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Weekly Columbus Enquirer from Columbus, Georgia • 4

Columbus, Georgia
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ColutnbUA Oct 9 1856 Nov 22 1855 order of the Court of negro Oct Is 1856 To JOHN WHIT THOMAS Eiland Thornton Randolph Redding JONES TROY ACTORY at ased late of said of every description and of superior quality' THIS PAPER Ib manufactured at hock isianu MILLS Columbus Genrgja where they will be pleased to fill all orders in the aThree and Half Conte per pound vam jne ofbusineas with promptness and dispatch a risvivm'K ACS i nn'fXT fi GCkM A A el and Tongs 1 pair on as the property ofm tho Superior Court i yan vs John II HARVEY Sheriff TlVgiU negro Leave Arrive Bill Ac to enforce pay ment of Cost Note Wm Danielaug 21 wtf ih all and singular to show cause (if JOHN KIN 4 A SOR dY it DARDEN tds solicit from their friends and customers a contin uance of their busmeS rn BLRTS Henry MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS Near the Post Office Columbus Ga of all kinds and sizes AGRIC ULT URAL 1 AT PL ENTS HAS removed to liis residence on Troup street lot next above the residence of Dr Hoxcy of fice as bcrctolore in Lank Broad Street Jan in if aa an wsbw psi for CLEAN LINKS and COTTON KAUS AWPrtnting ad Wrapping Paper for sale at low July IT tw 1ES MB DAVIS Land Broker Collector and General Agent BURincNS attended to in any county In this State Marion Bethune ATTORNEY at law Corn Shellers Oat and Shack CUTTERS Of a new and pattern This article will cut shuck containing tbd cob and corn without in jury to the cutter performs its work rapidly and will not get out order 48 Inch Circular Saws of the best quality always on hand Little Giant Corn and Cob Mill Every farmer should have one of these Mills for with it he can make two bushels of corn do as much good to his stock as three bushels would do if fed without grinding We also curry on the oundry Business ani make a great variety of CASTINGS consitsting in part of Mill and Gm Gearing Plates A Ball Su gar and Bark Mills and beau ful: MARTIN X1ARTIN MAltTlN MAKTIX WM LEE DENTAL SURGEON Office corner of JtKOA 11 St COLUMBUS GKORUIA ALSO AT TUB SAMS T1MB AND PLACR WILL BE SOLD is 5 hovd of Stock Ilogs 1 Cow and calf 1 Table 7 Chairs Clock 1 Trunk 1 Chest 1 Tin Safe 1 Slab 1 sett of Knires and rorKStS A vru A ire Joys and 1 Looking John Malpass to satisfy 1 fi fa is nt TMitM conntv iu mbvi January 2V 1857 a a a tn a a a a No 117 Broad Street Columbus Georgia WILL keep constantly on hand every description ol Grv ceries also Rope Salt and DR WOODRU WOULD respectfully give notice to his pat rons that he can found during the day nt his Office 5 3 Broad Street ORT GAINES CLAY CO GA VI LL continue the Practice of Law in the ih western Circuit as heretofore and promises to faithfully attend to all business entrusted to his care in the counties of llaiidolph Clay Early Calhoun Office at Eon Gaines Ga March 6 1855 I GOPAHTNIillSlIir THE Business of BARRINGER BROTHER will be continued at the old stand by the under signed who have associated themselves together for the purpose of a general BUILDING BUSINESS Contracts taken for all kinds of Buildings and executed promptly SKr DOORS SASH BLINDS and all materia used in the const i uction of Houses furnished and sent to any part rf the country Also Plans Spec ifications and Estimates for Bni'dimrs Verandas MATHIAS BARRINGER MORTON Columbus June 5 1855 lw 3t tf MARION Mortgage Sale IVHA le sold on th first Tuesuav iu March next be Yy fare tbs Court house door lu Buena Vista Marion coun ty within the legal hours of sale the following property to TheSouUvhalf of Lot of Land No 176 in the 31st district of originally Lee now Marion county levied on as the prop erty of Henry 3 Melton to satisfy one Mortgage fl fa from the Superior Court in favor of Mathew Melton vs Henry said Land pointed outiu saldMortgage fi fa January 1157 JOHN TlcUAMBLESg Shff COPARTNERSHIP THE undersigned hare this day entered into Copartnei ship for the purpose of doing a genornl CJrocery and Commission Business in the name and of ALLEN A CAMAK Columbus Ga Novev ember 1st 1855 1 A A LLKS Nov 6 CAMAK ALLEN CAMAK WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS and COMMISSION Prcbtun Webster County Ga Will practice in betcr bumltii Stewart Terrell and the adjoining counties December 30 185G wGm REMOVAL! WE HAVE removed to Mr old stand at 153 Brood St reu opposite Redd reer Co where we will continue to keep "apply of the best PROVISIONS and GROCERIES which we will sell at the IJIM EST MARKET PRICES! Thankful for past favors we respectfully solicit a contin uance of patronage Terms CASH or when called for Cash paid for PRODUCE! JEER8OS HAMILTON October 11 ISf6 may Tombs Tablets Headstones Marble Mantel Pieces Bureau Table and Wash stand TOPS of the best oreign and American MARBLE 1 ron Uniting fur nished at the shortest notice Orders from the Country promptly attended to January 27 1857 wly Jewelry Watoh Repairing "'AND Mortgage lales at (' srt'n Po first Tuesday in Jpril neat the JeRWnff property to wit All tbs tract or parcel ot Landin thotown of ort Gaines Clav county Ga containing ftTes more or less known as No 70 71 80 and SI in said town of ort Gaines as the property of Maxton Bass to satisfy a Mortgage fi fa from vlay Suyierior Court iu favor of Robert Bass vs said Mas toil Bass Property pointed out in said Mortgage Also a certain piece or parcel of Land being part of Lot of Laud No 395 in the 5th district of originally Early now Clay county bounded as follows North by the McCullock land east hr ths road leading from ort Gaines to Cuthbert and south by Henry Benton and west by the street to the Basin Spring containing 1 acre levied on as the property of Henry Benton by a Mortgage fi fa from Clay Superior Court iu fiivor of Greeners Henry Benton Property pointed out in tho Mortgage DAVID JONES Sheriff January 29 1857 Ids TALBOT Postponed bale WILL be soi before the Court house door in the town of Talbotton Talbot county Ga on the first Tuesday in March next within the legal hours of sale the following property to wit: 60 acres of Land lying and being in the 22d district of orig inally Muscogee now Talbot number not known al so the Dwelling House and Grocery House now occupied by John Malpass A on said land levied on as tbe prop erty of John Malpass to satisfy one fi fa issued from the Superior Court of Talbot county In favor of John II Bryan vs John II Connell John Malpass security and Billington Smith II HARVEY Sheriff THE undersigned continue to REPAIR WATCH PS and JEWELRY at their old stand iiinrtn the savannah Hank ALL WORK entrusted to us will be executed in the best stvle and with promptness ff 4 Our 'long experience iu the business and the gaurantee of ail the work we do has alrea iy secured fur us a large amount of patronage which we tru Is a sufficient recom mendation A lxGMIIiKi LOUIS GUTOWSKY tww um Cuthbert Hanilolpll Will practice in the counties of Randolph Terrell Dougherty Baker Calhoun Early Clay Miller and Stewart Business ei trusted to his cate shall always receive immeiinto and prompt attcnticu August 14 t'vw if HA it Bib COUNTY WILT be sold liefwrs tb Court house door in the town of Ifauiiitoii Harris county la On the lrt 7 ueaday in March next within the legal hours of sale the folloeiog No 83 in the 22d district of Jla ri containing acres more or lees levied on erty of losepli Jturhanau to sstJafy a Cost 0 thffUd drtrlct Court of said county la fror of the officers nt said Court vs Joseph Buchanan Lot of Land nutnlwr not known in the 20th 1 istrl I oi sail ernm containing 1W acres of lMd same being the place whereon Court Isf mj fi fas ullin1 vo Willtam January 31 1857 paMEL IL ZAUHim am ri NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND All prrerai having claims against John Kyle deceased late of Mus coitee county are hereby notified to present them duly au tta otieated within the time prescribed by law and those Indebted to said are required to make Immediate pay Swat JOSEPH KYLE January 27 1857 WTOtcE TO DEBTORS AND All persons IN having claims aganst Ellen innegan deceaed late of Muscogee county Ga are hereby notified to file them wth my attorney Wm Plane Esq of Columbus 11 MONTGOMERY Adm January 131857 H2 Ware House Commission Receiving and ORWAR1H NG BUSI I ISW THE undersigned having KW UmSR3 lo wm a nr sincssi at the old stnnrl (Alabama Ware house) un UffARCUS dertbe name and style KING SORSBY and BROAD ST COIUMBUS GA DEALERS IN CIIOICK A11IIY ROCRIES Have in store and are cons antly receiving a well selected stock of all articles in their line Call on us and remember we sell fir Caslii VAN MARCUS THUS RAGLAND JB September 9 1850 tww tf CABINET WARE ROOM SIKES IWTTJ HAS rcinovud his Cabinet Wan' room to No 4S Broad St root at the Store lately occupied1T ty IL as a Jewelry Store wbro he 11 hi nluacoil tri hianlri II tfrilllK and friends He will go upon the principle that alx pence is letter thau theslow He will always have competent workmen to do any kiud ot Cabinet Work Particular attention given to Repairing Upbolstering of all kinds done in the neatest style Nor tww tf CUSHMAN DENTIST) WINTER BUILDING 48 Broad Street (East bide) t'olunibni Gar October 25 1 856 tww ly DENTIST: Sir Ollire on Randolph near BrondStreot Co lumbus Ga (Jan 156 wtwtf Muscogee Sheriff Sales Will bld at the MarkeHwuae lu the City ot Coldhi ta ron the find Tue'tey hl March next within the nful the following property to wll: levied on a the property of David to nattily a fi fa biauoit from the buperlor Cvuit of £uhy in fhror of John WaHt David CnuVunm a boy about old levied cn a the DcuLl McDougald doceasod to aaUafv a fi Huiwior Court of Muarogoe eounty lu Tn Nr Doug Cd Admxof ItanH Part ot Ut No 396 bounded a by the Hardin on the east by orsyth now former rehbmeof IL Madden XSon orsyth h'l i rhe west and 128 foot atreel the at 25 foci 9 on as the 7 Inrhea on each aide from 8" i1v flfi issued from the projo rty of John 11 Buckner rs Oourt of said cQiV John II Ma lden tawled cnMtho the property of 1 Horse shout 8 years i from the Inferior Join Morris I Thoma vs John 7 art of said eouutyJn V1 do 2 thick slabs do 32 O0 slabs thunks Um P'S01f fi fit issued from the Interior CourtMuJXn wil' vf tke ShCT'ff Ittn AT Ttta BAMS TIMS A PtMB Witt 1 bv liorso about 9 yrors old (well Uoen VI sad double ba rre s) levied on bv vlrtuof theiuatauco Mriiunn uduiust ilisu Lrm )tg roll nj perishable prop rty by an order from the Supe eoroer of Broad and Bryan strws ts Inches also tile ground on whic th same 18 lore od it ng the nuith pu of ot No 182 In said city levied on Ihfit rori rli ol I' Ellis A Co to satiety a fl fa insued from he r'or county in tavor of 11 Atwater hII Lilis Co Property intwl ly jHTaatty I iiofos 1 Centro Table 1 Side Table 12 Cane bottom 1 irl 1 Ton bureau 1 Marble Top Table I Marble lop Wash Hand 1 Belsteml Bed and Bidding! Large Mirror and 2 Carpets and Rugs all levied on a the property of El len Grimsley to satisfy a fl ta issued from the Superior Court i Muscogee county In favor of Cbailes Mygatt soil Jauuary 31 1857 BROOKS Dep Sheriff Postponed AL AT THE ftAMB TJM A'fD LACK WILL SOLD tdo's Chairs half dor blue Chairs 1 oMInit 1 Hsfo 1 lotCro kery 1 set knives and forks 2 asl ML 1 wink stand 1 slJetaLIe 2 rocking chairs 3 lasidiiig cooking utensils 4c 1 hair trunk I elrruliir table 1 circular table 1 large too as the property of Lawrence to lu my hands issued from the Superior and In tscog comity in favor of Marino Bank Brig Jam Kelly 4 Co and others vs said Mwreuro j( LAM Al) pfy May 6 1856 MUSCOGEE HAILROAD (IIAXGE i CHIlIM Li: LAW 'NOTICE PERKINS NISBET ATTORNEYS AT LAW CVTHBEKT GEORGIA fTHE undersigned having resigned the position I o( Judge of the Superior Courts of the South Western circuit will resume the Practice of Law in conniction with CHARLES NlfeBL Isq under the firm name al'd style of crknis in the oo tint es of Randolph StcvvaitLie ciir BU 71856 tw4twly HARRISON LUMPKIN GA WLL practice the various branchesof their pro fession in the counties of Stewart Chatta hoochee Muscogee Marion and Kinchafouitee of the Chattahoochee Circuit and Randolph Clay Lee and Sumter of the South Western The business of Collecting and Conveyancing under the immediate control ol MR COX I ey are prepared to prosecute successfully all just Claims for Bounty Land Pensions tec against the general govennent One oi them will at all times be found at their office Prompt iu their correspondence punctual in their business engagements their whole energies will be devoted to the ocsl interest of those who en trust them with businrs' HARRISON COX i August 21 tf Corn and Cob IVCill JUST received 20 No 2 and 3 Mills and for sale at our Warehouse GREENWOOD GRLMES July 8 A 8 RUTHERORD Clerk wi m4m Court of Ordinnrv September Term RTEWART COUNTY U56 Il WLUBERLY Onhnarj' presiding: Ul'DX' the petition of Guilford Cade for Letters of Di sinission from the Administration on the Estate of hite Holder late of said county deceased It is on inotiun therefore ordered that all persons con cerned show cAhse (if any they have) on or before the next April Term of this Court why said Letters should not then be granted true extract from the Minutes of said Court September 4th 1856 WIMBERLY Ordinary September 9 1856 tn6m SI EWART COUNTY uniJi be sold before the Court house door in the town ot Lumpkin Stewart county on the hrst Tuesday in March next within the logs hours ot sale the following proper ty to wit One email bay mare levied on as the properly of Adial 0 Brooks to satiffy a fi IS Issvtert from the Superior Court of Kinchafooneo (pow Webster) county lit favor of Josiah or rill ts Adial Brooks Jnury 31 1857 HENRY A MARTIN Dep Shff 5 CHATTAHOOCHEE COUNTY WILL sold at ths Court house door in Chattahoochee eountyin the town of Cusseta on the first Tuesday in March next within the legal hours of sale the following property to wlt: One Lot in the town of Cusseta No 3 levied oo al the property of Hughs Howard and Ellis by virtue of a fl la issued from the Superior Court of said county in fa vor of the Justices of thelnferior Court of Kiid county Lot No 34 in the town of Cusseta levied on as the prop erty of James McNaughton to satisfy a fl fa issued from tbe Superior Court of said rounty in favor of the Justices of the inferior Court of said county Property pointed out by plffk atty 4 The undivided Interest of A Moss In a negro man nam ed Priuce to satisfy a fl fa issued from Chattahoochee Inferior Court in fisvor of Mlcha Cooper vs said Moss Property pointed out by plffs atty a One lot of Tools Paints Brushes Oil and Buggv Trim mings Lumber and some unfinished work Ac levied on as the property of Ivey Scarborough to satisfy a Rent Warrant in favor of Howard vs Ivey Scarborough Two Lots of Land Nos 15 and 16 in the 7th district of Chattahoochee county levied on as the property of Samuel Ellis to satisfy a fl ta in taror ot Whittington Horn vs Sam uel Ellis January 31 1857 WATERS Dep Shff January 20 1857 Sale Will be sold before the Cuurt houye door in the town ot Thomaston Upson county Ga on the first Tuesday in March next within the legal hours of sale asreeably to an order of the Court ot Ordinary of Talbot county the East half ot Lot of Land No 101 in the 1 6th dis trict of formerly Houston now Upson county sold as the propertv of the minor children of William A McKinley viz JosephG McKinley and alby McKinley i WILLIAM A McKINLEY Guardian January 20 1857 mb ts AUCTIONEER COMMISSION Receiving and orwarding Meiviiant No 131 West Broad Street Parttrulnrst ten tion given to Hie keeping! urchascaml salt of NEGROES SiRAiltnintstratprsna Executors' Sales atteudeJ to on rouble terms lb 5 '56 tww tf Auction Commission Business HARRISON McGEHEE Auction Commission Nepro Brokerage and JKorwarding' iiusincKs AT THE OLD bTANP NOS 59 Sc 61 BROAD STREI iT nd pledge themselves to prompt and futhful attention to all business committed to their csrew They will give their pergonal atrnitiou to the SALE of Real Estate Negroes Merchandise and Produce Having ample facihtos at comuuiud they are prepared to make LIBERAL ADVANCES on Negroes and Mer chandize of every description attention ulven to Administrators and Sales CIIAnLS HARRISON July 31 1856 tww tf ALLEN MctlEHEE STERLING LAM EK BA MAR HOUSE (JIn merfy (Aleman Hmiset negro negro negro negro A negro A negro boy named John about 6 years In the above lot of Negroes there are 3 or 4 excellent house women and several fancy Girls Sold for the purpose of distribution amongst the legatees of eaid deceased Terms Cash ZACIIARIAH TRICE de bonis non with the will annexed of said dec iia 2 1 857 Will be sold before the Court house door in the town of Talbotton lalbot county Gaon tfie first Tuesday in March next within the legal hours of sale agreeably to an or der of the Court ot Ordinary of said county Hie following Negroes belonging to the Esta'c of Na thaniel Raines viz Peter Caroline and her children Hutch Emma Big Mariah Calvin Hiaborn ereba Manuel Reuben Ann Tobe and Sant ami another to be named on day of sale Sold to pay debts of said deceased llOb A KAINS I vx'r AV RAINS Mortgage Male tr ar the rrrnr ptaoe on the first Tuesday in Mirch next the property toavit One negro girl about 15 years old by tbo namoof Lodtsky levliid on as tbu property of Richard ox to satisfy a Mortgage fl fi is mod from tlw Inferior Court of Muscoreo county tn favor of Grovne vs said ox Property pointed out in said Mortgngo fl fa Thrf'H Nrocs vis NhIrdij ntnn About 23 ywirs old rf thera woman about 35 years old and Oliver a man about 1 29 vears old levied on ns tbo property of LT Woodruff to satisfy a Mortgage fl fa i simd from the Inferior Court of Mun cogro county In favor of the Manufacturers A Mechanics Jtauk of Columbus Go vs sal 1 Woodruff Property pointed out in Slid Mortgage fi fa January 3 1857 BROCKS Dep Shff CLAY COUNTY WILL bo sold lieforn the Court house dooriu ort' Quines Clay county Georgia outhe first Tuesday in March next within th legal hours of sale following property towit: Lot of Land No 411 in fho 4th disMctof originally Early now Clay county loviud on hytflLt from Clay Superior Court the property of James Smith to satisfy a fi faiu Li ver of Pam ul Hurd vs said James Smith and Maston iq of I ami No 79 In the 5th district of originally Early now Clay county by a fi fa from Clay Superior Com ax the rroport Thomas Bipee to satisfy a ft ta in favor ot bto phen lie said Higbee Lot nt Land No 411 in tbedth district of originally Early now county levied on ly ail ta from Clay Superior Court in favor of Pepper A McClary vs James Smith as (t property of said James II Smith Property pointed eut by Its at tv ixit of land No 281 In the 5th district of originally Early nw Clay county levied on as the property of William Ba ker by a fl fi from a Justice's Court of Clay county in favor of Cintlia Colev vs William Baker Property levied on by a ronstaule and returned to me pointed out hy plaintiff Iwt Of Land No 39 in the Sth district of originally Early now Cl IV county lev ie on as tiie property of Moses Re new iiv's ti fa from Randolph Superior Court In favor of Inac Redfield vs said Renew Property pointed out hy pitstty DAVID JONES Sheriff ALSO AT TRH SAMS TIM AND PLACE WILL BB SOLD: One Lot of Land No Hili In tha 7 th dist of originally now Clay county levied on as the property of Lemon Dunn 1 ne ro hoy 18 veins old named Dick levied on as a vrowrlv of Cardlu polnted out hy Gllbird Smith aeWH iritv alsn Lot ot Land No 95 In the 7 th dist ot ongi nnHy IsW now Clay county an the property of GilLiru mitu pointed cut by Richard Davla all levied on to satisfy a fi from Randolph Superior Court in favor of Esau Davis vs 'mon Dunn principal Chari Cardin and Gilbird Smith security and Jtwo Webb security on appeal 1 black horse levi on as the property of Ira 11 Brocken to satisfy a fl i from Clay I nferior Court In fiivor of John son vs Irn II Brookens Lot of No 91 also one half of Txt No 86 all lyintr In the 7 th dist of originally Lee now Clay county levied on by virtue of two fl fas from Randolph Superior Court: 1 in favor of Seaborn Jones vs Lemon Dunn principal and Carden and GUMrd Smith securities and transferred to Henry Taylor the above property lovleil on as the proper ty oi Gilbird Smith and the other fi fa in favor Esau Dayis Iximon Dnnn principal and Carden and Gilbird Smith securities and Jesse Webb security on the appeal 5 and transfer fid to Richard Davis Property pointed out by a in nMrrY boy named Paytons or Dick on ns the propvrtv of harics Cardin by the above sLh fl frs and pointed ont by Gilbird Smith January 29 1857 WM II SHAW Shff WATCH REPAIRING MY RIENDS and patrons are hereby in formed that I have now permanently with 'me two of the best Watchmakers in the Union' 52rAll work promptly executed tn the best man ner No pains are spared to give all perfect satis facion All kinds of JEWELRY repaired Watches and Jewelry al keduckd trices foi Cash! Call and See A DeWITT ONTAINE WAREHOUSE SW mnnHES DANIEL THE undersigned have taken the NEW IRE PROO WAREHOUSE now being erected in the rear ot Messrs Threewitts Holt Co ad joining the Alabama Warehouse mnAarenow prevail I to attend to all CONSIGNMENTS at then Office at Gunbv and by the first of September will be ready to receive COTTON They will do a general Commission Storage and orwarding fi 1 ESS Particular attention given totiro Saeof Cottouana othe Produce The usual facilities will be afford ed am careful attention given to all business en trusted to their care A m'1 supply of flagging Hope and Salt always op hano Wm Hughes formerly of Apalachicc a WILLIAM IVEY YAKING TO IVEY YA RINGTON ATTORNEYS AT LAW CCAYTON ALABAMA June 17 1856 Truth is Mighty and will Prevail ACTS aro Beginning to Develops THEMSELVES XITIIEN the people try the SOUTHERN COR VV DIAL for the Bowels they never fail to find it thebest Remedv in the world tor Diarrhoea Dys entery Bloody lux It is doing more for the afflicted of our country than any medicine ever yet discovered and testimony of that tact is daily ar riving troni every part of the country Every per son who has given it a fair trial saysit will do and are taking it off by the dozen They are begin to find that it is no humbug I can be found at Guriby corner at all times and will take pleasure in satisfying any un prejudiced mind that it is the best medicine for dis eases of the Bowels ever yet discovered JACK SMITH or sale at the following Drug Stores in Colum bus Columbus Georgia BT Office on Broad Street over Gunby Co ore Jan 131857 wtwly partnership rpifK irm of 1 ENNIS will If coutiuuud at th I old standby the niub rstjned vrho hve thisdiy entered into Partnership for the purpose of rarryim on the HARDWARE TRADE under the name and styleof ENNIS 4 CO and where they intend to keep consfantl hind a geiieralasrort ment of Hardware Cutlery Thankful to their friends and customers for past favors they would solicit a contiiiu iTiceof Hie same Tby also invite the public gen erally to "ive them a call ro7r 1 ENNIS A lAZLK Columbus Ga Oct 11855 mm wtf VI7TLL prepare Declarations for persons entitled VV to BOUNTY LAND and un der the late Acts 1 Congress and prosecute all claims of that nature (March 6 55 wf BURTS? attorneys at law Cusseta Chattahoochee Co Ga Will attend promptly to'all business committed to ineir citnigc A TURNIP'Eb Nov 27 TT TVTTT ATTORNEY AT LAW Dawson Terrell County Ga Will practice in the Patnula and adjoining counties of the South Western Circuit March 4 1856 lw wly NOTIO NOTICE THE undersigned having opened out a new BOOT and SHOE Establish on Broad Street in the store be tween Mr and Mr Lig would respectfully solicit the attention of those who wish to buy cheap and good articles I have on hand a good assortment of La and Boots Shoes Bootees Gaiters Balt Gaiters Various styles of Walking Buskins Slippers Ac fec All of which are of the LATEST STYLES Call and ee at the Sign of the and if you have any MONEY bring it along I BROOKS July 12 lw law tf The Eagle Manufacturing COMPANY MONTGOMERY WEST POINT OPE LIKA BRANCH RAILROAD ON AND after July 16th the Trains on this Road will be governed by the following Schedule: A i i a la Montgomery 515 at Columbus 1150 West Point 1145 Columbus 840 2 41) 1145 BROOKS CHAPMAN KIVLIN THOMAS CO DANORTH NAGLE I PEMBERTON CO A WARE And at the Store of Gunbv Co Broad Street by July JACK SMITH KT A liberal discount when ordered bv the dozen pji P1U1SS Dr Syrup for Piles IS A NEW DISCOVERY and is an internal rem edy of great value Unlike the many cures of the present day for hotmorrhoids it reaches the dis ease which is seated in the hcemorrhoidal veins and mucus membrane of the rectum And while this Syrup is a great Specific for Piles it is also perhaps one of the very best agents in all the wide field of Therapeutics for breaking up habitual constipa tion which of itself is not only the chief cause of hemorrhoids but also the source of a whole host of diseases whose name is legion This medicine having lately performedsomecures that would seem almost miraculous is now for the first time being offered to the public The efficiency of this reme edy is abundantly established by the certlbcatcson the bottles and in band sriven by officers and oth ers of respectability men in our midst whom we know and can believe (gy Sold by the principal Druggists tn Columbtis and also by Dr Jones himself al Dr office Price $1 per bottle CERTIICATES Thomaston Ga Aug 26 I have lieen afflicted with Piles for 4 or years pist and at timea snffi rl vwy much with them During that time I tried Howard's Pryor's and several other Pile Specifics without any relief 1 was recently induced by a friend to use a Prepartion put up by Dr (I JL 10NES from which I found immediate rehef and up to this time feel perfectly free troiu the disease I can most cheerfully recommend it to all persons as a very safe pleasant and efficient remedy Thomaston Ga Aug 26 I have been severely afflict ed with bloodv Piles for about two years past and have re cently been entirely cured by Dr Jones' Pile Syrup I would therefore recommend the use of this excellent Specific to oth ers afflicted as I was CHARLES COBB Thomaston Ga Aug 26 I have been afflicted wfh the Piles for several years past and have sorted to all the Preparations that I could procure nearly all of which prov ed an entire failure until I was induced by Dr fl J0NK8 to try his remedv which I am happy to state gave me al most instantaneous relief I can safely recommend to all whomav be likewise afflicted the use of this most excellent Pronarstion RICHARDSON Oa Orrrcx 1 I William A Cobb Ordinary of said Upson county Oa county do hereby certify that Dr Il JONES rancis Kiehardson George I Birdsong and Charles II Cobb are gentlemen in good standing in this county of undoubted veracity and that full faith and cred it ought to be given to whatever they say Given under my hand and seal of office this 26th August Igjg WM A COBB Ordinary Thomaston Ga Nov 18 I have had the bloody Piles more or less for the last twelve years and sometimes confined to my room in consequence of them and I have re ceived more benefit from Dr ile Syrup than any other Medicine I have ever used and for the last two months 1 have been entirclyflee from the disease bv the aid of thia Syrup Gl LEWIS Nov wly Sheriff Upson county Important to Cotton Planters BY WHICH THEIR INCOME MUST BE DOL'BLED THB undersigned has invented and obtained let ters from the States for the arrange ment and combination of machinery for converting Seed Cotton into Yarns by one continuous process from the Gin through the various preparation and spinning machinery until it is ready for shipment or weaving The savins from waste by this process will be at least 10 per cent and Yarns made from the fibre (unbroken and uninjured by the operations of the machinery of the present process used to open and disentangle it) will be about 50 per cent stronger and will command the markets of the world dis tancing all competition at advanced prices The undersigned ie prepared to dispose of privi leges to use his patent and planters will be in formed as to terms with complete instructionshow to use it how to obtain the best machinery and all other necessary particulars on application addrers ed to GEORGE HENRY Jan tw2t wly 1 Mobile Ala Bacon Bacon Bacon "VITE WILL have in a few days on Consign 30 LBS TENNESSEE BACON for sale HUGHES DANIEL July 31 '5f twy A CARD TUH8 PAPBR io manufactured at Bock Island TArEK 'ROM and after this date the Day or Express Train will leave the Depotat 1 AL and ar rive at Macon at 61 Leavc Macon at2 A arrive at Columbus at 7 1 A Morning or Accommodation Train will leave at 4 A and arrive at Macon 1054 A Leave Macon at 3 arrive at Colure 18 1010 PM MUSTIAN Supt Columbus June 29 1856 line tww tf dt GIKARD ULKOAD Leave Arrive at Montgomery a' West Point NIGHT TRAIN Leave Montgomery at 830 Arrive at Columbus 245 West Point 230 Leave Columbus Arrive at Montgomery 7 JO ti 230 Kr Double Daily Connections are continued from West Point to Atlanta and Nashvtllle and daily to Knoxville Tenn Daily Connections are continued from Montgom MMhIa bv Staees and Steamboats Passengers taking the Night 1 rain from Co commodating'" Inmbus arc requested to purchase Tickets of the HERVEY HALL Agent at the PERRY HOUSE between the hours ISAAC I MOSES of 10 and 11 Dec 4 feAiUL 1j Vj JUlNEib July 26 tww tf Eng dt Sop WATT SAPPINGTON Grocery and Commission Merchants (NEXT BOOH TO VARNARD't 'NoAGS Broad Street Columbus Georgia" TIT ARE now opening and wo Intend to keep constantly Vy on hand a elect variety of AMILY It OCK RI US and o'her artielm adapted to City and Country trade We solicit a Lbyral sbaro of patnagoLHMS CASH Iae'li twltw2m AMES WM JOHNSON CUSSETA CHATTAHOOCHEE CO GA lives his entire attention to the practice in Chatta hoocln and the adjoining counties April 26 1856 KOBT Ill XON Attorney at Lw Columbus Ga ITTILLat teud to the pro nlinn et allClinis for Bonn VV ty under the into Act oft frn office directlv eppontu the I ort Offlrt Mirrhlft Y' LANIER Proprietors MR STE1 1IXG 8 Lomkr lateuf Lantar House Macon Ga and Sampson Lamur late Tuskego Ala will happy to meet all friends and customers at the Laiuar House lioie they have ample acrommodation for 250 persons Knox I lie Tenn Nov 8 1856 Richard Hooper CHATTANOOGA TENN Will attend promptly to the pttrehaseof Countr) Produce or any other business entrusted tohiscare May 16 1854 20 It Boston Villalonga and Genera! COMMISSION Merchants No 196 Bay street Savannah Oa JOHN BOSTON JOHN VI tt A ION1 A Referees Major John Howard Chap man A Chapman Ruse Patter Co Oct 11 1853 KELLY Commission and orwarding Merchants CHATTANOOGA TENN Autrust 23 1S56 tww 1T which will he sold at the LOWEST market prices Particular attention given to the SALE of COTTON consigned to them A ATLEN CAMAK Nov 6 1S55 wtt NEW IRM Ntiiitlavs bv callitiff at Stable a messenger ill promptly convey him nil calls feh 21 twu tf J0HN HAMILL DENNISTCUTHBEKT GEOMGiA IL will faUhfnuv execute all bUNlneM ent lifted to Ms earn klf these who hav disHUicd Teuth or wish Tofh inserted will crH on him bo will fully satisly them: by experience and MherwUe that they ed not go elsewhere to haw their work well dune AU work warranliHi and no will be required if satisfaction i not Bff Office next do to ti Ufficc or serond dr west of May wb LEVY DRAKE CO Engineers and Machinists UNION OUNDRY MACHINE WORKS Columbus Georgia WE call the special attention ol the public to our establishment The proprietors are practical Mechanics and of long experience tn the business and having combined two establishments in one they have the largest and best Stock of 1 oola and Patterns in the Stale Their facility tor doing bu siness being so great they can afford to their cus tomers the best of terms and the most prompt ex ecution Our Senior partner having been so many years in this business as the practical partner and proprt etor of the Ocmulgce oundry Macon Georgia is well known having built a large number of steam Engines Mills and Machinery throughout this and adjoining States To all oi which we refer as a guarantee of our work and ability Our junior ts just from Virginis and having had the manage ment of some of the largest establishhients tn that State brings with him tiie best practical ability and improvements in machinery We call especial attention to ottr MARIN Hand STATIONARY Steam Ellginesand Mills both Circular and Upright We are now manufacturing CS CIRCULAR SA IV MILLS in the country being entirely of Metal at the same price others are itirnishing wooden ones We are now furnishing Steam Enginesand era of any size louring and Corn Mills fcrii cai and Circular Saw Mills Sugar Mills hail ing Pulleys Horse Powers Gin and Mill Gear ing of all kinds Cemetery Railing Bark Mills Corn Shellers Cob Crushers and Castings of ev ry kind Brass and Iron Marcu 2'3 tww tl BRO WN' S0UNDR COLUMBIIS CIA MANUACTURES AIl KINDS IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS CIRCULAR SAW MILLS Bark Mills Sugar Mills MILL GEAR Gin Gear Plates and Balls COTTON PRESS RONS Water Wheels Barrow Wheels Cart Ploughs Manufactured and for sale at OUNDRY Julv tf Columbus Ga esssiWSS jypNUACTUKEndta 1 rry July tf Columbus Ga A INCH CIRCULAR SAW'S for sale by 4O HALL MOSES CO juy tf Columbus Ga Orders tor any of the above articles left at the Store of Hall Moses Co will receive prompt at tention fc' Sikh levictl dr OT AHlOOC COullij Uonnell John Alilpass security and Billington tmith 1 1 a if i vr i yy XTOTTCE TO DEBTORS AND All IN Indebted to the Eatate of Gideon Nelson late of Taltwt county dtMawd are hereby notified to make immediate pay ment and "11 persons holding demands against said 1 iwised aro hereby notified nd required to render them in to me duly authenticated for payment within the time pre scribed by law JKSSK 0 NELSON Adnfr Dorolhber 30 1856 MB 7t rpw) MONTHS after publication of this notice applira jn will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Muscogee county leave to sell two Negro Jim and Penny le jonging to the Estate of William Matheson late of said roauty decrosei ELIZABETH MATHESON January 1 1857 rpwo MONTHS after date application will be made to the 1 Court of Ordinary of Talbot county Ga for leave to sell the interest of Miss Harriet Boon in four (said interest being one fifth RICHARD LEONARD Guardian December 23 1856 mb ni Moi fgage Sales nt the vne an Hejira Tney in April next vnth in the try'll hnnrs rule property Id wu One negro man named Sain of yellow complexion abou 21 rears of aro lev ed un by virtue of a mortgage fl fa issued from th InfarlorCnnrtof Muscogee county In erguson vs George iger Property pointed out in tl Hiuion a negro man about 30 years old and Willis about 35 years old I vied on astho property of Taylor by vn tuo of a mortgage fl fa Issued from the I nterior Court of us crge county In ftver of Hiram 11 Troutman vs said laylor proiortr pointed out In said fl fa One negro man named Ben about 27 yoariqola: Mary a woman about 23 years oi and the two children of Mary Marla and Bon (Maria 3 and Ben 2 yearn old) Louisa a wo man years old Judy a girl about 15 yaws old and Marya girl about 12 years old also the one half undivided interest in a negro woman narnu 1 Betsey about 56 years old all luvle1 on as the property cf Wiu Perry to satiety a morfr fl tv issued from the Inferior Court of Muscogee county lu favor of John (1 Jones vs said Perry Property pointed out in said mortgage fi fa One riogro woman named Emalinc alsmt vflyoirs old 5 ma hogany Bureaus 1 mahogany Bedstead and bedding! mahogany rench lloitstiroi bed and bedding 2 pine Bed Bteads lasts and bedding: 1 trundle Bedstead bed aud fa llng 1 mahogany fffib Board 1 mahogany dining table with 2 ends 2 Sofas 8 mshogany chairs 1 mahogany centre table 1 maianv work stand I mahogany wash stand 1 mahog any wardniLo I lounge 2 doz cane seat chairs 1 set ivory hannled knives and forks 1 mahogany candle stand 3 com mon Hocking Chairs 2 mahogany Rocking Chairs 4 carpetsi nil cloths I set castors 1 doz fiivor table spoons 1 doz sil ver tea spoons and 2 doz silver forks all levied on ns the proport of sterling Grimes decease! to satisfy a mort gage fi fi issued from the Inferior Court of Muscogee coun ty In fivoi of Dozier Thornton vs said Grimes Property pointed out in said fi fa ro BROOKS Dep Columbus Ga Jan 31 1857 tds Messrs will attend promptly to nil hi siness in their line in the coimtiasof Kusm II con Barbour and Chambers Ala ano in Cln' tahoochee Circuit Georgia A EILAND I BA TIIORMON Crawford Ala I Columbus (a eb 17 1852 OLIVER ELEMENTS ATTORNEYS AT LAW BUENA VISTA MARION CO Gff Will practice in the counties of Marion Vaco Stewart Taylor Chattahoochee Kinchaioom ruu any of the adjoining counties when their eervi cs mav be required TiiAai'i Oliver Clemests Ordinary John Mc for otters ot Administration on the Estate of James lai I tnbtrry 1 county aro therefore to cite and admoni 11 4 nemlifnre nf Ulid ID0KIUIUWIAUU Anv have why letters of Administration as aforesaid should not be granted to said applicant at the Court of Ordi narv to be held in and tor said county on the first Monday lnGlrenhundJr my hand this 2Cth day 1857 lanu" ry 20 bt JOHN JOHNSON Ordinary eomTaTswv Morton applies for Letters of Administration on the Estate of Samuel eagin late deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons! on cerned to show cause (if any they have) within the tiine pre scribed by law why said Letters should not bo granted Given undermy handiu office 29th day of January 1 January 31 5t WIMBERLY Ordinary GEORGIA CLAY Whereas DanieL Bryau ap plies to me for Utters of Guardianship of the persons and property Cossuth Bryan and Guatamalia Bryan orphans of Henry Bryan deceased These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons con cerned to appear at my office within the time prescribed by law to show cause (ifauy they have) why said Letters should not be granted otherwise they will be granted at the March Term of said Court Given under my hand in office 29th January 185 January 31 1857 5t JOHN JONES Ordinary GEORGIA Court of Ordinary January Term MUSCOGEE COUNTY WLE NISI ITrilEREAS Hugh BT Montgomery administrator of the V) Estate of Ellen innegan deceased having applied for letters of Dismission from said administration It is ordered that all persons concerned show cause (if any they have) why said administrator should not bo dismissed at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and for said county on the first Monday in August next and that notice be giv en by the publication of this order in terms of the law A true transcript from the Minutes of said Court January 26th 1857 JOHN JOHNSON Ordinary January 27 ui6m GERGIA 1 Court of Ordinary in Vacation Jan MAR10N COUNTY nary 8th 1857 Present DAVID WORSHAM Ordinary Presiding: HEREAS John Ktnp administrator upon the Estate of Reuben Reynold petitions this Court for a discharge trnm his said adminisaration It is th retbre ordered by the Court that all persons con cerned show cause (if any they have) wby said Administra tor should not be discharged otherwise Letters of dismission will be granted to said applicant at the next August Term of this Court and he be rehfised according to the statute in such cases made and provided A tiue vxtraetfrom Minutes of said Court DAVID WORUAM Ordinary January 13 1Q57 m6m GEORGI A urt of Ordinary in Vacation Janu MAIHON COUNTY ary 21st 1857 Present DAVID WORSHAM Ordinary Presiding: WIEREAS Simeon Blue administrator upon the Estate of Margaret Dowd petitions this Court for a discharge from his said Administration It i therefore ordered by the Court that all persons con cerned cause (if any they have) wny said Administra tor should not be discharged otherwise Letters of Dismis sion will be granted tn said applicant at the next August Term of this court and he be released according to the statute in such cases and provided A true extract from the Minutes of raid Court Jan m6m DAVID WORSHAM Ordinary GKOKGrA MUSCOGEE COUNTY Edward Cary Assignee Ac vs Greenwood A Co Daniel Dunean Arnold Duncan John Harington and Beman II martin IT appearing to the Court that Daniel Duncan aod Arnold Duncan two of said Dofenifantn reside out of this 8tate It is ordered that service of said Bill he perfected by a pub lication of this Order once a month for four months before the next Term of this Court I certifv this to bea true extract from the Minn es of Mus cogeee superior Court A 3 RUTHERORD Crk Deember 2J 183IJ Wt m4m GEORGIA' 1 Court of Ordinary for said county in? MARION COUNTY Vacation November 11th 1856 Present DAVID WORSHAM Ordinary Presiding WHEREAS Sarah Hall Administratrix upon the Es VY late of John Hall late of said county deceased peti tions this Conrt for a discharge from her said Adminjstra tiuu It is therefore ordered by the Cohrt that alt persons con cerned show cause (if any they have) why said Administra tiix should not be discharged otherwise Letters of Dismis sion will tie granted raid applicant at the next June Term of this Court and she be released according to the Statute in such CMses made and provided i A tr ue extract from the Minutes 1 DAVID WORSHAM Ordinary November 18 1856 m6m GEORGIA 1 Court of Ordinary December Term HARRIS COUNTY) 1856 i GEoKG MULLINS Ordinary Presiding UPON the petition of A Slaton Executor to the last will and testament of Littleberry Slaton deceased for Letters of Dismission from the Executorship of said Estate On motion it is therefore ordered that all persons concern ed be and appear at the ebruary Terra next ensuing of this Court then and there to show cause (if any they have) why said Letters should not be granted ''A true extract from the Minutes ef said Court December 2 1856 dee ante GEO MULLINS Ordinary I i At Butler Taylor county on I the first Tuesday in March next will be sold before the Court house door of said county a likr ly negro boy about 18 or 20 years old named Joe This boy is to be sold as the property of the oi phansof William Dennis late of Macon couire ty deceased under an order of the Court of Ordr nary of Taylor county' for the benefit of said or phans ANNE DENNIS Guardian January 20 1857 GEORGIA I Court of Ordinary January Tenn STEWART COUNTY lol WIMBERLY Ordinary Presiding WHEREAS Richard Price Guardian of tho persons and property of Hesse A and William II Price orphans ot William Price deceased petitions this fourt tor Letters Dismission from the uardiauship ot said orphans i Jt is therefore ordered that nil persons concerned show cause (if any they have)onor before the next April Term of this Court why said Letters should not then lie granted A true extract from the Minutes of said Court January 29 1857 eb 7t WIMBEKLY Ordinary EORGI A HARRIS Whereas Peter Brown jr applies for Letters of Administration on the Estate of Mary A Brown late of said county deceased These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons con cerned to be and appear at my office witbin tho time pre scribed by law then and there to show cause (if any they have) why said Letters should not be granted Given under my hand in office January 28 1857 Jan 5t GEO fLlNS Ordinary GEORGIA HARRIS AVhereas Isaac Johnson applies for Letters of Guardianship for the persons and property of Martha Jane Blittan Stamps Albert Imogene and Willi" Johnson minors of William Johnson late of said county deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and others troling an interest in said Guardian ship to lie nrl apnear at office within the time prescribed by law than and there show cause (if any they have) why said loirers sluul i not be granted Given umlei mv baud in office 23th January 18fo Jan 5t MULLINS Ordinary GEORGIA HARRIS Whereas Dennis Millor applies for Letters of Administration with the will an uexed uponthe Estate of James Dowd 11 late ofChambers county A labama deceased are therefore to cite and admonish all persons con cerned to be and appear at my office witbin the time pre scribed by law then and there to s'ow cause (if any they have) why said tatters should not be granted I I rlTIn this "Sth January 1851 Janu I 18 1A MU' Kcnuree appli No 40 Broad Street Columbus Ga ON and after Tuesday 15th April the Passen lt Vr JJtii: ol ger and reight Train wi 1 leave Girard at 2 MANt'EACTCREESand WHOLESALE and RETAIL daily (Sundays excepted connecting at Sil 'ir o'2'ia rtnTDMH ver Run with a daily lie of Stages to Villula TUBS Buckets Pails CHURNS Glennville Eufaula i and Marianna la and other variethwof And at Colbert daily dth the Stages for Uchee (Ko 1 1 0 Olivet Enon Chunnetjbbee Midway Hardaway Mattrpsses Perote and Union Springs ChaiS BedsteaaS IWaiireSSeS Leaving Colbert at 6 A daily (Mondays ex Wardrobes Bureaus Tables sates ceoted the Cars will reach Girard at 8 a an(j other articles for house furnishing and domestic uses connecting with the Opelikaand Muscogee Trains All articles on sale at our are rooms are man ufar 30 Duplicate Receipts must accompany reight ERPON CO from Shipped COUNTRY MERCHANTS and others will receive prompt OST Separate Receipts are required for each De g(tention October 23 6m HALL MOSES CO Down reight must be delivered at the De COIul JM HUS GA pot in Girard before half past 12 on the day of ship I constantly on hand alarge und well assort nicnt jX ed stock of KT Wav reight must in all cases sit: pain ua v7 ay IV npnW4V nance nnunno 'Eng and Sup tww tl GEOIIOIA I Court of Ordinary August STEW A BT COUNTY Term 1856 WIMBERLY Ordinary Presiding: PON the petition of Asel Rood for Letters of Dismis si111 trom the Administration of Estate of Mrs Blanche Gitai la'e of said count deceased It is ordered bv theCourt thatall persons concerned show cause (jfany they bavel or tafore the next March Term of this Court why said Letters should not then be granted A true extract from the Minutes of said Court August 7 1856 aug mfm WIMBERLY Ordinary GEORGIA Court of Ordinary August Term MUSCWEE COUNTY RULE NISI YIIIIEREAS Grigsby Thomas Administrator on the Estate Of rederick Miller deceased having applied for tatters of Dismiss! from said Administration It Is ordered that all persons concerned show cause (if any they have) why letters of dismission from said administra tion should not be granted to said Grigsby Thomas at ihe Court of Ordinary to bo held in and for said county on the first Monday in March next and that this order be pub lished in terms of tho law A true transcript from the Minutes of said Court tkipteniber 2 m6m JNO JOHNSON Ordinary TO THE PUBLIC THE TRADING public who have hitherto pat ronized the TROY ACTORY Will please take notice that VV HARRIS is no longer connected or associated in any manner whatever with the business of the establishment All business hereafter will be transacted exclusive ly with ourselves at our Ware Rooms JEERSON CO Columbus Ga Oct 25 1855 tww tf Springfield ire and Marine Insurance Go Sprinetield Massachusetts Capital and Surplus $230000 REEMAN Wm Conner Jr Diy This Company continue to take risks against IRE as heretofore 'JOHN MUNN Agent Oct 3 fhe Hartford ire Insurance Company HARTORD CONN awl Surplus und 5 100000 THtS Company has been in successful operation for nearly 50 years and has aimed to secure public confidence by an honorable and faithful ful fillment of its Contracts The Company takes risks on as favorable terms as any other responsi ble Company against loss or damage by ire on Dwellings urniture Stores Slucks of Goods Cotton or other Merchandise in store The subscriber will continue to receive applica tions and issue policies as above WILLCOX Agt March twwly (atofficeof A Court of Ordinary December Term IIA IS COUNTY I BULK NIST CEO MULUNS Presiding: YITIIEKEAS Elijah Satterwhite petitions for Letters ofDis VV utlssion from the AdmiuinhtrMion of th Estate of Ed ward batterwhite late of Maid county deceased: It 1 hen fore ordered by the Court th it all persons con corned show rauw (if any they have) ou or before the next Aumtt Turin 185701 said Court why said Letters should not then 1 granted A tru extract from tho Minut of said Court January 2S 1S57 jau 31 uiOtn GEO MULLINS Ordinary GKOKGIA Court of Ordinary December Term HAKKIS CUUN'TY RULE NISI OEi 'V MULLINS Presiding 1 VH El: EAS Hood petitions for Letters of Dismission VV from tho Administration of tho Estate of Alexander Wilkinson latoof said county dciased Jt ik therefore ordered Ly the Court that all persons con cerned show cause (if auv they have) on or before tho next August 'I erm 1857 of said Court why said Letters should not then begrauted Atm extract from the Minutes of said Court January 281857 jau 31 mCm GEO MULLINS Ordinary GEORGIA Court of Ordinary August STEW A KT COUNTY Term 1856 VV IMBERLY Ordinary Presiding: UPON the petition of George Dure for Letters of Dis nnssion from the administration cum toMnmento an itexo 'n the estate of Marlin 8 Kendrick late of said coun ty deceased: is rn motion ordered that all persons concerned show enure (d any tliy have) on or before the next March Term of tills Court hy sai Letters hould not then be granted A true extract form the Minutes of aid Court this 15th August 1856 VV JMBERLY Ordinary August 21 mt in Georgia Muscogee County The Centra! ftailroadfe Banking Company I Bill John Winter Joseph Win ter Joseph Winter Co et al WHEREAS at a former Tenn of this Court art order was granted by this Court that service in said case be effected on said John Winter and Joseph Winter by publication in the Columbus Enquirer a newspaper published in Columbus in said county of uscogee Georgia dnee a month for four months requiring them to appear and an swer said Bill on or before the then next Term and whereas it is considered by the Court that said publicauon has not been made: It is on motion ordered that said order for ser vice be and is enlarged and that service be so per fected by similar publication requiring said defend ants so iu appear and answer to said Bill at the next Term oi said Court A true cxrnc! from the Minutes of Muscogee Su perior Court December 30th 1856 Dec 3O m4rn A RUTHERORD Clk GEORGIA Court of Ordinary January Term STEWART COUNTY 1857 WIMBERLY Ordinary Presiling: U'pVN the petition of Ware administrator de bo nis non upon the estate of John Ware late of raid county dceased for Letters oi Dismission from the Admin istration of said Estate: It is on motion ordered that all persons concerned show cause (if any ttioy have) on or before the next August Tvi tn of this Court why said Letters should not be granted A true extract from the Minutes of said Court January 28 1857 eb mtan WIMBERLY Ordinary GEORGIA Court of Ordinary tar sai county in MARION COUNTY Vacation November 11th 1856 Proscut DAVID WORSHAM Ordinary Presiding: II ERE AS Martin Bivins Executor and Sarah jfnit Executrix to the last will and testament of Dan iel Hall latent raid county deceased petitions this Court fur a dischaage from said Executorship It is ordered by the Court that nil persons concerned show cause (if any they have) why raid Executor aud Executrix should not le discharged otherwise Letters of Dismission will be granted said applicants at the next lune Term of this Court and th be retensed according to the Statute in such rases made and provided A true extract from the Minutes DAVID WORSHAM Ordinary November IS 1S50 m6m EORGIA MUSCOGEE COUNTY Daniel Hightower vs Scire acias to make parties Dozier Thornten and others I Toall and ainguiar iu cuwi ute nf nd State Greeting WIJ EREAS nt the Mav Term of the Superior Court innnd county 1S47 Daniel Hightower commenced hie action bv Bill in Equity in said Court against Dozier Thorn ton Itenry Greenwood James A Slaton Leroy Holt Thoma ons James oster and others And whereas the trial term of said action and whilst the ram was yet pending and the said Daniel Hightower de parted this life: and whereas James Hightower has been dulv appointed and qualified as Executor upon the Estate of said Dante! Hightower deceased The said Defendant Henry Greenwood James A Sla ton IxMOy Dolt Thomas Pei sons and James oster are ttiHrefore each of them hereby required and commanded to be anl nppe rat the next Superior Court tobe held in and Liid county jm 1st Monday in May next then and there toii( 'c cause nf any thev have) why the said James Hightower houid not be made a party complainant in raid suit Executor as and said cause proceed ncs the Honorable Edmund VV ornll Judge of said Court this 2Uth day Ot December 185th December 23 1856 Carithers ATTORNEY AT LAW COLUMBUS GEORGIA WILL practice in the Chattahoochee circuit and in In coiintica ol Randolph Clay alliottn Early Decatur and Baker the Somli Wu ai tn circuit 5 7 Office Up St ttrs over tuNrv Co Hurt Jan 27 ROBERT DIXON AIT Columbus Geoigia Office directly opposite the Tost Office April 4 1854 JL1 Peyton Colquitt AWWiWiY Air UuNy coimtmis guorgii yy Office over Col Law Office Rnn dol ph St re May 31 tww tf GJEOKGIA TALBOT Whereas George Jor dan applies for tatters of Guardianship for the persons and property of Mary McKInny and Adam McKinny minor children of Kincheon McKinny deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and others feeling an interest in said Guardian ship of said orphans to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law then and there to show cause (if any they have) why said Letters should not be granted Given under my hand and official signature this 22d day of January 1857 MAUION BETHUNK Ordinary January 27 51 GEORGIA I Special Court of Ordinary January 1st TALBOT CONUTY 1S57 WHEREAS Joseph Brown Guardian of Isaac Wimberly orphan ha petitioned thiis Court for Letters ot Dis mission from said Guardianship i Be it ordered chat all persons concerned be and appear at the March Term next ensuing then and thereto show cause (if any they have) why said Letters should not be granted A true extract from the Minutes of said Court January 9th 1857 jau 13 MAHON BTHUNE Ordinary E0RGIA MUSCOGEE COCNTY Whereas Jesse Carter applies for Letters of Guardianship for the persons and property of Sarah and Julia Meacbum orphans under 14 years of age of James Meachum deceased Therefore all persons concerned are hereby notified to make 'known their objections (if any they have) why the Guar dianship of said orphans and their Estates should not be granted to said applicant at the Courtof Ordinary tobe held in and for said county on the first Monday in March next Given under my bund this 9th dsy of JAnunry 185 Jan 5t JOHN JOHNSON Ordinary Agreeably to an order of the Court ot Ordinary of Muscogee county will be foM at the Market house tn the city of Co lumbus on the first Tuesday in March next the in terest of Mary Davie deceased in part of ot No 251 in the 10th district of said said interest being one half of G6J acres of said Lot ad joining landsjof Adams Jno Simmons Chcs ley Howard others The owners of the Other half will consent that the whole of said 6GJ acres may be told at the same time and place Terms tnudc known on the day of sale JACOB PARER Adm January 13 1857 A Tuesday in March next by the Older of tne Court of Ordinary of Muscogee coutny at he Market Louae in the City of Columbus' within i the legal hours of sale the following eg ccs be ing to the Estate ol Thomas 1' 1 osier dec late John aeed'abont 26 years rances liis wife about 23 and her 3 children and 2 small children '3 and 5 vears her brother" Georijc 25 years George 22 I Shack 20 ti nd his wife Eliza about 17 Isaac 30 Horace 12 Thornton 16 Elbert 40 Glasgow 40 Jim 10 Gilbert 20 unny and her 3 children Jor dan 17 Terms on the day of sale ua OSTER January 17 1857 twit wtds alc Vill bo sold before the Court house door in the town of Talbotton Talbot county Ga on the first Tuesday in March next within the legal hours of sale the following Negroes belonging to tho Estate of George VV Dar den into of said county A man named Eli 23 years old A man named Mack 38 years old A woman named Martha 29 years old and her infant A boy named Isattc 7 yearn old A git! named Elizabeth 2 years old Said neffroeq cold under an order of the Court ot Ordinary of tC January 20 1857 Sale Will be sold before the Court house door in the town of lalbotton Talbot county Ga on the first Tuesday in March nixt within the legal hours of sale agreeatdy to an order of the Court of Ordinary of said county the following Negroes belonging tn the Estate ol Elisha Brown of said county dec viz woman Hester anour mi yeanvia man Hal about 45 years old woman Jane about 35 years old woman Mary about 33 years old woman Peggy 28 about years old woman Adalinc about 21 years old woman Matilda abom 18 years old boy I'erry about 16 years old boy Jim about 12 years old girl young Hosier about 13 years old nirl Sa Hie about 12 years old April 17 55 DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE tf THOMAS DUNN ATTORNEY AT LAW MORGAN CALEOGN COUNTY GEORGIA Will practice in the following counties: Sumter Clay Randolph Early Decatur Baker Calhoun Dougherty and Lee' May 9 19 11 THE actory being in lull operation is abletosupply(on their usualterms)prompt dy as ordered the various styles of their Manufactures which consist of the following va riety Yarns Oenaburga 4 4 Sheeting 7 8 Shirting Cotton Stripes of great variety ot Pattern Cottonades embracing many new Styles Negro Ker seys and Pine Knot Plains Cassimeres Truck for Trowsers Sewing Thread Shop Twine Mattresses Batting To CASH Purchasers inducements will he offered December 28 tww tf JOHN RUSE RICHARD ATTEN HODGES IRE PR00JWARE H0USE GENERAL WARE HOUSE NI I SI ON I SI ES OUR undivided attention will be eiven (he Storage and Sale of Cotton andfiSl other Produce Liberal advances made on Cotton tn "Store and the usual facilities offered to induce Shipments to our friends in Savannah New York Boston and Liverpool Ord rs lor Groceries promptly executed and ar ticles purchased free of commission at the lowest market prices for our customers 1 RUSE PATTEN CO Col mb us A ugiist 9 '56 tw3t wtf which we will sell cheaper than Railing made at the North Window Glassj Paints Varnishes Linseed Lard Sperm Oils and Brushes of all kinds always on hand OOrOur prices arc moderate and our terms are ac HENRICKSXV A BEACH tf TO THE SOLDIERS I 1 i A tT Yr i CANDY the Indians MANUACTORY and CONECTIONERY A LE Soldiers engaged in amoving the in rpHE undersigned have taken the Store one door ln anJT cap andean 1 North of Toon on the East side of Broad entitled to Boun Lands for ad Street (opposite the Agency of the Union Bank) obtain the same addressinguMeat thispiace a where they will be pleased to fill all orders in their tij the fac eritc Knn nfhnsinpaa withnrnmntnpssand O18DatCh 1 DObC eiiuuvu iu a a ra a a i ri i i Terms Cash MARTIN SON plication Georgia1 Columbus April 56 ly Jan ti Anama A A A negro girl Ellen about 12 years old Ibrjl.

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