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Portland Press Herald from Portland, Maine • 10

Portland, Maine
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Ten Portland Press Portland Maine Morning October 21 1933 Cross Word Puzzle Delta Phi Alpha Plans Joint Meeting -Nov 1 With Phi Epsilon Theta Industrialists Plan To Offset Power New Organization i Of Labor Federation Government Purchases Of New Gold Expected As First Step In Control Plan Solution of Yesterday1 Fuzzla -o mm National Association Of Manufacturers To Be Nucleus Distributors Would Retain Abice Through Chamber Of Commerce President Encouraged By Prompt Advance In Commodity Markets Speeds Work On Managed-Currency Program I-V By Richard Turner (JUwUM rraas Staff Writer) Government pnrebuss of ac nos lutr af sank Fast Part Iso Lowtr pari th ear Omit la ava-aouaringt Eiehanae aramiaat Tsperina aolids Cabla Aatomotlva fml mall atainea Publc aim-haase Die la tha -1 graaa Raws arasn- lasiloa ahhr Oraa af alahi glraas eotlue rlath Ctl off Rail bird Liquid tart af fat: var -Snares Jewel Keac'rfd Tipped Repusa OMFrtacb Wuhington newly mined fold st figure Oct A It 14 1A II If II Ik it II ik Rianehea af iMvalna Franoaed aalta af vrloci vrlorily 14 Smaller Thought lagl-ralljr If Opa roorl a 'Improve Waa carried Manaer If Pertalnlne pualahatenl It fraiind CnnHnvd in Rnbhed it Soak 41 41 44 41 IT 4 II Rl free -Carded Is brie Enameenaa tiont were expected almoit immediately in Wuhington tonight as the first step In President Soosevelt's plan for giving the farmer and manufactuhr higher prices by taking and keeping control of the value of the money Encouraged by the ready upward response 'of the commodity markets to a bars announcement of the plan the Chief Executive and his advisers absorbed themselves in the task of getting his system of currency" into operation at the earliest possible moment' Jem Jones chalmaa of the By Brackett Assarts led Press Bast ness Writer Washington' Oct II Plans for a new and more powerful organ-lsalinn of Industrial and manufacturing leaden to meat what they consider la bor a growing power are ta th blue-print stage and formal announert within two weeks mmt Is expected Leaders th new organisation to ba centered In- the present National Association of Manufacturers were working to form a group that would qua! hi strength to the American Federation of Labor and could deal with Oovemment'a Increasing Interact In private business The primary Initial effort will be cted at dealing with Industrial and dlreci labor problems that spring up before th Industrial Administration and after that to establish a business planning group to cooperate with Government planning agcndca Development of (hla second point ta awaiting mm direct evidence of what poUcta those agenclM will pursue Tha perrons concerned hava had several meetings here and In New York and hava about decided to build from within the National Association of Manufacture! The new organisation would not attempt to encompass the United States Chamber of Commerce tho other principal organisation of business men but would attempt to concentrate manufacturing and heavy Industry in on body that could apeak more effectively to NRA Distribution and matter trade group would retain their voica through tha Chamber of Commerce Discussion started aomc week ago when the leader concerned decided" the Industrial Advisory Council was not getting the industrial support it needed They argued thtt tt waa Uma to organise business and industry aa coherently a the American Federation of Labor In lino with this idea trade associa tion executives apparently not connected with the plan to build up th manufacturera" association have met with NRA officiate ta an attempt to clarify th position of trade assorts- liana which aome of the executive felt wera slowly being eliminated la -favor of more directly Government controlled bodies Bom business executives express belief that concentrated Industrial or- ganlaatlon would be lmposslbta bo-cause then waa too much Individual-lam among buainc leader to give way to the nil of a smaller group -or eouncU These executive contended that such organisation would reedy an unfavorable public reception as bring formed to direct NBA along mm conservative lines Tht National Association of Manu- -facturrra already haa many state councils of manufacturers which might 1 form the foundation of th larger group fi Taken By Planej To Washington Family Welfare Work! Is Chief Obligation Of Social Agencies Says Miss Josephine Sr Starry vy Woman Robbed Is Tbs Fran Urate Caribem Oct 33-Cartying tour 103-pound tacks of Aroostook poto- Vetoes of tho Otera Mbuntaln variety RaceTrack Lou Of Salem Meet Te-JW? A i- vs a'S-C Mrs-SXrOuIse Pal mcr Picked As lf Born 'e -A Harry Trusty a attire of this townt started befon noon today on a non- 'v flight In hla airplane for Wash- -vj lng ton Mr Ttiisty wu aecom- vt" lV- 'i- panted by hla wire lira Trusty tM pilot Lieut Olaon: tha ew-pilot William Schaffer and Waldo FTaser Ha planned to deliver tho potatoes at the White Houa tonight as a gUt to Frcddrat Roosevelt from the elUsena 6f Caribou Judge Donald O'Rrgsn of tM Caribou Municipal Court the Cbambcr Keys president of tho Cbambcr Commerce and rover Hardison chairman of tM board of setertme-i yyj we ro at tht airport to tad Mr Trusty -lood-bye Gorham amp Fire Gris To Hold Round-Up -Gsrbaan Oct Camp Firs Plrta of this town are to assemble at 10 a m- Thursday for a day's roundup to be conducted by Miss Charlotte A Millctt In their recent climb of ML Choronia the Junior Owenurara were conducted by the veteran guide the Rev Arthur A Callaghan of Kemr Pill who led original Owenunga atria up ML Washington In their first mountain climb several years ago Heads Dinner Committee Mrs Clifford Weeoott to chairman of the committed far serving tha chicken dinner Wednesday evening In Union Hall foe the North Street Methodist Lad lee Aid TaMrawUl be ready from 010 until o'clock Ma Muriel Hutchinson and her pupils In Um Duck Pond School were gueata recently at the William Webster School at OrovevlUe A program and games were directed by Um teacher Mm Mary Elkina --Mr Marian Hague will address Um meeting of the York County Farm Btirrou at Sanford Thursday -Mr and Mrs" Austin a Jclliaan and daughter Anna returned to Dover today after a week-end hen vMlssJaneL Mason of Tewksbury Mass ha been visitor hero an route to Hnulton Mlsa Ruth Sanborn of Portland has been guest of Mm Ralph Goodrich Main Street Lewla Patrick who has been visit-hi neighbors hem hM re turned to Bellingham Maas Richard DueUn Oreen Street spent Um week-end with hla family at WHIP 'V? v1 umu of Mm Frances Libby and Mlm Myrla Libby Green Sterol wen Mm John Libby Warren Libby and Mlm Greta Moulton Searbnro PhlUp-H Graves has been trana-erred from Um office of the State Highway Folic la Augusts lo atan --4 Raymond Fhlnney FTed Han-Saford and Herman Qetchell hava returned from hunting In the vicinity ol Chesuneook Lake bringing home (VO CPtf A family group at the home of Mm Lewto A Hamblen East Gorham Buoday comprised Mr and Mm Robert Crockett and Margaret Crock-rtf Lewiston: and Mr and Mm Charles Hamblen and sons Clyde and Robert Westbrook The Junior and High Schools wilt be rimed Thursday and Friday for Um Slate Teachers Convention at Brattons at the Manual School will be held as usual Mrs Frank Coburn of Map! Street te visiting her daughter Mm Fled Spence of Sanford A social will be held In Musie HIL OrcreviUe Tuesday evening after the harvort' supper to" bo the Ladles' League of th church To Entertain Hob '-v Mtat One King Small prmident Cftl" of Um Woman's-ciubt wlil bi hostess at th Thursday meeting Her assistant will be Mias Elisabeth ffton and Mi John Bweu Member will respond to tha roll call with "When not when waa Mrs Enwrt Nason will hare a paper on "Old Gorham" 1 8 Bawtelle'-South Street wU be haateia to tha Tuaadar Afternoon Contract Club with card after dsasert 4- Visitor hers today returning from awcrtc-end at EUaworth were Mr and Mr Poster Jordan and Miss Emily Jordan Lexington Maw and JKr Mr TTtoma Kertoy and son Richard Cambridge Mass Ml Martha Trowbridg of Bprlngfleid Maas who ha been a Buert hero left today for Bangor Ills Mr and Mre' William Cobb of Lowa1 Maas spent th week-end hm and left today for Houltan Dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Fred Huff South Street Sunday evening were their son-in-law and daughter Mr and Mrs Chester Frost Berwick Gladys Gilman and Lang Rrdlon Rochester Motoring to Bridgton tor th pro- gram presented by the Ann it Louisa Club this evening were Mtae Cary Elisabeth Whittier the club prod-fSLMJa McCann TSri James Ridgway Mtos Miriam Andrews Mre Austin A Idea Mre Harrtoon DubbJ Mtoa Lola Pillsbury Mlm Mol-UaPUtobuiy Mre Oemg Eton- SJSt Cllley Mre Wilbur Bodge Mre Arthur Talbot Mre Lewla Day Mre Georg Udbark and VIre Prriry WVaray who Joined the group from re Oaklelgh at North Windham Tha program to be presented by the Elmwood Be bool Tuesday evening has bera arranged by Mis Marian Flit nd assistants from the Normal School Training Department Mlm Severer Bspir i4 Mw Marta Ptrkmaa wlU include the following numbers by George Pit kina "Oricln Of Halloween" Ada Drering: Halloween song group ex- fftlM AlBII(llv Waralnw ultoul retoe "Friendly Warning aub-prt-nutry Md Orade one recUatian Ora Ada Dwring: exeretae a rElUMC Hallow era secrets group exercise the gueUrecitllon The Print to On The Pumpkin" Mahlon Strew Jk Otantern impklxro- Vlrebila Oetrhell and Hartley Marsh dialogue "The Surprise recitation Ruth Harmon "My Jofly Jack o' Lantern" Ethei Btrew -Good Night Spookslea" Orede Three recitation Lester Ptri klna recitation Richard Huff aid Southern songs the minstrels god Good Night Lester Perkins South Gar ham Mre Wesley Washburn has been SfflKW Aiberta croe Mtoa Florlne Sanborn of PortUnd ftirjrn-SMfffr" North Bcarboro Orange to aponsar-tag dnee in the hall Tuesday evening and an entertainment by the Roamlne Rapgere HandWIrhr and Frnk- Tapley AWta Lowe ore in rharge Mr- Mre Denis Psrlln and fV have returned from and Mrs Paul Bonney of South Portland M'- and Mre Prank Tapley and Stanley Hdtock with Mr and Mre Frank Jawnaend of Buxton motored to Melroee Mass Sundae for ti nner with Mr and Mre WlUlan Town- Wfld Haara Canon waa a Sunday guest ff hl laughter Mre Eugene Skillings at Duratan Mr and Mre Harry Libby who have been orrupylng the Charles Lib-bv farm have moved to Portland Mr and Mre Albion Deering Mr' and Mre Joshua Ubby and son Manley were Sunday visitor at Freeport Mre Albert' Ubby entertained at lunrhron today Mre rugene Ubby Mre Liberty Moulton Mre Martha A Aldrich and Mr Ella Tapley Mre Maude Brasdon rerover-tag from Illness at the home of her daughter Mrs Chandler Chapman at Freeport Truck I Moira A tww-and-s-hslf- Um Internal tonal Irurk -waa stolen from Kennebec direct Mondse nlshL arcordine to a report to police The report did not give the lie rose plats IL Pedal dlatta SI Ballad Rileal lettan ana nf weight 1 Ftaea af wonhtp 51 Turkish rsurl Ik Statement af belief J4 Body af a rhureh II Dauxhler af a bniihsr ar aider II Clmhe la-vest II Riii-ket II Myihlral rnaa-' rniliil aiea-' aitrs If AgmeeMe 41 Ohm Saedly 4A part worked with th fool 4 leather -faMeners Aerial rail- -wave SOWN I rihnk ap Bmad-liped hill: Rnuih-- westera 'll i rollnq ib wealthy I rqrpulaat l'Rlqnllv I i CanklBB (ormulaa I glnaly Kierareea Ira I Small lb Wlah I1 Uaninei rival I rurva with anticipation It -Mqlurs SI Meri-enary II Urea I he bravlll la sleep 44 UlHnilnalina devlea IT Canal la New York rtalt Olmervrd IT City la Nevada PrefMre for mi Mira lea 1 fairs i 4 Convened In Baltimore Is Sh Visited th track daily and never mined wagering raw Kxpaaitva and vociferous her booming vd eould be heard Imploring the Jockey on her favorite to "boot him home boy" and It waa believed the "bey generally did that thing foL'Rm Track Lott waa credited with winning more than aha tost- BaMimsret OrL (AP)yMre Louise palmer of Boatou Mast wax' lobbed of two ring ahr valued at I37M and $30S la money by two man and A woman aha said entered her hotel room hero shortly after midnight -They left her hound and gagged and aha waa discovered today after another hotel patron reported hearing woman sobbing Waterbiify Man French Premier And Hi Cabinet Resign i Caallaatd From Fag Oa proposal to cut tho salaries of moment functionaries Tha cabinet bad held office almost ulna jnouths the average life of Frenrb ministry Tbo Chamber acaaioa coded IsS hubbub which was reflected aa the Faria when the heaviest guards ta many years patrolled: Protest Gaaallaa Tax The taxi-driver of Faria ataief a demonstration in th great Plat do ropera Many hundreds of taste deliberately Worked th traffic nd blew their horn a a proteat against th prooomd surtax on gasoline Truckloads of pollra movq Into the place i and tried vainly to untangle the lam Finally they Wera obi teed to direct traffic from half-mile-aqqara area They arrested a number of drivers and compelled th remainder to de-part Tbs Vote ram on a enmnromhe amendment cutting in half (ha government's original proposal to slash functionaries' salaries despite Date- diet's firm aland that htejmpoacd (alary cute should be retail It had bera hoped that the government's last-minute aoreptanet of the compromise whlrh some deputies railed "capitulation" would satisfy the Socialist But at midnight Lroa Blum Sortaltat leader refused tht compromise thereby drawing a ter-rife enunciation freta Datedler Indlrertlv charging that the mil-I Iona 're B'-im was compromising hla snclaU'm with tht MpltallsU the mn-r declared 1 never had capital or capitalists defend: I never gave in to th demand of anyone!" Pressure from (he functlmisrie whose salaries Datedler wanted to cut irauied the majority of Racialists throw their weight again-t th-ministry The functionaries hid threatened demonstration and strikes Among the men most promln-n'ly mentioned to suere-d Datedler Is Mln'aler nf th Marina Albert Ssrraut because he la a senator and Ihtia de ached from the wrangling In the Chamber Camille Chautempa who was premier In UM aim was suggested but his support of ex-Premlrr Edouard Herrint In the matrer nL paying the war debt to the United Stales test year Bowlin Mitch Scheduled 'Thnridej Cab ret Dance And Whiit Diicossed Alpha Chapter of Delta PM Alpha Fraternity met Monday evening with Jack Parker of Bolton Street anl mad plana 'of a Joint meetlnv with Phi Epsilon Theta Sorority Nor- I with John Hlggtaa of 6t John Street The eommltteq will include Charlr McCathrrin and William Romanoff Plans also were made for a bowling match Thursday evening between the bab-s and tha older member The new hats were voted upon and purchased Robert Moreshcad waa voted Into membership Flans for the annual a ret and dance In tit Hotel Eastland New Year's Ev were discussed Vincent Bruno and John Higgins were appointed a committee to select fraternity Jarkrts Pinal plana werq made for a whlrt Nov In the Gray-more Hotel with Robert Allen and Jack Parker In chargt "Philip Me-Keough was appointed chairman of a (or a erom country run Film Comedian Asks Support For NRA Coatinoed From Fags Ono answered: "Are you Tun I'm esklng" "Den Bo Hks the young lady then am serious "Today we read Jjn the newspaper of strikes conflict and dissension existing between Capital and Labor each accusing tha other of unfair demands labor Jibs Its trouble and Capital has ita troubles but It la unfortunate that such tondlltena should arise at IhU vital' moment when great experiment la taking place an experiment which if carried out successfully should abolish poverty and put the unemployed bock to work "Aa you know the code of the NRA la 1 or reducing- the hour! of labor raising wages to a higher level and Increasing ih purchasing power of depends patriotism and goodwill of every citl- en of this Country "Tho government has given us chance to tastituio this code for ourselves It is relying on the Integrity and fairness of both Capital and Labor to eopprrate and unit In carrying out the details of this great theme Therefore it is the duty of both Capital and Labor to assert their goodwill and do everything In their power to help this great experiment to give it a- chaneo to succeed Many of us art doing it but there are a few rhtaclera whom elfish motive hinder the progress of tha National Recovery Administration I refar to undue price raising culling ol codes restriction ol credit and jnany other factors that imped Um Stressing th necessity of "Buy Now" ho said "those who are fortunate enough to hava money should spend It" "Be like tho little boy who was given ten rents and waa asked what ha would do with tt Ho said: "I'm going to buy an Ira cream soda' But mid th giver: you Ilk to glv It to a missionary to help tha savages in Africa? Bara but I'll buy an ic cream soda and ask tha soda clerk to do Referring in tho "eleven mill km unemployed ba aald "naturally this appeal Is not mod to them "But thmjpe ninety million people In myself included who have who have tha purchasing pow-- help to to buy now and who can help put tbnae unemployed bock to work After on wo are not making any sacrifices On the contrary it la to our advantage If we buy now because prires are bound to rise later an" -Concluding ha said: "In March when all tho banka wm etaacd the people cried for action Now President Roosevelt has given aa that act too Tho government baa ghwa ut prograaw and now tt la our tuna for action" --j Sing RupicolaTwo Cdcks-Of-The-Rock Caailaued From Fag Ono for tho mate to a vain old bird with no gallantry Apd tha mlanis to a toy uttte thing with no attract Iona The bead man of tha eocks-of-the-rock has a nicely printed sign aa hla pen telling ail about him Be has vtvlff orange plumage kith Mack-edged wings and to very good looking and know it Th femata Is aa uninteresting gray and aU the aoo says about her ta "re-cent Now about the cocks-of-the-nnk Oarrod JP 8 1311 All who was somebody in th fowl quite somebody in th fowl bust-nem-aya the rupteoia unlike moat of tho cotlngdate aa a homseomerine and not betcromarina and baa bera placed in a separate group of tho ollxnphnnae All of which means somethin but whether or not Oarrod was Justified ta taking such aermtrg llb-rty with the corks-of-the-rork th "Catalcgu of Birds" does net toy wss likely to prove a handicap even though th debt or no longer' ger tan mUn- It waa expected that th nrxt have much th same political complexion as that of Datedler try would and would be more or lev temnorary ta nature until tho domestic situation become clearer Herrtat Oat Of Flrtorc Herrint ta out of the picture bera'M of hla Illness as well as hla attitude on war debts on which th Chamber's attitude remain unchanged It la expected that heavy pressure will ba placed upon President Lebrun to attempt formation of concentration government but many doubted whether th political situation waa ripe ennuah to permit such a step te The whow problem of participation bv the Socialist in th cabinet to likelv to arise stain with strong contingent ol BortaliaU apparently ready to bo't tha party and taka cabinet pasta Informed circles expert no change the French (tend ta favor nf continuing on the gold standard but the next government Is likely to aeek a balance of the budget by teas drastic mean than did Datedler or to balance II partly claiming -that a complete balance to not aasentlal The tgciin policy and tha pollry on American debts aland unafferted by Um rote In hla II th-hmir appeal to stem the tide nf defeat Datedler reiterated hla plea fnr France to make sacriflce and balance Ita budget declaring: "I aw against Inflation I am sva'nri drvs lorlratlrn nf the franrl He demanded the vote on the rut of functionaries' salaries saying: "ft la necessary to pronmine for nr aganst lo adopt tt or to overthrew the government'1 Re asserted I he franc had hern attacked In London and New York and "even ta enunlriei attached to tha gold standard" Cape Elizabeth PairilSl Arrested After Chaie1'" Oct Mre Louis Palmar reported robbed! today In Baltimore hotel was tha woman known aa Track Lon" during the last race meet at Rockingham Park Salem Tha might hart been bom In crib In stable the way ah knows on eld-llmc track follower put tt after watching tha buxom widow pick them and win or lose with a audit -4 After one particularly had day Mre Palmer waa asked how ah managed "to taka It eu tha ehln" and allll laugh aha repHcdrre won thousands and I loot thousands" i Mre Palmer Tina tbc outstanding women bettor at th Sain gout higher then world market quota baaed directly on World priceaTh old thus received ba been first offered to (ho domestio-Industries and the- surplus --shipped abroad'- Tha price hu fluctuated In tha vicinity of 110 Neat tha Chief Executive permitted licensed manufacturer to buy "scrap old rings watch cases and trinkets for refining and use In tha Industries This created a third market -v- The principal difference between these and the market about lo ba established la that the pries offered by the latter will ba fixed arbitrarily at a point higher than world quotation with Uie consequence that all the gold eligible for- the market would lx be attracted to It As a result tha 35000 to 10003 ounces a week that have been ahlppto abroad recently would be kept in tha Country Officials believed an Important result would be that tha dollar would ba released from Uiq control of London and Parts banka and European lng of the speculators with cheapening dollar in terms of pounds and franca By Katherine Jd auk (Stag Aelrom) 1 Lemon Juice and glycerins are a Mondk best friend I use Um Juice of one lemon In a basin at water for a rinse knd tomb a small quantity of glycerins through my hair several times week aa seeded Frequent use of menthol ercarna la excellent for the handi Infantile Paralysis Rumor Given Lie By School Committee Only Nin Seattered Cum Here Zn Two Months Dr lnd Eport-'V-v'' To refute wild rumors -that -an tpldemle of Infantile paralysta to rag ing In Um School District hoot Commute at Its the Portland fld meeting Monday afternoon oUldally gave the lie to the rumor slid beard Dr Herbert Cleveland chairman of tha Health Commlttea of Um School Commute report that them hava been only nine cases ol tha dlvras la widely -scattered sections of Portland in Um past two months Insisting that there to no danger of Infection In the Cu finning school but taking UM precaution as safety measure and to satisfy parents Dr Cleveland authorised tha thorough fumigation of tha arhool Mooaay evening School session wlU be held aa muii todif All books and utensils handled by children wno had tha dlacaM have bren destroyed by fin and propel din diAnfertion processes carried out Dr Cleveland reported adding that the (umbra Don of tha Cummings School waa "from cellar to The School Commute went on record expressing sorrow over the dealii Saturday in Boston of Lou Plnan- aky father of Max Pinansky- local School Board member Superintendent William Jack and Herman Libby School Board mraiber Monday evening personally conveyed the aentiment of the committee to Mr Pinansky at hla home Mr Jark reported that the principals of Dealing and Portia uo Him wera not in favor of granting a pout towards gradiation to pupils who paaa the Red Cross senior lit saving course Stocks Surge Upward As Dollar Declines Market Await Elaboration Of Plan To Establish federal Controlled Gold Market New Verb' Oct Blovk and commodities surged upward and the dollar declined aa financial market endeavored to adjust lb twelve today lo President Roosevelt's plan of Mtabllshlng a government controlled gold market While financial quarters' awaited anxiously for an elaboration of the plan1 It was widely assumed that Um program of fixing tha price of gold would be used to advance the price thus depreciating the gold value of tha dollar and boosting commodity prices Share registered numerous advance of to 7 with gild mining htuea particularly buoyant An extrema upswing of 40 a share appeared Homes) aka Mining which reached a price of 340 Wheat rose lit Um Chicago Pit IT lo 4'i cents a biuhcl com and oats It to I cento lllepdlj Stolen Cat Drives Bjr Youths Yoreod Into Ditch t'PH Br Polled Msehiso i A V-- Reconstruction Corporation ihrougn vhicb the purchase- will bo made catted twin at Um White House-ccmpanled on 'Uy aeconJvlil oy Kirnjr Couch' KTC dlisrtor HU earlier -eonfeitnct with Um President was attended aUo byAcUnf Secretary Acheaaa of Um Treaaury and Henry Margenthau Jr chairman of tha Farm Credit' Administration In addition to buy Ins newly mined Sold at a prlca to to fixed by tM RFC and Treaaury In consultation with Sir Rociserelt tha plan con-'template purchaaea and Mies of sold on the foreign market! to adjust tha supply of monetary sold to the need of the economic aituatku as It develops Hither FHcwo Goal A pronounced advance In commodity pncaa'Soal of aU the President's recovery measures la tha Immediate object of tha told transactions prices ora to ba spurred upward to a satisfactory level and stabilised' then Ur Roosevelt Mid In hU addreM of Sunday night- in which bo announced hla plans -When wo have reached the price level wo shall seek to establish and maintain a dollar which will not chance Ha purchasing and debt paying power throughout the succeeding generation" the Chief Executive said rmphaiizini at tha Mine time that tha prlca level must ba restored before any permanent revaluation of tha dollar could ba undertaken Although official Interpretation was lacking interested observers both hers and elsewhere were quirk to term the plan inflationary and bullish Stock exchange quotation leaped upward at the outset of trading but later reacted showing however in moat cases net gain for the day The commodity markets on the other hand shot upward and maintained their advances Wheat gained four cents and cotton a maximum of S3 cents a bait Studying tha President's speech mast observers concluded that ha proposed to Increase prices by advantage of their known arid proved Ute a relation to tha value of gold tented aoonomte principle that when gold priM go up commodity prices do alio and when the dollar value of Um metal falls off commodity prices tumble os well Gold BUS Prlca Economists pointed out that although Um United States la old dally off the gold standard gold a till the of pi prices brcauM tha currency still has gold backing regaraleaa of the fact that It la fan possible to obtain gold in exchange for currency Thus If the number of dollars that ran ba obtained far an i ounce of gold an Increased It was said the number of dollars that given quantity of wheat would command also would increase This it was added has been shown by years of aooogmlc hMorywith gold prices and com mod tty price constantly adjusting themselves as one or the other changed Consequently Mr Roosevelt was regarded goal establishing mined metal at a min above world quotations aisrqoeniiy itonarven was reed planning to achieve hla of higher commodity prices by dishing a market for the newly Bulwarking this plan is' the Chief af Executive's proposal for buying and selling gold In the world markrta Um relation of (he Nalionb grid stock to priori has long been noted A vivid Illustration was the sharp drop In price levels during the panic of last Spring when larga quantities of old warn shipped out of tha Country by- frtehtened owners WiuM Prevent BackeUug When Mr Roaarvelt stopped this movement by clapping on an embargo a rise in price was stimulated thereby' economists say although other Influence wera also working in the same direction The President's announcement of hla plana Included an assert loo that any unreasonable rise In prices would ha cheeked by putting hla system Into The RPC's gold price would bo reduced presumably and gold previously purchased would Be sold world markets la actual operation 11 til difference was seen by some economists between Mr Roamvelt'i plan and outright reduction of tha gold content of the dollar which has been urged upon blm one means of inflation Tha Thomas amendment authorised him to cut the gold content be as murh per cent It otherwise to fixed at ISA grains of gold nine-tenths flne By increasing the prk-e of gold it was argued the value of the dollar in term of gold would be Juts effectively redured as though tha gold content had been rut proportionately Soma quartern today showed it disposition to compare tha operations in the world's gold markets with thro of tha British equalisation fund established aoon after that Nation left Int fold tUncUrd to Avoid fluctuations In Um pound sterling and protect domestic prices Be buving gold abroad it wm suggested Mr Roosevelt might smooth out the Jagged graph of tha exchange value without actually buying or selling exchange There would bo very little difference it was suggested between buying gold with dm-Jaw end dealing directly exchange But apparently the President has no Intention of undertaking to stabilise the dollar- until prior roach a point which he considers satisfactory This he has emphasised repeatedly Formerly Only Owe Market Before the crisis of last Spring the-c wm but single market for gold in tha United state That wm the mints They by law wen and atiii arc compelled Ut purrhase all in acid offered at a price of 130 1 Air Roosevelt ordered all gold com and bullion turned in at the Federal Reserve banka and placed hla embargo cn exports With the Ural re-Us urn of that order came the vats tvish men I of a second gold maraet at a second prtrr Miners wrie to pell their gold lo the Federal Reserve banka a' prlca fixed by the Treasury and Jamm 8 Stevens 13 and Irring A Fkrwstt 17 both of Caps 'Ettu- wars arrested Monday right after thrilling chaat of mors than jt AmvThe GaHbotosaurus'Mav Be Whale With Memory For "Fin family welfare work la the outstanding obligation of private welfare agencies for th ichaMUtath UtftUoo of human needs Mlm Josephine Burr region! Arid secretary of tha Family Welfare Association of America told the Council of Social Agencies of tha Portland Community Cheat at tha meeting Monday afternoon in the Chert Office Miss Burr said that tha trend of the time aecma to bo bock to tho old spirit of tho New England town meeting with local interest In legislative and'rivle affaire and that aha believed this was essential to eider that proper responsibility might ba assumed by states and munlclpaUUN for social welfare work Misa Attea Waldo recently appointed local Federal relief supervisor waa Introduced to Uw aortal workers and solicited their support and cooperation In meeting th welfare nerds qf the community Th council confirmed tho reemn-mends Hon nude by tho Child Welfare Committee of tbo Council to lncluda In the Chert budget a sum for special service to children tlu understanding being that tbo principal administrative expense made necessary in properly dispensing this sum ba met by aoureca outoida the Community Chest 1 Mre Langdoa Theater presided i the attendance of as many and asked council member a passible at tha tote confarenoa on aerial work at Lewteton today and Wednesday Man To Be Quizzed Ini Lindbergh Kidnaping Ceathmsd from Faga Ono history of Uw country' Lamb aiftd th suspect would bo queried anent hla activities white a resident of Hopewell and tha reason for hla departure Ooreh preriourty had Jiecn takra tato custody and questioned eonecra-tag the kidnaping but later released Natal police mid be waa wanted In eltMa an various charge ttrw York Folio aald Ooreh was dteeharged them fat Mid mi a felon-owautt charge and waa sentenced 12 to Stag Bing Prison for a term of on year tore months to twa yean atx month on a grand tereenr charge They said Ooreh was as having used th aliases BalU Mid Btev Bldrlunk (Tank Alim local agent of the mkm ion i Department af Jiisttcc said today that hit da- Ooreh had not yet satisfied PMtment concerning hla movements since the kidnaping Fire 1100 tails and Are 31 talk ta th pbaramtaof wr examined by Alien who mid th aerial numbers nf the malter tall wtild be forwarded to Washington for hacking with uvw handed over In tha futile Lindbergh negottetlmte AUra mid he did not believe OorehTi story qf haring harrowed the money In Charles Street Jail Ooreh scoffed poliro qufrtlona concerning th Lindbrrvt! kldntplnf tnd 4nM my of the affair other (ban what he had read in newspapers When Ooreh appeared for arraign-mmt Herbert Callahan prominent Boston criminal lawyer appeared ta his defense and aald ha waa acting under torn ruction from th law of-flra of Alfred Smith Jr In New yort' Tho girl arrested with Ooreh wu Mlm Evelyn Kllmaaecwtaka of Springfield Vt It waa In that town TW Jersey authorities aald Jhat the suspect waa questtnned and then released The girl wu held on a statutory chirr but pnlirr uM wu wanted ta Jersey CHv Ooreh had bera smtrht to this city 7 nd also for obtaining MJH ta a eonfldenra asm He wu remanded to the Charles Street Jail to await a hearing Ort 31 Butnn Folic DcterUv Bureau said tafncmatlnn had been re ceived that off leers from other rtttes were cn route her to question Ooreh No request hu been mada fnr hla removal to New Jersey In th Lindbergh rase Bureau official said although ho Ja wanted-in Newark and Jersey Cltv on tar-Mny charges Bureau pointed out tnat there were rhargaa hero against Ooreh and that before ho ta removed to another Jurisdiction on larceny charges bo would bo tried hero Fariy Ir Fulpeoed Th Halloween party planned for Wvdrcaday evening by the Pox Clam of tho Woodford Congregatlonql Churrh hat been postponed Indefinitely The Club will meet Thursday fnr an all-day session with Mrs Ella Pray nf Cottage Street South Fnnlamt Dinner wU be a-nred at noon The Wefq Clam nf the Rtrveos Arrau Cnnarecational Chinch will mret Mnndav Nov 3 in tht rhuixll parlors Dinner will served at 3 e'ontk at The Oardtner and the gnjp will return to tii church for gsmro and stunt ilte and aftar ajmllca erelaer'eerfci bad'foreed tbo aUcgcd atottd chtat they wan driving Jnto dltoh'vj! boar tho railroad crossing oa Brfgh ton Avenue TM youths wen arV-reated by Fatrolmra Donald XL Mae-v--' DougaU and William Johnston 44 tX minutes after Thomas -4hitacaimoii aa tnipector of tM Maino State Licensing Board had notified ToUta--i: Headquarter that coupa owned by tM -State and earning official CV Main ptetea had bera atoten from -u-i In franr of tM Expoattion Building Vf TM license ptetm of tM rouna were broadcast to all cniteer and Patrolmen u-rmBn Johnston mid they alfhted tt Roscmont Comer headed towards Portland The two patrolmen Immediately gave chau but sald that tha driver of tM coup fatted to heed the atop flght on tM police ear and Increased speed driving at a rapid Boa along Brighton Avenue Jut taro reaching tM railroad crossing Patrolmen MacDougaU and Johnston said they came abreast of Uw coup ana when Uw driver again refused to stopi swung tM police eu against th running board of Uw coup farcing It into Uw ditch Tho running board and hub caps of both tha coup and tha pallet cu were demited slightly The youlhi will arraigned In Munlclp Court thte morning oa Bumps Says Y-' "if 'i1 vv 'V YTalerbory Can Oat That an aerpent that has tha wait coast guessing map not ba eUI hla-ichuekoiuck" at all but merely an agmmiva -whale with bump on Ha back '-Tbla at least was lha opinion ex-prewwd today by Jamaa Darcy' amateur deep-sea sailor of Waterbury In answer to the latest report that Capt Walter Prengel at the Oram liner Santa Lucia had seen what appeared' to ba tbo giant British Col-knibia aea monster Darcy said: "Last Summer I waa on the brldi of the Sonia Lucia with Skipper Prengel when the ship ran Into and ever a whale oil the coart of California I hava no doubt that the wbala remembers tha Incident the whale now looks like a sea serpent 1 la doubtless because the keel of tha Santa Lucia raised a hump on tha back The whale has probably bera following tha ship about rager to light a second round" Seattle Wash Ori Vie torla's deep-sea expedition to discover the whereabouts of Amy the Cad-borasauruA capture the am monster If any on i photographic plate returned today with empty hauls and cameras but with undampeneo ardor Th next move may be by air The expedition Is headed by Archie Villa Victoria newspaperman and fish story expert 6A valuable lead baa bera dlacev-d" Wills said "Marina eaperta and naturalists on board our boat are cherktng the Information which may possibly lead to Interest lng announce-lento" White the Victorian expedition waa thinking (ho matter-over tv Seattle barbo patrolmen Julius Calkins and Warren Brill reported they saw a living something about fO-fert long loom un In tho darkness SundaO night aa they were erulalng the DuJ wamlah River In search of illegal puna seiner Tha Victoria searchers went Into action after Capt Walter Prengel of th liner Santo Lucia and hi navigating officer reported seelT something that may hav bera a aea animal in the Strait of Juan dc Plica about 35 miles east of Victoria Saturday morning Previously more than a ran oft person had told of seeing a aea serpent from 40 to feet long la th region 14 Mlm ii 1st More B'uUnect Bur Now and help re-cmpl'wment Read th advertisements In this paper nf tha truck but said that tt rarried a sign of tha Craft Motor Transportation Company of Newport VI to to larceny Chronic Drunkards -Face Sterilization Under German Law Berg Ort Chronte drunkards faro aterilteattan undrr taw "for Uw prevention of hereditary which win become effective Jeo 1 1134 It was learned today The Essener National Bribing mid Uw law la applicable to hereditary rase of feebte-mlnd jwts aehln- -Pb rente (psyehopathologte term for personality) InmnUy epilepsy St Vital dance blindness drslnra and dumbnem and aerloua physical ds- -formltln TM newspaper emphaslard that lha law will be compulsory only ta cases whets Uw Individual ta completely Ir-mponalbta but others can apply far atortllmUon If they choose "TM law la an act of welfare not of punishment" tM Zeliiing laid Epsilon Chapter of Delta Fill Alpha Fraternity met Monday evening with John Pox of Quebec Street and admitted Hrnry Hindi Frances Kano and Louis Foley as provisional member Flan were diarumrd for fraternity hsu Entertainment was provided bv Robert Conley Thoms Ksne and Lnute FPleJ Th Stevens IT will npn Ms s-a-nn this attrrnonn meeting with Mrs Harrv Cook of Abbott Bteeet Mr Ellxabeih Knight of Westbrook will be Uw epeaker.

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