The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York • 6
- Publication:
- The Buffalo Newsi
- Location:
- Buffalo, New York
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 6
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
i rt 8 Buffalo Evening News Tuesday April 4 1939 SMALL BUSINESS NEEDS to give a broad credit needs of aU over the Bund Report Says Bouncers Volunteer to Eject Hecklers FOR CREDIT TO BE STUDIED WILL SEEK SPANISH TRADE EX-CONSUL TAKES Bcrrai tnnm Kit NEW YORK Apr: dlWin Rxrmi Schwwz German in Buffalo to Be Included Junior Chamber's Survey been In dose co-operation with the SEC in planning the survey As outlined by Mr Landy the chamber survey will be divided into two intensive and extensive The Intensive program will involve interviews with typical small businesses in about 30 cities including Buffalo during which complete information as to credit problems will be obtained These will be compiled as case histories: with the identity of each business closely guarded The extensive survey will involve short-form questionnaires to about 2000 busi- rm 1929 to 133 Communist Party Members Attend Meetings Here to Disrupt Them Congress Is Told been living here a ears day night that night that Hopes for Pact to Offset Cerman and Italian Cains Under Franco Echwara had Jr the United States "f0 allegiance Monday cities Its investigators have had at their disposal complete1 files of the Dun at Bradstreet reports on business and credit conditions in various parts of the country The Junior survey will show the history of each business selected its financial growth its present financial needs and its present opportunities to obtain capital financing Senator O'Mahoney said hearings will be held shortly before his committee to explore "the extent to which the inability of small business to obtain long-term financing constitutes a major defect in the flow of capital to business enterprise There joint studies should point the way to legislation to meet a long felt need of the small businessmen and to stimulate development of free and Independent private on the German youth movement from time to time Awaited Government OK As to the work in Buffalo the report says: "The youth do not drill with firearms 'and do not engage in target practice according to Mr Lycckcr Recently the youth group had been given a 22-caliber rifle by a member of the German Legion but he was withholding permission for the youths to use this gun in target shooting until such time as the government decides one way or another whether the organization is all The meetings of the boys and girls are both held at Harugari Frohsinn Genesee and Spring sts Monday and Wednesday nights when there is one-half hour of drilling one-half hour of singing German songs one hour of gym and a half hour in which questions are answered according to the report Politics Seldom Discussed "A typical says the report "is one in which one of Bemu bum Xcwa Wuhinftoa Bums WASHINGTON April Buffalo will be Included in a nationwide fact-finding study of the needs of small- and intermediate sized businesses for new capital financing which will be made during the next two months by the United States Junior Chamber of Commerce The results of this survey will be turned over to the Temporary National Economic Committee of which Senator Joseph O'Mahoney Democrat of Wyoming is the head This committee desires a concrete picture of the financial problem faced by small business and has directed the Securities de Exchange Commission to ascer SECRETARIES STENOGRAPHERS AND TYPISTS Become an Expert Stenotypht Str typist via today's prefanad oka mm4 hatter pay tTM' aiachiaa speed accuracy and case maka yaw tjtTT better easier and yen ct the credit regressive welcmne this machine way at taking dictatien Stenetyey te laam easy tn easy read Van can train tkereM tain: suteTtThish1- of In yew snare at tew cast and an easy term rn 3HI dreg tree demens tratien and ter interestm yes te Yen in Stanntypy describing tkc mam Stenetypy and tailing hew yea may iRttr hoeklet "Advanta eppertnnittes it sacceesfiilly ate a Buffalo to Be Center For Nation-Wide Survey Buffalo will be the national headquarters for a survey of credit needs of small businesses to be made In the next eight or i ten weeks by the Junior 1 Chamber of Commerce David Landy and Roswell Roeengren Buffalo lawyers are co-chairmen of the Junior Chamber's national committee for the investigation The Junior Chamber's study will be independent of the SEC but leaders of the chamber have WASHINGTON April 4 The Adnunistration vu reported reliably today to be considering renewal of negotiations for trade agreement with Spain which lapsed when the civil war broke out The agreement would sene In part to offset the economic ad vantages which Germany and Italy are expected to receive in Spain by virtue of the assistance they rave Generalissimo Fran-cisco Franco's forces Efforts to obtain an agreement with Spain reached the point on Sept 17 1934 where a notice of intention to negotiate was issued by the State Department and public hearings of manufacturers importers and exporters inter-ested in the agreement began in November 1934 The preliminary soundings will have to begin all over again in view of the changed economic situation The State Department said negotiations are resumed public announcement will be made and renewed opportunity to present views will be afforded Due to the war United States trade with Spain has experienced sharp fluctuations in recent years In 1929 American exports to Spain totaled S82100000 and imports amounted to S36100000 In 1937 exports to Spain were down to 56000000 and imports were $13- 800000 Last year there was a sharp nse in exports to S12200-000 and imports declined to S9a- 200000 needs of small business for capi tal financing 2 Various sources of capital and various financial channels through which small businesses may obtain financing 3 Factors which may operate to prevent small businesses from obtaining capltaL The study will Include both a thorough analysis of the reports of private credit agen- Classes to be held at Chown School of The SlciiolTpc Company 1084 Ellicott Sq CLeveUnd lgjJ er in a public school had told him all persons in Germany who do not say Heil Hitler' are shot and he inquired whether this was true "According to Mr Lyncker politics are seldom discussed at these youth meetings and they have no idea or plan to change the American form of government although individually many of them may have ideas which would probably improve the American government "He stated the youths are not taught to hate the Jews and Negroes but to stay away from them They are also taught not to oppose any religious sect and i to believe in religious freedom' I By JAMES WRIGHT Burnto Evdix Newt WubiBgtoa Bumw WASHINGTON April 4 "Bouncers who volunteer for the work are named "to forcibly eject at meetings of the Ger-man-American Bund in Buffalo The hecklers "usually are members of the Communist Party who attend to disrupt meetings" Those statements are contained in the voluminous report of the Federal Bureau of InvestigaUon on Nazi and German-American activities in the United States as transmitted to the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice and made public Monday as part of the information requested by Congress in connection with the House investigation of un-American activities here The report quotes Hans Neu-beck whose address is given as 279 Chelsea pi Buffalo and who says the report is leader of the Buffalo bund Had Extra Duties The Ordnungs Dieast which Is a unit of the German-American Bund in Buffalo so the report states consists of "persons who volunteer to do extra work during meetings and camp activities They are empowered with the duty to forcibly eject hecklers" a few occasions" so reads the report "the has been forced to eject persons who have attended public meetings The of the Buffalo unit has 25 or 30 members all of whom are active There are no reserve members However members of the German-American Bund do volunteer to serve in the when the occasion arises "The Ordnungs Dienst members wear uniforms at the' camp and at the weekly meetings of the Buffalo local The official uniform consists of long black trousers black neckties gray shirts and a black arm band on the left arm bearing the letters and a replica of the Swastika The are storm troopers although it is contended that they have no connection with the storm troopers In Germany Legion and Bund Separate "They also wear black Sam Browne leather belts and carry no firearms They are supposed to wear black caps but none of the members of the Buffalo local has these caps "There is in Buffalo' the report reads group known as the Legion composed entirely of former German soldiers who fought in the World War Mr Neubeck stated that the organization has no official connection with the German-American Bund although the two societies are their first papers: that they engage In no politics or propaganda activities and that some of the members are outwardly critical of the present regime in The Buffalo local of the bund rents a room at 728 Genesee st but Mr Neubeck soys It Is used as a storeroom and the business of the Buffalo local is handled from his residence according to the report The Tanglewood Park camp East Aurora is used by both adults and youths of the bund the report continues Glen Reed who lives near the camp informed them that during the Summer of 1935 Louis Fuchs 43 Hamburg st East Aurora who as then head of the East Aurora chapter of the American Legion investigated the activities of the bund and "upon conclusion of the investigation had advised that the organization was perfectly legitimate and that no one in the neighborhood had anything to worry about" Aimed at Communism The Department of Justice report states that Mr Fuchs informed an agent "he conducted superficial when he received an anonymous letter that military drills were being held at the camp but that he "gained the impression that the members of the bund at that point were nothing more than a group of German immigrants having a good time" The oaths taken and the propaganda activities in this country were the subject of lengthy discussions In the report "The adult members of the German-American Bund do not take an oath but the members of the youth group do take an oath according to the official findings "Mr Neubeck advised that he was actively engaged in circulating propaganda among the members of the German-American Bund and its friends This propaganda is not directed against the United States but against Communism" Mr Neubeck is reported as stating that the most important activity of the bund is the education of its youth The pledge taken by the youth group was furnished by Mr Neubeck German Scoot Oath It was given as follows: "I pledge to be loyil to the German Boy Scouts always to live and act according to their laws to follow their leaders in strict obedience and to come to the assistance of the bund and ail my comrades with all my strengtn and power in time of danger and distress This I promise with my word of honor as a youth of German race and The pledge as obtained Bund Camp Reported Moved to Manila Franco Army Executes 21 Republican Police IIENDAYE Franco Spanish Frontier AprU 4 Spanish Nationalist reports today told of a widespread roundup of Generalissimo Francisco Franco's police of Republican leaders At Valencia Loreto Apellanlz Garcia former Republican military police chief of Valencia and 20 of his aides were executed Monday following their trial by a Nationalist military court The Nationalist charged them with killing and imprisoning many Nationalist supporters during the I civil war Residents of Porterville near East Aurora said today that there is a 40-acre German-American Bund camp in Two Rod rd Town of Marilla just south of Porterville Several cottages and buildings are located on the site and -on many Sundays last Summer as many as 400 automobiles were 1 counted at the camp The Washington report quot- ing Hans Neubeck alleged leader of the local bund makes no men- tiou of this camp but it docs i contain 'a denial from Mr Neu- I beck that the bund camp at Tanglewood Park also near East Aurora is operating at present Residents of the vicinity said the bund abandoned Tanglewood Park i at the close of the 1937 season and purchased the site in Two! Rod rd 1 INDUSTRIES DEMOBILIZED BURGOS Spain AprU 4 Generalissimo Francisco Franco today ordered Immediate demilitarization and demobolization of private war industries Manchoukuo Border Patrols Battle Russians for Hours It takes courage to print the news without fear or favor It takes intelligence to gather and edit it DISTURBING INFLUENCES FOUGHT BY STOKOWSKI TOKYO April 4 A Dome! Japanese news agency dispatch from Harbin Manchoukuo today said a three-hour battle took place between Manchoukuoans and ucaly 100 Sonet Russians Sunday on the border of Northwestern Hsingan Province The dispatch said the Russians armed with lieht machine guns clashed with Manchoukuo border patrols but did not give tne number of cas- ualties very friendly "The German Legion claims to from the same source by govern-1 have between 180 and 200 mem- I ment agents is reported as follows: Resign' bers every two or three weeks "Comrade I herewith pro-9 has lantsi nnutio i niff nounce you a full-fledged member of our You promise to be a ha5 urg prlctic to BuIto Symphony with 22-caiibrr rifles at the nfe It takes a combination of both in addition to the sixth sense that competent newspaper editors and reporters develop by experience to detect propaganda especially that subtle steady stream of it which flows here in many forms from foreign shores Several Members From Philadelphia range located in the Harugan i Temple Genesee st Buffalo apert1 the Bcrwu oswrx xrws German Legion does not PHILADELPHLV April 4 have an office and its leader is "Ninety per cent of the news from loyal comrade faithfully to follow the orders of our leaders always to fulfill your obligations as a citizen of this country and never to bring shame and dishonor upon your German rare in this or in the old country With this handshake you pledge your honor as a man always to stand up for the bund and your loyalty we One great newspaper says: Europe is propaganda" "Disturbing are troubling the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra but Leopold Stokowski for years its regular conductor thinks the difficulties can be The border of the province 1 named is in the vicinity of Man-: chuli on the northwestern Iron- tier between Manchoukuo and Si- beria where numerous clashes have occurred in recent months Mr Paul Hagen 692 Northland ave Buffalo "Four or five members of the German-American Bund are also members of the German Legion 1 As a gesture of friendship the He acted as guest conductor at Buffalo local permits the German shall return with ours a concert last week -and praised Legion to engage in target shoot the spirit of the men His ap peararee followed shortly after the resignation of Alfred Reginald Allen as manager of the orchestra and the resignation of several musicians Mr Stokowski lauded the conducting of Eugene Ormany and said the men played magnlficent- ing at the range of the Buffalo's local Mr Hagen is reported as saying that the total membership of the German Legion in Buffalo 135: that the only other chapter existent anywhere in this country is in New York City: that members are war veterans of the Ger- Public Debt Passes $40000000000 April 1 WASHINGTON AprU 4 The Treasury made public today its April 1 financial statement showing that the public debt slipped past S40000000000 on that date The usual first -of-the- month transfer of S50000000 to the old-age reserve account raised the debt to S40037733224 Now within S5000co0000 of the statutory limit the debt is $2872-992908 larger than it was at the beginning of the fiscal year on July 1 Present budget estimates indicate a debt of S44845210 by -June 30 1940 the end of the fis- "Keil America Heil Lyncker Not a Citizen Concerning the activities of the youth group of the Buffalo local the report says that Otto Lyncker whose address is given as 14 Mohican st is its leader that he is employed by the Barger O'dsmobile agency Wil-liamsvllle and that he served in the German army a few months after the World War The statement is made that he has not taken out his first papers to become a citizen and that "he intends to make a thorough study of this country before deciding whether or not he wishes to become a citizen of the United ly from the first note of the first man Army or Navy rehearsal he conducted three "Hagen so the report 1 h- reads the German Legion i is a 6trictly organization: hind them if certain disturbing that the members thereof engage and destroying influences stop no driis and do not wear un- influences What does the Buffalo Evening News do with this propaganda? Its reporters and correspondents start weeding it out before transmitting their stories by wirev cable or radio That which escapes their diligence goes into the editorial wastebaskets which are filled every day with the discarded chaff that we eliminate before printing your copy of the Buffalo Evening News Nowhere are the resources and skill of American newspapermen put to a more severe test than in foreign capitals Always disfavor censorship or intimidation hangs heavy over them Often they must compete with the politicians and pub licists the special pleaders and propagandists who have their own axes to grind and are asking for personal preference or national favors American correspondents not only mut gather the news the must tell the readers of this newspaper what it means to them as Americans Why is this important? Because most foreign countries have their own objectives of good will trade and the enlistment of American men and dollars in furthering their own interests Searching out the truth in the foreign field and telling what it means to America is a tremendous job will reach he said even the orchestra higher levels' forms nor do they display flags: that the German Legion owns four 22-caliber rifles and the members engage in target matches for He has been living in ca 5'ear- VESSEL CHRISTENED HOTEL WORKERS RETURN NEW YORK April 4 Striking employes of the famous old Algonquin Hotel the home tor years of writers actors and other artists voted late Monday night to return to work The walkout took place Monday ntthMP mhich are opn to Buffalo continuously since 1930 i say the report Some Critical of Germany Mr Lyncker is quoted as saying "Hagen informed that 97 per there is no connection whatever cent of the members of the Ger-: between the youth movement in man Legion are citizens of the Germany and here but he does United States or have taken out receive literature from Germany Airplane Carrier Wasp Launched Details Kept See ret Accordingly the Buffalo Evening News goes to the expense of using the Associated Press and three exclusive news gathering agencies the United Press the Chicago Daily News-Buffalo Evening News Foreign Service and the complete news servied of the New York Herald-Tribune Dollar for Dollar QUINCY Mass April 4 Mrs Charles Edison wife of the assistant secretary of the Navy I todar christened the new airplane carrier Wasp latest addition to the nation's armament-expansion program Secrecy -surrounded details of! Uncle Sam's newest fighting ship Iler general dimensions were an- i nounced as 739 feet overall length 110 feet beam and 79 feet from keel to main deck Undisclosed was her speed and the number of planes sbe will carry In Washington her contract price as of Sept 19 1935 was $20737000 for hull and 1 cry only The cost of her armament was not revealed Washington sources said she displaced 14-700 tons and would be equipped with 5-inch (maximum) guns A large group of Navy officers and public officials assembled for the launching at the FOre River Yard or the Bethlehem Steel Company where the Wasp was the 140th vessel built for the United States Navy u'oiildrii iott tt sy lr JjASALLE 7 Their daily reports amounting to thousands of words are scanned sifted and edited by competent editors as part of the process by which the Buffalo Evening News foreign service reaches you These editors pick out the important interesting significant developments They discard the propaganda They correlate what remains and present it concisely and clearly That is why the Buffalo Evening News cable page for many years a daily feature remains an outstanding effort in American journalism to present foreign news for American newspaper readers This presentation is further clarified by Cecil Gasks Exciting a lucid summary of today's foreign news today and Barnet three-times-a-week column of Events' This policy of news-gathering and interpretation gives ou the news all aspects of a case the full developents as they transpire and the story behind the story not only what happened but what it means Such unbiased interpretative reporting brings out the full and hidden meaning of a story It tells the points the propagandists gloss over in the effort to get only their argument before the public FOIIAR MIR HOLLAR IMISTMt-mM rlr mmiIi! Mirrljr prrlrr mr built '-ailillar In-tinc- tirU tliry would riirrl to rl miirr for tlirir money Art it i wry ray to lay I lie prirr of and at ill not pet a IjiSalle Iif different manufacturer foe instance build Sedan a whirl aril foe more than the LaSalle Sedan If you par aboae a thauund dollar you Might to pel and enjoy all the prieeleaa advantage of a Cadillae-huilt ear I low about a tudayf WELFARE FRAUD CHARGED NEWBURGH April 4 Jolm Sloan superintendent of the Newburgh City and Town Welfare District faced today charges of obtaining proceeds from a fraudu- lent audit in connection with relief food orders He is one of four persons indicted Monday by a special grand Jury investigating alleged vice and corruption in the city of Newburgh and Orange County These Buffalo Evening News reporters are the ablest group of foreign correspondents in the world Read the history of the day flooded with the facts of the eye-witness authentic graphic in the Driver Must Safeguard Safety of Pedestrian Ewerjims Kfers With the Largest Circulation in the Empire State Outside New York City In Buffalo Nearly Everybody Reads the News BISON CADILLAC -LASALLE CO Inc 2421 MAIN ST FA 5000 See Your Xearest Dealer It Is the motorist who can hurt the pedestrian Therefore the motorist has the responsibility of safeguarding the pedestrian from consequences of his own foolish acts says the' Board of Safety Some pedestrians who violate the traffic rules may have physical or mental defects but ther still have the right to use the streets.
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