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Portland Press Herald from Portland, Maine • 18

Portland, Maine
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Lavj Eighteen Portland Pros? Herald Monday Morning September 16 1935 4 Portland Maine 6 Corrine Neustedt Coffin After Climbs Out Of 92 Days InGrave 3 Of 21 Hurt Vhen Bus Leaves Road Agencies To Ilania liber Compkials Established In 21 Cites By ILL Mr And Mrs George Arsenault Honored On 25th Anniversary Spent Time Reading And Talking Tif Some Of 7203 Persons Who Viewed Her- Three-Man Boards Will See That Collective BargainingRights Are Guarded Against ReitrarntfiAndlnterference At 10 Cents A Look Washington BepC A system of three-man regional eiea In 31 -cities to handle labor coinplain ta wider -the Wagner Act was announced today by the new National Labor Relations Board Uw new aet-up discards regional labor boards as courts of original juried Ictloa In handling bargaining Cases Outlining Its plans for procedure In cases charging violations of tha act Intended to guarantee right to bargain collectively with employers the board aald th regional genctas will consist of director trial examiner and an attorney Regional directors already serving will continue tn the new ael-up with tha lawyers and examiners to ba appointed later Tlw offices win be maintained ta 31 cities Including Boston After aa employe or a union flies a viola lion complaint the regional dlrectotr te to tavesuipita If ha finds Uw complaint Justified ha te to make a formal complaint In Uw name af Uw boarfi The trial examiner than te to taka testimony with Uw regional attorney representing the regional director at the hearing The examiner will recommend either that Uw employer be cleared or that ha be ordered to and desist" from Uw practice which Uw employe or tlw union charged Either aid may appeal to the national board with an opportunity for argument on Uw teeUmony before Uw national board Any employer appeal from Uw national board'a order wUl go to a circuit court of appeal Regional directors are to hold hearing on petition for elections to de- termlna which of eeveral labor organisation represents' a majority of tha employes In a plant The national board wiU consider Uw testimony and determine Whether elections ahould ba held and appoint agents to eonduet (lections boart'a primary responsibility under Uw act te to aee that collective bargaining right are guarded against restraint and Interference" tha boards Westbrook ffept 15 Nearly '300 attended tha party given Saturday night to Foreatera Hall to honor of Mr and Mr George Araenault of Longfellow Street who wen oboe lying their 35ih wedding annlveraary The party waa arranged tot Mra Martha Baudetl Mr and Mra Ar-arnauMb daughter assisted' by Alphy Mariln The honor gueA wera primmed with gift of ailver A mualcal program waa given with Eugene-'J Debate ma muter cere mon lea by Al Terry and Hla Pali A cornet anlo waa played by Dominique Oaudettc hf Lrwnton who waa accompanied by Louie Simla Dancing followed Mr and Mr Arsenault am nativea of Cqnaria Sh waa MUa Maria Palm and they wera married there They have jived here IS yean and be-idrj Mra- Baudette have tww son Henry and Jaaepb Gumta mere present from Rumford Lswlslon Norway and Yarmouth Larai Caaple To Ba Married Tha wedding of Mia Laurrtla Blake daughter of Mr and Mra Jo-aeph Blake and Theodora Lam proa son of Mr and Mra Emil Lamproa will be aoirmnlaed Monday morning In BL Mary Church with tha Bev John Finn officiating Tha atogle ring aertoce will ba uaed Mini Blake win wear the conventional while aatin with long tulle veil end will carry bride 'a rmm She will be attended tor her aUirr MIm Yvonne Blake who will wear light blue aatin The bridegroom will ba attended by Olaaon The wedding music wiU be played by Albertina Proulx They aiw'to reside here where Mr Lampron la employed by the Interstate Film Company Mra Heimidd of WUIlmantlc Conn- hu been a recent gueat of her Hater Mra Ralph Taylor of Cumberland Street Mr and Mra Joseph Dr Small MM Harriet BmaU and Joseph Small Jr- wiU leave Monday for Providence where Mr BmaU wiU begm hla enlar war- at Brown University They will then taka Miaa -BmaU-40 Coopemtown Y- where aha to a teacher at the Kent SchooL Mr and Mra WUllam A Jordan of Forest Street have returned from a motor trip to Bar Harbor and Cadillac Mountain At Uw meeting of Mlspah Chapter Friday evening a Scotch aurthm will follow tha businem at- Th TYIangl Chib of Ca lan the Temple Pythian Slater will meet Tuesday evening with Mra Arthur Mane heater of Haakall Blrert Mr Evelyn Harmon of Proutb Nerk will enlrrtara th members of Dunstan Accidents One Truck Struck In Rear Another Hit After Stopping At Scene (mil persons were reports to have beta Injured la twin accident Btw th Marahview Dunalan late Sunday night AU tha prranna hurl ar Uw extent of (heir injuries could sot be kincd State Patrolman Philip Qnw aid that a truck driven hr Samuel Home la of Ever It Mw was truck la the rear hr a truck drived by San ford WUllama of West Bcarboroh WUllama vs cut and brulaed concld erably patrolman Or rev said-and bit truck was badly unwed that It wax necessary to leave It In the road for aome time before It could be moved Sevrral minute alter Uiia mishap Patrolman drive Mid a truck operated by Philip Edmanda of Thom- aaton approached th acene of the accident and vraa atopped because of the wrecked truck in the road Then according to Patrolman Graves an automobile owned by Stephen Marsh operator of a filling atatton In Scar boro etruck truck There were eeveral pereon In Um Marsh car Pitrolmad Grave Mid he learned AU were taken to th Maine General Koepita but subsequently were discharged A peraon at Mr Marshl apartment told Th Prrm Herald early thta morning that none of the party waa hurt badly Patrolman Oravea aald ha did not Irara who ni driving th March car Gorham Prizes On Display For County Far Gerham kept Fifteen price to ha awarded at the County Fair to ba hald In Maaonle Hall WMneaday afternoon and evenitur under th au-pica of Pino Trae Chapter I nr dlaplayed in th window of Kim-ball'l market Central Squara Th floor ahow will put on hourly throughout the afternoon and evening on the midway will be found penny toil a paddle wheel horaa racing mheen guaMlni contest and other game of chance a nnprorn man and a fiah pond for rhilaren A cafeteria wiU ba manaaed by Roland Bmon Mr Clifford Wieden Mr John Mead Urn Everett 8 Parkard Mr Lawrenca Ciller Fred Hannafard Lawrenr Clllrv Preeman Richardson Mr Glady Richardson Clifford A Thom-a and Mr Edith Tbomaa Band Ta Practice Garham hand win mdet for practice In Um Town Hall Monday evening under the direction of Jamca Bldg-way Ttoop SO Boy Boouta win lemma weakly mart Inga to Um 'Junior Hlih Bchoid Th unday evening with Bmut-' maater Hayden LV Andenon to charga Sir and Mrs John' Bawtehe South Street were week-end gueite Mr and Mra Elwood A Meal of State Street at their rot tag on Dm Mra Edgar Carswell Gray Road ha been entertaining her brother and hia wife Mr and Mr prank Surknam skowhegan Charlea Sampson Newton Highlands Maa waa a week-end gueat of hia mother Mra Albert Sampson South Street Mua Carolina 8 Bunn of Havcr- hill Mam ha been Halting here At Um School Street Methodlat Church thla morning the muatcal pro- gram by Um choir directed by th organ let Mra Ldwrenca CUley eamprlaed theee rumbera: Prelude "Lead Kindly Light' Aahfard tcapana to prayer It The Soul1! Sincere anthem Clap Your Hand Together' Edmund Turner and Charlea Ruck The Methodlat Church' weekly meeting Turaday evening will be emitted for the pastor and member to attend the annual area council of Meth-ndlat churches that nprna at I Turadey In the chestnut Street Church Portland The mualcal mrtlnni In the Plrat Pariah Congregational Church arranged by Mra Marian Haynea ByU i vain thia morning wera aa foUowa: Prelude Pontificate" Le-mena rrapona ta prayer Lord la In Hi Holy Temple" offertory T)pua ar Schumann hvmna Through- Another Church' Go Foundation "-and -ftey Faith Look Up TP Thee" anthem And Harm: and Archer The fellowahlp of prayer will be held In the Congregational Chapel at IJn Turadav Bath village churchaa win obaerra Jtally Day Sept 33 Guert of Mra Philip fowl Mam Blivet today were Mm Hugh Lewla and daughter Mtaa Katharine Lewi of Brunawick Mra Ralph Oondrich Main Street entertained MIm Ruth Sanborn of Portland today Mr Chariea Alden of State Blrert Was a recent guest of Mra Clara Rigs af East Gorham Mua Came Rian he been entertaining her rou-ina Mr and Mra Itoarr Lew of Bath Irvin Gordon Jr- of Jarkton waa a week-end viittor at hia hem on State Street Mile Fran re Hue of South Faria touted her mother Mra Oarer Burn Mala Street ever the weekend Mra Lull Wrarolt fit State Street will emerteln the at I Friday Haig Day BMetlag At the meeting of Oorham Oranira Saturday evening It waa toted to hold day meeting! 'he fint Saturday of each month until May Houaekeep-era drawn to aenre the dinner Oct I rompri Ml Jrmie PllUburv Mia Xemia Week- Mra Winnifred Russell Mr Doria Meal Mtu Vrtorta A Maanuasen Mra Sarah Adamv Mra Melrtoe Jnhnmn Mra Lni Wlegin Mm Came Jordan Mr Irene Thntnba and Mm Eliaabrth Oalltip The annual booster night will be Ob-aerved Sept 33 with program by Bqmra Taylor lecturer The Union Granie meeting will be entertained next Saturday evening at Pl-anant 'River Windham Mira Ann 8 Drlanev Maple Street and William Parker Mela Street were guest today of Mr and Mm William Shew of Biddeford Mr and Mra Robert Crockett and daughter Margaret of Lewi ton ere lynrheon guest sfMraMTOroa Flood today Mr and Mra FVrd Spence and daughter Crba Gertrude of Sanford hate been touting Mr and Mra Prank Coburn of Maple Street The annual nhmrvanra of Rrbekah Dddfellowahip win feature the meeting of Narrstanwir Bewkah Lodge In Mwne Hell Th'iradav evening Mr Buih v'rtoa la chairman of the lt Hncnlfnl OlllI 111 nOSpitai Maamaalb BrpC Throe of 1 prtwjrn A Boa Ion bua left Uw foad and eraahed Into thick woods at Urg foot of Sortie Hill her Saturday itlU were In a Sainton Hospital today They were Mr Bertha MacConneU of Toronto Ont- aufferlng from a brokeo noaa and poavlbl Internal In-jurto and cute: Mrs Joseph McBride of Chatham cheat Injury and miUtlpla body brulaea and Mas Margaret Glllla of Boilon reported mart aerloiplr Inpired of any of tha bua oerupanta Th olhera 14 women one man and three children wore re leaved from th boapilal Saturday night after examination AU suffered minor cuts and brulaea tat Police Lieut Burtis Fowler who waa following the Old Colony Coarh Line bus aald a right front tire Mew out aa the bua1 rolled down tlw The bua toft th road and plowed 100 feet Into Uw wood Fowler aald When It atopped her added tlw bus was jammed ao tightly among trees it took nearly la minutes to open Uw dpnr and remove Um IS paaarngen 'Fowler aided by Driver Albert Cuth burton of Belfeat from inside the bus opened Uw door and superintended removal of the Injured to tha hospital eonunandaerlng paaring mobile To Be Bride Qf A Film Director fi- 1 i 1 I- Tv A 1 Conchita Montenegro Faria Bcpt Conchita Montenegro Spanlih actress who first won fame la Hollywood announced tonight that sh will marry Daoul Routtan Bratillaa Rim director hen Thursday The ceremony will be cmyfurted In tha presence of Uw ambassador of Brasil and Spain who will atgnUw register aa witnaaaea Mim Montenegro aald tonight that she and Rnulisn will spend Uwir honeymoon la Brasil In the picturesque state of Caere After they hnn rymoan they plan to produce tlw firat International Brasilian film film- which-will fee called will depict the eosiumea dances nuwle and folk loro of Brest Ona seen wilt be Uw traditional fishermen mass to bo celebrated aa Jsngadas primitive wooden rafts Bath Youth Jumps From Moving Train Henry fttblt II of Bath apparently esraped with but minor Injuries late Sunday night when he jumped from moving freight train near Uw Forest Avenue railroad crossing at Woodford Hia far waa scratched when he fell to Uw ground He was taken to Police Headquarora and held there to await examination by a physician thla morning Palralm Trmaaf erred Transfer af Patrolman Charles Dolan fre duty in a poll re cruiser ear days to the detective bureau was" announced at Police Headquarter! Sunday night Patrolman Anael C- Bickford will ba transferred from Route TO a beat In th West End ef Uw city to Uw cruller car to take Patrolman Dolan's place and Patrolman Leon Frederick will lake over Route II The ahma wtil become effective today The Worthwhile Club win Tuesday for an all-da yr sreafon with Mrs Julia Walton of Alton Street Member era to toko bog lunches Bos worth Circle' Ladies of the A will meet Wednesday after-noon ta Uw Chamber of Commerce Hall Th Exchange Garden Club will man today with Mra Charlea Mount-fort of Cumberland Tlw commute for Uw flower booth at tha Cumberland Fair will go to Uw fair grounds to arranga Uw aahlblt then Mim Gertrud Nlckeraon of Loveltt Street South Portland haa returned to Farmington Normal School where sh la a senior The Bible School of tlw Oak Street Priepda Church will open Sept 3 far Uw ran and Winter Tlw Bible School aenrlre will bo held at 1 a Standard Time and tlw morning churrh service will be conducted at 1115 a aa waa last Winter Rally Day will be observed by all departments ef Uw school on Or I A Tighe Post Drum Will Go To St wetal SMtb te Tb Frew Bersli RMMard Sept Members of tha Philip T1(tw Past American Le-gloa Bull and Drum Corp of thla rily holders of ttw American togton state fjiamptonshlp for Uw last ihrre vrara are making plana to lean tlw latter part of Uw week for the national ronwntkn In Bt Louis The local Legion organ leal Ion alfi act aa escort for Gov Louis Brann and dial nf Main late legionnaires who will participate in the parade The torsi corps headed by Drum-Matnr Ervin Oowrn will par-tiripato In tha National Bugle and a By Theon Wright failed Press llaff Caerepsadcnt Occam Park Calif Sept Corrine Neustedt climbed out of her six-loot grave tonight shook aoma dirt out of her corn-yellow hair and announced she had broken Uw world's record for being burled alive In Uw Inteicate of science Corrine (Gloria Graves to her fans) waa burled June 15 In a custom -built (rare at Uw end of Ooean Park Pier and dug out today apparently no worse for-wear after 13 days fire hours and 31 minutes supposedly spent within Uw confines of a coffin six feet tong 11 birhre deep After rubbing kinks out of her legs the aix-foot willowy blonde explained th scientific aspects of her experiment "I hope I have proved to skeptics that this was not a publicity stunt" aha said a student of psychology and ahat I bare dona proves conclusively tbtt mind la stronger than Godwin friend and counsellor of th 20-year -old and alao ticket-taker at Uw grave elaborated on statistical aspects af Miss Neustedfa research -White Incarcerated within her llv Ing tomb aha received no Irsa than 31 proposals of marriage 11453 dates ST offers of job from nursa to movie star jn company not yet organ lard five offers to join churches and 14 to join Uw Communist Party seven books on exercise and two insults He added she-had been viewed by 13H3 persona at la cents a look Delving Into more scientific result th partly doctor painted out she had meat only three times-since she was buried" Her diet consisted of pounds of spinach 45 quarto of milk 30 quarts' of buttermilk 30 pounds of carrots 43 head of lettuce It ergs 31 mailed all lllia loaves 1 of whole-wheat bread eight quarts of cream there ateaks one pteea of candy 10 packages of chewing gum 35 pounds of prunes and five can of eodilver oU Her 03-day entombment broke the buried -alive record of OS days act by Billy West vaudeville comedian at Atlantic City In 1333 Mtaa Neustedt occupied her time she Insisted by reading hooka on aviation and travel and talking to cash customers Stag explained she would bare set Uw record at an even 100 days except that a new atate law making Illegal such public pastimes as flagpole sitting marathon dancing rocking chair derbies and burled afire eon-testa waa scheduled to go Into effect at midnight Misa Orem foil ahe made sufficient contribution to Uw actenc of psychology" Dr Godwin explained aha had to ba rent to Uw Jugfor IL" Tha doctor offered 01000 to anyone who could prove sh left her air-conditioned coffin which aa ha explained bad Uw comforts of home "at any time during the experiment am Uw Mtwei Mildred Bidder Audrey Crawther Mary Wllllama and Roberta Elliott -Bayard Lodge of will meet Thursday evening In Pythian HalL Tha local branch at Red Cram will sponsor a fra baby clinic Thunday afternoon at Uw High Behoof Building ii Tlw Pint Church Guild will meet thla evening In tlw vestry September birthdays of members wUPbw observed Honor guests will be Mra Alice MhrpbP Kra Margaret Phlnney Mra Lena bsklne Mrs Gladys Ken-non and Mra Clementine Ph Inner On tlw committee are Mra Melvin Libby Mrs' Leslie Caah Mra Agnes Smith and Mra Rosamond Cash The Sunday Behoof Board win meal at pjn WMneaday In Uw vestry -Tha South Portland Conatabtdaqr win hold Its first meeting of Uw aea-eon Tuesday evening ta Uw Municipal Chambers Tlw Prospect Km Group of ttw Osewantha Oardcn Club will meet Tuesday afternoon with Mra tanciy Elliott of Orand Street Tlw Erenlng Group wUl mwt Friday evening with Mim Elisabeth Barton nf Sawyer Street Mra Carrie Baker ef Wert High Street la at Boothbay Haibor -Carnation Rebekah Lodge will meet thla evening In Odd Fellows HalL Mined Cm aril Meet' Mlnenla Council of P- arin Thursday evening In Legion HaD- Mra Alloa Btackpole la committee chairman Alpfia Chapter Beta PM Horority win ohaaroe guest night Thursday evening with Mtaa Jana Latham of Harriet Street The Willard A win hold its first meeting ot Uw season Wednesday evening tn-ttw erhooihouie -fonoaa Circle of rteaaantdal Orange will bold an all-day aeaalon Turaday with Mra CarroU Mountfort of- Wart Broadway- Mra Winfield wUl be net fee i Mias Marjorie TrudeH of Bn Street hu returned from Worcester Mam The Evans Street A will 'meet Tuesday evening In tha acboolhouse Harold Morse ta program chairman for the Lions club dinner Thuradav evening In Legion HalL The Women Missionary Society of Uw Church of Uw Namrene win meet WMneaday evening with Mra Blanche Chandler of Prebio Street A prayer errire wih be held Thunday evening In Uw veatrv The choir will rehearse Friday evening In the vestry Stewart Morrill Foal American Legion win sponsor an amateur night program and beano WMneaday evening In Uw American Legion Otr-den The post band will rehearse this evening In Uw garden Tlw part will meat Friday evening to Legion HalL Tha Legion Auxiliary will hold SU annual election of offlcen Friday evening In the hall Chevenu Circle Columbian Squires will meet WMneaday evening in Legion Hall Mra Laarrenre Marshall and Mra Jamaa Marshall of Highland Avenue pased the week-end In Boston Mtaa Florence Owen of East Broadway will leave this week to Halt Miss Ranhel Brown of Auburn Dr Philip Anderson nf Sylvan Bite paaaM the week-end at Norway The South Portland -Height PTJt will hold Its first meeting of tlw season this evening In th arhoolhouse Mr and Mra John Whitwell trill return today to Princeton after visiting Mr and Mra Oearge Whitwell ef Loir Ills plrld Mr and Mra Amos Oormlrv of Sawyer Street have returned from New Brunswick Robert Blackwood of Woodbury Street win leave today to resume hia stud Ira at North Carolina Btata Cbl- Mr John I Bawvvr of Chaw Street will leave todayfor New York Mrs Nelson Smith of Cambridge Mass Ii visiting Mra Esta brook ol CllffoM Steed Dr and Mra Paul I Davis of Ml not street paired th week-end at Freeport The City Council will meet thta renin In Its chambers Miss Phyllis Its mil ton will resume her studies at Uw University of Main South Portland Sunday School Is Attended By 200 Two hundred offtcers teacher and pupil were preoent at the 'People's M-E Church Sunday School session Sunday noon In Uw auditorium umd because tb school's regular room are bring renovated Special service win ba held at Uw latter rooms next Sunday noon In connection with tlw rededlratlon services In the chiirrh auditorium Oscar 1 Ehwr'pn resumed hla duties aa superintendent after a aix-week absence because of Illness Pinal plana wen made for Uw annual picnic next Saturday at Craacent Beach On Uw committee an John Woodbury Harold Darling tin Etta Robinson Oranvlllc Nickerson Miss Elitabeth Ward and Mrs Flore ace Emersan -Ta Held Wienie Boast The Mary and iiartha Guild will hold a wienie roast this evening with Mra Elsie Hoyt -of -Cushings -Point Mrs Persia Bhedd executive secretary of the South Portland Family Welfare Society will be speaker at Uw meeting of Uw Manur Class thla evening with Mra Harriet Doughty of Summit Street Mra Etta Blake will be assisting hostess The mid-week eenrlre will be emitted Tuesday -evening ao that church members may attend an Area Council meeting at Uw Chestnut -Street' Church Portland About Klwanlana and gurtis attended a clambake and outing Saturday afternoon and evening at Uw summer home of Fred Williams at New Meadows A program of baseball and boat sailing wag followed In the afternoon The Executive 1 Committee of tlw Pleasantdale Service Club will meet Tuesday evening In tlw clubhouse The postponed meeting of Uw Willard Group of Uw Osewantha Oar-den Club will be held today with Mr Ambrose 8 Thing of Willard Street Member also will visit tha garden of Mra Grover 8 Richards Mra Frederick Walker and Mra Georg A Eton Mr and Mra Lester Smith of High Street are at Concord Mr and Mra Edward Robbins of High Street Hava returned from Bar Harbor Mim Christine Osborns of Cottage Road passed Uw week-and at New Bedford Mam Tlw North Congregational Church Board will meet UW -evening- to the parsonage Kill Top Troop Girl Scouts win meet Thursday afternoon to Uw vestry The Women's AlHinoa wiU meet Wednesday afternoon with Mrs Guy Orlffin of Da via Street The Young Matrons of Meeting House Hill will meet Thursday evening with Mia Charles Paul of Cham Street Mra Philip Johnson will he assisting hostess Tlw Eskimos wiU hold their first meeting of tlw season Wednesday evening Sept 15 ta the vsatry The Board of Education will hold Its postponed meeting Wednesday evening In Uw office of Day au- perintehdent of school High School teachers will hold their annual pirate Saturday afternoon and evening at Miss Edith Small 'a cottoga at Capa Mra Elisabeth Merrill returned Sunday to Bridgeport Conn after Halting-Mr and Mra Ralph Mere lUt of Pin Street Clsrrnoe Johnson of Ocean Street has returned from South Peril Mr! and Mra Jones af Street bare returned tram Rockland Mias Madeline Brown of Newbury-pcat Mua will leave today for Boothbay Harboc after Hatting Mra Margaret Brown of Uw fort Road Mlw Louie Jose will resume her duties aa a teacher at Baltimore thla week after Halting Mr and Mra Harry Rrown of PillabUry Street Mra EdmunO Dyer af Preble Street wiU leara today for Sebago Mr and Mra IrHng and Harriet and Ralph IrHng of Crete Road peered Uw week-end at Burlington Mr and Mrs Clifford Emery of Cottar Road are on a trip through New Hampshire Churrh GaUd To Meet Tlw Thornton Height Church Guild will hold Its fliat masting of Uw season thla erenlng in Uw Tee-try Mra Reginald Lombard ill preside The Lad tea AM -will sponsor a food sate Wednesday afternoon' on th grounda about tlw home of Mra Henry Ward of- Main Street Troop 37 Girl Beouta will meet after school Thunday la Uw vestry Cumberland Lodge of win meet -Wednesday evening' to Whitehall -EUxabeth Ctty Lodge O'G' will meet Wednesday evening ta Odd fellow HalL The Rev -Henry Clark preachat the mld-weetoarrrioe of Uw Pint nee Baptist Church Tuesday evening ta Uw vestry Troop 31 Boy Seoul will hold IU firat meeting of tha season there this evening The Adelphlan Unit of the Women's Federation of the Elm Stmt Churrh will meet this evening with Mra prank Daniels of West Broadway The Official Board of the Elm Street Church will meet at 110 today In Uw vestry The Rev Elwla -L-- Wilson will preach at the mid-week service them Tuesday evening Tlw Horn Guards will meet Wednesday afternoon with Mtaa Muriel Wand lens of Elm Street The Sunday School teachers and offlcen will meet Thursday evening at Uw parsonage to plan for Rally Day and th fall and winter program The Erv worth League win sponsor a motlofl-ptetur (how Friday evening In Uw vrelry Golden Ray Council Pythian Sunshine Girls will mart Wednesday evening In Whitehall On tlw committee Bugle Corps Louis Convention Drum Corps' Tournamant and Emile Cota am of Uw bast known drum" mere of Uw corps wiU anticipate in th national drummer contest Mr Cote waa Uw winner of the fourth nr 1st at last jraar'a -rion-convention An aUowanc of 1100 haa been made to defray expense of the Philip Tighe Port Bugle and Drum Corps to the convention and th remainder of the rxperuM -mlll be born bv the member themsrlwa Present plana are for th enrpa to atop at Cincinnati to compete with other enrpa In contest to he staved In that city before greng to At Louts "') 'V 5 it -'rt 'H Al OL Helen Jcpstfn HaOywwad SepL Another famous tinier has coma to Hollywood to cast her lot at least temporarily with Uw cinema Helen Jepson young and beautiful Metropolitan Opera star 'of New York haa been signed for a picture (by Paramount atudto) the plot for which has-not bam selected Bull Moose Seen At Kittery Point Iverial Swnlfi te The Prma tamtl Kittery Feint Sept- 1 lM-Womrn aereamM In fright bnvs and girls ran and men glanced affectionately at their rifles today when a bull mooae placidly lumbered through gardens and across lawns of tlw brave beat harbor section of thla Tillage Walter Kimball 10 was nearly run down by Uw antawL Rua-sell Moore experimcM guide of Aroostook County whose twine la here asserts there te no danger from bull moom unlem they are cornered but local residents are taking no chancre Not for 30 yean has a mooae been seen alive at Kittery Point So far this ona hps dona no damage Two Young Women Reported Injured In Bridgton Road Crash Two Sepirito Reports Of Accident Vtar ToiUr'a Bdr HAdo 1 Two separate report of an accident Sunday night on ttw- Bridgton Road near Paaterb Corner were raoeirad by local pallet but they were not rare the reports were of the same affair Joseph Melanacn ot 0 Bradford Street appeared at Police Headquarters Sunday night to report that two yasing women apparently wcapM with minor Injuries when Uw ear In which they were riding collided with hla He aald he helped thr Injured women Into an passing automobile but did not have a opportunity to mako himself known to them -Early thla morning relatives of two gtrla Injured In an accident near Fnstera Corner appeared at head-quartern to report the affair They said Mtaa Oladya Conley 11 of 13 India Blrert had suffered Injure to her arm and right aide and that Mlaa Dorothy Greene of III Cumberland Avenue received a cut an- her head ta tha accident The two-girls were -ridlng-wUh-a Mr-Degram at Uw time and were brought to Portland by hte brother they said tflu Rita Backnofl daughter af Mra Anna Backnoff of Morning Street baa left for Simmons Col let where she te a senior Mim Sacknoff and her mother passed Uw Bummer at Wells Beach today after paanlnf the Bummer with her parents Mr and Mra Charlea Hamilton of Bay View Avenue Mtaa Catherine Lappln of Lincoln Street has returned after undergoing an operation at Uw BL Barnabas Hospital Portland Mr and Mra Flank Jordan of Highland Avenue' passed the weekend at Brockton Mara Mra Rom Oorham and Mra Jultua Maid of BerUa are Halting Mra Walter Williamson ef Dan-forth Cove Ml Florence Lewis nf Rawer Street- paired Uw week-end at Belfast' Mareonomo Tribe M- wllj meet this evening in Legion Hall The Willard Hare Company win hold branoa Tuesday and Friday evening! In Uw Piltabury Street Hore House 1 Wenonah Group' Camp Fire Olrla Ul meet this evening tir Uw vestry of the Propteb Church Troop 33 Boy Beouta will omit Ite meeting I hia evening in the vestry of the People's Church The Auxiliary to the Captain Oeorga A Dow camp will annnaor a whist Tuesday evening with Mra Catherine Da via of Shaw-tnut Street Cumberland Temple Pythian Sister win meet Tuesday evening In The Pleasantdale Oroup of Uw Ose-wantha Carden Club will meet thta evening with Mrs George Brown of Kelley Street A- -FartlaadW- -m St Northeastern ENROLL NOW Arrangements Being Made Fo Fair Of North Scarboro Grange A the Tihitha Snrtrt? of the Plrat Lutheran Church Wednesday-afternoon -Tha Pbur O'clock- Cluo wlll meet Monday afternoon frith Mrs Buato Colllna of Falmouth Street -Mim Bltabetp Clark of Hew too-Vllie Maas- la visiting her' Mr and Mra-LniUa Eaton ar announcing the birth af a daughter Eleanor Crowell Mra Eaton waa Mim Muriel CrowU'-duhteir of Mr and Mra: JUrryCfovcIL: of Stroud-water Mra -Ernest LrBel and daughter Germaine of Brown Street and Mra Dana Fomerleau of River Btfret have returned from a motor trip through the mwthcra part of Maine and Cunidi Mr and Mrs Gordon Kelley of Loruet Street entertained as Weekend gurila Mr and Mra Cola Kelley and family of Boothbay Harbor formerly of this -city Mr Kelley Is principal of tha grammar school at Boothbay Hear Baeadeato In order' that local Odd Mlowa and Rrbekah may listen to th radio broad cart from the Boveretgn Grand Lodge session la AUanllo City at 11 JO Turaday Saecarapp Lodgs and Oorham Lodge will meet at o'clock with refreshments and an an rtatn-ment before Uw broadcast Liberty Encampment will begin lu meeting at o'clock in Cumberland Hall and all member af both order and friend will be welcome An entertainment will be given The Catholic Woman' ClJb will resume 111 fall schedule 1 Thursday afternoon In the of home Constitution Week wiU be teweryed at tlw meeting of the Klwento Club Tuesday night with Judge Frank Pride aa Uw speaker Warren Perry nf Main Street who has been In Westbrook HoapllaL for 'treatment has returned home Mr and Mra Carroll Williams fMisa Violet Chase) are receiving congratulations on the birth of a son Mrs Edna Jay of Longfellow Street will entertain tlw Westbrook for Uw first meeting of tlw season Turaday afternoon Mra Alawta Moor and Mtaa Mabel Lord wiU have charge of tlw program The Westbrook Garden Club meet Wednesday- afternoon alth Mra Mary Perry of Saeo Street Ernest Flies son of Mra Mary Fllre ol Bridge Street will leave this week for Bnuawlrk to begin hla sophomore year at Bnwdnla College -At Uw meeting of tlw Ladles Aug-Illary to Stephen Manchester Post American Legion Wednesday night officer will elected In charge of the program are Mra Lillian Wlnahlp Mra Irene It Qnok and Mim Lorraine Aubin looking baby eight monlha and lrm II months and lea two yean and lam and three month and lea Priam also are offered for th feast farm exhibit raised by one pereon tract of yellow com exhibit of fruit display of canned fruits and bernea by girt IS and lew and vegetable canned by a girl II and leva Two prises art offered In them eSsasra: Best bushel of potatoes hqlf bushel of turnips trees of -pop corn aweet eom onions cabbage half bushel of beans half bushel of carrot half bushel ef beets green tomatoes ripe tomatoes exhibit' of squash pumpkins 10 pots toes retard by a boy 15 and leas display of veg rubles fey boy or girl IS yeara and leas -collection of It varieties ar erg-etables best exhibit feyJ-H CIuband Uw asms for 4-K boys Three premiums are offered for cut flower potted plant display ef dahlias display of gladlola -exhibit of canned vegetable and fruits picklra jellies and butter beat bread Mughnute rookie cake Washington pie tarteb rolls biscuit pie cottage rheese loaf at bread by girl lam than IS fancy sofa pillow cotton quilt silk quilt wanted quilt collect Ion of mate embroidered eofa pillow--' Sheet and r-lfow set pillow allpe-sllps with hand-made aroand also embroidered hand-made spread ern terpleet of colored embroidery braid' ed nig hooked rug knit bedspread embroidered spread croc betted spread ahthan specimen of applique ea-htMt by woman mot than Id renter-piere In whito embroidery crocbctted cenlerpieee diningroom act of five piece specimen of drawn work rut work luncheon set buffet set white and colored: tatted work crochet ted work-exhibit-' collection of dollies specimen of crow stitch fancy towel table runner and bureau scarf white and colored table runner a scarf of hand-made Jaee fancy bi apron hand-made handkerchief Infant art embroidered picture display of fancy work by girl than IS collect too of basketry bead-work and best dressed doll with clothe made by girl lrm than IS 4 In Industrial arte prises are offered for tlw best oil painting water color collection of hand-painted ehlna and exhibit of amateur photography 146 Inches Of Rain Recorded At Lewiston Lrwtslsn Kept An all night rein added 1 4 llnrhes to Uw September precipitation but did no damage Tha total for Uw month 4 Inches la lea than half that of Uw am month last year when the measurement was 77 Inches Saturday's minimum temperature of 43 above ero waa Uw lowest tine May 35 Held Aa Draaban Everett Fed ley who gave hla address as Underwood Fslmouth waa arrested by Constable Ralph Doughty at Fal mouth Sunday night on a charge of drunken driving He will be arraigned today before Trial Justice Aidra Hudgins al Yarmouth statement geld specific practices held Unfair and tha only ones which can be matters of complaint may be summarised as follows: with the guaranteed rights of self -organisation and collective bargaining domination- nf -mm pany union I although company unions fre from such domination are legal under Uw act) a worker' or dtoerim- -foaling against him because of union activity or became ho has filed charge or haa given testimony uniter 1 Uw act by the employer to bar-' gain collectively with Uw proper repreaentaUvei of tha workere'1 Nazis Hurl Defiance At Jews Of World And Vote New Restrictions Neraberr Germany RcpL IL Adolf Hitlers Reichstag qhmg -by Uw strictures of a New York mag- (strata fgaiiiat tlw Nad emblem to- night pronoupeed tho swastika ta ba Uw Ralebfe sola flag hurled defiance to-Jew 'throughout tha world and limited German 'Citteenihlp to member nf tha Garmanie race Tha ipec lolly (ummnnrrt lawmakers acted after their Fuehrer ta a fterp mood had opened the Reichstag session with a1 bitter attack on Litho- aniana for their alleged treatment a I Otnaana ta ttw Kernel territory and had caSsd upon ttw colon to ap prove three new laws Der fuehrer and hte kgtalaton per- milted Jews to continue aa German subjects but 'forfaad them to fly any -flag aavs tha Mua and while Ztonlit emblem Hitter and' Uw Reichstag aha forbade Interm aiyiagc between and and provided for' punishment for sexual relations be- tween Uw twn -y They also forbad Jews to engipa domeiUo servants under the ayt af 41 years One-Cylinder 1895: Automobile Stolen San Fra nc tare lept Motor ear thievery reached a new low or a new high In Ban Francisco i today whan somebody stole Edward from a parking lot Shapiro told polio it waa powered by a good" one-cylinder engine that could develop a speed af eight miles an hour with a favorable tail wind Shapiro values Uw machine ha four bicycJ Urea football pump and package ef rubber band for mending punctures at SI0M It timply cant ba replaced ha iAAHAil Ahaps Given Camp Sit Manchester IcpL l-(Ar gift to tlw Ahrpa Association of an 303-acre fora and buildings at Dunbarton to ba ud as Uw site ot a Poya camp next Bummer waa announced hers today at a district awning ot tha Greek argantertkA Mora than aoa members ware praaent from Maine New Hampshire and Vermont Kane Fraaa Sept (UP)-Po-lic tonight sought a maa who plunged knife bite tha body 1 a srhooIhouM janitor and left him dying af 13 stab wounds and arid burns The first meeting of tha mason nf the executive board ef the local Council of Jewish Women will ba held at 330 today with Uw president Mra Anna Sacknoff of Morning Street I Garham lifts Arrangements are la program for Uw Hat annual fair of North Scarboro Orange It All entries may be mad the day before the fair or until It o'clock that morning If only ona entry be made In a claaa ahau rorrtva a second prim All oulatitc entrbe may be made Uw day of live fair In the hall befora If a m- Daylight Saving Time All perron may enter stork for premium whether Orange members or not and all peraon will ba presented with tags on payment nf entrance fees AU entries are to ba mad to William Sanborn at Uw grounda Three premium an offered In Uw Ca(tl Department In two ala um seven feet and leu sevrn feet ar more and itx lert and leu to driven by boy leu than 13 For cows tha classes are Best herd af not tou than four of each breed owned by on man and best cow of each breed Far heifera two priara will ba offered far two-yer -olds one-yr-olfo and Uw beat calf atg month and leu owned by boy II yeara old ar leu Two prises also will ba offered far beet buU af each breed Horses welching 3700 pounda-and more and 3500 pound and leu wNl be offered three priara each A weigh bill must be presented at Uw time of entrance The pulling contest wiU commence at 130 a Thera wiU a special rlasa with three prism for each team loaded according to weight Tea prters ate offered for Uw beat farm team A new feature thla year win be a hone show for a clam ef novice rider and tliwi of profession! rider Oearge Lowe win be In charge Tlw daaaea will be1 Best man and foal: best colt two yeara and leu beat colt two years and mote and best suckling colt with two prteea in each class A priar also will be awarded Uw best pony hitch driven by boy or girl In tlw Sheep Department Hate are open tor brat flock three ar more: beat fla of lamba three or more and best buck of any breed A prise will be offered for thin fat largest smallest prettiest and homeliest dogs in Uw dog ahow The Poultry Department offer premiums for the brat pen of not Itm than thro pullet and a cockerel of each of thue breeds Ruff Orpington While Wvandoite Plypmtilh Rock White or Barred Rhode Island Beds tingle comb: Leghorn white and brown brat pair of Plymouth Rocks beat pair of Rhode Island Reds beat Kir nf leghorn brat pair of turkeys it duck and draka and beat goose and gander Two premiums are offered for beat bow and three or more pigs and best boar of any breed The baby show will open In Uw hall at 14 a with four classes best GommltteaGfIlcera will be Mr and Mrs Charles Stoughton and mm Jgmra and Franklin of Norwich Conn who have been visiting relative here left today for Tbomaa-ton 'Miss Sarah Connelly nf Hartford Own lid Ma Lenoia Whitcomb Providcm i who had been Halting here toll today it ii i Business CoDege Madena -And-Pvareassha gcbsrt FOX EVENING SCHOOL Opera October 1st COURSES Bmkkeertng Elementary Aerraalinr j7 esminnwniip nirmamnij raa-rwwiviing WilBWIGj Amantlnr Camptemeicr barlhand Tyring TalUoa IJI per ma 37 DANPORTH ST RIAL 4-4(13 Advanced 1 I 4.

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