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The News from Frederick, Maryland • Page 10

The Newsi
Frederick, Maryland
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I I THE DAILY NEWS, FEEDERIOK, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1932. HEARD IN Everything Deperds On The Rope! Four Testify In Smithsburg Bank Trial Here. RESUME!) ON THURSDAY I Sour more w.tnesses testified in case of the People SanMng Company, Sralthsburs. see'sing to have its merger veth the closed Central Trust Company set asice. the I day, urtlh Ch-ef J-jcje Hammond Vrner the beads.

At tne conc.uslon of the evidence. began at o'clock in' the scorning anc castistted about 2.30 the afternoon, court ac)oumed IP o'clock Tnursdsy The wt'n-ssses were Zebulon Hew- of tne Cumberland Steel Cumberland. William Gerais, Baltimore, one of the sate bane George Page, sts-e bank examiner and rec- errer in charge or J.quidating the essets of the Central TraK-Caaiasn L. Welleaer. i of the Fid- elity and Deposit Coaspany, Baltimore, and Richard J.

ol tle Fid- elrty and Deposit Tfast BaJ- Usstore. The testimony related to cer- tain deposits In tie Central Trust Com- pany at, the time is closed its doors. reports concerning the value of securi- ties heid by the corapanr and an ex- planation the notes endorsed by Miss Lena. Shrv, a clerk tUe bank, to the extent $114.000. Mr.

Hewitt testified that the Cura- berland Steel Company had on deposit at one tirae slightly orer $350.000 and that the sum of $275,000 was withdrawn froai January 1931 to July 1931. leaving about S93.000 in the binS: as July 7, 1931. He said he asked she bask Jor a certJled check for tius deposit but vas refused artd later he presented check for the money, the payment of which Takes Command! BOARD COMPLETED 'Mr. Pruitt Says Expenditures Should Be Scrutinized. SUPERVISION COMMENDED Hoover States Thomas To Farm Organization.

Aug 9 --President Hoover completed the makeup of the Federal Farm Board today with the appointment of Ernest B. Thoaas. In- ed more than a year ago by Samuel McKe-lvie. Nebraska, who was the. Tiheat representative on the board.

Thomas is former pn-emor of the Federal Land Baak in Porto Bteo from which, office he retired some time ago. He cames from HushviiJe, the home of Sen. the ledef. who endorsed feTM for the farm board pose. He a expected to taie office rn- The pi--ce V3C-- i compiled with during an agreement or i August 10.

1931. whereby transferred to the Fidelity and Deposit Company and its associated companies securities held by the bank, including some of the mortgages received by the refused because cf a dispute as there had been numerous bank failure stated that this per cent throuslrout the country, the public ore was because of the large amounts! rrind had besn disturbed and it was i i there would be runs on e.spec!al'y on the Central Trust Company by reason the notoriety v-hich Mr Cob- i lentz, president o' the wis through tne trial i the- were in the bank hich feared that the thev could hare ser.t to New York and other banks and they obtained a large rail o' interest for -ana. is known as call money. Some time after July 7, the witness testified an agreement was made between the Steel Company and the bank whereby the Washington The SteelCoaipaav withdrew S6.0CQ on July t-r Fideliu and Deposit Companv felt 15 and VOWO on August 15. leavir.g a i that a cancellation he bonds wou'd balance of SS7.000 ir.

the bank at the time it closed doc's The next witness, Wilham J. Gerbig. deputy sate bank examiner, produced ha report from the exarr.taa.tion of the only furlhe- agitate pjbiic and embarrass the bank, and for Ihesc rca- sons his company demanded collateral The witness adacd mat it was rot bo- i cause of any question of the oan'-ts 1931. and also pro- solvency the report of the examination- of the bank by Mr. Hospelhorn, one of the bank examiners in September.

1930 On cross-examination by attorney. Leo "WeinberK Mr Gerbig stated that as a result of his exaaiirsa- rc crr( 0 nc fact that Hamb'eton ARMED MEN TOOK SLOT if i miTUTt nni inn MAGHlnil, FOLiUri Robbery Of North Bentz Street Expenditures for schools should oe scrutinized i-sy closely, declared Eagfne Vf. new of Education, in a talk before she Kiiianis C'i! at its meeting to tne Frances Scott Key hotel. Tueaaay noon. It is enough say that beca-jse the money goes toward public 1 educaitoa it is proper and justified.

He added that local school authori- ties are limited. in any efforts. for retrenchment, inasmuch as ap- proxtmateJy 30 per of sohoo!" costs are practically fixed through legal requirements. leaving only aoosit 20 per cent can be eSecttiaHy controlled locally. The Superintendent strongly, commended supervision of the schools Especially is tms needed for the teachers just beginning their work The experienced teachers also need to be kepi informed as methods and practices as adopted.

General Nobayoshi, Muto. above is the Judged By Mature Standards new commander of Kwantung army, He saW that the results of the train- leading the Japanese forces in Maning g.ien children are often ciuria. Inducted into his new post by but so often those who find fault are'Htaperor Hlrohno at an impressive prone to judge by their own mature ceremony tee imperial Villa at Xasu, standards and consequently do not' General Muto succeeds General Hon)o make fair comparisons who conquered Chinese forces in Man- Supermtendent Praitt declared that i churia General Muto also will be sent so pften employers who take boys or! as special envoy to the sew state of girls right out of school express stir- Manchukao. established by the Jap- prise that these beginners canno-; do anese govern Manchuria. many simple things.

It is true that such Is often found, bat experience, I shows that all things learned at more. W. Walter Esmer, Hagerstown, school are not retained. The schools I J. Thomas Pyles.

teach what needed, but cannot guar- an-ee al! will obtain and retain. Trie. DRIVER FINED SI00 I The Lasting Gift Furniture Join Carty's I Christmas Furniture Savings Club TO THINK OF FURNITURE IS TO THINK OF C. A Home Reported. that usually is that with drawn revolvers, three men entered the home of Mrs.

Helen been which is emploved in the particular 'Ine fo oaed Howard tayton Pleads Guilty Before Much of the new superintendent's. Masistrate. Hartman. North Bentz street, extend- 'cd. nejr Thirteenth street.

Tuesday and stole s. slot machine con- time since he took charge here has i ibeen taken up witn applicants for! Submttuag his case on a plea o- He explain- guilty. Howard Lavton. Kemptown. was i i of tne 150 fined recently by Justice Sher- EI undetermined amount of teacner vacancies, he ed the problem in Maryland or more graduates of Stare normal', rran Bowels on a cnarge of operat- schools who cannot be placed ji teacfe- Jig --n whils under the m- The men.

who Mrs. Hartman ing positions He expressed the hope i fiuence of liquor. Officer Millard said sh; did not know, left quickly in! that the addition of another year to Brust jrr esied lar-toa several weeks' ago on complaint of a Washington said sh; did not know. left quickly in! tnat tne aaoition ot anotner year to an autoiicbils. bearing Washington li- the normal school coarse, making it -ersse RlaKs three years, woulc serve to he'p this Tnc bold-up occurred so quick- situation, so thai the surplus may in physician, who sail the Kemotowa man automobile had sidewrsed his car i year or two become absorbed.

the Craana pike and failed t3 Club Aids Rural Program stop afterv a-Ti Brust later arres.ed County Agent Henrv Snoemaker I layton as through Iv 'bat Sirs Hartman could few elails of the affair She said the trer in tne door drvvn, picked up the to members of the club i It is understsoS that Layton agreed to and walked out again, copies of the pamohlet setting forth, all damages in connection s'-. machine and They unmasked, it was imam of SI again. stated Police ss-d thev understood that the krown 1 cense numbers of the auto- a 5-year agricultural and rural home the case. tions June, 1931. he found the bank solveat.

He further testified in answer to ilr. McSherry. one of the at- and Company. Baltuno bankers, hid purchased 40,000 5ha-es of "coinj-j Trust Compam stock for $1.200.040 'of Smithsburg." ttaV while some of I an Washington loans held by the Cen- BARKLEY WINNER daugh- tc- and the latter girl friend vere mittee. ne- in the house at the time of man program 3r Frederick county.

The i A charge of drunken dr.Ting ag Kiwanis Club contributed toward the! Jensen, traieliag salesman of this expcnre of this pamphlet, in ci'r. pc-tpcnjc untfl this morning Peoples Court, when it was called Tuesday naght PoLce' iy; Jensen was released on bond i r-2s arrested ac 5 45 Tuesday after- con by Spee.a! Henry F. Xusz! stopped his au.omobJe on i Harbaugh, caair- the wrong of West Patrick street Merhl Mober'j foif'si'ed SI on a Roland tral Trust Company were not good yet the reserve set was sufficient to take care of loss toac might arise in conrection In response to a question asked or Jcief Judge "Dmer as to whether the ntness had investigated the -value of the Washington securities, Mr Gerbig said "tcere was a number of uniis'ed securities then heid as collateral and a the hearing adjourned unt TO HALT VIOLENCE Kentucky Senator Kcnommalcd Democrats. ille, Ky Aug the ho'd-up. Tneft of slot machines has become Quite a racket" nearby localities I Bv it y-as stated, several having been taken in Hagerstown and other places It' jj i as the first reported hold-up in Frea- crick -a connection with sucn a case, i jnor.c^er The th.eics, it is said, can! Guests were- Wayne King.

Bslti- parking isolation. i number real estate Itenu that we Government Invokes ary Towers Berlin Aug 9 --The eminent to- supno 1 night invoked extraordinary powers, ji- Second Robberv Report. from ci ef op- A rcpor; polce Headquarters about I Sa.ari.3' pr.isarv. 8 30 rc -atne to a second sup- eluding the death penalty in an cffor. Dormer Senator George Mar- ed progress faced to de to put A stop to outbursts of polit'ca.

could not find an actual riarkct price violence, which have resulted into the m.ormation at The Annual August SALE of i for. the able secur could on ed to have some vslue and in amount s-oSicrent in mv mind, to rr.ake the loan reasonably good or least a con- s-derable portion goxJ i Officers Marshall Murra and i o. A hl)r Hoffanu went to Uie Hillside the HI Bv Ms Bar'ilev nan the first Ins campa sn be the i nr. Ji 30 jcars to 'c of these the September 1. Another sc: i aaerawe portion gooa penal-Jos, including scn-once Mr Gerbig was then asked by Mr for acts of terrorism The nin SLX Webber? explaji Lena Shrj- i instituted special speed court? 'o dca' of note trinsatrjon.

referred to a the; summari tri offenders lestuncny of Shry oa Mcrtarr Reaches 92 Decrees -srhiCh transsciion the -srsness said S2 Tears Old Tuesday 1 Temperatures ivcre ir. usual A he fsmiUar. He awed that this. W.iliam Birely. Frederick, and form n.tli ihc resali came about as the resul; of a question I former Postmaster of this city, observed another amorie stf-omeys for tne com-' his eighty-second birthday Tuesday and neither boc'a Temperatures Mahonev. -K-hether. uaaer t-e la-s: then the congratulations of many i fc.l to 6i Betty O'Neal. Eva Holts. Lois Birthdav Parlv Given A delightful birthday party held on Tuesday afternoon tne of Mr and Mrs John O'Neal i near Frcder.c'-c in honor of their 1 Frances' ninth birthday i Ganics were played Refreshments! ji JS rcre served Those orcsent Mr.

and ij tnat Mrs Jo j.j. Q'Nei Mrs. Holts, on Oeorge Samplers. Mrs. Ljther KJth SJrnmers.

Frances Prices yon will probably never see again. New, better blankets bought at the market's lowest ebb, priced for August selling, brings an opportunity to save that you cannot afford to miss. "NTTE 1 A Part Wool Plaid An par, DOUBLE BLAKKET jacquard blanket, sje 70 by SO 3.ze 70 by 80 Weight 3V. Txiinds Bound edges. Kose.

Satine boond. Colors. Sose. Blue, Gold, Tsn. Green.

Orchid GrEen. Gold. Orcn.3. $1.95 As Blues Singer Faced Accusers In Court of company pcsitor deposit in the bank the suretv com- eapjoved for sorcc pears Another warm oirtlv clou if. with jjany^c colla'eral from 'the force gave him a d'jr- around 90 ce- to be pagcc bv ong the ocv.

on Tor a. party a ochalf of "ne bank Miss Shry receive- these secu-ites I which were imsjed-sts-'y ser.t to 1 Surety wiuch t-rn gave i vx negiKiable receipt or oise b.H issued in the narr.e of Shrr and which was then pleasjed by as collateral for tec rr'es ilr Gero sa.d he ac- explanation cf "he Shry r.y^ 35 srown bv she rc-vcr-os thai ce had cl of ir-e Centra' ss of 19CC arc ne r.erer saw a of tne ci tre z. 1S3I Ir. rsas; th ssn-e tae -art cr of JalT tse Pire-T a-c C-trrary colls frj-- t--e Cezt-al ss for ce- Siy yo-j saw it in The 1 STICKLER SOLUTION Ifetted lyfwecn SRC unes nKScate the foor trial nrj! be in oroer spc3 on! Iwo 10- AN EXCEPTIONAL SALE OF Copies of Hand-Made QUILTS Size In qnaint designs, bright attractive colors. Priced at NOT OVER 2 TO A CUSTOMER Gennine Rayon Taffeta All Wool Filled COMFORTS colcr.nss Srt.relv -dered hesTM co-c.

72 bv 34 Hcaw Warm All "Wool I BLANKETS S.ze 70 bv 80 fine bor- We.eht Size Rxe. Blue. G-C21 Goll, Orch.c $4.95 S4.95 Genuine Alexander Sheets AT EXCEPTIONAL SAVINGS NOTE THESE PRICES. 69c 72x99- SOc 81x90 81x90 90c PILLOW CASES 42x36 22c 45x36 54x90 72x90 86c 86c 23c A DEPOSIT OF 0 WILL RESERVE ANY BLANKET OR COMFORT FOR SIXTY DAYS. Lks a somber cf the bond was arranged rclcajec Sm.

ReTioiiis court for a low bond Trie f-- ai'- KT-T i -uxiy unt.l her i bo-acd i-rgcr rea -C raised a black-gloved, lianc to her lace, ss showr. liere. in cou-t Wert-xo of of Brit-- Po 3 a ii a black ve.l. ar.d the occas.onally ennett's 1868 Telephone; 396 -18-52 EAST PATRICK ST. FREDERICK.

MIX Hendrickson's Have Something Good The New "Loll-a-Bout Knit DRESSES 99 The dress that the lady will wear for sport for the Jiext two months and play a. part in the outfit for "College and the Schoolroom. Boucle and Lacey-Mesh finish or a sleeves, one or two piece models. Fall shades in Tweed Mix- it is worth the effort take eie- tures, Black, Green, Wine, rator to Second Floor and see the Blue and BrOWH. SlZCS 14 Xew Knit-Wear Models.

Tou will 20 like them! Exclusive at 9 Jy Interesting News To Men and Women Who Buy for Men! WEEK-END SALE Fancy SOX (Inclcdmg Phoenix make) Regular 81.00 Grade Now 75c Begnlar 50c Grade Now 35c pr. 3 pairs for Sl.OO Eegnlar 3oc Grade Only 25c pr. Sizes 10 to Need a Fresh Pair of Garters 25c 35c Too win of these prices! want to lay in a. supply nice socks at snch OF FSTABLISHZD 1877.

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