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Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 4

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

PITTSBURGH COMMERCIAL GAZETTE, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 15, 1877. AUCTlOa SALCS- AMUSEMENTS. slfzed.wbicn he could have done promptly, on tbs personal property he owns. To WHEBE IS HE? HOME NEWS.

foil owed by clearing wmaihr, nam KKiherlv. Merino tn colder mortJueai asuufa Maron, tor vagrancy, was sent to Clare mont for six months, The Committees on Printinj atid Water meet on Frid-y evening. -A spring wAgon was stolen from H. Laubruch, butcher, Bast street, Tuesday night. George Smith, colored, whs arrette and Inched up ona charge of having struck his wife and knocked her down.

An open meeting of the sovereigns of Industry will be held this evening, in toe hall, Park Way acd Federal street. Lindsay McCatcheon are putting up a lightning horse shoe machine that will turn out sixty shoes per minute. Two small pox patients, sent np from Stoop's Ferry, were shipped back Tuesday, with threats of prosecution if the oflense waa repeated. An old man named Snangler, who resided at No, TS Howard street, died very suddenly at his home on Tuesday nitzht. Tbe cause is supposed to have been heart disease.

Officer Fred Lehman arrested a man named John Brsen, yesterday afternoon, fir carrying off an overCL-at belonging to a man named Fiitc.h. Breen was seut to the Workhouse for thirty days. Thomas Aiken was sent to the Workhouse for three months for wbippfng his wife. He resides in the Fifth ward, and already served two terms iu that institution for the same offense. "A young man named Harvey Marri-man was severely Injured at tbe Cenneila-viile Railroad shop, near Trv street, Pittsburgh, last evening, by a bolt flyinar off a piectiOf machinery snd striking him in the beftd.

He lives Ail-gheny. Sometime esrly yesterdav morning burglars broke into Wm. Hay worth's cigar and tobacco snore, at the comer of Federal street and Ren: on carried oil" a lot of cigars, tobacco, etc An entrance was effected througn a rear window. On Tuesday evening a well known German attorney visited the office ot an alderman on Chestnut, street, ho a lively conversation took place between them, which finally resulted in blows, and the alderman violently ejected the attorney from his omae, "Ai George Mailer was emptying a tarre! of benzine into a vat at Lindsay A McCutcheon's mill, yesterday, the vapn-cacght from a lamp at the door, which had to be kept burning owing to the dense fog. There was an explosion, followed by an alarm of fire, and a response by the tire department.

Mailer was burned slightiy on tbe band. Damage to the mill only a lew hundred dollars. A boy named Henry Wells, aared fourteen years, was ehot in the shoulder, yesterday morning, by acotbsr boy named Kob-rt atcCrary, while carelessly handling a revolver. Tbe accident happened on West Hereon, near Arch a'reet Tbe injured boy waa carried to his residence near by and Dr. Millar waa called, who pronounced the wound not at all dangerous.

An old man residing In the upper part of Allegheny, and possessed of property valued at 133 000, has been thrice prosecuted, recently, for alleged intimacy with tbe wife of a colored man, who lives in the same neighborhood, lie paid 25 on the 6rt esse to have it compromised, and five dollars and costs on the second, aud is neld for a bearing on the latter charge. A charge of coBspiracy to levy blackmail will be brought against those prosecuting him. Tbe old man lives apart from his wife, par ing her sn allowance of fonr dollars a wetk. rmm coumts. Thomson va Boyle; error to the Common Pleas of Fayette, Argued by Campbell for aiatltJ in error, and Boyd contra.

Thomson vs. Minor. Argued by sam counsel. Dale vs. Pierce: error to the Common Pleas of Washington.

Argued by C. C. Montooth for plain ti ft iu error, and Aohe-son contra. Scott et al. vs.

Strewn: error to the Common Pleas of Boiler. Argued by Thomson for tbe plaintifla in error, and Buchanan contra. Court adjourned at noon for consultation. V. B.

Clients Court-Jodge SeHenaaa. The greater part of tbe day was occupied in tbe trial of tbe case of F. il. Brown vs. K.

B. McClelland. Brown ia a citizan of Kentucky, and claims that McOleltand, as his agent, agreed to sell pair of males for him, valued at Srfi; tht instead of selling tbe moles and bauding over the money, traded tbe animals in part payment for a fast trotting horse, giving to hoot, and paid Brown nothing. Taa case was concluded, and the court will charge the jury this morning. The case of C.

L. KHney vr Graff Bors was taken up and a jury sworn. Mr. KinncyiBa resident of -Ntw York Staie, and the defendants are commission merchants doing business in this city. The piamtm sues to recover the value ofacon-signmentof two hundred boxen of cheese, hicb were shipped to defcodauis and s-ld by them, hut no return mide of the pro.

ceedg. The testimony will be heard this mornirg. C. B. District Court if Hetetaara.

J. A. Deitz, grocers, Penn avenue, Pittebargh, filed a voluntary petition for aujndicatlon tn bankruptcy. Charles Foster, baafcrupt.wPittshargh. Kule to show cause why UraH facias fbouid Dot be issued on certain property made absolute.

John McKelvy, bankrupt, Pittsburgh. Rule on Jrhn MrKelw, bankrupt, and Jacob H. Waiter, trustee, to show cause why John McKnney and George McKee should not have leave to enforce their judgments by execution in the State Court. Argument by Mesars. Stewart sod Pa' terpen for said rule, after which rule was made absolute.

Wm. H. Mec-hling, bankrnpUPittsbnrgh. Petition of K. Mclutoeh for sn order directing the bankrupt to bankrupt's discharge presented, and order made tiiatsaid bankrupt pay the cos's, except piamtth'a witness fees, in the cask, A.

l. Henrvet al. vs. Ben j. F.

Swains and Christ. Dixon, partners as Bwaine A Dtzoa, Allegheny City. Order to show tense granted, r-tuenarle 324 inst. Edward Foerster, bunk root, Pittsburgh. fr aaie of real estate revoked, and injunction heretofore granted against the G-roisn Kire 1 OBuranoe Cetnpany aud J.

S. Sirickler, Irs attorney, diss lved. Geoige A. Snyder, bankrupt, A-liegheny county. Composition Ctmurwed.

Stephen Courts, bankrupt, Kr e. Register's report on exceptions to exemption confirmed nisi. L- P. Dean A bankrupt, Frie. Assignee's report of sale of real eiaio confirmed eboln'ely.

W. Hoge, rwnkrnpt. CM City. Aliss petition for discharge presented, and ths uttual order made. J.

G. Gallagher, Butler county. On motion of General John Pnrviaoce rale to show cause why certain atuebments sh uld not be dissolved returnable tn. H. G.

Knodler was allowed to intervene In the prooHoriings agamst the Dtck Faiton No. a and the hmoky Citr. tesnasoa Pleas ft. lJaag'S St awe oilier aaii sttraMa. Man hew Campbell vs.

Bobert Campbell. Rule on both parties to maintain or relinquish their respective cUims. I). G. Htewart vs.

Henry Williams An allowance of from each garnishee granted to Robert Robb, as counsel feea. Kva Heliuold va. Jrro oe Haiir-Md. J. J.

biehrneck, appointvd examiner on part of libellant- Commonwealth ez tel. vs. Maria Fits Rule t-show iti9 wlij theor Jerof Cmrt of Noveror 5. 177, should n-K be vacated, and the execution aet aside at plamtiuV t. A.

Lyons garnishees of Jacob Hum ou Juhu Wehnr1 Alder-ma to sunw cause why su attsebmeut ehonid cot be Sasueil against, hitn for jo tempt, in to obey the order of Court. D. G. Stewart vs. Henry Williams.

entered agatnst W. H. Wiliiai rr-niebte, in the eumof 7fi; an.t agauitt Petnr in the rqui of e'HI, ao stains'. Jnhn We'negle in tbe inm or and against Henry in tun sum of Consmonweal'b ret. tsn v'onnor vs.

W. C. McCamtv, Mayor. Writ of habea" corr us and cei Ivrrari granted, Coatanoa Pleas Mo. Jadge Ewlag.

Anthony rtriegal va. Free. Wttfisch. Action to recover oamagoa done to a dwelling Jary out. Cornelia Mayo vs.

V. W. Maya Decree of divorce granted. Id rt voluntary asjignmpnt of J. Franz A Co.

to Jottph Patterson. iovecury of ap-prieiuent tiled, and bond G. Kartell va. l'(irmnphr Kewilinit aud John H. Hare.

Action for for anaueyftd le.vy and aaie. Verdict for pisun'rt fur Mini Mt Frisud vs. Geo. 8 Head. Action in ejncment for a number of tuta in the Twentieth wsrd.

On trial. Ir-win, for uae, vs. Red, Coughlin Co Provbourrtary to pay out m-mey in a coord a nee wish tbe auditor's report. TBIALMST FOB TODAY. Fswcett vs.

Wolf et air, airman vs. Kptane; Htrnaen. for use, vs. Karr; feTinsy v. Kne-il va.

Krman; Wmnet vs. Crtthers A Mnegrave; Mo inter et ux. vs. A Murph; tirrilie vs Friend et si ilaucb vs. Irwio, administrator, Unites vs.

Aigvo; Wigifins v. Ly vs, Mol linger; Jetiaus vs. Same. ArpSas' rrl Jnitce wklM F.tata of Thomas Mcinald, dveed. Administrator directed toraiae mone.y irum sal" of real estate of decedent.

Kstates of Thomas Murray, Henry H. Parry and Margaret Parry, minors, tind or guardians approved. Kitate of Elecra Mir-or, deceased. Bond of executor in 0, for faithfut application of proceeds raised by mortgage. Ksta'e of "atcy Strnge, minor.

Guar- dian permitted to transfer mon-y paid tarn oon Dy eamimairator oi ancy Atrange to Columbiana ouunty, Ohio FtB of liatph Lte, deoeaed. Time for nswetlng citaLlon extended to November 111. F.siate of Margaret Pomeroy, debased. Amended decree tif distribution Kstat of L. H.

White and Jackson Mcn-tooib, dexeasAd. idews appraiuemeat t-reented and approved Ketate of Grant Herron, minor. K. P. Jones appointed guardian.

iate of Kdward Dtthridge, dece-ssed. Rule isai i ed on ad mi i st ra urs to aho cause wtiy sn attachment should not iamie for omreiuut in not coainiying wiin me ae- croe of tho Court. Returnable Noveuiber 2o-'h. Ftate or Clara Wonderlieh, minor. Ern es Tendsm app-iiiKed guardian.

KJe of Conrad F.berbardt, deceased. llu'e herewfore granted d9.1urgf'd at cost ot ffctuioer. owner BeailoBS-Jndee Hfrkaatrlea CONVICTION OF THOMAS M'CALU The trial ofThomas McCaJl, charsred with nn-dt uitranur In inierfering with railway trams, anb asaanit acu oattery ivn havid M. Watt, was returned. Jatunn Wsliaoewss caiieij for the defense, 8sid lie waa but few feet from Wart when he wan struck, bui could not aay whether Mc- Call struck the blow or not.

Harry Fole te' inert ttiat ua am not tuimc Hcuaii mruck "Watt-, saw the Mat, but could not tell wbofe fast it wan. Thee. MeCill, the defendant, was nxt swo'n, and testified as follows: 1 live ou Tbirtv-third street, snd from I'CU, until laKt ui v. was a brake ma a on the vayia railrcad; on tbe I'-'ib of last July I went down to tbe outer depot, aud saw no tram had gone out; asked what was the matter, and waa told that the oojs would noi go out on tbe double-headers; some of the boys ixkni me tr i wouia go out on a donbie-bender. and 1 said not if tbe rest reiused; wan asked by one of the ofuoers if 1 would go out; said no, tiiat if they were going to rend out sll the trains su douhie-neauers they go to 1 then went up to Twenty-eighth street to take the tran for home; was Rtdading there waiting fur the train when Watt was stratk: att asked Davit to throw tiis switcb: Davis said he would be killed if he did, and he didn't want to die jurtthen; saw tne blow stroca, out uia not bwikb Mr.

Watt nor attempt to strike bim that tiny; had my hands in my pocket nutil Watt ordered the poll to arrest me. Austin came to me twice at the Twelfth Ward Hta ticn -house and said if I had at rock Mr, Watt I had better acknowledge it, and be would apologize to Mr. Watt; told him whoa 1 struck Mr. Wait I would but that I had not struck him. The witness also denied that he had intt rfermi in any way with the railroad employes.

Several character wie called, wbo testified to the good reputation ot the defendant for peace good order. of these witnesses were men who bad worked with the defendant on the railroad. Tbe defence called Mr. Watt and askad bim if he bad been struck mure than one. He said he had not.

He also testified, in answer to a question by Mr. rtwarw welder, that Davis could not possibly have been the man wbo struck htm, as tbe blow cams from over his ihouider. Tbe defence here rested, etd after addresses by omntal and the charge of the Court, the jury retired. In about half an hour they returned a verdict of on both counts, with a recommendation to mercy. McOsll was remanded for sentence.

AlQt'ITTED OP EM mZI.BMRST. James Ijedlle was tried for embezzlement and larceny by bailee. It waa aheged that I-edite, as bailee, had received the proceedn of a puicy of insurance on the hie of Charles T. lhmsen, belonging to his widow, now Mrs. Enzatieth McLughliit, and that tie appropriated toe uionev his ownusescd the use or others.

Tne jury found a verdict of not guilty. STBALIUQ A CALF. Adam Miller, aged twenty years, plwl guiliy to the larceny of a calf, the property of Barbara tnimerman. tils counsel pleaded, in mitigation of sententenoe, that there was no felonious intent, as the defendant wss Intoxicated at the lima, aud did not know what he was doing. Sentenced to the Workhouse for thirty days.

W. Graham aud Wm. Da Forest convicted of the larceny of some brasses from the Allegheny Valley Kailroad, were seat to jail for twenty mar hours. Thomas J. Discus waa acquitted of a charge of assault sad battery, and the pro-ecutor, Wm.

B. Ttmblin, was ordered to pay half the costs. i nomas Murpny was acquitted or a charge of assattlt and battery, and tne cost pot apon nebecca noyc. There was a good deal of fnn in this case to all parties except tbe unfortunate prosecutrix. John Sanaa, or Auegneny city, cQargea th pelhiiB lianor on Sundav, October 14th.

1S77. on oath of Wm. B. Ro-a, was discharged on a nol. it appearing that be was merely a oat tender.

If. Oft, or Fine street. Allegheny, is on trial on a charge of selling liquor illegally. on oath of W. B.

Ross, TRIAL LIST FOB TO-DAY. Commonwealth vs. Joseph Ritchev. Christopher Folev, Wm- Fa as, Michael Daly. f2i.

Henrv Kiern. John Co vie et James Conneil (2), Conrad Spiwlle (2), Christian Sewald (2), Charles Haves, M- Bfcrr, Amity Jones (2), Jacob Bopp (2). Kd. Schendle. Jacob Donch.

0. W. Ki human, Mary Jones, John Haghes, Mammon tvmon et ai-, j. itnoaea, a. H.

Sanders, chard Kidd et Jacob Burkhardt, James Davidson. BHB Vi tins. "Pittsburgh cow owes S400.000 Inter- FRt on street bonds, and -the tame amount will be due next year. Owing to the crowded condition of the Seventeenth ward schools a oro op tion is oufooi to build an additional school boose. -The Adams Express Company will erect a freight depot on the triangle lot on strt-et near the Fort Wayne itaii- ruad crowing.

-The will of Henry Martin, of Shaler township, was filed in ibe Raster's ofn rn yesterday. It is dated July 12, 1877, and the executor Is E. T. Upper t. AUtsDce Literary Society mett to-blght at the Alliauce rooms.

Pens ave nue and Sixth street. Essays, readings and recitations are parts of the entertainment. -John Gready was committed ta on a charge of receiving stolen gois, on oa'h of CharieB Scott. will have a hearing to-morrow before Alderman Cas-sidy. WaynfHbnrgers are determined to have firs jollification over the completion of the uarmw gauge to that place, and tbe WattbiDgtjnlans have concluded to defer to them.

"'A wealthy farmer near Groveport, Ohio, has Lrflered a reward of $5-0 for the body, dead or alive, of Edwin C. Dyer, of tbis city, who disappeared so mysteriously recently from near Groveport. The store of A. fc G. Gardine, In North Fayette township, was entered by burj.

'ars 1 ueedsy right and $.30 ineah and a lot of dry goods stolen. Tbe same night the stable of Wm. McFariand was broken into and two horses stolen. Con Sexton and Pat McGraw, two of tbe persona charged with committing the daring theft at Borland's snoe store, on Tueeday evening, had a hearing yesterdav, and wtre corhinitted for trial. McGraw was caught by the detectives and identified by Mr.

Ho re land yesterday. ---Tbe name of the man drowned on Mnrdsy night, off a baree lying by the Iron wasLewipejmtth. Deceased lived tn Allegheny, and is said to bave been in no cond it ion for work at the ti me of the fatality The body has not yet baen found Mr. Rear don made an application yesterday in the tjnsrter8sion8 Court, for the discharge on bait of Butler, Dunning and O'Hara, the miners arrested at Wil-ku-ebu'g, charged with ineendiarisTi. Judge Kirkpatrick declined to Sx the ball until be could consult with Mayor Phillips, by ni the prisoners were committed.

"The npeettlnsc of stove on tbe flior of the school building attached to the Ger-n-sn Lutheran Church on High street, near Fifth uveuue, caused an alarm to be struck from bci 55 about 8 o'clock yesterday morning. A portion of the third flir and of the roof of the building wmi burned, csosing a loss of J00, fully covered by insurance. "Tbe Woman's Working Society, of the Tlird V. Church Allegheny, will gve sn ectertatctnent in tne church, on Friday November 1G, consisting ot oiie babdred Sterexptirxm views of tbe CenTennial. accompanied by a minute oi acb A rate opportunity to n'-e tbe World's Fair at a trifing expense.

Those wbo bave snd those wbo hve aor vt sited the Great Kxixwitfion, ibould see ti fcy the hntiiaiit Oxy-Uydrogea light. Proceeds for benh1 oi the en area- Hon. J. W. Blanchard, for many jrs rea'deot of Lawrence county, and fr several terms a Uenraeotaure in the L-itiaiie from that cocaiy, has ben living at Bteeiville, for a lew years past.

A few days aio Mr. B. waa aaecdin a coeeiir.g of the ScUol B-rd of his town, when man eam-d Sancders rubbed into the room and fired a pistol abot at tbe teai-her, the hail misf-ng the intended victim snd urikmg Mr. BUnchard tn the side, a severe bat not dsngerou wmiud. Tbe teacher-had pamehed one of Saunders' cuiidren a lew dav bet me.

There is more guessing as to how the 8opreme Judges staud in the mmer tjuaehmg the leaund for the (ff.pprs. It wss st hrst tied that Juwire paxon, tiordon and S'-errett dis-ar-med. 'nw it is aerted rbat Jutica l'ion ami Unnlua are boih with the majority, that ihe dieaters are Chief Juoiice Agnew ard Justice Hterrett, and Wotlward. Snerat rpiuiODs, iias inttroaied, will be and there ia a probability ibat thy will not oe rendered imtii thojnti.g of tbe January term in MJbT mjn iTB.ns. 'Squire SmUh disposed of three vceurday.

Kr. Bemuel FetKnd, is epjoytng an extended hunt among the bills of West Viigmia. Mr. John Fundi, of L. Fnndis Son, is ruant-ating in Weaimuraiaod aud Armstrong conntiea.

Mrs. A. B-C iron, of Isvteuirgat the reaidence of Mr. Jacoo Berry, ou Sheridan avenue. Ix)w, of Indiana, ons of thi mw extensive atock dealers the West, la registered at the Central Hotel.

-'The large vegetable garden attached to the KsAlem Kxcbange has sn fir rod of late to a great extent from the depredatious oi thieves. Martin Laffarty, Hilly Hsy.lewood and John Drum, well known commission men, left yewtt-rday for Columbiana county, where they mteud to spend a few days tn hunting. A new literary society, to be known ss tbe "Waveriy," was organized on Tuesday ntgbt iaat at the residence ol Mr. Win. II.

McCorneil, Denuisoo avenue. The fol-lowirg were elected; 8. F. Stewart, President; A. M.

Thorae, Secretary.and Mrs. A. M. borne, Critic. Aa ugly lookteg steer, which was being driven along Penn avwnue yesterday morning, by a man who diligently prodded It with a pole, in the eud of which wai a sharp nail, turned angrily on its tormentor, wbo was compelled to ilee for his life.

The man finally escaped by jumping over the fence of an adjacent residence. Gilchrist A Wightman, burned out by the fire of Tuesday last, have provfed themselves to be enterprising and active yonrg men. Yesterday morning tbey returned business in a commodious storeroom under Liberty Hall, and they say that the fire, although it destroyed nearly all their stock, was powerless to prevent sn Increasing patronage. The remains of Augie L. Hosvaler, lse a pupil st Kt John's Cotiegs, Fordham H.

who died anddenly on Tuesday las of cerebro spiral niMiilugitin, were brougut to bis late home in tbe K-uH Kod by the Pacific expreee yesterday afiernoon. Ds- cesssd was seventeen years of age and a young than of extupl3ry character and endearing attributes, and his death will be regretted by a large circle of friends and acquaintances, -Daniel Learv, for many years bag-gugeclt-rlt at tbe lit Liberty station, has bad a strek of I nek. A short time since be received a letter announcing that an nncle bad died in Belfast, Ireland, bequeathing to him a neat little legacy of The information has proven to be anthentir, and the fortunate Daniel, accompanied by a young friend named Thomas Ilickn, loft for New York yesterday after-noon, from whence they will sail for Liver-peel on Saturday. Tens pe rones. Thsre will be a Murphy temperance meetit'g in tbe N.

C. T. C. club rooms, on Twelfih street, South Bide, to-night. The county Convention of the N.

0. T. U. will meet at ten o'clock on Saturday nornlng, in the Bptit church on Mount Washington. A larpe attendance of dole-gates is expected, bh al) the local organizations in the county have been otiiciatly notified.

There will be a temperance meeting tonight at the hail of the Young Mod's Tern-porance Union, Centre avenue. Mr. Stewart Magie will conduct it. Addreesea will be delivered by W. H.

Grifleths, Captain James Mariln and others. There will be a gospl ternprancB meeting ou Siii eay iiiht next In the Centenary chiiroh, corner of Wyhe avenue and Kirkpatrick stream. eoh Spencer is getting up a series of meetings in the shove named church, and good speakers will be present at each meeting held. Prof. F- RHey, of tbe 'Oid Home" N.

C. T. V-, will deliver a lecture on the subject of "Phrenology," tn the Centenary cnurch on Friday evening, the loib inst. The lecture is fur the benefit of the church. wedding of Mr.

John Barry, ot Oswego, N. and Mr a. Jane Nelson. Treasurer of the "Old liome" Coion, will take place t' -night. Tbe "Old Home" held a meeting in the Central Presbyterian church last night after tb church people had held their regniar Wednesday night prayer meeting.

C. W. KiuitaU led the meet lug, and Prof. Riley, A. M.

Brown, Prof. Crane and Capt. bbanafeit made short addressee. TrHl'lKAHB ANNIVERSARY. The report on the streets yesterday waa that the State Couimltiee of the N.

0. T. V. hsd secured the "Old Home" church Dr. Murray's) to boitl tbe anniversary meeting cn tin evening of the JGtb tnst.

It wiii be tbe rtRht act for Francis Murphy to re-ooodi the triumph of bis earnest labor begun In this city just one year from the day naaifed. Mr. Bwartzwetder, Rht. T. M.

Boyle and others will enliven the evening with speeches, and the committee promise an entertainment worthy of the good cause. All shoold recollect that with the loss of health, 1ss of enjoy man and happiness soon fullows. A coagb or cold qatckly as-dermines tbs health, and should be ehecknd by the prompt use of Dr. Brni's Cough Syrsp. snow you what be could have raised had he been so disposed I will enumerate nrifny.

lie bas on deposit tn me jauooai Bank of Commerce $52,000, subject to hi check, $12 0Wof which he aced there a day or two before he went away. He holds mortgages worth $120,000, whlco could bave be-n turned into caeb; on a day's notice. He owns 810,000 wt)rth of stock in the National Bank of Cumtuorce, which is as good as cash, besi.iea stock in other sound banks. He also owns si greaf. deal ef valuable real estate.

If My. Gill had beendi8postd to abscond he com 41 have tat on away with him at least $iiCHMJ in rath. K'cognizing the fac; that Mr. Gill's absence would aeon be trie subject of comment In the public prints, as well as a source of uneasiness to bis creditors, his son, Mr. Harry Gll.

and myself have prepared a statement of hta assets which is now at his office for due inspection of his creditors. Thti statsmeut shows that r-is assets an, st a low valuation, between and 8.tt0,000. Ooe piec of land for which I know be paid we hBTe estimated at $5,000, which shows you the low valuation put his property. THE INDEBTKDSKH. "What he owes we have no means of ascertaining, and would tike information on that score from his creditors.

In fact I don't know anything whatever about his uaDtuues, out I don't believe thev will cover half tbe amount of his assets. 8o you see how erroneous appears the impression that be absconded. I believe that he is dead; that he has met with font play, or tnai an aociaent bag oeiaiien him wQioh terminated his life. Has no inquiry or search ben made for him since he lefiT' es. His son Harrv only got back abont ten days ago from a trip in search of him.

trrom Albany be went to Montreal, Uaebeo and every place of Interest In Canada to which he thought his father would likely go, and could not and the slightest trace of him. The disappearance is so perfect that no cine is ten ceniua. Air. jui evidently not intend to remain away ao long, or he would doubtless bave made arrangements for needed and proper attention to his bssmess, which is sunering from the want of his presence and care." 'What do you suppose will be done with his fmte?" "Sow that his absence is becoming generally known it, in connection with the mystery enveloping it, will doubtless cause his creditors to institute suits agsinst the estate to satisfy whatever claims they my bold. To allow tbis coarse to be crriea out would be to permit the sacrifice of tbe estate, and in view oi this is likely that an application will be made to court for tbe appointment of administrators.

The law doeen't presume a man dead until he has been absent seven years, but we think we can convince the court, by the condition in which Mr. GUI left his estate, that he did not abscond, and that the property is, therefore, entitled to be administered upon. in the event of failure in this matter an application will be made for the appointment of a trustee to take charge of the estate in the interest of both heirs and creditors." WHAT HAS II COM OF HtM. Here the interview with Mr Day, in whom our reporter found an affable and pleasant gentlema'i, terminated, ft is doubtless the case that Mr. GUI is dead, or if alive is in some way prevented from returning home.

Tbis aspect of the cae will present itself strongly to any one who will take the treubte to think for a moment. So far as is known Mr. GUI hrt every consideration, including pleasant domestic reistlons, an unusually lucrative business, life long Bocial and baaiaeag ties, Ac to induce htm to remain in Pittsburgh. Nothing in hit business life has been discovered that would farm-to a reasonable excuse for hts long absence. The reports affecting bis reputation seem nothing more than tbe cruel rumors which idle tongues love to circulate in all cases of this character.

It ianot impossible that Mr. Gilt may yet turn up all right, but such sn evont looks in; probable, when it is remembered that bis son aearcbrd for in the clue where be said be would visit, and failed to bed name on the registers of any of th hotels This won Id Indicate that Mr. cevt-r got to those places. It may be tbit te never got away from Albany. He may bave met his destiny there.

BIS PERSONAL APPBAANtS AND HABITS. Mr Gill was a man something over hfiy vearsof sge. He was of medium height. slightly ffitn'p shouldered, but neverUteidSt a handsome person, ann of nue presence. He always dressed and taetfnlty, even nchiy.

but never tiatbUy. and was ntnd for his extremiy cleanly habits. While not given to volubility, he was pleasant and courteous in his deport men. He was not what might be termed society man, yet was always welcomed io social circles, and mingled In society as much ae any man who paid so cloe sUen-tion to baaint-sB ai he did could be expected to da He iivpd in elegant style on Sandusky street, his residence being one of tbe ott in tbe guior, tanouudod by broad, tanernlly laid out and adorned grounds. He was a person of most exemplary habits, and wis as oSine bearer in the tJ.

P. Church- His wile, son and daughter are, as be was, among tooae wbo axe keartiiy welcomed in th beet kxrlety. The rtricuonof mnxiety and uncertainty that has been tUniM upon them has been a heavy one, and more didioult to be borne than it the worst were known. tbm il'W rt' at cars They Disease tae Propriety Ov eveaeiag ins Pradaellea. afternoon a meeting of th Wr-ilern Nail Manufacturers a held at their rooms on Fourth avnusiA, ThenieetiDg wm held with d-mrs, and the cheery preence nf those prbsnn-tatives of advanced civilization, the re porters, was tbe only thing larking.

Tbe prroeediDgs were sconiio'y some what secret. After ail was over, bievr. it was necertained that tbe asvxMa had b-en engaged in dist'unatng tne propriety of decreasing the Of nalis. It ws generally admitted thattraiie was reasonably active, but tbe prices wer very low, and even then some of the manufacturers "cut under" card ra-os. Tbene otlendmg brethren were ca'itichy treated, and recalled to a sense of their duty to ttacd by tbe compact.

Outbe matter of production the debate took a wide rnge, and there were many plans augmented for regnlating it. Tbe great difficulty was in reference to taak-irg it fair fur all, so that small ss well ai large dealers should stand upon the same pi at form. A plan of action waa finally agreed upon, howi ver, which see in -ed eausfactory to all. it embraces in general a stoppage in certain nulls of a part of the working force, but the details were left to be arranged by the appropriate committee. tls thought, with this decree In production, and the stlllening of the backbone of all members as to that the nail tmde will show greater profit during the nt few months, even if the vomuie of business be not so large.

Ft KB O.ri.yut&io.Y. Tee levrstirailag amta'tiee Have All Vacuities afwatalr everts sad Oiaer Kaattae ttaalaieaa. Tbe Pittsburgh Fire Commission held a regular monthly meeting last evening. President Pitcairnln the chair. Chief Kntnueer Evens presented the following report for the month of October: Hires and alarms 13, with a loss of fAuuO.

Tbe largest bra was the one on OotJtr 2tb, bo Moore's coopwr shop; Ims (Same date, box 6a, Alex. Ciansy's cooper shop: loss 55oo. The damage done to certala apparatus, previously published, waa reported, and the proper rnpairs ordereil to be made A number of transfer! of meiubura of the Department frm one company to another were conhrmed. The report of the Huperintendent of the Fire Alarm Telegraph stutwed the lines in good order, since a number of re pairs have been made. Secretary Case made the following rep tit of the state of toe Finances for the month of October: F.spertditures, tJO.50, of which amount h.02S was for aaiariM; prsvlously ezperded during the year, t'-l 313-37; UKil, 102,613 W.

Kalanct or appropriation -ve ruber 1st, Keoeived and rilett. The various committees reported the UPual routine buaimvw. The Committee ou Supplies reported that after due advertisement, the contracts fir varicus articles needed daring the next six months were let. in all cases to the lowest bidders. Approved.

The CorumiLiee on Peed reported that the contract for furnishing feed until April 3oth, 173, was let to W. U. Kllny, toe lowest bidder, at the following prions Hsy 8 13 per ton; oats 35 cents per bushel; bran "20 onti per bushel, and oil meal at 2-10 per hundred pounds. Approved. Various bills were read and those that were probated and occoinpanied by the proper orders, were ordered to be paid.

One bill from tbe AmosKeag Engine manufacture, fur tbe rebuilding of the Niagara engi-e, amounting to fl.bUO, wm laid over for the present. The annoAi inspection of the Fire Department was ordered to lake place on Thanksgiving day, November 29th, at 10 o'ciock A. m. sharp. Tbe inspection Is to take place on Liberty Btreet, nar Market street, sod the members are to appear in full dress uniform.

Ihe following revolution was passed: Aestfeef, That we. as a Board of Fire Commissioners, allrd the committee appointed by Councils to investigate this Commission every facility and coartesy witbrn our power in regard to sll books, papers, accounts, and everything in connection with this Coinmiwuou. The follow lii were placed on tbe sub list: George B. Cupples, Cornelius Rtick-Ify, Ferdinand Zactiarias and Henry Coates. Ad ourned.

i a sT.w jivt jvu tm Vbbt fair sndlencea are being drawn to the Ooera House thi week by "Secret Service," the sensational character of which is attractive to a great many people. A large audience is assured for the first Mother Gone soiree this evening at the Lyceum. Ever body ought to see it. Tne proceeds are for the Free Dispensary. The sate of reserved seats for "Struck Oil," the popular play to be presented text week at Library Hall by the Williamson's, commences at nine o'clock this morning at the box office, Henbv Wahu BeKTiiRB lectures next Tuesday evening at the Lyceum, as our readers doubtiees know, on "Wastes and Burdens of tiociety." Tne sale of aaai opens this morning at nine o'clock at tbs box omee.

hot a seat has been sold nor marked off, so those who go early can get their choice. BT IHW. r. kTCWAH VALUABLE PROPER -A-t Auc tiori 0h Account of Whom it may Coacsra, Will be sold vkTTaT Krrreviber Irt at 7 So clock, at THUS, srsw. AKl Saifimotts, comer vttui aveaua aud ood street, aa lollcwa, AH tbat certain lot on Tnird avnne, lately occnpjeil as a famiture store ry James w.

oodwell. Tite fronts SO fe-t on Tfiird av. enoe ad extends hack as m.c. aso p-er. lntr mbih tilui aa in trout, on whtcd 1 erectwa a god Mur-BtOTV rricH war- hru- Till pro, erty is only a few doorj below Wood street.

THE FINK RKS1DKNCS lately owned tw i laae Ncclt, at ORkiaiid. Ttie lot fronta on I liocqnet streei ftet.and teeL trtsrflris; tfceimwic as in fnwit, on ys nira Is erectrd an rxcelVm two-atory nrica dwelling. The Mornood is very and po-iesion can te Riven at oace. Ai0. Th? HoeSnt pforcTty.

on corner of -'eurt avenue and Tmrty-fifTh stn et. on wfiicb e-o-teo tbree-sviy bnck stor- roxs "nd dwil-itik-a, acd a iwo-storv brick dwUmtr houx The lot is SS feet on Peau avenue and IS Ion on Tbiity rtTtn street. Lcoa: at ifcce properties hefore sale, aud couo and buy Friday c-lnir. Till IS. If.

BTEVAUT, I AH. W. tatAa wk VS, LARGE SALE BY CATALOGUS or BOOKS, popmar cultnuet i tm i mlu II miwmi. Oram nr Irtter vui receive nnmiuj BOOKS jJt Auction KVEKY sale every day. at BaLf sthUULAli PaUCEa.

at ISwnmithaeld stieet. PKITT'I Cst BAT ASK FA A ayTKl'fl Stnra-. Call inrt mit Tsw 1st' Bl-iC SALK OJT A ALL A 8LK Alt 4 Pun nant io as order of the Orphan' Court of Favette county. will be sold at puoiio sale, on the premises. In Perry township, said CotoMv.

on TIES OAT, BOVf-IBEIUITil 1S77. the unaided NINTH part of ihe foltowtha: deecribed real estata. late of Mary Campbell, deceased, ro wit: A valuable farm, known aa the sshlnitton Parm, sttuateoo the road leal. from from Liytoiis station, on the Pitt-burg-li SOon-nellsviile Railroad. oo miie from Perryo-poi: Njuuiltd toy lanos ot Plenoa C--pe, heirs of la roes roller, deceased, and others, coo- tainlr-K ACHKS, more or le.

The iru-provementsareasubsianual Brick House, Liw rn, rrnino (staule and other outbuilding. Tbore is a large apple or Hani; a'jo. a variety of other fruit on tCe prrnUes Tim lnd ts in a nigh state of euMva'ion; all un-le-r trnod fence, and never failing water In eich fle except one; slopes pr'nciimlly east. 1 tiere are twenty acres of timber, and is underlaid snh ninety or a bandivrt acres of aine fot vela oj coal; also, an abundance of This property ts located convenient to achoot ana churches, and neods only to he seen to bo ad-irlrea. It will be sold in parte or on ivlded, to suit purcnaser.

For Inforiaauoa cfilonC B. campuell, on the farm, or by ad-dress to perryopo'ia. Bale to oomraeuee at o'clock cm, ot Said dt.v wbeu rruia wtil ha made known. JOSEPH Efiiviiros, of mbsor heirs ot hilta A Suuifiie. deCeSfteo.

P. 8. Whereas, power of attorney baying been Riven ice by rernatoJag heirs of said Mary Catnnbell. aec'rt. tr wi.

kho cnavavthii- severai tnteret iu tatd e'te I will Join ts tbe sale of tbe reirainins vigat-sLitua, at tha atove taid ume and pUiM c. p. taBfgRi.L, Perryoriruia, iOK 6AJX ALCAB1JE Oil AND aUW. SltAL LAM Us. Tho Atei(nees ot Jesse SisKn, of BaHth's Vrry, will offer at public Sale, oa ti premises, on THURBDAY.

NOVEMBEfl 15, 1877, at a. tbe iract oi land known as tbe CALHOUN FA KM. mtnats is OlW towa-eMp. Beaver conn. and stats cf Ponnsylva.

Lis, contalniniT ACRES, soreor le. Said t'art nf latrn fcii hn'n an-fnliv surveyed ar-d divitted into St lrs, ronminiDK atout ten acrea each and will be. aoiu in quanttUea to Buit purchasers. Said pretoies are aai-round-ed on all slate by OU wHs that are at present producing from two to forty barrels each per ua the entire premise are uderlal with a four fooi vein of goa UAU Tie land Is weU watered, plenty pi (tool timber, aut is well -anapted tn the rai-iKK of fruit and grating. TiUMa-Twenty par Cent, la hud oa day of sale, when tte property Is knocked dwn; thirty per ce nr.

at the tmeof Oeuveiaar tte.lted and the fcajance so per cent, at the end of one, year, with Intereet, to 800x0-1 a lien upon tbe property acid. Peraona r-cua of purcbaeioji auypartoT aalil preEniaes are rei uegtcn to ro upon the latin aid exanuseit prior to ihe cay oi sale. "or further tea or ma-Uou lnquiru of J. H. Byaver.Pa, T.

AtlASiiifaEii, smith Ferry, ASSIGNEE'S SALES. Assignee's Sale. Tbe undersljrned, the Assignee in bankruptcy Of 1 Hi wort b. DaitJcrapL, will sell a.i public anct-loij, attbe front door of tbe C'o rt fioaee. Brookvijie, county.

Peon's, on WEUNEiii the day SOV EMliJIt, A. 1S77. at o'clock M. All tbe rtrbt. title.

Inieei-aL ann olatnt nf raid bankrupt in, and to, all tbe follow Uue CirHfri hl nmnprfv bi. an Orttcribed prooertv. eabiet 10 cntnn-fcrancfs) rjjaiuat tbn aame. To wil- u. 1.

Tract 753. known a-i thr Ta! Tract, Conialnlng one tbouaaud acres hore or BniiM9 ui Mf -a, uuuuty, aau state 01 1 eau- ayvaitia. 2. Tract No. 3934, kiihwn as tbe itfdte-town Tr-ct, IWO acrea more or less, sltoaie tn dpi lag Creea: townal.lp, county ana aloreaaiti.

Also, Siacraa and 1S perchs in township, county ana bLate aloro- No. Tract Ha con tain in? 90S acres more or 14, situate iieam township, Jefferson county, from which has eon sold aid conveyed 60 screws in Jacon Hydnger, 62 scree to Adam Zm. merman. 37 aara ta S. A D.iwI.lOOilreslO AJlm Hrrtlni-r (OA acres 10 Jfellxer, all of whicn are re- Lot No.

a. Tract So. 309, situate tn Heath township. Jeneraon county. conusinuur.

two acies more or iesa. Kfs.5. Tract known as the Mill Int, situate in Huath township, Jirfereon eminty. ou the soutb bank of tbe Clarion nver on wbich ie erected a aaw mill and a or a binaU frama houses. ha.

e. Tract known as the Thomas lot. eliuai ir Heath township. Jcflj- son ooao-ty, Pflk, containing SO acres more or leas, OA wbich there is a 11 bouse ercuxL No. Tract of laud In MUiatoae Ip Sit conr.ty warranted iu the naxc of EaKlit A Wilson, bouniedoa tbe west by Klijstfc Hcatb, north by Nelson StronjE, east by an e.

and south by the Clarion river, coutain-lnfr ttil acres more or less, from which ha been sold and conveyed, loi to Henry Anauait, containing 14 Mfl acr: lot to J.Atbrop At Kettr.iau. coiitalnma: 99 S8-IOO acres; hit ta James Champion, contain 11 ft lis acred: lot to Wm. Clyde, containing IO acres; lot to James Georfte, containing 94 in acres, all Of. a ich is reserved. No.

a. Lot situate in towmhlrj, Fikconaty, Pa containing 4S7 or bounded on tbe wet by laud ot Nelson StronK; on lh north by the aame; on the east by bangbt A Wilson, and on Lte souta by lua Clarion river, wfh 0 acres iinproyed laud and house. Vo. 9. Tract of land situate Jn Mtlirtsns township, Klk county, Pa, containing Itt7 acred more or lese, Ixiundeatl on tne wm by BauRbt Jt Wilson: on tne cortn by tbe aasie; ou theeai-t by JoCn ffV'yncoop; oa the south by the iaiion river.

No. ie. Tract oi land in Millstone townssp, Klk county. 9 acres mfweor leas, lieicr HA1H! and uoun 'v- we-it by Tract 'n. 2fil4: norta by Trac-.

MO.S5S1 on tbe surveys; east by 1 7 and tiouib iy be sime. So. it. Tract ot land situate va eprliur Creek: tOwnabSp, Elk county. boon led as follows: Bfinu.cft at a post on Ui'-Ji frtttidf Clarion river, 10 ft.

atxve the 'iuuth of at a 3 well's run: soath 43 de. K. es itches to a post, lee fet east ot a 1 we U'b Enn then west SS 3a- le tMrcaes to tho Lank or the Clarion nvan tbeuce np the Clarion nver. by its aeveral courses asd Uia-lano-t, to iLe place of tv inning, rritaumtTX 11 ft-io acrea. 11.

ore or lttsa. No. 14, ids undivided 5 part of a tract land situate priafr Creek township, hik eoanty, fenjisyivauta, on the north by tract Ho lea and tract known as the harns tract, on tbe eaat hv tract S10. S.913. on tne aoith by tiact -No.

on onttinest ty the line dividing Jc-Sercn anil K'a oonntiia, aad 04 the we-t by vrat No. S.feAL, ooaLaiula- soe acres, more or iees. Terma siade kacwa at time of aale. OliAHAM SCOTT, A -but FOR SALE. ORPHANS' SALE, TOR SALE, ONE SRIST MILL SW MILL AUD AJWJELLlHw HOvr.B.

5 team and water power: only two mfnstfs' wu.k rrf-ai Ccaxt er etauon. a. it k. a mil froni Pale "OVEMBEil oi at 10 cioca. Buflalo xprea leaves the city at a o'clock.

iJhSi.sfiEt, Admin la trauir. For farther parUculara tncture of GhufiQ, liuneil P. WeaUi4ttfilantt Co Pa. QUCK 8 ALES IE ClOap STRUT, PiTTSBUBSE WHOLESALE and RETAIL BUYERS kl Children' Felt Hats, 25c aa up. Ladies' Seal Feit Hats, 50c and op.

Ladies' Brash Brim Felt Hats, vary Low. HES! ax, Olive and otfcer scarce choice ihades. BUk VehreU Irom S10O a yvd up. WEAR 3w pteeesoc- Kev Woolen fta. BLaeftsnk rriawwa.

S-ButtOtt Kid 49iova, 44. 73. 41 a saU. L3iea' Velvet Csauauets. fte.

Men's rax Top felcves. yery low. t. Eetai-Prices! LWtt fKltlUS! PITTSBURGHOPEM HOUSE J. SBWTOy eoTTHOi.D....

atanavsr a rr.Ai rog kvkbybopt i TfTSSDA November 13,1871, and every evening dnrtnjr tne weak. Toxtxa BS McUonoTigti'a brent fensaUonal Piav. einnt lei, BBCHBT esiKiixyxoui or, MR, PA ULAN'. THE DKTJCCTlVK, drma-ilzeii from tbe Bok by Allen Plnsrerton, entitled the Mollle af t.guire and the Dittiva, 11-iutraTin: rcenes as taev actuaUy occurred. Grard Uatlnee Sa'nav.

Monday, Soy. 1-Eliabeth Vol Staaa-witc. LIBRARY IIALL. I.TJtt.KRACAwyiKu.. Leasees aadKanagen THB EVENT OF TBI SEASON MONDAY, Nov 19, every evening and Saturday Matioee.

first appearance in this city of the famous Artists, 3aasa MaRgio Moore ana r. 3" In their gnat American Drama. STHTJCK oiu AJ-Box sheet or e. vd Seats now open. FIFTH AVENUE LYCEUM.

W. C. Lessee and Manager. OW TP AT EVKNING, NOV. SO, REV.

HENRY WARD BEECH EK til dtliver hlf tamous new uectura, tntitied "WASTES AND BURDENS OF SOCIETY-" Positively tbe only appwarauoe of air. Beecfa-er in tin- city this aea-oiu P-iee oi wiib reserved eeats, 1. Tbe cale cf tit kt-ra will commence at tne Lv-eenm Box Oflloe at A. ou Thursday, Kw. lt h.

17 Soiree Introducing rairy Les-ends. Classic Statuary ana tUHit PaNTOmimk at FIFTH LVCETI, Tbnraday amd a-rtday Rveatlara, November 15 and ia, for tne benefit of the PITTSFOKSH FREB DISl'BSSAEV. Perfoimanee will commence at 3 o'clock. Arinuteion, 7Sc, with rtiservea seau. SSI.

Tick ts for sale, and reserved seats secured, at Clarke's Koos Sum, No. 11 Wood St. 129 T- xx. OriTTriisxcarS. Afolsied by sliss It AS LLACK and Prof.

CAUL MaKDKR, AT FIFTH AVENUa LYCEUat, Thursday AIterno Soy. IS, 1877, M. JlANO TUNINo By 6EOSGI CADDICK, 7SO OMO street. Allegheny. CKv Prioes ftfj wrea, S3I SO; Pquare Grand, Cpnghts aa 50; Concen frand, C3 Urders may be left at L.

R. PiOK-TON '8, i03 I'enu avejine. Library llaJi Bnlld- Neaisfoot Oil, Pure, Linseed Oil Weslern. Miner's Oil bite. Lara Oil Winter strained.

VI ha'e OU Winter Bleacheo. 6Ferm Oil Genuine, toil Oil Prime white. G8torO(l No. 1. Castor OU for Lubricating.

Received ana for sale by GEO A. KELLY Corner Wood fitrool Flr.I a. lerotail Tailors. NEW PALL STOCK RECEIVED. No.

196 Liberty Street DR. BANNING WUl positively leave Pittsburgh on the EvzannB op November 17. Be euro and call before tbat time, at ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Wood and Third Streets, fier.OannalSwGo, Brewer, eorner FORBES STKVEirso BTKEE'i ritUbtrgh, oitaE tor eaJethe Best Cream Ala and Fort? AT THB LOW287 M1BXB7 i Kl OM9 Q11DZ3S Bf atAUUSOIdCHKII. WM til Pons? MM JABPET- J-T XX TTay FKtOX KO SEED rOB BASK FLOOHa.

Good Carpets at IS cents per yard. Good Cotiajru Carpet, Yard Wide, heavy Cct ton Chain, at 3tO cente Per Yard. 6oos Kas (Jarpet. Cotton Clain, at SS eents. GfM12-piy Ingrain Carpet, SI cants Per Ytwru.

Good All-wool Carpet, 35 Genu Per Yam, We are m.Ujk many iroods below their value and we want Uie people to know it. J. W. MoFAULAND A 101 Fifth avenue. BLTT1B, EGGS, GA1ITL P0ULTBT, APPLES, POTATOES, And everytulmr hi the Produce line.

In store and am vi rig uai.y, at prices that couunaud quick sales. SOMERS, BRO. CO, COMMISSION MERCEtAHT3, HENRY G. HALE, lerstfflt Tailor, cm. phi mm am st CARPETS! DRUGGETS.

BOVARD.ECSH&GO. 29 FIFTH AVENUE. Western Insurance Como'v ViKJE aAUSasVnI INSt'TtjTNfE. Mo. ai WOOD IKreciors.

a. ci. jfiauaSi Millar, fc'v'r Andrew Aciiey, Cttaa. Clark, UavUt St. Lena.

ai. 8. Evana, Jos Pi-itUp K-ytacr, Juia S. Jacksc-a. J.

E- lionuaA, JtJi.a WUui. H. Sailer UcKaa. aLalABUEaanfiSl, M. P.

BifuKiifr --rv. eiO. SttLD- Ageal aed dur-eyor. SMALL PROFITS! osenbau 13 UiD S3 xisin Are offering unusual inducements to desirable, first-class Goods. JUST Children' Fur Sets, 60c and up.

Ladies' Fur Sett, $3 00 and up. Ladies' Cloaks, $4.00 and up. PLUS Cardinal, Blue, Brown, Black, Whit. Bio Velvet, and Vetveteeu to match. UNDER Genu Beaxiet'Wovcai Underwear, Si ai.

ladles' Bcanet Woven Laderwaar, 4 CSS. Hand-knit Zephyr Hoods, Awe up. MiMes Hand-knit 2ebyr Hooua, T5c up. BanUAercsuals, SA. S74 a.

7c, CA, aa iniBCtatse etoc. at reduced prxoea. Immi Hals at In LAtUiK STUCK I T.cSJ.T.McGANCE rreaptiry stale. The attention of everybody is hereby directed to the disposal at publio auction of the immense stock of Watch bs. Di a- MOKT8, EWBtRT, SlLVKR AND PLATE Ware, Clocks, Brosirs, eto, at Mo-Faddes'3 oid established house.

No. 53 Fifth avenue, commencing Wedkiwdat, Sovbmbb 14, at 10 and continuing each morning and afternoon until the entire stock is sold without reserve. This will afford a rare opportunity to secure holiday gifts at your own prices. Every article guaranteed as represented or roony refunded. Tbis sate will be cond acted by Colonel J.

M. Rutherford, a reliable gentleman, experienced in the handling of tine goods, such as are now offered. EesBomy and Hafety. Use the "OlDe" Oil. It will born in any lamp and will not char the wick.

"ONE THOUSAND." A $1,000 pah of Diamond Bar Rings will be soid at the SPECIAL SALE OF DIAMOND at McFadden's Auction Bale S3 Fifth avenue. Don't neglect this Diamond opportunity-Hot Air, Or double heating stoves, are jast tbs thing for beating two rooms, one above the other, snd making both comfortable with the expense of only one fire. The most perfect Hot Air Stoves are by De-mmler Brothers, 126 and 12a Bmithheld sLreet, Pitta-burgh. TTh Re member. That the Oil will not explode.

Ask jour grocers for it. Refined La: O. Zvry lady knows the necessity of having the purest and sweetest lard in order to render her cakes, pies, tarts, palatable, toothsome acd whol-eome. We would direct tbe io where the article can be ootsined in strict freshness and purity. Messrs.

F. Sillers ct Co. are tbe agents for the refined laid of N. K. Fair bank Chicago, and call parricuiar attention to their naw packages of 5 lb.

coftee pots. 2 lb. tea oots, 1 lb. drinking cups, and quart measures of 2 tbs. each.

The use cf the lard will produoa a maiked improvement in culinary resales. Beware at Imttatiwaa. Be positive that you are burning 0Hte" Oil, It will not explode. Vindication of Jaruea K. Ldlle, Esq We are pleased to notice by the proceed-irgsot the Criminal Court to-day that onr old friend atd much esMemed fellow-townsman, Leslie, Esq-, has been found by a jary of bis countrymen, innocent of the charge of embezzlement wrong tally, we think, brought against bim.

The long and honorable business carear of this gentleman in this community remains asit shou be, untarnished. This verdict of acquittal merely corroborates the opinion of his numerous friends ni'et familiar with his past rpright career. "We are aware that he is in poeress'on of evidence to completely vindicate himself, even among those entirely cnacqnainvd with his past history, and may at some fntnre date C4ll for the publication of all the facts connected with this singular case. JtrsxiCK. Tbv rimeti(le cook stove is exactly what jou want, Jso.

B. Hebron tths 291 Liberty stress DIAMOND OPPORTFJRITT. Bpsdal Auction Sale, at McPadden's, 53 Fifth avenue. A BpecUI Sale of DIAMONDS on Friday morning, at 10 o'clock. Sale pcsitlve.

wi'hout reaeive. Trees, Plants, Flowers. We offer a slock of well-irmwn A rmle. Peach, Cherry, Plum and Ornamental Tiet-a, suitable tor present planting, at low prices. Also, Bsls aud Plants winter bloomlnc.

Catalogue free on aTmlication. Chohe reah Flowers always on hand and arranged in any deaired style on short notice. OHM R. A. MURDOCH.

US SOkithOein street, opposite Postomce TREES. BULBS. Orders yjiouiriilv flllsd for ADnle. Pear. Peach.

Cberry. batle and Ornaoiemal True. ot winch we hav an extia fine qnilitr. arm ol- in si i-ry iow ratea. a.2o, a larjm stocx oi Flowering BslDe, Dritd Grasses.

Bird Carres, Ac. ut owers aud mutual ItiauTna cun- on band. Wm. c- Jas, Murdoch, xxs omitcnni-1 st.eet. fituocrgo, I'd.

AR 91 ED. STKKLE-SAMBLE-On Wednesday. Nov. lth, IS77, at the rBllence o( tlie px-rtntp. St.

Charles llotej, Plttsb ih by tne Rev. Ir S. r. f-covel, r. W.

8. SXKLbi and ktlaatihOhirlh. t.AMKLE DIE 3. HAKE On Tuesoav even inc. Sot.

13th. ib77. a o'cif-ci, oi yui njonuT coaaaoapt'oa. uMneni tr. a.

r. uase. ie tum-rai will take aoe from the rmn. deuce of ber basfiand. Ho.

Penn avenue, on kaiDAv, lfith inst-. at 2 o'clock. The Lhts Tamily are res eei rail invlteja to attend. 1U rr-at hts ree-f-lence ChaJtiere town- li'ti on Ttwdnv. N'fiv.

13. at p. ir THOtv 1.. L'L aed 34 vcars. runerui on i tuscr.

Nov. at II o'clock i. to oroceetl to C'carriers Csmeterv. i tx- raites wul leave fro Q. W.

Miller's, Chestnut street, Fo Side, at 9 to elock. and OI SauUififeld Btreet brine at 1C o'cloca x. jt. SPALPINa Of diphtheria, at the resilience ft ber parents, on Kt-a strft. on Wedaisdav.

NOV. 14, HLSU'KTIA FlTZilLGti, voongtst dans-htero! the liev. Dr. U. W.

aud Htmnarta G. Spalding, aged years, 2 mouth and days. June inuuren to come unio me, lor 01 sticn isttie Kl'gilomot Heaven. The fnecdsof toe family are lespeetfully in-vtlt'd to aitemi the us era! ou Thursday, Jio-vember 15, at K4 o'clock a- m. NOLAN On Tuesday evening.

atllUo'ciock, KABtiAKET ULAN, aged years. Tbe friends of the rauaiv are resoectfaliv m- vii ed attend tbe foutral from her late rv-si-dcrce. No S'COLt Pittaburgh, on Jfai- KB LI 9 On Wwineauav. November 14. at 5H a.

JKWN1I youugeai Oaugtitar of Patrick and Mtirv Jane AtMlla. aired lb years. 6 mmba ana 4 days. Tne. friends of ifte family are rospeetfnlly In-vittU to attend tr.e fiiEeral from the residence ol her parents.

No. If tl Harking alley, oa I ruuaoeipnia papers lease Copy.7 SCO rT At 9 o'clock on Wednesday morning' lovemi-er 14. SOMllA BlUGK-jS, beloved Martin Scott, mtbe ith year of ber age. iileBSetl aie tbe dead wbo die tn tbe Lord. Ihe friends of tne family axe respectfully ivited to attend the rnneral from uin waC I't'DiW of her falher.

Tticma HmiMu 4axk Flace, East End, city, on Friday, at p. hi. NATUEA1 FLOWER PRESERVING A. IBlT3OiaaltTr Warranted not io aiie or Change in Color. FLORAL lULs-'GNs made of deceaaed rjer son's clothing.

Specitrtens can he st-en at my tS. K. HfinCL TThS o. lie Chestnut AUeghtaiy, Fa. RODMAN WISTER, Florlsit, 133 MIT til1 bTHEET.

FrsBHAi. Dssiona of all descriptions. Bon- weis, i lowers, rancy jbaskeis, faucy JOLa, Eieeds. Jiw prices. ING UNDliKTAKlliL is eath avenue, Pa.

Htwxae and CarrlageA and every description of Funeral tioodfl furnished. Kooms open day and j--rAjr FATTKttSOM BttOS. jLlVBUY grOS AN ALB BTABLSS No. 8 Ninth street and Frankstowa avenue. East e-uu, riiisonrjin.

unuerTaiUUjC in ait its brujicbfcs prouiptly attemled to. Cacriases tor Fames. WedfUngsand Concerts. Horans and Busfrtee for hire. Horses keut at Livorv tra day or wrk.

Stable onnn Hav and igbt. Oldest Ins, Co, in Amsrtca ASSETS. E6.601.N83 AS. Ins. Co.

cf North America ar rmuMLrnA. LOnw IUUtmd paid by WM. L. I0VU 84 PonrtX Oliver M'Clintock Co. 33 FIFTH AVENUE.

BATE HOW OFI.H IHSIB NEW FALL STOCK OF CARPETSi Druggets, LINOLEUMS, OIL CLOTHS, In all the new styles and colorings oi me tasi, ana at competinq rales. PFEC1AI.T1ES MADB Or TURKEY AND PERSIAN RUGS, Kmbroidrreij Table and Piaw fers, ajmI other nooeaaiiiua of aoe turulsaine. The Largest Assortment or CHEAP QOOD3 Always tn Stock. 0. KcCLINTOCK CO.

KORNBIiUlal, BCLKirTific orrtciAW. spectaciea, ey G'Aaava, Opera Ls wiajs, MVcioaoirma, Taer-ioouibWSS. Barome'-ejs, Ac. Offloa, corner avenne ana Wand swash, hi aV 8. Lavts Jl UO.a BODIKun Haa a lacturwni ox LlUhT Urey Irom OAST IV Fism, JapasBea, Bronzed, Coppered Or Sa Light Worh our Spclaity.

balosaaat Worts near Outer DncW ALXaV bUANT CITY. Posvoffioa addrsea. Loe Box avm, riTTS- HOAttta, TA. Hjiterious Eittppea ranee of ft Prominent and Wealthy Lawyer. Mr.

B. B. W. om. After Placing His Daughter in Vassar College, Goes to Albany and Sinks From Bight Futile Eflorts to Trace Him Condition of Els Baal-Bess Affairs.

Eaa He Been Foully Senlt With? When a man of wealth disappears, and is abtent fur any considerable length of time wittiest his friends and acquaintances knowing or being informed aa to his whereabouts and movements, the busy and loquacious tongue of Rumor commences to spread reports, and whatever there may be of good that ia said of tbe man, is almost invariably accompanied by something that is discreditable. It seems impossible for weak toman catnre to resist crediting a missing person with sins of some sort of omission or commission although he may have always lived a blatneleati life. Mr. S. R.

W. Gill, a prominent member of the bar of Allegheny county, has been absent for about two months, and to-day no one knows where he is nor what be is dotng. Within the last few days rumor has been free with his name, and as very indefinite reports regarding alleged questionable transactions of his have been put in motion, it is nothing more iban justice to Mr. Gilt to place tbe public in posses sion of all tbe facta, ao far as they could be 1 sited, touching his departure from PUts burgh, bis movements as far as known since then, and the condition which he I ft his business afiairs. Mr.

Gill's legal practice was not of a character to give him any newspaper reputation. He con lined himself entirely to dealing in bonds and and seldom if ever appeared in court. Biswas an office business exclusively, and whenever It was necessary for him to present papers to the court it was generally done tb rough some one else. He smasard in the pursuit of his profession an immense fortune, which is estimated at over a quarter of a million dollars. Tan street Br MOBS.

The lawyers are good talkers, which is pan of their business, and therefore entities them to a measure of allowance for what vhev Sav. Of course the naveterinim disappearance of a well known member of weir rratemity is too rare an occirrence Dot to occasion considerable comment among them, and after It had once got started the rumor of air. Gili'a unaccountable absence soon became known to tbe entire profession, and as the report gained circulation it of course grew also in embellishments. The story on the street was that about seven weeks ago Mr. Gill started for Pooghkeepsie, K.

to plsce his dsngbter in Vassar College, where she had been before. Previous to leaving he informed his family and a few of his personal friends that from Pougu-keepsie he would, go to Albany, thence op ine nuason ana busily into Canada, where be would visit Montreal, Quebec and other places of interest, among which he ixclnded the islands of the St. Lawrence. In accordance with this programme Mr. Gill accompanied his daughter to Pongbkeepsie, and then weut to Albany, since when not a word has been received from him.

What has become of him or where be is remains a profound mystery. TBI OKK.V DOTJBTFTTIi ACT. The only thing our reporter could learn as reflecting ia anywise noon Mr. GiU was the following, which is not confirmed, and is, therefore, to be taken with many grains ot allowance: it laauegeatbataniniiividuai applied to Mr. GiH to endorse a note for him.

This the latter consented te do, pro-Tided he should be given collateral security to the value of the note. A mortgage wai offered and accepred, and Mr. Giil gve indorsement. Is is alleged that Mr. Gill, while holding this mortgage only as a trustee, sold it, and that whn the purchaser went to collect the interest on it from the owner of the mortgage the latter refused to pay, on the ground that Mr, Gill held tbe mortgage only as collateral, and bad no right to dispose ot what did not Lei ore to bim.

now much truth there is in tbis cannot be PZaed, but it is iikeiy that at th hands of Mr. GlU it is suscepu'oie of a patisfaotory explanation. ncer toe impression that Mr. J. W.

Hall, who reeidta on Allegheny avenue, Alleghenr. was a law partner of Mr. oar reporter sought bim out last mgbt at nis nume team irora mm wnatever ne might be pleased to sTAte regarding the absentee. Mr. Hsli said that he was not at present a partner cf Mr.

Gill's, though he had been about seven years ago. "Is Mr, Gill's absence cauainir much street comment?" asked Mr. Ball. "ies-, it is," repaed tbe writer. "And I bear that there is considerable uneasiness among theme for whom he in vested money.

io ou snow anything regarding the re liability of the rumois to his integritjr- DOKS NOT BEUBVK THEM. "From what I know of Mr. GUI, an-J I hve been intimately associated with him for years, I think the idea of his abscond-ica ia ho absurd as to be uaworthr a mo- menl's consideration. T-dsy an attorney came to me aoa asaa, uiu you near anything of having gone away wita lot of 1 told himthat 1 knewot Mr. Gill's absence, bat was unaware of any financial irregularities in connection with It.

I interrogated him as to what be knew, but he was ignorant, the question be me having ben put to bim by some one else. ne condition in which Mr. GUI left his atUira would seecn to refute any relictions noon hi honesty. His estate la worth at least $230,000. Only a day or two before leaving he pished Clu.oOO in the Nmtional Bank of Commerce.

Don" i von he was conieuipiatins abscondi-Gg, that he wocid have kept this mony and turned a large portion of bis mortgages, oi wuica ne aeiu a great many, into cash also?" "What Is your theory touching the gentleman's protracted absence?" "I believe he has been murdered or drowned, or in some wsy lost his life- If a serious accident, one depriving him of life or reason, bad not befailen him he would certainly either have returned or sent some word ss to the management of the extensive business be left beamd. Before his departure I heard him speak of gning away on a trip, but from what he said gleaned the impression that hs would be absent on ly two or three weeas. oeven weeks have now passed and no word baa been received from him. lie he waa soimr to Pousbkeepsie to place his daughter in school, and then would take a ran up into tjanaoa ana aown toe st. Lawrence for rest and recreation, which he nteded." AW USTAENISHKU KBPCTATION.

"So then yon think false the repirts against his honor?" "llow can 1 believe otherwise? My knowledge of the man, his upright and straightforward way of doing ba-ineas, and thesPDarentiv unencumbered real and per sonal oroTjertv of great extent which he left behind wouid lave no room for doubts of his integrity. He handled very largo sntns of money, and was implicitly trusted by those for whom be transacted business, which caitsted largely of investing money for the-m in mortg-tgaa. If you should call on Mr. T. Walter Xy be mlgbt be able to supply you with additional information, Mr.

Ly has recently bsn stb-nding to eonsiderabis business for Mr. iiM In court, and may know more about him than I do, though it is doubtful. Tne atrtentee a nave oeen unaaie to get tidings of bis fortune or his since he left Albany." With thanks to Mr. Hall for the courtemv with which he had received the writer, and for the information so gracefully roach. sated, the latter withdrew and in the course oi ten minues was pulling the door-be il at the dwelling of Mr.

T. alter Day, on ef mont street. Mr. Lay, who was amusing himself with a little piano practice In the parlor, answered the bell personally. lie ana tne reporter were soon on goou bnrius, and It be (ran about In this war: "Mr.

Day, I represent tbe Com.hkbcial Gazktte- I have called to learn whether you have heard anything of Mr. a. a. Gill." Who sent you to im?" "There was a gentleman informed me that you wouid be an excellent peruou to apply to for information." "Have yon ben to se Mr. Uali?" cross- examined Mr.

Lay. "1 bave." Did he send yon to me?" "Ah Mr. Day. that's a pointed question. He did not send me, bat he told we that you would probably Know somethmg that would oe oi in teres.

AJf IISTERBST1ITO STORY. "Well, then said Mr. Day, "nothing has been heard from Mr. Gill, though latterly we have been hoping every day that be would drop into his office. The sf ry of bis departure and aossoce is aoout mis: Dunn the eartv oartof September he said tht when his son Harry, who practices with htm.

and who wss then with tne soi diera at Scran ton, got back he was going to take a long trip; that all the rest nad had tneir summer cation, and now be was going to take his. But I had no idea irom what he said that he proposed remaining a way longer than two or three weeks. He didn't state particularly to his family, or any one eise, wnere ne was going, out only saia general terms that be contemplated a trip run hu tjanaua, taamg in juontreai snu tiuotxx. Ou theltithor 17th or September, I have forgotten which, he with his daughter fur Poughkeepsie, N. Y.

Tuerebe pined her in VaMear College, and then went to Albany, from whence be wrote about the 21st of September to his wife and win, stating that he would go up the Hudson and over Into Csnada. Us told them that as be wouid be traveling from place to place all the time, and could not hear from them, he would not write either, but that no uneasiness should bs nntenaiued on bis account If be should remain away for a few weeks. Those Albany letters contain tbe last heard of him. The lew weeks fasvestretcned mtoat-met two months, and the uneasiness and a arm of bis family are daily increasing." BA.SBL.E9B AUD XONSKMSICAI. 'M r.

Day at do you i nk of the ru mors which you of courae know are on the streets respecting alleged irregularities Oa Mr. Gill's pari?" "Well, sir, 1b view of what I ksow, I look upon them as utterly baseless and nonsensical. That Mr. Giil'ia an absconder I don't entertain for a moment. If his departure had been prompted by any motive of that kind he woaid certainly have re- failing, foReved, is rising barometer, mr a for mim Robert Clark, Grand Muter of the Grand Ixodes of Muom, and 0'-i)er officers of the Grand Lodge will arrive in this cHy to- Sorrow (Kndy), aad yleit Lodge No.

231 the evening. KnCartaisBMBt a the riutMrsfe Fe-Bati Cwiieajs. One of those delightful entertainment8 for which the Pittsburgh Female College is justly celebrated will be given in the College Chapel on Friday evening. So tickets will be Issued, bat a cordial invitation ia extended to ail the friends and patrons of Ute institution. Tfee ldl etetf Aiawrsvau Judge KirfcpatticJc annoaaced yesterday In the Court of Quarter that inasmuch as Aldermen Porter, Mc Henry, Martin sad others had been prosecuted at his instance, he would prefer that they be tried before another judge.

The cases, therefore, wouid be continued, till the Deeeuaoer term. Tse Trwwpe Cew atweainc Haas. JLtentenant fiergstreseer, of Brock's Bat-terv, and Joseph T. Speer, of A. Speer Sons, and Captain Gordon, or the Letts Guards, bare received dispatches an noa doing that Colonel Hartley Howard's regiment will be home to-day.

They will reach the city at seven or eight o'clock and will be met st the depot by the Cathedral oand, wblch wilt accompany to the Du-qaesrte Greys armory. Calt'w Prissmera. sited States Commissioner Mix, of Tow an da. yesterday to jail F5 sue Bennett. oAuGorg0ri, cbargnd -with btcakirg into tbe postoriice at Ls Beyaviiie, Bradford county, and stealing therefrom postage stamps and other property.

Be also com in it ted Wm. Heenan. charged with making and presenting a frandolent sftldavit in connection with a pen etoa ei aim, sod with conspiring to defraud the United States. Adik MOflM fteefcera. The "Washinntcn correspondent of the Philadelphia ftar has the following: "Another man who is near to oar model President, etd who is consulted on ail matters pertain teg to Pennsylvania, is Keim, of Beading, the correupondeot of the Pittsburgh Commihcul Gazette.

Hayes Is deeply Impressed with Keim's wisdom and judgment, and unless Schnx objects I think the Philadelphia ala'6 of appoint-nents will be dictated by Keim. My advice to Yenee, Jeffries, Sel fridge, and the many others whose names I naaaot remember, wbo want a Federal office in Peanavl-vania, ie to xnaae friends with Keim. Bee him at once, as delay may be fatal." 1 CesHtolanee. The demise of Mrs. Lain wife of Dr.

B. F. iMte, whici was announced yesterday, has cast a dark shadow overs wide circle of friends. The deceased was a woman of rre excellencies, whose loss will be felt in a ciety, in the church and in the home circle as a bereavement deep and severe. She was the embodiment of the most nobie and cultured type of trae womanhood and one whom none knew but to love, none named bat to praise.

I a society she was one whose association was highly print): in the chores aa earnest and steadfast discipie, and in the home circle its light and life and joy. Wherever she was known the tad intelligence of herdeath will be a sonrce of tineere lamentation, and the'deepty stricken husband and relatives will have the fullest consolation that can come from genuine and human sympathy. Mm AUgwy Barglatrjr. The clothing store of Frederick Freyer- mntb, Jo. 14 unie street, was robbed jes-terdey morning, before beyiight, of five overcoats, three pairs of pantaiOvms, thirteen pieces of cloth, one dozen white shirts, and two boxes of aodercintntng, vsiued in in sll at about $300.

Tbe two pieces of goods mentioned elsewhere as having found on River avenue, probably balontred to this lot. The store was entered through the front door by mesne of a skeleton key. Yesterday a man named Wm. Wolf, who has charge of an old building at the foot of Madison avenue, Allegheny, formerly used as a woolen mill, discovered a oat lying in the cellar of the bonding. He notified detective Miller, who proceeded to search the premises, and found quite a baadieof clothing and rolls of cloth, wblch bad ben bidden in tbe building.

It was afterwards identified by Mr. Freyamnth aa part of his goods. About one fourth of the quantity stolen was recovered. There is no clue to lbs thieves. A Dtiblt Bpreaivaaaeait.

In the freeh bereavement sustained by the Rev. r. H.W. Spauldicg and bis family in the death of the pet of the household, they lay a special claim to sympathy. Toe reminders of death have hardly lost their suggest jvenees, and the circle has hardly adjusted itself to tbe void of that other Tare well, when another lamb is missing from the little flock.

Such a grief as this is too sacred for the intrusion of the outside world. Yet so many are there who have in their own grief felt the depth and richness of tbe sympathy these mourners have dispensed, and so bard has it seemed to be debarred the poor privilege of testifying around tbe coffin their sympathy ia turn, rt would be doing violence to the best feel-Inge of our nature to repress tbe instinct that prompts us to offer a word of consolation. It will certainly help them to know that their sorrow is not all their own. There are hundreds of hearts which these lines will stir to something deeper, higher, holier than condolence and pity an earnest intercession for the Divine grace, and a tribute of thanksgiving to the Spirit or indwelling that has eoab'ed these str-xen parents, brothers and. sisters, so meekly to bow under the rod.

Trewbie Betwesa catractra. James Montsgae, through hii counsel, B. J. Powers, hied a bill equity, in tbe Court of Common Pleas Ng. 2, against James Margan and Peter McElhaney.

It is alleged that, on the hrst of July, 1ST7, McE haney was awarded a contract for the grading of a portion of the Castle Shannon Kailroad; that on the fifth of the same month be sublet a portion of his contract to Magan: that Msgnn made a verbal' agreement by which complainant, Montague, was to become a haiALpartner in tb.i sub contract, and to share'iu Uiy in ton oases or promts; that they went on withth work, which is about completed; that the money is to be paid to-day (the 5th, Inst. and amounts to $-150; that Magan is virtually insolvent, and that Mcllihaney it abont to pay over the whole amount to him, although he has been notified of com- plain sot's Claim, and requested to retain; bis shsre of the money. Tbe Court ia aked to decree a dissolution of the partnership and have an account taken: and that Me-lhaney be restrained from paying the money over to Magan. A preliminary injunction was granted, and motion to appoint a receiver will be argued on Saturday next. LJJtF CMMjmjrmT tmjok.

XOVet ef tbe Strike the Blawers aTataaai StoTelntloni lei tbe Bwalasas. The strike of the giaaa lamp chimney blowers against the "patent crimper," which they characterize as a "monopoly," and as intended to increase tbe pro.luc.ion without corresponding increase of wages, has devsU-ped another patent which, it is claimed by manufacturers, will completeiy revolutionize the glass chimney trade. Voder tbe old system, before tbe intrtxl action of the "crimper, the blowers made two hundred and fifty chimneys in a turn of four boots, but with the "crimper" they were required to turn out three hundred chimneys at a turn. This they not ouiy refosed to do, but "ttnwk" against the introduction of the patent process of doing by machinery what had been done by head. Now, instead of having the chimney "blown," as heretofore, the manufacturers have devised a revoiTing mould.

In which tbe chimneys can be made, and with the aid of the crimper, man uf acta rered at the rate of eigb; or nine hundred per turn, by nnsiEllisd workmen. Experimenting has been going on for some time with this patent mould, and aith entire soocess, it is claimed. It is stated that within a short time the importation of lamp chimneys from Germany has greatly increased, and at pnees which, without the nss of the patent appliances referred to, our manufacturers could not compete with. tmm mvMsjvm moctmtv. Bewl TNicrdnyi Meeting Tee grwpa-ssl Paaite Beetiag-A fair.

The Humane Society met in regular weekly session at the rooms, on Penn a venue, yesterday afternoon. 8 penn tetident street sobmiued the following report ef operations for the week We have had four oases of cruelty to animals reported the last week of overwork, ing and sot feeding, or not giving needful care to horses. Also, nine esses of cruelty to children, five of them of shameful whipping and kicking help; em children. A drunken man on Butler whose wife left biro some months sgo on account of abase, has fear small children ou whooa the marks and bruises plainly show brutal treatment. The Chairman on Public Meeting, reported that the use of tbe First Presbyterian church had been secured for the evening of the id inst-, in which to hold the meeting.

Marshall Swartzweider, W. CMoreiand, Rev. John Saads have signified their acceptance of an invi tation to speak. It la also expected that protninf-pi wm ma a-jiua miaxlrC on the eTrenlngs of Tnes-lay and Wednes day the and Mrs. Joseph Walter and Mien Walter wilt hold a fair at 'a.

6b Siith avenue, for the benefit of tbe society. An admission fee of twenty-nve cents will be charged, and aieo a small sum for supper. It wiii doubtless be aa exceedingly pleasant social anair, In woieh any respectable person by tbe payment of the admission iee may participate. M. mad Miss Walters as assistance in the fair in the way of contributions of fancy and other articles suitable for such an affir to be disposed of to swell the proceeds of the society.

We offer onr new Rising Son Oyster Cracker as tbe perfection ef Crackers for oysters. We ssk oar friends to bay them, aa we feel eonfident they will be better leased than with the eld style of cracker. 8. 8. Masvijr A Co.

Pwisl Railway Service. Mr. Charles W. Lyons, Special Examiner of the Postal Baiiwsy Service, yesterday t-egsn the examination of Postal Util-way Agents, on railroads centering in Puts burgh. Two agents a day are examined, and it takes about five hours for each.

Tbe new men uDder Postmaster General Key are appointed for six months, and are examined ix times during that period. Their pmba'ionarv ellorte end at that time and their dismissal or retention io othoe depends upon the efficiency or as set forth in the report of the p-ctal Examiner. Mr. Lyons will remain in the city until next week. Flae p(las mt Jok PrisUaff.

We jesterriay received from the printers, Messrs. H'evenMJn, Foster a copy of an Illustrated Price List which they uve just conipsetfd for the Jacobas A Xicoick Manufacturing Couipacy, and we risk GOthii in saying that a finer specimen of job prmtitg, of this claae, baa vkI heretofore bet-n iMiinl this city. Tbe boi-k contains aUjot three hundred pags. atd is ii.ustrated by ab.ut one and fit! engravings. It is in quarto form, printed on heavy plare papr, and bandeoroeiy bound in muslin.

The b-tok wih certainly prove a paying card for the fimi, as it demonstrates that this class of work can be. done here qute as well as in the Kast. Messrs. SteveLHoa, Foster Co. areaboot to remove to their elfgant new quarters, No.

48 Fifth avenue, preparatory to which additions have ben made to tfceir mactaiotrj, and tbeir facilities in-creard so as to meet the fullest demands of the trade. ar3r aaw Hrttltaiacy. Consnmeraor iUumluallng oil a boa bear in mirxl that E'smp, "Tiie Family awarded the first prc-ininm, medal and diploma at tho Centennial Exhihi-iin by tho onginl commissioners and jurors, for its extraordinary merits of saie-ty and brilliancy of light, Kiaire is free from any unpleasant olor. and burns br'ghtiy until the deepeat lamp is empty, without its being neouseary to trim tbe wk-k at any time. Beware of imitations, and ask ynar grocer for the genuine laib.

Tried Froed The Domestic stove. Jso. B. Herbaih A tim 8 2vi Liberty eveeu 1 r. ari Kef ter.

the well known musi-risu, la now receiving is ia piano-p'aiiEg, harmony, at his rooaos. No. S'j fourth st-dd. The weil-estahHshed reputation of Mr. Better makeeauy special mention of his excellence as a teacher entirely superfluous.

The Denifstie cook store will suit yon In every respect. Jons B. Hebron Co, TTH3 Liberty street. "Oltt" Oil Will hum in any lamp. Will not char the wick.

Will hum every drop of oil out of the deepest lamp. JDON BE LATE. Everybody should attend the Grand Auction Bale of Watches. Diamonds, Jewelry, etc at McFadden's, 53 Fifth avenue, every morning and afternoon, and secure elegant Holiday presents. Sale positive, without reserve Tbe OtiMicMf lc giye.

complete satisfac tion. Jjho. B. Hrbkos 1'XHS aitl Liberty street. The Best tetovee.

Spear's renowned and unrivalled Argna, Auti-Ciinker, bilver Moon and Anti-Dust heating stoves, for anthracite coal or small coke, and a large stock of fancy and plain beating stove very low in price, can be fnuxd at Demmler Brothers, 136 and 12S Bmithfleld street, Pittsburgh. TTh Bebcsrk Pslmic srop Far the of cosiamptioB, CeagBe aa Velds, The great virtue of this medicine la that it ripens the matter anil throws it out of tho system, purities the blood, and thua tffectsa uuiu Scbock's Sba can Toxic, oa thi Cubs or i-v i' arm luiuaaxiua, Aj- The Tonic produce's heslthy acllon of the stomar creating an appetitite, lorutiug chyle, and curing the most ooauuate CAsua of iudl-gvatlou. Thew Pitls are alterative, and proiluee a Deal Hi action of the tivt-r, without the le-aat a tticy are frc Irom caJOiuoi, and yet moiv t-iTicacioua in reaioxuig a healthy acuun el tne Uvtr. These remedies are a certain cure for Con-snu piion, as the i'ulmotilc by tip riiwus the mat u-r and pur ides iho.btoiMl The ami rake Fiila act uihjd hw liver, crente a hiaUhy liut, and rt-inovi! all d'sPiios of the liver, often a cause of Conhunipt Urn. Ttie Sa Weed Tonlo glveu tone, aim strength to the stomach, mafeca a good digestion, and ennbles the orctn io form good booi; and thus a bilthy cluulai Inn ot ht-nlthy blood.

Tne combined action of iheM me.Uc:n as thtu extuaineit, wlis cute every lommiupuon, if taxe-a in time, aud U.e im; oi the lauaiciuo perawur-cd in. 1 r. SrhFtiefc in ton ally at. hta orinclpft offiw, con ri sirH an AR. i'liU i.U'.t-phia.

every wtteru all lutttiu or advice ujual be adure3'd. Turua Happy ttdtngs for nervous snffemrs, and hoj ho have, twn dosed, rug-red and quat sel. raivurmacber's Electric hlta effectually cure ifft'Uiatnre weaknas and decay. Cs and Journal, with ifcnrtb thousands, mailed ln-. Address P8X.VHMACHaatAXYaiolUk,Mew ToxkUtty.

SniTIUSAl.ktl 1 1ST ATI at U. KVASSVIT.LB. Vovmber H. Cloudy; rain since noon; rigim of mcr; wlii4 lirHk fn-m tbe otitt; nxjrciry Hi to 63; laiumcir nnri 'ailing. Klvir 4'j, fet arid rlslnR.

lpC W. Anariua, Coos. UrKt Mnllb Abdy r'ulMn ami (iulJen Ctuwu Do an John L. Kbtxies, i tirl n. rKSD.

Iela and milh n-Jt Ulps BmIium Is dull. Naw Ohlkas, Nnrfinbar 14. Arrived fo- ul and Maria Loulw. KmI river: J. WiKon.

fM! rlitr. Imparted Thoupwn Mmphli; nM um'N, 'ti liver; 4 iimh, i. aiaiu aaa CUia Uuschlia river. Weather cloudy and warm, 1'lwriwwATt, NoTemher ll Illver fe-t 1 loch and rlitTijr Mud and eloadT. Arrived dam.

Fkiberts. Wnt.ileport, irwla- noau; J. a. Dei-arLd--Efiua UraRam.

F1tiMlurgli; iirt afurtaa aud baiii. Kobwta, ui K'ans; Hrautlord, Kvantlls. ins iui ftoa Pltutuiga, aitd ih ua float MsDuala, are Rock. Xnvenfcor 1. Wcattaor Cloudy ano rakuy.

Kiier falitus; feet by Um mags. afaairais. Itovemtw H. The rlva rlt 1 lrche; itaod fct 3 tnrOta, Ualoj; mfxltanm l'arket. lifcctanatl.

Caiao, 14. Arrived J. W. tiarratt sew Orleans: cmctunatl; tut nT Heteui Hi. Luula.

ltetarted Heinle), Near lOleaiMt: V.y 4 fcoice. St Luu'i. Klter 11 lest la India aad fail ins. UaiDlDg; merrary w. atolis.

Nnveanar 11. sToor atsaly. Woi No Xielll I'tHO l-3t, etutrirr at-d Irfiol-r Me. UaU lJec. Kja iit c.

i rot i.ioas aacoaticvo. Sv. Lucia. Notmim 14. ArrivM Capital Cuy.

l-ady )-ee, '-o la: AiKanhae. Pail, l't-paitrti aikaai-a, Mt Ua-Ij Lee. Fourla. Riier faltea 1 lueS. CieuOjf.

aba beat rain this Lot; i a vit ta. MvattMar 14 HalaUtg. fctltar rlsliis feel A Imi Ilea in oaaat. J1 a iii aioaiiav l. Surer falllag; 1 fee' uieuti iw hmwi.

Virmri Kveeattiay -1 'rt ra'a; tksr- aonieet tim i ta. nuva cot-toe Valley aaa u. r. mp a sua. AT' nrttt-CeWiaaa..

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