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Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 8

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ASSAILED QUAY'S FOES cAfiTrrft. rxvs elkctzo-t was pre- Bt CO.f?PIKACT. The People's Store, Fifth Avenue. ilrf TIJk Iteosoaa fov AdroMttar put: rRr tat the Colonel, Although Yestect in Kwp Oat Corfctt. I1at on tk- Hnanrlii Bill.

Fifth Avenue. 1 i I. ITT, smart: WASHINGTON. March B. Mr.

Carter of Montana calt vigorously with the Quay case in the senate to-day. In the tui'tso of a a fcxplanaUoa as to vny v.e will vote for the forme rscuitor from 1 ff WAJ fru fra DISPLAY 1871 1 ill l2 agalrj-t seating of M. Corbett la the Mr. Carter that the Constitution, conteraplat'd that the seat In the sonata shoMid always be kept full. Referring to the precedents of the Mantle, Allen and i.ckwitb cases, he declared that t'i FtI'vr question really ha4 decided tjua jaea, hut added notwithstand- i ff h-Ti nnnr9iH Having placed nearly all our orders for Spring Goods when prices were low, early buyers will reap the advantage of low prices and obtain first choice of styles.

Come to this store and BUY now; manufacturers have advanced their prices on duplicate oraers. we snail nave to pay tne advance. You can save from 10 to 25 per cent, by making your purchases from iw iucts.i in mid aiuic wcic never su mrc unu cnoice as nils spring. l- Mr. bemuse of bis silver 'that gentleman wo aid have beea seated tf the ptira bad bcea properly ar-rajiJjtod on that vote, and Alien and Beck-wim -also would fcavo beta seated, as tr.vir casts were dependent upon the in tid M.nUj case.

itW" lie said, "In iBfe a technicality xr.tala. uie recorded veraiet of senate DRESS GOODS. Embroideries and Laces. We quoting Spring Beauties in Washable Dress Fabrics To give names and quote prices is easy, but to convey to your mind Vcniars Kaw Suits snd Jackals. Unusually attractive stock of fine imported dress goods.

SHOES We carry a line of Sho.s so complete that we believe you cannot find its equal in the city. We know you canot find equally low prices, value considered, anywhere. All widths, all sixes. all styles, at prices from 69c to Special offering of 200 pairs of regular n.25 T)p Shoe, by words the actual beauty, 'tis impossible. Only a visit to our store can Ladies9 Cloths The latest ideas in exclusive silk and wool novelties Black Matelasses, striped and fljeured effects, in richly contrast- the reverse of its judgment, ii to tha Corbet cane, iir.

carter said: "My, vote was recorded esainst Id', Coroett. and it would hft registered in the nam vy tgain In the same state of do this. tug colors, SI. 50 to $2.75 vented from organising until after the Uaie ct.rryuig into effect the will some very special values la choice creations of well-made laces and embroideries. Our stock comprises the season's most desirablo goods; full range of patterns in ail kinds; no matter what you want in this line, this is the store at which to get it at the lowest Drices available.

rue iuii9 riaa expiree, ana i was by many tliat Mr. Corbett was the Handsome Mixed Homespuns. 64 ins. wide, in four shadings, gray, tan, QCn brown and blue oDU Spring Shadings in Golf Skirting, with both plaid and striped reverse, 52 to 20 Spring Coloringrs to select from, full BO inches wide, broadoloth finish and good weight, extra value rt OSC New line of Fashionable Shadings In Broadcloth, 52 inches wide, rich satin finish, twilled lace, cadet, forest areens, tans, castors, Lombards, QQ A genuine sponged and shrunk Cheviot, in all colors and black, heavy weight worsted, finished. Just the thing for i.

bt) inches wide. $2.15 100 styles of Madras Dress Ginghams, In plaids, cheks and stripes, ill all the newest colorings IZC Silk Stripe Dress Ginghams, many handsome combinations In OCr stripes, checks and plaids OOu Satin Cord Novelties, fine fabrics with gingham effects, in pinks, helios, CQ jisvys and light colors 03u Tsatlee Silks, an elegant novelty of the season, la pinks, helios, "7C etc IDE Dimities, all colors, all styles,, figures and all-overs, but all I a new and pretty, at ItH Silk Stripe Challies. 82 inches wide; a great range of beautiful patterns, Fine AH-Wool French Challies, many styles in polka dot patterns, in variety of color combination, such as red and black, cream and blue, Ci red and white, at. i vdu 'Foulards a justly popular fabric, lovely patterns in hello and wUite, pink and white, blue and white. tc; handsome pj silk and washes liKe QQf my'hn.

at ODu imported Orgarie Dauphine, rilca sheer fabric, elant patterns and marvels of beau: also satin stripe Q0r Organdie Persian effects, 03 Shirt Waist Linens, handsome and verr durable. In pinks, steel gray, navy, l'hi biues and helios; plain col- QQn ors and stripes UtJw a tSuiiaiHon." A larsre number of senators tiaarest JCr. Corbett because hi aVlititaierit was regarded as the culmination of a conspiracy, against the govern- CHint of utate." 30 pieces cf Camel's Hair and Home-SD" Tialds to be closed out, 44 to 4o inches wide, ranging in price from S9c to J1.50 per yard, all 63C sUouid not be the beneficiary of that wrong. Sir. Uuay's cas was tne extreme separate swrt, a Dargam 85c Womer's new Homespun Suits, in alt the latent shades.

Jaunty fiy front Jackets; tbese are lined throughout and Just as tailored as any J15 1 ft suit, tor only IU Fine Venetian, Serge and Homespun Suits, nobby. Eton, tlght-nttlng and f.y front Jackets, new shape skirt, with single or double box pialt back; such tine qualities and beautiful styles you won't find anywhere else c'l at our price Eton Suits, made of blue black imported cheviot, jacket trammed with bands of stitched, silk ind skirt with scallops of same; J.Ket wira heavy taffeta silk: r.plen- ff 1 Cfl didly tailored, I 0GU MagnlficeTit" showing of flnt suits la fancy rcagh cheviots, homespuns and broadcloths, Eton fly front and jackets, new flare skirt, trimmed wiih ailk; either, silk or percalin lined fkirts, as you wish, J1X), CQfl 25 and $uU Women's new Jackets, made of fine all-wool Venetian, ny front siylfe, lined throughout with satin serge: the colors are black, tan, blue aad -easior, extremely stylish Jackets, $5 00 Fine broadcloth Jackets in black and all the new spring shades, fiy f-ont, lined with heavy taTeta ffT tn silk, handsomely tailored 4l.uJ xlioiite of this. For two years, said Mr. art5, thpre had leen in operation a scheme in the state of Pennsylvania to prevent representation in the senate If that rt-presvntatlve waa to be Mr. Quay.

HiCH BUCK DRESS GOODS. GREfiT SALE OF LKiE'iS. Mr. ljusy, He went on, was maaa for tailor costumes and dressy gowns Direct from the manufacturers 20 pieces of 44-inch Mohair and Wool Jac-Ciuards; rich material, beautifully finished; reg-ular value tl.73 per I Of yard, at I be sold for less than it now cost3 to Scotch, Irish and German ma'nu- Bought ic the old prices and will irrmnrt The make of the best English Clay Worsted, 56 inches wide, double yarn in warp and weft, guaranteed dye, brilliant black, a splendid cloth for Tailor Suitings or I Cfl WalKlng Costumes, per 4 I facturers. -tudictment was returned against him and Usis the machinery of the courts was set ia operation against lilm to hold the mem-ier cf the legislature from performing Ji.f in the taction of a senator.

"When the legislature adjourned," said lie, man faced jury, and 1 believe never challenged a single Juror offered. Aitf.r the trial had proceeded to its end r.M.vB was submitted to the 1ury. and SILKS A good assortment of the highest!...$2.00 mi $2.25 For Dresses and Skirts- extensive and elegant collection. .50 Special A lot of fine ali-llnea Napkins at only, each Midi ia an in mliuly short time they brought of not guilty. I dnn't btlieve," said Mr.

Carter, "that country has ever witnessed such another dc-p, darlt, damnable, diabolical iv. A. a. i ri.Mttrft I np Tirl itiilililSlli Early display of new spring styles fl Full bleached all-linen Napkins, i-siie, actually worth $1.25. CI flfl at, a dozen 4M.UU Fine all-linen Napkins, I tf) -slze, worth J1.75, at, a doa.

4 I .3 All-Linen Crash Toweling, regu- filar 8 1-Sc grade, at uu All-Linen Damask Towels. 19tjx44 Inches, colored borders and knotted fringes, worth 25q, I0lr at I Lt QQr lln of Wash Silks, HI 03u handsome corded effects in purple, reds, turquoise, light and cadet blues and pinks. Mrjp Imported Kalkls In variety wuw of colors as above: also gray and greens; heavy corded effects. Imported Jap Silks in checks, stripes and plaids, new mixed colorings, pink, red, purple, light, cadet and dark blues. 24-inch Imported Jap Silks, plain colors in almost every conceivable shade.

Figured Jap Silks 24-in. wide, In black, blue and green grounds. Satin finished Foulards, blue and black grounds, white figures. If CTf Fine Imported Indlas, all col-Mi DOu ors of grounds, 50 different styles; lovely effects and extra good value. fit "7Cr Plain Glasse In all colors.

Ml lUu Corded Taffetas in cadet, navy blue, purple, dahlia, etc. ft 'IQrt P-ial Shanghai Silks, 27 in. nl lOu wide, rich and handsome pat-teTia; navy, cadet and royal blue, black and brown grounds I fl fl French Twilled Foulards, Hi I UU In blue and black grounds, beautiful and exclusive styles. Taffeta Plisse and Lace Stripe Effect Taffetas In many styles and shades, but all handsome. Fancy Novelties In many colors and designs.

SLACK DRESS SILKS At from 50c to $2,00. In Gros Grain. Peau de Sole. A mure. Satin Duchesse, Satin Rhadame, Satin de Lyons and Taffetas; I 0 I )r special values at $1 06 59c to $2.48 A handsome new line of $3.00 to $9.00 are prepared to take orders for all Spring Hats.

Wall Paper At Money-Saving Pricss. Very bst Inerain Pacers, in. nlsJn CAMBRIC EDGINGS, 4 to 15 inches wide; well worked; good quality of 3c to 37c Also great variety of Matched Cambric Sets. NAINSOOK EDGINGS, Va to 12 inches 5c to 50c MATCHED NAINSOOK SETS, remarkable variety. 1 SWISS EDGINGS, 1 to 12 inches wide; splendid quality and -choice io 50s Also ten6lve line of Matched Sw iiB Sets.

ALL OVER EMBROIDERIES, a handsome showing in Cambric, Nainsook and Swiss; small, neat patterns. trimmed effects, 50c to S3.50 KLOUNCING3, 27 and 43 inches; an elaborate assortment; QCn CO ftfl new patterns oOb lU 4Z. UU COTTON TORCHON LACES, in all widths at GU Up NARROW VAL. LACES In matched sets; an endless variety; 25c a dozen yards to 2e a single yard. POINT DE PARIS LACES and IN-sertions to match for underwear and to 50c POINT DE PARIS ALL-OVERS, in to $1.00 OVERS from, a 85c to $4.00 BLACK SPANGLE I Cfl NETS 10 0 520 and $25 lacs Curtains and Portieres 5o0 pairs of fine Nottingham Lace Curtains, In real Irish Pointa effects; these are worth to-day a pair; early buying makes the $2 50 OCX! pairs of extra fine Nottingham Net Curtains, In real lace and Irish points effects; overstitched edge, pure bleached; worth to-day (ia ffQ Cfl pair, at Ju.UU Real Irish Polnte Net Curtains, worth a pair to-day and cannot be duplicated under our (fg JjQ Reversible Derby Curtains, with 9-in.

heavy, knotted fringe throw-over top. newest worth fT.OO flfl a pair, for. 4U.UU Silk Kremllen Portlers. reversible and fringed at both ends; worth I fl 15 a pair, for 4 I vt character. In conclusion he- raid that In every -case of kln-3 that came before the senate -ha "wo'Old rpsrerve the right to go behind certificate of the governor to Inquire how the appointment was obtained.

Tht nar iiuproach to the time of voting the conference report on the financial brousht btit 'two Steeches on that measure, one by Mr. Fairbanks of ntid the other by Mr. Butler of North 'Carolina. Tb Tf-nnion appropriation bill carrying was passed. Centtltntlon in Porto Rico.

Senator "Davis to-day offered an amend- Hifc'it to. 'thePurto Elcan'blll in tha senate, its iTeft Is to have the tariff laws of th A Veritable Clothing Store. Men's and Boys1 Clothing Men's Fins Suits In single or double-breasted sack styles, of fine all-wool blue and black serge, f8ncy worsted; In stripes' and Checks, black clay diagonals, cheviots, fancy clays and thlbets; correct spring styles; perfect -fitting garments, I 0 Cfl made throughout, I Z.UU Complete line Cf Men's Suits, $5, $7.50, $10, $1150, 515,: $16.50 and 518. Young Man's Stylish Dress Suits Sizes 14 to 20, single and double-breasted sack styles, medium or narrow leg trousers, of fine all-wool thlbet, cheviot. casslmerc, clay acd worsteds, ft In light and dark colors, at Complete line of Young Men's Suits at $5, $7.50, $8.50, $10,.

$12.50 and $150 Light -Weigft Overcoats Of en'erts, clays and cheviots, lii brown, tan. blue, black and gray; very stviish garments, $5, $7.50, $IQ, $12.50 and $15 Beys'. Suits Double-breasted -vestee-- and blous. -styles, sizes -8 to years? In a grand assortment of tine all-wool materials, such as eerges, clays, thlbets, fancy worsteds and cheviots. In light, medium and dark colors, and all of the latest and most fashionable novelties.

Vestee and Blouse Suits, hp-adsoihe braided and trimmed, in the. swellest styles; pants made with double seat and knee, hold-fast buttons and elastic, waistband; linen sewed and tape seams. The best garments ever shown ff QQ for the price JJH.OW -Complete Une of Boys' Suits, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $6.50 and Imported Hosiery Our Spring Importations are here, and. well they are if we had to buy to-day we could off e-no suc-h values. Women' Imported Fancy IJsie Hose, in royal blue and royal purple, -QQf -richelieu ribhed, a JJu Women's Imported Fancy Cotton Hose, extra spliced heel and toe, 0Q a pair Vv'omen's Imported Cotton Hose, striped tops and black boots.

Msn's Furnishings. reds, greem and blues. elilng every- and 25c 35c Varnished Tile Paper. er bolt OH per CARPETS- Men's XJnlaundered White Snirts. reinforced back and front, pure linen bosom, excellent Quality muslin, the best shirt value ever offered O0 Men's Spring weight Woolen TJnder- 50c, 75c $1.00 New line of Men's Fast Color Fancy HosV 120 25c Men's Soft Negligee Shirts, in Madras and Percale, new patterns and col One case.

0 pieces, of all-linen full bleached Table Damask. 62 QQf inches wide. www Large lot of Table Linens, full two yards wide. In full creams and silver bleached, beautiful Cfli patterns, at OUv Lot of fall bleached, half bleached and cream Table Linens, two yards wide, including the celebrated TCf Barnsley make, at I JU Iarge. lot of full bleached double Bat-In Damask Table Linen, full two yds.

wide-. In exquisite patterns, snow drop, fioral, Grecian borders, QQ Fine 2-yard wide Double Satin Dam-estc Table Linen, in wide range of new and pretty 50 Woman's Underwear Department. We have lately moved this department to the rear of the right aisle. Result More privacy, more room lor the immense lot of new goods. Women's extra fine Corset Covers, square or V-shaped neck, tight fitting or blouse front, tubroidery, lac and ribbon trimmed, at 25C, 35C 50C, 75C, SI.

00 and 51.25 Women's fine quality of Cambric Gowns, Empire, high or V-shaped yoke, hemstitched, embroidered and lace trimmed; full length, aud good widths, 88c, SI. $1.25 and up i ts $2.50 Women's Jersey Ribbed Vests, high neck, long or short aleeves or sleeveless, in cotton or lisle thread, all styles. In lace and silk tape 25c, 50c, 75c and up to $1,25 Jersey Ribbed Pants to match, made on French band, knee length, in white or ecru. A new line of Women's Skirts. eteen, mercerized, sllk-nnlslied moreen.

These are In black, beautifully corded and ruffled, at $1.25 and $1.50 cp Full line of Silk Skirts, In black and all the new fl0 QQ fflO flfl shades, at 30. 35 III toreiitn lariporta init -Hltows absolute free lrad! between the Uulted States and Hico. lie al3(j proposes a new sec-Don, as follows: "jfor the purposes of this act the following provisions of the constitution of the SiatfiJi are hereby extended and isade to Porto Rlno: The con- CALLED! MAKING, LAYING and LINING CARPETS FREE OF CHARGE. NOTICE ONLY A FEW DAYS LEFT IN WHICH TO AVAIL YOURSELF OF THE LIBERAL OFFER. Select carpets now and we will lay them when needed.

rrfcs hav power to lay and collect tiifts, diU.ies,-import3and excises, to pay the debts and provide for common defenRa -ad welfeje of th United States: ors, separate cuffs; actual 'So C0 quality, for MADE-VP CARPETS. J35 Lowell Wiltons, 9x12 COO Cfl feet, on sale for 125 Axmlnsier Carpets a good, ser- viceable carpet ia pretty deeiKns, size Sxl2 feet, on sale i "1 rn Men's Gloves, new and complete at the glove counter. bis iirdforru through the United States. ror dii i.aui -lrtui uraess proporrion xo rne cen-i sua or enumeriition hereinbefore directed to be taken. No tar or duty shall be by sny regulatton of commerce or Jrlne Wall Papers tha; exclusive dealers ask 60o and 60c lor, we sell for K5o a bolt; and we can save you 25c to on borders.

A big Una of Papers at 10c and 15c. that you save 6o to 10c a bolt; splendid new and A big lot of new Papers in ttoral and tile patterns; worth Just double Ct our price 3 Seme Specials From Our New Furniture. Bed Room Suites 10 styles In golden 1 oak and mahogany finish, plain and fancy shaped French Mirrors, C'JC nfl remarkable values at jJ.UU Mantel Folding Beds, a complete Una from $11.00 up. Special values in fuU swell front beds, with quartered oak panels, best woven wire sup- nn ported springs, at. 313.UU Genuine Leather Couches, full spring edge and seats, small, deep tufts, heavy frame and claw feet; great CJT Cfl value at OZlDU Couches covered In corduroy or e-lour, new patterns, full spring seat and edge, deep tufting our special "If price Kitchen Cupboard of solid oak, well made and finished, double clipboard, top and bottom drawer In center; CC 7C worth 17.60; special at J1.40 best makes of.

6-f rame body Brussels. ail up-to-date spring styles, made, laid and a.cottor filled lining free of charge, 2 Wilton Velvet high pile Carpet, noted for their elegant wearing qualities, made, laid and lined ff fj free of charge for 1 J2.00 L3well Axminsters, the most luxurious carpet manufactured, famous for their beauty, laid and lined free of charge 65 Body Brussels Carpets selling to-day for $1.25, we -will make, lay and line thse free of charge for a -1 short time for 4) I a I Vniton Velvets, selling to-day for $1.25, and then you have to pay 15c for making-, laying and lining; we will sell these for a short time at a yard and make, lay and line them free- I pf) of charge, only 4)1 Gloves. or ariotmsr; r.or snau vessels nouna rfm one state be obliged to enter, pay duties in another.1' r- -i'swn-5miTjc Is as foliowu: v.i- Ay enacted that all duties, Excises imposed or levied, ild oj ted. by congress uxon Porto P-ieo ir any products or buBlnfisa thereof, ut.ta.r'uon-to said Porto Riw, hajl be rirh all duties. Imports and laid and collected throughout the J20 extra heavy all-wool Smyrna Carpets, 9x12 feet, exact dupli- ff I fl cates of Orientals, onlv.

3 I O.JU CARPETS, made, laid and lined fre-j of charge at 47c, 53c, 65o, 75c, 85c a yd. -that we guaxantee a saving of from 15c to 2Cc a- INGRAIN CARPETS made, laid and "lined free of charge at 25a, 35o, 50c and 68c for the best all-wool carpet to be had and on which, you can save 22c a yard. Linoleum at Soc a yard, cheap as oilcloth; the best American and English Inlaid Linoleum (solid colors to I Tft the back) per square yard 5 I New lines jiist in. One special is: Women's Kid Gloves. In 2 clasp and 10, 000 pieces of New Ribbons, la all the new Spring colorings.

Thousands of yards of fine Hair and Neck Ribbons, in plaids, stripes and fancy nqvelties, At 5c. 6c, 8c and IDs Special 170 pieces of beautiful fancy All-Silk Corded Ribbons, 4 Inches worth 39c. Note Dressmakers and Milliners find It to theli advantage to come to this store and buy their ribbons by the piece. 4 hook, in all the latest shades, evei pair guaranteed, at, per pair Resic-mkr Oar New Book Dept. All copyrighted and standard works at the lowest prices.

K1PBELL Between food and CAIPBELL'S- The People's Store, tJiiiitiiiiuiu aiv 3 'i-1 tnac no capitation or ther direct bx shall be laid bv congress id or upon Forto Rico, unless In proportion I'j the? cr enumeration directed To be taken by the constitution: that no 13.x. or iury shi.Il be laid on artioles exported from Porto Bloo; that no preference Bna'l he given by any regulation of cvnnirce or revenuo to the ports of Porto RU'O o-vpr those of any rtate of the eh.ill vessels bound to or from Port- Klc of obliged to wnter, clar or pay dutlei lr. any state of the union; nor shall any prference be given by any reflation of commerce or revenue to the ports or am- state of the union over those tif lirto f.i-!o; fior shall vtssela bound to or from the ports of any state of the v.rdt,i be obliged to enter, clear or pay a Hies In ary rf of Poito Rfo0." says his amendment EE MEDICAL BOROUGHS IN NEW HANDS. committee will be composed of the following: Frank M. Hutchinson, Frank T.

NevlL Charles L. Doyle, Edward D. Gil-more and Frank G. Paulson. DOCTOR V7HITTIER, 938 Psnn Pittsburgh, Pa.

Hill William. A very pretty, though quiet, wedding was solemnized last evening at 7 o'clock at the residence of Mrs. S. G. Hill on Western avenue, Allegheny.

The bride was a daughter. Miss Margaret Mercer, the bridegroom being Mr. G. Ross Williams. The ceremony, which was witnessed by a few relatives and friends, was performed by the Rev, Dr.

McAllister. After the wedding dinner Mr. and Mrs. Williams went away for a brief trip. The bride wore a pretty traveling: dress of pale gray.

The house was decorated sjmply with palms and cut flowers. UiVF Yftil Throat. Copper-Ull 1VU colored Spots, Ach, Old Ulcers In Mouth. Halr-FallliiKT Writs COOK REMEDY CO. 10GS Mason Io Taraple.

Chic go. 111., for proofs ot cures. iaoo.OOO. solicit tba moat obstinate cams. We havs cured tbt worst esses in IS to li dsri- lM-par Book As old rtidn- know aud back tl of PI tt.

burga papers prova, la tba oldest utblinhrl ana moat wrujiinent pbyalclan In tha city da-votlng apt-clal attention to aii chronic dia. A POSITIVE, CUKB la ail curabia oa. Wbera duubt cxlata la frankly it tixtendsi the over Porto VJco and bv so doing that it be extended to the '7Tlna or other territories except by slitlvs action. Govemmewt of Philippines. fcenat committee on the Philippines decided to reporf the bill 'lntro-ueed by Senator fT-o-iner of 'Wisconsin, for com rot of the I'bllipninea.

Senator iortft-e. chairman of the committee, made Th report to senate. The bill is as I'jbows: "Thitt when-all Insurrection against th i r-nd suthority of ii.t- We Phllinplnes Inlands, ac-iulicd from' Spam bv the treaty conclude p.t pfcrU on tUc, dav of )W RhaM have been completely vur.pre.i tie military and nava'l of tl Ur1t-d States, all miiitarv. traiea. NERVOUS And mental 3inf.

phytic dar. narroua debility, lack of Standaids of Quality Are Ca CY1ISDEH Oil, BiSOWN ESG1XE OIL, ELDORADO E.tGIXE OIL, AXD STANDARD GAS EXG1MS OIL, MICA AXLE GREASE. Us'j only as much as any thar Grease. These juaily celebrated brands of Lubricating Oils are tha best and most popular on the market. Attention Is Invited to the followlcg specialties: El'REKA HARNESS OIL.


In Gold Leaf. XHslft or rrsden acora-tiona. We pay rjecial attention to the quality all products offered for the home trade. Our list of ILLUMINATING OILS. NAPHTHAS AND GASOLINES Is complete, ard we cats supply the trade with all grades required for Pittsburgh and tributary territory.

The Atlantic Refining Co. PITTSBURGH, Car. 8ta Street aad Dasncaae Way. BRANCH OFFICES! Wheeling. W.

Va. Cumbarland, Md. Hijernowti, Md. Frederick, Md. Altoona, Pa, Johnstown.

Pa. Ste-Jbenvllle. O. Capital City Oil Harrisburg. Pa.

ram juaicifi: powers necessary to ywpm-the id small, until other The Last Orchestra Program, Mr. Herbert has arranged a very Interesting program for the orchestra concerts this week, the closing concerts of the season. The program will Include the ninth Beethoven symphony and the last scene from Wagner's "Die Gotterdammer-ung." Miss Marie Brema, one of tho greatest Brunhildes, will be the soloist, singing a portion of her finest role in the Wagner number. Other numbers will be the Liszt symphonic "Mazeppa" and the "Tannhauser" overture. s' p-roviaea tv cotifrrejs, bo vested in -ii p-rai ii huh rn-rsons, and shall be lerciscd fn Mich manner ns the nroci.

rt of the United 8tntef shall dirert for government to' do at this tkge lnth working out of the policy of the German government respecting the treatment of American meats. Our government has uniformly insisted that no foreign power right to catechiae It respecting pending legislation, and has sharply rebuked foreiBn ministers la W-shlngtca, where in Isolated instances they have disregarded this injunction. offensive as the meat bill Is to the Lnited States government, the state department cannot find a proper place Just now for any official remonstrance. to CeistrU Amerlcs. This posted at-the navy department to-day: "The Detroit and the Marblehead have been sent to Central America on account 0 rn smutches received from our representatives there, which Indicate -some recurrence of the disturbed state of affairs, and for the pvrpose.

of protecting American lntereots there." The officials of both the state and navy departments do not indicate what representatives are meant. The trouble in the present instance is supposed to grow out of the organization in Nicaraguan territory of a revolutionary expeaUIon under the leadership of Mora to overthrow President Inglesias of Costa Rica. Tallinn for Consul Hoy. A cable dispatch received at the state department to-day from Adalbert Hay, I nited States consul at Pretoria, indicates that he is having no trouble In the full exercise of his functions and la on an excellent footing with Boer officials, who give him any. lnfonnajion as to the condition of the British soldiers, who are prisoners at.

Pretoria. Penalonn PenusylvaniarDavld Cravener. Kittan-rdng $i2; James Hart, --Homestead, Hiram Whitney, dead, Monroeton, $30 to $72; John Hollabaugh. PhUlliwburg, $12 to $11 Charles Landon, Cortneautvlile, to $14; Joseph P. Bateman, Tyrone.

$6 to $irt; James Gates. Cooperstown, $14 to John Pelger, Keff-r. $12 to $15; Samuel Dunham, Johnstown. to $10; Joserh P.cwser, New Paris $12 to $11;" Andrew J. Pattexn, Williamsburg, to $1'); Samuel Adams West End.

to SS; Oscar B. llitamsport. $72; Effa M. Whitney, Monroeton. $12; Katherine Schmidt.

Pittsburgh, Catherine Heiber. Etna, Ohio Lnfavette Blair, Ralph JlcConmdl. Meigs, $8 to $14; Almo.i Vnnnr.tnU'Il J17 to I24r William nrsy. ambition and cop. Impalrvc mwoacr disordered slfrt, aeif-dluet.

fcRhfulna. dia-tlness. sleeplsawiSM, pimpiea, eruptions, bljod, falllnr powers, ore ante Weak-neaa, dyspeyila, cunattotion. consumption, the prrson for business, society 'end PSRM AN ENTLY. SAFELY AND BL000 AND SKIN sris biou-hes, failhig hair, bone glasduiar welllrt, ulceration of tongue, mouth, throat, ulcers, old sore, are cured tor and olooa poison thiichly eradicated f-nm the system.

SlDtUADV Kidney nd bladder dera.ns:-UniRHll I tt.eats, wem back, Tvl, catarrhal d.schargti, inHammstiua and other painful iymptoms receive SEARCHING TREATMENT. PROMPT R.5LUCF AN REAL CI Ir. WnHtler-e llfe-jwg extenalre experieocei Insures and reliable treatment on rnn.mon rente prtncioie. Patient at a diets ire carefully treated es If bera. Honrs, t-- t.

Advlre free. A'l-eee i to 4 va to I rr. w-M. wHrrTiww, SttTtdays, I TTSS AVTKUI 11 a. n.

tc 1 p. ui.1 PTTTBT7niH VA. Hriii fcroteftlnsr the Inhoh. flrls In the free KUrty, property and re- Grain In Pigrut. NEW YORK, March 5.

The statement of the visible supply of grain in store and afloat on Saturday, March 4, as compiled by the New York produce exchange, is as follows Wheat, bushels; increase, 639,000 bushels. Corn, 19,666,000 bushels; Increase, 3,334,000 bushels. Oats, 6, 068,000 bushels; increase, bushels. Rye, 1,176.000 bushels; Increase, 24,000 bushels. Barlej', 1.2&0.000 bushels; decrease, 91,000 bUBhels.

Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK, March 6. Coffee Rio spot, irregular; Xo. 7 Invoice, Sc nominal; do. Jobbing, fPc; mild, market Quiet; Cordova, The market for coffee futures opened firm, witn prices points higher and ruled fairly active on higher European and Brazilian cables.

It finally closed steady at a net advance of 15(525 points. Total tales reached 3S.2S0 bags, including March. 6.80SS.85c; May, 6 if 85c; July, S.Sfco; August at 6.86 6.96c; 6.S57.00c; October, 7.00(g7.05c; November, 7.0occf7.lCtc; December, 7.20 7.26c; January at 7.26e7.80c; March, 7.35c. Sugar, raw, steady; redned quiet and steady. 1 3 Of Intrrrtt to Hanker.

Tb cot.ipr roller of the currency has an. the new rule unless an understanding can be had that the night sessions will not be made Ineffective by the point of "no Quorum." Vice-Consul Blom at Copenhagen reports that business in American horse meat Is growing in Denmark. Naval authorities are angry because the marine hospittl service has secured Dry Tortugas Islan.i, oft the southern Florida coast, and villi convert Fort Jefferson Into a yellow, fever pesthouse. Witnesses are testifying before the house committee on military affairs of how they were imprisoned in the Coeur d'Alene bullpen-during the recent Idaho mine troubles without knowing the charges against them. Solicitor General Richards to-day entered a motion In the supreme court to advance the' hearing of the appeal of Admiral Dewey in hi3 claim for bounty cn account of the destruction of the Spanish fleet at Manila.

Representative Gillette of Massachusetts to-day introduced a bill prohibiting the sale of distilled or Intoxicating liquor In the Philippines in quantities less than 20 gallons except on a physician's prescription for medicinal purposes. Sew Tariff Salts Porto Kli-ani. SAN JUAN, DE PORTO RICO, March 5. Porto Klcans are Jubilant over the news of the passing of the bill returnlnrj the Porto Rlcan duties. The people generally are satisfied and approve the 15 per cent, measure.

They are feverishly awaiting the action of the senate. Mr. Clieae Lrctnrlug In Pitt.bargh. Mr, William M. Chase is making his second visit to the Art Students' league this season.

Mr. Chase, who is one of the foremost artists of this country and one of the five artists chosen to select pictures from the United States for the American art exhibit at the Paris exposition, lectured yesterday afternoon befora the league in the Carnegie Institute. Mr. Chase will speak before the league again tck-day, as well as criticising the work of the young women in their studios. Mr.

Chase came to Pittsburgh to speak to the league last fall, and instead of spending a week with thj young students, divided his time and is now making his second viidt. Mr. Chase, who la staying at the Schen-ley, said yesterday of the American art exhibit which will be sent to Paris: "We have collected about 300 paintings from all over the country, and they are in New York at present, being prepared for shipment. All the strong painters of the country have been requested to grant us the lfan of their pictures; in fact, we have begged and beseeched some of them to grant us the loan. The collection, which is one of the finest ever brought together in this country, will do the TTulted States proud, and will outshine any exhibits that the old country may bring forth." proved the following of reserve A Study Claaa.

Mrs. J. W. Angell will organize admission study class" at the Central Young Women's Christian association. 120 Fifth street, on Wednesday afternoon.

March 7, at 4 o'clock. All who are interested in mission study ar cordially invited to join the class. si-ients ny phHowuI hanks: The by F1rt of Cou-lersport. Pa. and MrchHniH of ksbursr, Vi'.

Va. and hr MTi'kTit-ii- A. ianufacttirers of Officers Installed and Councils Reorganised in Western Penn-) Ir.sla Town. WASHINGTON. March E.

(Special.) The Washington borough council organized this evening and elected Dr. George Kelley president. Mr. Kelley Is a Democrat and defeated C. M.

Brown-lee, Republican, the present Incumbent, a vote of 7 to 5. The council is eveiv-ly divided politically. Frank H. Judson, Dfrr-ocrat, was sworn in aa burgess this nnorning, to succeed George Walker, Re-publicon. James S.

Forsythe was elected piesldent of the South Washington council. HOLLIDATSBCRG, PA. March 8. (Special.) Hoilidaysburg borough councils organized to-day. John T.

Akers took the oath of office as chief burgess. The following appointments were made: President of councils, Joseph B. Condron; secretary, Robert S. Smith; boixmgh treasurer, W. Lovell Baldrldge; brscugh solicitor, C.

H. Hewitt; water superintendent, C. A. McFarland; chief of police. James McGraw; chief of tire department, Robert E.

Brawley; member of beard of health. Dr. Oeorge W. Smith; water collector, C. G.

Lowrey. CANONSBURG, March The town council to-night organized for the ensuing year by electing William B. Chambers president; W. J. Gowern, clerk; W.

IL Alexander, treasurer; Charles W. Campbell, solicitor; Andrew J. Mackey. chief of police, and George Mo-WiUtams. street commissioner.

BUTLER. March 6. (Special.) The new city council organized for the yesr to-night by electing John F. Lowry president; Harry Grief, treasurer, and H. 13 Coulter, secretary and solicitor.

BELLKFONTE, March 8. Special.) Edmund Blanchard, burgess, R. 9. Brouse, poor overseer: Charlus Cook, treasurer: Hugh S. Taylor, tax collector, and others of the new borough officials and recently elected eouncllmen were sftorn Into office to-day.

The new council organized by electing C. E. Gerberlch president and H. B. Pontius, clerk.

Edward B. Chambers, the Quay leader In the county, was appointed borough solicitor; Samuel Rlne. superintendent of water works, and Thomas Shaughnessy, commissioner. Hall's Friends in Control. CLARION, March B.

(Special.) The Democratic county committee met at Clarion to-day and held an exciting contest for election cf delegates to the stats convention. There were a dosen or more aspirants for election as delegates with four to elect. The candidates friendly to Congressman J. 1C P. Hall were elected, the vote being as follows: J.

C. Young, iS; A. W. Neely, 2S: J. S.

Sloan, 24; C. J. McCue, 20; against St. V. T.

Hays. 13, and G. W. Knarr, 11 A resolution requesting Mr. Hall to be a candidate for reelection, was unanimously passed.

Manufacturer's Serlons YOUNGSTOWN, March Col. Lloyd Barth, founder and head cf the large casting and machine shop In this city that bears his name, was attacked early this morning by a naaU hemorrhage, which his physician did 1 li.f, nil. iCLlJ Uiti yy Ult. urrman or Marietts, the Ii.iP'-ai.i- of New York, bv tha ilzens of O. OCEAN STEAMERS.

The announced the se flawing of tiers by banks 1U First of MWdlehur. -nd nat'oiHi bank of Mortrantown Vti'- w- oasliir, vice D. Hoffman. ANCHOR LINE Called, States Stall Steaaaaalce- Salt frm Kew York every Saturday for Glasgow via. Lond-jnderry.

Saloon Paiisge, SSO and upwards. Iujial AITuirs. wero In Petu.sylvaida to-day as follows: Mi-c. Anna J. Caton.

HeilxvlHe. Bedford DrKoods. NEW YORK, March 6. There has be-n a fair demand for staple cotton on the spot and for quick drllverles, but the demand for distant deliveries has been indifferent. Further advances are recorded in various lines of staples, bleached, brown and colored.

In prints the market is stiffening ia fancy prints. Ginghams strong without new feature. Print cloths sre inactive In regulars and quiet In odd goods, but decidedly strong. Crochet and Marseilles quilts occasionally 2'-c higher. MERCER VOTES COUNTED.

Some of the Klsrorea Cbsing-ed, Bat Unay's Victory Is Intact. HERCKR, March 5. The Republican county-, convention of return Judges met in this place to-day and computed the results of Saturday's primaries. The official count makes a few changes in the figures previously given out but the re-suit remains the same a Quay victory, the first complete one for several years. The totals received by the several candidates were as follows: Congress.

Robinson. McCormick, 1.407. Senate, J. D. Emery.

(Quav), William Kile, (anti-Quay), 2,347. Assembly. Quayites, II. H. Daugherty, 3.708; Joseph C.

Gibson. 3.4S6: Levi Morrison, 446. Anti-Quayites, J. M. Martin, 2.S3S; George H.

Caldwell. W. W. John-sen. 2.063.

J. C. Cannon was nominated for poor director and H. E. Stephens for Jury commissioner.

Resolutions were adopted indorsing the national and state administrations. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. BUY PITTSBURGH BREWING City of Rome. O-aer gteaoers, I'asuie. I amci, CI 'layton.

iisnooro, iv to iiuai i I 117 tn 124- Ksm. 1i Rouna. 23.50. runsia, 4.50. OU Btetmem.

Tor B.xks of Tojra and apply te HENDERSON' BROTHERS. Oeaera.1 Agents. 11 aad Brcadway. Veer York, or 3. J.

McCUHMICK. 6v Emithfleld Pittsburgh. 'v 1 1 I el F. Pell, MansPeld. $19 to $17; William hanr.

oakdale, to $10; John IL Long- BEER PI bttorr, WashingtonvHle, $17 to $24; Roliin W. DavK West Wilharasfleld, $12 to $17; r. T.ath9mAr Cantnn 1R tn i'nl: A PHILIPPINE lired tiiair, iirwei. io xtenry Kaglevllle. $19 ti.

$12; John D. I Wi JAPAIi-CHIIlAjiS a Occidental I Kemp; il arietta, $10 to $12; John C. tiS-tts C. H. R0VE Fenn and Highland Avenues, county, ice.

John II. Wonder, resigned R3'f'. Indiana tounty. vice ris reaigtiea. The at Needful.

'learflcld county, has not provea trtie to its najns, and it has been ordered dlscon-t'nu. I'im mai will hereufter be sent to Woodland. A iifc'-v potofflce has been f-atabllshed at Orchard, county, W. with Andrew P. Millar as postmaster.

A Socefol Fillbnater. During consideration in the hous' to-ia? of a to incorporate the Frederick loulus" Memorial, end Historical fhe and Mr. Bailey of Texas, e-ichangrd oarp warns. The latter tl'lbustered ultima t-ly prevented the fna) paage of the till by demanding the roaming of the engrossed bill. The blU propof-es to collect fit the residence of late Fri-d.

Joulahs- tu-thta ird of rue anUsiavery jiwvtBiMit, Mr. I'ndprwood ol Alabama, waj to Via vacancy on I lie committee on way arid means, whb. it was under-softd orlginaiiv reserved for Gen. Vhcler had bo rt tinned to congress. o' I'rutMf on U'irf man Meat tit.

uld iu xffiid.v.1 here that thtre is nothing- for the-United estates From Ssn Francisco. Hong kors, Pk4rg. Msrrh Hth; Gaelic. March Hr Kons Mmru. March JJst.

For rate or i-ssaage. apply to i. Harricg. Til Park toi.iu-g. Jr S.

A. Myers, Carnegie building. liafelo. to vk enr, Caldwell. $2.

West Virginia Lewis P. Reitz, Petroleum. Willlrtm C. Clendenning. Bunker Hill.

MiUard F. Dry den, Wheeling, $-5. Mk fn'ar I Va-ijifip Ptir(W(. lAtmiuced in the Hew York Metal NEW YORK, March 6. The fluctuations in metals aa indicated by the official figures to-day were confined to tin, v.Mch advanced from $33 75 to $35 In respo se to an upward movement at London, and to spelter, which advanced from $4 froM SO to $4 4, 75.

Both tin and spelter closed with an upward tendency, although the quotation of $.6 for tin was nominal in the absence of actual transactions. The market for pig iron was quiet and eaey. Lake copper closed quiet at $16 25, which was unchanged from the closing of last week. The brokers' price for lead was $4 45 snd for copper $15 25-CP16 8rt. Turpentine and Rosin.

SAVANNAH. March 3. Spirits turpentine. 5Hc. Rosin firm and unchanged.

WILMINGTON, N. March S. 3plrits lurpetitin steady, KUgiS'itc. Rosin dull, $1 4.XT! 46. Cruda terpentine not tut doing, far, 34t.

Suspicion of Foul. Play, EAST LIVERPOOL, March G. Special.) Evidence of foul play surroundi the death pf William Collins, who was found dead on the Cleveland Pittsburgh railroad tracks hear Industry early yesterday morning. When the dead man's clothing was examined at the morgue by friends to-day a gold watch and chain, some money, other personal belcrg-ings -were missing. His bead was badiy cut and his clotjhing was also torn.

The dead man on ro eastbound freight train Saturday night to go to visit a relative. An Investigation wilL be made. Mimte a biil-to increase from to I n- L. v. i-.

EdirewortU Club Officers. The annual election of officers and directors of the Edgeworth club was held last night and what was anticipated to be a spirited contest failed, the voters only numbering a out or a total membership of 150. The officers eltrted were: President, Wl Ham N. Kerr; vice president, lvdward B. Taylor: secretary, John E.

Porter; treasurer, Kdward O. Rcblnson. The directors are F.dward p. WiU-lam Kerr, jihn e. Porter, Edward O.

Hubltieon. RoIkti Wardrop. Caaries S. Nevln ad B. Karlow.

The eictlv not ot STAR ENCAUSTIC TILE ISsnatictiiren Shlppart of UngJazsd SOLICITED flffftfi FTfrV f'T I FOR FLOORS AND WALLS UU 13 tj. ILLlwIJi LrUII w.i succeed In checking until late In the av, the patient, meanwhile, being pros-ated by loss of biood. To-night, while m. nv.iiiutr ui wiai nits pit-Bi- dent may an point at large to the naval acsoemy at Annapolis, Md. The- rninse: comrrdttee on rule's" decided to-day oir a ru'e givlrg two Fridays of each "for private pension in place of pig-hi Pensions, and wlil report i.sw.iiujs, the attending physicians bold ojt hope that ma survivft..

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