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The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York • 12

The Buffalo Newsi
Buffalo, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

BUFFALO EVENING NEWS: THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 16 1920 12 cease are Ueedames Petrie Brhwanek Rahenstain Letpoid Enter (X A Flakbetoar Martlh Petri Saturday for Miaa Oliva -Black and Mr Mason at a email dinner with guaata mating la later for bridge The Social Chronicle ing via It to aad the destruction of Turns and Taraionda ends the intersat- Ing letter Mm WllHa Morgan formerly of Buffalo la at tha Hotel Lenou for a few days ssletmE by the Misses Catherine Brigham Helen Drigham Jane Dillon Julia DHIon Catherine lAsrellea Eileen O'Mai lay and Margaret Valentina Music at 4 o'clock Mra Thomas Burke Is giving a luncheon of sewn nrdi at 1 o'clock at tha tea room Ident Mra Foorch: recording secretory lira A Fuller: eurra-ponding rcrolary Mra Guthrie treasurer Mra Helen Bucklin critic Mra Derr executive commuted Mra Amelia Irvin Mra Jamm Gw Cownie and Mrs Charlvo Den- Th program committee Includes Mra Charles Guihrta Mrs David Pen gout gad Mrs Korop The committee of arrangcoieota Mra Martin 1- Falling Mrs John Cul-blefc and Mrs Verne Ford Palmer Bunshln committee Mrs Howes and Mtea Gertrude Blodgett prseldent MIm Mary MKtee: qmnding aertvtafy Mtea Gertrude Hul-IhsMr recording seeretary Mlsa Mary Alice Ryan treasurer Mum Katharine Kuvunugh: soduluy aecretaryMiM Catherine Walah There will be meeting of Myalle Art Chapter nt I o'rujek Ihl evening at Mystic Art Lodge roam wnsr Elmwood and I'tlva street Degrees will he conferred The Uplift ftunolilne society will hold Its ivg'jlnr meeting at Buiwhina eot-tng Erie IVqeh tetn "inri ElrH Delegates and alternate fur tha annual meeting irf th New YurkHtate Nuraeu' aasoetatlon at Albany October and were nomlneiel yealerdav ad meeting of first district Westers New York hranrh of tha aasoriation Attention was (wiled to tha fact that under tna -new tew graduate nunaa whether icgtairred nr not who wloh ta practice this state will have to got a license beoro Junuary Dr Walter OuoJala addrasard tha nurara I -i i ii- The Ladies' Aid society of th Wai-dun Avenue Presbyterian church will meat this evening RL Rt- Joseph Aratauy Alamaae Mtea Oanevlevs Ruhr president of ML Kalnt Jooeph aluiniae snioiuiioe special meeting of the officers and board of direr tors to ha held at the arsulrmy tomorrow' evening at' o'rlnek The newly-eleffed ufflcers are: Presidenl Mtea Genevieve Rohr vlce- Mra Freda Guthy will bpen her horn for th meeting of th Caaeanvla Woman's Christian Temperance union tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'clock The -Phllathea cIom of tha Fbat Baptist church will hold its re lor meeting at the hoik of MIm Annto Caldwell 1(4 Pros poet avanua tomorrow evening Tha Research ('III Tha HHMarah dub has tea usd Its calendar for IKI-ll tha topic to be Bludy'' The cluh meets the 'first and 1 third Monday af-i tarnoona of each month from to -4M -the flrat meeting to be held at thn horn of the president Mra Kemp It Livingston sirnet on October A Mrs Kemp will give an address 1 MIm Mibfl Burns will discuss "What la Nature RtudyT" MiM Verne Ford Palmer will give a reading of Byron's to th Ocean" and Mra Howes will ha In chorea of Currant Events Kocfel days announced for November If and January 11 Tha Western New -York Federation day off Marrh 11 and tha annual meeting April II Tha officers arc: President Mra ft Kemp flrat vlra-praaldanl Mtea Mahal Burns second vtco-pres- Appear At Tow Beit-Iitietly goo motes gMadCouraud tjpi OrientallGream fTRO-t HOTKINS A SON MIm Helen Kelly will return to Trinity college Washington September I Mra Rtlchel of Dorchester road will give a luncheon on Saturday for MIm Mary Hutchinson Mtea Caiher-ln Peek of East Aurora gave a luncheon In her honor yrsterdsy Mtea Edna Btraliel of Lafayette avenue will entertain today for Miaa Hutchinson Mtea Helen Froha of West Delsran avenue la giving a (luncheon today far MIm Dorothy Emanuel of New Ydrk MIm Agnes Cassidy of Ashland avanua entertained at her horns on Wednesday evening In compliment to MIm Minnie Brennan whose marriage to Mr Paul Ingalls will take place In October The Ladles' Aid society of Saint Mark's K- church will entertain partehionara and friends at a card and dancing party on Tuesday evening September II at Saint Joseph's school hell North Main afreet for tha benefit nf the new school fund Cards at 1:11 and dancing atT o'clock Previous -to the card games a film entitled 'The Road to Achievement'" will be shown by- Father Ahern president of Canis ius collage Mr Howard A Klly hoe gone to New York where ha will spend some time before sailing for Jacksonville He will enter Htetaon university Deland Florida September II AMONG THE ORGANIZATIONS Tha Women's Miaotimary society of Saint Paul's church of tha Evangelical association will meet at tha horns of Mra George Petrie ITertel avenue tomorrow evening The study hour will be conducted by the secretary Mra Bcharanck followed by reports of tha annual convention Tha host- SEPTEMBER FUR SALE AT AUGUST PRICES 1 1 Every article in our largo and complete stock ef COATS NECKPIECES end MUFFS ii offered at reduction au baton tial enough to make it well worth while for proapectivo buyers to reserve their Fun now Open Monday Wednesday and Saturday Evenings Until 9 CANTOR GEtiESEEST REPAIRING AND REMODELING HOWARD 814 William Otto Mm Myron Burh Mra Beth Clark Mm Chari ro Hayaa Mra William Marry Mra Clinton Gibba Mra Frederick Mitchell Mlao Lavtnla Hawley klip Harriet Caldwell Mra Hal Brownell Mra Edward Tanner MIm Agnem Benanp Mm Charlea Jewett Mm John Wlrkaer Mm Andrew Punly Mm Frederick ruddock Miaa Mary Churchill Mm Herbert MeJdrum Mm Hamilton Benham Hr Anna A Vleintaa of Clifton Bprinaa: MIm Kale Heymour at Pttteburgh: Miaa Jeannle Hoyt of Eaat Aurora Mm Mnrria Tanner of Bynumaa Mm Edward Mae Adama of Hamburg Mm Frank A Dudley Mra floor go Nye Mm Albert Hooker Mr Theodora Elliott of Niagara Falla Tha debutante imolatlng were: MIm Marian Crook rr MIm Ellrabeth Davifl Miaa France Hoefler MIm Marion Mann MIm Elizabeth Peabody Mlao Elaine Balterfleld MIm Marion Treblo MIm Emily White MIm Helen Cunningham MIm LouIm Urban MIm Margaret Roberta MIm Janet Dan-fnrth and MIm Martlra Bnilth MIm Joyce Martin of Ottumwa Iowa who la tha gueat of MIm Gray aMlated slao the following frieoila fmm Niagara Falla: MIm Alice Koyea MIm Cornelia Noyea MIm Marion Baton MIm Helen Pelt'- MIm Ruth Rankin MIm Grlaol Rnnklne MIm Katherine Porter Miaa Julia Farter Him Mar-garrt Hooker Miaa Helen Bhepard MIm Ruth Jerauld MIm Miriam Hall and MIm Eleanor Devlin MIm Bylreen Nye of Elmwood avenue loft town this morning for Warhington IX In answer to a telegram req uniting her presence In Washington for the burial of Miaa June Delano former head of the American Red Ctom Nurse corps on Saturday In Arlington cemetery The telegram announced the arrival In Mew York on Wednesday of MIm Delano' body from France where Miaa Delano died more than a year to soon after her arrival there on tour nf lnep-ctlon Mis Nye and Miaa Delano were friends from childhood and MIm Nye wm one of tha legatees of MIm Dels on win Including tha beautiful furnishinga of bar Washington apartment and heV fine -collection of Chinese curio assembled' on a trip around the world MIm Delano will be buried on Saturday with tha highest military honor MIm Runic Williams of Philadelphia la visiting MIm Charlotte Lout and Him Catherine tout! of North treat A DMIapliM America! Tlail Bel-ilia Tha Hon William Gorham Rice cha'rmaa of the civil arrive committee of New York state hae Just returned with Mrs Klee from a abort vioit to Holland Belgium and nd In a letter written to the Albany Time Union Mr Klee moat brilliantly and fmllngly describes a visit to tha garden of th great Cardinal Merrier whoa visit to Buffalo waa Ilka a bane-diction and a trimming with bands stretched out over tbs American grave In Europe (footing from the letter: Tn the rarely- beautiful garden of the palge of Cardinal Merrier at Mechlin (Mallnea) we listened tael -night from to 10 o'clock- to a Concert from the carillon In the tower of Ralnt Rombold'a rsthedraL Josef Denytt the great earillnneiir played The bells at Machlln are the best tha world poaiMoe and the beauty of th aoene -the stem gradually filling the ky the presence of tha ordinal and the sentiments awakened by thought of nd that -had happened to Belgium rinca wa bef-ra wer within its border and tha art of s' master musician made tha evening one never to be forgotten "A tha great gates of th Episcopal nalaea opened to admit us the eturd-lan sounded a hell We paimed through an ample entrance hall Into tha-garden of the palace and thara found ourorlvea In a wide pathway nf tnP white flower Aaaln the entrance hell aounded and then from the nr-den nut of the dusk In the distance appeared the henlsnknt meteoric and 'mnrees've form of 'the eard'nnl himself Ha-warmlv greeted In French and Enelleh and led the mt In the earde" In the mvatertnus depths of the tre-hdd lawns to nerfee nulet ws llaoad Flemish son-m from' the carillon ip the inftv sod masstoe tower vrhieti ipede the ee'iter nf th r'cnr Jis h-'-r- th "ar -of the- slaving the r-nltot lef a wlh of "nod n'1lt fljt In ha Hr pi-to and Jlr Fl-e V'dd Spa the Hendinerter Of the tVrmen e-oi" s-h-p the e-r e-d th" e(v r'd-tviiMsm pt flrmanv TSe Milk- of Ppa wee m-iap- provided f-V and wefwd (Otlsens -r AUirnv ed to recoanriton of the Vr and us pies wees Sewersd dnrtn" thele "tsl hy the e-rspweetee rt-rop dn fee when nod sits pTfietsIs whn destesd hem to oro I -nr the'- stav nrdep th-t the eh IT -n nf gpa might make a tote lii their hr ner I pee nh me Th Miu Frank Bhuter and Him Mar Iona Shuler of Kn Yota aro in (own tor a abut stay Having sold I heir formor home- Si likrmtr airaef lu Miaa Elisabeth Angel Henry they art ban to arrant finally lor (hair raai la Kaw Tark Mb and Mm Chauncey Hamlin S3 tamily bar turn into town from yayd-r having ald Gray Oablea and rid occupy parmananlly tbeir boom an Delaware avenue and Want Ctka creel i' I ha Flrat af Ibe Dcbalaates' Tha reeupiion given at toe Gaatury club pcatrrday after noon from ltl o'clock by Mra Henry Pkatcher Bhutthwonh to prraant bar atoea MIm Orra Gray daukhtrr of Mr aad Mm- Alfred Vf Gray of Niagara Falla was a very brilliant and beautiful affair' Tha recaption waa bald In tha grand ealla of tha club which waa decorated aad maaeeil with flower an original sack ground of palms feme and gor-gooua gladioli being aupplemented with hundrada of haakata bouqueta and Jardiniere at Fowera cent by the frlenda af the hnataaa and tha debutant lie entrance to tha hall waa banked with a gnrgaoua arrangement of ferae gladioli and autumn flow-era tied with blue ribbon and on the heard pad at the head of the atatra waa another floral center arranged In an imitteiiae baakat The tea table waa centered with pink Mm Mintfeworth received with her nieoe Mlaa Gray and her atater Mra Alfred Onr of Niagara Falla and Miaa Claire Bhuttleamrth who came In from her stud'" Mlllatream Chip- Sawa on the Niagara river The efcuta'nte were a (-harming gown of arhlta tateel trammed with gold hn-tted fringe and carried a colonial boenuet of -rmehuda Mra Hhuttle-wnrtb mn toilet of Mite doth woven with gllrer Mra Gray wan gowned In blue ann romh'-ed with henna colored ehtff-wi e-d Hla Shnttlawnrth worn T- ebiefnn elaborated with ItiHm of e-raL The ree-otlon waa attended by a -nine to alt the ole -of IM'-t' grond- Mra non whnne b-tn: where the Trihedral now etnnd ia for nn warn a center for all that wan fin and beat In wrtew" The' -oh- letter v-t Carlton tVrioe i ft Pnto-v Mra (I ta-rrett Poh Me- rerV 1 1 rtf- mi jo if PT-tmond Flah sra WtK-m rv Mra Vhn PvMr Fwelvn rtmat Mra J(V-oV Weed Mra floor-o Mrs Cheater 'tr Jnl'a fl Her t-n gh-rtn-o to wett Mr- -w-nnor MOIO-m nL to Mr- A'R James CoHor Vr inh fool? Miss uid -i vo- jnaenh Ma (fwo C-row Pboldon Mre or- tod A te-i aa'aehath doklraoo Cbartea i Ka-nodv Ttanl-t TT Waw ie Hfra Wllt'nm Nnrhno 'y- Ritev Piatt Mra Dinner siU tn0rp etly? antifypatd i use iivvivviKiimm REGAL Thousand Island Dressing MaAw rta Get bottle-)' totUynmeny qdod dealer in rohuncT uonuLOacua Beauty Hints Ionise 61ium That beainlhil actieaa Loulaa Glaiim aa ''A trlrt ur woman who le panned by without a glance of admiration hna only hHOnl to blame No matter bow Irr gular tha foaturaa anr-btr wk powpaaoii brantltul eom-' pltxfon wll etttao etlontlon 1 any 1 Whrro now ixWbi through tha ur of flonflllo for anyone to have bountiful May-white eompkorton" If yen --oil'd have a beautiful akin anfl amooth: end- velvety- Joat follaw Miaa advice lo4 ran gal Der-wllla flvan I bo 'billot rountrr of any ap-to-dv- dnw dapartmant atoro It la niiww for 'ho Inotant rranlla It giv'oa Ihit an one aid of yunr faoa and -I with the other you will need no further argument to aonvtre you that la away ahead of face powdn or other heauttftom Bo out to read Mra article hy Miaa Otauia on the cam of the akin aaon te appenr -In thlo paper In the meaatltne ant Uetwlllo and try It today you will ho eatonlahad at the quick Manila II glvae to 'Hlmmeto -of Wellington road leaves this evening to enter the University' of lllh-oi (FKellly-Ffeiffrr Tha aurriage of Miaa Esther Pfeiffer daughter Mr end Mrs William A Pfeiffer to Mr Robert O'Reilly was solemnised yesterday afternoon at 4 at the family rasl-gt in Pooley place The Rev Uo Johnson enualn of the bride of Philadelphia performed tha-ceremony Thcbride wore a gown of white Mttn Chantilly lac and oUvaa a veil In Grecian effect caught with orange Moosama and carried bride roses Hites of th valley and sweet pens Bhe waa atteaded by her cousin MIm Dorothy ft Adeison of Clevriand (X who WM gowned- In two-toned taffeta of roes and gold In pannier affect Mtea Lu-11 Haag played tha wedding march The groom was attended by Mr Edwin Pfeiffer The ceremony yu followed by a buffet supper for guest The bride's table of II coven was lee-orated la pink and white and th house was decorated throughout with palms ferns asters and gladioli Among the out-of-tosni rustle were Mra A Hagen Mra Kuelhuen of Cleveland Mr and Mrs William A Harioff of Attica Mr and Mrs are taking a trip to th Theumnd Islands and will be at home after October JS 11 Prospect avenue Darrew-Keblanea Mrs' Benjamin Robinson announces the maijriage nf her daughter Once Lillian to Mr Walter Harrow on Wednesday September IS at high noon Mra Charles Uem-bemer of Tulsa Oklahoma sister of th brid- was matron of honor and Mr Roy A Robinson of damme attended tb groom Mr and Mra Harrow will be at homo at 161 Laura! street after an eastern trip Leeke-gmUk Mr and Mra John Smith of Greenwood pined -announce the- engagement ef- their daughter Oenavlnv to Mr John Emerson Lock the wedding take-placa this fall RinhSilllni The marriage of MIm Alice Ellen BulUvan daughter of Mr and Mra John Sullivan of Grant street to Mr John Edwin Burns of Niagara Falls waa solemnised on Tuesday morning at In the Church of the 'Ahniineiatlon the Rev Father Cos officiating The bride woe gowned In Ivory white georgette her tulle veil arranged In can effect was caught with a wreath of etevia and ehe carried bouquet of bride roses and ntevla Hhe was attended by her sister Miss Mary Catherine Sullivan who waa gowned In pink georgette a black velvet hat and carried pink ns Hr Edward Garvey of Niagara Falls waa beet man- The ctramnny waa followed by a wedding breakfast at th home of th bride's parents for tha two fomlllea Among tha out-of-town guesta wars Mr and Mrs Peter Dooher nf ports ns burg Pa Dr and Mra Dalton McEwan' Mr' and Mra- Jeam Bunn Mies Catharine Dooher and Mtea Helen Dooher pf Niagara Falls After a short lake trip Mr and Mra Bunn will bo at home at 111 Grant treat Rmnaa-Rehalt Tha marriage of MIm Ethel Britulta deurhter of Mr and Era George Brhulta nf Knot Utica street to hlv Rrandt Hennas non nf Mr and Mra William Hrrmrin of Vermont street waa solemnised yesterday afternoon at IK Nlcholea" church Rev Dr Mc-Glotn official Ing The bride who waa Ivan In marriage by bar father wore her traveling- gown with hat to uintoh Mr William Herman waa hto brother" beat man and Miaa 'Blanche Rich was bridesmaid Break to at wa served at tha MarVem hotel Th tabic was adorned with a cen-pleca of chrysanthemums tha fall flowers predominating After an eastern trip Mr and Mra Herman will ha at home at 111 Mkamchurntta avenue RWh-Urrauarll -Mr and Mra GeoiwaH' McConnell nf West avanua announce th engagement of their daughter Ethel to Mr Hegry F-Wlrth the wadding to taka place In October Rgamaa-Vagf Mr and Mrs Henrr Vnal announce the marriage nf their daughter Margaret ft to Mr John Raumnn Jr on Tuesday Bentemhcr 14 Th attendants ware Mhw Catherine Bauman and Mr Edward Vogt A 'reception followed the rrrrmnny at th home of Ilia bride "i matron nf honor and at tha bride's tohie Mr and Mra Bauman ar taking a trip up the Inks add will hr at horns after October 1 at It Gnembel avenue Dua-LargatMaliii mnrrtarv of MIm A'liert Nor-tne Iorouemn'n to Mr Lo Joseoh Duen we aniemnlaed yraterdav eft err nob at I o'clock at tha rectory nf Notre Dame d- Tasirdea church tk Rev Martin PUflnna performln tfc eri-uinnv The hrlde wore coatume nf brown broad-'loth with 1st lo matoh Tbs aronm was attended by Dr Jn-e Ka'ier A wedding h-nbto-t wee ornd at fl home nf toe parents In Florid street rt1 bride's table of it rovers waa centered with a wadding rake th other guaata being seated at amall lahle Tha decorations throughout th hnune wars pink and white aatera anil gladioli Mr and Mra Dunn are taking an eastern trip and will be at- hnina attar October 1st at-tl Florida street Among thiwa who have entertained for MtM taruucmaln ar Mrs Harold ft Cooper Mias Ucnatanes Rndrll and Mrs Kat Kiefer Hart-Marshall I Mr and tlr Vm thv Marshall ai-uuince th" mnrria of their dough -'er Hannah Hr Waller Burl on Beptamber IS llrhlrnlhal-TAwrmer Th man-lagd of MIm Faroe I r-M in Mr Atliert Uchtenlhnl was solemnised -tVedmday morning at I at Seven D-ikm' pariah hooae Tlv aiirndsnte were MIm M-iymn T'i-htct'lial and Juaeph Mayer A v-eddlng hreaktoat was served 1 ha tofoyetts hotel Aflrr a honeymoon trip to fTnl'fornln Vr sndi Mr Tlchlemhol will he al hom at III Vsvomi place Nnvemlwr I Kaesser-Faerstaer Tbe marrisee nf MIm Arna Fnrat per slaughter of Mr and Mrs Obarle Furstrer lo Mr Walter Karsser was quietly aotemnlsed yesterday aft ernoon nt 4 o'clock at the hom of tb hride'a parent Tha Rev Sleek nf Saint Andrew's Kvsngallral lai-thfran church ornetatsd Mr and Mrs Kaesser arc taking a sodding trip to Washington and eastern points and will at horn after October 1 at 140 Iksit street Mra Henry Drgenhard of Kv dms place will epterlaln Imnorraw avanlng In honor of Her nleca Mtea Marla Maytir Th boat eases a the TTYouvIlla tea room at tha Working Boys' home Niagara situar lialny ar Mra Tht-mas Burke hllas Jnssphlna Colton Mrs Joseph hi Gavin Mra Jnha Luavaltaa and Mra Georg MIm Elizabeth Davis la giving a bridge tea at the Garret club thlo afternoon for MIm Junto Leonard who Is tha guaat of MIm Elisabeth Kahle MIm Cither the Vaughn and MIm Margaret Tucker -save a theater party last evening for MIm Dorothy Emanuel Tha Honorable Charts A 'Foster and Mr Franc! Hoff together with-Me Chart Wray and Mr lhert May of Rochester left last night fur a three weeks' trip to Colorado Mrs George Pierce who has keen pending the summer In Beverly Mam returns the Inst of thin week Mra Colburn who has bean the guaat of her mother will return to bar horna In Asheville this week MIm Charlotte Miller of West Ferry street la entertaining II guaata this afternoon for HIM Harriet Glttere The table will be centered with a miniature parasol covered with white aatar Th favors and place can! wlU- In-pink and whit MIm Doris nialnger will entertain last graduates from tbs Buffalo Pemlnary tomorrow afternoon MIm Orrea Gray of Niagara Falla anil her gueot MIm Joyce Martin of Ottumwa Iowa will return to Wellesley tha- last of this week MIm Charlotte "Miller will return to the Mount Ida school Newton Mam neat week MIm Evelyn Klun will return to Wellesley noon Mine Klune gave a tm yesterday afternoon at her -homo In Melbourne place MIm Mary Warren and Mr Everett Cam who have been th guests ef Mra Arthur Hedatrom return home today to Plainfield MIm Katharine Locke eras In town yaoterday an' rout -to her home In Youngstown Ohio' from Europe where ehe has been spending tha past taro months In Roma Pkria and London Mtea Lock whs tha gueot white in Faria of Mrs Walter Bchoellkopf and tha week-end guest of Lady Bwathellng In London Bha wm also a dinner gueat of Premier Nittl In Roma ramlaf aad Galag Mr and Mrs Charien Osorge pf Fifteen th street have return ad from spending th summer at Crystal Beach Mrs J' Ylgrnaron and daughters Eugenis end Virginia who have bean spending tba hummer at Crystal Beach have returned to their borne in New York Mr A 8 TiftickJIan la in Near York at th Pennsylvania hotel Mrs Warren Bender and daughter Katherine of Bast I'tlea street are motoring 'to-West Point and New Tock Mrs Jacob Fried la In Atlantic City at tha Hotel Traymor Mrs Vary Gothofer Mra Edward Winter Mra August Krata Mrs Andrew Bmeadcr and Mr Henry Dean have returned from two weeks In Atlantic City and Philadelphia -Mr and Mrs a Foa of Kwi street end Mr and Mra Fred Foa of Utey street have returned from a motor trip through New York state Mr end Mra Peter Frank and family have returned from a motor trip through the Mohawk Valley and Al-bny- as Mr- Valentina A Frank of Father avenue has returned from Toronto Ont Mies May ft Phillip of Itepaw he returned from a two months' visit in Ban Franriaco Los An a Ira Pasadena and Sacramento California Mr and Mrs Ponnar tX Rankin and Mr and Mra Willard Talmage and daughter Virginia bevt bean guests of Mrs John Vplta at her summer home at Angola Mr Georg Allen BmA West Ferry street -ha returned from Cincinnati Ohio where she has been visiting Mre Churchill Blackburn Jr for tha post few weeks MIm' Dorothy Ooulnlnrit of Warmw is the gUMt of MIm Julia McNair of Highland kvenue Harold A Baker 19( Unwood ava nue left last evening to resuma hi course at Dartmiwthfl-illege Mr A Fischer rcttirncd yraterday from a'four months' tra'vl and visit to his old horns Alsace Franca accompanied by hte niece MIm Maria Ball and Miaa Bakona Mara-lf MIm Margueril Tucker returns to the Ely school Greenwich (Conn th last of this month Mra Howard Berger and Mtea Frances Wlckaon wfll entertain on All Sales Must Be Final Here's Some Good News for Buffalo Coffee Lovers MANY Buffalo people who are particular about the coffee they drink like to stop at the Hotel Astor when they visit New York because of the wonderful flavor of the coffee served there To these lovers of good coffee it will be good news to learn that Astor can now be bought in Buffalo and you can have in Vour own home coffee of thq same enticing flavor that you enjoyed so much when you visited New York New York City has for years given the weight of its preference to this wonderful blend Jts fragrant aroma starts one off to his task with a smile and at night its pleasing fragrance puts the final touch to the dinner that marks the end of a busv day Because it gives cups to the it is served in the homes where economy is the watchword Your dealer can supply' you If not telephone us for the name of the nearest dealer who can ottBuffalo Distributors: BECKER-PRENTISS INC 5 i I 4 K'- i i i I- It- ft-: i i i v' i f- y- Oppenheim Main anJ Huron Streets Special Sale Tomorrow COFFEE New Fall Model Jersey Suits For Women and Misses Smart 'port Suits suitable tor present wear of Wool Jersey in Heather xturea with Convert- ible or Notch Collara ani Patch Pockets Regular Value $2975 1850 -'i "I iw Ml "-if A'o 0 Ds or Exchanges i.

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