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The Vernon Record from Vernon, Texas • Page 1

The Vernon Recordi
Vernon, Texas
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The Vernon Record Published and Friday VOL "ME 10. VERNON. WILBARGER TEXAS. FRIDAY. 15.

1024. NTMBEJi 40 HE iwwihitio ARE FEATURES OF JT 1 mil I iCiil I -pnts Excellent Plays and Pageants at Allingham Park All This Banc! Has Been Assisting week programs have pronounced 'v 1 i hv the crowds wlio throng Allingham, each night Though the i-iie hindered opening many wee? any way to hoar and sec ho little children in their difficult roles. On ri of the ahseru of several lit i io tin pa-eant was rein-ated last night, which was enjoyed by the crowd. The Woman's eluh staged, A Maniess last night di- reeted hy Mis. Leon II, Brown l.eon 11.

Brown noted as the minister who rformed and in an impressive manner rend the lines, which he had The nioel: marriage one of the things pulled off the week, The following is of characters: 4 'hit meters. of a nee: -e-mttitlal 4- M5 on Tom- (b-orgia Dastleburv Mai eh AIiss Virtu Ost Mrs. Howard Lisnian. CHIEF FIGURES IN NEWS OF THE DAY. durin appear- SENATORBURKETT ADDRESSES SMALL CROWD YESTERDAY Candidate for Governor Speaks in District Court Room in Interest of Cut in State Expenses TWO-DAY HARNESS RACE MEET OPENS THIS AFTERNOON Approximately 50 Horses Entered on American Kegion; Card Here Today and To-, Amusement Company CHIEF FIGURES IN NEWS OF, THE DAY.

I Declaring in favor of better rural schools, hotter roads, a reduction in the running expense of the (state government and for the aholl lion of 4-11 slate hoards. I'm at Burk- ji IllllSt I ctt. candidate for Governor, sp to a small crowd in district jCoiirt room ycstcrdnv afternoon at 4 Veil Storey Introduced Mr. Burkett as "Tin Senator from and praised him for Ids ifmisfi'-ri a a lawver and member Semite. The tvvoeGy hnniv's tace moot which 4 by the Alhert K.

ltobinson Post. l.egioi) will open this afternoon at the Fair 2 o'clock. Approximately are entered in the races and some of the fastest horses ever to take part in races in this section arc here. The McGregor Shows are furnishing amusement for the meet and opened til the fair grounds 1 jlnst night This companv is just Memphis date att he The race meet Is the first regular race urogram to Said here in a number of years. Tin number of horses entered is great lei than the promoters had expert I led hut all entries eared for TyDNNXE- 9 Jie-.

I Aelour. JfaNCHO XaWA HaEVXSZSG Minister 11 Bn wit. I'sher- Mr. I ran I or Bell. I'sher Mr.

Ml''. Tout I I Bridesmaid ii. 1.. Bridesmaid Mrs lb Matron of tat Mrs. .1 I.

Tu 1. O. Def III Fred Fh oik E. 11 RltSSel nil Hazel i II William Phillips formerly XJndnr-Sexretary of State, has presented his credentials to King Albert in Brussels as new American Ambassador to Belgium. It is reported in Parts that Mrs.

John Wanamaker, wife of a grandson of the late John Wanamake.r, Is soon to a divorce in French courts. Sho was formerly Miss Pauline Disston, of phia, and was married once before to James Me Vicar, of New York, whom she divorced. Pancho Villa, Filipino flyweight champion of the world, has been sued for $50,000 for alleged alienation of the affections of the wife of Ferman Dantes, a Filipino living in New York. Bonnia Magin, formerly famous actress, has entered suit In New York for, against John T. Davis, mulli-millionalre, of Elkina, W.

and former Prohibition Director of Pennsylvania, charging breach promise to marry, I': Pal Billin' girl OIL OPERATIONS R.B. COLLEY DIES REMAIN ACTIVE HERE WEDNESDAY Eastland work as the Stab Mr. Buikctt denounced the present plan of handling the public of the state lie stated that he would charge all students a fee for attending the higher siirutions and let the money pay in first class IIIIC expenses of running sm-li for them to train for tin Mi.tions. The reason given for this Vho hor-emon have been at iwas to let the nmm v. now being Urork since their anivFI here and the State on these schols.

comlltlotl spent for the rural schools, lie hut XVeathev this week has stated that he was not ooposed a hardslnp on sot tin the universities Ian that he was' to men and women, after Jtiley had of age being sent jto school at expense of the state. lie a two-veilr credit stem for the farmers which would (involve state in a eentihl bank (owned and operattHl hy state. He stated that the taxes of tin jstate could not he lowered foV thoa uoinu from next two years, hut the running ex- uses of the state eotihl be redu He oronosed to do this hy on some horses to the tact that they have just come from colder climates and tile sudden change tmv cause the fminers some trouble in conditioning them. The latest arrivals at the stables are six entries from pueblo Colo. nromiscN to Gist horses in The training at the oark has in morn inu until late in afternoon and oim of trainers report that ng AY 1 her .1.

McGill. Groom Belch. Bride Mi list her 'Brides ing Miss XVi 1111 i dejected Suit Bain- Mrs. II. Guests Baity Townsend: Mrs.

n. W. miMher. Mrs. M.

l.mltier. Groom's fat li! Mr: Mrs. M. aitinu Mr: WFLI.S HI IBFRSON CENTER OF CONG TIME RESIDENT OF VER VTTRACTION AS TEST NEARS NON ANSWERS SI OIL SAND DEPTH I TOD.W jii.g in the stati' Declaring in 1 their horses have shown no better nPolishing ten hoards now operat- mm ni. 'Falts The condition of track flivor of pleasing to the visitors and roads he statisl that he would put mil trainers are after the urizc of trusty i onvhds from the state jfered tor the winners itentiaries on roads to keep, of l.i have been working for the Mr.

Weii Wafer. Mr. Fielder. Mrs Gta-ratioiis in oil field St town this week are active with dent B. 7H, long time vesi- this countv, very sud- Willet It.

IH'roxide Groom' McHugh 11 Welis-Guiherson reimiining the at his home on NN'cst Texas of attraction an oil or at 11 bid o'clock AVednesday "aiid cvpected at about 1254 feet, i niorning. aoiin Misses Frances Collins. Faye Egghston, Johnt'i' Mallow, Minnie King. llam Frank Mur-1 chi-on Perry Griffiths. Blair Williams.

o. A. Brunso Wylie Benm-u. M. C.

Culbertson. 11. Hoekeramith.j Emory W. Wilhelm. .1 H.

BalRisin. It. T. l.utz. I.

Brown, Fred Itu-sell. F. I. Blaekwmod. Kellz.

well is being drilled at about 2 feet and drillers expieet to 1 'id a sand hv tomorrow night. The is on section 1 M) and is exja'ct- to be i larger gas well than the imreh No 1. 1 ban-Is am! being drilled at about 2 no feet the drillers are still fishing for 'he tools lost in the Richardson No. Coin-mb 'fahle trouble was met Timsda.v in cutting off the a- flow of the Church No. I The mi was blow from the cut roads to keej them no opposed selling the prison farms but wanted to consolidate them into a more closely connected organization Mr.

Burkett declared the automobile tax to la 1 unjust and the p-oper wav to arrive at taxing (for for the local post, to be of automobiles was impose a in Vernon. past month on advance tiekdl Isi.le and fave nut advertising er this Mi'ct) of the state. The raised the meet will go to a fond 1 ing raised local pro, Ills lifeless form was discovered i gtisoline. In this win li by his daughter, Miss Clara, on her 1 "sed to tax each man In nccortl (return home after luncheon hour. to the amount travel in an Mr.

Colley hud died wen ted in his over the state highway, (easy chair on the front porch of closing he scored helix the residence and had nppyrently U'obertwon for being a eamiidato (passed away without a struggle, a and pushed torwmd few minutes liefore her arrival. organization. He I suffered several attacks of ynch Davidson with being a 1 heart failure in last few months backed the lumber i ii i.d was known to be in a serious sis of the state, declaring thy Condition. Mr. ami Mrs.

Colley were natives am Tennessee and moved to this about 25 years age. He is a im im it. T. L'tt: hi- itid valve pll I'SI the when the and ill' ll Tim Co. Mo limes dav night vu ry clever play.

"The five DM Maid-." directed bv Mr- It. Lutz presented ft fun- tty om-'dy. This play wa- staged chillieothe previously to i ts prosent: here by cone nny and the Hiune twelve ippear- ed ii i the pHt ide in The I toy was intei sncrsed with clever on the man men i-f the city nud Iboir for a tiu te, a man. any kipd a man." i won' Id wring ten.i'- front the of a Vt-dne'-dav utoht. the eluhproginm 11 several i a'sft! nsfrnm' nla! tious and readingK bv stokes tml Mrs.

A. N. Vi ruon. Lit11 le Miss Mar Frierson In a plea sin; i' skirt dtuu oei-uniml the The oil the pump, to tin ir file are old production. was allow -1 survived by his widow, four sons, voikiug on 'Bert of Yoakum, Harry, llnhhunl veil were more than an und a daughter, Miss i tbe rim replaced and lui'th oil Harry off.

was in Colorado Springs when in if i- being moved on the formed of his death hut for the Stephens No. and returned in time for funeral. 11 machinery recently destroyed the children were present, for fire at the Sigler wells south of; the funeral. Mr. Colley was a de- A th Vernon field, has been voted member of the Methodist iM.i.'Ced and wells again plac-! 'liureh.

Funeral services were lield this morning at at odist church, here the pastor U. K. had charge of the services. Interment took in Fast View cemetery. The following were pull hearers; Dr.

M. Schindler. C. S. Much.

Harper Reed. Will Martin. Hhanibiirger. J. Mr- K.

Gandy and Mrs. Del- honorary. Rev. S. I'.

Lloyd. .1. it Wehh, both received slight in-1 mnieC. J. Parsley, K.

Bird. iiM. AVednesday morning wdien a Harrington. L. T.

ilrivmi by Mrs. Webb collided Crow, E. P. A. F.

Gandy ear at corner C.v Long, A. Boger. L. Me- iii'f and Wilbarger streets. 't i'ell.

.1. L. Swartwoed. In. Her Hie accident oeeurret? i n- er- jvidson favors exi'iopting iivei timlMT lands from ion.

After his speech here Mr. Burk 'el left for Crowell where he spoke li ter ill the aftel'uoo. FORMER VERNON MAN WEDS IN HAMLIN Mr MINNIE MM INS DIES Tl ESDAV Miss Minnie t'iiuiutius. 41, died ill her home south of Vernon Tuesday afternoon ami buried Wedtu-s lay afternoon. I'uuerai 'services re held by Rev.

P. Kopp, pas i1 the Central ('iiristian church 1'uneral Hoiue Interment wa in East View Cemetery. Miss came from Hop ikins county to this part of the i -'I last A or It With her parents ------------------------I AM COl 4.IKI, AMNs PRIZE FDR NOVKI CLARK H. ISH IS DROWNED IN AKE KEMP WEDNESDAY Prominent Young Man Seized With ramps While Swimming Narrow Stretch and Sinks in About Fifteen Feet of Water pebuJ: VA (mlman Wanamaker, New York and Phllftdalpkla storm owner, son at thm tote John Wanamaker, la honrtoat tnanrwd man In the world, with pollciaa of $6,090,000, aewonllnw to tho ntiitodwlDhia Association of Ufa tfadenrrttera. Tho Rooworelt DtotlaiwlHhod Medals for serrlce to society hare been presented by President Lo Kllhn Root, New York StatoBman; Affoefato Jhatiee OUror Wendell Holmes, of the United States Sup rente Conrt, and Dr.

Charles William KUflt, President KuKUtus of Uarvartf Unrrorslty. LYNCH DAVIDSON OFFER PREMIUM ON HERE TOMORROW FIRST NEW WHEAT' Chirk Ish. 27. sun of former Sheriff A. Ish, WHS seized with ei nmps ii ml druwned afternoon at 1:30 o'clock in Coffee creek about 25 mlin south of Vernon where he with Guy Cain and Eddie Collins was spending the iy fishing.

The laxly vvns reeuY- nd at 5 3(1 o'clock the snmti noon by ink lViwers, who, with other iii-ii, was aiding in the arch The laxly wan lo afed by means of long nud wig found In 12 or 15 feet of water not far I from where lie went down A pui- uioler was taken from here but was found to he useless on account of length of time el'ao-lng after Hie accident uien and fishing on a -mall island and Mr Cain hud returned to tile i laud after minnow bucket was still on Island i heard drowning man or help, joined two 1 io 1 es ogethei mid gi.uggiiug man and Mi. Ish the joined two lull to reach the but was unsuccessful never to flic surface after ho sank the first time. Mr Collins reached the uearegt telephone as noon as no to summon aid and a party left tue mediately for the aeene. ro- tuinod late that evening with thn Mr. Ish was tmrn and In Vernon and wan a book! ener at the Vernon Cotton Oil nipnny.

where hsd been for aevornl years. During the war. he overseas for several mon'tis. Ho i was a member of PreGij FORMER LIEI TENANT liOVER KEI.L MILLING COMPANY WILL egion. He is survlvod big pa- PAY $1.25 PER 111 SIIEL FOR re lit and two krothors, Grady and FIRST OF NEW CROP A.

Ub. Jr. of Antlers. nud a sister, Mrs. Torn Sue merour, (of tills it I NOR WILL SPEAK IN IMS TRICT COI RT ROOM AT 2:30 Lynch Davidson, of Houston,) Tin Kell Milling Company will ondidiite for Governor and former pay premium on first load of Governor of Texaa, I will s'K'iit.

liere tomorrow afternoon at in tin- District Court 1 room in behalf of eautlidaey. I ills is first tom of Northwest IIAWKINS RETtRNS FRGM LMITTtl Dl IL men in eountv Cars Collide at Christian Church Wednesday Morning Boy Stine, of Ouaiwill, forniei Vernon man. ami son ot Mr. nud Mr-. J.

Stine, was married Thursday to Edith Adkins at her home in Hamlin. The eoupie returned to Vernon for a short visit with friends and relative- the Meth- prtweeded to Quannh Sunday Di (where tliev will make their home. Mr. Stine is engaged in tli business in that tailor Austin. Texas, June 12.

Itutb 'loss, of La mar County, a grade of the I'niversity of Texas wa- arded the oi s5imi offered A. Frank of Dallas, aluminm lie University, fur nov 1 by a Cniversitv grad Miss Cross was awarded prize lor her famk. "The Gold Coeoon. which wa- recently atdished Har'x rC FARM BOYS LEAVE S. W.

BAILEY GOES FOR CHILDRESS TO ROTARY MEET WILL TAKE PART IN DISTRICT LOCAL HOTEL MAN WILL REP- fetHS during his campaign. The tour as started 'at Decatur and will end at Amarillo lie will a guest of Hie ii As melntioii at their annual convcii ion which will I in i- ion at ime of his arrival 'lien Mr David-on 1- sai'l to be one of he most successful bush In- state and dutii tiu- (line lie icrved as Lieutenant (fovernor he lade an unusual record in tiu- timu- igement of tin- state railroad He tiu- fr-t cstidbl'iite to 'd by a club here. After ins s'M-erh lie will pro eed to (pi.iilith when- be will ak it tomoria night tin- Tft candidate to here tt iw- and from the crowds that have to hear him at other tlaees, a lurge crowd i- to greet him on arrival W. B. Abbott Now Special Agent of L.

Hawkins returned Friday fmm Kansas city, where ho had been attending the Imueii. I Council of HUriners. He i ojki I that the Maskat of VVTrhiUt Ealls made bit at Hu- meeting mnty wheat threshed from the new crop, according to mi made by A. Bird gcm-iGl manager, yesterday. I lie premium will Im- paid in extra price Mi Birdsong that will oav $1 25 (M-r i.u-Uel for the first loud of new crop lbHt brought to (he mill This will make a cousldcrabLu a yroudueut oiare In a 1 actlvi- premtuin, wheat The Chanters were havo tin- pi'eserd time are pretty low and nart In program at Alii is open to nny farmm in Bark this week but wero ond will be on any to fill tin- engagement duo load of wheat brought lu to the fact that two of the is lM-tter than is much Tliis year's crop average for the oast viars The jx-r ft Ix-tter Ihau a year ago, but th'we Is somewhat ntnailer tiereage to heat this year than last 'I he Increased yield pep acre, however, wit) tnnko large total tield for i In- count as a hole were tilaeisl under the eiiro ot phy- st-vernl Li, ijuj before leaving Kan-as City.

ml will fcouie unable to sing for LEACH ERH TG HOLD SPECIAL SLKY ICE and Houston Company i for Ba of League (will bare a special service Sunday ERNONTILH 1 fight, the Methodist NIGS AT ItALLlNGEK 1 who attended the district inioetlng held this week in Tiilhhoek i cri Mr 1 will make their reports. of -I non I.on:; of Bible raining hoi xvil! make an Miss I i- Pierce will give ssvsrul Kin the violin. The following attended (lie meet- ittend fail' ing at Lttbhwk Mr and Mi olid I i I Gr brother M. 1 essett Mrs. I id Mrs Ttieadli a ism I 7 uj Schindler.

Crowell. Mrs. Webh in a Overland. STOCK .11 DOING CONTEST TOMORROW AFTERNOON RESENT VERNON CUT! AT TORONTO CONVENTION art a et the mrfaiu Mr: id tin am I Wi i I in Church Circle. To Meet.

Mrs. Ben lioutwyler will bos-1 The Farm Club Bov -it at me in urou scene. HSs other -re guests Tile plh.V mgs that irtes were act one ing the 'truing into Me-puitc street Mr and Airs. Gaudy, in oroia-t-ding east on to the Eirst Methodist Ciiuieli i.Iudging team left this morning t-e i As the Tele Vuoilier four at home of hildress win re Hie.v will take jlirt by Mrs. was passing loo mother.

Mrs. J. Lutz Mon Hu the district stock unlgin eon- of the Centra! afternoon at 4 o'clock. A sjiec- test to I held in that church. He- Gandy ear rammed thejiul program of Bible war! and mtl-ii'-w afteriKMin.

i nd carrying it up tin- steps has I arifimpd. Ciianev. eountv ihe ebureti. The Over-( jwent with tin- bovs and to down mi the J. A.

Harrington Return-. 1 in, i Uf. right front wheel J. A Harrington returned of beef cattle. arrival at Chi! rushed and a smashed fender, ji.esday from Denver.

where 'dress members team will; attended a miller's convention, returned by way of Superior, where he visited wor- i ond friends. The Do was unhurt. am a hofiutifnl J. Farrell garden pa of the I the bowl, was built about the old I' Elect ua ca song va MeOee was elected Hi i table, iv- ipfttl Vernon lodge No the -mi-g taking A. M.

at Hall part in the tableaux were: Mr. and tost night officers eh-tedj Mr .1 Griffiths. K. M. 1 ieider were: Cf C.

n. senior Miss Beulah Miss den: O. Fleming, junior warden: Stock omor agent, them Hailey mght for Fort V. .11 board tlie lefr Vernofi hist Worth, where be 1 train judge oiue i. II.

T. l.ufz nd Miss.H Continued on yage Norwood, secretary Abbott, treasurer .1. D. son. tvler.

K. have uu bogs before the contest. The n-enil er- of the team are Edwin Smith, Nettles, Comp--------------------------------------------------toll Rainwater aid Castle Return From Baylor. The ys have bef-n over tin Ernest and Hawkins, sons entire training schedule twice and (and arriving in the convention city Mr. and Mrs.

W. C. HawkUiS. re- re ready for thf turneil tbs morning from Baylor (Mr. Chaney W.

Adversity at W.vri where they (the and is very confident that present Hive- of floiarv IVxas carrying iielegtilion from the thirteenth Rohir distrb i n- lie- Interimtb'iial Convention of It i.iiv ('lulls to field at Toronto inada, Mr Bm going i esentative of the local Hotar.v iMb. He was af the regular weekly meeting of the bib held The Texas delegation will travel iiu a sis-i ini train to I made up Worth, there today ng'-r e- and lit HI Mrs cni- the M. dang and the and He contest to to-gin iMoadar Tim luM-tlng will instructing (five days and will he made up of hy reunion Abbott, son iif Mrs. A Al nm Mr dson and former Vet non man hnm jn- tt, obmeer res ieeept ed a isisition i. six ial He Cravens Dargnn I Companv of Hmiwton nrt, tfjrin- otln-r Mr.

Abbott was connected with jiaIHng--r eouph 'in- City her. as nnd Tbto will I esigm-d tbl- 1 -ition to gb into the nf Jb(. insurance bn-dm in Wiebita Falls In- )mh-ij for the pa-! ar I' I n' the good KLAN EBEMOW rei-ord made In Wichita Mills tluit FAIR PARK 1 ii wa- awarded ismitiou with Im Houston i-ordlng 'U tueiuent Mi i- in the city this iUpyea Dug In K- d. in week looking after the luterestM of memlM-i- i iDne the omioili and while hold iuitiuHon a) visit with and fHctttft. Fair Tuesday d.

John Lee Smith will delher uu a I VNDIDATE FDR (DIRT OI and i VINITS VKKNOVif. degree The public la Invited. I'eopje Judge Keese Tntum of Dalhart y.vho ha witnessed here (Ids weer the intereat of the Klitu say the affa candidacy ro rihe office of imnreoaive. JusHi-e of the Court of! civil at Amarillo. Judge (Wo Man Lik A'ernou and Miso- i Anita Ruth Cnmev.

Nina Ituth Terrell Helen atid F.akle. Ruby Swim Ikiiler MLt r. Liu me and It MeCraiv Rdnru Au tin. a and Robert retunusl List week from Austin 'led I ou at tend'ng luiverxlty. 11 i graduated he-: lucmth fin in the high ochOol uud the boys hud planned tu spend tie tutu- n.ei in South Th boat on which they hud engaged however, before th young laen could leave Austin.

They wtll the aumuier at home. Fergu- have attending school for the (they will male good recojd in the trom twenty-five different iK-st vear. imeet. world. I i Leave for JUtigtou.

le Mr It. L. Ci a and B. D. Bingham left stenlavr iHjfor Wellington where thev will re for two Mr.

arid Mr. Bingham return Wed jf esdav from where iey had Tatum at present judge of the a dliau of is in jheem nttendlng the State i eputlea' Sixty-ninth Judicial District of; Vernon on im-- mnuftl oT the Modern which ncludes -even roumjuax very favorably iniprr with woodmen. Mr. Cloninger hug been lying along the stern border she city and atatcd Fuat he would her oarentfc, Mr. and Mrs.

locate here Lute. of the T'Anlutndle.

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