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The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York • 1

The Buffalo Newsi
Buffalo, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

MwJu Kia-w lOV-v "'i r-' jl w'a -I 4-cVwf-Yt VrA rtf --i- iv' Vy v4 1 vi 1 A -J 1 k' 'A fCVrTi' 1 vV if A-uA -4v J-'V-i -'v ter £fw i w' i I A J' 'i 4 -a vT 2V -s i-Av 'V'i its- t- £St ir '-sv k- i-- -7 -y- 1 -1 S1' '-i'-X 1 '1 vv 'fjy-- '4I Jj Price 1 Cent I- TURKATEXXD WITH LTNCHING TWENTY-SEVEN KILLED BBYAN AND FULLERTON SECOND EDITION land Sc Chicago Railway Company Capital 2000000 Tho road starts at Buffalo and runs on tho State line in Cbantenque County sixty-sight mllea In' the Republican proceeston was struck ini tiie neck with a brick thrown by' soma unknown person and severely Injured It is a pity that (ha perpetrators of such cowardly attacks cannot ha discovered and brought to justice 1 2 r- 4 if li 1 Rental Criminal 1st Peril Large Firm ut Red Ruck Baobroan Fa Oct 1 Yesterday afternoon Frank Boynton a bar-tender out ot employment 85 yean old enticed Unde Price a mulatto girl five years old living at Tarport Into tbe bushes near the railroad and brutally awaultod her Threats of were made Today Cknig eent Boynton to Smethport Jail to await action by the Grand Jury Tbe girl is still in a critical condition At eleven o'clock Saturday night a firs was started in the McClure House at Red Rock six miles east of Bradford by the ex- -plosion of a lamp Before it was dlaoovsred ths Interior of the building was In end the oocupants had to Use In dtAabOlm Minnie Slattery a domestic occupying a room in the third story fainted and was thrown from a window to the ground by a companion who hoped to save bar lifa She had her jaw fractured a rib broken and sustained internal injuries the extant of which cannot now be determined Mary Hader jumped to the ground and escaped injury The flames also destroyed the depot of the Bl XI' and abraneh tort of tho Oil Weil Supply Got Loss asti-timatod at 13000 CONSUL COOPJBJPS CASK He will be Bleated far Non-payment of Rent The matter of the petition of William IL Cooper for an alternate writ of prohibition against Martin Comstock and George Feldman Justice of the Peace wm before Judge Haight this morning in ths Supreme Court Mr Cooper who claims to be Consul at Buffalo for Canada rented a dwaDing-hooM of Mr Comstock but upon refusing to pay rant proceedings wars instituted to eject him from the premises Justice Feldman held that although Mr Cooper wm a consul ho could be pw out of the house for nonpayment and an order to that effect wm in sued on Saturday Mr Cooper applied to Judge Height for an alternate writ of prohibition upon affidavits The writ wm ordered returnable this morning and after a hearing ths Judge decided that Mr Cooper was not entitled to his writ and accordingly Mr Comstock ordered a constable to eject Mr Cooper and his goods from the I immediately FINANCIAL LND COMMXRCIAL Wall New Chicago drain Hark Nxw Yonx Oet Money IK per Yark t-5 Milwaukee 1 whits winter Her No fi rod winter 8U8Xd8M8Kf NOV8U7X681J7X Com quiet Vat MXd 58 Nov 55X95514 Oats quiet No I nixed KovSXitt Bye first Canada lor delivery first ten days of Not 8L Pork 816A0 Nov $ioOl Ckicaoo Oet IL Wbeot Nov SBXe era Fjv 40Ko Oats ov-SSNa Fork Nov 11151 Lanl Nov 8837 Bacon Bbott ribs Nov 8788 WXATHXX INDICATIONS Warmer south to sreet winds fslhngharon-ter and partly steady western 'teUewad ky local rains rislsg hsranetsf sad lower tamper- atuie Two Horaes Burned to The roof of a brick stable In the rear of 99 and 101 South Division' strast owned by John Booth took fire about twenty mlnutee before one this morning Thirtasn engines and tour hook and ladder companies responded to an alarm which wm as once turned in at box 18 and within half an hour tbe flames wera extinguished Two house ware burned to death Ths teas on the building is estimated at 600 and on its eon- tents including the two horses at 10001 Rush's Rami Ry a letter In yesterday's Dmokrat signed WhoW as There appears that at the German Republicans held' hsrs a short time ago to advocate the election ot Myron Bah to Congnes Mr Goebel editor of the TrmU Avne dfd advocate the opening of a baril among the Germans on the Beet Bide A Lively i New York Oct were reported to the police yesterday all mors or Ism serious aad two probably fatal Thrae of ths wounded parsons ware young man who got Into a fight about a girl a a dance house early yesterday' morning A telegram was received this 'amaiag -Iran Providence aaaouaeteg tea death ot Mr- Alfred Wolsteabolne brother of Janes Wolztem-holn Esq founder of tee WoUteoboln File Works of this city sad uaeto of Knud Mrs David Shepherd of 1818 Niagara street Bloek Book after aa tarns ef only dura- ChargeA with Staullng $69 John JswsQ charged with grand larasny in stealing 60 from John LsCteman was before Judge King this nkfratagThe caswv wm adjourned until Wednesday 'if 1 Real Estate "Ths only real estate transfan noordsd this monung wera those of Go BierteiM and Louis BisrleiM to- John Sehaefw and wife 010 Gtenny aad wife to Mary O'Brian 4054 DISASTROUS RAILROAD COZLISIOX jar Pittsburg Two rowled Exeunt on Trains Crash Together at a The Attrtknted to a Carol PmsBuno Fa Oct 1L Another has been added to the long I'rt of railroad horrors A collision occurred Saturday at midnight on ths Pennsylvania Railroad near the 88th street crossing in this dty by which nine persons were killed outright and fifteen have died s'noa About forty others ere injured and several will probably dial lie first section of the accommodation g-olng East left tho Un on depot having a large crowd of passengers who had been to the dty to participate in the dosing exsr ctses of the Exposition and to witness the Democratic demonstration The back plat-fornf waa se crowded that the headlight on the second aectlon following could not be eenX The first section stopped at the regn-ia- station Twenty-e'ghth street where it was by another train on the next block lliip second section came 'along at a h'gh pf speed but owing to the crowd -on the back platform of the firvt sect on tho were hidden from viewand consequently the engineor of the second section did not see the train ahead until so near the train could not be checked in time to avoid a collision The engine went crashing' into the rear coach of the first section -The engine buried itself to the very car windows among the creaming' suffering men women and children mangling all who were in its oourse The bofier-head of the colliding engine was bunt off by the shock and scalding water and steam poured over the oocupants of the car as if bent on completing the horrible work It is Impossible to describe the fearful scene that follo wed The moans of the dying and wou nded and the shrieks of those who had lost friends were frightful TBB AHD WOfUXDKD The deaths so far are as follows Ed ward FTenter of Fitteburg aged 27 Homer Kip-ple aged 20 of -East End scalded Mrs Margaret Jsoobs of Pittsburg aged 60 crushed and scalded John Forley of Pittsburg aged 48 scalded and burned Hattie Eosiey aged 16 scalded MlssJsside Simcox of West Kind aged 16 inhalation of team Anni Slmster of East End aged 22 inhalation of steam Milton Edwards aged 25 scalds and inhalation MIm Sarah Taylor of Pittsburg 'aged 28 James of Calil'ornia Fa aged SO scalds Charles Hetzel of East End scalded Edward Botler baggage -ouuter aged 21 cruahad and burned Isttao Imve of Edgewood Fa aged 17 cxnshedjWm Love brother of Isaac aged 19 sculded and frightfully mutilated Mrs iSoyd of Pittsburg aged 85 inhalation MiwRosar Und aged 80 Inhalation David Ballanger railroad employee head cut from the body ffawmai Elliott conductor crushed James McMwhan of Dallas Station aged 60 scalded Wm Lsnnhardt of East End died from internal Injurim end Inhalation VIm Bmmm Wlnnebcrg aged 19 of Pittsburg scalded i Ella Hcrtzel Charles Black nnd aa unknown man Thow dangerouily Injured now in the West Pennsylvania Hospital of whom the physicians say bnt few will recover are as follows: George Young anil Frank -Kin-linger of East End Jeff Mayen of Frews-buxg Chautauqua County Fkaak De-frire of East End James Hetzell of Edge-wood Black and Robert Dickson of SwissviUe A-Cherry of Camp Va Cummings and J-Lawrenoa of East End Hugh WnMnnii James Dempsey Smith of Spring HOI Pa Annie Quinn of Shady Side Miss Mollie Stinebaugh of East Wnii ifrttla Taylor of Edgewood Mias Mary Dawson of East End Mrs Bo-mond of Edgewood Miss Bow McCabe aad Miw Kata Leslie of East End Many others axe at the hospital painfully hut not seriously Injured HOW THX AOCXDXKT OOCUXKXIX' The Superintendent ot the rood says if (be rules had not been disobeyed the accident would not have occurred The train had not yet gooe into the bloek operated by the signal system and the flagman was under Imp native orders to go back hair a mile to flag the following train Ths flagman sod all employees of the trains are old and experienced men and the officials cannot AOTMiama them until an investigation is had but the matter will be sifted and tha fixed Passengers atate that the flagman whose name is Penrod did back Fublio opinion seems to place the responsibility on Flagman Penrod of the first section PiTTSBunQ Oct 111 The total number of deaths up to this hoar from the accident on the Pennsylvania Railroad is 87 some 8 or 10 others are not expected to survive Runaway Yesterday a horse attached to buggy which Mrs Wm CL Kelsey aad sister and was owned by Frank Cooler ran away from the corner of Sixth and Virginia streets Ths buggy was wrecked i A Outrage On 1 Saturday evening Albert Rowe Of 3W street mho was parading WHAT THXT SAT ABOUT TUX EIGHT OS' SATURDAY NIGHT Tke Little Fracas that Wsssl sp tbe RepnUlesui Sleeting Fnllcrtonto Very Csu414 Opinion of Bryss Mr James Fullerton looked surprised whan a reporter asked him this morning If is was seriously Injured in the little pas-saga at-arms that enlivened the doaa of the Republican meeting on Saturday night Injuries said Mr' Fullerton nothing the matter with me" you had a vary determined fight with Mr Bryan I understand" Nothing of ths kind -Do yon think I would strike an old man! Tbe fact is that Bryan was so drunk that ha could scarcely stand and when ha heard Mmsaif called by some of his friends he staggered toward the center of the platform As ha was passing Mr Fargo that gentleman said not go out there you are not in a condition to speak I am a friend of yours and advise you 1 as a 1 Bryan However swore that he would go and Fargo in endeavoring to dissuade him from making a fool of himself gently pushed him into my lap 1 Bryan immediately turned upon me and applied to me the vilest epithets Then I took hold of him by the wrists and very quietly put him into my chair There was not a Mow struck Smd any statement to the contrary falsa At tho request of the chair-I moved the adjournment of tho meeting and a policeman took Bryan off Bryan is a fool aad has materially Injured the party Ha turned upon me because there has been a determined effort from 1 his foolishness to keep him out of the campaign ha much as possibla I did not want to say anything about the affair but I am glad as you are taking the matter up that you have given me an opportunity of giving my version of the affair" BBT BDI or THn BTOKY Tbe pleMpotentiarj of ths EvnxixoNnws colled upon Mr Bryan and found him In hie mmetum tmelorvm oogitating over ths subjects of ble aext editorials for the Queen Cfiy He ponied into tin ear of the reporter the following tale of woe: matter dates back to the first Garfield aad Arthur ratification me ing Gould then told me deflaatiy that I wae not to (peak at that meeting but did in ipito of him That treat sient has not been entirely overlooked by me 8ince that 1 have been treated with distinguished contempt if I may so speak by the Gould influence of the County Committee -1 was consequently embittered against the whole erowd although I have nothing against Fullerton for I think Mm a nice pleasant fellow I think they might have treated me differently I until stood that I bad been called for before I reached the meeting and when I heard my name called was loth to be pat down by lot of youngkters I then got my back up sod expressed my mind freely but no Mows were struck I was not responisble for tbe disorder they erected it by annoying SANX OR INS AS XT BXnrgnret norton of Chicago Arrest- 4 for BeMnvlng Qaeerly 1r '-tike Depot i1- This morning shortly after ten Patrolman Kane on duty at the Central Depot observed a woman who had just gotten off a Western train behaving In soph singular manner that ha doubted her sanity and conveyed her to Polios Station 1 for medical examination At the station she gave her name as Margaret Morton her residence Chicago She searched but the only suspicions object fraud wm a hag similar to that used by shoplifters The police think that she is feigning insanity and their opinion was concurred In by Dr Dor who examined the prisoner this noon Margaret wiU be detained in custody for a few days rxLLOwrxrxx is sxw torn A Passenger on an Asplnwnll er Dies at Riverside HospltaL Nxw York Oct Henry Kelly butcher on ths steamer Crescent City plying between dty and Asplnwnll died at -Bivwmde Hospital Island' yesterday of a dissssa showing strong symptoms of yellow fever" Kelly arrived from Aspin-wall on Monday and for several days complained of a bod cold On Wednesday afternoon be became delirioun and a sneoeerion of epileptic flte followed was ths opinion of the attending physic an that the disease wm Panama fever By order of the Board of Health he wm removed to Ieland as the physician of the Board considers the symptoms of yellow fever quite marked MARCH ISO ON DULCIGNO Tnrkcy Surrenders Hontenegrlns Take Loxdox Oct 1L A dispatch from Ra guaa btatea that Turkey hM surrendered Dulcigno unconditionally in accordance with the demand of the powers end that the Montenegrins ore now marching in to take possession t- the dty and the New Callage The college of Physicians and Burgeons hM started out in a very promising manner A class of fifty students including five ladies am attending the lectures and mors matriculants are expected this week 4 O'CLOCK 0IHO AND INDIANA at mow the aiTUATiosr mmokb ojv rirje jirs tjiji kikctiosk Ukalr to KaerMM her OId-TIte epskllMO Jljerr-A well Plu- yallty lor lauleri Probeble In In-- iiann-A Merlll Killed In Riot at ifctlbjrrlllo Ncrloao Ontbroako Ap-v Vpobcaded ''1 Coixmbub Ohio Oct pnapecta lor election Tmrm bright for the RepnbUcen perty end- there la now little doubt that General State will giro a report of ttaelf tomorrow that will trike panic into the hearta of the Demoo- racy Thecanraaa has been an extremely active one and both partlea hare put forth their beat men and made all the display they could afford The Democrats hare generally given up all claims of being able to cany the 'State and' their only hope aow is to reduco the Republican majority below what it wae in The Republican! believe it wQl be increased largely In theeplendid canram just ended the epeechee of Oen Grant and Senator' Conkling and the widely published extracts from papers in the South breathing a desire to ovsitarn all the results of tbeyrsr bare had a great "affect on the rural voting population It will not be a surprise new if the Republican majority should go anywhere from 10000 to 30000 There is great excitement over the election but no disturbances have oocorred State is all quiet today but no one can answer for tomorrow jA suspiciously large number of strangers are coming into the Stats and it is' claimed that they are here under Democratic orders for fraudulent purposes tomorrow- TM Republicans claim that they will elect fourteen Congressman and the Democrats six as follows: Lefevre Hurd Leedom Converso Athertom and Geddas ImnaxAFOUB Oct The lines are drawn for the greet battle tomorrow the politicians of both' parties are giving their lungs a rust and- bracing themselves for the vote then to be cast -Doth jierdas profewi perfect oonSidajKe ofcarry-ing the State and the election may be eat down as doubtful Tbs Republicans claim that they will have 8000 to 7000 plurality for Judge Porter for Governor while the Democrats are estimating all the way up to 10000 and 13000 for Banders The ehaimej an that Porter will have a small plurality on a very full vote Peeling inns high throughout the State and it is not improbable that riots may occur if the Democrats attempt to run in any outside votes They am (pending money by the barrelfulL Both pertiee are charging attempts at oolonlsa-! tfoa and both are keeping a starlet watch Several small fights have occurred and one serious riot is reported from Shelbyville where Sheriff McCorkle was killed by ruffians who attempted to tweak npa 'fapubUcan meeting A dispatch from Shelbyrille At Gen meetii at Shelbyville yesterday a party of ruffians assaulted the Garfield Guards cans-log a bloody riot In which five -or six per ami were badly hurt- In the melee Sheriff XoCorkle of the county was fatally shot end a deputy sheriff wai severely wounded The Republicans asnrt that HcCorkle bea a leader of many riota In past years Re was a Democrat' Another dispatch This Republicans Greenbackers wen both holding meet hft the former addressed by Gem Harrison nd the latter by OongrMsman Ds LaHatyr la the afternoon a number of fights took pls In saloons between Republicans and Dmocrats' At one of them Sheriff McCor-Us interfered and was leading away Ed Raunedy a young manthe principal in one fiw fights when iecond disturbance rase in which several shots were fired one tf which struck HoCoikle In the breast wn the effects of which he died today twdy was accused of firing the fatal tot McCorkle being a Democrat and Kmigdy -a Republican tta most hitter fsal-hgia arovd and people are seeking for Cennedy whc'-donIea hs lynched if bond Doputjahariff Addison Lae was My braised in ih 't Gnat anxiety pfV0 hare' and extra prseantUms against dk'tiffPAnce have been taken The Ontleok in tfeaC Tlrglnta Vhiiliku Va Oct Xka canvass a this Stats presents a feature hitherto va hows A full Greenfeusk ticket and the (wilt is thereby eomplicatoO It is probable bwever tbst the State wUlgiVe the usual Pes vatio majorities! The furore which" existed be nan ago In Greenback eirelee has decid-tilr diminished and but fer reseat bit woukl have ontirely died out Since then tkaesgain crept np though not to Its former wah Wow Railroad Ah Albany dispatch says HAP Foot IWies CL fiomerpy GLTncker and others a aamsd as directors of tbs Buffalo CXare- DOG wltb wblle Trying tsBssem val of an OdcrlVeroas Vanlnc a dead dog lying In front of my bouse said Edward O'Gndy the keeper of a saloon in Georgia street to Captain Shepard some three weeks aga JJ'W'ell merely ejaculated the Captain as he stared with official impreesl vsnees into vacancy has been lying there over a week he amelia very had I want him removed" am not attached to the scavenger's department of the dty" answered the Captain with dignity as ha turned away however was not to be thus pot off pay to keep the streets "dean and HI be durned if I make do their dntyhe muttered as ha walked away 3 Vromthis time on Mr Grady's figure was a (dlkaown object around Captain ShepanTs office The dog nuisance however remained unabated Yesterday afternoon spied the captain in front of No 1 Station-house and i the opportunity was too good to be miased1 Ij tV 11V 1 have come to speak about the dead dog lyibgin front of my premises began Mr A look of unutterable weariness of un-speskabls lassitude crossed ths manly features How many times mors was this dead-dog nuisance to be forced under his official now by this persistent dv-iliant- He could hold out no longer The nuisance must be removed' had conquered him He was about to promise an immediate abatement of the nuisance when just at that moment a Central train cam past ths depot "Good-bye cried Mr "Now aa Fva brought this thing to your notice I guess Pll go horns to dinner" He rushed forward and attempted to grasp the guard-rail of the first coach from ths BiqptnsuJBwt alaalMr excited by the thought of tbe speedy capitulation which he foreww the captain was about to maka He missed his hold on the rail and ww violently hurled to the road-bed in clow' proximity to the metela' For a moment thow who ww the accident thought he was killed but on his being lifted up it was found that he had suffered no farther Injury than that the fingers of his right hand ware badly crushed He was taken to ths station-houw smd charged with attempting to board a train while in motionA physician was sent for and he frond it ary to amputate ths little finger of the injured hand Captain stop is once more buoyant' His eye glistens in a way ftt denotes a thorough enjoyment of life Bnt let him not rojoioe prematurely If that dog is not removed will onoe more reopen the campaign as soon as covaryfrom his Injurim will permit him THIS IS GOSSIP i Hon Jala will run for Assembly He's seat tall handsome aad a favorite with hothsexee' Mr Geo Chester ridee his pony with true military bearing George always tavorod soldier life sad Is looked upon as a good fellow geoenUlJ- Mrs Kate Chase 8prsgae while at the Palace boa had few visitors Hon Bosoos Conk-ling colled when ha was hero and Mr Seymour of Baffltio was tim only frequent visitor V' Mr Gard the ehomplon of the Bhsyele Club le a graceful aad easy rider and propels his auehine la a manner that attraete universal admiration His splendidly proportioned form Mwmtri npou the serial seat just kills ths Ralston Smith Is very tony He follows in tbe fashionable wake of Mosten parte kls hair in the middle and brushes It forward in front of Ms ears considered extremely Among the expert manipulators of tbe Meyele is Mr Ed Field of the Superior Court Office He handles Ms wheeled steed in wsy that shows him to hew well versed In the ln-tricseiea of tbe art os be is In the doings of the office hr the City HolL One of tho boys of town who considers himself wise sad charming is said to bo Frank FeroL He frequently loses himself In Ms own of his fnoe and figure and pas near friends in the street with the unconcern which is usually seen in defeated Aldermen after election Hess '-Officer George -Brown ot the JaQ left this morning with James A Bloc who was convicted of grand larceny and sentenced to Auburn Prison for six years aad Joseph Stark to the seme Interesting Institution for five yeara Tbe children Ellen Holland aged IS and James Anderson aged 14-xn- OTJBR TUX WIRES Poisle of Osrrest News from ISvery--v wkere Jos Knunet tho actor is rapidly oouvales-eing kx-kfayor John Van Hon of bockport died yesterday morning' Hr White American Ifinister at Berlin is not to retire as was rumored During a ball-room' fight How York on Saturday sight several men were badly wounded with knives fJr- 1 1 s- i Thb South American war eontlnuea She war ship UovadUmga was destroyed by the Fsrsvlsns on Sept 16th A distillery at Sterling HL burned on Saturday and over 1000 cattle perished in the Sumy Total lots taoioa The steamer Anekoria hae arrived from Glasgow- The Ctfp MotUrmti XrUfa and Ameriqu have arrived out The French mlnteter to Hexloo will eail it week etopping at Washington to confer with the minister to the United BUtes A Baiddc Albania dispatch reports everything quiet at Dulcigno The allied fleet hold In roadineee to advance at an notice One of Dr murderers'' in Constanti-aople has been condemned to death and two others were sentenced to fifteen servitude It is stated that the illness of Justice Clifford of the United States Supreme Court is likely to incapacitate him from resuming his duties on the bench The Jury In the erne of the recent disaster on the New York A New Bngismi Bsllroad attributes the accident to the negligence of the dead conductor John klcrrit of Petersburg Va who was recently amiuiUed of tbe charge of murder committed a probably fatal assault upon two citizens on Saturday Fublio indignation Is in's England's reply to Turkey' takes the shape of neither an ultimatum nor a commencement of hostilities It will show Turkey the eventual consequences of her attitude ami ImmImmUm several other features 'f- POLITICS Ajtd politicians Charley Klbler of the 6th is eonfident ha can beat Lyme Daniels at the caueua LThrneaiClMfcl BOW bare 8JW0 lamps "for the parade on next Thursday evening Aid -Welsh' and? Dennis Hanrahan decent nice we the men for the voters of the 1st Ward' v-t 1 Henry Baker tbs ex-Alderman Is a candidate in the Second District on the Republican ticket for Member of Assembly Aid Drake will try It again for tho 11th Ward Job King Is mentioned too and Job would make a good Alderman The 8th Ward Aldermanship will be filled by a man of Major Tyler's chooalng from the Cuo-tom House No PblL 8telngoetter will be nominated by ac-' clamatlon for Supervisor of the 6th Ward Tho Demoeraey love him yes! Geo Baer of the 7th is not a candidate for Alderman Little Johnny Weber tbe man will have it all hla own way Aid lfattieon and David urt will fight for tho nomination in the' 9th Harry Green has fiot withdrawn and will run for Supervisor Cowards cowa-r-d-s' Nobody in tbe 4th Ward dare -ran against Aid Beck! Groat Heavens has it come to thief 1st the Bepub-llcana nominate Theo H- Bhorr A Garfield aad Arthur banner has been hung across Genesee street near Oak and one for Hancock and English will shortly be strung out on the same street a little below the former Jacob Has setback of the 6th Ward been elected by the Kepublicans for Alderman" but have to yun against Louis Knell in a ward that gave Lang nearly 400 majority A There will be an old-time row at the Sd Want Wigwam tomorrow night when the Democrats meet to make their ward nominations There-will be a hot contest and all factions will fight to win 1 The Boyal Georges Sehler and Begh wera asked to ran for Supervisor la the Bloody 4th hut they told the no vxtttei dau vlr gsid vmmmM taaiiwur-fn acUml The ISth Ward will be filled by John Eseer John is one time two motion and going to beat him if the? can A cooper has the bulge on him and all the coopers will desert John 'i-'- 4 Goldsmith In his says wnnta but Little here below" the cry from the old ISth and Aid Uttle will be called for his celery beds to argue again In Gouaeil halls Stephen Lockwood John Shalloe and Win Summers all think they could beat Little but the pluck to try 1 Peter Glor will be nominated by tbe Dexuy-crats for Alderman In the Twelfth Ward an il Charles kL Harvey probably for Suervisor Huy show-windows wera broken on Genesee street last Saturday evening when the Repul t- liean procession passed through that thorough- faro 5Jf is Should fee Careful lm Mae return: ITha examination of Henry Luts chargd with peeing ooanterfeit wu COD' eluded before" Commissioner Scraps this morning In consideration of his ro-yIous good record and the fret that ha intoxicated at the time he passed the money the Commissioner' held the caw under uo-visemsnt and may possibly discharge -the priaonsr i victed of petit larceny he will leave at Rochester Houm of Refug it A 'A- J- -f.

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