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Pampa Daily News from Pampa, Texas • Page 23

Pampa Daily Newsi
Pampa, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Business 13A'34 Mart ftitist S-slocatft In In. Kffieisnt in tax AccotnitliiR, ac- lounts payable; ftccprttits receivable. Imyroll, etc'. reSldelnt: of I'limpit. Box C-7, RAFTING, detailing.

Phone I.MO 5-5227, FuTtf OKOf fiflfRVrCT" N. Dwlslit MO InmucHon IS i HI. horiie in spare Jtiwe. New texts lurnlshed. Diploma (awarded.

Low monthly payments. MAmerican School. Dcpt. P.O. Box Amarlllo.

Texns. Jp Radio Lob 34, Spiffing S44 W. Fosli? MO 4-6411 tiAHGl-5 selection of good Used appliances, drj-ehs and ranges, as low as 39.95. Easy tftrms. Firestone Stores 120 N.

Gray, MO M65RE TIN Air 820 W. KfnftSJttin MO 4-2t21 38 Paper Hanging 38 'lSHfNa tood! At Inn ttesort. New Ft. Gohh Lahe. InO miles Kflst of Shamrock.

RodRaf Okla. Ott 4-16oS. OftONINQ $1.45 mtted A speolftiity. Washing 720 Banks. Beauty Shops IS PAINTING ana 1'apef work guaranteed.

Phone P. E. Dyer, 600 N. nging. All Mo S-6204.

EVA'S BEAUTY SOO Vender, MO 5-2651 C.I11, Bessie Curtis, King Operators BEAUTY'SHOP N. Mo mi T'ormiiiients f7 $1" iij'lucd. Fri'p hull-cut wtlh IpliHinpiio end set'with Ihln ad. VOGUE BEAUTY SHOP K. Ciumiliell Ain f-fiisi Situation Wanted IVAN TWO: Ironlnff In my honin.

pieces. dozen. 216 N. housework or iTahy- Any lot jjO (-2152. BLK AT Jtawlelph III pnrt Panipji or County.

Hood opportunity. Kxpen- pncc helpful hut not neyesfary. Kee Clmppell, Box S02, Darrouxett, TPXIIK or write nt once, KHwIefgh'H pppt. TXD-140-102. Jtemphis, Tenn.

Female Help Wanted 22 WOU.SRWJVKS to do tplnpliono wilos- work. from honif. Average PIT liiuir. Apply Mr. 'icne Upmpspy.

2H1 Mays S. Polk. Am- nrlllo. 'KlJ: Serrrtary-cliM-Js in insiir- anc-c rtfficp. Kotnl rhar- artcr.

llRht dkitatloii. MO Male Female Help 23 A'ANTICD: 5 or Imys to wnrlt for ptirl-tultlon nt PMIUPH. of Hnir nrcHShiB. I'lsht dntii-s. 7I'i W.

Kosli-r. 30 Sewing 30 Pointing 39 LA'ONDRY Open for Business Wet Wash. Rough Dry, Flat 1007 S. Barnes MO 4-3741 Late Model Maytag A- at at a. Ji jfc jfc Jfc 63A Rug Cleaning 63A FROM Wall to no soil at nil on carpets cleaned with Blue Lustre.

Rent our Blue Lustre electric shampoo machine. Fampa. Hardware. DAVID HUNTER INTERIOR AND eSterlor Deodrfttor. Tapi- Teiturlne Pftliitlne.

MO- 5-2903. 64. Cleaning Pressing SPECIAL SALE INTERIOR deodratlong. B. W.

Hunt, Plain Skirt 1 sweater MO 5-2183. Hauling Moving 40-A MO 4-2176 HOY'S Pick-up AJid Delivery 410 S. Cuylir Free Pick-Up and Delivery Open 'till P.M. l-l)ay Service ERNE'S CLEANERS $1.00 95 Furniihad Aparfmenfi NICE 2 room Apartment. Hntn for SIS S.

Sontervllle. LARGE 2 went, private bath. paid- SOS B. Brbwnitiff. JfO 2BEDRO()M dpartmont, nice yard, 1 private tub hath.

$40 ft month, tn- qitlre Jr. Jtlnnlck's TrallM 1 JB 1 1 sou th on trftforg ftifniShed Bills pftttj. One with tuh-bftth. In. quire 712 W.

Francis. 3 ROOM furnished BflTir paid. OaraRe. 61S K. KlngsmiH, HO ROOM fttrnTshed apartment, bath, bills paid.

1409 JB. furnished a'partmen. very nice. refrlR-erated air. See at 43S X.

Ballard. Apartment 1. week-days 1 p.m. (o 6 p.m. or call SS3-53SI AVhlte Deer.

only. 96 96 LAfiOK 2 bedroom duplex. rrenr 721 E. Browning. A'mo.

MO MO 203 Tllk.C 41 Child Core 41 66 Upholstery Repair 66 Srummett's Upholstery Alcock Dial MO 4-7SM 68 Household Goods 68 PAMPA Day Nursery, 320 N. Somer- vlllc. Supervised care and play. Daily or hourly. Balanced meals.

S-iiMt or after 6. 9-9755. SHELBY J. RUFF 41A "41A 612 Bou ITS Kb Furniture. Largest stock.

House Doctor Phone 4111 Newly decorated Panhandle, Texas 42A Carpenter Work 42A contractor "joha old, new, large or small." yearn'experien- ce. Comtnerclnl or residential. T. L. MO or 333 A XIOW room, repair, or remodel, or rabliipt work call Oliver A.

JJavlH. MO and rcpaTrlnff. "New ronMruction. ('abinel work. years experience.

All work guaranteed. MO 4-8'iOl. prices. Jones Furniture, 529 S. Cuyler.

MO 4-G89S. WHITTINGTON'S MART Take up on 3-room group of furniture. "Low prides just don't happen They made" 105 S. MO "TEXAS FURNITURE CO. 21u North Cuyler MO 43A Carpet Service 43A CARL'S CARPET CLEANING 9 12.

J6. C. M. Baumgardner. MO 4-83S1.

PRE-SI'RfNG close out on good used coolers as as Firestone Storev, 120 Gray, TV FURNITURE Qviality b'urniture Carpets for Less 125 N. Fomervjlle JI 9 JESS "GRAHAM'S" TV Appliance and Kuiniture MS S. Cu.vler MO 45 Lawnmower Service 45 Newton Furniture Store ,03 IBELTH. BDTTONS. Button Scott Sew Shop.

1420 Market. MO typos. Bowlin? blouses a specialty. Cros- slnnd. 115 N.

Ttolrart. 131 Appliance Repair 31 MO 9-9591 For All Repairs on Large or 'Small Appliances, TV's and Antennas. Reasonable Prices 306 W. Foster ropnlrnl MIIVP Jill kinils. l-'uriiilurr.

1 S. LAWN Sharpened Repair New Used Mowers Free Pick-up A- Delivery VIRGIL'S BIKE SHOP S. Cuyler MO 4 45A Tree Nursery A K' un TAKK up payments on refriporati'ir. New Save Western Auto Store. 306 S.

Cuyler. FOR SALK:" electric MO 97 Furnished Houses 97 .1 room brick house. Walk-in closets. Garage, r.30 N. Gray.

3 HOOM fufn'islie'd. "BlVlS paldTcafpel. Antenna. HIS S. Hobart.

Suitable for couple. U20 N. Stark weather. MO 3 ANt) 4 room modern fufnlsiierf houses for rent. Inquire 521 S.

Somer- SALE, bMroom Jlt4 ft- Cftrjtet A AtUghid fenced, $900. down. 1845 MO JoeFischei REALTOR MEMBER OF MLS )oe Fischer blndy Houcfc MO MO MO 10! Rial tifaft Far Safe 103 For Sale Owner Slick 2 BEDROOM Oft Gftrtftfld New Redwood Fcnoe, S' $7,750 K2 1 Call MO 4-6472 64 Years la the Panhandle OWNBn wants eqlilty EQUITT In fovelv 3" ly carpeted, fenne, low payments, low MO ITEAfi THE PAtiPA DAIfeV Nfetf THURSDAY, Transfer 4 nf Ph. MO 4-4241 1 1 0iif-df'f6wrt Pfdptrty lit HOUSK for or RMrottm. 2 hrttht, Jlirt Pouthlf.

Ottjot. MO 112 Nrmt, Ranches T12 old. Priced 21.000. BRAND NMW liedioom brlfk flf- loan 19M I or MO 5-57M. 3 0 1C ne M.OOO "Woom H'lifh.

neutral bin Carpeted thni-ont. MO 5- den. tfflft ft. IfvliiR nrea. 2 bedroom, it US died Cyclone fenced yard.

Priced 1.1.700, i i Stiff Mlittv. montli. dn'hS? Boeth Porfiek Rpol lot. Priced SIS.32.1.0Q, move-In new MO MO4-WOI K1IA loan. J825.00.

jxjff SAfiK'or'retif and 5-rotnn duplex. Private 210 At'RK FArtM 9 foath- of fflhadlan. On Ill-way, ij SS acre frheat allotment, 10ft acres permanent pax'tre. 3-4S09. 113 PrepSrty td be Moved T13 3 HOUSES and 2 to be moved.

Itotiae rutiftfi from Is 2.10 to J2000. MO 114 Trailer 114 BKDiiOU.M liriik with aitached rsxe, locator North Kaiilknor SI. central heating, lat-Ri lot. ft, of HvitiK area, nlos and clean. Priced SI 2.250.

Move-In new FHA loan JS25.00, 2 BKDROOM frame Wltli dud utore room located North Starkweather Si. dlnlnfr room, nice and c'ean, fenced yai'd. Uny the equity $SOO niont.hly payments, fur "tiJli 9KOKOOM frame home- lotntfd 1712 decorated. Hills paid. I Sl rifce am i ucan.

priced 1 Newly decorated. clofft in. MO 'brick" horrip; yiird. Cnrpet and drapes. 132 JtO 4-1124 or "ft" S'- bedroom and livlnir room carpeted.

Jlnhoitdtiy den. I'llectric kitchen, 2 Utility. MO N. Mary Kllen. 1 3-room house.

Carpeted. 5-4233. Newly decorated. i doiibls mid apartment in rear. Bv appointment only.

Call MO 4-SfiHI In DECORATKD 4 -room furnished house at 711 N. MO MO 2 BKIirtOoM frame liomc Ifirated i LJ MI IMHY RprtTrrtr corner lot on North SI. Priced 5 Sf JS.nno. monthly pay. N.

Wynne nient about 2 Tfo'llOOlFf uViiisheO Tiouse for rent. niddern house. Also tiedroom apartment. Bills paid, fhcap rent, Inquire Tom's Place. S42 T- 'l 2 furnished houses All bills paid.

Also rock home. $BO inontli- Ijiirge All nicely- furnished. See owner at. Kay's Urwery 011 Barnes Strert. 98 Unfurnished Houses 98 Till MICXT: tinfiirniphe'l Concrfte storm cellar, fhop and Horace Iniildliig on liwck of lot.

U'fir, K. Fonter. You pay lutiuire 122!) E. Fopter. JTO i i.

IL'17 Wij- cox.S4"> amonth. room fill Schneider. See or phone P. Sand'ford. 714 E.

Frederic. MO 4- C' Coffee makers, irons. Waffle Irons. One day Service. Vlrpir.i Hike rihop, 326 S.

Cuyler. 4-3120. 32A General Service 32A TOOLS for iTiit. plumhine, ceini'iit mixer, flollios. rotiiry tiller, nrinv others.

MO 33ft N'. Wells. Hex Rencau. 33 Spraying 33 DIAL BR 4-1394 FOR Garden Supplies Shrubs Evergreens Shade Trees Grass Seed Fertilizers Insecticides HeddlJiR Hants Bulbs Tree Trimming Plowing Top Soil Complete Lawn and Landscape Service "We (jive and Redeem Borger Pride Stamps Borger Green Houses AND NURSERY 20 miles on Borger Hi-Way Turn rig-In on Farm Road No. 2SO for 3 miles Miscellaneous For Sale 69 N.

Sioan. MO 4-a6ai. JJ.O CARPET Quality For Less Ono Room Or Whole House T.V. and FURNITURE 125 N. 2 BKHROOM frHinf hoin" located on LpForio St.

Priced TODAY'S SPECIAL .1 room frame home local erf Cabot Klng.iniill Camp. Mount No. 1(1 com- plfteiy repainted Inside mid nut. Friend JlOfl.OO- monthly payments JI5.00. BY OWNER 1429 NORTH RUSSELL Seven rooms, air conditioned, Mn jaoi'" washer, disposal, fenced yard, dra- TRAILER SALES tTSBt) tttAItjBnS Sank Rate!" GKT fOOli TrftVftl Trailer now.

Post Office Sales. 123 S. Bsllftrd, MO 116 Auto Repair Garages 116 Darby Hukiit Motors. Inc. AUTO REPAIR 5 MO JttN'OR AUTO RETfAinS Vti.flers, tail brakes, ataruri feneratoni, minor tone-up.

A. R. OF PAMPA 401 Ki'r-RedT Lift Of etc block from Hi-School. Phone REAL ESTAfI blork For Sate By Owner NICE 3 BEDROOM BRICK on N. Faulkner Drapes-Carpet-Fencecl Yard Reduced $1,000 $850 F.

A. HUKILL AUTO BRA KB A ELKrTRTC 701 "W-Brown MO 4-8404 H7 Bodylhopi NEIDANIWCAft? SEE US FOR Low Auto CITIZENS BANK TRUST CO, A Friendly With For Correiit i OF t-5701 124 Tirej, Accciioriei 124 used tractor tiret. All and up. Dependably "Ort the Farm" service, FIRESTONE STORE FORD'S BODY SHOP Car Palntlnir Body Work MO 5-S7S1 room house. TV antenna.

I'or wasiicr. l-'eni-efl Ijack yard. 'n Texas, I or iiuiuire at Post Fell tlH.V'i'. bedroom liotise. Double garage.

scliool. MO 4- II.MV 2-ton uir rondi- I liritier for sale Mn i a ccmplet" selection of prain I (orRUtii. and supplies. Pompa Feed Grain Co. redecorated.

'J hedrnutu. i20 FOR r-lpun two iiedroom, P'rt', 5 0 46 sravel. rotary-tilling, barn-yard fertilizer. Top soil, fill or 4-2204. livine room i-arncted pliiinlied for TV antenna and

N. Gray. Call i to 40 us for prices. (i orale Plumhed 317 Mo 4-SJ41 1 fomenipnt location, c.ood tinn. 11? N.


JAMES FEED STORE 522 S. CUYLER. MO 5-5851 MO 5-S551 SHAMPOO your ruR.i carpetB i Plnwina Yard Work 47 i yourself. It's and little. Plowmg, Yard Rent our ruz uinment unfurii shed Yard and garden plowing, post holes, leveling, roto tllllne- J- Alvln Beeves.

MO 5-5013. Rent our rus? shamjKJO Ofjuipme-nt. ROD MACDONALD FURNITURE PLUMBING I 513 S. Cuyler fertilizing, i NIC herlroom unfurnished house. winchlnc.

inMall clothes lines. O. WE a product for vinyl and Mo 4 7 922 C.mpbell^IO_9O?iL_ rH al rHKDIln, arl a. nr nnisn. it.

itrrnir. rririijja house U'ith irnraee. Plumbed for washer. Wired 220. 220 N.

Wells. Jtuiuire Frost. AIO 115 E. KlnKsmlll Pesey I'irtle Betty MeAdor 4-S22(! Bill Dunran horns 4-S3SO .1 Wndfi Duncan TRA .1 BKDROOlf home, K-montlm old. with and draped thru-nut.

1112 Small down payment and take over contract, jio new furniture. See at any time. Inquire al 1IOS J. E. Rice Real Esfafe 712 N.

Somerville Phone MO 4-2301 FOR YOUR NEW HOME CALL MO 4-3291 White House Lumber Now $14,800 MO 4-6472 (119 Service SraMons Il9 B. E. FERRELL AGENCY MO 4-4I11 MO 3 BEDROOM HOMES In Highland Homes Addition For Only $n73. down and 487. monthly payments No approval other than that of owner THIS HAS NEVER BKEN LIVED IN Inquire at 2101 N.

Christy or Phone MO 1 appointment H. WTWAT ERi REAL ESTATE BROKPR AT A SAVINGS! 1 WK HO.VOrt C'RK'DIT WILEY'S DEEP ROCK Kingsmill Texas 120 for Sale 120 M04-4051 W. M. LANE REALTY Res. MO 9-P504 MO 4-4200 MO NZ MO 4-3611 Howard Pries Kord i FOR SALE by owner: One 6-roortT house ond one 4-room MO day, or 4-'J9Sij after p.m.

34 Radio Lab 34! P.OTO-TnjLTXG. tree trimming, lawn I mowing, anrl hauling. MO 4- or MO 7n TP. r'hruiis trimmed, Yard" leveled AV. R.

Mitchell. MO TELEVISION IK N. Phone MO Antenna Kciv and Uteri Antennas for sale. HIT Varnon MO 4-4M70. Ceorce Wing.

HAWKINS RADIO TV LAB 32 YEARS IN PAMPA nn all indues TV'-, liadlo, fur Kartiiw. 'J-irny radios, HI-KI, 47A Kteren. ami TV Johnson's Radio TV MOTOROLA SALES SERVICE MO Amarillri Hi-Way MAKES TeleviKion, AnifiimiiK New mid TV Antennas 40 UNITED TELEVISION 10J K. Sprvirr. on'all makes A inodrls.

Hawkins i HlO( I(S W. Foster l'( i'i'A uS'-Viiiinir and ceedinE I za. i i 1 1 i I i i- 13 tf -M 1S FIRST ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS NEW BALDWIN Howard. Regular VAKU and" Garden Notary leveling, and sodding, tree sl Upriglit. Ted MO RAi'K "i -fHar dltchJnc.

unn'-i. top coil. Ci 11 onm nnd Unnl.rlRln. M'I 118 W. Fosfer St.

5-2001 PIANOS FOR RENT '1 liloi-k- School. fVI niAnth. list Special l.AKCK unfurnished i pjumbf-d for automatic 1-H nicely finislu'd insitiv and and fenceil liai'k lard. See Xoali hedroom home. Christ- I -HM Miami St.

ine. full reiamic lile peteil tl'i-u-oul. i-Vntral heat. P.e- rrliferated aii'. Nil Don- and cook- lop.

Dish washer. Kireiilace. fnrnilv r(jom 1 Sunday afternoon to 6. iiO 4-S24S for appointment. Office 614 W.

Francis MO 5-4032 Followcll Mil Helen Kelley MO or -2 MO BEST HOME BUY IN PAMPA WX S. MO BUY CLIMATIC AIR AUTO AIR CONDITIONER Fully Guaranteed down and balance tn 18 months Expert Installation By Competent Workmen Montqomery Ward 217 N. Cuyler MO 4-J251 B7JICK 123 North Gray, RAMBLER Ine, KA.MBLER CMC OPKLi MO 4-4S77 CULBERSON CHEVROLET SIB W. Foster MO 4-4668 CARS IX TOM ROSE MOTORS i OLDS A. I 124-A Auto Glass 124-A "DA iI (DAII- HpBClalf 1305 Ripley STRfCKI-AND) In Auto MO 5-27SI 125 Soots Accessories 125 BOAT repairing: Plastic, tings ffosh, marine hardware, paints.

Casey Boat'Shop MO 4-3P35 6 'BOAT OR MOTOR Quality Rest Price WESTERN AUTO STORE MO 1S.13 FORD VS. Ig.OOfl mil en on new motor, price C. Mead I'scd K. Brown. -M S.

Cuyler romlltion. New power TIP Klein IH.T' and M.1 Ann? fit MO "s-wSs' L.IKI-; 'fio Vj ton MO C.IB8ON MOTOK CO. NEW AND USED CARS 200 K. Brown WO 4-S41B FfiltO Kitirlane condition. heifer, IVHW Autcj, Mutieal Instruments 70 LAP.dh.

l-bedrooni wall insrrumenrs lo vall arl) tlllir piumned 7nl N. West Mo Kord for Arine St. AK'i tain) down and rnoi'e In. Owner moved. location in Pam- IIH.

l.ncatef. at Iliirnilton. I'ho for informal Ion. MO i SA uUliiy 'fenced 1 1SB HOOF; 'Chevrolet Impaia Clievrolet nr (rude MO 5 Reiair I-door. (lose MYERS MUSIC MART Plants Till i'K A I' of hciirllns pliinis Frldav Come in nnd ficsh loacl c.f $7.50 $10.

per month "Ask About Our Rental-Purchase Plan" i rr ia I i 1 ari 5)i TARPLEY MUSIC CO. 115 N. Cuyler M04-4251 Trees Shrubbery BRUCTNURSERY" 48! NEW AND USED PIANOS on: 1 parade. Stn. you pay Irntuirp I'M I Kaullan-r.

III unfurnished liouse $2n. per montb. No paid Imiuiu 1 1C. FoMr-r 102 Bus. Rental Property 102 OFFICE Oft apace tor leaiie.

New building at $25 Contact Charlie Whlttlnnro. MO 5-3121 Pampa or BR 3-7505, Borger, Texas. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD Let Words Recondition Your Air Conditioner For Summer! Inslall New I'ads Replace Plastic lulling Need Be Oil Motor in Squirrel Cage Kelt Oul Sclllt'mpiil In Botluni Paint Intiide Hiillnni Wilh Painl. All For $10 TP.V PLAN i Wilson Piono Salon i und mast complete nursery, Wiliuton MO In CJolden Spread. 25 3 blocks East of Highland Hospital MO southeast of on Farm Road 231 Phone 6FJ.

Alanreed. i yg Livestock THKK inmrilnf. type, of trees hruhB. work guaranteed MO 5-2174 BABV Clt ve fm sa! i west 1103 Real Estate For Sole 103 utility room, isou sq ft. (Y-ntra) iieat, fire excfrllerit neighborhood.

J14. tM)n U'illiston. FiEDROOM. hath. 1401 sq ft.

Kxcellent condition. 116 Faulkner. of Memory Gardens Cemetery. Mil breads. 217 N.

Cuyier iMO 4-3251 Curley Boyd Tree trimming; and local moving. J. Willis. W. MO Kvf-rgreens 80 Krult trees Willow Plants Shade I A'lUunum IiHhIU Hulua Vll)ll us aner lt iritll Ku A (.

tiriiHft tools J''AX ciiili (jiaxs control BUTLER NURSERY Hyyy. at 28th. MO 9-9631 RIALTOR i i u. Off. 113 S.

Bailard IB I Oeorse Neef fyf Wf Velma Oloria Blanton Boh Smith Quentin 83 4-2523 S-3200 5-25DS 49 Cess Pools, Tanks SHPTIC installed. 84 AUo Jrain Free estimates. C. L. 1401 9 CROUCH OFFICK KQUIPMENT CO.

-7 i 49A Pest Control 49A USED OFFICE ff I'OSTKR MO 4-6771 UNITED PEST CONTROLS AXD ,89 Wonted To Buy 89 i'ASH Kill I I lo 92 Sleeping Rooms 92 'orini- hit fi iiati-Mia! 49 M' 4 "I 1 1 PRICE CUT. EASY TO BUY BIl frame with ovetslzed garage on So. Chrisi JV'MI- cloving a.t approx. A- npprov. MLS 182 NEAR TRAVIS SCHOOL brick, eiettrlt: kitcnen.

Mree enrage, fenced planned foi i-xpansidM MLS 143 EVERYTHING YOU WANT In a 2 bath, hrick in tN-nter hall 3ted air confiitioninp. kitrhen liiiill-ins. den. beautiful yard. MLS 154 2 LARGE BEDROOMS Xeat frame, fenced yard.

Joi-at- near Xew Jr. High MLS. 149 Watch For Our Open House Ad Sunday liviisR rfiom and bail sliop in back. 1 tii'ft X. 3 BKDIl'iOM home with room ri'iital at rear.

See at N. Ward. No reKltnrs. FOft SAIjK: 2 hodrooin house, tobo'i. S.

Snnincr. nide of tracks. RKDP.l'i'nM. carpflPd Karate, cellar wa.qhpr-dr\ i II 1 fifln equity. 13'J2 K.

Kingsmill. MO 5 REAL ESTATE RENTALS VIVIAN HUFF' MO 4-S53Z or 5-571J lou' fall after lory air ni i sblft. h'atcr. 'Phis' car In, condition in pvery xvaj'. Ewing Motor Company Aicock MO 5-5T4J Read the News Classified Ads ighland omes pompa's leading quality home builder cambs'Worley bldg.

mo 4-3442 X. CHRISTY "Mu Model Homes Sales Office Bill Garrett, 50 Building Supplies HOUSTON LUMBER CO. VV oiler MO 4-S58J Bl.l L.I.I FOX RIG LUMBER ALCOOK MO "i.l* HII.MK" i.MPHiiVKMKNT 95 Furnished Aportmenti 95 dJ'ICN 1 to I'M MO 4-tlSIX Ui.U 57 Good Things to Eat 3 AND 1 room. paid Antenna. N.

Aid 4-2613. 57 4 r.i">'X\t ha in. F.xtra ni'-e. l-'ur- nishffl a To cCu-ple i-. Kontr.

i-d Crudu-A ivivile milk inllus hedrnom apar' Houlli of Hwy. MO mem No bills paid. 4-, or 4- t-jlS. I Welii. 58 Sporting Goods 58: sin's "'paid "iV" monN'h." couple" BUY.

sell and trade all kinds 3 an( i 3 r(X tuinlshed apartmei i of guns Stora pr Ui'juire 513 N. II'I S. -Ml VIO or 1-JOaS YOU WON'T BELIEVE IT. ANNOHNCINCJ A NKW SKRVICK FOR PAMPA Lucky's Contract Lawn Service MOWING JIEUGE TRIM ING FERTILIZING 9 SANIJ TKEE TRIMMING WATERING TOP SOIL ROTO-TILLING ANY TVPK YAKP SKRVICK Rates By Job, Month, Year, or Vacation We Have Experience Work Guaranteed 822 Murphy MO 4-6857 I ROOM"! dl-irtmi Kiils jiai'i Ai'-Oiutfia 'V i i-'i a a Mntct e- In A A LAWN MOWER REPAIRING COMPLETE ENGINE SERVICE Engine Crank.shatt Straightened Blades Sharpened And Balanced Wheels and liros RADCLIFF BROS. EUC.

CO 518 S. Cuvler MO 1-3M5 ii mi a f-. i r. t' i.i.'i 't i and AAA. Cir- 3 Bedroom Brick Homes FOR AS LITTLE AS $11,700 Ji'i" A WKKK IM'dSIK il.l.

ijl A I.II- il CARPhT IS OUR GUT New Show i i Ope at. Navni'i p. i dark $95 Closing Cost G. I. Also FHA and WESTWOOD HOMES JIM PKLAHO MO3-2711 Navajo Offers Loans with move- in -costs as low as $550.

No aioallily payment until June 19KI See Paul I'oronis a( 1101 Willow Koud North Crest lot Complete Details and Plan Selections HUGHES Development Co. Paul Coronii Sales Manager MO 9-9342 WE HAVE MOVED OUR USED CAR DEPARTMENT TO 748 W. BROWN PARKER MOTOR CO. OHRYSLBK-DODCiE MO 4-2548 SALES AND SERVICE 301 S. CUYLER USED CAR DEPARTMENT 748 W.

BROWN (g (S? per I PRICED TO SELL FOStS' W. B. Murphv B. H. Williams come on cos iici iu( 4.

hut 1 nej fi i4iiJ Jov. pa, MO 5 df.oia-et! us 1. MO THE SNOW IS GONE OUR SPECIALS ARE LOOKING MIGHTY GOOD $895 S) $795 $895 $595 $345 $395 (g $375 $375 CULBERSON CHEVROLET INC H--I i Footer.

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