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The Evening Telegraph from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 7

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAM PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 18G9. Incidental. TA California gambler bot hm artificial icotu on the result of a rhuio, and lost in spite of LiH teeth. Grand Rapid, has a hand-orpran niamifactory.and at tho latest dittos the inecn-tiiary torch had not been applied to it. A man in Waterlmry, who en gngod a carriage on Friday morning to attend a luncral in tho afternoon, Htilneiuontly countennanded his order because "the woman wasn't dead yet." lluti.

1 lenry Wilson 'h history of tho rise and full of slavery in tho I'nited States is to le comprised; in three volumes, and tho first, it is expected, will be ready before the meeting of Congress. Democratic papers in Mississippi assort that the Stale Democratic Executive Committee stand divided eleven to nine upon tho proposition of supporting tho National I nion Republicans. --The farmers in Kansas are boasting of their enormous potato crop tho present year, and a local paper rejoices with them "because they are excellent food for hogs and cattle, and Kpkndid for railroad laborers." 1 here is a conscience-stricken individual in Huston. On Sunday night ho threw under the door of the ollico of tho Troasurer of the Iioston and Providence Railroad a note with ijllHMt inclosed, saying the money belonged to the company. A Ci.liloi nia paper reports that thorn were r.ii,(Kio tons of wheat lying in sacks along tho hanks of the Sacramento river, in Tehama, Butte, Suiter.

Colnia, and Yelo counties, on the 1st of August, and that moro were to follow, making 1 tons as the yield of five comities. The oflicers of the New Hampshire State militia held a meeting in Concord one day last week, ami determined to keep up their present, organization even at thoir own expense. The Legislature, at ils recent session, cut oft' the usual small appropriation for the maintenance of the militia. Nearly 11.01)0 worth of bank checks and bonds were found by a boy in an upright boiler in front of tho boiler works of Fall River, on Thursday. -J They were in a wallet bearing the name of Mr.

South ird Rryant, of Ronton, and it was ascertained by telegraph that they belonged to him. The little town of Arthur, in Canada, was enlivened by the liveliest fight it has witnessed for many a day, on Mondoy week. The spectators were dissatisfied with the perform ince of North's circus, and a row resulted, in which one of tho circus men was stabbed and a number of others more or less in jured. A correspondent nt Honolulu complains of Prince Alfred's wish to see that last relic of barbarism among the natives, a lenau, including the disgraceful hula-hula dance, and observes that perhaps the fathers of these dancers were the very men who killed and eat his illustrious countryman Captain Cook. A newspaper published in Concord, N.

reports that a large body of black ants were seen a few days ago in the highway between London and that city, formed in two lines, extending entirely across the road. A severe battle was fought by them, which lasted nearly an hour, after which both sides were occupied in burying their dead. Mr. D. Stanley Mercein, a native of New York.died at his residence in Easton, on Sunday, after a short illness, aged tifty-eight years.

lie was a Ron of Thomas R. Mercein, at one time Comptroller of the city, and one of tho Committee of Defense during the war of 1811', and was a son-in-law of Hon. James F. Randolph of Easton. The ofticial call for the assembling of the New York Republican State Convention in Syracuse, on the of September, makes home changes in the apportionment of delegates, but they affect only two districts.

The Fourth district of Oneida will have three delegates, instead of four, as iirst published, and the Third district of Onondaga is entitled to four instead of three delegates. Mrs. Stowe has found a champion in John Neal, of Portland, who has, it is Kaid, facts in his possession to corroborate her statements. The Boston Ailrcvtixo' says. "Mr.

Neal was present at Lord Byron's funeral, and acquainted with his friends, and his reminiscences will soon appear in the public prints, and form a lit sequel to his already published 'Wandering The Baltimore Gazette is, fortunately, almost alone in its expressed desire for the continuance of sectional prejudices and animosities in this country. In an article laudatory of the schools in Maryland, it says: "There are many and cogent rea sons vthy we should give the pre ference to our own institutions of learning, and foster and encourage that h(ntimont of local attachment which make us proud of our city and State, and in sympathy with the section to which wo belong." The Montgomery (Ala.) Aleci pro claims that the grout issue of State rights is far from being dead: and it maps out the battle yet to bo fought, which is to force an acknowledgment from the North that the legislation of the last four years has been illegal and unprincipled; that tho people are supreme over their own institutions, and tho Federal Government sub ject to their authority, and that the men of tho South, as well as well as those of tho North and West, are sove reign in the control of h-ir own domestic rt lations and firesides. Tho Augusta (tia. onht 'ituimiitxt is willing that Andrew Johnson should go to tho Senate, but it wants him to go there as Tennessee politician, and protests against his going as a representative of Southern senti ment. It tells him that ho was always against Southern sentiment and Southern richls as luni; as it was I the fashion to bo so, and that sooner or later the South will have some of her fuithf ill sons to represent her "younger men who have drawn inspiration from her grand prophets, and whose baptism was in the blond of a glorious though bullied revolution." loli.inl.

Yoorheo positively declines to run for (iouTiiur of Indiana. r.iiKTr-oi) Kiheridtro will not be a eandidale fortlie Presidency of the Tennessee Hcnale. The Houston (Texas) Times Is afraid that the Kadical will carry the Mate in November, the Democracy being so apathetic. Among the dcleated Scntcr candidates lor the Tenner-see Legislature were two of Brown-low's sotw. John B.

and James 1 lirownlow. Pendleton's pictures are uiiiiiii Hying about Ohio. A t'levelaud paper says ilu-y were not oil used up for wrapper utter 'Seymour' nomination. rendition complains that the country is in debt. That is very iruo.

It Pendleton had had his way tho country would not have been thus I'Urdcned. Neither would there have been any country to he burdened ith debt. The debt I part of the price we paid Pendleton's Iriends tor our country A'. Y. Commvrcial.

The editor of tho Richmond Eoeuimj AVir has been Informed by "a gentleman who ought to kuow," that General Canby regards the test-oath question as out of his hands it having been relerred. by the authorities at Washington, to the Attorney Ocucrul of the I'nited huten. lie will obey instructions In regard to the mutter, whatever the instructions muv be. The fame pentlcman Is of opinion that there will be it" nieetinir of the Loi'tslature until afier Congress assembles. The Republican of Warren countv.

Ohio. are divided into two parties, the allopathies and the honin'Opalhist, the physician of the former school defeating every candidate who lias employed a doctor of the latter practice. An etleetlve remedy for such political quackery would he to compel each to swallow their oiv'u medicine. The Richmond Emiuiror of 8 'lturday soy: "(ittieral Cubby, it Is now well known, Ims'lio idea ot glvlmt the neats of those members of tho Legislature who refuse to take the test-oath tin can- that oath is required) to the defeated candidates. There must, therefore, be an election to till the vacancies." The Plttstninr of Saturday, says: "The political outlook in rennsylvaiiht never looked better than uow.

In Philadelphia we shall carry deary and Williams through an ol.l-tashioiicd ma jority. In the unUiraeite coal re-irioiis, where Mr. l'acker should have considerable strcniitli, he will fall behind the average i'emoeratic vote, as he Is by no means popular with the laboiirg people, Who go to makeup the opposition in that section." DIiiHlrnl nnil Drniiuille 1 1 em. ltrouLcham will play in Chicago on the Mr and Linht. produce his new drama ol The AV'I It is rumored that Mr.

Fcchtcr has abandoned his intention to visit this country for the present. Did the cool reception accorded to Mr. Dickens' pull-preparatory friithten him ofl? At the 1'iftli Avenue Theatre. New York, one of Kobertsou's latest comedies, entitled Jh-eams. Is shortly to bo produced in tine style.

J'ifi', by the same author, has had a successful run of several weeks at the same theatre. Mr. Adam Kverly, late of the Arch Street Theatre, company, has accepted an engagement at the Varieties "Theatre, New Orleans, to share the leading business. Mr. Kverly is an excellent actor, who has steadily improved daring tho two years be lias been upon the stage, and his ab sence from Philadelphia will be sincerely regretted by many of our playgoers.

At Booth's theatre Mr." Joseph Jefferson has been drawing crowded houses with his ''Rip Van Winkle," for several weeks past. The NevV Yorkers have eestasled as much over the performance as if it, were an entire novelty. At YVallack's Mr. John Owens has also been doing a good business with "Solon Shingle" and other ot bis specialties. Mr.

Owens closes his engagement this week. When will we see him in this Instead of I''ecliler, however, we arc to have Miss Olyii, one of the most distinguished of the present race of British actresses, who proposes to make a tour of the United States, treating us to her specialties. "Cleopatra" and the "Duchess of Malti." Miss (llyn (or Mrs. Dallas) was at one time a great favorite in London, but for some years pa-t --lio lias not been a success, whether from a lack of appreciation on the part ol British audiences or a lading of power on the part ol the lady, we know not. Madame Rossini has just transmitted to M.

TolToli. a countryman of her late husband, and former Minister of Commerce in Italy, the famous bust in terra-cotta, which she had always reliised to give to the Conservertoiro de Musique of Paris. The present is said to have been in consequence of a promise given by her to allow M. Tolfoli to select some work of art belonging to tho great composer, and his choice fell on the bust in question. Madame Ristori has given in Rio Janeiro, up to July three representations "Medea." "Maria Stuarda," aud "Pia" with the most brilliaut success, the Kmpcror aud all the court being present each liuio.

Tho artists of the other theatres came to read verses written in honor of the great actress, whose appearance, they declared, had resuscitated the dramatic art "in Brazil, and during this manifestation the Emperor and the public rcaialued standing and uncovered. llerr Wagner's MeiMersinijer ig definitely accepted for the Berlin opera, aud will be brought out at the end of October, with llerr Niemann as "Walter," and Mud'lle Brandt as "Madelaine. As a setoff against this triumph, a parody of the same opera is having great success at Mayeneo. The piece is called Acs Maitres Chantenrs, ou lc Jmlaixme en Musiiup, and the chief characters are "Richard Demence," "Felix Mcndclbouui," Meverbaek." and "Offeubeer." Mr. John 8.

Clarke lias made a new mt at the Strand Theatre in London, in Brougham comedy of Amonn the llveakers. His perform ance ol oodles is also luougni 10 nc aooui as big a thing as his "Major Wellington do Boots. Mr. Clarke thought of returning to the United States some time during this fall, but it looks now as if the Londoners would not let him off. Miss Sophie A orrell displayed a great deal of presence of mind the other night at Troy.

In the course of the performance of l.alla livokh, the blonde wig of one of the "peris took lire Irom a lighted torch, and was immedi ately in a blaze, whereupon Miss Sophie or rell plucked oil the burning thatch, and Uis olaved the black locks of Miss II. O'Neill, who thus escaped severe it not, nuai injury, orrell hands were badly scorched. 1 he acci dent did not interrupt tho performance Mr. Boucieault's new drama of Formosa receives from the London tho follow ing delicate attention: "Some ingenuity ol construction aud occasional terseness of lan guage rescue Formosa from unqualified censure. But it is a poor plav, and lull ot improbabilities lu one respect it is indefensible.

It is the Iirst attempt that has been made to Introduce upon the English dramatic stage the Trariata of French liction. For mom might pass for the heroine of one, of the novels of iho younger Dumas. While following a vocation the result of which is to deaden every worthy feeling, she Is represented as preserving much of the ingeini ousness ami some of the purity of her youth In practice she. is as cruel as the heroine of the Fillet de Mnrbre, a drama from whk'h the scenes in which 'Formosa' appear seem taken. But her wickedness is due to the Inllucnee exercised over her by the villains of the piece, and the hold upon her ikey posse si rings from her dread lesi her parents should learn the kind of lite she is leading.

The greater part of two acts pases in tho house of 'For and the main action hinges upon the amount of disinterested affection she feels am i. able to inspire. In the end she marries a man of lorliine and position. No purpose, dramatic or artistic, sufficient to vindicate the prescuta tiou of these pictures of the life of the courtesan is served by their introduetiion. That a thing is true is no longer held to justify its employment i in art.

Nor is it unduly to limit the province ol the dramatist to prohibit him from present in I Hi-on the stage and investing with sentimental as-ociatioiis what is the foulest blot upon our soeial svsiciii and the greatest obstacle' to our pliv sieul well being." i RAILROAD LINES. I illll ADKt.l'HIA AND KRIB RAILROAD. I MJMMI.R dNI) HAi '1 1MOKE. hARblSilUl.O, Wll.LIAMS-H.ict, AHI TWK ORKAT J1L RLUION OF PENNSYLVANIA. tl F-lfiint Sine, nu oars on an imjsim.

On and atier MONDAY, April SJ. the trains or tie Philadelphia nd Erlu Railroad will run us PMIOWS: wiihiwnnu. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia i. -wiiliuujtpoi't arrives at Erie ERIE EXPRESS leaves Philadelphia ti Wliliau sport i arrives at Krlo EI.M1RA MAIL lcuves 1 hiladcIpbU it it Williamsport arrlvs at IAKIWJlRU, MAIL TRAIN loaves Krle it villtamsport arrives at Philadelphia, ERIK EXPRESS leaves Krle Williamsport 10- 46 P. M.

8-16 A. M. 11 au P. M. 11- 60 4.

nl. 8-5 I P. M. 10 00 A. M.

8 00 A. M. 6 s0 P. M. 7 45 P.

M. 11-H A. M. 12 20 A.M. U26 A.

M. 6 -26 M. 7-60 A. M. 4-10 P.

M. Mill and Express Connect wltli Oil reek and Alli-ghecy i'lver Railroad. HattK.tte chocked tyI.KH, 1 Ueneral Superintendent. RAILROAD LINES. 1869." FOR NKW YORK.


ovUHy Ex. Mall 00 At 2 via Oarnden and Amboy 3 00 At 8 n. for Amboy nd stations. At e-3n snu 8 a. M.

ard P. for Freehold. At 8 M. and a P. M.

for Un Untnoh and points on h. and 1). H. K. R.

At 8 Tid 10 A. 8-30 and i'30 P. for Trcron. Ai e-80, 8, and in A. 12 8 3D, 4-3, T.

and II 1'. M. lor Hordetitown, Florence, Uurllonton, lieverlv, and lielannu. At 8 30 and 10 A. 12 8 80, 4-3'), fl, and 11-aa M.

tor Kili-ewiter, Klversiiie, lUvertnn, Palmyra, nd Fish Housa, and 2 I', at. for luverton. 'l i an V. M. line leaves Market St reet Ferry (upper side).

FBOM KBNSINOTOK DRPOT. At 11 A. via Kensington aDd Jersey Olty, New- York fcxprcsg I.lno. tare, At73iiano 11 A.M., 2-3, 3ki, and 8 P. M.

fnr Trenton and Bristol, and at 10 16 A. AI 0 V. At. for Jirlhtol. At 7-30 and 11 A.

2 80 and 6 P. M. for Morris, vllio and 'J ullytown. At 6 S'l and Hri5 A. and 2 30, 6, and P.

M. for Schcnok's ana Fddlngion. At 7 i and P16 A. 2 8i, 4, 6, and 8 P. M.

tor Oornweli', Torresdle, Holuicsburn, Taeony, Vi-sin- iiiUik. Hrldosburtf, and t'ranklord, and nt. s-30 M. tor llolmoHuurK and lntermoul ite nutlous. ITtUM WI.S.T UEl'OT, i Knllway.

At 9-30 A. 1'iM, 4, and 12 M. Niflr York txprcss Lloen, via Jerrry Olty. Fare, '25. At 11-30 1'.

KudnraTit I lno. Fne, fi. At 3u A. 1 20, 4, 6-46, 8, and 12 P. M.

lorTren-ton. At fl'30 A. 4, 8-45, and 12 P. M. for Hrtstol.

At 12 P. iVf. (isUtif lor Morrlsvllle, TuliyHwn, Sl'lit-nek's, Fildiiimou, 'l'orrnsdila, lloliiiosburjj, 'laeony, Wlsslaouilng, Hrlde.Hburn, and Frauklord. Ti 9 3n A. and 12 P.

M. Ltnos will ran daily. All otters, fiuixlays excopte 1. For Lines lcavlmf Kensington epot, take the cars on '1 bird or Fiuli rtreois, at I'liesii'U, 3j inr-utcs before del) irturo. lie ears of Maiket Street Kailwny rnu direct to wt Fhiladolpnlu Ocp.t.

riiesnnt and Walnut within one sipiare. On Sundays tie Market Screct cars will run to connect wiili the 1130 A. 8. and li lines. liliiA iDLllfc KLLAWAKK KAILKOAD LINKS.

PIUIM KHNSIKOTO OIH'OT. At 7-30 A. Jl. lor iNiatfara Falls, Buffalo, Dunkirk, lilmira, Hlioea, (Jweo, Kochestnr, Bingham-Ion, 0wok, tyrseu8e, Oroat Bond, Montrose, Wilkesbarre, SeUooley's Mountain, etc At 7 3ii A. M.

and 3-30 P. M. lor Soranton, StroudsburK, Water Oap, Belvldoro, Easton, Lain-bertvilie, leiiiimcton, etc The 3-3u P. M. idne connects direct with tle train leiivio is ion tor aianU liuik, Allontown, Bothlohom, etc At 11 A.

M. und 6 P. M. lor Lambertville and Intermediate stations I'AMDKN AND BfRUXOTOS rOVNTY AXD ll-MBKKTON AND IUOHVSTOWN KAlL KOADS. rilllM MAWIKT STP.KPT FKBRT (UPPKR 81DR).

At 7 and lo A. 1, 2-lf, 3 30, aud 6-3'i P. for Merch intvlllo, Moorestown, Hartlord, Mas invlile, llaincpport, Mount Molly, iSmlthvll'e, Kwantvllle, inceutown, BirmlnKliaiu, and l'oniborton. At in a. lor i.owistown, vvrtanistown, uookb- town, Wcw 1-nyi't, and llornorstown.

At 7 A. ami a-ao v. xi. lor i.ewistown. Wrlfhtstown, ('otksiown, New Egypt, Moruers-tuwn, Crouru Ridne, Iinlaystown, Sharon, and Mights town.


SUNDAY, AUGUST 1889. Tbe trains of the 1 tnnsylviiuia Central Kallroud leave the at 'J HIKTY-IKST aud MUi- ht i dtreeis. wnicn is reaciieu mrooiiy oy iue mut- let street cars, the last car connecting witn eaoh train leavinif rtoiit and Aiarkot streets tatrty minutes tmlor" its departure The Unexnut and Walnut streets cars ran within one square of the Depot. Meeeinar-oar 'J icReca can be naa on application at the Ticket Office, N. W.

corner Ninth and Ones- nut street, ano at tue Depot. Auents oi i lie union iransiei- company win can una deliver baKKe at the depot. Orders left at ISo. eox Uuesnut stroet, or No. 118 Market street, will teceive auenuon.

TKAIN8 LBAVB DBPOT. Mall Train 8 00 A. M. I'aoli A.M.,1 10 and )u-30 P. Fast L.1I16 ll'OU A.

1U trie Express 1x 60 A. M. HhrrltLiurir Accomuiodatton 2-30 P. M. Lancaster Arconnicdatlon 4 oo P.

M. parkesburarTialn 6 30 P. Oiccinnati Express 8 00 P.M. Erie Wail and Plttsburftisxpi ess 801. l-lilladcliitila ExrresB.

rnlant. 1 1 1 VAnn. wnnntnn. on Saturday ciiht to williamsport only. On Sun day niaiit paeueDgers wia leave I'uuaueipuia at o'clock.

l-hlladpipnia txprcss leaves daily. Cincinnati Express daily, except Saturday. All other trains daily, except Sunday. I he Western Accommodation Train runs datly, except Sunday. For thl train tickets must be iiioeurcd ai delivered, by 6 P.M., at No.

18 Riarket street. TUAlNH ABBIVB AT DBPOT, (Mncinnatl Express 2-45 A. M. Philadelphia Express 8-20 A. M.

Paoil A ocouiuiodat'n, 8 20 A. 4'05 and 5-60 P. M. FrleMall 9-36 A. M.

Fast Line D'36 a. M. ParkcsburK Train 9 10 A.M. Lancaster Train 12-30 P.M. Erie Express 7'2o P.

M. Hay Express l'SO P. M. Paoilic Express P. M.

llarrisbuiK Accommodation 7-26 P. M. For further information, apply to JOHN V. VAIsLEER, .1 Ticket Aitent, No. 901 OHESisUT Stroot.

FRANCIS FUNK, Ticket Anent, No. 116 MARKET SAMUEL. H. WAlLaUK, Ticket Aaent at the repot. The Pennsylvania Bailroad Company will not assume any risk lor Batriraire, except for Wearing Apparel, and limit thoir responsibility tiOoe Hun-died liollars in value.

All HaxKxe exceeding that amount In value will be at the risk of the owter, unices taken bv specim contract. IDWaKO 11. WILLIAMS, 4 29 General Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. EST CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA KAILKOAJi. SUMMER ARRANdK.

MINT. On and alter MONDAY. April 12. 18j. Trains will leave as follows: Leave Philadelphia irom New Depot, THIRTY-FIRST and OliESNUT Streets, 7 A.

39 A. 2'30 416 P. 4-36 P. AL, 71o aud 1130 P. M.

Leave Weft Chester from Depot, on Eist Mr kcttrtet, at 6-'J6 A. 7 25 A. 7 40 1010 A. P. 4 60 P.

and U-45 P. M. Ltave Philadelphia for R. unction and tnter-nic late points at 12 30 P. M.

and 6-46 P. M. Leave R. () .1 unction lor i'hiladclptia at 6-3J A. M.

and l-4f P. M. '1 rain leaving West Chester at 7-40 A. M. will stop at li.

c. Junction, Lennt, (ilon hiddbi, and oltdia; IcrvIlk 1'hiUCeiphia at 4 35 P. will stop at Media, (ilea Riddle, Lenui, and li. C. (Junction.

1'aisenucrs to or irom statlous between West Oiiestcr and B. C. Junction going East will take train leaving West Cuester at 7-5 A. and car will bo attached to Express Train ut R. C.

Junction, and going West tor stutions above Modla will take train leaving 1 hPadelphla at 4'15 P. and will changL- cars at it. c. Junction. The Of pot io Philadelphia.

Is reached d'rct'yby the ard Waluut slreots cars. 'I ho of the Market street lire run within one scpi ire. The ears ol both lines connect with each train upon its miival. OX SCNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia lor West Chester at 8 00 A.

M. ll 'J-sii M. Leave hlUduIphia for R. C. at 7 15 P.

M. Leave West Chcfter lor Philadelphia at 7 45 A. M. and 46 f. M.

leave li, O. for Philadelphia at 6 u0 A. M. WILLIAM C. WHf.EI.Ed, 4 le Oeoeral Superlntondout.

THOMSON'S LONDON KITCHENKB or KUKOPF.AN UANGK, tot Umi Uo, SIZES. AtBo-l'luiilBlDlii Kudkb, Hot A i nace l'nrubln Hunters, iw-ilwn Vjiiikini BU, whoW, Md reu.1. to 1 27fn.Sm N. SKCONU kUe.t- fiW is Tim TIME TO CLJKANSB YOUH HOUSE. WAHIIIN44 ANU CI-KANHINa 1'OU IlKll Ii onroonllwl for PlnU, l'loort.

and all doom hold a. A for It Md uS. nooiW 4i36 iio. 11W FKANiilOllD bokd. RAILROAD LINESf T11III AHKI.PIIIA, WILMINGTON, ANO BALTI-1 fcOKK KAILKOAD TIM TA III.

a. Trains ill lei ve Depot corner Broad atreot and Washington hvi ruic as follows: Wav Mull Train at a-sa A. M. (Hundar ex'fpte(i). for Hi Itimon, stopping at all regulnr staUons.

Cotinei ting with Delawaro Railroad at Wil iuugton for rltllelil and lntcrmeoiate stations. Kxmtss Train at Vi M. (auiidavs excented). for Hiilliniore and Washington, Mopping at Wilmington, Pcrrjvtllo, Bnd Havro-de-Oraco. Connects at Wfl-niltijiton with train for New Castle.

tMin ss 'l rain at 4iai r. m. (Minurivs excemeri). for lialllinore and Washington, ntonplng at t'lienter, Thnrlow, l.lnwood. layniont, Wtlnilagton, Newport, Manton, Newark, Klkton, North-East, Charlestown, rcrrvvuie, iiBvre-oe-race, Aoerdeen, Perrvman ('(jewood, Magnolia, (base's, and steiiuner's I tun.

Mght Express at 11-no 1. M. (daily), for ilt iinoro and nsbuigton, stopping at Chester, Tlmrlow, ('layniont, Wilmington, Newark, F.httnti, oiin-mst. i-erry vine, iiavre-oe-orace, ferryman Magnolia, russeiigiTH ror rortress Monroe and Norfolk will ake tho 12 00 M. train.

WILMINCTON TRAINS. Si oppipg at all stations between ll'lilladelnhla and liii.inglni). i.euve niiiii'ioinnia at li-oo a. 'i'Ttft. o-flo.

and "en P. M. 'I he MMi P. M. Train connects wil DWa.

wine Railroad lor llarilngton and iutciniediatu sih'Ioiis. llnilngfon -30 and S-10 A. i ami 7-uo J. M. The S-10 A.

M. Tiaiu II not, stop between Chester and Philadelphia. Tho 7 P. 'I ruin from Wilmington runs daily all other Acooiu-luoi nllon Trains Minda.vs excepted. lioin raiumoie to riu iideipnia Leave isaltnnore A.

Way Mail; U1BA.M.. Exniess: 1. Express; 7-5 P. Express. MM1A1 IKAl.t MU1 II MO li li.

I.env.s at "Hi P. Hionnlng at Mag nolia, pel rvmiiirs. Aberdi-en, Mavrc-do-Gracc, Per-ryviHe, liarU stown, Nortii-Kast, HP ton, Newark, Sianloo. Newport, Wilmington, Clayiuoul, Lluwood, nnil liesu r. AND IIALTIMORE CENTRAL liAlLUOAD TRAINS.

Stenpltirr at all staiions nri Chester Creek ail 1 and lbiltimoro Central Railroad. Leave I 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 lor Port Deuoslt tSuiidavs ex cepted) ut 7 mi A.M. and 4:11 P. M. Leave Pliila-delidiia for Chadd Ford at 7-00 P.

M. 1 be 7 no A. M. train will sloo at all at ious be tween Philailelplna and Lamokln. A 1 relL'lit Irani, with Passenger Car attached.

will leave Philadelphia dally (except Sundays) at P. riiniitng to uxford. Leave oit Deposit, for Philadelphia (Sundays ex cepted) at fc-tu A. 9-25 A. and P.

M. Leave (. nuclei oiu lor riiiiaiieipnia. ut. a.

A Sunday Train will leave Philadelphia at 800 A. M. for West drove and intermediate stations. Returning, wbl leave est drove at 4-30 P. M.

Trams leaving Wilmington at A. M. and 4'lfl P. M. will connect at Lainokui function with 7 no A.

JL and 4 30 P. M. Trains lor Baltimore Central Railroad. Through tickets to all points est, South, and Southwest may be procured at Ticket Ollico, No. Chi sunt, street, under Continental Hotel, where also Slate Rooms and Berths lu Sleeping Cars can be seemed during the day.

Persons purchasing tickets at this officii can have baggage cheeked at their residence by Iho Union Transfer Company. If. F. KENNEY, superintendent. IllllI.ADKI.PlIIA, OF.RM ANTuWN, AND XOR-lilSTUWN RAILROAD.

TIME TAISI.K. FOR (iERMAN'l'OWN. Leave rtillielelphia at (I, 7, 10, 11, 12 A. 1, 2, H. 3 '4 4, 4-30, 6-05, 0, li'tf, 7.

It, 111, 11, V. M. Leave Cermantown ate, 7, "14, 8, s-2), in, 12 A. 1, 2, 3, 4, 4 5, ti, 7, in, 1 1 p. M.

The dowu train and 3 '4 mid ft '4' up trains will not stop on the Oeriiiaiitowu liranch. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia at 9-15 A. 2, 4-Oft, 7, and 10 P. M.

Leave Cermantown at 8-15 A. 1, 3, 0, aad 9' r. m. CIIESNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia at 0, 8, 10, 12 A.

2. 3 5V, 7, 9, and 11 P.M. Leave Chesuut Hill at 7'10, 8, 9 40, U'40 A. t'40, 8- 40, 6'40, 6'40, 8-40, and 10-40 P. M.

ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia at V15 A. 2 and P. M. Leave Chcsnut Hill at 7 "50 A.

12-40, 6'40, and 9- 25 P.M. FOR CONSlIOnOCKEN AND NORRISTOWX. Leave Phllade phia at 6, 1, 9, aud litis A. AL, l'f, 3, 6, tyt, OW, 8-on, 10-05. and ll p.

M. Lt-ave at 6-40, 7, 7Ji, 9, and 11 A. IX, 3, ax, 8, and vy. M. The i A.

M. train from Norristown will not stop at Mogee's, Potts' Lauding, Domino, or Scaur's lam. The 5 P. M. train from Philadelphia will stop only at School lane, Manayunk, and Conshohocken.

OA SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia at 9 A. 4, and I'. M. Leave Norristown at 7 A.

1, ojtf, and 9 P. M. FOR MANAYUNK. Leave Philadelphia at 0, and won A.M., 3, 4X, 6, 6X, St, 10-Oft, and 11X 1. M.

Leave aiauayaiiK uio-ui, suu. 9x, ami liwr A. 2, 8-30, and 10 P. M. The 5 P.

M. tram from Philadelphia will stop only at School lane aud Manavunk. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia at 9 A. 4, and TV P.

M. Leave Manayunk atT A. ylt ti, and P. M. W.

o. WILSON, deneral Superintendent, Depot, NINTH aud GREEN Streets. -7UK OAPS MAY, VIA WEST KAIL. J. JtlAU.

COMMKNCrSO MONDAY. AITOUST 31. 1S89. Leave Philadelphia, foot of Market street, as iol- lows: 8-00 A. Cape May Express, due 12-26.

8-16 P. Cape May Passenger, due 7-16. Sunday Mall train leaves at716 A.M.. uue 10-46. Cape May Freight leaves Camden dally at 9 -iO A.

JVl. BRTURNINa, TRAINS. LBAVB CAPE MAT, a. morning iuuii, uue lu-uo a. J.U.

6 oo P. PassodKer, due a Xi P. M. Sunday Mail Train leaves Cape May at 510 P. Cape Ma; reight Train leaves daily at 0-4Q A.

M. lllJlYtilD. Annual Tickets, 100; Quarterly Tickets. 50: to be had only of the Treasurer, at Camden. 2o Coupon $40; 10 Coupons, $26.

Excursion Tickets, $6, for sale at the ticket offices, No. 828 Chesnut street, foot ol Market street, also at Cain den and Cape May. Kor iuiiivnie. vineiana. uruiiieton.

saiem. ano lntermei'late stations, leave Philadelphia at 8 00 A. mall, and 8-30 P. passenger. An aecoinmouauon train for Woodbury, Mantna, Damsboro, ard Ulassboro leaves Philadelphia daily at 6 00 P.

M. Returning, leaves Ulassboro at o-3 OA. m. Commutation books or loo chtcus each, at re duced rales, between Philadelphia aad all sta tions. PKBIOHT TRAINS I.KAVB CAMDBN For Cape May, Milivllle, Yineland, etc, 9-2i A.

M. For Rrlditeton, Salem, and way stations, l'j-oo noun. Freltrht renelvea at nrst covereu wuari oeiow Walnut sirt. 1- reiaht delivery, NO W8 s. avenue.

71 WM. J. SEWKLL, Sup't W. J. R.


1, I860. traius leave Vine Street Ferry as fol Mall 8'00'A. M. l-'reiu-bt with DBS8enger car) 5 a. Fxpreas, tbrouah in hours 316 P.

M. Atluntlo Aoooiumodutlon 1', M. I.BAVB ATLAWTIO CITV, Atlontlo ARcoininodlitlon 6 0S A. M. Kxi ret throuKh In WA hours A.

M. Fr.liiht (wilU naisenaer our) tvo A. M. 411 P. M.

Local ralB leave Iue street: Atco Accommodation 10-1S A. M. Iladdonheld do. i'00 p. M.

Ili.ininoriton do 6'46 ii. leturnlng, leave Ateo la-IB noon. llnddontleld '45P. M. Haumouton '0 A.

M. (S IN II A. I AlAlli liiill.N Leaves Vlnestreet 8 00 A. Leaves AOtintio 417 p. Fare to Atluntlo Olty, 42.

Round trln ticket good ior the duy and train on which they are is sued. Oakman'i Looal Express, No. 30 S. Fourth street, will call lor baggage in any part of the oltv and suburbs, and check to hotol or cottage at Atluntlo UUy- NOTICK. 1 ho "2 P.

M. Express Train will be discontinued li''m tills (late, a-iu D. H. MUNDY, A if en t. I'HILADELPJIIA RASPBERRY, JUCUN JLT DA, Agriculturist, and other Strawborry; ijiwtoi fTUckijt rr I'lnnts; llartfurd, Couoord, nd other lrau ViAies suriaieuy o.


SUMMER ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS, JULY 12, Leaving tho Company's Depot at Thirteenth and CaiiowhlH streets, Philadelphia, at the following hours MORNINO ACCOMMODATION. At T-S0 A. M. for Reading, and all Intermediate stations, and Allentown. Returning, leaves Reading at 6 30 P.

M. arrives In Philadelphia at 9-15 P. M. MORNIXO EXPRESS. At 8'1B A.

M. for Reading, Lebanon, Ilarrtsbnrg, rottavlllo, Piuegrove, Taniaqua, Siinbury, Williams-nort, Elmlra, Rochester, Niagara Falls, lliidalo, Wllkcslmrre, Ill'ston, York, Carlisle, Chamborsburg, Uagerstown, etc The 7'30 A. M. train connects at RKADINM with East Pennsylvania Railroad trains for Allentown, etc, and the 8'1S A. M.

train connects with the Lebanon Valley traiu for llarrlsborg, and PORT CLINTON with Oatawlssa Railroad trains for Williamsport, Lock Haven, Elmlra, etc. at HAR-RISHURt with Northern Central, Cumberland Valley, and Schuylkill and Susipielianna trains for Northumberland, Williamsport, York, Chambers-burg, Piuegrove, etc. AFTERNOON EXPRsg. Leaves Philadelphia at 8-30 P. for Rea ting, Pottsvllle, Iliirrlsburg, connecting with Reading aud Columbia Railroad traini for Columbia, etc.

FOTTSTOWN ACCOM MODATION. Leaves Pottatown at A. stopping at Intermediate stations: arrives In at 8-4H A. M. Returning, leaves Philado phia at 4 -30 P.

M. arrives in 1'ottstown ot 6-40 P. M. READING AND POTTS VI LLF. ACCOMMODATION.

Leaves Pottsvlllc at ri-40 h. amt Reading at 7-30 A. slopping at all way stations; arrives in Philadelphia at 10'ln A. M. Returning, leaves Philadelphia at B'lS P.

M. arrives in Reading at 8 P. ami at Pottsville ut 9-40 P. M. Trains for Philadelphia leave llarrlsbtirg at S'b) A.

aud Pottsvlllc at tf A. In Philadelphia nt 1 P. M. Afternoon tru: leave Han islmrg at 2 P. and Pottsvllle at 2 P.

arriving at Philadelphia at 0-45 P. M. llarrisburg Accommodation leaves Reading at 7-15 A. and llarrlsbtirg at Pin P.M. Connecting ut Reading with Aftern Accommodation south at ti-30 P.

arriving hi Philadelphia at 9-16 1'. M. Market train, with a pnssengi car attached, leaves Philadelphia at 12-45, noon, for I' ltuviUo and ail way stations; leuves Pottsvllle at 5 -m A. connecting at Reading Willi accommodation train for FUtUdul-pliia and ail way stations. au iue auove iraius run nuiiuaya exccpieu.

Sunday tralus leave at 8 A. and Philadelphia at 8-lf P.M. Ldive Philadeinlila for ReaHug at 8 A. M. returning from Reading at 4-25 P.

M. C1IESTUH ALLEY P.AILROAD. Pntsengers for Downlngtov and intermediate points take the A. 12-4f. and P.

M. trains irom Piiiladeliihtib Returnina from Dowuingtown at -10 A. 1-on and 4ft P. i. 1'EKIUOMEN RAILROAD.

r.issengors for Skiiipack tak-: 4-30 and -15 P. M. trains for Phlladcloliia, returniag fr nn Sklppack nt C-15 and 8-15 A. M. 1-00 P.M.

SUgo lines lor the various points i i Perkiomen Valley connect with trains at ie and Sklppack. NJcW YORli EXPRESS KOI: lTTTSDUKtf AND THE WEST. Leaves New York at 9 A. M. ad 5 and 3P.M., pas- ing Reading nt, IDs A.

M. and l)and 10-19 P. mid connecting at Ilarrtsbnrg with Pennsylvania mid Northern Central Railroad Express trains for Pittsburg, Chicago, William(--irt, Klniira, Uaiti-rnore, etc. neturuing express iratn leaves iiarnsonrg on arrival of Pennsylvania Exirc-. irom Pittsburg at 6 '50 A.

M. aud lo-50 P. passing Read- ing at 6-44 and 7-31 A. M. and 12-50 P.

and arriving at New York at 11 A. M. and 12-30 and fi P. M. Sleeping cars accompany these trains through between Jersey City aud Pittsburg without change.

A Man train ior new yorK leaves Harrisourg at 8-10 A. M. and 2D6 P. M. Mail Train for Harrlaburg leaves New York at 12 M.

SCHUYLKILL VALLEY RAILROAD. Trains leave Pottsvllle ato-8u aud U-30 A. and 6-40 P. 1SL, returning from Tamuqua at 8-33 A. AL.

and 2-15 and 4-1B P. M. SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD. Trains leave Auourn at 'K m. and 3'iiO p.

M. for I'inegrove aud llarrlsburg, and at 12-10 noon for Piuegtove and Tremont, retuming from llarrlsburg at 7 -45 A. M. and 3'40 P. aud froui Tremont at 6 '45 A.

M. and 515 P. M. TICKETS. Through first-class tickets and emigrant tlokets to all the principal points in the North aud West aud Caoudas.

Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to Reading and intermediate stations, good for one day oulv. are sold by Morning Accommouat ion Market Train, Keaiuiiganui-ousiown Aceomiuouauon Trains, at reduced rates. Excursion Tickets to Philadelphia, good for one day only, are sold at Reading and Intermediate stations by Reading aud Pottatown Accommodation Trains, at reduced rates. The following tickets are obtainable only at the oftlce of S. Rradford, Treasurer, No.

227 S. Fourtu street, Philadelphia, or of G. A. Nicolis, General Superintendent. Heading.

COMMUTATION TICKETS. At 25 per cent discount, between auv nolnts de- sued, lor families and Arms. AlllittAGlli TIC IV i s. Good far 2noo miles, between all nolnts. at 1S2-60 each, foiMamllles and llrms.

bKASUJN T1C1VKTS. For three, six, nine, or twelve months, for holders only, to all points, at reduced rotes. Residing on the lino ef the road will be furnished with cards entitling themselves and wivoa to tickets ai oau lare. EXCLUSION TICKETS From Philadelphia to principal stations, good for Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, at reduced fares, to oo au uuiy hi iuu nchct umce, ai TUiriccutu ana Callowhili streets. FREIGHT.

Goods of all descriptions forwarded to all the above poiuis from the Company's new Height depot, liroad and Willow streets. MAILS Close at the Philadelphia Post for all places on the road and Its branches at 5 A. and fur the principal biauuu oiny ai a-io m. ritiiiuii-i- T1C.13 Leave Philadelphia dally at A. 12-45 noon.

and 7'15 P. for Reading, Lebanon, llarrlsburg, i ousviiie, run viiuiou, ami an poims ueyouu. DAlHMUI. Dungan's Express will coiled baggage for all trains leaving Philadelphia Depot, orders can bo left at No. 6 S.

fourth street, or at the Depot, Thirteenth auu i anownai sireeis, 1VTORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. 1 For KT1IL KH Kill I IO LKS T( I V. MATf'H f'TITlNK. V. AK'I'MV IV I A tlTiP( KJ'P WILKKSEARRK.

MAHANOY Oll'Y. MOUNT (. At, rvj r.L, I'lTTSTOW, TUMtHANNOCK, AND SCRANTON. SUMMER ARRAN'flKMRNTS. I'assenuer trains leave lieoot.

itirninr of AfllhltlCAN Streets, dailv (Sundava us luiiuwa: At 7'4ft A.M. (Express) 'for Retnlehem, Allen town, LMauch Chunk. Hazlototi. 11' I I. 1 ua 11 11 n.

At 945 A.M. (ETprPSSl for hlehem. Raotnn Alluntown. Mtie)i I'lmnli 1 1 10. scrantun.

and New Jersey Central and Morris and Essex Railroads. At 1-45 P. M. (Exnressi for Kcthlehem, Easton, 1'Utston, Suranton, Mouch 4'hunk, Wilkesbarre, and Hazleton. At 6 -oo for Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown, or Doylcstown at 8 48 A.IU., a-45 and 4TB P.

tor tort Washington at 6-4 and m-ih a. ivt 1 TVT lor Ablnirton at 1-15, 8TB. B-w, and 8 P. For Lansdale at e-iiu P. rvf.

I-lIin and MXtll Second and T.rA Streets, and Vulon City l'assoiiaer Railways run to 1KA1NS A RIVR TV VHir l.lB-T-DTTl. From liuth la hero ut lr, 1 ni aw, a su, auu 9 From Doylestown a .5 A. 51., 4-55 and 7-05 P.M., I run I.aiisfbile ut T-3d A. AI. roio roll ui vm ut --j auu From AbinKton at a aB, 4-36, 6-45, arid 9-35 P.

M. ON SI'Mhys PhtjadelphU for Bethlehem at t-30 A. M. 1 hlladelphla for Lioylentown at it P. For AblnKton at 7 P.

M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 6-80 A. M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4 P. M.

AbiRKton tor ot a i nr. Tickets sold and BairKaire cheoked through at Mann's North Pennsylvania Baggage Eiprest vuivm, iio. ivB o. IFXU Street. KLL1S CLARK, Afteat, rPHE ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY, OFFICE A Ko.

SM CH KSNUT htreet, forwards Parcels, Paok. ages, MercliaadiMt, Hunk Note, and Kpeci. aitber by 11a own hoes or iu connection vriih other KxpreMUompaaiea, vw au ui. priaMiHii iowps iuu wmv. mi cjuiia K.

OOLHMAN, UauariataaJaat, AUO ION SALE 9. THOMAS RON3, N03. 139 AND 111 8. IOURTU BTRKT. Nn.

307 8. Tnh atr IIANDKOMK UNirUUR, PIKIt IRP.OW I INK HAIR MATTUi HSK8. HANUSOMK VKLVKT ANU Ii 1 SS KI'C. On Frirtny Morninir, Sfpt .1, 1 o'clock, at No. 8 'l entil ntr(t, lif ct-Ioriio, tbn entire ilounnholil Furniture, roiiiprminK walnut piirlur liirnitiirn, corered Willi K'0n ri'l; walnut nil oftk Hinira roem furnilurs.

elcenol oiled wnlnut eli.uidnir mi it: wnlnul, nmliiiKiiiiy, and clt8 cluiiiibnr furniture, nrI French Plate iurr mirror, lonnireii, renlro taolm, rrenon clK-k, 10 tine lislr m.itlrewien. feather bolitom and plllowti. china and plawiwiire, nne ml paint ma ana ennniTinifii, aewinff machine and tnblo, 9 ariia-cnnaiiniinc ctoTpa, hand- aonio velvet and bruaels carpel, cloth, kitulion iiten-aila. choice predervea, etc. may le examinoa ou tue morning ot aaie ai cioca.

Aipneea' Salo-fntatn of Rrombey Whnrton Hilda. I-TA'l LhKH OK AN ALCOHOL I USTI LLKKY AcfD) KKOTIFYINO KSTA ItLISHMKN T. On 8aturday MorninK. Sopteniber 4, at II o'clock, nt No. Siii North Tliird street.

will in aold nt imblic anlo. by order of Win. Vnndoa. A. ainee in Ibtnkriiidcy, the r'lxtnroa of an old Alrolnd Ilia, tillery and Kectifylioc KntaJiliahment.

all in Rood onler. cciiMBtinif of 1 I rench cnliiinn pit il I of 4M itallonx. with an the ittuiuilcnanceH, in working order: receiving M-anda and copper fixtuies, complete; rup kettlo, ii iocliioi tul)B, i tiHterns. orrnT. i 1 1 i it 1 Move and acuttln, i.

old chain 1 old dfk. A Iho, leasehold of ireniMo, e.xpirea Anffuat t7ll. Kent, ifslOOO per annum, considered wortk tOlKI. Kt KNTIX(I. DI KBOUOW AUCTION- KI' RS.

Noa. 1KH MARKFT Street, coruer of Rank alreut. yucccnaors to Joliu II. Myura A Co. LARGE 8AI.K OF f'AHPKTINGS, OIL CLOTHS, Km o.

On Friday Morning, September at 11 o'clock, on four months' credit. about piece iiiK'oin, Venetian, bat. hemp, cottiiea and ra caipi oil cloth. rHjra, etc. S'SIil LAROK SALIC Of HtKNnH AND OTHKR )KV (iOODA On Monday Morning, Sept.

at 10 o'clock, on four month' crodit, including a largo B( eciul and at ructivi aide of Hal CAI.TONS HON MKT RflJHONS. SSI it Alao, lto pieces black and colored bonaot volvots. 8AI.K OF SiKO CASKS HOOTS, KHOICS, IlKOliAN.S, 1(1. On Tuesday Morninir, Set. 7, at 10 o'clock, ou lour credit.


SIIOKS, HttOGANS, r. I On Monday Morning, Sept. ti, at in o'clock, inchulinu a luryo line of city made N. li. Sale evei-y Monday and Thuradny.

1 A11T1N BROTHERS. AUCTIONEEIiS. (Ijitely Salesmen for M. Thomas A bona.) No. oil OliKSNUT Streot.

roar entrance from Minor. Sain by order of the Pennsylvania Milk Company, at Noa. 3., and Alarkot a'reot. TWOKI'PKUIOK 14 OILS i SIX LKiHT WAOONS, CHAIN ANO I WAGON, A H.NKSS. 1 IIOItSK I'UWKI! HiV (JUTTK.H, FAIRBANKS' KOALKS, Mil PANS.


On Saturday Aitern(Mn. on the premiseH, Noa. and XM3 Mnrkut fctrett, by order ot tho Penualvania Milk Ooiu- la ey. May be aeen on the day of sale. 1 3t npilOMAS HIRC'II 1 AND COMMISSION SON, AUCTIONEERS MF.KdlANTS.

No. 1110 bill' SNUT Street, rear entrance No. Iiu7 Sansom street. Sa'ent the Auction Store, No. 1 1 til OhoMiut street.


1110 Chesnut street, will bo mild, by cutaloKUO, a very large assortment of superior parlor, dining-room, library, and kitchen fnr-nituro; a number of handsome carpets; rosewood Scho-mncker pinno-tnrto, including the entire furniture of ii family reniovinir Irom the citv. STOCK. AND I IXTL'KKS OK A PAPF.R UAKGINO 8TOKK. At same time will be sold the fixtures of a atom and about -OcO pieces of paper hangings. 9 1 ilt IPPINCOTT.



To be fonnd In this city, la at the OLD ESTABLISHED Eilank Cook Manufactory OF JAS. B. SIIITH No. 27 South SEVENTH 6 is thstu3m PHILADELPHIA. OFFICB AND SALE8ROOM, FIRST FLOOR ARB- nuujus, ur staikh.

ROOFING. A I) I his Kootiuir ia te all buildinirs. It can 1 applied to OR FLAT ROOKS at one-half tbe eipenne of tin. It ia readily pat on oli hlniinle KootH without romovinu the 1oiik1o, that avoid ing tbe dumaKoir of ceilings aud turniture while under ffoinir rcpHii'H. (No eravel uued.) PKKSKKVK YOUR TIN KOOl'S WITH WKLTON'I H.LAKTTO PAINT.

I am always prepn red to Repairand Paint Roofsat allot notii u. Al-o, PAINT FOR tiALK by the barrel or Kalloa tbe beat aud cheapent in tbe uiarket. W. A. WKLTOJV, 3 175 No.

711 N. NINTH titreet, above Coatee. ryo OWXKRS. ARCHITECTS, BUILDERS, I AND ROOi KHS. Ilmif'n! Yen.

yes. Kvery aire and kiud, old or new. At No. N. TH I ltl Street, tbe AM PAINT AM) Hl'OV COMPANY are sidling their relcbrnted paint tor TIN lor piewrving all nod and inrtttK Also, their solid coi plox root coveting, tbu evnr uttered to the public, wiUi brufbes, enns, bucket, lor the work.

A nti vermin, i ire, and Wuter lairbt, Tifflit, Durable. No cracking, ix aliug, in-nhrinking. Ko paper, gravel, or neat. Hood liirall cliinutia. Direct innn given for work, or good workmen Miri'lu'il.

(Jare, iironiptuemi, certaiuty! One price! Cull! Kiunnnc! Jude'. Agctita wautud lor imeiior counties. 4 ouif l.l.KDS, Principal. I-1 (IRAVEI. ROOl-S COVERED OVER wi til llimtic hlute, urd warranted tor ten years.

11 1 1. 1 1 a 1:, Sin No. 45 S. TKNTU Street. HOOP SKIRTS, ETC.

-HOP I 1115. UOOP.SKIliT AMD CORSET MANU-1'AC'lUKY AND SALESROOMS, No. 1115 CEESNUT STREET. Our CHAMPION SKIRTS hotter and cheaper than all others. Ill to 50 springs, Vba.

to Our fcytone Skirta, 20 to HO springs, til's, to 1 40; New York milda Skirt. Irom 20 to 40 springs, 45 to 7no. R. Werley Corsets, 2 So, $3 511, $4 ill. Corsets, from $1 to 7.

Q'homson'a "Olove titting" from 2 2() to $5. Mrs. Moody's patent solf-adjum ing abdominal supporting (Jorsets, from 8 to7-higbly recommended by phr eicuns, and should be eiamined by every lady. Ovor 40 other varietios of Corsets, from 7oo. to (S W.

r-kii ts and Corsets made to order, altered and repaired. WHOLKSALK AND RKTAIL. 7233m WILLIAM" T. HOPKINS. AM'WII If 1 i A dWMI'D Hn COMMISSION MKHfUA.M'& No.

3 COKNT1KS KLIP, New York. No. IS SOUTH YVHAKVKS. PhiladelphUL No. 46 W.

l'KA'l'T Street, Ualtimora. We are prepared to ship every description of Frelgntto Philadelphia, New York, WiUniuglon, and intermedial poitita with iiromptneaa ma iaiwa. caui io'-- bleam-tuga fnruiahad at Uia burteat noUo. li A NT) A TT CO, ritODl'CK KltOlIANTU, Ko. I fcOHTU WUAltViUi No.


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