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The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York • 21

The Buffalo Newsi
Buffalo, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FEATURE PAGE BUFFALO EVENING NEWS: WEDNESDAY JULY 25 1928 FEATURE PAGE Mary Haw Could By Mary Tuttle Skyward When a Great Iceberg Galloped in on the Tide Ship 1 and Plane Nearly Were Lost xgli XYY FV 1 v' I By COMMANI XM MtraM wllk Ik wa kla fbsl Awtta fllcki form niM Mluallr I llr tarn Um Xrtk Fsto anSrrlnok I ha i as private nhtpiii mat hssrtbrasklng job bM baton i toft waa tliat a 1 nuoi data I hatad to ba a beggar ij naa awta ao ganerous that I die-(mad aaklmi than tar non But aav-ml than I araa on tha verge of bankruptcy hatar ara aaUad And if the aparttlM had fallad which It might aapadltleh had fhUad which It night la just aaa plan Mould (till ha trying to par hack my obligation la aplta of th Social Sinners Hollywood in Person Jabby By TOM CARLISLE Beach Home of Marion Davies Showered With Rocks Phyllis Haver Has Eye for Business 1 MOLLIE aatad fkaa or glaan at eoat by patriotic baalaan imnrraa a had ta rate erar 1100000 to it waa I Mt arlth a deficit nan than 000000 ftttT MMMtUlMl dan It would grow during ny b-aaaaa Uto waa not th only thing I wa riming After non tha of toll on tha part of hand wo laft Maw York on April 1 1 Mt with half a hundred man and all month food aupply aboard Wa arrind at Kings May Bplte-bargaa at 4 April 10 and found tha Anundaan-Hawarth-Mohllo expedition BMnban walk under way In thalr jrapeiallaw to malm tha gnat Italian Mglbto Marga Thl revelation of tha aneijy of another expedition tonle (Met on tha eager young American eplrit of our cnw I Pat hat no tlm in placing cartoui ohatadn In our path Tha little barber of Kings Kay waa choked with is but aklllftil work by Oapt Brennan IwagM th Chantlee to anchor within 000 parts of tho chore To my dlaany found that than wan no fadllUae for landing my hary plana had counted on th dock at tha coaling ctatlao Prerloue Inquiry told the water enough for our ah Ip and penalaalon waa only a antler of aching tha local Sidney Gleason former steward of tile Atlantic Yacht club will be eommiaaary chief on Commander Richard South Pole expedition Kovllto Ifuhoy and Oould tha carpenter worked two days and 'nights making new ski whom strength was doubtod by using soma of our oar Thar waa no othar hard wood availabto la all Kings Bay Profiting by our first experience wa treated th bottom of tha akta with a mixture of main and tar Tha runway was fairly smooth for th ascend attempt and tha plana was lightly loaded Wa held our braath This tlm our airplane moved forward rapidly than roes graoafully Into tha air With Ltout Marine and Ltout Parker aboard In addition to Bennett she mads a trial flight of two hours and showed a famarkably low gas consumption Tha cold-weather cowling on tha anginas up to our highest expectation Our worst fears wars at an and At this point cam a oamptote and sudden reversal of our plan Tha trial flight and tha low gasoline consumption showed that wa eould probably taka off tha anow with sufficient fuel to visit Oapa Morris Jesup and th Pole In on non-stop flight It had basn our lav tantlon to land at (Mm Morris Jesup But sines wa eould explore tha whola iUctaimr without landing tha question naturally araa not go dlredt to tha Pols and return via Capa Morris Jesup?" Especially alnoa we had toamsd that landing with skis In Strang areas maant taking Mg risk So It i Pinal preparations were completed on May Halna a mataorologtat leaned ua by tha 8 Weather Bureau told ua that tha weather was right Haines was a sptondld weather man and a great shipmate Wa warmsd tha motors heated our fuel oil put tha last Mt at fuel and food aboard examined our Instrhmanta with car Bannatt and I climbed In and wars off Off but ala not up Our load proved too gnat tha anow too tha Motion of th akta too strong a drag Tha plan simply By OBLgTT BUBCKM Morbid Muaio BOTHER have you tha slightest yearning However faint within you burning A longing (known to you alone) TO bleat upon a saxophone? (Mi ere you mar your Ilf so vapidly Blow your few brains out brother rapidly I Modern Marriage By fraxcbs McDonald DEAR Kiss McDonald I have road your page quit a long tlm now and will you kindly print this totter? Miss McDonald Ml th girls that writ to you to stop relying on illusions and prmsnrlng Better axparlanoa has taught ma my lesson I nava lovad th earn fallow for quit along tlm but neither at us has spoken to aaoh othar In that nature Soma day I thought ha would find It out and than we'd bo happy Special ta th hmu Xt suras Haws sod Berth AMleaa Bawseapar AlUanes Copjiisht IMS by lmiis Xrssiss Xsva sod Barth Awsrles Bewspspsr Alliance HOLLYWOOD Cal July Marion Da visa was much annoyed th other day by a mysterious shower of rocks on tha roof of hsr beach home Investigation provad tha culprit to ba an old man who had a monkish Idas that a Brlttaq? cottage sporting SO odd bad rooms should com to ao good end My detactlvs instinct tails ms tho old chap hoe probably boon living In a modal apartment ru1 by on efficiency export in specs conservation Phyllis Haver maintains ths true Hoi lywood tradition aha la a da luXa blonds at tha bright brassy variety calculated to photograph to bast ad van -ta- Bha stands a moment ln ths entrance of a popular cafa apparently to launch -a bantering remark to bar -sort but really to allow tourists full opportunity tor a close-up Phylll Ilka all true movie girls has an eys for Th syatosha which wan seldom noticed ln tha old Mack Bannatt day am gorgeously spikad Double whits foxes swaths her warmly and Immaculately Tha tharmomator Is soos-whera above ln tha shad But Hollywood and white fox will never fall out Phyllis' whits skirt Is brief hsr tog symmetrical About hsr la the full flavor at Ot homeland Bha has risen bum bathing baauty to stardom in th ml of Boxy Hart But not overnight Battling up from tho movto ranks to not always assy and Phyllis Havar In a confidential mood eould writ an Intonating autobiography Baa Lyon la lunching at tha next table with a gnat Jagged scratch as tha only visible souvenir of hla recant airplane fall Ban has aaaapad ths curaa at curling hair and romantic aldaburiis which baa become a sort of Hollywood distemper Neither has ba ths lily-white pallor of some of th Mw who gat scon of fan letters in each mall -dell very New Tubes -By FBEDERIC WASHINOTON July Increasing traffic congestion and the demonstrated seen of the Holland vehicular tuba under tho Hudson river have led to numerous other tuba and tunnel undertakings ln various parts of tho country tho aggregate cost of which will run well above tha 1100000000 mark Tha next decad It la predicted will see mors developments along this Una than were aver dreamed of a taw yean ego Albany has projected a tunnel under tha Hudson river to connect th Empire stats capital with Rennmalaar Detroit has started work on a Mg vehicular tuba under tho Detroit river to Windsor Ont Cincinnati la completing a new subway system and Cleveland Detroit and Chicago are all stirred up over th subway Idas Tha Moffat tunnel piercing ths Continental dlvlda has been completed and to In um and out on tho Pacific coast tho city of Oakland trill soon have a tuba passing under the Oakland Inner harbor and connecting that city with Alameda Closely allied with such enterprises ln that they an all directed towards a and Bells HASKIV fact condition In other cases ths hall must be tuned by filing away thicknesses and Irregularities which offset tbs' tons Inscriptions vary widely Nearly all balls hava cams being baptised In the cam of church belle when hung In this country ws have our own named bell tlu Liberty bell with Its inscribed sdmonltlon to "Proclaim Liberty Throughout the Boms hells bear tha namm of thalr donas some tho names id tho churches in which they ara to bo hung and com proyen to tho Virgin or othar mints Largest Bell In World Probably ths largest bell to ths Tsar Kolokol or Onat Bril of Moscow This was coot ln 1133 It was cracked ln the foundry and never haa been hung or rung It weighs 180 tons and is so luge that It la used aa chapal It stands IS fleet high and its rim Is two feet thick Tho largest bell over ln actual use to another Moo- oow bell which weighs 13S tons Bells an as common in tho Orient In Western Europe or America and Witt VOTSIllp TnCTC It til 80-tOH btll Burma and th Oraot Bril of rnHn boll of Rouon hung in 1501 weighs man than IB ton Onat Tom at Ox-fort England weighs seven and a half tons Onat Paul Bt Paul's cathedral London 18 tans and Big Ben ln tho Westminster clock tower 18 toes Cologne Clock Ton Tho Kslserglockt which hangs in Cologns cathedral weighs 31 too It wm cast from cannon taken from tho French ln the Franeo-Frusrian war Indeed bells ore closely associated with warfare Just as balls have been employed to summon people to worship so have they been used to cell men to arm to signal revolt or to Inspire to deeds of bravery Bella hava had a profound Influence mi architecture The first church bell woo hung ln Campania and tha Latin word for bell became and still la cam-pan Th characteristic tell tower seen as a part of practically all Italian and many Spanish churches to called tha camponlle Tha Campanile of St Mark's ln Venice to worid-fomou In northern Europe th term belfry to used Them tall edifice would not hava bran reared had it not bean for tha bell GI'ENT ROOM COMFORT A new version af ths guest room bouquet that contains all tho needful swing necessities to mad ln th chape of a bunch of violets with a pink rasa ln tha center would not gat into tha air It waa an on who rtltod on Illusion kept extremely anxious moment want dsIs mhara have they -gotten mat a little ntoo far and got off- th and UTId Ufo at torture sines I mat of th' runway at a tsrlfflo soacd fttltrd I him simply because I love him and san-roughly over enow hummocks and not tU blm ro Ha means svarythlng landed In a snowdrift earning within ln ortd to mo Pardon the above and Tunnels HASKIK" solution of tha tra'il congestion problem are double-dak attests that ara bring planned far svaal cl tie notably Toledo Happily it has been found that th els borate ventilating system in the Holland tuba works perfectly It to sold Indeed that tho air In the tubs to actually purer than that of tha open spaces of Fifth avenue whan that thoroughfare to maraart with motors What con ba dona in one tubs In tha way of ventilation eon of coun duplicated ln anothsr and It to sold that aaoh new tub and tunnel that to constructed will mark an advance In air purifying and affletency Tha Oakland vehicular tub which will be ready for um by next July to at espeelal Interest to engineers because It to th first precast tub ln tha world That part at It which eonnocn tho Oakland and Ala made approaches wm precast ln concrete and atari in 13 segments each 9D3 fast in length and 8000 tons In weight Floated and Sank These segments wars floated Into position and sunk and than Joined together with hugs atari collars Coo-erste bulkheads at tha ends of tha sag-manta wars out and tha Joints further strengthened from tha lnstd Th tub la 4400 fart long and to targar than tha Holland tub having an Inside die mater of ST test ss against diameter of 39 fast for ths Maw York -Jersey city tuba Tha Oakland tuba will eon tain two street ear tracks 8 will ba oapsbto at handling a traffic flow of 3000 automobiles an hour Fresh sir to vontUate tha Oakland tuba will drawn ln at th portal building! at either end and enormous fans driven by 100 horsepower motors wUl faro ths air through duets underlying tha sidewalks on either aids of tha tub Th air will be released from duets along a curb device that may bs ao adjusted ss to ngulate exactly th amount to bs Tbs tuba whan completed will 34A00300 31580000 Jab Detroit! vehicular tubs to ths heart of Its business district with th Canadian city on tho othar aids at tha Detroit river to a 815000000 job and to to ba completed within two yean It will bo 8800 foot long 3000 feet of that under tha river let Ita avanga diameter will 39 fart and It wlU have roadway 94 fast wlds permitting of three lanes at traffic and having a capacity of IMS I can an hour whan tha rush to ate Ths ventilating system will ba a modi- 1 flea tlon of that at tho Holland tub and It to claimed that th air ln ths 1 tuba wlU completely ehangrl every minute and a half Tha fresh air will bs fanned under th roodway and i tha vitiated sir exhausted overhead At tha Detroit end of ths tubothars will bo a ten-story terminal building with extcnslv yards and accomodations for customs official At present traffic hatsraan Detroit and Windsor to largely by ferryboat Nani Kind af Approach Albany's projected tunnel undor tho Hudson will be (00 foot In length and will cost 88000000 according to estimates booed on tho piano that hava bean eomplotod Tho tunnel will have an entirely novel feature In th form of tho approaches by which automobiles will enter and leave tho tunnel Then will bo spiral romps on which a cor will make taro oamptote turns ln descending to or ascending from tho tunnel level Tho famous Uoffat tunnel which hss basn many years In building because It had to out through solid rock for practically all at Ita ontlra length of six mile to now In operetta end has realised th tote David dream of a short out between Denver end Bolt Laka city It to regarded ss ona of th graatsst engineering feats over accomplished and coot mors than $13300300 Ths tunnel cuts off 23 miles of track over th Hockto reduces grade and 1 nates the snow problem FOR THR BEACH Tha oddaat and gayaat of boaeh bags oonatot of boga mad in the ihapa of fish in either rad or green Mt Tha generous opening! aro equipped with slide listenings with 10 toilwt $495 2Sc Weeklg Big Spwcui Juat Vacation Ti Story Mot Just a tear drop How many At Dolors Del Rlo't Spanish home have I shad line ha cam Into my Ufa in tha afternoon some hundred Holly-hall I tell him that I lor him or i woodltea wen bidding her good-bye I still roly on those useless end Illusion" which have got- tori nowhere? I slnoersly loss him I and can give him- my heart wholly for I hav never loved anyone also I do not think ha goes with othar girl for I hava never aaan him doing ao If-1 1 can't gat him 111 hava to go away for It to torture living without him I hava kissed him ah ys for I am In hla' power when near him Fleam give mo pod sound advice as you always have Eodnay did not coma What eould be done for I need it Oould shy him? Bho was deeply troubled tar" have found herself in ouch a sltua- The Evening By A Good TEAM NORTH again peeped Into tha katl Her son seamed to have some secret Ifow found tied up to this col landing a wnall Ztanragtaa gunboat th Halmdahl taking cool CM oourae I want amor Immediately and ached if wa eould bom tha dock for a few hour at lent but our chip wa nearly loet a few days ago" I wa Informed foe caught her and cam her briptasoy toward the 1 1 knew tha danger from tha drifting Ice I could sea it was no un to argua Tha only thing for us to do wa to anahar a cion aa poaclhla to tha ahoie and send our plane through tho drift In by means of aona aert of raft Whan tha Mnruwglaaa heard what wn planned to do they aant word uiylng ua to dado know nothlin about lea' waa th glat of thalr masngs you would not attempt such thing The lea ta alacoat oartaln to start moving before you can gat laying heary planks aeroea ui gunwhatas af our four whaleboats the crew aonatruetad big raft Of coun that left th Chanttar without hoots which I did not like on account of tbs dangers from the let It began to now and tha air was oold and mw aa aB hands worked at top speed to mast th amaqancy of a landing that no for flam oaf I was secretly binding with pride In my shipmates for th Job they' did that day Asriao wo flnlsbad tha raft th eery happened i Tha -to with gnat force and wa hod quite1 a atrnggl earing the raft and scan tha steamer itself A big i galloping in with tha tide of drifting anow we did i It until It waa almost upon ua 1 tha ahlpa radio rush dynamite to of tha naanmtng mom and spllt it Into places that oould dear by th had an amusing though battling our way lost at tha an oar In thalr I would order way port half of tha lubbers would begin to row with starboard earn Tnglnasr Orey who had never sowed before Instated on using hla oar backward all tha way to land During this emay maneuver In spit sf thi mtoimflii of 1 nomont aoold not help thinking of tha tlm Oaorga Washington crossed tha Dsta- Whan tha plana was pulled blanking from tha lea foot tha wheels Junk deep down In th anow Wa ra-plaoad them Immediately with Uttta did I realise than how those gnat looking skis which I had mads wtlh a tremendous factor of aafoty would ba broken Ilka paper in Mb an knew what a big plana Ilk tha Josephine tad would do taking off tha anew with akta Wa bad much gt learn Wa ware truly ptonoaring Tha start of the landing field was ghout a mils from tha lea toot If It waa a vary big undertaking for my man to gat tho plana ashore it surely was a mitaeto-taaring Job for them to gat tha plus and equipment up to th tap of th kmg lnollns through th deep anow In a tamparature of II I found that wo had to dig down 'g tha anow and build a fin and put tha of oil In tha fin baton could pour It Into tho which had already bean hsatad by Mg fireproof sanvas bag covering them grading by aunnsl down ta a praaeun As there waa no total stretch availed! that Aa smooth enough to-1 gf from with a heavy toad we wen genad to try another new to taka off going down hill To gat tha enow on' as takaoff field smooth was Ms biggest Job of all Tha boys had to work hours day but never did I hear a slngto complaint from any (f tllMfe Tha plane's first attempt to taka off tor a trial flight ended In a snowdrift end nearly which not only would have hurt us but would have upast tha expedition as well I A tail Was broken to bits and tha landing gear bant and broken until Christmas and anllvsning ths occasion by tatting one of tha grimly bear pups chained to tho sycamore trass of bar garden appropriately drunk Del Bio will make a picture with European setting This promises to ba ths now vogue in Hollywood Another company which Included Micky Btewart departed earlier ln th week Hollywood can compass paradoxical events from sunrise to sunset Arrived at Lawranea Tlhbstt'a Laurel Canyon home for dinner Just as the first crickets worn getting in their ssriy-cvanlng practice And at table Oaorge Rleou of Pari manager at th Comedte Pranealse and Madam Rleou who talked of art and artiste th world over and wars extravagant in thalr pralsse of American Jam And Tlbbstt tang ths prologo from Pagllecel and tho Evening Star so you felt you wort ln tho rod plush and gilt confines of ths Matropollten instead of ln gela-tlneland But later at tho Hollywood bowl Conrad Nagel mads a speech decrying tha harshness of Jam and Its lack of artistry Bo tha eircls vras complete Hollywood belong to mortal tea Ramon Navarro Norma Talmadge Doris Kenyon Milton 8111a and Victor Vareonl wort all than taking higher art with much gusto EveS EpiGrAros Usufilly the COon cahpss doesrn under stand hicojust a Utfle too Mill WALSR- Mothsr Usd A friend and hto that would keep Rodney contented even If the schema never cam to anything Sh wrote back gsyly: "Everything's going fins Dont worry shout anything here st home I'm strong horst and work Is good for mo Imbibe all ths sunshine you can Ost wall That's ell I want" Winter passed South winds unlocked th crook sunshine melted ths snow A song sparrow oslled to Josn through hsr open window Sh laughed is aba trashed down th rood to tho msllbox Maybe sh would find totter from her boy She thrilled girlishly aa sh saw It touched It Ho love totter over gave greater Jay to passionate woman than did thorn Immature boyish scrawls glv hsr She had torn it open glsneod st ths front page whan Dr Hardy emu bouncing along in hli aud-plashed roadster end paused to speak to her "Tou look happy!" he said "Ob I ami" Jean sang tho word "My boy's an inventor I That contraption he and his friend Clark Ingalls mad has gon across Mg!" Tha whits-hsind doctor looked st bar admiringly Rs bid known hsr si-way had helped Rodney Into ths world end eased Wllllsm's passing out of It You've got right to bo proud But than you're good mothsr" ha sold aa ehsngrt gasn end departed Standing there bareheaded beside th muddy load Jssn nod again that first page which Rodney had blurted out hto gnat news She turned th Finned to It wm check far 100 Impatiently ah thrust aside tha money to rood tho word "And so Mine sod I art married Clerk married hto girl to Mow that got enough to go on ws each going to build us house side by rid and go an Inventing together Tou mo I'm ttod up bora Tou bettor soil th old sldshUl sod eome too J0M oould no laager Bho raised her hand to hsr eys Ho ah wasn't th Drying kind Blu'd bo all right In minute It was Just that ah wm ao happy to have Sod nay writ happy successful Aa far ths old sh wm part at it sad always would PRINTED SILK LINGERIE' xqulritaty aM to Unger! at printed silk that hss a pattern at dstl-eote pink mass with hi us leave Appliques at pink silk and bindings of tha same add much elegance to this linger! THE CHEEKTIIL GHEPIP fltotORB tilWft I MpfRMthfot thftytfo i put btft wfitkntA SrapKnS Ilka bJhf' a tlon? Frankly Him McDonald do you tartly believe that tha girl who dumbly wait and surf era is wiser than tha girl who frankly and gets bar man? ANX1ITT Well my dear you hava nevtr heard me advocating "Dumb Waiting" have you? And as for raftering the only thing that make a woman raffar to Insufficient Interest ln Ilf Olva any Intelligent being enough Intonate la life and than will ba no opportunity to alt about suffering over any on a Interest If I hava an appointment at 10 A0 1 cant hang around tha hotel wondarlng If tha phone will ring I must head for my appointment at ecm or what may! And it to ao with the girl Omissions SfOTUBBY Just got pinched for not having his IMS license It Isn't what you wear hut what you dont wear that got attention them days' Carillons -By FREDERIC WA8HINOTON July Since tha World war Congress haa bean asked on numerous occs sloes to pass Mils remitting th customs duty on carillons of bolls Imported far church edifice As a matter at course Congress has dona this and It would appear that soon if tha Interest displayed ln hells continue tha United States will be as much a country of bells as some of tbs European countries Bells have always been used by churches and for many ether purpose ln this country but It 1 only since ths war that renewed Interest has been taken ln them Th American who went overseas during tha war returned so much Impressed by ths beauty of ths Suropcsn bells that they have urged jrsstsr attention to them The origin of bells Is hidden in obscurity They existed ln on form or another In th (airiest urns Thors art Old Testament references to bells on tho garments of priests while tha rites of Osiris in Egypt and Cybele in draco were accompanied by bell ringing I I First Used In 400 AD 1 Thera howev were rmsU hand P1M flwm knnmn naa se foll- 1 i-cnurcM occurred about 400 AJj vdca i cime to integral part of a enuren cm iSrtVtoTSten with nothing more than tho story of tho hello for Its sourcebook The bells have hod their vicissitudes In various coun trite They luvo been very popu-i Ur at times and at other times hare been foownod upon is evidence of superstition In these times when the Jingle of the telephone bell tho door beU the clang at tho street ear bell slid tho clamor of fire belli and burglar alarms i i aro constantly in our sen the church boll la not given so much attention This recent fashion af Importing carillon however would eeem to Indicate a return of interact ln church hell "Carillon Relatively Modem Tho carillon Is relatively modem although ltartf several centuries old It consists of a large number at bells 'of various tones and sixes which pro-' duos definite music Hymns can bo I played melodiously upon It It Is operated by a sort of clock work which re-' leases tho clappers of th different toned balls ss deglrad Many carillons era played by use of a keyboard tor to that at a piano Pramura on certain key ring cor responding hell Carillons have as a nils anywhere from 90 to '10 bell The largest to ths great carillon ln th tower of Antwerp cathedral which has bells Belgium to chiefly noted for its carillons with Holland next but they ara to be found In other obuntrteo and era constantly lneraasjny In number bora Th carillon never hss been popular la England because Englishmen very orly 1383 Henry IIL granted certain right and privileges to the Brethren of th Guild of Waa trains ter an organisation of ball rtngvra A Prafttolao la Ragland Bril ringing to a distinct profession la England and to this day tha various aoetottos of bell ringers sand delegates to th antral council at Church Bril Mlngsm which moots annually In London Annual bell-ringing festivals also ara hold and tha rtngan taka much pride in thalr art ss an opera singer or virtuoso violinist Moll ringing tha ringing at changm and such practises require oonsldarabto study' and much practloa Likewise tha easting of bolls la a distinct art In early times btll casters ware equipped with parteM foundries and went about tho countryside costing bolls tor church and ebaprir on tha net Mow a fow films do most of th Ruropaan buatnaa Mall easting follows vary definite nils BaU motel to mixture af aoppar and tin in th proportion of four to om Tho thiek-of a bail's sdgt must bo ono-tsnth at Its diameter and Its height It tlmoe It thtoknaea assorting to tho rutos of th master craftsman af tha guild Maka Chy Modal Fine Tha easting require th primary making af a clay mold Tha prods Uiap to given tha slay ihd the Inscription appltad In was Th actual costing to fascinating sad exalting an operation ss th casting of a hrooaa statu Th motel must ba of tha right nonstotaiwy and temperature imnl wish era inquired for a targe hall to it comas out In par- a whokmpsonth Rodnilrt Hudy tody-Hto Mus met oorner lodge with aoma on a aa aea of upsetting which of sours would have wnaahad tha plana A doosn at our man ran up to uf weary heartsick and spaachlss They had worked almost to th limit of their endurane to give us our chance I wadad through th deep snow to th part landing gear Orest! Both It and tha ski era Than I stumbled to tha othar stda and found that they also had Blood the terrible pounding My spprahansioh turnad to Joy tor I know that If tha landing apparatus would stand that strain wa would eventually taka off for th Pols with enough fuel to gat than took off hundreds of pounds of fuel to lighten tho toad dug out at tha snowdrifts and taxtod tha JoSaphln Port up tho hill to try again Wa held another council and soncludad to work through th night lengthening jmd smoothing ths runway At tha asms tlm wa would taka out of tha plan' aa much equipment as wa eould span and attempt a taka-off with a Uttta 1cm fuel Th weather waa still parfbet wa decided to try to gat off as near midnight as possible whan tha night- old would make th snow hartar and therefore aaaiar to taka off from Finally at a half hour past midnight Oraen-wlch tlm all vras ln readiness to go Bannatt and I had had almost no atoap tor hour but that did not bother Dr O'Brien and Captain Bnnnan begged us to gat a good atoap baton making anothsr attempt But our opportunity was at hand carefully load tha runway In front of tha ski (yo that wa eould teak a quick start) while Bennett and Kln-krtd made their motor preparation Tho era put tho finishing touches on tho Banaett cams up for a tost talk and ws dadldad to stake all an gattbrn away give tha Josephine Fort tun power and Ml apart and gat off or amah at tha end of tha runway in tha Jan-gsd la A few hnridclaspa from our tihIt and wa aat our teem toward our goal and tha midnight sun which at that moment toy almost du north IMS hr BUW'B Byrd to anascemml with Fin- TOMORROW Snceass at Last ACTIVITIES OF WOMEN Mias LUy Thorpe town councilor of Bootl England la a dnmmtia servant Mm Ida Walker-a Horton Kam farm woman is ssaklng a asat in Cob-gram from hsr district fa that Mil elutehlag hi young hopeful by tho hand BDe you awan ta tan that tbara'a folk la Abirdaam lO-aa'-atx ta haar a flddtor?" to auffoeatloh Far a atinuto two tho AhosdoM mm said nothing but hto llpo won moving la a sort of oitont ca torts tic ha pultad hto beg Mat a Mff tha aar in a votoa haana with vow wm is which he would not share 'with her Her dark eyas mlatad as ah postdated th matter A few mlnutas later Rod nay drove put tha window a dim shadow of tha thick white storm Jean scrutinised him anxiously as'ht entered wo so Ilk his father and william had not bean ruggedt Bha hastened to pises th food upon ths table They sat down hut tho boy only pretended to mt She eould see that waa struggling with soma Mtter hidden thing At tost sh could boar it no longer Leaning forward aha stretched her brown woriE-hartanad hands across tha table "My dear boy! Tell ms she pleaded bar rich votes vibrant arlth lava and pain I hat Tv torn putting It oft" her dark onaa desperately says my lungs are ilka dad's In tha beginning" Jean's heart shut Ilka a flat Tat managed to my calmly: "What did ha advise?" But It's Impassible I told him Jean's mind worked fist "Ton will go At once tonight" Bhs started up can ba got rssdy la a few minutes Tour nsw shirts an finished rs ady to pack Than to pto eak frssh-tar your lunehhoa All Tv gut to do to to boll ana end fotoato Tou can tabs th midnight train" Th boy amllad with faint cynicism about mousy?" ha asked "Wa haven't cant that I know of" Joan run to tha cupboard Bnatch-Ing broken-nosad pltehar aha pound out Its oontenta hafora him "That will you auywhsn" Mo said Tv saving my huttar-aad-sgg money for months WML nor at mind what for It's your Listen my aonl" aa ha ptot sated "this to Ufa or death far you misery or Joy far mo Yaute all Pv I tom you tha wvy I tost your father" Three houM later Jms North ataed lantern in hand looking after th departing train a dwindling shadow la ths storm Hsr Up moved la pnytr Bho hod plenty at time to think as he drove homo behind tho plodding stumbling before pung flllad with anow It wta onetoek Man aha taoaly houm Tha fin is rshullt It sad mt down Dawn found her triasp la Mbit af tarty rung ha ran stiffly storing round tho dwolate waa gone Mo bay to bate boy wMUlag about tho i bar mean floor with whittling Ptr Bodnoy llko hto father wao rtarapg trying to arid Ba had soma dim amstlva Jsaa had fought a with doubtful vtotar- gba had made bar way to a aatohbarh bouts shd saM bar pat halfsr At mm aho heart froa kadaay tha ahaah MauM ga to bha Hto iattar wm pwatolanUy "Oat ovarythlag for mt aaariurt Mart Ditto tML Rniybodyh good ga thatU a Lhrge Shipment of Over-Night Bags person and often with only bar thoughts of that on parson Such a girl to what th scientist oall th "day drasm" type should fora hermit to resist tha tendency to Uva ln a world at -g tlnn going over and over aoma thought memory or Ido Tho hsMt to both dan-garoua and destructive Heart Throbs Rji jOE MITCHELL CHAFPU Bgrtrtm Lippincott ncpWO POEMS stead out as superior 1 to any I have remembered" mid Bertram Upplncott th puMlahar "Fops' "Essay an Man' comas baton either as a composition of tramandous Insight and value than dray's Ban and th Tartm at "Oft did tha harvaat to thalr atokto yield Thalr furrow oft tha stubborn gleba haa took Row Jocund did they drive their team Row bowed ths woods beneath thalr LongftUoWi "Psalm of Lite" haa Ita beautiful manage at Christian hep id rvrignatlnn topactolly to tha lairing eaU to ha "up and doim with a heart for any fata" a mosul to Un Mrarapm mm Ejntoiy the od aahoai author hut ths many at will Sa hara dropped into oMtvfau Mir Up-piacott beauty la tha linn Let ua' thM ba up and doing With haart for gay fsta gtlll aabtevtsg Mtu pumutng Inara to Ishar and to watt Mr Upplaantra aaanrlatad with tha asm bum UN wag bora la Huntington Valley Fi la UST tad Mud-uated tan Un RHaanpil academy and Philadelphia uafoanMy ft aright ba said of hue Uni to "than bs ba hi Lauder and Funnier SIB HARRY a Ltsson Htrs A Groat Valno at tho Lowest Prices Ever A beautiful overnight bag meda of a vary good quality grained bold leather trimmed Lined with nice blu brocaded lining algatta birred pocket on th inside Cover 41 fitted with 10 naeaaaary toilat articles of pink blue or groan pawl color Dolivored on lie Down Tktt fin a evorttiskf fogs ara equipped will slrOitg osvrgfoff fteedb and (we pstmtsd sofehsa and look and hot SUa af tog Halim by SH Spaeial for today and tomorrow OPEN WEDNESDAY EVENING friend Frit famous vtoilhlat gave Rratotor tha werid la th muria ha) mar and ovary asat waa sold a weak hafora th entertain aunt A foam Bommount district wham ll-ydr-dd son was taking viov Mr toaton thought It would ba a good idea to taka tha boy to Kroiatort But whaa ha got ta th hOU was disappointed gMm ta tna nau aa was a to toara that that warn mat ladaaa bo Mats Vjrie alrtL "Do yau amaa to tU hall srann asat an soft? toft at uy i that tha sat an salt?" ha tha mm la tha hot sfftoa Ml" wm tha raply all tha an sad star aad a tha IS and sto Ona af Ika Grantaat VaiM nil Grert Jtwtlry Stara Haa Kva Offarai A JL 9AQNMcjUBfVJL: 0.

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