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The Pittsburgh Commercial from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 2

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


DRY COODS. oniy of ItobiiiHOn. if tl' rf 1.1 tho tn.lWldual. who pro-, ho ill -irnfl in'-" "1 "toiinttrr lrri- in tin' luo.i.-.f of Hie ci-failon "ull sav" truul'lf ly rca i tu-lf Ml. of til IVutiyIvnni.

Till is luo sfcoad nl I In isr.7. aid of (nurse hat Uu( Ik ii rala 'I to tlif ntti lltlou of tlip public: EkjOaib (Commercial WtlM.DAY. A I'RI I. IT. 17.

MIT 1 KRC1 AT, .1 7.f, i'i I'i adjacent Matt, and iton, is 4.i udeerthiuj mcdivnt in StTTiiE ffirc Ad only inpu tr report of the local nmrket ntul authority by dialer nt fu me it, the principal citict- IeTTihc CommkuTmi. in tie and Set letter at all the jiiiicijui! pvintn. Trice fiee cm! it copy. lt? T11 Commuu m- locul iii-e, ijii-iii'j taut of interest, concite-ly vriiteii; nho, of improvement, iaven-tinnt and perianal movement. Vtriwv.

Commkrciai. i the oiihj paper in I'itttburijh that ve the telegraph freely. Ill iptciul diiipittchei are from corrcupond-tni stlictidfur their inUUije nee und reliability. Tiik riiiuiiiiniutiin we publisU to-ilav Tutlirr ilis om's of the New Comity iro-j ts, and It ave little to lie saUl on that Milijrrt. Still, our columns art' open toany tiltmiiit, Wt; uuuoliiicc it as vi'iitalilti fact The linaucial Future.

Harper's Wiekhj concludes an editorial look at the Financial Future as follows: "Still, the season will not pass without trouble. Trouble may come from quarters least expected. On the 1st of June the Bankrupt Law will come into operation. Many are no doubt preparing to take advantage of that law, and the failures and suspensions which may then be announced will be startling. Many a strong which has given extensive credits may find its debtors on the bankrupt list, and their assets, which had been considered undoubted, vanished like smoke.

Then what becomes of the supposed veiy strong houses? One heavy failure carries many, like a row of bricks which schoolboys set up to tumble down. Shrewd and crafty men, both debtors and creditors, are shaping their course to meet the operation of this law. 8ueh persons as hare kept their accounts close, who have no over stock of goods, and not foolishly speculated for a rise in stocks, in spite of every possible presage against fo doing, need not trouble themselves about the future. There is a very considerable portion of the business community whose position is very strong. These will' weather the gale.

But among borrowers and overtraders who are unable to obtain accommodation there will inevitably be trouble, as we have long predicted. The probability is that business will now gradually fizzle out, and that a dull summer will be succeded by a revival in the NO MOKE SORE FEET. Corns, Cms, Bunions, P.nnions, minioni. Corns. Corns, unions, Uunions, Iluuions, Coras, Corus, huuiorjs, liuuious, liuuioub, PKTF.KSON-S CORN" AND 1SUNI0X OINTMENT, Isnotonlva but a radical cure for tho-e of the feet.

Mr. J. W. Darker, tile Market street IM-y Ib.od, M. -reliant, savs Peterson's ointment re-luoteti the pain almost Iniinedialely, and ullimalely removed the corns from his feet.

Try it, and Ilclief is certain. oid Wholebalc and Kctall by Mi I.AP.IfAN 4 Mi KEN A Druggists, Ki Market corner Diamond near Fifth. OE'K DYSPEPSIA I RE 1, prepared bv tlie orifrinalor of the lustlv celebrated 'st oujih Ital-am. Mr. Coo has never prepared a medicinal article forpublic and central but what has stood the strongest tests, au.l ha- alwav, borne I lie palm of vietorv over everv dl-ease it hn been eertitii ii to cure.

Vill you who are suticrinK from il -p. p-ia, indiKi'st ion. nausea, ii. a.l.i, he. chol era liiorbo-.

.1 li arv and ireieral -tehiiitv of the V. bole try bll a ,1 niiie hot 1 te i- We ill never ion uyalu If tail ill thi, tlur own in, I. due ol its merit-. 1 he it. .1 le-a imoii olall bo b.i ei In.

.1 it, the encomium, ol" hundred, our own neighbors, your duly to au lit-b. ii. r. -ult. ft certain as mi nsti ne, 1 1 urgently, persist, ntiv urire vou In Irv one bottle.

Ii what we uot if oill- statement, Us oiuh rlnl virtues are not found to be Irm If vou uot that lie operation of the me.i-i. li is Instiinlaueoti- and jicrieet wonderful III ri iloun, our pr f. s--lou as. at. rers lo the public h.

an. i retire l'roni the I. admitting that we are Incompetent lo compound a im .1 ielnal p-epara-liolt bi. 'n oul.l lie entitled to vour conlblenee. 1.1 hnii'i-b even here.

Sole for KI.K.MINt;, Druggi-t. kl Markel street. MTiV DRY GOODS. CARR, M'CANDLESS COMPANY, W1IOLESA LE DEA LERH IN FOREIGN" AXD D03IESTIC DRY GOODS, IVo. IM WOOD Above Diinivoiul Vllo Are now proparrd to m-r Krnt Bdo in-nl lo trntlc.

lint ins th, vsnlntr of is resident huyer fcswi to look li barKaius in Ml ESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS CASSSEV1ERES, AD ALL KIXOS OF FANCY ASB STAPLE DRY GOODS Ah wf buy entirely for t'nsti onr nntro: (hu oa lxnUixag StMds at the Lowest Eastern Price; DRY GOODS Biwn Shirtings, Bleached Sliiiliugs, Tickings, Stripes, Tweeds, Cassinieres, Biess Coeds, AT II 0 A I M'ELROY, DICKSOX 54 Wood Street. EW VOODS FOR THE SPRING TRADE JLST ARRIVED AT JOS. HORNE Sc CO. HOSIEBT, GI.OVES, BALMOUAI. SKIRTS, BALM0BAI.


EI.OWEK8, HATS, BONNETS. FHAMEs, tilUKd, CBATES, ALINES, Ac As oar stock has been purchased at LOW PRK we are pr'parHi tot.fftT thrm al correspoo.linely rates to WHOLESALE ANI KETAIX. BUYEBi Merchants, Pedlars and Dealers la our line find It to Uicir interest to give us a call. JOS. HORNE 77 MB 7 MARKET STREE 1S67.


THE ST.4 SHIRT, on band made to order. THE IXYI.H1BLE EMPRESS TR SKIRT Xew Slutpe for Spriir, 1H67. HaIXBO.Elt)RSETS-pMeat fo, "THE EIJEWAXTE" Sew Drew for IS67. A complete fMKortment or all kind PAPiB COIJLAUS ASD Cl'FFS. City and Country Mercha Will find our VTholeale Departtnent well st with gotHls suitable for ttieir trade, wiiich we autee to sell as low as any Kastcru JuUOiug liui MACRCM CARLISLE, 19 FIFTH STREJ FURNITURE.


Federal and Sandusky Allegheny dt MAXIFACTI RERS AXD DEALFJ IX ALL KLSIS OF Having recently enlarged our establtshmei are urrpart-d to fnnil.1; our fri. n.Uand the general wita a CUOICi. AKliCLa. OJf Self-3Ianiifacturcd Furnituri Of ererr description, at the Lowest Cash Prle AU oioers ixcciea wui oe i)romrjtlj atteu ORTLIBB 177 LAC4H U. KTREl Allegheny City J-lRMTlItE.


1.1 PITTSBCRCn. JEMOVAE. CII.I.FI.AXD ORB, PA1NTBKS AND GLAZIERS, Have remoTed from No. 1ST Federal street, to No. Sh DIAMOND.

Allegheny, (north side,) where they will be pleased to see their friends and patrons- 2EMOVAE. KOBIXSOS, Rill Hare removed their OFFICE to No. I'i CORNEH OF FIRST AND SMITHFIELD STREETS. (J M. DARE, J.


WEST CARRIAGE MANI FACTURERS, have removed to their New Factory, Nos. 75, 11 and 19 LIBERTY STREET, Foot of Fourth. BUSINESS CHANCES. l) issor-i'Tiox, Tho Par triai-ship bert-tofoiv,ii.i between BI-AIIi A WOODS Istlil- da dissolved by mutual rous ut. j.

Bi.Ain. A. VOIs. DISSOMTIOX COIMRTXEK-M11P The cnpirtnurhip Iw'fwi'c tin- un-i-r the nam of KOEK-blhlt 4 was lirfolvel hv mutual const-lit on the tirnt iay of Ketiniary, the entir inli-reM of K. t5-hwar hitfiiiy wn purchaecl Iry iward Ko'rhif'r, who will roiitinuf the Wall Papi aiifl Khih oot8 business at the fcaine stunl No.

Ii4 Mi.hfith-t frtro. t. AU debts owinjf to the sai: l-Hrtin ihip art- in-ri ti ly the biitl K1ward r. and 1i tiian1s on tilt bai'i axe to be yrcseuieii Whim fr pivii.nir. F.

aclIWAii. nAVIXO KOM MY ETIHE KKKi- I in tli Vil Paper nml Fiuu-y Good buiiim to KDWAH!) F. V. ii, who wiil con-tinfit; the luistiif-hs at tlit old I would eheer-fully reroiiimend him to our foruior patrona and Lht CLOTHING. 1 A XI1SO A EW ECO XI) STOCK or tii-iiiK- find Smiiiiiei WOOLENS, ScoUh (lifviofSj Cassimeres, NOW r.I INU HKCKIVKII AND OFFERED AT i'i: ices.

Gray, Possiel ILesa, MERCHANT TAIEOHS, 6 FIFTH STREET. gTEIX BUOTIIEKS Xos. 3S and GO WOOD 1'i rrsiii noil, pa. MANCFACTURERS 4 WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Men's and Boys' Clothing. FVLL LISES OF IMPORTED 4 VOXESTIO Cloths, Gassimeres, Vestings, And everything ntne to the Trade.

a complete Hue of TAIIOKS TKIinitiS, GEXTLEXEX'S FURXISHIXG GOODS, tio'e AiT-nr for CRAT PATKVT MOULDED C'Ui-L. Alit, and auothti t-utirciy new style of Uneii Faced Collars, WHICH AKE CiUAEANTEEDTOBESOLD AT MAMIACTIRIR'N LOWEST PRICES. aircnt all tho popular FASHION PLATES. Esp-ciai lulttid to CLOTHS AND CASSIMEEES, CU OWX Ill-OBTATIOV. MILLINERY COODS.

SI'KI OPEMMiOt' 3iiijj.m:ry goods. We are uow rcceiTingalsrfro and well selected stock of STEAir Goonst otiiprt-infr the T.stPt Stvle and Varieties ont. The latent Novtltu it iu Uroaincnts, lowers and Kihbou9, to which wccall the itu-uium of thu trai. 51 MARKET STREET. Our Retail P.

r.artmi nt vte recommend to the r-orable n.itieeof th- l.ft.lie.. gTKAU Ac. A FULL ASSOETMENT OF IJonnets, Hats, R1BB0XS, 3IILLIXERY GOODS, fr. OF THE LATEST SPRING STYLES, imCES UKUELT BEDl ED. R.


H. PALMER, 84 WOOD STREET. nut: bkk asu tile. D. E.


Cian Ilonsewi, Oil Retinerles, Steamboat Boilers. Eire Urate. Stoven. Ac. All siseaaod patterns.

HI3t KEY TOPS, 1KA1 and WATER PIPES. SI OA II EAB1US, 1-3 to 4 Inches thick. ALSO, EXCAI'KTIC TILE, plain and Inlaid, eery pattern for Eloors, llalls, Yesti-bulesi. Hearths, Ar. MARRI.E All SLATE TILE.

MAUUI A.M SLATE MASfTELS, tar. niched at lowent Sew York prices. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, J1IIST STREET Opposite Slononeahela Hons. QOOOKItll-fi SEEDLING POTATOES. XUK EARLY CiOODRItU, Best Early.

Eate. The wonderful prodnrtlrencw. exemption from disease, excellent keeping and tahieiiual Hie-, of thee varit ties have gained lor them an unpnct-'lfiiUid popularity. We haye In store a larjre stock of these varieties sniid, pu and in excellent condition for llaiitiiir. They have been raided ou light soil without manure.

gFKlXO WAGO.VS. TWO NEW LIUHT BOLT ONE IIOJISE M'KIXG W.1GOXS, Esstem nisJe. with Tatent Rubber Locks, will be soi.J at iht CA-1U. les thsn nianufapturer's prices, iuuuirc 1 ltoKEKT K. WEDUKLL, comer of Suiltlilield and Water streets.

T)KOUUK NOW RECEIVING 1 IJntler. l.OtCO ftiS nrlnie fresh mil Kntir- I LOOK lt.s fresh leaf, lu kens; Apples, 500bush lirl)lit dry Apples; Peaches, 00 buau. brixhl dry reaches: lteans. t)0 bush small Iteans: Cheese. ao6 bux.

mild ruttinr Cream; Cheese, 00 do mlldcut-tiiiK Ilamlmrn; Cheese, 150 do mild cuttinij Goshen; SO bbls. brlnht and choice; Apples, 100 bills, choke Kussets, ic. full slock of Groceries la store. For sale by H. KIDDLE, Ko.

1K3 Liberty street. QET SOJiE HIT A GROVEli BAKER. It la the beat for ail purposes. Cill at no9 is FIFTH STKEET, mKC Boar.1 of inwtore of nn. tlan-t leU-Kraph onipnny 1 lio 1 ii-V tills VI AHTKIM.y lMVIliKM) flio st-v iiUimt tin-ran-oi ti: l'Ki; i i- M.

out of tho Turnings of the I mi to April 1st. on all paPl up -to. k. payable i of the Tri aiircr. 49 Fifth streul.

l'itisbui -li un nd after this dnie. KI)VAEI JAY AI.I.KS. Treasurer PittsVurgh. April 10. I67.

rsr tiik avi ai, MKKTlVtJ of the Slorkhol.Iprs of the la. rific and Atlantic Telegraph t'ompaiiv of the Mates, will be held at the Boaril of Trae Rooms in thet ityof I'lllshurKll. on TI'KsAV. May 1th lO A. for tie purpose of a ltoar.1 of uitieerM ana for the transaeilou of surh olhi-r business as may cone the lection from 1 1 A.

i. to 1 M. The ami Subscription luokd of th; 'oinpanv are until May Ntll. E1IWAIIU AV AI.I.KN. Secretary.

OFFIf-E fIFTBKA. V. R. R. COHPlfT, l'tXTSBUHUH, January 1.

ITSF" SOTICE TO lltI.IKKN OF VIK6T MoltTtSAtiB BiiNDSor the ALLEGHENY VALLEY HAILIillAI) COMl'ANY. The AUepheny Valley Hallroail fompany hereby give notice that thev will re.leem the KllbST MllKT-OAtiK HONDS of the ouipany within two years from thir date, lu accordance with the provisio'ns of the mort v-ajre given to secure the payment of the said bonds. Ity orderof the Hoard of Managers. WILLIAM l'retdent. POLITICAL.

fcgp lOlt Ol XTV TKKASi ICKK, WILLIAM Mt CLEAN, Of Pill Township, formerly of North Fayette, will be a unci. late for County Treasurer, subject to the decision of the I'liion Convention. I'OU l'KOTHOXOTAKY. JACOB n. "WALTER, Will bp a candidate for tlie (lllice of Prothonotary, subject to the decision of the L'uion Convention.

I-Oil I'KOiilOVOTAUV, I). C. IIL'LTZ Will be a fur the offle of l'r thon'tary, subject lu the deeiiiuQ uf Hvpublicaa County Convention. I'OIl 1 OlSl' 'TKEASIIIKK. Maj.

j. f. dekxiston, Late Brevet Major and C. S. U.

f. will be a candidate for County Treasurer, subject lo tlie decision of the L'uion Republican County Convention. DRUCCISTS. W. II, 8KLI.KI1B FUA3K VAN GOUBKB.

(Late K. E. Seller. Co.) gKLI.tKS A VAX WUoLESALE DEALERS IN Drtim.1iFnilral. I'nlnf Tarnisbeii, larbon OU, live Mutts, 1'atent MediciueM, 1'crftiiiicry, aud JUItUG GISTS' fAXCr GOODS, ivo.

Corner Liberty and Wayne TITTSB VRfiU, PA. Sole Agents for Pl'KK I.Il'.KUTY WHITE LEAD, COAI.E-S JAI'AN ami VARNISHES. JItl CUISTS. J. KIDD'S SOX Wholesale Druggists, rlTTSBL'KUH.

PBorninoKs or int. j. kiiid-s lou 1L1I.SAM, and The Peru Cough Balsam. J- ASI bAM I. a.

Dunr. JAXE tV Dill IT, OK.M.KlllllKU.M I.AKK At,ill Wholesale and lift ail DRUGGISTS, In VarnHbes, Ums. lvefiTuffi, it Mandard -at 1 heir ftn 1 JATik-e i i JUid Wlii be H'fid iu su auy ht'Uae la the Wv-al. otJ3 i J. C.

MATTEllN, (rner of Niuitbfield aod Tbird Ktreets. devoict to rllVSHlAW I'KFSI RIPTIoxs, AXD vino tti.iii't.s. Jy Jit I PARK I5KILL, WholrMile and Betail DRUCCISTS, Ko. 77 Federal tttreet, near lepotv hl0 AUEliHKNTCITY, PA. 2A1FK IIAM.I.US, 7'.


SI TO THE AFFLICTED. Holmes' Great Sanitary Tonic, A trlfc! und Mire rfmrdy f-r I iitlipi'-ition. Hi-xri imm. Acidity ihr Mmar-i anil i O-t ifpnc-, I give L-iit and i-T lo liic vthuie TLeul. Holmes' Rheumatic Compound Thla Compminil Is the moit niilirlne for Klieutiiatim Hint hs eTt-r bt-t-n It i a bur- cure fv iy cw.

lia cauierre.t uatuid blfsjitnir ujKm liiou-uii. To tlioif with Ague we woultt call Uictrat-t cut the CticOraua HOLMES' AGUE MIXTURE, A prrparaUnn which has nrvr failed to produrc a to product till' (Icsirttl nVSTJLI, A rt mtM'y fur I'uts. Sprains. Hrulssand Pains in th ztn.i Itsck. It hest prfnaraltvui eTiT offt-retl toth- piiblir, ami will reWou it own merit lor nctKiiiiit iHialh in.

Thi'fw Mt-iiiciiu-s were prparrd Xvw the late Dr. K. HUl.MKS, of ra.aini Ijt him in Ills practice fr a munlM-r of Tears wiiii tilt-greal-ft hUiTt-M, ami now ih-ttt-s cirii(wtitiou. 'Hi'- art I'i pare! and MauuiUctured by tht- l'roirit tor. J.

33 Ohio Street, Allegheny, A mi hy all repeetahle InifrKists In the country, nii dJn ctlun ac-oiiipaiiT r-M-h paekupc. Ail ortiens from adislaia'i- in the I'roprl prictor, J. li. Hui.MKS, Aileglitniy city, lmnnptly attt ndvd to. FRUIT FARM AND NURSERIES.

VISES. m( ul!) The most Yslnable Orane la the counlry. 1VK AMI KEMZ-The br.t Amcrloau Wine HAKTKtmO AND CKK F.I.I XG-The best Terr early yi lh.irr.u;lnT .1. JIAHIHA ANIIHLAC lv 1H K-To now Wi li'e uo attracting great attcu- J'AFLLA, ADIilOMJAC, aua other MHAH11I UHV II.AXTS. Nw- w--f8et aua mot In Tlu.

OlH.llKN bKr.Di.D AM liUBR NEW TINE- MM IN lii-st forrnnrlne. TKOilPHFliltliAJiU, AliHICCLTUlaST, 4c. KASFBEKKIKS. I'HII. AnFI PIUA anrt TMPKOVEU BLAC CAP Hardy anil try raluable.

BLACK KKItKI KH. CHKLLKc. EARLT' KITTATIMKT, KO ioo.sebekrii:n. AllFItlfAN SEEDLING and ENGLISH VARIE-11E, lfcceutiyliiiltortcd. I It AXI S.

VFRSAILI.AlE, CHFKKV, FERTILE ANt.Klisi, WHITE GRAPE, VIi'TOKIA. 4c. Our Catalogue, containing full det.cripticna of aboTe ami u.uch Taluabie inf.irnialuin ou Small ruit Culture, can lie had nt shire, or will be sent to all aiiiiiicauts through tiie PotoUlce. AllorUcrKifllca iirouiiitly. K.NOX, No.

13 LIBERTY STREET. TjKADEEY WOOLEN YARN FACTORY FOll SALE. The umlcrsigned offers the following ilercribed Property for sale, Tii A tubbiaiitiai Ki ick linilillng, three stories hiirb, 9-1 leet long by 3t feet wide, with the addition of a good I He House, 51 feet loug br 2fi feet wide, and a good Itriek Tenement iluiur, containing 1 roouia, with several other aniall out houses adapted to ta-ellltatlng the manufactory. MAC H1NEKT VU: Two sets of feet Jenks' Machines, with all the late tniprOTemenu; 'A spin-King Mules, one containing Spindles, and the other 3-l; lour Twisters, and other machinery suitable for carrying on the business, with a splendidly improved lry Room, 't here is also room lor three sets of machines in Factory. The Factory Is iu operation, an.l those wishing to purchase would do well lo nil and examine panic immediately.

A splendid Roller. Engine, (tiOTernor attached lo same, i are included in tlie ahof and are warranted sulfu 1 nt power to run three set of iuacUiiies. For terms. 4c, inquire of or address, li wf K. UKAliLEV, Wheeling, T.

V. INVISIBLE EMPRESS TRAIL SKIRT, THE KEW SHAPE FOB SPRING, 1867, IX DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOUBLE SPRING) SK.I The Handsomest and Tnot Comfortable Style yet introduced. ALL EASHIOX 1TAGAZIXES.) Also, the New Sizes In PARIS TRAILS, PRIDE OF THE WOULD, and TIl'-TOP STYLES. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. AT WHOI.FSALE all the leading Notion and Ilry limits in pitiftiiuiifli.

AUo, bv bole Owners ul Patent md Exclusive ilauufacturers. WESTS, BRADLEY CARY, S7 'HANKERS New York. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1ST OF ATIOVS FOR I.I- I TiJ KS HELI. I.iyfoKS.

tiled in tlie l-lt rk soilice, up to April lOUl, 1SH7: Kind. Place. vim. I (iiliM-k, tavern, tt ir.l. Si'- 1 '11 ,11 Kiiz.

I.i-.iic. M. Kejjer. K. Hams.

v. Palllck aruiiiip roii.ic'l., Juim 1.. Mel, Kerr. rt nee. I.otli, J.

re. I Krt ,1 iii i.iliei Win. I A ck, i.iiciiii. Mnilieir ii A. '1 nil I.

Ml. W. Vihfr, F. i, I I I'slll. r.

I- I- 1'. I. I -4'i ar.i, I'lit-'tniii. i Ward. I'iil- i in.

li 1 i i- .1. K. nu, WaMi. M. M.

fiillonith. I.K.I an H. I. r. in.

inn 1- i-k -nun Ni' In. I. l- H. Il r. 31'.

Ward, IV w. I'll .1.1, I II, A W. r. ai II v. x.

Pell 1 1-1. Mclv r. .1 II. II. I i.i.l..

r-. A M.n 1 IV. M. na I In. ker, I niii-n cf.

ni.!. Peter Mnrj.nv. Pnlrtek r.c.rkc. wdiitn.

1 Kid. Til.O. Willi" ell. Marnt. Frank K.

jinr-ii -lili lit a.i. almg 7iii Ward, Mil Wj.r-1. vivrl. 1' I h. ii i r.

i'i- u.i. Irri m. oltn K. Mt eating Ct Si. lOih Xsvit-t r-r, i kiiivi r.

t. .) i-1 1 -1 i nihT tr i-li. KKhrr. i n. It.

ii. lUir. m. Hu rfifi s. 1 r.i ncl ttaifp, Jaiiirf.

McAilUtt tnvf rn Furl, II vi, in. Iouf'swoitii. 1 itiri- Malacr, tavern, liny. bynp, J. s.

ri.m NirhoH. K. W. lUmina, i hri-l n'lt'i. Mi- lta aM.

i wartf. AHrttir'Hf. 3-1 Ai: ht T5--r. othrr p' im-Iih1ii udt is 4 ill ward, A Jiio. Jit nuilSH A una h.

1 rnlK-n ou Tho-- HtirfT, htmo. J.t. oi Tt'iiiiff, of tftrminiiaui, rji. Kruti, Mtrli. MaiT tiivern, ftoro.

Eiriuiujtham. itu. A. Ssu, eating Ii-hiw, Xnl. tumu cliwini1t, Iavtl Braitn A iro.

oilier (rods. tntro. lioro" oi" John tollo(rY, Anjit., John i-rr-in. il Fii.

i.lotil. Wni. I' man. other 4T'Ktl-, IJorOutih of I.f)Ui Mt VITn. John Nastrr, Mich.

UtTf tr, Jf-ib Lang. Trgp Hoe A Krnt Str-iM, Anion eath ixetirv. to. Kuhref A other guotls, I'fiu kiUu, Kred. FeirMuh, tavf-rn, of Munch.

eo- eating Uouip, 'hilip Wsjiiipr. I. firi'l ll. otlu-r jrfo1? -Inhn A. Mthel, taTll of Horo' oi' nomit lark.

Hem 1' tta arker, 1,1 loliji F. Woilt. hi. Mnti-r, Tlimiiaa McOuaid, W. Aurln.

i iiar. A. O.H. eating house. 4 Jnbu vit-lti ing taveru, iioro of "hjUIU lllt-burgli K.iueh, John Vritinver, other good.

11. i Jk h.ii. Sehul. A. f-tpf.

Auth, r-held, rv in, i-rre Hoeltel tavern, of SharpbHrR. tavern, ITorongh of Tarpiitnm. tavern. Boro' of Temicrancevllle. falrlck O'Nt-ll.

i atti. reany. eating house, Jam" Hanlif. Jorni l'ar. oitnr goods, l.oro of Mt.

Wriihlnpton. 1 hriNt. rinrn, tureru, ltuhl iu Tow iistilp, huh. i ri lllitiSUhr. Jacob l.

t'olMus leholu 3Diiu Ttniier. Ht-nry Strollioir, A. Urant. S. Mi 1'liPrson, HiiiispHth, flu turn, John 'at-on, Jain 1.

ween-v Mirlmrl Michael Smith. FhihT Smith Fayetto orm a vt-tie miorf, eating jre Warren, tavcrii, fic'-rK' H. Hntliun, Mt-Aiiint'-r, rliiirlfH Fnurl, John, Joint UelilllM O'iJiicn. O'f onrtor, other goutts, Hnrlman. Mti'lin Mi( Mr, lure MrKlhtiiny.

tavern. J. H. Hoinlie), Jot-eph ii Frnnrl" (iiliijoie, F.f. I av ih, eatiiiff 'I homa- tuvei it, I.f nit-Krowt Arrhi.

Anthony hittaker, 4 I. on i.s strinli T. Peter lnmierger, Iema Lut t.rit. Jarpi. Mirk e.

Iiohhp, Oakland Ohio IVnu Ie'lle8 Reserve ion ttenney Kiehant Turner, lara (iorlje. tavern, Kichiana iOnn Hohinon novf.iea Sfott I I. St. lair 4 Lower rjttTuir harh King, 41 Hiorfu- Wertiev, lv ainiiel J. Heath.

l. Hart), eatiuif house, William ISnnnn, tavern, lieo. itii har-l Htitk-r Tho. M- lohUi 4i Peter li John Shuek. KoU rt li.

IU11, Marv P.eltzhoover, Philip Vnn.i, James Hughes, Jona I avis, WiNon, eating Hiram F.ilmiinrison, taveru, otimar Anberly, Jaim-n klllen, Ahra. Moore, Patri4 iallagher, Jaim-h Ward, Vi Whaler I'oiou Versailles lJa ii liavaini, Conrad Speidle, John Mi'haftr, YViiklna Perei' PerehiiK nt, iJaniel W'earts, John II. Meytr, iv The I.irijfte Board will sit lu the Quarter Sessions IiVlvVk lh0 ahov(1 applications, ou MMAY. the atth at eloek a. m.

For hearing the appUeat i.ns of parties residing between the All. ttlH-nv M1nt MonnngHheia rivers, on THE. IA, the JOth at same time of hearing appti-oat lorin of parties residing south of the Monoiiirahela and Ohio rivers, on VElNFSUAY, the 1st ot Mav; at frame tune lor hearing applieatlons of parties residing north of the Allegheny and Ohio rivers. Appjieautn are requested to prove up their tales immediately, if they have not aln adv done so. JOHN t.

it HOW Clerk. HATS AXI 1SOOHS. A full assortment of BASES, BATS A.D BOOKS, Together with Kelts made to order, with the name of the Club oa them, il' desired, by JAMF.S TJOWX, 136 Wood street. rpfttlFOLI, TKI101.I5 TRIPOLI. The best poli'-hing powder ever produced, fr sold, liver.

Ilriuinia. hnebhor tin-ware, li th put up in 1 and l- paekayes: rent for lb papera, iuid J43 Ct-uU fr I ih papers. For rale by JAM F.S BOWV, y( a 130 Wuvd. street. $23,000,000 STATE We tinxe for sal, at EASTERN MARKET KATES, the Sew Bonds or the State of Pennsylvania.

THESE BONDS BEAR Six Per Cent. Interest Free from Taxation, And are considered a first-class invest, nient in every respect. JAMES T. BRADY CO, BANKERS, QKxr.K rorRTH and wood streets. 800 BOXES PRIME MESSIVV Oranges and Lemons, NOW ARRIVING, AND FOR SALE Dr REVMEIt so.

ia asi is wood street. SOUTHWEST" PACIFIC RAILROAD vkk First Mortgitgc Bonds. $2,000,000 in Coupon Bonds of $1,000 Each, 1 liXTT 1TARS to RIX, Ikriit i Hi nttil Inlerevt Uy Use nitl I'nrilie Knilrontl ('OIIIHU, Ami '-nri bv property valr.ed at 7. OOO, eosi-i-d'nt' llieJr e. rnpl.ted Jo the nr.

r. 117 from t. I.oni. and Ai of Afiricuiluriil aud ilineral Lu-udi uu it line. I a e-miitrT ri-'h Sn -u s.iiin in ii.

p.iri nt ir! in liS'l; the ivn Mi urt iieiiii: the purest kn'-wn, vhmiw tYm fill i en I puri it I -I ei-lnr xiU aiei n-J hr-w He. nil IU hue if tli-- un i in prt at ijun a a limn lh- tr. tf. -it mi Hi the 1 a.

iHi tiii-i-Ii is Him betttjf Jnaujftirated ITI fr-1 g- ti ii(f lr-n ire the Krt-rem the mi vie id tit in. i.Ver t.t lur ores ing tlie di tie I'i. me- I 1 1 id" he jre. he! lan'ft are oli i tiff- -imotiitt 40.000. ii iv i a 1 I iit- r.

II. pllili el a iiki' 1-. ire 3 tlx- i 1 in t'-r Ui''t. '1 i i rsiei ii; lO j-t I T' 'lilt- c.l!i!;i!.- 1 r.JuilWi-!: aisil!;rt- I 1 1 a- sn (ifiinvj, u.i: I. K-t i ti i.

luij irtiel-. i A AL- I I I. mi. i if. i.vii-, 1 i I on-p a i.i'iiii.iiuu "I ii.

r. ill. r. ny a Urn II" lli.l. si urlii l.n., 1 h.

i.ui. I r.mij.i.-t' d. iMlin I -'el- r-. Krr.ii.-w... n.ii.

-I nud i i 1, ii, i-r. I ii. not 1 N-vi I Ml i T.I.. I T- el ais. 1 1.

I til. i i.i io WARD Bankers, XO. WAI.I. M. VOItK.

RUSSIA SALVE, I.MAlSMall 1 lOft. rn box, Is Uir ir.edj fur linfns. Sewlds. Cuj. Hrmms, td a'! eh W.ninb; 1 -r hi, hipped i'ljes.

U1 s' Fnij.l inii, li.olcie JiU Klieniu, UY i'lH Vt. fU bALVKUs r-h V-tr-tik'i' itnt t. iii.atj.- ftom the n-rj iii ii -tif r. ter i th.i aur p.raun fre iti- jnVie. it- el M-mmnl mi 1 Wi.jmtruMil, pre- eii i' 3-t ia leallty A -N Iii ill KA'ilTU htxtv i fif'nerai 1e of thr- Ktisit Hslvei-, tiiiar-iiiti-e of it lin-ompjtt'-tbie ir-tut a lUij Uiiiiitii nt-The Ttry larire file of UKUDiSt.

SM-Vf. .1 ihe rt hi ci veil ri-j ID litiMiln et iiiiorli; iinnaiiejc-. hut torxintlHuit tLe HliA Al.VK IV, a i i. i It r-i: ir n.a: reiiatjir i.r ti-t a -l' ily i-Miijii e. aiel ntMr iii aiit y.

(' ettiirate, is ri -i ii t-r si ifc 'i i ii trie in t.t ri Ai fte a frt-n rut, ty Ut uSe. Fur ii- tf I au-l A jt nee ircs. ill- hDI.Ni. A lropriotor, HOVION, JJ1.IMH-S I OK LIVERPOOL AND PARIS. nnv the Fin- Iron Mrsmers of the "National Meiini N.T.ipsiinn 1-laf, a in New 01 k.

1:1 i.u 1' ti ni.t Ja--iirfe anl any l.tne. tn; Seeuritl ami Cabin sctn ai Oilier itf N. i RATTAN 3ILRPIIV, Aent National Steam Navlatmn Co. 'ALL IAILKS IS67 t.oi.n axi FMnossrn papf.k ii vj. 1.M.N AM IKIHDKHS.

embroidered eeu. fer. 1.A1. AXD SIl'SEJX, tollel patterns. KI4II IIAKli COLORS, with gay trim.

llllUKH. LOW l'Dll ll t.OI.I. illmuinnted. eilFAP of doinenlic mnntf laet are to t.uit eerj body. FRFKt ll PAPI.KS, imported peeillj.


Advantages Claimed. 1st NEATVPHSHoth Sash ajvjvi'arlng ns one. CI.KANMNK.1S-a ctoao dtUlig rabbit Clll'lt'H all't 3.1. ctiMKoHT Afr draft! art also ticluitc-it, and rsttllliK 4 tli. JsAKK I Allowlnpof the simplMt and most iiil.iii ill' li bolta. Ki oNOMY Any window can be spoedlly al- tf re.l at tnlliiiK cost. lt an Inai Kimis thi.unh the npptr nd l(iw; an- lluli. "lit oer tin- other, and jet when uot cloed, lUfy pa uaati otln-r a usual. be wen at tbla office.

lUOin FOK bA LK. I It Forlnrlim l'lanes, Minrn, all kinds oMieavT holn-liit-, MH and liu. Miwnil 1. Msl, ord, etr A arttele ol uliable Hope k. lit on hand lor in stoiea an.) lor tiller foi es.

For furtlier luforniatlou or circular apply to the manufacturer. i iwr JuliN A. ItoKHLINt', Trcuton. N. J.

WM. WKTTACH K. MKVSOX. "lyrETTAC'H A ME.1MW, llauufacturers of erery description of OAK LEATHER BELTIXG, And dealer. In BKLT AND LACE LEATHEU.

Ko. 804 SMITHFIELD two doors from Liberty, Pittsburgh, l'a, CliELLM, MIKI.LS, SHELLS. Just received, direct from New Orleans, aud for sale Mils. Small White Shells; thi- t'hS n-rorna''ntlog Walks and Flower llcds; also, tor cemetery Lot-n AM ft L0f 17 LiliertT street. I'Olt Ktl I--COUNTRT RESIDENCE uttu ou the tto liorouKhof ltwliester, coMnllnf a tl of the Ohio river, and within the railroad station; trams lor I niarly every hour.

Contains i-ittbt house. Stable, Carrla(te-house and other omwia. lugs; about one acre of (troun JP Price low. Possession given 1 mm edi at ly. ther particulars address CHAii.

U. ULKsT, Jtocuea-Mr, Pa. pHOItE i-Rrrrs asd vegetables. replies. Strawberries, Dam- eon Plums and LlieriUa.

lieani, inslow t.reen orn, Circ 11 uorI1 Succotash an.lToniaKws. Also shaker crieu com. for sale holesale or bj fcI.tTKE, 36 Lllierty street. pit SALE ELOIK 100 Mils Fawn Lake, arciic. 1IMI bills Hni lMir Mills, luxes Kaetory lieese, MTy packages White lah, 5 packages BROS I llj'ftu ill riit.

JVtl a AX lliCTIK CU AXE OVKK OKOVEK Oi BAKER No. 1 and No. 9 MACHINES, as the best for tbelr purposes. Call and examine them al KO. 18 FIFTH STKEET.


011 SATI'KDAY. April 20tli, r. at the liooms of the DoarJ of adc. Pew No. hG.

ciipis.lT kK-at in tlie middle aisle ol" tlie first Fi-esbytcnau Church. JOHN I. BAILEY. TIOV KtLKN IIO SMITH- -iV FIH. I) 'l KEt.T.

OI'IM-ITF. POToKKICK. DAY and KV1 MM. sales on TCEIAY, Trtnts-IIAT aud SATl'KUAY, of Hoots, allocs. Hosiery.

Hardware, Mraw mid Shirts. Ilry O.iorts. Hats, Nt. lions, Special inducements to rs and I'riviiic sales on W.din.lsT and Fridav. l'artlcular attentio'i griven to I urniture ales.

al K-tate. stocks. Bunds, Ac. held on margin and on commission. J.

V. liliKEN A Auctioiiccrs. STOCK SALES. JOIIX I. BAILEY, Stock and Real Estate Broker, A-I AtCTIOXEER.

Harln(r genred the Board of Tra1e Room3 ahovt the Third National Baik. I am now nrt-pared to sell at 1J.NIS au-J aii kiu-tsofaK- I'KlTlts and KEAK Kr-TATE, either oa the or at the jtMv Pwrticular attention jiai'l as heretofore to iie flail of K-ai K-iate at I'rirate ale. bales ol' iicai Ebtate Iii tlie country attended, OfHre. 102 FOCRTII STREET. MERCHANT TAILORS.

liOOUVtlS, Merchant Tailor and Clothier, 22r, IA11KHTT STREET, jut rect-ived a Largre an1 Beautiful A-aOrtnirnt of (he I.ate-t Mvii or tioul. uHir for the M'lUNtr AM) it'3IMKK WEAK. 1'erauui ia nc.d of Wf uld do well to rail ami examine this stork, as liter have been pureiiad at EXllitM KL LOW Viili E5 Koj: (AMI, ami will be suld luueli lower tiiau tlie same iiave leen sold for some years None but ti.e wnrknu-n are euiplovod, and euBiomers can rely on having garments made toorder in tlsv b'st and latest style. Call and examine the stock and ISKMt.MRKK THE PLUt 225 1 IS STKEt.T lyjtnillANT TAILOR. HESPEXIIEIDE, NO.

SO ST. CLAIR STREET. NEW SPRING GOODS, Jl'ST OPESED. AU late and new style Tatterns got up in the latest Kastf-n style. -p 2AKKISOX A FURNISH STONE FLAGS, For Floor? requiring the greatest durabilitv: Garden W.iiks, Heartlis.

nts, Ae. These 'Flars are from 1 1-4 to iiicue Uiick. aud liavluie tue control of tiie LARGEST AXD BEST QUARRY In the West, we can supply them in any quantity and at a verv reaonaWe raie. Also, dealer ia FliEJS-PKT and COMMON bTON E. JKoitph liuriaM a3 of the sam stone can be had from A.

J. HAKBAl oH, at the Cemetery Mr ble Works, opposite the CticeUrry Oate, Lareuoe-Tille. Ofiice and Yard, cornr BUTLER and Ninth ward, Pitisburjch. W'dur Flags are also supplied by T. R.

Ta htK, 107 Fixot otreet, opposite iionoayaheU House. JOI.IIOI A EDWARDS, IM1-OBTKKS OF SODA ASH AXD CHE3IICALS, OfTpr for sale In rtore here, and In bond In New oi a aud 1'oiiadelpUia, aud to arrire. Common and Refined Soda Ash Of Huteliinpon's, Kurts, Crosfleld, Johnson's ami (iauib.f'6 xuasie, Uighly carbuualud fur glass manufacture. Cmisstic Soda. Vsli, For soap and paper manufacture.

BI-FAf HIXe FOWDF.RK. 4 rude nrjtl KeHnrd MTR4TE KODA. A STli' SOIA. BICARB SODA. SAL SOWA, S1AUA.ESE, fur Ulsss and Ml'I in mi ii flic tn re.

11IUAK1A BLACK LEAD, doable bniMiner brsinci. A1C.HE3!I Al.l'M. Iiimf and rrsnnd. SAL A.njlO.NJA, I1UKAX, tOi'l'LBIS, ATar. OFFICE AND WAKE0OUSE, Xos.

U3 Water and 122 first St. Kit I'ronoealR wilt be reef ItmI ny tlie undersigned until Al'Kll. SStllh. rr furnishing HlMiKKU AMI FIFTV (7S01TONS. Fuur to six inch Neutral (or tcit sliitUliy iicd siiort) MUCK.

At the rate of tons per month, commencing May Ibt. i'roposals Uiiiist the price, delivered In I'litstairjch. and maj be fur the whole or a part of tiie alxrti' quantity. Tlie rilu to rrjt-etany bids not deemed satiafaetory is reserved. Address IKON l'ittburiiu.

ia, rittf-burph. April 4, fc tf l'hlld-iphia North American cony lw, and send bill to thiboihce. J.1 KKMF TMF. ERIK CANAL an aet approved March 15th, 167, tin- Erie 4'aui enip.nii is authorized to enlarge their cauai to iuca sire a the may deem expedient. J'f Art aulIl'tize6 the increase of the eapital stock to and authorizes the Company to r-c Ue lu payim nt for subriptlons to suM'-k any bonds.

judgmnu or other iiulf of the company. The act further provides that "WUen the present hidehteOuc of the com pan or three-fourths of the saiiio shall hare been converted into capital stock, the said compauv i herebv authorized to -xe-eme a mortpane of the" said canal, itbrigliu, privileges aud franchises to their trustees, and isuecoa-pon or other boudd to the amount i one miiltou of dollars, ovarium teveo jer centum interest per annum and not running ovei tortv and secured by the mortae aforenaid. to be exrendt-d hy ttie said trustee. under the direction of the Board uf liretors in the enlargement uf the said canal, and with power to 11 said bonds at bueii price a the iirector may de cxpt dU-nt. -y The com, way proposes to enlarge the canal to pass boa! of from to toi.

burden, and as there can Ire littiedouht of the fins enlarged paving the intt-rest on Us prest-ut and in addition to the interest on the new bonds, it is hoped the Bondholders will promptly convert their bonds iota sum to enable the companv to proeeed at once make arrangements for enlarging. Thestoek book oi the company willt open forthe of 1A Of'm A dlV67 fcWC lh FUf liy order of the Board. A. H. A UG Secretary.

FIGS, 1AT1vS. 1,000 drums New Crop Figs; 5dS fraiU liates; 50 mats JseefiU-s Kaisins: 500 pavkages Lavtr; do Wholes, Ualres, and quarter Boxes to arriTe, at liEYMER A 'os. 126 and 1S Wood street. 0 KAtfcS AM) LEUO 300 boxes Prime Mepsina Oranges; Landing and to arrive at REYMEH ft Xos- 16 and liH Wood street. BE DECEIVED liy fourlshlnr ailTertlsements of LOW prucirii as hy nam.nlri,,,, En" nW thro" money uituy Kk i ii Ko.

IS FIFTH feTREEr. '14 lt( boxes Varnii.utli lO Mils Absorlctl tiiKiisU Just reccrttd i Nos. i. No roiinly xlial! I lt -til.

il liy a line cutting off om'-lt n'li or 't" Population dither to forma new voiiiiij orotlicrlr, without theexpnviaassent of mi. li ruimty. by a nt, of the electors thereof; nt.rch.-11 new county be eitnbltehed containing than four hundred square, niiles." Dili In an absolute constitutional requirement whit I. unanimous I.egWature cannot dispense u'e'i't In' 1 moment tlie require- fgard to -inar, miles. I licit tl.

i ir. ri Allegheny onlaiiw 1'vt -'l ilre a tiieotiu ljt.iocome iroui Suppose our county loan lifly iiuare uiile, and Vi i milt In other a live from Ilie Ohio river to the Amir-troiia; ciruuty line. That would five us 401 wpiai-c Hut the lull to creute couiut has to pa, the Legislature, and then to submitted the yotrot the tlin counties. would he tlie result ol f.ueh a ote? 'lite full vole of eiteh of the counties would lie: AllcKhcnv. lluller.

Itmver. ttiere nun who Oelii ve, tlutt votes could tie gotten for the creation of Mob in, in roil it. lea ring 40. solid a( liUst I lie sclo me I- ah-unl lletl 1 lo uul deem it in ci ink and upon 11. AI.LKi.HKST" Incompetency of ToHcltprx A Item- 3To th K.titor of 1'ittMtmrffh Commercial The a Idlei-s of the Itevert nd John It.

1 lark heloie thti Teachers Aociultou is an able one, and should be read by all teachers who desire a high degree of ultuluiiieiit In the profession. II is most painfully true lliat the professlou of Teachers is tilled to a great extent by incompetent iicrson. Not incompetent, it may be. so far as mere book knowledge goes, bin tin do uot posses, the art of bringing out and veluping the various fatuities of the minds eu-li u.sli to their care, such faculties as concentration, liieliiorr. Judgment.

e. They do not possess the i I of hi inglMK iiupMs on in their studies III such a that und, rstand them. Iti- common, we I 1 Ib'ooh a book and ret be I'i. I ni llir i A pupil M. through and i In- arilhm, He.

lie pltiablv Ignorant oi in. rule, and principles tl.en-or. There a i ii "a lentil, of who iu'll" "ho ten 11 'blame, it tlie le.uii- ineeliiig el run bv politicians of I be 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -tripe? ill the comiu unity take i.u lt, an i ve salaries I or to Pai i.eis l-drlvnnj olitofilie pr, if, ion al I teacher, rabihty. and cluing lur in oth, 1 lu ir ue to lu lug in oilier pnr-ull, siiuuld be u.i rea-on lb. in In I be nil school nut charitable i 1 1 0 II for ecu.

II a pla. lor I lopment 1.11.1 oiirt j. place where the in, I II be no we sboui.l lutrusl v- it -l. Il -oil inn re, pons! 1.111 tic-. If capable teachers cannot s.

-cored bv the prt plan. It I lb. be by a ol'our ino.t competent teachers, au.l let the power to select leaclu rs bt? taken away of Directors, that arc r.illv uolorb.uslv ll, Tlie el 'amiuisn Harrison City ou the Krrorfl. ISpecial Corre-pondcncc of II AUKlsON CITY. A(ll il 13.

At a regular lutetlng of the M. Hand and 1 in. League of Harrison t'ltv, Westmoreland county. the following resolutions wero adopted: llfcltKAS, The time Is approaching when onreoui- lnolic ltry will lie caile ui. to till the vac in.

-y thai will oecurou the on of the term of our tit; and, wlicreas, it is the duty of a 1 true patriot, throughout the wlioie rtitiiu to select and piace at the head of our men that by the ling ofour cotinti-y dttrlii si-iuc tji(. 'ate rebellion thereltire. be ft 'I lial. t.eneral 1.

t.rant be our choice bo i it. I' i si'h nc in Isi.s. Manton he our choice forthe Ice I'resblency, he being a ti u-livortliv and ell.c, i v. hit. -al the li.

.1.1 ol the llep.u.uieal ot ar ing our rie-gle llueri v. Thai t'roiii iir long and intimate iuter-contse Willi Judge II. a. Well 111 S. Clal life Wl.

can ami do most cordi 1 him loth, loyal vut. the -real tatc I'. un-vl- auia. II. ol -iiim in .1 n.lge.

lii.ia ing lnin to be i. I I. I.oine ii I i-t and woithv the po-ition eye lias' made him trulv a til it i iii itin' 'f1 Thai connding ill the valor and patriotism ol our well tro and failnlul ntallic. ol. t.allagher.

we desne hiui lor the ensiling term in our sjtat. tioveru- II. FI. liANM. Secretary.

Ir appears from ciircrr.l'.y ihle that eiiileiants arrivej al Nevy Vurk ftoni Jauimry first until April eleventh. Din-ins the first ten days of this month, arrived, or an averaire of nearly eltrht tiumlreil a Of the total number, aljout fourteen thousand embarked from Liverpool, five thousand ftoni Bremen, and twenty-fire hundred from Ilainbui Of the emigrants who landed at Castle (jardun duriuir January, February and March, four were destined for Alabama, thirtv-oue for Georgia, one Iiundi 1 and forty-nine for Louisiana, live for Mississippi, two for North Carolina, twenty-four for routh Carolina, Unity-four for Texas, forty-one for Tennessee, and one hundred and twelve for Virginia a total of four hundred and tw o. Out of the entire late Confederacy received a bare four hundred, or one in every sixty-tux. We Uatn fron t'u- Ktfblkan. that "the laic warlike news front Kurope has plae-a sudden and general cheek on the transactions in tobacco in the Connecticut ralley, which hare been considerably more active dtiriiiir the last few weeks, after the utter stagnation of tho winter.

The purchasers of tobacco have all been liuyiug for a foreign market, 6hippinr it from New York to Bremen and Hamburg, but in the present threatening aspect of continental afVuha they hesitate, to proceed further and incur the risk of losing their investments. The prospect of the coming crop Is not goo-l. The Wheat Chop. A correspondent of the Chicago Timet, writing from Rockford, Illinois, concerning the price to which he alleges wheat has been carried by speculators, says: "Now, all tho farmers want is for these men to keep their faith until they get through with their wheat ecciliug, which is progressing finely, when they will give them So. 2 in such quantities as will dispel their Ideas of a famine this year.

The fall seeding of both wheat and rye never looked better on the Nth of April than now." A sTitiv.ENT law against prize fighting has pat-sed the Pennsylvania Legislature. It makes the penally for engaging in a nrize fight, or taking part as tecond or bottler, a fine of not more than $1,000 and solitary imprisonment not exceeding two years. Every person being present at such a tight, and eueouraging the same, or laying any bet or wager on the result thereof, whether present or not, shall be considered a participant therein, and may, at the discretion of the court, be punished in like manner. Tns New Cocstt Mania. The desire for the formation or creation of new counties in Pennsylvania amounts to a positive mania, and there is really no positive necessity for any more counties.

They would only serve to increase taxation, and provide offices for a few hungry politicians. In addition to the clamor for new counties from the western part of the State, it is stated that a portion of the citizens of Montgomery county want a division of their territory and the county of Madison erected. Thf. meteorological records kept at Sitka by the Kussiao government, in latitude 57:03 degrees, the mean temperature for a period of ten years was in spring 44:5 degrees in the Btim-mer, 57:5 degrees; in autumn, 47 degrees; in winter, degrees, and during the year 47:4 degrees. This iudicates colder springs, autumns, hut milder winters thautliey have in l'hiladel Ida.

The National Hean.bhip Company is progressing very favorably in its scheme for connecting Boston by a strong fleet of first class steamers, with the important trans-Atlantic cities of Southampton, Havre and Antwerp. The American steamship, connecting Boston with Liverpool will soon be able to put this line in operatiou. I'eksons not accustomed to accurate thinking make comical blunders sometimes, when they get among large numbers and estimates. One of the city papers yesterday morning said, it is estimated that eight hundred millions of men use tobacco. That is twice as many men as there are living on the globe.

The 7dts intimates that even if confirmed, Mr. hayuiond would not accept the- mission to Austria. It says Ti pressure for the mission to Austria mnst base very considerably, lu no other way can we account for the nomination of gt- iileui. who bav. at.

plied for il, on whose bchlf no application 1, en made, who had no knowledge or mis, ibat anv such action was intended, and who. in all probability, could not accept the position Hi 11 conn, and, Mr. y'6 pre-emlucllt Utilcis for tin po-ilion is uiiiversallv conceded, and we have air. a.i; the opinion thai the circ n.1. wbl.

Iii, re-lgtiatiotl was tendered, would rt It a r. cuilarlv graeeul aud proper act on the Pr. -blenl ii.ari ak to permit Its illidrawal e. I lomly ih, hu, jim; al, vvHl replaced I'T mi) nt appointment A ToNr.iEor India Ri iuiek. A Paris cor-re-pondetit states lhat in that city there is a coachman who has become a celebrity from having an India rubber tongue.

A cancer on his tongue rendering amputation necessary, the operation was successfully and the lost tongue replaced by one of India rubber. AlthoiigN he cannot speak, tast-s, swallows und Finokes his pipe with evident enjoyment; and after eating, takes out his tongue as one does a set of teeth, generally carrying it in his pocket between his repasts. Jyicr.rAsE in TitAFFic The Meadville Se- jmliiiiM says "1 here is a mais-eu mcreaae in both the passenger and freight traffic, of the Atlanticand Great Western Hallway lately. The Broad Gauge Freight Line, between New Yoik H. Louis, Cincinnati and Cleveland, is a tine business.

The earnings of the iciad for March showed an of about i hi il over the corresponding month of last year, and April will undoubtedly be still A Wasuim-ton letter says Such a back-uril, wet, cold, unpleasant spring time has never hem known to the oldest inhabitant. Ilvai and apricot trees are at last in full in. am! Hie lawns about the public buildings arc ei n. hut the weather is anything but the discontent of the juveniles, who la ai to think about their day cele'irutions. the Di iiiocralic jiress und piiriy are weaned ol the ilhet Ahtililioni' t.

1'nr months the term lift not heen ly u-ed in it-o'tl tint! I iiiiK''n' The privation i ears to net severely on the less versatile portions of the party who do not know thcinsilvcs, without the iminr in their pol-IticH. Other are eoiisoliu tin inselvos villi tic comprehensive political epithet Radical, which will admit of any had meaning the imagination sees tit to attach to it. Tiik nomination of Mr. Hkihhku, in Ikooklyn, uHinemherto the State Constitu-tioral Convention, is an interesting and un-iisuu! proceeilins. In New York clergy-turn arc seldom put up for office, and scarcely ilo we find tlieni seeking a nomination for any political position.

This liabit stems to be a mod and strictly in accordance with enlightened propriety. The position forwhich Mr. has been named is un exception, however, and there arc many reasons in favor of the proceeding. In reorganizing the fundamental law, the best minds of all classes ami professions in the land, should he called to take pint. Tiik New York Constitutional Convention bids fair to be an able and reliable loily of men.

Thus far, the parties appear to Uaye selected their best men to represent in it their political views. The proceedings of the Convention will be regarded with interest not only in the State but throughout the country. Some subjects will probably come up for con sideration, in which other States, as well as New York hare undergone some change of opinion during the last twenty years. New York, especially in her great metropolis, has felt profound apprehensions of danger to the administration of justice, from au elective judiciary. If we are to receive the repeated and uncontradicted statements of the press, Judges have been elected for municipal courts in that city, not because of the u-ual qualifications, of a judicial officer, but because of their ready compliance with the dictates of party feeling, and their presumed pliability in the direction of a particular class of their constituents.

Some method more consonant with just administration of the laws and with society 111 ly be devised by the Convcnt'on. THE MURDER Or PRISONERS. War, at the best, is a severe remedy for the civil wrongs and ills that nations are heir to, but it must be admitted that civili-zution, or, in other words, the principle of Christian morals applied to the affairs of government, has greatly modified the horrors of war. In no respect is this more marked than in the treatment awarded to prisoners. Hence the menace of death to the prisoners captured in the contest betweeii parlies in Mexico strikes our higher civilization with horror.

And the cold blooded mur der of one hundred and twenty French prisoners taken by the Liberals makes us ashamed of the party with which our political sympathies naturally atliliate. It is a burning disgrace to the cause of Ji ahkz, a great as a similar measure, threatened, or aid to have been threatened, by Maximilian, was to the Imperial party. The people and government of this country have had their feelings too recently and horribly excited by savage cruelty to prisoners, in our lute contest, to look at it in other lands with any other emotions than detestation and horror. And our government acts but with honorable and consistent humanity in raising its voice to deprecate the barbarism. Not only should its advice be interposed to save the life of Maximilian, but its power, if need be, should be pledged to back its advice, with reference to Maximilian and all others, oa both sitles, who may need the exercise of Immunity toward them as help-lcs prisoners of war.

The strong speech of Cornwall to the barbarous and blood thirsty Irish of his day, might well be addressed to theue murderers on both sides, and it would probably carry with it emphasis and honor enough to be as effectual as the Protector's was. No liberalism with Which the people of the United States sympathises, can tolerate so savage practice as the murder of prisoners. THE NORTHERN DOMINION. The American ladies sometimes make themselves suflicieutly ridiculous by copying European fashions in dress. We hope our political world is not going to be in-vaded by the equally great and more pernicious fol'y of affecting the sensitiveness and alarm felt in European nations, on any change of policy or augmentation of power by any of their neighbors.

Wo have no need to feel anxiety, though our neighbors fdiould grow much wiser in their policy and much greater in their power, than they are, or appear likely to be. Canada nny go on for a century, as in limes past or as anything for the future, and notcoim; ithin sight of a possibility of being dangerous to the I' idled States, whether it. shall continue its connection with England, or become an independent Kingdom, Dominion, or licpublic. If it could he shove 1 ahead by a century's growth in a hundred days or hours, there would be no chance of its 1 1 ing tlai'gi rous to the United States. Hence Mr.

I.ankh'k Resolution, that the nspect of 'ail'airs in the province are the occasion of "solicitude" to the United Stales, was but a piece of over-acted and t'u demngogueism. The Utile eilei vest ence among us on the Mexican tpiest'ion, a couple of years ago, was quite a different sort of thing. There appeared to be some danger then as well as direct insult. The time wan chosen, when we rc engaged in great strugirle, and the al'i of the Mexican enterprise looked favorable to the insurrection which we were endeavoring to suppress. It was also a wanton indignity to a Republic modeled after our own and our immediate neighbor.

A ml finally it was undertaken under the auspices of nations with which we have lens sympathy find in which wo had less oiifident than in the adjustment of the Canada confederation. There is, in fief, no parallel bt.lwcen the two cases. Whatever may be the form of government in the Iiitih Dominions north of un their increa-e of population and advancement in wealth will only make them the better neighbors to u.s, for it is next to Impossible that two nations homogeneous ju thaiaclcr should fail to cultivate trade and commerce with e.u otln-r and to conduct tJjem on principles advantageous GREAT BAKCiAIXS IX CLOTHING. I.OSIXCi Ol OF A Wholesale Clolliing Establishment, AT Wholesale and Retail. The underslened would announce tr their friend and the mi neral public, that tin have removed Hie balance or their stock lo tlm Tli'lhl) TiltT of the Uuibling No.

lifj Wood street.) heretofore occu-pl. .1 by us. where we will I T.i isF the remain Jer ul ourtiood. We otier OKEAT BAUOAINsiu Iicadij-JIade Clothing, TAILORS' TRIMMINGS, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, 111.4 At. i- ounliy Merchants.

Healer, and ail iu wa-u. ol" Clvlilihjl, should caii hu'jll. A. FROWEXFELD So. 137 Mood third floor.

NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SCHOOL OKS A I ARI AM Fltl -II SIUI It Ol LIBRARY BOOKS, From all tlie best lubiilitT, inoIu tiiiR every ha-day School Kt'iuUitc. SEND FOR CATALOGUE, IVIYIH, M-AKKi; A 9:1 WOOn sTHHKT. A I 1 I -lltY VALL1V 1U1L- XV UuAU. Change of Time.

On anfl anrr KDNKSOAY, April 17, 1H6T- P-ftMitrT trntna will anJ arrive at 1'uteburgb ltpo, curntr FiVe auU Canal i recta, a follow; Leave I'Hts'f Arrive, rit.t KUKfrometas. am 1 1 a Mall (to At from 7 :40 a in 7 PirsltKJj Hurti Accom. a ua am Brunei h.lalmlntta Ac i pm Kxpret.8 1 41 a Hr'tn ckttla Works Ac 5:30 Buntiay iiurni jram troio iii to St.d Works 1:00 a North, make 9 clot1 cuonectU a ai Mu- noninjr, wjm i-arkeif ir rntiin ami kh nr, Man. Suutb, counects wlili I'aket from Franklin an.l Oil City. II.


1: i i 1 1 AND SHEET LEAD WORKS, Make to onler an.l keepon hau.l all sizes of 1'ii'E axi i.kai, AT LOWEST MARKET RATES. Also, Inirbere' Material, Braw and Iron Corks, Hteam lnmpi, Kteam Ganges, llala and alvanlzd Iron I'fpe, tc. BAILEY, FARRELL 167 Smithfield ia. rtn i.AB. JOHN PORTER, oi Ilavinir liiircliased since the late decline, now oilers a choice avsortnient of TSTow Good.s, AT VERY LOW PRICES.


CHECliS, DKAFTS, NOTES, BILLaad LETTEH HEADS. iluue iu all styles. JJADDOCK A KOW.ELLER, am Bl 1 1.1)1 ks. All kinds STOKE ROOM WOKK. done Willi ueatuesb and ilii-ulcb.

AM orders left at T. iU.ACK.MOKK'8, No. 11 Smltiitkld street. or li'J Btcuud a tree will lie promptly attended to. JJASE K1M.S.

lIurUKtii't ft l'iati-d 11: KiSE IJ1I.I.S. r.u aaie liy JAMES to Loth. 'J he fear of tln ir growth and ii'YiH if of England or as un -lull nt nation, is too absurd to -nt itaijn by any sensible mind. V.ui Stxif flirt overy of prc-io i- llil Uhli I' I llitU't lit lUi vittt tt -anti eUiJ.pMic IhUicr..

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