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Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 14

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
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FOR RETT. FOB SALE. City and Suburban Residences F01 SALE HEW MODEM IAHBS0ME WHITE TILS BUILMS 60x120 ft. 8 floors. Trice attractive.


OHfERAL OFFICES: Career Wood Etreet and Oliver Avenue. ATE3 FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Transient Casstfled en sent a word, payaai in advance. Agate type, act Mild. consecutive Insertions for tb Slice oX six. Classified advertlslne whn charged Ui st the rasa of iOc per agats Una.

No advertisement accepted for less ttan 10c eacit Insertion, cash with etdcr. The management nwma tha right to rejct any advertising- deemed objection- i fUULln i i I Central location, Sandusky and Ohio Street, Near Boggs Buhl large department store and the popular North Side Market House. Building well adapted for department, furniture or other such store or hotel or offices. COMMONWEALTH REAL ESTATE Commonwealth Building. 4th Ave.

iomes That Will Staid the Most Rigid Investigation SOUTH HILLS Beautiful residence. 10 rooms, bath, walls decorated, built-in bookcases and china closets; every modern convenience; hardwood throughout. An Ideal country home In Mt. Lebanon; 25 minutes by street car from heart of Pittsburgh. Nearly an acre of ground.

Will consider part trade. Price $17,000.00. HIGHLAND PARK DISTRICT Twelve-room Pompelan brick house, brownstone trimmings; lot 187 feet front by 150 deep; three baths, hot water heat, instantaneous hot water heater, filtered water throughout house; hardwood throughout; tile kitchen: refrigerator built in to ice from rear porch; front and side porch; floors Mosaic tile. Price J30.000.00. Will trade.

BELLEVUE Brick house, 10 rooms, combination furnace; near street cars, on Orchard avenue. Lot 50x150; shade and fruit trees and shrubbery. Must be seen to be appreciated. Price 700.00. Always occupied by owner.

SEWICKLEY Center hall, 9 rooms, bath, sun parlor; strictly modern; built for owner. Best material; exclusive neighborhood; large lot, ample room for small garden, 20 peach trees will bear this year. Altogether a splendid home for any family that appreciates an ideal suburban home. Can be bought for part cash and balance to suit. Price $11,000.00.

EAST END DISTRICT Well built modern home, 10 rooms and bath, on ft. James street, near Ellswoith avenue. Fine neighborhood. Lot 50x115. Price, 15,000.00.

Terms to suit. Co Hale and Female Help. MAN AND 'WIFE wanted, general housework, email family, three adults. Address, stating experience, reference. ei expected.

8, Gazette Times. MEN. BOYS. LADIES wantea to learn the BARBER OR HAIRDHESSING. MANICURING trade, etc COLLEGE, Penn ave.

MALE and female help supplied. Employment, 612 Smithfield st. Walker's WANTED Men and women to qualify for government positions. Several thousand appoint ments to be made next few months. Full information about openings, how to prepare, free.

Write immediately for booklet G-155, Earl Hopkins Washington, D. C- WANTED Neat, hustling man and woman by large manufacturing concern to Introduce necessity used by everybody; sells Tic: commission 25c: paid every day. See Mr. Kramer, SOS Fifth at 8:30 a. m.

until noon. WAXTED Canvassers at once. Penn Bldg. Call I to 1 A areata. AGENTS A sure and ready spring seller; energetic men make big money; be independent: write us for a sample free.

E. Stewart, $14 Summit Ithaca. N. Y. BOYS, GIRLS Earn many attractive premiums selling mending tissue; fastest selling article on the market today; write for 24 packages to sell and premium list.

Chapel Supply Box 3US-P. Auburn. N. Y. MEN, women; greatest money maker.

Leave each home on trial. Trial means sale. Credit allowed. Sample free. Charles G.

HTorner. Manufacturing. 24 Penn ave. WOULD you be satisfied to earn $6 dally. We give valuable premiums Send for new spring catalog and sample free.

Household Specialty N. Y. Situation Male and Female. ACCOUNTANT, certified expert, thoroughly trained, modem efficiency methods, production, cost, wants position. 13, The Gazette Times.

competent stenographer: have had 10 years' experience; can handle correspondence and detail work Intelligently; best of references. Ad dress 12, The Gazette Times. BARTENDER wants position; aged 28; sober, reliable; in or out city; reference. Write 0-16, The Gazette Times. CHAUFFEUR Careful and reliable; position with private family; references.

Write 13. The Gazette Times. COLORED man and wife would like positions houseman and cook. Address 19 Chaiiont city. NURSE or comDanion to invalid gentleman; now on case until 12th of April; best of refer ences.

Box 43, BridgeviUe, Fa. MAX and wife want work on stock or dairy farm; man clean and sober; good milker: wife good cook and housework; state wages. Write 16-A. The Gazette Times. YOt'XG married man.

experienced, wants po sition. bookkeeoinK or ot her clerical work moderate saiary. Write 16, The Gazette Times. Pupil. PITTSBURGH ACADEMY Founded 1SS2 and still under same management.

A school In which you get a practical education In the shortest time consistent with thoroughness. Students prepared for any college, the best technical schools and universities, the government academies and for business. Shorthand, Tvpewriung and F.ookkeeplng. DAY AND EVEN I NO SESSIONS. Call or write for information.



Night School. 7:00 to Frl. Bpecial Instruction suited to those who have been attending Night High School. Fl I WflPTH BUSINESS COLLEGE. Ly-CLLOWUMn cvum 611-617 Penn ave.

The best business school. Lowest charges. Situations guaranteed. CATON COLLEGE. Diamond st.

sessions; constantly commercial, shorthand, teleg raphy, drafting, mathematics. DUFFS COLLJCQB. Sixth st. and Liberty stsw PITTSBURGH. PA.

PENNSYLVANIA Telegraph Collece. 223 Diamond educates and places operators. re sa a I PHIBLER SCHOOL OF DRESSMAKING. S. T.

Taylor system of cutting, sewing and designing taugnt. Brinic yt-ur material and ma ite your suits and gowns. Individual attention given patterns to measure. 01 Jenkins Hld. Furnished Room.

WANTED Two furnished ronms and bath, electric light, for two gentlemen. B'st of reference. Oakland or hen ley Farm district. $40.00 to JSO.uu month. Private family.

Write 16. Gazette Timfcs. Koohih. WANTED Suite of thrre or four rooms in or Wilkinsburjr. A'iirsi M.

J. Puente, P. O. Box No. Wilkinsburtr, Pa.

REFINED woman end dauehter desire three unfurnished rooms in Rt-iiriieid district. Apply 16. The Gazette Titnes Sllsrellaneons. The Moving Man SiANAiAH iz STORAGE "COMPANY Moving and Packing, Magee Nr. Courthouse Keep Moving.

WANTED Everybody to attend sale of household goods for storage charges on Thursday, April 3. 10 a. m. HAL'GH KEENAN STORAGE TRANSFER Center and Euclid E. E.

FOR RF.XT ROOMS. With or IVltbout Board Furnished or Vnfurnished. ATLANTIC 365 Elegant furnished room, ail modern conveniences. BROAD Sewlckley Three large furnished rooms with board, near station and country club. Phone h-J, Sewlckley.

CENTER 5219 Nicely furnished room; very suitable for doctor or man and wife; board if desired; all conveniences. Phone 1709-J Hilandl College 705, East End. To refined gontieman. furnished, pleasant second Hour front room, bath adjoining; instantaneous hot water; car lines. 1.

K. K. convenient. Phone Hiland. COLTART 21fi.

Oakland lieautlfully furnished rooms, en suite or single, with tlrst- clahs board; homo comforts, i'hone 51 Schen ley. COLLINS 31t One elegantly furnished room and alcove for one or two gentlemen; also other furnished rooms. Phone Hiland. EI.LSWOKTH 6523 Room and board offered gentleman, t-5 month. HAWTHORNE 82, Crafton, 20 minutes street car ride from city, 13 minutes train-Nicely furnished rooms; willing to serve breakfast.

Bell phone 3J7-L Crafton. LA ROE front room, all conveniences, private family. 63 Mi I'hersonst, E. E. LA'HGE third floor front room, well furnished, electricity and gas.

Fhone i3-R Hiland. U1LLVALE Furnished room, private family. 11--H Schenley. NICELY furnished front room with both; good board; all conveniences. Phone 1T03-J Hiland.

144. Oakiand; nicely furnished room for gentlemen or ladles em-pl-jved. ROOMS TO LET. EXCELLENT table board with all accommodations and best dining room service. 5219 Center ave.

Phone 1709 Hiland. RURAL MS-: Large, light, well-furnished second-floor ruum in ni'l-rn house, suitable for two will, board. Phone Hliand. THREE unfurnished rooms, private bath, separate meter. It 17.

The Gazette Times! TO LET Partly furnished or unfurnished rooms suitable for physician, office or very light housekeping. Plione 2D37-J, TWO FL'RNISHEO III 'MS. Telephont Hiland. VERY desirable 3 4 or rooms; uso of bath and lauudry; la End district. Hiland for 2 TO 12 City and Suburban Residences.

7 GET OUR BIO SM1ELB REM LIST BEFORE RENTING iT WILL PAY YOU IT'S FREE. leal Estate Trust COo TO LET IN HOMEWOOD J-KJBrick. 4 rooms, good location: near cars. Io.du Brick. 6 rooms, ail conveniences; near R.

R. $45.008 rooms; good location: near cars R. R. tsr- APARTMENTS. i room3: Paved street; near cars R.

R. I rooms, steam heat. Janitor service; near R. R. $28.50 rooms, steam heat, janitor service; near cars.

Other houses and apartments listed, all prices, in all locations. Call at office or send our biz; rent list. HOMEWOOD REALTY Open Evenings. 720 Homewood Ave. GET the housewife an electric washing machine and she'll no longer strive to be a suffragist.

It's household drudgery that disgusts her with her condition. It costs but little to have the house wired. Call 898 Hiland for information. LET From May 1, 8 -room house and bath, front and back porches, all modern conveniences. North Beatty st.

Call 165-R Fisk. East End Residences. FINE EAST END HOUSES. Pacific near Friendship ave. Fine house.

10 rooms, bath, hard- wood floors; garage. Owner leaving city. $75 Woodmont 10-room reception hall, brick home; tile bath and servants" bath. Hardwood floors, etc. CONLEY 6931 Penn Ave.

SQUIRREL MILL Darlington road, between ITurray and Shady; rooms and billiard room, hot water heat, first and second floors hardwood, splendid cupboards, full mirrors in doors; garage in rear large enough for two machines, with three sleeping rooms above: house one year old. Present occupant leaving city. Rent $1,700.00 per year. Owner, Box No. 6.

East End P. O. Good House. Good Location. In the heart of Squirrel HHP, 10-room house, two baths, hardwood floors 1st and 2d: within two minutes' walk of good car service: will rent at between $75.00 and $80.00.

Address Owner. Box No. 6, East End O. GET the housewife an electric washing machine and she'll no longer strive to be a suffragist. It's household drudgery that disgusts her with her condition.

It costs but little to have the house wired. Call a8 Hiland for N. BEATTY 727 and "35, near Stanton ave. 8-room dwellings, bath, modern throughout; immediate possession; rent 4o. Phone owner, loss Grant EAST END HOUSES AND APARTMENTS.

List "Revised Dally. S. H. LLOYD, 6)20 Penn Avenue. CLAYEOURNE.

near Kegley Modern. 9 rooms. Apply Commonwealth Real Estate Co. North Side Residences. FIEEPE00F STORAGE We crate, ship and move household goods, lower and hoist pianos.

ite, ship and move household goo hoist pianos, OTOL EXPRESS $13 West Diamond st. Phone 4ii3, North Side. GET the housewife an electric vashing ma- enme and she 11 no longer strive to be a suffragist. It's household drudgery that disgusts her with her condition. It costs but little to have the house wired.

Call Hiland for in formation. ALLEGHENY TRANSFER Storage Moving Storage S40-fco North West. North Side. Pittsburgh. Apartments.

SELECT APARTMENTS. BAYARD APARTMENTS. 222 North Craig near Bayard within 5 minutes' walk of Schenley Park; apartments of 6 large rooms, tile bath, connecting bedrooms, hardwood floors, splendid laundry, large front porches and rear porches, which, together with steps are enclosed during the winter season steam heat, hot water, gas for laundry and first-class janitor service. Janitor on premises at all times. Rents, $50 and 555.

Mcpherson apartments, 6712 McPherson between Fifth and Linden aves. 6 large rooms with alcove living-room, tile bath, reception hall, built-in china closets, also large china and linen closets, large butler's pantry off kitchen, large front and rear porches, laundry, large locker space, steam h-at hot water and janitor service. Only one for rent on second floor. 550 Per Month. AVEY IRISH, 284 Court.

Columbia Bank Bldg, FOUR, five and six-room apartments, located in Oakland district; handy to Schenley Park, Carnegie Institute, etc. Rent $22.50 to $40 per month. J. H. DIMLING, 405 Oakland ave.

409 Market St. rhone 1S59 Schenley. FOR RENT Park ave. apartment. Ben Avon, 5 rooms and bath, front and rear porch, janitor, steam heat, 3 minutes from cars and 2 minutes' walk to Ben Avon K.R.

station, ptT month. AVALrON Apartment, 4 rooms and bath, near cars and Ben Avon R. R. station; good train eervlce. $-4 per month.

COOK LAND 713 Jarvella N.S. Church Ben Avon Cedar 223. Neville 679. DUNDEE. 310 M'KEH PLACE.

3 rooms and hath 4 rooms and bath NEGLEY, S. NEGLEY AND ELMER ST. 4 rooms and 140.00 rooms and Eugene Rcilly C. 430-432 Fourth Ave. SQUIRREL HILL APARTMENT.

Beautiful first floor apartment. Six rooms, bath, hard wood, steam heated. Private, enl trance, separate private porch, convenience of apartment, privacy or home. No children in building but no objection to two small ones. Oenteel neighborhood, three car lines, very reasonable rent.

607 Hobart avenue. Pos session May 1st. Owner on premises; Hiland 3.4-1 w. court 4.W. D'ARLINGTON APARTMENTS, Cor.

Bayard and Neville Shadyslde; reception hall, seven rooms and two baths, hardwood floors and finish, vacuum, porches, high-class fireproof building; one for rent two per month. See Janitor, or A. V. Purnell, 607 Jarvella North Side. FOR RENT.

An eight-room, second-story flat on Bain-ton (formerly Bailey) North Side. Bath and laundry; natural gas and electric light; separate entrance; building fireproof. Rent t-Q per month. Apply to A. D.

Wilson. 404 Federal st. GKT the housewife an electric washing ma- hlue and she'll no longer strive to be a suf fragist. It's household drudgery that disgusts her with her condition. It costs but little to have the house wired.

Call SIS Hiland for Information. NAVARRE APARTMENTS. To It Corner Hays and St. Clair 5 rooms, bath, steam heat, hot water, laundry and janitor; North Highland district; $37.50 and $tn. See janitor or your agent.

Furnished Houses. FINE colonial house, elegantly and completely furnished. South Fairmont ave. May to Oct. month.

George fcieeblck, 601 Peoples's Bldg. Manufacturing; Site. FOR RENT For term of years, manufacturing or storage site, 37.000 square feet; near center of Pittsburgh. Address Owner, P. O.

Box Z'jO. city. Offices. NEAR COURT HOUSE, large rooms, all con veniences; rent $10 and Smith Building, Wylle ave. Offices and Desk Room.

DESK ROOM in desirable office In Oliver Elds. can pnone a-- Grant. Wood ourth $5, I City and Suburban Braldenc, 1C oo 16 fmit. Ml FOR SALE. Horses.

Vehicles jd Ldve Stock. Atoms Traisfei Co0 USING AUTO TRUCKS. Horses Must. Be Sold $50 and $150200 head of horses and mares must be sold as soon as possible to make room for auto trucks. These are good, young, serviceable horses, several teams of big mares that cost $600 a pair last year, that will be sacrificed with the others; also several mares with foal; we have horses 5 to years old that weigh 1.100 to 1,700 lbs.


Notice Horses cannot be seen on Sunday. HEAD OF HORSES AND MARES OLD ESTABLISHED DUQUESNE "WAY HORSE AND MULE CO. Horses from A up. weight 1,000 to 1.600 pounds, among thera 30 head big. young mares.

20 big horses, suitable heavy teaming, farm use or log hauling. Id Kentucky bred, familv driving mares, 2tf head ot business chunks; all stock sold with, a written guarantee, and it not as represented we will not try to exchange you another horse, we win give you your money back, as we want your trade, also your friends. This one of the most reliable stables in Pittsburgh. Come and be convinced. We give you vaiua for your money.

P. B. We have no branches. Come direct to our stables. Duquesne Way Horse Mule Co, 406-408-410 DUQUESNE WAY.

Pittsburgh. Pa. Handsome Trotting Mare, $150 Lora Wilkes. Foaled April 2, 1S06. Record 5:18.

Height. Uhi Hands. 1.000 Pounds. Owner paid $600 for mare one year ago Kentucky; mare was frightened at steam roller and ran away; owner drove her up until time of accident, which happened one month ago; will positively not sell her to be used In Pittsburgh; anvone living too far away may send certified check for $1S0 and I will shlo her out of the city. P.

S. Above mare has not been hurt or Injured In any way from the accident. Call at my private residence, 9u8 Beech North Side. Pittsburgh. Take Woods Run or Western ave.

car to Galveston ave. Mr. George Young. Telephone 2356 Cedar. PAIR MARES.

Age 6 and 7 years; weighs 2.800; been used to heavy hauling; also chestnut sorrei mare. years old; will be sold at reasonable price to quick buyer. Cail at residence. Western Allegheny S47 Pair Mares, age 5 and 6 little street sore; will weigh 5 (Mi lbs. I lost telephone hauling reason for selling.

Call 109 West Parle way. Allegheny. BROWN MARE ONLY $60. Good wind and work, weighs 1,200, also harness and wagon; will sell separate. Call Park way grocery.

15 West Park way. North Side. 1777, rvs 7 and 8 years, sound. good workers: wagon and harness In good condition. I will sell my fast pacer cheap; would make a good family and road horse.

C. Gahagan. 214 Third tirr will sacrifice to quick buyer, WlfUW on account of moving from country to city, pair mares, both bred to a Jack, $150; I want theejito get a good home. Mrs. Bucklin, 618 North Side.

$200 PRIVATE PARTY will sacrifice Pair ot mares 7 and 8 vears old. been used on farm: also fine KENTUCKY BRED IAMIL1 MARE. 7 vears oM. $15: WU seperale. RESIDENCE.

418 PENN PI11S-BURGH PA. MULES PAIR, $125.00. Guaranteed good workers. Call at Richard's Transfer 107 West Park way. Allegheny.

FOR SALE-A good family broke driving mare, runabout and seated carriage and harness. APPLY" at STABLE rear of residence, jjjtj WESTERN ALLEGHENY. FOR SALE Good delivery horse, 1.3'A harness and top wagon. CALL GROCERS' silORE. WESTERN AVE.

TWO good marcs, a little rundown; one Is la foal. Would suit farmer. Apply rear 830 West-, era Allegheny, Business Property. FOR REKT 415 Sefeata Avenue First floor, 100 feet from Smith-field street; ideal stand for automobile supplies; rent 51,200 annual. ESTATE OF HENRY W.

OLIVER, 2237 Henry W. Oliver Bldg. TO LET. PENN, COR. FIFTH FINE STORE ROOM, Opposite Store Joseph Horn Co, Kent very reasonable.

See COMMONWEALTH REAL ESTATE Commonwealth, Fourth ave. 1635 Fifth Ave. Storeroom. 20xS5 feet, cemented cellar, gas. electrio light, plate glass front, $70.

JAMES H. 400 Grant st. Warehouses. FOR RENT Four-storied brick warehouse, corner Market st. and First fronting 40 feet on Market, extending along First ave.

674 feet; immediate possession; reasonable rent. Will remodel to suit tenant. A. H. KING.

515 Park Building. TO LET warehouse (red stone front). No. 917 Liberty opposite Seventh 21x110 to Exchange alley; occupied by Shlpley-Massingham Co. possession May reasonable rent.

Thos. D. Bell. 615 Park Bidg. FOR SALE.

City and Suburban Residences. WIIIINSBMG Brick bouse of nine rooms and hath, ce mented cellar, stationary tube, furnace; In good repair. Corner of two paved streets. Handy to station, street cars and best high school in the state. Owner has gone to California.

Money needed. Price $4,500, worth 600. Brick building of three apartments of four rooms and bath, heated by gas; no Janitor service. Monthly rent Owner is nonresident; will sacrifice $6,000. SELL NOTHING BUT BARGAINS.

Let me show you some. To W. IRWIN, Real Estate Wcroal Street, TOR KAI.E $6,500. EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD CHANCE to own a home which cost over $8,000. Brick, 10 rooms.

ate fixtures; large corner lot. westmoreiana one oi me Most Desirable Locations in Swissvale; immediate possession; easy terras; permit to examine; full information free. COMMONWEALTH REAL ESTATE Commonwealth Fourth ave. SUBURBAN HOME. For Sale Eight-room modern brick house.

situated on 1-6 acre of ground on macadam road and car line: plenty of room for chickens and garden; the very best of surroundings and neighborhood. Price $5,560. Frsnkstown Realty 7S06 Frankstown ave SPECIAL BARGAINS. Anyone desiring to purchase a home. I have several genuine bargains, location ana convenience to carp and railroad ideal.

Write A. W. Refine, 9si Wood Wilkinsburg, or call 65 Wilkins. East End Residence. FOR PALE CHEAP Residence property, Highland Park district; 620 Jackson street, corner of Collins avenue; lot 64x91 feet; modem 3-story brick dwelling.

12 rooms, center hall, 2 bath rooms, laundry, gas. electric light. range, furnace, etc. Jtnce riKni ir a yuie sale. Dollar Savings Fund and Trust Com-panv, 4t0 Federal street, N.

Pittsburgh. SPECIAL PRICE. In Oakland, near Forbes solid brick dwelling of 4 rooms first floor. 4 rooms and bath second floor and 2 rooms third floor; hails, electric light, furnace, etc; In A-l condition. JS.KO.

FIDE LIS REALTY 3T0T FORBES ST. OAKLAND. Above Fifth in cleanest section of city; frame dwelling of 'I rooms, with modern improvements, porches, hall; paved street. Specially priced for a few days at $3,200. FI DELIS REALTY 3707 FORBES ST.

FOR SALE At Lincoln Place, fine 6-room house, 50x138; level ground; price terms. Write 8. Gasette Times. NON-RESIDENT owner instructs ua to sell his $7,000 house for possession at once. Brick.

8 rooms, bath, laundry, furnace, front windows plate glass; lot 25x110. FIDELIS REALTY 37U7 Forbes st. Country Homes. PUBLIC SALE OF COUNTRY HOME. April 9, 1913, at 2 P.

M. Wishing to settle the estate of the late Sam uel M. Gibson, the undersigned will offer at public sale Valley Mew tarm. situated miles north of New Castle in Shenango Valley, and consisting of 49 acres of fertile soil, modern nine-room house, slate roof. Interior finished in oak, good bank bam 36x48, slate roof and necessary outbuildings; good spring water and ail kinds of iruit.

send z-cent stamp ior pnoto. For further Information address Geo. R. Gib son, trustee. 7114 Park Ellwood city, Pa, Sale postponed from March 27 on account no train service, due to ilooas.

Farms. arm In the rich Mahoning valley, between Cleveland nn.1 Pittsburgh 3 miles to Warren: deep. rich garden soil; splendid orchard; good 2-story 7-room house; barn, 30x40, new poultry house fine water, timber, stone road; a bar- Bin at 14.750- A cash. Send for photo and full description. Geo.

M. Smith. Franklin Box G. Warren. O.

FOR SALE Acreage along the Harmony Route; two new modern stone bungalows at Bradford Woods, on. Harmony Koute; also two nw taunealows at Gardener, near Now Castle. North Pittsburgh Realty 701 Dia mond Bank Pittsburgh. Pa. FOR SALE Bargain 37 acres ot coal and all mining rlghtB, air shafts, etc, ready to operate with Si acres of surface and ten-room house; 5 veins of coal, four to nine feet thick, adjoining Somerset borough.

George Auman, Somerset, Pa. FEND for illustrated catalogue of Ashtabula County, Ohio, farms, for sale by Blakeslee Porter. Ashtabula. O. FARMS, all sizes; list free.

Fenton. Jamestown. Pa. Write David Lands and Acreage. HARMONY ROUTE.

65 and is acres. IS miles out; fine buildings, springs, fruit, gas. coal; near trolley and level; and terms. SuO Keenan Bldg. Lota.

SQUIRREL HILL lot. only $B0 per foot front. Level lot 60x2-7 feet. Paved street and good location. Coyle Brothers, 812 Kpvstnne 324 4ta avenue.

OH Production. GASOLINE and oil leases for sale in the Tldl-oute field. Inquire Box 108. Tidioute, Pa. Storage Sites.

Manufacturing or Warehouse. Brick, steel and concrete construction. Threo stories. 4.500 square feet to each. 50x90 feet on main street of North Side.

Sold to settie estate. For Information write Box 16. The Gazette Times. Mortgsge Loans. $85,700 TO LOAN CITY OR SUBURBAN.

AMOUNTS AND TERMS TO SUIT. Fuller Roberts, 339 Fifth Ave. $I2So000o00 to Lean ON GOOD MORTGAGE3, No delay Bring deeds. SAMUEL W. BLACK First National Bank Bldg.

M. "l.EVY. MORTGAGES AND INVESTMENTS. 1106 Machesoey Bldg. Bell phone 2720 Court Male Ileln.

1 good sober men wanted to work on dairy. A. B. Wilson, Ardmore car line. Wii-kmsburg.

Pa. UNION PLASTERERS Apply at Mononga-nela Hoow, Brownsville. Pa. WANTED Coppersmiths, universal grinders, first class assemblers (for large floor work), ver tical and horizontal boring mill hands, vertical milling machine hands, core makers and first class radial drill press hands. Apply at the Employment Westinghouse Electric and Mfg.

East Pittsburgh, Pa. WMTB tarers zii 40 Mian h- fmmm for 1 i '1 JAMES STUART, 609 Oliyer WMmz. WAHTEB STOCK BOYS between the ages of 16 and 20 years, for our Rug Department. Apply at Superintendent's Of- tice, west Mezzanine. JOSEPH HORN ECO.

WANTED Several first class drivers for premium wagon; only those who are acquainted with streets of city and suburbs, and can bring good written referen ces with them need apply. W. H. Walker. Herrs Island.

WANTEL Assemblers for large machinery and operators for large tools. Apply at the Employment Department, Westing-house Electric and Mfg. East Pittsburgh, Pa. WANTED. Fifty bridge carpenters with tools and 200 laborers for B.

and O. at once. Apply B. and O. Free Labor Bureau, 516 2nd ave.

WANTED Thoroughly experienced Wall Paper Salesmen; bring references. Apply Manager Wall Paper Department. KALLMANN'S. AX TED First class machinist and millwright, married. Knowleage of alternating current and ice machinery beneficial.

City work, steady. Right man could have full charge of machinery keep up. Answer "Millwright" 16. Gazette Times. ANTED Competent structural steel layer-out man.

one capable of laying out steel work from shop drawings; very iiitie truss work; state wages. F. 1 Heughes Rochester. X. Y.

WANTED THREE GOOD ERRAND BOYS; TEADY POSITION; GOOD WAGES; BRING RECOMMENDATION. WILL PRICE, 211 SIXTH ST. WANTED At once, a good linotype operator- machinist: good wages: steady place. Latrebe Printing ana pud. J-atrooe.

pa. WANTED Middle aged man to milk and work around dairy: good wages. Address J. Wharton, 143 Napoleon Beechview. Pa.

WANTED Furniture salesman: week to start; must Le experienced. Write 16, Gazette Times. WANTED Salesman for store, few years experience fixing up stock for display. C. H.

Bunting, rjl Diamond st. WAITED Laborers, hours work. J2.00 day. Call 615 Arington Mt. Oliver, city.

WAREHOUSEMEN, also factory hands. PUiL Emp. Experts, 4T Wood gt- WANTED Experienced furniture finisher. 16. Gazette Times.

WANTED Helpers In men's tailoring estab- lisnment. 419 Fourth Ave. Female Help. COOKS, waitresses, chambermaids, kitchen. housework girls, dishwashers.

Peoples, lift Ninth st. EXPERIENCED girl housework: wages JH.iXJ. wanted for general Phon 670-L, Schenley. GIRL WANTED TO SELL CHILDREN'S HATS, APPLY HAT DEPARTMENT, MAIN FLOOR. SOLOMON'S.

GIRL to act as cashier and assistant bill clerk-; must have first-class references; state age and salary expected. Write X-16, The Gazette Times. GIRL for general housework, must cook. 64o4 Hurnehurst st. Take Center and Kegley car.

GIRL, general housework, small house, wages. 7'j9 N. Euclid East End. Good GIRL wanted to do plain cooking, assist with washing. Telephone 4.7 Schenley.

HOUSEKEEPER desires position. Can furnish excellent references. Address 43 South Steubenville. Ohio. rrCREERY-AN COMPANY re-quire the services of an experienced embroidery machine operator.

Apply General Superintendent's office. McCREERY AND COMPANY require the services of experienced Cash Oirls. -References required. Appiy basement office. PER DAY paid one lady in each town to distribute free circulars for concent ru.tei tlavonng In tubes.

Permanent position. F. E. BARR Chicaco. REAL COOK; Irish need not apply.

Call 1611 First National Eank Bldg. STOCK girl for Wholesale Jewelry house; must have first-class reference; state salary expected and age. Write Y-16, The Gazette Times. WANTED. Girls for Factory work.

Apply Time Office, H. J. HEINZ 1062 Progress Street, North Side. WANTED Thoroughly experienced Wall Paper Saleswomen; bring references. Apply Mana ger Wall Paper Department.

KALLMANN'S. WHITE GIRL for downstairs work. Must cook. No washing or Ironing. Small family.

Best wages. Phone 6172 Hliand. Inquire 233 Evallne East End. WANTKD Crew mmagers and canvassers at once; salary and coniml-Mon. 310 Penn Building.

WANTED Experienced shirt operators on Singer power machine. Apply Rauh Bros. St lean ave. The 310 at BY as TELEPHONE CALLS: BELL Grant (7a (Six Trunk P. AXain 10i-lfll4-101l WAXTED, Male Hel Active, Energetic Men.

from farms, aged 21 to 4o. why waste time at low wages? We will piace you to work Immediately for R. R. in the vicinity of Pgh. Platform work, freight trucking, at $60 to $S0 monthly, and if qualified, advance to shippers and checkers ax advanced pay.

Also men for car repair work, from beginners at $50 while learning, to $110 monthly when qualified. WRITE OR CALL. Immediate Employment Guaranteed. Positive assurance of continuous work. D.

J. COTTER, Emp. Expert. Est. 39 Years.

SPEER UJ SIXTH ST. A REPRESENTATIVE retail establishment desires the services of an active, clean-cut young man as Floor Walker; experience not essential, but highest references are required. Write Q-15, The Gazette Times. A FOREMAN and 25 laborers, ship today; car repairers, dairv hands, teamsters, farm hand3. handy men: ail-around cook.

$15 week; pantry id 'colored, rBu- man. bell boys, porters, wiute ana lunch counter men new orders every positions guaranteed. City Employment Bu reau. 411 Seventh ave. AGENTS and solicitors during their regular vocation can increase their income from 10 to 15 dollars per week.

For further information apply between 12 and 3 p. m. Vacation and Touring Rooa Hc3 Park Fifth ave. and gmlthneld st- A M-N to take orders, $17 week; steady work. City Employment Agency.

411 Seventh ave- BOILERMAKER to go "West, transportation paid; 4 strong young men to learn R- R-braking, no trouble; baiters. $15. room and board, counter man, $12. Perm. Employment, 62s Penn ave.

BOYS wanted to learn brass finishing trade; none under 16 years of age need apply. Mc-Kenna. Bros. Brass Company, First ave. and Ros st.

P.E A DETECTIVE Excellent opportunities; earn $150 to $i00 per month. Write Fidelity Secret Service. Wheeling, W. Va. BRIDGE CARPENTERS'; long Job: good wages; free fare.

City Employment Bureau, 411 Seventh ave. BOY for errands and light store work. Wylle ave. SOS BOY3 wanted for bottling. Lucas, South N.

S. Apply Price St BOY 14, bright, for lumber office; salary $4. Writ'e 15. The Gazette Times. BY manufacturing concern, first-class order clerk and comptometer operator; state age, experienca In detail, reference and salary, otherwise no attention given replies.

Write 13. The Gazette Times. -pyyiF to see us today, get a good paying 'L. pillion: we need l.Su men in ail lines of work; also men and foremen section work with railroad companies out of city; free fare: steady; good cnance for advancement. (POSITIVELY) we place you to your tatis-facion.

Call Immediately ready to work. New openings daily. INTERNATIONAL 419 Fourth ave. CONSULT US IF SEEKING EMPLOYMENT. OFFICE.


EMP. EXPERT. T20 Sixth St. CHEF and wife, second, for hotel, man and wire, private farm. Peoples.

116 Ninth st. pp a pTCM PV Architectural, several, io- L' I vA I Oi i L. eai out 0e town. also specitiation writers, permanent positions. Checkers, bridges, mill and office Indiana.

jigs and fixtures, also chief tool designer. Fifty oihers. advance fees). Call or write. BUSINESS SERVICE 8 Park The Original and Only National Agency.

DRAUGHTSMEN Several checkers and detail-era, structural steel. Draughtsmen Mechanical turbine work. PIEL Emp. Experts. 4:3.

Wood St. DOOR MEN (2) for Al hotel In city; highest wages. Call at International 41, Fourth av e. dFsTRICT MANAGER for health, accident end life Insurance. 14i3 Oliver Bidg.

EXPERIENCED paper hangers and wail scrapers wanted. Mangold 615 East Ohio North Side. ERRAND BOY3. 14 years of age, good wages; bring work papers. Pittsburgh Cut Flower in Seventh Pittsburgh, Pa.

EXPERIENCED men to solicit, esiablished route for good men. The Great Atlantic Pacific Tea 710 Warrington Ave. FREE llustrated book tells of about 300.000 protected positions In U. S. service.

Thousands of vacancies every year. There Is a big chance here for you. sure and generous pay, lifetime employment. Just ask for booklet T-lii5. No obligation.

Earl Hopkins, Washington, D. FOREMEN Iron, also steel foundries. Superintendent for steam shovel work. Man to take charge coke yard. Foreman Tunnel man for quarry.

PIE Emp. Experts. 4-1 Wood St. UOOD letterers are In demand at good salaries: send this ad and a stamp for free book "Successful Lettering" to Dept. B.

Columbia School of Drafting, l'th A Washington. D. GOOD gardener wanted for lawn and flowers; Ben Avon; must come recommended. Apply 23u Peoples Wednesday morning. JOIN K.

CRACK military company; no expense; free ntie range and camp. 10G4 Fricfc Annex. l.t) LABORERS for railroads, stone quarries, mills, farms and factories; good wages; fare paid; aso coal miners, single and. married. Keystone Bureau, ll-4 Penn ave.

LOCOMOTIVE firemen, brakemen, wages about flOO; experience unnecessary. Send age. stamped envelope- R-uiway. care 61. The Gazette Times.

McCREERY AND COMPANY require the services of experienced errand boys and wagon boys. Apply Delivery Department. 1J0 MAP.RIED and sing'e coal miners for Pennsylvania and West Virginia: no trouble: fare paid; we movo families. Keystone Bureau. U- Penn ave.

li EAT CUTTER wanted to take charge of meat market in Vandergrift. Pa-; steady work and rood wages for good man. Write Citl- sens Meat Market. U. Enuicls.

owner. Van dergnrt. Pa MEN wanted to get a 15-Jeweled Elgin or tvalthara watch on a cash payment of our price for watch is ba.ance can be paid whi'ie wearing watch. We also pay you a liberal commission on sales you make for us. To secure watch at this price you must bring this ad with you.

Wirtins. third floor. Pittsburgh Life Lloerty at Market st. MACHINE HAXW, also machinist. Men to operate presses, good pay.

Vic iicrew Machine Operators for Detroit. 32c. Potter 4k Johnson Operators for Detroit. 32c Jones I.ampson Operators Detroit. 21c.

Biatkstiiiths fr machine shop and foundry. Sheet Metal Workers Good turn. city. PIEL. Emp- Experts, 4.1 Wood St.

McCREERY AND COMPANY re-quire the services of experienced wrapper boys and cash boys. Apply Basement office. OIL WELL drillers wanted Familiar with ttlr lir.t- drilling; Butler. Beaver an-j Alle-pr-iiV Fa ncn but tir-nt -class, with tan 'lard waes, rigs and steady ra-iy about April -U Address IS. The SEVERAL' MACHINISTS, machinists' helpers and laborers nantfi for new shot out of a.s- us several handymen or la- rr who can speak several turf ifm lan- and do hrd work; koo4 wagee.

no rrou.d. Mf-adv wurk; state a. previous jobs v. rite 1j.

The Uazette IS per week for an all ar-iuni pratti'al Adams Hrought'jn, Jlraie Annex. Newark. Ohio. SAI.F.SMEN.

a'o solicitors; salary. FUEL Emp. Exoeris. -u Wood Pt. TRAFFIC, alo general office clerks.

Store H-iom Clerk Lanr corporation. C.friK ung man f'r rea.1 estate ofrloe. MEL Errp. Experts. a Wood gt.

THREE experienced solicitors wanted, men of seat apparane ar.d good education preferred. Good money for lha right nartics. 507 iu. I COTiioiwealtl FOSt (ALB For Sale or Rent. FOR SALE OR RENT Six-room House In Cheswick; lot 80x150 8-room house, lot WOx VO; also vacant lots.

C. S. Bunting. Cheswick. Pa.

Business Opportunities, MONEY TALKS. If you have $500 to $1,000 or $5,000 and are willing to invest in an established business where ample salary and security are given, cail and see us. We have many Inquiries from reliable business concerns and can place you right, ur investigations and approval of a business assures the safety of your Investment. BCSINESS INVESTMENT CO MP ANT, 610 Keystone Building. Pittsburgh DO YOU NEED CAPITAL? Let us finance your proposition, adjust business or company troubles, dispose of stocks and bonds or negotiate a loan for you, bring harmony Instead of friction; companies Incorporated; expert business advice.

BUSINESS INVESTMENT COMPANY. 610 Keystone Building. Pittsburgh. INCORPORATE your business under Delaware's liberal law; powers broad; tees small; everything furnished; prospectus. Chas.

Q. Guyer. 826 Market Wilmington. DeL CHEAP tailor shop for sale, doing $75 per week; will sell for $300; will give reasons for sale Write 16. Gazette Times.

BLACKSMITH SHOP for sale; business and tcola cheap. 2500 Brownsville Road, Carrick, Pa. Miscellaneous. STORAGE SALE FOR CHARGES. Household goods and personal effects of every description to the highest bidder, Thursday, April 3, 10 A.

M. laugh Keeiai. Storage 411 Jl Center and Euclid E. E. (Q)FHCE (OUTFITTERS THE CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BUT TOUR Filing Cabinet, Supplies and Office Sundries, Office and Bank Furniture IN BOTH WOOD AND STEEL.

IS AT Oim STORE. Baler Office Finllire Co. 304-30? wood Street. SODA FOUNTAINS, Showcases, fixtures. Icecream machinery.

All supplies. Duquesne Supply and Extract Company, 107-10S Market street. NEW and second-hand carom and pocket- billiard tables and bowling alleys and acces- sories; bar nxtures or ail Kinos: easy payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Collander i Wood st. Pool Tables, Soda Fountains, Store flxturess.

wall and showcases, steam tables, ovens, ranges. DELP'S. gil9 Fifth ave. DESKS, safes, cash registers, scales, showcases. DELP'S.

Fourth and Liberty. SAFES bought, sold and exchanged. PRAGER, 20S-10 Third ave. Poultry. Blrda and Does.

BUY YOCR EOG8 FOR HATCHING from bred to lav White Orpingtons, the Cook strain. Price $3.00 for 15. DELHIL POULTRY FARM. North East. No.

A. CHATLEY. EGGS for hatching from prize-winning S. C. Black Minorcas.

$1.50 per 15. George Croft, Valencia. Pa. ROSECOMB REDS Winter laying strain; 13 eggs- fJL Mildred Hendrickson. Eprlngdale.

Pa. Scott. 1.

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