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The Daily Times from New Philadelphia, Ohio • Page 1

The Daily Timesi
New Philadelphia, Ohio
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TIMES DIAL NUMBERS General Social News Business 25111 Advertising Business 2150 Suttee THU VV BATHER Increasing cloudiness and warmer tonight. Saturday cloudy, showers in north portion, Cooler. OUR UNITED PRESS SERVICE GIVES US THE MOST COMPLETE TELEGRAPHIC REPORTS OF ANY DAILY NEWSPAPER IN TUSCARAWAS COUNTY. Volume XXNV. Number 71.

Hi Pages New Philadelphia, Ohio, Friday, June IO, 1936. 16 Pages. Two Centi. KENT CALM AFTER 24-HOURS OF 0TING im Prediction Made By Dem Leaders SEEK SENTIMENT ON TIME PARKING Harry Treadway, secretary of the Uhrichsville board of trade today was circulating two petitions among business men of Uhrichsville seeking their sentiments on time parking on down town streets. One petition favors one hour parking and the other favors a two hour limit.

The latter was boing the most freely signed. Hie Uhrichsville council will meet in special session tonight to consider an emergency ordinance limiting parking in the business district. CALL MEET ON PROPOSED NEW TRAFFIC RULE Decide Fate of Experiment Tomorrow PLATFORM FIGHT AWAIT THIRD PARTY PLANS PROTESTS HEARD Money Question May Would Attract Cou ommittee Before Council HOUSE ACTION ON ROOSEVELT TAX BILL NEAR Conferees Agree on Compromise SCENE OF KENT CONFLICT CAMPAIGN ISSUE Levies Big Penalty on Large Firms Split Convention tfhlin Support Bv EVI I Ch WILSON I lilted Staff Correspondent Philadelphia. June 19. (UP) Democratic leaders predicted abro-1 gallon of the two thirds rule today and foresaw a passible floor fight on tho 1936 pre idental platform I when the national convention meets re nominate President rvri' and ratify the New Deal.

Sen. Bennet! C. Clark lated for! chairman of the convention rules committee, told the United Press in! a long distance telephone converse non tit at lie knmv of no serious op position to of the two-1 Detroit Priest on Tonight Air By JOHN A. REICHMAN United Staff Correspondent New York, June 19. The launching of a third party intended to attract the support of Father Charles EJ.

Coughlins National Union for Social Justice, the Townsend old age pensions group remnants of the late Huey P. Longs the wealth adherents, and various inflationary was thirds rule. I am confident it will be voted I out next week." said the senate whoso father, the late Speaker Clark lost the Democratic nomination in 1912 to Woodrow Wilson after hold mg a majority on nine ballots, larky Sees Opposition Chairman Janies A. of the TV: (erat national committee PVp'r; hm cr, that formidable op been revealed rn th- past few da vs to any rules The contest is essentially one be tween rural and urban voters or the solid south and the remainder of the Democratic party. Under the two-thirds rule the south lias possessed and on occasion exercised a fi reef ut veto of the ma lordv choice for president.

Under existing rules prest Chief prophet of a new entry in tile 1936 presidential sweepstake was Coughlin, who told the United Press last night that he expected the announcement of a candidacy for president on a third party ticket some time in either New York, Bow ton or Washington. Coughlin was working on a radio speech he will deliver tonight p. rn. EDI which will contain an endorsement of the candidate, provided he an nounces in time and his platform is what Cou Ii Un expects it to be. From Dr.

Francis E. Townsend, Whether or not New Philadel phia's traffic i calls for no right or left turns in! the public go into cf-1 feet next Monday morning will no I doubt be decided at a meeting of a special committee of which recommended the proposed ruling, a Chamber of Commerce I committee and a representative irom each of the three service club', namely Rotary. Kiwams and Lions which will be held at the city coun- ci! room at IO a. rn. tomorrow.

The meeting called by T. E. Jon kins, chairman of the council coin mittee, is the re ult of discussions at a special meeting of council last night which wa called for the purpose of purchasing a site for a pro ed hangar at the city airport. The Chamber of Commerce committee appointed yesterday which consisted of G. Nickels, Fred Hcrt and L.

W. Alexander, attended the meeting. Chairman Nickels expressed the views of the Chamber of Commerce that no right or left turns in the square would increase instead of decrease the hazard to pedestrians because drivers would then use lanes and drives to reach their destinations. Proposal Defended Washington, June 19 (UP) Chairman John J. of tile House rules committee said today the conference report on the tax bill be ready for House action late today.

In that event, lie said, will stay here tonight until we dispose of Details of the tax compromise wore explained to President Roosevelt today by Sen. Robert LaFolIette, WK, in a hurried ten minute conference. LaFoI- lctte declined to discuss the pres. attitude toward the bill as now drawn. Plans to Move Prisoners Abandoned JAIL IS STORMED Either Wounded or Gassed With high powered rifles, shotguns, tear gas, clubs and stones, hundreds of waged a savage battle i with strikebreakers and guards at the Kent.

plant of the Black and Decker Tool shown in I air with the Erie tracks in tho background. After two vanloads of non union workers erns! picket line to enter the main gate the pickets opened a teach fire on the factory from behn ncade (2). their forces being directed from the picket The watei tower a their led this the Bv ALEX MORRIS United Press Staff Correspondent Washington. June 19 Set. bullets drilling it and starting serious leaks.

Nearly score were reported wounded a bar lull- New Deal prepared today to complete its victory on the new corporate profits tax bill by rushing the $800,000,000 revenue measure to passage through a barrage of opposition debate and adjourning congress probably on Saturday. The controversial bill. designed to levy stiffest penalty tax rates on the nation's big corporations, appeared certain to be an outstanding is i sue in the presidential campaign. aided by a bloc ol I determined Democratic rebels, wrote minority reports on the measure and lets and overcome by gas. ASK RECEIVER FOR JUNK FIRM NEW CUMBERLAND WOMAN TAKEN FOR BY HUSBAND head of the old came contradictory statements that! new traffic regulations into effect, still.

In essence. tended to confirm The discussion led to a promise Member' of the special commit pressed their charges that it is dan- tee of council defended their recoin-1 gerous. dlscriminrwviy legislation mendation and were inclined to re- 1 striking at fundamental principles sent the Chamber of Commerce of American business, resolution passed yesterday which! Whether the measure could be requested council to consult Mrs. Goldie Williams. New Cumberland, knows how it feels to be tor a Mrs.

Williams revealed in a di vorce petition filed in common pleas court today that her husband, Rob- The Tuscarawas County Iron and ert L. Williams of New Cumberland. COUNCIL BUYS HANGAR SITE Bank Forecloseres on Partnership Airport Project Assured Metal Co. of this city, one of the Kent, June 19 sheriffs and policemen drove the last of a mob of 5,000 from streets around the city jail today but abandoned plans to move 40 strike breakers, objects of the mob's wrath, to a jail at Ravenna. Policemen, deputies and national officers rescued the 40 prison- ors last night from the Black ani Decker Tool Co.

plant, where strikers and ympathiders recruited from far distant as Akron had fired ii them with revolvers, shotguns, and rifles for 12 hours. Fourteen men were wounded by gunfire gassed in the fight. Two strike breakers, removed from tha factory in mid afternoon, were Iii critical condition. Although mob leaders had agreed to the removal, the sight of tbs strike breakers rolling out of a plant gate in a truck provoked the strikers to uncontrollable fury. Stones Felt trucks Boos and thro rose from mob, gathered menacing all about a cleared lane, and swelled in a moment into a roar.

A few largest and oldest scrap metal busi that! approved Saturday as it was agreed nesses in the county, was age pension plan, (body in the future before putting upon by Senate House conferees was I fendant in receivership proceedings 5 her not vet positive, but administration, and a foreclosure action filed prosix-ctn amalgamation leaders expressed belief that debate common pleas court today by took her for a ride in his car, threat- 1 ancf tben lieecieci Renner, til' New Philadelphia, city namea ae- ber pieas t0 be permitted to return tPctinn 1aef children. The wife in charges that her husband demanded from Nickels that the Chamber of; bitter would be short. Coughlin Townsend share the wealth Commerce would glady work wfi-h, Threats of a "enate filibuster ap forces behind a presidential cand! the city administration in the solu-'Pearcd almost vanished, dential anc! Mer presidential randi- date other than President non of any city problem. (Hits Big Concerns dates of the Democratic party must or Gov. Alf M.

Landon. In this connection, Mayor E. D. Drafting experts labored to comma Tit of t.i< Speculation as to the identity rd Gross revealed that the ordinance' plcte their work on the compromise Republican par- the prospective candidate centered; providing for time parking in the, bill which imposes a tax ranging Rep. William business district has not been rigid- from 8 to 15 per cent on corporate the that she permit him to associate with other women when lie pleased obtain a two third.1 Lion delegates.

Tin tv and other American political or-j mainly on two men ganization accept a bare majority. Lemke, N. coauthor of the a. expressive of the party's will. 1 Frazier Lemke farm mortgage bill Platform difficult irs arc promised which has had Coughlin's imprison money.

Sen. Carter Glass, support, and former Gov. Va. who wrote the sound money Joseph B. Ely of Massachusetts, a plank of 1932 platform -part critic of the New Deal.

Iv enforced. He asked Chamber ot Commerce pest ion. Even had it been council could not toke property. Hie chattel property includes two that the puts a super on reform tax I trucks, a pleasure cav. a large crane, offer sug graduated from 7 to 27 per cent on a generator, two motors, three scale." I the retained portion of adjusted net and office equipment.

inclined, income, makes dividends subject to1 Harry and Minnie Wisman and any action normal income taxation and pro- Solomon and Ida Adclstein corr Ohio Savings and Trust Co. The bank seeks to collect $12. 124.48 on notes, to foreclose mort gages on the real estate and chattels of the partnership and to have areceivei appointed to preserve the children. Attorney J. M.

Richardson prepared the suit for the wife. to do so and that he threatened lier life on several occasions. The couple was married in til is city June 3rd, 1930, and has three which wa- borrowed this month by Republicans for their own declaration of party expected again to be a member of the resolutions committee. He will be opposed on the money question by Sen. Elmer Thomas.

who will represent his delegation on platform committee. Thomas was author of tire 1933 inflation amendment under which the New Deal turned, finally, to dollar devaluation. Thomas is a currency cxpan slonlst or inflationist. Outline New Deal Idea 1 Sen. Robert Wagner, N.

is chairman designate of the plat form committee and is expected precisely to represent the money views of President Roosevelt who agrees neither with Glass nor Thom as. The New Deal money Idea is that authority for further dollar de valuation should remain with president so the United States will have a trading margin when the ultimate International currency stabilization conference convenes. because the special meeting was 1 vides certain exemptions for small 1 prise the partnership. The Lev ic and From hi" home in Westfield, called to consider the airport hap- (roughly under $50,000 income' cor-1 Heller of Canton, who endorsed Mass Ely denied flatly to the Unit cd Press last night that he was the forthcoming candidate or that he knew anything about plans for a third party. Lemke was less forthright.

He said lie would support- any third party movement that would support his inflationary farm mortgage bill. Coughlin himself insisted the an nouncemcnt would not come from him. He said that as a Catholic priest he could not sponsor a third party because it might cost him hts ecclesiastical good standing. He said, however, that he could endorse a candidate. gar project only CONVICTS KILL PRISON GUARD TPVHIIN Hp-iH AAA and Pay f0r thC UP Robert Erick.

Dover coulee- and department of agr: A vAdllS SC UCaU Idlers bonus. 10 issued a specal crop report TREASURY AT PARIS EMPTY Paris, June 19. (UP) Tile French treasury is empty, tills authorized borrowing already has been exhausted and 14.000.000,000 francs ($922,600,000) in disguised inflation already has been carried out. Vincent Auriol, minister of finance, told the Chamber of Deputies today in his awaited report on national finances. Ho revealed that in the face of these conditions, government requirements between now and December willt otal 8 000 000,000 francs Iii addition, Auriol explained, France must repay a 3,000.000,000 franc ($197,700,000) British loan.

TRAMPLED BY COW William Herbert, Low Gap farmer, suffered a dislocated end painful body bruises Wednesday when he, was knocked down end trampled by an angry cow. He Is recovering at the home of his daughter, Mis. Ollie Smith, New- fimiwitowi THIRD TICKET IN OHIO READY Headed By Former Toledo Mayor Cleveland. June 19. Candidates for state offices on the ticket of the new Independent party in Ohio, were announced lier? today simultaneously an nouncemenint that the party will also sponsor candidates for county offices this fall.

The slate announced by Raymond J. Jeffreys, who narrowly missed the Republican nomination for congressman at-largc in the recent primary. is headed by Addison Q. Thatcher, former mayor of Toledo. Other candidates are: Raymond J.

Jeffreys, Cleveland, lieutenant governor. Mark A. Crawford, federal ret erec in bankruptcy, Portsmouth, attorney general. Dr. C.

W. Kimble, Defiance, who withdrew as a Republican candidate for governor in the Mar primary, secretary of state. Louis A. Fcnbcrg, Findlay, state treasurer. Cheries H.

Eiger, Dan ii, Mate Beecher E. Cincinnati, for congressman-at-large. Own Gun Angelton. Texas. June 19.

(UP' Three Texas convicts attacked Felix Smith, a guard at Retrieve prison farm today, killed him with I his own gun and escaped. Smith wa.s taking the No. 3 plow to the field early today when he was attacked. Tliere were I several other prisoners in the 'group, but they did not participate in the break, prison officials said. I portions.

The measure was intend-1 the note, are named parties defend to levy the heaviest tax on the: ant. I biggest concerns. 1 The law finn of Renner aud The compromise which admits- Toomey represents the petitioners. i tration leaders expect to be approv- cd by both chambers went far toward meeting the original request DOVFR HOI HHP of President Roosevelt for 5620 000 Aiil OOO a year vrmancnt revenue and nCMICH DA DAI 5517.000,000 temporary revenue to I AKULE finance the farm program, make up John Burson onc for taxes uncollected under the in- t011 men who confessed to holding Enck, Dover confectioner, May 3rd, 1934, was denied a parole from Mansfield Reformatory by the state parole board today. His case was continued for six months.

The other two men, Russell Burson and Earl Stage, were sentenced to Ohio penitentiary. The parolo board did parole Richard Swami of Newcomerstown confessed to stealing jewelry and clothing worth $145 from the R. M. Mollenkop home in Newcomerstown January 19th, 1932 The parole is effective September 1st. Hp was sentenced to serve from 5 to 30 years.

WHEAT PRICES SHOOT UPWARD Northwest Unbroken Aftet hearing the history of the proposed hangar at the city airpoit. reviewed bv City Solicitor Clayton I pelted the truck in which the strike breakers cowed, but before the crowd's anger turned into action the truck jerked out of gate and roared down the mob-lined street to the jai. Tile mob broke into pursuit, but under the urging of its leaders, settled into a parade more awing thaw anything ever seen before in this little college town, the home of Gov. Martin L. Davey and more notable for its neat, small homes, shady and flower gardens than for its industries.

Under direction of Sheriff E. L. Burr and Police Chief S. C. West, the truck was backed against the door of the tiny brick jail and the strike breakers pushed inside.

Deputies kicked slow moving ones unmercifully enforce demands for haste. Before the prisoners had been jammed into the jails six Inadequate cells, bricks and stones were council in a special session last night voted to appropriate $1,000 from the general fund for the purpose of purchasing one acre of ground for use as the site of the hangar, which action virtually as aures the project. The land purchase was authorized after council was informed by Renner that the Tuscarawas County Aviation. which operates the airport, has agreed to make up difference between the proceeds ct a city bond issue for $15,000 sold to finance the hangar and tile bid of 518.575 submitted bv Wenching Bio. Dover, for constructing the build ink- Renner stressed Hic fact that municipalities desiring air service must furnish terminals.

He an nounced that the local airport is Drought recognized as onc of the best in I Va rf I the state because of the natinc of jUng the The crowd out- hp cai Ppnnpr I fit the soil. Renner feels certain that I if the airport is properly developed Chicago, June 19. the Department cl Commerce prices skyrocketed today on the will light the field which would nation's leading grain exchanges as no doubt a "Sure the city of shut- the northwest drought went un- tic' and air mail service. BORAH BLOCKS GUFFEY BILL Opposed To Fixing 1 Price DENNISON FIREMEN GET THREE CALLS I Washington. June 19.

(UP)-An to call up the new Guffey coal control bill in the Senate was ret today by vigorous opposition from Sen. William E. Borah. The Dennison fire department was threats of a fiUbustei to called twice in fifteen minutes yes block its Passase belove idjourn- terday afternoon to the Romig feed ment mill, Sherman street, Dennison, am vi 8 opposed to this where lightning had followed wiring Borab "anfl 1 sha11 1101 into the building, burning out fuses I cr tlial 1 am limited iii im and damaging a switch board discussion of it because of the pres- At 7 p. yesterday, firemen were lor c.tiled to a Standard Oil Co fiiinr! measure, designed to station at Grant and Second streets invalidated original law.

would stating that for spring grains declined in the first half of Minneapolis and Duluth markets led other markets upward with gain of more than 4 cents a bushel. Wheat prices on the Chicag board ol trade were 3 14 cents to 3 5 8 cents higher Within a few nun utes after the release of government report. TWIN CITY DEMS PLAN BIG PARTY At a meeting of leading Twin City Democrats last night, preliminary arrangements were made for a party to be held at the Buckeye Hotel In FAR REACHING BILLS PUSHED Washington. June 19 far reaching preventing importation of strike breakers from one state to another the other placing first, second and civil LEESVILLE BABY DIES THURSDAY Hazel Joy Glover. 15-month-old daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Harold Glover, Leesville, died Thursday afternoon following four illness from a congestion of the lungs. Surviving are the parents; one brother, Donald. the maternal grandparents. Mr.

and Mrs. H. A. Sharp. Leesville, and the paternal grandfather, George Glover, Mannington, W.

Va. Funeral services will be held at the home with Rev. Campi officiating. Burial in the Leesville' cemetery will be in charge of The Baxter Funeral Home, Shcmxisv die. Uhrichsville.

Saturday night. June class postmasters under ci 27th, which will be one of three to were placed oil the Hot staged in the county for the pur-i calendar by Speaker RUNAWAY GIRL PLEADS GUILTY pleaded pur pose of hearing Pres. Roosevelt ac wi, I copt tile Democratic nomination for StriS'uSS" Wlrins I commission lo fix An s-'5 circuited. r. tem will enable crowds out ade hotel to hear the address.

SUES ON $372 NOTE Suit to collect $372.04 on a note and to foreclose a chattel mortgage on an International truck was filed in common pleas here totiav DiGenova of Do-1 interstate commerce product--. 1 v(i against Vie Slrimbu and John 1 do believe there 1 Vocila of this city. Attorney J. I soft coal industry. I is no reason in the world why we should fix the pric' of coal we are not going to fix the price of oil and Borah said.

bill would set a definite policy of price fixing. am not quarreling with power of congress to fix on he Hare represents the plaintiff. a quest nm bill conics within ti Mrs. D. H.

Downey and daughter, Patricia; Mrs. Mary Downey, all of Dover, and Mrs. Arthur Roderick, Canton, have motored to Haute, Indiana, to si nd the week with STANDARD DAMAGED A Sinclair oil and gasoline truck that backed into a White Way light standard al the intersection of Cherry and Second streets, Dover flus morning, broke off the globe. TTie company was rendered a bill for the damage. thor this scope.

would not object to nisi a (ion at tho proper time it I object at this time when ma are preparing to go ORDERED FROM CITY 1 Michael Carrigan, homeless, aile; cd imbiber of bay rum. arrested at iii p. yesterday in front of the I Elks dub, was ordered from the city today by local authorities. Lawrence McCafferty, Pittsburgh, iii the saute plight in Dover, recon cd the same treatment at the hands of Dover police yesterday. ham B.

Bankhead today. Ban head said the bills will be called today under suspension of rules. ONE INJURED IN WILLE WRECK Delbert Dunklc, Uhrichsville, sut- mered cuts on his face at IO p. rn yesterday when tile Ford coup-' in which he was a passenger, chm bv Raymond Hudson, Uhrichsville crashed into a parked the corner of Third and Y' streets. Elaine Harris, pity to a charge to minor and wa for a periot robate Judge J.

Hic two girl" lies and part Iv vc hitchhiking inn to Atlanta ere taken into 1 I to Dover by Aul Dover actine II Urn Cit wa Mr side booed and screamed. Belligerent units pushed time after time a1- mot to the jail door, where the deputies, policemen and four guard observers stood on guard. Charges Appease Mob Strike leaders calmed the mob mood gradually and when word passed about that the strike breakers had been charged formally with "hooting with intent to wound, the crowd began dispersing. Early today the last of the crowd melted away. Bun announced that as soon as peace was assured lie would take his prisoners to Ravenna, but he canceled the plan ai fear that It might cause a new disturbance.

The strike breakers were ordered arraigned on charges preferred by leaders of the machinists union that closed the Black and Decker plant with a strike on May 3. Strikers said the strike breakers precipitated the riot by tiring shotguns and tear gas into a picket line yesterday morning. The generally credited version of the incident was that two truckloads of armed men rolled up to the plant gates before I 7 a. rn. yesterday with belligerent intentions.

I A man leaped from the first truck, t. let 'em have it uen swarmed from I irricd they Murn- City NEW POLICE CAR ARRIVES TODAY th lie yellei the tru and teal There pickets Pickets Be fori breakers Strikers compaa' the plai Seven but the brandishing veer the gate. Wounded the lines fired. Sev wrested men and 1 it with the strike bee comrades ie gates, wl tv dozen me en lls the pickets fell, from UM nosed them into own kers were hit. dragged tneoi lch were swung PROWLERS REPORTED HICVCLE STOLEN Eugene Kline, city.

to police that someone bicycle from in front ol 1 News Stand, North Broad'' AGREE ON ALIMONY Dalton Denier of Strasburg aIt was reported to Ulvnchsvnile po- jilted hee that an attempt was made at im common pleas court today to I 2:30 a. today to enter the home jills wife, Josephine Domer, 535 City I of Harry Bricker, 225 Eat street, Uhrichsville. i ne new ponua for tho local pallet the Bretzius Pout 1 June 9. at the fit in cash together cd payment car reel av $232, arrived and all mission today. TI un I lr in a Eleventh I and $40 a month temporary alimony 1 field of fifteen cr pending outcome of his db suvk sod 1 old value All hur rallied 2 000 or minutes.

Many of were men going to work at factories They stayed ail Women joined the crowd by reds. Bv noon front ubher factories at Akron sweli- 6 crowd. ikers aud sympathisers brough! (Continued on page IH.

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