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Herald and Review from Decatur, Illinois • Page 19

Herald and Reviewi
Decatur, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

DECATUR HERALD Wednesday. October 8. 1917. Bora To Ohioans Plan Taff Campaign Oct. 7 (AP) Ohio Republican! were reported Today's Radio Morgan Show On WSOY STATION FMQUIMCY WtOT 110 WMAQ wit ao win io T0 WON 720 W0V rid 7 Mf Khnn 24) Con edy arid mus.c blend in ecjual proportions on ir.t r.ew Frai a n-Don Arr.echr-Friincrs Lnrigford show A artiM, Carrr rn Dragon, is the show's musical conductor.

WSOY 8 p. m. Hedneftday Morn tne Ml Wnv MrttrrR Vuiir -m Hftura Mat-la HMH Nnt 35 tt-ni KitrrsMla r.pel Hour Hlil IX Hoar TOO W0 H'stth Xiwrnirr Ol-Kl Health nfef Hr, oni He Ine KlMert 4 Hi'Ur it U.w World 1 tJS HnY lime. Ntti, and Irmpfrilurt UMi. filter.

and Irn- pet lur II Hmi) lime. Nrvi and Temperature 1 in, and Irmprr- lurv Mfci'pv 40 M' I WMM laral Nfl 7 41 M)V (U.k H-Ol MiiociI lack I 00 Mrppuiff Out MtpiC Out :5 WHf'M Iltihm A jif UOl lkiabma Rnundup MvtY tM Mutual hweeta wvy Nmnii-i harry, U0 mrm air MMiV farm air VI-s Trie birrv VthHM 'hfi-if With tha MlflUt I tl MMit Thv Rook and tha Mil MhoT lb KmIi and lha Mas V. HUM P' Yu v. i 1 Vit i 'ad miv HTinti lima (iS' Hnm 4 oT Arnd Ifcf Tawai MMlYIM Araand Taws wr, ppo-i of 10 00 WMV Arttosr (todrrev MMiy KM The 4 mpalnf KMam MAQ NUin Oltnfctead OS Baker is in Hnllrwootf 0 30 "Vett I MtV )M Beu Lab Iteporttar a Ht. i.eari'i Ieira On rn Drake tY IM Mil.

Ha TitV IX 00 Ha Wrre Hsut Kmnlir fthaptadlea Traveler Ki bpeaka It 19 tandia MtVAQ rrhop the Tropica Ui.N Vittc- atir 11 30 W)T 1) Weanan Hour MollY IX Th HtmiRl Ho Vu- ril rtn upbm Tr of hen Trent 35 WL3 Weaiiifr Outoolt HHnMdir Aflvrnoaa 12 00 WOY Nw M)V fM a dent T'urran 1J 09 oY Time hrhrr soY-IM Tlma 4 herWr 12 30 MY oiitima Nawa HM)Y IM ntitnr Newt W.AW Hart Presents fm'TiifT Mar! 13 45 WOT Marfow Time HsOMM Meadow t.otd Tim AV H' It Or Not 1 rid HfiV Hm The lnd oV-r Home on 1 ht Ln4 1 Ube life WOY IUhn Llfa Rc fUMi 1 1 7T HM lain Marketa MMiV-f 1 lMitis Markets DO YfOY Yovr ti Mx(V-fM Jut lr tun Brrrle and Oroom 1 49 Re lreama IM Pslnta ta the Alara HvoY 'uble mr Nothtnv MMil 4.rade Moill I ule-. He Seated A The Ptar HH Ik up nr Nthln HoOY It. 4.eora W. Cr (A llxnarmrtt WoOY-tM Park Band Cane art UCS son cf the Rtranger Vf Vm i Whtteman Club MHPM Women in Uoa Newt a KoV Hint Hunt WMtY-l Mur Tar Drcamwc W(iS P. Hurieiih 9 WOY ea msliY I 30 t4iY Materpiee Matlne mmiy IM Materpiece Matllied Wf.N UHBM mdere.iA and Her rellat 1 I and Helen 4A whwm pMic riertfic Bhow 4 ilO HOf tu iY I MY Oak "TJt pet Alen iT-" err Al'en.

Newt 30 iY MY ul MiV IM SOY CInk VklH Juuan riertt'eT. Kewi fcbM i d.l'T daughter WHnet4a renin f)Y IUi nT Marmn Ilfue Harnaenf VtfMl 1 Jed Wl.S II-p lihT ian WsOY 4 Talk W()Y I TAlfca tf.s Mn WPBM ar.d Terry and the Piratei VfiY Vt MiY I New ft 19 I 30 mTVR Jar ArTrtrnrf WON Midr. iM 40 leal KMYIM LJ wa ft 45 OY Howard Wlllkitn OY -PM At tka Orgaaj pnj i.nweji Tomn and the News I no YtOY emnj eende lOY-PM I neninf nerenada D- Prete.n Bradley a vm arte and Hll WFF.M Fverett News Analyst i) H(Y Yaoe Bad) rwl WOY-IM Yaar Radla Bok Snalf wis Lieto'it Reoort ft 0 fink Pifteen YtsOY IM Srraprok of Sparta I ore Ranifer WPBM ciut ilieen Ne a Pa-re" 45 fttnY Idnard Murraw. Sewa 19 iiuslnrs Service 11 ABC. AI'LX An: natlc.

ViVn or are make Wrinaer rolia ar.4 puns alt maK. f.eo.'te Pnpp. 144 S. Fta'e 2-TQfV A HC. Apex; or any rr.aie washer or power moer repaired ai Cw-c.

Wa-jier J.M Oa'card. Ait xrVoiCspot, all ffriieratora, vara, wrfpei and rirctrtc mot era repa-rd. Appliance Repair Hf Hini uiic ret roul.r.f ter.eral rarpeatrr. Join HtrWa At 1-Wi, Carper; -lrr liiiiirte-i, i M.itetnua, phore 34. pe nTun bGuea HA.sKMFN Dlr pt Mf.

1 Hiiittr lIn -'H4. Niar.l f'AMlNL'I n. rountrra huilt, carpenter rn-ork. pform ash. 0n-rral repair, JkWl.ei a Hnop.

447 S'nart CARPLNTFR cer.eri and remc4-ehntr. Hon. in ivdir.gCallSJjf) CKM ORK Bonded. Injured. T.e-phore in.

7461. CKS foOtUs aeptio laxJL ccucd. Ca 1 1 Ken CONCKKTK WORK, all H.nd. Water, proofing basement, color Frea aa tlmates. Bonded.

CONCRKTK'w'OKK of all kind. Fre fil mmrs civdeHall. Ph ne3 242 CONCKhTINO: Drives, approare. etc. lirpialrlnr.

remodeiirif Bor.ded Insured I- asy Schwab. CO.NCItKI, '-'p. bate. mentx and block work building. 70M.

conciVktk and nfocK WORK, rrf rstiiimltv Phone 2-WU7 XtAV ATIONS: I Tr non di'chfa in. H.rme,iii rvraxiMrd Dirt B. lght. travallng Cnntraatof. 3-3CT7 revert itic and rerairlnt.

Vacuum cleanln. Work urnJr- jfT KlMtNACkH. arr.OKe pipei, T- et I imr, repairing and cleaning. M.lfNACKS: Vacuum leaned and retaixed. Im media i jr i ce horse 3-4 3 C.l'NH CI FANE.) AND P.

F-P AIRED: Ot yours done early Prompt courtetrj service. noTts. 554, N.Wa:er. t'lTK II I RcWmg. Pair.t.r.r.

Repair. C.imrantced. 1142 Monroe. 3-lfV' 3 V-''. KF'YS rrade: ioricn repaired, ir.n'a: ed, Fchnermnn Kev flhrp.

TMf. OIL CONVERSION BURNERS Oral and OU w-trraeea. Master Btokers and Bloaera. Tacvtua cr.eancr Repalrir.g Immediate Nothing Down, i Veara to Par KELSON HEATTMO SERTICB Day and Evening I-43EI OIL. COAL FURNACES, BTOKERS FURNACES VACUUM CLEANED BFRT BOTO.

CJ PAINTISU, pauerftanglrg, ateanunr. aj paper cleamiig. Pea.i. PAlMINci: paper Phoiie2-7S-I. wall wa'ti tjtterlor.

liiterior, cecoratlr.g. k. service. Call 904 fAl'KitllANCilNti A.MJ PA.NT1XG: paper removed. Phone e2CI.

A-ftO Al'KJt A NO I NO, work guaranteed. J. P. t'ole. PAI'l ItllANtilSC.

and paper clea.g. lru in reasonable. Phone 2 JfMO. i'MSltll patclilt.s. chur.ntr worg.

tenements atrrprooled, ftejr.catlor.s. 39-3IV. FLASlilUNO-rt a kinds. Work guaranteed. 14 N.

Morgan. 30-3172. PLATE SHFERINO. rolling, welrixg. teavy drilling, ailog metal latrieaucg.

S'jpenor Velrhng 00 E. DlTtIon. RAlilAlOKS: Boi.ed out. repatfeo 1-car serr ice. Rear.

519 F. MTiMam. 3-51 TILK. LINOLEUM laving. ed.

I-'ree estimates. ijy54 alter 4:30 p.m. week days any time fg4. WALL WASI1INO. paper Work guaranteed.

F. Tucker. 3-TW1; aiter t. WALL, window washing, paper evening. 10 years experience.

Kay MiUcr. 1-6343. WAIjTpAPElt STEAMING: Wasaser eanln. hTee estimate. 2-4T41.

WATK HHtVJCE Prompi delivers. A (i Reynolds, Ht. 2. Deratur. phene 3-413T.

WAT1R stHVICE: MH or 1 000 faUer.s. Immediate H.C1 TTernng 2-agT. BA1 HA.KMKNT- Walls ar.d chimneys cement wateritroofed and whre enst'd. I. time row.

Walter Eekaiaa. 1171 N. Monroe. Phone t-Z32s CO.MMKHt'IAL spray p.mttng. larni tud-111BS.

eq-npment and tr.tctcrs our Fstimates. Argenla 87. Decatar 2-4il CALL US lor lurcace resett.r.g. repairs, and vacutim cleaning. last rr-'Jiuta ru.

hes. Rennegsmp Pales CTEAMNO and sar.d-rjurr.pins of cisterns. For all well trouc.e call r9 alter 4 ID. Fnpert purrs services. Pressure rump noos-ucs.

O. D. Matherly. PRY (IJTAMNC. flpecia Hul'snl 1 j3 a'er.

J-ITOO po'FAfi, CDKAMNO NOW! Carpets, ruga, cleaned In vour home by me'hod. service. Decatur Dtira -Cleaners. Phor.e EUCTKIO RANGE, cooling tintta. Ctro-malog lor fast heating.

Easy eanai asd perlect M. Call us tor ranee senrire. Ftttbblefleld Refngeratlcn and Klectrle Range Serylre. Phone -4S7t. fcLPCTRIO work Bled.oe e.eetrie aerrtre electrlo at'd rer-slrlt Haul anjthlr.g.

anf time. Telephone 3 ef31 HAULINU of a.l Ar ace any time 2f 47 F. Marietta. GFNERAL Itaiilmg of all kinds. Lght BO" mi.

Clllton E. 4043. HAULINO: Trash, cinders, eoai: ciea work. Rohmsn I4H E. Rntn.

Mil. HAULINli: Black dirt, till dirt, r.dera. Basements due order houses UJINOI3 CLFANEHS. 241 N. Main, lite your clothes that new logi IS THE JOB DIFFICULT THEN YOTJ WANT TO CALL 3-361 SWAM ELECTRIC SERVICE INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCLAIi ELECTRIC ENGINEERS 74 N.

ATER DAY OH NT OUT BERTCTC l.liiHT hauling, all kinds. Ashes, mrblsa. elc Fl. lIeget.S.S4J). 1h-ai7ami Oi OF IOWN Lau.u.g.

2n- Mlte.i, Pliniie IONICS MOVINll: Loial, stance. Iti-a -1 tnnble. he.p a "new truck! ycurie. Srhults Cities Seryire. F'ranklm and Fido- STANDARD ARTIFICIAL Umb Sa.ea A- Service J.

B. Dautheny. 2r S. Csioa. WE EEHVICE all males of elecT.e rang and any modl of Easy washlr-g machines.

Call 4437. Emerson's. 143 N. Main. WHITK HAIR neeas Uie care of a Specialist, consultation at North Park Beauty Shop.

244 N. Pars. PhTe gT33 Help Wanted. Male. Female 32 APPLE PICKERS wanted.

Hngan. 1 mile north Hsrr.stoem. Ph. Ca. API IANCT FALE5MAN wanted.

Must -have experience: selling eoenpie lir.e ranses. washers end eoen-mercial Stark Refrtgera- Jion.301 F. Main AUTO MECHANIC wanted. References required. Railway Express Agency.

IsS S. ParkSt. BILL CARRIERS wanted, any age. Mary of our employes "past 45." some are retired and like to work 2 or 3 daya a week. Openlne.

for several mere ApplT In person. Midsta'e Advertising earners, r-ar 12J4 S. Illinois. BOOKKEEPER Experienred. or experienced r- rral nflire won.

(jorna aaiarr. ttw ad. ar. cement. MIDWKST ICE CREAM CO.

JO W. fldorado lilRL: Good hiuri, good uniforms and furniahed. pfte call. BACdmicU filwp. iiO Mtf chant St.

RADIO II MEHCURY.1 1940 Deluxe 2 door; radio. i neater, i-ali. iuuu Watrr. OLDSMOBILE 1937. fair shape.

Dewayne Sloan. 2 miles southeast Texaco Tower. oTbs.MOHILE 1936 deluxe coupe. Heater. A enorf nwy.

t'none iin PACKARD "fi" 4 sedan. 1917. Good condition: heater, radio, good lues. K. I'taine.

I-ACKA-Itt "6" 1:37, yv-d rubber, sood r.iho lirntcr. rl.YMGUIlK 19.14 4 dool. 459 K. Monroe Pliolie II. 19 111.

top condition, tires like new. reasniiaoiy pricea. Calhoun. Apt PLYMOUTH 1919 2-rioor. radio, healer.

overnauiea. seau. nimis tham PLYMOUTH. 1940 2 door: radio, heater Private owner, wo aeairra. shoo.

r. wmtmer. PLYMOUTH 1941 deluxe 2 door, $995. 1041 N. water, npt.

PLYMOUTH 1942 2-door deluxe sedan: radio, heater Good condition, oesi oner. No dealers. PONTIAC 1940 "8" 4 door. good, clean rnj Alter a m. -o e.

i.oo. REO SAFETY SCHOOL BI Now on display. Immediate delivery H. A. Kuhle.

444 E. Main. 5033. REO TRUCKS AND TRUCK TRACTORS Prompt delivery on rnot models. Our parts dept.

carries a fyill line of Keo parts. We also service trucks. II. A. Kuhle.

444 E. Main. 5013. HKO SAFETY school buses, new Immediate dellverv. H.

A. Kuhle Implement Store. 444 Main. 503 1. STUDKBAKER.

1915. Runs good. $175. 1st house east Moody airport, Decatur. Crotvdson.

Tltnken Roller Bearings. Replace worn bearinps now. complete stock. Brown's Auto Supply 302 N. Franklin Phone 8474 Trailer Coaches LUXURY HOME ON WHEELS PAN AMERICAN 31 FT.

Tandem. Electrlo refrigerator, bottle gai stove, hot water neater. Koorn to spare, aleeps 6. Air-Foam davenport. GLIDER 28 FT.

Tandem. rooms, electric refrigerator. anower, lavatory, stool, ooitie gas stove. LIBERTY 27 FT. Tandem.

Patented heated floor, lated top. shaped gltcnen wltn snars bar. OVERLAND 23'4 FT. Aluminum exterior, stainless steel sink and' drain board. 6l, cu.

It. r'rtgldaire. hot waler beater, fluorescent lights. SPORTSMAN 25 FT. Aluminum exterior, luxurious Interior, ful ly equipped, very reasouaDie cosi.

Also a few choice used trailers. BARDING TRAILER SALES OPEN ALL DAx SUNDAY TILL 8 P. M. WEEK DAYS 792 E. WOOD.

DECATUR, ILL. 2-3738 TRUCKS: Good used trucks, suitable for farm use with grain and stock beds. Guy Crook at Stevenson's Garage, 34(0 E. William. 2-5051.

TRUCKS' 19.19 Chevrolet Panel; 1940 I w.b Chevrolet with grain box; 1910 l.w.b. Ford with gram box. C. B. Moore, Blue MoundIll.

WINCH. 10 ton: tandem axle for heavy truck. $150 each. Call fclwln 31F1: C. W.

Swarms. Boody. WHEEL BALANCING by experts save front-end wear, enjoy smoother riding, get more tire mileage. Latest equipment. B.

F. Goodrich. 317 W. Wood. 5258.

A HIGH CASH PRICE will be paid for your used car. Now'a tl.e tune to sell Landers Co 350 E. William. AUTO CLASS INSTALLED for all cars trucks. New door channels, regulators Shields.

444 N. Broadway 9416. Auto Window and Glass Installed Smith Tire 237 W. Main BEFORE BUYING. SEE THESE WE HAVE 32 good, clean cars and trucks.


2-391J PRAIRIE AT BROADWAY Ben Nolen Lot 1946 1946 1940 1941 1941 19.19 1939 1937 19.19 1915 1919 1935 Ford tudor. like new. Dodne 2 door like new. Pnnnac "6" sedan Chevrolet sedan Chevrolet 2 door $1275 Chevrolet 2 door Plymouth 2 door Buick sedan La Salle sedan Pontiar. coupe 9fi Chevrolet L.W.B.

grain bed 6 Ford 's ton cab and chassis $395 MANY OTlrER USED CARS AND TRUCKS 842 E. PRAIRIE PHONE 2-3913 Body And Fender Work FREE ESTIMATES IMMEDIATE SERVICE Walt Wayne Glenn Kinney KILBORN'S 131 N. Church Phone 5141 F.ODY AND FINDER WORK, cars painted. Quick service. Bopp Motors, 240 Wood.

CASH PAID for used cars. See us first. Dale's Super Service. 802 N. Main.

FOUR USED tires and tubes. 600x16, $2 50 set. 1641 Lawrence. GEORGE NOLEN 1946 Stndrhakrr Champion rdan. excel-Inu rendition.

IMa Mercury edaii. like new. Nah AmbRRsarinr Rtrtnn. radio, heater, new Ur very clean. Nah coupe.

1936 Ford tudor. 25 E. PRAIRIE PHONE 3-2063 Automotive Where to io 7t. Dance and Enjoy THE MUSIC OF THE SONG WEAVERS FfATtmlNO VUtGLNIA WAJXt, VOCAI 1ST Plavlng 0 Nlellts Weekly DELICIOUS TRIED CHICKEN AND STEAK DINNERS SUBWAY INN Vt Mile East Of Riverton On Route 36 JITNEY-SUPPErT-Thurs Oct 9. Sunny-side school.

3 Soulh Grand Ave. rosd. Ham. chicken and noodles, pie. cake.

lcecreatn.Servlng starts 5P. PIX THEATRE: Blue Mound. 111. "Bringing Up Falher" with Joe Yule and Rtnee Rlanrr PUBLIC card party. Olive Branch Camp K.

N. A. Oddfellows Hllll.Veil. 8p. tn.

RUMMAGE SALE: Sharon Home lliircau Unit. 647 N. Broadway. Wed Oct. 8.

RUMMAGI-: BALE: Tnursday. 'Friday, Oct. 9. ll). Gymnasium Firsl Presbyterian Churrh, FralrleandChiirrh.

RUMMAGE SALE, Oct. 8. 500 E. Eldorado. Ktntland Dairy Bldg.

Ladles- Auxiliary Hrrbert Ryman Post No. 99. V. F. W.

RUMMAGE SALE: Thursday. Good clean merchandise. Children's clothing, household artlcles; S3f E. Eldorado RtlMMAOR SAT 5SI N. Broadway.

Oct 9th, 1 0th. Neighbors Club RUMMAGE SALE: Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday. Oct. 7.

8. 9. Children's clothes, coats. Miscellaneous. 1579 N.

Morgan. RUMMAGE SALE. Wednesday. Cleveland Avenue Church. Corner Cleveland and Maffit.

WAY OUT IN FRONT for good food, quick service and cleanliness. That the Burger Basket on lake shore Drle. When you're out for a drive With nothing to do Stop out at Fansfare And let us please you Trv one of our barbecues 1701 N. Woodford One block South Fans Field Open daily after, 5 m. YOU CAN ALWAYS get your payroll check cashed at Henry's.

781 N. Water. Lost and Found 19 FOUND: small Bostun bulldog. Phone No. LOST Downtown Saturday.

5 keys tied with black cord. Phone 2-5425 LOST: Monday, vicinity 700 Main or Central black-lace lady's wrlst-natch. no crystal. Reward.7:7 N.Collcge. PARTY KNOWN, who took dress box by mistake In Decatur Dry Goods.

Tuesday. Mail to Mrs. Allha Kline, llllopolls. 111., to avoid further rouble. PEARLS, dotlblc sirand.

keepsake. T. B. patient. Reward.

2-1948 TOY COLLIE, female, lost. Reward. 231 6. 13th. 9592.

TOY terrier, black with white chest, lost. Dog license No. 3032 on collar. Answers "Rally." (W44 Automotive BATTERIES. Red Diamond.

10.25 UP. passenger car battery. Rentals and repairs Dtmker Tire Co. Call 2-7815 BRAKES RELINED: wheels turned down. adjusted lor 2a.

Long BUICK 1937 4-tloor sedan, oerhauled. 3948 E. Marietta. BUICK, 1941 super 4 door deluxe. Sell or trade for cheaper car.

1121 W. Macon. Buick. 1341 Super club coupe 1941 Blllck Special Sedanetle 1H4 Dodge 4 door, extra clean 1939 Ford 'i ton pickup 1934 Plymouth door, good 1928 Model A 192S Oldsmoblle 4 door Used cars wanted. BAD LOT 9.15 W.

Eldorado 1.375 $1,250 995 S64.S 295 JIC15 3J BUSES. SCHOOL, new and used, lor immediate delivery. C. B. Moore, Blue Mound.

Illinois, pnone iua or t.o CHEVROLET HEADS. 1926 to 1946. Ker-wood Co. 511 E. North.

2-5541. CHEVROLET. 1928 coach. Inquire 251 (ntrnl A vr CHEVROLET. 1930 coupe, good condition.

1125. 2-8235. CHEVROLET. 1032 2 door, recently overhauled. 5.11 EKingafter 4.

CHEVROLET, 1935 Master 2-door. good tlrCS. S-'UU. IMl 1.BIIIUUM cilEVBOUT 1916. 2 door.

A-l condition 4t5 W. King, alter CHEVROLET. 1936, gousl pallil, good tires 132 N. loth alter e. DE SOTO, used 1947, low mileage.

Kenneth Green. Bethany. III. DODGE 1928, running condition Glenn Ogdrn. Warrensutii g.

11111110 truck. Reasonably priced. Phone 3-5U411204 Cntircli. DODGE- truck, first house norlh Green Switch elevator. DODGK.

1941 sedan. 19.12 Ford coupe; 19'15 Ford Tudor. Good condition. Evrr- sule 901 W. Eldorado.

Phone9l2lj. FOHIJ. Model A coupe: 1936 Tcrraplane. Liming. 4 north.

12 west Argent FORD, 1931 Model A. Stock bed. 150 Danceland road to scliooinouse, ium south. 3rd house. Slialer FORD 1933.

motor overhauled; new clutch, starter, generator, wirint. Seal Beam lights, battery. Transmission bad. 175. 2-5891.

FORD 1934 coach. Good tires, new clutch 632 8. Eratikllll 2-3072. FCRD GRILLS 1937. $9.95.

Grills for popular cars, wholesale and retail. Ker- wood SCO. 511 E. Norm. FORD.

1938 Deluxe Tudor, radio, heater, reconditioned motor. 5 good tires. $685. l. vater.

FCRD. 1939 tudor. good condition, seat rovers. 2 new tires, ueii vaic. Broadway after 5.

FORD. 1941 truck: duals; heater; box bed. 1940 INTERNATIONAL pickup. D. D.

FLAHERTY, ASSUMPTION HOUSE trailer, cover wagon, 14', good condition. 3-3754. HOUSE TRAILERS Spartan Manor: Beautiful Interior, new In design. Duo Terra Cruiser: 30 3 rooms and bath. The most beautiful trailer In production.

Chicago Etreamllte Stmt 27 ft. tandem for the price of a 23 ft. trailer. Elcar: 25 ft. One of the biggest values on the market.

Travelhome: 3 sires. A quality trailer at reasonable prices. All trailers have electric refrigeration and bottle gas stoves. Terms If desired. Kistler Trailer Sales 2G00 WEST MAIN 2-2404 HOUSE TRAILER.

1946 Glider, good condition. 1401 E. William. HOUSE TRAILOR. 1946 Travellte.

like new. Bottle gas. Barnes Traitor Camp. 3-3543. HOUSE trailer.

1942. 1045 N. Oakcrest. Make offer. HUDSON, 1930 pickup.

Good condition. 5890. 2437 Steel Court. INTERNATIONAL 1940 factory tandem truck. New 16 ft.

grain- bed. A-l condition. 994 N. Falrvlew after 5:30 INTERNATIONAL 1935 1 ton wilif grain bed, new motor. Everett Morris, Ives-dale, phone 10.

I TE RN A TI ON A I DELIVERY. 1940. Overhauled 1936 F-rd Hj-ton. stock rack. 1938 Diamond i-ton.

Verkler 203 W. Main. MACK TRUCKS AND TRUCK TRACTORS We can give Immediate delivery on most Mack models. We also service all Macn trucks. H.

A. Kuhle, 44V E. Main. 5033. CUSTOM plaid and satin twill eat covera lor raof-t cam.

Une our eaT pt plan. B. F. Goodrich. 317 W.

Wood. Mag. FORD OFFERS THESE FIXE USED CARS AND TRUCKS SF.FjTHF.M 1941 Mercury 4 door sedan, ltadto and heater. Motor Just otcihaulcd. A leal buy.

1941 Ford super deluxe tudor. radio and healer. Very clean. 1941 Ford Special deluxe coupe. A real buy.

1941 Chevrolet Master deluxe coupe. 1940 Ford 1' 7-ton chassis and cab, dual rears. Priced to sell at $785. 1940 rord l'a-ton with van type body, dual rears, new motor. 1940 Chevrolet 'i-ton panel.

$495. 1937 Ford "i-ton stake body. A real buy at $345. FARL LUSTER-JOHN FECHTIN. INC.

Ford Dealers 385 E. Prairie HEADQUARTERS for Tamous Sllvertown passenger, truck and fsrm tractor tires. Buy direct, use our easy psv plan. B. F.

Ooodnch. 317 W. Wood. 558. MERRY'S USFT) CARS, have a temporary location at W.

Main. Phone 472.V Best In used cars NOLEN'S Mercury. 1942. 2 door, extra nice $1395 Chevrolet. 1941 special deluxe Town.

very good $1225 Ford. 1941 deluxe tudor. new motor. fair otherwise S1145 Ponllac. 1940 "6" sedan, good.

$1145 Ford. 1940 deluxe fordor $1095 Chevrolet. 1935 coupe, average, Ford, 1941 pickup, exceptional. $1095 Nolen Motor Co. 241 W.

WOOD PHONES 8170: 8179 NEW IN TOWN: California Sun Shades Deluxe. Only $14 45. Kerwood 811 E. North. 2-554 1.

NEW JEEP MOTORS complete. Army surplus. $140. Bardlug Motor Sales. 793 Wood.

OUR SPECIALTY Is clean cars! We buy and sell. Hott MarkweU Auto Sales. Wood A- Osklsnd, Decatur. Moweaqua. QUICK SERVICE: On body and fender work, also complete repainting.

Kllborn'a. 131 N. Church. 5141. Special! 1940 STUnEBAKER CHAMPION coach Blue finish in excellent condition.

Good tires, radio, prater, overdrive. Front and motor overhauled in last year. Thli car should give some one good economical transportation for several years. $995 Good Cheap Transportation PLYMOUTH COACH. Mot or.

ire, mechanical cnncltlon tood. Body a Jit'le rough. A food transponai ton buy at $185. Decatur Motor Sales 333 N. BROADWAY PHONE J-1441 SUMMERS AUTO SALES.

400 E. William, pay premium prtees for clean used cars. See us first. 2-1-941. Think Twice Before You Neglect Your Car IF YOU HAVE a 1937 through 1942 model Buick.

bring It In to us and let us put new pep, performance and zip with this BUICK "POWER PACKAGE-' NEW 1947 FACTORY ENGINE Highfield Buick 332 3. MAIN PHONE S-3473 TRADE 192 Ford coach, new tires, mechanically overhauled, on half acre or sell. 2-1948 TRAILOR MOTOR SALES: Need good, clean late model used cars. High cash prices. 61 E.

Wood. 2-091X1. USED Pontloe IH47 Convertible. Radio, healer, spotlight, whitewall tires, lxiw mileage. Priced to sell.

3-2743 alter 6 WANTED: To buy good clean, used cars. A- K. Motor Sales. HH E. Wood.

Phone 3-262L Open Sunday WANTED horse all late model, 25' or over. Box 401 Herald-Review. WE'LL BUY your car and at a good price. Sell now while prices are high. Robbtns Used Cars.

3H0 N. Broadway. YEAR AFTER YEAR We Continue To Give The Type Of Service To Keep Your Car In Good Mechanical Condition Make Sure Your Car Is Mechanically Fit For Winter Driving B. B. BURNS CO.

INC. 432 PRAIRIE PHONE 4217 CHOICE: Seveial good recaps. J.S each. Anderson Tire 14b4 E. Eido- rado.

FIVE 21" tires, tubes, wheels. Very good shape. First house over hill going north between Van Praag and Midway Garage. A. Comp.

I 19114 Dodge 4 door sedan. 432 E. alter p. m. Stuart 153 Buick convertible, very clean lu.l Chevrolet 4 door sedan 1S37 Ford tudor 1935 Doage 4 door sedan SJ7j BARGAIN AUTO SALES CERRO GORDO A MAIN PHONE 2-0464 1940 FORD truck.

L.W.B.. all In good ahape. ready to so. Richard Jiuhl. Su.ll-van.

Phone 2SW. I44 Dodge L.W good condition. Olat2 Truck Service, Federal Truck Distributor. 1304 E. Eldorado.

Phone 2-44ag. f94 FORD: 22.000 2-speed alle. 00 tires. air brakes, 28 Trallmobile trailer, lo ot- tires, air brakes. Shell Station route 36.

Hammond. Ill 1947 Sttidebaker champion business coupe. 4.000 miles. 2-4170 alter i. Motorcycles Bicycles 15 BICYCLE: Girls, 26 Inch, pre-war, good ondltir.n.

2-6443 CtlSHMAN MODEL 32. lair mechanical condition, good transportation at Slfo Can be botiklit on terms. Decatur Motor Sales. 333N. Broadway.

3-1441. Ct'SIIMAN 1947. A-l onitllion. Buililv seat, windshield. 4SS W.

Marietta. 1946. Inquire alter 4. 3 W. Olive.

1947 new Indian Bonneville. Also oil. tires. batteries, parts. Indian Sales.

93 W. Eldorado, 104o E. Main. 3-119. Automotive) Marriage Licenses Seymuur H.

couiIuk. Kegtna L. Weber. Dfcstur lrsal Irani Central Illinois ieatbs CARSELL. Mrs.

Minnie, 77, Mnwriqui, died early Tuesday in home, Lrtivm nuo-bnnd. Edward; chllrirrn, O. Moline: ld. at home, and Mm. Nrll Armntnmc.

MouraquH. Body lo Hi tne Memorial home where nervier v. Dl be held at 2 p. m. Thursday.

Ihirlal In 1. O. O. cemetery. INMAN, Stephen.

88. Caey. died TMUy In atl Alton hospltnl. leaven, wire, rrnia, Holm. Alva.

Karlvllle, and Harold. Danville; daughters. Mm. Vera Connelly and Mn Hazel Davis. Martlmvllle.

and Mrs. Maurine Snearley, Ca.vy; three brother and four sisters: services 2 J0 p. m. Thursday In Willis rhapel near Casey: burial Llndsey cemetery, Llndsey funeral home In charge. KOESTFR.

Henry, 89. Lincoln, died 4:37 p. m. Tuesday In home of nephew, Harry Koester: leaves brother, Richard, In Germany: body In Kheets funeral home; arrangements Incomplete. ROBERTS.

Nancy Jane. 82. formerly of Areola, died Sunday In Allegan, where phm lived 1th a niece. Leaves Mrs. Julia Wilson of Mat toon Services 210 p.

m. Thursday In Schrader funeral home. Areola; burial In Areola cemetery. Funerals Decatur 1A COOPER, JAMES A. "JIM" Hervlcea 3 p.

m. Wednesday Br In tinner's Funeral Home, where friends may call. Interment Falrlawn cemetery. BRINTLINfGER'S DINKKNS. MRS.

IDA EVELYN. Funeral services p. m. Thursday at chapel. Interment Greenwood cemetery.

Friends may call at Funeral home. J. J. Moran Ac Sons. GFNTRY.

MRS. MILDRED: Services 10:30 a. m. Wednesday chapel. Interment Falrlawn cemetery.

J. J. Moran it 8ons Service. Housman, Roy Services 3 p. m.

Wednesdsy. Chapel. Burial North Fork cemetery. Friends may call at funeral home. Dawson Wikoff Rau, George A.

Services 1:30 p. m. Thursday chapel. Interment llllnt cemetery. Friends may call at funeral home after noon Wednesday.

i Dawson Wikoff Funerals Central Illinois IB Carsell, Minnie E. Services 1 10 p. m. Thursday. Stlne Memorial Home.

Interment Odd Fellows cemelery. Friends may call at funeral borne. Stine Funeral Service Moweaqua. III. Matthew, John H.

Services 7 p. m. Thursday. Oct. 9.

Christian church. Burial at Odd Fellows cemetery. Friends may call at funeral home. Stine Funeral Service i Moweaqua, II Card of Thanks KOCH. WILHELM1NA: We wish to thank our neighbors, friends, relatives, and Rev.

Wegehaupt for their kindness, sympathy and floral offerings extended In our bereavement. Koch Family. In Mcmnrlam ASHTON, MINNIE: In loving memory of our Motner wno passea away one year ago Joduy. The Avhtnn Famines. COLE, CIIARIES who passed away one year atto today.

A precious one From us Is gone We love his sweet voice stilled. There's a vacant spot in our home That never can be filled. Mrs. C. E.

Cole and Children. T1PPIT, JESSE LEROY: A lonely year without you dear; No one will ever know The tears I've shed In silence Because 1 miss you so. Wife Ruth It was an honor to call you. Daddy; It's an honor lo cherish your memory. Lvle.

Betty. Joyce. TIREY. GOI.DIE FRANCFS: Who passed away ii years ago tuuay: The midnight stars are shining. Upon your silent grave.

Beneath It sleeps the one we loved And the one we couldn't save. Mother, Father. Sisters Brothers. Cemetery Lots and Monuments 5 FaThLAWnI A beautiful well-kept-ceme-tery perpetual care. Select your lot and pay on terms.

146 S. Water. 4495. MACON COUNTY Memorial Park has a section exclusively for Lutheran fam ilies. Call 50.s.

BUY YOUR CONCRETE BURIAL Vaults of good construction from the Borders- Berg Vault Edlnburg. Illinois. Insurance OFNEHAL INSURANCE. Ralph Wilcox Bennett At Shade 449S: 3-6914. Masonic Temple Activities b'A ALL MASONIC PARTY for Masons and their families only.

Saturday. Oct. 11. 7:30 p. m.

Masonic Temple Auditorium. Plenty entertainment. There Is no charge. GREAT LIGHT LODGE 1064 SDCclal meeting. 7 p.

m. 1st degrees. IONIO LODGE 31J: Practise Thursday. 7 p. m.

meeting, STEPHEN DECATUR LODGE 079: Stated meeting 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. STEPHEN DECATUR LODGE: 979. Practise meeting 7:30 p.m.

Friday. Personam I WILL only be responsible for debts contracted by myself. John It. Berg, 3S4S E. Hickory.

Where to (io 7C AFTER A LONO DAY, slop by fir a relaxing tiring or two at Ralph's Pub, 135 S. Oakland. BARBER SHOP: Iou Behrman. Harry Tanner, now located 12 E. Wood.

BE SMART: say "Meet me at the Lincoln Square Tavern," Favorite drinks, good sandwiches. 121 N. Main. BEMENT THEATER: Bement. 111.

"The Best Years Of Our Lives" with Myrna Loy. Fredrlo March. Matinee 2 30. one show only, adults 7c. child Sic.

tax Included. Evening 7:30 one show only, adults 1 M. child 50c tax Included Better Than Ever Thai's Block's Fountain Service Visit Our New Store UO Merchant St. CHICKEN DINNER SPECIAL: 1. Also delicious steak dinners.

Home made pie. The Tiffin. Rt. 51. Maron.

III. Phone 68. CHICKEN 8UPPER. La Place P.T.A-Thursday. serving 5:30.

Proceeds to hot school lunches. Everybody come. CHILI SUPPER: Eldorado school. Frldav Oct. 10.

2 miles East Nelson Park bridge, t-i mile North. Serving starts 5:30 Chili, hamburgers, pie, cake. Ice cream, coffee, milk. Games. CREST THEATRE: Cerro Gordo.

III. "If I'm Lucky" with Vivian Blaine, Perry Como. Harry James. MIDWAY INN. serving chicken, steak, sandwiches, beer, wine, liquors.

Open 8unday through Thursday, 8 a. m. 12 midnight. Friday. Saturday, vntil 7 a.

m. 2 south Blue Mound, route 48. George W. I.andreth. phone gtonlncton 4682.

NO QUreTION ABOUT IT! I Tender, flavoury strafcs and di llclously browned chicken are superb at tne WOODEN SHOD 241 E. MAIN HETHER1NGTON. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Herbert.

Bit West Orand, a son, Oct. t. in tt M. C. JOHNSON.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard. 1252 North Pine, a son. Oct.

7, in 81. Mary a. LYON. Mr. and Mrs Paul Bryant.

342 Mouth Westlawn, a daughter, Oct. i. in D. ti M. C.

HOIUMAN. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur. Ke Hickory, a daughter.

Oct. 7, In Ht. Mary's. SFMIRY. Mr 'and Mrs.

George William. 117J Lat Harrison, a son. Oct. 3. at home.

Legal Notices CONS(RVATOR 9 SALE OF REAL EJSTATE Slate of Illinois. Macon County, ss. In the County Court of Macon County, Illinois, In Probate. In the Matter of the Estate of Orville Gordy, Incompetent, No. Carl W.

Pnlchell as Conservator 01 tne Estate of Orville Oordy. Incompetent, Pe titioner, vs. Orville Gordy. Holla w. Gor dy.

Genevieve Gordy, Herman L. Gordy. Earl Gordy. Holla W. Gordy as Executor of the Will of Thrrniaa B.

Gordy. deceased. Earl Gordy as Administrator of the Estate of Mabel Oordy. deceased, and Charles Gordy. defendants.

Public notice Is hereby given that, by virtue of a decretal order made and entered of record by said Court, in the above entitled cause on the 2nd day of October. A. D. 1847, the said Conservator will offer for sale and sell at public vendue, subject to approval of said Court, to tne highest and best bidder for cash, for the purpose of re-lnvesiment. all of the right, title.

Interest and estate of tne said urvuie Gordy, Incompetent, In and to the follow ing described real estate situated, isi tne County of Macon and Slate of Illinois, lo an PARCFIj A. The South Half of the North-writ Quarter of Section Thirty-five IS and the North Half of the North Half of the South-west Quarter of said Section Thirty-five (34), In Township Seventeen (17) North. Range One (ll West of the Third Principal Meridian, containing 120 acres, more or less. PARCEL B. The West Half of Lot Three (3i in the South Half of the North-east Quarter of Section Eleven ill).

In Township sixleen U6I North. Range One 1 West of the Third Principal Meridian, except the coal rights. Said sale shall be upon condition that the undivided Interests In said real estate ot Rolls w. Gordy. Genevieve Gordy.

Her man Lt. Gordy and Earl Gordy. co-tenant owners with said Orville Gordy. of said real estate, be also sold at said sale so that the purchaser or purchasers will ac quire complete title to the real estate purchased, with proper deeds of conveyance by aa i co-tenants or sal orvuie uoray with release of dower and other marital rights, fc'aid Parcel shall be sold at 1:30 clock, p. on Saturday, the atn day of November.

A. D. 1947, at the residence on said, Parcel located In the Village of Niantic. Macon County. Illinois.

Said Par cel A shall be sold at 2:30 oclocx. fi on Saturday the 8th day of November. A D. 1947. at the residence on said Parcel A located about 2S miles north-west of Niantic.

Illinois. Crops now on satd Par-eel A are reserved and purchaser Is to be given possession March 1. 1948. Possession of aald Parcel lo Dr given to purcnaa-er upon approval of sale and delivery of deed of conveyance. Taxes for the year 1947 payable In 1948.

will be paid by said Conservator and said co-tenant owners, or In the alternative a aum equal to Ihe taxes for the year 1948 will be deducted from the purchase price and conveyance he made subject to Uie taxes for the year At least twenty (20) per cent or purchase price shall be paid by the purchaser or purchasers at the time of sale and the balance of the purchase price shall be paid upon approval of sale by the Court and deliver, nf rieeri nt conveyance. Ahalracts of title are at the office of V. Wlerman. Attorney. zo national Bank ot Decatur Building.

Decatur, Illi nois. Dated this th day of October, A. D. 1947. CARL W.

PRTTCHETT As Conservator aforesaid. E. V. Wlerman. Att'y for Petitioner.

Elbert S. Smith. Guardian adjltem. STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OP CONSERVATION NOTICE IO CONTRACTORS Time and Place of Opening Bids: Sealed proposals for the performance of the work herein described will be received by the Department of Conservation at the offices of the C-S Engineering Company. 322'a East Adams Street, Springfield.

Illinois, until 10:00 o'clock, A. Central Standard Time October 22nd. 1947, and at that time publicly opened and read. Description of the Work: The proposed Improvement Is officially described as: Project No. 14 -C8 60-3, Clearing Site of Projected Conservation Lake at Site No.

14. Fayette County. The site of the work Is located In Fay ette County about 15 milea Northwest of Ramsey, Illinois. The work consists of furnishing all necessary labor, materials, services, equip ment. Insurance and all other Items Incidental to the clearance of trees, brush, fences, grain, grass, weeds and rubbish from the basin area of a projected con- set vation lake consisting of approximately US acres and making adequate disposition of the cleared materials In accordance with the requirements of tne specmca.

lions and the Instructions of the Engl' neer. instructions to Bidders. Plans, specl- flratinna and firooosal form for this work are available at the offices of the C-S Engineering Company. East Adams Street. Springfield.

Illinois for office ex amination or prospective bidders may secure cooiea for their own use upon re quest addressed to the C-S Engineering Company and deposit ot $5.00 for each set of documents ordered. Rlddlnu rontractora are required to sub stantiate their capacity lor performance of the contract by submission to tne Engineer at least 1 days prior to the letting of proof that they are financially anil otherwise qualified lo carry Ihe contract to saltnlertory completion. A performance bond executed by a qualified surety com nun. it. the amount of one hundred (100 per cent of the total contract price will reoulreri nf the successful bidder.

All proposals must be accompanied by a bank cashier's check or bank draft in the amount of ten 1 101 per cent of the total amount bid made payable to the Department of Conservation of the State of Illlnoia aa a guarantee that the bidder will enter into a contract and iur- nlsh an acceptable bond if awarded the contract. Failure of the auccessful bidder to enter Into contract and furnish an ac ceptable bond will be considered cause for annulment of the award and lorieuure of the proposal guaranty to the Department of Cont-ervatlon in payment of liquidated damages austained. Checka of unsuccessful bidders will be promptly re turned. sin nmniu.l will he considered unless the bidder has strictly complied with the above requirements. Rejection of Bids: The Department of Conservation reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive technicalities.

By order of the DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION Livingston E. Osborne, Director. September 26. 1947. Proposals for the following will be received by the State of Illinois, Division of Architecture and Engineering.

Armory Building, Sprlnstleld. Illinois, on Tuesday. October 14. 1947. at Two Thirty o'clock P.

Central Standard Time: 1. Campus improvements. Eastern Illinois State College. Charleston. Illinois.

2 General Work: Heating. Ventilating and Plumbing for Superstructure forJSwim-ming Pool; General Work: Heating. Ventilating. Temperature Control and Plumbing: Pipe Covering. Insulation and Field Painting: Electrical Work for Gymnasium Addition to Training School Building, Western Illlnoia Slate College.

Macomb. Illinois. 3. Roofing and Sheet Metal Work. for Central Garage Building for Division of Highways.

Ash Street, Springfield. Illinois. 4. Miscellaneous Repairs and Painting. Highway Garage and Laboratory Building.

4051 Harlem Avenue. Chicago. Illinois. All proposals to be In accordance with plana and specifications which may be viewed In the Division of Architecture and Engineering Offices. Armory and Office Building.

Sprlnsfleld. Illinois, and 160 North LaSalle Street. Chicago. Illinois. State of Illinois C.

Herrlck Hammond Supervising Architect NOTICE OF CLAIM, DATE Notice Is hereby given to all persons that Monday. November 3, 1947, Is the claim date In the estate of Jennie A. Shuey, Deceased, pending In the County Court of Macon County. Illinois, and that claims may be filed against said estate on or before said date without Issuance of summons. Ella Shuey Mitchell and Agnes Shuey Tlpsword.

Executors Valt, Mills A Armstrong. Attorneys GRINDOL MONUMENTS East Main and Franklin Streets reiidy today to raise $750,000 for a home grown" campaign to get Sen. Robert A. Taft the Republican presidential His announcement that he will be a candidate is expected at a meeting of the state G. O.

P. central committee Oct. 24 in Columbus. As soon as Taft agrees to become the state's favorite son at the national convention next June In Philadelphia, his campaign backers will signal for action all along the political front. They say their efforts will be financed almost exclusively with Ohio money.

THE OHIO SENATOR himself is said to be reluctant to accept contributions from outsiders. He also has stipulated that nobody will be permitted to put up more than Taft's decision to run, on the basis of a six-state western tour he ended Sunday with his return to Cincinnati, was regarded as such a foregone conclusion that plans are to be well advanced for an active drive on his behalf. The Ohio senator goes on the radio tonight (8:30 C.S.T.) in a long range debate with Sen. Joseph C. O'Mahoney (D-Wyo) about which political party is to blame for high prices.

Taft will be at the microphone In Cincinnati. O'Mahoney In Denver. Dl'RING MORE THAV a score of speeches in California, Nevada, Oregon. Washington, Idaho and Wyoming. Taft contended the blame belongs to President Truman' Administration.

Taft argued that Mr. Truman laid the basis for high prices by permitting a wage "bulge" and abandoning O. P. A. controls "too soon." Mahoney joined in a statement with Sen.

Scott W. Lucas (D-Ill) accusing Taft of leading the "wrecking crew" which sank O. P. Presbyterians Seek Harmony Rchoboth. Oct.

7 (AP) Presbyterian leaders of North and South today went into the second half of a two-day conference aimed at healing the breach that divided their churches. Approximately 150 clerieal and lay leaders of the New Castle pres bytery (northern) and the Norfolk presbytery (southern) compared views in an effort to iron out the differences that still remain after eight years of negotiation between the two groups. esterday leaders from both sides of the Mason-Dixon line joined in a statement that there is "no reason" to continue the separa tion that began with the secession of southern states in 1860. The results of today's and yes terday sessions will be submitted to the two churches for a year of study. 'New If Be Hazardous Chicago, Oct.

7 (AP) The "new look" was called a "fashion hazard" today by a woman safety authority. Mrs. George W. Jaqua, safety chairman of the General Feder ation of Women's Clubs, suggested laboratory research on the length of women's skirts "because that new look, if it's too tight, is def initely unsafe." Mrs. Jaqua, of Winchester, Ind.

did not suggest at her news rnn ference at the National Safety congress, what laboratory would do the research, or how it would be done. "Personally," she said, "I favor 14 inches from the floor, but I'm not a fashion arbiter. The ldng skirt is all right until it becomes a fashion hazard and it becomes a hazard when it hobbles the wearer." She added she didn't know hnw to determine the point of hobbling except by laboratory research on what that new look docs to women." "There is a very graceful, practical length for skirts," she said, "depending upon the build and tastes of the wearer, that ran hp safe as well as beautiful. But they must be safe wov Hilton twl Jr 11:30 MSOV BS Uinci Bmod WMAQ Your United Nations 11 00 WSOY New. WMAQ 11 60 Club WBBM Matint at Midnight 12 OS WF.NR Turninf the Tables Legal Notices Pealed proposals will be received In the office of the Division of Purchases and HuppUei.

Department ot Finance. Illinois. November 3. 4. i.

6, 7. 10. 11 IV 17. 18. 19.

30. 31. 34. 35, 36. 28.

39. 1947. on an or all of the Items Included in the oliowlna aeneral classification mhich requisitions may be on file In this office. rMdtuffs. Household Supplies.

Crockery and Glasiiaare. Carpels and Ru(s. Furniture and natures. Dry Goods. Asriculture Supplies.

Wearing Apparel. Bedding. Notions. Drugs and Hospital Supplies. Coke.

Induitrlal and Workshop Materials. New Automobiles, Trucks, Tires. Automobile Repairs and Supplies. Road Building Materials, and Equipment, and Maintenance Supplies. The date of the opening of bids for the rt.a.itirailniis above mentioned and sub- omsinns thereof will be Indicated on the Mineral classification sheet or each schedule Nrre.farr blanks and full Information ftimlnhed upon eppllratlon to the Division and fliioDltcv THE RIC1HT IS TO REJECT ANY OR A1X.

Blue. WALTER YOUNGBERO wva(4 V. Km.tenuorn Fdita the 00 nr Amerlean Mel Hour Wnt IM IM nnrert Hall YtMAQ renn Day pmgram ns Club wi.s Vim: rf te Town wis Mvr Band 1 30 toY lr Christian VMiTIM Caharel Caper PHM Dr. Christian Wi.Q Te t.reat oildersleev WCS Qciet Pa Prp 5 WOY Nen tHOY-IM New 00 wOT Prank MTfa Bhnw HAOY-FM Joke Ba HMtQ IVifD lavem Wr-N Oatrr-! Heatter. N'' vfv AHrv and rntelin Show ft I 20 WSOY Uneene and Marrh WFNR Jarfc Parr Shw wv AO Mr Afrmey TV Ze O-ey Show 00 WfT Ta Whistler WSOY-PM Beat Mr.

Tarhal- WVAQ Te Rtorr wns le'and Btowe. Cmmentator 1 f'rnr? Fhow ft 30 Tne Bmr Cratahv Shaw mY The Bmf 4 roahy Show wnv RT.a'd CnlTian TAQ rrn.y P'J rente hw rvR Henry Morcan Show 10 fK tiY Vena I New VMtQ 8-jrper tnnv A-wer Vn 10 WiY Ne Analla vor TM Ne AnaUala 10 19 WtT 4 B4 Pane Band OY. Iic lata WFVR Uf.S retert1ve 19 30 Pf Barher Stra Shnw W(Y I'M Red Barher Sport Shaw Tart New vo pr "hriW 19 45 WiY lne- Band H.ov IM Mee The Hand Mr. I.incoin 00 Nwa vr a TtPM nS TV" vrY Panee Rand 11 ii WON Lewis. Jr.

Stat Purchasing Agent.

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