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The Daily Milwaukee News from Milwaukee, Wisconsin • Page 5

Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE AIL? MILWAtHSIEE cannot StffieiO slates without aanliarj Betters, can obtain them Vhettjfegbl in atft TetyiWte. It further claimed that the inventory is intended aid final before the Surrogate the entire estate. 3:00 A xf 11:25 Alt 1 ITlOOA fine Accom. Northern Div. bicn Div.

Accom. rr I r- 7 ao A 5 St. Paul Express. THE CLOBIS. 8:00 Mllwanfeee 7:00 A 7:00 A EenoBha and Roetford 7:00 A Milwaukee and St.

Paul 12:30 Milwaukee St. Paul 8 -on if Baetern A Horizon 1:16 Prairii-Du Chipn .10:00 AS MeQreifor and Western Janepvillt- 3:15 4 Mil. Jc Pralricdn Ohien 8:00 Staife 9:00 EaBtTroy Stitee 9:00 JanMVilleStajre 9:00 Orand Haren Boat Encelman'c Line 6:00 Pout Office open from 7H A. H. to 7tf Sunday from to A.

6:30 8:3" 8:30 8:3 3:05 7rSn A 8:06 7 1" 7: 'OAK 7:10 AM 6,00 7:00 A 7:00 A M. Wednet-d iy, Oct. 7th, nt 10 o'clock, trade sale of dry goodc, notions, cloths, hosiery, at L. BenjtMuin Go's 1 1 Spring street. A Splendid Slock of Dress Goods nt LKIOH HAWLEY'B.

All wool empress cloths at 75 cts-nt LEIGH HAWLBV'S The best and cheapest shawls in the city at LBIUH UAVTLEV'B Flannels lower than ever at HAWLET'S Irish Poplins in all shades just received by L. A. WHEKLKE Co Frftnch Merinos and Empress Clotlis just received by L. A. WHKKLKK Go.

Paislej" Shawl beautiful open red cen- tres at S'lS 00, and a large stock opeu centres grades, just received by L. A. WHKKLKR Co. Poplins for walktiip suits street dres-i new and very desirnblf 'Ods just received by A. WHKBLKR Co -um iind dark shades, jott reef ived by L.

A. AVHEELKE Co Pliiin Poplin-i fur children's, groat variety, jutt received by L. A. WUEELKR Co. To tlic Trade.

have jnst received from P.iris one thous-ind dozen kid manuf icturnd exprest-ly for our trade Mid cruiirantefd as good us Alfx-mdre's. Price, ptr dozen. S. KLAUUKE Co. The llisr Jlenwmher to bu? your and wlioes of Ko.

37f. East Water st.roet. The latest styles and lowest -pricpf may alwnys he obtained at thf eign of the "Dip Red Boot June ISth" dly DEM M-RATIC A w'i tie held at Oity of MJwiv.iki-e, on Motir'ay ihe I2rt. OBJ or O'-tnhrr. 1SHS.

ut 12 nVIock nt th to nomiuMi- rAunij offict for'hi rojntv Mi vriiiikif. iiii'-tiu nyt-icci ij. roi TPiitinn, i h. iu on the lOtt d-y of tk-tol-tr. 'ou! auj p.

m. I''lit flay, ttc hou lo more iu the tiic differ f-nt ci'mmuteuF-, above named. H. A. HAY ch'n At tho't'ounty null 'hi- City Ha'i in cits ot (hi- flnj ir-1.

laKt, fo 1 ow rn; ion HH Hdi'pitHj "KEsOLVbD, Thnt in Imur I itt-s town w.irO; a- fur nf c- r-hall tie oivldcc iuto I -U' t- ihi- town and w.ird roniiniitti-8, which nhall be to two delc.tfalft'* And that the county ommittee til' cull fur t. count) fonvfutiou, the iy and of holihntr thp dn-t'irt UK for the elfrtnm wh ch intP bt held uD the paint and at the B.IUIC hour Thin res lunon is forthe Inrormatinn thoi-e UutySt (is to dnitienaie tho pla-en toi dibt ict ct ut-U-yalt-B purruant to the lor a couoty convetition. II A- Chairman of ''riutity Botf and BantKer please copy. fi i i In reply to-l 1 Niws offer to their Weekly 4. -Vdition duri ng t6e campaign at toe one address: 10 copies, 1 inOnfh Lift 0 C0 el i 2.40 10 eopfrvS months tnd at rste krger or a longer time.

Those citizens of Wisconsin who detirc to ccntrjfc- to the redemption of the State and to make Uc- -alio Seymour the next president, can do so most by contributing to the ciRCtTLiriow OF PtMOCEATIC CAMPAIGN WEEKLY NEWS. The campaign WEEKLY XEWS, for October, is now published. Besides an abundance of other interesting and important matter, it contains: 1. Delmiir's let'er on National Finances. 2 Proceedings of the Muss Meeting at the Rink.

3. Speech of Alexnnder Mitchell. 4 Letter from Curtiss. 5. Sratement of the C.ip'uin and surviving members of Oconto Rivpr Drivers.

6 Letter of lion. B. H. Hill on the Camilla riot. Copies of The Campaign NEWS for gratuitous circulation may be obtained on application at this office.

Grand Democratic Mass Meeting. A MASS MEETING OF TIIE DEMOCRACY OF MILWAUKEE, WILL BE HELD AT Music Hall, On Saturday Ev'g. Oct. lOih, 1868. E.

G. Cjan, and others, will address the BY OHDER OF COMMITTEE. night g-ivo ns the first touch of ap-proaching'winter, and formed iee in some dooillrtes in the city limits ha.f an iach jn thickness. THE GOOD TEMI'LAHS of Happy Hornej Lodge Lo'd hn oyster festival at their rooms in Asbury M. E.

-church, Fridjy evening, October 9th. Good in attendunc. A 1 are cordiiil'y iiivited to i.tttnJ. MARF.TZKK/S Joel, manag- iiig of opera combination. arcived in the city The commune to-day Hemp- ste 1--.

Tickets for icservtd seais can en next. OBITUARY funeral of Dr J. Rior- will fronfhis late nsiJcnce, 240 t-tiec-t. Friday the inst at -2 o'clock p. m.

The friends of the family sire invited to attpnd. llochistt-r, N. cony. aCAL IJHftKUVATlONN cporf- 'y J. Jones, Watchmaker and Jewell r.

U3 Spring street, Milwaulcpe, Wisconsin MirwAt'KEE, Oc-oV-r 8 Time. Thermjincter. Wind. Weather 8 .1. m.

4i Clear. 12 m. 44 S.W" Clear. i- m. 41 8 W.

Clear. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. to Smith and Hickuian, 14O Street, This NEW FIRM keep oonstantly A LARGE AN 0 CHOICE STOCK Of Family (Jroceriesi which they sell at the very lowest market rates. Goods delivered on order at any door in the city. Special pains tnken to' accommodate customers as to price, kind and quality of erery article iu market.

COME AND SEE US. 4 onfldtf MR RT-QEE'S Loss. Mr. Rupee informs us that his loss by the late fire will ntnount to about thjjee thousand dollars. Less duin- nec wfts done than most persons thought possible who witnessed, the confl gmtion.

His mncliinery was comparatively unipjured' A full force commenced to clear awsy the rubbish yesterday moruing. He hopes to be in order within ten u.t farthest. VISITORS AT THE CHAMBER or COMMERCE TKSTKRDA.T Mr. Suow, Jud Wis T. J.

Buff.lo; W. Lox ley, Fort VV. Ad'letibrook, North- A W.ill II J. Warren, Ctdwe'il. Warren, J.

D. Eaiot, Buffiilo; W. U. Geuessee. Much the i 1 it part of the wardJapF- flie cetfefc of 1 'train" wards ,88 they were-'defined at the last T3 Tiemactltio lows: 1st ing 2d that part of ward from the center of to be "Centra of Jackson 3d part of between the of Racine afreets.

4th that tween the Centejr of Racine and the lake, including Murray'a addition. SECOND WARD. 1st District-2-Aii that part of the ward bounded on the east by tbe Milwaukee river, on the north by the center of Vliet street, on the west by the center of Seventh street, and on the south by the cemer -of Chestnut- street. 2d that pnrt of the ward by the Milwimkee -north by the center of Chestnut west by the tnter of Seveuth street, atid south by the center of Cedur street. 3d that part of the ward bounded enst by the center ot Tenth north by the Ninth ward, west by the center of en-nth street, and south by the line of the Fourth ward.

4ih that pnrt bf tbe ward lying west of tbe ceuter of Eleventh street. TIMED WARD. 1st that part of the ward west ot the center of Jefferson street, und north of tbe center of Hu tin street. 2d that part of the ward enst of the ceuter of JefFersou street and north of the center of Huron street. 3d that part of the ward south of the center of Huron street and of the center of Jefferson street.

4th thht part of the ward east of the center 1 of- Jefferson street and aouth of the center of Huron street TOTOTH 1st that p-irt of the ward east of the center of Third street. 2d that part of the ward norih of the penter. of Cjybourn street and between the center of Third street and, the west line of section 29. 3d that -part of the ward south ef the center of Olybourn street and be- tween'the Center of Third street and the" west line of section 29. 4th that pact of the ward west of the west line section 29.

FIFTH VTA 1st that part of the warVi north of the ceuter of Florida street. Dis thiit part of the ward south of the center of Florida and noith of story building on (hi corbel of Clinton and streets is hatineits renting tonTarkei men; thebosement ng prepared for vegetable cellars to accom- modjjte thJiseCwlio siands econd floor 18x50 in extent is being thrown nto a hall to be and city purposes. Several new market buildings are already iut up on the. Florida, street front of the market, and-the whole will be-filled 'to the iy the first of November if the weather permits. There will then be seventeen stands Florida sTeet When.thes9 are completed, if 'the funds hold out, a row will be built across tie- squire on Clinton street.

When. the stands on street are ready for, occupancy they will be leased for a ominal sum until the of May, 1874; the essee paying one-fourth the of each it and in, advance, and giving security for the within a specified time, at ten per cent, interest until paid. when completed the Fifth ward matket will be a Credit to the city, and a great to every resident of 'the south side will differ from the Division street market" being devoted to the exclusive sale of fruit vegetables family provisions. Dry goods, oys, notions, will be -excluded. Great credit is due to the ward authori- ies for securing thei ground, and pushing he improvements ahead.

the center of Eiii 3't All of the ward of the cei.ter of Elizabeth and north of the center ef Scott street 4ih Di-tric! AH that part of the ward bo uh of ibe oenter of Scott Street. SIXTH WAED. 1st District All that part of the ward between center of Vliet und Walhut 8'reefs District All of the War i be- twieiiiho center of W.iluut aud Harm reft" SdDi-trct All thnt part of the ward bp- twt-eu itie ceuier of ii raiou utid Noith reels. All that part of the ward north 01 the oenter 1 Ninth ttreet. 81 VKNTH District A'll p.irf of the ward norih of the ceuU-r rt' Uuei'l i street and east 01 the ceiiter of Jefferson street 2d District All purl of 1 the- w.ird be- twetu thtf center of Oueidu aud VVieconsiu streets 3d All pnrt of the ward he center of OueiLi vtr'-ets.

aud Wis; the cenisr ol Jefftraou 4th pnrt of the ward north of Uie oi-nter of M.iflin stn et auJ of the center of ct eet. nciiiiu WAKU. 1st tha of the ward tween tbe nter of First ivenue oa the the ceuter ol Scoit sti et-t on uie south, and the ceuter of Fifth avenue on tLe west. -2d thnt of ward be- tnet-n tbe center of avi nu on ib.e euat. tiie oetiter of Scott street oa the north und the ceuter of Fif avenue on the west.

3d Dis that pan of the ward between the center of Fifth avenue on the and ihe center of Scott f-treet on the north. 4ih thnt p-ir: of the (1 rd between the ccnterof Fifth nn tbe east, aud the center of Scott street oa the south. NINTH WAKD. that pnrt of the tween the center of Viiet and Cherry 21 that pnrt ward between the ctnter of Cherry aud U.ileua stieet 3d thnt of the between the Center Galena and 4'li fiat part of the ward north of Walnut street. MUNICIPAL Koca fitieil five nn 1 costs iult liattery.

Thotnpfou is (or the FTtnc rise. Henry Hill 10 c'l'Tirt with iitsaultiiig a little fiirl, ha-1 a nolle ei.ti'reil -n his D. McGrane id continued, SHAKSPKBEAN Frnnces Keini.le is ft no need for two Sh spere in readings at Music Hill two we-ks hence. 0u Monday evening Oc oher 19.b the will read the Temp-s on Tu. s.lay evening, Oct.

20th, Macbeth rtofcets one to commence Friday Oct. 16'h. GAME or BALL AtLuitio. club of Chicago telegraphs the Cream City club that they wilt be on haud to-d to play the first of the home and bourne matches be' tween the clob. Some the C.

challenged the lormer clubf aud have the aboveas the result. i We hope to see, people giving the -boys a lift, not onlj by their presence to mite toward helping them liquid the old debt which stands the u'i on f'-nee account This will be irch citizens wilj; have the seeing this season. Notwiih- the coot weather we sh ill probab see me wurm playing for the Atlthticu show a utrong nine are bound to give their opponents a Go and see. Grand Jury fdr October. The grand jury for October wus impannel- e3 as 'rtJlutvM: Gebrge Bowman fireman Slddtll, P.

Peterson, F. Bruch- Henry Stern, Christ! Schnei er John Peter HOI. ley, Patrick Dock' ery Lurkin, James Smiih, hiisii.u^ RicJrllrd White, Lute SiMudlin, Francis Charge liuha lJaiiiel Newhall he'follovuiig indictments were found William Kinney, Mary Bnrke larceny (second offense); Angutta Lambert atd ulufoh Lambert, lurcepy from the per. sou (picking Mrs. Brady's pocket); Thomas Murpbey.

larceny frotu-the person; John ling, burglaiy. The pmies against whom indictments were-ftmnd were arraigned jest erday at the bar of tnunicip il court. L.ambert an wife, Thomas Collins, plend not guilty. Thomas Mary and p)eirdnot gnilty, jury will be impanoeled nexi Monday ami some of the defendants put on trial. ur i i -v lowered tne water in the river and bor luateri illy.

The'bHfrk "'Twb Funnies" yesterday ngrqund. inside the and had towed off at Twi) or threVpVopeHors aw agronntf" neaV tbe shingle mill. Dredging has actively ly the last "occurrence i of the kind we shall io chrbiiiolei 'The work of erebUhg baildlifgs on (he city market commenCea list tfSBk. 'The old two tl sperean Readings Wei-man Maenner-fferehi. The "Maenner-verein" has entered the leventh year of its existence, and- attained a membership of about'one hundred.

Its annual election of officers qnine off on Wednesday evening with the following result: George Kauper. Vice-president, W. Marling Secretary, Atttoin Goetot. Vice-Secretary, Jiicob ilmmermann. Treasurer.

OarKCasper. Librnrinn, JoSt'ph Wtnrerlin. John John B. K'opp Trustees, Joseph, Baumgartner, Van Beck, and Leonard Trituburn. HOMB FOfc THE FBI Home 'or the Friendless acknowledges with thanks the following donations received the NljCiHTS ONLY.

Mrs. KBM8JJB i In llilwaaftee, two of SRAKSPIAM'S plajs, On Mojidajr Evening, October 19th, THE TEMPEST. i On Tuesday October Macbeth. Tickets 1 One Dollar. Reserved Scuta 50 CU.

Extra. Tbe of will commence on FRIDAY, O'Stober-lath, at 9 o'clock, at the store of too confin Conipany, I'jQ Wisconsin etreet. No mure tlcfeeU wilt be sold than tbe actual number of Beats in SHOTAL The-- eommence precisely at 8 o'clock, and it is respectf ully rt-quest- ed, t) avoid interruption, that Audience will be seated ten minutes before the Reading begin. month: Mrs. JudJ, 1-2 bushel tomatoes; Miss IT.

Curry, biscuits, crackers and cream puffs; J. W. Pierce Co. variety of vegetables; Mrs. T.L.

Kelly, fruit; Mrs. 'G Green, 4 un-lons; festivjl, biscuit and ib- bige; Mr. bastet of potatoes and milfe; Mrs. Groeder, variety of vegetables; und Sherm-m, 5 of cofieaaLd 6 boxes of spice MrSi Ue'sey Esterbrooljs, Troy, 1 bed quilt; J. Biik, one quarter of lamb and one piece of beef; Margirs vegetables and five' I of biead; W.

B. Woolnnugh, I picture; Mrs A Smiih, 1 jug of milk and 1 jar of fruit; Kicker, Ober Co 60 pounds gar 6 brooms; Mrs. Dr 5 ill erd Bros. 11-2 bnshds of jfotti- t(ie-t, 1 peck of apples; A V. Bishop, 1 box of pe.iches; Mrs lioundy, vegetubles, sug-ir, fruit und one picture; Allen, 2 fish; W.

Terry, 4>f hops; Mrs. P. Jew. e-t, fruit: Y. M.

C. A. festrrai, and sm.dwiches; M. 2 sacks (T potatoes at.d a T.iriety of other vegetables; Mrs. Schomhs, 1 squash; Mrs.

1 pumpkin; Mrs. Mbiabury, 1 peck of apples; unknown, 1-2 bushel of corn and 1-2 peck "of pt-ppirs. BLAXCUIABD, COMBINATION COMVASV. Tbartday. Oct.

'a OramlUwmnu Opera FAUST, With the following cant; FOKMKS -llerr HBR-UASMS-in world-rvno-grn. niirt of StBPHISTOPHBLES Get. Oprra, Vurdi'a evrr-ftivw'e Opi-ra IL fROVATORE, With the fallowing powerful A-i ATH-A AZUUKNV CELLINI heir first appea'mnce in 'h'8 OONT DI RIIIONOI.I first BVRT.1 MAX M.VRKl'ZiK Sattirdny Afternoon, fTct. 17th, at 2 1-2, i.n this ol tlie BuiVo i In i- II Barbiere'Di Seviglia, With fol.o-vini; unprt-tttle tul ci-t R03INA Mi--M(3 ULLOCU fir In ciiy ALM gnor PON DOV.TUH BAKi'OLO. in Signor KOXl'OM.

hw part of FIGARO Saturday October I7lh, 1MMOKTAL AN 'ON'TJ Sis or B.UtlLI Octobeir IOt, between the By order of Bsnneratui Batarp (jane copy FIRST npSK Democratic lectors of the Fourth Tirsi Ward, arc'erebj n-'fjUMti-U. to at the bouse of John Fra-nklJn, street baT tween. ttijt hoars otnbur and van- o'aloclt on aaturdwy the lOtb inst. for tbe oti ing two to rt-preatnt aaid diatriet Gounrj Convmtion COONfY FOURTH FIKST DemosraCic electontof Pteolnotof the Paurth Ward ace requested Vi maet at Kngioe So. 5, No.

13 1 S-oand street, between foufand p. 'aturdfty 10th, to two to County Gouveutlau to held on the following Mnnn MAETIN, Committee. FOURTH SECOND OISTRICT. ho Democratic electo-'-s. of the Second the Kourth ward, a'e no'iriod to m-et at Saloon on 'p in? street, on Saturday ing, 10th, I8B8, '-etweon -he hours o'clook to elect deliatatea the Democratic county culled to meet DYOKOE.t OP FOURTH WARD-THIRD PRECINCT.

A Caucus of toe of tbo District ofthe Kourth will be heid utthe houaeof cornefof Sixth andf Powler streets, on Sauirdny evening Oct. hours of 4 and 7 o'clock m. for tho purpose of electing the' DemooraCta (Jounij to be htsid Oct. 1888. By order of.

COMMfEPBB. FIFTH PRECINCT. A Democratic jITnucaa to elect two delegates County ComI'ntion, bv held in tin Foarti orrict D.C Secna mn'n Garden, im CHnton street, I0j ISC'i, between the houre of 6 and 7 o'clock ffl, Hy oider o( COXUIXTK3, Banner Bol; pfease 1 copy. EIGHTH WARD-FIRST DumocratioBlecforftof tlij.n preciiiet are qut-sti-d to oiei-Cftt reet, on Saturday nfur-jiadn. ofi elecfiiig to attend Convention to bs held lit Cv Hail OB of October.

Foils open frnm to p. Byordprof DfST. Sue Bote'aud Banner pleano f'p, EIGHTH Dtmocrtits of Precined, Bfehtlj are to muet u'- saloon of Zimiavr, on corner of 'Jifc Avenue aait Mree 1 on p. 0-t. 12th, the purpose ctJnK two.

to fh.i'i.'i-unty Cor.vaatwn to hHd City Hall on ihe 12th mit. I'ro 4 to 7 5J. WBBEK, PREd.VCT. A uf tbe- Voters 01 the. Third: in tnp ghih wiH hold oa tat- 10th day 01 0 itn'n-r.

i Irani to o'olcicK, at house of L. Koi-innuor on Mxth AV.O. ue, the 0 'nvetition. be h'- ihp fitb day of 0 tuber, IStiiJ. By order of TO 'titlXTKU.

With tbe following Npa KuINK 3At.QLI.NO MARBTZEK and aiK- 11 DA.ILT William Croke, publisher of The has arranged" for Ita continuance under' the name of The li Daily Advertiser." He promises that it shall be punctually circu-i lated in the city, dispatched by all the rail-, roads, steamboats and stage coaches, and that it will contain the arrivals daily at the five pri Newhall, The Plnnkiriton, The Kirby, The Juneau, and The Cream giving early information to of tbe arrival' with whom they hire commercial r-lations. Mr. Croke 13 energetic. hope he may receive a liberal pitronage. the Orchestra UK LL StageManagur "Signor t'Hoaos ASD OBCHESTRA have witd th care troui the NOTICE and after Monday, 14th.

all passenger trains on the Prairie du Chieu and La Crosse division wilt depart from and arrive at Reed except ih? which will deptttt from and arrive at the Prairie du Chien Depot, as A. H. Qenerxl tofore. Sept. 12.

1868. WORDS THAT. BREATHE your wub DE viA'TO. fair Ia.lieV.,.-.-.aiid you written rds will breathe even a rarer fra- gr.nce tlmn if ttje'y been uttered by your NEW ADVERTISEMENTS- Candidate for gold by all JrligciiJtiC resperifnlly announcti etf a candidate i for of theTJemoftratio Countjr CooTention to field tfn Monday-, Oct. 12th ei-g.

-Thej fcrmcd from picked mcmher-i of the bodies who ave'sfrvi'd undirllr. Uaretzt-k's baton for s.irs. And is conSdentiy p.i"i< vet heard out of Yorfe city. Tag Cosri'MM ure entirely new, aud have been THS i of cost. wi I be carefu'ly mperrised by EIGHTH PIIECIJICT, raTfl.

thii are iiiewc at Joh'i Saloon, corner SeTrnth uveuua au'l tli tHiC- nfternooit, tor the of deo'iug two deieirntea to at'tenM thv Countv be beta at City Uj.ll on tht- JZth of Outiitier. Poili frcm five to oVtoufc ai. BY O'iDEH OK t'OMMITTKK. urd Buiunur will pU-itsu-co y. SEVfeNTH UARD' ASSMtBLY rpilE ctors of th to ru i-t at th-ir corner of Mitrtee'.

and Unliile Friday rveuinv, Oc'. betwi-en tne "on g-Q and the purpo'c o' Lorn u.ttm« JnU-fl or iiieoioer ot ainl fupcrraor, poinVt'ni; two delegates to the 3 order of FIFTH WARP DE.HOCKATlOCLUB. a regular mei-tiniT'ot' fhe fifth Dt-ni'ioratir club at tbelr on Frid eveniiig. 0 9th eioi-k-, a 'nil atteniian-'" in d'Sreu, aiburiucss of import-. ai.ce wil be brought E.

vii MAOASV, Prealdont, M. L. TOUNQj', S-CTutary. FIFTH WARD CAUCUSES. for tbe eU ctlon of dolo to thej)e nniy la regular members o) Mr.

Company. of GENERAL ADMISSION O.VB DOLLAR RESIJIVED SEATS FIFTT? CBSTS EXTRA SUBSCRITTIOX. Secured for 'he four only fS.OO. office for H.ihacHp. ion will be and SATUKDAY, October 9th Sid luih at 3 ore Tbe roeuUr for auy uht -ilil co-nmenm Monday, 0 -tnher continue the followii dayirat (1.

N. tfempA td'a. Doors open at 7 Commence at 8. GRAND OPENINCt NIGHT, Thursday, octTdtf C1IAS, AUCTION. NOTICES.

-te-he'-d Oct. mh, 13 8, are cal ed meet 1- regpcctive of Fttth, Wtrd, between nf 5 and 7 o'otocltp. m. on Saturday evening, 0 -t. 10th district, at Unll, on Ktri et; 2' district, John on street; 3d disfCct.

at llem a- Urove street; 4tli dl strict, ac sea ton By ordeir of s. on ASSEMBLY DISTRICT OTtl'B ii rely given, tt atncc liUtriitot the be at thu of I'll a UemoeratJc Afc- lO'i of of tu on the Od''r day.tae'9tl$Uayo('rf)atoiiHr..A 1 ut 2 o'clock for 'lie nujrpose ot iionxauiini; von to reVepilxaid Lhstuct our avxt CRICT COM IITTKB; papirs pleane copy SEVENTH A H.D is fierc-hy vtven thi the Fnrniture'-and will st-U at our ralpg-oom No 4 sjtfi'ig street, 'urday moriitititi lOib, if eat iw ritr rr" kit carjH-t4 beds, ro crocK4 y- cu aud stoves, kn ootgast Jeflenion Watu ofMantuJ'! at Vfm: BeilTV aaiooif oa- Baale of will, be at 19 o'ch'-k, fntniture. itL mitWliTrtf DTtflHtotf-' liftM-t, at thV ho John Hitter, on KiutJfater Sfrert, By of WF-T.

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