The Virginian-Pilot from Norfolk, Virginia • 43
- Publication:
- The Virginian-Piloti
- Location:
- Norfolk, Virginia
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 43
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
3- Norfolk YirJaiianJPiiol, Sunday, Shrcn 22, 1942 Part 4 Page 7 mmMmsmAhAPl. FREE PARKINGS Vr'ifii M'iiif -if-mrnii- Air Oscar 120-Mau Choir er Will Be Brahms PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING THE mT i t- Berg en Spot on noted iiequi em Rudolf Serkin Soloist To- Cesar Romero Appears On day With New York Philharmonic Vallee-Barryiiiore Pro-granrv Thursday Charlie McCarthy, will take a OPENING OF NORFOLK'S NEWEST NEIGHBORHOOD THEATER Brahms' great "Requiem" win be tune by a 120-volce chorus, comprising members of the Duke Uni lesson in acting tonight at 8 o'clock over NBC-Red when Gary Cooper, recent winner of the Academy "Oscar," is his guest Reginald Gardner la Fred Allen's visitor at 9 versity Glee Club, Farmville State Teaehera College Chorua and Princeton -University Glee Club o'clock over CBS, along with Robert over the NBC-Red network. Stur Lloyd, Johns Hopkins University day afternoon at 2 o'clock. The hour-long program will be Directed by Lehman Engei, ana pianist. An original piav dv ixan Buck will highlight the 1030 p.
m. edition of Keep 'Em Rolling over MBS. Guest speaker will. be aololsta will be Dorothy Baker and John Herrfck; It la being presented Daniel Arnsteiq, trucking expert In accordance with the Lenten aea- who helped break the Burma Road ion bottleneck last year. Another Important musical event A VISULITE THEATRE cesar Romero appears on tne Saturday will be a-concert to be Vallee-Barrymbre broadcast Thurs broadcast from the eighth annual day at 10 p.
m. oyer NBC-Red, and Southern Music Festival in Colum bia. S. over NBC-Red at 3:30 a iiock or turn stars uoroiny la- mour, William Holden, Eddie m. Lansing Hatfield, young Metropolitan baritone, and Ernest Me- Bracken, Betty Hutton and Betty Rhodes appear in a special show Chesney.
tenor, are soloists, and a Friday at 9:43 p. m. over MBS to 250-volce chorus from South Caro lina colleges and universities will be heard, and Edwin McArthur of the Metropolitan will conduct. Srrkln la Soloist Rudolf Serkin, pianist, is soloist, and John BarbirollI the conductor in the New York Philahrmonlc-Sym advertise their new film, "The Fleet's In." This show precedes the Joe Louis-Abe Simon heavyweight championship fight, to be exclusively by MBS at 10 p. m.
Jurgcas' Leads Vance Bands Dance bands on the air this week are led off tonight by Dick Jur-gens' orchestra, heard over NBC-Red at 7:30 p. m. MBS Spotlight Bands, nightly at 9J30, Monday through Friday, present in turn Glen Gray, Sonny Dunham, Woody phony concert today at 3 p. over CBS. serkin ptays we scnumann Concerto for piano and orchestra in Located at Granby it.
and eweU's Point Rd. (Ward's Corner) TODAY, AT 2:30 P. M. (DOORS OPEN AT 2:00) Uanreen O'Hara, who portrays the fiery "Angliarad" opposite Wal A Minor. The orchestra plays the world premiere of the overture, ter PldgeoB in Columbia Network's Scrrrn Gaild.
Theatre veraion of the "Sir Andrew and Sir Toby," by 1M1 Academy Award notion picture, "How Green Was Mr Valley: Anthony Collins; the "Tragic" Sym tonight at 7:30 o'clock. 1 phony in Minor, No. 4, by Schu Herman Claude Thornmll and Tommy CcrseyiJ Fred Waring gets a new announcer in Bill Bivens. young Southerner, on his Pleasure bert, and A Song of Summer by Frederick Dclius. Richard Crooks, tenor, who ap- Time tomorrow at 7 p.
m. Heading the popular singers. pears in recital here Thursday, sings two opera arias "Una Fur- Dinah Shore offers vocal support to the drive begun by 700 Filipino employes of the Pearl Harbor Navy tiva Ugrlma from VJixir of Ijove" and "Then You'll Remember Me" from "The Bohemian Girl" Yard to buy a bomber for Bataan. Richard Crooka sue is heard tonight at 9:45 over Malatuena Lerthma Mondav at 8:30 p. m.
over NBC-Red Today a. aa. (MBC Red) ikryrfcarlra orcheatra. Una FurtWa Lacrima, irom "Elixir of Leopold. Stokowskl returns to conduct the NBC Symphony Orchestra in a series of four concerts -4 C.arkula, concert orcanist, in recital: Choral from "Sis Road Arc Maria Schubcrt-Courboin ixie- vonuteiu Richard OonlM Carillun at Cr Coupt-rin tne clue.
Oboler Plays Now iii Book starling Tuesday at 9:30 p. m. over siiunia 01 bam Hanuvi a. m. KBC Red) "Came, lion on-atnl" proKrani preacnta a muai-eal portrait of the Bracanian of Brnil.
William Miller. tenor, and Reiuhold Schmidt, baaa, aoloiaia. with orcheatra and chorua directitt hy Perry Faith, Overture to "II Guar an ur" Gomel B. m. (Bill) The -Tint the Blue.
Lionel Barrymore rangement of Edward MacDowell's "Sea Piece" is conducted by Fablen Revitzky on. the Indianapolis Following the trend of a nation at war the customary frills will be dispensed with. THE SUBURBAN wil come into being minus the glamour of a Holly wood Opening. No kleig lights, no blaring bands and no speeches. Tomorrow the regular policy will be inaugurated.
OPENING WEEK DAYS AT 1:30 P. M. Maria Vienne Invitation to the Dance Weber Ilenroxo Xmarelh Plana (J oar let'' prceenta a lour-piano von-crrt: War Key Etude. 4 Chopin Beau Smr Drbuwy Gypxy Ainr SarHfiilR Utif-ltM p. m.
(Blur I The Kaill. City Maalc Hall" Symphony Orchestra under Enio Rapes con li nun its cycle of Symphony Orchestra concert Tues Arch Oboler, prolific writer and producer of radio dramas, comes day at 3:30 p. m. over CBS. Orchid in the Mnonhrht Ynumana ra ruente Brain Villa-Loboa Befin the Beguine Malurr work: George Sebastian conducts anoth er opera, "Manon," with Jean Ten nyson, soprano, and Jan Pcarce Symphony So.
Mahler orchestra forth with his second book of plays, "This "Freedom" (Random House, New York, $2). The title is after Obolcr's prize-winning "This Precious Freedom," which Tuesday la imam n. iniii tjmimIi tenor, oyer CBS Wednesday at 10:15 m. as. (NBC Rrd Kaaau aoiirano, and H.
Leopold Spitaldy and the NBC Concert Orrheaira. p. m. Htokawakl direcla the firat ol four con-certa with the KBC Symphony Orcheatra: appears as the last play In the Chanson le salt, Irom "Sauchters of 1h i-romenaue caricton loo ley Symphony a in Major (Paatorale) book. A radio adaptation of this year's Academy Award winner, "How Green Was My Valley," is to be BeetBorea nrfimmv Don met II II Fant Porter, from "Dauihtera of the Refiment" DonUettl Snima Otero Dance of tha Hours.
"La Qloeanda" The plays are good examples of orthodox radio drama. Some are presented tonight at 7:30 p. m. over Friday waiter nageon, Maureen PonchirlU Sieo-aiaa tax mmi 'tium O'Hara and Donald Crisp recreate the roles they played in the motion particularly absorbing, portraying exciting action through tensely written dialogue. The one theme-, guard America's priceless treasure, her hard-won freedom! runs Orchestra Laments, tu Leopold Bpitalny Waits Sonr.
"Stan in My Eye'Kreialer Emma Otrro Orand Faa Kmaraola NTTire ceaeetta- omenta Lurtlle Mannera, with -Roee Oraham. baritone. Chorua awl orcheatra directed by Dr. Frank Black. New Sun in the Sky.
from "The Band-. AND 2:30 ON SUNDAYS The scale of admission will be: Sundays and Evenings, 30c -20c Children, 15c (tax included). picture. "Have You Seen?" is Arch Obo- Gluounow waroo schwarts fatinees, Eoaemhu through the whole group. spantin Danca no.
saraaata Orcheatra Candon Cubana. "OJoa ler's next drama to be presented at 4:30 p. m. over NBC-Red, with Edna Best the star. Loretta Young is But however iconoclastic Obo Juta La Ahttria de la Huerta Chueca Ifflmi Otero Pala Moon i Loran Lucille Mannera I Look Into Your Garden Ron Graham Tarantella Coatee Orcheatra Soma Day from "The Varabond Xin" starred in an original drama on ail ver Theatre at p.
m. over CBS, 43Mil p. B. (CBS I "Tha rame That Kfrmhee mm the Air." Orrhmtra Two dramatic features are sched Frimi I pill 11 niinar. lcr's writing, his handling Is along strictly conventional lines.
Hence his plays are recommended only for their entertainment value or their lesson In They have nothing new to offer the serious student of radio drama. Warner Twyford. tiled tomorrow. Myrna Loy will be presented in "Angel on HoraebacK, Mecllone from "Follow the Berlin Selectiona from 'Top an original drama of the Kentucky cneeniDle p. m.
(Blue) An all -dance unoer Anura Koweianets. with Jamn jtrl-ton, tenor, and Albert rinllnixt. When You're Away Herbert Oreneetra prior Ii Here Rodren-Harl Mr. Melton Mala Mocha Dominroes Orehratra SlaTonie Dance in Drorak Mr. Spaldfnr Hall of rame: Sirmnnd Romberr mountains and the Frontier Nursing Service, at 7:30 m.
over NBC- proaram poatnnned from Masch 10 la rheduled by the "Firat Piano Quartet:" Tanso in Cakewalk Zadora Red. "Strawberry Blonde," adapted from the film, will be Cecil B. De- Mille's offering at 9 p. m. over CBS, ka) Lover Come Bark to Me.
(b) Stout-Hearted Men Orrhratra' starring Don Ameche, Rita Hay- Emperor Walti Johann Strauaa Dana de Xcrroi do Lima Vianna Saturday a. at. ttSVir. Rll in Tin we Meet Atain ntchntra (d) Serenade from (The Student Prince worth, Virginia Bruce and jack Carson. From Far Corner: 'Britain Sings 9 A New Program By Sliort-Wave "Requiem" hat ita annual radio perform- Mr.
Melt jo p. n. (NBC Red) "XetretMl-lian Opera AodKlwia mt the Air" ttreernte the aeaaon i winner. Wilfred Pelletler Kate Smith Heads conoiif-ia. mnai oroaacaak ox current nee louowinr SBC a lonr-eatahliahcd Lenten aeaaon tradition.
A 120-roire ehorua eompriainK membera of Duke Unlrenity Glee Clnb, Princeton Pnlreraity Glee Club, and Farmville (Va.) State Trarhen Col. leca. Chonla if featured. Dorothy Baker. PENING JlTTRJlCTON For 3 Days First Lqcal Showing of "GO WEST, YOUNG LADY" PENNY SINGLETON CHARLIE RUGGLES JlNNMn.tra Also Latest Issues of Brand-New News! p.
(Bine) The "Nrw Show for Troops Fneaaa mt aaaie" orcbeatra i directed by aoprano. and John Herrivk, baritone, are aoloiata. Lehman Eneel oonducta. Frit! Stiedry featurea Artur fkhnabel aa Amid war with all its terrors and anioiai Piano Concerto in Major. X.
453 sorrows and hardships, Britain Kate Smith heads the talent list on the third of the War Department's shortwave shows for the (NBC Red) Southern Mnaleal FratlTal. Edwin McArthur directa the Southern Symphony Orcheatra at the flahth annual Cohimhla (S. C. Vnd oi art BennaDM Sings- That's the name of a new program to be heard over London's tsations GSC'and GSL tonight at soldiers overseas, "Command Per FratiTal. Lantlnr Hatfield, and Erneat McCheeney.
tenor, are aoloiata. A 3S0-yolca ehnrua choeen from South Caro -i Monday 11 o'clock. formance." Robelrt Benchley, Ed "Archie" Gardner, Henny Young-man, Barry Wood. Ted Huslng, David Ross and Ted Collins com lina couegea anatumreraltiea alto It featured. Other new programs from Lon ft Overture to "Rdtlah and Glinka a.
aa. CTBC Red) The Tele, phone Hoar" featurea Jamea Melton, tenor, with Franda White, aoprano. Orcheatra and (toonta directed by Donald Toorheea. Sons of Bonn Jamea Melton Guitarra Moukowaki Orcheatra plete the talent roster for the pro don this week include Europe in Chains, tomorrow night at 8:45 from- GSC and GSD, a new news bulletin Thursday at 10:45 p. mM voronauon scene rrom "Borla Sodon- Mnuatomky Lanainr Hatfield and Erneat McCheeney.
Ooloiata Hatches on the Hill Pnn gram scheduled over 12 shortwave transmitters today. ArneriM Smith A Brown Bird Sihrtns ana Heara over. Here Saturday at 8:5 p. m. rrancia wmtp Shenandoah Sea Chantey Chorua MMvmiso p.
m. (MBS) "TreMrr Hoax af Sans," with Jneephina. Tuminia, eo-prano. and tha Alfredo Antonini chorua end orcheatra: Mexican Hat Dance Partlcliela "Command. Performance," produced by the War Department Radio Branch, and designed solely for the entertainment of the men in the armed forces ocerseas, is Guatemala (TGWA) will present the third act of "The Marriage of Figaro" Wednesday at 11:15 p.
urrneaira Lever. Come Bark to Me Srpay Moon. Jamea JCelton Consada Micnone Oreheetra Sympathr from Jamea Melton and Francia White. WEDNESDAY THURSDAY broadcast hv WBOS, WRUL. WRUW, WCDA, WNBI.
FRIDAY SATURDAY ''OUR WIFE" ana ir you spanisn students and advocates of. Latin-American good will want to brush up on the language you might listen in to the p. m. (WB0 Red "Volee af Flreetane preaeau Richard Crook Metro- "ONE FOOT IN HEAVEN" paiuan upera tenor, with orcoeitra rected by Alfred Walleoetein. same station Friday at 10:43 p.
Horn here; Tuminia PetlU Talea Sandoval and Oreneetra At Dawnina: a Chorua Ouvre Ton Coeur Tour Georrea Bizet Tuminia Rio Rita Tierney (Arranted by Antonini) Orcheatra Una Toe Poco Fa (from "Barber of WRCA. WGEO, WGEA, KGEI.i WCRC and WLWO. The schedule la staggered throughout the 24-hour period every Sunday in order to reach the soldiers on a beam, and at a time so that they can hear the Ballet EtypUan Orcheatra wnen a comedy In Spanish by Armand Mook. will be broadcast a fea Then Tout) Remember Me Balfe Richard Crooka Moment Mnalcale Schubert Orcheatra Green HMla of Del Rleeo show. There-la no domestic broad ture.
cast. Roaeini utue mower ox Mlna. Tuminia Fred Allen's Hour for Variety cbs Old-Fashloned. Revival Service -mbs 9:15 "Parker Family" Serial blue 8:30 Album Familiar Muste nbc-red Irene Rich 15-Minute Drama blue 9:45 Dinah 8 here's Song Spot blue 10:00 Phil Bnitalny and Girla nbc-red Today 5s Radio Prtgrams The Good WiU Hour via Radio blue Phil Baker Take It. Lave It cba 5:15 Kaltenborn's Comment nbc-red SO ten America.
Guest nbc-red To Be AnnCd: Health Clinic mba 4:00 Cnnwrt fm. 1 ubu imiI Dance Music Orchestra Period mbs 10:30 To Be Announced (30 nbc They Live Forever, Victory cbs Keep 'Em Rolling, Vary Prog. mba 11:00 News It Late Variety nbc-red News It Dancing 2 hra. blue cbs Half Hour of Dancing Music mbs 11:30 London's Answering You mba 12:00 Two Hours with Dancing mbs National Vespers. Dr.
Foadlck blue To Be Announced (30 nuweast Lutheran Prov. In roneat rnhx-wMt 4 15 Tony Wona" Scrapbook nbored 40 Arch Obolcr's Dramas nbc-red 9ufA Behmd the Hike blue Andre Kostelanets Orcheatra cba Ymng People's Church mba-baalc Shadow Drama mbe-New Eng. RadJ? OP Auditions nbc-red Moylan Staters; Jodeler bluait Dancing Huste Orcheatra-blue-weet Gladys Swarthouts 45 m. cbs-baelc Great Gildersleeve 7:00 Jack Benny 7 :3 0 Band wagon 8:00 Charlie McCarthy 8:30 One Man's Family 9:00 Walter Winchell 9:15 Parker Family 9:30 Familiar Music i 0 :00 rHour of Charm 10:30 Knights of Columbus 11:00 News 11:05 Dance Music 12:00 News 12:05 Dance Music 12:55 News' Asterisk Denotes Network Network nrxnar. itiarn Ample free parking spcicq at our front door to accommodate 400 cars.
The seats in the SUBURBAN are spaced as in the VISULITE affording ample leg-room and avoiding that cramped Reeling. addition we have installed some double seats large enough for an adult and a child to sit together comfortably. The very latest projection equipment with Western Electric Sound has been installed this together with indirect Neon I ighting throughout, the 4 auditorium enables one to enjoy the show in complete relaxation. Trie policy of the theatre will be established according to the desire of its patrons all pictures from all producing companies being at our disposal. '''-l-- 4 ye cordially solicit your patronage and apologize for the long delay in securing our heating plant console Metody Jk Songa cbe-Dlxle snln.
ChoraUmbs "SO-leJjols Family Sketch nbc-red Musical Steelmakers Variety blue "HOW GREEN MY VALLEY" Academy Award Winner STARRING ORIGINAL CAST BMoow ana repeat mba-baalc Y.SRrpI mbavNew Eng. 5 Wm. t. Shlrer in Comment cbs oO Catholic Radio Service abefred Organ: New Friends of Music blue Conrad Navel's Sunday Theater cba -D5ubi? or Nothing Quia Show mbs 630 The Great Gildersleeve nbc-red Pearson and Allen in Comment-blue Gene Autrv Sonera and nramaiha WTAR SUNDAY, MARCH 22 A.M.'. a 7:45 Morning Reverie .8:00 News 8 :05 -Organ Recital 8:3 0 String Quartet 9:00 News Roundup 9:15 Deep River Boys 9:30 Epworth Wesleymen 10:55 News Report 1 1 :05 Rhapsody of the Rockies :30 Music and Youth 12:00 New? Report 1 2 :05 WTAR Salon Orch.
1 2 Radio Gty Music Hall 1 :30 The World Is Yours 2:00 i-News Report 2:05 Sammy Kaye 2 :30 Chicago Round Table 3 :00 Music in Tidewater 3 1 5 H. V. KKaltenborn 3 Listen, America? 1 4 National Vespers 4:30 Grand Central Station 5 :00 Metropolitan Auditions ,5:30 Family of-Five News Report 5 High Spots of News (Alterations progTams at listed due caanges oy netwtsrKs) ImO Far' Eaat CnmnuwiiBm nkuail Bulldog Drummond Adventures-mbs 8:45 Mrs. F. D.
Roosevelt Talk blue YjuuNiacK: Benny amid Marr-nbc-red Radio City Concert Continued blue The. Church of the Air Sermons cb The Slnslns Canaries mbe-tnldwest 15 SUver Strings Orchcst nbc-red Georre riaher on Movlea mba-baalc lOO World Is Yours Drama nbc-red Joef Manila a African Songs blue News: What's New at Zoo? cba Lutheran Half Hour mbe-inldwect 2:00 Sammy Kara Serenade nbc-red OSCAR BRAD LOTS OflEK PCYOR M.C. ORCH. news irom uie woria at war blue Swenth Day Adwntist fnba 7:15 Public Affairs Guest Talks cba 7:30 Tha Bandwagon Orchestra nbc Daughters of Uncle Sam Or. blue The Screen Guild Theater cbs-baalc Chicago Sing A Swing cbs-mtdwest Nobody's Children, Dramatical mbs 8:00 C.
McCarthy Guest nbc-red Dorsey'i Sunday Evsv blue World News via Short Wave cbs The American Forum. Guests mha WRVA Famous Fireside Flayi Hour mba Spirit of '42. Victory Program cba 2:15 Geo. Fisher's repea mbe-wect Irving Caesar Songs of Safety mba 2:30 U. Chicago Roundtebie nbc-red Columbia Workshoa Play; News cba This Is Fort Dlx Variety Show mba 3:00 Bob Becker Dog Chat nbc Wake Vp.
America. Speaker blue N. T. Philharmonic SvmDhonv cba 8:30 "One Man's Family" nbc-red Inner Sanctum Mystery Drama bluei SU1F It i ns iTinw uoctor urama cos-basic 8:45 Gabriel Heatter via mbfbasic 8:55 Elner Davis and Comment cbs .00 Sunday's MerryGo-Round nbc Walter WlncneU Broadcastlnf Woe fpaa free; PARKING The Americas Speak, from Peru tubs '71.
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