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Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 6

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE TIMES, TUESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1920. dated in so short a time. The Legislature Bv FONTAINE FOX SALVAGING A LOVE TOKEN might pass remedial legislation, but Gov. I Cor.vweix decides not to summon an ex THE QUIET OBSERX'ER Which Is the Better Matrimonial a Widow Or a Maiden the Alsatians to reconcile themselves to their new masters. The home language of Alsace had for centuries been a mongrel French and German tongue.

It was as much German as French, but because it was unintelligible to the conquerors it was ordered that the dialect should give way to pure German, and pure French was forbidden. The French government recognizes the difficulties in the way of an arbitrary traordinary session because the lawmakers at the last special session refused to act on his suggestion that the bill necessary to enable all women to qualify to vote be passed. The West Virginia Governor's position is not unreasonable in the circumstances. Still, we hope that he, as well as By ERASMUS WILSON. SHH OUGHT- MoT To INSIST OM KEEPlMG HiS VALUABLE.

(SQjt) ENGAGEMENT I 4 1. I EKK comes a good sort of fellow with a tale of trouble. l.ibly some of you may be utile to sympathize with A Gov of Connecticut will do all change in language and the impossibility possible to assure the fullest expression by of making the transition summarily. There- 1, RING. the female electorate in November.

I Trttskt has assumed command THE GAZETTE TI3IES. rounded July Vs. lit. VOL. IS NO.

3. PUBUSHtU BVLKY MORNING. Dally. 1 Centi Per Copy; 13 Cent Per Wfft Dally Per Month Sunday SOc Per Month Daily and Sunday 11 Per Month Gbnbba- Omen inb Pcbu carios Enn-rma, Gumi Sqcaic, FrrTBBCEOH, Pa. Cm Buscx 602 Liberty Avenue.

Oppoalta Federal Street. Ein Ehs Bi.c Omca 632 Penh" Atij. Entered at tha Postofflea at Pittsburg. aa Becond-claas matter. TBS NEWSPAPER PRINTING CO MP ANT.

Owner and Publisher. Ganasa 8. Outu, President. Acgdstcs K. Ourn, Vice President.

Dtio B. Smith, Treasurer. Cbhlu w. D.siich, Secretary and Managing Editor. TELEPHONE CALLS.

BELL Grant S0O. P. A Mala m. BRANCH OFFTCF.S: Nev Tor Office 110 West Fortieth Street. Cnicj(7 Office 468 Peoples Gas Building.

Washington (Z. tfctoa Bureau 47 Building. Ww York Neva Bureau Times Annex, Forty-third Street. Atlantic City (N. Office Dorland Ad fore German will not be forbidden though efforts will be made to divert the people of the I from that language to the more elegant I I I i Sf a.

la 111 lC 1 I 1 I II AT Bolshevist army, probably from far rear like the former crown prince. JL. rrencn. i ne ciaiect win oe permitted to remain the common manner of speech for it is dear to the peasantry of If You Are for Peace. that land since through its use they were Americans sincerely desirous of participa able to confuse their alien masters.

Thus I for the present both German and French tion by country in an association of nations to preserve world order on a basis Lim. or even be able to give him advice. For a long time, maybe since the first widow appeared in the Garden of Eden, maidens have been accusing them with be-t ing unfair in the matrimonial game, using various wiles to cm nip men, even of butting boldly in and spoiling their chances. If you have had actual experience you may be able to help a fellow mortal who says he is between the father of lies and the deep sea, as it were. that you have had experienca in almost everything, and know more or less about the rest.

I would like to ask you a question in all seriousness, and hope you won't dodge it as you arr sometimes wont to do," writes this fellow in mortal distress. "It is this way: 1 have two strings to my bow. so to speak, and don't know which one to tie fast. The one is a most delightful widow of just my own age, who has a house and a farm, and needs a man around. She seemed to be lie whole thing until a sweet maid came" to teach school in the neighborhood.

Hhe pleases me well, if anything better than the widow, except that sh is not as well fixed, nor as well qualified for domestic pursuits. "Having lncn taught to beware of widows, I have held back. Will you give me your opinion in this case?" That Depends. will be taught in the schools, though the former will not be introduced until the pupils are in the fourth year. From its location on the Rhine it is recognized that knowledge of German has its uses for the inhabitants of Alsace.

In taking the view that German shall not be prohibited the French exhibit a breadth of mind that is commendable in that they might not unreasonably have banned the vertising Agency. The Gazette Times receive- the porta of the Associated Press and United Press Association and the Neto York Times every day of the week; and in addition has special telearaphjc service fromits bureaus in Washington, Philadelphia and Barris-ourfl, direct -nto The Gazette Times Office. Anyone unable to purchase a copy of The Gazette Times on trains, street cars or at news stands teill confer a JavOr by reporting the same to this office- The Asfodatrd Press is exclusively rntWtf tm the use for re-publication of oil credited to it or not otherwise credUed to this paper, and alto the local news published herein. All rights for re-publication of special dispatch-herein are also reserved. JSf II I- -1, 'X f.

I III JpV gutteral tongue simply because of what it has meant to them. But in trade it will be useful and national antipathy is not allowed to stand in the way of the material benefit of the people of the reclaimed province. This treatment is in such contrast to the manner in which Germany attempted to re-fashion the Alsatians that by its moderate program it serves to make clearer the ruthlessness of the German effort to convert a captive people to Teutonic way? and how abortive it proved. lie rcMlow goes on to say that he could be happy with either were t'other dear charmer away. That when he Is in tha presence of the widow lie loves her best and continues to do so until he meets the maid, and then the conditions are reversed.

That is a dire predicament to be in. and one that requires a lot of nerve to readjust and rectify. Sometimes it just can't be done. In such case both had better be cut out and a new attachment tormed. One from one and nothing remains.

Thus it is that the widow and the maid cancels, leaving nothing for the fellow to bank on. He appears to be of the notion that marriage might settle his affections on one of them. of justice must give intelligent thought to how it may be -brought about. If they are convinced that election of Gov. Cox to the presidency will, result in ratification of the Wilsoii League of Nations Covenant by the Senate and that such ratification will, ipso facto, establish the League conformably to their ideals of what should be, they will, of course, vote the Democratic ticket.

But the facts are against such conviction. Gov. Cox himself has no illusions on that score. He is trimming his sails to catch reserva-tionist votes, for he is willing that people believe that reservations protective of American interests will not be opposed by him if thus he can get favorable action on the German Treaty by the Senate. For vote-getting purposes he is in an equivocal position.

He cannot as president insist on the Wilson League and at the same time accept the Republican reservations. Without the Republican reservations there will be no sort of ratification. That is settled, for it is absolutely impossible to overturn the Senate to the point necessary to give two-thirds majoriay for the League as submitted. He is committed to the Wilson League. To expect him to accept the Americanizing reservations put forward by Senator Lodge would be to recognize in advance that his pledged word is worthless.

Americans do not want that kind of a man in the White House. But suppose it were possible for Gov. Cox to get Senate action that President Wilson has been powerless to secure simply because the sentiment of America is against his kind of a league, what would President Cox do with it? The Wilson League is dead by the will and consent of the only Powers having capacity to make it function in any degree as designed. They The midget who threatened to "punch" a big: policeman may have been in a humorous mood himself, but he misjudged the temperament of the officer. Joking with a policeman comes under the same prohibition as talking back.

Thi Spanish newspapermen who to fisht duels because of the paper shortage may not by such means relieve the shortage of newsprint, but if they are good marksmen they may cause a shortage In Copyright. 1920, by Fontaine Fox. Jimmy decides that when a girl breaks oft her engngement to a fellow THE WEATHER Turns Jay, August 31, 1920. Putting It Up to Gov. Cox.

In his opening statement before the Senate sub-committee charged with investigating political campaign funds, Republican National Chairman Will H. Hays dis-posed quite completely of every one of Gov. Cox's malicious and false charges. Bear in mind that the time for "bluff" on this subject has gone by. Under oath, Chairman Hays branded each and every one of the Democratic nominee's' statements as false.

You may be sure that he is prepared to satisfy every fair mind in the "country on that score. The most searching cross-examination is permissible on every point that the Republican Chairman introduced in his direct statement. If he had anything to conceal he would, you may be sure, have been less sweeping. But he evades nothing. He invites the most thorough probing that even so searching, unscruplous we might say, a cross-examiner as Senator James A.

Reed of Missouri, a member of the sub The womn whr scrubbed and cleaned a pell'ng place before sitting down to assist in the assessment of women voters gives insertion of one reform that will result from women suffrage. The Daily Story Paying Quests Local Color Outhued By Frederic J. Haskin Government Weather Forecast. WA8HIXGTOX. Ana.

SO- -V PI ParrcnM: Westm Pennsylvania and Ohio Fair worth, vn sLttlrd in Htmth portion Tuesdav Wtdnesdav. fair II. MISS CAr.OL.INE, I brought ANT A. FE, N. Aug.

2 S. Greenwich Village has invaded the Far Southwest. and cooler. Ambassador Davis announces that "he is coming back home tp go to work." Evidently he is enough of a prophet to foresee that President Harding would not retain him. "O1 home a girl friend to dine with us; West irpinv Local thurdrr showers Tucsaay; thought I'd tell you SO if you should WediusAav.

air. not Quite so u-arm, xnese strangers have come boldly in not their proper parts. They have not, to any i considerable extent taken protective colora Pittsburgh and vieinity Generally much chanse In temperature. ihb street railway managers in placing their patrons on their honor do not tell us what to do if we happen to have a few discs left over from Tuesday. Matrimony is something of a settler, but it won't settle distracted affections; and don't forget it.

Many a distracted man and woman has tried it, but their affections ran riot just the same, with the difference that they ran sneakingly, and then had to deny It To marry a woman and love another just as well is very dangerous, the danger lying in the aptness to love the distant one most when the near one happens to cloy a bit Widows Are 0. K. There isn't anything wrong with widows not with some widows. Of course, some are not desirable. This is because they are human, and being human they are liable to possess ugly, undesirable streaks, just the same as other folk.

Widows have an advantage over maiden sisters in that they have had experience. Sometimes this may be accounted a disadvantage, particularly if thetr experience has been of a character to make them uppish and finicky. These are liable to flash up the late lamented, which tends to make the present Incumbent lament his taking off, for if he hadn't been taken off wouldn't have been taken in. It is well, therefore, to use great car In sizing up a widow. Take into account the disposition of her late lamented, and how they got along.

And then figure out the probabilities of your being "eble to fill the bill, for what a wife is, that is what the widow will be, and it is no easy matter to take the kinks out of her. The maid is not so likely to be troubled with kinks, therefore may be all the more easily shaped to your ideas of what a wife should be. The widow has been shaped by another whose ways may not be your ways. have abandoned it because it is futile and a sham. The Democratic party has no mysterious power to change those facts.

So want to fret something extra nice, she is used to everything ultra so" The girlish voice trailed away negligently without troubling to the sentence and Marjorie parted the curtains and re-entered the beautifully furnished drawing room. Miss Caroline felt a wave of resentment as the words lingered in her cars. When their father died in Richmond. they had discovered that the money they had supposed safely invested had been spent and that their fortune was all in the house. The handsome old mahogany furniture and quaint silver were too dear to be sold, and when a friend had offered Nina a position in his Thk Sultan of Turkey in refusing to lead his army consisting of only two battalions against the Nationalists shows good judgment at least.

sr-) Fair in north g-w and unsettled in 3fmtj south portion to- rjwjVT day; tomorrow iy fair and cooler, ttez; the Washing- 3yJ. ton forecast for this district. tion. Here are to be seen the short-haired women, wearing sandals and faraway looks; the men with the long hair, who dream the long dreams fend paint the pictures that look not like the scenery and write the poetry whereof the meaning is known only to themselves. It would be unfair, however, to give the Impression that the arty folk who have come here are all or even mostly dilettantes and eccentrics.

Both in Santa Fe and Taos are men and women of real achievement True, the man who paints primarily for the embellishment of calendars and the fat- tening of his own purse is not unknown in these parts, nor is the chap who hastily manufactures local color into bad magazine i fiction, but in the main the artists and In the past decade 6.500.000 persons moved from the country Into town, according to a Census Bureau estimate. JVhy are houses scarce? Americans can hope for nothing from the Wilson League. But we do not believe they are willing to let the business rest with that There is a nractical way to bring the nations together for the establishment of just relationships. Armed alliances, and the Wilson League is one in essence, cannot do it. as has been demonstrated often.

Senator Harding and his Republican assov 5 :46 6 office in Chicago they had decided to move Time of unrle their cherished bits of the past and help Tim, of minuet today meet the expenses of living by takinsr. pay- 111 Former Senator Joseph W. Bailet. who was a candidate for governor in Texas, failed to "come back." He had to come too far. perhaps.

Vel. WeathT. Hum. IWtnd. i I iciouny committee, is capable of.

There is earnest of Republican probity. But the public is not asked to be satisfied with that All the facts are to be developed with respect to the Republican campaign fund from the Republican side. That the American people will be convinced that no corruption has been attempted or even contemplated is certain. What then What will- Gov. Cox and Democratic parrots who have been repeating his malic-ions lies do? If there is a shred of honesty in their make-up they will, of course, admit their error as gracefully as possible and cease to accuse their political competitors.

But if there were a shred of honesty and fairness in them, would they have voiced the charges before securing proofs who come here are sincere folk. W. W. SO 61 9 Thb Russian-Polish peace conference will be transferred from Minsk to Riga, prohablv because there is more to eat in the latter place. ing guests.

Near a great university they' Time. found a suitable house, and had taken six of the gill students. iin "I may have to refuse the use of the 8 drawing room." Miss Caroline had murmured comparative distractedly when she had found a cup of August SI 64 trying to get away from the noise of the Utain N. cities and to find a new inspiration. temperature and precipitation for It is not hard to understand what the i Wilson came over steerage passenger.

chocolate overturned on an Oriental rug. artists find here. Certainly one of the essentials of artistic production is an atmosphere of leisure. Down here a large part ciates propose a means of achieving for which Americans prayed as they entered the world war. It is the only practical suggestion before the country for establishing peace on a basis of justice.

Nothing in the interest of peace, for America or the world, can be secured through election of Cox. He knows but the re case a iit-iiKMte. vn, no; not oodrow. He had a whole ship at his command. "Why.

Miss Caroline, don't you know that the university does not permit us to live! 11920 1919 ISIS I I I ji9-o ms.msjl r. 1 i i i i I 67 i''i'viiwcii i aim me Aiexi- where we do not nave tne use or a panor: nichort 84 I "3 I 7 Mean 74 freclpit'n f.4i 1.4" l.f.s ieiue: 10 gei excuea or nurry up. They L.nirhed shrilly. "That's one of S3 61 fil The people who Invested with Po.vzr were not those who would have been satisfied with 2.75 per cent. I ir i imnart an easy and leisurely to ov 7J istence.

Mexico Is working hard to reduce Its army of 5.000 generals. There are also some privates. Living Costs Not High. The actual cost of dewsnt living Is not high here. You can have a cool and quiet jected Wilson scheme.

Therefore people really concerned for peace as durable as it can be made will voe the Republican ticket the rules. tempraturo for Any for 44 years Miss Caroline reflected on these things as i Kxik in temperature for the day I in temp-rature slnee Aupust 1 she covered her dainty gown with a big I ien. in tmi rature since Jcnuary 1 Normwl precipitation fer lny fer 37 years apron preparatrry to scring dinner. The Ew. ln for the day sums the girls paid did not ease the weekly jTotai j.reeipitp:;.,n sine Ausur.t tc.r the irirlK were ant to he critical Pr ipitatinn ince August outgo for tne gins were apt to oe critical )n of the food and service.

Nina, the younger t1 preelpltatlen sinee January I sister, thought thev would do better to take; ni precipitation since January I Deficiency in precipitation since January 1 merely roomers, of the class who were gone 56 646 3.10 .65 26.24 i.zi The American Press something to eat for an amount that would buy you only a precarious and sordid Prof-. Einstein, who promulgated. th! theory of relativity, thinks of leaving Berlin. Who could blame him? H'iVo end Widows. There are widows and widows, as you may know; or if you don't you may find out before you die.

at least you can if you try. The woman who was a wife for some time, acquired certain domestic habits, notions concerning housekeeping, and the rights and privileges of husbands. These belong to her, and they are seldom affected by the death of the man upon whom she practiced, or from whom sne learned. i If you can take his place in the domestic circle, as well as in her affections, she Is a safe investment But if you have well defined notions concerning domestic and are uppish enough to pose as the head of the whole concern, you should tie quite certain that your notions agree, for if they don't there will be trouble sure. Especially should widowers be waxy of widows.

Husbands acquire certain fixed notions concerning domestic affairs. Some are taught by their wives, and some have been teachers, so that when a widow and a widower meet in the domestic arena it is suggestive of that old proposition: "When an irresistible body meets an immovable hndr. all day. "I wish to make a home," she expostulated United State Weather r.urean Bulletin to THE GAZETTE TIMES. Observations taken at 8 p.

m. (Eastern time) cAiMrmc iu one oi our centers or so-called civilization. In this country, too, is natural beauty, unspoiled and in great variety. The greater part of New Mexico remains a wil in support? Chairman Hays goes farther than denouncing the charges as absolutely false; he declares that they were "libelous in purpose." That is handing it back to Gov. Cox with interest The Democratic nominee is thus pilloried before the country as a deliberate defamer.

It is up to Gov. Cox at least to try to prove his state- tnents. He cannot fail to appear as a witness before the Senate sub-committee unless he wishes the people to understand that he confesses himself as low morally as he has given reason for their believing him to be. Anthracite Wage Award. wma derness, because there is not enough water gently, "but "That's it, 'but" returned Nina gravely.

"We are losing money. It is absurd for them to bring home guests without paying extra. I'll toll them, Caroline." American at Adana. Eighteen American relief workers, besieged together with the French garrison at Adana, Asia Minor, for two months by roving bands of Turkish Natnalists, have finally been relieved. The relief was effected when the.

French garrison, in a desperate sally, defeated and put to rout the besieging force. Were it not for the stalwart defense Stations Weather. Atlanta. Clear Atlantic City, I-i'iltimore. Clear.

Bismarck. Clear The American people will be very loath to believe that the anthracite miners, or any considerable number of them, will refuse Cl'-ar When the endless service dishes and the I Heine rest of the dishes from dinner had been Pjo. washed and "wined Caroline and her 'sister Chattanooga. Cloudy. Clear.

to abide by the decision of the commission which has awarded rates of wage increases lower than the men had demanded. However disappointed the men may 1e, and it is reported that some of them have gone put up oy tne rrencn troops at Adana, the departed to their weekly visit to their music lives of tl'lS beleaguered Americans would club. It was rather late when they re-1 Cleveland. Cloudy Cloudy in all probability have been lost. For two months they have stood in daily peril.

Yet so far as to denounce the prescribed settle-' through these two critical months, no effort ment as a acceptance of the p' nfrton 1 gmlniQtrnrlnn to in the state to convert it into anything else, I No doubt the rich historical associations of the country have much to do with its chjirm for the creative mind. In most of i America change has tmmpled back and forth across the scene in such a frenzied struggle that all trace of the past has been i wiped out. But here the Pueblo Indians still live almost as they did centuries ago, 0 and the high-perched cliff dwelling of their 1 pre-Columbian ancestors are still here most intact. The life of the Spanish folk in many parts of the state isinchanged, too. .04 There is an unmistakable endency toward .72 the formation in New Mexico of a cultural center.

The number of artists, writers and .74 scientists who come here year by year in- creases, and still more significant is the 5 growing number of those who establish per- .16 manent homes here. Here, for example, is -1J the residence of a post-impressionist artist, i From the outside it looks exactly like the I home of a poor sheepherdcr or woodcutter. the safety of the award in good taith is the only possible American citizens caught in the death trap To Back Up the Amendment. If under existing state law the women of Connecticut cannot vote in November a special session of the Legislature to pass enabling statutes should be summoned. Nor would a call for such issued by Gov.

Hol-COmb be inconsistent with his refusal tor the last several months to convene the Leg turned, and young Merrick, a violinist, had Criumbu. cloudy. accompanied them. Nina, prettily flushed, had invited him in, and as the three stood Detroit, clear in the hall removing their wraps they heard the sounds of dancing from the drawing I Helena, pt. Cloudy room.

Caroline lifted aside the curtains and I regarded the scene unsmilingly. "Won't you j.lni'iie.' ciear.J.; come in. Miss Caroline?" "I am giving a Kansas City. Clear party tonight. We used your room for the wraps, Nina.

And we've had supper, found ljOS Ar(reies. clear a lot of cake in the pantry, and there is some chocolate left, if you want to warm it." pt. ciou.v! Caroline dropped the curtain and led theNw way to the dining room. There they found clear. the polished mahogany taMe, with its em-! Oklahoma.

Clear broidered doilies, in a bleak state. Glasses had been set on the bare wood, leaving pHrry Sound. at Adana. It is France which again has acted to save American lives, at a time when Washington was either too callous or too absorbed in other matters, to give heed to the cry for help which for two months has been coming from the little band of American relief workers In Asia Minor. Boston Min.

70 70 56 42 66 68 7 1 64 7 2 68 64 S4 58 64 52 C6 44 48 70 74 66 7 72 61 7S 74 78 68 70 74 62 70 62 68 63 48 66 f. 58 74 66 56 48 74 68 98 40 Mux. ss 7S SS 74 64 S2 -S1 KS S2 7 84 84 US 72 SH 56 80 84 88 SO 8 80 76 90 92 90 90 84 88 90 88 88 76 88 St 74 86 72 74 94 74 78 64 8S 88 76 it course if any confidence is to be merited by the miners' organization. President Wilson has approved the majority report of the commission, as he was virtually bound to do. This action completes the wage adjustment legally.

Both miners and operators are morally bound by the decision made. Through their accredited representatives they assented to Difficult Peace-Making. Lenine seizes tne moment of the critical peace parleys at Minsk to declare at Mos- But step inside the hallway, and you are In on. rdnon a n-alnut had Philadelphia. Clear.

the arbitration scheme that was carried cow that there can be no peace with Soviet what is the result?" You can figure this out at your leisure," and it would be better to have her assistance. Young Widows. What is more delightful, more charming, or more fascinating than a handsome young widow Ye maidens fair will quickly answer, "Why a handsome young woman, of course." And she is about right, for there isn't anything else in the same class with them, Oldish men, and even old fellows, have a leaning toward widows, and especially toward youngish ones. This Is unfortunate, for a youngish widow very likely had a youngish husband, and will naturally expect youngish attentions. If the new husband insists on his oldish ways she will disappointed, and a disappointment tn marriage is a disappointment for life.

1 It is better, far better, for the oldish widower, or even bachelor, to take up with an oldish maid, one who has no practical knowledge of husbands. Ignorance will be bliss for her, for she will accept the new conditions as being all right and proper and will cheerfully endeavor to adapt herself to her new environment Whether or not our correspondent will find consolation, or hcln. in the foreo4n 1 1 1 ii.u ii. Pittxl.urKh. Rain.

1 Piixsla IVir ha nsKprts tht It will met by walls tinted in violet and woodwork painted a midnight blue, with the light filtered through violet curtains. total Color Looks Pale. Thus New Mexico, famous for lis local been cracked, leaving an ugly scar. "Well, Caroline, are you satisfied now with your "paying Nina's voice was low, but her eyes sparkled with islature in extraordinary session to consider the XlXth Amendment proposal. While The Gazette Times, in common with, all others favorably disposed toward wnfranchisemcnt of American women, would have welcomed ratification by Connecticut' attempts to dictate his course to Gov.

Holcomb were clearly out of place. Whatever his personal sentiment toward the Anthony amendment the Governor of Connecticut was necessarily bound to consider the provision of the state Constitu- ticn covering special sessions. The basic law, he repeatedly declared, provided for special sessions of jfhe Legislature only in .46 .24 0 0 0 0 0 .04 .04 0 0 0 Portland. Clear St. Louis, Clear Paul.

Clear Salt Lake City. San Antonio, Pt. Cloudy. San IMceo. Clear San Francisco.

Clear Spokane. Pt. Cloudy Tampa. Rain color, is getting a dash of imported color which rather outshines all the indigenous out by the Aft were thus parties to the agreement anj it is too late for any to withdraw. On Sunday the miners expressed themselves in bitter terms in a final effort to induce the President to reject the majority report and approve the minority finding which was more favorable to the coal diggers.

They went so far, according to the news report, as to resolve hues. Tho history of New Mexico has been said her sister, "am through. My home has been spoiled and invaded." i to "foment revolution In all nations." To make peace with it may be possible, but It is a peace which will have to be guarded sword to hand, so long as Lenine and his kind are in control at Moscow. To the Bolshevikl a treaty exists simply to be torn up and trampled upon. Lenine has been called an "Inverted Ciar." But this is too mild.

There is no real government in Russia solely a ruthless dictatorship. No laws are passed only arbitrary decees are issued. Talk of the wost of the Czars He chastised with whips. Lenine flogs with Washington, lear. "Frieda, down at the office, was speaking of Winnipeg, clear Yellowstone Park, one long costume party, from the days of the early Spanish conquerors who toiled and sweated across the deserts clad in glittering steel, down through the ft-inged buckskin times of the trappers and the cowboy Lowest for 12 hours endimr at a.

m. yesterday. A Kew Page in International Economics. lyowrence County tKy.) Record. epoch of silver spurs and bearskin chaps them today," went on Nina, mechanically clearing the tabte and rearranging doilies aa she spoke.

"She says that we could rent our rooms to some of the office people, without board, and get a good sum for the drawing room, too. The music room at the back would make a suite bedroom and living room as they call It now. Mr. Grecly is that they would not work under the new and wide But many of these cases of emergency In the exercise of his scale. We can sympathize -with their feel- Times.

leaders have gone the historical natives going to Europe to get something to the new balance of trade. Walt Mason The Pert Philonopher ofFiciaT discretion he decided that the woman ings, but they know full well that public 'enfranchisement case did not constitute an respect is the best asset of labor organiza-emergency in the meaning of the Consti-j tions and if they forfeit that through ill-tiition. There was no iust basis for con- advised action their next state will be less mnnT at mp nniei rnr a room $65 a a vu several better. Some of them feci inclined to revive and perfect the native costumes, while others have ideas of their own. Thus a certain artist fic-re who Is a product of Hussia by way of Greenwich remains to be seen.

But that he will do as he pleases will be a safe gamble, and that the widow will be the winner is worth odds, for widows are usually winners. and bath, and he wants to change where it wUl be Quieter." Ma, Come. Wilmington Kews-Joumal. i "I know Greely. He Is a fine old fellow.

Mke your dates eaHy boys to take and wouldn't be a bit of trouble, put in to the pona and home again. Merrick sympathetically. Village goes in for a heavy cowboy style, i If a man from the cattle range rides Into town wearing an extra fine pair of chans. I tending, though some did so. that Gov.

endurable than their first. unton "o'S Houcomb merely offered an excuse for not. The railroad workers and some others i rush their curs along with terrors dire they promoting votes for women. Wc think his set a example of good faith I thev makf weak i i try to maim or kill us, and grumble when present reported purpose to call a special in accepting conditions aiot wholly satis-1 thpV faii The streets are scenes of danger, THE CITY FARMER. By FRAMC STAVTOS.

this fellow trails him around and will not I Miss Caroline stood thinking, and a girl ish voice rang out in the hall: "Guess THIS DATE session to act on bills to enable women to 1 factory because they had agreed so to do i where speed laws won stay put. and heaven they're gone to bed. Wonder if there is any let him rest until he has parted with them probably for twice what they are worth. But another painter from the East fancies himself in knickerbockers and golf stockings i and a cute little Alpine hat with a green IN PITTSBURGH'S HISTORY. vote this year is a sufficient answer to the through their officers.

We may be sure bonehead driver will promptly chocolate left to make fudge, fche calls usi previous charges. An emergency has been they never will have cause to regret their climb hi. 'JJ' and do-funnies on Ratification of the amendment by action. Nor will the anthracite miners re- how more he 11 ma'" 1,7. tne chops.

but we hardly get enough to eat. Col. James Anderson. feather. The time has come when the Indians have cause to stare almost as much as they are stared at.

The sightseeing is no Such tiny portions, and they don't keep the 36 states enfranchises Connecticut women '( gret it if they do the right THE AUTO PERIL rT't re to tnat Im not torn Col. James Anderson; the first phi- well stocked, nv. ror two evenings i on an eaualitv with men. But under the I we couldn't make fudge because they were lanthropist to establish a free library west longer all on one side. of I'd rather be culled a hoard-i of the mountains, was born at Shippensburg asunder, that I still have my head.

For all the day I'm So winsome-fine my garden looks, Not even a little way I'd roars Here, bending o'er my city books. The climbing cornblades wave me home. Columns to count, and then I go To greet green things that call me so. And twilight stars, and at the gate A welcome for the day's glad toil. And In the gathering darkness late To read the sweet dreams of the aotl.

'Round me dream-shadowed curtains fall; Mine is the Peace that's all In BROTHER DICKEY'S PHILOSOPHY. Ir Tim "Texns Wilcat" d'd attain a speed state law certain steps in qualification of) Man in hnn. i-. a i 1 1 i 1, on this date, and came to Pittsburgh in 1797. I Statistics That Fell Down.

dodging ucnm cars pruwuwi uy 1001s, ana an(j 1 reoch rrr 1 i i the Buvnt 1Ht rand lie suceeeoeu nis turner in uie mining diisi- electors must be taken. The time limit has Iy fs" -0me wild cat. passed. Gov. Hucomb exhibits his friend-i i M4-, I "An unusual gleam lighted the blue eyes era and erected the first steam saw and grist down in pools.

I count my legs and knuckles, my wishbones and my hair, my garters and i ih. new in nrnnnsin? 1 ajinou. vvji ill CO itjU 1 1 1 i 3 .7 W-aiu I 1 1 my buck le, to see ir in an mere; ana it of the Southern woman, who turned quickly toward Nina. "You may speak to Frieda tomorrow," she announced. "I believe that, after all, a commercial basis is better.

We shall fill our house with roomers and Merrick looked at her admiringly. "Real thoroughbred," he told himself, and said The French are exercising better judgment in treating the matter of language in Alsace than was shown by the German conquerors after the rape of that province in 1871. In making their language compulsory The Si4-t-ey. An old joke about statltlcswhieh deserves to be revived every once in a while is the one about an increase of 4C0 per cent in the criminality of the Polish Catholics in a certain town. The good priest took this report seriously to heart and investigated it.

He found that in the preceding year one of his flock had been arrested once because he was drunk, but that In the year of the alarming increase the same man had been arretted four times for the same offense. mill in this ecct'on. He built the first -iron mill in Allegheny In 1S27. During the-'War of 1S12 he served under Gen. W'lliam Henry Harrison.

He established the "James Anderson Library Institute 6f Allegheny City" in lSoft. first located in a building at Federal and Diamond streets. Col. Anderson died March 11, 1S61. A monument to Col.

Anderson, erected by Andrew Carnegie, stands 1 front of the North Side Carnegie Library. It was dedicated June 15, 190 i. action in their behalf. In West Virginia the case is somewhat different As wc understand it, the difficulty in the way of all the women of the Kate voting is that there are onlt two regis-fcation days and the number of prospective there's nothing busted I feel that I in luck, for I've been chased, disgusted, by auto. Ford and truck.

It's surely time to punish with more than pattry fines those reckless guys and Hunnish who try to break our spines, who always look for chances to wing the passing gent, and fill the ambulances with victims, boneyard bent. Copyright by Ceorga Matthew Ada,) iey a lit i r.o sense in oorrowtng trouu'i. One-half de bridges you come ter ain't ot no toll-gate. Ef ever I gets ter heaven I don't want no harp ter play. I'll be satisfied wid Jes' a front seat in do gallery hr I kin star performers, aloud: "Could I persuade you to take me the Germans took a step that more than 4 us a roomer.

Miss Caroline?" tCopjricht, IK9. by W. Werner.) too treat to be accommo- any other one thing made it impossible for voters -s.

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