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The Daily Milwaukee News from Milwaukee, Wisconsin • Page 1

Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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rTT MILWAUKEE: THl-RSDAY APRIL I AT A Plundering party to atoms! LATEST FROM MEXICO! Oar relations with (hat conolry nfil assume an important aspect! A collision imminent between Cortenas and IVSe- jias I Precautionary measures taken to Booth's escape Restrictions on visitors to Richmond removed Progress of the Fnneral Cortege Westward Band of Pickpockets and Thieves westward bound! LATEST FOREIGN NEWS! THE TRUCE HUB JiiHNSTON 35 Johnston proposed to surrender on fhe same Lee did! Ke sends part of his troops towards S. C. If! drafted not io the seir- re? to be rf Sflrs. Unco In has notyetleft Washington 80 be mng- Jcrcd ottt of M'JT'ce this i car. Distinguished ovations paid to the negroes by N.

Y. Shoddyites! fre atMnpted assassin of 'Sir, to commit uieide Cold ciosed at I 49 3-4. SflUTBEliS REW8. WASHINGTON, Aj.ri! 2C. The Richmond Whig and liases br.v« both been received Tbe Wbig has the following From agen- tlemati of intelligence, who has reached this city iron Danville, we have eome interesting particulars of events -that occurred there after the surrender cf Lee's army.

When this evectbeeatue known ia the town and surrounding country, a crowd of citizens of all classes, ages and colors, and large camber of eoldiera, collected around the building Jn which were ttored quantities of commissar; stares, and after a thort deliberation, made a general rush upon the establishment. The parties in charge of the stores at first attempted to resist the mob, but were quickly forced to desist, and seek their own safety in flight. The mob scattered throughout every part of tbe building, each person plundering according to bis or her fancy. In one of the buildings, it appears there was a large quantify of ammunition, gunpowder in kegs, and percussion caps. Tbe eoldiers and country people swarmed around tbe powder, eager to secure it for fowling purposes.

While they were thus engaged, by some menus fire communicated to the powder, and in an instant the and its cements, including over persons, biown to This tcrribte tmgedy for a time put A. check upm tbe plundering, which, bowcver, tciou mouctiij tut viiih EOiucPhui oiicum- epection. IJx-Oov Extra Billy Ssniih vras in Dan- viile wtitn our informant h-rt. He had been good dfciil a ruurnjiuaiion never to eurreudrr, that eoontr than would turn bnahwootker, guer- cr something of that eort. Uttwrtu- our informant leaned joet before leaving, that Extra Billy had sent a flag of trnce to Gen.

Meado, tho object of which had not transpired. We may i in thip connection, 3 report which has obtained circulation that citizens of LynchVrurg either requested or compelled i the ex-governor to leave the tewn. FROB MEXICO. YORK, April 26 hlokade Wren and Badger arrived on the 23d from Galveston with cotton- Jno. S.

Williams, who was carrying state money from Goliad to Clinton, Texas, was robbed by a band of robbers. The blockade runner Eliza Catharine, loaded with cotton, sunk at the bar at Brazos river, drowning the captain, mate, and three others. By way of Mattamoras it was reported that Cortinas had declared against the empire, and wag preparing to attack General Mejia, who is in Mattamoras with 4,000 or 5.000 men. Mejia is cut off from all communication with the interior, he will either surrender or retreat, and if he does the latter he is lost. Cortinas has from 6,000 to 7,000 troops.

OCR RELATIONS WITH SJEXICO NEW YOBK, April The Commercial's Washington special says Marshal Roberts has offered glO, 000 towards a national fund for the family of the late president. It is believed on whatiappears trustworthy our relations with Mexico will soon assume a new an 1 important aspect. Special to The New York Post aays precautions taken ia North Carolina by the eovernment arrest any serious consequences that might arise from Sher.iiau's action. No -vessels are allowed to land on the western there of Maryland in order to prevent the escape ol Booth in that direction. It is reported that nif-n attempting 10 cress the river in a email hoat were captured off Maryland Point yesterday.

FROffl NEWYOHK, April 26 By the steamer Fulton hare Charleston papers of the 22d inst. On the 21st a pubUi meeting was held in Charleston on the subject of the assassination of Lincoln. It was addressed by anJ appropriate resolu- julon'ed. A met ung held at Pert Royal, addressed by Gen. Littltfitld und resolu- tions H'jop'f RUI.T FBANCISCO, April i6.

The military authorities 1-uve twelve or fifteen Salona Calo-o counties for rejoicing in the a.scnfsination of Pretident Upon the rcceir.f of the newp cfthe president's death at Green Vullej Salona conn- ty, a nnmber cf met to rejoice over the event. A body of troops were sent to break up the jnetting, -but as they, approached th'e ringleaders of the secessionists fortified themselves in a bouse, and fired at the soldiers, wounding two of them. The fire was returned by the soldiers, and several of the secessionists were The party then surrendered. The ship Bochoute, for Ilong Hong, takes one-fourth of a million of dollars. KICHJlOlfO.

NEW YOBK, April Post's special gays tbe restrictions on visiting Richmond bave all been removed, and any one can go there. Advices from Richmond saj that governor Pierpont will probably convene the loyal legislature by the first of June. It is believed that if Johnston refuses to surrender unconditionally he cannot escape. Several rebel officers, ratber than go south, bave taken tbe oath. FttOSI CENTRAL IflERlCl.

NEW YOBK. April steamship Ariel, from Panama the 19th, has arrived. Beyond the circulation of idle rumors of fresh revolutionary uprisings, keeping the timid ia suspense, nothing) has occurred worthy of note. From Central America, we learn that the death of Gen. Carrera, president of Guata- mala, expected, and a crisis peoted to follow the event.

Carrara was president for life, with power to name his successor. He has named Gen. Cerua as governor of Chiquinula. It was thought tiiat Can-era's death would be the signal Gen. Barios to renew his claims to the presidential charr.

The president of Honduras had issued a decree of non intercourse with Costa Rica. for affording Barios an ns FORE2GV ftEWS. HALIFAX, April steamship Africa, Captain Anderson, from Liveipool, 11 o'clock a. 15th, via Qaeenstownl6th arrived here at £ve clock thia eveiing. Dates three days later.

The steamship St. from Porthnd, arrived at Liverpool at 9 o'clock a Mth. The steamship Australasian T'rom Yoik arrived off Crook Haven at half past 11 p. 14th. The news of the fall of Richmond creited intense excitement in England, bu; it armed too late to admit of the papers generally commenting upon it, and as nosl of, the markets had from the 13tj to the £7th the effect of the news cannot be fully developed until they are open.

The London- Daily Hews says: The army of Virginia so long deemed invincible, the pride, the hope, thejcenter, the citadd of the confederacy has been not only beiten but shattered. The- Davia governmeit is now vagrant and fugitive. Richnond, which received it, and gave it for a time a dignity which it could never haye acquired while it remained among the co.tton auctions, where it had its rise, was set fire by its departing guests. That the confederate army fought with all its old tenacity nnd elan we cannot doubt, but it his been broken up by men, who, as we have often been told, was the sweepings of the northern cities. Davis began the war by declaring he would carry it where food Tor the- torch awaited southern armies in populated cities; but the attempt to burn New York ended in nothing but un execution, while Davis set hia 'borrowed capital in flames and decamped.

Other papers are silent as yet upon the news. The Times has an. article etrongly condemning the conduct of Judge Smith, of Montreal, for his ill-considertd dangerous charge on the subject of the Albans raiders. A London correspondent of The Provincial Press says: There are unpleasant whisperings as to th.e designs of the king of the Belgians, who is still iu England, to exercise an influence over the course to be taken by the British government in Mexican affairs. E-irl Russell regrets the precipitancy which he yielded to the royal vfish to jecf'gLiite the pretended Mexican eflipire.

fjtji'AiN Paris of The Loi.d Times sayg that the disturbances rr. M-idriil TTtie in ore serious heretofore il. On evening of the 12th anut- eeuibl iu. tbe E.treet wns su-Jdenly ec'l by 11 vnlley of musketry. The troops fireJ and Icff. were fifteen wen: did No provocation WHS given the p.m ff the j-eople. No proclamation hid been issned to the people, or to forhki th'eir moving about the streets. LIVEBTOOL, April Our markets have closed tince the 13th for the good Friday holidays. quiet and steady, except flour which is heavy. Provisions quiet and steady withadownword tendency Sugar tends upward prices 3(S6d Rice 6J higher.

Petroleum firm at 2sld other articles unchanged. LONDON circular reports coffee flrmef and 6d higher. Bullion in the bank of England has do- creased LIVERPOOL, Apiil fall of Richmond is the universal topic of Tho friends of the north are greatly elated at Grant's successes and are strengthened in the Conviction that the final triumph of the north is cenr. The rebel loan declined 6 per cent, closing at while the federal securities exhibited a decided improvement. Cotton and-produce markets arc closed.

There indications of a further decline in cotton. LATEST via Qneenstown, Liverpool, April Globe saya the fall of Richmond leaves the confederates threatened On eTery side. There is a tremendous price to pay for the luxury, of pushing an army to Nashville and refusing until the llth hourtofrea and arm the negroes. There has been a serious disturbance on the S.nei canal between the Egyptians and the foreign laborers. GOLD Nsw YOBK, April 26' -Transactions in gold are quite light, but filing favots an upyrard tendency.

The, opening asked was 155, but it immediately declined to The principal deoiidga are in cash gofd to cover contracts. Gold to-nigkUt THIEVES ARRESTED. ALBANY, gang of valorous pickpockets and thieves from New York and Philadelphia left for the west at six o'clock p. m. Six of the gang have been arrested hero.

FRO a April obsequies in memory of President Licooln were tbe most imponing ever witnessed here. The pccces-sion was over lour toiler iu "length beaded by a detach merit of military followed by a magnificent funeral cur, officers of the army and ntity, cffictrs of tbe "British army, state officers and city. couDoil, Canadian civil public schools, masons, odd fellows, benevolent lOtietJes, io. saoaiw wilb oratlvn by StaaUr Howard. 100 JODRSTOif EADED.

WASHIKOTON, April Maj. Gen iDix: A die- received by this depart- II(len Grant, dated Raleigh 10 jjle says: "I reached here this deliyered-to General Sherman the replya4fhi3 negotiations with Johnston. Word sent i to Johnston terminating 1 the truce, and information that civil matters couldi not be entertained in any 1 1 il convention qetyyeep army commanders. E. M.

STASTGN. SBERHIS'S April to the have information from Sherman's arnfvjjbf an character. It appears Johnston's first )etter to Gen. Sherman a parrender of his army on the terms, qf Lee's surrender. A meeting at which Wade Hampton was plMJent.

fflc protested against the terms of declared he would not to be 3JOOO strong. Thereupon Sherman Uonsented to a delay, for the pur- WL pose of Johnston and Hampton an consult Davis. Another meeting for the next day. On that day again met, and at the first sittingIhe remarkable memorandum or basis of was presented, and at once sign The Hjjd's Washington special says there is in Richmond to the'effect that Gen. JohnSftji, while negotiating terms with Gen.

marched most of his troops towards Slhili Carolina. SOU WASHixtJtdH, April direction of the war devilment all the drafted men of the distrieSsilfho were in barracks and not actually iirahe field, have been released. A published in the Richmond Whijjjfcf the 24th, directs that if among trUrolevi prisoners of the confederate afcfSjj there are any mechanics wish to reSqie north with their families for the obtaining work, they will, npcn taking the path, be transported to New York or Bosten. Gen. been aligned to duty as of Richmond, -with direction irooLs in the city.

'N 'tbsit, Mrs. Liccola will not on hefovi- the last of next week. in and is her f.oon d.ij3 a ccmbcr cf vtbo were ah- conirfianils at tbe tioje of the £ve come into our Jiees and re rorted to here, asking 1- paroled. To-day officers of the Virginia Partisan Rangeipicrossfd the river and came to WashmgtcuijIJ-They cUimed tbe district as their desired to be paroled tbe same as Le( men, but they were committed to the prison and their referred to secretary of war. Rebel Alexandria and Loudon i Ya have been nearly all cleared oat.

jf scut t'row EXPECTED RF.SIG^AT!OS OF GESERALS. NEW YOBK, Apiil 'Wus-hirgton spe'cial says: It, is expected Vhftt jwithin a few days several generals not now in service will gend in their resignations. Generals Burnsicje, Rosecrons and Busier are most proaiinently rnentionerl in this connection. TO BE iUJSTEBED OCT. SPRINGFIELD, 111., April to Tbe Chicago Times ninety Illiaeia regiments will be sent back and mustered out of service during the current year, their terms of enlistment having expired.

FCilERAL CORTEGE. ALBANY, April the time last night when the remajna of President Lincoln were deposited in the-capitol until now persons have been pressing thither to see the honored dead. This morning the line of people extends at least a mile, one half of those composing it being ladies. The coffin has been again strewn by ladies with flowers. The cars and steamboats, this moraine, have brought additional thousands to tie city.

The funeral party are entertained by the corporate authorities at the Delavan House- All the buildings "are draped with mourning. Among the most touching mottoes on house fronts are the following: "The heart of the nation throbs heavily at. the portals of the tomb; Let us resolve that the martyred dead shall not have died in vain." The latter is believed to be an extrict from Mr- Lincoln's Maryland rair remarks. A low estimate fixes the' number of strangers here to-day ctt 30,000. All mourning exira trains and excursion boata brought large numbers of people from tfre surrounding country, many eoming a distance of 100 or 200 miles.

Never before were such multitudes gathered at the cupital. Everybody seemed to folly participate in the solemnities of the occasion. Soon after 2 o'clock, the procession baring been formed, it commenceJ io move over fhc prescribed The military was abuut 2,000 etrong; the hearse elegantly and elaborately Cached, trimmed with white silk, adorned richly with, silver mountiags and by the by eight white 3 45 the train was ivachpd. and the cofSn 15 transferred to the hear-e car ia whicJj hid bees brought from V-. At 4 o'c'cck site remains el' tl.e 'ciuieiiTed president were moved from A b.inr, on'tbo way to 'beir n2 nlnop in the wear TiiE NJTSV YOHX, April monitor Roanoke now our lower brty.

having been toweJ here by NEW YoR, April 26 World says one of the spiking features of the funeral procession wns the applause showered the representatives of the colored the; line of march in tbe wealthier y- The scene in fffos one continued ovation to Fifth the negroes, were to keep their heads fevered miles, in acknowledgment of of the spectators and the of the handkerchiefs Of tbe ladies in will; windows. The TimesS rjashington special eays Some days jwe gave an account of the arrest of PaihSjj who, it is alleged, attempt" ed the of Secretary Seward. Yesterday it discovered that he attempt. ed to take n.iaj|>jwn striking his head against the jwalls of the prison. Ic was fonnd that hepKftd beaten bis head almost into a jelly, aJ4 Wffeeding profusely.

A cap, padded. iRUover, was prepared for him: and fastened j-sScurely npon his bead, and his hands fiefiraed so that be can do himself UFP1CK CoMPTB LLIHOP TUS CUS^iniro:!, April 17, KiS. by nw presen tottf it to ap- -The liank, of W-is- 'm theritycf rountv M-lwaukfe sta'e of I la bvtn duly OrganueJ unjeracd accardin to the qf the Act of -Mi'l-Mi -AD Act to proTJde Curreaoy st-CDTsd hy of United States liocd.s iud to 0 the circulation and ledrtupMOu tL Pr approyd June Is64, and hu complied l-be irovrforg of saui re -ni-ed to be complied with rommenciaj the bukneEfl o- tanking ucd Said act; Now th.r I. Clarke, of 5Japrt.1d60t no further inj A dispatch April, Lisbon, the llth of tbe relations existing between the Unifl'lj; Statek and Portugal, says the governor not for firing Uuijoi) ships when they were the but 'continuing to do so when had struck their flflg and turned towar At a public ation of nations, a rPci for tbo cctitinn- betweSn two -cbal palate had taken place ia honor of iheffto flsga. rebelj Col.

us wereieap- turea EoJJtenae, veBterday motaioj; by Col- BaokleOt jmeo. 'Loss oft aide. The kl tacl vtWlded i tnred pear I or 1B in city 0 Milwaukee, in th. coun'y of Miiwausc- ttml Hat a ot is au (o couiiaHQce the busin- 8 oanMni: th-e hj J'-sniaouy my hand at C.R rh 17th day o)" April KR.V.KJIAN R-KK. ('oujptrolier of Ourreuey C.f llilwankce, April an hereby uotifled

tt c.o«* ot busiu-ss oo fatur- djy, the assets and balanced of thia BioK wdl ha -r UiS i aw r- atiou al Its of 0 nsiu, aame and 6 tie bnsin-Fsof this Biuk win ba thereafter con rtfl1 and t.l coajnunication be BAKBR, Caahier. NORTHWESTERN Mutual Life Insurance Co Wisconsin Street, Assets, 1st, $420,091,441 Policies issueii limited to Pontg purely mutual. noij-forfeiting policies granted at rates from 10 TO CENT. USS3 THAN MOST KASTERN COMPAJS1ES W. EU ooa, 8.

feblSditawweowly j. 0 yrch VJ Oo AUClSSt 1S04, Btlti further.

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