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The Daily Milwaukee News from Milwaukee, Wisconsin • Page 8

Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

8 THE MILWAUKEE APRIL, FINANCIAL MATTERS. or TKH DATLT Nxwa, 1 Tuesday p. u. April i5, 1865. There was no gold report received to-day, to 5 p.

on account of the funeral ceremonies of the late president, in New York. Money matters are and unchanged, wi'b very little doing. Exchange rules firm The following table denotes the baying and selling ritvs of cur brokers Selling par. jprem. and there are sates reported of about 150 at 54c deliTered.

Corn is no receipts and no Bales. Prices remain the same. Kye and barley are without movement. We quote Oats per bushel in store Corn Barley Kyc a Sold silver Legal Tender Xn U. (jj ct prem 107 The fcllowiug named banks have assigned their Wisconsin bonds to the etate, and their circulating notes vrill be redeemed at the etate treasury as provided by law.

Sbafanaw Bank. Hank ot ka, Wisconsin Hark Madison, Bank o' the interior. The list of banks whose notes are fed in this city at present is as follows: The Fiift Jiiiitici.ftl BanX receive? the Dotes of Tankers' Mi lerV Back. par. Bank of iraiiie du Chien, par.

Ripon, City Backof Uieeo Bay, German Bank, i ait. Dane Co. Bank, par. £aok C'ty Bank, par. Bank of I to Merchants' Bank receives the notes par City Bank of Kenorha, i die.

Ttt Wisconsin Marine and (ire Insurance Company £aak receives tbc notes Tbe Marine i. Fire Ins. Ce.Bank, par. Bank ol' i dig. i (ffft ffc Exchange Bank, par.

gjgjjr lores! City Bank, par. Bank of i die. IktBaak Milwaukee ol Milwaukee, Foi par. Tarn) ere "Bank, leaver Dam, par. JUeine Co.

pur. ITheat Qiowers' Bank, i dif. Bai.k of i die. Je'ffersen Co. Bank, i i.

Jnoean Bauk receives the Joneau Bank, par. Bank of lecongin, 1 8'ate Bank receives the Thr State Bank. par. 4 ParmerB 1 Mechanics' Bank, par. fnmmit par.

Wankest Co. Bank, par. Milwan ee County Bank aotee Miliranl Co Bank, par. Banket Point, par. Mar hall I llnley rpceire the State bank, tladipon, par.

Batuv-ac Bank, i dis. 4 BockOo. Bank, i dis. Ban ho' Monroe, i dis. Columbia Co Bank, i disi O'hh'Bb Cbmmeiriat Bank, dif Union Bank (Columbus), 4 dis.

Ci'y Bank ol Prefcott, i dis. Pike Broth the notes Elknorn Bank, i dis. tirstn Bay Bank, 1 dis- COMMERCIAL. OTJICS or THE DAILY NEWS, I Milwaukee, April 25 1865. Beceipte of pioduce during the past 24 boon: Flour Wiien: Oats Corn Esriey f.y» bus buf bar 800 du IM 0 at If'I Chicago.

ty Total 6983 The following are the shipments for the past 24 ours Flour, i Corr, bus. has. bus. 0 If 410 Ve Buffalo Canada Otber 410 LOO game tnie'b4 5 74169 1-3- The following table shows the'receipts of fcrfeadstnffs, provisions, during the past 24 hours, and the corresponding day last year: flora, fcbls Wlbeat, bns Oats, tons Corn, bos bns Bar)-j, bus Seeds, bos Potatoes, bus Ro Bottcr, 1S65. 8oo 4 1864.

340 22340 1065 £20 350 3 OBI bead hogs, head, Shrvp, TTeol, Siene, Lumber, feel Brans, bus High win eg, bbls Pork, bbls Beol. bbls Lurd, "'30 Pig iron, tons. 1800 10 The bark Hiribh- man has been chartered for wheat to at lOc. the morning board there was a fair demand, and cash wheat was held firmly at 1,20, at which figure some was sold. A few salea'of options this week were made at There was little or nothing done on the curbstone, and on -'change market was very dull.

Holders were firm at the morning rates, which buyers did not appear willing to pay. Sales were as Follows: THIS JtORKJKO 7.V«! busNol spg rec'pts, at 1,20 on 'en A if lO.OtXi bus Nol reo'pte at 1,13 and nominal. Vi Unchanged at 1.65 forcommon, and 1,75 for Star Brand. market continues with buyers and sellers apart, with a fair demand for shipping. Prices aro unchanged, and we hear of no Balee.

We quote Winter XX perbbl gpringXX 6,7626,26 Spring 6.60^676 Spring No. 2 Oits are In fair request. Clover is held at 16,00, and timothy at BEANS We quote no change. Saks are reported at 1,40. PEAS Nothing doing.

POTATOES In some demand though at not over 50o The market is very dull, though cut meats are held quite firuly- Pork only sells by way of retail. Nothing doing in lard or tallow. BUTTER The market is little bUter, though good firkin coald be had for 15c. EGGS Continue to sell quite freely at 16o GROCERIES Firmly held, with tendency upward. DRESSED POULTRY Scarce and wanted Turkeys are bringing from 23e per Ib Chickens 20 to 22c per ft.

HIDBS Are very dull and weak. The Wisconsin Leather C6. quote: Cows Green Hides, 5 Jo dp salted, 5J 6 Pall cured and trimmed, .6 Dry salted, 11 12 Dry Jiat, ,.14 0- ea, salted, 6 red and trimmed, fc Dry salted, 12 3 15 16 Mink 4. 5 25 8 00 Bears do eabs. 660 arisbers 800 4 UO I 00 30 1UO 1000 2000 1000 10 00 12 uO of Commerce Dispatches.

0 NEW April 25. CHJOABO, April 25. Firm at at Tlic for No. l.aoil for rejected. Dull at 45 ic.

WHBKij-Noininal; Sf-llers at 2,01. FailQHis Nominal at llo on corn to Buffalo. CUtcago Market CHJCieo, Apr. 25, RICEIPTB yionr, bbls; whtat, 6CCO bus; com, 91(500 bug; COO) bus. IlianwiNia Dull and lower; Bales at.

Finn: meps pork 2 fi prime megs at 24 3 Uaons firm, at ITic. Lard firm. Finn; at Firm, zt 1,201. i Q'Jiet, No. 1.

Quiet, declined Ic, fales at New York Dry Goods lUurlirt. From The United States Just as our paper went to press last week, the telegraph conveyed the astounding of the nssasfinaiion of the president Stiles. This took thp eutire coiuiiiunity by the greatest and threw whole nution info a j-t-ite bordering on frenzy. At the Fiime time fa most, atrocious attempt was innde to the life the secretary of the United 8tate-i, who was laying very ill in his own housi, and a man above nil whose lile is most dear to the nuiioa at present.

This horrid and nwfnl intelligence, immediately OQ its receipiion, cast a gloom over the en'ire communitj that has no parallel in oar history, and during the greater portion of i he week but little has, consequently, en done but draping stores, bankfc, warehouses, and private residences, in deep mourning. Thm has caused a very active retail demand black cambrics, white mublics and bkck crape, and prices' for these are decidedly firmer. Indeed, prices generally of cottou goods have advanced from 10 to cent. Little or no business was traiiMicted ou Saturday, and that i.njl Thursday have been observ- td BS dajB of obsequies and fasting, fenmiliiUion Lut to-day the mnr- isejiceediiigiy active auil excited at the The ead intclVipence from Washington on moiLicg htiii ihe tflVct to carry of gold up 10 loT), nud eveu higher. this a teo'deicy to import very tone to the dry goods murket, bat the prfce df former tell again to its ftr.mer level.

The supply of textile labrics iu all hands is now -futind to be l8 the demand is becoajrig quite urgent, as the season is now far advanced, and cannot drf- lay purchasing with saivty any longer. of Uie trade took advantage of t'he holiday, which was closely ob- eerved in this state, and went down to Bos ton and Providence, to buy goods, but they have come back wiser men and with only very light purchases. The leading jobbers of Boston have no stocks of moment to dispose of, and the mill agents there are no better off, but we were not prepared to learn that in the city ot Providence the jobbers there could not supply un packages, not broken, of all kinds of cotton goods. It is only four weeks sjnce a well informed jobber asserted in our presence that there were enough of goods in the country to last five yeari-j but to-day we are informed by a' who knows wb)U he asserts, that there is not enough t-f goods to be fonnd-to supply the of the till to-morrow uight should bttfiineee continue active as to-day. The jobbers arc conipletely Bold up on cotton guuu's, aud ail pu'rchaseb are cbiiflj lur future delivery, for the well- known reason thit the goods U.TC not in first hands.

The mills, consequently, must resume work once mure, and to do thiis they ure obliged to'emer the intuket for cottou. A.S soon as they hive etnered it, we have seen the rettult anticipated. Limited as.fheir purchases are, us yet, the price of middling upland ban advanced from 3 to So per al ready, and goods must follow after: yet it would not bo wise or prudent for the manu facturers to put their heads in the halter again, as the restoration of peace would tend to draw forward supplies, and catue a a i in the market once more, particularly if goods were in abundance. We hate no time or space to extend- report this week, or give as accurate a wholesale price current as we would desire, bm we Would remark that there is demand for all poods, at an advance of 2,0550 per yard, and the tendency id upward, owing to the very meagre "supply in all hands. For woolen goods a better inquiry is notice ible for fancy cassimeres.

ehawls, but army and unseasonable gooda are still neglected, and prices are depressed and irregular. The following ale quotations cf Apri, 22: Mfrriirac .24 Kicbmnnd f'odieeo 21 Americau 20 Pacific Duchess, HI raiues Aliens .20 Dunnells 18g2i) Manchester 6IHGHAM8. Clinton ..26 Glasgow 24 Lancaster RoanoKe 20 BBOWH SHZSTIS'GS. LawreBce 321 Stark 4-4 32J Applet on 4-4 22i Hertford 4-4 SO Indian dead 3-4 44 33 Amo-teag 4.4 84 4-4 23 Atlantic 3-4 16 Pepperell, 0.. .20022 Indian Orchard.

New York 4-4 40 WMDButta 4-4 35 BatM 4-4 33 WuiteKock 4-4 27 W-sdale 4-4 26 £6 4-1 25 Golden Ridge 18 BLSACBXD GOODS. Dwight 30 4 4 23 Waltham, 20 11 1,4 Amoskeng bwan River. DEKIH3. Jewett City Providence falls 30 Blue Ilill 27i AiJoskeag York 50 Uriel 8TR1PID Amoaseag 45 Wbittenton, 0 York 40 do A Uncasville TICKS Amoskeag, A York, 32 inch fc'l Hamilton, regular ..50 i A I 421 Pearl OOKSIT JKASS. AmoBkesg an Orchard Lsconia Androscoggin.

Bates Peppiell DELARfXB Manchester HamUton, dirk. 21(226 Pacific Hamilton York, 30 inch 45 Pemberton C. Domeatlo Dry Goods Trade. Stark Mills 31 Indian Head 31 Standard 31 Lit chfleld, 25 Bay State 25 2S Minnesota A 25 BEOWR 27 Baltic 23 New Jemy 23 York Mils and M(irenuirje). Kverct Pemberfon Hampden 55 tieorge Piling Farmers inion 55 ThompsonyiUe, Lancaster Oella Howard A Hartford Mattano King Mills IlnymaKer 42 3A Whit ten ton 2-i Thnmdike 2o Kalis -2b STRIPES.

Lonsdalc Treaty fiperet Andovvr Amer-i-nn P8IST5. 21 ew 2j ''ontincntal is is ik urninc: IS Bouble i'urj'ie I'J IS Co 'Jl Ocruian PiaiUs Arnold I'i 10 llovov 1 nk pr" L'in'H-i iilu. and M-cta. ij a 5 H. Clin'nn Om-so 23 25 SI 30 20 17 "25 17 14 75' 70 671 20 18 30 oO 15 is 22 25 A MS.

5 Hartford 20 Lancaster Uo ilavrick DELAINES. Pacific iSISio llaruiltoa. TICX5. I'-rabcrton Conestoga 50 Inft-rnailonal ...40 Albany 19 uLE-icnsn ocor-9. Masoofille Putnam 30 Vutnam -J-JJ Hope Mills Putnam .10 lied Bank l-'i Waltham .13 do do 7-b 19 Mohawli 15 COBSEI JEANB.

Indi an Orchard 17 Hudson 115 17 franklin 15 17 CFTECES. Millo Manrhcster Bed hecke 75 nrs COLORED CAMSRICS. Virtrvria THR.EADS. nats Wlllaraantic CUrk's Sf'iftV T'J Iladlej MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Purt of Milwaukee, IprU ARRIVKD: tr Milwankee, TroweU.

Orand Harfn. Schr Toledo, Swift, Muskegon. Sjhr. J. W.

ItrowntOooney, Oconto Prop Swift, Pt. Colborn. CLEARED: Schr Florence Peter'on, Grind Haven. Cchr. J.

W. Broirn. 'Jooney, Oronto. ftr. Detroit, McBride, Grand Uarcn.

REVENUE revenue cutters for Lake Ontario are being built, one at Baltimore and one at Williamsburg. The cutter nt Williamsburg ig all framed and 'will be launched in a few weeks. It is expected that she will be finished and on -lake Ontario by the 15th of August next. The steamer is 100 feet long, JO feet hold, and abqut 500 tons Side find steam engine, and will be armed with three large guns.

She is very sharp, and it is witl be oTgreat Buffalo Courirr. Comity 4 robiUo. Siiitc wiscnnxin, Milwiiukt'f County, S3. In the umtttr ot' tbc HSiato of Aiunst Uo-t, ttiis day of March, A. IKHA.

upon rt-ad- in(r ami tilini; the petition of Cliarlfls May, the city of Al Iwauhpe, stating that Rost, Of thi'couufyef MiJivXukec, 'on or about the Kth of August, 1S64, nml pmyim; that he, 'iharlfji be appointed adininistmtor of the estatP of the deceased 8 It if ordered that caid application be heard before me at Probate Office in the City of Milwankee, on the loth day of May, A. IStia, at 10 o'clock A. U. And It la further ordered that notice of said application jtnd bearing be given by publishing a of tkis order for three iucceasiYe weeks, ouce In each week, in the Daily Milwaukee News, a newspaper printed in laid city, prior to said bearing. By Court, ALBBttT SMITH.

Atty. County Assets MAil Llie Insurance Clo Bonsin year 4,028 life limited to 510,000 mutual. Endowments granted at rates from PER CbNT. PASTERN COMPANIES. 8.S.

DAOOETT, Pres't. J. G. Agent Cdnnty Probate. In the of the estate of Christian TVilheim lieb nand Ha testateo and pra of the Itia.i me at th the 16th RaethMt-, thS of April, A.

D. 1865, upon filing the petition of Johann Qott- stating that Christian Wilhelm Ferdi- of the County of Milwaukee, died in- aboat the let day 1864, that he be appointed administrator of tlvefaid deceased: that Said application before bate the city of of ilay, IW5, at 10 o'clock A. M. rther ordered, that notice of application toil hearing be giyen by publishing a copy of this of for ttiree successire weeks, once in each in the Milwaukee Nxwg, a paper printed in said city, prior to said hearing. (BjUtea Court.) ALBERT SJ11TH, 11 County Judue.

BODE, Atty. 4 i EAL anUl (or furnis repairin? livered apr23dty aprlS ClTt COMFTROLtSR'8 Milwaukee, April 25th, 1S65. roposals will be received at th office iday the28'h at 10 o'clock a. ng clean eoarie gravel Hnd earth tor the streets iu the Second to, be de- fch. time and places aa the Street Com(aid ward may direct.

1TERD KUEtlN, OomptroUer. To MUlers. of experience wish'es a liruatlon. merchant mills preferred. Idress, MILLBR, Care of Box for Acres.

NE and sixty acres of wet land, partla'uated in the town of Wheatland will be so wsesfed dollars i located i the best ft leap and on easy terms. This land ,00 per acre, an4 one cir two hnndxed render it all n't for cultivation. It neigbborhbod ef in Wisconsn at this office, ALL PRIVATE DISEASES t. WHrtirER is educated and qualified, and has experience in of diseasejj a iHowledg- In She propel nent of the iWerfal diseas. tolali its rarield 4nd forfeit, ind hn made tfee trieatm.siBt ofipriraie bi-' biH-neji knd itudy.

'EiferieECr teach -iff has. enablni ibjin ttf perfef suBlcipil, salt, teimanenl, and IL iJfeout Dindlahce fo buc I gtlention in euro bte. Aftjphilli. ia Gleet, ptnVturw, an'd Urinary. Also, thr ot jJDjjtHTj halilts, ruinriu- tr, body unc mind, produce soiae tb.f fo-llewitig CcDstiLaticc Rvpnff, Dually a r.r.f low of'Li-ti; ir 1 luiiv restored re All mi sea Seaderctioose Oetweei, 'A AQK AN OMTIMELY 0, how much sicknew would "been me, had I this book THP.

OF YOITH. OB THJ HT8TIBI1S by Dr. LDBAB8CH, ID; Physician, Chicago, ,1, Editic-n, enlarged trsted, sntK'11 anafo'miral drawinga by Dr. wt.V^. I 1 IA Kverybo ful tiig bctfi it Youth" formi-d, a Ijs -k i th book for of four ion upon the it.

t)n be fr of ths seauai of Jtro such of SKlf-pnlqtjcc. secn-t jjtbrr lie si rmjoy (fzri, whist Uadf nnlc- that have wherefore a resl o. wbicLdiiriat. 'he short 4 over 20,000 eopiee of the German edj. 1 The mode of irmrmeiit, if 'nil- of 25 ci'nt'in Po-tt stamps It m-iit.


I at Springfield, MAS MAST. Wholesale Price Current. a larger esle, and haajproTeu itself In thfl This drill Barley, without s.iriw maS-s all in us i jjir.rtect ovorvwtiere, bare the Bftiybny of a number! ot persons fhiii it The aa-i pers ---w all oilier? itujr The pijllisnb ext-frimenr, out hy.t for years p.iit, and im- upon it daring that ti'iSH. i Send or iron may fail to one. Cir- eulare fall Co of us or our agents, 3 JJ.

L. SUSLDOM 9 H. O- GwekNiE, Afwt. I tjli Hanay'a. Stores.

bbl ..83.00 SimnKrtj 1...... Host's Blood Ruga. Cotton, 1-aper, i 1 Manil a Marline Lath Yarn No. 1 tfd Tinned, 14 and 16 K2 Copper Coal. HetailYard Rates.

Steam Pittsbur? Bloisburg Erie Oils. Carbon, white. Tanners, No. 1 Whale Uo mtra winter Id, Bri a Hill 18, OofLinseed raw 20 Seranton 7:5 ao Maebinery, Ne 'i Neatifeot OliTe Beniele, el Patnu, Webster Lackawana Lcbighprepared Lamp 21,00 Cooperage. Flour Barrels 4 (gSO Whisky barrels.

Pork barrels. Beef Great La.rdtier.ceg....3,-J5jgi,50|PenD. Oil'oo Badger State 13,00 Coffee. 33ig34 La-mra Maracaibo Rio prime 34 Java S9fg40 Mocha Candles. atearine 24 Star Opal sperm Patent Sperm Tartar, ft.

Alum Aloes, ft Aloes Soc 1,0 A jafetida. 6.i Berax, refined 4H Brimstone, roll Brimstone, Hour. Balsam, Capavia Balsam, Tolu Oamphor, refdi Cream, Copperas Uantharides 1.1 Benzone 7f Myrrh, B. 1 75 Trag, Sew York 9,09 Bed Lead, AM Chrome Gteea, .36 Olne, No. 1...

No. 2 No, 3 No. 4 I'uttyjin bladders. Veiietiaa Red, Am.2t^3 6ffl7 Vermilljon, Am No. 1..40 44 Zmr, Sew 11, 50 Uity 8 P' Kstra prise.

Short rib do LOOK cut bams. tweet pict'd hams Primelard No.Hard fj Mess 75 Estrallf-ss sugar Canvassed hama 280 Ah'd's, dry Cheese, W. R. Do Hamburs, new Do Butter. Brkin Ipecacuanha, Br.

Jalap 3.601 Licorice, ax roll choice 29 Do doi oa 9 SU Tallow, country. Magnesia, 9' 1 8) 11, Oil pep ..5,00 Oil Lemon 8,00 Oil Cassia Oil, Castor, 3,25 OxaUc Atsd Quinine, oz. Super city. Dried 17 Potatoes Sugar. Common to 1 .10 QooJ to prime 15 N.

Y. Crushed. A VM 20 19 Saltpetre, rrfd la 3al. Epsom Ib Glaubj- Rice tf DnaE I Fair to 10 Studs. tapioca Annatto, BlUH Vitriol (.

Camwood, 11 v-aasiA, Cochineal, UouJuras.1,7.-. Cudbear Extract Loi5M-oo Rustic 116 ar'ss ground. in 4B l.fil. io KngUsli. 41.1 2..

9 BOJLio do ground Trc.ui, No. 1 :g.9,T Dry 'oJ, Pepper Sauce 35 J. 9.fl!lu.oc|)i i No. 1 Jvrits bran-J Herring, Scaled, Da East port Otto.wi Do hi .4,11. .2.66 Fruit Apples, lined do, llligli'i-Wew line, New York State.

Currants, Fine Citron, Vigs, new ou witb bugs Dates, Ib witbout biigs Lemons, French Masgena 2( prd JO Do do lOjSll Raising, M. Do new 'ayer Louisfferman. i Iron. 1... bar Ib.

iv.g'fj Doreflned hTredes, 1T; Pig, Am. Nail liod 1 aU'jAmariran ribeet Iran, lore IT. Do liarcoa'. R. toU Russi No UO HI HeettV ia, 1st qual.

Clover Com. St Lime 2,10 Stock. Canary ie HempS Beans cwt.4,00@fi.OO Hogs, cw Bheep, Oaksole Harness 37 Bridle 40(242 Tea. Ydung Black Oolo 1,30 Leather. Bole, Spanish ..1,15 1,30 Sole, slaughter 344f38 Gunpowder 2,00 Imperial 1,26 1,90 Canton Hyson.7U 86 Tin Plate.

10x14 10S141X 1C 12x12 IX French French Opper, 21igM 14i30 10 skins 14x20 IX 1C IX Block Tin Olear Plank SS.OO KeconJ Plank A Clear Bo-srds Srccnu Uoarvls 1 Tobacco. Third .1 Jyx Mil. Tobacco Siiln'c." price .20,00 Commcn floor Hoards I. Joist, ft. 0-w Jo of Avytdo top Too boards, 16 ft.

Dark sweet warranted. Mtucafftdo Irleans Syrup do do do do Coach, I No i No..

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