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New-York Tribune from New York, New York • Page 7

New-York Tribunei
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Blinded tdm to every aense decency and jootod old trtendaMpa aad made hlm a irkere kad been a prlnce. Bnt ke never seemed to reaiiae tUa or to oare for lt If ke did. MbbPB -BfBBBB aaaplaed. tzrd to the last belleved tkat Bo retalned the Bympatby of woman-qiiia multas amavlt. W111H ARMOR PT.ATE.

Tke e-Perlmente with arrnor platea Just concluded at Annapolla by the Unltcd Governmant gave re tkat aaaat rause -erlous uneaslneii. The fact le we are always so obsttnate and How to movc that we are ln a chronle of parad wltk all tho of the world. Wc clung to the m-t-le-loadlng ordnance ln the most Btg headed man took a lot of drivlna beforo our War Depart ment be to entortaln tho ide. of laasaalne rWe. and now tka bcst armor plate on the Sh plan that- Sheffleld can -a-d-M-i bv Bhofti which fail evon to craek the French to Prance.

ftaiy. mwtmm MtowB the superlorUy af Ml steel pkvtea over rompound, yet we go on per THB nW-TOMM C9ACB1MO CLUM DRIVE. TO BTAXt T-nS TIME FROM RO-TE T1ME-TABLE. The New-York CoacMng Club in Ha BBBBBB.tWaa tfcl- aaaa will make a new departnre. Heretofore trlps been made to Tnsedo by way of MtaBaTa.

one of the eaaat-, or hunt laoaaar-by country bouse of some member. On imwever. the members who go will have a look raad and the start made xom the Hotel Yendome ln Bosion kaateaa. from Kew-York's the Hotel npon which a club-driva manatred date ot the drlve I. to all and tkoaa who intend to go and are 11 Ing to fnrnlsh or "korse the 'l rlled.

reply to tho aecretary io tkat offect. The driva then mapped ont and e.oh man la informed to and kotel along the line he ls to aend Bta Tho coaoh-load aieote at the point of de Strture and wken ckangeo of are made. ev-li IST-I Heneral thlng handles h.s own team. Tho tWcard of a clulxlrlve ls arranged llke tiiose in aTT-aT-aBa of the Old Mall That for fratur. Bay la as follows! COAOHINO CLUB.

Bostan inil U-iown. BBBBb and Bt- October, 1W0. Muea -BtB. Bo.u,n. Sg.

V(K) lambrldse. 12 '0 a 10 00 'Eaat Iitadaftaa, Centcfinial 12.18 H.iuaO. p. m. ns "Concora filB Ikeag; Maao, Eak.

io I.Utleton. 7 1 15 "Uxoton, H- joy. 8b Change Horses and prooms will be sent on (ear the itart. and tho men who will tool" the coack are Frederlc Rmnson. F.

K. fimrgls, Reglnald W. Rives Ur SiSdiv at the country taBBBj ot Mr. at Oroton. C0XTESTIXO FRAXKLIXS BEQUEST.

JI1B DE8CENBANTS SEEK1NG TO RECOVER THE PRANKLIN FL'ND" FROM THE CITT OF PHIt.ATJEI.PHIA. PhilaMelphia. Scpt. pctition wa? flled ln the Orphani' Conrt of this city to day by the Renjamln Franklin, praving ihat the sum of $100,001. now heM bVthe Hoord of City Trusts and lmown a.s the "Franklin be turned over to them.

the ground for the clalm belng that the ot ihe are in vlolatlon of the law. ond therefore vold. rnder nls will. probated In 17W. Piaakka qteathed in trust to thc ritles of Hilladelphla and BBston each the sum of fil.OX) atet-Bf, to be ln Tested ln the form of loans.

at 5 per cent InUre.t. lo yonng artiflccr." not over tho ot twanly flve, to tkem in cstabllshlnp in bu-i ness. Franklin had in vlew the wielfnre of thoBSBBda of apprentlces. who. after aerxinc an aod a eerHflcnte et aood inoral I and belng mar rted.

and not yet twenty-flire. were prtvUegcd to borrow from tmd. upon conditlon that two respeetable clttrcna became their FrankUn. ln his wlll. rounted with comparatlve oertalnty on thc reali-ation at thc end of 100 year.

of a sum BBBB-BB-Bf lo or The citv of BM the nneleus of the beqnest to abont $400,000. In city tho fund. keM bv the noard ot City Trusts. has rcached only the sum ot abont The eonlest upon gronnds. tke moai Important ot wkick Is what known as the nile rt prrpetiiHles Ir.

rommon la4v. The law not vide the ve.tlng of a le.aev the of aaaMjaaa aXter tl.e BJettaae of ihe f'tiiKls to rharity. 11 tliat pkui did imt iar Ilv the fa.1 tliat latereal was liartred on tke loam. clalm ral.eil ihe piirpos- tl.e has not been t-MUW, owIb? to apatky and uf Ihe truMees botli In this city and Boatoa. of br.

tibbt tyiff. The steamer Servla. of the Caaafd Uae, whl. 1. reached Q.iarantine on Sninlay cvei.lnc raaal up 1" her pler early yesterday.

ktaagM "rst torty-elght secndclas, but rmne ln kteVrasc. Mkc other arafc- havc arrived Eumpe laicly. she had a Mg of goods whi.h were seat in to avoid thc dntien of the Klnlty bill. the members of the Iron and tteel Inrtitute of Great HriUln. Andrew CBaiBBde, Mr.

and Jordan L. Molt, Mrs. Agnw Booclcault and (olonel und Mrs. James E. lexington, were on board.

Mrs. Bouclca.ilt Jnrt managed to eateh the steamer at Qnecnstown kearlng of her hunband's death. She had nolhlnc to aay, but Wllllam F. Howe, her ittomey, announced that would brlng suit at to Baeatl hei's estatc, which hc wllled to aecond wlfe. Mrs.

Jo.ephin* Lnulae Thorndlke lionrlcault. Mr. oayi that client the wldow ol Mr. Boucleault, and that thla Baa bc-n proved ln tkc Engllsh AXOTBER JOBX Judge TBily. in tke Conrt of fommon yesferday algned an order allowlng Jokn Jacob Astor.

the fonr-year-oW aon of Wllllam Waldorf A.tor. to ckange name by ellmlnatlng the narae Armstrouz, thus maklng lt John Jarol. Astor. The petltlon for the ekange made by Ckaatai A. Jr Is deBcrlbed In the petltlon aa the child'a frlcnd.

The ehange li BB by the paret.ts of tho rblM. All tke wanted the charee for tho that tho rMtTa grandfather ai.d great irrt-at grandfatber were narncd John Jacob Astor. BR AXn Baa. ri.ARKSOX TS TOWS. S.

ClHrliaon, ex-First Heneral nnd his wife. were at the Flfih Avennc Hotel ye.tcrday on their way to Iowa, wln-re a nlece of Mr. Clarkson's ls to be man.ed lu a $-ar days. Mr. C'larkson did not eare lo dlaeaaa the Congre.s campalgn which he is conducting.

My rule is. you know," he aaid, "never to talk whllo 1 am flghting." DEATB OF BUZA VASDBBB1LT OSOOOD. Bews was rercived night of the death of Mrs. Vanderbllt Osgood. widow of 4ieorge a.

Osgood and daoghter of rke late Corueliui Vanderbllt. Tho death occurred in Paris, I'rance. yeaterday. ihe fnneral notire. wiO be publlshed at a latter date.

Sellera, buyen and workers wlll always flnd lt to their Interest to keep track of the llttlo advertlHements af tke people." They are priiited on the nintli of The Tribune. TO VTBWOBE TBB VtAVBtt OF PARI8. Oeneral called at Uie Custom House ycxter day aad asked for a pasg for lilmielf anl sevrtral other oid army eomradei of tho Count of Parit to boird th" entter tkat tke Oermsnl'- on Prlday ln order to ta-Bt tka Coont. It not yet been determlned who wlll thla reeeptlon eommtttea, bnt Oenerak Btoeaai. Porter and Dntterfleld may be aiaoclated witti Bl TBB DALT COMPAXr IX PBtLADBLFBIA.

Pknadetpkla, Sept. large and brUllant andl BBea aaiOBea-ed Aogu-tin Daly'? eompany at the t'hest Bat BVeei Opero Honse this eventng. lt waa tke dnt -ppaaiaoea af tka oompany here aince ita return from laMdoa. Tka koaaa was kandsomely deearated with k-Bttnc aad towera. Tke four act comedy H8even waa produoed, and aa the differeut tt tka oempany appeared they reoelved a MBa.

Dartni tka waek "Tke fireat t'n Bftd A Klfkt jh wm be RETURN OF MR. CARNEGIE. A TAIiK WITH HIM ON VAEIOUS TOPICS. HTSS-ZFTSB T-IAT WBVL AOCRl'E THE M'KI-yLEY BIItL-TUE T.AMCAL at dukder Andpew CarnpglP returned to this city on the Cnnnrd Bteamer Scrvia yestenlay mornlng after ar, nbsenro abroad of nenrlv flve months. Much ot this time he spcnt on his Srnttl-h and for sevenicen days ho modc coachlng lour ln wostern and orn Siotland.

hla own family. Charles ft Mnlfh, pre-ldcnt of tho Chambcr of ('ommcrrc. and hlt son wore wlih hlm. In that time the party tn.v ellod 540 wlthout a ehange of and the trlp was ln every way a most enjoyablo one. Carneple has made a totir of Norwuy.

but thlnks lhal Its scenery aurpaseed by that of tho northwest of Scotland. Mr. Comeclo scemed purtleularly plnd to be baek in Amerlca when iiTrihune reporter hlm at his houso, Xo. 6 Flfty flrst yesterdny mocnlnp. Mr.

Carnegle had been partlcularly pleased to hear of tbe paasaire of the MeKlniey blll. and has the Rlflfltaal contldcnco in the good effcits will have on fhe ln dnstrit- of the I'nlted "Why," ho -uid. "I have alpeudy henrd of seveiul Ilrltlsh maunfacturers who are prepuring to itort branch fnrtorle.s herc. Amrmg them ls the larcest coneern In Bradford. Homo of Uie ttn plate mnnufacturcrs of Wales nro flbn eon templatlng establishlnn works on this alde.

Vea, 1 am sotlsflod that scveral important nexr mnnufa-torlos will be started in this rountry ln a years ln con sequence of the MeKinlcy blll." Mr. Carnegie was oqually cnthnslastlc over rerl proclty. "The reeiprority clauso will do the work intonded, I am he said. "Tl.e Fiiited has lt ln Its powcr to that .11 he done lt." The vblt of the me-nbers of the llflfl and Rteel Insfltnt- of Iiritaln Ifl this rountry tv.uild conipllsh preat po.d. Ikaagbt Mr- ''arneirlc.

grtMi pnint that th? insiitutc has alwaya gtvaa pub Ucity lo any Improvemenis dlseovered by inembers. We litive to avnll rurselves of this, und now for the flrst time miuiufurti.rer- have had nn opportnnlty t.i show that they aro eqtially broad and penerous in We sliall show them all Wfl tuive lo show, and Ibe more ideas ihey reop tho belter we shall like if." "Do von thliilt tliat the members of the insfimte will find much worth seelnc ii. the In Iblfl country v.i* "Modesty me anawer that question," plled Mr. Carneple. with a snille.

You will hear whal our have to --av on that befote they leatr our shoros. Bnt we are nol aheiul them In every Ifl many polnb. we have to follnw tliein. The interronr-a? betwecn the two countries so rinae atnl frlendshlps so numeroiu that it ls a nei and neck rflte." Mr. ftiatgll made rwvetal ipeflphea in wlitdi freflt anlatratoaai amone Iboae who lieard them.

The whl.h the stlr was delivervd laffttfl MM RaRkal fRib ef DflnRee. lta repiibiirani-m drew tbe wWetl attentkn to it. and e-t-rarta fnan were printed in I.otidoi. ncti spapera. legelher with Ijiir oiiitoriil ii.intne-it- Mi them.

Mr. -aid yeateriay lhal he dellvcrod ihe before an orpanlrution Ihe BMRRl of vvhi.h 1- lYtvllepe." and his tl.e appr ol Ibe areaent. "That apeech. i- aald liurt votir ctiai.c.-s belnp lo if too ever rared lo run." was rogBWtofl. conld run OB Ibe platf-in.

1-. in anv cttv in Ureat Urltaln aud be te.i. answeieo Mr. t'liru'eele. Tlw aentence In Ibe aflecrh which attrarted tne trni.t nUei.tloii wa.

to eitoet: i th-it Uueeu Victona, ttho 1.. a pure wonian, will llve long that before sh- the Bemoerury of mv Mttlve buM will t-. be con-ulted to her sucessor. tbe MoRe of ln- eleetlon. BBd ih" tonnre of hl? oftl.e." Lang.

th-- 1-arllament for DnnRee. al Ihe neetlng. aud Itider-ed ihe 1 ani a kepub on la nf the added Mr. lirmlv.

Tho lleforni flub I.iten..,..l earo a dlnm io Jar. Carnegie ihe algbl befoia he aalled, biio ih speei'h oi the guesi of the evenlng wa- wanul) ap The "little of the penple- Bppeal tn everv pondltlon man and woman. Ihey pin along the whole patmit of huinan mornlng you will iind then. on nlnth WIXXPBH of at lAWX A reccptlon wa- held last afTli" hou-e of ll.e Yonkera l.awn TennlB Clnb. In that rltr, when winners at the loamataenl ibe and Park Hill tonnls cl.tbs were aniiotniced.

Tbe wRlBOP. nnd their pi ar- Mtn'a A. Vletnr M. F.ltinp: li.s li. II.

Bwtiis, priiP K.i cvclop-ylta of Fullti'aJ Srlene ('lat-s A. F.ilHh F.itit.P. hand; I'SW II, Mi- Baahford, paUdiVatlek. M.x.-l b. Rui'VOU.

-iIK BBibrplll rt MI-- i Eltliig, -ilver aboe horn. Iiog-rt and A. b. Ilnnyon, Kkwumtoarnanii nt A BMIUABT DAXCHXfl PMtTT AT IFXOX. Lenox.

Ro-R. ond bi? wa. hv Mt-. II. i al Wlndt rottate to Blghl.

Tl-e tlai Iliclii'linil tll? leaRlllf eollaffr- Blkl lh kfii'- Tl.e beaailful ballnoui tvas rue-i v.i.i pilm. and oih'-t- aad all tbe autnmnal ul "Im l-pghMi. A Bre tta- buruiug Ib tlw Tl.e p.i"-t- lH-pali to MVMI all n'el-ah, Blld Ihe PIBBfl MI Hapbin r.i-.c.l.-af ni danelns tiiiued ull rfter mMulrlil. Tne lar bmu.hl Khp Mi. :r.d i.tvuieal fm to Thev POIrablPR ot H-l'l otltet bonlinna In irai rty.

fut'til-'ied bv the l.r-srH.e_V PUtPPPP, II. Mathleu. ai.d waa UM "1 Ib" I -1 "1 Ibr n. iu Ml-a lireanleaf WOM a beauUnll Ilh lollet "I II." were enlcriiilumani w-n one the eletant aud -n. of Ihe BOi'Otl.

ftTOBSET-QEXBBAVB FIRST ASSrM. ri.I'urt Albany, siepi. go, lin-uatit to i hapler of lsr-'J. Attornet I r-potf fioni his is ihe l'i -I nient of the lund uut, and piai r- Ibe wiirt r.f Ibe dt-partnient for the year BfereRlfll 1. le'ni.

It rontalns a of by Ihe Mlon.ey 'ienenil for rosts, 1 IR. Mhednlo ll of the pepoit Pnntailia tbe title and mbjeet of all ob pendlig. aaa-ng bttng tl.e ra.e usuin-: sailth, hallivau and for OR. A 11 ol the asr. dl of by the lioird and shotts th"

of AttolTiev V.neral awatflfl of if-i-l 'i-i. ont of li-liiia tO. THE REV. HARI.AS'R BEBlQXATHrX. Tti-' d-ilHlnn Ue- Rtrbatd llitlu.

tt. r'- in. lh- pa.t'.rau. of Uw pTr-4 Rl abl'tetiaa (nm li. vvliil, l.

eaaaaaeH from l.i- aa flaaday. rsaaed -fpaeral ind ln l'i- ilpelei, Bl aai Iv -mkwfled to'- Bl MfrH 'vi iLlfi at Betlna had Uli.n. aiel 11 giegaUaaal Breetlat fll an KrMay, i be fiii Ma "iiv ba ap t. laokafl to v. im t.

A I'l vviit. ls fa.l.iilar Mlti. i'm- li. i -l i (juv "Tbe ni.f.,ii.u.:-i alac Mr. liailaa hn? ocupi-d lt- 11 haa l-t aeveral Hi nnd II'h ial ThU ci'im- 1 i ilnrase IU aad RBM Bfla Mr.

Haraai tMaulatRy, wiinont any onn', ln. lt. a lattet Ibe trealea ankln. hata. Mi aebwr tn Um eaar.eea of than b'a Baanrea.

The of hu olT-r md did tewet hla al Uie aeaw hlm a I.t'.- i-ntislnu' lu tlu- Urinn Ll IBIBiailtJ of Milrlt. "Mr. Iliilau i- a man the ulillltr, nf priB'. and Rm noLl'-st ciura. MM b4 aalartiuiata in bavMfl to inc.niiit.r elPCBM-flaBPPa to ithih oniv Iii ica UiwiiHiiid tvaxuld supcrior.

Iu th lii.t plii.c. he look the of a l.lg city chtif-Ji abta fiom MM h'bRbbpi and eaanau-Rtelt inex ueHaaccR. Tiie dlflkallMa uu pottition lacrcaacd bf Uie liivlUlloiii he to d-llver lc and iilt-iid path'-rlnus. arflkb hl. lle.

aa paator RM church, t.e arafl tru.Ui- of Miuk' liarl-ar and ctln whlcl. further dalBM on aaetflMa AU thU ara. ln addltion to hn reaular piitoril whleb were nuflitlt-nt lo Uke up all of io young a time. ln iplte of overwhclrulnii dlflIculbei, be bai accompllilivil a areat deil aud baa vton blpbeat admlratlon and iiv gtiR of a lirae clrcle in thU elty." TBB VMBBBLLA MAY A FATAjL WEAPW. Oacar FoiWr, a tJCftl ln QetbClt atove itore, at No.

Biul willluin, a k-iprr, at Xo. 101 OlwawlcR lull flfl.t lu-l 1 which raay reault In Uie deaili af R-OMt. II iMWa IhM ttife bouithl at Uv utore aud not by Mie toUl her htm band, who at onPe went to the aiore and faatttlM with endlna hy pokluf an unibn-lla in l.u and then br.akliut It over head. The fred, and wa? takca to Relbivue Hnaplul. where It wai feared that bla Injunea will prove f.ui.

waa not until -reatarday. lta waa takeu to RiUavue HoapiUl aod br. A GREAT HOTEL F1XISHED. READY TO DE OPEST.D TO-MORROW. A DESORffiPT-ON' OF THE BEAUTIE3 CP THE Pf.AZA A-ND Tho Hotel is flnlshcd, and another gront honso been odded to tho of splendld liotels.

Laaf nlght a lo Its comple Hon wa? plven there. and tn-mnrroiv It wlll bo formally npened to thn piiblic. This bnllding begun In 11-81, by Ihe firm of Flfe A Oinipbell. which bought lha pniperty from the ealalc of John Anderson, tho milllo.mir.) tobacc mer.

Lltl'-atlon 04-er Iho Wlll of Mr. Anderson Impiiirod Iho tltle lo the prop crty and prevcntcd the completion of the bnllding. Tlie New YorW I.lfe Iii.tirante Company had a mort gagc of on proporty. und llnally forcclosed It, prlticlpal and unpnld Intereat amountlng fo over 91 Then llie lnsurai.ce company began cuci-gctii-ally tho work of coniplotlng the buildlng. In tho stimmer of I.BQ Ihero were 1.40O worknien employcd oti it.

F. A. Hi.mmond. brother of Mr. Hammond, of the Mtirr.iy 11,11 Hotel, ha- a lea-m of the honso for ten yens.

TkC elagiuire and BCBBt) nf the deeoratlon. of the Plara Hotel arc surk that a volume would be rcoulrcd to dcscrlbe th-m ftilly. Thc dlt.lng hall is flnished In and whlto with stalned slass wtndows and an arehed roof alth gold. Thero arc wainscntlugs of oalt and bcatitifuUy palnled In tbls room. Mtaated a.

tho hotel i. oa the plaza at Flfty-nlnth-st. au.l the from tho rooaM whose wtndows ovrerlook rcntn.1 Park ls so baaattfai tkat it ls diaVaJI lo ooaeelaa how say ona occup) ing one of riH.nis cotild do ai.ithlug ex cept and out at tlie littlc lulre sleeplni: Mow, the woods of tlie park and all the pnnorama of benntv spread out bcl ln tlie fnrni.lilng of thc hotel raataOBBBJ has been lnt-JTy rmployed. In Ike amol.iiigro.nii Iv a great lakta, tke of wktrfe l. s.x f-ot diaattter, and ihe of wklrh i.

rompoBed of a root of a li-i-o. Thlitv tice. up ono found wklrh wnaM pradare the tM-utitifiil piece of niakocaay wl.l. fotm. tl.c top of thi.

table. in tho readlng-ronai ptctaici in oil Mr. karsea und fiis kennel of a pcullar teatare is in the of furnM.Ing tho The slyle ls rarried up from the fjrst floor to the ihe eark room furnl-hed Ike one bclow it. aad i.

lower roan hiajliiBlni a st-. Ileavy raraed n.uhop.-.nv, ivith tilinitiltics li. atvle, is r4'orywhcro. In fa.t, i. a fbtvor In the deeoi-Htion and fnrnlshlng of tkronchout, ln some.

of tho tln- i-kalra $100 rark. 11... ro-t of fo the time i- not Iar ov-r 400 in il. and iiioif prlvaie bethrootna, ll than lt. other h--t--i exlaleiice.

lobl.v Im. piivcini-nl. ii. Ike of wi.i.h i- dnne h. the ofarni.

r.f tlio and appeaw ln Ike tlu- lace and rurla.iv i.ot.-i. ln Ike rtevtrte 1- tl lt Ihrongh aad Jcwellrd gl.m i.n.) from tla- hrilllaiil jh-ioI. of flowert iidiuit from Ike Mr. Ilamnioi.d'* staff In ihe manngemeni of ibe Itasa lloiel will llanry vv. and Tlmnin.

W. formerlv of Hotel: Ilinpel, lormeriv of Mnrmv uni. and ii-i A. fortnerli n.e L'nlted Al Ifce dltm-r was hantr nf roaea, and if nlght aa anr rrltrrlinj of what lt will Marayi, Ike aill ifcrtr time he tke Mindow. wklrh a.h the tl.o At.

or. a b.inlt of palma, ilnrlng th- Amonf pr- Ii. Ifarrlanti. (Hmplnl, A. -I-I.

Vtl'nii F. fl.nw-, a Hanrmnnd, Mlller, "i.a! F. A. Hamniond, u. lilaekford, AtBiandar P.p* Poaier

r. If. and Luomli Neimo. XATIOSAt, PltlXOS WUnnFV Br.rsii, nv BIKO MVO, REPOBTf PBianN li.i.ati. In

.1 Prlsi'i Uie I'i. O.maiiltea; l'-- enled ludai bi W'arden liniah, of 8i-ig li. He l-, l-tmit- Ihe gwiond lhal man's eondn-l prlaon no rrii" rlon nf hl rondnct II- addrd Ihllig Ipl ptl knrd worit tka aame Ide; ln Bhlrh ran iindey aud a HrtMe ba the, klkar, I ikal aurk, whkk iwll do tklt ii na Uetier idl-ni-. aliHild sot-ie BMBBl livi paiil '-ni ia- -karpand i-n all prl.iHi, thi. mU ba ki Im nfleer.

ahonld I- J-'t fo i.r Bi I an l.ui h- rertainli from h'trV-r I. aiantrn, Ihei llkaly bv l.v ihelr feellnc. ke d-. Ibe nr Tlii-ie in rvfu" Mr. l.i, ihe Birh and I- li I I.iitnbcrliii, ol r.Miii.<ilrtif, M- of Mi -i ai.d r.f Alatania.

4(r. Vlll'lill, llie I'rr. li oinnil iii- .1 tn i.i.i ii .1 I tr an il, bill Inveailgat M- II how get iit iralh. Ile had il-l'-l llie Ill t.llurv had I. tli lllill did itl'la.

bv ihe and I ilil nn Ihe had .1 I 1,1 li b. hlm for I). parollnB tl.I'-: he Cliirv Imj then' ii, Januarn i.i-t, the aaatfl atale bIThIm Blth Io Ike f.ri.HT war.l-n, lu he Baa told " aiimir.ible 4 ha- r-'-'lv-d bv members of Con f. ni ike I.n,.ut. of Hmoklyn, ln wklrh ke I lt Ibe tii.t.

nf 10 l.ut ki redeem from and all pnntokmvnl iImbiM bv with th- fittnatloii of offender, be I- Ih- nnd and rkeapsal pvolveflnt "i'-li-ti ln Mtend npon Ifco bave I'-p-ria'lv I'miim. t.dlug ll.o** p.r opvalaa wklvh tn- Ifcal i-oinmiiiiltv for ihe rlii.i- n.niBilltvd in lt: and iir.t iar.ri.oii ol ih- whlaS out tle- Intlmale tli 4.1... on tiie top of ul.I and who-- Ilv-. -pi'ni allh littlo lli.ia- bl Th- Iliiide irrme to lls con it Ui at llliibarg 10. Dr.

w. T. Ilarria, of ti M. i.oiii- rcad a paper nirhl on nlaiivv phiKiaophy. .4 nF tbobbox norsrov nrnrK.

--pt. sto ll I-- "'Hl "rt. an.l nl il. Iretlglh th.s -locl. was 11 n.i- Ifce BbtI Ikal M- sn, A Co.

-il of 11m.hi-.ii. llon-ton sto. Bt prr mrmA oil of Ihe lWillH vi llh Vlll.nil Inf-i-at. Mr. v.liari.

ii waa akarea of llini Urfc al pnr Mi -its. I.i-e, HlgiTlii'on eooBrai Ike iniHiiiemcni of tke tiada. UR TRIV.U TO Kll.l. IIIS BOTIJim IX i.AW. Hl.hiird llov, a hli.Ut, old, etafcfced hi.

BaMker-ln-taw, Margrret llunt, scv-rii Uatea ln th- bti-a-t and at K. ia-t nlgkt 4vith tisi. ki.lf.-. Tke wataan, lt la mtd. not llve.

she fo.ii.erly livcal ln New York and I.n* been for aia nionths keaalaa a boMidnu; ho.ise, at No. SdS Flr.trave., hhe tienrly "ld. Iloy had on a protructed d-bi-uch and lc ime BBIBgaal BCrSBM Ma itiothcrln law up biaid-d hlm. Ile ll a crlpple! hiivlng lost a JBg. Hc tiied to OBvapv after eonimitting th- crime.

but jiur-tied, caiiglit lo.l.eil up. a CBICAGO XATVBAL HAS L1XB STOFFED. Chlcago, hept. 20 have been given to luspund work ln Iudlana on tke Chlcago natural line. The caute is belleved to be oo accoukt ot dinicultlci enconntered by tl.e company In getilng the rlghts to ltiy their llnca In Ihe city of Chlcago.

Tha work of atrlnglng thc plnc has becn eniircly pended and the plpe Bara up at COSVlSi'ED OF TBB VRVTB OF BIS HERBOX. Cblcugo, folly of lavlng up treaiura on cartli was ihe Bakreti of thc sermoii preBched iiy llie Hev. W. T. Kat-P, of tbe Fli.t l'nlted tcrlan Chunli last nlght, ai.d never did ho apprcclute tho viilue of his own advlcc llioroiiphly as whotl he BBBBbBJ Iihiho hihI found burglam luid Hlled every boreau, trunk and lied In llie hoiiae.

Fortunatcly for l.lm be bad iald up no tre-aure ttvtvri, afld tke fa-iovea avtvy PLEAS FOR POSTAL CLERKS. UBQ-NO AN EIGHT.UOUB WORK DAY FOR THEM. OTJIONG ADDRFSSES BY TIIE REV. DR. MAC ARTni'R, JAME8 AND OTIIRIW A LAWiE AND EN nnsj avwit-ncf.

prf.sf'NT. The movement farorlng leglslution maklng eight hours a day's labor for the rlerks cmployed ln the postofllecs the rountry. and espcclally In rlty. waa rarrlcd a long way on Journey by tho euthusla-tlc mass-ineetlng held ot C'ooper t'nlon hvst evenlng. The blg hall was rrowdcd by the tlrao HM meeting waa aiiDounred to bepln.

On tlw stage thore wero fkjrtors of divtnlty. lalmr agltators. leglsUv tors, men nnd professlonal men. When the meeting was called to order. tlio Hov.

Dr. MaeArthur waa clected chalrman and M. II. Klnsley About thlrty-flvo vlce-prealdenta were aDo clectod. I.etters of repret wero read from Vlcc-Prealdcnt Morton, .1.

S. Clarhson, Warner Mllier, Rosweli P. Flowcr, Rot-er A. Pryor, John fiwlnron, Ar-rhblshop Corripnn, T. V.

Powderly and Dr. MaeArthur then tn trodiired the speakcr, JflflMB. I)r. MaeArthur'a Introduetory apoerh drew forth warin apphiuso. No mm.

of buslness, l.e said, rould bo lo tho which affert the posfc ollleo elfhcr of New York or tho rxnintry ax-m emJly. He the men ln this city upim tho fart that they hrul a poxt.nia*tcr Who was pep loyal lo the (iovern.neut and atlll ronslderato of tho bet of the men under him. lle eongratu lated them upon tl.e faet tbat Congress was so heartlly in ittaaalRy with the elphtrhour movement, aud ho had no doubt tliat the blll now peudlnp ln the llmiso Would beroino ii law beforo ruljourncd. The speaker's derlurntlnn that l.e would 'end a eopy of the resolutlons at the lneetinp to Speaker Heed. with nn earnest penonal urpihp tlio neci-sity of the of the pendl.ig blll.

Md with deafenlnp applauao. lle then -(ienertl whirh was the algnal for antflher satbarrt apftotuo. QeaeiRl pave nn Interestliig desrrlptloti of tho of tba Drpai-tnMBt. "ll the preat'-t batil.ltig Init it he snld. this skle of tl.e Atlalitio.

Tl.e tratisaetJons of Its money order sys t-iti, not only Ifl our rountry. bnt with every other natlon Ifl tho worUJ. mn up to Vell nlgh fabu hnis Tlie nnd of tlio offire of rlty alonc, on this BCC amt. for the paet year. aggreiiafod than Its drafts are casllv ohialned nnd are tl.e be.t.

tlie eheapeit and -af-sf IBfllflirirlBl ln the It- notes are plltedped. aiul II, nbllntloti. have nevrr gone, lo pro t--t. With the ereattoii of tfie Poatal Hwik system, this great departnient In ia. orgattltMllRfl will bo per "Of iv.tem Netv-Yorli ls the centre; lt ls Ihe heart nnd vital-i of the 00O elphth of tl.e maller of tl.e conntry orip New York.

ai.d Aflrt ilati of tho enf.r-- of tl.e Mt-etted Ut New York. RThlM H'l lt.crea*es at the nt- ol n.ore than 10 cont a vear. the of thfl tlie postma-ter cl-rks ha, boea andah-u-lv Wiatt The tr nhl" been with The on Approptla f.nns not bee-t iinvle fnllv of the i.e-d- ihe New-York Kenalof llajraefld. IMu or r.mtrr.?man W-ivh-irli. from Alabaaia.

ut Ww to l.e a ln api- tl.e 'v of Itie-r nltBBB tt here the all PmB' giecate twtre a dat when Ibe mail and Ul.ip ali'l get th-lr PBB see no Iree lenrbe ln the ctv of New VopR, a-id BMHiauee with Judh ial pra- tt thnt the aalarlio are too large Mid that tl-'y oan UM tll Ihe from Ibetr Blale nr with their who w.mld 1- tlad to ierve the ro-mtit it lulf tl." I-w pild lo the trilned and eoni BfltelaK "U- at pre. nt ratTt Ihe whol" pott oIRtp d-pirtrpent th-'ir -hoiil'lers. the BltaaiRtt ai.d th" f-i war-1 bmRm aenrlee whai it be. TIb-b uw.

when the here. tfter pitlent InveaRgaUoB with ti.e f.iii bnowb-dae of the aauls tho and ne .1. of t'e PottunnnRr, k. tho tnattct is Ic-lt 1-. the.

Hr.t I-o-t jua-'er ln- Iii Rlltl PPfcP" lt to the irv nnd rlerk. a ho r.tu.ivs mu. Uu tbt is of the ui.d blith. and iini Ibe ln of Bltd WhO Blld ptxral itid th'- wllli the inotith or aud lliialiy tvpori thnt about ou" t. "i bt I- u- lt a -nd ton all ls liot 8 hee.ep.irllig of reRuiluB and vltbboMIng neeflful tho trne whl'h would ho dl.

h) Iti larpe of lUAtlCBl to ihe i---i icrvlee P--V- a wuy In aeeuiini ti every l' iiope pi-nc imiv ftVPU onr lepl.hit.):-. Mt.d in a.ill....ilv to l.ul/.t Uie viNuoiu dollip ei nd ex-i. I Ji.stne Ihe and under pild aud lhal Pl-tW hnu- mm ,1 Ihat -it'irt tuat llxed iit lati tk-ir ania.ii. aud ,,.,,,,1 int. rriipf'd a-llli ai'i'lau- aud lau-hler.

and he lh" i.e.i ihe ilialrniao rould Inln-dure Ihe ipeabj r. other aera Mr. tll? nilti. '-f Ihe Kt.1i.-lit* Ihe l-ct Almaii. ITinl.

J. II,;r.-s-iiaii", II. R. th Dr Melilt n-i and Palm li Int iiauieil. a aaflfn'or, r.rltPBKIll bt altl'klllg lh" ch-ltTV 11" Ihat tnev had doii" liolhlnp lu the I ihi'ir and thil he xentorcd my the nrt lhal 'the Itcv.

Ur. MtiiArthur flflfl pre.idlnp Cflflleet nf the Thl. ii preat amona tho-" pre.ent, una beigbiened tthen the Kev. JlMcArthur r.l-.d ll." tvhi-ther Ihe IfWeVcr should Ue to c.niin.i.- hl- apeeeb. Tbe araa put tote bnt th'- dnl not n.usii-i ln force, and ih" i-arrled ihe dav.

The Bpeaker at otite re tiied fnmi Iho Do vo'i want raal Mrtflflta, t.o.ird. or rnnmO Then exaflllnt the little ou the nln'h page of Tha .4 WAXBBfHTB WPT TO TIIF. rirr OF RorUFSTER Roebeatar, aapt. Pnrb la on" of ih.t t.etv plensiire prainds leeenllt nrqulped by cltv.

lt I- lu tho soiithe.a'l. rn crner of linrhe.ler. next to th" lloja) Ke.erx-olr. nnd, ns its iiaine llliplles, lies ull of A of Ibe Iai.d this piir'l plten hy the i.u-sery tirni nf RRwangar Rarry, Ihe telter neaiber of wbkh ilhsl nt an adi ape. The Iflg of pupartnerablp, hlm-vell lar boM fhe IRbRral Hniil of hutnau Me.

Ihe Oi lh-, land by rrertlafl mi Ibe eleta fion ln tho parh benallifll "-avllb-u, dealgm-d lor taa II," of il menioHill th- liu. ii.eti. one Blld the utbar I'onuin faUv.lle naatea it heart, Th- In-ciptioii on the Meu.ortal p.tlllon bv F.llvviuip.i- BedlCalPR tt-." rblMPen of Ii-so-r. Ihi- pavilloii tias dedlcatai will. appmprlnle lt beautiful and f.o...

s.i.i.O tn lO.lRW per prtnelpally ilnldn'ti, the -'nnd inilid the speakers. Illshop guiude, thia lintnan Cithollr vv I.o MM of the Pi.rk ln l'la-e of liiorne W. F.lllotl. ttlu, ln ill Mr. KtRotl Ine espe.iaily aeU-ea ln aacartBg prateiil park und many Piilopl.tle allitslons wero iiiinle to hl.

work. The llt.lH.p the openliip ii.ldies., referrinp ln happy terms ihe penerosltt of the of the pnrk. The of lioorpo Wfld hv arni. tieorpo II. Ellwunpor, mbo riuaUi praatoUal tho latvlUon io th? plty; Maxyoj ('? rrnii Hi-reiited Iho giH behulf of tho rlty.

aud SLll-Sfl. aa presldent of the lomn.U sl re-PondPd Ihat bod.v. Llltle boys mnl plrD in k'c fo? hV childre.i; Mrs. c. (Mrtls jaade bddraaa aa Ihe represenintive of tbo of I clTester.

and C-eorge C. bragdon dellvcred a ptWffl. Aion.ilo.bOo.r_e conrluded tbe Tho and pavlllon represent a glft of about EAST BOttSD aHIPMBXTS LAST WEEK. Chlrago. 6ept.

20 shiproenU for laat week amonnted to 72,684 tona, ugalnat Ure prevloni week, and 68.012 the corre ipondlng wtek of la.t year. The Central TrafOr As itatement on Jiour, grnln and provlslom iflewa a total of tons; of ihis the lirand U-ok 20 per eent, Mlrhlpm t'entml 17, Fort Wuvno nnd NlcUel l'lale cach Ifl, Luko Shorc 15. Ilidtlaioro aud Dhlo 11 und Pan llandle The I.ake Shon. and Pennaylvimla comphiln bllterly of Ibe.r who. they ollego.

get quiuitltles of gruln bf not eolleVtlnp demurnige inmi the shlppers. thus allowing Uhe latier lo hold the gruln ln (urs ti day or ttto to Uthe ndvi.ntago of turn In the market. Tlie naine II I. also Hlleped. allnw tho shipiieps in this rase Uie bonetlt of the through rute.


Tho rooms of the Mnnlclpal Losgue were the sccno of renewed tlvlty ycsterrtay and lait cvenlnc, and picparatlons for the comlng battle at tho wcnt forward wltfc r.eal and In the even tug an Important conferonce took place in the of the F-verutlvo Commlttee. at which Wheeler H. ham prcRlded. and most of the members of the Adirlsory Commlttco took part. The subject of adjourntng the convention on Wednesdav e4-cning and postpouhic tho of candldatca until the League Is ln better posltlon to declde upon ita ticket.

waa dlscnsscd In all phases. A though ovcr-enthuslastlc mlnorlty urged imme-lafe actlon, argulng that there was no time to and thaTIt made llttle dlfTercnce who was nomlnated so long aa men of ablllty and un blemlshed reputations were put up. It undcrstood, however, Ihat better counsels prevalled, and fiie raere experienced raonibcrs demoustratcd tho obsurdlty of going Inlo bafllc to flght a tralned polli'cal army with out belng thorouglily prepared to mcet the enemy at e4-ery pilnt. The Commlttee wlll meet to-nlgfct, and tho II.t of who havo glveb that they wlll accep.t nomlnatlons tandered wlITbo carefully consldered, as well ll.e questlon of postponlng tlie convention. It ls not doubted that tho scnslble con clu.lon wlll bo arrived at that tho con4'eiitioti to a.scm blo nt eVottlsh Rltc Hall to-morrow cvenlng should adjourn for a few A ionference of nprcsenlallvcit nf thc lleimbllran Club, tka llail-m lteptibllci.n Club, the Feileral Club, tho Rnaineaa Xtcn'a Republlcan OrBBalialloa anl thc James Btalne Ctak of the As-emhly Distrn was held at tke Republlcan Club la.t iiUht to dW cu-s the propositlon to nin a M.alght Republlcan ticket thi.

full. From the Republl-nn Club wero John S. Smlth. wl.c actcd cl.njimnn; Van Colt. Wllllam 'Irookfiold, ex Judge Kfcal Dnvis, Cdieial Samii-l Thomas.

Edward T. Ila'llctt. Mortl n.erf. Adrtoms, VV. Kawaa, Seth H.

Mllliken, Ap drew D. Humphrey. Nalhan l.lttntivi, fS.arlos F. Homer, JolTh F. liaker, A.

Rlanrh.ii-, P. H. McNamee. H. Mnrniv.

James P. Fosfer. Hcnry Hall, Tknaiaa F. VVentworth, A. Dennlscn.

llralnerd and Wllllam Leary. The Mm's Re publl-an OiaaallBlfcBI 4rais by Cliarloa I). Swe-uy, John E. Hrod.fcy, James Scanncl, James O. MeMairajr, md JaBaa LafcnaaB.

W. c. Illll. serretary of the Fedcial Club. reproaented that For tho Harlem Republlcan Hnb there were H.

Mlller Csaaaka and John Van I)e Tlieodore Rroodhead tlw O. Ulalne Ctub of the Vlth Spoech-e. were made by many of th.ese agalnst a fuslon ticket. At a late hotir tl.e ii' -ioti etided by tho IntrodtuMon and adoptlon of tke folloulti- extn-mely mlH reaolutlon Tkal a taa af t--n -ppuint-d by the nf th- John S. Sn.lUi.

Ist th- P'ir ik, iii.iiicin.- H-p'ii a. an Oeaatjr ConwaUoa atrai-lit Repiiuiirau Heket. tkat B.ith,>rl/-d l'lvit- th- all oth-r Brpil-llrsa l.ih* i.ri{;_.l.?tlonB In UM ilty. Mr. ajattk 4.111 annuiinre the of the com time fortav.

The meetlng nlght was toc-th-r jnvltatioa ol tbe of ihe on NaaictBal of tka Bepafc riub. TIIESR VtlFtNBICE OF THF. Of.NTV DKMO-RATS nFTKRMINFD TO STAND BY THEIR GVJtn. The Kew Amsteidani Club desvrfed last evenlng br miatt of Ifce County leiiders. Thc pcbmiii give.i for tkal holdlng a BM ret ln another ph." Ihe okjoeta of tiieatli.e IH.elv to pro The nf Ikv coi.fereiico wa.

belle4ed have if. oncin in the eftort of aonie of 4veak li.H-.-d aad fiiii'Ton. Bi.H'iig Ike kretkrea to tiio aid BtBl-f letter which (halrnian A. had lo the T.unmany Com initloe Infoi-mlna ll.em that tl.e lutlon of tlie Wlgwajn ln t.irnli.g Ike questlon of '-unlon and har munv" to the lH-mocratlc Mate Cnaaaaltlaa'a sub-ccm araa "eataaaVapal a dlrect refuial of coufer Ihis bold affrotit Co4-enior Hill and un s.n.|..i:...i- may have a few akakjf bal a tnajorlty of the C.utity it to atat.d by guns BtBf Tamtnatiy ulll-s tnke of th-lr liraatUag avtlaa. BotkBM from Uktgwaf of tl.e He pwakafclji wultlng lo benr whal Mr.

illll praposes to da In the emercory. Tl.e aatkaia about how obraln a af Ika elect a illll man i wero dlwa-ted durlng kla ra rent vi-it to rlty. An supp l.i- Mklog abont the* for aaeceaa ln tlml lltie and tiiinl. majorlty arttl be obliged lo liave in tl.o i.ov. r.i'.r, to glvo us a BUlJOVtlp on loli.t h.llol.

biis Mr. IIHI's Ih" eat-nest heiichllliiil. Onlv one i rinmgt.1 ilu- had BUtJortty ln th- How ciild you siikciI w.1 Ii one iiiajorlty im tle- ia want," ihe ttaaftt-r anawaiaa, -lijve one inajoriti and wlll enoiigh Uvpubliian. ln Ika llaaae vIti LBBBoeraUe i lUtwl A CVN-PII'VIK AIH'VF THE HABt.B-f.

A held last i.l-ht uf from Ike IMrd Tweatv Batrtk Ward. for the miailtiatliia raiMBlate for the new ( John II. KinvppTe ivaipovBiy rkalnann After tl.e rommfTt-e on had the meeilng bis pun-ly iitlreiia' ih wvasenl nnd VVil linm J. iKkorn nvaslnatvd LohN J.

Heinii. Th- ininii- gteeted wirii ejreal denl of apphiuse. F. Tarpey iho In aeconding aaailnattaa. vrvrv by ll'-nry Pnt inli hreen and Artknr Bntla.

Mr. nomlnated the unanlmou-ily. NoMINVTEIT FOR r.irll.le. Sept. nmferves of Ifce XlXtfc rempaaed the of York nnd Adams.

m-t at inidm-port to-day, aad a-aBtaatad D. k. 'TrinitiHT. niembe. of Ihe York raaatf bae.

for aaala-t F. P. of tkla rlty. Tke I. stiMiiglv TIIFTIIF.NTi'N FAIR.

Trenton. N. Sept, Th- Fi'r to.lnv Bltk ii BirBB oshiblikin batldlnaa ara aikat. Ike dtaalayi arl narklam ratlle betaa laaaiar tkaa In atkar veiii-- Tka liov.ri.oi-. of lVnii.vIvaiii:.

and Detairare are exia-. t-d on ihticUy. and itoveraat Illll al-o for. Tke troUlng with mnch it.t-i'.-t. Tka Brd raee was aan by u.

s. b. g. Brava, Ikraa heats ln four: lltne. :.4, i.

I 1 bvv l.v (JalnlUl'i br. s. Dnn Wllltis, lu'ula ln four; lltne. ll, --M l-t. 1-4, 11; tiiitii hv TraafB br.

a time. J-d. aan 3-4. DRMnrRAlB PTOirmtO AT FnFF.II.'I.D. BT.

J. Freehol.l. N. 98 netnocnitio roi.vontioti ol Monmoiith Coaaty held this after noon ln thc foiinty rotirt Hon.e kvee. Several tlmcs lt loolied as If the convertlon would wiud up in geavtal BBfct.

DatrM s. Ciricr, the Sun-ogate of iho ii ho I. aUo chalrnmn of tlie ec.itlv,. rommHtee. was made the chalrmaii.nnd Samuel A. of the sons of Wushlnglon PhI tciion. made lecrHarv. Thoinas 8. Brown wns nomlnated for State over A. F.

Jolinson. of FHiinlngdale. on tka tlr.t The hght oi er the neminntt.m for the county clerkshlp wai a bltter ono. Th- aaMraakJ were the county collector. T.

Halght; Mayor R. Wooley. of Rranch: C. Ewlng Patterion. who xras solected by Gov ei-nor Abbett a tcw weeks ago to flll the uncxplred tcrm of brother aa conaty rlerk; Charles J.

Parker, the son of Joel Parker, war Gov. ernor. and ex-Phcriff Theodore Aumack. of Keyport. took flftytwo ballou before Mr.

Halght the nomlnallon. Clmlrman Craler had gtvat dlfflculty lu malntaliiliig order, and aevenil tlmov he callod upon ihe BiBiBBl to ivid hlm hi quIeUng the yelllng Riillff P. Pmock named for Khei-iir on the liiit ballot. Auatln P. Johnton, Wllllam T.

Vaagfcn und Amr.l BJ. Posten were noml nate.1 fnr cornncrs. Nearly every ilelcgate left Ihe room iifter ihe liomluallun for sherlff was made. Ifulhenid ln exclted in Ihe and tho Uotel aml denouticed eucli other. rieveral llghts Hccnii-ed.

R. Ilrown. thc cnndldate for Heuator, la a coaldealor at Keyport. ago ia lerved lu Um Uvum Tliree ago he waa naoaed lor the Sonatorahlp and wa. defoatcd by llenry M.

NcMus, a Republlcaa lawyer of Red Bank. The frlciids oi County Clerk Putterson are wlld with rogo eeeause he not renomlnated. They throaton to bolt nomlntU an indepondent Democratic ticket. NEW-YORK AND NEW ENGLAND PAIR. Albany, N.

Sept. board of managOM of the Ncw-York and Ncw-Enpland Fair, in re-ponao to a unlversal pnblic requcst have declded to ronttnue the falr, to eloso to-morrow, an additloual day, ou AX OPTPOX O.V RIO GRAXDB WESTERX. Chle-ipo, sept. 20 railway news bureaa fays: "The Atrhison has closed the deul by which It sccures nn optlon on tho RIo Grnnde Wcatcrn. Tho prcllminaries were arrangud, as In the C'oloi-do Mid liuid and bt.

Louia and San deala, by Jndge osslstant to PrealJent Manvel. Thia dcal ls undonbtcdly made ln ordor to more closely ally the 6outheru Paclfle, Mlssourl Parttlc and Ate.hlson, Their frelght pool will be in opemtlnn withln a n.onth, and fhe closlng of tho optlon on the Rio Grande W'oat ern will make tho workings of the pool as aa though all the iraffic were on ona system. Theta three lincs are by no means anxlous to avoid a test with the Interstate Comn.crco Commlssion on the pooling qnestion. It ls unnocessnr)- to add that the new transrontinental pool will bo a money pool. KhouTo! tim roads be eompelled to puy the line, a remote contlngcmy, the amount would bc recrmped OR a duy's tralHc by reasun of tlie stabil.ty ot lales." THE BIBLE IX THE OBICAjQO SfROOLS.

Chieago, tjept. a meeting of the Chlrago Preabytery to-duy a petltlon to tho lioard of Eduratlon was prepared stihstantlally aa follows: '-The under slpned eMtflflflfl of Chiciipo rcspeetfiilly pru-y that a propcr order be mado to roqulre tho rcadlnp of ap propriato extraets from tho lliblo Mflf tlie opening exerrises ctch day to all tlie of the puhlio aflboota of Chicapo. The undorsipned regard the rlalm that such njudlnp would bo an lnfrinp. mont of penoofll or relipious lihorty as whoiiy dc.tituto ol merlt and lnsjst that surli rcading would leatfl the mlnd and taflacteaeo of every pupil entirely fraa from uny itnpropcr blas." CHANGE IN DINING f'AR SF.RVH ON PENNSYlr YANIA RAILROAD. Tlie Pennsylvania Railroad (onipuny announrea that on and iietuber 1 Ihe dlnlag-ear now in servire on the Ciiiiago.

Rt, l.ouls and I'liu iunaii Kxpress. leav Inp New-York at p. xtlll not be run on fhll tmin between I'ltv aud Philadeiplila, but will bo attaa li.xl to tho tr.un at Pi.iladvlphiA aud can-lod tn ftir as Altoona, aerving dinner and supper en RBfltflJ the dlnlng car now ln servire on Westeiti hxprcss, lng New York at p. will e.uitlnue to run oa traln between JOney aud I'lnludclphia. A New Feature at Ibe tVlndaor In New.York.

Mmv pa'rons of New. YorK. have tbe that It would be an ac cotiniodatl.iu to th" BUbflc If Ibe MaaMBL Ilawfl ic i.o'ild let a ni.n b. of o.i Europeaa plun. To n.e.t tlu.

d'luand. have for flPBRiBaB. of r. with and vvitbout aa ti.e Keraflaaa plaa, -ind hava o.iened for this oi.jecl a new "Urll! Rraim." IliaU-BWB can have rooim "ilh-r th" Karopeaa or AawHcaa plan, uki.n their ln reatauraal a la car'e or ln th" illiilns-rooiii, u- tlu National Hota-1 Re. Iliib Pnnch alway.

draws or taflMt, draw Rm cork and it ta at MBM rr-ady. (ir iPPPI ind dMflBjfcRfl, It Inbei ferly pnundi of freab meal to rrak? one pound UeMf Extri'-t of The t'real Inierican Table Waler, MAXITcr. y.j-rtt. and iriata, ag-ut-. Fimi-lu-sl DIED.

DiHVIT. -On the 27th OfnerBl AMBM Duryee, ap 75 I ai-d 20 raneral xxtii Ih- h-ld at Rm fhur-b of th? Iloly Trlaltr, i-ornei and on TBcadtf al 11 O.l.Hk. 4 8. B. 7lh Hrilmenl.

N. 'i. R. R. Y-V wrd-r- No.

alH paradP in fnH unlform and ot r. "at. un raeadUi pt--iu. bPi IB90 Bftweed Hweaa.1 a- a Brtat a' llw rr.iv. of M.j,ir-i--n-iail A ran -v- rnmmandlnt; UiU Mwpany.

a-bbwiMt 12 n. a. r. t'epuw. of the Tlli R.O' ir.

ui'vitid ta Uw funetal ot Abrani combcI of tlw iit 11 O'cbiek n. the 30tii ut tii" liurvh tli" Tr.iiify. autl II. K. TKI.MMV.

C. II. (CVKI.L. A.lj'.lnnt. olonel.

lUlWB-At li-r lat- W-it "4tli on Mon. dHV. s.pL.mb"r II irrl-1 1, BepvlPia he at (liureh of the i "ii and fl'li-Bve it 10 a. m. UOYT Kntrd Into it at t'onn ElDa of LUwIn llott.

Vaeersl at late, Thur-dav, UcUibM 3. at 30, ou bet 80th tirlhdB.v. 1I11.I> nuddeniy, at RlOBWBi'M, N. J-. Septem.

bT F.niirlni' ividnw of H. HulLO. In h'-r V'Hr R. ai.d'f.i tfully Invlt to att-nd UM on WedBcaday, (i.torxr at 2 30 p. h.r la-e r- Hldciice.

e.irrlnu in aralt-tg oa arrivil ol 1 20 p. m. tratn foot lav-t. MAIl'l'lN S.ind*-.-. 2S, I50O.

a', ('oiivent, New. HBWfcMa Mort.n, lu Mt I'Jth of Fanptal arfll be h.ld on w.dn..dav, 0-toVr 1, from tli- II nry Howcll, d(J0 .1 at i o'-lo-i. R. Y. iisiiiiuii- in F.llia Oa wi.l.-it A.

iuid of tha Ut-. Yiui.1' Volii-e uf Ir r-uft-r. ih i-v Yall-v. X. 27, of pnaUBMOla.

3th of her ac. Ma-v Loulae. Willlaia li aad 1.. Bt-aaaaa, of Mu-ii x. J.

Faoeral al Y.viiev. Taiatay. 18. ti 87 Eaat ou flaMP-nflet aft -laar: fijv.d and tli walkrr ad pr pr-ii ddan.bter of tl.e iate IMIlp i- IReflMti are f-meral at ha.f. l.iHf l.i ii'.

lo. K. liirttiuoinc-iv i tluiri'h, Mad iHuii-ave. aiul Interni'-nt it WiHUiatin. l.i:,il.,n.

I.liacoa a A plPOM eopy. At tat' 819 i.reen.- l.n. i.r. 1-1)0. il.i.rv HnabB-Raa Wo.oolt, lu Ui- v-a- ap'.

s. rvi, at M) Taiafljjr, is-'ptemoil 30. lelai. Bl I-. in.

SjJCCidl XotlCfS. arrtet I IcaniDg. T. M. STEwART, fl-'O Tth-avo.

Telephone, 120 for V. A. Mnclalr loli. lta for liome-roide J-ma, jeUiM, apM-ea, aud brandiefl puruv gu.r-nu-?fl.

and ouly autorial uiea. All irult uut up Ui glav. aud atorvd for uni.i fall. Kor clrcuiara conuinlnf Brleee and flreat Mn. C.

A. htnclair, No. I Alleo teait, Broo-lyn. wrt. Poiiefflce Notlce.

(Should be reid by all lnttie.ted. chanp'-s rrav eceur it aar time-i for forclpu need not be ip-olally id dl-pairh by wiv partleular MPMBtr. wlien i- of nanklna and ilicuna-iitH. 1- ll. r.

i.ot BflecMlly brtM Ot lha taStrai veasi-li BvaRaMe. Fore.pu lli" endliiB 4 will cloia iirou-ilv in -ll at thl. taRaWBi At tl i iii. for inr Arliena tu g.n..unvii. at a.

ufra. ii YfllealBi aavanilta. be dli" M8 M. al i av foi ana ica.a. 1.1..M-.M) 4 in.

for lairope. iH-r a. a. iH.tli i.i il'tt-r. for OWfflen Nort'uv iriiri.tiinla'.

and iiniit Xi.ij.ti." al 4 :i.i a. iii. for l.euniara. siv-il a. and it.i--.a.

laaw. vii f-u V.urop. Southaatatan. ii.n?t 1 th- flli rl I' la iti.ii it. r.

e.i-t I- d.r.-l I'. i Bt 8 a. fl Itlarn dr- -I a. rnland. Anttv, ii.n.l I- t'd' B.

BU pr und Soull. fwt i iit i tt'-r- Cltiatetoa Biiiat ba at 10 a. M. for Uie Wlndwird l.lii.ds i.r Mor.i.a (letteM nu-t dlrerted Miii'ica'-. at- 11 a.

lo? F'Ttuno Islatid and ilavtl. SiivantUi. per t. Bt 1 U- M. Mt xla llavanu: 1 li.

ni. for BC ist TlMMtavV th Kt. i al? I.lw.rti illivit per Trtnl.lad: al U- RR lt'ntan. urr Nf Ciriinvno and CiudaR llollvtr nci I I fr-'i lt m. fnr tlae BeraaUta.

t-h. Careeaa pcra. H-lomi-iaii bo di. '''pHIDtY-Vt'l'l'a' for I'ortune Mird. Joremla and l.n im--.

Alvnu ib-ttPPi for RktB, tli Llmon. -r at 0- for Porte iSTaT m. for Franc Svvltre.lmd, S3S countrle. rniist i and Brercea rel.nd StvUi.rli.nd. Italr.

Spaln, i Tiui lc; at 1 p. m. for OaawfeM Chl. aad i. Yumurl (BflaVfi T.mi>rHo and Tuxpan dlreet antl other Mexlcaa 1 vlSx1 ri miiBt be dlrpcted "per SiVnAT-A' 3 p- Bl.

CaeM Rlca. Ittmon. par Olaa (from Baa elow RtM October at 0:80 P. m. th" HaiMlan l.

AaliralU (from Ran Fraa. ciicot eMM MM' October H. at 0:80 p. m. Ul Vaw-Zealand.

Hawallan. Fl 1 and Simo-m a a. Marlpoia San Frar.ei.coi. elS hera bVtober at p. m.

(or on arrlval at Xflw-Ynrfl of Vi.ra vviti u.Vflsh for Aitatrxliii Malla fo? City of Paneltl (ftora San mncu- oi. -25. at 8 p. Malto for Xrwfoi ndluid. hv rail llallfax.

and them-e bv er cloie it thl. i.fflce dallv rt '30 B. m. Malli for Mlo-ia. bt- to and Uieuee fcy ateamer, cbwe at thia offli-a dallv at 8 SO p.

m. Mail. for Cuba by rail lo Fla and thence ittaner (lalllna Mondiy. ind ut thU offli-e dailT at 2 .30 B. Malla flflflepV by Bteaaa r.

rtaac at thU ofllie at a. m. Hih.dnle of cloiliip BtBRa la ar. ranacd on th. iiicimptlon of their BuMterrapted Ui san Fian.Uco.

Malla froni the Ea-t anltlna oa at san Fraiielwo Uie day of af are thfl BRMfl day. Reglstered mail al Ri p. m. VAS COTTi m-itmut, OSct. New.Yt*-, N.

X-. SrpUi-abtr lfRfb.

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