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The Marysville Appeal from Marysville, California • 7

Marysville, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Low tee uiXTsmu 1 'f. -T 4 4 1 J'' Smartoille News Wheatland News HHIIS LETTES esaer mwi federal treasury BECOMES RICHER BY OIL ROYALTIES Padfie: Coatt League BASEBALL! MM(k( (By tho Associated Preea.1 TOO CLAM BUT Kill! Will MB 228 Street Marysvflle Webb Moto rsotOD 1 CamranH H. E. Sacramento 5 9a 1 Vernon ....16 17 2 Batteries Colwell, Canfield and Cook; Dell and Hannah. B.

H. E. San Praneiseo .7 10 0 SBSEmRSmJ lYmirf WHEATLAND, July 7lh. and! (Continned from page three) Mrs. John Harrison of.

Boeklin were By 'the time. I was nearing the end visitors in Wheatland Saturday, eft the money I received from Mr. S. Harding Mrs. C.l Bliss, I would have been much re- (Bhw were passengers for Baers-1 lieved to know thatll was-sure of I Bento a good steady job as a oarber.

If T- Ablom of wl I had known how to do a good jobia 8eramt0 Saturday. of hair cutting, I would havo asked Sheriff. C. J. MeCoy of Marysville for it But I did not know how to was called to Wheatland on offl-eut hair, and I am afraid the pa- business Saturday, trone might have been enraged if Burt Hopkins and wife of San I I had tried it on them.

I do not Jose have been gueste at the A. H. Dfitributon BHABTYILLB, July Mrs, H. 7, Miles, daughter Adels, and brother. Clareuee Johhaon, left Thursday for Moss Beach to apend a month's va cation.

Mrs. B. J. Gray, Mr. Cox and Masted Allan PeaTe, today for their homo in Oakland and after a two weeka vacation as guests of Mr.

aifd Mrs. W. T. Johaaon. 1 Mrs.

Alfred Kinsman and the Miae- ee Alice Kinsman and Suaie Jenklne, who have been visitors at the home of Mr. and Mra. -J. H. Warne, have returned to Onus Talley, expecta to leave Sunday for Reno, where she will apend the summer.

Mrs. A. C. Stineman and Mrs. Wm.

Peekham of Wheatland have been I selected as teachers in the Sheridan Ppd 6 2 Batteries Geary and Yells Mid dleton, Freeman and Elliott, Fuhrmnn. B.H.E. Balt Lake ...........8 7 8 Oakland ....5 11 2 Batteries Myers and Byler; Arlett and. Koehler. Loa 7 1 Seattle ,.6 15 3 KINGS BIG QUIN kjs dpi.iw w.

their ewn mwlwttaf mwU-JT1 to 0,000 0, the batis of jrf about 15 ehe to the to A. T. Lof, lb, eounty exehango, aerly half p.fflioB ueki of grsto valued at Jtwo-third. of a Billion dollara wffl I deposed of this year through the nebeage. The eounty organization! brisch of the California Pam Bur-m Exchange whieh i.

-Btaff I Billen and to a big Bagiiah Import- sg fin. MATTES again NAKED 2Y TOLO SUPERVISORS paaM WOODLAND, Yolo Co, July 0. Pted Shaffer hai juet been reappolmt-by the Yolo Board of Supervisor! Keretary of the Yolo Board of fade. Xhi, ia the seventh consecutive pe, that the hoard ha named Shaf- His re-election vu reeommead naaimonaly by the members of Yolo Board of Trade. pfT.TEVS THE be the Wt of ita dam to rorld.

We carry Miller tires. Harris Sad Co. Jys-1 iwtii6 admitting that there were Armstead home in Wheatland. times when even a job as bus boy, Geo. Armstead and wife of rfan-l or eonn8 tersa.

with assurance of three meals a I ford are visiting relatives in Wheat- 0- A Bieehers of Wheatland day, would have had ita consolation. I land. They were accompanied home! WM in Saeramento Wednesday on bus- Pood was of vastly greater impor- by Mrs. Mary A. Armstead Sunday.

I I tance thnn my eareer as land- Mrs. R. H. Blackford and children Nelson Harding and wife of Oak-seape gardener. returned from Berkeley Saturday Ove- land were arrivals Thursday to visit It is not snobbishness which I ning after visiting her grandmeth- relatives in Wheatland and vieinity.

makes me abject to the statement I er Mrs. C. K. Dam. I The Camp Fire Girls met at tho that I worked at humble jobs.

1 1 R. L. Egbert of Kerman, a former I (j. H. Dam home last Saturday where object to it -because it is untrue I resident of Wheatland, was a busi-jthey were given instructions in how and, moreover, I object to it be- peso visitor in Wheatland Monday, to make ice cream, eause the statement is made in such G.

E. Nutt and Mrs. A. Reichers jM Hamilton took a truck load of a way as to appear I were visitors at the eounty seat from jfurniture to Willows for B. W.

will leave it to any decent "Ameri-1 Wheatland Monday. McCurry Friday. WASHINGTON. D. (X, July 7.

Unde Sams money begs have been 1 bulged to the extent of more than five millloa dollars the result of i royalties received to date from 1 pil and gaa operations on leased government lands in certain western states, aeeording to the bureau of mines. Total net royalties reported by the bureau to the general land office up to the first of June amounted to $5.201,50849. Ia the month of May alone royalties amounting to $551,021,88 were reported. Of this amount, $258,022 waa credited to California to Wyoming; and $25,340 to i Montana. Royalties from the production of petroleum constitute the 'bulk of the figures, for May, amounting to royalties from natural gas were and from the manufacture of natural gas $2,852.

During May, 240 oil and was prospecting permits were received by the bureau of mines from the gen oral land office, making a total of 7j56S permits of this nsture, A total of 287 leases had been granted. Production of petroleum from tho Cat Creek, Wyoming field, from government land, during May was 126ST.2 barrels. During May two wells were completed oa government KANT WANT BOXES AT TUBA CITY P0ST0P7XCE YUBA CITY, July 7. An influx of newcomers to Yuba City is testified to by an increased demand for boxes at the local postoffice, aeeording to Postmaater Harry My-ers. The 400 availavle boxea in the office are $11 rented, Myers today stated, and applications for at least a dozen more have been filed.

Mr. and Mrs. J. MeQuaid and sen Bobert, were vial tore to Marys villa during the week. William Allread and daughters, Mary and -1 Helen, visited with relatives ia Marysville today.

Mias Helen Allread wOl go to Wheatland to spend a few days with rieada before retnmlag homo. 1 The following attended the Nevada (Sty celebration on Tubsday: Mr. and Mrs. John Havey, Mr. and Mm Dewey Havey and children, Mm and E.

D. Bristow and baby daughter, Mr. and Mm A. daughter Viola and eon, Jamee, and Allan and Bobert Toland. a Lawrence CL Manor, of Saa Praa-cisco, attorney for the Pacific Gas and Electric company, was a guest Wednesday at the home of Mr.

and Mm' John H. MeQuaid. Mr. and Mrs. W.

Bobbins, Mr. (Continued on page eight) ean whether it would have been Constable L. B. Anderson of Whose-1 Margaret Randal of San Francisco more degrading for me to have land waa in Marysville Monday, at- Mig nownce Boswell ia worked as an omnibns boy or to tending a session of tho grand jury. WVnnf1nn, have borowed money.

B. N. Murphy of Maryaville was Mrg McCrea of Wheatland Another story has appeared to the a Wheatland viaitor Sunday. visited in Live Oak Friday, effect that I am the son of Everett Jess Rich and family of Oakland Baun jnd famiy gnd Mrfc MeGinnisa, of Danville, Kentucky. It were in Wheatland Monday visiting Baun q( 8nttw ounty vigited at least provided me with a laugh at the W.

N. Rich home. They were at tha Baun home in Wheatlaiid at a time when I had so many enroute to Nevada City to viait I pourtb troubles that laughing was difficult. Mrs. Rich'i parents.

Mrs. L. L. Kimerer returned to Last of all, certain writers have P. T.

Burdick and family Pt home in gacrameBto Wednesday mad' the foet that I changed my several days at Lake Almanor this lfter vigitin? her mother Mrg- A. name from Gnglielmi to Valentino week. Stewart in Wheatland, appear to my discredit. I would like Geo. Muck, J.

K. Latta and A. Del Mr gnd Mr(L Mongon Mr. to hear those same writers try to Graw of Wheatland spent the Fourth I gnd jjrg jj A Niemcyer of Mar prononnee Gnglielmi. Taut would be Nevada City.

ryaville, visited at the Neimeyer homo sufficient anawer. Valentino is, of Rev. G. G. Western has retnrned Wheatland Thursday evening conrse, a screen name which I adopt- from Strawberry Valley where the Y.

Latta of Wheatland visited ed for the good reason that Amer- M. C. A. eamp ia. gt gutter Thursday, icana would never be able to aecom- A.

G. Oakley of Wheatland waa in B. H. Blackford and family do- plish my real Marysville Monday. I parted Friday evening for Cisco where Yonra very truly, Mrs.

C. A. Bieehers has opened a thoy will gpend tbe (Signed) RUDOLPH VALENTINO. soft drink counter at the Wheatland jj Burchell and I. Rowland geege on State street.

of Wheatland attended the Good Citrus thripa havo been extremely Tnlna C.t7 thi. Dr- D' rriJr- 'day from a motor trip to Santa Cruz h. Durst hzs gone to Battle and San Francisco. I Mountain where ho ia extensively BUSINESS CHANGED HANDS I Fred Bcilby of Wheatland spent the! Interested in several mining elaimsL ronrtl in Boaeville. G.

Francis and family of Lineola Barber shop on 2nd St, and is open I for hnainesa. Jy7-3tP Mra. L. C. Anderson and daugh-l have been visiting Mr.

and Mrs. ters, Mrs. L. B. Andersun and ehil- b.

N. Luyster in Wheatland. land in Wyoming and five were be ing drilled. The went discovery of oil Kevin Montana, has led to the granting of many permits for pros peeting on government lend in this tree. The greatest producing well on government land in California has been brought in by tbo Pan-Amor Scan Petroleum company in the Elk hills district of the Naval Reserve with an initial daily prodneton of 2(201 barrels.

The latest report filed shows a total of 229 producing wells on government property In Cal ifornia, while 69 new wells were being drilled. A conference was recently held at the state mining bureau, Taft, Cal. for the purpose of mapping the prob able commercial gas productive area ia the northern Benna Vista hilla and to decide upon a method of oil well' drilling which will proteet the gaa zone which liez directly above the oil zone. Why Not Play Safe? BUY At a meeting of the Board of (Continned on page eight) at Sale Prices There are no better tires manufactured than KELLY-SPRIX FIELDS. You know that.

They always have, and still do, set the standard of tire quality. But the difference now is the fact that KELL Y-SPRINGFIELDS can be bought at Sale Prices that are as low or lower than that of other standard makes. i Why not play safe and get the best tires for your summer touringf Decide now that youll buy those KELLY-SPRINGFIELDS at once. dren and Mr. and Mrs.

J. W. Roddan of Wheatland spent the Fourth in Rofeville with Carleton Anderson and family. D. C.

Bann and family and Miss Grace Phelps motored to Sacramento Tuesday where they spent the day. C. A. Kettlewell and wife returned Wednesday from Santa Rosa whore they visited relatives. Mra.

Lizzie McDonald spent the Fourth in Cisco. F. Fredericks of Haminonton spent several days visiting at tho Lackey home in Wheatland this week. Mrs. A.

C. 8tineman has gone to Stockton where she will spend several weeks with her sister Mra Qniggle who is recovering from a serious illness. P. T. Bollinger of Wheatland motored to Ripon on business Thursday.

Joe Hamilton and family have been spending several days in Saeramento. Mra. F. MeCrea of Wheatland Owing to the fact so many people want Inhalation Treatments for Hay Fever, Asthma, we will give treatments at Van Ness and Percy streets Yuba City evenings, 7 to 9. Phone 318 evenings and mornings for appointments.

Electro Medicated Inhalatorium CORDS REGULAR PRICE TAX ADDED SALE PRICE INCLUDING TAX 30x3 30x312 32x3 31x4 32x4 33x4 34x4 32x4V, 33x4V, 34x412 35x414 36x41, 33x5 34x5 35x5 37x5 36x6 38x7 40x8 $15.85 23.30 26.80 29.45 30.45 31.45 38.15 39.60 .39.85 40.90 41.90 47.05 47.95 48.95 51.60 81.80 109.35 141.75 $19.62 26.82 30.86 33.91 34.95 36.19 43.90 45.56 45.87 47.06 48.20 54.15 55.19 56.33 59.49 94.12 125.80 163.08 I Does a hen stop scratching when the worms are scarce? The Appeals Advertising Department Is equipped with every facility to assist you with your advertising problems. Superior illustrating service. Experienced advertising men. A responsive list of readers And a desire to serve Phone 22 for Advertising Service The 30x34 at $10.90 is positively a regular. Kelly-Springfield $14.90 tire.

It is NOT a tire made to sell at a cheap price. The Kelly-Springfield make only one grade of tirethe best. This is true of the 30x3 at $9.90 and the 30x3 cord at $15.85, and of every other tire on this list. For Sale 1 .1 i 't -i- DAY and NIGHT STORAGE Ten horse power motor; four inch pump. Direct connected with section and discharge pipe, starter and switch box complete.

Reasonable if taken at once. Also about four hundred feet surface irrigation pipe. Cheap. Inquire of Valley Bacon .25 Salt Pork .20 Shoulder Lamb Chops .20 6 Lamb Stew 08 at the Valley Market ED) TOME Ford Fderated Factors Garage Streets Marysville, Calif. 117 Boyajean Tashgian Box 326 Yuba City, Cal..

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