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Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 4

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

riTTSBURGn COMMERCIAL, GAZETTE, APRIL 22, 1881. TAPrsmTVT TAjPPI. AN ART IRCD1T. HOIE NEWS PKH The Small rolit System A eStrem 1 aaps-mv waaswyt. We have tbe pleasure tbe fsa-ceaafeJ edaiueu of oar NbwKSSbT 13 Pas va, a vets will need ex4uv-jv for ear asd Wrap Departoaeat.

With taVaew1' ac- aired space we saeti bava greatty impved fatnlitias for dvtpiayrcg ear always fail and freah stodt ef Wraps and Suits tor Ladies and Children. Jos. Boh-b A Co Pena avenue. tmeum-Wm a eMaTattrr, aamr bad? i mil wufc run. awta ae ada.

I- ar taww aatiiaaaiir, 1WT IW tan. Far a ha. namnk -at. Trk tU lair KMMf A riStl EX I Bt Tie) Aa A Mot able Ex lots am tmei o'e Fol- toa riass larket. ATI who nsead Reiaemaa's Firb Store, oa Sixth Ftreet, Pattervea Bcodt, te-day, were at tracted by a wetKierruJ exhibit ia tha way of rnod fih ef tKa best and aatt apfetuisg varieties.

Toey were brongbt here by and for thi wall known huM. and inciede every variety ef lood fisb. Of troat there were twelve varieties, of fhad, Potomac, Cheaepaake, Delaware and North nver. The ngbt ts at once a novd aad mvtru- ia etc. and tba exhibition will continue for three days aad evening- Inland folks, who have aeei te ieai-B a tout UMt aB, ani! nna Reineman 's collection full of interest, and ladies partieula- abouid vi-it this complete in order to for tkemelves what ocean and stream contribute ia tfhe wa ef ttericioes fi'b.

Thia erbeme is simply a free exhibition gi'en by this firm for tbe benefit and entertainment of ther patrons and sboald be seem by every rtiiesrgEer ana di vriie. ike store is at xv txtn street. Wall Paper A. Malta to, 134 Wood HU Latest artistic papers for waits aad eeiliag. raildrem a Kilt Swlta In cloth and wash goods at Oca hw Ros Ht.79 Jos.

HoRita A C. Penn aveaaa. Wall Paaer. Full line of all grades at Walla-e's, 7 Wood SL AwlomrBreel Sale of 30 acres on Neville Island, to Pentecost's Auction Rooms, on Friday evening next at ,:30 o'clock. rait Paper-A.

Mattel 1mm, 134 Wood St. New styles ia all grades. New Goods THIS WEEK JOS. HOME I GIL'S, FOULARDS, Plain. Trilled and Fatln, in Blak Cream tiiuundj, Uttiored iirouna.

wnu roiu and Fancy Figiirea. SURAHS. In Silks and Satins, all the newest abades. MERVEILLEUX, In Colors, all shadea. Black Merveilleux, Extra good values, at 9 1 BO Bi 75.

gi 26 and $2 50. BLACK SATIN LYON. SUMMER" SILKS, New cffee'B in Cheuea and Stripe. Black and White ana triors. SPECIAL BAHJ A IKS IE? Black Lace Buntings, Bun's Veiling.


Oiuti and blngbam Malta. All t)te Best St vies of Ladies' and Mines' HATS AND B0XXETS, Flowers, Feathers, Ribbons, Laces and Trimming Silts. Kev wing um a.epartment ooming in every aay. SCARPS. Mull Ties, Net Ties, Lace Scarfs and Fichus.


Infant-' Cloaka, Childru's Snip and l.z-e Taps, Ac. FAltAfL AM SI I MBREILAi abeaaon now fully opsn, i3 RETAIL STORES 197,199, 291 FBI Irani ICL l-L LL blZE.) fliasBrr, Retter anal maeh more lorabie thmrn boar tneea. Mmntv entirely wl STEEL WIRE. Barb H'lr) l-mee. Tour wires latch, eootw bnt two anal ma If ceutv per mania loot.

ANUF ACT ti BT OLIYEB BEOS. PHILLIPS, 91, i S3 Water li IIS IIS First PlttabarKh. Ahk for tbe Four Point "Holdfast" Atj-Frale by all the leading BxrdwxTe and Afrrl- fuiii rai ia.4tment ieaiers aTHiaourgB ami Bingham Gage Cock CoM "Limited," BTNGHAareSXLir-O BINDING ROTATTWO OAGE COCK hH the folloelns merit: IT HEVSBCUHW IT IB ALWAYS FREE! ITfl VALVE NEVK 4 DRAHS! IT IS PERf ECT FOR ALL KINDS OF WATER. It ts tbe only liege Cock whose Valve will go without re ettlae for a year. Parties ordering boiler ahould speua thia UAUE COCK, Ask your dealer tor ft.

Prke, 9 'X 01 ka CHANCERY LANE, between let and and avenues, Put burgh, P-, over Fulton's Bell Eoandry. P. O. Box 2. epl-rxw NEW BOOKS OFTHEWEEK.

j. i mm co 99 101 Wood Street BIRTHDAY CARDS. BY THE TYBER. By the author of Big- Monaldlni'a Niece, tl 60 BIRTHDAY CARDS. The Complete Home.

By Jalia Wright. JJ 76. A LAZY MAN'S WORK. By F. Sparhawk.

"Leisure Hour Series." 81.00. Legendsof Thos Didymus, By Jaa. Freeman Clarke. 8 1 76. BIRTHDAY CARDS.

TheTtar's Window. -Ka Kama gniea." II 0O. BIRTHDAY CARDS. ICE! THE ONLY LAKE ICE IN THE MARKET, At the following Prices. IO 6 del, 842cts.

7 del 8 4 eta. week. 1 1J 1 40 1 )8 1.2C 1 32 1.54 Twtre per week. 19 wntu per wek. lOO" and ovtr.

twodd per week. 40c per cw. For larcer quantities call on driver, on wagons, oral oSi.e. Quality and Quantity a Br an teed. CHAUTAUQUA LAKE ICE 20th and Railroad Streets, PITTDBI RGB, PA.

aa-Tapkoo. wiDnfctioii. apMh WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY op prrTSErESH- Umrfvi Bank IM. AaaMa, laa. lfc (J.Br.V tjaravoiia Bnliatns.

Bl Wed 8. 'WRAACT. Jtt. John avoOuws, Chas. j.

Cl.hke, Pm.up BtMCR, ftH MvSKISUN, JOHN B. jACKSOtt, fcft. 8, COWiN H. STOWfc, 4- bolers mokec, wj. frtw.

a. moormead, j- a attewbuwy. Alexander Nimick. prebiocmt. mJalBAlla INSURE WITH THE MENU.

OBr, BTa. Faaurth draaa CASH asa.WM B. B. D. TUUMPBOd, W.

D. HsSILUBnratanr. atid $2 91 31 $1 one II ICTa, WHkt Tba eat of Aseemfrv Mh IX 17. rdattva reaatv efgoers and fee. aaM IS ai pamphlet law, amoBg otaer thing as fottowa: "Aad oa tbe first Moaday ef eax-a i rwy mowk cacb of said amser sttait pay to thv Treasurer of tba ar "per aoaety all rrrrtvd tea fa? vrmtfiM and shall da- poait with the County Controller a transsrip to detail ef kts fee aecoant book for tba nracadiag to.

So r-A knU mnkt M(i tjj'aan said trnmpt eottaias a (tm ad flerml 1 'j t.i. irm reejed, sn and that be aa sot reeatved a otAerec than tooae so entered oa Jir Ho wand ewere before tfea A nHiuvf tWt he vu familiar with the abore tow. ani yet, acwtviiag te 1 tealimoSy, he received of which ha acoouata tor the first Monday of October. Is Oetober he raeeired of which only $579 appears oa bis sworn return oi aovemoer S. Ua Xareh 2 public attention was called to tbe matter the Cobbbb ciAi, Gazbttb.

On Mtrri 26 Mr. Rowand paid County Treasurer 1S2 reomved ia October. Ob the mm day be aks iConrt for an Auditor, isrnor-ing tbd ContnIUr. iy' March 3d' tne above Tacts were developed by the Audita-, showing a balance anpaid of $6afi. March Slat Rewand is examined, and for Ike fir' lnw public are informed that be had a udfht" as where tbe money belonged.

Be had said noth of such "doubt" to the Controller, Coantv Solicitor, nor to Coarl, tehen he aked jT on mudxtor, ar'lany Qthr rtne. Why 1 Tha Auditor reports Anril 10th and onate Mr. Rowaad's testimony niowe as a ream why tbe bal- wss not paid; beoommenm oa tbe amount ly cbargeabto imt ia regard to tha amount received by Mr. Kowand he says: "Whether treat tba funds im tba bands of the Clerk as fi, perquisites, or money, it was1 paid to him by areemeMt of the parties tu eotttoeasarYow or ojhcial services," aad eondadet report by saying, "and shoald be aooouated and paid into tk Count Tretumry." Is he a good Clerk ef Courts who has a "dombt" where public money belongs? who keeps suoh a tftovbf to aMef tor Are mortk who makes 'mistake'' of $182 aad don't find it oat nattl some one else makes it public to be a good clerk bbo credits JJemocraW witn mosey paid and K-nubiieans with nona, aad xumth orteriBBra calls it a "mistake ween found ont? Wb gets rtte Controller' papers by courtesy, and mal alteration on tbem without knowledge or enf Is he a good county cffieul vhu its tbe county to tbe expense of $2u0te fibd dt where $6Sft, in bis poM'Mioa, belongs, when be knows tbe county bas a Controller and pays an able boimtorr lbe leirtp-aphoi warob ZSth says, batdiaar-loa does it make wbo 'tcave away' to the newspa pers the story of Mr. Rowan d's toying with the naturalization fees?" The Commercial Gazbttb of Anril 1st says: "There would aot have been tbe slightest rik in bis resolving the 'doubt in favor of the pmoplm." aU-t OI April oU "rtowand win have tbe headache before be gets the average cit sen to understand why ba turned ia $2 when received from private eitizsns, and hsli back 50 cents out of each dollar from committees." Ttlrqrayk of April 6th ss "By tha way.

since tbe entire sum received in individual cases was turned over to the Controller without ques tion or 'doubt, bow can a distinction be made between individual and committee payments?" ot April 7tb: "it was onty ban toe amount reached hundreds of dollars that tbe doubt' seemed to arise as to whom the fees belong. Leader of April 7th: "If 'mottees must investigated, it would be much to the parpose, if Mr. Rbb should endeavor ascertain what were Mr. Rowand'a motives in not atonre paying over tee aataralisUioo fees he collected last fall, also, what was his 'motive' not asking soma eompe'en authority (tbe Controller or County Solicitor) to resolve the 'rfottor he claims to have entertained, and wny be kept tbat 'doobf to himself far so long a time." Tbe CoKMBBrtAL Gazbttb of April 7th says: "Mr. Robb should understand that all these farther proeeedints as to who started tbe charges, and what tbe motives were, bear an aspect un pleasantly like eookia upmeat im Mr.

Rawaad's favor." Tha Leader of April J2th: Mr. Robb decides wlut we believe noby bat Mr. Kowand ever 'doubted The real reoret will be over Mr. Robb'o omission to explain why, having a six hundred dollar Clerk Kowand took no mean a re himelf to have that doubt resolved. In sot going into tht'w inquiry, the Auditor leaves ike most import, ant part of this investigation yet untouched.

We are glad to know, however, tbat two competent tribunals are to sit upon it; namely, tbe Republican party next summer tbe people of Aile-gby county next falL" The CoMBsnriAL Gatxttb of April yv: "The Clerk of Courts ahoaid never have enter-tained tbe shadow ef a doubt and it may be doubted if he ever had dnntrt on the subject." Tha Freiheit r'rettnd of April ftib Sys: "The Democrats were aware of this whole matter aad are annoyed tbat it came oat so soon, a they ex pectrd to make capital of It." Mr. awaowand's "doubt" nukes bis asmfctetioa more than "doubtful" and blfl election aa iotpoaai-bility. Tbe TekarapX, ot April 1, says: "The Rapab-lieaa party, however, esnnot ajfurd to nominate a man who will be called upon to enter into personal axp laaations daring a heated Tbe year Mr. Kowand was elected tbe lowest majority of tbe other candidates was while ai was JOS; and this before it was known that be wonld have a "doubt" ss te tbe ownership ef the fees collected in the office. How woaU he run with this "doubt" known to the honest voters of tbe county? iBWlUktlSMB ntWlBrOW I-W- Jes.

M. Wallacb, 75 Wood St, A Card. We brreby tender our thanks to tbe Ftre De pertmest for tbe promptness with whmh they antweted the signaJ that car etbiiheat was in flames, and all he nina time inform oar frien4 and the fublic that tbere was ne fire and tbat no damage was done to our immense stock of Hats, Cii, I'mbreila and Straw Goods. We bate a taspieioa tbat tha smoke seen in nor rtore ws the rult i suierraneaa fire which eaud the eaith-uikea few days age and tM.nlisbd our aidewals; bat no revuUion of nature or a hundred eaitbuiVi(S will prevent as eiiiofc Boys' and Children's Hats at 5ft 73, $1 atd 1 aod their pareef, viro! or their iiiBti itxs is oiigiom-1 can be aeammodated with eiecant ocde at (I, $1 Oil and $2. cannot believe there ia a conspiracy to de mciish oar ertabtipfcn it, but our fiisode can rent afnured we are faltv insured, ani also wioy of our lady cnatomc wbo are leaving their far with us on storage-Call and lea tu, buy a bat aad be happy.

Flit i wo A Oclbvbb, Batters aad Ferriars, 2V Fifth aveaaa. Mcboot JaekrM for Ctlrla New shapes and lew prices. OtsNtw Ron 'o 2f. Job. mi A Co, Penn aveaaa.

Wall Pawer A. BJwstMiam, 134 Wood Ba. Fine papers, mediom papers, cheap paper, rarrlakes for raaoemlB for 3. Jno. H.

McClurg, who bas removed bis Livery Stable to y3 Second avenae, aetow Wood street, bas fo- hire fine turnouts. Parties wmhiog a car riage for tbe opera or a good horse and buggy tor an eveninc's drive will do wall to oall wa Jno. McClurg. Iwaltatlova Htavlwel Cllaoa. JA9.

M. WaLLAoa, 76 Wood St. prise; Carmeats ror Lavdlem. Ota Na Roon, No. 23, Joe.

Ho rub A Co Pet. a avenue. Adjearneo: Role 10 acres oa Neville Island, to Pentecost' Auction Rooms, on Friday evening next at 7-W o'clock. f.ireBBt India Shawls. Blrgant India Shawls.

om Nbb R.h.j 20J, Jos. a A Co Penn awnua. lml tot low HioJweel eiama. Jab. M.

Wallacb, 7o Wood St. lseeliaie or Mam. Tmnotenca of mind, limb or vital function. Tier- veos weakness, debilitv, cured by "Wells' Health Renewer." $1. Mar' at street.

a I toll Jai. eiiaoa. tec, 72 Wood St. Fob alk That block of buildings keowu as tba "Koalifb Block," consHttng ot bve lour- atoried buildings oa Fourth avenue. Sea ad.

is or bale Ceiuoun. Fleaaat niaplor of Kprtog Wraps and Mantles in Camel's Hair, Satin Brocade and Satin Marveilleux in our degant new room No. I'rnn avenue. Jua. uobbb vo.

Imliailna Nialoe! Olauu. Jab. M. Walla 76 Wood Bt. AbniflOHilL HAIKEf.

Dry Uoods. Nrw ToBK. Anril 21. -Heavy wonlen goods are more arm in nrvt intso-i, out ousiaeM cod- tiiim-s wiih coiton yoxl- tomlion bom fimta, quLlts, lawns and pfue are aiutcviak tt banut are fatrtv art re, Virm KOds are nmiag slut aud ptucs irregular, ron ton Kut-l are quiet ADD1TIOKAL KITES DISPATCHES Awil 21. Blver farKng.

wtHi 11 feet ioi liee in tlie oanal. tat her cloudy and warm, lib drizxling rain thia Arrivals and de- pa rtiiivs J. Warner and tow. rlttanftt and re- neti wimxi, neine anon xn 1 iron- lilw, wilti tow, to Piti-hin-gb. Trni Rei and tow to new ine 111 Kyie uaueupto 11,01.

rinriBBATi, April 2 1 River 32 fret thi and falllntt. Weather Ibrestt-ninn. ArrivtdAndtrn, Wheeling. lK-arled Kaike Stockdale, Pltuburgh; (iuHling star, Nt-w Orrt-aus Vk'HSBCRO, April 21 Wallier cloudy; ther room- eter lit. I'p -omnionwealih, Down Charles Morgan and Ceuiennial.

Nkw Oblbto, Ann! Zi Arnrr.1 nary HOimos, ini intiatl, John A. ftinidr, Bl. Louis. f. MheiKt.

imriDMu. ncaiuer cwiiuy ana warm: Ibcrinometer H2. Apiil 21. River falling; feet on shoals. Ai rived Bbea, Cairo.

EvaVsviub, April 21. Arrived Grey Stifle. Tkk Fultou. rx-parUI J. H.

Hookm, Carrie hprlnKer, New trlfna, Dirk Fulton, Orey irlu, LouisviUe. Hirer tailing; 34 feet "i inch. Baitim. Hr. Ixirra, April 21.

Arrived Robm iul hatye, TerineeBoe lifer. Doparted tjold Dust, ickbu Robin, Cairo; Marv Morton, Reed' Lauding: Beila of New Orleans. The river bas fallen 2 Itfs; 'ZJ Itet ny KauiaC rft-jmra iwuuj mutt raia- ly all anern'Hin. au wib out were nearuy tec, and tbcae going louui took plenty ot paasen- gWB- Caibo, April 21. Arrived Vlnrle lee.

Memr.riis; My taolc New Orleans. De-parted Vinie Ciminnatl. City of Alton, Orleans. Etiver -15 feet 7 inrbes and falling. Weather cloudy.

Iner-monieter 75. at am fh 19, April 21. Biver rose A inches. Ar-rired Eelleof Meruphia, ickahorg; City of Heleoa, gt LouiA. LepaJi3d (Srand Lake and John B.

Maude, St. Louis; Ooiden Kule, N-w Orleana; 3 hum as bherl. Ctncin aiL Weather warm. Lot'iavrtxa, April 20. River falling, with 13 ieet In eanal and 11 feet in t-hute on falls.

Weather clear and pleasant- Ben Franklin, from Memphis to Cincinnati; Jaa. W. tialf, from Cincinnati to Mem-phi; Nellie Walton, Bea Wood and. Wm Stone, with tows, irotti i'Utabargb. A Seat In of A A A.

BKKTTTIEaV -James SlthaL Steward elect af tbe AIM gbasy City Baca, filed am toad yesterday. Wl Bern, af Charlotte street, waa reported yesterday as having tba smallpox. Fred Reyeer, charged with robbing Boa' store, was commuted tor court ia eexeoH of A md named Hngbai was ram ever by a oa Grand street, LiwTcnccvUta, yaatorday badly braised. Mayor Lyom disposed of fifty nine eaves Teeter day morning, aad ba seat thirty-sevee par-soas to tba Worfchonse. Tbere was ao divtaraesee at Garrison's works.

South Side, yesterday, tba Strikers geaaraily remaining at their homes. Tbe second elase totter carriers have memorialized Congress for aa una ad meat to tbe act February 21, 1379, 8 as to give all carriers per annua. Tbe Big Fonr Fishing Grub wiQ give their grand raceptioa at Kunfcle's HaJi, head of Eighteenth street, South Side, this evening. Tbe will have a good time. Dan Hilger, tbe colored man who bit Tom Cub-.

mis kb oa the head with a dub, was sent to Workhouse for thirty days. It appears tbat Hilger wanted Tom's coat aad tried to obtain it dub law. Frank Anderson, wbo was charged bsfore Mayor with felonious assault and battery, for striking Thomas Cammings with a hatchet, was required to fiad bail ia $309 for his appearance Court. Tba pressed glassware trade is experiencing a boom jost at present. Within three days prise nave advanced nve per eenu, and mtnn- laetnrcrs reel connaent tuat it win go ap atgaer before long.

Yesterday afternoon a bags easting weigh eighteen tons was shipped by Robinson, Boa South Side, to W. D. Wood A McKees-port. Fourteen horses wara required to heal it tbe depot. The Rer.

Dr. Ramsey will lecture this evening at 8 o'clock in Brown Chapel, A. M. corner ot coy te and Hemlock streets, oa the sub "Kan and Ruin." Proeeedsfor the purpose roofing the church. Yesterday John Westlev.

of Tally Caver. dropped a pocket book, near bis home, con. taining $30. Oa going back to look for it be eonld not find it, and it is supposed that several boys who were loafing about took it. Tbe Coroner held aa inquest yesterday oa body of Laura Johnston, an old colored wo man, wbo dropped dead oa Wednesday evening rem Beart atseasa.

ona nad neon in toe employ H. Patterson, of Franks town avenue, East End. Frank Maraghia, aa Italian aged 30, was before tbe Mayor yesterday on a charge of '(Hashing things at bis house on Virgin alley. The in formation was made by Frank's wife, wbo is SO years old, owns the property, and wants to be boss of tbe shanty, frank was let off with a small one. Two raids were made by tbe polios ester day morning, wbieb resulted in the capture of about twenty vagrants, wbo were found oa avenue acd in the vicinity of Anderson's steel works.

The gang was sent to tbe Workhouse for ninety days. Tba conductors of tbe Pittsburgh and Bir mingham Passenger Railway will bold a meeting Sunday for tbe purpose of making a demand an increase of wages. They claim that they work seventeen hours and a half each day and receive only l. i0. A sister of Mr.

James Welsh, late of tbe Contra! Hotel, arrived in tba eity on Monday from Ireland, where she has been on a visit, and teamed for tbe first time of the death of her brother. Sb visited bis grave and returned to her home in Canada. Tim Ragan, aged 9S. who has resided many years at McKeesport, started oa a visit to Ireland on Wednesday. Tim is the father of twenty-fire children and has about forty grand children.

Tim is in good beaitb and able to do an good a day's work as any man. Fonr boys, John Cammings and Hugh Canffield, thirteen years of age each, and two eleven -year -old boys, Patrick rlaberty and Foley, ran away from home yesterday, and are supposed to have commenced a tramp ia the direction of Philadelphia. Their parents aad the detectives are looking for tbem. Mr. Croft, of the firm of Croft Phillips, was released from jail yesterday under tbe in solvent laws- lie bad sold a mortgage for a 31 Gordon aid didn't turn over the money.

Suit was brought, a verdict obtained, and Croft com mitted for tbe defendant. Having stayed in til the required time be waa released. Detective Moaisner yesterday arrest 1 Tbcmas LntEingeron a charge of stealing about $93 worth of wearing apparel and jewelry from John Smith, of the Third ward, oa Moaday. Luts-inger is a carpenter, and was making repairs on Smith's house when ha stole the goods. Ton property was recovered and identified.

Lir-erty Star Temple No. 13, Order of Juvenile Templars, will bold an entertainment in Armory Ball, East End, on Friday evening, April zv, when a great variety at exorcises, sucn as in strumental and vocal music, dialogues, reoita-tions, dee tarnations, temperanoe addresses and speeches aad tableaux will ba presented. -Fonr boys named Flaherty, Cammings, Cafferty and O'ShaugneMy, whose parents reside at tbe Point, ran away from home yesterday. They told some boys that tbay were going East on freight train. Last night their anxious mothers vitited tbe Mayor's office and requested that tbe fugitives be apprehended.

Word was sent to tba police ia the East End to look out fj them. Oa Friday last Capt. D. B. Doods.

of Eon omy, found floating in the Ohio river, near Red vtnne fttalton, K. h.k,i tvtdy ot a maa Tbe floater could not 6s identified by any perjoa, acd was buried tro mediately, ua bis pareoa fcund a number of articles and a small piece paper bearing tbe words, "Died like a lamb. waive dollars tn money was tonnd in tbe pocxet oi tee eoixae. The cun town fwi-f-r says: Tbesprio -hrdoe of the P. A L.

S. R. which will g.i into effect in May. will provide for a church train, inch will leave tm city every bunaay morning about o'clock, arriving at ftttsburgri st-out retarnirg, the train will leave Pitta-burcb abvut f. giviog ample time for paf--egcra to altead lervieea and make calls en acquaintance tbrrtigbout the city.

It is el said that the ooKpany proposes potting on a fas: freight train to mo between thia city aai Pittsburgh. The church train will undoubtedly a great convenience to persons who desire to visit tke Smoky City cn Sundays, and who, on aeeoaat basiaeas duties, are unable to lea? a the citj daring tbe week." itedi Sailtjaatio for tav Swrtaw Beasaa. McCaffrey A Armstrong, 96 Market street, in vite an inspection of tbdr immense atoak ef Spring Dies Goods. They display tha very latest nov- Ities ia French, English and American Dress Goods. irtniL BABCAIBS IB BILKS.

Black Silks. 50e. TSe. $1-25. $1.5.

$2., $2 50, $3 00. $4.00 per yard. Colored bilks from aoc np. A good Sammer SUk at Brocade tfilk. Brocade Satins.

Black and Colored Satins. Sarahs and Satin d'Lyoa. Handvoma assortment of French and Plaids and Stripes for combining with plain colors. Particular attention is given to tne stocs oi Black Goods. Silk Warp Henrietta Cloth, Tamise, Cbndda, Momie, Diagonals, Cords, Australian Crepes and many novelties in mourning goods-Crepe, Crepe Veils, Thibet and Casbimer Shawls.

no call particular attention 10 toe bcock oi Black Cashmeres, which is a specialty, and the numbers offering at 50c, Wc, 7ie, 87 and $1.00 era goods tbat cannot be duplicated at the same morey. When making your spring purchases examine this stock and latisfy yourself tbat they are offering real bargains. Remember the number. Wi Market street, McCArrnar A Abmstboss. A dreat Iiaprevrmcat.

We have tba nleasare of announcing the n5- ceHful addition of oar New Rooa, No. 2S3 Pass which will be used exclusively for oar Suit and Wrap Department. With tbe newly acquired pace we shall have greatly improved facilities for displaying our always tun ana irein noci oi Wraps and baits for Ladies and Children. job. noii a Pena avenue.

Clwelml Sret Railway Strike. Ci.ivxi.iiti. Anril 21. The strike of street raitwav em loves was initiated to-day. Tne committee appointee at a recent meeting went from tbe of one company to another ask-irnr an advance of half a dollar day for tbe men.

The demand was invariably refused. Tben the committee waited and as tbe ears started oat soogbt to persuade tbe mem te quit, which appeal net with varying success, oa some roaoa nanny all men stopping, on others some, but on tbe Woodland avenue line none, ai eaau aiauie those who quit joined the committee on their tour and after a time several bund red strikers were in proeeFsicn. Ctioseouently street oar travel to-day haa been considerably interrupted and at tu prevented altogether. The railway managers are mrae-inr new men as fast as posnble aad run niDg all the ears they cin. A meeting of the iters will be held to-night.

aaestrophe to l.amcntBr. What follows is theooBclnsion of Ingersoli's new lecture on "Liberty;" "lbe laugb oi child will make tba holiest day more ucred still. Strike with band ot nre, ob, wdrd musician, thy harp strung with Arvnlio' eoldcB bain fill the vast cathedral aisles with symphonies sweet and dim, deft toucher of the organ key; mow, augier, aiow, wi ij yer notes do tones ana aim toe and charm tbe lovers wandering mid vine-clad hill. Hnt trnnw. vonr aweeteet strains are dis Cords all, compared with childhood's happy laugh tbe laugh tbat fills tba eyes wita ngot ana ar heart with iov.

riDtjlisK nver of ieugn ter, toon art the blejsed boundary line between the beast and men, ana every waywr thine doth drown some fretful fiend of care. Oh, Laughter, rose-lipped daughter of Joy, there are dimples enougn to eaten ana aom ana giumy the tears ot griei. Tbo Flrat Salute. Mr. W.S.

Clarke, of Washington, D. a latter to the iCrvntiiiean. says "In jour inter esting articles on the Stars and Stripes yon appear to have overlooked one important circumstance the first salute to our national nag. the 'Con stitstional Union displayed January 2, itt8 r-n tin iied to be used until June 17 wbea tbe Congress Hewlvtd, That the flag tbe Thirteen Vntted States do tnirteen Biripes, aner-nate red and white; that tha union be thirteen white on a blue fidd, representing a new Paul Jones, in command of th h.n.M- demanded and received from tbe French admiral in doiberon Bay, coast of Brittany, tbe first sdnto to tha Stars and Stripes, as adopted ia fM tor run. It bad been before that event tbe uaeg of Europe to salute the Hag of a republic with four guns less than were fired to salute tbe flag of a crowned potentate.

In the 'Annals of second session, 1816-'! 7, and 'Annals of first volume, may be frond tbe discussion at large of this in taresttsg subject. Cincinnati will be one hundred years eld in IK88, and tba t'utett bas aireaoy ewgua g. tfttioB tor tbe "Centennial oelhrUon. Woe that bis tbe to or Mr. tbe to ing or nu for all bis be to in Ba Er vow TbPM eta I sis ma aoaeS Caa area.

Tavejas Partmale are- wrtr. cse TapnL af Cedar Raotda. Mienicaa. arraated yasurday em Sautbaeld street, by Iete-tives Harrison and Bwdea, tba enarge against tba prisoner being tbat of "psspietoas chase lappi'a arrest a story of few eareer a Hy surface whtea snows a resemblance between tba yonsg Simon Teapertit to "Barsaby Bg" Tapfrarttt aa viewed by himaett. taoubt ha esnld eaptrrate any girl fevoa the pretty Doily Tardea by simply "eyeiBg bar oear," powert at an eye eui aa poaoeas ia LhostHm.

Tappi did captivate three girts, content with steaiiag their aSertioaa, he eaptand soma of their portable prop-arty. Itsppaars that young Clarence, whom abeat was engaged soma aaenths ago asa rats gonteel boarding nwuaw vm Frth atreet. Not tor from this boarding bouse tbere lived a pretty Irish girt, waa an gaged during tba winter a a domestic a weaithv family, who go abroad every sum- The parents of tbte gin five in isevrou, an? girl has about tow uorernment noaaa. fpemis the summers at homa, aad takes tbsogseasy. rjT money and forthwith "eyed her over" aad she bia at least she engaged to marry hi at.

Now, Tappi, who seems to be aa industrious sort of fellow, bad already won taa selections of two other on Pesn cvenue, both of whom ha promised marry, dm ago vu yvaag man kih sitsation, and then it was tbat he tested tba strength of tba affection of his three seroral girls, with this reenter Tba Detroit girl purchased for him a good suit of clothes and gave tm siz ia easa, walie ton otaer two gara mm 7 and $21 reepectivaly. A few days age Tappi tba Detroit girl war promenading om Wylia avenue when ha took from bar neck a una gold necklace and locket, telling her that ha woald keep tbem till ha became entirely convinced tbat saved him truly. The girl asked Tappi for necklace several times, bat was always pot off the reply tbat bo Tappi) was not altogether convinced. At lengta tne detectives worn aouaed, yesterday tbay arrested iappt when ha was tba net ot pawning the iewalr. His throe loves were notified of his arrest, bat all declined prosecute.

Detective Bowdea them made a ebarga of "snipiciona person" against him, and open tnis accusation be will ba examined to-day. COBCEMTKlt COMEDIES. -Marllama at tbe 0ra Hmus-OIi- vtay at Ltaravrv Hall. "Maritasa" was given to a very large audience evening at tba Opera House. Ia view of the pending eertiona regarding the danger from fire this boose, it is surprising that the manage meet snonu repeat in air enstomary disregard oi by obstructing tbe aisles with chairs.

Ao open disregard of tba law for the sake of thirty forty dollars is hardly the way to obtain a fa vorable judgment on tbe way tbtsgs are managed of sight of the public. Tbe per form an oe of tbe opera was well received in general very good. Miss Abbott aa tba gypsy heroine made a sneoaesfal appearance, introducing a most brilliant solo ml the opening, aad singing tne part throughout in a striking and effective manner. Hot Ctar was the perfection of reckless his singing wai better tnaa uraai, tnougu bis once enarmtng voice Is now sadly worn. James made a good appearance as Don Jote, and Miss Maarel tbe duet, Iioly Mother Guide His Footsteps," displayed her rich fresh contralto to great advantage.

Tbe points of the opera the angalnt in first act, tbe ensemble "What Mystery," and daet jost referred to were given with marked strength. Mme. KosewpJd's "Mad Scene" from Ambroise Thomas "Hamlet" was rendered in a style which showed that lady's powers aa a dramatic prima donna, although the scene is of a tragic spirit, which the audience wa. hardly prepared to enter into, bignor imgnoit dosed tbe evening with bia old favorite. "Goodbye Sweetheart." xo-aiebt tne lively "i ra utavoio" win oe given.

Mb Abbotttaking the role of Zerlina, and Mis Maarel, Stoddard, James and Castle In tbe cast. To-morrow afternoon "Romeo and Juliet' and In tbe evening, "The Merry Wives of Windsor." xha Boston ideal upera toupuj closed tts en gagement at Library Hall last evening with "Oli vette." As wa have already expressed ourselves the performance ot tnu opera it is not neces sary to maha extended comment on it bore. The next musical event at tnis nail win be tne concert tba Princeton College Glee Club, to-morrow evening, which will ba followed next week by the Cameron minstrels. THE NEWS FtOX ILLIfiHEST. ester day morning a prisoner from Ma- Keaa county, convicted of larceny, was lodged in tne penitentiary.

Yesterday morning an old man and htf ife named Sbafer, were sent to tbe City Farm. They had been ejected from their home for not paying tne rent. Two boys fell into tba A Her any river, near tba Allegheny end of tbe railroad bridge. from a flat boat, about nra clock, aad narrowly escaped drowning. One track of tba Allegheny and Manches ter railway extension was completed to Woods Kan yesterday, ine other track win be completed ia about ten days asd oars run over tne line.

An inquest was held yesterday morning by Coroner Hope oa tbe body of Adam Weinmans, which was found Boating ia tbe Allegheny river et Wednesday evening. A verdict ol suicide was rendered. A horse attached to a wagon ram off oa Hendersoa street, about 4 o'clock yesterday after noon, and at tbe corner of Federal street the ve hicle came ta contact with a post, and tbe driver, named -inn, was thrown out and badly bruised. The committee on Teachers aad SIvrie of the Allegheny School Controller mat last evening to consider the trouble in regard to the elee tion of a teacher named Miss Collins, in the Second ward. Aftsr some discussion the committer concluded it bad no juri'diction in tbe case, an 1 referred it back to tbe Ninth ward school board Yesterday morning Thomas Barrett wa sent to tbe Workhouse for ninety days.

Barret: aerated to daughter of steaiisg soma jewelry ant a her unmercifully. She mada aa id form alio against ber father charging bim with aggravated assault and battery. The Mayor added thirty flays to tbe term oa account of Barrett making threats of vengeance on bis daughter. -Dr. Thornton, a colored man, who profewe- to ba able to euro dicesea by charms, incanta tions and laying on of hands, has been prose rated before tbe Mayor by a Mrs.

Orth, whom he aitr odea for rheumatism. Tbe charge is mad usder an act of assembly which rays "Any person who shall, for gain or lucre, pretend to effect any pnrpose by spells, charm, necromancy or incantations, ahail be giilty of a misdemeanor, and poaiabed with not more Lhn two years im pricoatneat and a fine of not more than $100." Mrs. rth raj? tbat she was induced by the doctor to undergo certain "char ma," eonriiting of prayer and tbe laying on of the band-, and that tbe doctor by theee practices and tbe foretelling of death, caused her great mental aad b'xiily iojary. The ease was beard yesterday, tbe Mayor reserving bis deci-ion. BITVABT, The llemthi stew.

Waa. m. Fallow. On Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock Rev. William S.

Fulton died at hi residence in the East End. Mr. Fulton was ia his twenty-eighth vaar. and was a sea of the late Rev. John U.

Ful ton, of this dty. He was a graduate of Yale College and tbe trnited Presbyterian Theological Seminary. Bis first charge was tba church at Braddocks, where be labored ia the good cause with rreat earn eetn ess. 1 wo moatn ago aa re ceived and accepted a called from tbe Eighth Preenvtenaa Cbareb of this city, and nad sreacnaa one or two sermons waen nis neaJtB iaitea nun. He leaves a widow, a dauahtar of Cantata 4.

w. Batcbelor, ona little son and a large circle of fneads. PkM)tL. CptaiB J. M.

Dushane, of Coandlsrille, is ia tbe dty on a business trip. William Alexander and wife, of Hasdwood, celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their wed- dinv on Wednesday evening at tnetr residence. Tbere were quite a number of relatives and guests in attendance and they had a most enjoy able time. Eleetlwa; a Health Offlcetr. The Allesheny Health Committee met last evening for tba purpose of electing a Health Officer for tba ensuing year.

Mr. Benjamin Waddineton sresided. la etatina tbe object or toe meeting mo wnair- man said Health Officer Harlan bad beam very efficient officer danoe tbe past year. Messrs. James llarian, toe present encum bent, Christ.

Hook and D. T. Johnston were then nominated for Beaitb Officer. Mr. Kibler moved thAt the et mmittee oroeced to aa election.

Tba ballot resulted as follows: iror noec. Messrs. Pannier, Baifetdin, Wettacb, tierber, Booth. Kibler. Keir, Baslett total S.

For Bar- Ima. Mesara. Watson. Sneer. Mohl, Myer, Wad dington total 4.

Mr. Johnston did not receive a vote. Mr. uoot was aeeiarea eiecwu aau oofiCBiittee adjourned. A Pcriessl Ltbwriw Powwow.

Last evening tbe American Personal Liberty League of this city bold a meeting in Turner Hull. Tba folio wm i were announced havine- accented BDOoiutments on the Ex- ecutive Committee: Rolert Lid tell, John Bh Becker, W. C. Friday, A. C.

Robertson, Frank O'Brien, John HiDtey, E. Werthdmer, T. K. Toiler. James Homer.

A. Soalbacb, T. D. Casey. Oo motion it was agreed to extend the number of members of the Committee to Btteea.

An address on tbe encroachments on the rights of tifiuor dcalets was made by A. C. Kiberteoa. Hesfra. Becker, Kennedy ana raiier mp tnwue speeches in which they denounced proninitory measures in aamesearea terms.

A Vicious Hers. Tefterdav Christian Paffeabach. a horse shoeT ia Allegheny, went to tbe atab'e of a well known im merchant to shoe one of his horses, ana upon placing bis band on tba horse's leg tbe animal tamed andseisea aim oy ue arm viw um irae.ii and lacerated bim in a tngDtlui manner. Capt. Bbh.

Bflwibkib. of tba Chicago Fire Patrol, says: St. Jacobs oil is a splendid remedy, Wall Paper. Fan line of nil grades at Wallace's, 74 Wood 9U A Vreat laavrovamiemt. Wa have the nleasore of announcing tba I cessfol addition of our Naw Rwoa, No.

203 Pebb Ave, which will be used exclasivdy for oar Salt aad Wren Deomrtment. With the newly acquired space we shall have greatly improved facilities for displaying our always full and fresh stock of Wraps and suits lor itaaies ana vwiaiw. Jos. HuRKB A Peon avenue. Wail Paper.

Fall line of all grades at Wallace's, 75 Wood St. Hetlro to Coat rate tore and Pin; We have just received by river a boat load of Sewer Pipe, Terra Cotta Goods, Fire Brick and Clay, and can fill orders promptly. The Walker Pine atands at tbe kead in quality, and as parti are desirous of having tbe best goods for tbe toast moB7, they sboald Oall om Laing A McKaUip and leave their order. Wall Papa. Fan tins of all grados at WalW, 76 Wood.

St. near barre aad cf first boys tbe by tba at ing A to ject, of tbe i of oa for VOVSI. PHOJBCT TOU KX-HIBITIJia PIC TURKS. JTatiocal Art Society to Inter-cfaasgo the Works of LediDg ArtiaU in America. There a nroieot an feat at a meat which will Skofy da mora toward dorolopiag a taste ia art matters fa this mty.

and ia fan fa the leading ehiee of tstU ooantry, than anything wbieb has been tried la that respect. Art en hi bitterns haro been triad dm after time ia this dty, aad a general raw tbay hare mat wits bat alight aBonsuagement. Ia fast, they hare geaaraily beam Sat taihmaa ftasAaially aad artirtieally, aai bast artists haa almost soma to tba point of firing Bp art axhibittoas la dan pair. Mr. CbaMes ford, oaa af tba atondard anUtm.

howaror, has project oa hand, which will likely meat wka toeoaas wbieb it desert as. fie has been ia oonfareaea with tba SerrataHea af tba Amerieaa Boetoty of Artists in New York aad Phita-ieiphia, aad tbay bare pro allied hearty oo aparatioa ia marten, Tba plan proposed by Mr. Lioford is to ostablifb art totorobaaga eircait, tba ergeaisfttioB to bo oomposaa oi taa nan arum ta the aoantry. a collection of tba most meritorious picture woald selected from the Now Tork fall exhibition. OoatnotiBe tba works of tba leading Am artists.

This collection wonJd ba token ta torn Boston, Phitodafpb, Baltimore, Cincinnati, Loam. PiUaavgb, Chicago and CtareJaad, aad exhibited at each city for oaa month. If any pietmras ia tba ooIieatieB ware sold whilst going anmnd tba circuit, tbay woeid, of eoarsn, be subject to delirery after the dosing exhibition. oommittee of iadgos will bo appointed, eoei posed of as artist from ansa city rep rases tod ia the etraait, and proper awards for nMrf determined on. AU enbeisms aad doeii-ionsbr this oommitteato ba sabmittad ia writ- ma and onea to all members af tba reaere.

socie ty. It is sgarad tbat there are perhaps tear or fira hundred good artists ia this country, and they wobm all be lsrttea to sea a examples to taa open-lag exhibition wbieb woald be heid ia New Tork. The judging committee then weald make the so lecti'in of sach ptetaras a wara considered of sufficient merit for the exhibition in the oolle) tion. The work of this oammiuse. in ordar tb' tba cabibits sboald bo of a high standard, woald Beceraarily ba of aa exacting nature, aad oftoa give rue to little of opinion.

The plea therefore of having alt decisions recorded in writing woald enable all to sea jast where they have to attain the degree of excellence reoatred, and would aaoestarily stimalat, ths artiita to especial etforta. Ia moTing the pictures mm city to city two snectai oars would bo obar tared and p'aeed under theeaaraie of man. Mr. Linferd statad to the reporter that be recently had a talk with Mr. Oeorge I so mi, ona tba for em oat artists ia the country and a Wading member of the Amerieaa Society of Artists, and ka most heartily favored the scheme ani wonld take all nooecsary sups to farther its coots met km.

Mr. Linford will know in a few days whether tba bail will ba started rolling. A the rueeese of the measure there can ba Bo quettion. and aa for Pittsburgh wa befiere tbat there is saffietoat taste for good art work bora giro tba annual exhibition of tba works of fonr hundred leading artists of Amer ica all the patronage and support required to its peons. Seraral gentlemen who take an iotarast art matters wara spoken to regarding the pro jeet, aad they gare it their oimaahtied endorse mast.

Said one gentleman: "Saab aa exhibition woald create a faroro in all oar leading cities. It wonld enable tba public to sea good art examples and by tbat raise tba standard of pablic taste. riot on ty won. a it create a signer appreciation or pianrcs, eat it woato Bare a tendency to spar oar artists oa ft greater efforts." Several artists ta St. Loais, Cincinnati and Chicago have been corresponded wltb ia regard to tba proposed earenit, and in every eaae they naTasignined tneir willingness to join in the enterprise, considering that it will be to their ad vantage ia tba matter of disposing cf pictures.

At present New York ab sorbs the balk of tba bast art works produced ia this oonntrr and parsons aesthetic testes who mar not live ia the metropolis most fellow tba example of Mahomet and go to taa mountain, snooia toey aorare to see too nigner class of ertie prod actions. Tba interchange cir cuit system, however, will save oaa tba trouble of a trip to wot nam. xne enact of stu-u exhibitions on oar artists will be to greatly improve them by bringing tbem into oonteet aad competition with works ot superior excellence. SlSriaT AM ALLEttlTlOI. Firm MaruwaJ Heraetelem Smyw aera Slaaiae Will Csarae a Matocaost Beforw tata MUlcmtmam i'ma.

Fire Marshal McJPadden has not appeared be fore the public recently. In fact, the public had nearly forgotten tbat then was such an offioer as tba Fire Marshal. Bat be is determined that they shall not forget him. Ia bis annual report taa area ot tne year ibbv, wnicn aa wiu pre eat to Court next Monday, in accordance with the act of Assembly made and provided for this par ticalar case, be will reoemmvod tbat the Pius burah Opera Bouse, the leading place of amuse meat ot tne city, oe closes, oecaose 11 is a regular tinder box. and liable to be burned down at aay time.

The charges that Mr. MsF addon makos these: "Ail under tbat boasa is a regular aeat of sa loons, concert halls, pool rooms and ten-pi; niters. Tbat honee should have aotbing under it- Why, I went into tba room immediately under the eeaa room and I found it pUd full of boards and ether innammable rubbtaa. in tne ntnee called the 'Tivoli Uaidea' tbere are three heaters against partniutts. On ona Visit to ton place round them re Dei tea: the noor.

i asked, oat is tnisr Ob, wa bare had a little This place bad been on fire asd they bad kept it quiet. In the same place (Tivoli) tbere is a beater located righ' at the entrance to tne stage, ucre i aeuoea ta tba wood was all blackened aad charred. I sai to a man in attendance. 'TbU is Tory danger jus. Oh, was the reply; 'we hava a hydrant oat there; we could soon pat tt Mefartner alleged tbat be bad not neon aoie strep for nights on account of th'nking of the da near that people encountered in guisg into tno Opera Honse.

He als alleged that tbere was steam beater enclosed in a wool en box oaca the stage of the Opera House, which was a very dangerous thing, as tba woo i was charred, show-iam that it would eui take tire. Tbe most seri- oua charsrc and tbe one in wbieb the public most interested, war, Taar. osaer aue siia "4mi into tba Opera Boose were two gas jets, aaar tbe wooden joists, wita no snieid eoove mem. One of tbe reporters oi toe taiinAb xkttb took a tear through the property rooms and dark hob of the Opera Bonn last aignt, ne flDmnanied bv tba "eas man ol tba niaea. wanted to see for himself, without any eo asking from Mr.

Sllsler oraBTOne aotbomr. JO found tbat tba allegation tbat tbe wooden box eaeasinsr. the steam heater back ot tba stage charred waa correct. Tbere can be no doubt tbat the wood has been vary near ignition at so time. But alee there can be no doubt that if had isnited tbe fire would have been pat oat nnieklv that it would have wondered what it ever Began tor.

xna means iov vxaiBinuDmg ui most complete. Within oaa minute at tbe furthest mfter the diaooverv of fire on the state or back it or Trader it. aucfa a flood of water oaa ba turned oa by simply turning tbe valves of different pipes, that the whole boose could ba filled with water ia a very short time. Lader the stairway ac tne oaca 01 tue long entrance, was found only ona gas jet. This was located fully three feet Irem any wooa.

ana mwi wm hanging shield wbieb bad very evidently been tbere ever since the gas jet was pat there. Bat even if by any chance tbe wood should become tanned and burn oat, mere woata oo no iutuik cfteet upon tbe steps than to make tbem hot. The etepa themselves are of iron, they rest upon Iron girders, which in turn rest upon solid stone, and tne steps couia not 111 antu tne uuitaiag wm burned down, and soma tons of matter bad fallen apoa them. One of tba most forcible exemplifications of tbe met tbat tba Opera House is considered practically fire proof is given by the insurance men. Tbe Opera House is insured for $40,1100 in several vmnanian at lower rates than are accorded any otber theatre in tba Lai ted States of America.

Thai tremendous ism at the Upera noose last aigbt also gave indication of tbe faot tbat tbe peo ple take HUM SUCK in mr. nceaauen a wkmiu. air. mcraaaen sua nww mwunwi-j ported or else makes a mistake wbea he says aa effort waa made to eoaeaai the alight fire in tba Tivoli Garden. An alarm was sounded for it from box 24.

and tbe tan mbbciai. wazbttb gave extended mention of it oa account of its peculiarity, tbe firemen baring to hunt for fifteen a inutea before they could find what caused tba smoke. FCBL1C wPISIoa. Dr. Tamest to Task.

7b MS Etliton af the Cbmtmerritt Gax- Oe: Some person has sent me a pamphlet entitled "Oar Banner," printed in New York, February, 181. directing my attention to a marked cra- nirmtioa from tbe sen of tbe Rev. A. M. Mil- Hgan, D.

or this city, cm "lbe testimony oi tbe Church." The writer, in a labored aad a very lar.ih, article, endeavors to prove to the world tbat his is tba pure church, aad all tbat have ever acta in it, ana see proper cbbosb -stie relations, are denounced in on in an tod terms. Hut it follow tbat that there is ao salvation in any other denomination than in the Reformed Presbytenaa vonrca v. a a d''s fron it I here most positively eater my feel that I am somewhat rnTruit with tbe polity and doctrine of that church, as I was baptised and raised in the Covenanter Cbareb, and fed that my adopted church ia as icand as tbe one in which I was raised, and if the sending the "Oar Banner" A th. writer area that he WBS included With the three ministers tbat have changed their relations with Dr. MiUinn's ehuach.

ao far as I am eon- it hu not eauaed ma to lose anv sleep. It wonld ba wdl for tbe learned Doctor to give a Maacctiin ta tba matter before he near oat any more of his vials of wrath on tbe beads of bis late colleague, Kevs. Boggs, Bod en and prowl. As to tbe in need that "thcughttal per sons wiD regard with suspicion tnetr pica or oon-ajquM." doubUacs all this suspicion only finds lodfismeBt ia the brain of tbe writer of such retlec- iauM hia termer bretbren. nad tbesa rev- MxiUnncB embraced udaiim or the Church of Rome, me mora terrible anathemas could be heaped upon tbem than ia the article bat ore me.

I will not follow tba article further but will close by calling Dr. attention to tba word of God "alttdgO BOX, IWfc J-t Ei-Rnr0Bafc 0. i people Wb Uts la eiswm Hmbsh vw i.Ma,atA flumtmerfiiti avraiit baramia" ia tba Oi- Mh Is markably modest, ooming from a paper cue of tbe proprietors of which a few years ago into a bargain with certain Democrats to -(T irtt for tcir anoDortof htm as a oaa- didate for Mayor, he, if elected, was to PPn fci.ter Democrat to tne position oi mayor .,.1 tntm-ed into a bargain that for tba Tom aa would, if elected, appoint a oer eerta a person Cnief of Polioa. Consistency's a Vllesbbbt Cttt, April 1 1, 188L. $5e will ba paid any case that Hop Bitters was this alight oaa la, aiso only who la the She girls to his SI and she tba Kwith and to mat at law or out and in tbe the on of Beal Exponent, Added to Onr OR CASH ONLY, the Business.

ai.Mj.aiaa (a a kaadiwj aaa wkat Mjr la. Faa BKST JClkwaS daa taa acaira Cl.lkla( trada. a lt la It a iauad tt akall aa. Oa taa wka, a. wt, a saaatlaa af aaawaj.

n(M It k- tktaaaak aaiac Waa aaatlj aad raaraaV Fat U. ta Maar ktaraaaa aad tt at or tatauaaa trada ay Waakla( fcn arlaal. lka aaaaa way. Bat wa wktwa a. aall attaatliwi aa raHaailhr la a.aaHt-.

It to a. tkk aakarrMaaai, ta qaalit taat aar aaaM aaa rM taki aaaaatac atk aar faallak aaaaak altkar, to kalMta taat ywa kaat wa aaa aad ta aaarra jaa taa laaat wa aaa. yaa aattar, wa akarf. awa lata. Taaa wka akbl kagtaataf wkat jaa ara altar la ta fat ta.

aaat Tkaai akaaHaaaafa Tkaa joa ar aU i a Ka, to aar aaaaa. ket Street, Corner Third A vs. STORES IN 1. onrmwjffooda. WEHATETHKK will PLEASE THE CAEEFIL, other storekeeper, quake with fear.

ARTMENT. Maa'a Katra Ftna laipartal Cka.M, Can ail, TrM, BaaiHk Caaaliaara HalM, wO aa 1.0O,wonkaakla, walck (ar la. kJOTaaeo aad quality af Trlwuaiaj ara Uaa. Haa'a alalia Oaata, Uaad, lilt, n's Department Ckildraa'a aaial Pinlaiia KiMa. la Maa, bnmi, raw-kar ar Hrat aatar, I It.

CkUdrrp'a IHa. tmm Hoita af lmwrt Trtaa, Oataaaa la, wltk atlk rrt, tlfulr aaada aad trlawad, do la Mt, ention to Our Immense Line of TION SUITS! Boys' Fine Drew Bulls la extra laa Warmed, TrW eo, IHaavnat, Ptojue or Berga, haaeaWrtaHv g4 ten up with ellk feeing, 6 ISO tw 10 atU. Boys' Btngte Jackets Boys' 8tngl Paale 74e. Child bang la Pants 29. partment Men1 Cheviot Men's Wovetat Paakt Bwe.

Me Uaaea Cdaaaliirere rnaeatl 88. Men's Oelmave, lMagoaal ar MosVb Cbeviet taaa. ia Beat er dara sfc ism, 81 48 tw88 BO. uits a Specialty 1 TO SELECT FROM. DEPARTMENT.

Bey' Cadet Caaa, 14a. Boys' Serge Caps, Be. Bay' orated Cap. 17. Boye' tiood Boys' Drem Hata, 84.

Boys' Oood Win Beta, die. Childran's Fascy Caaalmere Cap, eerta aaw, Ba Children's Fsaaioaabw Mala, Fancy Beans, awe. ds Department Men's Pulley BuspeadeiB, Sle. Men's Linea Collar. Be.

Men's Paper Collar. 3e per hea. Men's Fine Camlww UaiddkrcAiam, fancy bera era, 4c Boys' Cambric Wsleta, Sic Boys' White Waists, 48a. Bilk Uandkerrhief. Be.

Boye kite and Fancy Shirt a B)ieclalty. Mam's Ftaa Liele Tluead loves 84. Bhawl Bnnke HRTHT Or THE CITT aoiblDg ant flrBalaVMtTnttorB anal FBC'T PIT. to Order $3.40. to Order $12.90.

kaowa Collar, Mr. jaaapa a Orr. Balaa aM atf. aa aaplkauaa ta aay allim, bit iillaaWdtdaal. the Place.

Go 9 BAffiET RD AVENUE. Stores in I I taoda aaaraataad aa laaiaMBl li at aaya' dad to. wa fail to do aa wa aJreraaa. Very BaapactfullA 3JAtg. 6 Iejbsise Storex ia to oiva ''nil Value and Bn tire Satis- Cf rTfclch Our Hons is the PURCHASING Is Bound to do tt la a aaaatiaa af mtmvf aad aathta, 9m vita ara act aara jadraa Ctotataf It.

laa. Sofcoi, aa, raaUj, wVa la aat la qurtfaai ot aoaql aiaaa taal a 1 saka aa aaa. far alaj-aiaa ia a aa Wa to adaiit taat aar aMaiaf r3 ta. raliabla taaa aay ath. ataadllj, yaar la aaa jaat otkan araald aay.

IBay IHET ARE RIGHT, aad tataaa t. tra? a ta. taat low prioa ia aoUiof aalaaa jotaW ta taa j4atag k. ariaaa wita aaaalata raUaallitr aad ita MlowlBg ta trada. Wa ara aat rata aaa wiU aa.

-a atotkiax waaa wa aaaaa ta da ta. VartiUawjoaT trada la axaetlj tbia: WaafcHka aot binnit trada tf, aa wa aiaatioaad aar dotbaa roa aaa aad karaaa ataek atoaay laft arar eloUttag aa 70a raallr raqaira ara tl S. COHE 52, 54, 56, 58 and 60 Mar 5 IMMENSE Below we rItc yon a few price of ALL IS STOCK, and priced which Delight the Economical and make MEN DEP en's Bervioealiie Burt, well made, f2 80, Men1 Cbeviot SulU. 94 90. Men's ltiranal Bulta, ft BO Men Light aad Drab Color Plaid Suit, 9 tWI.

Men' Uray Cafanera rmlta, ta varleaa BO Men's Basket orated Btitta, Bfl 40. Man' Empire Camimere Suits, the ltast graa eat. 97 90. Boys' and Childre Chi Id ran Blue Bleue 3- piece Suit, Me. ChlldieB's L'alea Caaaiaiere ftuita II 40.

Children's Worsted Snits, 1 78. We Desire to Call Special Att CONFIRM A Boys' Goad Suite 81 SB. Boya Worsted Baits. 92 OO. Boys Caaalmere or Cheviot Suits, la light ar dark solera.

B2 to 14 20. Bey Bcotch Cheviot Bolta. handsomely made and trimmed, 88 40 le 9A SO. Boy' Imported Cmalmara tkilta, 84 BO ta t7 80. Pants In Wide orKprtag Bottotna, af whkh we have BOO different atylea.

Men Extra Pine Dree Pants, In lmpormd Oeoda, of Wanted, Baaket Cloth ar Caaa latere, rem 82 80 la t8 Kilt and Sailor 0TEB 500 STYLES HAT AND CAP Men' Good Hata, 3Se. Mea'aeod Light Saxony Wool Hats, 48c Men's For Hata, 78c Men' Coed Miff Hat. 46a. Men's Oood Fur Hata, BBc. Men' Serge Capa, lie.

Men's Baaket Worsted Cane, 18c, Mea's Fine Silk Hata. 81 74. Furnisliing Goo Men Coleaad Cnderahirts, 19a. Men' Bam mar Merino Halrtaer Drawers, 34s. Men's Cbeviot Working Hhirta, IB.

Men's Calico Drem Bhirta, 3 ceUats, 38c. Men Percale Drem Bairta, 3 collar, extra Men1 White Drem Shirt, 3 collar. 44e. Men's Fine White chlrte, linen bosoms, 67. Men's Fancy Figured Batln Tlea, 14eu Men's Fancy Figured Batia Boarb, 34c 260 pattema to atleot from.

Men' Good Suspenders, 8c In onr Cautm DepartmeB. we Trtwacriagmhlek w9 nroposo te OF riTTSBI BGH. We employ rallon, ana A PER All-Wool Pants All-Wool Suits This department 1 under the uperialoa of tha wail ement, samnleB and nwhloa piste aulled tree Don't Forget Sp Cohen 52, 54, 56, 58, 60 CORNER THI 5 Immense fW lr lmi4 aW- 0m-r- folly mfoaded All Ordara by MaU prompUy attan 100 Kaward In every caaa wherein We are, S.COHE 52, 54, 56, 58 60 HarlBt SL, Cor. tSTOoi rrinolplaa of Bvalnaaa ara faction. I aa WdlPaper-i.

avimto-t, 134 Wood! St. Fresh stock; new stv W- choise ealvring1. Billet rve. Milt Satta ctcth and wash at Ora Saw Roow No, 2M, Job Borsb A Co Pena even no. Aeliompmeva SaJe 4 acres en Neville Istoad, to Pentoeost's Auction Roems, oa Friday evening next at 7:30 memaol JacheW tor eurla.

New shapes aad lw pricee. Ot a iv Rook Na. Joe. HoRiis A Co Pena avanua. Ese-eriiait Blavfk PttlBt.

E'egant Black Satin Brocade, Elegant Black Grenadine Suite now open ia Oca Nbw Roow No. Job. Hobkb A Co Penn avenue. Wall Paper-a. atthlas, 134 Wood St.

Great variety of new designs. flcheel JsMrAeta tor 6 tram. New shape and tew prices. Ocm Nsw.Riwa No. $03, Jos.

Ho Ran A Penn avenue. Ta Plavea to Bay cheap stove for $8 60. Goo. W.Stevenson A Bro. tf lofi Liberty BHrlaiK Carmeau for laavatoa.

Op Nbw Roob, No. 203, Jos, Horsb A Penn avenue. snltatlom 9aalail Glows. Jab. M.

Wallacb, 75 Wood St. aiyitaaj Nprtos oat anew few laodfem Are now on exhibition in Uub Nbw Roow No. 20- A Co. Penn avenue. Wall Paper A.

Natter. I aa, 134 Wood St. Large stock: all new nyles. CUT FLOWERS A SPECIALTY oa dl work done at abort notice. Boqoeta, Baakete lower.

Wieattis, CroMCS, ('rtiwoa, Harps, Anchon, tc. Always a Que lot of Cut F.ower on hand. All irdexa nroiuptly aUanted to at WM. a JAS. MTRTXlCirS, Hnrserynifn, Peertfmen and Heriata, 114 Suuthfidd atreet, Fituiu rgh.

MARRIED. RAILr-Y 8BAW Aortl 14th. 1881, by Rev. O. iJillf.ase.9tfd by Bevs.

J. N. Fulun aad J. A- Bal-tey, at the of tbe kride'i parent. No.

12 Allt-ghi-iiy Citv, Mr.J. P. HAIL.ET and UtaallAU ellaW.hotbof Allegheny Ciy, Pa. tRTlN At Harroerstiiie, Jlo HeaoVraon, Mr RuBKKT JOHNsTDN and Mfsa L.J. MARTIN, both of HiieStation, Allegheny coutty.

ra BrOWN HTXSON On Thursday morning. April 21 1881. by hev.M. I SLEPPV. Mr.

(iWtft iKC. HRuWN to Miss KaTIE M. H1XSON. both of Pittsburgh. No cams.

DIED: SrHMTDT-On ThurMlay, April Slot, 1B8T, st 12,30 t. Et tiRNE son of Kuseae ard Luella Jtars, 6 moothi and Ul i-'uneral will take place from 79 James street. Allegheny, i am Friday) AXTSBJiooit at 4 o'clock. Interment private. BAMII.1XN On Thursday.

April 21, 1881, at 7 JoHK HAMILTON. 6J year. Fuaral aerTicea at tha residence, Ne 61 Conerem tiwt, dty, on SxTf Bray, April a 3d, at 3 p.m., after wbuh thn rrmaina will be taken to Allegheny Cemetery for interment. 1-VLTON On Wwlneiday, April 20th, 1881, Kev. Wit I.IAM eT I N.

aired 28 vears. uneral vnrs wnasiiso, irom the IT P. Church, Colli avenue, iaat bud, at ciock. tV- On Wedne-ds, April 2t. 1881, at 1 P.

A DIE, daukhier of Louis and Catherine Good, aged fa. -1 wiomns ana an aajs rnni.fls of the arc rtrctfullv t4itvl to at- tei the funeral 1n tbe resd-Bce ef tbf parenta. No. Marion street, nuaburjb, this APTatnnoo at lot k. t.IB.fK On Wodnesdavmarnine, April 20, 1881, at 3 UO.

at his lae rfidare, Chartiera street. ll I lt (MRS 1 HA Tfin Kneudiof the family are mpect fully Invited to at tend the funeral at aocweir a. nt frnvsTTiGH. Pa. ur Xlu arala urimria- iai a.

0 tors of the gewux OR. McLANE Iiler Pills fc Vermifuge. itiivera ahovlfl always took for uncir oimiatare aa bcie; It ia on fvfr; er vn. ot Tiia rk la fell of tmisationa CI tno name diaerently. bi-t hm-rs flatnrt crnnuiioiauon.

DR. A. HU LEWIS. Dentldt, Mis. 5T PE ATKirim, Bwieed Turn.

FTTESBv BtJH. PA IPtlriJuHN MiCLI H- lJVbKY ASlLF.flTABL?S iraievtfl to 93 inn sieeooei ATrsar, Between Wood nod Market. OarriBftes 10 Fi aerate. 3 Caah. Kuciea, Ptoa aud saddle Ho ffor iig and for apiicJK BP! S.PATTfiN BfyiS.

LIVERY A 3 ALB BT-tllLE, No. 28 Ninth feet and N-aa. 1 it and 914 rum avenue, aua rainwu i titX Eud. Fine i arrisi Parties, Oper3 sjid Hearse aad amaipr for l-uneraia. nuraea and Btijfsiea stt at Limy, The tt ol attentLin furnt-d.

ojcn dy and n'ght. Tae it bio Oy Ttlepbone promptly a'teimfd to OLDEST IXS. CO. IX AH ERICA. ASNKTB, 37.SOa.B3d 2B.

IXS. CO. OF XORTH ASEBICA PHILADELIfUlA. nes AVued and paid by 1 W. I- ad Poarfh aJremste.

Manufacturers and Merchants IXStBAXCE C0HPA5V, o. 7 Wan Street, Ptttaaorsin. ha. FlatK AND MAK1NI IXSCKANCK. CpTTAT 360,000 OO A8KETB January 1, 1881 1,4 17 92 JAHF8 I.

PENN ETT, PreaWrBt-JOiiN W.CH A WANT, Vice PrBalvtont. JAMFS M. KENNY, Beeretary-ACCcn AMMUN. ttooerd Agent. vm 1.HU.

tUnnMt A E. W. PatoUr. John tar rrIm P. Perahlnv.Wm.

Walker. lni.B Wlltui. Wm. (4. Park.

Joe. Walton. W. Itotca- eiev, a. W.

voa UononovBt. aaara w. euaw. DEPARTMENT 3NTo. 1.

Choicest Styles of Wilton, Mo quette and Axminster Carpets. BE TAR TMEN 3xro. a. Choicest Styles of Body Brus sels Carpets. DEPARTMENT JSTo.

O. Choicest Styles of Tapestry Brussels Carpets. DEPARTMENT No. 4. Ingrain Carpets in an endless variety of styles and of all grades.

DEPARTMENT I No. 5. Rag Carpets, Cottage Carpets rand Hemp Carpets. DEPARTMENT NO. 6.

Lignums, Linoleums, Oil Cloths and Mattings. TfiEIM DEPAMINT Ml Upholstery and Lace Curtains. In earh department we can oiler nlra lodnrfmeats, both In varie ty orpatterns and low prices. 33 FIFTH AVENUE. 33 CF INTEREST to HORSE OWNERS THE COMdAUL I CAUSTIC BALSAM it! a ali if and relli Tfttrinar rerilfls i-ver ills- It Ik flat'', appi-Hy, and relUblp it effect, anil nahk-roilucetj man- tbon- itMirttif ran, mall cai-e laoiepfF.

ana ro remov- InK nuncnea tUrnnifttiona. Bltlri di-aw and bad aorra falLi. Suraee all ti nrlha. ar linluicnta. tad never have any cr.

niousaiMll atlfy if tt prat value. We fnana, 7m that one laMepoontiit ot Cane nr. naium wi 11 nndii' roorr actual resnlta than a whole bottle (f any liniment mta, or nt chtrs pd. by LA bj drug WILLIAMS leveiana. gar1 None genuine without our Bijjoature yu lalMl maxiaSBTW adV a ia 1 f.

itM anra. tea. -4aT aad -Tl taraafciatwaiaartat harg AtUfffeaay rit ara aaa Mnwt with taafcr ay 7 oMk la taa BMtraiBf win Dim lanlMi aadraaa at tW aaaatiag ream aad It aula. ir ia aiW a arta few J. Matfear, riaa Eiiter la Ft sirwmm, Mf aim to aaad a taaaty aaaaa- alHtataa mk karaaaaa ava la taa MaaoagaMv aad Okie rfran.

Tie, an te Be am at the enaetae; diaaar at taa leelkjepeagm aaaw eiea. alattaaantmai. Taa ABagbea. Market Geaneittee kaU I aaaaa. teat ereaiBe: t.

uaaw Market Caa. etefcaaead Mar hat gaeaaar, waa area, ka total at the BMetra af taa aeanittae saxt Mr. Ed. raUHaa preeided. Joaa Moreer laaeai.atad for Market Oeaataele without ep- eeetttea, aad Taaaaa Sejer wat eneiiaald tar MarkM Baaayaj.

te I Taa aKearpert Tim taiato that if aa laraa-Mcalioa ia Bade it witl aiabablj aa tatted taat Jake Caia, we. lad aadoaaly Wadaeede. avm-tar wa etriaaaed. It ia allied teat Cale kaew eeeat eaae aarrtarUa that raaaatir aii ia taa waa, aad waa warklaa ta arieg taa aargler ta jeattoe, aa4 teey warBiec af taa fact kiiled ate, ar fttfl aiaa aofaoa taa aaar aa drtafclaf ai team aa T.eedar ereaiac. Aa wm aa am.

Tee riaawee Committee of the Central Board of HMtflMi met last tmiDf. with Mr. UflC.M 1. the eeair. The mcMisf wot bid for tb irarpoM asMUertsg th yromicty of pajiac Waek foUof UM Tkirty fovrtit wvri for 385.

AfUr nM da4wio it tu dtMidad to raeamfd tlw iwCf twttrutfar tita mmmm. nnoCion ttteCkfttrBaa NMtrastod to mm whit ru of totomt tmid to) Meart. tb porti to fcfc. ertxlU tfar BNt. to tk Dumomd A ekTd mam nmmod Bmmrj Titorotott.

tmA whlto tow mm. Ttwnaa Jam var bfora Mbvot PtMvraea TMUrd.r. oa atarn of dMsaor ar(rrW tr Frt. A. Orta.

Tito gsttoa wm tbftt TkantM ekltod es Orth'i wife mm prUaJd to NiMtoMNbffMrtonitU! axMaia of iscMttettoas, aa4 Jaha was altofad to fcava aaaaMaed TfaoratoB to ua nek voataa Atar a Baariag J-vba was u4 Tsoratos wm rataaaad oa als oat rarffBtoma. TW Mayor withbald all daoUioa fax a Taantoa wai ooacarnad. Frto Rl'jftfa Ktlr. af JeSaraon eexratr, wwoafora I'aitod Statat Ccaaaiatioaar MeCaadtoa. yaitor- day om aeaarga of forgiat papon to proeara a Haaloa.

Ba etaiaM to aava tan woaaoaa ai Haw Bopa Caareb, Oaorvta, while bo waa a man bar of Coaipasy 'C" Broty-ixth Penntytraaia Toiwtoon. was aaM ia yz.avv ui lor oaan. Sarab E. MeDowatl, draxbter of oho and Mar Lor, wm vattardaT bald ia bail for opart by CoBaBtoaioBor OanUa. to attawar a ebarga of aaltaawa wita bar lauor and motaar in an at- tasfit to obtain a poBiioa by Iraad i mtm wir.

A womas waawd Mrs. Loonard Comptoa as-paarad btrfora Aldormaa Bradlay ia tba Kart Eod aoan dayi ago aad broagbt rait against bar had-band, Walter Comptoa, for doaortion. Bbo altogad that as April fret aba earn fcara from WiUiams-pert wltb bor baabaad asd fatbor-ia-taw aad that tbay nfrofad in baainan to tba Kaat End. Short-ty aftar tboir Brri'raJ bar boabaad diiavppaavrad, and bia fatbar inform bar ba bad givaa bia aoa 10 aad icat kim oat Wma. Hoariag that a man asiwanng Comptoa'i dMeriptoa waa ia Kittaa-aing Aldarmaa Bradley aad bia ooaatabla ruitei that ptaeo oa Wodaoaday aad found Contpta, wbo waa amatod.

brought back aad eoatmittod far a baariag. ari win 9rd 8bmidt, Pra-idoat of tba AUerbaar Ooaaty Liqoor DeaJara Aaaaeiation, ealiod a Mayor Lyoa yaatorday. togethar with other mam -bar of tba Aiaociatioa, aad aabod fits Honor if ba maaai to eaforea tba old Sunday law of 1794. aa woil mm tba liquor law. Pruideot bohmidt raport tba Mayor aa aajiag tbat bo would on- foroa all Saaday tawa, which wonld iatorf aro with.

tba aporaUoaa of ftraot oars, at earn oars, aewa-aapara aad atbar aaatarpriaat. Aa affart was mada to taa tba Mayor tact Bight, bat bo eoaid mot bo foaad by oar raawrtor. Oneral Poaraon waa aaaatiooad ia ra-gard to tba aaforoomaat af tba Saaday tow, aad rapltod tbat tba Mayor woahl try to onforsa tba law iBformatkma wara mada. bat ba did aot tbiak ha woald aaa thapoiioafor aay soch pur-saaa. Aa to tba ardar dosing tba saloons oa Saaday, the litjBor maa wonld bo giraa to onderstaod thai tfea Mayor means basin aas, and that tba order wonld ba earriod oat to the lector.

Tba Lvqaor Daaiara Acdoototioa bare bean notified by tba offiears tbat tbay sboald keep their saloons alosad from IS o'clock oa Satarday nighu till Moaday moraine; Tata Tawapwf are Araay. Last aigbt Mr. L. Boyar bald aa totoraatiBg meeting of the Saaday Sefaool Temperanoe Army b. tba Sigataaatb Street M.

P. Charoh, Sooth Side. After abort reeitatioBS and seroral saags by tba yeaag aotaataara of tba army, Rot. J. H.

Uartmaa, of fan Foartb Areaae Baptist Chans h. abowed tba importance of tba work among the oKUdren. Taa years from now many of tba aadi-eatee would ba am aad womaa, and woald be needed to take tba plaoas of older oaas la tba work af patting down tba ram trains. Taa Speaker eoneiaded bis ramirka with a Tory pleasing aad forcible teetore to tba ehiktrea oa tba spider, eoatrastinc the bear aa loons with tba spider's web. Mr.

Nathan Joans, SaperiBteBdeat, said tbat Saaday schools had bean toaehisg temperance for years, bat Mr. Boyer'i plea plaoed tba children ia the army aad gara tbesa their part af tba grant work to do. Ba endorsed tba ehildreB's work aad woald give it all tba eneooregement aad asustaaoe ia bia power. Bar. Wnrf followed ia a brief talk.

wkaa taa exercises were closed by the A lien town bom siaanng, "L-osna Shtb taa Fledge, Boys." mootiBg of tba army will ba bald to-night ia tba Ten persBorrilie P. Cbareb. adoreesed by Bast. lr. swift aaa sum a IABEAW laCAPB.

A Bavdy toCmkam few av a riawslAa. Oa Wednesday evening Mrs. Lottie W. Tbomp-aon, of Eaat Liverpool, Ohio, who was im tba eity vuitiag bar father, W. H.

Kversen, went oat in a bwggy to visit bar brother, John Kvarson, who lesidesat BeMefiefcL Oa their way back she was atopped at Craig street by a maa with a shotgun. Bar yoaag brother Malcolm, who was driving Mrs. bout peon, bene me frightened at the sudden appearance of the mum aad gun aad urged the boras neat taa nartr. A load af huokshet was then fired after the baggy and tba ebarga passed within a lew lncbee oi tne Ledv a need. Aa exivlaaatioa of tba shooting ia offerel im tba fact tbat tba reaidence of Mr.

A. Wilson, em Craia; straot, had been burglarised a few minutes afore, and $309 worth of jewelry and silverware stolen. L'poa being apprised of tne robbery Mr. Wilson picked up a shotgun aad ran oat seeking for tba burglars. At tbat time the buggy was moving, and thinking tbat it contained the burglars ba attempted to atop it, and failing.

banged away at taa occupants. KABBEB AT ladVJST. A Trwmwla Last night Detective Geary hauled ia Edward A dams, alias fid ward Daniels, aa old confidence maa who has been operntiag with considerable auuusss to tba vicinity of I aion Depot. Last vwatoST Detective Geary, who has been on Adams trail for thru days, noticed him go tote tba depot aad stt down beside om elderly mam named Kaaier from Manor station. After talking together tbay both got up aad walked down Lib-arty street with Geary bringing up the roar.

Whom they reached tba Seventh Avenue Hotel Adams went into the hotel and the stranger waited at tba door. ran apto Ranier and toiling bim be waa aa officer askoi him to jrive Adam any money ight ask for and that it would be ail rin-ht. Ranier. however, when bis suspicions wara aroused thought that Oeary was trying to 1 pat np a yob oa bim. deary walked off some dislBBtra aad the confidence maa walked out with a largo rohetbeok to his band and asked Riaier to give ntm soma money om -tt-awt iWv aasDwed an aad arrested bim.

Oa tba way to taa lock-up Adams triad to get rid aa tk natnti of hie Bookotbook. bat Geary thwarted him. Ia the book ware found a oaa hundred dollar Confederate bill, a aback for am tba Exchange National Bank of this eity aad rah. tar al.e4u oa a New York bank. Adams, or Daniels an be calls himself, is an elderly maa with a gray beard.

Ha wears a ping hat sometimes and far oap or round bat at otber times. Several parties who have been btoi by him will he on hand to testuy against nun. 1HI UrOBlTlwM ftOClCi-T, MtlMK of tea OlvtoiArramtTtma; am rrwsmli Yesterday afternoon the directors of the Pitts-hargb fixpositiom Society bold a meeting at their nanioB Wood street. Tba manager waa directed aB plana and take bids for tba eonstruction af a saw buHdiag oaa hundred feet by two hundred feet in sice, to ba connected with Machinery Hall. sunpHod with steam power, aad to ba used fa, il, of the State Pair.

Tba directors Atbrgtl.SMia Dremiaras for speed, m.i for eat flower pramJams. Six dan of tba last three weeks will ba sat aside tor the floral eon tests. Tba combined premiums to be offered at tba exhibition by tba Exposition aad the State a 1 twat an BU0.5M. wteries McComkey aad Seimr, of the Pean-svlvaaia State Fair Society, were present at the meeting nmd reported tbat tbay had maaeoa and wbea tba Kxpositioa Som- ty adds its porttom it will ba printed aad giraa to the public. The loUowisg latter waa read: R.LLVL-L March 23.

1831, To rVeatrfea. Vcfa-r and Meutajtst tk Pitttbnryk Yoar baaatifoj tostlmoaial was delivered ta ma yesterday by K. P. Voaag, Bsq. I snail never her the Dleasaat aasociations of the past years, aad the many kind attentions I have mA uvaors have been pleasant.

oo not forget tbat tbay wara largely made so hj your always generous enorxs amw Oaattomaa, I will ever cherish year gift as m9mal Of taa years wa worsea tugei-o-r i a af iw which had beam a failu Tba gift Hseif not mora valued than tba kind words af irjwpathy engraved om it. Thankinr won one and ail for this handsome testimonial. I wma the Pittsburgh Exposition Society a God anaed and Beary aimea aa obedient servant. William Miller. .4..

ta. lettm was received aad filed and be piixted la tba report lb yet as awr Lin a tba tba ba to St. A of to to ru in TO Fifth Avenue, Piltsbiireh. FLEIUNG 0 GLEYEE, i hatters inni 1 FURRIERS. 1001 SPRING PRICE LIST: GENTLEMEN'S DEPARTMENT.

In eddtttoTt to oni1 remlar line of IMnlapXtetaon tinti raoncv. we rail acui-on ixir iiDmenae ol Soft auri SjIH Hata. oi tbe Latest Fashion and elearantly trtBmftl ux Uetby au styles and sues, w- oo, ja 7a, Fur Soft Fata, all atylea aad dsea, $1 60, 32 SO. i 76. 43.

Best Saxony Soft Hata. Silk Trimmed, $1, $1 60 l- ilk Drew Hda, $4. f. extra fine $7. Black and Pearl Caaiinieiea, bert 911a it y.

$5. rtmh irrmuetleaitdTravelin Hata. 32. 41 BuWh-r Coat, all siaes and to great variety, S3, fit. rooreima, to pieaav erwryoony, irwr ttyc wf 1 iTareans cava, in creat varuty, irom oue.

60. Boys- and CnHdren's Department We have the lanred and handsomest disolsycf I Hots and t'niMrvn's Mat fver snown in ine i dhto Stale, cotnpriaing over 1M different style, and at prli-ea bt-vend cow petition, Ron' and ChUdren'a Stiff Hats, $1, $1 36, $1 50, i rsoya ana v.niiureuB nun am, outa, jov, 2S. 41 iU. Childrt-D's Fancy Hats and Turbans, fiOe, 75c, $1, 25, 1 RO. Uiimrvn ar oe.

i i ai.ei Cbiltlren a Straw Hata. 31 25.31 60, $1 75, $2. SPECIALTIES. Larries' Riding Hals best oiiali'V, 3fl. Ladi' 50, 35.

Ladlts' Walking Hate and bilk Umbrella. ttt irtick as lenreeented. and ne Ded feel under obligation to puicbaae after ex- "P.B0'" v.evm-E-n Fleming Oglevee, HATTERS AND FURBIERS, 29 Fifth Avenue. 29 MONDAY, APRIL 18, On week only of Emma ABBOTT. Grand Opera at Theatrical Price.

FRIDAY A BBvsta mmt aitaearaBM tn Ceanle Opera Auber a ajtarkling wore. "FRA DIAVOLO." Abbott, UsuieL Stoddard, Jamas and Cestle. taluiday Abbott Mailaveev -RX MEO AN ULIET." Atrtxrtt and Caetle as Romeo and Juliet. PATUBTAY NIGHT Comte Ooera "MERRY WIVPSOF WINRW'R," Julie Roe aid and enUre I Company- Monday, April 26, 1881, Mitchell's I rleasur rarty in uuruooiins. apxt UBUBI HALL PRINCETON fOLI JT.E IIrI.IJi.lrK' PRINCtrON COLL bob: GLEE CLUB CONCERT IXLH lllMl tltl GLfcK CLCB CONCERT! On SATURDAY EYENING, April 28, at 8 o'clock.

I Tickets and 81. No extra charge tor re i iei eata. For aale at box office of Library HalL a in nra i wri avjaLlBBAKT UABNCK0SS' MINSTRELSa MONTAY, APRIL 25, 18S1. BIX NK1HTS ONLY AND SATURDAY MATT NOT. CARNCROSS' MINSTRELS, The Star Troupe of the World.

Organized In IStta. From their Eleventh Street Opera House, Phil. The Oldest natahtiabed and Moat Successful Enter. taiatiieni in r.xisience. I 'nder the Personal Directions of Mr.

John I. C'arneroaa, who will (ring each evening. The coLupioy will appear In their Original DDK, aa penonucu oi im ui uunug uic juut a t'tuiaaeipniai io erowiei nuuw. BCENES IN OUR MARKETS. 8 M.

THE COLORED LETTER CARRIKRS. OUR AMERICAN TEAM. ALL HALLOWEEN. And presenting for the tir.t time our own imported HAka BAHSViRD. aa CALM 1 or, THEFATKOF ACROtilJrJTTB.

The le of BeTTed Heata beaiei this morniog at and will be comlniied eaw dav Irom to J. and from 1 6 p. at at kappe-'s Miitnc store. 70 Fifth jTNO ADVANCE IN PRICES apTVcS VrariFf ATEUI a.Yl'Sl.-Jt.- Aprll 26th. 28tn and 20uh, PROF.

RICHARD A. The F.minent Kt.flih astronomer, retumlnir toLnn- dnn froia Anatralia, will give three lectures at the l-ittn Avenue i.ytenni. as loiiows: April 23 'TUB BIRTH TJEATH OF WORLDS" April 28 'THE SUN AND 13 FELLOW BUNS, I Anril 2 "THE A DEAD WORLD." All htue lectures Illustrated by mtana of the Oxy- I hvdrugefi lantern. Cf ur tii kera, with rvserred eat8, Bl.Mf; slrfle served seat ticket 75c; geneial ad- 1 lniaiun 5tc. Ttrkfte rn aale at A.

C. Hunker 'a. cor. I Fifth ave. A Wood Rl.

Wedneaday, Arrri' 211. ap1.hW I gPBJNG TIME HAS COME. Trade jonr Old Haraeaa fbr Hew Onea, te GEO. W. ACHE.

mh9 114 T.TRFTtTY PTRFT7T. P1tbhTiTTi. AUCTION SALKS. GREAT AUCTION SALE OF 100 1-4 ACRE LOTS At Station, Beaver On the Use ef the Pittsburgh and Lake Erie X. I On Monday, Hay 9 at O'eleek, On the anival of the train from pittsborgh.

Ttila nrftnartv nromlm to be one of th anots amiftfit after on the line of the Pittsbarfch A iurie R. 60 minutes' ride from Pittitmrgh brings you to tbe I proterty. A viiendid lnduceineut la onereu to oast Free train wiU leave the Pit'aburvh and Lake Erie 1 Dei 1 mt '2S r. ar. t.B the da of I TERMS Of RAI.E One-third cash on deliverv of I deed, balance tn 1 'z and 3 ears, aecu red tv ana I mortgage on ine preimara.


Pittsburgh Window Glass. ENAMELED, EMBOeHED ARD COLORED OLAS. tu ana pea ana ateea, cut to oraer on anon aai Fetlmatm Furniaiied. No. 43 Wood Street Thursday, March loth, irVea Want Any BODY BRUSSELS CARPETS, INGRAIN CARPETS, Tapestry Brussels Carpets, VELVET CARPETS AND RUGS, Or any kind Carpet, Pleaae look at the Hew UowdU Opraral tataaa hj w.

mcfarland So. 101 FIFTH AVENUE. HANTEL III nun mn aillLI, at kaa dVaT.dHlr,ai aad aatfcaMaaBia.aad at towwj orlata. SLATE ROOFINdf- A good asa Boaf poA ea almoat mfinn 6wn aa-Ma draaal tha CHintu a AHCHOE AIKEN roB. UBERTT AMD 1181.

STSV, rjieKUBawairWjaws will sot cure or help. Doom aot. giety..

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