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The Hartford Republican from Hartford, Kentucky • Page 3

Hartford, Kentucky
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ii FAIR BROS. CO. NERVE Makes ilic successful man now-a-days. Tlic big merchant is the merchant with "nerve" to stand up to adversity and hit (lie blows that KNOCKS OUT The Arch Enemy ol Trade. Fair Bros.

fr Co. have nerve enough to put the knife clear into the vitals of high prices. The Shrink from doing this, but it's the only way to move seasonable goods. FAIR BROS. CO.

Propose to lead the trade in Hartford by showing just how they Win by Nerve. FAIR BROS. Props. Hartford Temple of Fashion. It Tastes Good.

One reason why Scott's Emulsion of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and Ilypopliosphitcs of Lime and Soda has had such a large sale is because it is "Almost as palatable as milk;" but the best reason is that its curative properties are unequalled. It cures the cough, supplies the waste of tissues, produces flesh and builds up the entire system. Hoott'n KtuuMlon curoa Coughs, Cold, Consumption, Scrofula, and all Annomlo nnd Wasting Diseases. Provonto wasting In children. Almost palatable at milk.

Crt silly the genuine. by Koott A. Ilowno, ClicmUU, Nw York. Hold by all Mn! For Ward -Robes Dressers, or anything in the General Furniture Line, see T. .1.


No. Mull mill IS.H' r. u. No. 7, l.lmi'lcJ lliMr.

a. TKUNH f.OI.NO KAH'I. No. (I, Hull nml llM'rrex N. I.linllpil .1.13 FItlDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1892.

For Sale. A good farm containing 212 acres ol land. About one-half clearedjgood improvements; well watered. Lies four miles South of Fordsville on tho extension of tho Owensboro it Falls of Hough railroad. For terms, call on or address, John J.

MoIIiiNitv, 8 tt Hartford, Ky. Notioo. All persons Icmwin themselves indebted to mo are roquestod to cull on M. h. Ileavrin, llurtford, and settle the name.

Itesp'y, L. T. Cox. Septra Emulsion Traile with Carson it Co. More new lints just received nt Carson Go's.

Host clothing house in Ohio county is Fair Bros, it Co. Tor wntches, clocks nnd jewelry, call on C. It. Martin. For the best wntcli repairing be sure to call on C.

It. Martin. Cheapest, largest and most stylish Millinery is tit Fair Bros. Co. Never before have Fair Bros.

Co. done a larger clothing business, If you want shave, shinglo or shampoo, call on Cain, the bnrbcr. We have-a big line nt boots. Coino and see our stock. Caiihon ACo.

Williams, Bell it haven beautiful lino of lamps at very low prices. Good blankets 81.00 pair. Extra comfort Toe at Fail Bros, it Co. When you fail to look nt Fair Bros, it clothing you miss bargains. Fair Bros, it sXoo'nnd 88.00 overcoats ate as good as anybody's 810.00.

For clocks, jewelry and watch repairs of all descriptions, call on C. It. Martin. You can always get the best of accommodation nt Casubier it Burton's tnblo. Rev.

J. It. McAfeo will fill Itev. E. E.

Pate's pulpit at Beaver Dam Sunday night. If you want spectacles of tho cheapest, or tho best at tho least price, call on C. It. Martin. Trade with Sam it Mo and you will get good bargains iu dry goods, millinery, shoes, etc.

Look at tho lovely hats at tno nro rare bnrgaius. Saha Me. Try a pair of our 82 Bhoes. They are the best school shoe in Hartford. Carson Co.

Ottcnsboro wngon for salo by C. L. Field. The schools of tho county ore in llourisliing condition. Suits nnd ovcrconts, tlio finest for tlic money, nt Kahn's Trndc Palace.

Jlr.J.II. llarncs nnd lady have taken rooms at the Austin Dam. Col. J. B.K.

Wedding will speak nt Sulphur Springs to-morrow at 10 o'clock a. tn. One night Inst week a thief broke into the store of W. M. Hcflin nnd stole ninety dollars in money.

Try our Anderson's Wear-Forever school shoes they can't be bent. Saha Mb. We arc still in the lend with our boots, shoes, lints and clothing. auk's Tn aih: I'alack. Just received a nice lot of new buggy harness.

Call nnd see them. C. L. Field. Wo can snvc you money by buying your fall nnd winter goods at our housie.

Kahn's Tiiadr A good second-handed Owensboro wngon for sale. Call quick and get bargain. C. L. Fiki.d.

Take your prescriptions to Williams, Bell it and have them compounded from fresh ntul pure drugs. Go to Kahn's Trade Palace, the mcrchnnt around us, and you will find bargains there nt nny time. Col. C. M.

Barnett will address the Republican Club at Taylor Mines Tuesday night, Nov. 1st. Let hira have a big crowd. We have a handsome line of trunks, carpets, etc. They must bo sold, so come and get a bargain in them.

Saha it Mrs. Frank Wnllace, Fordsville, died Sunday night of typhoid fever. She was most estimable woman nnd the community enn ill nllbrd to lose so valiiiihlo a member. J. G.

Taylor, the gifted, bright and Jalented attorney, of Owensboro, who was defeated by J. E. Itowe for nomination for Commowcnlth's Attorney, mndon model Democratic speech in tho Court House last Tuesday night. His hearers being few his speech was short nnd referred only to the Tariff' and the Lodge Election Bill, but it was iutersperscd with humor, anecdotes nnd comparisons, which brought forth laughter nud applause. Mr.

Taylor has many friends hero and they should have given him a larger crowd. There were only 23 present to hear him. It was noticed that Mr. Taylor did not even mention Mr. ltowe's name during his entire speech.

It was a real Columbus Day, When our friend and neighbor came to May, But in eighteen bundled nnd ninety two, LVcbieriV Burton, they came, too; So call on them day or "night And they will treat you exactly right. Found Doad in a Parlor Car And only recognized by his fine suit bought nt Kahn's Trado PuIiish. Kuockod in tho Hoad. Wes Callahan, ti drunken, worthless nnd disreputable negro, whose only means of support is keeping a dive nt Ilayti nnd voting the Democratic ticket, has way it seems of getting a quantity of whisky or a keg of beer quite often and selling it out to thoso who care to buy nnd it very often happens, it nlso seems that Sunday is spent drunken carousals by thoso who frequently visit his place. It seems that last Sunday was bo spent.

Among others who had imbibed, wn3 Grit Park, respectable necro of Ilayti, who had left Callahan's house and gone to Mosley's grocery on the road. His (Park's) wife came along iu going homo from church and asked Crit to go with her and ho started on nnd after passing Callahan's houso ho wns called back, it seems, either by Wes himself or G. W. Bunger, who wns at Wes' house. Crit went into tho houso nnd played nwhilo on the banjo when he nnd Bunger had a row in which Crit drew a knife, but which ho put back into his pocket when the few harsh words were over.

Bunger and Park went into the yard to talk over their little difficulty, Park considering it settled, when Cnllahan came up behind and struck Park in tho head with nn axe, inflict ing a very dangerous wound. Drs. Pendleton nnd Baird dressed the wound. Cullnhan was lodged in jail, oven though tho young attornoy was in town, who said while making up Wes' bond on a former occasion, thnt no Democratic negro should Ho in jail if ho could help it, but maybe he couldn't help it this timc.Ho might have done much as to console Wes by his benign(?) presence. But, Oh! how exceedingly hard that a negro who votes the Dem ocratic ticket should have to bo punished for this crime.

Park's recovery is doubtful. Cheap Exoursion. Tho last cheap excursion to Louisville over tho N. N. it M.

V. Itouto will tako place October 29, 1892. Don't fail to go on this excursion. There will bo great attractions in the city ami tho rates very low. For further particulars, ask ticket agent for hand bill, showing rates and time card of special train.

F. B. Lynch, G. P. A.

PERSONAL Win. ltiloy, Ncwville, was iu the city Wednesday. Col. Lnfo Green, Falls of Hough, is quite ill of typhoid fever. A.

S. Anil, Sulphur Springs, wns in town Wednesday. Col. J. S.

It. Wedding returned from Leitchfield Wednesday. B. M. Bennett nud Clmrlic Leach, Beda, called nt our oflico Saturday.

John Petty, Sulphur Springs, who hns been sick for some tunc is out ngnin. Misses Annio nnd Minnie Itcnfrow, Sulphur Springs, were in town Sunday evening. Mrs, J. II. Kuykendoll, Point Plensnnt, visited her sister, Mrs.

L. P. Loney this week. Clayton L. Woodword, candidate for Sheriff, was in town Wednesday.

Miss Nolia Westerfield, who has been spending some time in Owensboro, returned homo Tuesday. Miss Nora Martin, Beaver Dam, is spending tho week nt Sulphur Springs with her father's family. Mrs. Laura McKmncy nnd children, Kinderhook, arc visiting friends in Hardin county, near Big Spring. Sam Arnold nnd Mrs.

Anga Ar nold, White Wood, South Dakota, visited G. C. Wcsterficld this week. Jnincs M. Barnett left Wednesday for Beaver Bam, where he has accepted position iu the tobacco house of J.

11. Nave. one of Onensborn's popular tobacconists is spending tho week nt his Morton's, Sulphur Springs. Albert McCrocklin has sold his res idence on Dog Street, toT. L.Griffin, nnd leaves nt once for NewHnrmony, where he will make his future home.

The Crowd That will attend the sale nt Itockporf, Nov. 15, will be immense. Part of the propcty owned by Dr. S. A.

Jnckson, deceased, will be offered to the highest and best bidder. Consisting of the home place of 175 acres of very rich hind, residence of eleven rooms, good water, plenty of fruit; n. residence on Mniu Street; resideuce on Beech Hill; a tobacco factory, 10x90, 3 stories, new; 2 farms iu Muhlenberg county; horses, mares. colts, hogs, sheep, cnttle, an extensive lot of agricultural implements, wag ons, buggy, hay, wheat, corn, nnd a. quantity ot otner tuings.

i ap 1 1 I Terms: sums ol so ami unuer, cash. Sleek and agricultural implements, 12 month. Household and kitchen furniture, ncl 12 months. Lnml, houses and lots, one third ensh, balance in 12 months and 3 years. All property secured.

For further particulars, call on or nddress Mns. EuzAiiirru Jackson. 13 3t Executrix. Overcoats For children and men, are great bar- Kahn's Trade Palnce. Oyster Supper At Mrs.

Henry Field's to-morrow night, by the Indies of the Baptist Church. A nice time is anticipated. Outers v. ill be fccrsed in every style. Everybody invited.

Blankets and Comforts At our Storu, the best in the market, for the money at Knhn's Trade Palace. At Whitesvillo To-Night. Our own, eloquent, J. S. It.

Wedding, will enthuse anil entertain tho citizens of Daviess county with ono of his patriotic Republican speeches. It Is Foolishness To waste your time reading two or three columns of personal insinuations, which amounts to nothing whatever. You would do bettor to read Kahns "ad" and purchase your goods of him. Club Mooting. The E.

C. Hubbard Club will meet nt Bald Knob Saturday night to transact important business. Let every member be present. Publio Hon. Wm.

A. Morrow, Republican Elector for tho will nddress the citizens of Ohio Hartford, next Monday, Oct, 31. Many of our citizens well remember a few years ngo, when tho Hon. J. Proctor Knott nnd T.

Z.Morrow wero candidates for Governor nnd spoko here. They nlso remember well, both Democrats and Republicans, how tho Hon. Z. Morrow "made Rome howl'' nud completely headed oil" tho Hon. Mr.

Knott in every argument bo brought forth. This fnct remains undisputed even by our strougest partisan Democrats. Well, by way of introduction we want to say "Bill'' is "a chip oft' of tho old block" in fnct, "a eon of the old man." Don't fail to hear him. Mrs. Harrison's Death.

For tho socond time iu the history of tho White House, a President's wife has died within its walls. Go to Kahu's Trado Palaco for your flannels, dry goods boots and shoes. Mrs. Harrison met death with tho pntionce and resignation of a dovout christian lady, and her last days wero comparatively froo from pain. Buy your boy a good ovorooat for the least money at Kahn's Trade Palace and you will ho satisfied.

Columbus Day Was grand success nil ovor tho county. Hnrtford did herself honor, Boavor Dam had a gront day, and a big ontortainment nt night. Alexander raised ii flag and bad services. Oak Grovo hnd a crowd of five hundred people, and raised a flag foot high. Buyuius had a very enjoyable day, with music and patriotic spoechos nnd other schools nro to hoar from.

You needn't givo Ohio county, or her schools out on nnything they itudortako. W. H. Davidson, tho Photographer, has moved bis gallery to tho rooms over Martin's Jewelry Store, whoro he will bo glad to give you excellent tin-types nnd Photo's cheap. McEuenSmith.

Owpnlwro Messenger. Mr. John McEuen, ot Fordsville, and Miss Antha Smith, of this city, will go to Louisville where they will be married. Mr. McEuen is popular young business man of Fordsville, and his bride to bo is the charming daughter of D.

Smith, formerly sheriff of Ohio couuty, but now in the revenue service. They will make their home nt Fordsville, LA.FFOON. Oct. 17. A Wheeler flag was raised hero the height of one hundred nnd ten feet.

A Brass Band from Whitesvillo furnished the music tor tuo occasion, riioro was a large crowd in attendance and a pleasant timo is reported by all. Tho prayer meeting held at tho residence of J. W. Stinnett, Saturday night, conducted by Mrs. Georgia Cook, of Kansas, was largely attended.

Miss Sue King is again teaching tho Westerfield school, Di strict, No. fifty seven. Profs. Mason and Crowe, will address the people of this district, on tho subject of education, Friday night, 2S. All friends of education are expected to attend.

Hanxaii. 7. HtkiARD, l'ret, Jvo. 11. Ilosm, Cashier STATEMENT Of the Condition of the Roatror Ta DEPOSIT BANK At the Close of Business October 8, 1892.

RESOURCES. Notes and Bills 847,271.17 Real Estate 3,000.00 Furniture nnd 1,500.00 Expcuees Cash on Hand aud in other Banks 39,272.98 92,589.22 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock $25,000.00 Due Banks 20.00 Interest and Exchange 3,748.59 8G2.31 Surplus Fund 2.250.00 Deposit Account 00,708.32 892,589.22 In submitting this we beg to state that our businefS bus Mcndily grown each month since our opening, and by the moat careful, watchfulness and a strict observance ofihe principles of the most conservative Banking, we hope not only to extend our acquaintance, but to prove ourselves worthy the confidence that is being so liberally reposed iu us. We nre hero to accommodate the people, each aud every business, courtesy shall bo extended to them, but in no case shall safety bo sacrificed for friendship or to obtain business. John H.Baiinks, Cashier.

Another Car Load Of Pure Raw Bone just come in. The demand for ''Pure Raw Bone" has necessitated a duplicate order. Send in your orders for this reliable tried goods. HoCKEK CO. The Twentieth Semi-Annual Statement OK THE I OF TO At tlic t'lowe ol IIunIiiohn, June 30, INKS, RESOURCES.

Bills discounted 859,317.09 Real estato 3,000.00 Furniture nnd fixtures. 1,000.00 Bonds 1,341.07 Debts in suit 743.54 other b'ks 40,420.79 8105,823.09 LIABILITIES. Capital Btock 830,000.00 Deposits 70,798.20 Due other Banks 15.05 Dividend 4 per ct.decltired 1,200.00 Fund to pay taxes 225.00 Profit and loss 3,584.84 $105,823.09 S. K. Cox, swear tho above to be.

correct. d. K. COX, PltllSIDENT. Sworn to before me this Juno 30, 1892.

A.T.Nall, D.C.O.C.C. A dividend of 84,00 per sharo wns this day declared, jay-able on and after July 5, 1892. mSF 4 8 fO ,1 Anderson's Bazaar This old reliable house is full of NICE SEASONABLE GOODS which are offered far cheaper than any house in town. An inspection of our stock will soon convince you thnt WE ARE THE PEOPLE To Trade With. In Dry Goods, Ladies, Misses and Childrens Shoes, Millinery, Ave offbrjsomc rare bargains.

JONE PRICE TO ALL Is our motto. Don't fail to come and see us. No trouble to show goods. Come in and feel at home with us. We will treat you pleasantly and take pleasure in showing you our immense stock.

Vfll KSSli P5kLZ 1 rAMHttfiill In liiTBi ferl 1VJb471E $65 OUR SILVER QUEEN $65 Silver-plated Tl.ish Itnil. Seat Rail, Handles. Is it possible a first-class Buggy I. nn.l "slilff TlIM. for nllOC llllCC I UUU -E 2sLA ra a Y- 2i" 3 Ci-Jw, PS! w.

Write for our New 80 page Catalogue of all UmW of Vehicles Address THE SOUTHERN BUGGY CO. OH, CINCINNATI, Fun tor All. Charles E. Hamilton, tho noted Humorist nnd Elocutionist, will visit Hartford next week and on Friday night, Octohcr 28, will entertain our citizens with one of his wonderful ex hibitions, composed of Wit and Humor, Senso and Nonsense, Songs, Tis very seldom that Hartford is honored by such exhibitions, we. thorcforo, bespeak for Mr.

Hamilton largo and appreciative audience. Dr. Landis, Williamstoii Female College says: "I lmvo never seen his equal." Dr. Abernathy, Rutherford N. says: "Ho is simply unsurpassed." Admission, 25c.

Children, 10c. Town Taxes. Thoso who lmvo not paid their town taxes aro earnestly requested to do so at once. 1 must mako settle, nient soon nnd your prompt action in tho matter will ho appreciated and will save time and trouule. Iles'y, V.

P. Thomas. 2' Sic ml 'j He O.J8 Ci 'loir S. A. TAX-PAYERS! You will do both yourself and me a favor by calling upon me or oneofmydcp' uties and paying your taxes before the six percent, penalty is added which will be done the first of November.

Please at tend to this matter at once and save costs. Yours, S. C. TAYLOK, Sheriff Ohio Co. FO THBUMJID, WmVueM.

Malaria, idlseitlou u4 muowb1w5 ikon rjnrpi It cures a Ir. for ulo by all Jealera medietas lb) geuulno..

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