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The Wichita Eagle from Wichita, Kansas • Page 4

The Wichita Eaglei
Wichita, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

gpzc mitMta nalt Mxxntlzaj 20, 1902 WITH CULINARY' OF SEVENTIES Twelve of Wichita's Original Settlers STORIES OF EARLY DAY It is a fact that many times Juries are empanelled to try cases when the attorneys on one side know that the jury will never get to decide the case. The attorneys think they may take the case to the supreme' court are beaten, and there are more chances to work in objections when the case is tried before the jury than when tried by tho court. Their knowledge of the ruling of the courts makes it almost certain that a demurrer to the evidence submitted by the plaintiff will be sustained. In some of the cases which a jury was empanelled to try they sat patiently for more than a day listening to the evidence, and Just the plaintiff would say that his evidence was all in Judge Dale would order the jury to return a verdict for the defendant, without ever leaving the box. Arc Tn and a Rinh Hanflilfif I In other i.

th Jur' hBd to return a Crowns Evening. Twelve of the men who have made "Wichita's history, men who settled on these plains over thirty years ago, men who are now reaping the harvest of their sawing, it -was of this kind of hardy oak timber that the small group was composed that met at Mr. Robert Lawrence's house on Xorth Topeka rvenue erdict arrived at by the judge. The average juror in the district court is always very anxious to secure the good opinion of the judge of the court. He knows that he has sworn to try cases according to the law and the evidence, and he understands that he must tako the evidence submitted and his law from the instructions of the court.

The jury always listens attentively to the reading of the instructions of the judge, and then when they go to the jury room each one of them usually reads them over again, and when the jury docs not readily arrive at a verdict the instructions last Eight, to enjoy each others fa- of the court cuts considerable of a fig-miliar words of Kood cheer and stories of ure in the discussion in the Jury room. the seventies. It was a bachelor's supper, given In honor of Mr. B. F.

Pewey, who is visiting his brothers this city. NV-vr-r was a more enjoyab'-- supper given, and never again will such a rongrss of Wichita eari be bUi'ii together. The real fplrit of the evening evinced Itself whn the guest? w-re ushered into i. spacious d'ring room. The threshold of the marked th.

line between the present and the seventies. In the c-nter th room sat a large table, bare of covering except a few candles stuck in the necks of bottlt s. that oast a dim and flickering light over all. By this uncertain light one could hardly riistin- It is the intention of Judge Dale to al- ways have two juries ready so that one can be hearing a case while another is out making up its verdict. There were thirty-six jurors drawn for the regular Jaunary term.

Some of them did not serve and others were drawn. If the whole number had served the twenty -two days the entire cist to the county for I ftes would have been 51,534. and In addi-, tion to this some of the jurors who lived in the country were allowed mileage. It will be seen from this that the court is not so expensive as many people are led to believe. A DOCTOR'S BAD PLIGHT.

"Two years ago, as a result of a se- msh tho objects of the room, but the Vere cold, I lost my voice," writes Dr. M. L. Scarbrough of Hebron, Ohio, "then began an obstinate cough. Every remedy known to me as a practicing physician for 35 years, failed, and I daily grew worse.

Being urged to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, I found quick relief, and for last ten days have felt better than for two years." Positively guaranteod for Throat and Lung troubles by Gehring's Pharmacy, 50c and $1.00. Id familiar forms of the settler? were asily distinguishable as they forme 1 a al'oul the table. There were Kobert I a wren ce, B. F.

Dewey, J. P. Allen, Jaiiies II. Black, Alma Dodge, Nirk Dodge, John McCormick, Charles Lawrence, H. H.

Dewey, Judge "VV. C. Little, Judge I). A. McCandlass and W.

Dewes Tin plate? were brought on, and tin cups of coffee. "With rusty knives and forks they got away with many a flap- PTOothered with old New Orleans THREE PETITIONS FOR DIVORCE iroIasss that tasted so good that the Mack coffee was hardly necessary to 1 0ne Woman Alleges Husband Tried to vash it down. When the candles had burned low and th heaps of flap-jacks had been reduced t'i nearlv nothing, a press of the button For Bilious snd Nervous Disorders, such as Wind and Pain in the Stomach, Sick Headache, Giddiness, Fulness and Swelling: niter meals. Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flushings of Meat. Loss cf Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costiveness, Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and ail Nervous and Trembling Sensations, Tilts First Dobo will Biva Relief In Twenty MInulea.

This is no fiction. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one Box of these Fills, ond they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX." BEECH AM' 3 FILLS, taken as directed, will quickly restore Females to complete health. They promptly remove any obstruction or Irregularity of the system. For a Weak Sfomaehi Impaired Digestion," Disordered Liver they act Hire magic a few doses will work wonders cpon the Vital Organs Strengthening the mnsctilar system; restoring the long-lost Coraplexion; bringing back the keen edge of appetite, and arousing with the Rosebud or Hcslth the whole Energy of the human frame. These are "facts" admitted by thousands, in ail classes of society, and one of tho best guarantees to the Kervous and Debilitated is that Bcacham'x Pills tho larcesS Salo of xny Patent Msdialnm kt the World, Full directions with each box.

Prepared only by THOMAS BEECHAM, St. Helens, Enffand 365 Canal St.New York. Sold EvsrywhGPOs in Boxes, cents srsti 23 cents MR. AND MRS. HENRI APPY TEACHERS OF VOCAL, PIANO, VIOLIN AND THEORY OF MUSIC StudioCrawford Opera House.

A limited amount of season tickets for the remaining three concerts to be given by the Wichita Symphony Orchestra will be for sale at Mr. Appy's studio, at $1.50 for each season ticket, above address. 115 New Store 115 a This store Is demonstrating every day that goods and prices count most in modern merchandising. Advertising (watch our windows), location, and many other tilings are Inter-dependently related to results, but the. and character at the goods, o8d the prices they are sold at, are of first import-ance.

This store seeks more business on the basis of your self-interest, and asks you to come here because It will pay you. Investigate. Burn House Down, Three petitions for divorce were filed in the district court yesterday and another was granted. The one granted was en- and thirty years The room be- "ea ieitwicn vs. Geo.

Lefi-tame an inviting spectacle of a rich ban- wlch. cjuet. The tables were spread with all Mrs- Lizzie Robinson filed a petltio for the daii tirs of the dar, and all required separation from Mr. John Robinson. She of the guests was that they have a good savs they were arrled in this city in time and furnish a story of early days, now have three hildren, for the There was not a one but that respond- custody of which she asks.

Alleged to requisites. It can har.ily be ty is the cause of action, s.iid tb these. Ftories were told as a part Mrs. Laura Gilbert asks for a divorce Wi' hit i history, as will be seen by I from Mr. Charles A.

Gilbert, alleging ex-the rented by Mr. Allen. treme cruelty on his part saying that he He said it was at the time of Jack had threatened her life and had, on April Ledforr" I Jack was a tiie most "pernte typ-- He would firht to the rh if officers ever atirnpt'-rl 1 li.ui. It was that a wat nnde upon fill frood itizens of Wichita omo out organize to catch 1.. Mr.

All-n de-ri'ired that there wi" other good liizena for this Tvork who perform tii. st-r-Mce bftt'i' 'nn he, ti 5-ojight from in st.n'k h-fk of his st- nd who snoiiit) find lb, attempted to set fi re to her home, succeeding in so far as burning some furniture; that he threatened also to shoot her neighbors. Phe says they were married October and have two children of the ages of and 3 years. Mrs. Emma J.

Longlands asks to be legally separated from Mr. Percy Long-lands. She says they were married in July 18SJ and have th rep children of the ages of VI and 15. She alleges cruelty as caue for the separation. Wm.

His hnt Rlnr-lr Alr-ia rinrifp I ormirk. Dodge, k. Dewey. Rob- I WHERE'S THAT SORREL GELDING ert Lawrrne, H. H.

Dewey, Judf-' Little ani J-i-lge The per wound with a of grape .1. aeoordirg to Judge 'anrt-las, Wiiii sjvs it, uifrmentid, was ery s-'t nd palat Dudley Seeks to Recover Horse In City Court. Mr. William Dudley yesterday made i complaint in the city court against a man named Smith, whose flrpt name Mr. Dud-I ley was unable to gi e.

The complaint charges Mr. Smith with embezzling a forrel gelding belonging to Mr. Dudley. But Twelve Cases Were Submitted to I The, horse is described as being about 15 Them n-ipinn T-r, a ears oia wiui one wnue nind root and "Elite" Petticoats None others like them, none so good. Just received a new lot, so have plenty of them, and pretty ones, too, and priced right JL00 to J4.75.

Shirt Waists Two lots, two prices, many kinds and $1.00 for 68c; 90c, D0c, for 43c, Monday. Shoes Foot comfort is a bargain at any price. Our offer for Monday is com- fort, quality and low price. Just to get you started in our Shoe department, will give you the following prices Monday: 5150 Shoes for $1.15: $3.00 for 51.00; $2.50 for $2.00: $3.00 for $3.50 for $4.00 for $3.00. These goods have not been out of the factory six weeks.

laces and Embroideries Hand in hand go Laces and Embroideries with Wash Goods. Vast preparation in the latter naturally call for a corresponding stock of the former. The store abounds in just such offerings that this weather would sugggsL The material and trimmings for your Spring Gown can be bought nowhere else so wisely and economically as here Laces Silk Galloons 10c Cotton Galloons 6Uc Narrow. Medium. Wide.

A large range of prices. Embroideries Cambric Edges, 2c to 65c Swiss Edges, 2c to 50c Cambric Swiss Insertions. Cambric Braiding. Cambric Sets. Cambric and Swiss Allovera.

Plauen Trimmings Linen Color 1 Cream Color. White. Black. All prices and widths. Wash Joods Grenadines 50c Bordure 20c Linen Batiste 1 25c Deutelle Raye 20c Windsor Papillion 22c Pourt De Bruxelles 22c Tolle De Sole 20c And many other popular kinds.

JURY HAS BEEN DISCHARGED Judge IMe discharged the regular jury on Thurr i.ty morning of this week. The jurors perved twenty days for the January term of It was a short worth about $50. It Is said on good authority, that 4ast fall Mr. Smith came to Mr. Dudley and wanted to borrow a horse for a little rm cf co'irt so far as Jury work was work he had to do.

Mr. Dudley, out of the kindness of his heart, let the man have one of his horses and offered him the other if he was using neither at the time. A couple of weeks later, it Is said, that Mr. Dudley went after his horse, but Smith did not have it. The question now Is, where is that sorrel gelding with one white hind foot.

d. When iflge Reed ws? on the bench In liis the court was go much behind with the cases that a iury wax kept rart of the ear. but now the co' ket well up a short rm of nrt FiiTi. cs to try jury eas' 111'1 -n'lihers of th for the te-m ot court erv greath snr- rriped the sma i number of cats Many so-called "bitters" are not medi- n'ich they wrre to pass upon. cin8- simply liquids disguised, so as 11.

ere twelve irics rmpauelled and t0 cvad the Prickly' Ash Bitters is not one of this class. It ls-strlctly a medicine, acting primarily on the kidneys, liver and bowels, and for the dangerous diseases that attack these organs it Is a remedy of the first grade. There Is nothing objectionable lit Its taste, it has an agreeable flavor and Is acceptable to the most delicate stomach. that 'Ut tb riilct ere 'J n. -sac Mar rwny Tr.ey ptornt rsee.

i r. i aes Imut ted to them. re only to rep'Vr a i al iut ei. i i them. Thre is.

a lor trial jury ti rm of the uiirt. tlu-se. Itlril cr tech 1 point. juro-- wonder whv so witl from -i the renrt ami the oas- i li.l not i ctses n. MANY ARE GOING reach tne jury room for a deci-i on- Men's Underwear We want you to look at it.

Look at the inside, as well as the out; no- tice tho general finish, and tell us if you have seen a better line In Wichita for 25c and 50c. I Belts If All dry goods houses carry belts, of course, but all dry goods houses do not carry the assortment that we do. Tho prices vary according to the quality. You will get full value at any price. Some like to buy Belting by A the yard.

We have the latest ont-25c, 35c, 40e and 50Ci n.n.iisneru Goods Co ii 115 East Douglas, South Side Summer Vacatio OfRLD RY White Ribbon Remedy' Can be Given in Glass of Water, Tea or Coffee. Without Pa tient's Knowledge. White Rib f.roy the sUmular ftrnifid drinker 1' vers Endorsee ma i ntm -t-l lire ale. i is a Nicmt cf W. C.

Odd Fello-ws Propnrinjr for Time at Kinsrinnn, The Odd Fellows will celebrate the 83d anniversary of the organization at Kingman April 26, and if there Is as much interest taken in the event in other towns as then is here in Wlhita. there will he a hot time in Kingman. It is expected that more than 300. accompanied by Sanford's band of eighteen pieces, will leave here for Kingman on the morning of the 26th over the Missouri Pacific, They are al- 000'0-00eyyOO ready completing their arrangeme'nts for i A the trip ard 3. M.

Kerr has been ap- pointed of the day. He has given a orders for those who will go to Kingman I to meet t-i the hall of lodge. 296 at 7 viixk a. m. next Saturday and marvh to the Pacific depot, headed by Loige No of this city will exemnlifv A 1 ree Kingman and lodge the second degree.

The mem'-ers the ir.ler r. takinr srreat int' rest li the Kin; m- sr ind ih'-y pi prepared to have a good me. Tie V-ssouri Paclf.c has prcvtnisxl i of cars and they iil at the party hack Sunc" Teachers who are contemplating a betterment of their position will make the best investment possible if they take a commercial or shorthand course. Teachers may select their own branches. Special classes, special branches, special rates to teachers.

4 f4? fit fi ft" ftf ft ft" ft" ft" fi ft fl. ft fi ffa ft fi fi l- l- -I- -T 't- l- -1- Butterlck's Paper Patterns Large Metropoli-J tan Fashion Book Reduced to 10 cents. Mat! Order De-partment Or-ders Promptly 7 and CarefuHy Filled. -f Write for Samples. t-c a e-io 9 ft ef-3 v-l Plilow TOpSe.e The fifty and sixty cent kinds at thirty-nine cents.

On Wednesday we will offer one hundred and fifty assorted Lithograph Pillow Tops and Backs all new. Subjects beautifully executed. The regular price is 50c and 60c for top and back. QQp Choose, Wednesday, at Ovlr See north window. is tfi igi ife if i tff tf Jb? tj-; 4 A Snap in Boston Bleached Sheeting Sale Wednesday Wednesday we will place 1 on sale twenty pieces (about 1,000 yards) Boston 8-4 (two yards wide) Bleached Sheet- ing, one of the best brands of Sheeting that money will buy and sold in a regular way at IT 22 1-2 and 25c yard.

A for tunate trade happening ena- bles us to let you choose 17a I Wednesday, at, per yard. 1 Ti tf Women Tailored "Tailored" expresses their appearance; neat, dressy; not ornate; not tawdy; not severe; not prim; simple elegance; simple grace; stylish, too. Knack created them, We look to all the details and finish that are necessary. Here are two lots FIRST Wrapper Suits of etamines, canvass, cheviots and homespuns in grays, navy, black, brown, castor and tan mix, made with eton, blouse and straight front jackets, single and double breasted; $16.50, $18.00 and $20.00 at H' SECOND These are Suits of homespuns, van-vass; etamines, mistral and cheviots in navy, tans, castor, gray and green; jackets made blouse, eton and straight fronts; skirts of the latest and most wanted shapes. (JM Q95 $25.00, $27.50 and $30.00 values, at.

$lJ SKIRTS All-wool Dress Skirts, a beautiful line at $3.95, $4.95 and others up to $27.50. Silk and Lace Net Skirts, from $8.75 to $50.00. S8L A superior line Colored Waists. of White and Fancy Colored Waists of percale and madras, beautiful designs, nicely trimmed, at 39c, 4-7c, 65c, 75c and on up to $3.75. The new ideas in White Linen and Lawn Waists, some with elbow sleeves, from $1.25 upward.

fi The New Ones Are Here Lisle, milanesc lisle and silk; a grand assortment in all sizes and colors. Ladies' Lisle Gloves, an excellent quality, in black, white and tan At 25 Cents Ladies' Milanese Lisle Gloves, the best fifty cent Glove made, in white, black, gray and modes At 50 Cents Ladies Silk Gloves, two clasps, in greys, black, white and modes; a well finished Glove, CA-usually sold at 75c. Our price QUU Ladies' Silk Gloves, three clasps, in white, black, greys and modes; the best Glove ve know of. Price There II Be i Sot Selling Misses' Lisle Gloves, assorted tans, two buttons. At 25c and Misses' Silk Gloves, three-clasp, in white and tans.

Price 100 35c 50c iilinery News The best news we know of in this most popular department is that the sales arc more than double those of a year ago, which is the best evidence that we are right on the Ar Hat question. If you have not already done so, we would be pleased to have you make this department a visit. If you do, you'll be sure to purchase and we will try to make the selection of your new Hat both pleasurable and profitable to you. NOTIONS AND NECESSITIES Perhaps you have been waiting a chance to save some money. Here's your chance: White Cotton Tape, half-inch wide, in family rolls of 36 i yards; per roll iUu One inch wide, same st Ofjn above Cmjj Another lot of Fine Pearl Buttons.

Two and Four Eye Buttons, sizes iQ to 54, the 10c grade at, per dozen Fish EyeHalf Ball Buttons, sizes 12, 14 and 16, the 15c "7 1 grade; at per dozen 2 SOAP SNAPS Soaps made by Andrew Jcr-gens, the celebrated Soap makers of Cincinnati Savon, Zerona, Violctte de Parrac and Carnation Petais, all 25c 1 JT -Soap, at, per box I TOILET WATER Woodworth's best Blue Lilies, Rose Imperial, Violets of Sicily and Peau dc Es- Cfjp pagne; 75c size, at wUO The largest and best 10c 5 Chamois you ever saw. PARASOLS Fashion's Fancies An exhi-bition of Hi what's to be the thiag tn a a sols. Odd con-ceits. some of them, but fashion follower must have one store for odd things. We will be glad to show them, whether 1 1 you cray or jusi ioox.

Ladies' Parasols, pi-ua and fancy, from 85c to $18.00. Carriage Parasols, from $2.50 to $5.00. Children's Parasols, from 10c to $3.00. -a frLK 1 -i'. rk.

sk. aVxo -4 At the Tornado Monday NEW FEATURE IN CASE T- ---A Beet Veneered Chair "Seat, any tae. Monday 12 Qothea for Carilas Irons, any size 0 12 Safetyi Pins, any sixe Scrub Brush, any sir S-Hole Muffin Pans Rubber Dren Shielda i Kickle-Platea Ttaapoons 06 i Iron-Plated Teaspoons ffi 2 Heavy Glass Tumblers -06 Good Brsh Out ct Suht Mouse G3 2 Papers Brass Pics tor 05 Window Shades Best Quality Felt Shades 4 Best Quality Felt Shades. feet long. Monday Beet -FcKt Linen Shade J3 4 1 i.

1 i i fr.r.- Mrs. Hovey Claims to be Foster's Bon-eficiary. -w to Ft -ase oiaja) iv: tl.t i iul 4n-r two eons were benefidSsiB- i "When the caee was on tri.u the. uro- I Specials, From 8 to Ii a. m.

uimo Red chteSa 2 Pan- Rf-clcfnrd ti i tiia: r- Ox th- 1 r-" it was. iwaKer. attorney for John Har- ti he fornado 3 ie Yards H-n catieo IS Taris Havy BrowTj MaaUn Ail ie Riuboas. to on Guess Kerngerators an Gasoline Stoves Whn f.t Biasee. We haTe the i-stnirpntJi for d-rtr-rmfriBS and crrctinr and all defects of viaio.

No nsirtr the nature of ywr it clasps doa salt ycu jrtevy. call on us. We Fit Any Eye That Responds to light I Tou are ir.v-ted if raii. "We deUgfct In sbovtoc our stethods sad eeuipaMat-Orer Eat Lmtgi-i W. REED, Oph.

D. Over xi8 East Douglas Aveoue. 8 Are the two lias that tts bia ia. Tht QUICE 2BAL and JHWBL Gasollae Stores sxe t-aro items of the gr? auer we bsadle that vrc belie -re tod kaotr arc 'h be' These stores are sands by peopls bo bare nt-zit ht gasoline for jresrs aad yous sad bcrre the cookiog vorld by their g-xvet sseeest. As to Reirigerators tfes JkLhBKr.

has the ass: i s-siial points tha takes to 4 asd thtt is fascia! ten sad circa foe, sad be ALhZZh. both. Crae is asd let as show 70a ths Alaska. Ural SELLERS OF EVERYTHING BUVS FOR SPECULATION that after seeing it snd stria; ths erpinsd to 70a 1 bre as n'zzz as tft A. tk Haythom Sons Mercantile HS Easi Dotiai G.


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