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New-York Tribune from New York, New York • Page 5

New-York Tribunei
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

BASEBALL UNDER COVER. A GAME IX THE SEVENTH REGIMEXT AR VORY BEGINXING A CHAMPIONSHIP SF.MES-COMPANT A DF.FBATS COMPANY D. Tbe flrst effort at Indoor ln New-York City araa made at the 7th Reglment artnory hvst nlght. Tbe venture wlll undouMedly paaaj snwessful here as lt has ln Chlcago, if the game ls propeily ronrlucted. Six Innlngs were played ln tbe game hst ntpht.

and some of the mado have seldorn been aurpassed on the green dlamond tleld. and the evoked loud applwe tTOm thc The armory auftlrlently large for the purpose In? tended. and the only draaback to night's game was the llpht. which was rather defeetlve. An addi tlonal strong electrie light or two would remedy this defoet.

The games wlll eonslst of aeven lunings prorlded that number of innlng. ran be played ln the time allowance, two hours and a half. Last nlgbfs game between tlie Company A and Company teoms, and resulled ln thc eastest of vlc terles for tlie former team. The defented team mlgsed tbe Bervlces of several of beat plnyers, and lt wlll do better work before the closc ol the championsldp sraaon. Company Dr battery work was poor.

the ln dtfferent pltrhing and catchlng rountlng largely ln favor of tlie Company A team. Same exeellent plays wcre made. and tlie spectators were qulck to reiognize and npplaud. Palmenberg made the lilt of tbe pame in the flfth innlnjc. drlvinp the ball tnto thc gnJlerv at thc lower end of the build ing.

A elever doublc play by May and Fralscf ta the axth innlng waa loualy applaurted. Cnmmlngs made a wonttorful runnlng cabrh and Ihmw in the last mnlng whleh was never surpa.sed by "Mlk-" Dorgan ln hla palmlwt days. He eompicted a double play. tvood olso a elever llue cutch ln the lifth innlng. Palmenbem pltehed well.

and he was superbly snpported by Rooney. CompanT A went flr-t to the bat. and by elever hattlDg and good basemnning three run-. Rooney hit safelv, stole serond and thlrd, and scored on a ball. Wood and Morgan each hit safelv.

and wlld throws by Holllday and May allowed both runners to get over the home plate. Tben the Company nlne, in natty BattB of dark blne. went to tbe bat and alBipd to pet two men around the Not a sale hit was made. Fraker got tlrst on an eircr by Baldwin.

and then cleverty Ba 8886881 BBd third. May stru.k out. arnl ih the same but llooncy mulf-d the bm. 'milnifthe Companv men tabulated -88-8088! COMPANY A. I a lbltfl I 1888 I I jb 1 1 0 1 Wood.

2b. 3 vM-rav .10 1 8 6 VJ'iS roBBaaay A. 0 0 A HO bv S-olen A 12. i l.n.ll,. and r-a-M-d 1, May J- tn.pir.

r. Tim baara. N. V. A.


0ta6 thc icason laat eveataa at thc nui-bouie, ftft.v-OfU.-sl. Thc wlnaef. of the varlou. lh- rhhTt and tbe def-a-ed ab.laBaated a.Rb ikflJ a bc hf thc ba kaTltad a BBta Ibo aBaaad and ,,.,,1 bVc tlab, a afcfl la iaaiari Mra aar haad a ootaaj aad the Man aoal ba rbaaea to eaaaaata for two aaar-raaa-d aaaa b1 tba Unaary baaaa. Keal -nd ol Ibo B-rao tournaments twa ajvrr eua.

afll b- pre-eated, aaa a th.aa having aaa aunbrl baarta gariag the tneniamcnU. and ii. Bm aaaa taaaMarad -bo baa baaaa brought out III 111" TBert wooa aaawB 868 paraaaa geaaaal aad the avoalag OatiralaamB aaa aaaaaalll pooxl. ii, Nri baav baataai atigbte, aaa BeOaaaB Fr.d Kl A. si'il M- Hurlv.e',1, A.

A. Bi.l tii aoa bar HoHwetl. Tbo aeeaad baat, aanl oa Baafba, a eoatea Braeh in aeleaBBo obaa Iba tlrst one. was i T. Marpby.

B. a. T. Baoay, A. a.

C. F-kj laaghl and bad the orta a the audience. Matahy aaa ux, BMch for him. and thc oaataat Ui rd ioi.t>t. class.

Ixtween gobaaeraa P. and Ja('k a. a gaad r-Wbttlaa resulvd a vi.torv for tollin' arBa faaBbt II and was lo-idiy Thc aaaaaa bearaea Daarad a the Jn.h gacaal Club, and Tom Tl.ompson. of the Kast illva: A and rciilted in a victory for Thonp-on. The B886 OOBOea wa, John M.

Tlerney, D. T. A. OBd lohn Altkins. of the A.

but tho dreid.d it a put-up the men after thc Bist ro'ind anJ ordeied then. abo ObBB'? Mulllns, W. S. A. and llal.y.

of th A. C. HOp.und leather*. aaN ln the next ll waa araa afta a alBoky agbl Muiiin, The next 0088806 was BOBW.OB Mulbn, W. B.

A. C. and Jack McMahon. W. A.

and was won by MiLon, Thi was betwoon .1. fcweeney. BBBBBnll A. t'-. und J.

SUnton. Amnicm. A Sw.enev was 888)08 the loi.klnc man of the and eaaaaaa as ba was gsoag hase it au his way. but afier a IgB-W Stonton ca.i.e oif vic Ba next BOtaaaa Joseph llarmon, P. A.

Honry H. Estaa Baa A. light BB8JM0, 135 pounds. It wns won by Harmon. U.e ottlcials wcre thail-s OoaOBv, 88000; B.

Willlaioa BBd J. W. Motlcy, judges Sarr.u.l 1). Me, tlmc kfPDer- I. H.

J' M' Tdward W. Keamey. W. A. Thon.aa, and George K.

Brlggs, boxlns commlttee. WORK OF TIIF. AMATKCIt ATHI.KTIC UNION. Tbe 11-Athletic Union held a BB? ndeu meet-ng BoB 8808B-BJ at. the Iterkeky Athl.ti, Club ln Fortv-fourth-st.

Some BBBaBOBO was Baaaartrd, a 8BBB-B. of OB-kBK atBBB w.rc adn.itusl BM BBlaa. boms n.xorda wer. a-cepti-d. ar.d BOaM athl.600 tnm thc union for profesalonallsm were reinsUfd.

sMBJ olBBB admitted were the SUndard Athletic CMb. Sni Bo-t (Tub. thc BBOVl OmW AthKtlc Pllheld lllcycle C.u.? Bjtf th- Union Athl-Uc Otab Auax.g aa oBbooao iBBataOad were a. b. Baaaa Bd, la.

W. J. Foley. MBBV -BBaa Murphy. L.

A. C. Kclly, Charles C. W., Wa.ter Kcda an.l BavonlM- Bb .88668 for IBBBBBS bop, step aud Baaaa, WBB 88888888.

Wendell record of -'00 yards In 20 HARVAP.l) MKN AHK JUBII.ANT. H.rNard men are aa dellpl.ud 8881 thc vietory that thc Harvard football team BBB Yale at BprlnrBeld Novcmber 22. that W.ey 888 888-888 of BOaBBj-it member of Uhe vlctorlous elevc, a laaaai cup. tapuis Oaoaiib laa Daaa arfll baaa cup- Uiat noU-worUiy desipis commemora Bve af their work on the trtim and ln the great name. The alumnl of thls clty are lnterested ln the affalr.

The of the wlll the team a dlnner to eelebrate vlctory. CTAMBOIX TROTS A FAHT Stoekton, Nov. tiottcd a mlle la 2:11 to-day. A FOOTBALL fiAME AT PHILADELPIMA. Phlladelphla, Nov.

2U rame Of ftxitball playwd here to-day on the (icrmaiitowii CTleket Club preunds, at Manheim, between ihe Phihi delphia and Btt6868-6aM aBj-O-. the latier wlnnlng it by the srorv of lrt to 0. and belling ntn hlgh. Thc miiiimum lltnlt of the wclglit wa. at 170 poiuids, sornc big men wore Chlefainong tiie old football plavers were lVace Printeton: Coxe, of Yale, and Hateblaaaa.

ad Har o-ard. 8 laughabh- oeotaat, ln whleh broke a ball bv on it, every nian on elther atde took a BBOBBle Tiie vaimuished wlll give the victors a laafayette Ptaee ai.d flne.t ln thU Vaporroon, doubled in lize. AU other parta fanewed aad redecorated. 6 STILL FLAYING FOOTBALL. YALE FRESHMEN BEATEN AT CAMBRIDCE.

BARVARD'8 FRESHMAN ELEVEN THE VICT0R8 BY THE SCORE OF 14 TO 4. Cambrldge, Nov. 20 fl.OOO persons watchcd tlie gamo between the Harvard uiid Yalo freahmen football elevcna here tlila afternoon, which resulted ln a victory for Harvard by the score of 14 to 4. llarvard'K team lncluded five men who hnd been promlnent randldates for the unlverslty eleven, among them Newell and Corbett, who played In the Springtleld game. Haa and Lewis, ol tlio Yalo team, also played at Sprlngfleld.

It liad been said that Ihe latter team wns better than any otlier fresh man eleven that Yale has tiirned out ln 8888881 yeura. They wore, however, unable to realst wlth any success tho ngjrresslve playing of Harvard. The Yale ends in.irv than a mat.h for their opponents, did much lo koep Ilarvai. back. Hurvard'a rush lln.

was remnrl.ably heavy, averaglng sevcral pounds more than the miiverslty rush lme. A brilllant run by Bliss Yalo her only acore. The teania llned np as follows Pi end.Cocliranc Khea.I^ft UrKif. tt guard.I.cwia I tacklo.Vaii Huyik Waters Ca-ot Shfrttin ll.iir-iwtk batk.Novet Harvard put the baJl in play and gained twenty yards wlth the Kherwln and Orbetl also iaine-l, but Yale got the ball. and it was mx.h at 25 yard llne.

Harvard prompMy forcei tlie ball Into Yale's terrltory, wlieie it remained for ha'f an hour. Yalo made only a small gain, and oblige.1 to kich often. Sherwln's lame le. forred hlm to leave the fleld. and took his place.

Yale played the crlss-crtHs" with llttl" effect; but Bliss. after many ineffectnal nttempts. flnally got Hanarri's I end. Corbett tried in valn to stop liiin. but, after a magniiicent nin, Bliss was flnally "downod" at llarvai-d's 10-yard llne.

The small band of Yale's cheered frantically, afid after two or three sh.nt raabea MeCanakB teored a Yale. Bttaa failed to kiok iho pal. as t'mo was ealled. Jn the second half Yale failed to pain on the Naraa and exehaaejpB kieks. The Yale fuml.led tho aad Harvard it at Yale's lOyanl llne.

Corbett ca.ried tho ball ovor for a aft'T laaa than ten play; no goal. Yale lost tlie ball almost immcdiately, and nftcrward Corbett klcked a goal from UM Held, it was not allowed and the ball went to Yale. The sphere swayod a.1Ki ln Vale's tenitory. and tho playing be eame rather rarole-s. A BM of Corbott's was rtOpaed and tho ball was for a inoiiiciit Ioyond the contre.

l.i.t was soon forred to Yale's thirty yard llne. VUa played pl.i. Rilv and forroil Iho ball pradually back, bat Harvard it, A good bj (orliett. bv skllful liiteifercnre. gained llfteen yards.

antl NewHI niade l.down. after uboi.t a l.a hom's ptoy. corbett kieked IBa pmi. The mt ol Se bmm Plajred la tbe twiiipht, Harrard aforing touchdown. from wMrli DO -na aaa klrkP.1 Tho gam? was rnilrely free fn.m rniighness Onlv Harrard man aod two Yai men left tield.

aai injiiries were BUaa was unable to lar pane out. For llve- years ln aaceeaaloii tlie lar vaifl freshmen have the V.tle at foot? ball. THE IfATAL CADETS VirTORIOUS. WEST POI.VT'S F.LEVEX DEFFiATED BY AN'VAB OLIS BY THE 8COKE OF TO 0.

West Polnt. Nov. 29 West Polnt and Anuapelis tadets played a af football Here. lo-dav, tho Navy el-veii wi.inlng lt by a srnre of '24 to o. At fl m.

i.iv.ut Bpeataiora enrwBei around t'ie rofaa encloslng the football held. After a short over Hire bv the post baud, tho two mado thelr np aean-ee on the fleld au.ld yells of I r. s. M. A.f and "Ha! hal hal Ul ho! hu! II.

S. N. boom. phsi, ah nave At 2 :30 the pame was ealled. The Navy got the an.l took tha north goal, with tfee ball lu thoir rossession.

fhe Navy led off with a Uick, and IBa aaO laptaiai hy Polnt. Um ncrim nmge tho ball was to Timber BdH, WBO rarriod it forty yai-ds down the licld toward the Navy's girfil. Then Michiel Biaaaeei the tpn bui by a bad fumble the Army lost lt. and baek down tlio fleld. Emerirh made a Uck, which returned.

and the Navy seemod to pressed l-iixl when Emerlch apaln pot the ball. and wlth a flne run down tire fleld it close up to the Armv'B goal. eame a short. but sharp strugglo Eniealfh in farrymp the ball over tbe llne, sen.ring for the Navy. Xo poal.

Tho Army team agaln had the ball. but soon lort II to tho Navv. who scered a second toiithdown. West Polnt again led out with a klck. whith was returr.ed, and the ball was captured ln 8 free caU by the Army.

lnstead of puntliig the ball. Uie oeutre put lt on the ground to kick off. That brought the ball immedi atelv into pround, shortlv BfUt-ard currying tho leatlier sphere over the lintt aud securing a third tow.lidown for the Navy. Then the Navy playol sharply. and ln a time Bwnlib Blekei the ball ovcr Into tlie Army's back ln tho kiekf.ff West Polnt trled the gridlrou." and pilncd ten yai-ds.

Timberlake pushed forward aad aalaed another ten yards. Prince made a gallant twfiitv-tivc-vard charpc down tho Hn bnnging "dantrerou -Iy near tlio Navy's BM. Tho baaa la Bru ahoated themselrea hiaiive. aai to no j.nipo short iy aftarwara tlio flr4 ba-lf was ralled witli the score 12 to 0 ln favor of 'The'st-t'ond ball waa moro hotly than tho lirst The Armv a. ain triod tbe grldiron." but galnod no protinl Tba Barj elevea soon pot another tourh rtt.wn.

from wbkh was bv Emorich. Tho tiua.1 si-oro wa LanapoUs, Cl: West I'olnt. 0. Tha rt'-i tii" tta ii arhsd by atroag blocklng, with tho in West Polnt's end of tho This was A'f- i'o'iil's flrst pamo of football. An napolis has had more experieoea.

Oae of tho features of tho pn.i- was tho lignaUhg for tho various Hfi-e'- tlie a "li'ir," "Column of com panles," "Real vour ikynll." A bop this evening in honor of tlio eWaed tho day at tho Polnt, aud to morrow the Annapolis adets will return to Mary land. Nov. Naval tadets aai. vo doliphtod with UM vlftnrj of thoir team over Iba Weal Point 'adets they tinsi twentr-foar great puns. and tt.

pnr.wltd UM -trccls with hoins. ANOTHER BC-C-HB POB I.F.IIIC.HS ELEVEN. Waabl-ftaa, Nov. Dalreialty ehaaa BeBeated am here today by 8- to In the lir-t half Lehiph MOrad and Colunil.ia Ilefort; tho sccoikI half could bo eoa.pteted aattled aaaa ti.o pround and time was calkd. ln, this half aeeiad four points.

OIUTUARY. EX-JUDOE ELIAS CKISWOl.n. BBaa Oilaaald. tho Ctoeatt OsaH of irgta, dlcd at his Ba Ufl Columbla HatB-tB, liitxiklyn, on Frlday l.ight. was ln Ohlo ln lrflH, and cdnt-atod at llohart Aftt-r bflnp f.n Bm Qaaagla Baaab ba laaMvad Maryiund, and Baaaad ln the durlnp the i ivll War as Pro vost Manbal of Webaiaad.

OHaaaM aaa aa bittaaala Maad tt Baaeaa Ba taavei ono son and ft.ur tlaualittrs, t.n.' of thom the wldow of Coiooel Beverlt K-iiiiiiii. tba laveator, who died ln few dayn upo. fmioral will take place in Hal tln.ort't.i-n.oiiow. I'HHAKI) CBOMWSLL, 8R. r.altimore.

Nov. 2. Cromwell, tho IBBbQOI frnii-grower and au old and well -known resldent of lirooliIvn, Anind. I Coiintv, died this morning of fl.l ape at the home of his daughter. Mrs.

Jolm Thomas. OIUTUARY NOTES. Soattle, ffarb Nov. C. Keml.le, lato i-ilv edltor of "The this forniorlv witli Now York dk-d lo day of l.oart diseaso.

Tmy, N. Nov. Arrhlbald O. Amedon, health olflter of (ilens l'alls, died In his oflico last nlght of heait HE WAXTEl) TUE LAW TO AII) EIM TO "There be an lmuiense amount of Ihls country of A-M-tant Oayler recntly, ajicalung of the efforts tif tho P.jst Dapaitii.ent to baaveal tho of tho ma'is bv groen It seoin-. to me that every ln tho coui.try hns publlshed column- al.

mt the scnemes to sell coiiulorfolt money, Uie l.u-i ne-s stiil flofiribhes. Tho Hcpartinent at Wa-hington contlmiBlly sendinp us long Usts of addresses of green pjods men, wliich are reported to it by inspoetorf. "The BBbaaaa al offerlng bad money for pood, and of not aonding tho i-puiious arllcle when pavmnnt has beon made, has been on since the war, at least, tf. my knowit-pe. I recollect lhat liaaajj Bia I years ago, when 1 was a Postofflcc In-poctor, I ro oelved a letter from blind man who be-n do fnuidod by goods' men.

Tlie pixir fellow th Baaaaa lataUMB N- and had into trap, He aea! liis naaas la r-piy a elrealar but of roarta never reeelved hl? eaaaaBrfaM MBb. liliiul man WlBla BM a mo-t lo't-T. bm bow hnd it bad baaa bln -ave tbe ajo and ix'tpinp me to. aea thal ha received altber iiis I nioiiev bat tho coi.n. bills l.n he had naitl he didn't care which.

a (iovoniiiie.nt TioweviT, I could aid hlm In Uio coujitei felt niono', wliich. fuitlaermoro, ucver -klitad." THE OHIO SOCIETY DINNER. AXNUAL ELBCTrON OF OFFICEnS. A CHEERFlTt, COMBINATIOX OF WOBBtBM PLEA8-RE-ROME OF THOSE Tliere a dlnner of tiie Ohlo Society of at No. 1.258 Hroadway last evening.

It was tlio great BBBBal dlnner. but tho occaslon of it was the annual meetlnp. at whlcli offlcers aro elccled and aaa reporta of coinmlttees are pirsented. The society BBB been In the hablt of holdlng ll-s annual meeting' at IM rooms at No. Flfth ave.

But so many ana havo beon comlng to New-York and Now York famllles that the merabershlp of the society has increased bcyond the limit of the Hfth-ave. rw-ins and lt has been thought necessary to hold the BBBBal buslness gstherlngs in the hotels and to preiace them by dlnners. The proprietor- of iho orond Cciural. IBa Ashland H8BBB) HH Internatlonnl and the F.ariholdr hotels are af tho society. and lt that futnro shall be held at of thclr hospltahle houses In turn.

tienoTal Wapor Swayne, tho president of tlie society, preslded at night's dlnner. It was under rharge of tho Ente.tainment Committee. of which Homer L-e ls tlie chalrman, and Andrew- J. O. Foye, K.

II. Waggoner and Benjamln Fe Fe-vre are the other mombers. At the tabloB-whlch wero arranged In horso Rhoe iBllB 8Bt treneral Thomas Ewlng. Hoin'r Leo, Colonel William L. strong, (ieneral H.

Burnctt. 0. N. ltoagland, Oeorge Milmine, E. Ilodinan.

0-88(8 Kollett. C. F. Iillss. A.

Ooyle. C. W. Dean. Rush I-Kgart, T.

Rirlisecker, O. L. Peaae. L. M.

Andi-ew .1. C. Foyo, s. Packard. H.

A. H. M. MaoCrarken, II. II.

Ilobbs, J. L. Oldham. J. W.

J. Van Urimmer. H. H. llroekway.

Krank M. Foye. R. W. hhoppell.

Warren lllgley, shayne, W. H. Caldwell. J. F.

Halloway. S. O. F.dlson. W.

C. Andrews, Q. P. Tangeman. T.

De Cr.tten. J. J. Einerv. J.

Orant Mauk. C. W. Moore, .1. oranif.

M. Chance. .1. S. Moulton, I.

J. Htruble. T. W. Sterltog.

J. S. Ca-Teeee, L. H. Cral J- Archbold.

D. Piltchard. B., II. H.

slsson, D. Beard. I. I. Merser, F.

Tuttle, F. C. D. F- llarbangh. Engene Clark.

.1. W. Btaot, J. A. Srclth.

II. BBB. W. M. F-te.

A. A. n. II. Waggoner.

I laalfb. .1. Q. Mltehell, O.vru* Itntler. J.

C. Zacluw. (ieorge E. Armstrong. W.

F. Cpaon. M. I. Scuthard.

.1. niciLson. caraoa w. Meeria, wniiams. Oeorpo

.1. M. Ouiteau, E. H. Bmcta.

C. II. Pect. J. M.

Ohandler. After dinner the president made a cougratulatory speech. ln whlcli, aa a tributc. it II presumed, to The Tribimo lepoiKr, he uttci-od tho following reinarkable quotatlon, whicli he atlribntod to sir WaJUer Scott: Scots, wi' BaaM ln a' your coats I rcde you tont'cm I A chiers amang you taking notca, And faith hcil ptent 'em S. S.

tlie ctiairmMI of the Oovernlng Com? mittee L. II. the Warren Hlgby. tho secretary. and HoaMT Leo, tho chairnian of tho En tortalnment Committee, read Nporta indi.aiivc of tlio llonrishing condltion of the nciety.

Tho following oiii.ers woi-e elected: i Waper wavne lele.W for Uie third time vice-proa Willi.ii.i L. stronp. Henry L. lil. (.

ff. lloag-ad, J. W- A. Ward, i-vrpo Mllmino: Wanvn llipley. recoi-iiig i.iarv, Edward ii- BiaaB: liaaaaiar, Maaaer ii.

ciaii, traateea for Uuaa reea, a. j. raye, m. Bodman, aod Cbariea B. i-Oj.

Tben, taadaaM Bwdai been dl.DO.ed of, und i. ln order Snawie. H. L. I.iiinctt, lli.

kard. 1). Arcl.lbald. Mllton T. Soutliard.

M. liiiitian. V'fcavCbaaecUer MacCra-ban. ciarke aufl oUmtb aaobe, and this iiaaar, wbleb wy not onlv a piesapc Sl aim.y othcrs at ing aiiii.ial meetlngs. but a of the proat ban.iuet wiUd.

is mri) at Delmoni. 0 wns In Itself, tirat-rato and nch ln pcini-; md aaaa pe. 1 as well. DISGUBTBD MOBMON COXVERTS. FROM CCMBERLAND VALLEY FARMS TO 8AI.T LAKE RF.TCRN.

Carllale, Nov. 20 the year at least a riozon Mormon inis-ionaries have made their appearanco in the Cumherland Valley. in the Connties of Adnms, Franhlin and Fulton, where thoy have beon assiduously but i-ecretly ptirsiilng the work of persuading ignorant farnicis and tlieir families la embrace the Mormon falth. They have. purposely rhosen the most seclnded those fnrthest dlstant from railroad Mations and local commerclal cenlres.

At length tlwrv sncceeded tn gaining fiom twen ty-flve to thirty onverU. Soon aftei-wanl these convcrt sold tholi' fonns and Joyfni'V set out for tho promlscd land of Clah. How grlevously Uiey wero dlwp pointed is shown ln sequel. Keveral daya ago flfteen of them. comprlslng Stephen MrPhciren and so-ven of hH wltli Mtaeal chlldren, reached Wayncsboro.

a small town in the uppor end of valley, pennilesi, huugry and racped, having returned from Ml Lalie on third rla-s tirkets, wlth short ratlons. A more dlsron solate and woebegone party could not be imaglned. Tempted by the alluring plrtures of hap plness and iirosperity, as palnted by Uie mlsslonaries, they had iinested In land In CUh tlio proeeeds of tho sacrltlre of their old hoines, only to tlnd thelr new paradise ln nairow valfc. between nioiinUilns, over whoso the snn fchone only four hours out of twenty four. AlttMBgB the land waa prodnctive.

the eoB Hving was high that they Seen all thoir Thoji they bWHBB thorouphlv slck of tho ventuie. d.chre thoui geives to bo utterlv dlsposted wlth Mornionlara an.l Mormon waya. They are now dependent upon Ihe hosulUlitv of thelr frlends and nelehbor--. and will have to begln life anew.

Their ndvne 10 IM people here is to leave well enough alano aud NOMBI in Uie great Valley." SOCIAL DIPLOMACY AXD ETIQUETTE. TWO TEOPLE BECOME ACQUAINTED AT A M0UN TAIN RESORT AND MEET IN TIIE CITY. Tho stage ls about to leave the hotel in tho mountains. A dozen people are looklnp after thoir bappape. A eaaea more are standing around waitln5 to wavo tl.em good-by.

Jack (Joodfellow ls talkiiip lo Mayflower. It i-; too I have to says coodfellow. "I.nt I siipposo you will lind New-York moro MBa Mayflower. dropping her eyes. Mme pay, but charmlnp." says Ooodfellow, try ing to look wrctohed.

you ivally reptet poing. (Aside) I wonder if he does." "Nothing but buslness could drag me away. (Aslde) Tha.8 a good should think you coiil'l arrange It in some way. (Aside) Dcar, denr, how slow that stage Is In start Iluslness," ansv.ers doortfellow witli little lanph, is llko a tyrant." "I hopo this lsii't a llnal farewell." says Mav flowcr, hanplng he subject. (Aside) I wonder if ho will call If I may Ooodfellow, brightenlng.

(Atide) -Hanp II bct two to one sne nsks me to." Mainma will says Miss Mayflower a little toldly. lAsifiei If ho does call hc has even less perctiftloa than I It will give me pnat pleasure," says Ooodfellow inaking a despomte eiroil to be grateful. (Aslde) my lu(k. CBIefe me caJllng." We -shall s-iy for a week more," pnts In Mlss May? flower, looking at the stage and woiulerlnp what the trouble, ii. What great good fortune.

(Aslde) What ls the mattcr wiUi that (Aloutl) I never was lucky." "But think of New York apain. (Aslde) He Is reallv poor fellow." "New-York comparod to this." says Ooodfellow dospeiately, "don't montlon them In Ihe same breath. (Asldei She is trying diaw me on. (Aloud). I pould stay hert: for 8 month more.

(Aslde) Hanp that stapedrlverl" "Thon I shall you iu New York?" asks Mms Mayflower. (Aslde) If he does rall I shall dle." If I may," says 'o earnestly. (Aslde) wait till I do. (AL.tidi When do go buekt" Next week. (Aslde) Hut I go awav apain." "Then lt will net bo so longl (Aslde) lil be in Europe or in some other place." "All aboard!" shouts tho stapedrlver.

"(ih, that's too bad," ejnculales Ooodfellow. (Aslde) "Thank gooUii---." "He ls in hurry to.ny," says Miss Mayflower iwoetly. (Aside) "Rett-r bjlB tlian never." (ioodfellow Up oil tho top of the hhe ls aorry," he suys, ialiinp off his hat and aniillng. h.itos to go." thinlis BEaa Mayflower. wavlng her dainty hainlkerrhlef nnd smillng The wheels of the stage crusli tho sioncs In tho road and ls otf.

Ooodfellow off hla hat again and BBttfca ba.k a eomfortabla smokc. Miss Mavflnwer sigli Ot relief and poos into tlie hotel. Three aeebi iaeb Ooodfellow and Will Oood II08 hla eenalB, are at tbe theatre. lain.B.'u'la88 ln their diaaa, UOOdf llow up at a ho nn.ler bla l.nath. Will." ba adda.

bnv, ttaptd." In Um l.ox MN-. Rosebud aal.s MUs MaMlovcr (iondfoll'iw U. He wb-s up ln tlw mouaUilns this auminer." BUa Mayflower lauguidly, -I alruid Uo would rocopnfr.e me. 1 touched heart and Iie was a great bore. Thank goodneis he did see me." As tha Ooodfellows reueh Wlll says: BBf, Jack, who ls ihe little und white glrl in the lower box on Ihe rtflttf Mio seemed to know "Oh, I met her in the moiintAlns." Good fellow with a little yawn.

"(iot too fond ef me. I promlscd to eall and haven't done. lt. Was nfnild she i.nght ratch my eya. Let's ga aieund lo the club." xorwwh's tnn thaxbsgitisg.

I TLL IIONOI. TO THF. AXOIENT FOR THK POOR AS WEL.L. Norwleh, Nov. 20 was eelebraled in Norwich wlth the homelv and henslve hospitality peeiilinr to the festtval in this town.

In the past yeurs tlie people thls nnclent town liave found out Just how the day onpht to be eele? braled. The flrst Thnnksglvlng In Norwich was I 1 1 when a few famllies ln block IBbbBM near hlstorlr i.hl Bean Hill sut down to tubles ladcn wlth paoa fnim Ihe and wlth rilles kept guard B0 that Indlans BjJgM not Interrupt the. 16688. Koveral of the old houses are standlng today, though so many addltlons have been made to them and they have been so trreatly Improved tho orlglnal owncrs 8f them would not them. In some Instaneei lher have never been 8886-08 out of the opsslsslon of Ihe desccndanU the tlrst famllies.

The orlglnal latrhes atid hnockers are still on tho frnnt doors. The Reynolds, Bllss and Hnntington bb-BObM resldo ln houses portions of whleh werc ereeted by thclr 686688088 in 1050. On the fmnt of the hand 86866 lleynolrfs honse, on the way to Norwich Town. a wood tablet that 88888 thc legeiid Bullt In Norwich ought to know what to do on Thanhsglving Day. lf any famlly ln thls town went without a turkey or goesc.

and thc ilxin's." on Thuisday, lt was that famlly's own fault. The Inhabltanls of Nor couldn't be entirely hnppv at thc Rr'-it fe-tlva) if they believed that some fatnily was with? out a turltcv on an-onnt of its poverty. Especial pains are used by benevolen. Norwich people, ln order Miat every poor pcrson In thc ptaete shall Iie provldcd with 6 feast. op Wcdncsdny Mrs.

Kwan, the clty mlsslonary, and Ihe ladlo. known as tho Inlted Worken, prepiircd ln thejr Thanksgivlnil dli.ners for 183 descrving local and sent thc itameea to Ibea bf team. The public aekaal eblb-rea eontrlhiited er.ty-tlvc barrols of ami f.ther provKioiis for the poor. Half a express wapotis werc Kept rattling BBOb and forth all day between da taasa al Ha I'mtcd workcrs mid tfee hoaaea of thc poor, alaaaca. At thc and Jall tlie inniatcs of thOOB in-iiliuti sat down to royal repast.

Ily onler of First Selcctnian Lillihridgc, liailev scrved Fome 88861 motli turUevs to the people in thc almshousc and the, tuikeys were fat. natlvc btraU. not cheap, oncs. Many prospcinis nc rliani. in town didn't have so flne a illnuer as tba one scrved lo the town's poor: for the paraoaa wotind np their repast witli iBOClOBO pies, puddinp-i and fniit.

Cliamplin tre.ited Im public I.imily of thlrtv-ti. persons to mast spare rib and other iippctlzicg thlnps tliat were as good anvbody aaa could selccl ln tlio local market. Every budy ln Norwich had a grand fcaat, Afier nightfall fhe Jiivenlle baitvl-buiners of the town buriied (ifleen or twenty tall bncrel otaeko on the lofty hiiis iii the onbarba. The eoaalag araa 6 splendid onc tlic sport, clear and Iiosty. though Ihe yellow BMWB thal eame up early to seo the fiin.

and smlled ln a Jolh way. had too blg a face; it falrly put out tho nflecti'in ln the shy with bB rival glory. More than 2.000 barrels. striing on a slxtv foot long pole sef up 6B tbe Oiaot of tho hill. werc bnrncd li: the pi-sence ot tlini-ands of yoaagotera au.i oM also.

Tho prlee. of 884186 turkeys was hlgh ln all parts of Coniiectlcut. It IBBfOi from 23 80 28 cents pound at rrtall sules. The natlvc blrd was Bcarce, ihoiigh North stonlngton. lu thls county, the l.ainier turkey town tlw world, sent neurly aa many turkeys to market it, u-ttally does.

Judge HUIiard, who also ls a merrhaiit and In thal town, raised a blg llock of llne blitis, and ln with Ua pructice bonghi all tlw flocks ln liis BBlghbOI-aal and w.nt to niarUct witli laBBB 8l Wcstcrly, H. near hla home. The Judge alona earrled Into Westerly 14,278 pounds of tt.ikcy. other Xorth Mtonlngroii buyers, who shipped taiBBgO to Westerly wero Horaie Vore, o.tKlo pounds; Wl'llam Friuk, 1.200 pounds; James B. Brown, 'AfriO poaada.

Judge Hllllard says his poultry waa th flnest lot he has ever handlvd. Tho poultry sent from Westerlv to Provldence and Boaton. Professor James Ci. Latlirop. a teacher of atlilcilcs in Harvard rniversliv, ls a Wlndham County.

boy, and each fall when the Novcmber niuon ls full ho take a run down to his old home amoiip tha Wii-dham litlla lo a few eoons. A few days ago he canie Into WIUIi.ihiiUc for iv viilt, aud a ient out for the best coon huntaiti to meet at Several vetenui hunters wlth a pack of wilv eooa the professor Uie ortier nlpht and tho p.irtv hunted up a.ul down hllls through ITOOda ai.d swanips until tbe moon went down. Thev got baah hocae ln ttaa for lireodcfaat hav Ing had grand lueh. Tliey bugned eootlfl rhat nlght and the tarfOOt one weighed twenty live pounds. iwcntv tive poundor rure.

though now and then Conneetleut MBtaiaa viehl a thirty po coon. l'ro Lathmp ls liiiown lu all part, of Ea-tern Con tiectleut a 1881080 coon hutitor. He is tha son ln-law of thc llou. Charl-a Larr.ibee. Mr.

IBtbrop ls a rnluhty woodchnek liunter, toe. Ile sjiciids his smnnier v.ication in rountry 80088 and knocks ground lioes with 8 rlfle of 22 AlWOt wlth his rlfle and ii BOOh ha sOolbi out Into the lots gets under UM shade of 8 tree or a Wigu In the ncighlor hood of woodi-hurk burrows lit the clorer flelds or pan turex and down unUI thc woodchurlts begin to POB their iK-uds oitt of their biirrowa. Then at long range he knocks ebaB over. nnd as the weapou D-Mboa a vit.v Btnall rcport ho olten bags three or four of ttwui be foro tho n'st of the ganio BUiBBSl an enemy ls near them. One a.immer Mr.

l.atimip had rnlt made for him. wlth that an walked rlght up the ground-hocs in tlie ninwing fields, which 881 deniiy Boppooed l.e araa a oaoall portleo of a travelllng wood. He has obtalncd a great nputaticn amnnz Wiiidham faiiners 008 his protn ht woisl rhiiek Iiunting. BBBfceo tairv iiniisually lato ln State tin fi.ll. liecentlv a small 880-88 was by I Uoner Noreo B.

Lamb in frotrt of hla ln thia lt waa roollj pliding down tho when saw lt. and a erowd pathered the viper afier it had bCBa oWB. of thi' eltv. At 11 II. south of Norwleh.

Mrs. Walter Plullips killd 8 blacliMiakc tltla BBek that mcasiired eipht fcet and kw Inebea. It araa t.e bugest serpenl of ihe rear, with tlio exeeptlea of one slain in tho IfrtBg at Plalnflelil. A VBW IITPXOTIC 8TOBT OF THE IIE ART. From The London Spectator.

You think it alinost Inerclible that mere tlon bsb can inake a bjBBOtlaed jToath looh old. to the extent of bJO face nuiscle-. 18, an.l tlio hne of B6B" evcivprcariing it. Well. 1 am riOT sm.rea ao lo that.

Take tlio eaae of a great aetor ilranlatlng -udden and mortal torror. po Blo really fall la, and their calor ehange, or do they onlv aa to do so I yhatever tne answer ls, i lappose that it BPPUea eqnally to the, morve lous aeUag whleh ibc itopkfe-i ol aea eoaoUmtly exhlblt undcr the hand- of aome hypnoti-t whom they never befbrt.a. Bat wlth laoa-i to thta and his 1 have 8 more IUBIBI68818 B80BJ After nullinp hltn through what I have alr-ady oarrated, Dr. H. B.

Uaia taaad to us and oaia. tius is a very Benaltlve aBbJoet, and I am atlng t. trv upon hini a IBfO an.l rathcr nsky ex perlment. 1 am going to atop tiie u-ating hh Doctor. wlll put your llnger npoo Mfl left pnlae, whlle I keep alaa appa his rightlf ho addre-sed a rlolng BbTolclan of Ua town.

who.had known rrom ehlilbood. Dr. was sceptl and hostile. but at our liistance. IM fpnaented.

Keeplng onc hand th- lai.l thc other pently over heart a lnute tmn Ml rleh vivid color, and I.ewl eonntod tfiabiSaaJS thev were Bcareely reeofnlaable. "la iiiat Doetorl" he aaked. Dr. waa est-wnelj lo peak; bat, Biiaee Ihe ortonoy of lome of Itood I.V he it last floQ 80 BBUU v.oids that the 1'e baa sunk 1.1...0M Th- boyat a ghaatly itatoe, for atBate lonaar.wbenJt_Bwla_iB? ng r.i.iriediv. -The" b.

now protrad Lbla no tongar." i breasl lo Ihe evldeni irlh'f of eoUOBKue. patlent. I remember dMInelly to this daj the aahen hue even of hN lips. the aroaderfnl gradatlons whleh Iha 8kad loand lt, way BBd into the wh.ile young faea- 8 fn ie tl 11 I bow dowlni as if it had liaaeUed a long way from u.e n.i-'hi of t'." g-ivc. I shall onlv nrtil that Dr.

b. siT lIvlnc t-nd a now the eblei dtlaea of the towTwkirehJbaB aftoaa bad mt oBaJbaj piae HOW TO KII.L A TLRTI.E. from Thc ri.i. ago bia t'lille affordad tiie BBBBI for men frout oi a adX'r i.s.ker ralaed up his talre aad nki ho wi a a8o iur that bo one ln the erow4aoeJi teii by which a turtic is UDifl. Wkatterno whether the erowd had been cauglit.

lnitla Mrinj nrothera' wblrl. la BOtttowa, but Ha et i open. The lOWared tj 86 8 half. aBd lt nt ii ailied 88 thc t.l.le." htUt he had buui, a little tallow witii.ut i.iiv..|w'.iit or blrbe ln lf had had 888 ataB 1 would taaen heV 1 0 turue kl. lei bnalncaa La a profeaaloo, an.l M.

plfbed np Bow. I wiu eaptaln to ganttamen bow kii tni-tie. i haaa 8oae e. yoa naMBaM aflarl fea roo. i.ut i waal to ohow roa Ut? 8oBerwae btaUTed the erowd docsn't.

know it all. TCtirk out his ottcnUon. Ii.ejraaBle your torttotoatleh Wa head. and when he due you -ut blo thrnaU II BO 8 obrtinate and refiiaai ta ll I nereaaary lo grah tbo head wlth a pal rof at rongi hetjd Bboat a turlle. llhe, I hang on.

turtl. diiev if i had had the, si.iir. i philanthroplc man tha CfOml. WhQ BBBl hB WBB 8B86 of turtla ooiid. tipped the auarter fiaooed on.


29 of the of tho New-York Central are maklng a flytng vUit over thelr road. They reached Rnffalo last nlght from New-York and went eaat tliis morning over the I'Ols stoppln? here for a few moments. The party Included Coniellus Vandeihilt. chalrman of Uie bard of dlrectors; Prealdent Chauncey M. Third Vice President Weby, chl.f Englneer Walter Katte.

Oeneral Theodore Voorhees. Oen? eral Manager Lang, of the West shore, Superlntendent Oeorge II. Rurrows and othcrs. The offlrlals while here inspected tlie work on the brldge, which ls nearly completed. The chief object of the trip ls to start a aurvey for a new llne of the road to Uie Thousand Islands.

This will run from I'tlca dlrect north to Watertown. and thence to Clayton on the Mt. Law rcnc. Rlver. Tlie new llne wiU parallel the Rome.

Watertown and Oudensburg and prove strong rompcting llne. For years past the Rome, Watertown and Opdensburg road lma had a monopoly of the Tlionsand Islands buslness, and the Central, nfter fruitless eflorU made to buy formcr road. In view a llne of Its own. Tbe englneer corps of the road will l.o put to work next week and will puvti tho WOrt i-apidlv toward eompletion. It Is the Intetition to hnlld tho llne this winter and sprlng.

to be ta if for traflic next suinmer. Tho lrlations betwoen the Central and the and O. road have beon anything but oaU-factory, so lt rcported. INVESTIOATINO LAW-BREAKINO OFF1CIALS. Chlrago, Nov.

29 of tho general passonger agenta of the Western roads are now becom ing uneasv. It is reported that tlie Federal Orand as soon as it decides Its Investlgatlon of Uio alleged freight rate maniptilations. will turn its atten tioii to affairs. und endeavor to place the responslbilitv for tho Moafca of cut-rate tirkets that havo recent iy beon dlsturbing the market. It ls the Intention of the Cjiited Histriot-Attorney and the lawyers representiug the luterstate Commerce Corn mlssion to bring about the Indlr'ment of as many of tho law-breakers as posaible, aml no pains will be aparetl to obtain evldenre agamat them.

Even scalp an will bo put on the stand. mdge Oresham haa not vct given Ml declslon in tlie case of Charles Counsel BBBa, the graln dealer, who decllncd to answer tlie put to him by tho Orand Chalrman Finlev. of the Western Passenger Associa tit.n. has ealled a meeting of the managers of the North aaaaaa Baai for December 4. to liear tho report of tho conimittee appointed to re.ommend a plan for seciirinp uulform rates between Chlcago and St.

1W. Vhe (iil.apo, st. Paul and Kan Oitv has not ooii aented to redeem its ouisto tlcketH. it thal the committee wlU of tho pa-enger buslness on a allow ing 1lio? 0 ta ing thkHs to go as a par. Nlpned to tho Chlcago, St.

Paul and haiisas THE SANTA FE'S EDITORIAL TICKETS. Chlcago. Nov. 20 llfn of the Western I -ssenger ABM. i.ition is again threatened through the complica tion prowing out of the recent investment of bv tho Rock Island road ln 1.1,000 niile-4 of editorial tleketa issucd bv the Santa Fo road.

The Santo le refn to teteeai the tirkets BB tlio pround that they were not on tho market as a disttirbing factor in BBMB whon punhastHl by the Island, as tho Santa le 08 discoverinp that they were la tho hands of told iN con.lnrtors to honor thom. On tho QttBB hand the ltoek Island people rlaiui that this refu-iU to raaeaa to an abrofaataa of the western FBBaeaaar AaiOriaUna apreement. leayin? the otlii-r to make toeb rates a. they soe tit. I is under hal Uio Hock island will appeal KenenU inaiit'eis of the aaaoalattoa to tompel the Baata BB to mfoeui the tickels and in it th-ii 10 8.

so, will take decisive a. tlon get even. RAILWAY CONIirCTOK's' AID ASSOOIAT10N. Nov. 88 today's BeBBBBB tbe BaUoaal Ballway Maaaal AM aud Baaafll iBBMrbUbBB elected oflicers as foll-ws: .1.

E. Cnrran. of F.Ikhart, president; Patri.l* Dulfy, of WelNviil-. Ohlo, flrst vlce-president: Oeorge lllll puaHlBlt C- H- lluntlngton, of Chlcago. WM re elected secretary and treasurer.

The new Roard of Dlrectors is composed of E. A. Ladd, J. T. Cowper.

H. Averil. A. K. Ancand, A.

A. Connor. C. F. R.xlnper.

and T. T. Carbart. A committee was ap? pointed to ar.ange an exeur-ion of nlaee ln and Southern Callfornia was aa the dostinatlon After tlon of other unimportant buslne-s a-sotiation adjoumed. MORE TROCBI.E OYER COMMISSIONS.

Chlcago, Nov. mibjeot of is precipitating a splrlted contrwersy ln the We-torn Assoclation. Informatlon ha? beeu BunMMi (iiairman Flnley that the Samt- Fo ls scndin? out through wlih lnstnietlons to offer a-ents a ticket on Kansas (ity This i nioi-e tho establlslwd rommUalon. The do not deny that thoy aro BMBb il.l uf l.i'ictl.e to seeure buslness. but cliuni inai thev are not paylng inoro than llncs.

CEI.ERRATION IN STECRESYII.I.E. Meubenville. Ohlo, Nov. 28 (M.clal).-Steubenvill. the enfrv of the Wheeling and Erie into (his clty to-day bv a n.onster domonstra tlon a trades pani.le.

Fivo thoiisan.l people were ln Tho silver splke was driven Into the last rail by Braakar and Aaatta. al Toicdo. naawa it 'couiter the Uwaaaaa. iimibI on im advantages of Ihe new road. ANOTHER BBJDG- THE Oaavba, Nov.

The East LbbI Oaanaay CorporaBaa, ta whi.ii Um banking Ina Drexel, KorfM co. has -Oataat, aceptcd plans to-da, for a new and wagon bridce across tho Missonrl Rlver at this polnt to cost 81. THE NOUTHEAST PENNSYLVANIA. Fleminptoii, N- J-. Nov.

20 aaat I'eiinsMvania Rallread baa been completed H.i-villo lo Now-llope. Penu. Construction tiams hav? boen t-TTtri ovor tho for day l.nt aaaaaiiBer wUI uol be opeaed until Mon dav 11'" road "ts otf slxteeu iniles iu thu run from LamlMMtville to liiiladelphia. Tllltortill 1TLLMAXS TO KEZICO. Oaaaral Eaatan Afaal W.

Baetor, of Bm Mbxleaa Caatral Ballway, baa leeataed a B-palab Kcxfea atatlBB tlut with and BaBy mttet tbiaoBb Balbaaa aaa --i car wBI ix- aalablliTbr' balweaa Cttf Itelaa an-i Bt. hy of th? I.onls and San Branelaeo, Bm AMblaan. Xaaaba aud sanu Fo aud BB MMrtaaa Cential maJs. a TIIE BOTABiCAl WTTBOLOSI Of THE BtBBOOB irom Batare. At rc nt meetinp of the Antluopolopical BOClfjT of Itombav Dr.

Dymoke read yoiy ciititletl Flowers of the lliniloo Ppeta, to of which he referred to thu mythicni eonoep which have gathon- round trees ani pla tj. i ot tho Hlndoos. The ancient Baaterp totfi a SaUBbatt Snd Wltb the human form: in U.e nd aa iM.n ls drawn between the and tbathkk dart follage of tho Tamala. Tbeaa he numcn.iH m.Ml- (oncernliig the tree of i of the Ainrita or AinbroaU, aa eoamofonl. and MUiropofoale or Amrlta la i-presented aa tie of plaab.

tho eternnl eaaeooe wbkh susfalna renews Ihe life Ol I-lants antl VOtUM. i tbe drlnking ol tkh rternal eaaaaaa a l.olv to wlikl.foi.stant allus.oii is mado ln Um V'hIh- We've the Soina bnpht, And an- immeital pit.wn We've enterod Inimortal light. Aud all the gods have fcaBarB. The Amrlta appears ln tbe loo.itl. of the black snako it be aine an extra' of Um etenml othera, tbe Ktem.

on which Na. Veir'i Day. eat the leayea or ana treo hat Uie Amrlta confilncd in SSS Ml ins're Upovitv- In tba larae blaek baa pait: lio is tho Inconstant Imei dillgbja ln tho Indlan Baweri 8W Bu BeatG upon iiewiy creatod aarld to ByMboBeal of bSS- Hrahmlnic sun. which loata la tff the flrm aaa like bb I ba blue strenm below. il l.o'flr^t maoltotaUoii of 1.

tlio t) supreme intelllgence) were Uiahiua and Biddha tn UM lndian on Uila flower. The -TSSin ottbe loius the myatevious The alluslons to this Bower by lytnbol aa. N(, ls ex. li 1. SIW-Sm and Its vbHous vrs winipartd by thu p.wts to a lotua 52 eyaa to boda, and tba am.s to Its tn represenfed aa enamored ot a b-SSS UtUa loafar.

the T.llasi aa a-eaia ftivorlta as the it ta ad he sn or vaaaa haart ,7 I said to rron.ble wlth raao lf a brancl. of kta lnjured. Tto pbud naost be gathered only tllclual or pnrposes. as the woi-ship or KrUhita. er the wlfe of slva.

II ls a ind of amrlta M-Thliolleai of the eternal ft nroter- tho and chlldren to WIM.BB, plwt la often SooUiPPed aa a BomeaUo ieltjr, ao I (ffVta TIIE OLD REI.IABI.E. I INDEMAN SONC PIANOS. (EMTABLISIIED lB3r.l WONDEBBl IB TONK AND I.A*TINO QIALT T1EH; OP HKHIKsT EYCKLLENCE IN tVOUK PUICBB MODBKATEi TKIMIsTUsllT Pl KCHAwBltM. 23 EI8T 14TH 8T? NEW YORK. aud Its nre placcd on 8088681 of tlie dead.

The Chaaaa is ehkaty eelabraaed its uverpoaretingty sweet and golden 868661 08 stroug is Ita paifBBBB that the poets affirm tliat bees wiil not extract honey from it; but thev 0088888 11 for thls iieglen i.v dedlcatlng it to Krlshna. who loves garlands of vellow flowers be comiug to his dark complexion. one of the gre.te?.| favorites of Uie poets 1- the lt-, flowers. which are yellow when they Int open, imvlually ehBBBO to red. In MaOBh and April it is in Ba glory.

BBd al iiiglrt perfnnie- the air with it-- delleale odor. Tha Braa is tlie B-U of caste, who call It A-upala. The Kadamba phalus cadainha) ls OBeOBd Kali or Parvali, the ron sort of slva: It baa many oyaoBV-Bee. aau I. aa pr iug (l.ildreti," "doar to eti.

lt soins at the end of ihe B880OB, and its nlght scented flowers fortn a globular nrangeBOsafCal from which tlie -tig'iia- The flowers 818 falded to iuipivgnate wlth their Iriuev the water whleh eolleets in holes In the truiik of the tree. In Delhl the paWeailtha are fond of itnitatlng tlie flowers. The well known pri.kly gold liead- so often seen in Delhl lewelry BOB nieant for kadamba In thls part of ludia. the Marathus wiil not gatlier the flowers for profanc parBQaea a- it is their aiiilnopogonic tree. TaJ Kadamba Ralaa clalm their dearent from II.

as rei orded iu the IbUowtng h'gend: After fhe dedn.rtlon of (he Tripura. of persplration fell fiom the head of l-vira into tlie hollow of a kadamba tree, and aaaBBBBl the form of a man with three eyea aad Ibttr bibos, He ba bbm tha founder of Vanavasl or There are other versions of tlie but all airree ln e.aeeitine the orlgin of the familv wlth thls tree, a braneh of which is necn-sary to represent tho Kai at a Marathl mar l-lape ceremony. A PROVWEXCE THASKSGiriXG. MUCH F.VJOYED BV THF P.FPfp.MC Provh'cnre, R. Nov.

JIO (Spe. TTepnb llcan- of thls city enjoyed their Th turker thls year with a kcener rest, for on the Tuesday pre vlous they had won the most decided municipal victory. Whlle in the Congresslonal election of three weeka prevlous the Democratlc candldate carrled the clty by 1,000 majority, on last Tnesday, Charles Sydney Smith, tho Jteyor -66666, had votos to for Jamea McNaliy and 375 for Edmands a clean majority of and a phirallty over McNaliy of 1.500. The M.Nallv people confldently ronnted on wiimlng by 1,200 majority, and thc Rcpubllcuo. eanvaso did not show but 760 majority for Smith.

As tha total vote was the largest ever cast In a city election, and the Democratlc v.rt" was prlnripnlly all out, tha victory fndeeil re-narkablc. Mr. (iranger (Dcm.1, who has made a very acceplahle Ity trea-snrer durUig tlie past year, was re-elected by 1,346 plnrnlity. William II. Gladdlng (Rep.) was chosen Harbor Master by thirty plurallty ln a toial vote of 16.788.

Cummlnga (Dem.) was reeHted of the Poor by a plia rallty of 732. The Roatd of Aldemien wlll of 7 Ropnblicans and Demo.rats. The Common Coun efl wlll contaln Repiiblleans and 11 Democrats. Tho result has a more far-reai hing effeet than tha mere control of municipal atfalrs by thc Republicans. Tho defeat of McN.ilIv and M.iguire and the sucresi of tirunper bas split the Demorratlc, party Into two bel llgerent 88888888, and Hemocrnts themselves s.iy that it wlll be many vears before Ihe Democrats wtll win in a city Wlth the Hemocrats it has, un fortunately for them.

become a question of race. Ther see lirancer, a Yaukee. and Cunimings. an IrWh-Amer leaa a YaahaO name. ebOClaB, and McNallv and Maguli-e defeatcd, BBd they at on.

see the l.andlworh of the old -llne American Dcmociits. The fae tion threalen to defeat cveiv Vai kee nein.x rat put up for 8-Bee BCUtl 8f4rb-8, and Ihe old-liners to do the same for the I.i-h eaaaBBBiaa, The Rcpublicans, of course. have no part ln this iiuarrel. Ti Bf fouehl agalnst McNaliy bbBBBbT than Caal iniiy in a city elec? tion. aaaaaa thcy believcd Ihat ho BBB8BB6Bl6l ln (en'-ts entirely inimkil lo thc of tha They i-cceived lielp faaBB Demo? crats American and MbB.

Thc has lieen, bowavar, 10 eaaaa great in the Demoeratlc enmp. and thc Republicaiu have only to register well tlm BMNsth to earry the clty and etale handsomcly next Ooouaa and Legislature. 'fhe Austr.iliaii ballot systen. was tried for the flrst time in thc lion. and it vorked admlr.ibly.

It gave ihc voter a ide raiigc of liolce. and the mlxed reaali on the gBaeral ti.ket-two two Daaocrata wliat tho lndependent voier can aa complMi under this plan. The May.u BBtel wiil have appointment for three yOBBB of a rommi-loner of IliDlic BBoa ofllce lu thc State. It Is safo to BBf that the pi-esent ln.naibent. Mr.

l.oleman, wlll not bo rcappolnted. Wlio tho fortnnato uppointoe wlll be probablv Mr. Smith him-elf not know. There ls soire talk of William H. Luther, who decllne4 tho Mayoralty nomlnaiioii and so ally ni.uiaged tha Smith canvass.

lt is a poMtion which he would nll with lf ho would B688fl I'. which is doiibtfol. The llaanrro'; in tho Legislatui-e tlxed up th" HcenBe law and tho bs? regardlng ihe ConimUasCHterthlp Pabtto Work-. io as to place great aywer of apimui nient ln ihc lu-Bda of the ef the wlth the t.ition that those Mayor- woiil.l Ihi DeaasoaBa. Three oBoeilaaa havo beaa ami tarne Ropubllcaie.

have been The wlll new have to take ihe medlcme thcy had prepiircd for their political opponents. Senator Nelaon W. says that hc 888 no idea thar the MeKlnley bill wlll bo ivpealed 68 inodhied, and he bellev. that the Senate wlll pass the l.lectiona A pleasant fcatuiv of the clty campaign on tne of ihe! BapnbUeana wa- lt- flBodoai from tle? improper use of BKHiey. Ibd enilre -um WBB an6 Mr.

smiih wa- tn only Tliis has bc'ii unllo a mu-lcnl week. On cleeaBOB day WBItoT Damrowh eBBB a Wagnerlan raotMl ln MusIc HaU. I'hHjik-glving nlght ReeveN oiihes-tra had a grand andl-nce at their comctl. lasj nlght Fxlvinrd Stnuss und hl- Vic.ina orehe-tni filleal Muslc Hall. On the dav afier election the imlire made a sue cossful rald on a BOW gaaohBBg and thc liro prletors had lo spend the nlght at the staMon.

raooa nre Indleatlons that the next wiil t.e hirder for tiansgressors of the law ln thl. city than the paal twelve months has been. A.V EXCITIXG 9CEXE IX A COURT ROOX. Denison. Nov.

from Tl-homlngo, tho capitol of Ihe Chl-kasaw Natl.m, reimrt an ex traordlnary In the court house. lireat excite roent 868 picvailcd there over the recent m.irder of a promlnent v.amg man. The murderer was on trlal. but. as it wa, dlscovered that the Jury was compos-d of frlesids of tho prlsorier.

the Judge oi-derea theni ttsst RORBED IX A Y. B. A GYXXASIUX. Lewell (Mass.i dl-patch ln The Ito-ton l- whitiMtf.

went into thc Vouiig Men hri.ll.ia ln WmU ton NaUonal Hank, Boston. and the Appktou, mt Ul6 city. otftweda.

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