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Evening Bulletin from Honolulu, Hawaii • Page 1

Evening Bulletini
Honolulu, Hawaii
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

JF" a i THE PROQRESSIVEj AMERICAN PAPER Evening Bulletin -tlVvA -nrhE OPLE'SPAPBRi i ft X. No. 17G9. HONOLULU; TJiKRITOllY OE HAWAUvfrEUKESDAX.iJVUBltUAllY 20, 1901. Piuoe 5 Oknts.

'KJtPPvjhSw. tif-lttrst iMiailkNihMhnw 1 inmnnMBiftKKH LAI MAKERS THEIR House of Representatives Coin pletes Its Permanent Organization with Hon Apukai Aki-na as -Speaker- Senator RussefcSJated for Presi-, dent pf Upper House Senate Delay Perman- 4 ent Organization. The convening of the Legislature attracted a large number of people, cu-'(t rlous to "witness the 'ceremonies at-'f totaling Before 9 o'clock tho Caplto'groundJWas sprinkled with loitering mcjfandwomen both natlvo and Carriagesifiltted In and out through tho big. Iron gates, pausing at the foot of the Capitol steps to unload a. senator or representative clad In proper Prince Albert nnd crowned with a glistening tile, or In a plain business' suit as the case might be.

A mounted policeman stood sentinel at the Ewa and makal gates but no knight was stationed at tho postern. Tho biggest and best looking police rnptalns on the force stood at either of tho steps ascending to the first floor of the Capitol; two at the 'foot of tho flight, two at tho top and one at the main entrance door. This little display of pomp was hardly noticed by the old-timers but was regarded curiously by trie untutored. TJi, corridors of the Capitol and, all available room lnlrttcf house Ktro thtonged with visitors. Tho native element did not monopolize the galleries.

Well dressed women business men, lawyers nnd officials from all departments were Interested spectator! of tho opening proceedings. Thn Senators of tho Independent and Republican parties, with tho exception of two, were In their seats some time before 10 o'clock. As In tho lower house, there wero a largo number of visitor present. Tho arrangement of the Senate was ns In previous Legislatures. There were two rows of new desks running mauka and makal.

In tho first row, tho Senators were seated as follows: Cecil Drown Clarenco Crabbe John Drown (L), Dr. Russell Ka-ohl Nakapaahu The second row was seated as follows: Geo. R. Carter (R.V W. C.

Achl Wm. White Kahlllna Kanuha Kalue and D. Kalauokalanl D. Paris nnd H. P.

Baldwin, both Republicans, -were absent. At a little nfter 10 o'clock. Wm, White arosu In his placo and stated that the time for calling the Sennte to order having arrived, the Senators should proceed to the election of a temporary chairman and secretary. Senator Ka lauokalanl placed nomination tho name of Dr. Russel who wasichosen without further ndo.l Senator Achl nomlnatod P.

J. Testa ns temporary secretary. Dr. Russel nsked three times If there wero no further nominations and then Mr, Achl moved that tho nominations close. This was carried and Mr.

Testa took the sec. retnry's chair "College Hills" To Insure Fairness to the large number of applicants, the fust choice of 4ts In this splendid sufurb will be'sold I At Auction Saturday, March 23, a low rpset price Is placed on the this, with their location, Improvements a id conditions, make them the best home Investment In Honolulu, iM Apply to the HiiIch AgcntM McClellan, Pond and W. R. Caslle, Jr. ARDUOUS 8 Senator tor White nltfvcd'lljnyrf tee oil iWenitat8 ot tnr.uo appoint-, cd.

Thcro was somo discussion on this point, Senator Cecil -prsvn. Insisting that, not until the permanent president was elected, could such procedure be HwlaroO-ln order. The motlon-vxus put ana carrieu uy a ciuso voio. ('resident pro tern Russel appointed Mr. Wnlte, John Drown nnd D.

Knntihu a commltteo on credentials. The Senate then took a recess of ten mlnutei to give the commltteo a chance ex-amino tho credentials- Thero was a-half tour's recess in stead of a ten minutes one. Senator White ns chairman of tho committee on credentials, reported all credentials In proper foim. The report was adopted. Senator Cecil Drown moved to ad journ until 10 a.

tn. tomorrow on account of tho unnvoldablo absence of Senators. H. P. Baldwin of Maul and J.

D. Paris of Hawaii. Both yore unablo to bo present on account of the delay 'thi7e5tner''Slauna'rLoa wnicn wns uuo yesierauy. Thcro was no objection to this and tho motion carried unanimously, the Senators thus showing their respect for tho two Senators. The House of Representatives con sisting of thtrty-flve members.

Is com fortably quartered In tho old throne room, where some thirty desks arc conveniently arranged. Promptly nt 10 o'clock tho appointed hour, the members of the Houso were In their respective seats, whllo all tho aallnblo rpace at tho end of tho handsome room was occupied by thoso who came to witness tho opening up of the session of the Legislature, which promises were for a very interesting one. The first gun fired wns the election of R. II. Makckau as temporary chairman of the House by acclamation, followed by Hn.

Fred made a motion which was seconded and carried that Wm. Mossman bo appointed temporary secretary. Mr. Emmeluth then took the floor and moved that a committee o( three be appointed to wait upon, the Judge of the Circuit Court and have htm administer the oath of office to tho members. At this point, Mr.

Deckley took the floor nnd stated that before a committee of that kind could act that It would bo necessary to appoint a committee on credentials. Mr. Deckley then moved that committee of three bo appointed by tho chair, consists of A. Aklnn, John Emmeluth and Alex. Robertson.

A recess wns then tnken for fifteen minutes. Upon reconvening, the rom-mltteo on credentials reported tho eligibility of tho members to hold their seats. Tho commltteo's report was accepted. S. K.

Mahoe announced Chief Jus tice) Frear who administered tho fol lowing oath to tho members: You nnd each ot you solemnly swear before Almighty God that you will faithfully support the Constitution and laws of tho United States and tho laws of tho Territory of Hawaii conscientiously nnd Impartially dlschargn your duties as members of the Legislature of tho Territory of Hawaii. S. Mahoo moved that tho Housp proceed to tho election of officers. ThU carried. John H.

Wlso was nominated for tho position of Interpreter by W. Berkley. Thero wns unanimous showing of hands. Sprayer pro tem Makoknn called tho roll and tho secretary announced twenty-eight members present and two absent. Tho latter wero J.

W. Ko-kauln nnd J. W. Kelllkna. S.

K. nhoo nominated Apukai Akt na for tho speakership. W. H. lloogs nominated John Emmeluth but tho honor wns declined.

W. II. Hoogs con sented to withdraw his name and then mnde motion tn tho effect that tho rules bo suspended nnd that the secretary bo Instiucted to cast a unanl- BEGIN rrfbus ballot for Mr. Akina. Thero was nibro wrnngllng dVer thfs point but the end of It alt was that temporary secretary Mosaman did cast a ballot for Mr.

Aklna nnd he was elected Speaker. Temporary Sneaker Maltckati, appointed S. K. Mahoe a committee of one to escort the nermanent sneaker to his chair. Mr.

Akina thanked the members for the honor which thev had conferred upon him and expressed tlicj the hopo that they glvo him their help In. "on: j. r. naasfiitoo, u. r.

union the task whtelvwas before. W. II. KnlllpSsl. Nakookoo won blm.

vA Pt by Tote 'out 27. Kal- uThe next matter obiisln'Liwas the Bl second Trtc')jvlth 9 votes. Mnline. Tliera was a discussion of VZTnl T.TTWhl r. OTantmn-, hMo, lor Mr.

XWrMcr. The spenker stated that he wished choice Of a There t. only one candidate. flc'ckUy of 8. K.

Mahoo oyed the Houso Maul, vrWni nominated" by Sv K. proceed to the appointment ofjl mes- the House to prorted with the i7'J of tho other oitlccrs nncVthiit cafe be C. II. Dickey 'moved that a committee exercised In their choice. Jt moved f4y BrTTi, Makekaurof the rcadlnfis6fhe House for work.

that IW rules of' theast LeAlslaturej under tho Reptfollc of flawall bo n.lopt-j ed as the rules of theHlouse until such r5rrharalr'nMrriarUiieirrtartafcitiMa)si4 1 LEGISLATIVE SENATORS. Island of Hawaii, First District. J. D. PARIS.

Rep. nncl JOHN T. BROWN, lnd. J. 11.

KAOIH, lnd. NICHOLAS RUSSKLL. lnd. Islands of Maul, Molokal, Iinal Kaboolawat -Second District. WM.

WHITE. lnd. SAM KA1UE. lnd. II.

P. BALDWIN, Rep. Islaml of Hawaii WM. II. NAILIMA.

lnd. R. II. MAKEKAU. lnd.

J. EWALIKO, lnd. S. H. HAAHEO, lnd.

Second District. Kona. J. W. KELIIKOA.


lnd. H. M. KAN1HO. lnd.

Island of Mnul, Etc. Third District, 1 W. DECKLEY. lnd. O. lnd. SOLOMON KAWA1HOA, lnd. C. 11. DICKEY, Rep.


Jndl ttarttirtorwMta)plMtMlTOmrVtatatorniPntaMrttt time ot.othora should becframed. This wns seconded, by J. Kj. Prendergast And the motion cnrrled without dissenting voto. U.

II. Makeknu moved that tho rules be suspended and that an Interpreter bo chosen previous! to tho election of the permanent' sccretar: Ono of the natlvo members stated wns under the Impression that an li terpretcr had already been appointed. W. Beckley stated that tho ap polntment of secretary was In order and thnt the House should proceed to business. This was put In tho foim of a motion nnd carried.

8. K. Mahoo nominated Solomon Me-beula as tho permanent secretary of tho tiniiap. Mr. Meheula was outside at i time but ho was Boon on the scene.

Ho wns sworn In by tho Spenker. R. H. Mnkckau nominated John H. Wlso as permanent Interpreter.

This was seconded nnd unanimously cnrrM. The names of Rev. J. N. Knmoku nnd Rev.

Mnnnse wero placed In nomination for tho position of chaplain At this stago. F. W. Beckley called thn chair's attention to tho fact that tho Interpreter had not been sworn In so this formality was Immediately intended to. The Houso was about tn proceed to otlie- busln-os when Mr.

Beckley again arose on a point of order. Hn stated thnt tho oath put to tho Interpreter had not been Interpreted Into English and that, according to tho provisions of the Organic Act. all proceedings must be conducted In English. In order to get out of the John Emmeluth moved that F. W.

Beckley translate tho onth. This was carried and tho oath was put again and translated by tho member mentioned. This brought the House back tn the consideration of a chaplain. The same names as thosn glvon abovo were again placed In nomination and the House proieedffd to billot. Thn Speaker ap-j pointed J.

It. Prciulcrgnst a cnnimltiee i WORK to collect the ballots. J. Kamoku was chosen chaplain br a vote of 21 to Jas. K.

Paele moved that a committee be appointed to instruct tho Governor of the readiness of tho House for business. This was not seconded, Prendergast motioning the fact ffergtant-at-arms The mad em Dtmui a not yet noen ap- wing names were Afn placed In nornfuation for tho posl- sengcr. The names qt Knhnhawal and KcllLia and Kaona were nlace in Kahahawn'i won out a vote of 17 out of 27 votes. Ke Kelllaa vriis next with 7 votes and Kaona Inst with jbs appointed to ribllfy the Governor EmmeUrtli-vrts7'! tho-oplnlon that a cornmlttee.B 'rules should bo first Appointed. J.lO Prendergast stated MEMBERS Island of Oahu; Third District.



Islands of Kauai alldN1thau; Fourth District. I. It. KAHILIMa. lnd.

LUKA NAKAPAAHA, lnd. REPRESENTATIVES. First District. Island of Oahu. Fourth District.

South. WM. II. HOOGS. Rep.




Island of Oahu. Fifth District, North. S. K. MAHOE.

lnd. J. P. MAKAINA1. lnd.

W.M. MOSSMAN. lnd. i JAS. K.


JOHN EMMELUTH. lnd. Island of Kauai, Sixth District. 8. W.


PUUKI. lnd. Uihta Janitor had not been choseni Sor- erkt names, wore proposed nnd then W. II. Hoogs arose to ask If these men had been recommended ns competent sweepers.

Wnu Aylolt objected and stated that the ability of nono of tho other officers. hnd, been, ien why should tho tlmo of the House taken up with this frivolous mat' er. The names of O. W. Katilmakanlo, "has, Hanapl, II.

IC Meemano and Kn-hlolanl wero placed In nomination. Hanapl received 11 votes nnd tho Job of sweeping the House. Knulmakaolo was next with soven votes. V. W.

Beckley Introduced a Joint resolution to the effect that a commltteo nf both Houses be appointed to wait on thn Governor and Instruct him of the organization, ot the Legislature and oMts readiness to hear his message. Wm. Aylctt moved tn ndjourn. The House should not, go past tho lunch hour. The stomachs of tho representatives should be tnken enro of.

However, the resolution wns adopted and a commltteo consisting of Jonah Ku malae and K. Prendergast was appointed by tho House. Ono of tho members suggested that a committee on rules bo appointed. The chair stated that ho was Just on tho point of doing thU, He appointed A. G.

M. Robertson, Makckau and Hna-heo. Tho motion to ndjourn was mmjq and carried unanimously. Secretary Cooper of the Territory of Hawaii present at tho proceedings of the Houso as ho will bu every 'day until tho end of the session. At 'lilal side was a lady stenographer who will tako the proceedings of the dally sessions after they are translated by the interpreter.

It Ismnderstood thnt the Representatives dn not Intend tn appoint a stenographer but thnt they will lely on tho secretary's stenographer for the full notes of tho sessions, Both tho Sciidto And House hive ml- ouined until 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, Thn House -Expects at.that time to have Its Joint commltiTj). ftifel immediately with another cofiunfttfo from the Senate, this Joint comnillley to call on ttie uovcrnor unci, jnntrurt him that the Legislature Isiread'jVfor business. However, It Is not probable' that the Governor's message will bo read until close to noon tlmo tomorrow for the Senate Is not yet organltcd nnd It will take fully nnd hour nnd a halt, for that little matter to bo attended' tn. It could have been finished up nleoly this forenoon, but tho Senators felt that they should not proceed to business Until Senators 11. P.

Baldwin nnd J. D. Paris werejnho city, so they ndjnurn-cd over until tomorrow forenoon. It seems to be a wdl understood fact that Dr, Russel who wns OUT forenoon appointed temporary president of the Senate, will be elected tomorrow as permanent president The Independents look, favorably on Edgar Cayploss for tho position of secretary and John E. Bush for Interpreter, it Is possible that P.M.

Testa will contest with Mr. Bush for this position. WOULD FORECLOSE MORTGAGE A. Magoon, administrator ot the estnto of AntonoFernnndez, deceased, has brought suit fn the Circuit Court against Manuel Do, Gnu vela nnd other Portuguese, tho owhwia In fee simple of certain piece of land in Hiilualoa, Kona. The complaint Is to the effect that In thb'year 1890, previous fo the death ot Fernandez, tho defendant borrnned the sum of $500 from him, giving as security, mortgage on the land re.

ferred to. Tho note waa for ten years. The defendant has not paid any of tho Interest and. the plaintiff la now moving tor a Bale or the premises. ROBBBRY AT EMERSON'S.

It' evening a Itslght ot the Jim- mle, robbed the houso of J. F. Emerson on tho corner of Hackfeld and Spencer streets nnd succeeded in making hi escape with a small sum of money be longing to a Jnpnncsa servant. The intruders thoroughly ransacked the' servants' room In order thnt might' not overlook anything of possible value. Before taking leave, ho left his pipe behind him.

This may lie the means of effcctlngnlq capture. Tho police have the entire innttcr In hand together with tho pipe, nnd "in fers am now at work on tho case The pollco authorities state that tho district where Mr. Emerson resides Is a tough one, a fact well known to the police. AUCTION OH POSTERS. Col.

Will K. Fisher ncted as auctioneer fur tho Mnrdl Oras poster sale last evening. Tho colonel was culled to this Important position on llvn minutes notice, and was unable tn maku any preparation of special costume. Ho curried off the honors ery acceptably S. M.

Damon 7 Graham 20 I'rlnco David 35 J. A. McCandlcss IS Samuel Parker. 20 Sonny Cunha 19 W. Q.1 Irwin 20 BIG LUAU BEING PLANNED.

The ladles In chargo of the business affairs of the Kuplolanl Maternity Home aro now making arrangements for big fair and luau at the Homo to take placo on tho ICth ot March. The object Is tn raise funds for tho addition nf a gynecological ward at tho Home. All thoso who have ever been to oventB of the kind nt the Homo know well that they hnvo always been most suc cessful. Tho ladles mean to inak.) this tho very best luau and fnlr they have ever given. in Chnrtcr Ncarlng Completion.

Tho Independent makers pect tn loutplcto their charter for tho City of Honolulu nt tho meeting to. night In Foster hall. Tho document will be presented In typewritten form as perfected by tho Biib-commlttce, It will. In nil probability, be subjected to few changes. BOHN.

ANDRADE in Honolulu, February 20, 1901, to tho wlfo of Joo Andrnde, a daughter, 4 I Tho following talesmen hnvo been summoned by Juilgo Hutnphrcjs tn appear In tho Circuit Court tomorrow morning nt tho usual time: D. G. Camarlnos, J. 15. Jaeger, A.

W. Kerch, II. Helm, James Veltman, 1), M. Ross, K. Qulnn and James W.

Lloyd. Raymond C. Brown, i son of Hun. J. K.

Brnwn Is assisting commissioner Olmstcad in collecting statistics fur tho IIIO national labor departments, ill own Is commissioned a special agent of tho department. REDUCTION SALE OF STRAW HATS AT IWAKAMl'S, HOT STREET. flii He Was Jugglipg When Conferring With Federal Officials, PROPERTY HOT TURNED i OYEtyFER AGREEMENT Customs Hoott' and Federal Court Roans Remain in the Du- -bious Custody of Territory. William II, Moer, representative of the Department ot who left for Washington on the Alameda last Sundny, went away from it' very much surprised, a very Indignant and somewhat Insulted man. Tho slight under which Mr.

Moyer departed proceeded from tho executive office and la Moycr's mind was nothing less than a flat violation of promise by Governor Dole. As published In the Bulletin nt tho time, a conference was held In Governor Dole's office between William II. Moyer, agent of- tho Department of JU8tlcval Washington, Federal Attorney rVlrd. 'Collector nf Customs, Stack-able atyt governor Dole on tho subject of Federal conrt rooms and tho Customs Hotis. According to Mr, Moyer, Governor Dole agreed with tfcc, rUlers at his office to turn over fo Mcurer ns the representative of the Department, of Justice, the Customs House absolutely and the rooms occupied by Judge Es-lee's oourt, conditionally.

This formal transfer ot the cuntudy of this Federal property was to havo been acknowledged in writing by Gov ernor, Dole, to Mr. Moyer. Howsver, the formal note never came and no explanation of tho reasons why It waa rlthhcld was given to MrMoyor. consequently, ho had to leave Hawaii without closing up one of the most Import-nnt matters which It was his business to settlo as examiner of Federal matters here. The status of Federal buildings Is tho snmo now us It lias been since Governor Dolo first gave scant courtesy In the matter of housing tho Federal Court on the arrival nf Judge Estee.

Mr. Moyer had hoped to close this whole mntter but did not figure that it wns possible fur the Executive of tho Territory to violate his official prumlpo and ignore tho accredited agent nt tho Department of Justice. Ills surprise nt Governor Dolo's action wns expressed freely nnd his feelings owing to the di rect slight given hlra were of the most painful kind. Inquiries made at tho Governor's office this morning ns to why the for mal notice of tho transfer ot the custody of these buildings had not been made to Mr. Moyer, elicited this ex-' planntlnn.

Governor Dolo had submit-, ted a letter to Secretary Gage, all tho farts and asked for his Judgment, On receipt of the views of Secretary Gage, thn Governor will mnko up his mind what to do about turning over the Federal property In question. This leaves tho problem Identically in tho samo stato It was In, before tho delegation of Federal officers called on tho Governor. It leaves tho flat promise of Governor Dolo unfulfilled nnd broken. THE WATERMAN IDEAL FOUNTAIN PEN. All sizes, all shapes.

H. P. wicmnN. Ladies WHEN You Are Ready to Procure your Mardi Gras Footwear KINDLY INSI'HCT OUR AS-SOKI'MENT OF a QUEEN ELIZAUETII SLIPPERS They havo Large Buckles. These slippers will help make your costume attractive.

lIsHOECOlWl) w. 4 75 S.U4& l.t A.W. latttim fabt. -JL'i. L.

kii wm.

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