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The Kirksville Graphic from Kirksville, Missouri • Page 3

Kirksville, Missouri
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The Weekly Graphic Dr 1 Swktsan Proprietor iitTiMMt 1 tu liiisist tin urinal timtnt tlmr of i uiitnut VVr term eU etc npplj to MUiti Mamigtiig KMItm SCT3SCIIX5TIOiT 11 5111 lii ailvam St Si Railway toiva south a in coivu sonu reject any and all bids Bids to be hand ei to the undersigned on or before August 2i 1881 The old building is for sale Grkknwood Chairman The EuporiM Dodge Sr a well known citizen of Emporium writes that one of his men Sam Lewis whilst working in the woods to severely spiained his ankle that he could scarcely get home but after one or two applications of Iiiomas EcLKCTmc Oil he was able to go to work next day For sale by Jamison 10 Leaded Business Locals 10 cents per Line i ht i oiit Hrnunt tor mlilttloual liiMTtlnns tChanging Address- MiliMrllK illitiii tlu Ir i liaiiinsl Iim glu tliv lmincor the in tolkc to whit i till- lMT llls Mllt as Well 1 tin- Jlosl illii nlii ri llu li ir It to I limitl to LAWS OP 2TEWSPAPSS As Established by the State Courts If onh tlie diiontlmiatiro of mm continue to Villi lllllll 1NTII MI AUUnAlAKKIMIl If itlt riln i or nr jlert to take tlu Ir if ii i from to wlilrli tlu an liiI tin rare lu lil responsible until tlifv ii TiiMu iiiiivaiul ordered tliuni imtiinuil If ioc tootlicr jlai cn without infoi mliiirtlio juitjlUlitraiiit the iuUimhta lO fllMKT llirVltUlll T1II1 AUK Till IIKMMNstHlfc NOTICE for all iiiiiiuu anil Oiuti aiiy or i Iteolntioti of respect of over liiii iorNlMonlahiill for at rale of 111 i cuts ht line of eight ionl 10 the laMnffcr SS2n 11 ni I Knlflu 1IS in ii Railway OlMWlT I OOINO EAST No 1 Pass 72 1 in I Xo2 Vmm lOnHa in 3 aritui I 4 acrotn 1201 Hi 3 tlirofrt HIS ui I 8 tk ex 2a ui Tmi c7li a 7Trru ac Mp ui riitTrvutun an ouitutuatlon Ioe not run eaal vt KlrkM lilt- Ni 5 in run JIotilaTWeilnwlav uj IiMii 6 win run Thur and Satunlar For Trade A good span of hordes wagon and harness all in good fix for a house and lot in Kirksville Applv at this office A Marvelous Cure Ft all bodilr ailment arising from impurity of blood a torpid liver irieg ulii it of the bowel indigestion con stiiution or disordered kidneys i warranted ina tree ue of Burdock lilood Hitter- Price 10 trial size 10 cents Fur sale by 1 Jamison Removal Mei Dean Gnflin have moved info the Ivie building on the north side of the square is a popular gro ceiy and we wish the new firm a big trade in their new location See advertisement Mclormick Iron Mowers We have succeeded in obtaining a few more Iron mow ers from the factor- Persons wishing the best machine in the market will please call and see them Link Uraskield TALK I- cheap but ljdie jwsted in such mat ter will alwaya call on Mrs- llarchand beloi 111 jking their final purchases of millinery jroods She has a very fine line chosen with care and faste which lie is closinir out very cheap Oil Exhibition You will find a superb line of glu Ss and iiui enswaieon exhibition at 11 Wilkes popular jjiocery store A thin in Jiis line at bottom prices limp in and take a look whether wan to purchase or not Land Sales Parties desirim to purchase ood builiHim luts will be oifeied another fine oppoitiiiiity Mr 1 A Itichtcr aiiuiiuuces in another column Hie sale nlalot offinebuildimr sites near the Nlimil grounds on Saturday Septeiu liei See advertisement A Signal Victory The value of electricity as a remedial agent has gained a signal victory over prejudice Thomas EcirciRic On stands foremost in this class of compounds Testimonials from all parts tell of the wondrous cures of rheumatism neuralgia hurts sores etc effected by its agency For sale by I -unison Fine Hogs Dr SA Gnben while visitinc in lanicsoii Davis county Mo bought of WT Slovallof that place a pair of tkoi outfhbied Herk shires at 10000 caeh They are called respectfully Grand River Chief and Sovereign Ilelle and weie oneyoarold last May The boar weighs oOO pounds and the sow when in uootl condition will weigh as much Mr Stovall is one of the ln st Berkshire breeders in the state has Mime of th best hojrs in the state Anyone hailing a piejudice against the Herksliires should call and see the altove They will be shipped here next Tuesday 1 To Contractors Sealed bids vill be received for the rinn noil illllllletillll of the dist Episcopal Chut eh South in Kirks- Mile Mo per plan anu aiwciucauuiia on exhibition at Greenwood office Tlie building is to be of brick and bids are desired for the whole work and for different kinds of work also separately Contractor will lie required to give cood security for the coni pletonofthe work in the time and manner agreed on 11 The committee reserve me nm 10 BRIEF GRAPHICS Now is the time to subscribe for the Graphic The editor must work whether lie wants to or not Whew For sale or trade a good wagon Apply to Thomas Henry Spencer is now the father of a bouncing boy Shake Sec notice of fine Buck Lambs for sale in our for sale department Hi The ware room in the rear of the Union Hotel is being mounted on wheels preparatory to moving Ellen Meek daughter of Jasper Moore of Pettis township died in the Asvlum at Fulton List Sunday Parcell of the firm ofTulI Parcell photographers has purchased the Ringo residence He paid 1300 There is a constant demand for veiling houses We do not recollect a summer for years when the town was as full as now We aje requested to say that Mrs Fox wfll lecture again at the Liberal Hall on Sunday at the usual hours morning and evening The Graphic has been asked as to the years of drouth The following are the dates as neaf as we can get at them They were in 184 1 1854 62 1871 Ixits estimate of job work finished up last week the Graphic was a little out At the time of writing the returns were not all in the amount was nearly seventy- insteadof fifty dollars The Graphic aims alwavs to be correct For most of its State Items published on our first page the Graphic is indebted to that newsy and sparkling little evening daily the St Louis Chronicle The Chronicle is newsy enterprising and aggressive and we are glad to note its success Henry Felker goes to Ackley Iowa this week to open out in business Mr Felker a live business man and a good citizen whom we regret much to lose We wish him success Ins new home among the Haw eyes We would advise those having prop erty to insure to secure 1 policy in the agency of Hall as he has as good companies as there are doing business in the state and he is an old reliable and experienced agent Give him a call Charley Mercer has a span of mares of the Clydesdale breed which were two years old last May They weigh 2200 pounds without the harness He says if anoone can beat this he would like to hear from them through the Graphic A all For a representation by committees from all the townships of Adair county to attend a preliminary meetiug to make arrangements iui an uiu reunion on 1881 Saturdav August 20th Beeman and others The first issue of the Real Estate Index is out It is a neatly printed four page six column paper devoted exclusively to real estate interests It aims at a national rather than a local circulation Published by Griggs Gill and printed at the Graphic news and job rooms The tourist and sportsman publish ed at Minneapolis Minnesota contains the following in its issue of- June 30th A party of six including Dr Mitchell and ife Mrs Wiggin of Minne apolis Mrs Shryock Gussie and Master Ray Shryock of Kirksville Mo were at Lake View a couple of days last week Considering the fact that the editor of the Quincy Commercial Review came to Kirksville after supper and leftshort Iy after breakfast and was otherwise engaged during his very short visit so much so in fact that any courtesies from outsiders would have been an intrusion we do not think he feels very badly because he was not interrupted by die tender of officious ervices on our part The Democrat as usual igno rantly puts in without knowing aout the matter and affords another that fools will presume to speak where wise men would keep silence Any advice however to the Democrat would be superfluous It would resemble to reason with an insane asylum Sales Sales of town property has been quite aetive since our ast lisue We have the following to report Mr Snyder sold to Mr Holmes of Schuyler county his house and lots for 1000 John Morgan has sold his two lot- justeast of the Episcopal church to Fout for 000 Mr 0 Snyder purchased of Jack Bailey the property just east ot Mr Guijies residence for 400 A Bartholomew bought a house They are located PERSONAL 6RAPHICS Dr Ruby of Unionville was in town this week Cochrane got hark from Chicago Monday night Lamkin leaves Thursday evening for New York on business Rev Win lirown of ltrashear spent Monday in Kirksville Englehart and wife of Saltrivcr were in town yesterday Jesse Griggsby of Ivic Griggsbyat Cookville was in town yesterday Miss Mary White of Shihleys Point paid Kirksville a visit Tuesday last Mrs Raker returned Tuesday from a visit to friends in Linn county Miss Lottie Spencer returned Wednesday from an extended visit to the east We noticed RufT Cavet and A Iatham on our streets one day this week Theo Miller sold to John Morgan his residence property on tlie same street for 750 Miss Mary Mason who has been quite ill is recovering and will soon be out again John Shibley Jr of Morrow was smiling around among friends here on Wednesday last John Campbell one of Wilson townships substantial citizens was on our streets Friday Prof Baldwin principal of the colored public schools is back from his summer vacation Miss A Linder died at the resi dence of her mother in this place on last Friday aged 14 years Dr A Pierce went north Monday on business connected with the Medical and Surgical Infirmary Mrs Watson of this city went to Kansas City Tuesday to visit the fam ily of her son Mr Watson Novinger who has been visit ing in Pennsylvania for some weeks will be at home again next week Mr DaFrance arrived home from Eureka Springs Wednesday morning looking quite well Mrs Smith of Ironton Mo mother of Smith of this place will in future reside with her son Mrs A Linder of Liberty town ship left Tuesday evening for Kansas to visit her children located in that state Alfred Smith has returned from the Springs where he has been for rest and health He got back Sunday Fisher retui ned a few days since with his daughter Mrs Gray from Clifton Hill who will visit here for some time Mrs LKelly of Moberly left oilier home on Tuesday last alter a pleasant visit to Mrs George Cooper of this place The friends of Miss Lillie Cornell will be glad to learn that he has a jiosition in the public schools of Tipton Iowa as principal of the primary department We learn that Stahl of Greencastle has gone to Ackley Iowa with his family in company with I len ry Felker where they ill engage in business Mrs Foster mother ot our accommodating rail rood agent Mr Foster started to Kansas last Friday to visit her daughter at Yaes Center John Guy of Saltriver was in town Wednesday and gave us a call He says he has twenty five acres of corn that will average sixty five bushels of to he acre Mr Robert McClellan formorly in business at this place and now a resi dent of Carthage has been in town this week He is looking well The ladies of the first Baptist church of this place will give a sociable and lawn party on Thursday evening at their church All are invited A good time may be expected Miles Terrv son of Ira Tern of Greencastle Mo was drowned in Da kota on Friday ol last week His body was recovered and sent home to his parents The funeral takes place today Judge Gregg of Wilson was in town this week He says his early corn will run from forty to fifty bushels to to the acre though the late corn will be short probably twenty or twenty five bushels per acre Mr A I Doneghy of this placeand Doneghy of LaPlata started east Sunday night to inteniew the dry goods market They will visit all leading points and manufacturing cen ters in quest of goods Basiiess Change Mr Frank Gardner has bought out the Grange store on the north side of the square and is now straightening up and getting things in shape for business The public will find Frank as straight as a shingle and a good man to deal with Give him a call Lst 1etween Montgomery ui dence and Normal a cuff button of and two lots from Mr tible this week Cr0us dn ifcturn to this in Fibles addition 0fliee for reward A Xecdlc in the Lnh About two weeks ago Miss -Ella Baker of Novinger Station was fyken with asr veru hemorrhage from the lungs as much as a pint or moi of brigh red blood lieing discharged in a lew minutes She was put Umii tin ne train and brought to this place fur medical treatment and notwithstanding per fect rest and the applications of I hn best remedies knownthero continued almost all the time a passive hemorrhage which at times becainu active and severe Theie had never been anything the matter with her lungs before and the case taken altogether was a puzzle to her physicians But on Saturday last there was a slight effort to cough and something sharp flow fiom the throat and stuck into the roof of the mouth when Mis Baker reached in with her fingers and withdrew a needle more than an inch in length This had been the caue of the henioi 1 hagc But when or how the needle had got in there neither she nor any of the family knew But it had been there so long that more than half the needle had rusted away Miss Baker at this writing is much better and there are prospects of a ripid recovery FROM ILLIXOIS The following letter from Elder Shipp formerly of this place will be read with interest by his manv friends in this community Misoxk Iies Aug 8 1881 Editor Graphic The weather has been exceedingly warm here it has been hot Crops are splendid The army worm so called but not the regular army worm injured oats very much Hay is bountiful vegetables plenty I am quite well pleased with my new- field am getting somewhat acquainted A ith the peoplo and feel at home The congregations are fine fur the heated term and the word preached seems not without power 1 had tlie pleasuie of baptizing my first Illinois conveit last Sabbath night To me it has ever been a blessed service to baptize those who on the dear redeemer hit believed Am ueiignieu eaca ween witn tlie news the Graphic brings of Knksville affairs Please bear my best wishes to all my old friends Very truly youis Jxo Siiipp DIED We regret to note the death of Ned Jones one of the old citizens of this county He owned he old Snyder farm six miles north of Kirksville and was in good circumstances He was at one time a slave although almost white and even then commanded the respect and friendship of all who knew him by his strict integrity and industrious habits Since the war he had succeeded in accumulating considerable propeity which we presume will go to distant relatives as he had no family of his own Fruit Farm Sales Charley Mercer informs us that he sold this year from his raspberry patch between five and six hundred dollars worth ol berries He will also have 50 dollars worth of grapes He will have in addition about fifty bushels of apples besides he potatoes etc for family use Altogether he as about five acres in fruit The rasp- berry patch occupies about two acres Good Corn Lan Wheeler of Wilson township was offered twenty five dollars per acre for his corn crop this year and refused it We presume the land could have been bought for less than that amount this spring Some of the corn will yield it is estimated- over one hundred bushels to the acre Xotcs From Illinois A Richter writes us from Dewitt 111 that the farmers in that section are blue on account of the drouth Com looks badly Late corn is already a failure and if rain does not come very soon early corn win oe snort iur Richtcrs aged father is lying quite ill Prof Norton President of the Cape Girardeau Normal has been tendered the position made vacant by the resignation of Prof Baldwin as president of the Normal school at this place Prof Norton has signified his willingness to accept in case the regents- of the Cape Girardeau school will release hint baby carriage Xotlcc The paint on the Presbyterian church pews not being considered quite dry enough The services appointed for last Sabbath were postponed till next Sabbath when it is expected the house will be in more complete readiness All are united The Institute Teachers and all other interested in educational matters should hear in mind that the Teachers Institute meets next Tuesday the 2 Jd We Lope to see a full attendance For Sale Cooking stove heating stove and Apply at Maynards aALK Fnt HL Ck liMlis 1 iac Mrieral ITlOlt bucL lamb lor eale of tlie Iilcier ami souUiJuwn until Call anJ ejaiului tlieiu mile uorlh uf Klrku llli II ULKK Frank Guinn is making extensive improvements additionstrand better ments to his property just north of the old Normal grounds He is going to have one of the nicest residences and grounds in Kirksville The rain and the very limited notice given resulted in but a small attendance at the musical reheral at the church Friday night given by Prof Sufirens class Those who did attend were amply repaid The class did excellently and afforded an evening of more than ordinary interest to all lovers sf good vocal music Adair Guards The governor has commissioned the officers of Company Second Regiment as follows John A Richardson Captain John Davis 1st Lieutenant Charles Ross and Lieutenant The commissions are dated June 27th The company now numbers iorty eignt memoers 1 ney are now expecting a supply of amunition for drill and target practice MARSH AGUE CURE The Infallible 30 Cent Chill and Fever Remedy Prevents and Cures All Diseases Miasmatic Your Ague Cure does the work Jacob Fry Girard Kan Your Ague Cure goes off like hot cakes It has not failed in a single cae Brice Bartleson druggists Mound Citj Kansas My little girl was sick several weeks with the Dumb Ague I gave her Qui nine and other remedies but could get nothing that would cure her until I gave her the Marsh Ague cure Her fever and chilly sensations ceased entirely after a few doses of this wonderful medicine was taken nor have they ever returned Mrs Davis Kansas City Mo The Marsh Ague cure is for sale by GFoutifc Brodruggists Kirksville and by prominent dealers everywhere Price 0 cents liquid or pill diwAug Two car loads of soldiers passed up this mornm bound for Fort Custer Dakota GOOD XEHS AT LAST Hare Vou Heard It The laigcst and finest line of Queens ware Glassware and handsomely decorated Ware in sets offered in Kirksville Housekeepers should call and see them Also a full line of Family Groceries Provisions Cigars Tobaccos etc at SAMT FURROWS on the north side of the square a Fine line of Queenswaie Glass and decorated wai eat FURROWS Fuirow takes the lead on Queens ware Another Car Load Of that Kansas Citv Flour at FUNK MYERS The story that is now 1 mining in the Graphic is increasing in interest and will run through twenty numbers Now is the time to subscribe Arrangements have been made by which back numbers to the beginning of the story can be furnished for two weeks yet Send in your subscripions George Brewington does not blow his goods do the blowing for him as they are always worth what you pay for them Laces untiroidery dress gods car pets clothing all to be found at Brew ingtons and as cheap as any one will sell you dont forget it Twenty yards of standard prints good styles for 1100 at the New York Store Dean Griffin still keep the Mober lv flour on the north side Buggies and Spring Wagons offered cheap and warranted first class at Wilkes Physical Snffering No one can realize except by personal experience the anguish of mind and body endured by sufferers from dyspepsia indigestion constipation and other diseases of the stomach Burdock Blood Bitters are a positive cure for this direst of all diseases Price 100 trial size 10 cents Sold by Jamison Kirksville Mo Wanted Immediately 50100 pounds fresh butter 50000 dozen fresh eggs and all kinds of country produce Call and see me liefore vou sell and get my prices and do not be fooled by street runners my price i cash smetlv Tiios Holbrook It is a fact not disputed that Halladar Bros is the best place to buy groceries in North Jlo Remember you will find Dean Griffin on the north side Ivies old old stand Xever Fails MrJ Leist warehouseman for Lautz Bros Buffalo says he had a swelling on the foot which he attributed to chilblains He used Thomas Electric Oil and is troubled no longer Sold by Jamison Kirksville Mo We have a speedy and positive Cure for Catarrh Diphtheria Canker mouth and Head Ache in SHILOHS CA TARKH REMEDY A nasal injector with each bottle Use it if you desire health and sweet breath Price o0 cts Soldbv It Fowler Druggist Kirks ville Mo Bay 0 A- Miller have the goods Charcoal for sale at DeReamerV Baylor Miller Sooth Went Cbraer aJ Nicest ulsters in town for ladies be low cost at Harlan Bnos Wanted all to see the new goods at Brewingtons Baylor Miller for Boob aad shoe Charcoal for sale at DeBeamerg straw hats for 26 cts at Har lans If you want goods below cost go to Harlan Bros Baylor Miller want to see yon Fine line of Queensware at Wilkes Large lot of ladies under wear at the New York Store Edmiston continues turning out those nobby suits on short notice Baylor Miller will gave you money Nice line of parasols at your own price at Harlan Bros a Buggies and Spring Wagons going cheap at Wilkes Baylor Miller will save you money Cbaicoal lor sale at DeReamers Cash paid for Butter and Eggs at Dean Griffins If you want cash for your Butter and fcggs take them to Dean Unmn Baylor A- Miller for bargains Cheapest line of fancy suspenders ever in Kirksville at Harlan Bros Ifyou need anything in groceries or glassware call at Wilkes All kinds of family produce and pro visions bought and sold at Crawford Allgaiers Baylor Miller for trunks and valises A regular boom in door and window screens at Holmes Amicks wood working establishment a Window and door screens put up neatly cheaply and promptly at Holmes Amicks factory in Call at Wilkes Hardware store when you want a first class Buggy or Spring wagon Merchant Tailoring at Baylor Millers Uo to John Caskeys and examine his new line of Lawns if you want to see something nice The place to buy a first class Buggy or Spring Wagon is at Wilkes Hardware store Baylor Miller for Dry Goods a Dry Goods Clothing Carpets Hats Boots Shoes and everything at Bay lor Millers Baylor Miller for clothing ui Paints and oils big stock good and cheap also fine selection ot wall pap- ers for the spring trade Call and see me Wilson Wilkes for Buggies and Spring Wagons Call at Wilkes and get one of those handsome Spring Wagons New line of glass and queensware jut received at Funk Myers New lot Kansas City flour just received at Funk Mvers Baylor Miller will not be undersold Large stock of wooden ware offered cheap at Funk Myers Orders for wood work of every de scription door screens window screens etc promptly executed at Holmes Amicks Variety Wood Works Edmiston cant be beat on a snug fit and stylish cut A full line of first class goods Leave your measure tor a good suit Buntings only 18 cents at rsrewmgton A Slingerland has complete set 01 title abstract books side square Edmiston the tailor does not propose to be beaten Call and ses him a A beautiful line of glassware very cheap at II Wilkes south skm square John Caskey says he does not have to lie on bis fellow merchants in order to sell iroods REMOVED to the north side Call and see us Dean Griffin LOST Jet hone shoe ax bob Finder please leave at this office Call at Wilken and gat one of those handsome spring wagons The Studebmker Wskob With the new patent truss axle at Wilkes hardware store Farmers call amd see it Thatcher fcHwym Represent the oldest and most reliable fire insurance companies of the world Call and see them for a policy iiuafeJ TIEXEWrOIKSTOlE 8TLCOX THEBOOM 100 Pieces of Hamburg EdiziiiLs jot received Will be soW 25 percent cheaper than any faousein Kirksville For Boots Shoe come to the New York 8tore We are headquarters Ladies ifyou want a good pair of Bryan Brcwn Cos best Ccrtom Made Shoes Come to the Ni Yoik Stork- Every Pair Warranted If yon want to save money buy your dress goods at the New York Store wi tkey For the next 30 days we will offer to the public fine clothing made to order nt prices that will make you smile We can make yoi a fine all wool black diagonal worsted dres uit for 2500 such as our competitors charge you from 2- 00 to 3800 for Nobby all wool business snits for 2000 same as others charge from 2i to 2800 for Elegan all wool pants in dark and fancy goods for 500 worth Remember 1 employ only first class workman and guarantee a perfect fit and entire satisfaction or no sale Call and see our goods and prices COCHRAXK Fell Down Mr Albert Anderson York Street Buffalo fell down stairs and severely bruised his knee- A few applications oi in 1 nomas fclectnc Oil entirely cured him Sold by Jamison Kirksville Missouri Dyspepsia Liver Cplaiit Is it not worth the smalt price of 71 cents te free yourself of evervsviiintnm of these distressing comnlaints if von think so call at our store and get a bottle of Shiloahs Vitalizer every Iwttln has a guarantee on it use accordinglv and if it does youno good it vill cost you nothing Sold bv Fowler Druggist Kirksville Mo Baird has some very fine and artistic monuments and memorial tablets at his marble works Bm mns are now offered Call and see him Oh What a ftigb Will you heed the warning The signal perhaps of the sure approach of tjiat more terrible disease of consumption Ask yourselves if you can afford tor the sake of saving cents to run the risk and do nothing for it We know from experience that Shilohs Cure will cure your cough It never fails This explains why more than a Million Bottles were sold in the past year It relieves croup and whooping cough at once Mothers do not be without it For Lame Back Side or Chest use Shilohs Porous plaster Sold by Fowler Druggist Kirksville Mo a wd Incredible FAScratch druueist Ruth en Ont writes I have the greatest confidence in your Burdock Blood Bitters In one case with which I am personally acquainted their success was almost incredible One lady told me that half a bottle did her more good than one hundred of dollars worth of medicine she had previously taken Prire 100 trial size 10 cents KIRKSVILLE DRY GOODS MARKET As CNrietil Wiefcly Iy Doieghy Bros Pacific prints Meremack Chambra Common Robe prints common irood Best Bro sheetinir 4 4 Sea Island sheeting JI 4 01 muslin 4 4 3 1 no dressing 4 4 Domestic ginghams irood Best heavy bro duck Light Good striped shirting Best shirting plains Cotton yarn Carpet warp DBES8 GOODS Mohair suiting Cotton worsteads Mohair worsteads Cashmere worsteds Summer silks All wool Shetland shawls Better grade Adjustable hip corsets Grain lags ex good iSjLf it ti i 10 1 8V Sif 10 91 90 JV IS 75clio iii Kirksville Markets Corn 10c Oats 80c Potatoes 50c Apples 10 to 10e Kay Timothy to 7 Hungarian Clover 5 Seeds Timothy 2- Millet -UV Hungarian Eggs 8c per doz Chickens 41 fiO per doz Bntter 10c tt Beeswax 18c tti Feathers 40c tl Hides dry 10 to 12c green Wool SSc Hogs to to 5 60 Cattle- 2 7J0 Sbeeo 3c Yesterdays SULmIs Markets The followhar are yesterdays St Louis quoiafcoas Whttt No 2 red 1 281 Cort No i mixed 508 Sept 62 Oat No 2 mixed 37i to8i Rve No 2 101 Cattle Export steers i to Crj batchers 4 to 4 75 stock 50 to tl Hors orkers 6W tolWU mix- packing 6 10 to 6 50 select 70 to ft Sheep vair to good 340 taai Do not let the flies pi sac you but go to tlie Variety wood work establishment of Hoboes Amick and order wuc screens a fri imai i 1.

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