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Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 2

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I1TT5BURGH COZuMI GivXETIE, ON DAY, I' Tin: PLtnct 2 that iLa VIC TALES OF TWO FAITH IIEALE11S. MAY STOP THE MILL wbh-h Marmt In lotedo, ti'A'Iiv, will di-tmin th- fr-ora to rerjiair, in the United Miiia- Worker, i Ifc.ll.l "7: ij. l'. a I a. 71a t-i t.

7 t. faet ff a l'1't a. i aas a- 1 itti. a a r'nti--' -r 1': ar tr t. "ft a 'tf fc It l-a: a i a a i a I a i i aa 1 tv rf! 4 I 4.

t. I t- 1 at a a 't 5 i 4- a a a tJ i i-T a 1. a a'r 5. a a- k. r.

I tm a i fr Up. nUnlw 6 UU. Ij IP A' A I AO A rv I nn i UiiHiViLiii io' AND I. 1 1 iii li rt In i. to I lz: and lid of YY -e in OA 1 1 oi rM r.rTi?f.!'; cut fr.t u.r! a 1 l.i.'.' of cr.rr Jk i.

a l.iC w'T. 5 Vl.i. II A I r.r cut cr .1 a 1 1. L7 4.. a k- i a.

i I Si 3 i t-r i r. t. r. .1 I A -Ta Jo I i il Of v.c A vc ra' nt.y ri we i i i i a. a HVt a tr.r.

bt nvalc.c 1 i ii i i urv: to Ivy. iSEAL JACKETS, i at, ii 2. 2: AT S'75. AT S200. AT $225.

AT AT -3275. El 1 CAPES 2 t'- AT S60. AT SBd. AT G.UJ. Tl a Jul ill" fr i-n i rtt NOVELTY JACKETS a f-c'.

P. tc' i 01 T. far MILITARY CAPES, 1 S- 1 rt. 1 err ibli.J lo kv ts fi'e. Mr.

her'a Ii jTk! fr nf hi k. f.Milf weti-? hr.r';tj! tr -f r.e h- y.itf Ut ttI-; a at ft-VrS 43 i L.i'.. cr. -h Kuv.i P.nn wav. blit r.ft-"t t'i ilirtu Wu at for tij sij'-! tii- lit had drawn kr if-r rn cnctvrirO, in off ail DitU i'-ii tile A was juade is lit r.K rrr.t tent iot at a.t danerom.

The held ra hU uij-. th arrive! an-f th-? te-t tt the Cci.trtl ft'r 'r. -a he re. -r-j h.i S.ifii to lr. Jloytr, who pat tt'-bt hi hiid tt 1 Kut hvn oe.

it laye r.o bui-js ad Ear Is la a lake A FoltceiiKja Susjiend Pcliceiiian itj'ui wa i d-J yester by oa nure of har-iQij made ao nctailfd for arrtit. AhoatS o'ri-K-fr Saturday t.itt Herry i'tacLnia-: of Allf'iihtuy went int- th i'ituborzli besfj.i asair tea price of turkeys. 11 eiirfhily uatier tka of iiiterferiny with rnD. Jnst at thi noiiJer.t bptirja apprna--hel and placed ruau tin ier arrtiL ie IUr iourfcr.d a'ked th retea? 1 ai.d then bs and Srariro ltto KiuAbbl. resultetl in KoIrard BacinasQ locked uf Tber were leased shortly afterward.

un nu forfeits and at the heating yesterday dis, from r-titoday ai treat daly. Ar. ruUnown An unknown womiin, about 3.1 era cf th- was ir in iorjODkreacia rivr at tne loot el. street. Juha JI.

Fetrie, a khAt.iy-b-t flwehcT who live near that puict. found tie cauui a wire lii.ui.i-'i '( Heuaian of No. 2 eo'inc 'mt'kay, who had patrol roav'-ve her tJ the rucrite. had u- ir tb. wat-r aud rft in a 'o.

atate of Te aaa ur.d weuii'i awua pt.Hr.da, w.s dr-d ft a ia. -uiH'keted bultfiO ahoea and bla -k There wa nolhin'j aVut buy marks iadicate whom iclbt 1.... if. A Siecp-Wa'tifr, Fatal FaIi. Tceribaua, ft paiater Snyder etreet, Allethany, ia vivinj isijeriea received ly fa'lirt from a J- atrr wi.riow whiia in hi Hat- ttrdaty tiitibt ils bcae firlr hi t'icvoa- retired Pi bed.

A hint 10 o'clre- he hbatd waliicsr tha an i aoon utter tb'-re was a I t1 the fauily f. uod cm the u.lewitJk. Both 1--. wer brc l)r. Jones and KloiT were inime liuteiy ca'l-ed, hut aay the injured uiau caenrt recover.

Th irtjurei! man ia .15 if fti, is well knowao i the oide. He ha wifd und aeverxl ci.tidreav If. baa walked his aleejv oa aeveral ceaatons, but wat never injured. Jubllte of th Now Oinit-ls. The fiftieth of the fou -dation the iit-birj New t'-bttrrh waa celebrate! in the New bouse of worship, c- rner of Ihriia and street', Allegheny, yeutenlay.

The old fhurcll was crowded and the aervieos peculiarly imprasive, beinif conducted by pio-t'ir, John Whitehead, CbuThwartien Andi-w Pz-Toey. Iter. Jdr. preach" I the anolveisary sermon' He dcicribl the splntaal siicni-fi. of th. Uay were now l.ol tir.f, jjave ft brif ayii'ipsis of the work don. u. it' aince 141 in nJ Fitwbcgh. Anothor let-le-oHTo" W. MJaaaitrL2i lst nihl at li i t- I cb- hce of irooerso i.ting a pu.iieoittL-fT.

lr. Chil is has vititrf this eattblubmrnt on thr-e four iTtici uii-iii? the ot vk and terrorized tb hv exbihitin ft tade wbit-h he asid imltcatf that be w.s tt me Pittsbnrgb dte liv fore and that L-e aia. ahtiot to "ruU tho hon." Hit lir.lo em worke-I on one or two ooraior, but latterly the reaiderta heard ths.t Mr. Child' tlaurs were unfounded and a piot by which Chihls fell iin a tr- at. i catight by a leal detertive.

The youtig tiiaa locked op lor a IVtrlfl. sriitJt Fuuu.l. Workmen ox- avatitar at Is-isidr- at tikii r.lia.,- fou.1 a tot of "t-i-cd walncti thi tern fe-t b'low ths rcrl-' 'J'he not wet. all large one.

an-l koroe of them had the outer arotsn tha while other. bd only the inner ht-re the iiutt were f.und bad at s-'nii remote period beea a watrr course, ami it is thought that this help to ont the theory that tho of tha A and Monottiraheli was at pt.iui r. 't far front Wilki jsbyrg in p.rebiu ric Ktllcl While) Huntlnc. Heory id 17 years, w. aeri-dcntally tfh'-t and killed whilu in Iiwer Su (.

lair township ls Satu -icr. While climbing, trnn in band, over an be stwmtle f. -in ta w.aj.on. Th ex ntcnu in hi 1-tt iv and t''-e awsy a g'eat vrtion of hi end. He died tfore aid could be jitr trto The o-ngiej-atiof; t-f th- Street Psj list charcb have forsorr.a t.cie arinuyed ry a crowa of b-iy, whi lew tin b.irr.a and j-houied ouli ie the cbnrvh d.

Yeaterdxy the pj lie captured a pr. yr olha the a. t. "h-ir are J.taei John Mull-r, V. i.tiam i'.

l.nidr, Willisn St-a. ad and they will Lave ah. before lar-ie t'-day. SlioiUitu ra Mra. Msry Ann diie Wherley, of dtrty x-'n," atid Mi ii; i were in Jae t-h Hirna I tt''e by Sttur-iiv hy At-S3; i i'M'a.

Thy are tw-i 1. lifters, acd th-y were taken into ai tundti crtcna. Tbey are alw -i kibcr charge. IIot from Nlot. wh live hi Jr.

A b. t.ty ir, at r.t WroiU baa paarcd. lilt died oa Saturday ia nu n-it. Ilt Wek tl tri ch.a-'a i.stlio a watch it red asttn of irouey the Uv th aLf-iirt was lamed -vr lh? fiiir. ou a it ii will, tee uiicoev aad son, el from je- ictt.

fjr Wbtcrvd Threw Tdor watered wer Satar-v t.f! fit; and cU t-K. 3 bv MeW. Tbcl tsamea were Wili. ft Arwl.1. Vooert iii3 of Part aa! 1 rt 1 -r of Ialn.i.

itipart was thf prna-cutir. The Mitjror'a Now OrIrnaet-f. It i eetd llavor Guriey bat dra'te-i aa Ui. rt 1- p--4id C.pcrj whira ies the r-ycr j.b.i;r (Mtt bs bill at I r-i. it ialeo li: I tUtl if is that the tnaror can tcakf tl e-f th.

riit l-5n ap- trr .,1 .14 1 Jv-w ftj-ive'y irj ic-J iao. la aav ti Chatle U' --i Vtrtros-c! lo JaH -eat iewr ti. 1 i iy of I jal. t-ra i.i. tar rt i i- a' 4-j 34 "tl 4 vr Ui.

ur on 1 layil ti hi ia' hi ti ae hi r-ra. tn" 5.e;..,.ce H.t.l lTaV V- 0 a sir. ta a- a i't i ta IV- i3 i t-c -4 vf ii w.ri, lay gx.t ar t. a. --1 f-c: A i-f ai hst eft.

A de? Dr. I.t 5 iai: v. cru Ii. tLe all th bid aud ilt ui lu i I I I a.OT,i'. cf En "unesrs Aro Thr a Strika.

VYACV CONFKINCE TO-BAY. 'fit l'a'S In Fiirrv Tlin 1 hero t) Ccssitltxi fit At h. Mill-Ttifj Clr.ii li- Secret title htt'en the Cli- Crr, .1 'J m.i.-.9 it i whi.1. mil! eicitmeni, ii ju onci i aro i). it i'h o'" an'J po mere; id 5h, I ir vine iii'tanci-.

a rc-'luctinti, hs iih-evJir wajr fnm day laborer, rvIt, iv.J tna fir.t tri.l!"'f i iiiiplttJ CKHMrv-ki. wr 'i it aa 1 tf tt I'ui-t iii the rr.atter now, iirm In their Intenti 10 nturii Vi i lint'" ft f.A niN. f. On tl: i i dti'iJ 1 on r. rst.

A "rum! tie ar to with lh finu ttii.l rr iTit the to 1 1 tr 1 11 I Cliiacfin' llali'lfKjllit. bhonl lir i ijiftfi wii'i tor itjccf-n tlte Si.i.'C( t( wi.vls mi'-sl Vvn. uio moru. M( in f.riier t'i jc'ivp tbiir jTti to ilo k. riictlii Iu T.i?r thnt thr.

no -iiiii nmi on tL. More cf li.a wr rlt tht rf i'I tl) tii oPiie if th. Ul: lrniem b. iu w-'Ti" 1 t-t' 0 what it eittniisiv i JJ unli. in if niil the a.

en alter their jtnninft Kfinielhin riot now rf br.bie. Tlif.Y Wit l. WOKK T(vIiY. 't wv ri'ti'ire'l yeterdiiy ftTfoon that i- -cii w- uhi refuse t' work to-dar, failed torrif firm thi KU.ry. Front mil until' it wl It-urnt'i tiiHt they lav i.i wi'h the oe-itin Tuej, wUI rk ui-jrrd if Ih trouhls it po'ist, aU In the alt-ttirion a iiiKi ti.iir 'Verier' 'llmt a--tl lje i t-i' ur i.t' rtmdiivi i ind r't.

wiU oe held in pn r.i.iy Joromil il'- iare a arrik. lue el jice. r. iirt- incnilr the National yV r. St itioi ary Kohieera and the A 'd They are to r.i.kt a fn-itt uolet.

the nie-'t- to in i I it oa their eTjrae. In ih" ff their 1 avlne the mill the jdint be thrown idh', the bulk of IV i. i. an; iiieatliera rif the Aiitnlautr.lod B-k a 1 ar-wrdinsj to pieie Jeot in st nr iiiiiHlii.ii would oot oik with other than'l iii lb 9 h'm -It aii'l laV.r"!-."; together with 'lu il iy In the aevoral ttueoU, hare '1 i 1 I i atay out the howl actiuit of the, S-Tvrhl will U.e:ior i- 'V-l 1-v-ilny, and the i'l l.a tu bfl by aucll Hieu a i foud. in a T.aboitKiiV Jo theta-B the In the striae is a the tl.n H.en who Quit work nt 5 Jnt liuiMf, in tndif (j o'clock, if l'i" order, Iihvb all been tii harmed.

Vh'jtner ixr.j i ill be pprrr)illd to retorri or Mon be atnled, but it 1 probable triat ii! h.rt their -i. To-morrow i ari.ntiotr and form a per and he prepared to I a on a tinl 'U b.mis aud dt-uiand i tttc Ufdon iuca in the I lotcotn. Th" rr.r.iinlttr firo the depart- I'erKi i.rl j.h-d in' the red'Ktion waited on i' a f. '-mi en r-atnrdiy, hut -were unable to ti a nor headway. Ihelr ui of au a tb inep hijfs cf Uie roeu oo "'ithiit nl'jht.

aiu lhi att wna nil i r. i tut ttnii la ii'-i iiiewi-d with-d. i oifTcf St ftiyr a contest to rertain. Jiowt rer, thi reailiho nil 'ii; by the AniVs-moated I whttk.vrinrej ean A3 ui 'r a r. aoftenliiR niv ir.fttiparo oa the the f' Iku of U.a etiKloi era wiili n'i'l I etna; to batweeu 'ii' Wjrtam.

ho I irMi-l'l 'tln'tr Th-. third r.vul-tr of district No. 3 t'mt I ioe- Wnr Wer. of A rrei left, rotnph ted I't InV ft 11 after a two mid rilj-l'tn ft. ti.

Tb. wat tb ni'Kt aecrrt ever held it Uii vul i I di It waa m-tin tht not eyeu a i.reaa to ted iyo In rmation lit i i ir rieaporith iiU who hovered r' .1 .1, ttrr Ihhtf wcr. in atteudaore, lpprei ii Lt i a v. of loiit r.f a "rly about are orvn-'d. Feti'ei the thd-iMti'i kU tliditiict t.if an I Nuliniinl V'l.

we trt aiimiditiice. tiV'Mti .11 fr th. urjif of together aJuttcrd reMinin of tha tu. re iwn ful litrhl :iiii.tri in Ihd hope lis piaia 1'itild b. to tet.uild mlleit tru-ture.

It w.ll liiionn tb'it ainca Jat January ii I iie, nun nal prr.dint, ha be.ft ti' iT rf rte-'f tvl.ii? tha taiaert of dietrit't 'J t.r h. out fl rret -use to the Jt, fcn 1 t'i il tl Hi i Ui bud 't tlp-l i.i ii l.t, Mti.fitr ft ri-mnent of i a vliit'i'-t'.irr, but to. bold rxl tinjr lr-. Tne tri: waa to h'nty oi th 'tn. thatohire, lo" C'ov lio.i j'i't ei.ded all the o'ihs't tendered their and aked to 'e re; i.

with nw iletiaU kilt i. IN' iiir att. ut li-io't tiaa J.i t.di im Cf Jati'in. lo.ltiy iins having' orv.Mfiji.tioi, ottwr.

it nrj. ii a a ti i in the link'litaof a- I l'. II Ji si ty I A.h thU e. t'ti. i I i U'Oni tis-iae virwa.

lt i m. I th.l ili re. of the nvei.tton i I I tl i' I ktav tit a l.tniVd i'ine- I it in a-eret, thnt nil wa not i full, aaiii i.t tha c.iriyet.t i. ahi.hia th leaaor.t fr a hula tiug 1 I j. -ii re jeatom, the riina hour i.t i 'a Ph.

ii Uv i-iiMiiui were i a ti." I .1 m. at icctt t-rirli, bnt vat feken any tf t.i.' -ia t-e'uv t.i orcniif'- il t.r'.t rit ir.f ant m- U. -t I a iw.var. ha di- ii. it i I far, i.t fr 1:1 1 1 i.t 1 fif m-ro'-.

rt I i-ateat-b-d ti.ld t-t! it -v a 1:1 nil hi thtiu a 1 1 1 im I 1 th. e-a uiv 1 at A in't 1 tit fr i- i ha yi tetd i if hi $. -a wer; i'. ir rt'is tti it. i i ir tit l-V it- i -tl, it 1.1- r.

lcs-l-lavin r- 1 A I to- t.i trttt 1 1 i i 1 't Wi-ti Whit id tr ial tr ai li.ier. r. td St A I'! a -t'V. ti 1: a -d I iw A-r a f. 11 8 -4 uc.

.4 sr. 1 1. 1 Iht 4 I I pra. ti- I It 1 ul 1 the it WiUutu r.f 4. J' ha tl 1 trt re t-f 1 i ton 1 I 1 i le H'r i 1 1 l' li aactut ij" Uteftlt-iCS -5 ri.

i.nt 1 aita it: trtrt a 1- 'I oia Sf nt it, a J- l.v ta 4:1 I t--r h- wf 1 i i 4 r.t'.a t- I I V. at jf a ils 1 iiKyi, the rso. work if it called the Die that piiieet ix it i et in the it hod to any purj all iir. ner. 1 a on in 'J to I I 1 1 I i 1 was ICir Jiis iimpses of in Pittsburgh and Allen BCOK-BINDEK'S GOOD IVOL and It Wa JCctorneU.

llim Jlystcriously My an T'rv-jknorn Ian A Saloon keeper i isia cut 1 "TOTnxFciuc Taka notice th it I hire i to rr or.ey roe on 40 iiAa-CKt-K. This enrU! notice aptseaTd it a Saodiiy A Tiit rj5i-iei'c oi ta j- vertiser d7lo(e-t the fact that Daeabte enjcys a la- shre ef lock is civn aft raea. Mr. wtw horue at Aralon station, 1 hnm dace bnsi- a. yj A street, Allekftietty.

son-ill law wia at houie yesterday, eod tita follow ing cccrnut of facts leading ths Jlr. Daeable wt lid- I ia a I'leasant Valley tar last he luit a focket-bot-k, 51, ia hiils gold. The raoey was loi on a I'icaiant Valley car. laeab! advertird for bli p-c. t-hKk extecsiveiy, but wjlimtit suceea.

last Oa lturi l-it ft called L)iuLl9'f houKe aud left a pai k-age. When toe kckajs wa opened it contained Uj ffiisMsj pot -ket-bok and money Daiiule iuertKi an advsrtUeiaent that eSiK tao that the uakova would kt-ow the money reached th riLt uau aud others vi-uld toi seudiug Llia for identification. roun.d I lnli-ftrall. The nolappy life of Electrician J.I. Doyle waa tirmuiated br uici i in bi rimia Kmittiril i strei't on ftaiurrlaT

I Tlovla w.k a dua vr.iiie of rv.ta.iani. i was found tiead at 2 P. M. or feaitjrday I I Lad evi lef.t'.y been extinct soma iiours. lioyle.

trribie deed wti probaidy Induced by a hiueoas facil Irofii which he tie red. Hl bad aluioat obiitarated eiidoatou at Cleveland aorjne year ago, aud LLa Latute kxiiilvj i.ot eit'Jure liie under auch cir- ritanee, Loyle had bceu a physician, afwr the he came I'su-iburu entered tho' ciectrjcl buluew. He bid! from p.b'tio view nt a. poa-t-iole, aud whea walkiug ou the EtrU a lit face. lotle found ao diiiiculty in procuring poiaon, ai he was know a to be a pbyician and chemist.

He obtained a two-nunee vial of of potAibiiiu at Christy' drua store drank ail lha but a fw li'iyle was ft graduate of the Western lte-srve Medical in Clevehmd, aud wsi knowQ in I'itUburgh a a ninatcoiapauionabh; ruan. 11 wa-ionly 2Cyearofss; and io ens Curobcr. Cierk Grant Miller tooit charge of the remain, ar.d aa will be belt at 11 o'clock to-day. Doyle, reached here frora ClevcLnd last eyetiia aud La almost heartbroken over sad event. His father ia Tbma F.

Poyie ot 40 W.l-nut street, a suhscuitini citizen of CievelautL ioyla worked under Geu. Jack Casement when the nw water-work tunnel was being built and Gen. Cascctent de-ecribed him as bidn one of thj mat brilliant electricians be had ever met A Itnaitwoy Flectrlc Car. A thr illinz acciuiit occurred on the Troy Hill branch of the ITeaaatst Valley line about o'elcck Hatarday Car.

Nx 113, mauned by John Robb, motormaa, and Adam Harper, conductor, bad reach. tha tip of the hill where the track waa aliorerr. Thai tuai binerv on th tr out of order a4 --ivea ba'-V rlial ii ee inotorm.n juuped Ctt th brake. The -aI'Tiii8 car ran into car 81 which foll-jwinir it and came to a to iae cuititintf down tha hill. Joho WiHef-her was the moiotniaa sod Chat.

Fitaira-tnen. the conductor. The former junipod the car before the crash came. Conductor FiUslauiions prevented the raver)irets fri rn thus aaring them from wrioua Mis. MeuduKer of Hamilton atrt kueceeded iu juiripin and ia stifiuriii from ft sprained ankle.

Henry Laairhurst jumi-el astd Wajli-tlv bruLrcd. John Kel.h. Lad bis hand li! hile There about forty in cr 113 and eighteen car Ut. The glass in bother, was aud the tHrcapauls badly shaken op. The find car ws.

able tt get upvthe bill and the second car wa aheved nu by th. utxt A S1 ICoUIichI. Over $700 wer. stolen from the Ired-roort of G. Ligbtcap, proprietor of tbe hotel at Taylor and Irwin avenues, Allegheny, early ynstcrilay iiornina, Mr.

Ldghlcap i abacu't from Uie city, but left hi. chaotre in ciiar boxes in his trunk. Kch lox wa. tabled tiO in Oiroet, $25 ni klea, etc. Some boxea con-taiued bills and aome rrolvh When Assk-Supt.

John tiienn visited tlm h-ue hi fjuiid $307 in geld and silver thnt had not been taken. From ihe ou tbe boxes rifled he htjuras that fT ba beau tuken. It wa. thought tb thieves ha i tiVected an cnt-anc by jiryintr a window, in IU a. lb.

detective found lhd'itcn the sill had uot tcen iluturbed it wa believed it was a blind and th. thief ccared the money by walking cpstAirs frout bar- roora woiue tiimt ilumi th. vol toe. Tue BiemtxTs of lh were away and oot return nearly midnight when robbery was itc vered. jjj lite On "Way AflvertUirur 11 how.

Police Inaj-eciij- Silvus was the recipfent yesterday of pocte-ooa protests f.vra citizen, iri regard to an a dotlge to fcy a thrat ical shi- ile-1 appear at tiraud Opera-ha; this week. About noon, jat a the variots were dismivln; their a r. carnaTf arrnyel Lk a far-eral c.rteje, paael Oe'wu Fifth aveiia fr -n, Grant atreet and ca rva-b-Jnjr the lowrr end turned irtj Ffni; aveou. and thertca went cot the gate of the Ails-gheay cerueterv. Oa each rarriae a acare box bad ben fcs-d t'cen plaWtrcd over u.TS tue show.

lBri-ct--r S'-'vua stated that be athrst U- srrest au couaectexi wna tad annir t.01 r.e uo.i:ste.i do i ontil be secured lejral ftdrie a. haw I -roeeed. "If there is any way of reaching the jan.ple rerowble for this outrrre. Optra dcHocy," said the "ysa can rett assured tbey will be proa-rce ted t-tUv-frvy." To At-llt IVh At chants. lH-f iu jcr's aecotssit a trs-ftrj-cf th Frartkiiii x.h-l b.ard are to he aa lit-d hy a-.

ext-o-t At ft rayetirg cf tbe I arii, iu Id last wevk, tht. wa deiriiied jan, auto a was pas-ct I Secretary iifar of th board beftuule.Ted fr that parpn. Mr. wa aa.ied. th pn.Hba ajj on Ootmlter Morrow ra- i et-ived friut b.ia accsnt cf all the ui cIm aoouut of tiirs.

ns, aale. of "poadi wcb.l. I kvi i -1 had rrvcived aLjc ti fv.fc th tf of traasorar ktsvea ycir. a-x Tis til be Cs-mparrd wliH th. uf tho th atuoa-t of the x-paditure by that ar: ttc trtween th tt wul eratd ta.

board t- iorvn ar-ire idea to the exact ftsftvrttit ef th. eaibeAjIci by iatr Uii't-rer. A Htr Br 11 Williasa OaadciSiirer. lie West F-a-J I 1180 r. U-t a err valxbi librae I tar day ia riislir Saturday evea- isff tci onrer left it-.

bt-a-ae a rae td. eteday atort iaj "hei. ti. I driver ntarsl fc th aiabi. fs-4 tie fceran A vctcrTjsary rrfreoi wat i rfcuej, aad xs.a.:s'.ii cierd tbt t- hd s.alt wl a b.t pia.

Ttu i iis tt cf the It bad est kiu the at cued ti death. The fe-r weriieJ ivv.a.1 tit: vti viir-i at i J- i Aa K-t ud J. ea St rM. arr SVftnkstjVTv, wat IkSiiyl it fcr. iirriii.

TL at K. yeu: tirex IL lUst ai4c; cit bai catn lira rTled i'tt iu day and wa but Hacl orier were was aire, ixxij The uor 10 intr wa. hint and a in of the by uv or wa i' RicUHt 0 1 wU? a ay to i est i.i.r IIME FOR y.I?.A,CLK5 IASnlD. Jiinistr loiion. tcn to lie Able to floal A fl! ii Ky fn.a!iir.d Man Dr.

H-iwle Laj-a on Titeiitj-Dite. At ta I. a i- of a. tr: i a tL Oi. pi -e tu 1 pi.r i i tka oc leu i.

-r ii helii4 ar aii.l. I it it 1, he a ivt.a I for Ui.rac aa I O-x! readier "Ilira.d.-a wre a Terr im i i'i tail ti.t in the crip -JijI Ti. Tber thir iijt- l.kt of (Jci' vreati b. ini li.teu iei to wrr of ths dot and to atvi ti r. cf I iu tije h-t t.turht Ait t.riula admit tnut hit b-'it The o.i.l ii a jrin.l tr.trav foj.

co huh frcnt the aj Th. g.eai r.f lif did eprii a iticttci eitKUe It bar. uaic, auj mniin; t.a. A I h.Teaail ra i a it ere re d- i Utlt.t the -rai'y day. ai' they i they o-cu oal a a.if.ary la. they eTta it. to le I'. t.i.h b- ir. eU' dished, tier t.o st.T ni t'i; rhai-i at- tenti' or cr ripel hw worhip by 1 it it i fear-! tat tat cuta of liie-lcm fa.Ui arc e.ther fraud or the tiira-le cf Satan can work tjiiracle even a Gad ha and ia this rtatenti-ot I t.m by i-oit wi.i Alter tv i. rri'u wi.

lie 1' t- tl-ahe tl -ui tieaily that be se p.wri a a wn cr kra, t.tey j.i hit name, diiok 1'v l-ot: without -io ill, cr a HA.ncx i in am rrt KK "Wa hare u.oy la.ili-he&l-ra day, lut I nit think that any cf them 1 Jure tJ dH' denlly poiaoa or fa-ti I'ul di 5 jo trrt t.c.r faus lae.u. aa alUi. Ytl tijd chart ia- terde.l tateu 1 CI thcl iig3 tj we tnizM axper to work lr.i.'ac.e. cce of th. aposda' l.

while ot the aheeei faitu ccraa Th4tct.eii.ira .) hi. th ti'fUrl ba cot was by oa a i i r.iect of prayer. Then tha Tr.i' were tutt for aclhih reiviii. or r.r-.r.-.--af aa co-ay lail'i tur ae vctaol.

Tin jt cf thn tuirjcl. i uot tt bl si. pev; atvd tn i ke. but taller oi a th bntut toe If fa th ia ic 'h heart already, i ro! of a r.i!'. u-l-u cure f- ti.

l-Aor cripple hj-ly. "In a fi.w wcrd. ll. luoJern faith urr are They t.r cen vrrrf li i uur.aty. h.Lat warLt his iles st t.tft apparr titirttclcs wrought ty falae rophcts ar.J heal.

s. Triee men i la proi'iKain tv I tr. of were 'leri the uf Salau. Cco.tucntly if tiii" pni-KHj of uiiracle. aa tia i it a.1i"jr r.f th i U.apel, tht-ii the i-l'ee for i la the eirly ba'or tut aim ar I ia S'f ia tnodeta d.wa." MCkTINtk AVhile Jtvicbar uer tioiel bo caira.

tr.acv tt l.wi' ft. ft "di ie healer" lo'ioe i the ha2 oe. ittit Ir. li'tw bo. ie lteruoot) haics bo "laid hartda" ou letit- on.

p.ple, titit aay be w.ll not know litany t.ave ben healed t4V.l taiay. loth. th d. et-T 'k. on tb.

Tljt.f of the Tree of I i 1 t--ti 1 1. 1 1. 4 I 1 i. -w r- I IM TT4 Wt.JMW a I I- t. I I 1 I k.

I urti i. riia parent, and Autnalia He wa ao far j-'j ie that ba 1 Lot drunk or r.rdi-cary whuky or heer ar.d Lad ui trtta of ami. ia He l.S'l 1:1 1 tor ft aoyihi-ix for the area key aai "ti Pk brm gave hria alti, an I fW ft prayer with trie he at- a L.arty mill i--4 w-ii fell nifbt. li Wat ftft.w riiti, tn wuen ha Aoaualia a.w htm at ih bead of th. Klv.tion artjy.

Tu anny at. jppcl ft nd ti ft rovftl talut-." At ta eb-e i the mtia a ocai-ber of 't le ruie t. J-tt prty f.r tl.era. l.dsy will cl-e rh rui-aioa In th. Si-.

ttorj. Thcr Wi.l two niek- ii.trs tervou eveiiii a w.ii le Laid I', the inai-i Kill of ii ill I M. 1. 1 tf a Fr in h-r tae eveli ft th-illtttb I.ii -t buext PittaburyL, pBj i I -ai bra i. til of li.

tCisV-n. bU 1 wbs they Lvda 'ill tpj ti a Id ut is he canaat lemaia i C-r, but it it it p-jfiuon. bit A "ttin.ony" tcaetipj is a r.i,-ht, wt.tupepl who have ben "h.aljl" wi.I ltr iem-w tu t. r'a a a ltiexT a if w.ii Uiir 1 Ih l4ff or Lj! a 0 t. Vft bea JJ 1 1 1.

'e-U-tu-uy" ijii.t MTUHKAY IS THh CoVKli Tl.o Aicitn I'nJor on- I Kt tc-rarion I ii man lontrrt. 1 he tct-l er. rf Ka 11 wL w-aa rh.r7il tj' tia wx revired Vlu i-r Mt pr. Ufi Ju.1i Lrini iaat St After t-i- -z in i Ve I oy tu grant jaiy Kate lilts 4.ri4 i.r bt irs Uia i l.e nc wa d-cUrd t-let' I -t Mr. s.1 led t-t avirj 1 1 or.

th -r n' -i rba nd i ti a iiifrt it, wbk-'h i'A act do. A fter th Mi t' Wymai n.aiv. irnlert ciok i a rtt Wlvtes Ju iciwiaj ar.J AUorne-v c- rcayvrt. that of Isil t-lr-t till cf ard en'. I be tbiwo.

Mr. tha in th i' Ah trv a 1 vt- 1 1- revest st T3 l. av.i 1 5. ccso 1 J. I'.

Miifre wat ier f-r tal d.r-.--l V. tj x- t'; i.V tn iIiTtri a-ii vtrir rtrf su rt3 ran tb of the fcntw ftad wltthr 4rS'l wvw i Sfh aa wi i.s thtra t'i rran.t t-f if tai rvrxrt Ui ia-l' tO-0V. I ia the ccs.t a -tr. tie CLir. ma-.

ei'ti vJ rral-'t o-ia-e rei.a ff -a -M-r wt ra- terra.1 tr r.i.'Dths t. if b. A. Jf.M, J. aad F'-n yrvrijy e-t-i te I rjL i.

Lak F-rr l.airnd trrcitsT f-r nn a-Jj tj rt' tU: t-i'T, IT. t'eev tiraet a tt I-iV'i. Maaa. 1 Swir tt t- the rf F. J.

11 t. ft tiatis, wr. 1 ti t- taria-l oa ikv', Tiny war-? ar1 at t.i a I--t 5 rdy t.i )ft tJ-rr t-t I i1.j aai Ua, laV to tie -e rrs'tH 2 tl W-ewntf va. i iZa il J-La f. LJOr A a rt V.

F.i 1 ii ir. Ix Aknvi, '-1 Jil.ivt, Is.iyJ'-ow. V. J-Ic--. r' j-tr f- C- th of r.A.1t i'Li Vva- I 1 I i i f.

a a. ci.if.irt.U or bI ot er t-i r-t i I tia i.u of bail i 1 afteruwiti and ewi.i' sr. At tb fioao of the 7 cS i It i th i i. ia tf l.i dia I r.ft i 1 pi.t I in iprf Of tt f.r f. on a I cu A of I 1 i 1 1 I I 1 I i fc.t iif i i rwimrl ii-Mr: to ltd i at ft' aut.

Pj dulU ht cJ le 1 .1 Waai.t- aftf Ui i'-r Maj. 1 I fi at ct it lan'f i i tit 1 t'Tl tr -l i i-I'Ijt. a4 i. Ittkcd In ff rkt-'a i tkf ex; i M-tury wt a rft t-- lia. t4-e i ti-n i i pre 1 ui-.

rat uil ii th.j tt. i St -i. a.ty re th' I Oa; -a aa to the I u. a je it wis li eitait. I I tr- at the tft t.ol li u' I ft a rt I rrh 1 h.wt.i tl.

a I i. hi ti ii K.a caa i riy I if ti tate rr l. jt j.rr a 1. it i tv.4 .1 1 la I 11 h. tikiattr rncudah.

a t.tta, I a.a ni I'ai a vti. i In thi- mt.U.-i tie i av -1 t' at 1'iot't at iuut. thin a ia tN hat at t-ta 13 I WT tt h. the ort C' ite 1 Li pr'. af Kev tl.uul tuait ts ar! pxirt.

STKAIGHTcLT They Ar Ntw Ti 'r orat Kutrirw ru. A lu'i: n-al BiUu. t.f a of aJ- aa. wa h. -l v4ly btiaun 'jitKll t' at a flu' b-i'- t.a tJ.a axectst' i It Wa.

arer-1 14 ta. i Ult i.t da. 1 1 1 i a aad at I ai t. 13 Will be irtr.U--i tl th litir'ai 4 thij week that he fc'rttiijJ in ward, and wbei wa--' ta-fr be Th. 4i al Nt Wj tbtr tcCaencw and thile tu-tiTttv ta ta ewuwa eark i wc-ilti I h.

I rr -i-i bii It a t.t 11 Craw, rd r.ttnty ti of a att diralie. ia tee C.ivvr.j tat. i.n of tb 1 -a 1u with rt a- vf I erfirn- at iotet-" iel 'ere 3l Uk. l-h e- of lsr race arlaii away ft -m J. Hrei.r., fcJ a.i I ptial Antt.t tM n-Jury h.n.i- Jhii itt.i 1 t.

He annul' c-itii tfc 1 CK-ali lariy rt All. rft. a tij nv-r ir n-t IO wnl.t llrci oen as 1 lyther, wra ra.n man -n n-i'iel tLa Utirf it-, frawl.rd cur ty ml h-ra. tta.i. the that i ti v.t.

Vo nuall, t.w Imb.1 ru w-t Mr. alp aay t' Crf-el "-ialy yu a iib-nlyte tiai.t a that iu at ptUo wiU teuftt ty. 'aoit the ronyitlwM rte-U Horwa At tk. tueeliftf of tie lab S.W orJ.yeifflt t-o taaioo, ie-t aerteJ Jo-I't 4 ie, t'4- "Tha Aioerien cloft i t. citlatikl an -o'ly inn.l.'v thctj name of h'l'iH a ta -f fh.

I.ciy'd, Tbt ft etr'ti'tw of Fr-i Iir ea I'rri Iei j4 i'atil, la pp lulr I ft cot Trr the aa eie-tiiya t.rt-r,.tva tirrt ujca thta; lbs pr of thj e- IOC.I I t.r tha tliili to alto" cf IaL M.unrfr 13 a pi rial wa lakea a th- oau the late W. M. GiU Masee ln.Inn.4t Bc ri. oc.

I atarvl ft V-ry i. ta C. I. Mre want to I of tr-a Na.i fcsl ri ln-an cotci.d f. i tnat w.U i.r.tti -l.

'ke-ii aod taatiae tS rara.ein lrr As prow! tiut tc-- ia 1 tr an 1 f.r tha ry, it i t. iitr at 4-naa ara 1,3 frier. and that they hats thka r.sitar tJeir rent il fa-t 09. toe tte is Mift it t. oal Q'lty for arlUcf tuc In a cni-1 way I-- It r'a a esie-i to ai tn-m (i The car li4 J.

c) Ur.vt an.S C. I. Jltitl ih" re.te-ae-.f..l n-t-I Miat ard o. i'. VViTin la M.

t.k-iv tt. Twaniy IM J. I ft tetrs. ir tu i a bt er -t- F'a'ire-w to Ih' Val "IV-kef. The b- La c-ot i i ut r.f th a- ja 1.

u. a aai 1 ta.ka kr t- a rnii'ta at f- 1 a-. -riai. :re.u It fr u-aa IT, Til.

L)'vt. '-r i 1 p' N. 1 w. 41 T.I, 1 l-jr sf tf t. Over, 'k ia mn cams.

Tt.) huclajr torrt: II rr sr. Ittr ti Vr1ri rwt-. TT e-. we- -1 T--n rr.i. at 'ba bffe.

i-t: il. )3tJ Tnr, cat lark ea tl. Ul ft Ai-1 dflr-K ft tjat 41 rt asl a a-. thi-ty day aid a wa laa ta r-atc I ii-rii LIm ai Tki -alhla war i 1-ea ai-w Jims Ui.u., a a-a I days su L'. it Hi xf sui-'l cat a- i a l-- tericfitX w-ah at.

at li. Utr lr- atat! rt-4-t iryi jj it4l Xia lnf- ia fjf viri f-'t-a 4 ti I I I'd i if wa f. i t. I 1 ere. I tat," If 1 La4 at t'i -i.

v. C.k- it. t-i 1 t-rt icj. i'-a. ct.

1-rV- ta m. -t In-l'. S. -r -4 a rnr-l N'. I'-K a rS-Ur'.

t. t.a )t- r- -da-ts. I1 I M. rk a)rt i i i n.1 i S. eaa rT r4 Wa il- eH 1 ai.

vira Alkfksy ti 1 Asa tt tt wrr 4. 4 t'i. V. I'a. io i -fan wto erv.l t.

a it a- IA i mw r. "I lrf vu a lir 1. 1 la the f.r t'in aark. i. A.

Gait sr -a I tf fc A.i.-ar-v a L. S3 tV I-. ItH.rt Ifia a Okl-a 4. T. ei il fjTA th tfti-ea i e.

le Via is4b ja tti'd 1 Ir i r-- 3 I i- r-t; 1 i I. i 1 ft 1 II 4 tt 'Cbo Trots Mr- Settled. i Tret! If us ttello of the miner, nth-ms 1 ft at Mansfield ye-stsrday after- i which t'ja of the reMist of Mac.sScM Coal and Coke Cont- tanyf.ra st tamest of the Vroahi-J at Bell tao Ja teen rSiH--a for parth'ipalion i th-s lite t. ike. Tha aei.t:rr.e.t tv! too miners wa.

ftr aHtlrmeut fcull I dwde an. a -inc. ting wa ystrdy Jrwrir-g tits iiciori oa the aad ea th? eMinr-trr- eifered la cut knit by iHi.tra-ri isr claim they they bad ou tb-s company fr re-tahiih-Tucut. 'I'he wiea will i-tnre eiivwdtrf. on that bfti I he n.iuera of will po t-.

wtrrk to--Isy. About ir en rrfuf ra io Lack U. aa3 the we- ri-tuv--! itir j.Jaea. J'rei that he expectert tiiat tr.e at tii'i -rr'it i v. iii ba kimilarly.

He left last iht for to the aesatoa of the r.cial apia' ly KulgUU of Labcr which b-rorn PjviHer.t the United Tlir.e Work- i lit ahoQt the rsjit of lbs strike the J'JtUburiih district. Bays that though nuner bai! i ft, the men uli not The orsttriiriitina htnox 1 as en ak, aud it wiii continue thrive la looking over t.J3 Prideat Itae admitted that vrh'l he fouiid here and there, the general outi-ofc Ia a'l aeclirma of tb tirtry, Piluhurrh excepted, there was good wa A fir th strike ia Indiana he bad lintt.iiij Ut eay. The trcctii? was i.ow ia its icciidtucy it would not be saTetonsVe rredicii'ns ru the cutct'tue. If go'j'J wai used tber la a. bis, healthy i'haut-4 6f,g.

i'iiis rpintuu of P. fctiy hearty conctirrerj-e at tit hands of ths othe'r Cicialj of order. 'So Caro foi the TcJf. At 12 rf 1 tc-uijfhi tha i toi of tits CUiaetts Trarlkn Cini-ftoy will h'rhl a meet-in? at Vauh.i' bull. Putler aod Maio to forr-t a beucficial society for the cut of but i ttcady relief at haod for tick aud'od in.a on their line.

Preiideiit and Suf-t. iiegg ar tbe tli llter-luiuied ifrt.tiriui ti will aiwnd the meet-ittjf to tx tLa wi.rkiug of siiui'ar in li oton. P.uQ'a'o and Washiiigt-JU, and liive oa tht Leot UieiUodsi for coDlrui- an om.ii.i,.Un i.i a 19 cirs- 'i'iio road has atx-ut 'iO eiuplayefe, who i will aU heirwfw A ew t'oat FleW. Th Clinton Coal mi Coke (U mpatiy is sWut ta up a vein cf coal ia Bit; -aver townshio, l.av. rooce county, Ti.e coal ia of exciiknt quality and the bed extend, over a area t-rritory, incl jdiog trtiort of Ucaver county.

1. ittsuurxh capitalist ar. "hte i i the vent-ire and early iu tha spring nearly 2i0 luiuerst ili Jbe put to work. lodaattrial Notona Iu another week, it ia promised, tha cars lii; Uiiioit ii will be maniac; with ebjtttio ower. Tb.

cu quit iiiit and are aaid to bo flycu. The convention of tha Association of will meet tialtimore. '1'he iruiii buiinea. of tl aession will be to foiinolate koih plan t'i abolish convict wurk in thru bracch of labor. The Keystone Uridje fkunpa.iy of this city i about to ba'i'i the irou work for coi.rtruction of a round-bouse-, nnteiiitie-tihotMi and ether t-rndna' strut tatea lor Ncjvaiia railroad at onuios, UrariL The buiijiaga are to be oil iron.

Mssra. Barni'tt Peters, eastern capitalists, have been ia iS'fW iirihton for several dnyi looking up a for a sUel-ruill there. hey nre in mills In the East, but ie-ire location near Pittsburgh to maaufact-ure kt el The conductor, and uiutormen oil tha Weat. em avenue braneh of tha Alh'5hauy Ma.i-thet-r Company are dissativiied with their acUednb) mid wtt.t a hucte. Tbey claim thnt to.

are ciiiiii. lied ti make rr.t:'ht ru'i of twive Loara with A luitiittce will be aeot to tu day cr two. ope.aU t'tT7e iww l4Bt (t Uraadock hunt mid manusrea uia itraati.wic wue-vtr rka, ia ruuch iuUretiled in the cevr concern and boH. to utaka it a gruat buccals. The ooapnry will mHke wire and giveeta-i vvunt about -iOO banda.

Homer I.anhlin, John N. and S. Haines, the United State. P.ittera' association, weut to Chicatco iSntur.lnv night to see U.t.t fer the pMitter' liiy at the Wirld" fair. Mr.

Le.ughlin that if tven auhicieut the i.oU.ts of the coiti.try wiil uiakj a dis- taut will kutptue the woild. A FRATERNAL CONGUKSS. A C1itlirinir of Mnh Imioinrvoo to Hooret Society Men to Be Held iu tVoUAtiiaCtOii. H. A.

Vriil. supreme arehou of the Iruproved Order of HcpUsopb, left lat on tbr fast ine for a-hingtors, IX where In- tos delegate the fifth ar.rju-nl heaslun of the Fiuternat ctinirres, which if it lia a fnll will be intended t.y di ieaui. litertal, lm h. ial and inmrarue iu the UoiUti states. The object of tlierie (atherin' it hi dt-viae mean, wiiirh will be of 'h ncfit ail, r.J at ti one, which wili Tuos lay, Wedueslay Thurid.iy at iiUrd'a boic very iai-poitn; ai tt'in wU' be t.a .1.

"In the tir.t piae," ait Mr. Will, "it i. proposed to dcvi a foim for ft blank aprJi- cti w.itt will tuU li and by this means a trrcat jo prititicvf will lie aved, a. uiii-s ba Id. printed iu auch Lirice ituuilvrs antl from cr-rodon fviud will make the ct to aci a compara-t vc trifl.

i hat it is Itow. Then we will have the surreike advlr of all or-dr. there, an. I ft. ui ila furc.Uh-.'d bv tlieni ami otitei tut-rrma ws will aide ti make eoiii.Iu?iK.iiS fvottt the tst .21 and furr.iah frr all it 01 fids in relation t.t desUtj pr porttonskt atcea, c.u.' c-f iti.t, kit boi.euts, cioer tit-, We will Bl- receive ltd tak.

action ou iu reoortof 1 be of Oi i. Kl-hltlV. hUh ft cat tt'a a.trt tnj uirt we wilt adopt are re- i a plan I ty lilt 11 a.t 1 roei.ts'l 1 ktand ethei and tihl rt "piachrt lrila-j tt" insiu-anic riirt St ait Mate in-i Oi.e or two ordcs it Ct.ii. a-. Mi ian iKitt in in- ete Tha luu 1 vat.i tl itj iPwnie of that nyle pint her at the Imi i.n, and if ws Lad m-t fo try ht thua did those wi'tihi tn r- hflidy hsvsleea lawa" Mr.

ill said that a ter rutt-j t--t tiiat will be attoiided to tbe tdj blratiiteof uUiii aii.NtS resei'Uis ril.a in a Libber trtaa 'iy and ctkly hi-. for lbs reiu, pax-m represer.t the frtruai or icw t-ttt hb ct-tuK ot aMMtit-rts. t-a t.1 th itl eiil eo rn-ti-r-iitut tai 4 a i't ti of ihasvii l-iia wruii. a t-hiy tn Wbei 1 A Matter of w-i-t to Lover-H llleht I iMst.a MnaiC. If ti.e "i.u'" a r.

-t io ,7. eat ai the (tit 1 a-it -mi re this weak it wiU ta! fur tb lack tf a.ita.'liiii.g. ile Jtgf, lietru favrrftbly rc isvt her-, at La -air sks a fa-r al of fj- th Jcch Oii-a tVi)jiiv at the. oiie-rm-iiousw Order-. fr bat lys c-n u-t ia fVrl ttays, which regarded ty tb Kiaaa.

ft. Icdicrtu-s. tVrs It At a An engine t-; and a ti-a rr-i tis nr.nitif ttt.v'iatb sis I p.t-t mita a at cna i' 5 at' x-k tatantar F-j-iaaer t'iark-a Jchv ro of Cbanicra eaaght b. Twrau trie ecjj, a zj. 't ac tw iar isliybalf feiir hay tacit vi a nr was cratitoa lyriKj a--; ivar'U'iT ft--a It ix-t -ajit hs tin 'til.

TtefwetCitc-Wft rmtn ktrewn nl. i Iran to 'l" ftCiu Ho to lat. patr. than tims lli jrave Xi ing when Ei.d until to that tiip.t at and J.if bsn but and lri held and the 9 It tt io 1 1 i I i. i tr ii.

n-1 im tut tn ia tivtuc et ea at.j vee. it ti V. 1 crea-ter aa t. atn it; I -a A "i a 'l Mili'i itr I eii ta i-aw k.i' I t-. Fwai.a 1 vl.C'l J.

V. J. th tr, I. wa i. A -rttr, Vu.

(ad It i. V. lto.1 Jta liax, a. iitU. t.

-t: M. a a Cx. AliAata, wer -b i-. fcat a. V.

l.t U'K J. Y- t'e- It a H. V.l. tV! 5.

a 1 -i a. ail. A. 1 iv Ma ftt. i 'a.

A i am aa. II. 4 J. i. 1W.3-!.

t- I Ia: Fa I i. uat. F. 1 "---i A -V -e 1 a. a.

i itar a a I iw. r. i arraF kfi', a. ts. I ILtr, I jr alr-h.

Jet I at 1 1 tl .14 "lib i ll'( a Wat. V-at-ftef Js Flt. I 'kite's I ts: ty4 at l.very- e. t-t ate. 'fl Hat j--t a arkeibWD he lUi ta a a 1 t.

'4 ul ki tr kit t.fM i Ka A 1 r. art Lt I watt tix'n a it an 1 wea a wr-e t- l' ri? ir ai. 1 tti rn 1 1. l-f rre.t a1 tV-n i r. "be war 'a k- r-.

F. f-Mi'-ar! It I Ievi -r a ev ae it ay. tcr. at tb Jail. aa-a eo- 1 la.

Mr. ai Fr, yr- im 'ta ta li'U a Wl'U -f' tt a ty -'i at. ft a.r 1 a a tVx as.e.j i-a a Catarrh a s.4 a 1 a arf. It 'ttiit t-a w. larJ li.

cba- rt I S.jia a. wrf at c. ifrtii va ra i ti. jt.ty ta s. a.

liatlMW a a aa 1 i 1 .1 a vatarrs atftar ai a i Ufi' frart.u ter a i. t- j.itm, t-iin jrw rw4 a aSr.rat All i t- 4i a. jr try it a a I A Inus rail- I ll'la v.r- IJkl Itlrn -I hv re? f.r i til few w. a4iar ur.f r-t' tr at lt-a. I -a.

aj ratarit a. i i i Hocd's tllltt-Wt'f 17 till 1 t- ark r.ra-' is aarta'a. Ui iij. h- II. K.

i ta a ft gurrn' tj REDUCTIONS IN PRICES CLOAKS. JACKETS LONG CLOTH CALLS IT Ii A 1 i 1 HT.i, 1 1 1 v.t;i To xl cur ck. t. Tr from 2 1 IaO" 75 1 ri t-s. -a i ft 1 4 4 i'CUi" crv Mufi, at-, Ut to fvr of I'-r ci (L i i -fa I ft A fl 1 1 1 1 11 1 I'll IH I I iV 1 I I ll I 1 I I UtlM StO-518 r.

ET ST. ONYX CLOCKS Si 7 GO TO oo 00. f), -V 4 5 I .1 1 SMALL FURS. 1 'it a 1 a I a i. 1 4 4 1 ait.vo'r'j:;.

A "4 a-l fV4wa 1 -g-r Vt 4 a 1 4 ly'. a AttXIka. i fea.1 Vl4 r.v a a i ai a 1 2t ti kt HI 1- -Ux i at ir cr.y-f i-t tt. i tv t- i. w.

ytt. 0 -i-- 1 A a sjyvi t-; sitd tkcrt. i a ai is -i, is tra- an la a. a a. 1 j- i-r.

slli M.ri'5 1.4 1 1 4 tl aa isatt I 'K A. iUNSt, s-aJ, t-ii ax tii 5.

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