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Pittsburgh Weekly Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 12

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TITlj PIT KGIf OAZETTK, THURSDAY, NOV MJUU 23, 1905. 1 rH V. Til WA NT ED. PP'-PIIPTIln UbabUU SJJl hmbutls 0 PUSH BOROUGH TO Postal Cards Sent to the Residents to Invite Cooperation Project of the Officials of the Local Civic League. t'i tiln ILL tsriill 10 tit ILLtOhl Assiitanl Morrow Attacks Ordinances Introduced by Rocnigk.

COMNilTLk NECTS I RID AY 1 A- h- mo City- Controller jloncw fS- two or -icu'ices uitrovl. me onr-icil hut by A. O. Itocuigk. pre.

f-r rte anil of cHv taxes aoJ rentd wit bout authority of co'tnti's, are I. The oj reUii.m-f to water rrtts additional provi rontraotors to jiay itor rettu in ivdvn iet' tor i ew houses in process -t the of tlio city ttuuito an whs prepared to rp-jra'o this feature but, it Is it. i. r. j-w'-niKii.

neann? vi i A Little Leaven William Allen White says in December Mc-Clure's (cut Saturday) that Folk is the leaven that is awakening the great commonwealth cf Missouri. Behind Folk and his work is pubhc sentiment which has been aroused by another kirvl of leaven, and, as one person has said, that leaven began to work with Stcffens' stories political graft and Miss Tarbcll's papers on commercial graft, published in McClure's. 10 cents a copy a year. 44-ia Xast 234 Street KEY' "STOUE it WANTEIV 3JIe Mein r-O TOtT "WANT A OOOD rOSITiOXT If so, place your case with a reliable agency, ona which citi and vvili. assist you.

to: wkre sick you engage a BORXT JOCTORi If o. would you cxpet to get good reEuits? Well, la Su'neone to secure you a position be. sure your case can be handi-jJ successfully. 5om aenciea may try to piac vou, but cion't krow how. The M.

M. AGENCY Whi cenvinoo you of thir nb.isty wl.l provn to your entire satlnfaction that thy can and will do mora you than any other in the 8tr.t. FiCST IS ALWAYS TtMl AND THE M. M. IS TIIE EF.fvT.

FIFTH Xea Waba-U I epot. M. id. M. M.

M. t. M. M. M.

M. M. M. M. M.

it M. M. XI. St. Ac M.

Jfc M. M. M. Xr JT. M.

it. M. M. M. M.

M. M. M. M. M.

or. M. M. M. Nt.

M. M. SI. M. M.

M. Ji. M. M. Xd.

M. M. M. M. M.

M. M. M. FHHEaiSTEEL COMPLY 1ISS th- other Vvry radieal foatarea Ilf Jgpiff'S; TIRE TO LOTT PROPEnTYl Sl-f 11 ctvarrl fo tLe svt beautiful flw bod. Thf prizes consisted of hpliu.3 neatly fro.motL Thf postals sent out by tbe of th; Boost club" re-ad: Join lactam Boost club.

Nu inltlatlc n. monthly dues, meetm-fs; o-PiifcauOii 'av a 'voru about the tov. of In gt-arn yon Thf yoslais wore ma a flu rut- bursrh tiiy wore a arce tji to tho of Insram. However, the were not long in ooofs-rrlng wlit i eec-h etliet- and it wrs loarred fhe oh-cva I of the Ingram Civie leapue bad i 't nbr. "of "(ln't knock, but boost i tl -e town of Tagrara.

I OF POWERS DEJECTED 01 FORTE Declares Control of Macedon- ian Finances Would Not Be Countenanced by Turkey. trty As -iij Psfcsa to Tns ION'S TAN Tl NO I -K. Nov. 23. Tbel aote hn? reieoted the proposals of tho power tor the Internationa, control o-t the finances ut Macedoiia.

VIENNA. Nov. 23. A from Constantiaople says that the reply of tho pnrte. which was handed Baron von Cahce, the Am-tro-Hunarian ambassa dor, thii; eveniag.

'rejects th proposals of the powers on all points, and declares that the public opinion of Turkey would not courHf.fiu.Poe their acceptance. The porte pries to extend to two years the terras of the civil ago-uts vi the powers in Macedonia. ATHENS, Nov. 22. The warships of the powers wireh propose to ma ke a demonstration Turkey arrived at I'ir-atus today and exchanged salutes and oiticlai visits.

The commanders of the vi-sscis are awaiting instructions. SHARP DIVISION INDICATED, Members of Senate Comrvultee cn Interstate' Commerce Express Their Views. WASHINGTON, Nov, way rate making whs ae-ain considered by the. sen ate committee on interstate cotmiierc-e today, but in an informal way, and no measure has yet been pirscnted to the action. 'Views were exorcssed bv several member- a hich indicated a sharp ui-1 vision a far as the situation do-1 There is the further indication i I i i M.

M. M. M. M. M.

id. M. M. M. M.

M. M. M. M. M.

M. II. M. M. M.

M. 1.1. M. M. It.

M. I.r that a majority of the committee will fa- a ic vor a jrvinff the interstate com- TOUCe Find MlSS Geary Nurse. nieree oommission more p.jwer, which BOSTON, Nov. 22. A new and impcr-mepns in some form control over the tnat wdtnesig, ho will appear agains-the rTne Hepubiicans who favor rate-makin un0('r moment connee-lof'slation assert that Um wnv to avoid the death of Susanna Geary.

IS- LODGED III jMnrs Who, It Is Alleged, Threw! Stranger from Car Supports Sisters and Brothers. Cmdueor V. Mact-ien, vl.o, it! is aileived. throw unknov. man from a Western aceruc car Tncpday while crossing ta Sixth f'troet bridge, was turned c-xr to the yestcrd? by tte police lodged jail to the resell of the ooi-oner's si.

The i emains of tix of no. been tdonnfled. Itftdden doea not deny be pushed the! from the e-r, but declares hfl never kicked hhn. Stiperinter.d nt Tatriek Callahan bad a talk with Madden terday at tno North Side Central station, and ths latter fald the unknown man not only refused to pav his f'arr, but became very iiofane. Madden told Calla han the man him, ami In striking' back Madden says he, bit the man in the chest, causing to fall backward from tho car.

John JT. Tata of beickley was a passenger and sat In the seut nearest the door of the 'Western avenue car in charge of Madden. Mr, Tate says Madden kicked! the unknown man several times. The I nit oi it Superintendent tlil vt "From what Madden tells me I think, the man was trying to beat his way across the bridge without paying tot). The nictoiman soys the mat; g.jt on the car at Duquesnc way and appeared to as though he were drunk.

'Ty dficn men tortrd ear at the end thp OTltxz and part of the way to.nripiii.5 J.f JJ the tiMR calied hiiu some vile names, and. besides refusing1 to piy his fare, struck at Madden I am sorry for Madden, for he ycems like a decent fellow. He told me today 'that lie came, down from the country to get work here he mifcht support four brothers anil two listers. Both hts parents dloii within the past year and he assumed the duty of rearing the family. I don't know who it telling the correct story of tlo figbt, but from the appearance and manner of young Madden I am inclined to think he had some provocation for his aneer.

Of course, he should not have thrown the man off a moving car. Such an action i would no er be tolerated by the com- Madden comes from a good family near liradys Uer.U and was studying law when his parents the! less than a year ago. This left him with the responsibility of providing; for a family of small brothers and sisters. Aft'- leaving the car barns on Tuesday Xdifht he. rode out the TVrrysville aveiftjo line to Valley street and walked over the hill to East street, doing to the homo of an uncle in the Kvergreen road, he told what had happened.

lie was advised by his relative to give himself up and did so. He refuses to talk to the police or the morgue Officials and It 13 understood, wiii to ITDrt-snRted lv counsel at coroner's inquest. tho suit case victim, lias been found, the police say, in M'sr? Sarah Jillizabeih Griffiths, a nurse, who, it is alleged, attended the Geary girl the latter waa this nurse has made state-I rr.enta to tho nrtlici ik 1.. I J' 1. 111 VI i tic--? claim will be of material assistance to the prosecution.

0 Cured Quickly Without Pain Using Pyramid Pile Cure. A Trial Package Mailed Free to All Who Send Name and Address. Wo want every pile sufferer to try iTraciid File Cure at our expense. The trial package which v-e send will bring- immediate relief from the awful ton are of itching-, bleeding, burning, tiiiitulisinir piles. "We send the fr-e treatment In a plain cetiled package with nothing to indicate the contents.

Pyramid Pile Cure is put up in the form of suppositories, which ar- directly to the affected part. Their action is immediate and certain, 't'hey are sold at SO cents a box by druggists everywhere, and one box will frcquentlv effect a permanent cure. By the use of Pyramid Pile Cure you will avoid an unnecessary, trying- expensive examination by a physician and will rid yourself of your trouble in the priv-icy of your own home at trifling expense. After using tbe free trial package, which we mail In a. perfectly plain v-i upper you can wet ore regular lull- sire r.iricip, rfrncn.itij cn nc-nVc C1T- m.

or We direct In phtin pac-Jtasre upon receipt of price, pyramid Dru Co PyramiJ Marshall, Mich, WANTED. MIe Help. ANY Intt.llfr-'nt person may earn pond for newspapers; experience snd for panic: Uu Press T-ocfcpert, N. Y. ASSISTANT bookkeeper, familiar with vorclt-'r system, i Clearing House, 425 did ASSISTANT hwkVc per; ci'v firm.

MERCANTILE. iZi Fourth ave. ATTENTION yOCNf ST WAXIEn-Oooi positions cpeh fer salesmen, arlous, best pr.y; opportunity for besnnn Other poeitions ready. SCHOENEH, S05 Federal Allegheny. floor.

err 1 frr f.cel contpnr.v's off Coi.imerclai CIear'ir House. 435 Wood st. rk and s-i'f: ten, prr e-ek. 434 ave. MERCANTILE, c-- tl-t city, mrth rivo.

MERCANTILE, iU T- A rEltS Union. In city: tirn. Steoiy LRICKLAYEK3 for nii; wor in Krod wes--s. 4li Seventh ave. CARPENTERS to hu'ld trestl clay, Si 2 Ke-Tt'inB huIM wages per IT.

in city, ourtli ivp. CARPKNTITRS.I" tn P-r MEt.CAMTILr. INC. iv 534 for The Readt-. Masra'ne, IT Jo years of aye; n.ust ho fchle to f'urnisu lr.u.

Mr. i to 12 a Thutsdav, at National tli. ro.MPOsn ors-Apply to w. TL V. S.J Park huild-n 1 i I i Temolu iieiu.

sir's, four ci r.K jir i st. ETOL'T Mtr i Ulh. At LAI1 fTS vrr-rk taiceti Jl.Cu ti r.uitkl UujjftO. i-i, blotR. I I I wanted; two if-nt el halt s- for r-ur sli p.niii t.

ete tigt.t parbe. Apj.iy Thi STKN-Ofl APH ERS; muft i irrA.t-oaf?: in tyjvwrli Ins. tvatnr orp. -cneps and perieiie. A Idrew 81, The THREE llTKbS frr hrlr.

for south. AtK Bureau, St. to e' appiv AV. Weirs tslcr. WANTED An experienced vvornan in Dry Cleaning for a larg-3 alteration department in first-class store.

31, Gazette Offic-p. M'OMAX V'-ir for lUht work In Omu-own rM estate cTlce; fchcrthand writer preferred; reference ard expri.ncei to start. per week. Address I. O.

r.ox Pittsburgh. 10 Clf AM fit-: A IDS for south. Atiaii Bureau. 642 Rinitufield t. Male und Venmle Help.

ATIAS DURE.VU supplies help. 9J.1 Court. 6i3 flrnl-hfleld at. Malk and f-mal heip suppitod. Tiaiker'e, 611 Sr.iith.lAld st.

Thone S0. Mtuaticns. Mal and Female. I BROTHERS Two young- men are seiklrig; occupations In Bouthwont or wet. One haa hid excellent esiw-rience in manatrin a larjre manufacturing and business; ether has had eorr.e experience, durtr.jr numrncr vacations.

Poth codive graduates. Would like to represent larm concern, ma.riufactur-ir.);. etc No hooks or Insurance. Bt refcmnceii. 81.

The Oaxeltc. EXPERIENCED executive. and business man of Integrity end blah references bceks enrratnent position of trust; business representative tat.y city. Philadelphia preferreG), or special missions whre tact snd diplomacy would be WooM consider a offer to represent a nmnttfaet tiring concern as tellins; agent or contract ma a. t.

51, The Gazette. EXPERIENCED ST OG PA PI i ER ei FPRNbSIIED. tn need cf a sttr.iBrapher for any make of machine, either :msorH.rtly or ly, telephone Orart, 50fil M. No charge for thin service. VNDERVVOOD TYPEWRITER 241 Eifth ae.

G12RMAN, Kweaitih country s'rU a epecia'ty. Mrs, Pord. 207 V. Ohio. OTRI.

German, watits place; ood laun-dress; 2-17 AVest Ohio. POSITION with decorator; young man, rapid worker in oil cciorn. to learn btisinwu. Ad-drens Arch St. Pharmacy, AUegheuy.


xTI. MAKE nX)I TT" GIVEN OPIOTTTUN'ITY. AD-DRESS II THE GAZETTE. P'TT'ATION Yountr man. epeaka tlfnnan, Hungane.n.

Bulgarian, Croatian. Rmumanian ar.d little English; wants a pest-tlon. Address Depot. 160.

E. Ohio Allegheny. Fa. SITUATION By yours rosn 22 veal's cf asre; nc-mres a position sa stenee-rapher or cicrk; six rears' ei.rier.ce In jreneral office work. Address A.

X. S3! Lehigh are. SITUATION By a woman thotoushly experienced In double entry arood references. Address Si, The Gazette. ANTED-Portion pi nlht to cleantnjr: citices or public bnlldlriBB.

7 Monastery eet'ond fl-r. "YOUNG man, Rp-en years in grain business in Europe, wishes tyealts Oermi rtr.d understands Kieisfcerirtir. etc g-ood references. H. Freidkts, Alsen N.

Fusils. RENO SHORTHAND SUOOD. Perjr.raiiy eonducd hy J.istr-hall H. Rpno, for arty to je-trs eng-pged In effl-cla-Iy In the county orij Htatss courts, and as offlc'ui repoiter of lepis-lativfl. ccnveuiion, religious a ad political pro.

ffrt less. Pessiors r.u on Men.isr, Wednesday and Friday cours. wood st. TO EARN MORE, I. EARN MORE.

Are you satisfied with your present position There ate teev students nJi-artne of the onnortunliies arforded b-v- the Nlirht Scs- i r. i THE MARTIN SCHOOL The are its best advertisers. WE DO N'OT SOLICITORS. TO-N TECHNICAL SCH.WLg-.AJheny. 'f 'I of.

vjj.t..,..... i i I- in, -ngineering. electricity, teleitraphy and ali common and academic iy and even-ior sosst-n. exprrt iotructors; moiwi equipped; tuition monthly; cataioyuc free IN Fl'STIGATh! the merits cf HALIS TH'SI-NESH COLLEGE. It Collins East Eno.

Pittsburgh. Ia if -Kiie to qualify for a losit.ion tn bookkeeping, shorthand nn) typs-writintr. Heat appc.lhtfd in the city. Day arid eveninif setstohs. Rctisonabic iu price, t'a'l or write for eatslosue.


bookleepm, cor.iaion ttan hes. PcsivicRs r'laranteeil all Eradi'ttes. Three monthu 555.00. Week's trial bef rc paving. Nltht sessions.

thr" moatlis. JIOOO. Call, writ" or telephone, US ftmlth field St. (opjsito Kanfinann's). ENGINEERING Are you need of help In dsirnne.

draughtir.K. "sttrj.atins and in gr-n-eral work? jwi vvlil find in nu-n with experience ant to d-rate pr Ad dress P. O. Box iitl, AVlikinsburg, Pa. THE WORLD I IN I VARSITY l.Rr.d.

typewriting', teiefert.phy nd bonkkoep. inr in the latest and most approved manner. us In to music and ert. our special offer. Call.

43 Wood st. DREFSCfTTTING, sewinr. r.ttingr finishing syetem und-rat'K)4 or r.o Mo-'-ORMAC, Indies' TaiUr. 935 Federal Aiie-gheny. Or.p.-irtt.itie.

W-A-N-T S-D GROCERY OR CONFECTIONERY In Pittsburgh or A 3 Price rot rr. ee iir.jf .0 ADD; ES5 46, THE ilAZiJTTB. HAVE fer butter -g 9: business What have you Conimumcstc l'h P. V. TPOV-PSsON COM PAN' jf, Times Asenis.

AGENTS WANTED In PP'slj-irph sri surr nator.xt a as towns, to at'-l Kas burner new No, 7 a t-ceu ty and our uaerts ate -tr or a wu.tflii '-as Co. 8421 I'enr. ave. p. AOENS- 10 agents.

ladies or nilemec. here a ehsi ii-e to ineke f-omc Lib: wc.r.ev jL-efore the art ijiip-k and g-Vi results -S Ui day. Nov-ity Supply Company. 415 Lewis b'ock. JiY cn M.

J. George at dc ti: start arc. a arana can tret employment. Floor Space. WE r-arit rent hout J.c-yQ fs-t floor s.iee for light manufacturing a-id cootluer any iocatlor, te' ween thn "ptlrf" and lllh sc.

end the two rivers; stste Pi-ice ar.d whether with cr wl'hout Ad The tiaietle. OU n. ED. tVITlL il. FIFTH AVKMT, lifKOK bujs leo l-ennfy tvaula cii prod t.ors.

Call Saturtys rr Mondays. WE have bu; 'ri jT R-'-crt f-j m-. If you -A nl to sell eorr.mvin'cate its at V. THOMIOX COMPANY, J'tmg Icsuraxiec Agem. A CCi DENT DAlLT make riw.

c-its ci-'iin 1. i.i 5i -t? Eatcrt. I-, t-vTrn-T a taii-t ci-p -rlt to.Tlce. rxTTsn. rtoi lisc-rlhinecii-j.

and toot iBt.d to t--jep pi and i-e; MercM: ts iltics r.rc chid an sal do fcu'-ms e. All nrj; tJ P. EYT.XE. Painter. p.

iii telephone 4 P'lth WANTEii Ten. 01. -ua ii-l' fits f. J. 012 P.lfhvr?h.

A i.ATME round h.tuna wa iteu for toCr cal; be in AudreM .1, i I At- oti i i art' bag, must i) i y.iw.iru-'; ll'-l- wn, tllf i. liII KKNT. li KOOMS. City nd nrvvj fut iwhe-i rem, wit, y.hv ih I.iw uiAt)iv ir i.vio con near LEIXIIFIELD AVn, cr Filtmoro- Fu: nih -3 one cnrneeMnjr ii tith- all modern breaiiiaat if cs-rt. iriorn.K AT 4 F-eiy i room will.

pri-at verv to en' 1 nje of reilnen. nt nil ti es. l- Id SW'C-RTit P.dlevue Two econ-stcry front ro tpf. all cciivenlp.icf for r''u; FOK RK.VT Two utif ut if hed rcorrn, near bi.v-tO.n handy to elrei.

Chi. 415 ToJu Vvilhltlribu'-e-. FORBES uicely JornlshetJ Bu'taiie f.r tin perf jna. Ail cor.etn-iettcfs; te-n-s reasonable. GARLAND AVE.

"IT, fr.k!a.ue rurnUhed tr wnfurnlfche." room si r-elmhterhocI; hatuljr to cra.'. y. Oentie- men only. tIRANT Bcltevus Two splendid rj-wi for or unfurnished.

"I'hcne GREEK -0. Wllklnsburs -Xlcdy fur-nlohed rooin for cue or two g-entlemen; all ern con r. let. es. KI'LEET AVE Wllklnbhurir-Uarge front ro.jii!, well fum'-he r.

wuciler furnlshej room; on Kan I'ittt iiut car loie, Rear resonat le KELT EY bury fur- nlth'-d room, all co'tverdenoes. on Ks.nt ear hue, near very reasonable rt nt. MAPEE VA, list wa.r-3 Nicety famish-J Kiimi very rea eonaMe rates; sentlemea only; convenient location. MIFFIIK '4. Wllkirsbvn Two c-trree larsii furnished or unfurn'sned roon.

fer hnnseket pinj, or turrd'hfcd pari. r. NEW OPANT near the fnlor. dpct Furaisiied rooms front $1 M-ek up; lodg Liff "from per vp; men only. PITT 31'F.

AFIlk pleasant roi-in, 'r. i-rtv-ytp faml'y; to railroad; on- East I'ittsburgn C5r. SHERIDAN bO.iev'.ie-Twc- or rior fumifcl-d tnoms, ui t-o suite: light ho-jfe-lecpiiig; ennvaniences leu I street; near cars. SPRAOt-n fcl. Uelievue-Two ety furnlHhed adjoining w.n in n.

bous-: n.c.1-ern conveniences; 6 to cu-s; pentietueu pref orred. WANTED -Dy three resnectsbte yurig nin. two adjoining room neatly furnished, wjth cr without board, in private fa-vuiy; Esf Tjud prrfrrei: state terms. Addrt 25, Th Ga.zvtte. Et End.

PEATTY 713, North, re- Hichiand i.nd Hays Three completely rooms itil ir.ud-i; very roabonahle. EE TT 1. Alpha Terrace Larr furnished frort room, ail modem tonvnier.cea, good location, near all cars. COLLINS Tumist'ed room. tt- ger.tV'inen; close to I'.

R. R. station and North. Highland car line; bsth and Kas. EUCLID cor.

Frtonaship-Trge pleasant furnished room all conveniences; H'-ar cars and fetation. GERRITT fdS, E. home; private family furnished room; one or two cn-tlemen: mondngr and eveninit; nieaia if dee'red; rates rescriabio. ITARVAUD ni-cr ave Well furnished front room: sec on 1 ue nf hah, nae. coven tent Jy located.

llntleioea orly. Highland. HIOHLAXD A.VE., South-Nicely fur nished room; eenverjerces. UiWKLL 3w, oar Pi-ankstown One. two lisrsre.

i'jht, cil furrdfhed rooms, or.u front; eniiemen prcf-rred; modem conveniences; Pell 14.1-W Hietdand, price modcrato. MARC1IAND f.T.. 6S2H cr unfurnished locir.s i'or light hf unt-Kceping or fnr-niKhed r'xiit'is nlth or vitiiout heard. E.l 'poune T.Zft H'-shlnnc. Id ARC HAND Pleasant furnish" ro'tn, hut vater alwan and othe coTien-it-nces; Iajt Liberty station.

MARCTIAND 632--Neatly UTdf-hed front room, to I.lbrty ststion; all cars and bi-ardlnjt; Kentie-nei rre.i. N. t21, E. E. Penned rerdle-man In private family.

PEN 6311. peer K-Vt Liberty l-Utinti To let. fro'it isirh-r ail conventencei us. of piano. RODMAN room, private near lEhi.m i vt er: i hat.ity p.

every hi hue and East Jaheity jtat hie. SHADY i.Xe seocie! flo-y room; ttcard; uiu.bl9 fer cuui ct hood. WALNI'T fin-Two furti if hot! c-end -floor reiims. sitsvcio or togther; evrf root reason-1. Aih-alieny.

ARCH 415. All- jri.ei.yOne r'cety front rooir, all corvenisnces; lt sidr.utes walk to eitj mtxlerat RAST NORTH AVE '4 TO'! Emiih Airt-menta. one tlce-aotiy in i-vare fbtnll; elevator, steaat at, eh-ctii lights and hct water at uil times; rent vciy rff.i.i.nb'.e. ELLSWORTH I. Ke-iic-al.

Two riccl. roms nil mt-dert" tn- i-Pnl'-nooi; rerr.en ur iadic tern: Voar! near t-y. FAYETTE A ih El.'ly furn'sbed roc us fr sv.t h'tuseVeepin; convenlerices, auttful Vxatirt, to minutes fi-ont AVeslern ave. cats.

FEDERAL 14'S furn'sh-M rooms for llyht hoiis'- eeoir iJfM: Kecs; br. th, laundry, FEDERAL Cou.pit-d.v houbekee-jriR r. on.s. pas- hr-th. laundry.

FULTON A5liheny "-) fur. nished roc-mi. f'-r roti-rriienceol h.o&O'.y,- cO--. TPWLV 1212. Ab-eheny N'erly roon with all cot.

er.j. s. rtr 'th good luchtt-m; beard ear bj S3 RUiiat-ie f(r'-.-ke-: ry chr iu'i1. 1T. a' 3 ro.

Auto: -u -'ui'e of jiici! rocirs, ir-, f-i-'-i-C-icd i.ari-.rv --J-t'. 15, fd.rlaii-tt s.n.;-. or i f. t- r.v; Ni t-v or leiiecs; N' TlT fi vii-e N'J3r at tine, urnithej s.

vi.i furo-n i.eht hou-k-epir iv four Tor-. v.s 'Cjarate or or i ate crices. Vf T' AT ALTi prb sft A 1 lecl.e ay ioely ur- ST-pFUIOR 21. AHeghenyOne r-icti-; cor.vr-lences, in pnvat family bcirdbig rear; Arslon cars. M'PERIOR AVE, 17.

A fher.r Twc r.icOy furr.i.'hel reoms. odrn cor eoienc woM cf.nvti.1 ir.t t-i city; gentlemen; VETO jS-tO, front riom cf fUt, all vtnlences. trfela nrar hb-hiy. .7 IL.ver., secon-5 r. WA.Si rl i N' i.S lleoih-oi-i-, end 1 R.

Ofh--i. diamo: ersl ill t.o.t;. rer. C17 fi -1 ih r.i. a -1 10.

1 v. Ct.l. AVI) HOAKI' 1 tity nod vl'vit'ET il-T, Nl ei 1 fi. we 1-viut boar1: ou'- I 3e tneaUrs ac a r.tii' Carina a A FO P. i AVL.

it 7. ar.t liot cUf- -d. "I 1 i. I.r a' 1 cum oio i l'p 1 Co.AIi Fot e.eH. j-r i ail ELtjIX po' "ITl.

jii-. t-iic'so-l 1 'ne I NOHV CI! IV's, with board; pi rttrikin 1. 1 c-r Whet Is to Vo known as the "li.ram ulnb" '3 novy hririj organized l.i that bv the Ingram -ag-. All the are invited to boce-ve tiit-mbcrs and lend their assistance in I i ii vtnsr ihf rmrriiiuh. i Last wftk the residents of the.

boro-iga 1 rott ivt-i Postal- card from the I t-r- of the organization, who ars Vrrcy F. Hiidth an.i frof. J. McMahon, offi- rials of the Ingram Civb: league Last sui; ncr tl li-arnie oT'jrod two to the rffldems for tho 1- of tl.f troain.

pi and tr.e o.ner for the fiower bi-d. David N. Wlll for the Lost-kopt la-wit p.nd Airs. J. M.

Sweartnjjen rt-eHved 1 Jones a Laughlin Secure Land at Court Sale Say Widow Tore Up Papers. The. Jones Luughlin Steel Company vt6r.i io- a cttMi.t thr Hcht thft mi- of the T.oft I ortv nt South Two hi -sixth end Svdnev streets, of which Mrs. I-oit was disposed h'it Saturday, after a battle lasting half i an hour bet wen officers of th company and Charles who was finally ar- I rested for trespassing. The tatement 1 of the company follows In the latter part of 1V02 the company b-srn to acquire about a.

block of property in the Twenty-nfth ward for the puipotfo ct eniargiii.j Its woiks. The prieen paitl to all owners wtre so satisfactory ttutt ''early in 103 tb's whole under cenliact of the house, arl lot of ground formerly owned by Iott. but then occupied by hii widow arj one daughter. Joeeph Lott, tbi father, died Fubruary 2T. leaving a widow, Loti three daughters and one son.

Under thf! U-. test At iaw of Penn-syi-. ania tno titli to tbe housa and lot became vested in thse children, subject to the dower of the tnuiUer. When tbe steel company made an offer for this property of It was quickly accepted by the children, because the price offered aa much in excess of the uetuAt value of the prorerty, and they, by an agreement dalei 23, lZJi, houta tacmelvee to convey the prwuny by deed to the steel company. In Kddttion to the price to be paid the atetl company niado the owners a pies-en: of the house ii tiiey would remove it from tha iot.

At thta tln.e th wijew was entirely willing- to up possession, arit her cfcll-Jren purctiased another 1-t of ground and buiit four.d3tii..r.s cn which to place the old house, ben eu-luenly the widow changed htr and re-fused to Ktve up pcoFPssion or execute tl.c dad to the steel Coinoany. The children by their deed datad Mar, 1W3, and recorded la recorder's offtots of Allegheny in ded hook volume 1395, page is. conveyed ali their Interests to the steel company, and i- one-thira of the purchase money, was set asid in trust to pay the widow the- income and at hr dath the i-rifi-H-al-'to the children. No etort waa made to disturb Mrs. T.olt tn her unlawful o.

cupation of the premises until Aukusf, tgo-i, vvhtn partalon proceed-ings were begun tn orphans' ceurt of hony county butween ti.e sLeel company and Mrs. Lo't. A.t this suit prcfc-rcssel all writs and orders of the court served uoon her were promptly tern up her, and she jint only hMu fun opportiui ty rOiring ail of three months to he heart dally in rourt, hut opportunity rflso to hid th saie tf the pi-operiy sfter the Jury had returned that it could not be divided, and armraised ltd value at Sh rfius-- to he Tn-reentr-d fn person or by attorney, and when the propertv. wa allottel to the steel company la- the court it was aHmlod to it he-cans, it was the hlgliibt and ouly bidder, and th wfi-iie property wr.s allotted fr a and dl'ChatRed of ti wldow'u interest. Hlnc that date 5tvs.

and her son In panic. iidr ham len dai'y c-r3 on the fcttel comiianya vVheu the ateo! company, after repeated notJee to her to vacate ci Mrs. f.ctt from possession of this they wexo not t.niy takine of what they lil i oiiht. nd paid for. but what they had a quired by uec.rea of the court.

80UNDT0 RISE. Rccinafd Vdndcibiit Is at the Head of 2 Baking Powd'T Trttt I)KN VE11, Nov. 2il. Special. -Reginald la rieii.l lit a aitoig poWilor trut to which the Man ft rinse t'ompany has Hardest sold baking powder factory.

It was when the check was written that It was discovered that Keirald Vftnder- bill, was financial head of 'be new concern. This Is the first time that it wast t-. H-t the Vaoderl) lta ha.i cone r.i.f I 1 railroad affairs and hit oauinj; Ccr' Mountain State Gas I Brings in LiRht weltfi are still the ruie. in the lower southwest ft Toe shallow sand districts are cttmpwiing- a good many we. is.

but all re Ueated la the old fields. Tnree miles south the good producer cotnplttcd a fw days a- by Southern OU company on tho fumi. on Goose St. Ritchie county, the jiouom tat tlas company nas aita.o it. hr.s n.

oio- test or. tr. it tj r-i well" hai turned over to them a-d they wPl farm. There are very ood f- active vperaCon tn the district, in the eilow Cr. d'striet.

Ciihoun county, the Oil Coir vnay has its No. on th R. M.;tt roueh the lierea ent. ras a.

r.a'ui-i yro- decer" s-ood burrels a day. This i tor, is feet sdluiwm -i The Aon Oil Company' No. V) th Iiali Matthews ra-mi -s Ui nairrIs a d.v tne Maaon on js trry in tht i.t.- nil found in tt.e nan ft.ev.-fi.rt roioii Tj Ne-r-iv. Caster Co. have jflven tr-d couuty.

tett cn a. (lot red farm snot it reypon.tea r.ruilu-- ng IV I I the nd: Creek district. Kilchi ti' tioropany hsts co-ipl-tod on'tfm L- V. Vhior- farm and win h.ti.- a b.t pun per in im-. o-fn--i th Producers urn, y.AH UCStc? in riiM'ni u.a.: in, ok untv, At co.

en tn-: uav. c. js V( e.Hn there 1- a very s-i-vwi; of wot At Mi t-bt-bourne. Icr tf at ''1 this the l.f SSI is I lit- and oi I will cat u-w Vicrt in ah distri. I'etlti (ill Coir p.

on V. th n-and wilt us tl. .1 li. i i i' ir.jun and now to linrrlson the iv cn Us i) b.rm a i u.e ii. than a li- oarts-I t- tn-1.

i i the rU'lH- r.y Jc.ies fnr'u thr-ejsh rru ac' lt It; drove v. oitvc lio.n hdlV f-o tv. ci nl.irs X. 'i' ii --t cr. Lo in Lltii.

ton t'i irict, sou- 1 Ia tlP I'll ol 1 Vti. tl.t: is Pi 't." lo c- i h. Oh! -t h- I d. -lot rn t'o ia. I an 5 -'-ov.

l.i -1 1 t.o- l-' r. Ceo-. I a cn th" Ei. "hi Cx'f. a fdr.ii C.

i- c-- t'iti P.o-ea 1 r-f i I i i I i i I i Th-; toe will also Con o.r Lbu iippointmont of sLtb-eomtiiit-tee to 1 lie annual approprirtion ii.r-.-l tax lvy bilis. rectors Ljgelow fnd Moore b-itb have their burea of vadents preparing estimates of appi tions. winch thy think they w.ii for ne-ttt year. These they wi.l prt ner.t to councils and have referred to i Uo Diiooior Moore said yesterday tht Us fer lH-i would not he. any larger than his appropriations for year, except that he would ask for money to re-b'-'ild the entine house in the TMrty-yeeonti ward.

A call for tho committee to tomorrow issued yesterday. CVU for the public tve-ks and survey committee to meet tomonw win proc-j ably i-jsaed today. A large number i of bilks are before all counmtttees. 'I he lssi. coutmct wiii be by tee Xubilc works committee.

NEXT WEEK'S AMUSEMENT. Tfirtnk.viivins promises Fun and Music With One or Two Dramas as a Side Dish. "'T-'pntana," cue of the moat talked fcbout niusical comedies of recent years, Uiih Jefferson DeAr.ieells, Toby Claude titid Julie f'andeison, will be at th i3el.u.sci oext week. Tbe attraction is jnut'tta', tumorous and beautiful, xap-propriate qualities for Thanksgiving entertainment. Mtrlrtyre Heath, to Klaw and Kr-lanjrer's newest, production "the liam 'tree," a musical novelty 0y George V.

will be the attraction at the Nixon next week. I lie Ham Trets" -lesoribed as a "Laughing Trust," and oopies riirectly from three months' run in 1'ork city, 'the company includes, in Hvi.iiiion to Mclutyre Hwah. W. C. toe comic juggler; Frederick F.

Uovers, the popular song- tenor; the stately Jobyr.e Howland. Carolyn Jordoti. Uelie r.ol.i, Alfred Fisher. Muff anil 3j3.v:-i Torreneo. Stair Nicola! will present the thiid edition of lh-ir popular attraction, American raeinfe play, entitled Hi Lfst" at Alvin next vverk.

JJavid Trill be secr in the tole, supported by illeanor SIou-tU r. nd a strong and capable unst. of id ers. Tho story of the pia.y is modern, in ti it dtam with tr.e experience of fl rich JCpntuckian, who seeks to become richer vy of stock speculation. The Miti r.thal brothers will otter Lansdon McCormick's latest succcm, "The lioiine of Mystery," at the Empire commeu- har Monday, November 17, with a spoctal That; knsi i ng- matinee Thursday.

"The Hi'Use of Mystery" Is su'd to or- the best plays written bv Mr. Mc 'ormick. tloaling with a plot and characters orvulna! and new to the stage, the sconio touiprnert it said to be in ry respect. tuimo in coi-tlnuoun biU at tiie Orar.d r.t-'t week one of vaudeville dhsiiiictiou. Wiii Ivf.

Creasy and Blanche l'ym-. wni be son In "Town lieli To-nifrht," hoei be Mr.'u skt'tch. Wen i worth's wonderful borsej 'vjli be a feature. Others are Modame the Itussian operatic i-ritort tiie Avrn Comedy Four, the Moors, amazm wire performers, and ju'.

Holmes, the eiever monologist. "City ports." one of t'to r.urif-Tii.ue and extra asranza com-j wtu ho at the fjuyety' next 1 -tided by MeAvov and Ins l-iuiOtn "i-tfili Avume This is one the l.oudlinf-ra of vaudeville. JIoAvov brinu- one of the most, popular comedians 1 Tnis act. in coniimc-1 iion T'lth the "City J- ports" com nan v. a of talent- Ti of a handsome joun'sr woman ashincr a toiiKh mover to act as her! and an, strik-a one as funny, but how much funno-r it is to eo r.ii- i roond Il portray this character.

Kd- lootni vviil be nt. the Academy with uj'lty ue i AFTER THE NICKELODEONS. hispectors Older Better Protection for Patrons. Tht cid o. one i movinu r-K-'lire eOnMloS.

on i in Inch r.O ehii-i Oi w. irc-d. moved the bureau Of to oi," in -p-c to itivesti.e,tte the other at.out be ttty- Samuel A. l)'es. Assistant -uoeni.

John p. Err rmau and Murray l.ivirte,.stori, -ity ordinance officer, hive I-'-kuii an th Vi of sort iistca by Director of i'ubU" Safely I.lottfe. At "4 Lil-eity tho removal' of the eru re nee door was recommended and I'M' hr-in soK'-sted. Hiid or-lers were river, a piae; oti SmlthMeM The ilmr of ma lira ii ne hoses to protect the cc-ilutoid I from and the lack of to ti 1 up toe as mo to be 1 tmnrM! sr.t... i to Wll! I- oe trtUns on WO Hiid Six p.tsse.ier trains on lti-jtiiirh to C'seveland.

ov i- the T.tns, leavmjr P. ilshiirh jit 3:15 2: a. K. a. no, I p.

1 I p. o. lift ri. i. and 11:00 u.

m. n-tn m. and p. m. The :10 A.

m. and i vilio t- 1(X Sunday. Tno ll-n. m. tj via Lsviile.

wid ruti dai-y, I Tn 3 If- a. ri a. m. and in trni ii it! run daily via aalc-ni. Tin.

3d ai.i: t. tip. Will run to Cleveland, daily, ovtr tne" Lire Vri and Eh-' veo-u-i. -too route cf ail these rt'n i J.I..-.1 i Lcn Arrives hi a. m.

a. m. ibl5 st. Ii i. r.i.

v'j tu. p. m. p. rr- a.

-i ei. Via hir, :7: to r. a th land. Or from 11 i trail; Co frorn v. '-) i via Por.

-r a i. l.r:;rv ear from 1'm1 HlKloOO. to i if l-t: 1 1 1 vi P.i til. V. tO p.

mi. i f. ii S. i to ind o. li P.

I i I ui! Apej)l, I i I I I i i i 1 I i I M. M. M. M. M.

M. M. M. M. M.

M. M. M. M. A M.

M. M. M. M. m.

M. M. M. M. M.

M. M. M. M. M.

M. MAK Bright and mun between 2 and 30 years of; r.mst be of luidreaa nd of neat one havinjr cone work preferred; steady jv.y'.Ucn: stute and expert -nee. Address ii 2f, The Gazette. MAS er.nrfcetlc man as travel-In iT-d to $75 per montn ard ex-peuuts; etnalt siiiotnt of cash for samples. Address 31, Tho Gasctte.

MAN who can rush materials fw a contractor; must be a hustler. Comruercial Cb'arlrg iv Woi.1 e. MECHA KICAX, draughtsman wanted for stoker, fornnce eid pai producer work. Apply in per-eon. The Westlngheusa Machts Company.

East Plttshurgh. 5TEN to qualify en cv.auffeu;-s, thorough train-his on hnd operatintr positions $30 v.ekiv. Autotnoblliat, 5C7, tlroud v. ay, New Tc-rli. HEN and htys wanted to earn J3 day, after two -months' poaition guaranteed.

t'tttlon half price, few days onSv. COYNE BF.OH.' CO. PLUMPING SCHOOLS, New York, Cincinnati, ft. Louie. Mo.

(Free cntainirue.) OPEIt ATOftsS Ksperieneed operators for the r'anufacture i-ants; vou will be busy ll the time. Lt-lanan -122 Seventh me. PORTEH-For club. AtUts Pureau, 642 Smlth-reld st. MI.

WAY rc.a.11 and ek-rks and car-riem; iood ooeii-hs. 1'artirulars, Supt. Prr, 8u2 EiT.pIrc- REAL EFTATE None but ex-pericsnced need apiiv. hetwe-en 1 and $. A ROXS IN- Kit I EDM AN 436 FOURTH A A.

SALESMEN wanted: two experienced salesmen fur our ah department; permanent positions to tho pa i Apply The Famous, Ti-a-ldock. SALESMAN Wanted a rood rel estate salesman. A at of Home wood Tteai Estate 713 av. SAPE.iMAN who can appmaeh business bouses, i Salary. Commercial Clearing House, 432 Weed st.

fc.7 'iho sm.1 Can HAPWOPS TOT. Park liiK- fa! I PALEr-'MAN Good chance. Steel City Agency, 5J1 st. 2 TIMEKEEPERS. watchman.

$40: 1 wine-room clerk, Atlas Bureau. 642 St. JitCTTTErtS $4.59 Day OAKPFXTFR COREMAN tt SO Day CEMENT FINISH EK- Doy ROLL fit 25 Day So hour and upv.arj CARPENTEHS Jt.yO Day PRit tvT.Ai Kict- uno wages CAMP COOK SSO Month WAGON DRIVER $13 Week COAL MINER-5. GOOD HPT HOTEL PORTER. PITIoHLROH EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, hr.

Ssnlth field St. STENOGRAPHER for manufarturlnr office Clearinjr i louse. "22 Wed et. f-'TENO- PH EK for rtc-el company. Steel City Agchcy.

st. STOCKK EEPEU for niar.afactarlng firm: evDcrier.ce ar.d refert-ncca. Ad-lrcES The Oazettt. TEMPLET MAKER, for structural shop Apply Joan Eif.hleay.


TH PTa it OLI-EST. LARGEST AND MOST RELIABLE, fanv ord secured daiiv THE STAR THE STAR Till STAR fnr ffic.e, inechaiii--a1, SI AR mid other G.tar- TH STAR i.cshf-ieu, p.nd by its well THE TAtt oraunUed syetetn can piace r.ien TI-fE STAR cf ry ciass. trade, profession TUT" TaH or ca.dr.s 250 PCji- TH tTAR TIONS HEADV. TP-! KTAR CLL. i-'EE LIST.

INPOPMa- rHE fTAH TION iT.r K. TUB STAR 32." SIXH ST. TTMEKEEI'EK sjteei City Aenc.v. 'irant St. CPIK.rfua!tJ ITU stendy vour.c mi t-.

'-arn fade. 4S4 Ecurh aee FC'LN and shipper; must brine rc- Apply Bernard Gicek-ier I'M Per.n ave. for the TJ. ft. i.

men bet" il and rharact.r: sprsk, r. ad snd write of the States, or Ih.c-jie who have dec'iHiei to be. jii nucr. mar. r-s serve at sea cn men nf.

n-fit- in ali paitl cf on land in ottr tslah.J sen 1 at wvi! stations in the i k'tcus. Apply f.urr 411, Poetoffice I'a. ft" A NTED Drlv-r. In local ex- Per.n ave. i IX iMl lIO F.L CAPTAIN'.

Atlaa ip.ireau, (.42 Sndfa-llt-hi St. TO NO man. srauua'e H'-gfc fcheel, pr-rd. to I-irn ec -d Clar'ng II jj.te. Wod St.

tot -no MAN fis cicrk once. I'EIii'AN TILE. 414 Fourth YOCNt'i man a.1 estcte cc.rr.pu.r.y. Ir. rent riri r.t.

t-ol 41ol Fottrth ev Fei He'ii. vi rk must be over IP to D'-ff a so-ia dj way arid a bey. To- two in fan- Li.dC. i t-o tne oive, in Wf 2 p. to.

VifE L'NIA ER- 1 1 i 1 .1 i i.r -) aioitr, in every town 1 a trsni 1 fit to $23 per ociddac- fo.i.t Ad- diess H. J. PiUEl-a-gh. TWENTY ronfh ilcrs city. MERC 41 1 Fourth ave.

TWO ill for south. At! Dureau, 612 i i I i i 1 i I I 1 it rupture is to support a conservative Mfasure in line with the lecommoncla-tious of the PreKiGienf Some of the opponents of a bill giving the ciunmirsion power over rates expressed the hope after the adjournment of the roeetinr today that wlwn the of i'no President have been set forth an agreranent can be reached by the Kepubltcar.j- upon a bill which can be reported and passed without much friction. -v. PROMINENT CLUB MAN DIES. Colone! Fronds Wisfer, Member of Weii-Known Family, Posses Away at Phiiedeiphia.

T'l 1 1 LADE f.Fl i 1 A Nov. 22. -Col. Francis Wister. a veteran of toe civil y-ar and a member -f one of the mosi uistinKuishc-d fandilea t.f this "ity.

died today at a hospital, aii illness of two months'. He mhs years old. Col. Wisttr was born at the seat of the Wuster family nt Gfmantiiwn. was craduaied from the of Pennsylvania In the class of ISGO, At the Wlnnm-r of the civil war he received his appointment to the army from Simon Cameron and served wih during the four yarn of the war.

After th war he returned to tins city and became an iron and coal broker. He wast one of the most prominent Satires In tho social and club life of Philadelphia. He was a member of tho vama comma ndery of the mlitinry oroer of ine i.oyal, r.ntl of the Ttnr Philadelphia, German own, Country clubs. Cricket end A Cteat Detective Slory. B.

Fletcher Ttobinson was the nmn who suKgr-sted "The Iiouud of the to Sir Arthur Con an Doyle, Mr 10. inson writes oetective stories ar.u a tlaritlinsr ti.le Of entitled "Nero AIIWIIS V.1.1 DP ri.f. complete in next Sunday's Company a Good Producer i North u-r a- uie-eortn. count i on the. iUn.l.

farm' 't i-oru-1 hotter thar. when first drlih-d hi. The tifli was urilled a. little deeper into th- fraud lust Tuesday and reuurted to i tc K-jod f-r trrel. day.

Tn-re is quim a little new rk starting in that l.M'anty and I on the strtngth of tv-e she the bandv tarn test. The Coie- tRG tjartn'- farm to the To thn vast ine f.i company is a test oo the 1... Morris farm. beast -f the Land-, in. cV puny Eu-rtmsr a teat cn th" Vuroer ir.3 Oi is,r so-t- lerton i -i ww.

i.t.t-. county, ij C- OH Os n. nt i a verv isr.t d.Ptriot. Hrav. i o- cave Nv.

8 on tho Sre aad imve a th i i 1 im 'n MllItCA.v'TILE. -S34 I-'oiirln tv Thosi C. f.jatt.ri has drilled his let the FYanV i a-j icurrh toe Rfrti Vri, BRt- 'KLATEItS Mill Work, P) hfirrs-; i.od has a In thy Murdo. i wt.ilt Ormt yt CDS CLERK for Plttsouitrh in. -Vi Cliiaring-, i ,2 TVo.

Ft. PR A I'OrHTSM A m-r hnnl7-75 t-avf! with cf err ny f. i-'eh-t mar -v-ilniv u.c-pi-g. Lhtiity. Call.

-nm. PAIXiOCi TOG I a-k tli I aul Gas Ccruo-i-iv a Ivst on th- M-i: Vo. j. 7l' ar N'-'' McCov hnnen's and Runs. cnts ruos it ids the rr NNSYLVANIA Oi, mler -1 TL 427 .1 I i Tc.Ul Daily Sri 6: v-c LLM.V OIL.

1 i Vii.l tt 1: -t RP Pre-. loi; i.IiP'rev rhe Oi; hcirket. eie llfTi-ivrit Sc. a. Tl." f-r 1 Catoi.

ar 1 vv Elc J'S' I'f r- hrf.rciH- tn ro's. Ui' MIT-. ri 1 1 I 42 '-tv I iiuiSry -et-t w.i ui Vv -2 at wnole-alc Co Market i-t 1 tna city. Met; 1 I i i 1 i 'i'3! VT-i" i i I I i I i I lttst o'-rh. l.

ferre.1 M. plan- t'ii-1 pre- rT.F-,r PECKWITP. c.t.4 Pnn h.r.,1. 1 Pl.t: 'I triof- rk rlcse. R'tifERCAXTILE.

41.4 bh-cicniiU at once. j-eurth ii h'R' if.r, 1 kocs fi run a co-f-r. Third city. LacNDHY driver; i.vr.

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