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The Pittsburgh Commercial from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 4

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Ptttsbntgf) Commercial: Bnfnrftap, CAprtl 15, 1865. i.i. MAKI.KIS Oil. TKA BE itaoiix: siox, fVM-i THIRD EDITION. Pittsburgh Kte1 Market.

Saturday, April 15, 1S0.5. The following lsa pricelist of the best quality of Refined Cast Steel square, Hat, octagon and ordinary size, viz XA. Ii. 1M. I5.

Him and 2iacll 22o CITY IVX'X'fcllCi. plUl bathed iu sweat a id blood upon the sad-d!" cloths. TiiKtK A. There Is, r.p to time, no ni change In ti President's condition. Special to Press.

A luim. use crowd was la front of It ail deep anxious to learn the condition of the nt. It had been previously announced thai i wound w.s mortal, but all hoped otherwise. Tho shock to the community was terrible. At midnight, tbe Cabinet, with Messrs.

Sumner, fletoy, and Farnswortd, Judge ites, Gov. Oslesby, Gen. Meigs, Col. Hay aud a few personal friends, witbSurgeon General Barnes and his Immediate assistants weie around his bedside. Tho President was in a sti-te of syncope, totally lnsensibie.and breath the blood oozing slowly from the A li C.

VS. P-r "31. st BodUi. p. 6.

to. iif tfouua ('. i )f4tl AMeGS. V. d.

Seven-Thfrtte. 0. Is. percent, oar year.cematatta. nd ai! cliier V.

B. aecur.tles. Bank notes and Colli Smmj.s nvtA Boxula ot vcry dcrltlon RODQTT BOJaJ OJs Jf-U-silOH. kolO: iS20 'srade. HASSA, Pne'T.

1 JAS. MCAULEY, V.P. P. X. P.KYAN, eauasriAiiY, iE.eU Dally lo Tloch, A.


a. s. '8i U. H. 7-80's .107 00 ay so (IS lJ 73 id 7' tVi a Id 50 U.

M. 10-4W8 ii oo Allentieuy County u's Connellsville iteilroad ti's 7G 00 an 75 Allegheny Valley Clevelnod P.allron'i Stock it Ponefillrtville Tnte-rest Piltslwrah ASuuber.viile K. Morch'U' and Slr.uuf.K't'rs Bank. 7 01 'I 00 Ili3 t) iaa do 131 tw 5 ti 50 4 00 1 00 11 75 1 NO IU U) is) 1 fsj 95 1 25 1 -H 1 HO 1 75 4 ail 71 8 io 3 rn 1 4 10 6 50 li) 1 50 1 1 10 2 50 uk 71 00 SF '4k4trC. loaouiat turer of the LK Kit AND I lutt imnroved sc'KKA', An-nt tar rr 'lT irso iijwn mac VlJr.VJi.

HunRK and BKVUL ton J. TCMJL-4 of all NOS. -'BV'P York. Of all thwarts beneath the Heaven. That maa has made or Hod has given.

None draws the soul so sweet away, As Music melilog. mystic iy. Th friends of mnsie sill be pleased to learn, in at a m. held Ki.IDAY feVEMifO. 14! Apru, al the music ruomsof Meisrs.

Sherra Lawtoo.e- 13 4t. Clair street a society to be called tne Harden Asscl.tlou." was oncatiiiad. meet nee a weeic iur inuciai Improvemeui iu voe im uincers were elected i'AN, Fr-slrtent. R. McCaicilKY, vice President, 5J.

WA'I Kits, tarv yf- LAWTv MueicHl Oordnctor. v.BV, IS sii Khratt, Asa't ilusiaal Conductor. Br oriler of ihe meeting aplS-4t rpHK I S1UHSIKSE1), C03fMIS- JL a jpointc.i by act of Assembly, ipproveo mem of February. ls, and aotaor-a-d to fsuxltli aii ioautance c-ui paay, to be located ii me ua i Aiietit-ny ceuntv, "7 larue and title of tne xr a fTi'itFttS' ANO JIEKt'HAXTS' INsCKANck CtiVPANY. hereby nettlfy th subscribers to tiitt capital stocs- of said ompany.

mai meeting will bv In Ihe raoia er tiie Peoyle's JJati-jnul Kant unimV. the ntday of May, the third Mooday after the granting or letters patei.ij iur tne purptjse of elecliiig dirjctors pucaul lo a-t r. a A i si JI1XE- JOHS W. CHALFANT. JAMIC8 I.



Tl'fiSDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY EVKS- 1 Mis, April tistu. ana When he will preient hUOrotesqae Pictures Humor ous Dednaatlous, Miraculous Change of Character, and Keel atlon. comprising Preacher fiom Heple-cam," -'Mary had a Little Ijimb," "ainrldes and Garotte," (debute) "Deserter," (sheridiiu's Elde, Selections from Hamlet." in cci turtle, Jlc as per furmtl In Dodwortb Hall N. York, for tatriy nights. Tickets 30 cents; doors open at 7 o'clock; perform ance comm.

noes at S. apLi al GIIOaJERIES LIQUORS WM. XlLLtK, W. BICKKTUOM, Flttsb ILX-KK A BiCHETNON, Wiioisale Grocers Bad Importer ci SSraadiea, 'ine and CiKtaFS. iiKl and 'il'S, corner of Liberty and IrwTo streets, Pltteihargli, Fa.

2ron, is, lxkioo ems. Ac consiantiy oo hand. aelS JOSBI'lil 8CHJHDT, 1M PORT KK AKD SKALEK tS WINES AND LIQUORS, 409 Pib street, PITTSBVMOH. PA. el 4-lv 0.

YJSTEUtfj! OVSTJKEM1 WHOLESALE AND E.T AH Also, a large supply of all klnda of Groceries and Produce, taotly on hand. J. T. GLEAtSOf aelsem So. as a.

e. cor. Bmithfaeld and tA ta BAAIJET VEOL23AUS GBOCER, So 4.1 VCo1 Rtrwt, Ptteymreh.Pa PHOTOGRAPHS. NEW a -a 15 "MUSIC. 2H.

21. 214- 21. ncn 24c 5-10, VA. a'fj, aH a. utu Above4 inch to5 inch 00 2sc 2c 8c 3c 41 5Vi to 6..

l-i, 3-111 5-32 va MARKETS Bl TELKKRAPH. New York Finance and Trade. Special to Western Associated Press. New York, April 14. Wall street presented a very dull appearance to-day, and biiRlnefs in all directions was on a very limited scale.

The Stock Board and the transactions were all on the streets, Good Friday was so generally observed in business circles. In Government securities there was a sharp recovering in prices of last evening's exchange. There are but few bonds pressing on'the market. Stock market was very Btong iu "the streLs, but tiie balance of business was quite moderate and prices were very- regular. The sold market, opened at a decline of -j percent, from the closing pricesot last evening but afterwards recovered.

Business was not large. Petrolenun receipts 315 barrels. The market Is dull but steady; trade, 81b: refined. In bond, 52c; tree. 71'ft72c.

The trade in dry goods is very active, and Jobuers are doing a very heavy business. Tnere Is a large number of country merchants in. town and thev- are purchasing quite freely. Tne volume ot business vesterday was large, and again tre-day trade "is brisk. To ona promiuent, jobbing house, this morning, there were over two bun-itraii Lm-i-ri in the Rtore at one time.

The or der i-AiiiMUini restrictions unou trade in certain i of iiiuttmth haa iivpn additional Impe tus to business. The prices of all kinds of goods are very firm and tending upwards New Yurie Money anil tofc Market New York, April 11. Monev easv at 15(S8 cent. Sterllne nominal at 10oiloa." Gold dull and without decided onftnintr st 1451. and declinln? to 145: advancing to 146, and closing at 14G.

No ses sion of gold and aiocn. New Torlt Market. New Yokk, April li. Cotton steady, more doing at 34Sj'i5c for middling. Flonr without decided wit'i moderate business; extra State, S7 757 85; round hoop Ohio, 18 30s.i 50; and trade fb 55rvst).

market closing quiei wisy "to uo.i etwidedlv 'ower: Wesiurn. 32 11. clt IngatiJ 10. 'Wneat firmer lor spriiie, steady (nr mirl heavv for poor winter: A spring. $1 65; Amber Michigan, $1 i sn- wrt.iiK Missour .52 w.

Kyeouiet. liariey and Birley Malt dull. Corn scarce and Arm at Si 3i -al 35, and Si 35 for new white. Us scarce oval verv Him. at SOc for Western.

Wool qniet. Muear quiet; Cuba Museovado Molasses dull. Pork firmer, more doing, at 827 25r3i28 for new mess, closing at 2Scasri. ana szi regular Hi, rT M-i rvn cnrl wav. closing mi citesii, c- mi I Ji fti'i2i2C 17 for prime mess Beef quiet, at $12 Hi 50 lor ds In mess, ana lor extra iukh.

Beef hams cit'let; small nale at fjd. Out meats quiet pnrtof lastevening; lliiiaiscforsboutuers and i.a-v,i17o tor hams, uacon ami; Htyve for Iocs ribbed, and 16c short ribbed. Lard quiet at i. Batter qniet lSa iMc for Ohio; 20Qi Jjc lor state, cneese ouu. at Chicago Martlet.

Chicago, April 14. Flour dull and -wheat unsettled and excited opening at $1 10, advancing to SI 13 and closing at 51 tne purcnass were euureiy specie lative. Corn quiet at 5m503. Oats dull. Hiver liBtters, Arrivals ami bparinrsi of Staiuhoat iRSAED, Telegraph Frank Un.

Fayette Gallatin res. Rtst-s in rva Yorktowa Franklin Favett Gallatin. Brownsville, mac do do do Elizabeth. Speers Gordon Ebert Parkersburg. Liouisvuie.

UKKABT K)J. Brownsville, do do as. Telegraph Rougher. The Rivee Last evening ibem were thlr teen teei water iu the cuannel. aud falling.

Hi weather during the day was pleasant. Busl nssappears to bs reviving. Tut brettr steamer Kate Captain Auawalt. is announced for St. Iouis aud Upper Mississippi.

Pa-soiigors would do the well Second National hank Tmrd National First National Allegueny Dalzell Piillips Oil Creek and Cherry llun Ciierrv lUin Central rr. Story and Cherry Kun Merchants' hurry Hun Pit Hole Pitusburifh and Philadelphia Cneriy PittsiuurKii Ohio Valley Mi A boy and crierry ituu Paxtou Pnueuix lty nd Cherry Hun and iJiOod Great American Caldwell of Philadelphia Stella tilberuiou Kuu Rumor Pittatwrrfh and iS'ew Yorir Tack Petroleum of New York KKPOK'W OK SAI.KS. shares Mereh'ts' A Maul's' Bs At 11 o'clock. Gold 1 iJA Fkiuav, April 14, p. The patriotic and eloquent address of Col.

Hawklus, was the principal feature at the Exchange Hooin this evening. The P.oard as previously stated, had yielded the use of it for that purpose, and held their stock sales In the office of Messrs. ssteel i Bailey. There as a retty fair attendance, but stocks were too tlull to command much interest, i be list wascalled asu-utl, but Imsv "otds" whs the order of the oven in a. The few sales etleeui: were at very low rales, as in tne case ot Wet teru Peunsylv tuia selling as low as $1 w.

The Sies were 75 shares OU Creek 4 Cherry Kun do do Pittsburati iK 100 do Western Pennsylvania SI 00 1 ty 1 Tue clofcing quotations ou the list were as i lows Bid. Second Ward Bounty Bonds Allegheny Co. Pomp. 5 cent do. 65 00 sicuiienvllle R.

Kourm National Bank MtriRO Coal A '-me and Pittsburgh IS Pauot-r litand Farm and Ohio 1'etrtiieum Aske.l J'l o.i too (0 00 170 00 15 00 5 to 9 25 i L'5 1 ,50 5 50 Caidwe 1 of Puila loiphiB dwe 1 i'uila loipt e'e-ntral Basil Kuu Central I'norrv kuu auil Isrm. Cherry llun ij I'ltUburtjn Cbt rry Run aud Pit llo.e e'omibbta Cm l.e-rLson's Run Iv.ioK CrceJr l'aon e'nX Vauey Plcminai Bloort Farm Kuiler Iveserve Groat American 1 1 uoiluok iiorseueck -rouauts vi'Aiaty c'her i Ruu Mouuuuahcna "toneer Nsti mal, of Pittkbil'Kli Running A ln no Valluy Ou Unsin, ot Phua I Croea. and Cherry Kun Pt.oenlx Potilips PiMsbunjri A New Yorft Pittsburan A Piiiia P.everine I' ev Hi ml arm Steel Well ick Petroleum, of X. Slory and Cneriy Run Union l.ubrie esleru Pennsylvania Whiudv Creek l.AOe. A- Cuerrv Run.

1 to 1 PI 1 lei 50 to Is I I 1 uo 2 U5 'i u0 1 4 00 1 i i) 1 U0 :7 40 ti-' 5 75 1 ill em) wi 15) i no 13 4 P0 i 75 4 i.j lc 1 1 (k) 1 tio 1 10 1 '-J i 5 ii mi 7 si, 73 1 r-o 1 HU 1 i () 1 l.o DABKS ins completesd all arrangmeiiLs ior PHOTOGRAPHING. Ld all the varlctis style of tbe art, Mr. DAEBH would rrtspectfuily call the attention ofthe public to tua SEW ESTAiJttlSHMEST, 'So. 413 and 4H St. CLir TTbeirehela tio pre to mako, at shortest pos-sioie notice, FHOTOUKaPUti from the Card devia- lie lo tiie slice, Colored in Ink, till, or Cclers, Els Reception Bocm on the ground Coot, a var dasirabie feature, where he baa a tJrK Zxit of Very Floe Pbutoprspba, which are open for Inspection to tiie The entire eacabllsrtrr.aut to fined up upoo thw mol approved Eastern style.

Eemember ihe place. B. L. 11. BAEiiS.

3ySS Io. 44 and 48 Rt. yalr PltUbortn. to bear this lu mind. The favortto passenger steamer "Piigrlm, Capt.

J. O. Mcay, leaves this day, at 4 lor Zineville and intermediate ports. Th boat has fine aceommcdatlens and is In charge OF THE PtTrSBCtQH COM F.KCIAL, 1 t-aturday, April 15, lstio. We have nothinz new to record In regard to trade generally.

Tbe demand waa local. Theswealher has again cleared up and a have what may be termed delightful spring weather. Vegetation is springing up in all directions. The receipts of produce have been liberal in fact, they were in excess of the darn ind, so that prices were weak and tending wnward. Both rivers are in good navigable older for the largest class of boats.

The ton- la port Is large. Among the arrivals were tt eYorktown, from Cincinnati, with, a large rip of ireight, the principal portion of which is consigned East by the Central Railroad. The Pilgrim, from mesvllle, bad a good trip of ireight and passengers. She will return this iy nt 4 p. in.

The Golden Era, from Ports- ix ouih, had a healthy looking trip of both ifthtaud passengers. She will leave at noon lor that and intermediate ports, ie fine steamer Glide No. 8 leaves this day Cincinnati. Passengers and shippers will ar this lu mind. The pretty steamer Kate tuam is tho only boat loading for St.

Paul rect. She will have dispatch and will go through without, The Maggie of our best packets, leaves this day for Cairo and St. Louis. Passecaeis and ship pers will btar this in mind. The Nevada will for Cincinnati aud Louisville ou Tuesday.

Toe steamers Laonidas and Mlnneola are av ailing their turn to load. Several boats are due, and may arrive at any hour. The rkersbnrg boats are doing a large business. The same remarks will apply to the boats en- gnedlnthB Brownsville trade. People will ak Investments in oil lands.

Below will be lo Jtid the sales that came under our notice loub-The market has exhibited no impor- taut cuanse, either as regards prices or de-mauds. Lti-aiers confine tneir purchases al (pettier to small lots to meet the wants of tbe c.W una noine uemauus. nuyera are enueav- oilng to obtain lower prices, whilst ou the hand holders are not disposed to ve wav. hence we have but lew sales to re 1. 1 be extreme urlces were oo per )l.

the former for low tirades, and the latter ir tavorlte brands. We notice a liberal ootint ot exDorls east. Hay The market was not very active. The sices made were on iy to a nmiieu extenv. iue cui ieiit latta were 830(335 per ton.

Baled was dull. utter Good roll butter was In fair demand All lresii pareeisofl'ered found ready purchas ers. Sale ot la packages la low a)(bc, if i hi interior sold at various prices. lutiKO Fruit The market was dull with noire sellers than buyers. Prices have further rausiijg Irom 9-lOc tor apples, ana lor peaches.

The exuori demand has talleu i'otatoes were In fair demand, particularly tho be descriptions. Sales ol ICO bbls choice a' St 25.S 30. (ikain appears to be neglected. Buyers are not disposed to take hold. They are evidently v.

iiiliUi- lor lower The receipts are am for i 1 can for ail ordinary purposes. Corn very dull. be, I at low nrices just neiw its dull. A large amount would command i k.

ueai dull. Uu vers are not utspoaeu Io take bold. We Ktve tne nominal rate at: a SI 00, White tl 70 per bush. Barley none van led. llrti ranaes Irom SI 00 lo ft Oj.

lajo-s Tne demand was in advance of the riiooiy; 2oc was resddv obtained. We notice liotfe exnorta to tbe Kast. are a druir on tbe market. Prices ere irregular, ranging from Si 00 to 8-4 00 per libi. i is Market steady, with a eood demand tor tne various descriptions.

Balos of 50 boxea esleru lieserve at 22.5c; do choice 283. tiiiot KRi(oi The maiket was steady, with fa demand lor local Our dealers have a eoo-1 suiidIv nurcbased. 81u the re- ca nt oeciine In ttie al-utt the rates for smail par. eels were: Coffee.

Rio. Uyrupa 75cl 00; Molasses, Orleans, St 2ml ii per gall; hugara Crushed A. coflee. ltfrAlDH ooriee, iS I ii.iU- rorloRicoinWlbc HAiti.v-Iuii ioi.rkel was not active. The les made were onlr In a smalo wav at tne fol lo wliii: nrlee: Shoulders 17117Uc; Hides, ribbed i Sugar Cured Hams 2sx Country i urea eots so, a lower.

l'l riMBl KGII DSltl MARKET. OFJ-ICK or THK IiAILT COMMBHtIAll Friday, April 14, 105, Add Acetic Citrc 1 :) 1'5 Tartaric 1 30 Alcohol KSij-0 40 0s 0-0 47 Aloes, Cape Socolrine 1 15 Ammonia Carb Aqua Iff ll tti Ahiieii, Pot 11 Pearl to to to to to lo to to to to to to to 1 115 t7 1 35 4 50 4 t5S i a is is 70 12 UU 1 SO 5 50 2 i 90 eu 8 10 17 SO 21 50 11 1 85 2 55 1 25 2 45 1 15 70 4i 1 2 tiO gal. lb s.Hla 6H to oalrjm copaioit 1 2i to Hay Ivum Ctucuoua. R-eti fale Commou II lack Lead, American tie: man K. I I'lue Mass V.

s. 1' Bine Vitriol itorax, tierliitsl ih iiustiajre lttil 1-lor Sulphur. Calomel. American Fiiglish i amp-hor Rerliitsi mi I latrldeS 00 2 S5 75 50 4 11 o5 ao 45 to to to to to to to to to to gal. r.

7H lo 10 to 1 to 2 43 1 'JO 2 3. to to to to to to io to Cass I in Mats 1 10 i (iermsu t5 lUitiiHti -5 i o'orm l.x,lirivui. "Pperas to 2 00 50 to 12 50 to 50 case bbl. il. i am i artar U1K-! i o-U-ear Knit-re Kntj l.iiier Nunc, of 50 yo 40 it H5 to to t- to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to So S5 ti IS 1 IS 5 7a 30 1 25 70 1 CO 85 1 10 bo 1 20 1 00 2 H) 2 0J 7 50 12 1 40 Fx tract laKWootl I.lrj'.lo" Ice "li)ri.

Italian siiiily VU--, Cioppod ols Aleppo A rat ic, sotts Willie 17 OJ 70 't 5'- 1 2 H5 75 1 no 00 1 15 05 1 7.5 1 7 10 rrh, Turkey Sl.eiiae i rasjacauth riake. i-oiliuan's Anodyne 1 n.itgo Mauiila pHiilsh iloaL Kesutiliuie-tl i i per Berries to la -jivood Cliipfwd to 1 45 to 1 50 'ladder Caicinetl Manna Morphia, tsiilph Nntniekjs, Ao. 1 t.i Beruatiiol (Vstor ClnriarnoTi iovea i 'ih! Liver Lemon Iaird.t ity Ciiifiuua'i is :5 to to to to to lo au 1 50 1 1 Wl 1 60 25 i 60 10 i) 8 7 50 6 5i) 3 25 7 50 1 S5 i i 1 tii a 5: 9 .0 6 50 1 50 6 75 2 50 1 00 ii 25 1 45 1 85 6 75 11 W) DO Ot 1 05 to 12 00 to 4 W) to to to to 8 00 7 Ui 50 8 00 1 WO 1 H5 1 35 1 75 4 45 lb to to to Ut to gaU Llnsce-l Oli Quarts Pints irigauum to it uo doz vo uu 00 7 25 3 50 1 65 3 50 1 05 1 SO Peppermint ltosemary Hassafras Sperm genuiue Tanners Whale Witita-rreeu gall. 7 50 Opium, Turkey 11 W) to 11 60 Pepper, Black 40 42 Pepper Airman 73 Phosphorus 1 Planter Paris, calc'd 5 00 PoIhs.s Bi Chromale Chlorate 0 Iodide 6 25 Prussiato Yellow 05 Red 1 tf 78 2 00 5 50 38 1 00 6 50 70 1 05 7 8 00 bbl tu. OW to Ouinine Suipli 2 9n to oz.

Rosiu ibbl of 2-S0 Bs) 25 00 to 28 00 bbl. ltiwt Gen-tlan 15 to Ginger, li. 1 35 to Jamaica 70 to Pow'd 7 00 to Jalap 4 00 to Liauorice 28 to Khubarb, K. I 4 00 to 8araparUia. Iloud 55 to Senega 1 35 to Valerian, F.nglish 55 to 35 to Sal Ammoniac 27 to Kpsom to Soda 5 to Seed, Anise.

40 to Canary 9 (JO to Cardamou 4 00 to Hemp 3 75 to Mustard 2d to Senna, A lex 37 to K. 1 30 to Sothi Bl. Carb 10 to 20 38 75 7 25 4 15 30 4 15 0 1 40 00 40 30 0 45 a 50 4 50 4 00 28 40 85 11 10 28 40 FA 5o 12 14 2 40 be a. if-, bus. Stsia Caustie 10 to tjimp Castile 25 to vv ui uj as 10 Stsreh 9 to Sugar Lead, white 50 to Sumac.

Sicily 10 to Terra Japonlca 12 to TuiTK'ntiiieSpts 2 35. to gall gall. at lb. aruish, Copal 3 00 to 5 50 2 00 5 50 7 17 15 18 18 5 18 14 15 17 Japan 1 50 to Damar 3 50 to Venitlan Red 0 to White Lead Pure WA to Fancy 8 to White Dry 17 to Red Diy 18 to Whiting 41-4 to Llthurga 17 to Zinc, Carbonate 12 to in ou is French 16 to Milwaukee Market. April 13.

Flonr Dull. Sale of 300 bbls country extra. at S5 50. Wheat The recelnts of wheat to-day are 6 S50 bush, against 17,698 bush the correspond ing day last year. Tb scarcity or -spot" wiieat still continues.

Fo sales made. Mar- e-nt ninnhml HI l'i 1 attol Thfionlv transactions noted on 'Change were 10,000 bush fso. i western, seller's ootion to June isv, at Jl OSl-itgll 09. Coarse Grylns Dull and nominal. ich wines Nomlnel at $2 042 08.

Provisions Quiet. Philadelphia Sntrar Market. Ramucl C. Cootr sold ot. snctlon.

ADril 12th. 185 bhds Porto Rtc- Sugar at 13(Sol4Jo tW hhda Porto Rico Molaanes 170 hhdsat44c; Matanzas Molasses at 4042c four month a. OPTICS OrtHt DATLT CCWttBOIAT Saturday, April 15. lljt-5. I Bcsiskss In the oil way presented no chan ges worthy of special notice.

Prices were nom inally the same. The sales however exhibit an Increase over the previous day's transac tions. The weather was delightful. On tho Allegheny business was active. Tho exports, particularly of empty barrels, was large.

Tne sales of crude oil yesterday amounted to 3,355 barrels, and 1,500 barrels more to arrive. Re fineries are paying more attention to the gravities than usual, and some parcels that previously changed hands, were rejected, the gravi ty being too high. The current rates were 21 22c, as per quality, packages returned, and 27c, packages included. The rteelpts of oil yester day were limited, being less than 500 barrels. Tbe only arrival up to the time we left the landing waa the Urilda.

The departures In clude the Echo No. 3, Belle, and several tow- boats with heavy tows of empty barrels. Refined Oils are still neglected, with but few transactions. The nominal rates were free, 05 bouded 45. It would be difficult to Bay what a large parcel could bo purchased for.

The only transactions reported, being lots of bbls. Crcdk Oil lu the early Dart of the day the market was dull, and buyers did not seem dis posed to take hold. Later in the dav the demand Improved with the following "transactions, viz: 500 bbls at 21c, package returned; 230 do at 22c, same condition 50 bbls at 2ue S3 bbls at 27c, packages Included l.OcO bbls bulk, delivered, at 21J.JC; bbls bulk, to arrive, gravity 4i.41, at 21c. krflked cuLS xua mantel was inactive. the only sale that came under our notice be ing luu DDis tree at ooo.

i nis wouiu mase nou-ded equal to 4c. There was no demand tor otaer descriptions. OU Receipt pr Allegheny vr. J. Reno 61 1 J.

Gallagher W.P. Logau J50 Total 377 Imports Oil per AlletfSieny Valley St. It. GOING BAST. Ewine.J4Co.6S bbls Rallned.for Philadel phia.

Wightman ct 144 bbls Refined, for Philadelphia. i.ucesco Company. 71 bbls Kenned, for rona- delphla. Aladden Company. 2sQ bbls Refined, for Phil adelphia.

nrewer. nurk 4 Co. J0 bbls Crude, for rlstown. Myers A (Jo, 50 bbis lU-flned. for Baltimore.

Pittsburgh Iron aud Nail Market. OrricE Tits PrrTSBUROH Saturday, April 15, 1805. The Iron and Nail Market continues dull. with but a limited dcauand lor the various de scriptions. Nails are unsettled, each dealer for that article selling without regard to the card prices.

Iron was unchanged. will be found the rates KLAT BAR. lb V4 to 8. by i to 1 Inch s-i 2 to 8, bv 1 to IH Inch VA to 1 by to IrcU 5' VA to lUby 6-16 inch ti HUK.SE SHOK. V- to 1, by 5-18 to inch 7 HEAVY BANO IieON.

3 to 8, by Ki to 3-16 inch i oh VA to 1, by and 3-18 inch to 1 by and 3-16 i 13 oy 1 and 3-16 inch 7 H001 AND LI (JUT BAND, to 8 Inch 1 and 2. 1Z and IU landlVl ....6 ...7 :4 Inch. Hoops out to spttclCoJ lengths, cent per pound extra. KOtJSIJ ASI) SQUARE. 1 1M Rt 5i and 9-16 inch 74.

to 7-16 inch 8to3U inch 8 394 to i inch Ovf 0-ib lUCU I inch 3-18 u-4 si ana men 'i OVAL I BON. at-1 to Inch 5 Inch audi luch I Inch ai HALT OVAL AND HALT SOUND, to I to inch 6 1 nch -i and Inch 6 inch Wauon Box SHEET. No. 10 to 17 18 to 21 25 and 26 -14 A All sheets over 28 Inchos wide, 2 extra PLATES. i-io, si anu men inicx uver ju luetics in wiutu, cent a extra.

rLAT KAILS launched and coitnter xitrtik. IU to 2, by to inch 6 1 A by Sand 7-16 Inch l'i by 7-16 and lA inch li by inch Juniata over "American. PLOW HANDLK 1KOS. Plow Handle Iron. SAIL KODS.

12 NAILS. t) ketr lOd to 0d Nails, 8d and 6ti aud7d 4,1 aud 5d Sd 2d Casing Nulla. 10d 12.1 lod Finishing. 1 sd iod 121 62' 6 STU 7 87 A 8 67', SdFlne 7 ai In. Lining Clluch 12- Cut tspitet; 6 h'A Barrel.

inch 1 inch li.lnch 1'4 inch ToOaoco. ti sd Idd 7 7 3s 7 IS 7 li 7 13 lo 7 7 3 7 Hi 6 66 16d 63 I2'i cents pur keg off, in lots of 100 kegs or up warus. cent per pound off Iron except sheet iron, ots of J) i on a. Prices subject to change ff the market with out nonce. Tuim-Notor acceptance at 00 days with ou t-w joris, or a uiscouni oi pel cunt, foroash, if remitted ou receipt of Invoice.

ravmeuis io ue ruada in lork exchau V. ti. Treasurv NJ-s. or their eoulvalent. dls -ount on bills of less amount than riny uol tars.

PIftsbiirgh Flf Iron and llluoiit Mnrket Office or thk Cei-MstEticiAL,) Haiurday, April 15, The Pig Irou and Blo im Trade of Pittsburgh is come pretty muoh to a stand still. Some partie-8 think the bottom has been reached Khllsl others ara of a diCerent opinion; on thing is very evident, the mlts for some lime past have been very limited. The river re ceipts, by the Golden Era, vrere 160 tons. The only sales that came uuder our notice were the following SALES OF PIG IKON PEK TON. 20 Tons Hot Blast Charcoal S55 casl TO o.

1 Anthracite, Korge 51 Oil No. 2 do 53 i No. 2 do do 50 ut) i No. 1 do do R. S.

4s50 SALKS or BLOOMS HHTOS. 87 Tons No. 1 Juniata. 00 4 months PittabnrsjB Tin aud Itoolinjr Market Saturday, Apill 15, 1865. The market was not active.

Prioea have fur ther declined one dollar per box on all si z. s. Tue following table embraces the figures up to last evening t-C 10x14 $18 00 I I-X 10x14 1-C-12X 12 1 50 I-X 1-014x20 19 00 1-X 1 1x20 I-C Roofing 17 50 I-X Roofing BLOCK Tllf lb. Block Tin 63j55c I Bar Zinc Sheets 200 Spelter Slabs. 22 00 22 13 pO 21 60 0t'c Pittabarif Copper Market.

Saturday, April 15, 1805. The market remains Inactive. Prises have further declined. The following are the rates up to last evening, viz: Braaiers' Bolts. Bars and Sheathinor ft Siir- v.vpi toixia.

jj latum 400 IHPORTS BY RAILKOAil. Imports per A Ileelienv Taller R. MarllU, A H. 2 earn iron- T.r!i,r.(. Co, lcar brlclt; Bahme, i rolls leather; Jsa i u8, 8 bDls B8: Schwalm, 15 pkgs pro- 11 nasaeis potatoes; riingaam.

Son 81 sacks oats; Mr Kennard. 2 i bush poiatoes; Kllnginsmlth. 16 do do; Lee, 22 uusu pomioeji; Jos Kennedy. 27 bush oats; L'aldwell, Bale, 40 do potatoes; Voigt Sou, 10 bbls HtlWtlUCB, 1 I'levAlnnal an.i Plialmwli cuaa ismii u.a boxes wood; Doolittle 15 Pgs laaTiusou 01 1'niiiips. pumps; -aru McC.

44 bbls Ingots copper; 242 plates copper; BalHiey'Jk Van Gorder, U6 Dbls iHitatoes. 10 bks do. 0) bxa butter; Anderson, 19i bags "i ire: I itifltanaa- iiq um 5il bbls flour; McKelvy. li2 sacks oats: Volgt.137 do Dolatoes: Doolittle P. 40 bbls apple-; Shomaker 4 Lang, 200 bbls floui; II oigt, bbla hominy; Carllue pes patterns: Peat-unit 1 InmKor- lliv.

5 bj.8 broken glnas; Day Id, 10 springs; Simpson 200 bbls flour. Import per t. Wayne AChlenjro it. KUtales. 220 be-s harlev- r.lnnlnn tt HA Co 1 saw; Hall, 7 plow point; Mair A lo bills "Pokes; Shomaker Si 30 bbls llour, Voigt, bbla potatoes; Moorhead, 1 car metal.

IXPOttTS BY BITES, Zanesville. PBR PlIHIJl ntarba A- C'n 410 hhla flour. 10 do lax seed. 20 do eggs; Adams Express Co, 20 uoi eggs; eiser Armstrong, II do onea sps Pies; McEaned- Anger, 7N6 sacks corn; Vought- ly 4 Copp, 30 bbls Hour; Dowlugton. 150 bags i i j-'-t eiuivm ac eu, XW 11 tl 11 1 u-jj y.

i A Hasan. 213 do seconds: Hous-on, 2 bols ggs; Hahn Kiddle. 3 do molasses: A Lyon 4 X), 40 bxs soap; Meek Armstrong, 3 bbls eggs; J.S Dl I worth A ilo 2 do do. I box butter; Balsiev Van Gorder, 2 bbls eggs; Hibler, 20 do do, 13 do butter- Wells tt Trueadale. 14 racks, li boxes, 13 bbla sands; AlcYay, 200 sacks corn.

jLonlavlIle. Pr YoRKTOWsr. Clarke Co, 71 hhds tobacco, 73 bbls bristles; Weyman Bro, 4 hhds tobacco, 1 bx samples-: Bingham fc SJtuigeon, it bbls flour; Etna Stove Co. 1 bx a ove patterns; Segmyer Voskamp, loo bids flour; John Thompson, 10 bdls flUblng poles; Jamea Bown, 20 bdm fishing poles; 8. McMahon.SB coal oil barrels; Sneathen Co, 1 bex.

1 coll rope; Job Craig, 14 sks feathers, 2 do rags; Kongb, 1 bx bacon aides, 1 to bacon hams; King fc Pen nock, 1 bx pictures; A Miller 4 Co, 6 pakgs. lb lb fA 7 7 O'CLOCK A.n. Assassination. A FIENDISH PLOT. Shooting of Prcs't.

Lincoln HE WILL PROBABLY DIE- STABBING OF SECRETARY SEWARD HIS TWO SONS FATALLY INJURED 1 MOST DAMNABLE DEED. WHO WANTS AMNESTY rittrtlril DUaatoh lb PltuburKh Commercial. Washington, April 15 LIS A. if. Tbe President slowly dying.

The braiaia ooalng through, tho ball Lulu lu hU forehead. Ha la of eour.e lubeualble. There Is aaoecaalonal hltlnsol hla hand end heavy lentorlou breathing, iu all. Mr. Lincoln an her two sons are In a room of the boos opposite to Ford'a Theatre, where thu President waa taken, and adjoining that where lie la lying.

Mr. Sumner 18 aeated at the bead of Ihe bed. Secretaries Stanton, i Denirlaon, Uelier and McCulloca aud Mr Speed, are In the loom. A large number surgeons, OeaeraU, and poisonal and family Irlnndi of Mr. Lincoln fUltlio houaa, Al.aie.

In tsars. Andrew Johnson la here. Ho wag In bed When the asaamtuatlou cU commit: ed, la L.n reom.atthe Kirkwood. lie was immediately apprised of ibe event and got np. The waa taken to provide a guard of aoldiers lor bin, and theae were at the door before the newa waa well through the Avenue.

Captain Uolhbone, of Albany, wo) In the box with the President. He v.i slightly woauded. 1:80 a. u. The atreeU In the vicinity of Ford theater are denaely crowded by an anxious crowd.

A guard has been placed across street, at KaudF streets, and only certain olli-cial peraona and particular frleuds of the President are allowed to pass. The popular heart la deeply stirred, aud the deepest Indignation again loading rebels la freely Theacene at the houea where the Preaidenl liee as extremis, la very exciting. ilveu h-tertiary SUutou Is affected to tears. When the mwi spread through the city that the President bad been shot, the people with pale face amd compreesod 11 pa, crowded every place where there waa the slightest chance In obtaining laformatlon In regard to the affair. After the Preaidenl waa ahot.

Lieu', Uath-bone, who In the box with him, caught the assassin by the arm, who Immediately truek him with a knife, and Jumped from the box as before atated. The popalar affection for Mr. Lincoln hss beea ahown by this diabolical assassination, wtteh will bring eternal lniamy not only upon Its aalhora but upon the hellish caue which they dealro to avenge. Tie Prealdent Jobnsen arrived at the Where toe President Ilea ahoutone o'clock, aud Will remain with him to th list. The Prealdent'a family ara In attend iaee upon him alao.

Aa soon a in lelllgeuoe cauld be got to the War Department; the electric la-graph and Signal Corps were put In requisition to endeavor to prevent the eacapo of the aisan-sla and all the troop around Washingtou are under arms. Popular report points to a somewhat, celebrated actor, of known secession pioellvltles, as the aaaaaaln, but it would be unjust to i ame him until some further evidence of his eu is obtalaed. It la rumored that the person alluded la la custody. The latest advloea from Secretary Reward reveal more desperate work there than at first apposed. 8eward's wounds are not in tLern-aelvee fatal, bot In connection with his recent Injur leu, and the great loss of blood, his recovery Is doubtful.

It was Clarencn A. Seward, Instead of Wm. H. Bewaid, who WAuaded. Fred.

Seward was also badly ut, as were alao three nurses who were In upon the Secretary, showing that a desperrete struggle took place there, but none of th ru fatally. The wounds of the whole party v. tie dressed. A. M.l have Just visited the dying conch ot Abraham Lincoln.

ITe it now iu ibe ago-Dies of death, aud hU physicians say he cannot live mere than au hour, li Is surrou nded by the members of bis Cabinet, all of wnom ar bathed la tears. Henatur Sumner Is seated en the right of the conch ou which he l.s lylnc, to tears streaming down his cheeks and sobbing llkearhlld. All around hlra. are his phj si-elans, ireoa Qjnural Barnes, directing af-a rr. The President Is unconscious, aud the only sign of life he exhlb ta is by the movement o' bis right Land, which he raises feebly.

Mrs. Llneoln aud her two sous are in the roim. Into which Secretary Ktautoti lias gone to lDforra the.a that ho President's phy-atelana have pronounced his case hopeless. As I (asi through the passage to the front doo-, 1 ear hhrleas aud cihs proceeding from the reora la which the gilef-ktrlcken ai O'jUdrrn are ea'ed. oh ali frcra Quartermaster General Mel" t.e following account of the assassination About nlf pat leu o'clock a man dressed in uarktultand het entered tho pilvate box in wblcb Mr.

Lincoln and hts party, consisting: Mrs. Llneoln, Mrs. Harris, daughter of ft-iatnr Harris, and Captain Ualhbouu, of ware eeated. Immediately upon openlri; tho door ht advanced towards Mr. Lincoln wlih i six barrelled revolver cllnehed in his ri'n baad and a bewleknife in his left.

Tho PreM dent, who was Intent upon the play, did not notice his lntrasion, and the gentleman who was aeated beside him rose to Inquire the r.a son of his entry. Before ha had time to usk lh assaealB what he wanted he fired one shot from bis revolver, wblcb took tffdet In the baek of the President's bead The ball aased through and oamo out at the right temple, t'apl. Kalhbone, who was in li.e box with Mr. Lincoln, attempted to arrest the murderer, and, in trying to do so, received a stab In bis arm. The assassin thun leaped frera the hex en to the stage.

Before he disappeared behind the curtain, he turned, and, with a tragic flourish and tone, waved his knife and shoaled, "Sic Semper Tyrannis," Bo sadden was the affair, that for some iro ments after its occurrence the audience sup posed that it was part of the play, and were oul ndecelved when It waa announced from the stage by the manager that the President of the TJalted States bad beea shot. The Bboek fell on the andlence like a thunderbolt, and loud cries were Immediately made to kill or capin re the asaassln. The scene Whiah ensued cannot be described. Men aad women reshed for the doors crying ana shotting for vt ngeanee en the murderer. The anarderous; emissary of the slave power escaped easily and rapidly from the theatre, aud mounted a horse and escaped.

Th P.asldent, Insensible, was carried out and taken to a house right opposite the theatre. Mrs, Lincoln fainted in the box, and was borne shbI after har husband. Tho mass of the evidence to-night is luxt J. Wtlkos Booth committed the crime. Whoever It Is.

there ate reasons lor taluk. lag that the tame bold and bloody hand attempted the life of Secretary Seward, liih wonads were made by a knife as big as that wavedon the stage, aud bad on It the Vl, -lata rebel motto Hie Temper Tjfrannii.1 When the fatal shot waa fired Mrs. Lincoln Who was alongside of her husband, exclaimed; -Oh, why didn't they Uoot me," "Why didn't they shoot tue." These Is evidence that Secretary Stanton was aisw aaarktd for assassination. On the receipt of the Intelligence at the War Department, the attack on the President, two employees of the Department were sent to summon be secretary. Jnsl as tbey approached his house a man Jumped cut from behind a tin bcx in front the house and ran away.

It Is well known to be tow cuetoia of the Secretary to go front the Department to his house between nine and twelve p. and usually nattendei. It Is supposed that the Intended to shoot him as he ecu rid the hou-i- hot failed, from the fact that Mr. Stanton remained at home during the eveulng. The circumstantial evidences being strorg that J.

Wilkes booth 1 Unperson who shot th President, several parties who are well acquainted with klru and saw ILe spgassiu whe: he Jam pad from lee box, am positive that he Is the maa. it lo reported 'hat 11. horm w.i saddle 1 at the sMo do tha li eatre a id vra Twde off by the issksIq. If ho is the man la Impossible fr toS'po. The Lorso the man who mad the attack on Secretary fwwari bjn iotnd tsr the Linoelu lii- Allegheny and Freeport R.

R. Large SleeJiag at ihe Scott House. interesting Report of the Committee. iuilillug of the Sluad a Fixed Fact V.POSTANT COMMITTEES APPOINTED Some days slnet, the proceedings ef a mect- favoring a railroad iioui Allegheny City to s'ong the line of the lvania were published in the columns of the oMMEr.ciAh. The of this road and is ultinuite prospect ot puyinv was fully dis seel at, the time, and It was the unanimous inlon of all the solid gentlemen present that short road in the Country bid so fair to j'ield k.

tandsome returnou luo capiial invested as this road. tho meeting above referred to, a commlt- of live wero appointed to visi'. Philadelphia a- cooler with the oilielals of the Pennsylva nia Railroad, to ascertain upon what terms would uudertake to buiid the proposed id. Tuis was empowered to cail A' adjourned meetiug. and report the result of interview with tho otlictrs of the Central EjsuI.

A an early hour, a huge number of lnfluen tod gentlemen at the Scott House, and v. ere called to order bv the Chairman of the former meeting, j. C. i.LWls, llou. J.

-ji ter auting as Scertrury. Ir. Putlpj, Chairman, of the Philadelphia mmit'ee, submitted lie following repeirt: Uil'IlK OF I KSNsYl.VANIA H.AH.KHAD (Jo. I April 5, lb'jo ir.NTLKMKN Touive you a basis of credit to 1, se tie necessary lUL'tis to construct a rail 1 li'om Ahe-ht5iiy city to llio present ter- mius ol tne ostei itai road, at or proposeel as follows 'I Uai tne road shall be constructed so as to i.eupy aud ohlalu all the advantages of the r. not caiiaiaiHt c.ual property bet ween the vi tianied dots, and uuder the charter of Mi esleru Pennsylvania Kulroad Company io luuds to lie raised bv a lust mor laiive on 0.1.1 portion of tin- ime Iroiu Freep rt Allt- icuy city, i ue botnts sceuied by audi inori hear six per interest per an num.

p.i!.i)ie: Skmi -an 11 tin! ly a ml all of the il'H iail have au endorsement to the io.i-iwiiie etlcci Keceivable by the IVnusyl v.uia Iliiho.d Compauy al par, with all nupald coupons atiai-hed, in payment dins for transportation of alt Irelnhi ruin ti runipHiiy on ttio West ti i wiiusy ivamii ltiuioad provi- i -vl, tuat not more tuan one tenth of tne wiioie uiountof i-Hid Issue nl bonds shall tie reculva witlmi one year from I lie date ot tbecom- .11 Ion ef the road, and one-leuth ol tue said ne lu 4ach succeed ins; year, so hat he whole n.iouut ot may no n-caived by tne vaiilM ulroad I'ompHiiy leu years Irom the 'He leirr'd 1 work to be commenced as a sudU-ient amount too bonis to uouer the upovh nume-l 11101 laie i.i tic lor by Mitislaeiory aud st-: insK-le at tar to bund tho said ibid i money to be paid tor ih bonds iu monthiy i.L cmy p.t 10. No bubscrip lou lie taken lor less tnau diiec: lou ol tne 1 'resident. litUMA.N J. I.oMBKlir, 'ico President. M-ssrs.

l'helpo, Karus, Lewis aud iViu berton. v'ler tho reading of tne report a free Inter opliihiu tools ojitcM uoou its merits wis umi'ilinoiiny adopted, the thansis oil no lueetliig teudereel, and trie committee oi motion, aa Executive Commi'toe of six apt-eiliiteil, nf Menirs. 11. 'on, J. l.etvis.

.1. Porter oi Win. W. ilialtoid to ot.tam subserip ms in eu- Hie hitc Hive com was t. point sub- liiiiillees to aid i 1 also conslituti to rai the lie-ces-ar.

-11 current clVellss 1 1 ''1 lo 1 00, the roe. i 1 i.t; ttie taim and i- tnanee Comioit to tictr.ey i tiie I'oUilnitte idjourned, to men i ifn 01 tee. fii'i not a ni bundi lie ma 11 us 1 au ia ti 1 1 iy ak tnal tne pi to state ma! the prospects I nr- idot ri-eiierloy. Jut oiui Will build tne road, au iilooij ta; route Hlml build ir, for which It wli "Ol ttie money to irie respooKlbie 1 nd I ruoiu i to do is to pay a liocral 1 uterus and ii ten years. All the pc-op! to vvurli lu iiorHl earnest raise tho amounl and the reiad v.

11 oe oil Teat cat. do so no oue that noivs tne woaitu and enterprise that lies be Aiiejjiie-iy City aud Freeport can fur iiioment ttouct. AS IXTKKtJJTlXi liH.KAPaiCAt l-K CiClt Fua following sketch of the painte of Hoianeipaliou will be lead ii Interest by all wh. ave seen that won woik c-f liO.T exoibltion at I'irtu hiieet. It is fioiu the pen of "Agate of the tluciu i 4Zct'e.

We would rt mlcd our readers t.eU. Mr. Picture wil. remain he-re longer than to-day "There is iivi.ii; now la lacliiniitl. Ill tli 11 c-ipaci'v ot ac.eik lu a certain tvo ils'i-ii'-bi, a t-'iHli ru.i:i veao.

umii) years 1, a vii a-; 'siorc-keept lu ce-ntra Yori, lee- iwd trie son 11 an ohi In to h.s I-- 'uii)it tbe Th 1 .1 knew moie ot loan of mn dlscoswi lo 1 copy ornament tiiaus 1 hs of 1 lie ledger with i-i; tciii-s of i ro. 1 ico.r and eus'omciB, when i 1 hiivebciii Miov-cai-es papf is ol in ui'd iiieoita. Htill i.c is not a L3.i nor it itm'tentive tioy; mliiii; lo los noy ish bot iwro. he a leariil to a Kit-ady-icolng country i.oeki-f absi pfi'. wocii Pe gia iod siiort lcav a v-si 10 Uiiner.

Mis ern er (jiivi- is val noil" e. Aft- 11 I- .1 -l oo-l i a it i I 1 be dojlve red on to Ihn iiy crele hi ten e-Ue pi ni; 1 lie mii at me liocd I-1 1 rn ai your 10 1 1 :i.i 1 wo a perct "but, lather it Mr II the ie tit-: he read "1 low and muk i- 1 11' iL. fit: 1 I'd ad vise on I. ilil ILH -ij no 1 1:1. IJ let sires, iioil It 1 11 1.

-t i aeity enough lor 1 f--r; 1 name i i Ait; K'ii: n. ol ir- ki- Fraricli i 1'. oe-1 1 iiii5! o- .1 1 1- ii Carpenter a tne paint pel io 00 i dlii limit Pel 100 the Vt i nal Copilot I i r.e- lol icvibj;! ariivel at Annapol Flaulitnn, I. it. lilr-: lirown, -jsi 11; ti Uiiohs tl cavalry: i rLc, Hiti; Il A.

Wlb Gl tcu-lt lit U'i -ien, Iv. Ij 11 I "a i i' iv er--; Krs, -Si. Si; il Kn i'lj; 11 I', i-i 11; on I), -o I hell. Iv. P.

i A mils. (,, 1: 1.7th K-iuiisii. ii, a cavalry, X. vii rivien; a Mft land. lols im iv, UJd; Smail, tJ.

112(1; ot-clit G. M-Muller, G.2sih;R Wilson, fl. llili; Uesiner, G. In. iovkIm; Kilioir, Ulll caVJ-lryti) ft't'l I'.

tl'lo 1 ito'iins 1:1, F. Miiier, ii, UK, A ito'i r. I j. cava Ci es'iaujiii, Ui tl cav air-; Weisiey, l'-n Ca 1) Gulden 4th cavalry. Thk t' Four Scmxit.

Yesli-idaj- a- annlversjiry of the Is 11 of Fort Hum tcr, Imtrur ctilz-rrs apptcred to have lot got ten tho fact, ami no sr -ueral dcmor.straUoi then. 1 tie Western Union Tele(rrpl on i-lfiii street, tow ever, was bcauiiiuiiy ihiinituaU-d last niylit, anit attracted Rreat at- tei'tlfln. traT.spaiebcy was oispuyed l.e.m oiirt ot winoowH. upon ono slue winch was a renrescn tat ion of Fort as i' stood on tiin 14th of April. TSUI, alter it bad in en surrendered to trie rebels, with tho In Treason ilefMUt." on tho revenue si Ie was a ti' i ure of be Fort as It now 6 tan da.

inscribed. "Tno not Ti Iumphatit." The rn in Lin? was vei weii ex ecu leal and trie whole a dair retlectt-d great credit upon its onglnatois. sIn Lieut. I-orresl, of the IbU'h -nnsylvacla reKiruent, arrived in the city (sterday. Tlio was captured on he oickct line before Petersburg on the take-u to Uic and eonnntd tn Prison until the tie! ot April, when he.

ivi'h eighty-six eilicr officers and nclve tin nd eniisted men WfM released nd sent io the Union lines. Durii his iu- ti ceratiou in LUihy. the Jjientonant met Wm Hr.skett, an old Pit tsburijher, who has been the army lor the past louryearf. ilasliett, we believe, formerly resided on Mar- u-v sireet, in irio ourtn wuro, anu wen know ii In tliis city. FiRsroK SJimifiELu even inK about half past i-ix o'clock, a Hre brokooutln he fisrniluro WAreroom of Messrs.

Falkuer and e-wln, Sralthfleld street, near Fifth. The alarm wss ppeeany iven anei tne steamers were promptly on the ground, hut it waa wtib con laeriibie euiiicuiiy iioie iue aniurM up oiilli.ed to the wart-room. The room was filled with furniture, which was (lamsuen tire aud water io trio arnonnroi uoui i. Arm Is full insured. The fire is supnosed have been work of an trceudinry.

TriE LKCTi'Ks: Lasi Kvemno. Col. Hc.wkina, 1 E-'ht Tennesser-, d. Hverert lecture lust "uTn-A at 'WHkins ill, which was largely tfemled, tbe principal portion oi tue auuienee lemz composed tce'letlt sae iiier. .10 ia vn urapiuu 1'i-nui tria whica i et ex-, a bv tbe ipie- of Lis 1 ntive the Iliou.

Tiie led ure was iivi-id tho tiustdcesoi the Sanitary ai bis nl.usloi's to that noblu unty elicited r- ads rd applanif. Ai.f P.CK.NETT i-jCoiiiNO. By re'ereneetoour urth it v.l be seen that this Krenthu-ireat and lecturer will give three of his Inim- aoin en ue-ibo, ext. ut. Ijii.fpyette 11-ilJ, on Thiirsd iy Utid Saturday everunna of Mr l.

hiw Jast coiicluded au en- piiPIHHl! vijiiit-s'! at iorK city. vrnert-nn met with tinpaialte 1 lsuc He ot- inuiune oov. ill I and oveniow- itg hou -es too il! frier him. PlTrsEl-KtiM meetini; of a this city, I to bp fc jHiydti Association tual Improvement. Vo.s A -oi i, At a er of amat-sur musicians ef evBt.lng, a society was oi- es the Pittstioisrh -t b-iu the inu-ths members in vocal Of music, tea adytrtieeuaent ou fourth, page.

tiaes: oi nis neau. iue surgeon exhaust everv effort of meJlcal skill, but nil hope was gone. The parting of his family with tho dying pre-KU nt Is too sad for dsecrlptlju. The President aud Mrs. Lincoln did not Btart for the theatre until fifteen minutes after eight o'elock.

Speaker Colfax was at the "Whl House at the time, and the President staled to that he waa going, although Mrs. Xlucoln not boon well, because, the papers had an" liounced that General Grant nd they were to be present, aud as General Sraut bad gone North, he did not wish the audience to be dis appointed. He went with apparent reluctance urged Mr. Colfax to go with him, but that htleniau had made other engagements, end with Mr, Ashmun, of Massachusetts, bid him Kid bye. utn the excitement, ai mo lueatre at is wildest re porta were circulated that Secretary isewur had also been assassinated (u reaciuiig n'n Keuiifinans resMfjiiea iwJ ra.d a Tuiututy guard were at thudo'ir cud et.tcringlt w.sascei that the report bastd hi li ut li.

Kverytiodv there wmh ihatsejticeiy au lutvlllgible word cou i-e atheied, but tne lac's ara suhshiul ally a-. i j.iows: auuui iu ooioci a mu rang the inland the cail having boon answered ov he said he hud come from'Dr. Vrdi, Wccretiry Ssward's facnilv puvsli-ian. iwh a prescription, at. the saum time holding in nis nana a fouled paper, ana uaylng in to a relusal, that tie must seo the Sec- niary, as lie was eutrultd wuu d.ieetious concernins the medicine, ilusiill on goii.H up, a tnough repeated lu- I.

ineu he could not uo so. Tun man pu-ihel the servant asides and lumtliy toAards the Secretary's room and was theie met l.y Mr. Knd. Seward, iioui In: demanded to the Secretary, taak I mtlmsatue representation wnieii lie did ie servant. hat mrther passt-d iu the wav colloquy Is ii't kiiowu, hut tho man struck 1 on Uii Iiead wttu a billy, severely lujuriug KUtiii uau lv-aiux.

mill uimusi seuseiess. I bennmiu triou riwlmi lulo the chamber I- sen aru, psymaster of tue uiuu niaieii Army, aun hhiisi'Ii, a ni oRer ot the state Department, and two male iirsuti, tuaaoiiug nit in. uoiuen rnMieit upon Secre.ary, no was jyins; iu bed lu the tine rom, auu li.uicitu staos iu Hie i elc, but li Is thought and i rteries, though he bied prolusely. Ttie nil theu rushed down stairs, mounted his irse. at thedoor, and rode oil before an alarm iuld i s'unted, lu the same manner as i-.

of the President. It Is believed that iue IrjJnriea of the rv are nl latal. nor those of either of il ners, although, both the Secretary and A ktsUint Secietary aia veiy seriously injured rs cretary staiuoa and elicit and otuers railed at Secretary sewarit's lesideuee, to in quire into nis conui'ion, inn in ore heard ol asi-askiuatiou of the President. Tliev Itien proceeded to th uousa of tiie Preaidenl here he was lying, exhibiting, of iurxe, lu -nsB auxiety aud solicitation. A'J l-nmetiee e-wd was gathered in Iron I of the President's strong guard was also slauourd llure, many persons evidently supposing uld bu biought to his home.

The entire pre-sents a seene wild excitement accompanied by violent ex pi'Asstous of lndignallou aud the pioloundest sorrow. Many shed lears. The military au tnorities have dispatched mounted patrols lu every direction lu oioer li possible to arrest tt; assassins. Tne whene luetropolitan police 1 Uewlfte viailanl for the same purp le. i'ue attack both at the theatre and at Score tary Seward Uouse took place at about tl same hour 10 o'clock, thus nhowlnit preconcerted plan to assussiuate those eenf' men.

Home evidence ot tne guilt of th p-ir; nouiauaen mo rrcsiu'-m lire in uiu po -ses sion ot the police. lee President Junneuri I- 1 tne city, aud his headquarttis are guarded bv i oops. Wab Dkpautmit. Washington, I April. 13Lii, a.

M. Ti Major General Dix, j.V. Y. This evenina', at about r. st Fo 1 the President, wnlle slliirii' in private box with Mrs.

Lincoln, Mrs. Harris and apt. natnoone, was snot ry an who suadeuiy entered the box and approached be lnuu tne r-resieii ni. i persem men li ape mei(ie, nranuisnisg a dager kiilie. and mad bis escape In the rear of Hi taeatie.

The pistol hall entered toe back President's head, and penetrated near tt.rougu. ihe wound is mortal. 1 he President lias been Insensible ever sinueit was Inflicted ecd now dying. About the sam bourfnn assassin, whethe tho same or not, entered Mr. He ward aprt ments, and under pretence m' iption, was tmicu to liio secretary Hi chamber.

The assassin Immediately lushnl oed and Inflicted two or three stabs on tl turoatand two iutheface. It la hoped ha tuewouuds my not mortal. My appre In'tisioii is mat luey win prove lauu. Ttie noise alarmed Mr. Frederick Sewnr.l uas lu an adjoininu riaim, who tiaslened to ih r.oor eif his lalhei a loom wiiere tie met li assassiu.wlio lnincteii opon him one or nini myerous wounds.

The recover of Fi eder Swnrd l-t doubtful. Jt is not probable that the I'resd--nt ill llirejugS Ihe night. ien. tJrant and wll. were advtfrt ho 1 to tilt! theatre ibis evenlmr.

ou. I at 6 cleick tulsevitninsr. At a Cabinet meeting, at which Gen. Oral was the subject of tho htato oi country and ltt prospect of a i.t discussed. 1'he l'lt-sideul was very ciiee till ana nopoiui, ami spoite.

very Kinuir of Lee, and in hers ot the 'on fed ai fl ot tl of the liiivernu eiii in AU the uieiohers of it: aoine', except Sewaid, exile. 1 upon the PreMdent. I l.av s. en Mr. Si-waul, but he ai.d Frederick 1 Seward wre oo'o (Signedj tiiwis NF.

srASTis, et try f-f W-r. Kenlur ticMim fur tire g. Sun Fili. ir. Harkersliurg tlici li lt- Kloiia of The swlf: passenger steamer John 0RjOcf, XvltT, A.

Bustivw, rk Pm, Hitl at p. ua burmdiivs iitt'l Moui9 ut (. ttf fvlir etta -i a I', m. JL.favs VV'ittH-lifiS al 7 lu. on 1 a Kr frelifU? or pasHBsre, Jiiivlnj superior fcp, iy ou, or to JAM KS CO T.T.TV -v No.

8fl I'l'isSnh Mdrli-tta Farkersouri racket Lint' piit Menmer vtlio itr, Hun FihIi, Nixterfttf llf. ISkII t'rtn-K n.rleii Hill I l'arlrliir4r. Tho oe ami fast side-wheel pa-isertKer Bfe.imer BAYAltD. B- O. D.

fooKB, Vastpr, rAsriKL "ooric. Clerk Leave Phtsbanrri every MuSDAY aud THDRs 1 Mi it a. ui hfare heelliur. at 8 p. m.

snm dar, tl-turlnR, leaves Furkerstmrg 'lL'JLSrAY air Fill KAY at 2 p. p. Leaves Muriel a ut 9 p. m. same l.pnvfs liwehuit al 7 a.

m. WKDNKSDAY and lit HUA Y. fieight or passage, aviii. nuaurpassed accon. uiodalifjus, apply on hoard or to JOHN or JAS.

CU.hl.NS Aver.ts, labflt KS Water reel, Flttsiiiirgli. For Mttrieti. rnrliirlnir, liit Smxiy Irnulou, 4jtallioliit ami I'onsiiioiitli. -ff" KVK IY SAT 'RII 'iii iit 13 'in. The splendid paHM-navi MMuuei i.oi.lir-is sn.

i. a tKH eoinmaii der. W. 11. Ubv.v.

Clerif, will hereafter leave Pn bnrirh everv TL lii Y. a to a. and Port month every MOX DA P. SI. 111 comiee-l evoi MilXIUY with the HilsT No.

3. for etuchina.i The HULIiUi KitA will receipt frniahi JOHN FLiCK, Aent. or freight or passage apply ou ooaro. buj 'ittsburgh and Zanesvil'e Line, FR WITKULlfkU. fSIAKei-'iTA i 'ie Hiileiwhii pjv.ieuerte-ftnier A UK KAiii it.

LorjiUiaader. lea-vi-s evt'rj liiecsday, at 4 p. and Zauesviile fverr iav. at ui. The new sreaiiier Pfh'iltlM MeVav.

iujuiander. leaves Pittsburgh eve: sai'ir c.y, at 4 p. and Zaiiefville every Tuesday, at eiocK, a. in For frelnt or passme sj-'-'y on board or to J. 1.

Oi-MN'ivf iOi, At'eiit. i'liLihiirgh. ao30 H. rt. PI Kite A.

Cinclsinati and Louisville. For Cincinnati I.olui. ON TUESDAY, April IStJi, Ut. 4 rr, Tim ateauter iiKVADA A as tVA8' Commander, ili I or Ireiaht or on boar(, or 1.1 Aoniv, or ii-r)i I-IN iVOOTl, or 4 iix inualt LoiiisvUle i--T- -N DAY, April will I as above? L'Jlu- 1 or freight or pas-i: app ri board. or to JO I or 13 J.

i. I.I.I.NUVVOOD. Upper Mississippi River Packets. For St. I.ooU, JaIeua, jn nail Interim dime Imiwiinjts, illreet.

a-j ON HATl'llDAY, April j.i, iZZSZ at 4 P. in. Tll fine i-s; earner KATK PUTNAM, J. W. A Ceio-uiane'-.

wli liiive unniiiii.ed ubovv For irslkht o.p iias-sage apcly on I or to JOHN KLAl'R, 'ir 10 J. I). COhLI.VuWtiOD.Asis I'orSI. lain is f.i-okok. Ivenort, Ga-lenn, luiliiiiinp iii-l si.

mil l)lr--l. t. ON Tillri IY. April 15th, at p. to.

'i'hc spient'Id nils-swiK-r stear-it-r AUOM' I- L. HK-limcKsetN t'oiiimit linr. Jt. 1. YoU.sO.

Cleric, tvld leave as announc niove For frt-itriji or passage on tuaard. or to JllHiN FI.ACK.ur JA8. COLIINB, Axelits. pnOTOGRAPn CAROM FOR GJtiNTLEj4EN. rSansiilt.

with catalogues sent for as cents. Inclose aa envelope with your own name, and Addreu, D. il JSJCTTE, T.ihirt.vcreet. New York cilv. JEN38IXGS A MASPFACTCBEES OF IMPROVED BORING TOOLS, FOR OIL AND HtLT HULLS.

Xa." 220 Eebecca street, lilef heny, Pa. TOOLS WARRANTED MADE OP BEST QUALITY JUXIATA AJSD LOW MOOR IRON. Parties desiring It can be furnished with an entire outfit for boring wells. Orders a 1d reused through PittsBurgh Post Office will receive prompt attention. mh31 6m wa.

w. HKaao.v.. IAS. A.HU110S. is Corner of Penn and Wayne (Wallace's building,) PITTSBCR9H, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS.

For the pnre-hase of Grain of all lcincls, Also, Wholesale Dealer? In BALED HLY. Western Dea'ers wPl fled it to their advantaee to ctirrespviud with tmr House; as we have greater facilities for storage ai putting goods into this and Kastern raarkei man most oi' the Dealers in this city. The behi oi" Uiiy relereuves given when required. jail-Urn of careful aud experienced officers. We lak pleasure iu saying a good woidlor the boat and ofHcers.

The fine paKsenger steamer "Nevada," Capt. W. f. Evans, is announced for Cincinnati and Louisvilie on Tuenday. This boat In oue of the beet of her class afloat, and is in charge ot offl-c-rs that would make a less worthy boat popular.

Captain James Mellon has charge ot the office. The splendid passenger steamer Glide No. 3, aptain Atiilers'aii, loading lor Cincinnati aud is announced tor this day. She has the best, of accommodations and is in clwrva and experienced oflieers. Our old frier George N.

Baker, who has charge of the office will see that piusenyers have tbe best of at ten lion. The first class paeiseDaer steamer Maacl Hays, Curt D. L. Ueudriekson, Is now loauiov in turn tor Ust. Iocls and intermediate port This bo-it was built exprcsslv lor a packet between Pittsburgh and St.

Louis. She was fitted out and furuisbed in ttie best poasjbl manner. Capt. H-utlricksou being a favorite wiili trave.ers and shippers, we expect to see nc-r oe; art wttn iut trio ri me season The first clerk is Mr. J.

I). otliec who has no superior in his department, tiuc cej-s to the Aiaugie aj ana her attentive oai cers. The punctual ttteamer, Golden Era," Cap, Kerr, leaves tei.u iy ai it ior Gaili iHtl.s, I'arkoi-shurg, Iroutou antl Porlsixouth. lais boat is in ciiaige ot a careful and -xperl enced het r.f officers, ho each week bring a targe iiumoer oi oruers to our merctianls. 1 tin vaiue ot a boat maRin wee-klv trips is be yond doubt.

tur merchams fhould see that i-he receives tnu proper encouragement. Capt II. Kerr is tue tirsi otTicer that ever estab lished a packet between these ports. The Firs Cierk is Capt. il.

Bryan, an officer who stands at the bead ot his profession. V'e lake pleasure in recommending the boat and ohi cci. Cinriuuali. Friday's Ciimmcrcia says: The river has risen wo feet during the 24 hours eliding lust night. There are 3i leet in lha channel.

There are 10 feet on the rocks over fie ra is. iue ieunetssee is rising again ttiert are 'jo feet the Mississippi, irom 81. to airo. Tha J. K.

Gilmore and Guidon, from Nash vine-, wereaiuoug me arrivals. Ihe Nora departed lor Nashville with a full cereooi private ireiaui. Trie Delaware also left for Nashvilla with fnl! cargo for the Government. Thd Alex. Speer arrived from Nashville yes terday, wnii a cargo or Government veaeons ior i arceri-ourg.

sue ieil lor the latter poln last night. Bjnts I iuo. Fmpire City. Olive, Silver Cloud e-rn anu rrtim tti. ixtuis.

ibe levee is still thronged with boats, while business Is comparatively dull, freiguta being ior ail pons. Thu river is bank full and still risinc- T.a.x ghtthe water was nearly ud to thaVnrh. stone ot ihe pavement, along Gilmore's wharf foot of Maiu streeU There was very little business transacted on the wharf yesterdoy. As to-day is a holiday the present week Will be by lar the dullest ol tne season. Opposition.

The general dullness at the wuarl has beeu enlivened by the rivalry between the oppositiou lines to Louisville. rrooaoto Uitin or Mr. j. tP-au. rue manv irteiina oi iue gentlemanly river rtiporler of 'lie cincinnnu will regret to heai he was net expected to live many hours.

at the time we close our report. His disease terminated in a suuusioa oi water on the brain, wliu a swelling of the glauds of the neck. louisvllle. The 1'ress of yesterday says: The river was rising very rapidly yesterday. wlluioreeio incuts water in tue canal last eveuina by the mark.

During the previous twenty-tour uonrs ine river naa risen 4 feet at ti head oitne lausauu over luieetat rortiand an almost unprecedented Use iu so short a space of time, proving tbe lale rains to have b-en very utia-y auti general, ua iue lalls last evening mere were luny io leet water which was enough for all navigable purposes' and rather more than enouuh lor lalia pilots Kentucky liver is reporicd hish anrt rising, and Its waters al the mouth lushing i-tM-ny hair across the Ohio, a raging toireni Tne Cumberland, rising, is almost flood height agaiu. and rising yesterday, with fuliv-l ifeet water ou the shoals, with, heavv at Nashville. In addition to tue neet of coal that arrived here the other day from tts- lIUIKii, fii UU1I1 wan Ml I MM I the Hawk with fcd.000, three pairs of float In bo-its wita lushels, a nd four boats with 85.000 bushels of nut coal. The great buik of incuw an i uuvpriiincav account oin-on- ji.r lower ports, the "run" mounting to bushels.

Of th. i amount of ooal only 105.000 busuels 'were for nit, mm tk i iu price l.i haree.s afloat Ih 29c er bushel, and in flat-boat. in.i.,ai., ti, boats. 27c. JSES lIOHlsE.

H. MANN, Proprlaui, CtfUKKK MAJf JnlJCT ST. AJSD MAEklCT SQBAJiK, 55 lliKI5ltl KO, PA. A flratiaju hnrif. Ihn.

And half squares froo ii hi be depot. I i'lKE BHK'K AXI) I.E. The Pltixhni-irh inj oinned.svliie lias. Coal Coke Company are recetviu daily from iheir ttou-neilavUla Works, txail Coka and Lnae. which Uiey are prepared to Bel 1 at lowest rates.

Coal aud Coke loaded lu cars for Western shipment. m. atita wraerai Agent Office aad Yard Marion Avenue, Allegheny city. y-w York Co to kiio Ion Sles. r.

la a ow that cotton fabrics: I easoriabli price, tain 1 olliics Oott 11 I i an 1 diubters i-xu very in-eiv ii lii.vr. ran clotl.s. tlMiiiirlliiiglilHi, il l-shioned rate, it I'O-li iiiiiaan housekeepers to lie! out at el awn r.jr ttie three or lour vears. I ti tic a fHiotiv as 4 si that, ot Joan Ki.i(-7H real tiie puraeof I -'oriuriatus uino-eil. ir '1 itr- at sttpie, which lias teen rvin by ttie to two einiiitrs per pound, lnu cow -o saUd to l-nce- priced.

Tne private sah-1 1 risiic tous. ai shown in our couuutrciai i uriibi tA-ierd iv, atw ss ttdlows: CpUnd. ioiida. SIoi! a. N.ti.&l.

it- Unary il Zi Idllns S4 li 1 i.s I tie II iverr mint Miles of Hire i tiousand bv i ci-Ke at Biiclion, on same day, were to i IV "arreia Ordinary to good or-llnnrr i or.iioai to low V. i ly mlddlim; Io iiii-ldlli il li it lilidllill-j; 'i rates are fuVivo the private prices, -s -i cia; i as tne coiu.n is all and a one of the bait cm ered with douioe bii ai liiis and extri ropu. He ailvlse Mr. -Co 1 to dispone, or pis whole it lie cat. 00 a i auy thing iiko rates, iielore .1 hu 1 coilupse-s over tne capture of I.ce at.d 1 lion.

die the ew Orltnua Market on I tie. 4 111. Cotton Tne rnaike-t this morning tn a demakd at rather fuller pipx-s" became oie active ou tne receipt id I si-au-hes Irom Baton Kotlge with Suw Yoi to thn S-lth, ciuotltiK luiddiitotal O-'o, ano tn- is advanced their prcteusloos t-. a cor-r. r-x'ent.

Hwitw trie saiet were moiiy hcioro the nows Avas iceneraiiv kot.wu, embraced, as far as lepoiled. 2 bales, as 15 bales bitely low inlddlltiK. at 4-J-ijC. UiiudliiiM ai 4.ic, in mldiiiina at 4-Hc. ana u.

a. j. iij and 10, prices, etc not stated. There is very uitio olierinc, ai at the close the no, pai usi on sine was hvrod at oJc for erood o'titciiry, which waa quite above the viewso: uyt rs. in in transact ions uotUed, we ere awairfof but oue in wl.lch both parlies had tiie ues, not tne prico was withheld.

Miar mid Molasses There Is a pretty fair sio. p. oi Doiu ino Louisiana aim Cuba -a. oi.enug, nu tellers are very wi iiijk to iiiaae concessions, loev cannot In dnce buyers tocome forward, aud we have not aie eo report to-tiay. Chlrayo Irou Market.

April 13. There was no important chaue iu prices uj-uay anuougu juices were generally al a wl.ier ranee, and oo leading articles a little more favorable for huveia. We auotei Common 0 d)i Horseshoe Irou Common sheet S4 StA. Mneel Iron, charcoal sheet liou, Juniata Norway nidi rods Plow Meet. German Ktl7 t-hi (vl7 (l.s7 '5 ...15 Piow steel, cast inns and tire steel, Kuuiinn Tool cast steel, ordinary sizes do do American Blis'er s'eel 1 Russia, No.

19(110 1 Russia, American, 1st Quality bill do do do jtlslieet do do 2d do do do 2d do 'f sheet C'inclduall Protisiou SlarbPt. April 13, A little weakening in the tone of the nrovi- iiPiu market provokes xome trmle. Bulk shoulders and sides were Bold at packed, to a moderate ex lent. Sales ot lUess ool were mine at vat, i anu iii. did not near ol any explanation of ttie trade at the Inside tlure.

but there was doubtless some condition, ina -much as tbe last named price most nearly represents the mantel lor cood cilv brands. and further offers to buy were declined. ird was sold at lie, to the extent of about 150 C.ei ces. Bacou rests nornfnally as last quoted. I'nJcnifO Hide Market.

April 18. Tlrere la a larce supply, and but a limited de-mud at the following range roen utcheri 4Vs5 5 ireen coun'ry 5y3 ti Gieeu cured OJ-ifti 0jC ten part cured ti (0 6K.jO reen calf 11 ,12 Green kip 9 (oily hy flint 11 (a l5 try sailed 12 imViXCc St. Louis licrup Mid Col tern Market. April IX Cotton Buyers aud sellers are so far apart. and there isso little disposition to buy, that bwre.

cm scarce iy i eato to be a market for the article, we near oi saies ot i. bales imu- lints yesterday at Zie, aud 20 do do to-day at at 2'to per pound. Hemp" near oi no transactions. Ht. Louis Tobacco Market.

April 13. Offorlnes are small and tbe mnrkt-t is lnac- Mva ami uuebsns'eJ. Shies 1 bhd stems at 85: 2 ft scraps a S2 4o5 3 10. 4 green lugs at $4 Si1; 4 tactnrvat $50iiO-, 2 planleis' at 2eoui-mon I'-at 311wil2; medium 25iil6, 20-24 50, 6 bxs bids on 12 hh ds rejtcltd. t.

J. SL. IX POBTEKS OF A. lONE H. fancy fecods, Druists' Articles, and French rerfuasery CXAI.AES 131 Ivory, Raw Horn, Buffalo, end Rubber Cc-mbs, Tooth.

Nail and Hair Brushes. A full assortment of PINK KNOUSBC CTJTLiJty oocstamly on hand. STATI0XEBS' WAUEHOUSE, Sfs. 75 mtreet, New UA. LltAWFOBD, CoiutnisslOD Merrbnut in MiHf Itlnouiv, Ac, If as removed his office fi-eitn 'n Vi corn' rof Wood aud tjlrst slreets.over Peoole's Na Batik.

i he iron Commisiou business carried on la all its branchea. Caen advances made-criisiijBments solicited. Herers to tne maiiaiacturers of theohy. ap7 im ExcuanohBixk or I' 1 -I-T- 11 1 n.ll I I VOTirE IH CIVKAi MX accordance with itipm-i nf Ammmltlv en titled, -'Ao act eusb'ing the Bnks of tnla Coirmon-wealth to oeconie asstx ta-ions for tne purpose of bank ing undr me laws ot tiie ulled t--at the s'-esCKtiolders ot the Kxehanije Kank of Pittsburgh, at a irpneral meetl'ig be-ld this day, bva voted in ravor of becanjing surh an a st-e-luiioa, and that the consent oi the owners of mere than tttro-mirdd or the shares as in ebtaictd, as by the las of the Unite States. H.

At. Uitit A aplo-id Cashier. FKOM ALLEGIIEXY JLV i'f ihe TO KKEKPUKI'. There Will be a meeiintr ihe friends of this projpet. tbe Scott FRI- DAV KVENING, the 14th insu Aluil iitemtiniv a requested ai Important ousiness win be presented the Committee.

COFFIN, rKAstuis KAKs.9, HJ.NKv PKjiJiKltTN, J. LEWIS, ap'ft-51 Committee. MkkciusisA MAxrriCTtitiBi National Bask. iittslmroh enpll tin, 1S.JL 1 A Itfc JH EKKlJti' kT9 notified that Books will heor.ene.i fjrsuh- to the new stock, of this Bank, at air Ban It bit nouse, on ourtb street, on MONDAY. April ltlih.

Sti5, and Wilt Continue rinilnn l-Anlclnff h.Hir. dal-y. from la o'clock, a. until LD NLsiDA aiy mm, isoa. tLy oruur of ibe apus BOARD OP DIRECTORS.

JpKKSII PEACHES. large and superior lot of H. B. fSlauehter'e FRESH CANNED PEACHES. Just received acd fer sale In Quantities to suit th chaser.

Dealers scpplted at lh lowest priced. J. MOX, apll-t 1-1 ft street. JOIIfll 3IOOKHEAD, COMMISSION MhiKUllAIvr yoa thk sau or iron andBlooms, Wm. -74 Water wirret, FTttwburv-t, Also, Aeut for tbe Poimvtllt had MlU.

Order ao-Uciied Bar rails, mi. i 2a. its, 6 and pouuda fat raid, aud street Kaila. Philadelunij. pannda to lha yard.


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