dyapep tic perl For sal. bv all drnaT- snsas gvarrwlser. st f4 jvar aoMte. nV EfeS-LLKBtl CO.

octtityot- WBot.aaALB AOBBTa. r-a Ixtxea priatac Oa l-, a -wa. 4 JPorla atnvassAi-p KYa.m.Vtin lEfHO ED Batrlac icuat'ea our AVolL TANK FACTOBT front No. ist Ltsaeoe srrewl, to corner af cartel roel aad Paatar. Lena, wa are prepared ta all all otwers Jfr.mptly far Tank, of all 3oe7tptlaa.

OU ata WMar Tank; of aB slttna coastaauy oa haa. Particular sitSBttoa rlv- to fitt ing opf-HI rUlaerlea. p. 0. satArsas Boa Im-r.

a.T.rsic fmmnSrsaa a. a. vAvaaAauot. Baa CiM asc sals, By -i5Ss -i' V's a.

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