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The Troy Herald from Troy, Missouri • Page 1

The Troy Heraldi
Troy, Missouri
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)


PUBLISHED BY FISHER Sc AT W.SO a Year ia Ad-raaoa CAR! moil JUNE MUM. Psyi His MmMhi to Uto "Ytwif Mm wfcf LOOAL AN0 COUNTY NlWt. Woolfolk Hand tro receiving new Good this week. Call and see them. Don'l forget that Rev.

Mr. Burnam will preeeb a tnmperonce'scrmon at Hie Baptist church next Bunuay. You can buy nice White Corded Pique, 7-8 yard wine, tor 1 o. ai CM. Hamilton's.

Dr. E. L. Sydiior, who ha been to journlng In Texa for a year past returned last week. Hum Minck Calicoes.

Bleached Cot ton. Notion, received this week ft Hand's. It eald that one night last week Mrs. Jennings, living about a mile, north of this place, dreamed that a niu named Griffith waft dead. She thought' no more about It until, dur lag the following day, teelnga wagon nan by with a coffin, when on in -qulry It was ascertained the eoffln wa lor the man the had dreamed wai dead.

The school at Crab-apple school liouie. dist. 1, p. 41, range 1 east, February 23d, with approprl ite exerctsts. The ochoiil has boen under the supervision of Mi.

J. Norton, wboie excellent stewardship wai evidenced by the exhibition hit pupils. Mr. lloriou bears a very flattering cerlificnio signed by the dl rectors. Mew.

A. M. Williams, A M. Suults and George F. Klein.

Mr. Benjamin Elmore, father of Sheriff Elmore or t'hi county, died at tils borne near Ashley on the 27th of February, at the advanced age ot flo years and 0 mouths, lie was born in Prince William coumv. Virginia, the 27tb day of May, 1787 When a young mau be moved to Caswell county, North Carolina, and Irom thence in 1830 to this state, locating near Ash. ley. Piko county, where he lived up to the time of.

his death. He had beeu an exemplary member of the Presbyterian church for 70 years, and was an elder in ihut church lor 65 years. lie was a man or sterling qualities, a'ml enjoyed the friendship and esteem of all wiUi whom he came In contact during bis long residence In this state. JWe suppose the little ring whose secret conlaves have hatched mil the "new paper project" la not satisfied with the spaeo nflered It in these columns for a legitimate defense ot the action of the Collector and County Court, hut want a sluice-gate through which in pour out their prl vate spleen, prejudices and personal inveotlves. If they cannot get along without a special organ, they ought at least to have i he generosity to put Iholr bands Into their owu pockets for the means to purchase the outfit, and not by prnmUes which it will be difficult tor them to fulfil, Induce some poor devil of a publisher look logout lor a location to carry nil the risks and entangle himself in ember rassmcnis.

An organ, gentlemen, good thing sometime, but we can' be bulldozed into that sort of journal Ism. What came near being a very serl ous accldont happened Mr. J. It Thornhlll and several others who wero returning with blm from party over the rlvor lam Friday night In crossldg at the llutt ford, the nigh being dark, he got into very deep water, and the bed of the wagon was washed off and overturned. Mrs Thoruhtll, the only lady In the wagon, sunk onee or twico, and was with difficulty rescued, but all suo needed til getting on to the floating bed and, drifted down to a sandbar, and finally made the shore Jn safely Mrs.

T. was very much exhausted Ariel had'to be tarried about a mile to neighboring keuse. On returning to the wero standing. In elsiee! swimming water, where they baited when the bed of 41 wages wat first watted oC Editors Herald i I have read the open letter In your paper of week be fore last, and also your reasons for re eetlng a reply to the same In your last week' paper, on aeeount of its referenee to the private concerns and misfortunes of its author. I ahould have preferred that some other person than a member of the County Court had made some reply or explanation of this matter, and certainly regret the seeming necessity of having to make any defence of the court my self I have only known the young man for the short lime he has lived In Troy, but had formed- quite kindly and sympathetic feeling lor him; and certainly do not wish to do him any injustice, I think his con duct hss been such as to create more sympathy from good paoplo for him than any admiration for bis talent or ability In hi profession, or his as- aiiined air of self-importance of his own ability.

And after having to travel to Rumo and flud por haps the greatest tyrants that over afflicted their own species, for which to mako a comparison of our three old County Court Justices, It may be well Imagined how he reared him self back In a swell of the most su preme and Infinite delight at tho very able production he was about to scniI forth to Ihe admiring gsze ol a people whoso good will and better votes he was so amlcahly courting. It will be found In Ihe 6th section of the late law relating to tho collec single esse that ha been presented. The bsck taxes new remaining due, are, think, sometning over six tnous-aud dollars, but It Is hardly probable that over one intra win no collected, and very much the larger portion, porhxpt four-fifths of that, will be pam oy uonresiaenie or tne county. It will thus be seen that all the fuss and lury made by this self-important, but modern young Cssiar or Nspo- lenn (i see i nave to go io Home ana France ton) Is surely not for the benefit ol the honest, hardworking tax payers ol Lincoln county, in the car rying out a law that cannot be lit uored or violated, even though It may he unpopular, but Is more probably Intended lor the honest, bard-work- lug voter, which will be matle a Utile more apparent from a little circum stance I will mention. On Monday or Tuesday of ihe same week that the County Court committed tuts nion Irons blunder.

In not making the Col lector appoint him to bring these suits, he look an occasion most trlendly and confidentially to Inquire of me. and as I have since learned of a half dnceu and oerhaus forty oth era. how Dr. Brown stood In my part or the county; ami upon my reply "very well so far as I know," ho said It was to his know letige vory rtlUer ent In other parts if the county Now, In all this cheap talk In behalf of the tax payer, does It not seem that something else ha crossed the CARD FROM COLLECTOR MILTON. Mr SltoltoA ftlvM Uto RMMti tot His AtHtti Ia Mm leek Tax MaMtr.

Trov, March 4, 1878. Editor Herald: At the sugges tion of some of my friends, I make this statement to the pupllc In regard to my employing Messrs. Norton, Martin ft Dryden as attorney to as- slt me In bringing suit for back taxes, and allowing them ten per cent, commission on the amount) col lected and paid Into the treasury The back tax book amounting to 18.870 00, was put Into my hands in July, 1877, and 1 have used my best endeavor to collect all of the tax which was justly owing, seacblng all the banks and United 8tale sur veys, to which I had access, to find tho present owner of the land, and notifying them as soon as found, that they might produco receipts If they had them, or havo all the time possible In which to make payment. In i his manner I have collected and paid Into the treasury $7,054.00. The ac cumulated errors and double assess- young fellow's mind Might he not, ments or the past ten years havo also alter all be morn alter Dr.

Brown lteu marked off, amounting to about than Ihe three old men In tho County ajjoOOOO. At Ihe February term ol Court and If wn were capable nl feel- nnn 1....1. lug ihe least augor towards him, we back tax was might feci aiired that the Doctor compromised. The balance remain (who 1 hopo will excuse me tor uing lug unpaid, being somo $7 600.00, Is miuainouerejaau nun aji 0n unknown owners, nou- neys a I may dem4neceary their approval legalise the contract, and prevent me from em ploy leg any grossly Incompetent person. I see no casta to regret my aelee- llons.bellevlng Ibat I have sctsd to the best Interest of the county.

The back tax law may be a harsh one, and the duties It Imposes on me unpleas ant, bat while I am eoltector I expect to do, a near a I ean, what I am required to do. P. O. 8 HELTON. Messrs.

John, Jim and Resplno Wilsou have Jolnly purchased the Warren Mitchell farm of Mr. Cat. Prewltt. deal worse ihun any member of the County Court, or all of them put to gether. Mr.

Parker sees proper to parade my signature as presiding Justice nelnre ino pitUTie in nis open inner, but does he not know it was the only residents, and lands on which tho owners refuse to pay, as not being worth ihe taxes. The back tax law requires Ike col lector lo briugsuit against the ownert C. M. HAMILTON Will sell you 12 pairs of ladles' White Cotton lloae for 85 cents, and a good Corset for AO cents, and 12 Papers of Pins for 26 cent. Now the I time to buy Hardware, Tinware, at bottom figure at n.

o. urewa ts t-o's. Woolfolk ft Hand are elnklnr nut their stock ol Clothing at cost. Those fit need ofiurserv etnek will Ami It to their Interest to send to A. M.

Shulls, Troy, for descriptive catalogue anil price list of Buffalo MILK. On and after Ihe 1st of No. vember. 1877. I will deliver milk ut SO cents per gallon.

MRS. i. HAMMOND. Wantrd 1.000 bushels of Oafs and Corn at B. 8.

Crew ft fur wnicn me highest mtrket price will bo paid. Woolfolk ft Hand offer sueclal bar gains In Bleached Cottons. Inn ot the back taxes, that It Is made the special duly of theCollector employ such attorney as he may deem necesnat who shall receive as fees in any suit such sum not to ex ceed leu per cent, of the amount ol taxes actually collected and paid into the treasury, as may be agreed upon in writing and approved by tne Court, whlcb sum shall be taxed as costs In Ihe suit, and collected as I her costs, and no such attorneys shall receive any fee or compensation tor such services, except as In thl section provided, The 6th section says, "All actions comini'iiced under the provisions nl his uct shall bo prosecuted in Ihe nemo of the state ol Missouri, at Ihe relation and to tho use of the Collector, and against tho owner of the properly." It seems to me, and I think will to all reasonable men, that Ihe law I very clear that the Collector and not the Court ha the appointment, of tho at tomeys, and equally clear that the Collector and not live Court Is em powered to agree upon the price paid for their services, all of which shall he presented to the Court in wi lling for its approval. Now, as tho law clearly sss lhal the Collector is Ihe contracting party, and may pay ten por rent, lor cost, has the Court ar.y right to refuse to confirm it be cause ho did agree lo pay ten por cent as the law It also seems equally clear that the law contemplates no olhor considers tlou by the Court In Its approval ol the contract, when thus made and presented in writing by tho Collector, as tho law directs, than as to the qua) Ideation and responsibility of the at torneya thus seleo'ed and presented to the Court (or Its approval, than to see that the revenues are not jeopar dizcil or endangered by being placed In incompetent and Irresponsible hands, the ends of justice, and the object of the law defeated, and the public money squandered; and who is there among us who wants to pay the tax on hi own Utids, and the lauds adjoining hi are owened by nsrtlos In Ohio or Massachusetts who won't pay on tholrs, are willing for mm io go iree, The Countv Court ha made a ro dactleu of largely over hair of all ihe back taxo tbat have been presented to thrm, and will probably make many more at the adjourned terra next week. They have not failed to give relief, to my knowledge, In eue signature necessary to be there, and.

ofall lauds on the back lax book re IIihi It was there by ami with the op- malnlng unpaid on tho 1st of Janu- ary, 1878, and authorizes him to "em ploy such attorneys us ho may duem provsl of Ihe wbolo Court If Mr. Parker wanted Ihe appoint- tin kl.iil.lil 1 11 A Sheltoti, who had the power to ap- noceesary lo assltt blm In bringing point him If he saw proper lo do o. suit to recelvo us their lee a sum and couriered ilss competent mid which shall be agreed upon, not to i iumhiuiu on nnin wiiiun no may have had gi-ave duubta. as far as toed ten per cent, or the amount now. It i a mailer I will not ven- ireusury." lire an opinion on.

IjIokiiow how- I had two auulleatlon to do the ever iliallt is not a common thing, and W01.k und n0 more one Irom Mr, Itwlaail ll lit 1(1 Ikst IfuHii liiiflitiiiltlnti I iiMicsii i ii i vi is i ci i uiivtiiiiiiiun fl t. onefoi a man. when he had to em. Howard 8. Parker, who specified no ploy alawer in attend to Important price, and one from Messrs.

Norton, usiuexs lor nun, to put limit lo tho Martin ft Dryden, who proposed to uwen iiniiier. ourriy me inw I. t.l bllflUf llllf lH.IKIipi Ilie Vsw mw py iri I any such thing as that. And I still anything or Mr. rarKore quaiiuua hi nk In ihe respectable and noble iloussnd knowing that he had not the roiession ot me law, it would rntiuu.

iw Hi.imr tit unruly uu uiMiMiiureu vt-rv ruir ioiiHl fnr niiR lo irn bniririnir a nae at a lower price, when he know an- him. Having exhausted all my means other had already been engaged. The of finding tho owners, 1 uccepted services oi me potent lawyers are MoMM. Norton, Martin ft Diydcu's at any iirice. iumI If this ynunir man proposition, with the understanding hoiilil be Judged by that standard in lhal I was io nsvo acces lo their au- he lew be ha been able to get tr.Gt of titles, to ascertain the own- here, as well sK iimnv others, would Ulll, lo auier uo exciiHen hi piecing a vaitia hsi bis oervlMa iniisht b- bring suit directly against thctn, sav worth.

lug time and labor. Uusldent owners I had purposely refrained from say- are notified before suit is filed, and lug anything through the paper, or In luome of them, on bfiiug.nollflud. have any other putiiio way, in deroii.e ol forWMd and redeemed their inv hp linn of Ihn Piillntv I I I ..1 III. Il.n ill whilst 1 was a iiiembHr. and I stay here say that the four old gentlemen on ten percent, coinmls-inu, because with whom i nave neeu assuciaten in I they would not do the work tor less ihe County Court for now nearly six mhaw lhi.

WM llo, ve-rs. were put thereby a people who tu "how n1 thought ihey could entrust lo Ihem travngotit prtco, I siaie inai on ui- the public iiitoresis or the couuty, qulry I find that the neighboring Save money by buying vour REEO OATS ot U.S. Crows ft Co. belnre the advance. By calling at once you ean buy or engage them at bottom ngures.

Farms Is Rest For particulars apply to 2w9 J. M. McLbllaw. All persons knowing themselves Indebted to us are earnestly requested to come lor ward and settle. Mrs.

Mary Skdlackk. Margin Skdlacek. WATER I MOSCOW MILLS RUNNING. Flour and Meal on hand, for aalsj or exchange. When not running will glvo notice.

F. Wind ft Sun. A good supply of Freth Tinmlhr. Clover, Blue Gra and Top seed for sale ut St. Louis pi lees at U.

S. l'RBW8 CO persons indebted to the undersigned by note or account, are em ni'Htly requested to call and settle. If not paid within CO days, all notes and accounts will ilaeed In the hands an officer lor collection. We mut square up nut business. Riffle ft Depub.

Cnp-hu Oris, Mai eh 6. 187H. 1 J. end 1 can bear witness Unit there has been no dectsloti made, or action taken, or allowances of accounts, i.r contracts made, but with an eye sin glo 'o tho best Interest of the tux- payers of the county at least, so far as the Court was able to come to an counties of St. Chalos, Warron, Montgomery, Audrain, Monroe and Ralls, all havo allowed their attorney ten percent, commission, several of them having laxes greatly exceeding ours, Inielllireiit solution ol ihe two of them eaoh having over $40, mailer! end It uiav even ho a little UvU UU.

uno collector says, -one oi uardonahle piece of va'hlty in these mv nrlnclnal reason for einuloving I 1 mil men, ii iney iiiiiik iiieir niisiHKes have been but few. This Is not the first time that same men, In my opinion, In bad judgment and temper, have impugned ourc tlnus and motives, and perhaps mis him, was Ihe fact that he had an ab street. I don't believe thtt a lawyer who did not have access lo an ab stract could afford to act even tor ten por cent one cannot rely on the tax Iheso case the Court has deemed It land Is. most proper not to speak, but let 0I Drcentl(g my oontract to the eknaM i fllsa Alll Al I bOIH Atllll I ihi-rin i.r Court at the February term for ap dresied to the Court by a young man provsl. I first learned that there was hardly tere long enough to buy ami Mty objociion to It by anybody, ana pay lornisseconasiiii i l0 the Court the rea hie reuumtlon for srood sense or anv- anus for my eleclou, the cenlrsol thing else here, has made en attempt wa approved, and the work is going lo rid Into office, or apraollceat 0n, suits being brought as fast as the law, or publlo notoriety, by, an at- flllffl owners and lack ro unjust and tin warrantable on orney oan una the ow nor ana the Coiinty Court and Mr.

Bhelton. prepare the paper, and particularly myself, that I hope I injustice to the County Court, I will be excused by a rir-inmaea aaa WU Bty tnt WhMVfr Vlsuvs IllSS'SKSi khero may be In the. mailer lliviv TV llnnn. not attach them. The law Ulllwood.

March 1878. I authprlit te employ such attor 0. IIUTT. M. II.


TBOY. MO. Offer their professions! service to the citizens uf Troy and vicinity. Dr. Hutt will uuy especial attention to AbhI hiiiI Ue-tul Diseases, such as Hemorrhoids, Fistula, eto.

E. N. BONFIL8. A TTOB1SEY AT LAW, miiMV uieoniiBt -ss. tw a toov is Will practice In the Courts or the 16th Jt dielal Circuit.

Cntee in Bank. HOWARD 8. PARKER, ATTOUNKY snd COUNSELOR AT LAW TROY, MI88WUHI. Will oractlcelu the CourU oi the Nlneteeath Judicial circuit sad la the superior court" of ins suite, uawtw vrewn' store J. K.

HCLBU.SK. J. CRRXOU. McLELLAN ft CREECH, ATTORNKYS-AT-LAW, 'TROY, Missounr. Ofloa la the Bank bulWlnr-J.

M. Me. Lsllsn, Commissi juer of Publie heliools. Creech, lste Publlo Adailnlstrstor and I'ro- eeutlng Attorney. llii-r H.

OIIAH. KaKTIMYJR. NORTON, MARTIN ft DRYDEK. ATTOkUIKYa ATLAV7 COLLKCTl IM TROY. MlsaOUBL Partlealarattsatlon given to esMtroverslea JTsetlag Real Kstste.

We isart. a specially of ootlsetuif all kinds of note. hlll.Ae., st a reisonsblseosssalssloa. Ode la thehsak tmidtaa. TflllH PUNN 4 COLUKItT, ATTOWlY8.AWAW Will praMlee lathe eettrMot the SlitrsVra ludlefaltslroalt.

CoHocUotWi proswe- tenJed to.M)fflcs over 'Peary's ZSSfl. t. T. LIucolOi. outv.

tH'HssV- i.

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