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The Vernon Record from Vernon, Texas • Page 7

The Vernon Recordi
Vernon, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

the VERNON MCCORD Kit JAM A 23. ot Sant-Real Estate K'H TRA'DE- resldeiice lot. Ladd's Place. LOST AND FOUND Hood used for I dark brindle Bull NOTICE WE ABE NOW LOCATED in rear See L. L.

Mann IT.U SALE OU TRADE My mod twelve room oriek house on Dived highway with ten or a. res os desired. Will sell at a reasonable price and good terms or would trade for Rood farm lands anywhere but prefer Wilbarger lands. See W. M.

MeCaleb. Phone I 211. 3-Stp it dog. Howard All man. Answers to name of Bonnie of Massie-Vornon Grocery Store on for return to Plioue 355.

Mrs. 4 3tt brown leather purse on North Main street Saturday Jan. 17. Kinder keen money and return purse and papers to Vernon Record office. Mrs.

Tom Hardison. 5-3te Wilbarger street. Singer Mtachine Telephone 1 Estate of John II. Stephens. IV- I of 23.41 feet, lenfif fit irpoW'dodj VERNON RE AL ESTATE ceased, Mrs.

S. Wcmyss Smith and feet an avciage CO. Paul N. Humphrey have filed an of stored iter feet and one inch. Ryaj Farm, Ranch run! City application in the County Court of S1ud having storage capacity otj ij0ans and Fire Insurance BoxWIS Room 1 Over The Famous MONEY TO LOAN or on late model I scd Car Pin ue 103.

Sewingi Wiihnrger Countv on the 22ml dav therein and divert therefrom not to ---------------laniiary. We loan nion- lMSt "111 4 Hearing on the application of the c-rs YVnggoner Refining Company; jfor letters testamentary which said will I held by the Board of Water Established 1010 ALGER LINGNAU Robertson Co. General Auto Repairing Accountants anil Auditors Income and Estate Tax Service Terms Guaranteed suite P. Western Amarillo Main. Ajdt SALE -Modern five room well located.

Will sell fm- nlfihed or unfurnished. Good terms if desired. See owner at White Garage. Phone 5-3te I STRAYED from my residence near Vernon Dairy, January 14. one Poland China sow, ready to farrow.

If 'application will be heard by said for Court on the ldth day of February, the office Born to Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Mitch idl.

Wednesday. Januarv 21. son. EoR five-room bungalow. two lots, with orchard, hot and cold water.

Close in. Also a five- mro tract of land In alfalfa in West Vernon. Call at 1820 South Main or Phone Hits or 432. 2-Ntr iqvrrell Notice for County Depository Hiils. Notice in hereby given that the found please notify L.

McHugh; Commissioners Court of YY'ilburgcr and receive reward. Telephone ToxaSf on February 0. and aceordanee with the law governing County Depositories, ie ecive sealed proposals from Banking Corporation, Beiween Vernon and F.lcc- tra. spare casing and rim off Cadillac car. -SB) rur return to Allman's Service Station.

1 to at Vernon, of January. 1025 I W. BIB this 22nd JR. oR SALE OR TRADE My home highway 1 1-2 miles i Pease court house. Fivy rooms, strict ly modern.

14-foot square basement. 7 acres, garage, fine IlOTttL eiiiekcn house, windmill, water pip- Selling on to bouse, bath and toilet. Price young l'ruit trees, some beginning jj(. to bear. Market for cash or would, oiishler some trade of desirable; for Ford car.

property, either farm or city. J. N. (practically new. Owner may have Johntfon.

1 Gte jsame by proving the properly or individual banker in said Conn ty that may desire to la1 selected as jM-al STRAYED Cream colored Jersey depository of the funds of tills cow. binder please notity L. D. i County. including school fun is.

Phone 2M. ltc Said scaled bids to be -red ithe County Judge on nr before B) A. Feb. 1), 15125. the first day of the regular February ,1...

NOTI)li OK PROPRIATE HI.It WATERS A ce.tified check ter a a ()y N'fA 1'ld OF TEXAS, than Dm Thousand Dollars must Hti.i accompany the bid and the the right to reject any am! all bids. v. ownsend Judge. 5-ltt Friday morning, bunch of in Herring Bank folder uu street. Finder please return R-3te roil SALE account of sickness, 12 Main Street.

the of Texas, in Board at Austin. at Court House of said Texas, on Men February lb. Countv. in Vernon, Texas, at which D. beginning at ten oclnek a.

I law till IH-I-SUU. v.iiu an- lim'' I'1" 1,11 ii, mill K.1.W art' "1 heard hearing will be concur and answer said (iUH. should they desire to do so. iphi.v to place if neeessnrx. until Herein Fail Not, but have lois l-n n.ade said Court, on the first day of relative to application as the If lie tt'rm thereof, this Writ, I said llojrd of Water Engineers may with your return thereon, showing deem right.

epNtalde and proper. how yon have executed the same. Given under and by virtue ol an Witness rav hand and offjebi1 "fder of Board of Water lug; ma rs for the Slate of Texas, at the i office of tie- -aid Board, at Austin. Texas this the 30th day of Decern her. A.

D. 1021. County Court. iiborger jn i NORRIS. CouHty, Texas.

By DAISY BE LEE DONALD. II DCNLAP, Fr. Deput 1 Board of YVntcr LngiiK'ers. MelM PAUL GOETZE Professional Piano Tuner High Class Pianos, Rai.d and Drehcsira Instruments ton Phone 148 ,1. R.

JONES. Real Estate Office Just across street Fats! of the Farmers State Bank Office Pimne Phone 37' It Is to Your lldi eM to See Me a THE WHITE HOUSE Vernon's N.w Modern Rooming Nier Ciean Hot and Water linnr l'ease and ltowie streets itloeka I Library A Seeretarv. PH it Fri I bit SALE -JMi aen sandy land and one-half miles south of court house on pavement. Jood improvements. Possession in Jan uaiy.

Unusually good terms. Address M. G. Neathery, Paris, Texas. 1 set G.

at Herring National Bank. 75-tfc and dels. paying for ad. Call Tom Dan- six miles north of ernon. lit; Wanted fit SALE bungalow, close in.

Newly papered and Some terms. Also have some vacant bits for sale. W. M. Judd.

Phone 104 tV I'(ill SALE 1 Five-rfknn new houses with bath. Strictly luodern. Local ch in West Also a six room house on East Wilbarger street. Reasonable cash pa'ineiit and libera! terms. See W.

E. Gandy. 12 E. Wilbarger. PRICED To SELL Immediate possession two good cot I farms in Wilbarger county One five rooim tesidenee on paveti street, in city of Y'ernon See or write D.

H. Henry. Route 1, Tolbert or phone DOIN-F Y'ation. r'uT trade gentle for Jersey heifer or cow. Mrs.

M. A. Chapman. 2300 Stephens St. 3 WANTED- Young turkey weighing 10 or more.

Will pay 23c per poumt. Max Knaul-m. second house soutti of West Vernon School building. HEMSTITCHING neatly done. Singer Sewing Machine Co.

Rear of Mas.sie-Venion Grocery Store. Phone 4-Ste LIST Y'CH'R with J. D. Key. real estate, oil leases and rental agent.

Office 1717 1-2 Wilbarger Street. Vernon, Texas. Phone 7SS. 4-0tp rooim at S3. Two light housekeeping i- in.

Call Mr. Fowler. ltp WANTED TO RENT Land for share cron. 150 to acres. Good force.

furnished. 11. C. Tratlicr, Newlin, Texas. ACT1CALLY NEW Modern six "in bungalow, well located and vented a' Cisco, Texas, to trade for idriii land or city property here.j WANTED- -Girl or (I.

E. Dirden. 4-Mte to do general housework. Foil SALE Desirable lot with new brick house on paved street. Hi loea-ted.

See A. W. Dolumev National Bank. I and W. board furnished.

woman Room Phone ltp A HALE Five room house nt Wheal ley Addition. Lights, water and hath. Pyiee 3 po oiu'-third cash, balance one to three years at in per cent iuteri -i. Owner. W.

lt. Moody Room s. I' ih Amarillo. Texas. G-Ste WANTED- To buy several hundred head of tattle.

Any kind, any where. See or write S. B. brook. Route West Y'ernon.

G-lGtp TIIE STATE OF TEXAs To Hie Sheriff or any instable of Wilbarger County. GreeMug: M. MeCaleb, Aduiinistvalor of the Estate of Virginia MeCaleb. in eeasi'tl having filed in our County ourt his Final Account i ilie a the Estate of said Virginia 'Caleb, deceased, numbered on I bi Piobute 1 hiekf't ger County, together with an nppii cation to be diselinrged from ai I Estaie as Administrator. You hereby command'd.

that by bi i ion of this Writ for days in Newspap print etl in Coiiuty of you due to all jhtmiio i estt'd ill the Account for Filial Settlement of said Estate, and contest same if see proper so to do. on or before tie February Term, of said Comity Court, connueuelng and to be hohlcn at the Court House vtul County, in the City of Vernon on the Itith day in February A 11)23. when said Account and cation will ueted upon by Court. Giit'ii under my hninl and seal of said Court, at my office in the city of Y'ernon. Texas, this 23 lay of January A.

D. 11)25. BIBM K. Clerk. County Court Wilb.ncr Bv Diisy Belle McDonald I 1 hereby certlfy 1 hilt and foregoing is a true and iriv-l copy of the Original Writ non in my hands.

FRANK EDMONSON (Lite F. Sheriff Wllbflrgcr County. THE STATE HI TEXAS Notice is hereby given, to whom ((iieevtied. that Waggoner Re 'fining (Inc. the post of ice add whiell is Fleet r.l.

Texas did on 22nd day of Dt mber A. its application in the of fice the Board of Water Engi neers for the state of Texas, ie which it applies for a permit to i propria to of the imapprtiprinied waters of the State of Texas, fami the Beaver Creek, tributary of the Red River, in Wilbarger County. Texas, not to exceed KI.G5 acre feet of water, for mining and stuck purposes, lo in a reservoir, created by eon- Istruetion of a dam, and tliverteti by I means of a pumping plaid, -aid dam I to be I tea I at a point wbieli bear S. IB)-13 W. 2.205.1 feet from E.

i (U'la of T. C. It. 11 Survey I 42 t. oil the N.

bank of the Beaver Creek, in Wilbarger County., distant in a E. ilireetlon from YeriH Texas, thirteen milt You are hereby further notified i that the said Waggoner Refining Company proposes to eonstraet a dam. to be of reinforced concrete, 5 feet ill height. t31 feel in length.

having a top width of eighteen im lit'S, and a bot tom idtb of six feet and eight Inches, thus creating a Hr an averige width Wm. Rhodes, M. D. Waggoner National Bank Bldg. ernon, Texas Practice Limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Telephone HOP DR.

H. T. STILL OSTEOP VITIH I YN General Practiee 2030 West Wilbarger YTriton Texas Its a Satisfaction to own an Overland Drive one and realize the difference. Overbad Moiorf o. 0.

R. KEY, Mgr. ABSTRACT COMPANY Oldest Abstract in the County J. O. ROUSE.

Manager TRADE For Kent For isecHaneous. 1 A Good Phono II. Pitts ai alfalfa hay. 3 3t" To TRADE Milk dry cows. YY I 5KXM-K 2.

cows to Martin. 1 nulc 3-3t 1 HAVE SEVERAL usedincu- 'ill's. 'All sizes at right. price. l.isenlK'c Eiirnitlire 3St(! FDR RENT To men only, a nice warm bedroom convenient to bath.

Hoth and cold water. Oil heater for room. Close in. Phone 587. 5 2tc Vernon Klan No.

118 Exchange what you have for what you want. GARDNER GWYANNE INSl KAN( G. Office Bird Hot 2 1 Phone meets every Friday night. Visitors cordially invited. FDR KENT Two light housekeeping rooms and one furnished bed room.

Also good milch cows for sale. Apply at Gould's Cafe, North Maiii. 5 2te FDR SALE Choice litre Co. -Fifty sewing luach $10. LLsenbec Furni- 1 SALE THAI -Buiek six accept good milch cow as part payment.

Terms on balance. W. II. 1 luminous Gen. Del.

Vernon. 4-Utp EOR SALE -Iron porch swing. on yard settee, willow yard illow yard rocker, new lawn mow( r. 75 feet 1-iucli liose.

See Dr. 11. T. Still. 4-8tp SALE At a oaiaain, one semi hand two-row lister and two- 1 (idtivator at Terhuue-Drr Im- i-int'lil Co.

0-11p oil SALE roller top desk, i fi chair, four office chairs, one ose and stove pipe, battleship iioleiim and one safe. Complete fji-e onfit. See W. Andt'isoii Waggoner National Bank. 0Hie FDR 11 EX'l' Two rooms for light honsekcopin; g.

All modern eonvonl- Mrs. Kunii YY'ilson or Phone III i.Yl f. ll' rent. forthree men. 1822 Mes- (plitc st root.

5-3tc I '( REN Modern furnished a pa rt nn garage mile "lit on Hill Crest road Phone 78. Mrs. ,1. N. Johnson.

3 3te FDR ENT Nice ltd Iroom. close in. 1103 IV street. Phone 3- ltc FDR III ENT ('lose in. smnll house fnniislu or uufurnistu Also one iK'droom.

i 'all 174. Texas St reel. 5-3tc FDR RENT Four unfurnished roe Modern in every respect. I' 1 1 1 FDR RENT One fm ui-lnd room for lidit houst'keeiiing. 1305 Wilbarger street.

5-151 I LA IlGE IK tor rent. stafrs nud with heat. 27151 West Texas. Phone 22U-W. 15-ltp To the Sheriff or any of Wilbarger County.

Greiting; M. MeCaleb, Adinini-n at 01 the Estate of J. p. b. eeasi'tl having filed in our Court his Final Account 1 the cm tilt loll of the Estate Of said J.

P. MeCaleb, deceased, red on Hi" Probate Docket 1 1 ger County, together with an nppli cation to be disehargetl frotu Estate as Administrator. Y'ou arc hereby connnamb I. tha by publication this Writ day- in a New spa print etl in tile County of YY'ilbaru 1 0 give due to all ested in the Aeepimt for I tleuient of Haiti Estate, and contest the same if pl'opt so tit 1 on or be February Term, 11 of ty Court. mmeiielng an 1 1 olden at the I'ourt IJou-c Countv.

in the city of the lGth day in Fchruai when said Aeeount an cation will be acted Court. Given under my baud said Court, at my office it; of Y'ernon. Tex t-. this 2 January A. D.

.1 BR Clerk. County Court YY'ilb. By I lisy Belie McDonald 1 hereby certify that and foregoing is a true ami core i oi the Original YYb my FRANK EDM F. Sheriff YVItbarg I 1 1 A 10. Mari'lilnon N((.

424, O. K. S. meets 2nd and -Pit MonUav uikrtitw ot ni Ma Mrs Kate t-; Collins. Visi(ors invited.

boil No. I A V. ts lHl nnh hThnri shay Ill'll 111' ml h. YY'. E.

rtgcf 11 Ml. er isil I'M a iuti iov iidl. Co HI I1i; nub-ry No ots 4th om It t. 1 Ii. 1 nlev.

YV. I) on 'ouni il tan 11 A Ml! Hi era in eel Erielay night of eh no mi hIV.M. ii i.llii». oi T. 1.

K. L. tty. i SeiTrft .1 cy. vi leil rtir.l lully In I'ler No.

II A VERNON INSURANCE AGENCY (K. Sherrill, Malinger) write ire. Lightning, Tornado, llail, Life, Accident, Bunds, on anything worth Yvriiing. Best Companies, Best Service. Office in Farmers State Bank Bldg.

Next Door to Western Union Phones: Office. 390--Residence, IS nii lb, 1 rib K. Jr. I (epllt y. a hove now in! ANTLERS CLUB nion chapter No.

1 meets 1st and 3rd. Tuesday nights each month. I (H BIU1H1EIN I SYD Yiillei avmuBk- wm mr lliroiijctv Nrw I id 1 milli-H H. B. BEER Millin' Si I I 1 1 It TIM IONS, I ION 1.0 "II SI I.

Mill Id 1 si or 1,1 I Id II I IIIH Oil i I New Xorh ol Mil 1 i lia nge New llil otter A --iigur Inn. tee, 1 ue. New t'rohiH Kut ilrr (troker hh i rilr our tin 1 1 oi In for mol ii III.Hill III I m) Suarnr nml Hin 1 i- 1 nl I'Htl in i Vlritilii nf ur), Mu l.i 1,11 Mm I li. 1 1710 E. W.

N. van St, Vert H. ni Oar sm til A Vernon Hotel Bldg. in. Texas THE I SALE i mm sef and furniture at a 1 W.

Backus photic lit Gulden "ik dining several odd pieces of a bargain. See Mrs Street. SALE rf at umpitjss. RuWliilUl. Young Jen second house S23 gets her.

cy cow, south of YY M. c. SALE--Four single beds and 111 tt'-scs, practically new at a i Bird Hotel. I'DR RENT Two light liousekeep- YY'est Maiden Sfri'et. ROOM AND burger.

ToiTiwWr week, nice 171 BOARD 5 Day. night or by the clean beds. Central I 2 Wilbarger street. KENT Pimm 7ss imiisekecpitig two St it TEXAS red rust proof seed trne YY. U.

Beavers. Photic G-btp FOR RENT Largo room with beds ('lose in. 2104 Telephone 47S-YY', 4-otc FI UN 1SH ED IK 1 Deaf Smith. Foil SALE Large solid oak flat 1 pl'flcc desk, large solid oak read- ng table, solid oak large mirror one solid oak finish bed. springs and mattress.

One oak six drawer and minor six mahogany upholsU r-! "I nt tilling diairs, one cutwcll coal Solid upholstered set- i 1 il' 1,1 and rockers. See Dr. 11 T. p. m.

Mill. Hi YY'e-t YYilburgei, Y'eriion, j. oR RENT -Ota two ROOM AND BOARD for two men and one lady. 2 blocks from the 1311 YYilburger strt't. Phoiic SL Mrs.

j. R. Allison. G-3tc I RENT Ni' fr.m' bedroojn us' in. Gentlemen Perkins at at 1312 Texas ltp Notice Fub'ication 111 Probate.

The St ate nt' Texas To ti Sheriff 1 of argi l- County. (. recting: (I You arc lll'l'ebx CO uu IInded to I 5 0 be published tie news- paper general circubit1 wbieli il 1ms tiublished ci tinumody and re gill arly for a of not 1 less tin 111 "tie year in your Count 1 leas in for ten prcxion IS 1 the return da; copies i following 111 8 The St ate Texas: 1 To11 1 Intel! YYo an offering 15,000 aen I of land in a-tro 11 1x in Kih ai re tract- i at 8 73. acre, small udt pay- I mctit hallance long Igents 1 wanted. YYrite JIM 1 II.

IMainvicw Texas 1 R. II. i LASH, Dinunilt. Jcvas 1 fi C. D.

WILLIAMS Kimball and VYeser llligii "biss piauo.s at rca "liable prices -Cash or Terms 1128 Olive Street We can tuniish you at kind uni; ion you ant. Ml 1 urniturc Co. 2323 Wilbarger light st reel lip RENT guag Cumberland close in li-iilC BRITT BROTHERS SAND and PHONES 602-W OK 219-VV CAN Real Bargains in Used Cars Furds from $20.00 to $250.00, Also two used Stars Come and see for yourself Terms io Suit Parmenter Motor Co. An Instituiiofi of Friendship There i bond of Iru ndship which exists bt this bank and its deB- it.or,-, and an can desire on our to do everything within our power to aid every worth-while man and industry, to the end that our community may prospvi and our state increase in permanent wealth. Kt -rtf- National Bank Bead our message in this weeks i arm and Banch CALIFORNIA STATE LIFE INSURANCE CO.

A LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY' that is interested in Wilbarger Foard. Hardeman, and Knox counties especially, because the dl- know whet wonderful asset these eouufies are to eonipany. The company value these counties cannot be estimated cause take the ad'ice of their local reprenentntion and um their money for advancement of district. (Get a Policy in Ep. M.

HANEY tills Great Company) Floor Dixon Building" LET US SERVE YOU When you need lumber, shingles, wire, brick, cement or anything to build or pair. C. D. SHAMBURGER Phone 1 30 Vernon Electric Ice Company COURTEOUS SERVICE Phone Number 5 Are Yon Interested? yoo ore looking for a good used car you he aid re id ore vou buy. Irnost cr id ore you buy.

offer you almost any kind you ai in extremely low price. want can and SHE ONI Ol' THESE. SOME GOOD FORDS OVERLANDS, BUICKS, CHEVROLETS AND OTHERS See Before You Buy. Overland Motor Co. O.

R. KEY, Mgr. For Your We Have for Your inspection on Our Sample Floor Oliver and Emerson, 2-Row Listers OITer and Emerson, Single Row Listers and Emerson Cultivators, 2-Row and Single Row Oliver and Emerson Go-Devils, 2 Row and Single Row Ai) kinds of Turning Plows, Lister Shares and other supplies you will need in the hardware line. All our implement ao the latest improved. lt will pay you to look them over and get our prices ii you arc in need of any thinpr implements.

j. P. McPherson Sons Hardware Harness Implements.

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