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Pittsburgh Weekly Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 2

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

If' PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE i SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 5, 1S70. oa Wore aad Puca LrgWlaliaa. takaa tka tka coaditMa at J't'h narMgy al. at tha cult at waiiaj aeBac- THE DAILY GAZETTE. FIR A I A iv ttuated the feixth ward, city, county and State aforesaid and described as follows: Beginning at the southeait corner oi Marion stret aad ffeecb alley; tbence aoothwardly along Marlon st reet ourteea feet -even inches: thence at right anzles with Martoa street eaitwardiy sixty-ooe feet to a private alley; thence northwardly along aaid private alley fourteen feet seven inches to Beech alley; thence vtetwardly along Beech alley sixty-unc feet to the place of beginning, on which erected a two story brick dwelling house- ALjatnThat other certain lot or piece of ground ai joining the above, having a front on Marion street oi fourteen feet or tnereabouts and extending buck- at right angles with Marion street sixty-one feet to the private sl-ley above meutioned.

on which ia erected a two sfory brick riling kuuke. AiJ-k. All that otaerlotor piece of ground aduuuag the above, kaviag a front oa Marioa treetof about fourteen feet, aad exteading back at right aagu-s witk Marioa street to the etforewaid private alley, being the third lot from the corner of rleeeh alley and Marioa trtreet. oa winch I erected a two story brick dwelling bouse. Sei.ed and takea la execution aa the pro- Krty of Mat bias Sendner at the suit of if.

H. -maa. ALSO. Bilu. Attorney, for Plaintiff.

All the right, title. Interetand claim of James Summer ilie or. In and to all those certaia Ms of ground eituated la Shaler township, Allegheny county. State of Pennsylvania, being I its No. a.

7 and 6 in a plan of tots laid out by Margaret Ktcbenlaub, and recorded In the Recorder's ottlce of Allegheny aforesaid, la Plan wk yol. 2 page Sat. together bouaded and deuveribed as follows, to wit: Beginning at a barn ten and seven-teat hs perches; tbence south sixty-two and one-fourth deiecs west, fifty-four parches to tbe place of beginning: con tainiog ftcventy-llve acre and one buudred and forty-eight percbes, together witb ail the rights, liberties ana pnvikger reiectiving right oi way in drafts, pit montns water cources. place for the deposit of slack, fclate, ake and all other thing, necessary for the proper for the mining and taking away of ooal. cr and other coal owned, or wbich rnnr hervarterbe owned bv said John O'Ne-l.

-nvetl. excepted and reserved br sa.d John O'Neii in bis conveyance of tbe aurlace to Thorns inney and Andrew Kinuey by article of agreement dated tbe eighth day of April, A. 1. mud recorded in the Beconiei-s office aforesaid in lieed Book, volume 14. 4d6.

It being tbe st.ire coal under the same preut-ie which James McGraw and wife, by their deed dated the fifth day of April. A. i-lrwio, aud recorded ia tbe Kecortier office nforesaid in leed Book volumn 14, tK 401. granted and conveyed to said John O'Neii. Aij, All the following specified coal rights priviiegew, kcH to wit all the merchantable coal of the first strata lying and being in anl under the iliowing described tract, piece or parcel of laud, situated in Jefferson and Mi Aim townshin.

county and State aforesaid, aud hounded aud described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a beech and running tbence bv lands now, or late of Andrew Large, north sixteen degrees east, one hundred and fiftr -three perches to a white oak stump; toe nee by lands now. or lute of Thomas McOo wan. south forty-nine degrees east, one hundred and fifty-five perch- to a post; tbeuce bv lands now. or late of Robert G.Curry and Mo-en McGowan. south forty degrees west, one hundred and forty perches to a poet; the nee by lands bow.

or late of Thomas Finney, north forty-nice degree) went, ninety perche. to tbe place of beginning: containing oue hundred and six acres, more or lees, together with all th privileges nnd rigbtw of war necetisary for mining and takiug away-said coal, for air diuftx, pit uioutbs, entries for conveying away the refuse of tbe mines, draining or v. liter courses, aud all other villus and privileges necesary for the sucrt-Srjfut working of natd coal: and lo the right n-i privilege of running coal tbrourh and ur.icr said coal and premises, until wtid coal sbuil ull be taken out; excepting aud renerving. how-erer, all coal not merchantable. two acres under the bu41diiigM now erected on the la.t above described premise, and also one-half an acre at or near the coal pit now oened on said premiHce all on one and the same side of fa id entrance or entry being tbe same premises which Moses McGow an and wife by their deed dated the Uth day of May, A.

D. and recorded in tue Recorder's office, in said county, in deed book. vol. KB, page -H. Arraut-ed and conveyed to tbe a id John O'Neii, tut-ject to tbe payments, conditions, stimulations and reservations iu said deed mentioned the merchantable stone coal, lying and tieiiig under all that certain other tract of hind it-uate in Mifflin Towmthip.

county and State aforesaid, and bounded described as follows, to wit Beginning a pot on the line or land of Henry Large aud running thence north weuty-flve degrees and went ope hundred and twenty-two tweuty one hundredth" ter-ches to a post; thence north seven and a half degrees, and west seventeen three tenths perches to a post thence south sixty-eighth degrees nnd east twenty-eight fourteen one-hundredths perches to a-p3t; thence south fifty-two degrees and eat twtntv-tliree twa tenths perches to a post; thence south thirty-three and a half degrees and east twenty-five three-tenths perches to a post thence out forty-one degrees and east fourteen nnd one hnlf perches to a pst thence south forty-three degrees and east twenty-one sixteen one-hundredths perahes to a pout thence south thirty-seven and a half degrees and eat fourteen perches to a post theuee south ten degree and east twenty-nine nineteen one-hundredths perches to a post thence south three degrees and east fifteen perches to a post; thence north eighty-three deg-rees and west three percbes to a post: thence south fifty-seven and one half degrees aud west thirty-three oercne to a post thence north fifty-seven degrees and west ten fifteen one-bund redths percheKto a post thence north forty-uine deirreea and west fourteen twenty one-bund red ths percbes to tbe place of beginning. Bounded on the south and west by lands of Andrew Finney and Henry Larges's on the north and east by lands of Me4owan nnd containing thirty-five acres, two rods and thtrty-flve percbes of coal, being tbe same premises whkb John, James and WUIiam McGowan, by articles of agreement dated the 7th duvof Mar A. li. conveyed to John O'Neii. Also, all ttie merctutatable coal not yet mined or taken out, and now lying and being in and under all certain other piece, or parcel or tract of land situate ia Mifflin town bio, county and state aforesaid, bounded and described as follows, to wit Beginning at a point on line of Moses Mciiriwiu, and theace runninx oa said line north forty-one degrees, rait ninetv-tive perches to a post near a hickory: tbence through land now or late of VV ilhain i-Roberts south slxtr-two and one-fourth degrees and eM thirty-one and nine one-tenths perches, to a post on line of land now or late of B.

ii. Curry: tbence on saiii hue south fourteen degrees and west five and sevea-teuths perches to a post; thence south sixty-two and one-half degrees and east 3 perched to a post: thence through land now or late of William Mclhrherts south four and 'one-half degrees and east thirty-six and three-tenths perches to a locust; tbence eighty -one aud one-fourth degrees and west fourteen a titWthree -tenths pe rebel to a hite oa. thence north sixty-Bine degrees and nest thirty and three-tenths perches to a walnut: tbeuce south twenty-eight and one-hail degrees and east thirty-one perches to a poplar; thane eouta ftfty-fi'u east twenty four and six-tenths perches to a post; thence south five and one Bit degrees and exttweuty-threeaud one-tenth percbes to a white oak; tbence south siity-tbree and mo--tot if degrees and west twelve percbes to a bit oak: tbence north sixty-ntne degrees and west thirty percbes to a chestnut oak; thence south forty-eight and one-half dejrree-j and wert twenty-three aad three-tenth percn-j to a white oak on or near the line of land sold by John ault to said John O'Xeii; thence north twenty-t wo and one-half degree and west twenty-two perches a post; tbence north flrty-nfue and one-half degrees west ten and six -tent bs percnes to a locust; tbence north furtv-four degrees west, twenty -three and perches to a small white oak buti; tbence aorta fifty-ere a degrees west, fifteen and eight-tenth percbs to tbe place of beginning, containing sixty-two acres and fifty-eight percbes strict BaeeutuiesDuat. A ten. Ail tbat certain lot or piece of land for the (nrpoate of erecllnc tenements thereon, lyinjf and in ami Mate aforeaird.

containrng ten ci and thlrty-fouT perches, be tke same more or less, and bounded and described a follows, to wit: Beginning at a corner of pot of land now or late of lia. id K.ibert. on tbe hue of land bow lute of 1. Lurry, near Finney's Kun, and running tbence south sixty-six degrees nortb, tweaLy-aeveo and tbr-e tenth percbes to a white oak. on line of land now or late of said furry; thenoe through land now or late of Win.

M'lioberts, north thirty-seven and one-half degree, west, ten taa arnaad aatira aa tl ruarriaffa qmati-a la aiecadtagty dctriowatal dvtl aad aeeloaiaaticai AuvMit tha tkca to ba diaroMvd al tb Mucackoaalta Mctkodial Stata t'oava-tioa ia Pra aatal A aaw ckarck af tka I'aitod Brrlbnra. at Vwnl Ptaaaaat Faaaaylraaia, will ba oadicaiait aa railay. vMubrr by Bialwia Wcavar. Arrordtag to tka aaaoal rrport af tka HuBMly far tka laaraaaa af tka Mtoialry af Ika EiiiacoMl Ckurck JmU la Naw Tark im rcalita Iba aaat year wara tkirty Iwa Ihwuaad aad twaaty dolbwa. Tka lumUi af Madaata la twa kaadrad aad tkirty al.

Maa tka argaanatioa af Ik la kuadfad aad alktaa kaira toa acalalad. Irf tkaaa. twa kaadrad aad ibtaaa kaa takaa koly enb-ra. Tka Kplacapal Buard of Miaakiaa. al Ika aaaaat jaaattag kakl la New York.

kk artkia kfiwlag Ika ralaa af orgaaiaatkM at traiaad layawa aad of Cbriatiaa an ia pruaacwliaa? Ik anitimira work af tka I'korck. aad apuiatiag auauait-hm to coaahWr Ik raattar aad raport tba kM annul aMuciatiag tka oriraaiani ar kadirlilaai aMna af waaaa la Ik ada- cattoaal aad raiMioaary work of tka Ckurck. Hot. U. FrutkMckaM.tka aotad I'ai Uriaa Mialalar of Naw York, la a arratoa aa radical Ckrlatiaaity.

iganna tka divinity af Chrtat. aa tka Braagalkala ragard ka Va of tiod. Ha rapraaeato tkat tba radical aalwraa aa arwk of tka Bibla a aaaaan la kia cahlvatad nam aad bi aataral aoarictiaa aad aa raora. Ha raada it aa ka raada ether book aad Jadgaa it. What kia kcart aathaatiealca ka aerapto Wkat ia iruod waa good batata tt waa ia tka Bibla.

ar would aot ka tkara. Tka CaUad FMkytariaa Syaod af 1111-aoi took actioa oa Ika aobjoct of tampar- aar. that Ika Ckarck aa a whole ia burgaty raapaaaibla for tka aril of latam-Baraaca. aad toat aka kaa Mora) power Oct eat. if praparly directed, la a great bhmi.

to eooalarart tka eriL at a lute naetiag of tka Xeoia Preebr-tenr of the I'sied Prcabytoriaa Church, a motion waa adoptad aot to vote directly oa Ika validity of Papal baptiM, bat kawe tka qaaatloa to tka jadgaeat of ar Tka Kpieeopa! Caavaatioa of tha Dio-eaaa of Alhaay. racaatly pMd a rule requiring that aoa kat coauaunltaata akaald ka eUgikla aa BMaber of the lower kaa, aad toat aa aaaaara akaald paea without tka approval of tka Biaaop, af cWgy. and of laity. Mia Mary A. Stiaekaagk.

refemd to everal waak ago ia correepoodeoce. who waa a candidate for orders, kaviag preached for eometim aaoag tha Methodlat Proteataata. wa married oa a raceat Sua day, tt FalMiw. to Hv. Haary J.

Bradford, a miaiater of that body. Preeideat HopUaa aaid at Charleatowa, Maaaacknaetta, that "a Coagreiratioiial church may aaa a Btargy without aa actual tp toward picnpary. aad nay alert rukag elder wiihout going aa inch toward Preabyteriaaiam." Bev. J. Hyatt Smith, a diatiaguiahed Baptist atiaiatar.of Braaklya, Saw Tork.

kaa awakeaad coaaldarabla feeliag aaooK tka Baptieta for advocatiag tolantioa oa tka subject of opaa caaaaaioa. A Bp tiat paper, published ia at. Loaia, sugireats that "be should lea re tha daoaiatian. far, koldiag aack view be is bo SHERIFFS SALES, Bt Vibite or ttrsBBi txixr-TluN tone oat ike UM Cwi or Auackeay Com sir. FeaMvlvaaia, aad ta the aaerifl of said eouaty directed, taere will to eapueed to puaiie sale, at ta Court Hoom.

la tke sltr at Pltuburck. Mid eouatr. oa HONDA V. Ike aata aajr of Movewker. A.

lata. ta o'clock. A. the follawiaa deeeneed real eetele. tu-wll: Uuua a co- Attoraera tar Ptsiti.

AU tke rta-kt. title, kalereet sad claim of Oot-fned aUeaier of. ta aad to all tkoae taree lots at aroaaa. eataala ta tbe Tweatlech ward of tka cur ol riusbaia. Alssaaeav eoaatr.

sad atate raaasTlveaTa. sad starked and iws. sered us, lis eaa ia, la noma A. Helios alaa of tke ua-dmstoa of Merartaad 'swrore. furiff il le Flse Uuok.

volune nut end aeid lu fewM tweetv-ae feet eeca. or to itr-ae feet, ea Aiaea's usee, la emieee esse, areservisaT lee i baadred 7eet to aa slier, bete aroeertr coareved to Tsoaiss A. wouue. ar aeea ec Taos, as al. deled eaoseaiser elk.

A. lets. eorded la Ike euaMr of Alloc seer, ia IMed Hook. Vol. tat, pee aii, sad fcr deed af M.

O'Mera. St. dated Beat. 13, Uti. sad record ed ae aforesaid Peed Boek.

Vol. tax aeae aad eoarered kf T. A. MeUoa to said Uot- frlod kWieler. eed tmkea la eaeealloa mm the aroa- ntr of Uotmed Heurler, Ike sail of Tkoaua a.

atu, for wee oc -v. si. uuua. ALSO. ilevea.

Attoeeee fee theJealC. AU tke rltrki. title, laiereet aad etaua at Jobs Cor-wlias. decease, svinntror ia aiontace, la Ike head, of Marearet Uormelius. hie adatlaiatratris.of, ia sad to all those two eestata kat, sMkerea wsaa 11.

ia jaex Qesaeaie's aiaa of k-t ia Bohuwoa loweaaip. Alleaaoer eoeetv. mete or reaaarivanu aad fiiirajf ee foitows. via: tk alealaa ea tea use a IM sun lire, la said ataa. at tha eerae at lot sua her sold to Jseok A Ileal Ikeaee ateow Ike Use or lot aevv her soul Miealeea drees four wlaules, eaei iweM-ei7t ailaatea aad thlrtr-eerea a pakiie road to tke eestre of kartiers Creek: Ikeaee ep the eteklv dea-reee sad ftr-ve aii elevoa iinle, sietk aiirr alee aad tkrae-snutM deereee.

weet eieeea aad furtv-four eee-kuadredlhe aerckee, eautk statr-two de-arees sad hltr-sevea wieetee, wen tkree sad etalyeevoa eae kuadredlhe perekee to Ike aoreer at Htt No. t. la Ike pan eoroesid: Ikeaee ar Ike saate aana euM anBuies. east lemrtve aad Blast v-atae eas fcuadredlfcs perchee, rossis- a aeUlic road 10 the eorarr ef ll Sfo. A at tke ead aad eeatre of Hidae streal 1 tbeae axwa tan uee ar km iu.

aorta afte-twe aad la kslf darae. east eiahtoe aad tear-teathe nrckM to the stsee of hiaala. eoelaialaa tarce aeree aad lea aad oae-sair sereae. keisatae aaefre areaiieee aia Jaaioa akOaaaeele aad wife, kr deed datel aad recorded witk said ladesiare. coa-vered ia Jaaa M.

Oraellue, apoa waieh is ereeiedaeae etorv aad a-half daaUlaa, pert lutf sad pan fraave. ieiaed aadlaaea ta eleealloa as tee prap-srtr ed Joaas Coraetias, deceased, ta Ike haads af hie adaiiaietrMris. Maraaret Core sites, al tha sailer Jaates MeOuaaesle. sad Maria Loaied. his wife, ia rtfkt of said Mana Umlea A14M.

Mbliauh Altoraev tor PlalMlg. All too n.n. Ilium, laiereet mkM Praai Uanaor of. la aad la all tke terai yet eosse aad eae spired at all tkat aerlala Mas aeht of preailses sitaalad oa the south wart sesiilissls aveaaaaad ttm- ret street. TweUth wara.

la toe our ef ruu-karaa, AUeakear coast r. ItMtef fiesiylra-aia. bia 4- Peaasylvaaiaavaaae, fruat- laa ikereoa slatoea aaa eateadlaa haca fiMtt-iwo feet, kartsa sei.t rears to frost April let ISTU. suajeet fosa aaaaai 1 ef -of estr-twc sailers persble aKntkly. Baaed sad takaa ia Iter alios as ike prop- ini of rraal usflese.

al suit ut wm B. Leaky- 1 ALSO. wVaiw. Alt or PtaistlV. All the riftfct; title, latersn aad tteurv souk vTakker of, la aad to all tke follow let deatritod Ms or piece of aruaad sltu-aualta kM uwsehla.

AIMatoap aoeetr. htale of reBMyiVSBia, IB Bret pieee taei-nji asiaa- aaa I deasrihed a follows, 10- wtt: Uefiaaiaa at tkeaonasaet aoraer of lot Bo. la IBe Mbdlvlslua of ta SSI sis or Castor, dissensl ikeaee aorta teraoll psrsksai IheeeawM bweair-ala aad tooths perchee. ts.acc soath twaai r-two atikk- tr-two aarcase: ikeaee east Iweaty-ekes aad eiakt-toalss parches to the ptae af soaicslsr. coa-toiaia-.

luut ill eeeee aad Bttaea aerekes strlet measure, sad hUrit the same whka was oavered kv Jesses irwla. trustee foe Mr, rtanrs-et MeClara. kr dead record la AJIe-aheav eoeatr fku hosk Vol. MLpagu BR, ta sakl fiaowa Jaeok Wakker. sad batoe kat Ko.

1 ia the sueaivtsiaa ec, tee misii aw ZiTaollaartoA 'deesrthad let piece of lead stlealed ae afoeesaid aad koeeded aad aesertbed 1 follows, via: ataniiif al its 11 ie St the 1 eoraee tram Jo tweatr-toar Mt sis- saalae serekee: tkeece weet tairtr-eta eaa Mlr-eiaat eae haadredtke petcaea. tasrvr-els aad etstv-eiibi ims huadreaiM sereaee iotas ptaee 01 seeiaatafr; heis( kd Mo. bt tee auhairl-roa aforeeaif, aad ike oases srhleh Jsae trsria. naetee tor Mrs. MeraaM tarOaea.

kr deed thSwdsd la AUetheay eeuaiv la Ueed Book Vol. sLeEti'i'? 'sati strip of arouail. sisteas fmt ta width, aad ea-toadiaa siosa the soatheate ef lot No-1 la the Mtolrletoa ut the estate aT JMh Caaket. isa-d. aad toe seme run kihssstb iruia- kr deed af AarUM la.

recorded Is ueed aoa Vol au. araaaad and aoeveved to astd Iseotwe Jscab W-hter, lot go, 4 afora- asMt eoataiM BV acres wm ewe-euaareu Aiau. AM aV IsBiwIat Ipt ar Ptaee rroaad sllaaled aa afmsssld aad Maa aad de-orrieed fallow, ta wMi Beelasls-i at i soseolef a aaaed leaee ea Has of the bud ef Mre. Msrssj.t MaClare- the see sorts eae Octree sad lea mi sales, west alae Calaao aauth dsaveeTaaallrsr mtaates, waet eiaht aad ereMr-su-oae-haa- aredlas perckM (0 a tocam peg; taeace soalb eae iili 1 aad lea mtoirtee. earn seae aad haatamaa.

see fraJiks oerebee atore or lees, aad Betoed aMtahaaagiiateea ee tke sevm-eete ei Geerae Jaeok Wakhrr, at the sau Si JsMlk M. Wawaa wm mt utut wueoa. iXLWSll rSSt MUSS ah rtflk, iH0f wy aat to a-r peaat ee ad tesreeiM Mcfcwa.tosrrit toalsiissj isuiaiaikKltoa tvae hum the akueeaf Ws kBBred Brrp mi r5riWi-yK ftoa-aa. I at hag rricui rirta 1' Alltra Cf ADagkMf CaaatJ. HAI TTB BVII.PIK' tummm ni lwT.

eM. Ium4 ia tilaj I lOfiol Hi. easBBaaae.jaaa...?..a.y$ Uwnt la lb attortialac nnw ea mil al eeutarial aa4 aaaeial Be MNMN tkla aSff kM Im WH Ml Armir. IKUMtV VIUMITTIMH lawm. Bra MMimiMMty required to emily jumnml ha tke ablluU I mm aewaat tke Bar I Btr eajeet to blWm0 Bea ka Ire lmi mm wllk ebuearj.

It aaa mfMly lb 1114 kimi. tkaaW asy thaw Mit)4 4etraUaat.a to IwwL Th XW jUtJUrulil Illk- Mia kaa a euluiaa af aautaara mf Ike Mk I'kiM Jaatlt Ckaaa. It dial Juatiek Ckaaa la MaV u4 eate. hm aad ka. Ms, a saw yatrla.

aaarsUaaed u4 ktk atiatterf Jarftfe. protowad aaj prartiMl etalMana mwI mm rilltia kaa awa." HK, tka Juttrmml bmmi Ik eakllc IkM tka ilinctM a tka dlaeaa. wblek taaUytaok kUaa. ta aot yet eVWrml aad aw piiiai tka mm mm Ma la, tkat tale JaetUe kaa aaaa taak aa." 4. ahkeagk fcafcla to hla to hla4 to kia dalisa, Ma yat aaiey qal It yate.

la rely to Mt eitiele to am eolaata al Tkajwlay leaae bare rale a Mat- aalwlUa, tkawrltaf af wkfakywaaaaiti to ae atraral tka freakl eeafcaiwaeWaot eekaeeaaTtkta; wkal-aaa to 4a silk tka article to wklck etnala Taerear. knrtnr. mm aw fcai rllipnMil to um, aad Ilea tke write af wka a caacalva to ka alelaaea lacaa Ha toys tkat "II la Ina tkat BMMtMiiamaaMid to tka latar aata al Mayalaaa at kla aaapria. why la ka aat aa Mack a traitor aa AiaaU waV Oat ropty tkat katwaaa tka two bmb Ikata la aat tka aUaktoil mMyariaiai AraaM traa traitor kiraaai ka katrayad tka iiiiiwm Imm amaiaaa ka kald. laailaa aavar kaH a anal tram tka fnack Baaaklk.

aarar ky act at daaa atkaawlaagaa Ha aalkarlty ktoiUac aa kiaaaU. aad tkmfora. Uatt at at aa Uailor. May aat ka aoaparad to a Maa atko batrayaa a govanuaaat wkkk ka kad timgaltid at lawfaHy Mwti aa Fmaea kaaa a BapakUa at tka oat at af tkla war. aa4 Baniaa aaa af kar Waaarala.

aad aad lajaarlaliata takaa ad-aatacaaflka dtMlfcatfaia la Paria aria tag fraai tka dlMMm fclllag aa tka ary al m) BapakUf.w waala aat kaaa tarav adBamiMatraiU ajreUaciactotkaaoe- triaaa af tka aoranuaaat traa wkick ka MB. Sot ka akaald ka aalM tka aoaaraMaat to wkkk ka doaa cUalalaiparial.aad wa ara yrajadkad agalart It. Amy atkat aartrlaa weaM ka aVriac a amaiaa for dMartioaa fraa tka waak totka Mraa. Tkawtwar faraW lauaiMa'Utka ataa aat lawrMtoi af Fiaaar. la aaly a 'katar dlaaraariy mm af WaaMaalaa aad kJaaakia aa aaala wa ara Mnyillad to tkiak tkat tka wrltat lakara aadara aaa-faawaaf mm Wadld atotoU to aoaa mm tka aatal caararmtaf tka toolvida-akj i ail ill tka fraaak BpakUc.

Wa 4a aay. kawaaar. tkat Track a. Farja. Tkiara, flaaikrtta aad Earatry.

ara Maat Matty iaaloaa af aack atkar. airaato to tka lait1a aOaa la Fi Taai taa Fraack BaaaaUa. aad aaawaataf aaaaiatlty. WaawlaataakaM tka lPTtal tlnarraMiat.aar aaak to kaaa it nunit. kat wa did My.

aad da aay, tkat tka waat af aaaatoUty la tka kwdara af tka Fraack Kapab'JawtU Matora tka i dyaaaty witk ar wttkoa aar Wa datira aaa to ka Bla id do aat tkiak a aaba vlaw af aar artkla aaa nwaikly iaaraawaa tka wrltat ueiova urrkxueBMCB. Tka CAarrAiaaa natalaa a mib ky Baa. Pr. U. Haaaard.

aa tka -Escla aiaaaaaa aad ackarHailaaaM af tka Vfataatoal EfUaopal la wklck tka arvoraMt diTiaa prmala tka fanaaf at aad yrartlMa af tka diOaraat ullglm aaaaauMwwaa af taa aaaatry, aad tka iWa aad aalkarlty fto tin mum yaraaad ky taa Baiaaaaal Ckarek tawaida atkat koaUa af CktMtlaaa it tka aatad tkat tka form af gwrara-BMataf tka Fumtaat gplaaaaal fkartfc toal Mviaa laalttalioa. tkat to tka asckaaca Moald, la faaUty, akartaa af tka klakaat oV la tkat Mia- latry radaaia Ikastolka daadkraalaf faiarniT Wa aa aa atatrad to failatt tka Uaia af kalMBBlf Dr. la tka atlatatry af IkaCaa- Fraakytarlaa.Maikaaiat.aad Bay- to latiiitlia af rraaV woaaraara. Jadgaa. Blaga aad Maa- uJoaa Waalay.

Bagat WUIIaaia aad Ma Calalat wkila wa towMlkataa-MMtoaaf aat Biikiya kack totka Aaaa wara yiMailly iiajwlnlml ky aat Lord wUk tka twarkiala ward -aa kty Fataat kalk mm Maaaaa aa atad i 'to yat lata all taa world aad La. I Ma whk yaa alway, aadaf tka TkaMato tka rioala af tka diaaoam. wktak ttaarty tkat tka doatrlaa af -ayaatnll Baa- a la aot a taytk. kat tka vlaw af ka Ckarck gaaarally. Caafatltioa lata yaata raa klgk at to aaaaal ra-latUaa; af tka aa ka tka Ckarck af tka rUgriaa.

Braaklya. Laat tka MMpaiitlna wa aa gnat tkat aaddaOam, Tka mM tka akatck atakaatka actlr aali tka ckarck Maaarty twa ty tkaaaaad dallato. Dr. Rtarra.tka tar, kaa aaaaat giaaa aa oatlraly tka Or. MakWaWa; kaa kwrly apaaadat I.

Jrkalaad, l. aa BaMaaaai Ckarck. -to aaaJurMl'y witk taa yrtaitoh af tka BoMaagal Ckarck." Fall to. I Bkarty allawid. aad taa aid al i af at kar dianatlaa llnaa at to to) tailad aa wtiiaMa mwlaa kUFarlaad.

wya Ika Myaw i tkat aftv yaata agatkaaa wara kat tkraa rataaaa mmIIm la Bkada la Madaadt'aaacrtirat Ikata ara aaa Mtodtad akajckaa aad twa kwadrad tkaa- Tka CatkaUaa af I kaaa a tkird af tka Jtov. Pr. tka Agaataaf iktJia Tark wwkt' aaajdadky tka i to Claclaaall. aatil tka 7-: I Maraaa. kat tkat tka wmjmm aa twwtotkatrtatiitolia aad tka Fun itato Jjfcil yrT Ckaiak m.

tkat "tkay traaa aato jiiiumI a taak ifiatlrila to Jaaa aatU tka tkargaa ig-' kito at iataatigatad aaat Jaa Mtyi. Tka aaly fa rata to kla atBwto agaat. aad ato kt awaarirlal 11 1 to taa MMy altfcatoaMar MaaVaikiaaaa Icaatar Tka Iiwii fcartat akanka al tka Wm mialW kakt tkat Ciaaiiiai at lUlauia. Tkay ka fatty SL.kBM-i.l ii A Orleans violas LE BY 130 and 132 perry of Hen it D. Foster aad Mar Jaae.

ha wife, at the suit of Win. F. Joausti-n. guardian of the tuiottr children of Joha T. Barclay for use of Thomas J.

I relay -A LS4 (iEYEs, Atuirner tor Plaintiff. AU tbe right, title, interest and claim of Alexander McVlurg in and to all that certain lot if ground situated in tbe Tenth Ward of tn city of j'lttsittirgn. ouaty oi Aitegne- ir. iieiil reua-sv. cam, at tue souia corner of Liberty street and Strawberry Aiiey.

eiar niHery-etgnt leet ana eignt inches on Liberty street nnd one hundred nnd forty feet and seven incite on Strawberry Alley. Whereon is erected building called me acaaemy ot music. Seized and taken in execution aa the oroiv erty of A lexander McUurg. at the suit of nouei. vt aittaaer.

ALSO. MaBSHxxx. Attorney for Plaintiff. Ail tbe right, title. Interest and claim of fames r.

Johnson, of, in an to all that certain lot or piece of ground situated in Liberty township, A lie ben countv, Pennsvlvania, bounded and described as follows, viz: He- inning at a pin -m Main street, distant aouta ft v-t hree detrtm hirf v-tine minute east. fifteen twenty-aeven one-hundredths percbes from the corner of Com ad street aud Mam street; thence along Main ft reet. soutn fifty-three dcrrees. thirty mlautes aut. ten-lve twelve one-bundredths ierches to a pia; tbenoe north seven degrees, thirty minute enax, miny-eix serenv-eveu one-nunorcu-etbs perches, by land of Tfaomac Howard, to a pia; thence north eighty-two degree, thirty minute west, ten sixty one-hundred the pe rones by land of Margaret Wilkisoa.

to pin; thence ouh aeven deirrees, tbirt-r minutes west, thirty ninety oue-huudredLhs perches to the plwce of beglnninr. coutaiuing two acre and thirty cue hi sixty-live one-hundredth perches, being uart of lot So. zt. ia a plan of Iota of part of tbe farm of J. Wine-biddle.

deceased, laid off for Mrs. Harriet Winebidole, bv'. M'tiowin. Ieariugdate Nor. 14.

and Febrnary IS, l'wHT. Seized and taken la executltrti as the property of James P. Johnson, at the suit of A. ft. Gross, admlnuttraior of Harriett Wlnebtddle, deceased.

ALSO. Wm. Biakklt. Attorney for Plaintiff. All tbe rigbt, title, interest and claim of Henry Keisof, in and to lot No.

62 iu Beis and Chiiiings' plan of lots in Wilktnsburg, Atle- Pheny coanty. Pennsylvania, plan reoorded ia tan Book, yoluie part 1st, page la, fronting on Alfred street four hundred and seventy-eight percbes, extending back along tbe line ef kit No. til thirty-three and ninety-fire one-hundredth iperebe to the land aow or late of Thomas O'Neii; thence along Raid land towards lot No. 43 four and seventy-eight one-haudredths percbes to lot No. oVt; tsjeuce along tbe line of kit So.

6, thirty-three aad ninety-four oae-bundredths percbes to Alfred street; thence along Alfred treet toward lot No four and seventy-eight cne-hun-dredtbs perches to the place of begiuBing. containing one' acre and two nnd twenty -eight oneThundredths perches. Seized and takeu in execution aa the property of Henry Be is at the mi it of James Mc-Ginnjs, for tbe uw of Wm. Beis. now for nee of J.

E. McKelvy. AlaSi. ItoiGKa. Attorney for Plaintiff.

All tbe tight, title, interest and claim of F. Schrnder of. in, and to all that certain lot of frround situate in the Fifth ward. City of Al-egheny. County of Allegheny, aud iState of Pennsylvania: Beginning ax the northwest corner of Cabinet stree' and Aliegaenv ave-aue; theace northwardly along aveaae ainetr feet; tbence westwaraly two feet; thence southwardly ninety feet to Cabinet street; taeace eastward iy along Caboier street two feet te Aliegbeoy avenue, the place of beginning.

Seized and taken In execution at the property of F. Schrader, at the suit of the Mayor. Aldermen and Citizens of Allegheny. St xoi.r, Attorney; for Pialnt'ff. AU the rirht.

title, interest and claim of An drew Coldollar of. In and to all that certaia lot of around in tbe sixteenth ard of tbe city of Pittsburgh, county of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvania, situated on tbe south side of Charlotte street, fronting on said street one buudred and ttfteeu feet, and ma-nine back about one hundred feet to Lafar- ette alley, bonuded on north by Charlotte street, on the east by Alien street, on the soutn oy tsaiayette alley, oa tae wt by lot of Paradine. Seized and takea in execution a the property of Andrew Coldollar at the suit of the city oi ALSO, KODOKHfl, Attorney for plaintiff. All the right, title, interest aud claim of Georse Lighth ill's heir of, in and to all that certain lot of around situate in the Fifth ward. (Ityof Allegheny, county of Allegheny nnd State of Pennsylvania, beg ion tog nt the southeast corner of Uebecca street aud Bidge street; thence east w-a rely along Bidge street two hundred and forty-five feet, more or less; thence southwardly one buudred and ctxty two feet to Bebecca street: thence westward.

ly along Rebecca street two hundred and ninety reet to tne pince oi Deginnuur. Seized and taken in execution as the nroher- tV ftf tfwaft.awa l.iarhthlll'ti heirs af Ika ceui a the Mayor, A mermen nnd citizex of AUe- gneny. ALSO. 8ulb. Attorney for Plaintiff.

All the rurht, title. Interest and cla of Mia. J--y, Wililaa Kea- worthr. Catharine knir.iri)r u. and Billot Locke, of, in, and to all that certain lot of ground in tbe Fifteenth wnrd of tbe City of Pittsburgh, County of Allerfaenr.

and (State of Pennsylvania, situated on tbe east side of Thirty-ninth street, fronting oa aatd street fifty feet, and runnins hack one hundred feet to Foster's alley, bounded and described as follows, viz: lictrmniux ou tbe east side of Thfrtv-ninth ZT, t. ooroerof lot belonging to F. Burkbardt; thenc along said street towards the Allegheny river tirty feet to South street; thence along South street to Foster's alley, preserving tbe name width. Seized and taken in execution as tbe property i4 Mr, fcllee Jeffrey, John I. Jeffrey.

WUltam hlen worthy, Catharine Ken wort by, Maria Barr nad kClllott Locke, nt the suit of of Pittsburgh. IUmbbbs. Attorney for Plaintiff. All the rizhf- tltl. interML and elaim twf Sm it her of.

in and to all that certain lot of ground situate lathe Third ard.Citv of AUegkeny, County of Alloghear and State of Peansylrania. hounded and described aa foi- owc: ueginoing at a point sixty feet from tke northwest ooraer of Concord street nnd Turner's Alley: thence northwardly akmg Turner Alley thirty feet- tbeevce westward ly oae hundred feet to East Lane; thence southwardly along East Lnne thirty feet; thence aastwardly one hundred feet to Titrners Alley, the place of beginning. Seized and taken in n-xecutine. tiva nmn. erty of Withers, at the suit of the MarQf.

1- ausuvu VtVaaVCaK anrfllCBJ, IlolxHuav Attarsey for Plaint id. AU tse rurht, title sad claim of hUley's eiri of. Is aaa to an tbat certain tot of around, tlt-aatedlathe Third ward, city of Allectjeav. county of Alleeaeav. aad str nia, bound and deecribed as follows, vizi Issrat-ioc en the ee side of Pm ally at lh, ds- 2 iWauey ru.rthwsrdlr'.rZr wlt.rtrfi mm 8eife4 aad take Into exeeutloa as tbe nnaanr a wt Itaror, AMermea aad Citiaeos ot 1 1 iij sj Modus.

Attoraer for Plsintiff All tbe rifbt, title. Interest end claim of Phillip Swain of, ia sad to all tbat certaia lot of ground ia the- Secoad want of Allrjrhenr Otw. eoaatr of Alleaaear and rHate of PeaasTlTa-aia. sitaalad oa tae east side of Caiea aveuaa, frontla: oa said avenue thirty-eiaht feet aad faaataa- baelc about eirhtr feet to Mary street, aaaiaalaB oa tae aorth-east comer of faioa BTeaue sad Usllsa-her street: tbenoe northwest siou Paloasvenuethirty-eiaiit feet aud ia depth eaetwsrdl, slonr Uallsaber street eWhtr feet to Mary street. ecucn aau laaen ia execution aatbe iwoa ertr of PhiUin Swain at tbe suit of tar Maror.

Alderawa sad citizen, of AUeahen, Citr. nU)lXxa. AttomeyTor PlalatK. Art tbe rurbt. title, interest aad ctsia, of Philip Mowry's heirs of.

In snd to all tbat car-tain lot erf Bmuadlu the Third Ward of tka City of AlleBbeny, bounded aud described follows. Tit Berinniac on tbe east side of White Oak Alley, at tbe distance of two boa-dred and fort y-aiae feet aortb from Healoak street; theace atone White Uak Alley northward If erTcatr-aiae feet theace eastwardlr sadpiusuilBf the aarae width ainety feat to a tea fast alley. Aiau. All that other certaia lot of trosad situate In said city snd ward and bounded and tU: Befinnin on the eat side of aViyie street nt the distance ot two buudred aad aereaty-Meea feat aortk from Hemlock street; tbence raaninc aloee BViTle street, aorthwardlr thirty-nine feat; theace eaetwsrelr preferrlne the sau width to White Oak Alley. aeued aad takea la executtna aa the pro-jertrjrf Philip Mowry's heir.

attbtiuAef tue SMayor, Aidenoes snd "citizen, af Allegheny. llrrBGBwa. Attoraeyror'ptainllB'. All the ri at. title, luterest snd claim of Wra.

B. of. Is sad tt ail those three eertsra lot, of srouad ia tbe Third a srd of the city of AlleBBear. eouaty of Alleaheny, and State of PeaBaylraasm, situate oa tbe north side of Msnderaoa street, front Ina oa catd street feet aa 1 running back one hundred nad afty feet, and bounded aad described follow: BjejfrnttfnB cm tbe aortb side of Boadersoa street at the eomer of Federal street; tbence east atone nendersoa ttseet I seTeoty-Bee feet and runnins back north oaa hundred aad Bfty feet. Seised and takea ia eaeoutloe as the Dro- EXT of Wss.

6. Harea at the eu't of the yew, Alderae and cttiaeat of thai sac AOoraey fer PlaistlB. -All the right, title, interact and rlaha of certaia lot Thit w.rd of Alleeheay Oty. AUecheay eouaty. PeamylTaaia.iTtuate is oa said street tweaty-ve feet, sad raa- 4 leecTte as tot-jaws.

MeBiaaiBB aa tha aortb etde af SZiOITlLJZ "nat thtee ZUrSTr. ftf of street theace east along Haadersoa street tweatr-flra feet, udja lUwk Borth paralUi with rwderai JjTy execution sitae proa-''H ewaer at the suit ef ae Mayor. Akteraiea aa eiUieas of Aliegaeay. BfUOH a FIXKIVO, i Sheinfll rnrswBUB, tHTB.t Lang McKallip, Wknlaaibj ai BwliwM GRADf. FLOUR AND FEED, BjatraaUc Ceaaat, Whlta Uaf, CaMaaaa4 laava riaBlcr, a4 AaUu-ttuta CaaJ, No.

347 LIBERTY ST. prTTsat aca. ra. DREKA, ruitut WBDDMM, narmro. hhi asm BtTsiuaa caaaawaBATiwa.

Msawaaw. aaaa. nxLtntwa-nwe. aa at ALiVV AttdtsM Plaintiff. Aint'ajtt titi-, ud elUmf H.

la- lltfJJ wJ) IUdcox of, tm. and tmmi Unar-d in lua- Kftb ward tlv cay 4 AU-ifhar. Ali-rt-ay aad itat- aatl toUBlt-4 and dcrib-d a fi.H.wr. to kit: Be-tfinuiajf ra iaw ai.l- tra-t. at dutBBcg of lortT-a-itit fa-w-t eavat-wardly fTtn Maaftattaa tr-t.

vttalinjr in frt tmli Su-m-iiJ tiwt wm-iv-tay taac, aai ruaoiatf laaciv aralrt witk) Manaattan strva-t kufHlrd and thirty-'itftat rt to allvy. b-in Nam of ffrt.tiD4 rWTi-d M.rv Jor IUImtue. iT 4 4 totit'iul-r Hth. l-wat. ai-o an1 itia ta a th inl Mf a H.

L. fVatofwrB aw4 Mary Ja- awatrrum. al ttt avurt ta Ay-gawnjr ftiui.d-Dtf and leoaa AwgMciatLoa. Alfi 4Ba-dK a. Attim-T fur Flaiatifl.

AIM r. nifht. ritl. and claim Mi-thivl Brrjf tr of, in and to all that certain lot Of groan! tn Indltna Ionhip. AHr-jrbfBT ctountyan! ltl r.f PvnnArlTfanlm.

htn a front of naf huntr-d f-t ft- oa tb avtrth tld th VfMt WnmvlTania Railrf-ad ta HrnnwytTaaia T'anal. nnd run mnAT taarh aortawarttly ap ttiward tb hill, a 4itajK- two haalrl fPt 3U frt to a ait, bKtad-4 oa ta eat bv laad of lHarlar't Wim aad ca th by Undn of Anthony KrU ba. baro ia iwtrd a aniali frame d-vviiiaaT b'MBav, biaf taV4Ji avnirb John Millrr 'oTytd lo Sibiila aanbrirj'r aad Maria llrtfar. iw ift ai'l Hrgfr.t dMl 4rud ft wOiuairv eUth. iMttM, tcrdrd in LlM-M IfaMAh.

jiuBn (Mike aAtd the ald pitaiia vaviatfabrrjrvr arrerw ara eoaTa twr Utatrvtkt tbrwin to th aid Maria iiviarSMl aad taka tn ercutija as th prof-rtT wl MicbeVati Unrger. at th? uit of Jacob IMM4. ALSO. C. W.

a a. Attorn- for Plaintiff. All tba riafht. till aad intertntt and claim of Cbarlf Shoir of. tn and to all ttaoavf rmr certain Iota (me- of rroarni altuattHl on t'oal Hill, in I nioa townathip, forairly.

now aiua borough, Ailtejrheny county. Pc nnayl-ania. Miarhtl and numb rM aa lottt tweatv fusar. lattwy twnty-Aa, 'm tWfMtty-tia iMt aad twatr'-'Tn Ti tn Jlarnc 8tialrB plan of lolav, nd tihjtvHber bouniyd mxul described aa tollowa. it: ftt ginning at tb tynmrot a tovras hip road and rulton Btrtet: tbenca aling r'ulton strt two baadnnl iuui fet to lot number twenty-thre tSii; thant-a at ngbt anglMi tharvwith.

aloug th line of said lot nnmbur twenty-thrv lt two bundrad cM rt tu mnnr's line, and tn-tK-aj aioas tb Mrn two hundrad i3Ui ftt to tbtr tovkugtiip road, and thrnce along the townfMp rtad two hundred ft to thr Klace of beginning: oa which is erfxjted a nutt? 4 velUng botiM, aoeaud a half stori blab. Haixed and takwn intoeacation as the projv ty of Charles Sborr at bt suit of Ut bert ttobb for the ua of W. ALSO. U.

ft 0. Wood. Attorners for plaintiff. By virtu of tba annexed writ 1 have levied ara all tha aetata, right, title, iotert, property elaim atwt demand of tba defendant Jamas Millingar of. in, to.

or nut of, all that parcel of laud situate la the borough of Mount Wasbingtoa. upon Coal Hill. In Allegbtmv county and State of Pennsylvania, and bounded and described as follows. Tiz: Beginning at the intersection of the southerly side of Hal-ley avenue and tba easterly side of street; thenee by said avenue one hundred mud eighty-nine fet easterly to the point where said aenu turns to the southeast; thence by the same forty-hve feef seven and one-bulf. inches; thence by a line paralM with said street, southerly three hundred and fifty-Igbt fret ten and Ive-eighths i nones; tbnee by a line at right angles to naid laitt line two hundred and twenty-live feet to the easterly side of said street; and tbenoe by tba same four hundred feat to the place of beginning; excepting all the coal and other minerals under the same and rights of way under the same as mentioned and descritied indeed of Mary Ann baiiey to Henry Mtllingar, dated the ftth day of August, A.

IX, iM-ft. and record-ad In Toluuwepageaftk. Ac. on vhich are erected a large two story frame dwelling bouse, a atone and frame stable and carriage house aad other out buildings. Eteized and taken la execution as th property of Jamea MUlingar.

at the suit ofTbomas Woods. ALSO, Ktotir. Attoniey for Plaintiff. All the righw title, interest and claim of C. M.

lettwtow and A brain Keefer of, in and to all tho-e three certain continuous Iota of ground sKuxttd Jn the Twenty-first ward of the city of Pittsburgh, Allegheny county, and State of PeansylTaaia, and numbered M. and aW ia Mel ion's Piaa of Home wood lots, recorded ta Plan Booh, volume it, pages 79 and til; said lota together front aerenty-five feet, more or leas, on Homewood avenue, and extend back one hundred feet to an alley, and are bounded on the north by lands of James Kelly and on the south by a forty-feet street, oa which there is ereeted a on story frame dwelling of two rooms. Seiaed and tahea ia execution as the properly of C. M. Uensk.w and A brain Keefer, at the suit of Mellon Itrotoer.

RiirtOSRg. Attorney for Plsintlff. All the right, title, and claim of the beirs of Samuel Kobison of. in and to all that certain lot or piete of ground. altuateU in the Sixth ward of Allfgbsny City, county of Al-iegneny, and Statti or PDUa Kama- to wit.

Begiaainjr at lb north-east corner of $Mg-micx aaa Kraaklin streets; thence eastward-ly altrng Franklin street northwardly one hundred and twenty-three feet to an alley; theaoe along said alley west-ward I thirty-one feet; theuee southwardly one hundred and twenty-three fet to the place ol beginaiitg. 8eized and lake a In eifvutUm as the property of the heirs of Samuel KobiaoB, at the suit of tor I ommoAwealiuof Pennsylvania, fur use of the Mvor, Alderm a and cit Leans of Aile-gsVt-nr Cay. AL9t, Raiitisi. Attorney for Plaintiff. All the right, title, interest and claim of Henry Hier of.

la and to all the three loilow Ing ti escribed lot tr piec of vround situated in the city of Pittsburgh, county of Allegheny aad state of Pennsylvania, via; first, all that certain lot -tt ground situated on the southwardly corner of Pike and Walnut str-it to the Fifth inow the Ninth) ward of aaid city, havinc a front of forty-three fWt oa aaid Walnut street, and extadiag aiung Pike street titty fet; being lot markd No. 4 in the plan or diagram of the partition of the Irwin estate, aiea in ins oringat vour og tvaia county at Ko. I of March term, 14X1. A second. All that othvr lot of gronnd it ted In said ward of said cttv.

ttiundHl and dtftwrrittwHl as follows. ix HeaTinaiag at a point fifteen fet aal tea inches from the corner Mulberry alley aad Walnut streK forty-three feet two inch-a to the earner of lot 4 abtTedecribed th-nce at right angles with Walnut stret fifty feet to Mt-Ki-roy's lot; thence along the line of said Mt-til-roy southwardly about five feet; tbence at right angles with the line of lot aforesaid tea feet through a priry; thence along to tba corner of lot No. ta said plan at tba west sad af the alley Mwmi lot a No. I and the ace from the opp.sif side of said alley at a distance of fifteen feet tea laches from Mulberry alley to Walnnt street at the place of beginning; being lot No- in aaid plan of lrwla's estate. AuHk.

iniru- All that other lot or piece af ground situated in the ward aad city aforesaid, aad bounded sad aVsciibed as fallows, to Ib-giiining at the corner of Walnut street and Mulberry alley; tbence along said alley wen ff-et aad eleven Inches; tbence parallel with Walnut street aortawardlv fifteen, feet tB Inch; thence eantw.rdiy parallel with Mulberry alley tweuty feet eleven laches to wain at street; and tbence along the same to the beginning, b.Lg Jof or purpart So. I in tba Plan aaacxed to the partition aforesaid, having thereon erected one two-story briek machine fiaiablng and pattern shop, one one-. lor brass foundry and one two-story brick dwelling bouse, being the same premises described lu a mortgage from Henry Bier to John M- Cooper, dated August tit rer.orde-d In Mortgage lok. voi. vI.

page 111. aaid toortaage having bea given to secure tba bood itpwa whuih tba aaocutUM Usuee. Mixed and taken ia axes at tern ae tha property tf Heary Bier, at the truit of Joha M. trutkper. ALSO, A.

H. Miixkr, Attorney for Plaint Iff. All the right, title. Interest aad claim of Thus, latadeafel-er of. ia aad to.

all thoave three certain Iota or ground situated la the Hortrugh of leawreecerill-, ia tbe 'ouuty af Allegheny. Mate of Pennsylvania- Being lets Noa. II, aad 21 la thy ptaa of building lots, laid out by Uolw rt Ik-ll, aflioluistratitr of Malcolm Lecbe deceased, in July. ISttt, said lots being bounded and deserlted aa follows: via: Ia No. II in said plan, being bouaded by Pmetreot street.

hDrinsT Ai'y. Tnlon Allee aa'! lot Ko. SI. Ivt No. Juand Xl each having a front of twenty-four feet oa tbe Pitt sour aad ireensburgTurnpiae, and extend lag taau oue hundred and t-a feet to spring Alley, the line of lot No I divuiiug it from lot No.

II. he i aar hut ntnetT-e afut feet and nine-twelfths feet an Id Alley to Union Alley at Its junction with the Turnpike road. Ttie above d-acrttrdd thfelotsof ground, Wing the same sua wHjerf, i.iifn.nij' onn sesia teato anaaxo of Malculni Jvb, dt; eased. by deed dated Hepteuiber JfTtb.

and rtcorded la the Recorder otnee off Allegheoy county. In lieed Uo k. olutue one burnt red and sixty- three. Page four hundred and thirty-five, conveyed to David Kee, and being also tbe aaaa wblcb said iMvld Kee and his wife byiheir deetltiateq MnrcbiTTtb. ImoA, and re corded ia the ofllce of the aforeratd.

la Ieed Book, eo.m two hundred and three. Page three bund red aad ajighty-two, conveyed to 'I nomas Liadenfelser. oa v. btch is erected a double two s'ory frame tnitl'ling, occupied as two trtneme-nts. wtta tvacx pun ding.

wild and taAen ia esecutioa as tbe prop erty of raomas is i nuen reiser, at toe salt of Adam Becker, for axe of James Mevey AL.SO, Kocthr. Attorney for la lot Iff. All tbe right, tltitt. latereet and claim of Jose ik Sharp of in and to all that cert aia lot or piece of ground, situated In the Borough of Temueranceviue. Allegheny lour v.

mate of PvaavHlraaia. eigaatet and marked lot PlhB of otn, I ld out by James Tronich, n-subdivlsaon or t.t t. In Wnr-dea and Alexander's Plan, bounuej ami described as follows, to wit Jvium.iir on tbe HteubeavlUe fikcat tn cot ncr of hh no. la tha aaid alaa. owned Wm.

Nesbit et and thence along raid pUe the distance of twenty feet to tbe corner A lot So. thence on a line parallel with the of lot No. 4 frL to a twelve feet alley: and thence alone said alley iw.iity-one feet mora or les to tnc corner or lot ana ianuv eitmaT tha same sixty feet to tha place of aria nine. which Is ereoted two-storr frame dwelling house, with out-house. It being the same lot of ground which James Trualcb by deed reeorneo iu aeea oooa.

yoi. Vm page Mo, cuuyeyrd said Joseph HwlttPTs. Heutea kM taxen id executio as inepn aertv of aloseoa bharp ut tbe suitor J. Boy fier. for use of Joha herer.

now for uxa of C. Ueroeaet. A Ie' r. RmhrosL Attoruer for Plaintiff. Aai aha right, tlliev Interest aad of aim of Joajtkh haupt af In and to all that certain pi or piece ui grounn SaLia; "an rw -ship.

Allegheny county. State i-ennsyiva- nisv houuflM arid tfreritke'i follow a. to-wit: Beg inn lag at the northwestern esrer wf lot Mo. T. ia iJOkiki -T bt, laid twaa be the nnid Joseph Haupt.

oa Kilbuck Bun. la aaid town- snip; tnence aorta eiaatv-eeven and a half egrets. eet three hundred aaii aerantv. viae awjvi. r.aeoee nurrn one degree, west two buadiwdt'td feet; tbeacc south i-rhty-asaa and a half degrees, went Urea bimdrifi Aad seventy-eight feet; tttenee south one degree, east two hunlred and went y- ce1 of Impii Hit 01 lot No tk tveiaed and takea la ereewtloa as the prop-to uf Joncpk Haupt tha suit Mf tf.

yaatyef ..4 MttJ.atll ak Ml'BHIDB. AtUrnara tnm All the right, t.tia. interest aad claim of loula ttchmidt of, in and two all that certaia lot or of tke city of Allegheny. I formerly boroagk of snr he uter oumy of Aitegbear, asm State af ettuevlrnaia. bouadn! ad de4nhed aa followA.

w.n f'gluBitrs; oa the aortk aide raa kiln street, twaa burdr-ed tui t'hartiVjri Mes. n- 7 w-jeranxua street twenty, tweltt, aad extending of that width aortk-wmJrenatuUl with Ckartieraaraet oawkut 'r1 Itkcaes to aa Wlt km "rtvilega. on whick lawra i eraeted a two-story frame tivixed aad takjp. In aiafatin. aka.

-ITT. avetW rsfl InkJl ll -7aa. "To Ta Z. easaaaa. aa to Bait Ug ALitn.

AN tW tt-twt, t-ttu, isuereet jm6 eraini af if, 'km 1 1 of. In aad ta a I that certaia lot Chy af Pittsburgh, count of AUegkeny aad' Um-ta of rauaartvaalaw aiut acauakul aad de- aoutk side of Beecfc alary at a pubst simtyma IwhH fuf Was I ii a mwst; thsuBa mmlkmardlr rW.fuTske wttk aai4 ailey aad How tbe SnW UBT aaffMlBaBnaBW Bisll I a lO B. al wtetbree fees to Itau ftfka-gcr. tkmaca ky lot of Snadict LAtTtbCMer gaatwvdly about forty-two feet aaawaBus sawawray a nisi sBeeme aorta- wnse ff fi pmts Ihm feet atich miey, amd ii iiiimUw mi4 mltoy aaaufi fiaaty- naanawmnBraanv tuia piac or nega IfisMaaiaaT a pHvat alter hsrianahar BBaraaawawa. SuVaa kuf -eCtl lb BIN SSI tS A fV vr Ci-op Xev4 II Xoa ontfourth degrees west rne hundred and tUty feet to an alley twur-svt feet wide; theuee norrn twenty-fie and three-fourths degrees -at alxng a'1 alley oue bundled feet to tbe public road: tbeuce south thirty-two and oue-fiiurtb degree- ots: ai'n said road one hundred and tlftv to corner of lot: thence north twenty-tu td three-fourths decrees east along sa'd allr-y oue hundred feet to the public theuee Hith thirty-two and one-fourth ea-t along said nd one buudred feet to corner of lot So.

tflei: tbence south tweaty-Uve and three-foartfa degree west aloug line of lot. No. lo one buudred feet to Centre street the place of having Hereon erected a two story frame duelling house. N-Uea and tnken in ex ecu -t on as the property of J. tt.

Cook and A. Cook, partners as J. 8. Cook Bro at tae suit of Amos Lewis. ALSO.

Obyer. Attorney for Plaintiff. AU the right, title, interest nnd cilim of Joha Allen of, in and to and out of ail that certain lot or trfeoe of ground situated in th Eighth ward. City of Pittsburgh, county of Allegheny and tStnte of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Bounded on the north by lot No. on the east by Stevenson street, in part, and on the south by a sub-di-visiou of lots formerly belougiugto Myers and longing to Darid Greer, being the north half of lot Vi.

ar. and south hall of lot Ko. ia Dr. George Stevenson's plan of lot, fronting on Steve iifion street fifty feet nnd extending westvrardly two hundred andtbirty-two leet and six incbes, and on waicn ar erected three two story brick dwellings. south aud west (-art of said lot No.

being Lwe-ity-iive feet in width nnd one hundred and thirty-two feet six inefce-j a deutb, and on which erected a smail brica church, now divided into five tenements. The said part of lot No. 38, was conveyed to said John Allen by H. Atkinson and wife, by their deed dated March lot lrM2, and recorded in the Bee-order's office. In and for aaid county, in I eed Book, Volume eighty-two, page forty-live, and tbe above deaerilied lot Vo.

37, is a part of the same ground cooveyed by deed noil of William Magill, (sheriff of said county, to sad John Allen, dated August 4th, 1835. and recorded in Deed Book, Volume ooe-huu-dred and twenty-one. Page seven. Seized and taken in execution as tbe property of John Allen, at the suit of James Graham, Trustee of the Allegheny barinrs Bauk. ALSO, Bt-ROwiN, Attorney for Plaintiff.

All the right, title, interest and ciafmof James Winteringcr of, in and to all that certaia lot or piece of ground situate tn tbeTwentv-tbird ward, city of Pittsburgh, county of Allegheny and State of Peunsyirania. bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point oa the west side of tbe extension of Second street at a distance of fourteen and three aad one-half inches northwesterly from Linden street; theuee extending along the line of other land of Bingler nod land of George J. Lucky south seventy-four degree nnd west one hundred and ninety thirty-three one-fa und red hi feet to line of other land of Bingler: thence along the line of aaid other land north sixteen degree and west ninety-live flirty one-hundredthsfeet to land ef Thomas Williams; tbence along tbe line of said Williams north aeveaty-fonr degree nnd east one hundred and eighty-four fifteen one-hundredths feet to tbe aforesaid extension of Second street; and thence along the line of said extension south nineteen degrees forty-two minutes and east ninety-live fifty one-buodredths to the place of beginning, containing sixty-five fifty-four hundredths perches, and being tke nam property which tbe said John K. Dingier and wife by their deed of October 1st, Jr69, conveyed to tbe said Jame Winterimrer, having erected thereon a large two and a half story frame house nnd other outbuildings. Seized and taken in execution as the property of James Winteringer at the suit of John H.

Bingler. ALSO, Baji.ey, Attorney for Plaintiff. Ail the right, title, interest and claim of Henry Miiiingar of. in aud to all that parcel of land situate tn tbe borough of Mount Washington, upon Coal Hill, county -Allegueoy, and State of Pennsylvania, aud wescribed as follows: Beginning at th intersection of the southerly side of Bailey avenue, and the easterly side of street: tbence by aaid arcttuc easterly one hundied and eighty-nine feet to tbe point where aaid avenue turns to the southeast: tbenoe by the same forty-live feet seven and one-half Inches; toence by a line parallel with said street southerly three hundred and flftv-eight feet ten and five-eighth inches; thence by a line at right angle to said last line, two hundred and twenty-five leet to the easterly side of said street, and thence by the same four huedred feet to tbe place of beginning, beiug the same land Which was conveyed to said grantor (Henry Milllngar), by said grantv. mm uv uee a oi August A.

D. lo8. on which is erected a large two-story frame dwelling Loom, a stone and frame sta-VI e. and carriage house, and other buildings. Seized aud taken into execution a tht property of Henry MiUiagar.

at the suit of Mrs. Mary Ana Bailey. ALSO. A. M.

Buowk, Attorney for Plaintiff. All tbe right, title, interest nnd claim of Jane B. Holme of, in and to or out of all that certain piece of laud situate in the Fourteenth ward of the city of l'ittxburgh, 'fonoerlv Pitt tiwnship. county of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described a follows: Bertnninir at a point in the centre of Burrows street twenty feet eight and one-half inrhe north of a atone at an anal in aaid street; and thence altjr, the centre of said street north eleven aud three-fourths degrees, west twelve feet one and seven-eight a inches to a na; thence north eighty-seven and degree, east two hundred and twenty-three feet eleven and six-eighths to the middle of Bobinswn streot: thence along said street south two and tnree-fourtne degrees. one hundred and seventy-four feet eleven and five-eighths Inches to a pin; tbence south eig'ity-seven and one-rourth degrees, we-l two hundred seventy-two feet nine and seven-etgbtbs inch to the centre of Burrows street: thence along Burrows street eoutb eighteen degTee.

west one hunimd and twenty-five feet two and one-fo art Us inches to the middle of Mohawij. tbenoe along said tanenprti and three-fourths degTa, west two hundred aud eighty-eight feet to the middle of Miami Lane; tnence along said lane north fifty-two degrees, west two hundred and rightv-tbree feet three and seven-eighths inches to a pin; and thence north seventy-nine degree aad twentwseven minutes, east six hundred and twufeex seven and seven eighths inches to the place of be-giuniog, containing about four acres, more or less, whereon lx erected a two-atory brick dwelling house, and a frtuneetabl with etnua basement, also having fruit tree, shrubbery, arc, All that ttertatn tat of grouad situate in tbe Fourteenth ward, city, county aad State afoiesaid, and hounded and described a follow Bfegmuinc at the nortbeuet corner of Manor out tot No. 14. being the centre of Mohawk Lane, a marked Bl tb plan of the city district; tbenoe centre of M.Qht,wk iane north t.nty-neren degfv wwst two hunted right wttu ijobtwk Lane south three degrees weift one hundred and fifty-six nnd one-half feet to a pin; thence parallel with Mohawk Lane soutn eigbty-eeven degree east two hundred and thirty feet to the eastern boundary liae of Manor lot No. 1 aad tbnce by line north three tiearree on baud red fifty-six aud a halt leet ta tn place of beffta-niugr.

AiH All that certain other tot of ground situate in the Fourteenth City, coanty and State aforesaid, adjoining ta abore and bounded and described as follows: Begriuaing oa the eastern boundary line of aaid Maaor lot No. 1 at a point eighty-three feet, elevea laches south of tbe northeast corner of aaid lot; thence by land lately of Led lie and Anderson south eighty-seven degree, east oae hundred and aiaetv-nine fifteen hundredths feat to tbe centre of Fifths formerly Peaasvlvanta avenue) avenue; thence by th eeatre of aaid avenue south tweuty-thre ttgrpe. west three hundred and thirty feyt; thenoe north elght.y-sevea degree, west ninety feet to the extern boundary Una of said Manor lot No. 4: thence by the same, north three de-grees, east three hundred aad elevea and aeren-twelfths feet to tbe place of hagiaahnf Auo. all that certain other lot of grouad situate in the Ittb ward, city coanty, aad State aforesaid, bounded and described as follow: (Being lot No.

eUD. in recorded in Plan Book, volume 3, page 119.) Begin nior at tbe south east corner of lot No. ia said plan; tbenoe along tbe Hon of other laud of said James B. Holme, south, three degrees and twenty-three mlnates, west one hundred and eighty-sia feet and fire sixteenths of nn inch to point nt tbe Borth-east corner of lot No. theace norvk eighty-uiue degree and forty-three minutes west along said lot No.

3 thirty -three feat four aud a Barter inches to the corner of lot So. .166 and a five feet alley; tbence along aaid alley degreei, seventeen minute, east along BeeliQ si reet one hundred nnd teretrtr-nitie feet eight and five-eighth inches to lot No. 331; and thence along th line of said lot, north eighty-twQ dejrraea thirty-four minute, east, forty-three feet nine and nine-sixteenths inches to tb place of beginning. Aiaso, All thnt certain other tot of ground situate in the Fourteenth wnrd, city, county and State aforesaid, and bounded and described na follows: Beginning; nt tbe centre of Mohawk lane and Barrow street; theace by tbe centre of Burrow Htreet north aeven. teen three-fourths degrees eaat one a and red and frt y-four feet to line of land sold hr Dake to Jane B.

Uoluies; theaoe alpjag aaaa aortb eighty -eveu tlirefialwdurive eaat. one hundrft4 uai twenty-aurea fire-teuths feet tu post, thtacv by land of J. M. Mueller south sixteen three-fourths degrees went oa hundred and (ifty-ttv oae-half feet to a post on Mohawk lane on Dr. Gazzaai's line; thence by same north eighty-five deirrees twenty nvauies vest one hundred aad tweaty-aarea three-tenths feet to the place of begianityg.

on which Is erected a frame carriaffe nouiav Seized and taken ia ereuutloa as the Brotv erty of Jane R. Hoimusat the suit of Adam rorepetbga. ALSO, Uwn. Watson, Attorney for PtulatHh All the right, title, latere- nnd claim of fto McGinley of In aed to. and out of all that certaia lot or piece of ground situate to the Sbcood Ward of the city of Pitta-burg b.

ia the county of Aliegikeny. Stat of Pennsylvania. DourMK-a ana uecrtoa aa lot- lows, viz: Uearinning oq tne north aide of water Btieete at turner oi a tox or uiiaax Oi llei audi theace ruuoiug along aaid street twenty feet to the corner of Mr. McLeid lot; tiienoe along the aatno as rigkt augie Bonn lorty-eigut Teeij, taenoe at ngnt asgie east twenty ferf; tbence at right angle aorth thirtv-seven feet to corner of lot of Mr. Moot gotnerv's heirs; theace alone the same pernliet wun rim avewte west a comcroi a to ot ar.

unieiaaQ aioreaa: taeaea aioaf uw ine of the same south eigkty-fiv feci, to the place of beginning, oa which are erected four two ana uue-half story brick teaeaxeat; also, thre two-story brick tenement, form lag what la called Holland's altuate ba-tweea Orant and Boss streets. iied aa taken ig exufjoe tatnejron-tT of IUrs MOlalT, at the suit of laaiH E. Led lie aad Joha OrfnCfex, adtniLislnitot of M. O. fl XXUa-a Km a.

Attorney for Plxlntiff. All therrght, title, hit rest and claim off Hcsrr D. oster and Mary bit wife, of, la aad to all that certain tract of land situate In In diana towushio. AlleaheaT eoaatr. Tanta.

outaining three kuadred and aia nere and grty-ewartit perchee. more or sen, adjoining Imads et Marauvr Penny, Juwms B. Wuejdfi aad the Altegneay rtvurr. heinaT part aaSsnsJ 42 ia Cunning ham's sssrvey nad plan of dte- itwcm. now a ox aenruemi eu inuu nwu swxmar ana same Brae tht ImtmI ilertaetf hr that mntTjeha Toung to bis dauArhture BliaBuuth aaul Mary Jane, tm u- Uc nf aaafi Ueury U.

Poater, aad aia by certaia aa-ee atsga ta taa uiairiiii Coart of AUecheny county in nurtkvoa hefsasas rested la Ueagr D. FoUT aad tsaw ane. his wif. tne part wa which av erc4ud Ue follewlng huaum First, a oae story frame dwwiUag hnaas al fitv kar aiwLawaa aratk albwUdli Sec oad. a on two story frame alySeaiuk hop.

Third, a two atory frum Am iniaf house ahoux thirty hr aiataea na mus ana im alaeut baPdln PBj tnver. MrtJia frawii. belUaT ukawt iea tMiuoing. 'aji--slxtv by forte ts-cx. abowt fifty by twr about thirty elghisaa, SiaXBuntwe lKue perUy artcana, aKtr mw sovry Bee.

ses, Second Aveiue. What I Bar I Caa Sa. rViMaads of eaaaa af rhm laSHilisrr ter but eeea ia taa sssiwsr atoacas aad tae laac ailments. Near faunae areeari rxiea-buie ud tber aatauaatir par llttiaseed to It. to ware tare, aad do tbeutcoad.

Every oae af tbees ouaVlsa.e eree wara ahe dii afterb, leMMthee are ant hnptless Ve Ij.TTV a eeeailBctr h-miilsaa-sse cured br Da. tnux i u-ao Var a adl-clae which is abaost a specntc ia aulaMary J'eoreeUBUBOa eoeh tt I a stuiBc rearbes rbtat ta tba spot; a askew. aad eaneaes th old: tt aoaeey els sealing rirtues aba the ladea witwew aad precious aatrbasM. aad heals oe tha alceroas aad dleced aortbsx. lae asaof a VKtle of la.

Kxrasa's Lraa eras is wea tbe ravaoaaatioa af la's. Ooto tke Ikaer's ofllre. for ebroalee dieeeeas. Xo. K7 Uerty st reet, aad he erUl ex ses raa roar Mea-s aa tell yoawaatdodo.

tUBre hoars frees alae a. till oae P. U- aad fresa three to eta. aad rue. aerea to aiaa at Bigat oa aatardars- If eaur drus-alst daae aot keep tt.

saaat Be Bellas ta Dr. Keyser aad he ana aead fewr boxed, by sipiSM, wttk fell dire ri Be. how to ase It. as u. aia duty saara us oaBVasrs tae he hag fur aM awrai an alia that be was eaaal.

lo laear. eag fonb. laat UMaataa aaina ta taa, aetle Well eweld aot I'M uc aasp. Bitaasr. er eeea etee ilMnnl Meebtef eretaaas.

vM hs Moauacb am so bat feet was onaiet.ialr Sar-slraee. baw ae fssllag ehelieei la but fee or leg-- That anec asthlse la ead aelaa tae wmmm truw th. Maeaetle WeS X- Leafi. tram frna rbeedBaale tbat tae SMataral fllag saa leteiaed to bis Bssh: that bs to feaeae rtnanr aeieaeiea to aaa-weaa; it mn jiimithab ujTt rra led SB svora mm Baslans taa Bats lit gas bi. ace i.

3 ef Jaare. A. u. lMra auinrr uner. itntary Hois at 11, a.

ai a rvj'a rWu a ana comer of Peaa end Nat etreel. KEW AllVtUt'll ITS- FABER VAN DOREN, 367 liberty Street, 8TBIAM MACHINERY, Steam Piimps, Emsfamf ami HKtnTMK 8TEA1I FIRE ENGINES BELTING, Wn UMtUMttj. Ibtass Crte. wW' haati aaa obd; GRAFF, HUGHS Cooking and Heating STOVES, RANGES, FURNACES. Fine Grate Fronts, COLUMBIA COCX CoEwiEee Ccck Stove, DOUBLE-OVEN IMPflOYED CooWng Ranges Nile laynni Sttr ai FIERY FDRNACE 206 and 208 liberty GENERAL REDUCTIONS ta Dress Goods! Dress Goods! Far SSa.

Par rar tie. A fnU fit Yoj Cheft nTa.ftinai tJAl, raAALVaws. BT.TS or i PereuaaUr arfon Voear. rwTwit wtaTTauiarmtatcBwi AainawtbeawaawraaiassatsstMessawsissaaaaa is-lmsl lag the heela leeterlaateisiisll in baa. the Maiili nl ef a eeaeateeessaeaataar.

who dsscrtsastt WweT ta tbe rbrbt a.a.' tan taa mVrj mm Harlr a. wee be. Itdsataoitabtte thassot. ft a. srslsl glreellr lllilll lliulm ara, aad whstbwsaawir aalls MB aata The Bima as Me saaaaaea.aaas tilain the Bboablsf and tbe nM BMa.TaBsw flaBB-sloa mf the atn.

pllisa.s.. asisitsiM aad Iavuraw. truuaas at BlBht, Ostle, fs Is Bell eg ibe Been, Dry rsaBh.Iarataiai.aa ilhgi wr aad CaeuaW Lresr rssaaaawa. see eae aad aa prriMpUr i i aad BaaBy bsiiH fey she asttea ef tats rawest psawsrauoa. arbteb hi rmns ths lissl nf ssrrselfiM IhagaaUasI sa aai rttilal nf spsilsals hsfnlllhl aabasi sa a powerf al raatorattee.

Plisasi ef aatllms beset, whe in lbs atbws esa mliwii sasMtsaiwia limn or Mais! aaatttga tm' J. S. D1LAV0RT ntig. containing one acre and one hundred and fifty perches, strict mr'asuie. being tbe sxiue premises h'ch Wm.

McKoberts aud vt by their deed of exchange dated the tan day of October A. iri 5. rxo ted and conveyed to said Neil. AU tbat certain other tract, piece or parcel of land lying and situate in MilHin township, couuty aud Slate aforesaid, bouuded and dercrioed a follows, to wit Beginning at a white oak. running thence south sixtv-uine de-rrees.

thirty perches to a suxar tree, tbence soutn thirteen degrees north tweive perches to a pt; thence south sixty-three degree east oue hundred and fifty-eight percues to a post south of a linn; tiieuce north forty-four degrees east twenty-two perches to an ash stump; thence north tweutr-uine and one-half degree east twenty -rive perchee; thence north thirty -six degree. ve-t thirty percbes; tbeuce north eighty-seven degrees west one hundred and eght perches to a white oak, tbe place of containing fifty-one acres more or Uvoi. adjoiuing lauds A Moses McUowan, James Suodtfravs et a.L, being the same premises which JameiiStiodarrass. administrator of Robert ii. Curry, deceased, by bis deed dated the :Uc.t day ol Mfircb A.

ItyW. recorded in the Kwconier's office of Allegheny county aforesaid iu Deed Book, vol. HtW. page mz, giuutedaud conveed to taid John OS tel. Aunt, All that certain other tract, piece or parcel of laud situate in Mlffln township, county and teiaie aforesaid, and bounded aed detecribed as foitows, to wit Beginning at an elm, corner of lands now or late of James Knodgras and running thence aloug the line of aid land south eighteen degrees, east nineteen three-quarter perches to a theuee south twenty-nine and a half decrees, west two tenth percbes to a stone: thence north eighteen degrees west thiny-threetbree-teutboerches to a stone; thence along the line of lauds now or late of said tSnodgrass south eighty-seven decrees east one hundred and twenty-two perches to the place of beginning, containing two acres and wenty-one perches, st rict incisure; being the same premises which Joshua Craft and wile, by Their deed dated the Tth day of My, A.

Ii. imjVo, and recorded in thy Uecoid-er ottice aforesaid in Deed Book Vol. 118, pane granted and conveyed to xuid John O'Mel. Also, All that certain other tract, piece or pircelof land situate in Jefferson tow -nihip. county aad tnate aforesaid and bounded and described as follow, to wit: Beginning at a coroe- of lands now or late of Mo.

en Mc-4ou-au; theuee by lands now or late of sa.d McJowao, north frty and one half degrees east one hundred percbes to a post; thenoe by laud now or late of B. tt. Curry, south sixty-eight and one half degrees, eat thirty perches to a sugar; thence south twelve degrees, west twelve perches tc a pot; tbence south sixty-two and a half degrees, east seventy-six six-tenth pel cheat to a post; thence south fourteen aud one half degrees, north one perch to a post: thence south sixty-two and one half degrees, east four eight-tenth perchen to a post; thence by lands now or late of Thomas Potts south fourteen and one half degrees, west thirty-six and one fan if percbes to a post; tbence south twenty-seven degrees east fourteen perches to a dog wood; tbence south eight and three-quarter degree, east six percbes to a beech; tbenoe south twenty-eight degree, west thirty-eight perches to a post; thence seventv-two and one half degrees, east twelve and nine-tenth perches to a post; thence south one degree, east two mid one-half perches to a post; theuee by lands now or late of B. D. Curry soutn sixty-six degrees, north twenty-seven and three-tenths perche? to a post; thence by lands of Jobn O'Neii north thirty-seven and one-hall degrees, north ten and six-tenths perches to a post; tbence south eighty-two and one-half degree, north tweuty-nine and one-naif percbes to a post; tbence by line of lot recently conveyed by John O'Neii to Wm.

Mcltoberts, and other land of said O'Neii, north fort -six and one- haff degrees, north oue hundred and six-tentns perulie, to tbeplacc of beginning, containing ninety-seven (97) acie aud seventy perches, more or lees, being part uf the same premise which Moses McGowan and wife, by their deed, dared the th day of March. A. D. and recorded lu tbe KHXiier sottacesoretiKid in Deed Book, vol. iM, page Kti, granted aud conveyed infer alia to said John O'Neii. All that certain tract, niece or parcel of land lying and situate in Jefferson township and MifUia township, county and State aforesaid, and being mostly on t'orney'a Bun. and oouoded and described a follows: Be-giaxtitig at a black walnut at or near the mouth of I'aice's Kun, on land or late of R. j. Curry, and runoing thence north eighty-nine and it if degrees, east uine aud seven-tenlhs perches to a small linn tree ia the orchard now or late of said Curry, south eiglil y-four degrees, east five perched to a large plum tree in the meadow, north seventy-.

even and one-hsif decrees, east until it strikes tbe Moaocgabeia. river nt low watr murk; tbence down aaid riivr with tbe several meanders thereof, and bend lug therewith until it intersects with the line now or late or James hoodgras; tbeuce by line now or late of said Snodxtass. to the uu- per ide of a bridge on Pine Bun; theace in a parallel nae or me said upper of said bridge over Pine Bun until it strikes the black alnut Srst mentioned: thence up Finney's Bun until it intersects the liae of land now or late of William Mt (toberta, at or near said Bun. embracing sufficient grtnd for a coal railway, the nearest and bet route for a railway, from said black -walnut to tbe line of Mciwuoerts aforesaid, together with mil the necessary rights, liberties and privi-liges of loadinar and tying, or moorinf boats or raits anywhere along tbe rHer beach, oo the land now or late of K. Currv; and.

aiaro. tne rights, liberties privileges of erring build lug and ccupying as much ground as may be uocosary therefor, and also of uinking pit mouths, erecting check wheel, scaffold or shute; and. alo. a'l the othvr ngnts. liberties and privileges of any nature or kind, whatever routed or tntetided to be granted In the deed imuiediateiy hereinafter recited.

It -being the sauie premises which 1. Currv dv di deed dated the Ilia day of March. A. D. l.H&ii.

and recorded iu the Recorder cflice aforesaid, in lioed Book voi. paxe SI. granted and conveyed to said Jobn O'Neii. sut'iect to the payments, tei-uta. conditions, stimulations and rcarerva'ioos tbetein contained aud mentiooetl.

Al Al. All and singular the coal works and coal ratlra4 of said Jno. O'Neii. blongiug and appettainiug to tue bereinfore deneribed n'rtttnirtes. tnidmilng tbe right of the lands occupied tbtireb, together with tbe superstructure and tracks, aad ail raits and other materials used thereon or procured therefor.

Al-ui. All the baildlngserected on theprem-ises Hereinbefore descnlted. locomotives, car toots, materials, machinery and all other property belonging or appertaining to the sstil coal works, rights thereto or interest therein. Seucd and taken In execution as the prop er! oi aioun etu, itenny en, wamuei O'Nelf and Joseph P. Me I tyre, at the suits of William Wuietnam, feamaei B.

McKlroy nnd Jaim-s W. Kennedy, for use of Javmes McCandless. A teStt, Bki ja, Attorneys fur Plaintiff. All the right, title. Interest and claim of James M.

Burns of. In and to all that certain lot or piece of ground situated In Ifee -r 4l.i,our-, Aile-eiiy coupiy. ttiit- rennsylvanls, aaa pofiifded and described as fiegittning at a point on the line of iruitorl street at tbe corner of a lot which was sold and conveyed br Madison Bailey and wife to 1. limit and runninu thence southwescwardly along the line of said Kuttoa street fifty-nine feet end ten inches to the cor ner of a lot now owned by db. Ward, nnd thence aloug the line of said Ward lot towards Crawford street seaiy-tx feet to a six-feet alley; thepce along the said line nilviy Oft y-nine foet and ten inches to aaid lot of 1.

Smith'; tbence along 'the line of I. Smith's lot seventy-six feet to the place of with the right In said James M. Burns to use certain alley mentioned in the deed made by MadUon Bailey to James M. Burns dated January 17th. inns, and recorded In Deed Book vol.

15s, page 5ft. by which deed theabore-decribd lot was conveyed to said James M. Burns, and baring thereon erected a Inrgetwo-story- brick bouse, double, and containing fourteen rooms, and tbe necessary outbuildings. Heized and taken in execution a the prop-pert ot James M. Burns at the suit of A.

$. Bell for us of Duq Mesne bank. FgRtitTSOM, Attorney ft Plaintiff. AU the right, title, interest and claim of Cha. F.

Graham of, la aad to all that certaia lot or piece of ground situated In the First ward of the elty of Allegheny, county of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvania, aad bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning on tbe west side of Marioa avenue and running west seventy-ffv feet along the line of lot of c. Coleman to tbe Pittsburgh, Fort W'ayne and Chicago Ballroad; tbence southerly seventy-three feet, more or less, along said railroad to Cliff street; thence east thirty-eve feet to Marion avenue: thence north sixty-nine feet along Marion avenue to place of beginning, subject to an annual ground rent ot fifty dollars, payable half yearly to tbe Mayor. Aldermen aud citizens of Allegheny forever; said lot kaviag thcreoa erected a oae-story brick machine shop with basement, together with engine, lathe aad other np-purtt nances, and also a three-story ironciad building. Seized and taken to etuution as th property of Charles F. Graham at tha suit of John 8.

Fergusou. ALSO, toti.btr. Attorney for Plaintiffs. All the right, title, interest and claim of WUIiam M. McOoskey of.

in and to all that certain lot of ground situated In tae Twenty-irst ward, city of Pittaburgh. Alkajheny county, Pennsylvania, and numbered ttu in Mellon plan of Homewood lot recorded in Plan Book 3 page STw and 871; said lot fropta twenty-live feet oa a forty fttest and extendi bark of saw width a distance of one hundred feet to an alley ftfteee feet wide, apoa which is erected a twa story frame dwelling house of two room. Seized and takea ta execution a tbe property of Wm. McCioakey, at the salt of Mel-ion Bros. ALPO, Purviajm'E.

Attorney for Plaintiff. AU the right, title, tntereat aad claim ot KenwicluM-, Taylor of, in and to all tuose certain lots or pieces of ground nt Ulead ale, Allegheny county, Statu of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit Beginning nt Kiibuck Bun road sad eras street, tbenoe northwest with aaid arose street about oa hundred and sixty feet to Centre avenue, tbenc with said arena north thirteen and one-half decree sst forty feet each or eighty feet both to antes lAtstre's lot, tbence with said lot southwest to Kiibuck road; theace twenty-Lx aad a half degrees west with aaid roaa eighty feet to the place of beginning, being lots No. nnd 3S, and being a part of the same tract of land which Wm. M. DawfKm, by deed dted March mb.lWt, and recorded la lased Hook, rolakie 1.

naire xtft. grunted aad conveyed to Iterringer, wnu wnn v-uristina, Bix ju ay ueeo aaxea the Uth day qf a. IV recorded in Deed Book, volume 244, pag poaveyed the said two Iota to Mi V. Gusni, also by her deed dated Juoe kWh, Um, ftrcorded la Deed Book, volume nU. iisure 41.

ranted nnd conveyed to Benwiok Taylor, tha defend- an. Heixed nnd taken IntXMMiMna EtjJ- al tae suit ut a. a IffiaWVy AL80: Bartoh. Attorner for Plinllir. AlltB riht.

t.111. hiOMd uitcUlm nf 1. Conk aud A Cook, partner, as J. 8. A.

Cook, of, in sen to all tk followiac aawntied lot. or piece of rroarMt Is tae uUn lsld oat kr. Haaeoa Uuve, situated ta Sunk Fayette Urwaskip, AUrerkeav eouMr. faBe, I. sals.

Ueiaa ka suit tier, forty-tkrea, fortr-four. natrave aaa lurry-sis le eaw ataa aaa kouaaea Bad oeacnbeU aa follows, to wit: beatanhar at a watte oak oa land of Health, end ezloDdiae aortk foetv etakl aad a kslf deirrees rat one kuadred aad smyiy etset loot lo a poet: taeaea suwta two euaoi aad aiaetrHwo te-t ta a raa aiMitk larn aaaili ma ale Seat I of lot No. ak tfceaoe aortk aloe lee liar of said lot No. two kaadrad aad fottr far to nw o. JaoLiiaiaaia mi taww Mwer CM west oae fcuadrea sad Mveatj-vae feat lead of wid Meuraaairv ta a watte oak BBlta-ilaaa, Ike plaor of sectataa-, sad ksnna tfcereoa erected two terv fraraa dw.llla.

aooet. 1 a pin tn the Hutier Turnpike road st the corner oi lot JSo. a ia said plan; tkenee running along the Una of tot number No. ft aortk tweaty niae degruea west one hundred and fortv-six aixt-four kuadredths feet, more or leas, Ann st rant, north fifty degrees and five annates, east one hundred nnd hftr-tuo seventy- six hundredths feet, more or leu, to lot No. in said piaa; tbence by tba line of said lot No.

9 tntuiB twenir-aiae aegrwes. east one auaorea and eigluy-cigbt sixty -two hundredths feet, more or leaa, to the said Butler Turuuike road, southwardly one hundred and fifty feet, more or less, to tae corner of lot No. the place of beainnlitsT. Tsreiber with the fail rixrht and privilege of asiug water from any or all of toe Bp rings on tbat part of the property in saia known as the Vineyard lot. with tbe right also to go upon said lot In using means to conduct said water therefrom.

Tbe above lots are the same which Edward Eicbentaub and Margarwt, his wife, conveyed to Summerydle. above named, by deed bearing even date with said indenture. Seized and takea in execution as the prop- ercy of James aummervuia at tbe suit oi Adam lteint-man. ALSO. E.

P. Jhkh, Attorney for Plaintiff, AU the right, title, interest and claim of James Bishop and Onrollne, bis wife of. In and to. all that certain lot or piece of ground situated ia that part of the borough of Birmingham formerly called Sidaeyvville. Allegheny county.

State of Pennsvlvnnla. beta lot marked No 17 in Jamee Patterson's piaa of the sub-division of acre lots no, is, hi aaa it, being oounuea on the West br Centre street, on tbe somh by lot No. W. on tke east by lot No. 37 and on the nort bv lot No.

1H. and con tain ina In front on lent re 'M leet, aad ia depth about 60 feet more or less to the line of lot No. 37 aforesaid, on whicti Is erected a frame dwelling bouse, being one of the same lota or pieces of iuuu waicu otowiBU Bain atiu aiivii executors of Alexander Scott, deoeasetl. by their deed, dated tbe tfvth day of April, 1m4, and recoided in tbe necoroer omce in teea U.Hik vol. 142 page, gruuicd and conveyed to tbe said James Bishop.

Seued and taken In execution as the prop, erty of James Biohop ami Caroline, his wife at the suit of tka People's Sayings Bank. ALSO. Jomeh, Attorney for Plaintiff. All tbe right, title. Interest and claim of Wm.

S. Taylor of. in and two all that certain vaee-stag or piece ot land being part of kit Na. 11 in JoneH' Ui-itrlct of depreciation lands, called "Hopewell," situated in Boss township, Allegheny county. State of Pennsylvania, and bounded aad described as follows, viz: Beginning at a post corner of Bobert T.

Rodney: thence by the outside line of the original tract and land formerly owned by Jacob Bowers south two degrees, east fifty-three twenty-three one-hundred the oerche to a post; thence by land of Jacob Walker southelghty-nine degrees, west eight seventy-six one-hundredth, perches to a post, south two degree, east nine twenty one-hundreths perches to a post; thence by land of Jaeok Walker formerly owned by heirs of Joseph Caskey south eighty-nine west tklrteea fifty-two one-hundreths perches to a post; tbenoe by land of Nancy Rodney, of which this is a part, north two degrees, went aixty-two forty-seven one hundredths to a post; thence by land of Bobert T. Kodney north eighty-nine degrees, east twenty-two fourteen on hua-drvths perches to the place of begin mag, containing eight acres and twenty-three perchee, said twenty-three perches being reserved thereout for the use of a road through tbe same, being th same conveyed by Nancy Rodney and Mary Kodney by deed dated February 11th, aad recorded in the deed bowk vol. page to said W. S. Taylor.

Seized and taken in execution as tke property of William S- Tavlor at tha suit of the People's Savings Bank. ALSO, Kkakim.x. Attorney for Plaintiff. Ait th right, title, interest and claim of Joha staibof. la and to all that certaia lot or piece of grmad situated ia tbe borough of Lawreoceviiie.

bow Seventeenth ward of the city of Pittsburgh. Allegheny county. State of Pennsylvania, being lot marked and numbered Si tn a plan of lou laid out by James S. Uevitn, and bouaded and deciib-4 as follows, to wit: Brginning at a pia oa the aouthern line of Calvin street, at. the oraer of lot No.

31 ia said flan, tweaty feet distant from the corner of alvia street aad St. Mary's avenue; th a eatwarly along Calvin street twenty feet to the corner of lot No. ia aaid pi aat thence at ncht anglea witk aaid last mentioned street aad along the line of No. Si southwardly one hundred fe to Garden all1 tkeeee along the northern line of said alley westwardly tweaty feet to line of lot No. SI aforesaid; and thence aiot-wr the eautterly Hoe of said lot N.

21 northwardly one kunired feet to Calvin street at the place uf beginning, being one of th same lots of grouad which James S. Devlin and wife, br deed, dated June fith. last, and recorded in lieed Booh. v.4. granted and ooeveyed unto Joha Math.

Swiied-and takea in icttti a the proper. ty of Staib. at the suit of Jonu S. Wvlia. ALU, GtM- Hall' Hat.

Attorneys for Plaintiff. All tbe right, title, interest and claim of "Iho. Tbomuwoa aad Aaa Thompson of, tu and to all that certaia bouse and lot of ground in the village of Nobletitown, county of Allegheny, and Slate of Pennsylvania, bouaded and desv eribed ae follow, to wit: Beginning at a post oa Mill street; thence aloaga ctHs atreet eanwardly nerth forty aad one-half degrees east twelve and one-half perches to a post; tbence by William Miller's lot south fifty-two degrees eaat four aad eight-tMths ipeicbes to a pt: thence by land of Ueorg W. Murray stMith 11 ft -sine degrees east five and war-ten i torn nercbes to a post; thence by land belong-1 rig to the Paa Handle Ballroad Company south fifty-three and three -fourths degrees wewttwoand five-tenths perchee to a po-t; thene by the same west four perches corner of stable: tbe are pr the same uth ixty-six degrees want seven perchee: thence along tha east Sid 'Mill street aortb aeven-ty-six degs.west tbree and five-tenths perchee to tbe pi see of begiuaing. containing seventy-two perchee, strict measure.

The noove described lot of land is the same lot conveyed by James N. Tldball to tbe said Ann Thompson, and having thereon erected a three story frame hotel, a tuo story frame dwelling house, a frame stable aad other outbuild lng. Selxed and takea in execution as the property of Thomas Thomnecm and Ann Thceoson. at tbe suit of Jan. N.

Tidbaii. A All the right, title, tntereat aad claim of Wll-Itam llrowa of. la and to the undivided one-fourth part qf all that certarn Ut or piece of ground situata la tmp Kifth ward, fity of Al-U ay, iforsuerly Miutcheaiterr, County of Ari.aylt nr. and Stat-t of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follow to wit: Begia-aiug oa Braver street, at tbe distance of one hundred and six feet northwardly from street, and running thenoe along Beaver street atrthwardly thirty-; wo feet t. id alley; thence by a line parallel with Sbelfield street, east ward I sixty feet nine luch-i.

more or leas, to lot now or lately owned by Tuoma Keeaaa; thence along th lice of Ml let, parallel wltn Beaver treet, towards be (field street, tuirty-two leet; and thence parallel with Sheffield street, went ward ly sixty feet alne Inches, more or less, to the place of beginning, tbe same being subject to the life e-tuie of tha widow of Bobert Brown, de-ceaaet. Sa-Ujd sod taken in ex eon ion aa the property of William Bruws, at tbe suit of Thesuas ALSO, Oilu Ha Li. and Hay. B. aad J.

WuM. and khh and Pattmumim, Attorneys for Plata-tiffs. All tbe right, title. Interest aad claim of John O'Neii. Itenny O'Neii and Samuel ON ell of, ta aad to all tbe following described tracts, plt-os or parcels of land, stone ooai, coal prlvTlettts.

term of yvara. rurbta of way. Ac, Actowlt; Alt the niere has table stoiw coal lying and being ander tbe following described trac. of land situate tn Jefferson township, county of Allegfaeuy. State of Pennsylvania, ami bounded and described tA followi, to wit: Beginning at a post oa lands of H.M.

Blackbara A tbence soutk wenty-three and utte-haif degree. west eighteen and eight-tenths percbea to a corner; tlseuea couth thirty-two and one-ami aetfrees, west tnir-r-eevea aaa three-tenths percbea. to aa apple tree; tke ace south tbirtv-seven and one-kaif dearreea, west eevcttty-foar rrcnea, to post: thence by land of Jaiiies CHark, aortk sixty-aine and oae- kaif degrees, west Wiy-six hP aix-tentas oerchea, to a post; thence by lands of Samuel Wilson, north two degrees, east one hundred and two and four-tenths perches, to a post; tbence north thirty-four and one-half degrees, west seventy percbea, to a post: thence aioeg nomas rinney a iana, aorta rony-aix ue-arrees. east aixtv-seven and sevea-teatbs perches, to a post by a hickory; tbence akmg tne soutn nny-nv uegrees, east unny-one and-elaahtv-fcur one-bimdredths Derches. to post; tnenj south twenty-fseur and one- fourth degree, east six percbea; thence south fifty-three degruea, east forty-three perches: thence south thirty-six and one-half degrees, east fifteen aad sixteen one-huadredtbs perches; thenoe soath fltty-f aad one half degrees, east aineteea nnd six-tenths percbea, tbence south forty-seven and one-half degree, east twe-ity-etx and eeventr-two one hundredtha peroae; tneace south fifteen da-sT-reea.

eaat twelve and thlrtv-two one- hundredths perches; thence south nineteen and one-half degrees, west four and two-tenths perchee: theace south seventy-five aad one-fourth degrees, west twenty-two percbea to hickury; tkeace south twelve and one-half degrees, west six and foar-teatas perches a layyiiBr thenne soath seveutv-aine i greea. eat tweaty -four and eighty-eight one- Uaiiretlilia erc.WTB aw naH.vr wa iriHwiam, MoMtseinku Am hundred nnd twenty-six acres and fifty prches, being part of the stone coal tkat Is descrlbea i nhpitiiI la the deed of Jaoob Atwr I lanalt Kia earlfe. tC. Jotlsh A her. dated th tAk day of June, A.

I. US, nnd recorded la ibe Mirdetr fiQfce of said eouaty, la leed DOOXa VOIUmC t-XS ia-Ce mmn aaajcfBloa waaa am full rigfct nad prtvileg. at all time, of enter- urwua nl Imaa4a fMVnlaat nltC aad attalaf BUld coal, carrying the earn aad for tae aitmn.a nf rlVararine. aTTadlaar aad COBatruCtiBaT the necessary waya and roads doing ao unnecessary damaae, as deneribed la said laat mea- tioaeddeed; Lveing tlmr sasne premis wawa James Aber et al ckUdrea aa4 kirs at Uw of Janett A her, tkelr deed datd the 31st lb. IMraV.

aad recoroeo tan Recorder oce afrea, Uaed Itook. volume lain, pa 4i: graated aad aaiJ 1d.ti O' Va.ll. aiftiiect. ae vert Be Jets. th nuvments, conditions, stlpulatloaa aad resaryations la said deed aehtitjad.

auamk aii the ascralmntnkl coat lylnff and Bales? anil under all tkat certaia other tract. sit uate! a Mllntowashpouatya4Stateafore- said. and b-madad aaa nescrieeu ee iwiwwb, to-wit: Itegiaaiag at a post, taeaea nv nf UfKikoar. north six de went 1IM perches to a post; inenee oy laavu ui Mi-nrv mtna aiaiv-eve i -xrm. nit seventy perches to a whit oak; taeaea by tin miim artv-thre degree, west S3 aerahes to a whig oakt bene by lands off John Motiowaa, aortk fifty-eitrkt aad a half uegree.

swat tweaty-six easHj sawaww perches to a poet; tkeece br lands of Aadjew larra, a-ith twrnv-eeee east one handivff and lnieea puchas; tkvStf If the sasne aoutk forty-kix dagieey. hpcih Ihtety west Ikrea BerekM In wWte tfcjaee br a di.ioua baa raa kv Juka ft. McBikear. aartk Itrtr-oe aewrars, west twi aad foar-teetk pewass. aartk tftv-thra daatcia.

west twa aa alae-teal a acfekee. aortk for- i trass, west laaBtr-lkroc aad Mvea lew a aarrass taeaea eaata rtMr-etekt ff a katf 4crees wietekrkt sareker; tkeece essrtk tweMi in-aaaearees east iklrtir-eifrat aa tarsi tsslM SerchM; ttsars east tweaty seat as fqurlk sareaa east twaatr-aUrlit parceea; taeec. soutk Bflv-tweeiss westl tklrteea rlksi to a laaetetaaK tkaaee. aortk skrair aiaa and a naif naarhtS to a Mack waSSuea Ml a half tCWh a. i.

aloe aoe aieai leeias a nalrtrKkree 1 and sixta tenth percbes to a beech; tbenoe aort i forty-seven degrees eat, west twenty aud two-tenth perches to a hickory; tbence aorta twentv-three dejcrees ea-li. ae aud eigbt-l4 uta perukes to a white oak: tbence soutu forty-twu aaa oue-uau dt'gree east, i six and one-half perefces to a black oak, on I line of lands now or late of Liavid tosbetla; theuee sutk twenty-eeten duxree wet. eight perches to a stone corner, now or late of iavid M'lioberts; tbeocc south seventy-: two aegrees east, xwetvp ana nine-ieuin percbes to a post: theuee south oue degree east, three anj oae-half perches to the Of te-gianlng; together with all the rights: liberties and privileges of taking out said coal aud oairyliig tbe same to maraet; of rights of wav, of entering into tbe iami of said William Boberts with inilways, at any point thnt may bet suit the convenience of thu party of the ret part; of erecting scaffold, cut- ting ventilators and air holes. and ail other rights and privileges necerieary tor the successful workiug aad mining of said coal, and tahihaj tbe saiue to iuarki-t, as specified in the ded immtdtutery herelnHfter 'recited. Tbe Said last described tract of coal, and tne said lot of ten aore and 34 perch- es of surface, beiug the same premhtes which William McKoberts and wife by their deed dated the 1Mb day of April.

A. U. ImW. and recorded in tne Keoorder's ottc aXor Deed I Book vy a and con- veyvU ua'c tvald tbn O. Neal.

subject to the i thyusents, terms, editions, sttpulatioua and reservatMans iu said dtt4 akentioaeal. Amm. All tne stone coal Irlivc and being la and under all tbat certain other tract, piece or parcel of land situated in Mifilin township, county aud state aforesaid, and hounded and described aa follows, to wtt Beginning a a post on liue uf lands now late uf Bobert U. Curry, and running; thence south sixty-two and a half degree east, slxtv-five perches to a post aad pointer on line of lands now or late of said Curry; thence south six degrees aurtk. seventeen aad oue fentk percbes to a tag wood corner of lands, now or late of E.

l. Curry; thence tbrougu land now or late of 1. McKoberts sooth sixty-six degree west, twenty-eight six-tenths perches to a white oak; theuee north seventeen and one-kaif degrees west, ten two-tenths aerobes to a white oak; thence aortk thirty-seven three-fourth do- green west, twenlv-two six-tenths uerebes to a white oak; thence north tweutv-seven and oae-balf degree west, twenty-one eighth-tenths percbes ton black oak; tbence north igbt and oae-half degree west, twenty-nine four-tenths perches to the place of beginning, containing fourteen acres ana one nun a re a aud twelve t-erchen strict measurement; to- getuer witn au tae nxhta. loerties, ana urtv- lieges of taklug oat said coal and carry in the awe to market; of rigkts ot way of entering Into tne lands of said iftuvki Mc Bobert with railways at any point that may bet suit the eoavcBiunc of the nartv of the first part, of erecting tcaffoldx, putting ventilHWrs, air aoiea. nisu tae riarbt and enviiere oi eying and running the coal lying nnd being in ana unoer tbe laud nsw or utteiy owueu uy William McKoberts and wife, aud Bobert U.

Curry through the land now or late of David McKoberts. and all other rights and privilege accessary tor tne auccessiui worxing an mining of said coal and takinc tbe same tu mar ket as specified la tke deed aext hereinalter reel tea; ana A lao. All that eeitaii tract or piece of land for tbe purpose oierttng tenements tnereon, trine aud situate ill the township, county, and state aforesaiti. contain insr seven aores and eight perches, be tbe same more or iesa, ana bona led ana described as louows, to Bexinnlux on the line of the land bow or late of I. Curry, and running tbence aortb sixty-six degrees and east four perches to a post; inence norm seventy-one otrees aad wast fourteen seven-tenths perches to a black oak oa the land now or late of WUllaui jmc Kobe rts: tbence south twenty-seven grees and east twelve nine-tent bs percbes to anon; tnence north one degree ana west three and three-tenths percnes to a post in MHotfert during Eiuu thence north forty-two degrees and east nine and six-teat bs percbes to tbe place or fteffinning; tue said late hereinbefore described piece of coal lot of seven acres and eight percbes of surface being the same premises which David MuKobtrt aud wife by their deed dated the April.

A.O. IMTtu, and recorded In th Recorder's OfBee aforesaid in Deed Book, ol aa, pag M3, leased and conveyed uuto said Joka trNeilt'Subject to the payments, terms. vusaiiMBs, sxipuiaxioaa aaa rertrrvnuoiia iu Aieno, All that certain tract or piece of land tyiag and situata oa tbe waters of Finney's But, la JefiVraoa township, county and tat aforweatd, and bounded and described, as fol io we, to Beginning at a post near a white wninux. corner or tne lanas or tne neirs oi Elliot and running thence soath twenty-four degree and eaat aeytnty-seven perches to an Iron wood, thence soth seventy degrees and east fifty-five per ekes to a hickory'; ttence north eeVMty-oa and east fourteen anoaneAalf prcnas to a poet and pointers: tbenc aoath'twentr-ntn 'and one -half de grees west twentv-flve perches, to a sugar tree comer or iana of William nnd N- D. Ciirryi thenpe by land ot Williim McKoberts north sixty degrees west eight eta and two tenth perches, to a bech; thence aortb forty-sttvea dertee went ninety ne tunes: tnenea south Lhirtv-nlne and one- aaat duguua west six perches to the place of DniBWNi.

ixMiiaininir eirntecn acre ana thirty perches, strict measure, being the same realises which John Uault br his deed dated. ineaui any ot April, a. Jiti, ana recorded in tke Recorder's ofllce aroreaaid, ia Deed Book val fii pug (, granted and couycyed to gaid hn Heie -ee also deed of John 0 Sell to iiiinni hi mt rve, vjutea vtn or owo-er. WbA nn4 racorrted in aue office tn Deed Book ni.lM page 7ft. deed frorri ultm ltUakiiria day of IW, and recorat-d in tnc una aoe ia utfC Book yoi.

14 page au. AlOa All that 3eta.B other lot. niece or nannu of ground lying aad situate la Jeffer- on xowasnip, county aaa Rate aroresaMi. aaa onasted aaa deneribed as follows, to wit: Be- Ciaasng at a aeeca stump, corner to wtber inds of Joha kieil and William Mclwr-oerts, aad ranulng taetvee aoutk forty-! and one-half dagixas wast four perches to a post ia taa eeaire of tha public road; tbence by land at aaul WlMtana McJtoberts south eighty-two ufl 8Bi fialf svsrees aaax iwraij-ww irshss to a stamp; taeaea south ihirty-tevea at one-half degree east taa and slx-Unih irehsa to anoat corner of laad of aaid Joha Nasi oad wHlliasa nteBoberta. oa tha 11a of laaawaour ar lata of B.

D. Curry; thence at a tn Ha of tssnd now or late of aid WL 0. CnsTTy aouta sixty-sis. stoieea went JJiin to IfH JIIMl i 4 also. a taose eevtara ara atkar loss or pieces of Broead sttaare ta eaat cowaoktp.

heaaa. aeu-uw i WB-MV and aU pm im i wwm mwj aweautag lllll I i mi.

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