The Fargo Forum and Daily Republican from Fargo, North Dakota • 7
- Publication:
- The Fargo Forum and Daily Republicani
- Location:
- Fargo, North Dakota
- Issue Date:
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- 7
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
FARGO FORUM AND DAILY REPUBLICAN, MONDAY A.L.MOODY GOODS. FARGO. Our Leadership In Garments For Women and Girls Is demonstrated every day by the best informed buyers, who find here daily exactly the desired merchandise, at the price they wish to pay. Recent Suit Arrivals New Dresses Broadcloths and Velvet, trimmed with Beaver and Serge and Plaid Taffeta Combinations in Navy, Marten in all sizes, at Plum, Green and Black. All sizes to go on sale Monday at.
$12.50 $30.00 0.00 to $50.00 Plaid Taffetas or plain, $3.75 and up Remarkable Offer of Ladies' and Misses' Coats Plush Coats on Sale Ladies' and Misses' Suits At $19.50 at $10.00 Tuesday at $17.50 $12.50 and New lot of Corduroy and Mixture For Monday's selling we offer a lot of very All sizes and brand choice Velours Suits in Fur Mixture Trimmed Cloths and Half and Trimmed Checked Coats in all sizes and Black and $22.50, models. $25.00, Better and ones, up $20, $45.00 Choker Collars, interlined Jackets and nobby Navy, Heavy Cheviots to go MonSkirts. They are sensible for winter for each at- Coats of Broadcloth, in all colors and sizes. has warmth as well as style. Many with fur collars day and will be sold Tuesday, $20.00 to There are not many of them, $12.50 and trimmings, at $50.00 in Mixtures, Checks and Tweed Floor.
Floor. Novelty Coats with Raccoon Another smail lot of high grade Mixture Suits, Second $10.00 Second will be sold Tuesday, models, at. $25.00 to splendid models. These Suits $19.50 and Marten Collars, in stylish $60.00 Silks, Dress Goods and Velvets Have made some clothes that will be the envy of all your friends, from our complete assortment of beautiful fabrics -Correct Weaves--Latest Novelties. SILKS VELVETS, CORDUROYS.
Splendid showing of the latest, Novelties in Pekin (See Window Display) Line Plaids in variety of Subdued and 42-inch high grade Velours in the leading colors Stripes, Ribbon Stripes, Novelty Stripes and Hair and effects. and white Plaids and combina- Black; 40-inch fine Chiffon Velvets in Black and Stripes. a Black are Scotch the best shades. Priced at tions to match any shade. 24 to 36 inches $1.00 per yard $6.00 and $5.00 wide, ranging in price from $2.50 36-inch Velvet Corduroy in Navy, Brown, Dark Our Collection of plain Silks surpasses our best ef- Green, Blackberry, Field Mouse and forts in former seasons.
Crepe Meteor, Crepe de Ivory. Special at, per yard $1.25 Chines, Taffetas in Plain and Changeable Soiree, 22-inch Sublime Faille, Satin Radiant, Gros de Londres, Sa- high grade Imported Velvet Corduroys in tin Duchess 40 inches and wide. Charmeuse, At every color and Black. 15 per colors yard, and $1.50 Black. Special at, $1.25 36 $1.00 and per yard $3.50 24-inch Costume Velvets in all colors and Black per yard, $1.50 and.
$1.25 DRESS GOODS shown FABRICS PRICED SPECIALLY For TUESDAY. Broadcloth, the correct fabric this season, is in all the leading colors and black. Serges, Poplins, 25 pieces 36-inch Fancy Silks in Stripes, Hair Lines, Gaberdines and Epingles are popular and come in all Fancy Stripes, Combination Stripes and Warp ilar the to leading "Kittens shades Ear," and is a Black. new weave Peau de and Souris, very good. sim- Prints.
Special for $1.00 to Tuesday. $1.50 values. 79c The goods are 48 to 56 inches, and $4.50 50 pieces All Wool Dress Goods in Plain Colors, priced at per yard, $1.00 up Stripes, Checks, Novelties and Black. $1.25 up to Wool Goods in Plaids having and a Novelty strong Checks are very and per $2.50 yard value. Special for Tuesday, at, 98c good.
Stripes are following come in different widths and clusters. Illuminated 22-inch Black Costume Velvet, guaranteed fast dye Mixtures, Scotch Effects, Tweeds and Novelties are and color. 28-inch Velvet Corduroy in Ivory, Garnet, taking well. These goods all come 54 $1.25 Battleship and Navy. Choice of inches wide.
At per yard $2.50 down these Tuesday, at, per 89c This is "Pull Together Week" at Moody's. In explanation we simply state that our system of departments run like so many separate stores, has worked wonders from an economic standpoint, but we now have a plan, we believe, that will not only permit our department managers and assistants to help each other, but by this improved method we can make our service to our patrons one hundred per cent efficient. TO ADD MORE INTEREST TO THE PLAN WE ANNOUNCE THIS, OUR FIRST "PULL WEEK WITH A BIG LAYOUT OF "TRADE TREATS" IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. SOCIETY "I won't be long," the Little Boy said, As he clattered down the stair, And found his hat for his curly head And called to a dog somewhere, Then off like a flash down the sandy lane, With a whistle and cry and song; And back to us ever it came again; "I won't be gone very won't be long," the Little Boy said, As we saw him among the trees; His eyes all bright and his cheeks all red, A friend of the birds and bees; Then thru the hedges and out of the gate, For naught in the world goes wrong CHICHESTER BRAND. PILLS Ladies: Ask your Drugg lat for Chi-chee-ter a Brand, Pills in Red and Gold metallie boxes, sealed with Blue Ribbon, Take no other Buy of your Ask for DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for 85.
years known as Best, Safest. Always Reliable SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE EVENING, OCTOBER 11, 1915. with the Hagen-Newton Co. here. left this morning for Pasadena, where they expect to spend the winter.
Mrs. John Kleinschmidt, of the Operahouse Annex apartments, has left for the western part of the state, on business, and will also visit Mondak, before returning to Fargo. The Ladies' Aid society of the First Presbyterian church will be entertained in the church parlors Tuesday afternoon by the ladies of the October division. Adele Bleneau, the author of The Nurse's Story, is really the wife of a Buffalo financier. Her real name is Mrs.
Walter Schoellkopf. She visited French, English and German camps, prisons and hospitals. Her own experiences and she gathered suggested a novel and though she had never written one before, the volume was completed in two months and accepted first publisher to whom it was offered. Director and Mrs. H.
M. Rudd had as their guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Phillips and two children, of Arthur, N. who motored to Fargo, returning home in the evening.
Mrs. Phillips is a sister of Mr. Rudd. and a daughter of Mrs. C.
Rudd the latter of whom is still confined to her bed. as the result of an illness of over a year's duration. delegate from the local Presbyterian church to the Fargo presbytery at Jamestown. Oct. 12 and 13.
will be Herman Boerth. whose alternate 18 M. N. Hatcher. Permanent clerk of the presbytery is W.
J. Lane. Mr. Hatcher has been appointed as a delegate to the synod at Bismarck. Oct.
13 to 18. with George F. Clark as his alternate. W. J.
Lane is committeeman. Mrs. W. R. Addison was named as a delegate to the woman's synodical meeting at Bigmarck, Oct.
14 and 15. Mrs. George F. Clark is Presbyterian delegate. This evening at 7 o'clock, the Alpha Mu fraternity of the A.
C. will entertain the boys of the freshmen class at a smoker to be given in its new fraternity home, on Twelfth avenue north. This will be in the nature of a get-together stunt. and always results in better fellowship. A good time is looked for, and no doubt the freshmen boys will turn out to the last man.
Miss Lillian D. Wald is the Jane Addams of New York. She started the Henry Street settlement and built it up to 3.000 members. This settlement has under its supervision ninety-three nurses who attend. without charge, poor women unable to go to hospitals.
She also started the first public playground in New York. Miss Florence Johnson, of Milbank. S. arrived in Moorhead Sunday noon, to be the guest of Miss Grace Lang for a couple of weeks. Mrs.
W. H. Stewart, of the Y. W. C.
A. office, was hostess Sunday afternoon shortly after 5 o'clock. at the informal tea that usually follows the Sunday afternoon vesper service at the association rooms. Instead of the regular vesper service, however. the young women attended the meeting at the First Baptist church.
addressed by Miss Helen Crissman. of Chicago, a well known worker among young women of that city. Miss Crissman accompanied them back to the tea, where she was guest of honor, and about fifty young ladies had the pleasure of meeting her personally, and hearing more of the experiences she has encountered in her work. Miss Crissman added to the pleasure of the occasion by reciting a poem of Van Dyke's. Mrs.
C. H. Swanson returned home Saturday night from Grand Forks, where she had been visiting for a week. Mrs. Swanson went especially to attend the wedding of her youngest brother, S.
L. Lyons, of that city, and Miss Agnes Garske, of Garske, N. D. The wedding was solemnized last Wednesday, at St. Michael's proGrand Forks.
Miss Lillian Lang, of Moorhead, and Mrs. Mary Malchose, of Sabin, have started on an extended trip through the west, which will include visits to various California and Washington state points. They do not expect to return until the first of the year. Last Saturday evening in the A. C.
armory, the junior class held an informal party. There were about fifty couples present, and as dancing was the main part of the program, everyone had a good time. Everyone in school was invited and all voted the juniors royal entertainers. Five boys of the junior class furnished excellent music for the dancing. Mrs.
Galt, who is to become the bride this nation's chief some Norman, time in December, is reported to be a direct descendant of the famous Indian princess, Pocahontas. Minneapolis Tribune, Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Odenwald, 4143 Blaisdell avenue, announce the engagement of their niece, Miss Vera E. Lambert, to John M. Skogo, of Fargo, N. D. The marriage will take place in December.
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Sewall and daughter, Miss Dorothy, will arrive in Fargo tomorrow afternoon, to visit Mr. and Mrs.
Sewall's daughter, Mrs. Fred Hector, now of this city. A baby daughter arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Wendell Pollock, 516 Thirteenth street south, lady is to be named Elizabeth Corse Sunday morning, a Oct.
10. The little Pollock. The Foreign and Home Missionary societies of the First Methodist church have postponed their regular meetings from Tuesday afternoon to a week from Tuesday, account of the conterence that is on here this week. H. M.
Talbot, of this city, arrived home Sunday morning from a two weeks' absence in the east, during which he attended the national encampment of the G. A. at Washington, D. being a local member of the G. A.
R. Mr. Talbot also visited in Philadelphia, and New York city, and reports one of the most enjoyable trips of his life. The Book and Thimble club will meet Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. T.
D. Hughes, 340 Seventh avenue south. Miss Delia Linwell, of Northwood, N. arrived in Fargo Saturday evening to begin her work as an instructor at the A. C.
Miss Linwell 18 to assist Professor Minard, in the department of English, and will also assist Professor Arvold in the Little Country Theatre work. She is a graduate of the State University of Wisconsin, has been a student at the Emerson School of Oratory, Boston, and has also done work in expression at the Cumnock school. Los Angeles, Cal. Miss Linwell will be a valuable addition to the A. C.
faculty. Miss Etta Levitz returned home Saturday night from a delightful three weeks' visit in Minot. at the home of to her sister, Mrs. H. T.
Bearman. Mr. and Mrs. F. J.
Whitenack returnthe ed last evening from Wisconsin. where and Mr. Whitenack went to meet Mrs. latter Whitenack. The latter has been visitMrs.
ing different points in Illinois and Wis consin for the past month. Fargo Mr. and Mrs. G. L.
McClary Bubbell entertainHill ed Dr. Thomas at Sunday re- ner. Dr. McClary was for years pastor of the church attended by the Farnsworth family in Minneapolis. Miss Farnsworth, of Valley City, was will also the guest of Mr.
and Mrsfi Hubof bell, the latter of whom was formerly at Miss Lillian Farnsworth. Dr. McClary 115 was the speaker at the Sunday afterJ. noon men's meeting at the Y. M.
C. A. I yesterday afternoon and is a noted lecturer, orator and preacher. Mr. and is Mrs.
J. J. Jordan entertained Dr. McClary at luncheon on Sunday. Dr.
McUnited! Clary is an own cousin of Mr. Jordan. fa- Dr. McClary and Mr. Jordan had not former seen each other for a number of years.
Dr. McClary left this morning for a trom- tour of ten lectures throughout northtrain- and ern Minnesota for the university extension department. and will then go to the coast and to his home in Los of Angeles. While here he was also a meet guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
R. 376 R. Wolf. Eleventh street friends north. whom Mrs.
he met and became with while Mr. Wolf was in Y. M. C. A.
work on Al- the Isthmus of Panama. EngHand- -Painted China Line Lessons- Orders -Firing--Full of SuppliesEdith Fowler Slocum, 1084 11th St. No. Phone China painting, class and private lesson orders and firing. Eva Leonard.
Phone 2914-J. Advt. Plano lessons, private and normal. Carolyn Plath, res. 216 9th St.
N. Phone Advt. Big Reductions Ladies' Suits and Coats A Final Opportunity offered the people of Fargo and vicinity, to secure a genuine guaranteed "REDFERN" garment at a price that means a saving of five to ten dollars each. Can You Really Afford To Miss It? OLSON'S Closing Out Sale Underwear It go we elsewhere have what and you pay more? want-why Corsets If why we not have get your one style now and and size- save money? Stock of silk lisle, cotton, cashHose mere, price, better will values. complete close Why now, out not Big quickly get cut what the in you need? Prices Cut Lower on Every Item of Ladies' Reliable Ready-to-Wear Apparel.
A. EDUCATIONAL WORK The gymnasium class, under the direction of Miss Haggart, of the A. will meet on Thursday, at 7:30 p. m. Many have given in their names as wishing to join the class.
If twenty or more names are handed in, the fee will be the nominal sum of $1.50 for ten lessons. The elementary English class will meet on Tuesdays, at with Miss Myrtle Flaten as instructor. This class is free. The basketry work will be under the direction of Mrs. Aldrich.
Lessons are 25 cents each, in classes of four. The class in cookery a will be led by Miss Lobben. Eight are required for the class. The price is $2.50 for ten lessons. Because of lack of money, the association work has been carried on by volunteer workers during the past year.
The association needs young women whose homes are in the city, for leaders in educational, social and religious work. The Y. W. C. A.
offers the richest kind of service, not for people, but "with" them. Mrs. W. Stewart will gladly welcome any persons who have spare time to devote to the work. REGARDS THEATRE AS COMMUNITY PRODUCT In Granville Barker, Fargo.
people will have an opportunity a man who is recognized as the foremost representative of modernism in the theatre. Mr. Barker's fame is not bounded by the confines of any single country; he is a world figure. He will appear at the Little Country Theatre here on Saturday evening, Oct. 16.
Whether as 8. producer or playwright, the keynote of Mr. Barker's work lies in his conception of the theatre as a community product. He is against the star system, the long run system; he is opposed to what he calls the "rampant individualism" of the usual commercial play production. The separation of the arts of the theatres finds no favor with him, for he considers the theatre to be perhaps the most important of all agencies as a 80- cial expression and a social betterment.
NOTED AUTHORESS HERE Mrs. Alice Hamilton Rich, of Seattle, arrived in Fargo Saturday night, and is a guest of Mrs. M. A. Baldwin.
Mrs. Rich is a writer of considerable note, being especially well known for the children's books of which she is the author, and also writes for several of the leading magazines. She leaves here tonight for Minneapolis, where she will visit relatives. Mrs. Baldwin goes tonight to Minot, N.
where, as vice president-at-large, she will give the response to the address of welcome at the state federation meeting Tuesday afternoon. FARGO COLLEGE NOTES Luther Lawyer, of the senior class of Fargo college, preached Sunday mornin gand evenipg at Wolverton, Minn. Paul Thomas was a Fargo college visitor Saturday, Miss Nellie Poyzer, a student at the college, spent Sunday at her home in Wolverton, Minn. Miss Deborah Hall, a member of the senior class of Fargo college, is entertaining this afternoon at a thimble bee given in honor of her mother, from Elbowwoods, N. who is visiting here.
Miss Helen Emanuel, of Milnor, N. a member of the Fargo college sophomore class, has been kept from school for the past few days on account of blood poisoning in her right arm. She is now almost recovered and expects to attend her classes Tuesday. Prof. Wallace N.
Stearns occupied the pulpit of the Federated church of Tower City, morning and evening Sunday. Professor Stearns 16 assisting Mr. Talbot, Fargo college 1913, the pastor of the Federated church or Tower City, in a series of special meetings. class Kellogg Bascom, of the graduating of Fargo college, is preaching every churches Sunday in the Congregational at Harwood and Prosper, N. D.
Aaron Schmidt, of last year's graduating class, formerly filled the abovementioned pulpits. It was with a great deal of pleasure that friends of Miss Helena Huffaker, of this city, learned of an honor which has come to her at Northwestern untversity, Chicago. Out of over 200 who tried out for the Dramatic club, Miss Huffaker was members, among the twenty-nine chosen as Miss Hufaker was a graduate of Fargo college in the class of 1915, and is taking special work in expression, at Northwestern. NEW DANCING CLUB At a meeting held Saturday evening at the Comstock hotel, an organization to be known as the Moorhead Dancing club was perfected. The organization was completed by the election of Leslie Welter president of the club, and Mrs.
Edwin' Askegaard as secretary and treasurer. Twenty-five or thirty young married couples of that city are to comprise the membership of the club, which plans some most delightful social affairs for the coming season. A committee composed of Mrs. P. Wolfe, Dr.
M. M. Fulton and Dr. E. W.
Humphrey, was appointed to meet and select dates and make other arrangements for the danicng parties. STATE WEDDINGS of Valley City, to C. N. Janzen. of HaThen wedding of Miss Bertha Paulson, zen, N.
was solemnized at the home of her sister, Mrs. H. J. Olson. Valley Wednesday afternoon.
The ceremony was performed by Rev. E. S. Solheim, pastor of the Norwegian Lutheran church of that city. The bride entered the room on the arm of her cousin, Irene Grodland.
strains of the Lohengrin "wedding march, played by Mrs. S. J. Olson. The bride's attendants were Miss Irene Grodland, of Estherville, cousin of the bride, and Miss Sophia Rieten, Valley City, as bridesmaids; Viola Olson, niece of the bride, Vernice Peterson and Louise Galloway, as flower girls.
The best man was Selmer Paulson. brother of the bride. The couple left on the 11:32 train from the high line depot, for a trip to Minneapolis and Mountain Lake, Minn. They will be at home after Nov. 15 at Hazen, N.
where Mr. Janzen is cashier of the Citizens State bank. be held at the White home from day day during state conference. J. A.
Hill, of Erie, who was in city on business, his son Lawrence, being Fargo college students, and niece, Miss Fern Hill, the de two Joseph Matters and son, Fay Matters, all motored to Erie Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Matters and son returned to in their car Sunday evening. Mr. and his cousin, Miss Fern Hill, will turn to Fargo this evening, to resume their studies at Fargo college.
The Scandinavian W. C. T. U. meet Tuesday afternoon, instead Tuesday evening, the regular time, the home of Mrs.
H. B. Halvorson, Fourteenth street north. Mrs. Baldwin will be assistant hostess.
Director H. M. Rudd, of this city, looking forward with especial interest to the Fargo concert of the States Marine band. as one of that mous musical organization's members Robert Clark. a friend and pupi: of Mr.
Rudd. Mr. Clark is bone soloist with the Marine band, owes much of his success to the ing he received of Mr. Rudd. The Woman's Missionary society the First Baptist church will Tuesday afternoon with Mrs.
Opfer, Eighth avenue south. at 3 o'clock. Opfer will be assisted in entertaining by Mrs. Bergstrom and Mrs. W.
H. len, Mrs. 0. L. Engen and son, L.
H. en, the latter of whom was formerly. HORLICK'S K'S The Original MALTED MILK Unless you say "HORLIOK'S" you may get a Substitute. The wedding of James M. Labar and Miss Ida Trennum was a qutet affair occurring last week at the bride's family home in Langdon, the ceremony uniting the couple being performed by Rev.
Mr. Opie. Both of the contracting parties are identified with the management of the G. cafe and have a number of acquaintances there. WON'T BE LONG." With a boy of six or seven or won't be gone very Toronto mother be long," of him, the don't Little cry- Boy said, Thel eaves come green again, yellow and red, And the years and years go by, But sometimes he'll come, a8 we've seen him do, With the bark of a dog and a song, For it must be true--oh, it must be That he'll not be gone very long! -J.
W. Foley, SOCIAL NOTES Another pretty social affair was given at Gardner, N. Tuesday of last week, complimentary to Miss Myrtle Burley, of that place. a bride of this month. The pre-nuptial affair was given at the home of Mrs.
Hannah MeDonald, in the vicinity of Gardner. The rooms were prettily adorned with yellow and white streamers. and large bouquets of chrysanthemums. Miss Burley was showered with many beautiful presents, thirty ladies being guests, and at the close of a delightful social afternoon, the hostess served a tempting lunch. Miss Helen Riley and Miss Nellie Hubbell, both of this city, and the Misses Baldwin, Larson and Forsyth, who are all teachers ir the Page, N.
schools, left Fargo this morning to resume their duties at that place. Miss Riley was hostess to the other young ladies of the party at a luncheon Saturday, and week-end house party. Mrs. C. A.
McLean, of Seventh avenue south. was hostess at dinner Thursday evening to a company of four lady friends, complimentary to her sister, Mrs. J. H. Wyckoff.
of Monango, D. Mrs. Wyckoff has been a guest at the McLean home for the past month. Bishop Quayle, who is to preside at the sessions of the North Dakota Methodist conference in Fargo this coming week, will be entertained during his stay in this city, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
William H. White, Thirteenth street south. The meetings of Bishop Quayle's cabinet, composed of the district superintendents of the state, will The Owl Bakery Casselton, N. 1 D. Fine Bread and Pastry.
Shipping is our hobby. Our Bohemian Rye Bread is equal to Milwaukee rye. Home Made Mince Meat. (5,000 heads of solid MIDLAND I IS REALLY SUPERIOR.
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