The News-Star from Monroe, Louisiana • Page 1
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- The News-Stari
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- Monroe, Louisiana
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Rain HHonrof Jlf Final Edition Vol 124 Full AP, UPI, AP Wirephoto Monroe, Louisiana, Tuesday Afternoon, November 20, 1973 Telephone Ten Cents five Die As Tornadoes Rip Oklahoma Cities Committee Leaves Decision On Saxbe Up To Full Senate WASHINGTON CAP) After the closed provision because Saxbe would Judiciary Committee de meeting, members said there not benefit from the 1969 salary eidea today to let the full Sen were differences of opinion increase. mi nVPrM WheLherc was supported WASHINGTON (AP) The HonS Ll Sn W0Ul? for I by a Duke University law pro- nation will have to change the kjss sriirr.iMV ss v- Shultz Urges Jobs Priority In Fuel Cuts attorney general The committee voted unanimously to report the legislation to the Senate without recommendation. ate itself would have to decide anyhow. The committee deferred until i stitutional prohibition another meeting set The trio taking this but three other law school pro- avert a recession while limiting lessors testified legislation the energy use, Treasury Secre- could not overcome the Con- (ary George P. Shultz says.
I believe we should place view top priority on jobs. We ought; Saxbe at present is dis Wednesday a vote on legislation I were Philip Kurland of the Uni-1 to trv to insulate our industries qualified because of a con 10 Provide a court-appointedjversify Chicago Law too great an stitutional prohibition against prosecutor. William Swindler of the WU- Shultz said of cutbacks which appointing a member of Con Before vote on Ham and Mar)- College of Law, may be required by the energy gross during his elected term to thc legislation, the committee and Dean Willard Lorensen of crisis an office for which the salary has been increased during that term. The salary of the attorney general and other Cabinet decided to have a hearing in the West Virginia University! Speaking at a hearing of the which it will take testimony Law School. Senate Foreign Relations Com-j from Leon Jaworski, who was After the Oct.
29 ouster of mittee. Shultz said limits will) appointed special prosecutor special prosecutor Archibald have to be made in consumer, after Archibald Cox was fired. I Cox, 55 senators joined in spon-lUse of energy members was increased from The committee had held soring a bill to provide for a nation will have to get to $60,000 in 1969, with hearings on the question of how court-appointed special habits of an era of Saxbe as a member of the Sen- to deal with the constitutional cutor who would not be subject use of he said. I ate. jqtnstiofi involving Saxbe.
to dismissal by the President XnA a recess In an effort to overcome this, Asst. Atty. Gen. Robert Similar legislation was in- must he' the administration has -sub- Dixon, told the Judiciary produced in the House and al- Ind relentlets and 0f a pre-fabricated building mitted legislation to roll back Committee Monday that pas-1 ready has been approved tJTatil the attorney salary to sage of the bill would satisfy the House Judiciary liougn, ne sam $35,001. the intent of the ineligibility1 mittee.
are wrapped around a tree in Blan- Israelis Meet On Troop Pullbacks Com WP toe problem, chard. where two persons were as a significant crisis, as it is, killedI by a tornado Monday night. Three other persons were killed and scores were injured as twisters raked central Oklahoma. (AP Wirephoto! Hearings On Auto Price Hikes Begin By United Press International right trade off that would put Israel called an emergency both armies back cm their) cabinet session today to formu- prewar lines, with Israel giving late what the National Radio the 625 square miles it holds WASHINGTON (AP) Two termed a new stand in efforts in Egypt and Egypt pulling nf the major autrrmak- to end the deadlock with Egypt 2nd and 3rd Armies Prs pord arKj Chrysler, over a proposal for a joint h'on! the Israeli-occupied Sinai (heated today they may pullback of both sides from the Peninssla. Egypt demands later with another price88 jd- Suez Canal.
stead lsraeli returnj increase request for 1974 model both in the short term and in the long term, and are willing to take tough decisions, I think we have the ability to manage the problem without undue dis- ruction of our Shultz said. He said the nation needs to? protect the aluminum and pet-! rochemical industries, whichJ use large amounts of while very sharp ac to curtail other uses i through allocation powers. Shultz said ha honed gasoline rationing will not be necessary' be instinct is against Nixon Talks To Governors At Convention Senators Approve Ford's Nomination Scores Hurt, Damages Put At $6 Million BIANCHARD, Okla. (UPI) Tornadoes swept out of rain and hail storms in Oklahoma Monday night, killing at least five persons, injuring 60 more and causing an estimated £6 million property damage to numerous towns and cities. The most destruction was located at Tonkawa, northern Oklahoma town near the Kansas border.
The deaths and most of the injuries occurred in the suburban areas of heavily populated midsection. Two persons, a mother and her 3-week-old child, were killed in Blanchard, about IO miles south of Oklahoma City. Three other persons, including two 4-month-old children, died in nearby Moore, Okla. Ray Saunders, 77, a security' guard at the Oklahoma County' Warehouse in Moore, was crushed under a concrete piling when the twister toppled the warehouse walls. One of the children, Robbie Maynard, was found in a mud puddle by a highway patrolman as rescue workers cleaned up the Royal Park Mobile Park, one of the worst devastated areas in Moore.
The other child, identified as Jennifer Moore, was found under an overturned mobile I home. Forty-five of the injured were in Moore. Most were treated for WASHINGTON (AP) The committee roll call was taken,) Senate Rules committee today investigations into reports (voted unanimously to approve campaign contributions and ir-, MEMPHIS, Tenn (AP) nomination of House Re- regularities, considered by the broken hones and Plunging ahead with his Water- publican Leader Gerald R. FBI to be negligible, were con- released from the area three gate counteroffensive, Prest- Ford as vice president. sidered.
hospitals. Nixon today carried his tv mi. Rvrd n.w Another 40 mobile homes dent Nixon today carried hiss The vote sends nomi- Sen. Robert Byrd, Another Shultz noted that he had been Southem nation to the Senate floor, made the motion to report destroyed by the tornado. Th.
r.a.nn nr to the Oct. 22 cease-fire BMS. I cars even if the of Livim- reading of ratio- v'hpre Republican goyer- Wbere a vote is expected nexi nomination to the Senate undersheriff Bo' Lamb said The reason for the urgency of 7 even ii me cost of using non were urging him to clear finnr Marlow took R-Kv today. lh, meeting was nut known, bul O-ncll their current Work! scandal week floor and Marlow Cook. reports said rn, UMI for hither prlc.
weekend ap- House announced the com- officials were said awaiting th There were signs that the) tionwide hlack market in in Florida and Geor- in thal the wtvk nrnnoioH ronf.r.l osl of COUIK ll Jjne, Stolen Coupons, counterfeit Ia th- full Cnnnin uttlm f'intnr proposed Geneva peace confer-! ZZ December might heanngs today on national action aimed tfl. -hva a 'increase inquest from the bringing pressure on Israel to withdraw to the Oct. 22 cease fire lines. The two sides continued to be in trouble. Libya and Iraq were boycotting users.
the Arab ior averaging just The summit conference that is to mer 5 cent tration meet in Algiers Nov. 26 tot David N. McCammon, assist- investigators Pne, Adm Rf meeting wufT oOP W. Office of Fhnce Adminis-L ronventioa ieco- said the nomination statement sui ne maae puonc. had to hire 3 Odn to k.tHMt I will be reported to the Senate after the full Senate action.
mittee has detOBBined that Senate Rules Committee net worth is $256,378. He said Ford financial and there iution also praised the will reported determination to make a'next Monday with a roll prepare a solid Arab front for I discl08ure on Watergate. vote the next day- three joint teams today Republican party The rules committee floor and Marlow Cook, about everything destroyed he said. Fifty national guardsim called in lo protect damaged areas from looting, which Lamb said had beg rn within an hour after the storm Robert Griffin of Michigan said A Blanchard when. ins the ord nominfltion to the a action Senate floor is a step toward spokesman.
implement other aspects of tajks 11974-model car sales are off lOlwere brought to trial, he said. I Farber cease-fire agreement. Israeli However, Syrian Foreign cent compared with last) sounds like an (chairman George Bush told followed hearings looking into tornado blew- away about and Egyptian troops sent out Minister Abdel Halim Khaddam year. making need for easy answer, but experience 'governors that" Nixon has Ford-s fitness to serve as vice I of the town Ai j- which I wanted action where Sinai Desert, and 20 cannon sam inn wiurt int nomination taken more David told the Egyptian leaitership immediate price hike all the raises the Question whether it is turned the Watergate tide and resident search for missing troop, rn the during talks in Cairo last! more imperative. answer at Shultz said the scandal hurt them in Lannon said that before the thls nomination taken more weekend that Syria would take McCammon said he could not israeli prisoners of war arrived part the proposed Arab- rule out the possibility that at Lod Airport today from israeli peace talks, diplomatic) Ford would seek yet another hours late sources said in Cairo.
Khaddam price increase for 1974 models The newspaper Vedioth Ah- tnade position known at a later date, ronoth said the delay is an durfng a visit to deliver a Roger J. Belder, vice presi- mdication of renewed Soviet message from President Hafez.dent and comptroller of Chrys- instigation which even Assad to President1 ier, said Chrysler probably mar the prospects of a Geneva Anwar Sadat peace Egypt said the Holiday Drivers May Find Service Twin Cities CHIT CHAT delay resulted from The Israeli cabinet session followed a meeting that lasted until 2 a.m. among Prime Minister Golds Meir, deputy; Prime Minister Yigal Allon, Defense Minister Moshe Dayan Tnur Of Pnnlnnri and Maj. Gen. Aharon Yariv.
Yariv was expected to reporti Two Twin Cities on his unsuccessful talks with Egyptian Maj. Gen. Mohammed Gamassy and efforts to reach an aicord on Hie swap. Yariv said Monday after his latest round of talks with Gamassy at Kilometer 101 on the Cairo-Suez road that disengagement of forces will be would seek another price in- StdtlOtlS CloSGCl crease for 1974 models even if the current increase is granted. WASHINGTON (API is a need, and cer Thanksgiving travelers next elections.
The governors, debating the impact of Watergate on their oun fortunes, approved a care -1 fully worded message to Nixon in anticipation of his scheduled visit today. The resolution, billed as a endorsement of the President, was adopted Monday by the Republican Governors Grambling Grid Team To Play in Boardwalk Bowl he said. Five of the injuries were we have taken adequate a' Blanchard, mosMv time to make the most com- from debris, plete, adequate and thorough funnel that struck investigation in the Blanchard knocked out all may GrLmblhfg1College said today' it no hitch has risen to started shaking and everything accomplishments, listing has an invitation to confirmation by either the started going everywhere, a Griffin said. in taking our time we were able to reach a unanimous Cannon said he expects the Senate vote on Ford will be electrical power in the town. A trailer park received the brunt of the damage by the Moore tornado.
were watching television and all of a sudden the house tainly if there is a need, we be find more service stations SS Si, Boardwalk very, very Egypt has rejectedan out- Louisiana Tech Gets At-Large Playoffs Berth RUSTON, La. Tech has been named an at-large in the National Collegiate Athletic college division championship playoffs. Tech will play either Central Michigan or Western Illinois here Dec. I. The Bulldogs were ranked dist ministers and their wives left yesterday afternoon on the Methodist Heritage Tour to England, birthplace.
The Rev. and Mrs. Robert L. Peyton of First United Methodist Church of West Monroe and the Rev. and Mrs.
James Christie of Memorial United Methodist Church in Monroe are on the tour. Ministers and laity from Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi and Texas are making the tour. The tour will end Tuesday, Nov. 27. (More Chit Chat Page S-A) Helder told the council.
McCammon and Helder were among auto industry representatives testifying on the opening dav of a two-day hearing on the.ciation spokesman said today latest prices increases sought1 bv the major automakers (by the nationwide organization fcT NI xob know The increases would be the sho ved no major gasoline! possible closed this vear than amonS them his handling of a t.usea mis year than they did range of problems fromPlay Delaware Dec. 1 in the House or Senate, Ford's civil the Boardwalk Bowl at Atlantic voting record and line seem to be holding up Veil, 10 energy City, J. ership capacity were ta American Automobile Asso- xwivm whn The 8ame 18 scheduled for re- tonged Monday at House television and a Grarabl- mgs. Clarence Mitchell Jr. Hay Aldous said spot checks I PaTaP('UXewasg said neSotia- th a ai Paragrapn was strengthened to tions are underway to have the milton director of the National Tornadoes resident of the park said.
Hail and heavy rains accompanied the funnel clouds to Oklahoma. Many in Kansas were Kansas and rural roads Wash- impassable second this year. The council approved one series of price hikes in September. Ford is proposing an average I Ring sales, increase of $188 per car: Gen-, thing eral Motors, Chrysler $136; and American Motors, $114. Bert M.
Concklin, head of the Office of Price Stabilization, said the increases would as politely as game video taped and aired in association for the Advance homes and hartrtrgeSi although he /mid.l*e hope the President will contin- latArt ffr thHt Iue his new tack of disclosure werc until Watergate is resolved. It said; that should be! applaud the determine- tore roofs uprooted trees Louisiana later in the day. ment of Colored People, said around the Kansas communities Grambling, which finished three of votes of Hutchinson, St. John, Ellin- the regular season with a 9-2 that he has a restricted ap- wood and Seward, record, is ranked seventh proach to civil Another tornado skipped among the small col- Taking a position for or across the Southwest. Arkansas leges.
against Ford was against town of DeQueen, inflicting j- 1 Delaware, ranked 14th. fin- NA ACP policy, Mitchell told some damage in the downtown idav travel T' cerning -U lllL. Judidaij- Com- area and a few minor injuries The Boardwalk Bowl is a But he said he hoped The twisters were part of a congressman, before con- huge storm that battered the PAR Asks Sheriff Financing Change emphasized is that there will be tion of the President to make no holiday he said. cerning Watergate, and we look ine D(r are no problems of fuel forward to his visit to this con- flrst round game in the Nation- at this time although over the ference as a part of that Collegiate Athletic Associ- holidays, it is likely that a college division Dlavoffs average 5.1 per cent and would number of stations will be oper- Virginia Gov. Linwood Hoi- which xvii! lead for the first cost $2.3 billion.
rating on schedules similar to ton, association chairman, said time this season to a national Helder said it cost Chrysler what been doing on the reference to Xmntonshio eame Sunday since Labor zonation to make full ---------Aldous based his prediction was added at the about more Thanksgiving clos-1 sistence of Govs. Daniel J. ings on pattern that Evans of Washington and Tom watched for IS McCall of Oregon. This pattern, he said, shows Vice President-designate Geran increase in the number of ald Ford told the governors stations closing earlier in the a dinner speech Monday evening and on weekends and he had read the resolution holidays, as they had done dur- great and felt it ing the gasoline shortage last would cheer the President, summer. Let 8 001 let the Problems of past blind us to the challenge and the promise of the Republican Ford said.
an average of $304 more to build a vehicle today than it did a year ago. By National Safety Board Train Engineer Blamed In Crash finning Ford, would satisfy middle of the nation from the themselves his posture as Rockies to the Mississippi vice president would not be the Valley. same as it was as congress- Rainfall registered over an inch at several places late Monday, including Oklahoma City, Grand Island, and Emporia, Kan. Snow fell in the colder air to the west and northwest of the storm. Three inches of new snow were reported late Monday at North Platte, Goodland.
Denver and Lamar, Colo. Thunderstorms Today's Chuckle have great President country. tional championship game to be played in Sacramento, Calif. Grambling was named earlier to meet Delaware in another first-round game. Tech and Grambling are only about IO miles apart.
opponent for the first round game will not be decided until Saturday. If Central Michigan beats Kent State this weekend, the Michigan squad will be the opponent. If Kent State wins, then Western Illinois gets the bid. Highest Reading NEW YORK (UPI) The highest temperature reported to the National Weather Service Monday, excluding Alaska and Hawaii, was 89 degrees at Kingsville, Tex. low was ll degrees below zero at to Havre, Mont.
BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) body, as do sheriffs in 40 other fifth in the latest Associated The Public Affairs Research states. Press small college poll. Council today called for a com-! Parish law enforcement does The choice of Tech could piete overhaul of the not have to compete directly CXpeCieQ lOuuy brine about a meeting of used to finance with other parish services for Grambling and Tech for the na- In Louisiana. financing, PAR said.
The PAR report rttonmtnd- ed eliminating the commission i ppi ann sheriffs receive from tax to the nnrioi JE? ti i Jit I Lu, upon review and approval, pro bons of the siieim to a new po-v-de foj. cogt oper. Wjtb thunderstorms likely today praising Nixon was adopted' train, strange that so man people brag about being aver WASHINGTON (AP) The Missouri Pacific locomotive a great party, a failure of a engineer to keep his and 0f occupant restraints reat train on a siding caused the i fiery crash of two freights near tn outed to the fatalities and in- age. After all. average is also have our share of Taft, last February, the Juries.
worst of the good and the of should problems right Ford National Transportation Safety The board said the Texas the bad. But with that winning, Board said today. Pacific train was being oper- ition, as Ions as we all Three of the five crew men)- ated with the air brakes of 36 weather in neighboring states do our best, there is no way we hers of the Missouri Pacific- ears inoperative, it said the Sources train were killed in that wreck. engineer was not required Twin City residents expect thunderstorms today as said. the system which caused severe combination, as lone as we all moves through.
can fail to sition of tax collector. PAR said Louisiana operates under the outdated commission system of financing the office which most states gave up long ago, and pointed COuld The forecast for Monroe and who attended closed The other two were injured. All to know exactly how many cars vicinity calls for mostly cloudy session at which the resolution four crewmen of the second he was moving with onl; the a Texas ating the office ending and turning colder to- said it was drafted after consid- freight, escaped injury, through tax levies and appro- night and becoming partly clou- evable debate, priations from the parish gen-idy Wednesday. The highest this eral 'afternoon will be in the mid out that Louisiana is the only state where the sheriff is so independent that no one approves his budget. The research agency said sheriffs in Louisiana serve as tax collectors and automatically receive a commission in the form of a percentage of property tax collections to finance their offices, instead of having rely on an appropriation from the parish governing tihis is the case, PAR said.
be accomplished with 50. The highest Wednesday will little or no additional cost to' be in the mid Winds will be the taxpayer and recommend southerly at IO to 20 mph and would have to be taken to effect the changeover. The research agency said because the office presently has an independent means of financing, no public body approves its budget or re- northerly. The probability rain is 60 per cent today and tonight. FAA officials at the Monroe Municipal Airport recorded high Monday of 79, a low I views its management.
Loui-1 morning of 66, and a siana is the only state where rain within the last 24 hours ending at 6 a.m. this morning Inside The News -Star I Abby 3BJumble7B Broadway 7A Low man 2B I Classified SB Radio-TV LOB I Comics 6A Sports9A Crossword 12A Theater7A Deaths 8A Van Deilen 6A Editorial 4AWomenIB Horoscope 7A Weather 5A 2 Sections 22 Pages i Pacific braking capability of his single locomotive unit. The engineer The safety board said tho also was and probable cause of the collision the board said, was the The board recommended the of the Texas Pacific Federal Railroad switching train a few feet onto tration require profile main track. It said this was tection to guard against uncaused by the failure planned to brake his locomotive in time movements Contributing to the wreck, the and unauthorized onto the main It also said the Missouri Pa- sence of protective devices to fications of its engineers and guard against the unplanned in- compensate for the lack of on- trusion and operating practices the-job training some of them and work patterns that did not might possess. The Missouri control switching movements.
Pacific also should clarify its The board also said the ab- operating rule requirements, sence of crash protection on the the board said. WHERE WOULD MOZART HAVE BEEN WITHOUT HIS PIANO? Even Mozart had to itart somewhere! He may not have always had a Baby Grand, but even he had to practice on something, lf you have a young Mozart around the house, start him on the rood to greatness with a little help with Classified Ad' SOLD THRU A WANT AD GOOD practice piano. Upright style. SISO. 387-0692.
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