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The Madison Journal from Tallulah, Louisiana • 6

Tallulah, Louisiana
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PAGE SIX THE MADISON JOURNAL TALLULAH LOUISIANA PAVJUNE 9 isao TAX EXEMPTIONS MAY BE RAISED week He was carried to Vicksburg where he will receive medical aid to hi duties and to the love and friendship we bore him that this resolution be spread inscribed and Courtesy Begins At Home son Parish Louisiana on th Ssturdy th 17th A 1939 between ythe Faith in children and faith in oneself are needed to be a good parent Being so sure of oneself that one can be sure of the child is not easy Lumber Cut On Farm Should Be Stacked To Dry recorded of the official few Amy Jackson spent a hours in town last Saturday 8 1 C1 2 lnnd dl 0 274 1'9 3 7 e- mmutfs of this Court to be especi- title and interest of Gu? V1'! rl ally set aside for that purpose a in and to the following ceived $355639247 Although i COpy hereof published in the news-! property to-wit: the report is incomplete the papers of East Carroll iMadison treasurer estimated something like 'and Tensas parishes and a copy i QQQ hereof be sent to his good wife and received 1938: bereavedfamily on a page prescribed by law all th mlimif'e nf iViiu Prtiirt to Ko qcnopl irwl I 4 7 185000 applicants One I sod 1930 Reo Four Sedan Serial No CB-1307Uf No CB-4447 seized in El suit In Prof Lawrence and wife left Tuesday for Baton Rouge where they will spend several days attending the commencement exercises of Southern University Veatta Cox is in Ferriday visiting Ethelda Stanbrough and Curtis Steen Ray who has been down there several weeks visiting Eddie and Noami Stanbrough Terms of Sale: For cnul I highest bidder with the beuS4 Appraisement Porter Baymon arrived Saturday from Memphis Tenn where order that wood may give satisfaction as a building material it must be properly seasoned the Forest Products Laboratory Madison Wisconsin points out Moisture in wood in commonly called although it is chiefly water Different kinds of green wood contain various amounts of water Jane Harden left last week for Chicago where she will visit her son has been attending school Office Idllulah I a May 29 1939 Sarah Reed is on the sick list this week Her friends are hoping for her a speedy recovery Vera Parker spent a few days in Monroe last week visiting relatives and friends By the Committee Appointed by the Court: JAMES GILFOIL Chairman ROBERT KENNEDY HENRY NORRIS FRANK VOELKER Judge Sixth Judicial District Court in and for the Parish of East Carroll State of Louisiana A True Copy: (SEAL) Attest: EMILIE KEENE Clerk Sixth Judicial District Court in and for the Parish of East Carroll State of Louisiana exemptions costing the state approximately $37950000 A few days ago State Senator James A Noe anti-administration candidate for governor requested the treasurer in a letter to raise the exemptions from $1000 to $2000 Noe argued a homestead fund surplus exists which would allow the complete exemption authorized by law Tugwell replied by saying it was his duty a treasurer to determine the amount of the exemption on August 1 based on money on hand NOTICE TO BIDDERS Roosevelt Pankin spent the week-end in Wiener He was accompanied home Sunday by Lilie Mae Jefferson Annie Bowie and son Nathaniel are in Houston Texas visiting her sister who is very ill wil 'a and The M-dismt Parish Police JI jail at 6 receive bids for the furhVhl lVt V7 erecting of a CYC ovpTil FENCE around the n-w jail ft of the Police By DR PAUL YOUNG Professor of Psychology Louisiana State University Good manners at home taught by good manners on the part of the parents are the sole foundation good morals on the part when they are outside the home Courtesy as expressed in the Golden Rule I believe is the only possible basis for any moralit worthy of the name Universe peace awaits the application of the courtesy embodied in the Golden Rule to children who may then know how to apply it to strangers So universal peace can begin only with the home Long ago Confucius said we could all be courteous for even a single day the hatreds of humanity would turn to love I have mentioned 14 points of etiquette for parents already The next one is: 15 Do not force civilization on the child It is enough' if one can act civil before him Example begets imititation So far as know no child ever became either good or bad except through fo Cage of Baton Rouge is here visiting his cousin Nadine Richard Hattie Clay has returned from New Orleans where she underwent an operation It is reported that she is improving nicely meeting Jury at of Wednesday 1939 For further apply to tle office of the Parish Police TRESPASS NOTICE Eleanor Henderson of was up here visiting Tuesday Jury BENJAMIN 29-4t Madison PariahPnifog George Walker of St Louis Mo left Monday evening after spending a very enjoyable visit here with his wife in the homestead fund at that time Senator Noe is still inter- Public notice is hereby given ested in knowing the amount of the that the following plantations be- exemption to be allowed for the n5-nK undersigned in Madison parish are posted: Cres- current Tugwell said joan Cape Tanner and can obtain the information at any: Scratch Ankle No trespassing time after August 1 from his local thereon including hunting wood Percy Daniel of Clayton is his sister Bessie Daniels NOTICE Prof Parker returned home Friday after having a very successful term in Jonesvfile The Madison Parish Police JuF will receive proposals for the Alberta Green who is now living in Sondheimer was in town Monday and Tuesday assessor in Ouachita cutting etc on any of these places will be permitted Violators will be prosecuted 26-tf-c PATTERSON is on the sick Eliza Richardson list this week Gladys Irene Josephine and Essie Lee Mclnnis left Thursday for St Louis Mo where they will visit for several months Percy Roach of Newell ton was lowing some one example chase of the following road chinery: ONE No 12 CATERPILM ROAD PATROL (Tandem wheels and with scarifier Dei-el Engine) All bids must be in the office the Police Jury by 1:30 Wednesday June 21 1989 BENJAMIN Madison Parish Police Ji' in town Sunday visiting his sister Ella Watts Jackson and Henderson Nappier arrived Sunday evening from Southern University Parents can hardly make the chil( more righteous than they themselves are It is the utmost folly therefore to hold up before children a standard of goodness and demand that they attain it unless Rev Cooper and family of Lake Sunday Providence spent Jane Albert promoted to since 1937 number of foremen have requested a course in road said Mr Crutcher also want to offer an elementary course in handling explosives chiefly as a safety precaution and a course on gravel pit excavating which would likewise stress the matter of safety foremen frequently have a more difficult job than those on private construction because they have fotad in'the'-pan'io most universal improvements in door of the Temporary Court House NOTIC Lottie Mae Talley spent last Sunday is pastorial days at Mt Olive Baptist Church The service will be held at Travelers' Rest Baptist Church The Rev Bell pastor and the members cordially invite the public to attend both the day and night service the parents can manifest it them- Wednesday Thursday and Friday The farmer wishing to use the lumber cut from his woodland haa only one way of seasoning or drying his timber air drying He usually is in no position to have it kiln dried which of course is the quickest way Wood possesses the property of giving off or taking on moisture from the surrounding air until the moisture in the wood has become balanced with that of the air Therefore air seasoning of lumber depends upon the temperature humidity and circulation of the surrounding air After sawing his logs into lumber the farmer wants to get as good a product as possible He should therefore pile it on a firm strong foundation situated on well-drained land removed from possible danger of floods and standing water All weeds and brush should be cut to allow good ventilation The foundation Bhould be built of durable material and sufficiently high so that the pile is about 18 inches above the ground at the rear The slope from front to rear should be about one inch for every foot of length In most regions lumber should be piled with narrow strips of sound dry wood between each layer of boards so that air may circulate freely through the pile Local climatic conditions determine very largely what is the best spacing of boards in the course In general very narrow spacing in creases staining and very wide spacing increases checking If weather conditions cause rapid drying narrow spacing may be de sirable However if weather conditions cause slow drying staining may be decreased and drying fpeeded up by increasing the spacing between the boards to 5 or 6 inches Increasing the spacing beyond 5 or 6 inches does not result in appreciable increase in the dry ing rate inMonroe visiting friends over- selves not righteous toward children Even natural childish foolishness Tiger Rock Ark defeated the Tallulah The regular annual meetim the stockholders of the TdlL State Bank Trust Company be held on TUESDAY JULY' 1939 at 11:00 A for the pose of electing directors and ft transacting such other businea may come before the meeting SEVIER Jt7 Cashia tng of Monroe were visitors here Monday id ii' Owls at Lake Village last Sunday on the part of the young is pre by a score 3-2 A number of fans ferable to smug righteousness The from here witnessed the game The two clubs will meet again Sun-: ancienB expressed this in tlm old Jim Land is on the sick list this morale and workmanship on those in the Village of Tallulah in Madi- uring the proverb man at five may be a fool at Parents who are sure 1 1 I of themselves and their rightness Rev A Douglas of Newellton was up here Wednesday visiting can tolerate coltishness his daughter Ethel McCall their children at least it was so in the time when our English fore- Collins and sister Mat- fathers told one another: ilda Smith were in Baton Rouge ho last week visiting their father who fon tolly being natural will have THE GREEN LANTERN N1TE CLUB PRESENTS JOE ROB1CHAUX AND HIS RHYTHM BOYS FRIDAY NITE JUNE 9 10 Admission -i- SSc is ill its All great and smal wise men have been willing for projects where the foremen have taken the training course We have found that this additional training not only equips them to do their WPA jobs more efficintly but also greatly improve their chances of finding permanent private Mr Crutcher pointed out that the foremanship training course is! not obligatory upon the individuals The meetings are held after work-1 ing hours on the own 1 time and in some rural communities the foremen have had to travel as far as 50 miles at their own expense to attend the nearest class Lillie Scott spent several days children to be children here last week visiting her par-: ents Joe and Emma Scott and i a behaved as other relatives She left for Al-! expressed the truth lonj corn College during Die week before modern scientists discovere where she will spend several weeks fact that children grow into SpnnfclVve The New Light Baptist Church through and grow out of -A A Al-- 1 -J iUt MAMASlta RAh that the fits Home Mission met at the home of Anna las per Monday A very enjoyable meeting was held The Mission will meet Monday afternoon at two at the church RESOLUTION sick will Bass is still on the list Her friends hope she soon be up and out again COURTESY WITH CHILDREN Respecting the personalities of others is the basis of good manners Because we do not like to be made to feel small illbred ungenerous courteBy demands that we make others feel jolly and generous Courtesy pays nowhere as it does in dealing with children Far from the will of the the courteous parent wants the child to be to have his own thoughts to know his own mind to practice the use of his wilL So as our next points on etiquette for the parent we shal list the following: 18 A child is to be correctec courteously As the ancients said "A child correct behind and not In order to handle the tasks that confront him a pride his must be in healthy condition The appeal should be to his being a fine healthy youngster who is on the right track If he must be correctet it is better to try hard to be courteous to him in the presence of strangers and to correct him later That is hard doctrine I find it very hard to follow that doctrine As one feels stronger himself believe he will be the more able to save the and yet correct the child's misbehavior Common sense is on the side of courtesy as the old proverb shows a friend in secret conu mend him in 19 Do not keep a child from doing what he can As soon as the baby can help to hold the cup he fights for it It is an unfeeling parent who robs the child of the triumph of holding the bottle or the cup Little slip-ups are to be expected but when the infant desires to do small things for himself wisdom lies in letting him do them even though there be some milk spilt The road from birth to maturity begins with all but total dependence and leads to almost total independence and its early stages should not be denied or delayed So the parent should not help the child who needs no help nor refuse the help of the child however small who wants to help How wise were the ancients who boiled down their wisdom in this regard into the following proverb: service is little yet he is no little fool that despiseth it 20 Never keep a child from playing with his age-mates The difference between health and sickness in the mental life the difference between being sociable and being unsociable After all is said being sociable is merely being able to get along with people of own age The child who can get along with grown people but knows nothing about how to act with children is not sociable he is a social monstrosity Because it is sometimes inconvenient parents fail to provide age-mates for their children to play with Some parents think so highly of their own social qualities that they want their child to play with nobody else That might be all right if the child were to stay at home and live alone with the parents all the life In fact practicing being alone with the parents prepares the child for remaining with the parents it tends to unfit him (so far as outside children are kept from him) for being a sociable person Most foolish of all is the parent who would keep his child from associating with other children because of the fear that other children might contaminate him You may know such a super-pure parent who is trying to make his child lily-white He is rearing him to live in a world that simply does not exist and away from the only world that can give him any happiness Of course parents should be as careful as they can about the children with whom their child is to play but to find none with whom he can play is to forget all common sense The purest that ever lived could associate with publicans and sinners Those who think their ancestry all to the good should remember that we are all descended from common stock An old EngM proverb has it that that hath no fools knaves or beggars in the family was begot by a flash of Those who try to deny heir common lot are in a fair way be hit by a bolt of lightning and certainly will if they withhold their children from common contacts They will be shocked past all understanding if their children are not able to break away and ind the social feeling that their very parents should have helped them to find sam Over 3500 WPA Formen In La Given Training The Willing Workers Club of New Light Baptist Church wil meet Monday night at the home Mary Cosey All members are asked to be present and the public is invited Nancy Glasper has returnee from the New Orleans hospital an is very much improved She wishes to thank her friends for their kindness shown her during her Regal Original Light Lag Always Brings You Unrivalled Enjoyment Year After Year Get the taste thrill of Regal Beer! Set its sunny golden color the lively sparkle risbg to a rich creamy foam! Every delicious dnjr has always a crisp and pleasant flavor oiferiaf unvarying enjoyment year after yesr Henretta Jefferson and Anna Glasper still remain on the sick list Their friends hope they wil soon be up and out again American Brewing CewfUtf NnrOrlMMU JMbadrk Credit City UL Sunday night is pastorial day at the New Morning Star Baptist Church The Rev Henderson pastor and members cordially invite the public to attend the It all depends upon the ration yon givo yonr Work Stock Cottonseed Meal an energy-making feed that helps to give yon the POWER yon need for Heavy Spring Work give parents But try to keep a child from ever manifesting these childishnesses or to yank him out of them before he has had his fill of them is to run the risk of hurting his later growth For example to keep a baby from sucking his thumb when that all in the world he wants to do is actually to rob him of the chance of gettin enough of that sort behavior so that he himself wil outgrow it 16 Do not play the dictator in the home We have dictators in the world and threats of dictators because we have dictators in the homes If we become Christian in the home we can be democratic everywhere else When fathers learn to be brothers to their sons those jions can be brothers to the whole tworld Everybody knows at heart that browbeating people the very worst way to get things done even by slaves Nearly 601 years ago Chaucer expressed what was an old idea eveii then a thing and that will we do1 Lost in antiquity is the origin of the old Chinese saying the way and folk strive to walk upon it Throw wide open the gates an( they pass by to find something to break Even though every parent who knows anything knows that friendliness and cooperation are the only means of dealing with equals every parent at times fears that in this case the rule must be one of iron Pure lack of faith if not of love! It is very doubtful if eventual ill can come from the child of whom good is sincerely expected to your faith beit done unto 17 Let minor slips pass A wise saying from the Chinese is to the effect that a great man will never see a little fault A wise parent knows when to wink at the mistakes He remembers for instance that was never ill said that was not ill Lean Turpin- is still on the sick list Her fnends hope for her a speedy recovery ii ft rasaao? WHEREAS the Supreme and Almighty Judge of the Universe has seen fit in His all wise providence to send his messenger of death into our midst and to remove from us one of our beloved associates and friends and WHEREAS in the death of Honorable Francis Xavier Rans-dell former Judge for 36 years of this Honorable Court on May 23 1939 we have forever lost the beautiful friendship the warm companionship the brotherly pleasure of his illustrious manhood and the untiring and devoted benefits of his service to his fellowman and WHEREAS in the passing of our friend and former officer of this Honorable Court the bar the Court the peace officers of the state and the citizens of this parish district state and Nation have suffered a loss that is irreparable and which has left a vacancy within our midst which it will be impossible to fully fill and WHEREAS the private and public life of Francis Xavier Ransdell was so lived and filled by him with unselfish service and devotion as to leace to us an example well worth emulation and to which we point with pride and pleasure: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Bar and officers of the Sixth Judicial District Court within and for the Parish of East Carroll State of Louisiana in session convened at Lake Providence Louisiana on this the 5th day of June 1939 that though we bow in obedient submission to the supreme will of Him who gave us this most illustrious man and point with pride and pleasure to nia life both privately and publicly as one well worth emulation yet we sincerely regret his loss and herewith in the measure that we are able express our sympathy and condolence to the bereaved family and relatives of our deceased friend and associate and we express the hope that they may be in a measure comforted in the thought that theirs was a husband a father and a relative who so lived that there are none who can but revere his memory BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that as a testimonial of his splendid character and unswerving devotion A large number of local Ell and Daughter Elks will go to Lake Providence Sunday for the opc Ing session of the State Convention which will be held in -that city on Sunday Monday and State officials of the Works Progress Administration are making plans at New Orleans for the continuation of the foremanship training program as they studied a report from Walter Craddock director of the program in Louisiana on the results of the past two years Mr Craddock reported to James Crutcher state WPA administrator that a total of 8790 foremen on WPA construction projects seeking to improve their own skills as well as the efficiency of their projects have successfully completed special courses which they took voluntarily on their own time On a national scale approximately 46000 foremen on projects in 82 states have taken the course The program of foremanship training was instituted in 1937 for the purpose of familiarizing foremen with details of the work relief program and of improving their own efficiency in handling the men under them The basic course was that of leadership training which stressed the value of relations between foremen and workers This was followed by a series of semi-technical courses on engineering construction road building and other related subjects According to Mr report the course in leadership has been taken by 778 foreman concreting 548 blue print reading 486 shoring and bracing 242 scaffolding 210 reports and forms 605 measurements 862 safety 564 Tentative plans call for a new course in leadership to reach a number of foremen who have been Club No 1 of New Morning Star Church will meet Monday the home of Rebecca All members are urged to be present and the public is in be preset! Think vited Tallulah Oil Mill Gin to Si to 3 Cottonseed Products Phone 23 Tallulah La The Milford Connecticut high school had two valedictorians this year Muriel and Malcolm Kor-ach twins tied for scholasti honors so Muriel will begin the valedictory speech and Malcolm will finish it YOU WILL FIND FOR SALE FOR SATiE Attractive home double garage most desirable loca-- Price $800090 KEARNEY 1881 Belmont Street Washington 29-4t-p BRING YOUR CATTLE AND HOGS TO DELHI Of the Future Think of your child of your graduated daughter of your bride and of YOURSELF Think of the security offered to you by a savings account Convince as so many thousands of others have Of the Past For thirty-seven years Tallulah State Bank Trust Company has served the people of Madison Parish We have been the honored and trusted custodians of millions of Madison Parish dollars And we invite YOU to join our satisfied savings account depositors INVESTIGATE NOW THE MANY ADVANTAGES YOU WITH A REGULAR SAVINGS ACCOUNT OPEN YOUR OWN ACCOUNT TODAY I FOR SALE RCA Victor Radio th phonograph attachment automatic record changer World Fair Special at Modi price lodel latest model out ce for cash Inquire with mati CARi RSON JEWELRY STORE in Boom Arcade Building 29-3t-p THE COMING MARKET OF NORTH LOUIS INA PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TIRE REPAIRS When in Vicksburg visit the VICKSBURG TIRE SALES EVERY WEDNESDAY HAVE THE BUYERS Roswell Colcord the oldest former governor in the United States recently celebrated his 00th birthday at his home in Car-son City Nevada He was once superintendent of the United States mint He said: have never said or done anything worth boasting cappin old tires or regrove them for work guaranteed Used Tubes and Accessories Phone 615 28-4-t-e THE BREAD IN THIS BREAD TERRITORY 1 4 7 inr a otuiail TALLULAH STATE BANK TRUST COMPANY Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation LOUISIANA TALLULAH ANTED Livestock Anction Inc Delhi Louisiana CYPRESS LOGS Will purchase muted amount of Hardwood Logs SONDHEIMjpR CO Sond-heimer La 20-tf Joe Franco of Chicago shot 801 roles of golf in one day with the aid of a scooter bike.

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