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Portland Press Herald from Portland, Maine • 6

Portland, Maine
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Six Portland Press Portland Morning July 4 1934 Irens Ijtralfi On lilside In Waskitigfon David Lawrence ernment are not being strictly adhered to because the fate of aueh a government seems to lie trembling In the but they rntertain no 'fear of any-thing liko what is now' transpiring In Germany Ilefo in our Country there ean Bf UlMhalk Mar Cnia VTASHINGTON'jsIr ITU tarini MRji UM proposed (svlilon of tha paper and DaQj' Dispilcli On National Affairs be no goose stepping' 1 ILmshmI tt Msi SVlilk itvniT Tia Unliutu theltfrv'eis wifh'Axed' lnyonet ea wu no love-fMat The prnpmod nets (Cspyrtchl UMI I P' A-Vv'-i I' ton In the tarn of a loi of amfendmcnU suS mlttcd-br Uia American Paper end Pulp AmocU Uob Them amend menu sere ohjeetadto bp the Contumen Advisory Board Sy labor by puMlah era by maker of nevsprtnt etc The principal amendmenu" wart those which auld pmrtda about a IS per cent inctsaaa la minimum win for a uaUara syatem of cast sc eouMInc bssl it( -points tin sffset) price-fllny eontrot of producUoa by the eode suthortty pro-ventloo of arade shlftini -I- gropooeiita of UM rerlsios ssULlha satend-smbU were Interested and must stand togetheiw! Wsshlngloa Jtly L-Thls wssk bo gins new fiscal ysar tor Vncls 8am But tt Is doubtful whsthsr man than NAM out' of our MM0AM psoffla of voting ago took tha Urn or trauKa to read tha ae- through and loaded rifles to over-awe Iawabidiiig eitiaens and there ean bejia-Adolph Hit lerxtonnaihariljreondehin men and wpm en to death because they do not whole heart edly subscribe tortile political doe trines which few lAen may set forth' In Ameriea the principles of the Declaratlou bf'flndrpendencg promulgated -to the world 138 gears agd today still guarantee liberty and the' pursuit of happinesa tp sll persona without regard to race religioii'i belirfa orfpolithal aflilivtiqha? Having Germany iu jynir4 Emeries na shouldlrn teAgPMBSgAX-MOaWlWO MAflrt-rUBUBHWOOOMFAHY rf oABMfrrf ond Princtpri- Omwf VfJ- ihalrts' they afford la pay hlihcr watts nleistr unless they got the provliloni for prlro-flsbif past IrOrMi' YORK oountinc given' by ths Roosevelt admlnlstratloa for the yeai juit ended Hnldars-oi government bankers eeengnrisU and Duns with an Auditing turn of Btsnd Right of Xntranetoaraad Sutton- v- A r-fc ter jRto the clebirationa rommemorating thendUl vdiy'of theirGrcat RcpnWie with greferferiror inrk enthusiasm4 thad dm Stand dt ECofttnd fiL- 4M dth Ava v-i a sceountlni etc pup TheJiesriny lasted hour after hour lit a base of the' Hotel Wuhlnftou 1 eu Ui which: broka Msty-yesr record foe heal sad that's- cayiai aomsthlna for Washlnatonl Ona at tha innovations was a rscular cos t-c hoc Uni ays tend with -hanasrs and chsctaL- so -itw dcletsUs eould shcd at lesst thslr costs and fcnow they srs art left crjunplrd ap on a chair la comer ea weeA -In days Wst wml Wtsnrvu ttfU ntarded is a soetst ftmrr-Howadsya we ars BOSTON dm Stand at HorthOU turn jNw luailt MteoterWsatofrten Btrasta thoughtfully at tSl? the layman mw only a etattaed'msai af flguna whlehVy do Mraadlly tmWn- thfnfri1 tt Uvemsrive)L iu'-ui keep ritiuBi efNur itlereAa-eerhop taf A toOrraenaiblt 'Avf-- Adolph ala-polities! power lii" thiWled Stole-Therawonbo 'WTJflitolitutoHenngo ttonal brsra on opposite mn tho tax They AfR 4 a TTwTiiTiisiitai fart that aiUa tha Orsat utea 8tale- Thera subaLjfprUpjLpecXoniptey-end-fhs hsen In latertu- Hifiii'Aninti Vjra Yet aouna-finsneo depends mors than anything p' slM whetherrtha dollar bills canrlad In ths pockata af our ctUsens win con Unue to ba worth IMent or a totrV-'bcAhlw-aomo'day7 -'f-- -rrK of government MS ifi varfcttw4 I sKFni eiMHiii bmmw 'tat mTii WMsMiet at mum tuiMb amir 3 -'-'r-kferk aT' 'n lil7fci4J A -A have- several KU heartnss lately podally the heerlnaa which daelt with a separate eode tar pulpwood Jnternetkmsl 'wants pulpwood in hsvr sepersts code Oreat Herthera docs not womenr by military tribunals herd JLad all bf thiawaowa'to thf saeriflees TThtTcturs prmsntod to th tteso whkhiwre Jhsdt-jndrg thinlprf nd a slf ago hv HhB uatrintaIa ury is a serious ana but by namsans Insurmountsbls tt la grave only' If present fiscal polleks bn not ehangrt Vj 'Arthur-nrOrSustelnToT" nhsr of tha eodt authorHy of tha paper and cods wu a witness fn laver'af tha rovtalca at this hist bsarint Juna sath-'Tbanua AUn whs Jus i presented the-Orset ltarthera the at Ml and the AssocUUou ef Hswsprlnt 'SUan-fecturars wf-shadfntled Oatm stwisny hesrlnaS to ipflpittlDi tf-pivli the proposed Prlnctpel objections 'of Allea srere to tiw figfety'Tirst MM -A XTMngOfThePw Cknadaia dirpirln Yitwlffr'dm tlie for rmneijt pi Great Britein i (alt Hit een reeent yeara Iha Canadiana htra been Gen Maxima Weygand inspeetor gen-eral of tbCFreneh Armjr has been1' making was what the governmenf Said it was but it ia got what the European diplomats ealt ik They say the Weygand visit was ta aee kow far Great Britain' inte nded lo lama tnvsrnmint loans aad bubstdlm If not soon rsplsead by isrival af iy private bus In cm tad private spend Hera is -n brirt analysis-' of posit too wblcb the wrttsr derived fram of tha fielsl InformaUon mad pUblle'byrW the Ttaaauiy Depsrimsnt tor tha year ending last Baturdsy as Unde BamS accounting? year alwayanma July 1 to July IV UJ ii Krr urriiif the J- appointment Kihf 'va Canadian Jo nerve aa trovernor generak 'JVrn vana -r Ilao want have thr poataof -lieii' V- -gevernon zbtj the provineea abol ge pro lading Franee ahould ho attached by-Germai lermanjr Thed vln OotariforreaamplMitekeil o' nKh shlftlnf and a ssctlon'Whlrhh In pottlnanndtr tha papsr and pulp soda any nawprlnt maker whs mada tha slifhtost chants ar hnpravtnwnt In bit pradueLHa ebjaetad ta tha east aceouAUnf system whici apphsd is udl tarm formula whether tbs raw materials 'ware purehassd or praduesd Thls would deprtvs MBs producing their nwa pulp aadrimUsr raw rnatart sis and their customers af tha aconoalss they hsvt ban able ta maks cHecUvt apparantly for the sola purpose af rholdlsg aa tunhrslla aver tha aomth)iif npesstntattvas of asst aceouattag iC tKl t' iabeing aaidthat the Britiabare roW lieginning to think that another war with I Fbst the public debt was taemard A' I by about MAOeeOMOA ThU Is tha- larysst Incresra to public debt to' year- In American history except dur tog the Wortd Wir: r-jj Hepburn' the 38 Yeara old farther and for mer- member ofirarliament iwho -waa elected prime Miniater aa a result of the -VLiberal landalide 'last week: dealrea to ffh omit theiliegtenanLvEnuaappointed Germany ia not far away They are prepared to do mors la helping Fri aneeif there should bel warrthan their atatw-men wnd-rritera-MidheytwiuldTaix months agOt Today tha British ara plan ning to inereasa tha aiaa of their' navy mm enlarge their air 5 foree traquip i their 1 If ia efficient and -Inefficient mins me talandsd by BRA arid Alisa In thls hs jraa aiippqrted AT pubUshars who asld they wonted "Iftt UM Mill rTHXRX waa a vary MUsv aspfaaslea Hrthe- Kinrrfronr-olfieerTlIeMyi'lhe province of Ontario doea noneedauck an -N official It ia a purely ornamental port be aboliued hlr Hepburn -which should 1 i think of gN anywhere elss' Zf to wttd Bit that ana dashes whst op fisecndrihraugh' rtokToeoooaiy to" tho government deportmnto ond bo- rcous which orabt ho-wty oortnocud' with cmcrgeney sienckA thfJ Idol' expend ttuno -tor: normal operations who flJRtNM' JU hehto an Of 17110 AM but itoa tor debt ntlrra' far any rsfiaf oHoauns or by -tho Federal govsrnmsrt Thbd thii total rseripts Of flni OMM wsraraertvod Hum o0 ooutteo bf pracssilng Uxca whfcB to bo paid out -to-Iht faqnen array Rut this flgaq dodl Include Intarsrt paid to Uu government by private botrawvrf through the IL ond other ogcnrtrtf flwrtAT this means tosl''lktra wst bout lIMKofAOf lacking rii Hew Tart July Broadway has- Uk their flashily ordasheiy wild Ufa that ana'dasbsb what so op-orsr tha Korthsn seetton nf Mains Hen rivers and tsksa afford ms( ftohlnc If hs shea to spend hit time In mors so aaiphsra hs may run tho fram- CUd Orchard to Bar t' -y- May the good work af Dr-Bodga hr calling tho attention af the poopia to UM need ba carried an by ethers sattl Mains shaH be town as tha wlonfjf ah Aawrien Wwhat''cimt' Rassrds editor Of The From I- AtitfliiwHft inmbbIi umuchoat the Country hava rapidly tocraaard the tow montha rtnea repeal to the eourt reeords of loading ettlsa compUsd by U- Tbo nuabsr of chlldren bi hired In traffic nccldenta ha gran to ctaitltag figures rib' Vi Ww-1 AutcmobUs deaths far the first 11 weeks stocs repeal In citlaa showed on tactesss-'of Bit pond with of tha flxuies llstad am rspresentattva af tha Own' as a with tha jsotyaapondtog period pteriouft year- Tho folioirinc in just a few pt thoeltto garmented propristen art a study to sportystyles tof appeal Is ic- aeya The lieutenant governor of Ontario ia provided with an official residence in rv Chorley Park where he lives in atate He ia also given a large salary by the prov-ince The next move bre anticipate will Hlbejo have the post of governor general of i Canada abolished alimThia ia another 1 f-T ornamental position The governor of panada haa litileto do with the factual government of tbe Domjnion The Canadiana eairy- on irelatlona with i the British government through tbeTme Jfdium of their 'own -representative wrho lljxrain JUrndon The-SinKt-Bngland lyT hsdn'tmneh to dowith dirceting Pena af opposition A- to tho pravistons which would peasant Instsli-aUea of new productive maehinsxy eaospt by cen-asut af tha eoAa authortty and af grade shifting Tha latter IT the sscttpn which would prsvant tha kar nf ans'klnd of popm from making any ath ktnd Thlr would ba accoapllshsd ty system af machina regtttrstlon: If you hm madilnsry tvglstsrvd for making ans paper preduci you can't far any athcr kind ObBcUonacanM newsprint maken who may wont -So switch from ntwsprint to some other product Hum maken af machinery vrhn said tha ban an additional pea duettve machinery vseept tor tvplacemsnty would hurt thrir budnem fram rvprsssntstlvm af the budding young rawrprinT tMuatry af the Bouth which teim-to mate newsprint ai -pradnetrfuaa siaitrpMtrMMr msa-traarFtonds which tor msnry for a plaat at Fmandlna said hit folks wsrrrsady to taka the army and be prepared to uiw their power to enforea peace or to whip thewation which threaten to diaturb them': The British art taidto bo prrpared to regard the: ''Low Countries? Belgium Hollandses i forward defenaire Tha foe must be prevented from occupying them if Great Britain is to lie aate -i When talk is made about the in England it means British are 'Isking'thelwar threap Very eriously at this moment- mors serwuajy in faet than they tha threat of war IwcnlyyearwagojrheMha-Werld-Wan which was fought fo prevent any fnture wars waa ou tha verge fflJyeakinr nuL 5 af nooier gambler1 drasay' af ths cheap cab rat and danrs haH1- They-alm tarrTrakynckm flouriahTT-And they let wUh a-banrr-T In tha windows ar all ths frags 'that would aback the genteel of Fifth Editor el Tho Fram HuSSTa tor dayg ego talked with 0 ahoo opera-Uvs -wbo werks ta one of the ohm centtn ot our State Ho hod only good: ward to -ray -of hutmptoysr The pohcy ef tbs Arm ii ta pay good wires and toast Be worbetpo not part of tbs tyi normal budget sad yrtMpravjskm-toc: debt rsthemsM when ths taw rsgukes bout HtWGM a ycsr Thta had tobe borrowed PtfULTh fxwunt Apert en rtnars ganey 'rritaf end loons to agrteuRurs Ma flnonetot tastBuUonsiurt tar pub la works was obort! KTMOMOt On how sqcxt Qita ltem can ho ohT Hkory From Qur-Filei a Melntyrs madilnary- Durtag-tMVdeprrarion ths factory ku operatMMy jtra-ily and ho ompIqrM hdra made fair can that wto ths wages: Tha tOO Yeere Ago Today IndspcMUnM Day esMcatsA to people all over the worldare reading with heen Interest continue to diseloao aome of the details of the of blood? which Chicago riqiwHVqftBaLMWBBBBBBt tun Ctevdud 4-'e-W'eHrieMSS 11 MttflMRi As'aVbtOAMMBBdH WMhlnitdttoPaft tM Minneapolis -Nk City Ansrio tor dnmkenriom ora bra Heved to bo understated os Ihsrahm 0 lutosotlon cf'pohco cntorera to many dttsn yrt oven so the toensm to startUng os shown by the lOUOWiDE SABUdHa Us Angeles WT MinonpoHi MMOMgMtto a WonMtQrgUAfl osimihim 'U IU UM ACZMIB MOOOfgiOfMdMgMtO BM MBVW tMboMMliMOMdMg 1101 grand RaptoALGch MJ1 MflMr'IOVIl ipSSSSIMOIISIO 1M Maw CostlA Ind BtOMSSMOUS UM The raeecd of women snooted far dtonkea driving Is rigntfleant tteto ta at host ea orator af 001 Urinss tha aasny-spleiidored lira and shirts to that freak of ab surdity ths mllk-sriilta derby la ant window waa tha Ramey Rom bow bright purpto with whtta piping Any ana in tha meeting-nvor of the moment la ifaderad na sffsettoo-tto sartorial hahon ta tho haberdash-ary display Thera la tha Mas dlnasr Jaekrtwtthhlppoahouldsnaad lha Gena Tunney suspendsra of-ash carrying a clgarstto casa iBir-iaa'yisited-in-hia-eountry- hi-hb effort to maintain himself ia power These fair i 1 JHMBII oourom MB bo braught -op depsndi tho'lhtara of Dm dollar ar to put anotter way tho faith of to Iho copoeBF of govnaritt to jodoom tte ewnvoey tea jHUsdorwiH It show that the pretenae of an united Germany under the Hitler regime vy uum ucruiB unucr ui xuuer regime who Is satlsIted-wBh and Is willing to share hi with tho mai who help him make his bo patron lmd by awry purchaser of goods whsthsr of SkmVabtnr Mmttssd to dm tt-t Hritot abjMtad to tha tow wages avan though thasa am about li acr esssnt sragas Tha propo III per track tor woman hrdho Booth to tltJS far man In tha Berth' There la a dinar-sacs a eoupla af dollars tor woman sX the Ina tat ths these aonss northsra esntral and ssHims munwniiSMitM-Mis Burka told this wasnt daosrt bring that the FnridsnTBad pramlmS a decant wage to BBA- Bhfka proposed to CUnrinata tha esntral aona and hast only two noneg with wagss ranging from Ill tor women In the Booth to 1 tor la the Barth? Ho ahn wanted an upward svririon af srasra above ths in proportion to this InerMsa tn-mlnlmum Hs asld bo nlnlmsm wsges tended to beeomo ths Mast-and that the mlnlurams should art be art tea Ha famed a maslmum af lit boura far aueMns production and rilmUislIon of IlimtlT Murk Tha Trade OaMn Lcmius assailed the art differential aa ring -that the Jcb and not ths scs should dictate tha area Jls Ctty lth a'pncoHioa fmm City KsO snnclsdim at tha' scond Farls hmeetbis house whsra osardaas held Col Johwtnxinsnisn wuchlof aunhsLThs Mtrhsnla i Oft hwhImi Hanasrs Capt' Wsbb and 1 acted sseect WUllaa Faina was tta orator ii Charlas It Davia Haniy Coodlna Qutm ay Vpham a RobiiMoa Hauboa MltehA A Btaplea A Baitel Charlas Harding A Osgood Min Brawn HathaaM BiaMrs Ha-ham Ubby John Wattam Hi Little WUHam Capes MCOUU- A- HaUqr James Bowes Jamas Oreenouih Andrew Rosa Jsnntak Doa CL HaKp and IfltcbeU aiadc np Iht com mlttes sf airantemests -1-1 c- X- Broad waatrim am always angra dietabts 'but vhatsvsr they are may buy pood i find Instant nllrihinra Anything that autos Wsbb wears Is snapped ui Impravsd spn MW-JltuJVi Gaston's corn-flower hued cotton Ibraaud Braadway btao tor araaon and frank hy coltored it nyrankaliy toe has been a myth' that ''ths totalitarian -has never existed and that the rlVJBueh exploited depend on popular support- to keepbim in the imposition he oecupicsT lt seems tejbegen jeralljT believed thaf it- is nowjonly' a ft question of time (perhaps afewdays or gi weeks) bfforethrre will another up-f'i rising whifh will bring about a complete change ia the government of the Reich known' ITto wrabsMs Chat the people ths Unitod States wllf tend to mnsMw thrir newhr ocqirind op-pravol of beverage alcohol ItaModar os-tho result of the vote tor repeal of ths lath Aosendmsnt wu on indl-cattoa of that attitude) And is not only the drya who grawdlsgustwlththo SOYtare'AgOTy The "Red tUbbon" awdal conferrsd an CBpk IA a Davia of the ship Bis A Thayer of Hath by I ha Fmpsrar at Japan ta-neoynttlan gmlii Time's mtaes pto nriscelkny tan in tbs perky gon shops niched an Brood way-aspsctolly tha npperjench Btylm am motivated by whims- of 1 marts stars eMsfly-Oaiasi Crawford Sixth tte publls debt stands now -It IfllWlMte tha blghsrt of oH Uomo and abovs tte prab of tbarae The Frasldent Indicated to Congress lost January that the pubUe would gar to tMMMMMA wbkh of eoursc ta sport Aran tte snUngenf HabUBy whleh tte gw the tMteteTfnnidirttiawtci irts and taterasL tt ta hapadtheso OMrtgagas wrt net ohm lay lorn to the Treasury- but vU toko many years to And out tte koao ora long period Ssvvnth toWffset tte IUJMMMM or publio debt the govsnatart holds or via-hold about NJOMOMM rvpoyablo taans tasusd thrsugh tho tt end otter govwnmsnt IB -af fairs Then-wis have flw other jyps of csra pfajper I haw hi mind one manufacturer of wed Known Uns et ahom-tor whom no oho opemtira has a good word openly Masts that bs ta gotat to have Ids own way at ad HO toots that bta wraKh wiH In oh aorta of cnoktd Hs Takas advanUg dull -ond Hews bta rnlmd ySlporiSno "radicals and kosptag Christian mtalsSers from eoHdng Aoserican cRtotns wo might try departng thta typo of MW Mo otter eountry would wsnt Item so ws should have to find Island and lrt them enjoy thrirjm soctaty without asrranto wo could send okmg the worm 1 to too legal prafaasfcm and esrtala type of poUtician to odd' to Hepburn Whatever they wear M-tocsai to exaggsrsUons yblotkJBald JthurtJho Jtghiaf tho i eoplcd munists' wha will eventually i troli iOthenurTorthe opinion that tBa ifRprediet that it munists whe will eventually gain -eon will-WheHiifTuM mlyfasi'dortBM strort ar ncMsme ana hurmd Anal outcome will be a restoration of the Wisseuliic Japanesrcrew Trustaeaaf Hina Hlfl Academy alect Bar-ent of Bsdswlck prssldrat In-placa of Joseph Wtaeott FMtland t-torgo John Cochran of Mlsrauri as a wet Cimgressnisn too FACA and the alleged high prism of bold houcr-to the Hmma mode this ostroodtaary ototomsnt: rittoena wba da OMied far tho repml of the-- llth sdmeat arc tharauohhr dtoouotod they had Hto moraTarlS would not sport thrir lime ond tbra nalias that it- monarchy with aome png: ot lha former ruling family being elevated to the throne V' Onev thing all -observers agree upon ia that when tha looked for uprising Shop around and set advsntatm of apodal Hons tearing the ransomer any the rifht to It ar has Bald It waa -a riototkm af tha prtndplm of OTULr i Ouy Ih-Hairingtan of lha BstionsIHubllihws AmorlsMon said the rtriskm would gtra tha cods authertty art only tha hat pnduetloa ton and would set ap a "glgaatte araiopotjr and offset bought printed Matter -w-r-- -rt A -Ample and mast moving appeal far r-rrtirt Brlfads- Fbst DMaioiUs srtli a Into Buts moalsr at Aaansta Aufurt I far fist Sam 2S Yaara Ago Todays Independence Say ceMraUsa la this Cttyi sunrlMj fsntMtts parade Hast Coward- tendon talks may transfer all activities to America this fAU and art rstum to Xnaland for sral years Ha baa bacnptousd by InsMlioua wMspertng campalga and friends soy because ba knighted Although half aa triumphant artistically 'have been os decorated fbfni hissed on ths opening -nlgM-of 'Ms-flrst plsy Albion UN ftinda' to oddltion which tustsi hn jramwmurtrtrB9etaU toLSgifligSAjlPM bqrtit wo could get rid of this type of bustoms man wo ohould how jtUstsi toot from airlock: mfittaiy and clvle parade 1 airlock trariift3p2SK band ccocerta baseball by auUcn wnsmtal tato of any otter tata Even CapUatom would work If wo botfM tanbuo wttb tho service mottra mtter thantbo profit motive Unless thy self emit tag type of employer can ter wo start bo farced to rsssrt to farm of ssdaltem and ms that would Eightk anniversary of our inds- i 1 'i pendeaea all 'Amerkaha must feel ly that they do not live in aySSt am torthawariMmM BcriimH Hrwa are nrtHUUM im-nras Ms host work His asking a kmiy wags but bring ho aaM He-said ths Department af Labor itself has art UM yaar aa the lowest Halt tor daesnt Bring A worker working steadily at thS adnlnma waga aftha eode could make only MOO haaald ON tho atliar sld tksra arc uguasnta Fries Using has got Itself a bod name But If Iht bourn tor af thread codfit Hi workers then they fix at Jenrt tortlgnsr' to rise la ths Oswald teahtonr to quick popularity and drink deep of Aawrieaa hospitality waa Michael Aries- Uka Coward ha too had three plays an Broadway -a slngto mason Hollywood poured richly coffers Into Oreca Ut ssetloo! wu aernimitad to American people otherwise aevHrafK" 'Hoot jho paid dcrataa tloa ef ths dollar This maud about tifOMMMg of osssto wbkh con be dor subtracted from the HD of pubtle dcbL -taovtog $a1MjMMM -of-net pubte debt that murt bo paid tad by toxoi to tho Eighth Mr RoosswK has todlcstod atom January that bta $1LMB eountry where they would bo subjected a AL J- that the appropriations' on so small ioonridsn That the tourist When one not absolutely guarantoo lusteo to aU aUhough would bo tetter than the from the and yanclnilo cent durtng tha afttrnoon --Fireworks and scat Hght display In lha avtnlna -k? -i Fnd Fsibar appalntsd tacerdsrlvf tha WSst brook MmMpal Court WUUam Bkrtton LswMo S' appointed Malt bank cumlnrr Meta- board of aptomstry rsmmlnm: Omit IL Fwason Fsrminaton Albert Wsnf worth Fortland Mm Rocha gait port Blon Bradbury Borway and Lands A Wood Batgor present lack of system can help promote turtle -by buying goods which ars otaos by flms paytar good wages and which was fair wvtatis methods and I mlglrt add tell Urn truth to advertising One ta HaCntoHtriea aright have ramalnad for sereral yean to clean up flnan-tdBSi AH- this eras aaora than right yean ago and ha never came back But ha seeks American campaokma whether to London Paris ar at Mar-Mat Hto Ispceisl London -buddies -ha vs Jimmy Waikar and DudlsjL Yield 00JM HaB on publio debt ouy hov- IHM tHttftOf r- terribly wearied by tbs xtnwcart mES JMubmcseJsd by abort toads has bseomo an of Mains jar Industries it seems only reason-able that much larger should bs got aside tar this While might bo argued that those directly engaged In catering to tho tourist should pay tor tho advsrtlra togagJM thorn to Other Item of bnilnean R-noratthrimo must bo re-mambered that tho tourist buslnsm to ths bringing of peortrinto tbs atom who pa toon ira trodo to a much larger field than hat which tho host to engaged: Tho butcheiv thJmkaAMhr candlestick maker lar hto' claims of radio and awgarino of production for tha tmpioyem Therefor employers festthst Umiw should ba ban on selling below cost so that lha fair employers may be pro tectod ram chlaflers If 'you fix cost and Da the mark-op toc-srillng coatv yon have fined prices In effect BRA isaow bunting tor way protect fair smployars fram destructive pries ttadm ta constant espionage to the qtilumtioa of military eourts before which eitikena are' dragged by' aquads of armed mea given three minutes in which to defend ir themselves And Ihein deelared guilty of treason immediately stood up against a atone (rail and shot down ig cold blood' The 'feeeountt bf jVhat hail been going on i in Germany and wbat majr ba rxpeeted for some time to eome read not like what eiviliaed people expifet to happes hne jnlighlenaddaymimt lihranshiit "OCe urred during tha French i revolut ion flfwhst ltuwidumgthr'dsrkesl days nf tha Fraston Ftnpril MiltiA Jua AltK mFMjm far further tritoL so wo taty assume Hut fhs wrtrtcbt wto bo abort tit- MOMOAOOl Mlnththc ld ywi shraTthTwixid 1 Brapaiwg'OPlBfidbllddlbiHhfdtal? tnBMAM0M In tl to obout ttt sW ll Usav A HtaCiprid-r Bdltorof Ths Preig Herald ruttlnr while proterttng-the pubnc fram tha gpuv Malone: 77'' iniihtfiSwl hi yCTJuFourtH M0AMAM to INK But Turgo port My Country ok my Csaatiyf May this ysrirjtwT ith-tha ton burntng-qusHoae-of -prtceflslmr That you-shoa wvsr Iks sss as doeilbs aorkwi rp control Abo mixed In was ths troublesome sued ton nf af the Industry tor ths maintenance af thd coda authority Retired coda praridm that eeda aa thorny budget must be appnvtd by BRA but that once approved members must pay amassment' Ho wants always to ba whsn ek-ritonent Is thickest Bevtml Umm hs has been offered member-lab lpa In rata bill bed legal firms but hast as be Is about to accept hs feels tho cad of adventure and la art A MM af surprisingly varying moods he- Is among tho hart orators of hto fiat and also one of tha most profound studsnto-af Bitakeipear la America to sere the hundred of Who ora scattered over tho Bute fram fort Kent to Kitten and from Jack-man to Colato- Still other thousands ars benefited -by toads that them trov-oilers bring to ths State When consider how widespread the flu of tho-tourtota trad is to tho whoto popuhtton It seems not only reason able but just that 0 orach tore er share of- tho expense of bringing UU' trade tat tnereaslng votumo be abend by tho State ii- i- iQuipsFrom Exchanges Survey and Ibis tlm each spot' has teen properly marked tar bronm tablets as well wooden look-out lowers Tsrt blob 1 'Om of thsss survey stations ta sa tho land of Mr John-Foquettt -Thta starattan whleb ta topped' by fnririS Muaesngus Bay and much ot ths surraundtaff country The new lookout tower now stands out on tho tandseops fat company with -Lonesome Three brnnss tablets sack on marked 1IM-1N show tho dote of the piscine of tho first lover-tong stoe ennobled to as wsH as the presort one -Tho otteF Spot ta fim ta Burnt owned by Mr Laurtaton Osnthncr and ta high Of tho tllBOOAOOAM the sals of- war surpluses' ond up-' -pBcs hnd frsm war' debt Mroafott fram European ecuntriss ad that abort I1A0KN0AM of debt retirement rsoUyrssuHcd from tax rscsipta These oA-wcra pasts of and piqducUra tax Kturqs Tenth' what ttenran ws do te rill -down Dm NUMAMAM pubte deta ossi shlnp that after INd wo than bav no Iprge relief oxpsnss or new taans to make by the federal government? Taxed will have to bomatarbrtrta creased from aS sourest This ta on hnpoaslblo task If buslassi to rs rind and tt prieso of consumer prod oeu ean then obsorb ths taxm or d' May old aa novsr ssar yoa bal Bha lha May tvary year that psipta ysar yaullifsl iktiill A'J a i-W -1 My Csauliy ah my Csuairyf As flisfei i my Aga bo Jml a symbst af wlsdsm audaf Sricbf Msy tisM ba told In prsirsss and splsndld drssms ooma Ira 'I a And In (hast pwi atbltvamsnla wbkh toks Isa ysan to dat -l My Csantryl Oh my' Cssslryj Boom nsllsna old i and iay- face nln and dscay tot asms hi wjs Tha dost of Han destosya them 1 A 'V We do not as yet fully comprehend all the eauuso( terrorism- whieh jias afflicted Germany Tha political (keln ia too involved: to be easily untangled by persons living so far away from tha scene of events at wd are but there ia ona thing which stands out against tha background bf blood and horror -in Germany which all Americana ean understand That la that Adolph Hitler ha now assumed character eompirallwith srfme of those who subjected France and Russia to a' '1 Frsgtsm Bsltad Mswsl (Detroit Hews) For twsnty-flv yean hove -summering to Main end- could Mot much new pavement Is to ba found In our not dto months offer tho crash Then torg A but poor rill rs' this Spring: and digging up tha old to lay a a-tach pipe bat mueh fun bring nothing toft among auger dad-dieg for which to iua tbejr ora mostly an ths cltorUy llrti Intervals Tv tried to fur ymn ot Intervals rye tried to s'dom grow-r Arid la tkair pedmful triampha their ysara of strlv truth It belns Uu highest assn from Pcrptsslag ic''' Xp'X- (Detroit fra Fram) The man from Man would bo pumled by lha American philosophy of hunting for 1 job so that Sftriks ran ba called i 'V1 very tn of laiul that can ta -A dog shop to end dog shoot dog hospitals Is belng' planned by torgs group of dog landers An oM brawns tons off the avenue will mad into a sanitised caatle -with a yard tor ramping end bon burying ag Ians as ths Wendell space far Toby lha efforts to be self support' big wld bo attempted but not mandatory backers supplying the deficit Only finest specimens will be sold Ml prospective owners will be Investigated ag carefully aa a Cartier 'or Tiffany charge oerount Truat worthy veterinarians will bo retained to take- cars oMoid-pate a town aa they live than A sociologist' tells om this chiffon ladlea whoM worldly glitter end high upkeep depended toigly oar a rising market ora now almost snknown Even mart exclusive apartments had am ar two And an the upper Wrat Bide In tho It they were ta aortlans wiatrawy tenants They began -to dwln- teas Bt Patrick's plgaonsf sktuerini so timidly mar With bright grateful to-feed front' my hand One test dsn- Mountains Thr tablets --hero Urn taxes of states swA etn state thstrthta-lonboqrWsl flfrt who ruthlesslyjQok hundredrjif human live without any- jnstifleatioq and who are reeaUed irt wr' Jw Msy you avow oM Is Mradsblf bul not Isen too high at For Use public debt of cities snj states la rising- and many olf Ll- (aama Stem tt tt AN kl-k loans of the It which svenlhf sutfllenly flew onto my wrist end perked braaenly at my palm In 0 fright-arlg start) I dropped every thing -ond gav swell Imitation of shot out of sun up 0 aids street That's life When ws ort-what ws want ws know whst to da rspsyabls a aa HVstortrt rid la hatoi May yon grew oM to whdsm and may ysar age to told In rsnnilras Imams sarempHslisd and art In rains sieeted to 1UL Mr Oriithner rra rails hearing Jils totter tell that he hauled thsJiim6er tor tho tower built ta 11)1 over 0 wood rood to tho top of ths ledge with Me sm Thta lima ths material far tha lookout was conveyed by sutomobUs and dgubt- to much shorter Btudley Medomak Me Bwdlri Bemrt Tar (London England Dally Exprsist One of them dances -was derignsd to show -thf absurdity of clothes The young man won noth-1 tag but pair rt rtovra white waistcoat and tic and sorbs Thogir1 wars only a hat a string slm-rs pair of silk stockings: and rar whit powder puff-v' I- to tha above analysis have bash am lumed oi earning hock to the Tie-ury depend!" on whtUief the elttat I -v-Americana now hare thrir evniiraic -and noliliral froiihlei and ome of them may wr disturbed localise they fearithat their -coneeptioni of at democratic gov I shorn 1 of brs beads (Copyright 1M4 McNsught cote- Irtcj OsdUSwf-s Fsgt lj fterih Cri (Copyright INI Edgar A Our) -I- '-i' 11 1 a I I A -A 1 1.

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