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Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 11

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

11 THF, PITTSBURGH GAZETTE JUNE 20, 1907 Federal buLjln yesterd.iy. Tha protest of THE GAZETTE TIMES PATTERN SOCIETY THE CLUBS wLi t.e the up-'-Jver tur-8 this- afternoon. Cart, d'ohn Moren. ra-'t at transportation of the Monoapaiiela Itlver Coal and Coke Company, depaud ii't evening for t'airo and other so irt poitits. Announce Prize Tht c'niMrtn rrizfe essayists the TVwiis Pun distrh-t, vho wrote on tbs autiect of tuijerculoela after attending the tubprculcela exribit held for a few oays recently in the "Woods Kaa Ininstrial Home, vera announced yesterday.

JJHven dollar were placed at the dJspeeat oi MIss Kdna Meeker, tht head worker, $5 being given by the Nw Fra ctub ficm the general fmid of $io appropriated by it for that purpose a couple of months apf, and Ji being provtJed by others interested. 'I ho awards were niad? as foiiov Five dol-lata- In foM, Jmn Kennedy of the Ninth Ward Floret ta Eleventh wsrd, Snady avenue: $1 50. Margaret Tubln, Klever.tb. ward. Shady avenue; $1 50, Robert Wittmer, Ninth ward; 11, Perrdce Cv-x-ker, ward The award were made on Thursiay by the principals In the sc'aoois, aoJ the essays wer- liiterestinfr.

showini? hiw much the children observed of the exhibits made in the Interest of the prevcctlon and cure of tuberculosis. Other awards wiU be made smonj the school t-flhiren lo. the district reached by th Columbian Cornell school and settlement and in Wi'kintburg. The news cf the successful candidates In those sections will be announced later. mm I the rlve.rmen the prcpose-i tills of the J.a Beile steel works at Stenb'tnyille, ond Wheeling Laka Erie railroad Company at Brilliant and Kuh Run.

were presented and toe board, after hear! tne. aiguments, took the papers arid wiil announce Ha decision later. The board had before protests from tha Pittsburgh coal exchange. Monoaghela Hirer Consolidated Coal and Coiie "Company, Jones" Lauffhi-n Company and Harbor 23, American Association of Msaters and Pilots, against the present location cf the pieis of the county bridge over the Ohio river at The protectants claimed they understood that the piers were to be feet nearer shore than tbf plana oUl for. The board adjourned the hearing, and.

In with the rtvermen and County Oorrrms- si- ners Piioe and Campbell, went to Sewlckley and exe-rnlned the location of the piers, lu-dr the advle of the board, the commissioners agreed to move the plern 50 feet i.e&rer the Sewickiey side. P'ans wiil be prepared for the change and forwarded lo the secretary of war for his approval. Ohio river pilots report a bar forming near the fence at the old dyke the Coraopolls aide at lock No. making it difficult for packets to get by. By sounding, water sufficient to pass has been found on thc right shore side.

The government dredge boats Oswego and Ohio are now working at apttna Inlands and Fish Creek Isiand on the Ohio side of the river. The towboat Sam Brown arrived in the harbor yesterday with empties. "United State? Inspector of Hulls of Steam Vessels W. H. Ciark returned to Point Pleasant yesterday completing the inspection of a large number of life preservers.

The excursion packets Rose Kite anrt Isiand Queen aud barge were busy yesterday in crnveyitisr the public ichool of the Twenty-ninth ward, "Esplen school of the Fortieth ward and the Eighth ward school of Allegheny to Coney Island The packet Virginia Is due to arrive this morning and will depart for the return trip to Cincinnati at 4 o'clock this afternoon. The packet Columbia for Fairmont and PICTURESQCE PI T-EV-BAT. WAP.AS1I EXCURSION JTTI.V 1. LJ0est rate ever offered, Tickets pood returning for 10 days. For full information call at Wabash ticket office, 320 Fifth avenue.

Make your reser'a-tions now. WHEELING SI 50 ROUND TRIP, Pennsylvania Lines. Srniday. Ieave Pittsburgh 7:45 and 9:20 a. m.t city time.

Contribution to thl department roust br tr.a nam aad adJresi th wrJtr to incur attenticn. THREE new kindergartens will be opened in September ty the Pittsburgh and Allegheny Frto Kindergarten association. They will be located in the Roosevelt school in Breed's Hill avenue, in the Fort Pitt school In Greenfield avenue and in the Grant school in Grant ftreet in the downtown district. The three now schools will raive the number of kindergartens supervised by the association to 77. During the past year 1-5 new schools were opened.

Two 'others opened early in the year wore closo.i in a few months. The central hoard of education appropriated tins year to th-j association, which asked for an with the understanding that it would open more kindergartens. The model schools in the Kindergarten coiles'e he-Id its closing exercises on Thursday, special guests during the niornlnsr beiti? th mothers of the children. The other kindergartens tiirrugh-out the city held their closing exorcises on the same dsys as the tipper prades-. All of them, including' the model k.ndr-garten In the college buildinp, wiil open in September with the opening cl the public schools.

The college classes, however, will not beg-in their work until October. Mis3 Elizabeth. Culp, the supervisor, will spend the summer in New Ycrk. She will be at Columbia university, preparatory to takim? up social pettlemtnt work. Mrs.

William McCracken, tho of the association, leaves next Tuesday with her niece. Miss Sara Mar shall, for Pasadena, where they will remain until September. Miss Harriet Mel, the superintendent of the college, i3 now at Manitou Island. and will travel extensively until falh Miss Cass, director of the "mode! klndurJ garten, will summer at Castlne, and Miss Klla Boyce, the newly elected supervisor, will go to the Maine coast for the summer with her aunt, Mrs. David Kirk.

tAr al O) GRANDE POINTE, MICH. mmiz 'ZU'0tm. E' trl I Vr'- a -we- if rA yzt "I 'W -tf fT TT-iv lis t-. ii fc-i hi it ft hi an z. i i aw 2- 7V iw.

-m rw i i i NEV YCRK HOTELS. oreshn New oik's Newest Fireproof Hotel. At tKe centre of TKcatrical snd SKoppifig Disirrids, a-ti-- ct CtmW.buttor.a to this oepartmetit must bar the cam address ta wratw ta Jacwr aua.toa. 1SHOP WHITEHEAD will officials at me lnarrUiKe o. Will II.

Vorsy th, the daughter J.Irs. William 11. Vorsyth, and Charles G. which will take place today ft 12 o'clork in. Sewiekey, where Mrs.

l'p rsytu and hi-r da lighters are occupying a tojse in Rink street, during the The bnde. wiil be given nway by her brother. K'nscil Forsyth, ard Rtlendcd by Miss Margaret II. Forsyth, her lister. There will also be two flower pirls, Miss Hlian Forsyth Brown and Hsrriet WMson Sproul.

both kinswomen. George Breed 55K, own, marriage to Miss Clara Stearns of Cleveland. wsj an event of last M'rt-ony, nhi serve as hi? brother's best man. He and l.w bride, who are on their wed-p'K loumsy arrived Inst right at the Zagr in Fifth avenue. Oakland, to remain Ter t'9 Foisyih-Zuir wedding and visit Mr.

fa other guests from a distance will include Former Justice and -dra Hidrns, the latter an stint Miss Forsyth; another aunt, Mrs Kem-y Coil of Marque te, and Mrs' Jr'iokand of Cleveland, a cousin. yuptfal JS'otes. Assiafed by the Rv. J. TV.

Schwartz, D. th Rev. J. p. lafferty officiated ut tht mar-riap-s of h's sister-in-law, Mis Bertha M.

Ponuey. to Jawe-j il. Miiien pn last Wednesday evening. Tfie ceremony was lolemtii.vj o'clock at the bow of the btide's parents II r. and Mn.

W. Hci.ney, in th your, ecu pie are to it e. A. pretty wedtling- of Thursday evening wag thUt of Nf-ille Liehner and John F. Rl-khcnuer.

which tooK place at the home the bride. Antrim street. Alieirhenv. The Rev. U.

F. Mag-ill of the Sixth t'attJ Pres-bvteran church officiated. The bride was at-t-aled by her sister, Mr. Josephine Osmond, and the groom's bv-it man vas brother, Artsur Rickhtimer. After a trip through the east th9 coir-i ni take up their residence ir.

flaming avenue, Allegheny. Th- home of and Mrs. Wlnfleld Scott Work, ntar Candor, -aaa the scene the wddirg of their daushier. Miss Odessa May, Mid XT. John Sturgeon Hill on last Thursday at noon The R-ev.

Dr. Greer M. Kerr ofTi-ci-ted the presence of a hundred guests, ami the bride was (riven In marriage by her father. rdiss Erinna Work wes her sister's oniy attendant. Mair McDonald Work served r.a rtge and Earl and Alexander Work bearers.

MUs Mary Kerr played the tiMdinj laarrh. After an extended trip lr. Mrs. will make hom4 Cherry Valley. Miss Crarlr daughter of Mr.

and Ms. J. f. Zip-merman, was married Thursday afternoon In the Vint cburth, OnwMbtirg, by the Kev. Dr.

A. Tcunt. Ij the R-v. Aihrrt Keck of Butler. Mr Keric is graduate of col-1K and has been auppiylng the Grace Lutheran church.

Aliebny, for six months. lis reuun to the 1-utheran Theological in the fall and will graduated ii ti. nwlrg. -Uina Eva. Sohrader.

daustter of Mr. and Mrs. George of Slonv Creek townabtp. Cambria county, and Pi of. John Thomson, dire- tor of manual tralnlna; in tna Brald-ck ciicce, were married at the borne cf the bribe's parent Thui.l".y.

Trc-v wiU be at toir.a in aft-ir September 1, Wenrich-Best Wedding. TM evonir.i. at o'clock the marriage cf dr.a Fusion to Harry'1 Best of the Fa-it Knd -Rid rake at the hone of toe bride's parents. Mr. and iirs.

II. enrich, TJoioa ftreet, Wilkinsburg. The Rtv. Lewis r.ofcb. pastor of Trinity Reformed church.

ill officiate, and the attendants viU be Anna Kuston. risrer of the bride, and Hamilton Drown, Wemlch well known in suburban, musical circles, being soprano in the First Presbyterian church of Rraddock. Mr. iest is Cou-uctd wb.a th German f.v!rigs Dpsit bank tfi f'tr. He ia to take his fciiue for a Tur of the treat Sake3, returning to "at bo.ns" after August 1 at iia North-Fairmount street.

Announce Engagement. Mr. and Mr. rnnlel P. Berg of Stanton entertained Informally at tbolr home on 1 hursdar evening, when aitaouncement -was the of their daugbfr leaner Brg, to Dr.

William Kumaer. McCauKland of Duq-josne. The enragement of the joung-cour': i to be followe'd by an autumn wed lisg. Mr. and Mrs.

Ijhn KlmberKn of TTemont street. Ailepheny. have announced the of their daughter, Mlsis Norma, 3i-n Khnbsrin. to Edgar Dwigbt Kaaon, also Allegheny. Young Girls Give Charity Fete.

An aod sucoessftl fete was given "art evemug on he grounda of Grace Fie-Sormod churolj. North Dtthrldse and t-avard streets. proceedi of which ars th tor.efit of the Oakland day nursery. The promoters the benefit was a small club cf ycuo; girls who have been banded together rcr about a yeur to aid thj nursery. The little organization lnrliides Misn Laura Freess, Mir3 McDonald.

Miaa Huth Mclaughlin end Mica V.h-te. Eastern Star Dance. Orient chapter Xo. 23, Order of the Etstrn P'ar. hel a euchre ard da rice yesterday end last at Luna.

Park. The private pavilion crowded to oversowing daring the wish crd luncheon being served effr the prizes eere awarded. 1urmg the enine the floor -aa given c- er to dancing. The effnlr a in charge of F. L.

Graf, A. v. c. Alexander, C. p. and Mrs. L'nha -L Bridge Ptrtic in Shailnsfcle. CharlM A. Hork entertained a brlVe rartv ycBtcrdav a'ternoori at her at tn and Aiken avenues. Ten wre tahet.

1 play r.i ths tliCcrttor. carri cut June roses. Another 1. r.f teas at will be Mr 11. Iiam-rrcra of Clyde atrt-tt.

who wl-i eni.ertaln this fiXternoon. Personal Mention. Clara and Miss FWa Born. da'ightrs ft fo-mer Coepcilrrar. Porn of Rhine tittii.

Airrerv, will leave next Tues lay a of fr nda fee a t.o montne vacatlort jn taiimr In Chic.it3 Lake Ci'y. San Francisco aiid "er wtern vvinta. Lois and Emma In he Xevi'te i'i sperd their va, -arret, on the busetts 't'ff 'ante in hi th cltv until r'-'-'ol-te. the the ft: term on 8 by their funiiy. Mr and' Mrs "''im L.

i tt rbl-v tvpi ve of next e-k for l.a!,e Joseph tr-erf'i. where thy w'o! occupy thir cottage dut-'ns? the suinmer. IL. Keorv A. IavW of Olen wiil "av a werk-end at Fvat.kfort fepringa, chaperoning a party of yom.g 1'eln Davis' Islt-r t' (le Kuov Anriaton Ala Miss tfiaricha King liraprgnr cf Seut-Hev gepe to Irir.aton.nn-the-,';idson ii l-in U'C Klr.g.

whom she iii aecom-rr-y for a trip abr-e 1. Social Xote. Mi's Margaret Ciee cf LRin atr-e Irkley. hr fri rd. is Maroui of Lisbon.

O-. for ii days. A wtilc at Watr W-rka park, mo do up of frnda of Miss Van "leve. will be he1 thin in onor of Mis3 Marquis On Thursday afternoon lra. M.

15. Redman. rf the sch.x:, entertamed th- teathera under her aupei lahni with 'a tay-lii prtv tMvtgh the boulevards and l'a- End arV. tiefrijshmerta were served at Fort I'iu hoeS. A-i wae given yetr.1av by Jr.

W. H. Straw, at her Rellrvue. in honor of Mrs (i Reed ana Miaj Alaste Wat-are cf cth vlj'r-jrs at the S'raw h'-m-s. The of the home uere arried cat with and Am-id-Hr.

Beauty ro-s. who is a ro'er-t irlde. formerly A'h-la cf the Fast Km) Tl.rtioch 8-eeper to T.tKes Tla I. eke Krie. on t'-tdad'nn Lavioc I'uisbtavh dally eye pt H-n- 11 P- m-.

ty time. Arrive Iske a. ta. $1.50 Myers Lake Kelnrct Fourth cf July AVabasb. Spt-oial tia.n biaves a.

cltv tiro. THE BRESLIN HOTEL CO Proprietors baa errsugd a simple and pro-t exam for tne occasion ar. Invitts soy friends of th? itmlon may wl.h to! attend. The chapel has been needed for years and was secured through, altera iirms i nthe the firn floor rooms, partitions having been renrnved. throwing together three separate apartnients.

THE THREE RIVERS The stage of water at Davis Island dam 9 o'tlcck last night vat 5.5 feet and the river was falling. CINCINNATI. June IS. (Sj-eciaD-Al p. m.

today the Ohio river at Cincinnati waa 14 fett 2 inches" on 3 falling. The departures of packets from the port cf Ciit-connett today were; Tacotiia for Foraeroy, Courier for Maysviiie, Levi J. WorJsum ic-r Madison and City of Cincinnati for Louisville. The packets due featurday are: Queen City from Pittsburgh. It.

M. Stanley from Pomeroy. Lizzie Bay from Madison and City of Lcuis-viile from Iulovlile. The Queen City leaves for Pittsbutch Saturday: The H. M.

Stanley leaves Saturday for Charleston. The City of I.oulavi!ie teav for Louisville Saturday. There were towtoat movements in this port today. Cloudy and cool. PARKERSBCRG River ffet and stationary; cloudy and warm; lien Hur left at 9 p.

m. for Pittsburgh. MORGANTOWN P.iver 7 feet and stationary; cloudy. MARIETTA River 6Vj feet ar, I statiomry; shov ers; Ben Hu down, 7 p. m.

WARREN" River 1 foot 5 inobes; clear tmd arm. POINT PLEASANT River 7 feet 7 falling: showers; down. Henry M. Stanley. Queen City; up, J.

T. Hatfield, Kanawha. River 7 feet 8 inches and falling: fair: Woodward dot-n Saturday; Columbia up. OIL CITY River 1 foot 19 inches and falling; clear and warm. GALLIPOLIS River 9 feet 3 inches aud stationary; cloudy and warm.

WHEELING River 6 feet 4 inches and falling; departed, Ben Hur, Farkerburg. 8 a. m. Virginia. Pittsburgh, iO a.

Bessie Smith, Parkershurg-, 11 a. m. Royal CUrington, 4 P. Ruth, Matamoras, 4 p. tip witn empties, W.

O'Neill. 6 p. m. INSPECT THE PIEES. A board of Cnlted States eugiceerg, composed of Col W.

T. Resell of Cincinnati, Maj. H. C. Newcomer and Capt, Frank C.

Boggs of Wheeling, held a aessioa in the 3 ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. THE B0Lf-1 HURST New throughout. Situated on the most central and yet select section, Pennsylvania unobstructed ocean view. Capacity 203.

The very latest and every hotel appointment. Private baths, runrln? water In rooms; spacious porches, amusement haiia, elevator to street, etc. Booklet and special terms upon request. Henry Darnell. Athuatio City.

N. J. Occupies one-half square cf unobstructed bt-ach front WALTER J. BITCHY. NEW It's all New but the Xame, NEW HOTEL ISLESW0RTH On the Boardwalk, In the center of Town, "Where every bite ia a relish.

Come and see the cha.iige. Positively no advance in Rates. WM. HYMAN, Prop'r. W.

F. GREEN, Mgr. HOTEL STICKNEY, Superior location; spacious lawns and open surroundings. Capacity S00. Elevator, private baths, evtetisive porches, etc.

Special, $9 to $15 weekly; $2 to fi dally. L. V. Sttckney. GREEN'S HOTEL Euro- 'lan.

Pirect- Jy on the Ocean Front, hetveeu the two famous piers, tne essence of location. Capacity oOO. Sea and fresh -water baths attached to aultea and public. grill and cafe. HOWARD Wr: GAHR1SON.

HOTEL LAMBORN-, and amusements. Select location. New management. Open all year. Elevator to street-Private baths.

Booklet. O. C. Miller- THE L0RAINE Jr 6ea water baths, "iivate and public. Punning water ia elevator, etc.

Special rates. CHARLES E. WAGNEK. LA FONTAINE- Oceaa End Kentucky Avenue. Best lo-a'icn; modern appointments; superior table; up weekly; $1.60 up daily.

R. B. PARKEft. ftOTJirt So. Tennessee Ave.

near beach. uHO I fW Privilege of batMsg from house. y-oichs. Iarsra rootns. Exceiient table.

1.0 to $2 daily. to $12 weekly. J. J. JOYCE.

I CYlMfSTOM Paciflo and Ark. Av. 1 L.tAll'jU L'i4 B1I. f-om sta. and Young's pier; premises extend to beach: bathing direct from boufe; 7 up weekly.

6 Booklet. PAUL C. ROSECHAN'S. HOTEL PONCE DE LI ON, Virginia at beach, ilodern in appointments. Capacity S50.

Ftrst-ctasa cuisine and sersdoe. Special Spring ratsa. Booklet. A. B.

GP.INDRCD. BERKSHIRE iNN-? Vir ginia Ave. AJ- wr.ya open. Elevator, etc. $3 to $15 -eekiy.

Cap. 300. sth season J. O. J.

3. Dickinson. nPRRY 112 p- Michigan near wHlUtlU I bfach. 51-25 up daily. Special Under new -J KS.

L. K. LOWER. HOTEL 50TIIERN Ocean enl Virginia ave. Lievs'or.

Private Rutba. Run Parlor; ftlway G. L. CAKE. TUP I YRIP Formerly the Krethwaite.

1 South Arkansas near Heading cepct "Rebuilt end furnishe.j S. K. BRETHffAITE, Owner Prop. ROANOKE HOTEL aecoir.mojationj and food tsic'ie. to $14 weekly.

N. a. D1SHL1NO. M'GliiLEY HOTEL 1: Centrally locetad near piers and arroisementa. $1.50 daily, weekly uo J.

ilcGINLEY. NEW 1. 5-story trick, elevator. $2 tin daiH- $19, $12.50 weekly. W.

J. A I 5 MELROSE HALL homelike, near attractions; ezceiient table. 2. FOX. Tys- fTiv'j rv Bo.

Caroiina near nZ 1 i il beach. Steam etc. Special $3 up weekly. MRS. S.

R. A nn vYM So. Michigan ave. Home coni- UUL.I ill rt, daily; $7 up table. up F.

C. V'arburtoa. SH A CK Af AXON Arkansas. nar baa ch. Jd t) 12 weekly.

$1.50 da iiy. ooklet XAR COX.Y AY. HOTEL EN Tt f.UTO.V, TentK-ssee r.v.., house front Beach. Stea.nt fcbt; parlor; elevator; Rates moderate. G.

at ITCH ELL. HILLEK COTTAGE to la N. Georgia fcye. MCfUBUt livlr, ft daii'y; $3 wkly to July 1. J.

F. L. Nixon, i THE WESTMIMST ER- elevator, etc. $8 to $15 weekly, C- Buhre. 1 THE lOl'EHA TermrBsee ave near beach.

Fer-evaied thro-achour, near tr-tina iod trol-jey a. iiRS: M. E. ALLE.iANN. LONG BEACH, L.

LONG BEACH HOTEL Loiiat L. N'ew York- "In Ali tbe World No Beeh Like OfEW Eat pest and moat oelUhtfc'ly located re-sort betel in the world. XJnier ER.rn' t.M the Hotel Em-fire. New Y-rh CUj. lighted throughout by ete rtr'c'tv.

VICTOR PC-KLIN A ORCHESTRA. ilitts. per iIjv uparn. r.ltes p-r w. rk i-'O't: Ii rio'ei i i'- ri.

s. liiM? sppli ItS ti iLat fa ia tj I Mayor Heets Hi3 CaHnet. Mayor "and tne head ot tue mnrt'eipal departmental hau their rsonth-ly session yesterday to way Oi expediting city' matters. The mayor aa-l be would hae" some iafortnatioi refi.trd-ing: the mectirp to giv? out to? TRY THIS FOR A ROSY COMPLEXION The following prosmriptio.i is one constantly prescribed by the most up-to-date physician and i known as the Pasteur formula: Two ounces Esf-ence of three ounces Syrup cf Oln-jrer; one ounce Catandir Corn-pound: mix well and use in 'doses of from ope to two te-spoonfu'-a after each meal; also at ned timu for the first four or five days." Sallow complexion. Lad breath and RC-rvoosnJ55t are caused by imperfect digestion.

which allows poisonous acids to be. ai aorbed into the blood Instead of behigr expelled troutrn bowels. This extremely Oisirefs- i i ine: condition is said to be most effectually removed Vy the of the above prescription. a veil known local drusgist states that he has advised many of ti'a patrons that this formula has exceptional curative power? and that it mkes a pie isant ren-edy to take. The Ingredients van be gotten front any well storked pharmacy and easily ime-i ct home.

1 PACKER'S 1 at m. a ra yv." HA If LiALA to' r.r '-V4 end braau-lsi Ui I hver Fails so Vy1 liair to its Youthful 8'- i NEW YORK HOTELS. BrcaJwa and 29tK Srreer NEW YORK Everything of tKe Bert, and at Reasonable Prices. Single Rocfrs, Rooms wi'rK Bath, Suites with Pailcrs, to meet all requirements.

r-r Ik.e DEAL BEACH, N- J. HATHAWAY INN' AND Deal Beach, N. J. American er.o carte; now open, new $50, 000 casino; ballroom, music pavmon. cwi.nurung tiled bowers.

Booklet- Second -Bon cf E. A. HOWARD. CHICAGO HOTELS. tfo tiOtSi i.

a ri tSuropean Plsr) Chicago Ills. 4 i Offers yon refined, ntiiet and elegant accommodations. Located corner of city'a two finest boulevards, it is con esient to entire business center aod do let theatres at.d shoppini district. roor-s. 150 private baths; luxurious ing aad rocrr.s; woodwork mahogany thronghmtt; Tbrasa bed arid all modem oxjrr.forts: every room; beautiful rooms- trie Dest otevetytasjs atrjoacsats prices.

tUcitlgaa and Jacfeson Ocago. OCEAN STEAMSHIP3. eiore iou bo 8 rr Aproaa Consu this banK about Steamship PasKage. Travelers' Cheques, Lfjtters of Credit. can supply yoi with every-tTilra? 10 make yo-ir trip n's ar.l pleasaDt.

ALL LANGUAGES SPOKEN. The Union Savings CJ" -I talk THICK EUILDLnTr. RIVER PACKETS. Pittsburgh and Cincinnati mt tins ft 2 Eiurslona Eaca SA Week- i iAjL pf travel zvT1Z meal and berth In- ft eluded, for lli CJ. Y'.

FAKE TO fr--T'ijL CINCLXVAII, $7 0 03. A Pittsburgh. Mondava. i Weotisdays and Satuidaya. at 4 p.

f-foot cf Wood bt.eec A J. HLNOLRSN, Phone 1T1 Court. G. P. A- a.

(f TOURS. Ontr CLARE? TENTH AN-rifcLr4 aL CRUitiSi. Feb. 0S, "0 riaya. by i iMiirrtd "AralOc." l5, 0 tons ifi TOUP.3 TO El' it OPE.

KCUNL Tit. WORLD. Hm. il. Ltil.

lime. Pit- J- i.VN C. LAiili, T-o3c Iui'd-ag. il 11 z. -s.

i 3 The Ideal Family Resort on the Great Lakes The Grande Points Hotel who. recently purchased this eleganf property, have nmde it the ideal family Summer Resort of Michijran. Located on River St. Clair, 35 miles north of Detroit, it is reached by eleg-ant steamers or electric tars. from that city.

The Hotel has been euiargred and refurrlshed 160 rooms many with private baths. A commodious porch 300 feet lonir 'fextends-alonjET the, river bank, giving- a panoramic view of all the. shipping, vf the Great Lakes. An elegant lawn several hundred feet In extent stretchca to the beach. A beautiful park of forest trees, ten acre in extent, adjoin itpr the hotel, and equipped with swinrjs, gives comfort and pleasure to adults and children.

The Grande 'Points Farm owned by the Hotel supplies nil varieties of fruit, vetretablea, Jersey milk, cream, eggs, butter, fresh to the table daily. The Coolest Summer Hotoi the Groat Lakes. Amusements Tennis, Howling-, Fishing-, Bathing-, Sailing-. Lancing, Driving-. Bicycling-, Automobiiiry, Billiards, etc Elegant steamers (.3,000 passengers capacity) ply between Detroit and Grande Point e.

Rates $2.0 to S3 per day, $15 to 17.50 per weei. Room? with private baths extra. Send for handsome iliaatrated Booklet frt-a. Open. Jttne 17.

Address GRANDE POINTE HOTEL Grande Points, Mich. (Via Detroit) Minding Up Department Work. The last rnetinsr of the board of directors of the Civic Club of Allegheny County until September was held yesterday afternoon In the club rooms in tha Apollo bunding-. Reports were presented from every department, closing the work of tha club -for the season with the exception of the legal aid, the child labor and the charities orjf-ntza tlon committees, which will early ia July. most ln-terostinf: reixTts presented wa that on anti-expectnration, the pasaga of the ordinance and its erforcement bavins' teen the aim of the ciuo for a number of years.

Alterations will be made In the rooms in the Apollo building. These, will be completed by 18, when active work will be resumed. Chairmen of Committees. The following women have been to direct the five departments of the Woman's club of SewicKley valley for the following year: Home. Mrs.

Samuel GUsoit; education, Mrs. Frederick Jone; literature, Mrs Charles MoKnight; philanthropy. Mrs. Ralph Harbison, and periodicals. Mn.

Albert Moore. The club will resume Its meetings in October. Will Dedicate Chapel. The new chapel In the Protestant Home for Incurables, Butler and Fifty-fifth streets, wilt be dedicated tomorrow at 3 o'clock. The board of managers GRANDE POINTE, MICH.

ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. GnfiHD'nLfiHTIO HOTEL Virginia ave. aud tUe ieach. Under entire Lew management.

S50 beautifully furnished rooms en suite with hath, hot and cold water attached to aii baths. Also public hot sea vater baths. Pnonea In rooma. Music and social til versions. Terms, American plan.

$2.50 per day up; $12.50 weekly up. European plan, 11.50 per day up. Garage. Charles E. Cope, proprietor, formerly ct Kdt-tatinny.

Delaware Water Oap. Pa. NEW HOTEL 0STEND. Occupying whole block of ocean front (Chelsea- end) Atlantic City, N. J.

New management. beautiful rooms, M0 with private hatha, fresh ana aea water. Indoor sea water bathing pool. Dressing rooma for aurf bathing. Handsome pavilion adjoining the Boardwalk, Dirdna: room overlooks oceea.

Orchestra. Special June and Ju'y terms. Booklet. Autos meet DAVID P. RAHTER.

Manager. HOTEL JAGKSOH Fireproof. Virginia A vs. and Eeacn. Opposite the Fteel Pier.

Special June rates. 12.50 per week up. $2. B0 per dav up. American plan.

Refurnished throuKhout. Finest cafe in the city. Excellent cuisine. Music. JOHN CRUST3.

HOTEL IROQUOIS, Ocean end South Carolina sve. center of attractions; an ideal modern hotel, ranking with the bet houses; capacity 4 00; rooms single or er: suite, with private bath; ele- vator to street level; extensive porches, or-I chestra, spsscial terms $10 up week ly; open ail year; booklet mailed. W. F. SHAW.

NEW MOTEL HIPOLF Directly on the beach. 400 rooma, Ei'O with fresh and salt water hatha attached. American and European plan cuisine a specialty. Newly renovated and decorated and new management. Personal direction of JOL HILLMAN, proprietor, s'so proprietor of Harvey's famous restaurant cf Washington, D.

C. The new and popular feature of this hotel is the red rambler grill. HOTEL MERVINE- Flreproof. New Yrk A ve. 1st house from heath.

Rooms en eulte bath. Every moCern apaointment and comfort. Finest cuisine and service Hates $2 up daily. $10.00 vp weekly. Free bath bouses.

K. EBL1LS. HOTEL NEW ENGLAND. South Carolina Ave. and the teach; near piers and attractions; large, sunny rcoma, private baths, elevator, and parlor.

Capacity 3 SO. Table and erviee supertor." Fpclal SurSng terms PRY AN WILLIAMS. THE CLIFTON- Corn, and Atlan- Superior secern. 7 to $12 wkly. Exce-hmt heme cooking.

Desirable for farriliea Trolleys cirect to all It. R. siationa and betch. C. A.

SKAW. -u-i V. HOTEL to beach, and eriractiona. Capacttv The leading hotel at $1 1 veeMv. Private hatha eievatcr.

southern exposure" open suiToundiDgs, etc. O. H. Gut'triiVe HOTEL MAJESTIC-SI- to Steel Pier. Ocean View, Elevator, private baths.

(IS are.rv Ji r. Book! fAMvr.i P- ELI .13. HOTEL iMPERIAL-'-VACH 1 tTEEJtr "INHjS nATHiiG. Pvery a. uaTtS: "out-rats P.itta.

J. ii.I';.N L-UiCiC tst -w -wwi aa 1 I i mm ht ai i a tv; mm i eik rn nhR HOTEL f.Vo. 2o5S.) A Frctty Jumper Dress The fashion for dresses has won much popularity and one of the recent designs for su.h a dr-ss is shown. The jumper portion Is very ohlc in its long siiouldcrs and deep round neck and the two plaits at either Ride-over the shoulder provide a modish fulness for the front and excellent lines for the back. The skirt Is a soven-pored one, with two side p.aiis at rach seam and finished in round length.

The dress may be made of a lioou, madras, chanibray, pongee, taffetas or cloth and prove very practical and pretty completed by a guimpo of some sheer white fabric. The medium sizo calls for yards of S2-inch goods. JvS5 sizes, 32 to 4-1 inches, bast measure. The prico of these patem is at 10c, Gazette Times Pattern Order Pattern Department. The Gazette Times, Pittsburgh, Pa.

Enclosed find ten cents for ichich send me patter No Size. Age. Name Street City State. name and eddfess plainly, and in pattern for child's garment is wanted, give age. $.

CILtCTACQUA LAKE $4.00 YVrek-Knd Tri8, Via Pennsyivanla railroad. Tickets are sold from Pittsburgh and East Liberty for Friday afternoon and evening trains; ail trams Saturdays and Sunday morning train, fand will be good returning leaving Mayvilie until the following Tuesday. Man's i. woTRsnop Is Filled With Labor-Savers 5I1U1 I LUIS dllU lliipiUVCIiiCUla a-plentv. But v.rhat has genius done for WOMAN? Think it over.

Coffield oripnated the "Automatic Laundress." It's the big-gest success woman's world has seen. A Self-running washer that washes blankets, comforts, lace curtains and everything else in the wah-day category. The Cof-neld is the original motor-washer. It has stood the test of institution work as- well as home laundry work for three years that means something to you. Its durability has been proven.

City water runs it. No washboard; no boiling; -no rubbing. The Coffield washes clean. The results are speedy and satisfactory. Only one way to prove our Have us place a washer rirht in your laundry on trial.

Give it a rigid -test. Then, and only then, will you know the true merits of the Cofileld Motor P.J. Coffield Son, 02 FIFTH AVENUE. PITTSBURGH, PA. Bell Phone, 18 Grant.

JlFciShg LBTTIH! TUB Wf irht 18 lbs. Costs httle. r-Mx Rerjuires little ttitsr. Write for apetial offer. v.

l. iRtn. 10:1 Cimmber Xew York City. SUrEilrLUGUS.UAm f-T. PI HFbCTTLY KtMOVKO I a fill I 1 have a safe and positively i X3 ar.

to take hairs off FVce, Keck ard Arm OHF.VKK. I have the TRUE LCKET. Writefor information 1 nd V7 i FKFK. I1ELUN IHtU'CLAS 20 Em 22 St. Dtpt a a NEW YORid 3 Se '4- ASBURY PARK, N.

J. 'Northt Jersey Reatity Spot. A -aTfe 4 a4 aiJa, For hotel rates, time tables, address Publicity Bureau, 500 Matti3n Anbury Park. Illustrated booklet of the resort will be furnished upon receipt of five cents postage. THE BERWiW Asbury Park, N.

J. Absolutely fim-class; elevator to street level; rooms en suite, with bath. S. BAKER BUOOTC3. THE LEADLEY, Asuury Park.

V- Fourth one block from ocean. 37th season. Now open. Probst Lcadley. New House.

New Furnishings ThrourhouC Cap. 150. Phone 565. M. E.

BABCOsJK- HOTEL PARK VIEV- CT'J utes to beacii. Facing park, ocean to east and lake west. Capacity S50; rooma en suite with private baths. M. Eroomail.


Dtreeliy on the beach. Bockieb CLEMENT ft CLEMENT. OSBORNE HOUSE i 2121. Near beach; moderate; booklet If. WEES FORD.

NEW PHILADELPHIA, 21 on beach. Unobstructed view ocean and Auditorium broad verandas overlooking sea. Mrs. Coi. United States Hotel-- Uiiobetr icted ocean view.

Rates, $10 to booklet. F. B. CHAilEEIiLIN. OTD'TCnRn L4IN AVENCE.

3ra ncor Olnrtlf UtlJ troui Ocean. Good labia. Peasonable. 60 rwrai A. W.

LYJAN. tH'MtlCDI Ocean Pathway. Hear beach. table uoaurifi seed. Telephone, ilay to Baths.

IT. H. ALCOCK. TUC non the beach. I Hi.

Capacity lune to Oct. DuokleL S. HAYNES. THECOLONIAL-T- ce view of ocean from clous verandas. Booklet.

SPRING LAKE BEACH, N. J. Wilburton-by-tlic-Sea r-irectly ca cccao; elevator; hot and cold tea baths; suites with bath: seas-n to October. A. C.


Opens June iStn, Finest Cnly trick hotel here. Capacity SCO. i 1 HE VIRGINIA. Ocean end of Jjickson atreet. Open all the year.

Private hatha. HALPIN. LONGPORT, N. J. THE DEVONSHIRE, Long-port.

N. J. En-ODstrueted ocean view Jrora every rocm; every appointment and Special rates to Juiy la. Pookiet. W.

BOIC. SEA GIRT, N. J. BEACH beach; grandest loc-ttlm on the Jersey' Coast. FMVorlte military Moderate rates.


at I i ATLANTIC CITY, H. J. On the Ocean Front. HOTEL XKAI'JIOilK. With Its manidcent 10-atory fireproof addition, presents the finest equipped and most modern of Atlantic City's leadlns hotel Euperlativa in construction, appolnt-loent and service.

Guests rooms averaging 1 feet square and each with full ocjs.q view. Private hatha, fresh and aea water attached to each room, fpaoious solarium and conservatories on roof. HlKh-ciass orchestral concerts daily. Golf privileges to Kuestu. Capacity 60.

Illustrate'! booklet upon request Traymore Hotel Co. D. 8. White, President. Chaa.

O. Marquette, Manager. HOTEL i'S. And magniiicent i.reproof Annex. Teoties-aee avenue, near beach.

Opposite Protestant and Catholic churches. A new mod-ern, up-io-data hotel. Es-tra large rooms. Private baths, telephone, xnetai Oels, excellent table. Altered water, poultry and freeh vegetables from our cn faima.

Fin-eat of meat guaranteed by daily veterinary inspection. Capacity 450. While nervloe. Special rates. JS to 17.50 weeklv; $1.50 to $1 lallv.

BooVlet. R. LLTDY. D. THE ALBEWARLEla high-class family house, new throughout Capacity 400.

O.Ters special low rates for July of JS. $10, $12.50 weekly; L00 up daily, for large, cool front rooms, metal beds. Excellent table e-bundantly supplied with fresh mlik. eggs, poultry a'td vereta-b'-ea from own fsrm. Attentive hite service.

Elevator to ad floors. 4.000 ft. wide cool porches "Booklet. Saturday to ilm-iay, S3. 60.

H. B. KING. Mgr. J.

P. THE FR0NTENAC STJS tJ ei 100 bf-ach. lentrsil tn Attractions. mrKle-m. 1 hotel, as.

goc3 as tSe best. Capacity T'-i mslfA July; SS tip weekly; J1.50 up dally; to Monday, 3, including larg 'Xiean view rooms, metal heua, elevaior, OatfjS, superior cooking, fine table, white service, wide, cool porches, overlooking ocean and Booklet. W. WATTS, THE ST. CHARLES ATLANTIC CITY, 3.

Most seict location on the ocean front, distinctive for" Ita eiegance, exc'uslveness; high-class patronase and lit eral management; orchestra of M.loists. Sea water in all baths. Illustrated booklet. KEWL1N" HAINES. HOTEL SCARBOROUGH UtafU proist anrt Maryland Aienue.

Between piers, center of ail attractions. A4- Joining best bathing beach EeiSent ocean I front rooma, connecting. Elevator to street level. Private tuuie. Finest French 'Vulaine.

Weekly rs.Us, $12.55 up; daily, $2.50 up, American plan. Manstr-iment of ALFRED VVYMAX, Owner. i i i HOTEL RALEIGH Most and at- priced hotel, centrally located on the beach. Accommodations, service and cuiyn. exesl any in town at aimilar p-icts.

Frefch and alt water baths, elevator, etc. Capacity 4Co). Rates extremeiy 'ow. Booklet. 11.

J. DTNE3. HOTEL HYGEIA New Tork PaciSe A -con verde.nt to piers sad amusements. Special famliy and spring rates. ip weekly.

High service. Booklets. Cnop Suey served by Coaog, -chi! of mikado, in Japanese garden of hotel. The novelty of the eaaan. August Huhwadel.

A. M. Hochstadter. HOTEL KM-. VERNON.

1 Paclflc and Ave ar.d Touni; pirn-- Car to ity no. Evory il -ptdnt Kievtor, prU atc baths, ec., i up naefc'-y. Heavy R. Cfstt-tt STERLING SILVER, all stles; CUT GLASS, FANCY GOODS, CLOCKS.

JS.WELRY, ETC. Special prices for wedd'ng stason. Jewelers' Perse nl Inspection Invited. $rM JHil WHOLESALE JEWELERS, Ckrimr FIf lit Ava, noil SraiihlioIiS Seccnd Floor, Park GuHdin-i..

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