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Anti-Slavery Bugle from Lisbon, Ohio • Page 1

Lisbon, Ohio
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NO. 11. SALEM, COLUMBIANA COUNTY, OHIO, SATURDAY OCTOBER 29, 1859, Whole no, i The Anti-Slavery Bugle. From the Free South. HOW TO OPPOSE SLAVERY WITH EFFECT.

are mora and more convinced that tho moat mode of opposing slavery ia by attacking where it xists, instead of warring op on it whero It may possibly exist at some future period. In the viret case.we are fighting an actual, tangible enemy; tb eeootid, we expend our strength against a inert shadow, leaving the cause of the etils of which we complain, unharmed. No enemy can be conquered until his stronghold tie taken and overthrown. Tha'stronghold to elavc-ry ie in the slave states. As long as it continues 'to exist and flourish there, It will be a powerful imh! unappeasable foe to free government and the: Tights of man in the Federal Administration, and 'in all the state and territories of the Union.

"The slave power has Bueb a firm footing in the 'lave states, and has acquired such privileges and 'Immunities that it can control the action of the Tederal Government in oil its departments, and to great extent.bring tho fret) states into subjection 'to its wilt. The champions of freedom enn never Succeed against slavory as long as they suffer it to remain unmolested In it citadel. If they demahd that there shall be no more slave states formed out "of territory originally free, the slave Power in-elate upon the constitutional rights of an embryo State to be admitted into the Union with such do meetio institutions as its people may choose to establish and carries its point. If tho friends of Treodom urge that no foreign territory shall be ac-quircd by, or annexed to the Union without a proviso against slavery and involuntary servitude, tho lave Powor demands tho tcrrritory without any restriction, and their demand is finnlly conceded. If the prohibition of slavery in all tho territories belonging to the Union is insisted on, a Congressional slave codo for the protection of slavery in all those territories is demanded.

If the people of the free states oppose the execution of the fugi-tite slave law within their limits, the slave Power re-opens the African Blave trade by way of retaliation. j1 The fathers of our Republic attempted to put an end to slavery by prohibiting its existence in any territory then belonging to the Union, and by the Abolition of the slave trnJe, without eeeking to with the eystom where it thon existed, end was likely to continuo to exist, if let alone. After the lapse of sevonty years, wo have seen the result of this course. Slavery has continued to increase j. the original stave State's 'proper have been wore than doubled it has invaded the territories ol'the all of which it exists to-day, and the trade is slaves from Afrioa to the Southern ooast of the United States is now cairied on in defiance of Federal law and of the Federal Government.

Confining the war upon slavery to a mere opposition-to its further spreAd, is like attempting to lire a cancer by applying the corrosive sublimate to parts where its roots might bo supposed would extend, instead of applying it to the cancer itself tbe roeult of which would be, that tbe sound flesh tfould become the cancer, untouohed. rage with encouraged malignity and spread its destructive fangs throughout the whole system. So it is in the attempt to confine slavery tho outside opposition only gives it more life and energy, and really tends to increase the effects it seeks to overcome. Slaveholders bluster about the opposition to (ho introduction of slavery into the territories but they have no fears on that account. On the con.

trary, they are at heart rather pleased with it, as it serves to divert the attention of the people in the free States from slavery itself, and affordu fuod for the malceontents in the south who might otber-rise stir up a discussion at home on the question of She policy of sustaining the are content to argue the question of the propriety of extending slavery where it does not now exist, so long as no interforonce is attempted with they" ''slave property" nor no encouragement given to free labor. put touch that property attempt in ever so light' a degree, and ever so mildly, to restore tbet jxpptrtu to its original rights of manhood and freedom, and you touch the apple of the slaveholder's ejrtj you inflame not merely his avarice, but you arouse the fiercest and darkest passions of the burn He fails to find language in which to portray tbe enormity of your crime, or with which to define tbe terrible punishment that should fall oa jdor devoted head, ihis Vhpws distinctly what and where the tree is, at the foot of which the axe should be laid. The tjee Chattel Slavery, which grows and flourishes iq the Slave States. The axe must not be struck at the branches or at tbe trunk, but at the The root is tho. holding of man as property.

That ii tbe thing the principle and must be prxched.out, talked out, written out, legislated opt existenoe. All efforts against slavery tshave not this for their primary and final ub. ject, ere as vain and useles as to throw up handful of sand against a strong wind to return upon and fully, the garments of their projeutors. Ch Democratic Law; We learn that since tie lefe election, a suit has been commenced In the Hiiron County' Common Pleas against tbe Trustees Of Greenfield township, by Stephen for refusing bis "vote at tbe lata elcotion, under the Black Law of tbe last on tRe ground that be had a "visible admixture of African' blood." Mr. Robinson is an old and highly respected citizen of Greenfield, and has vote'! there for over twenty yoars.

He has repeat eqTy elected to office and now holds two civ-irbffiWin the township. None would suspect aSy'sucb ''admixture" from his appearance. Uamaiei' oiaimed, $1,000. Kennan Stewart, IiljUiri Attorneys. AnptjieaV Jias been commenced in the same Cut by colored citisen of Norwalk, against th Trustees of that towntbip for the same cause.

Iagei'slaimed, (00. Strong Kellogg, PIT Attorney Elude. THE ATTEMPT TO ESTABLISH FREEDOM. The following extracts gloaned from various sources, relative to Captain Brown's reoenl at tempt to practically illustrate in the venacular of his own convictions of duty, the doctrine that ''all men ere created equal, and endowed by their creator with certain inalcniable rights, among which are life, liberty and tho pursuit of happi-nees." THE ATTEMPT MADE. Md Oct.

17. An insurrection is reported to have taken place at Harper's ferry. An armod band of abolitionists have full possession of tho United States Arsenal, at Harper's Ferry. The express train running east was Cred into twice, and one of the railroad hands, a negro, was killed while trying to get the train through the town. The mob arrested two men who came in with loads of wheat, and took a wagon, loaded it with rifles, and sent it into Mary land.

The wostorn train on the Ohio road has just arrived. The officers confirm tho statement first re ceived. They say that the bridge keeper discovered that a light had been extinguished, and went to ascertain the cause, when ho was pursued nod fired upon by a gnng of blacks and whites. A culorod assistant to the baggago master was shot and mortally wounded. Conductor Phelps was threatened that tho train should not proceed, and being unaertain as to the condition of the bridgo, waited till after daylight.

He was detained six hours. He says that tho insurrectionists number two hundred whitos and blacks, who have full posses-sign of thetirmory. Tlicy are commanded by a man named Andorson, who lately arrived at Harper's Ferry. Tho rioters seised a wagon of wheat, loaded it with a quantity of muskets which wore sodt up to Virginia. Tho military of Fredorick were ordered out.

President Buuhanan has ordered out troops, and an especial train is now getting ready to convey tho troops from this city, lie has also accepted Sonick's company of Frederick, ar.d has ordered companies from Old Point This is authontio. ANOTHER ACCOUNT. Baltimore, Oct. 17 Evening, A dispatch from Martinsburg, which is situated west of Harper's Ferry, sent via Wheeling and Pittsburg, has just been received. It confirms the report that tbe insurrectionists have taken possession of the arsenal at Harper's Forry, and odds that the mob has planted cannon at the bridge, and that the trains bad all been stopped.

A body of armed men were getting ready to proceed thither to etear1 the' Groat excitement prevailed In that vicinity. following is just Teceived from Monocacy, this side of Harper's Ferry The mail agent on the western-bound train has returned to Monocacy. He rororts the train as unable to get through the town, which is in possession of the negroes, who arrest every one they can catch and imprison ihem. The train due here at 3 r. could not get through.

The agent came down on on empty engine. The mail train west got as fur as Sandy Hook. Tho baggage master and another party started on foot to the bridge they wont through the bridge and were taken and imprisoned. They went before tho captain of the insurrectionists, who refused to let anything pass. All tho eastern-bound trains lying wost of tho ferry have been seized.

The mail traiu bound west has roturned to this station. There are from 500 to 700 whites and blacks engaged in the insurrec tion. At 4 o'clock a train filled with the military, consisting of tho Law Grays, City Guards, Shield Guards and other companies, left hero for Harper's Ferry. Several representatives of the press accompany tho train. OPERATION OF STATE AND NATIONAL TROOPS.

Baltimore, Oct. 8 3 o'clock, A. Harper's Ferry has been taken possession of by companies from Cbarlestown and Shepardetown, Va and Frederick, Md. The rioters are entrenched in the armory, and hold Mr. Washington and Mr.

Lafenfeld as prisoners, Tho insurrectionists, commanded by Captain Brown, of Kansas notori ety, numbered originally seventeen white men and five negroes, several of whom were shot. Two men, of the Martinsburgh oompany, were shot doad, whilst charging on tbe armory. A portion of the insurgents bave loft here a loader named Cook, who, with a large party of slaves, is supposed to be moving towards Pennsylvania. Allen Evans, one of the insurgents, is lying in a dying condition here, having been shot through the breast. He says that the whole scheme was got up by Brown, who represented that the no groes would rise by thousands, and Maryland and Virginia would be made free States.

Col. Shriver, of Frederick, has just had an in terviow with Brown in the He asked to be allowed to march with his men, and avor- red his intention of defending himself to the last. nis men are very strongly posted in the engine house, and cannon cannot be used against them fur fear of injuring the prisoners they still hold. Some sixteen persons are known to bave been killed. Fountain Bookman, a railroad agent was shot dead from the armory.

Three rioters are lying dead under the bridge, having been shot by tbe Sbepardstown troops in their charge on the bridge. Captain Cook 'is second in command of the in. surgents. He is said to be posted in the school house four miles distant, with 'a large body of runaway slaves. The Armory was taken possession of about nine o'clock on Sunday night.

So quietly was it done that the citizens knew nothing of it till the train was stopped, Cul- Lee, who has arrived here, thinks there abundant troops bu hand to capture the rioters, and seems perfectly certain that the original party consisted of not more than twenty white men and five tree negroes, i-api. urown had been about here and rented a farm four miles off, whiob had been the rendezvous of the rioters. Capt, Cook bos also lived about here, and at one time Uught a sobool. All the other white men are unknown. Thoy are supposed, however, to be men who have boon connected with Brown in Kausas.

8 The armory has just been stormed and taken after a determined resistance. Col. Shutt approached with a flni; of truce and demanded the surrender of the armory jaftoif expostulating for some time, the rioters refused. The merinos then advanced and mado a charge, endeavoring to break open the donr with sledge hammers, but it resisted all their efforts. A ladder was then used as a battering ram, and the door gave way.

The rioters fired briskly, and shot three of the marines who exchanged shots through the partly broken door. The marines thon forced their way through the break, and in a fow minutes resistance was at an end. The rioters were brought out amidst the most intense excitement, many nf the armed militia ptenent trying to gel an opportunity to shoot them. Capt. Brown and his son were both shot, the latter is dead and tho former dying.

He lies in the armory enolosure. He talks freely, and vays that he is the old Ossnwatomie Brown, whose feats in Kansas have bad sutth wide notice. He rays bis wholo object was to free tbe slaves, and in justiying his actions, says that he had possession of the town and onuld have murdered all the people, and he had been murdered in return, J. Q. Andorson was also shot down in tho assault, be was from Connecticut The dead body of a man shot yesterday, was found within the armory.

Brown declares that there wero nono engaged in the plot but those who accompanied him. The prisoners are retain ed within the armory inctosure. Noon. Soon soon after storming tho armory, four dead bodios of tho insurgents, who were shot yesterday, were found within the enclosure. Captain Brown and his son are dangerously wounded.

Only two of the insurrectionists aro unwouudcJ, viz: Edwin Coppich and White, from Iowa, end Shields Green, colored, also from I'jwa. The party originally conBinted of twenty-two persons, of whom fifteen are killed, two mortally wounded, two unhurt, and three escaped. Soon after the assault on tbe armory, some firing took place from the hills on the' Maryland shoro, 'supposed to be a parting salute from Cook and his party, who loft on Monday morning. Tbe fire was returned with a gcnoral volley, but both parties were too distant for damage. A company of volunteers has gone in pursuit of the fugitives.

There are probably a thousand armed men congregated hero. Reinforcements hao been' pouring in all night from ell quarters of the surrounding country, -i s.j. 130. P. Jf.The Secretary of war has tohV graphed to Col.

Lee 'that Mr. Ould, tho District Attorney for 'this district, will proceed forthwith fo Harper's Ferry to tale charge of the legal' pro ceedings against the prisoners and bring them to The train ia now getting ready to convey horses and men from hero to pursue the rioters into any State or locality whero they may have fled. This is by ordor of the President, at tbe request of Gov. Wise. FROM THE EDITOR OF THE BALTIMORE AMERICAN.

The principal originator of the shortbut bloody existence of this insurrection, was undoubtedly Capt. John Brown, whose connection with the scenes of violence in the bordor warfare of Kansas, then made his name familiarly notorious to the whole country. Brown made his first appearance in the vicinity of Harper's Forry, more than a year ago, accompiod by his two sons, assuming the name of Smith. He enquired about land iu this vicinity, and made investigations about the probability of finding ores, and for somo time boarded at Sandy Point, a milo cast of the Ferry. After an absence of some months he reappeared in the vicinity, and the elder Brown rented or leased a farm on the Maryland side, about four miles from the forry.

They brought a large number of picks and spades, and this confirmed the belief that they intendod to mine for ores. They were seen frequently in and about Harper's Ferry, but no suspicions seems to have existed that Bill Smith was Capt. Brown, or that he intended any movement eo desperate or extraordinary. Yet the developemcnt of the plot bears no doubt that his visits to the Ferry, and his lease of the farm were all parts of his preparation fur the insurrection, which he supposed would be successful in exterminating slavory in Maryland and Western Virginia. Brown's chief aid was John Cook, a comparatively young man, who has re sided in and Dear the Ferry fur some years.

He was first employed in tending a lock, und after a brief residence in Kansas, where it is supposed he became acquainted with returned to the Ferry, and married there, lie was regarded as a man of some intelligence, known to be anti- slavery, bat not so violent in the expression of his opinions as to excite any suspicions. Brown's two sons were tbe only white men oonneoted with tbe insurrection, tbat had been seen previously about tbe Ferry. All were brought by Brown from a distance, and nearly all had been with bint in Kansas. The first active movement in the Insurrection was made about 10 o'clock on Sunday night. Mr.

Williams, the watchman on the Harptr's Ferry bridge, whilst walking aoroas towards the Maryland side, was seized by a number of men, who said that be was their prisoner and must come with them. He recognized Brown and Cook among the men, and knowing them, he treated the matter as a joke, but enforcing silenoe they oonduoted him to the armory, which he found ah ready in their possession. lie was retained till after daylight and then discharged. The wateh-man who was to relieve Williamson at midnight found the bridge lights all but, and was immediate, ly seized. Supposing it an attempt at robbery, he broke away, and his ptirsurers stumbling over, he escaped.

Tbe next appearance of the insurrec tionists was at the house of Col. Lewis Washing ton, a large farmer and slave owner living about four miles from tho A patty beaded by Cook prooeeded there, roused W. and told him he was their prisoner. Tbey also, seized all the slates near the house ond 'took the carriage and horse and a large, wagon with two horses. When saw Cook he recognized him as a man who bad called upon him some months previous; to whom be had exhibited' some valuable arms in his possession.

When be made bis vision Sunday night he alluded to his previous visit and the courtesy with which he Had been treated and regretted the necessity which mads it his duty to arrest Col. W. From Col. Washington's, tbe party proceeded with him, as a prisoner, in his own carriage, and twelve of his negroes in a wagnn, to the of Mr, AlUtadt, and he and hie eon, a lad of 1G years of ago, were taken prisoners, and all the negroes within reach being forced tojoin tho move ment, they returned to the armory at the ferry. All these movements seem to have been made without exciting the slightest alarm in the town, nor did the detention of Capt.

Phelp's train at the upper end of the town attract attention. It was not. until the town was thoroughly waked up and found the bridgo guarded by armed men and a guard stationed at all the avenues that the people found they were prisoners, A panic appears immediately to have the number of the insurrectionists at once increased from fifiy, which was. probably their greatest force, including the slaves who Wero forcod tojoin, from 500 to COO. In tho mcantinio a number of workmen, knowing nothing of what had occurred, entcrej the armory and wero successively taken prisoners, Uutll they had at one time not less thaa sixty men confined in the armory.

ADDITIONAL DETAILS. Baltimore, Oct. 19. Several slaves were found in the room with tbe insurrectionists, but it was not believed that they wero there willingly; indeed, Brown's expectations as to the slaves rushing to him were entirely disappointed. None seem to have como to him willingly, and in most cases were forced to desert thoir masters.

But ono instance in which theslavos made a public appearance with arm in thoir handd is related. A negro who had been sharply used by one of tho town peoplo, whej he fouud that ho had a pike in his usol his brief authority to arrest the citizen and have him taken to tho Tbe citizens imprisoned by tho insurrectionists all testify to leutont treatment. They were neither tied nor Insulted, and beyond the outrage of restricting their liberty, wero not ill-used. Captain Brown was always courteous tb them, and at all times as sured them that they should not be injured. He explained liia purpose to them, and whilst he had tho Wbrkmcn in confinement, mado an abolition speech to them.

During the previous night be spoke freely to Col. AVaihington, and referred to his sons. He said he had lust ouo in Kansas and two here fie had "not pressed them to join him in tbe ex(rcdition, but did not regret thoir loss they died in a glorious cause. Tho position of the pris oners in the engine house during the firing on Monday, and at the moment of the final attack, was a very trying one. Without any of the incen tives of ecmbat, they had to risk the balls of their friends, but happily they all escaped, During Tuesday morning one of Col.

Washing ton negroes came in, and reported that Captain Cook was on the mountain, only three miles off. Tho Independent Greys, of Baltimore, immediately started on a scouting expedition, and in two hours returned with two wagons loaded with arms and amunition found at Captain Brown's house. Tho arms consisted of boxes filled with Sharpe's rifles, pistols, bearing the stamp of the Mass achusetts Manufacturing Company, Chicopee, Massachusetts. There were.fuunda quantity of United States' ammunition, a largo number of spears, sharp iron bowio knives fixed upon poles, a terrible looking weapon, intended for the use of tbe negroes, with spades, pick axes, shovels aud everything elso that might be needed, thus proving that the' expedition was well provided for that a larco we-e expected to be armed and that abundant mean) bed been provided to meet all expenses. How all these supplios got up to this faini without attracting observation is strange.

They are supposed to have been brought through The Greys, pursued Cook so fast that they secured part of his arms, but with his more rerfcot knowledge of loculuk'8, be was enables' to evade them. On their arrival at the Ferry with their spoil, they were greeted with hearty The wagons were driven into the custody of Government. As everybody else help ed themselves, wby euoulu not tbe Oreys have a claim to the The insurrectionists did not attempt to rob tbe paymaster department at the armory. A large amount of money was there, but it was' not disturbed. A shot time after Captain Brown bad boon brought in, recovered and talked earnestly to tboaa about him, defending bis course and avowing that he had only done what was right.

He replied to the questions put to him substantially as follows Are you Capt. Brown, of Kansas! I am sometimes called so. Are you Ossawatouiie Brown I tried to do my duty there. What was your present object To free the slaves from bondage. Were any others eonnsoted with tbe movement No, yon expeot aid from the North No.

There was no one counseled with tbe movement but those who came with mo. Did you expect to kill people ia order to carry your point? I did not wish to (9, but you loreea us to do it. i 1 Various questions of this kind were put to Cap tain Browa, which be answered olearly and freely, and seemed anxious to vindicate himself. He urged that he had the town at his meroy that be oould have burnt it and murdered the inhabitants, but did not. He had treatod the prisoners with courtosyj and complained that he was hunted down like a beast.

"He Spoke of the killing of his sod, hioh he alleges was dono whilst bearing a flag of truoe, and seemed anxious, for the safety of his wounded son. His conversation bore impress of a conviction that whatever he has done to free the alavos was rignt.and'ihutin the warfare in which be was engaged he was entitled to be treated with all-respect as a prisoner war. He seemed fully convinced hat "be was) badly treated and bad a right to complain. Although thought a djiug man, on examination hie wounds have proved! to be not necessarily fatal. Ho expressed a desire to live and be tried by his country.

In his pockets were nearly $300 in gold, which with several important papers found in bis taken charge of by Cul. Lee, on behalf of tbe Government. OTHER DETAILS. Baltimore, Oct. 19.

Tbe following important In-tolligerce from Harper's Ferry has just been re-cevied Last evening a detachment of the marines accompanied by some volunteers, visited Captain Brown's house. Tho first visit was to the school house, and not Brown's residence, aa supposed yesterday. They found a large quantity of boots, shoes, blanket, clothes, tents, 1500 pikes with large blades affixed, and also discovered documents throwing much light on the affair. Among them are tbe printed constitution and bye-laws of the organisation Showing or indicating a ramification throughout the various States of the Union, and they also found letters from various Individuals It tho North. One from Fred Douglass, containing ten dollars from a ludy for the cause also a letter from Gcrrit Smith, about money matters, and a check or draft for $100, endorsed by the Cashier of a New York Bank, whose name is not recollect ed- All these documoDts are in possession of Gov.

AViso. Tbe Governor has issued a proclamation offering $1000 rur the capture of Cook. A large number of armed men are now scouring the moon-tains in pursuit of him. Harixr'a Ferry, Oct, 19. Tho following is the number killed end wounded during tbe recent insurrection Killed, 5 citixens and 15 insurgents wounded.

3 insurgents prisonors, 6 inturgebts. The prisoners have been committed to tbe Charleston jail to await the action of the grand jury, when thoy will be indicted and tried in a few days. Tbe arrangement about the jurisdiction has been eettlcd in this way The local authorities aro to try the prisoners for murder, and in the meanwhile tho U. S. authorities will proceed on tho charge of Gov.

Wise Baid to Mr. Ould, tbe U. S. District Attorney, that he had no objection to the general government proceeding against the prisoners. Tbat is what will be left of them by the time tbe Virginia authorities aro done with them.

Brown is better to-day, and has made a full statemont of his operations. He says be rented tbe farm of Dr. Kennedy six months since, and the rent is paid until next March. 1 He never had over 22 men at tbe farm at any one time that belonged to the organisation, but that be had good reason to expect reinforcements from Maryland, Kentucky and North and South Carolina, and from C'anadas. He had pro vided arms sufficient for 1500 men, including 200 Sharp's rifles and 1000 spears, all of which were left at the farm.

He also had an abundance of powder and fixed amunition. All the arms were from time to time brought from Connecticut, and other eastern points, to Cbambersburg, and ware directed to 3. Smith Sods, Kennedy Farm, (his assumed same.) They were packed in double boxes, so as to deceive the parties who handled them on tbe way to the farm. He said that he made one mistake, in either not detaining the train on Sunday night or else permitting it to go on unmolested. This mistake, he seemed to infer, exposed his doings too soon and prevented his reinforcements coming.

Tbe names of all his party at the Forry, on Suu-day night, except three white men, whom ho ad mits he sent away on an errand, is aa follow, with their proper -titles under the provisional govern ment Gen. John Brown, commander-in-chief, wounded, but will reoover Capt. Oliver -Brown, dead Capt. AVateon Brown, dead Capt. John Kagi, of Ohio, raised ia Virginia, dead Captain Anson C.

Stephens, of wounded badly has three balls in his body and oannot possibly recover Lieut. Edwin Copio, of Iowa, unhurt Lieut. Albert Hazlott, of dead Lieut. Jere miah Andjrson, of Indiana, dead Lieut. Wm Leman, of dead Capt John E.

Cook, of Conn. Private Cbas. P. Tldd, of dead Wm. Thompson, of N.

dead Dolph. Thompson, of N. dead. The the throe whites previously sent off, make in all seventeen whites, Negroes Dangcrfiold Newly, of Ohio, raised in Virginia, doad Emperor, of New York, raised in South Carolina, not wounded, a prisoner the hitter was elected a member of Congress of the Provisional Government some time since Lewis Leary, of Ohio, raised in Virginia, not wounded, a prisoner at Charlostown. Gen, Brown has nine wounds, but none are fatal.

A bushel of letters were discovered, from all parts of the country one from Gerrit Smith informs Brown of money being deposited in the bank in New York to tbe credit of J. Smiths Sons, and appears to be one of many informing him from time to time, as money was raised. QUESTION OF JURISDICTION. Washington, Oct. 19.

The Presldont and Sec retary of War were together soveral hours on matters oonnected with the proceedings at Harper's Ferry, tho result of 'which conference was the sending of U. S. District Attorney Ould thither to superintend the legal proceedings in the premises. The excitement which last night ex; isted in Washington and viuinity has subsided, and the extraordinary force relieved. It is said tbat tho affair at Harper's Ferry Is the first case of the kind which has ever occurred in this coun.

try, involving at tbe same time both State and Federal Jurisdiction, While the State is effected as to slavery and locality, tbe general Govern ment is interested with regard to the publiq prop. erty, it having exclusive control ovor the Arsenal grounds, independently for tbe State, and also ith rogard to the mails. Already, in distinguish ed quartsrs, the question of Jurisdiction is di ouised, as Gov, Wise it is said, claim the prisoners now held by tbe U. S. troops, to be dealt with according to the las of Virginia.

In this oase the question of Jurisdiction will have 'to be determined by the Judiciary. CONCERNING CAPTAIN COOK. Harjier' Ferry, Oct. 1. Scouts are out ie the mountains seaicbia.

for Cook, bat these is doubt but tbat be 1am tit this ptsewt the J'tiuaejl- vania line, and ia far on bis wsy toward Canada. Every stranger that koines here is looked span with suspicion, and several iive been ai'reated en the charge 6f being spies. Mr. William gentleman from Charlottesville was brought in to-dsy coder arrest, causing great excitement. Us was soon recognized and discharged.

Mr. Oujd also left for Washington last evening, thos, virtually leaving the prisoners in the hseds Of (be.Vir-ginia authoHtes. It is said that Gov. Wise is npt very complimentary to the people of Harper's Ferry, imputing to them cowardice in allowiojg such a handful of men td bold a population nearly 2,000 inhabitants priaoners for twetit-four hours. He also spoke of the fact of eight er ten men keeping forty or fifty citizens in confinement.

One rcp'leJ "Well, Governor, but yu must remember we were packed together like sheep." The governor replied, know that, but I must say 1 think you noted like sheep also" Tbe bearing of the case before the Exauiiu'u Court of Justice will probably take placo to-morrow, when it i probable the prisoners will be removed to Wythsville for trial; Captain Brown is not considered in any danger from his wounds, though it is thought, will not survive; he, however, hs a powerful Constitution, and may recover. Chamberslntrg, Oct, 21 This community las' been considerably excited to-day by the appear- anoo at noon of one of the ftigitivea from Ferry supposed to be Cook. A gentleman from Quiucy overtook tbe man on the load leading from Waynesboro to this placo and carried, him some distance in hie buggy. When aboot tbroo miles from town, tbe man got out of the vehiolp under tbe pretense of taking another road. A boat one hour after this the gentleman raw him upon one of our streets, and informed two otiiefa, who followed and tracked him to tbe house at which Brown's men hava boarded when in town.

Dusting ono man to guard, the other went for assistance, but before returning, tbe suspected party bad escaped at the rear of tbe house and passod through a garden. At tbe foot of tho a blanket, containing a Sharp's rifle, unloaded, woe found. Tbe blanket is known to have been ia bis possession. Immediate pursuit was made by a number of citizens, but no trace could be -discovered. Tbe blanket is marked and both it and the rifle are now in the possession of Sheriff Brown.

It is believed tbat the man bad. other weapons. Cook's wife and child are now, and bave been for tbe past week, at tbe bouse through which be passed, but she denies that, this man was Cook. The. general impression, is Jbat it was Parties are now in pursuit of him, and others leave in the morning.

It is supposed that oth. ere of the fugitives are in tbe neighborhood, and efforte are now being mado to ferret Ihem out. If they are caught there will bo ne favel or protection extended to them by our citiseqa, LETTER OF GERRIT SMITH TO CAPTAIN BROWN. Pctenborovgn, Jane 5lh, 1859. Capt.

John BrottH My Dear Friend I wrote to yon a week 'ogoj directing my letter to tbe care it Mr. Kearney. He replibd, informing me tbat be had forwarded it to Washington City but as Mr. Norton received; last evening, a letter from! Mr. Lanborn, saying that your address would be your sod house, vis West Andover, I therefore write you without de lay, and direct my letter to your son.

I have done what I could thus far fur Kansas, and what I could to keep you at your Kansas work. Losses by endorsement and otherwise, have brought me1 under heavy embarrassment tho last two years, but I must, nevertheless, continuo to da so in order to keep you at your Kansas Work. I send you here' with my draft for two hundred dollars. Let msj hear from you on recipt of this letter. You live' in oor hearts, and our prayers to God ia that yoi may bave strength to continue in your Kansas work.

My wife joins' me in affectionate regard to you, dear John, whofn we both hold in high esteem. I supposo yod pot the Whitemss. note into' Mr, Kearney's bands'. It will be a great shame if Mr. Whiteman docs Dot pay it.

What a BobleJ man ia Mr. Kearney How liborully he bna eon-' trihuted to keop yod in your Kansas work (Signed) Your friend, GERRIT SMITH, ft. THE ANONYMOUS LETTER. The following is the anonymous letter received by Gov. Floyd, of which mention has boen "Cmciiiiuii, Augvit 1859.

Sir: I have lately received information of a movement of aa great importance that I fed it to be my duty to ira. part to you without delay. I have discovered the, existenoe of a select association having for its joct the liberation of the slaves at the Si uth by a ppneral insurrection. Tho leader of the move ment ia old John Brown, late of Kansas. He has been in Canada during the winter drilling the ne- groee; and they are only waiting hia word to starV for the South to assist the slaves.

Tbey have one of their leading men, a white man in an armory in Maryland; where it is situated I have cot boon able to learn. As ooa ae everything- is ready those of their number who are in the Northers, states and Canada are to come in small compaaiea to their rendezvous which ia ia the mountains ia Virginia; they will peas down through Pcnuaylv. oia and enter Virginia at Uarpor's Ferry. JUowu left the Nitrth about three or lour weeks ago and ill arm the negroes aod strike the blow iu a fpw i weeks. tbat whatever Is dune, mnst be done at onoe; they have a large quantity of arms at their rendetvous end probably distributing tbem aires dy; lam pot fully in their confidence, so this is all the information loan give you.

I dare not sign my name but trust you will nut disregard the warning on that aocount. v. ls.r. The following iethe Constitution Jound among the papers at Brown's fares 1 1 ji PROVISIONAL CONSTITUTION AND ORDINANCES FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES. 1 Whereas-Slavery through its entire existenoe, th.

Ilnit.d States ie none other than the nioisl, harbaroue. unprovoked and unjustifiable war vt one portiop of it citizens upon anothor pwioa I'l. tbe only onoition ot wuoq w.vrui ootnent and hopeless, servitude, ot absolute etterg.

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