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Warren Times Mirror from Warren, Pennsylvania • Page 6

Warren, Pennsylvania
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I I IRROR. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 6' WARREN. a indocreme hsis helped recapture yowlhful leek ef face and fhreot Eight ago, eimntnt satnmts the world a seniational contribution to the ci: tr'- face and tliroat. Today, ENDOCREME is aiding thousands to rcgam the charm cf a oudifxil skin to a degree hitherto thought impossible. Tin? it does by helping to imprc the skin itself, not merely its superficial aprcarance.

ENDCX 3 you know, is th? only face cream that Tliis precious is a fdentific rrplicr- mcnt for o'ati skin-vitahzmg substance. Wh'- 50 apply ENDOCREME, it abiorbed the jkin and helps to restore the normal grou-th oi cells and tissues. It tr aids the skin to recapture its youthhil freshness, firm, tnioothness and allure. What brgr'-i' value can one get h- ccsmetic dollars than You. toe.

should try ENDQc.RP' Manv report truly in onlv da- Warren General Hospital Is Host to Plan Representatives ee representa'-ives of arren county pid.nLb attended a dinner at the Warren General Hospital last night, and pledged their enthusiastic support, to the forthcoming Huopilal er iization Fund or R. Picroon Eaton, General chcxli opened the meeting by briei- ly the ol the aiiu uiviled the Lalivcw to visit the I'ollow- the ineetii.g a-id tcu lUcii. Liic crovvaea conuitions now evailii-g. JSlr, Eaton gave by officers of the Court or v.iiy, ii the iucaJ when Virginia Balden- id to fulfill its function in the matron, and Lillian cuii.inunity, must be -Kinley, royal patron, entertained. SOCIETY AmaranthOfficers Enjoy Fine Party A aeiightful party enjoyed ia evening at the Masonic Metigtr-Wright Company must be inoderniZ 3 d.

First, he pointed Lhat people oday are using the ao. more. At one time, the considered as a is'ow people come to the lOdpital earlier for treatment The second reason is tlie 1 r.e was spent in play- ii.g the first a contest with prizes going to Erma Eckhart, Reardon, Ireta King, Mabel Mhia Uhdey, Geraldine Edith Ahlquist, and Audrey 30 tupply ireuiendous in Dorothy Eckelmeyer u.surance. 'Xhe plans for the of a special prizt. hospital will enable it to adequate- court whist was then enjoyed, ly for the hospital needs or following winning prizes for 10,000 people who must re'y high scores: Ellen Balden- it, and will make it the healtn c'-uter of the county.

Uhe.ster S. Alien, who with R. V. Lesacr. liead.s up the Industriai ilnpl-'veo next told plant how Ine quota for plart harl ar- Dinner For Veterans Of Co.

I Planned Dieted by arren folk a to be held at Am.o.-v of niixiv I. 16th for veterans of 1;t Thf Ptia-r u. at 6:30. 2 lst nromiaes to be ore o', rea! lire. Arranged tne f-'-seit Conipany I all World War II vent rc Warren In 1941 are 'o present.

All men who -'r entered the L. S. ame-l from Compaiv Pennsylvn a Guards, are extended an invit.a- tion to be present and it i to hftve a large turnout for the dinner. A sort of informal reunion all Company 1 r'en nas cer planned and It should be t.orical event as thf-rc before been an u-t o' Con-pany I Court Is Held By Troop Three Boy Troop 3 iourt of honor In conjunction regular meeting of FT aith awards presented to th" louir-g Junior ScouUv.a. 5 i.Tr and Life Scout, Wil is received merit for 1 study and Star Scout Vvicl- ard Huckabone, rr.erit home repairs, ar; i nentrj'; Scout Jack Black to Second JacI Ajrmstrong was awarded the for scribe.

Don Lauffer. mlssioner. Introduced Pari; 2 newly arrived iScout who gave a short For the regular the business session openec repeating of r.ord'.** led by Mrs. Pearl? a by T': to 7 roun: Tlie v.a.' cr. cadi, skit by James Jackson; Franklin, Nancy 3 Ol-on, piait'io Slacgie: duet, Vivia" the of pre- a luncn Ly Mrs.

Gc Wood. aad Mrs. M' sperger, Edna Eby, Erma ck hart, Mabel Smith and Gertrude Snarburg. The feature number for the ev- enir.p', added much to the n'- of the occasion, prr.sented by a quartet li'vCfi at. and out th'; dil-; LiHian Baldensperg- this drive and the Rosentrater, Ellanor 'Yf-; recent and Hazel Merenick, with L'his.

he sa.d, is tne biggei-t un- by Ruth ynt, but unhke prevr ii-, Adcert. Delicious refreshments were erved at a table beautifully decorated lighted red and while tapers in silver candelabra, red and white floating: candles. A vote of thanks was extended tlie hostesses, who, in sed their appreciaticu to the ol- ficers for their ion during the year. HEARTED FOI.h Uar-e- people are famed for the Hospital canipaign l.s a arren cour project. On- iy by the fund can r'.

i-g in a.rren count 3 -sure that or she, needi a hospita: bed, one be waiting for The suggested coi.tribution from niployee- is '2 hnurs pay per for eighty weeks, and ar- been luade witli that the amount will be ueducted iron-! checks ju't like ithlio'diiig. it was also I'vunted out that should a person a pledge lose positloii with present employer, he may. if he so desires, arrange to cancel the unpaid balance of liis sub- Those attending last evenii.g’s Former Resident Weds Oregon Girl kina hearts aiid thin wa'; ced again last evening vaien persons read the story con- a case being handled by Dr -lliani Chapman, in the Methodist Hospital. Th'' article stated that Tj-pe A Vwns needed for a small la; evening the telephone at of Dr. L.

E. Chapn.a’.i limes with atcd t-hat thev had Type A blood be glad to aid the all of their had to be as M'-' IS "Ivtriined in Phila- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Strang, of Umatilla, have announced the marriage of their daughter, meeting Mrs.

Grace AL to CpL William George Aberg, Floridin Nidiula.s An- son of George Zobrist, of de-' 3 en. Smith Horton 11. W. Buffalo, N. formerly of Warren.

Armstrong, Pennsylvania Gas The ceremony was performed aul Arnold. Eriiblem Oil Coni- December IS in Oregon, Rev. E. W'. pa 2 K.

R. Barrett, Process Philippi, of the Hermiston Luther- Company; G. W. Buerklc, Walker i an church, reading the service in Creamery Pi'oducts the ordnance recreation hall. Miss Idona Collingsworth maid of honor and Sgt.

Samuel Shore best man. The bride wore a gowii of light blue net over taffeta and carried gardenias and The maid of honor wore Cable, Lnited Refinhig G. Penna. Elcctric I'a-Jl FJ. Harrington, Warren Trust MacLcan Houslo; United C.

W. Struthers Wells Hemy 1-airchild Rapp; A. L. hght blue chifLon and a rose and I'lrst National Bank' corsage. The ceremony was followed by Para Ci.

Warren Gear Mi'g. Company; H. A. Logari, Unit- an evening of dancing, with reed Refining I. D.

Levii.c, freshments served and many lovely i.ot of chenucals extracted Penna Furnace F. 'gifts upon the newly- petroleum is so numerous Lingardii Warren Taak Car v.eds. Later, the couple left to it a volume of 1200 pages. Richard E. McArthur, Sherwood spend their honeymoon in Buffalo.

Myer, CpI. Zobrist is stationed at Solar Electric Han id T. VOD Hospital at Hermiston, jNTelson, Barnhart Davis Mrs. Martha E. W'hiteahot, The Newell Press; M.

R. Overturf, Axe Tool John The Warren Water H. M. Stevenson, Beil Telephone A. L.

arren National Banlc; Richard C. Schu- Syivania Electric Products; Richard Smith, Thomas Flexible Coupling G. H. Step- Relief At Last ForYourCough Social Events CreomuLsion relieves promptlv it goes right to the seat of the loosen and expel ffenn laden phlegm, and aid naturo BROTHERHOOD OF 1ST LUTHERAN TO The Brotherhood of the First Lutheran church will meet to soothe Thursday evening mucoua mem- i.a.xe Marv Topper, Cvcsceni Edwaixi C. Walker.

Walker Creamery Products: H. White, Betts Machine Company; Vance C. Wright, Warren Raking any. Vi. lAiUl.UUa IIIPTri, branes.

TeU your druggist to sell vou boule of Creomulsion with the im- cieptanding you must like the wav it qulcKjy allays tiie cough or you are to have your money back. For Bronchitis of an aftermath of the war will be sliown and a returned service man, Lt. Allen Smith, v.ill speak about a mission he visited in China. All men of the congregation cordially invited. P.

T. A. News .4 ft fi If Dorothy Gordon Beauty Shop 12 Granr Street Machine, Machineless and Cold Wave Permanents (7all for Appoinhnent AID MEETS AB'TERNOON The ladies' aid of the First Ev- IRVIN'EDALE church will meet tomor- HAS afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in a short business se.v Folkman Parlors. FoUowing -ion of the Irvinedale PTA on regular devotionals, there will Tuesday evening, the meeting was yS'ant. tumed over to the program chair- Rowena Mathis and Mrs.

man, Mrs. Clifton Larson announc-1 Charles Mathis have charge ing that movies be shown refreshments. All members i-y Archie Hunter. The pictures are urged to br pres- proyed both entertaining and ediu- cational and were much enjoyed. The attendance award went to Allen's room and refrcsh- u.ents were served by January CLEARANCE SALE All Wool Coafs.

in Chesterfield or Fur Trim 20 'o fifuii iip Dresses from S8.95 up Boys' All Wool Fingertip Coots, S14.95, now S10.95 New Shipment of Ski Pants GLASSM AN'S or liird Ave, and Hirkorv St. off off SPECIAL mp eting OF LOCAL COUNCIL special meeting of the PTA Council has been called for 2:30 p. m. Monday, January at the YW'CA and all sentatives to'the council are cd to be in attendance, RED CROSS SEWING AT TRINITY CHURCH The Red Cross sewing conmiit- tee of Trinity Memorial parish announces that another work-meeting 'Aill be held from 10:30 a. m.

to 5:00 p. m. on Thursday in the parish house; also that much work v.a.s accomplished as the of a dpy last Thursday. $1.00 HEAD SCARFS A BUDGET BASEMENT Brand nev-' Coafs as only found in Betty Lee Budget Basement have been reduced ONE-HALF. Regular $25 Coats now only $12; Suits that never were under $30 anywhere else are only $12.

You'll be surprised at the values you'll find for only $8, $10 and $12, Soiled Blouses Leather Mittens regularly fo $2.99 A large group of regularly to 2.99 blouses fhai arc marked down only bccause they are soiled. Values fo $2.99 Warm leather palm, fur-backed gloves that can't be duplicated for less than throe times $1. Jerkin Suits regularly to $9.99 SPECIAL, SPECIAL Jerkin Suits that are selling everywhere for 9.99 and more. Only $6 at the Betty Lee Budget Basement. Jumpers aft from two until live in the afternoon or from until ten in the evening.

Personal Paragraphs AUXILIARIES TO SEW ON FRIDAY The Warren County REBEKAH LODGE Rebe.r.ah Lodge members have their regular supper day evening at six follow- ety, is one of the smartest lawvers i court observers also it bv repute, one of the is not unusual to find him in coujm most least, court ob- less privileged per- server.s who note his frequent ap- i sons and that in those cases hi.s Mrs. Anne McClune js spending counsel, remark that I fee, more often than not the week in New City select-j usually are of the class v-w-i c-n 1 IrkCITT best In le'sS You need kn.ovv' only SoO words to on an ordinary conversation. The Warren County Medical at eight Aft- Auxiliary will join with the will be a bingo 1 7 TQi AnvtlTo arren R. Carlin, Cone- Place, has returned from brains. But there is another facet! I to Major Schofield and to this the i Ithaca, N.

she went to NOTICE Letters Testamentary on the HAT CAl vES booklet containing the onli- io of famous doctors on this interesting subject uill be sent ren General Hospital Auxiliary in member is asked a sewing bee to be held in the -wdiite home on Friday afternoon, the session to get under v.ay at PWORTH METHODIST 1:30 A large turnout of AUXILIARY After snendui both groups hoped for. Mcn.bers of the Epworth Metho- Warden wiUi her 'been this day dist church auxihary will family. Miss Carlin exnects to 1undersiped, notice 'bring home her daughter, Ruth, i honorably discharged as Bhzabeth Agnes Cable, fmst-class in th? navy! ate of the Borough Warren County, deceased, For jour ejes. oft or juu a oJ esamiiung and proper that and strenqitlien your vision DR. WAYNE C.

HELMBRECHT Opfomerrisfr txaminafion by Cor. Second and East 6 OPEN HOUSE FOR Thursdav TIDIOUTE COUPLE i Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. C.

L. Allen, Tidi-; Marion street. I' REE, whne they last, to any oute, will celebrate their golden reixder to the Educational anniversary on Sunday, 7 sion, 535 Fifth New January 20, and informally invite york. N. Dept.

A-1207. all relatives and friends to call with afternoon at 2:30 persons indebted to s. John Anderson, said Estate to make immediate and those having claims or demands the same v.dll llr. and Mrs. Floyd N-ewinaker, With their son and daughter-in- law, Lt.

and Mrs. John Newrnaker, J-- f-' Gift Tuesday to spend a I FINE PHOTOGRAPHY ii) Portrait PJiotography. Fallipr and -i together, lirotht rs and Sisters taken individnailv or in and delightful, Wf U-ralien pfjoiographs of Ihn Httlf i Copies made from pfiofograpii. and other r' Thomas Photography 418 Viater "arren. Pa tills PERMANENTS 6.50 Oil 8.50 Machineless Wave 6.50 0.00 Creme Oil Wave 7.50 Hair Style, Cut.

Sliampoo, at No Cost Jiffy Facial with Every Permanent MANOR BEAUTY SALON Mrs. Jo Trsharne few days in New York. NOTICE Miss Bertha Jolmson, of ar- will not responsible for any i ren State Hospital, left today for bills other than those contracted a four-day visit Cleveland, for bv myself. Joseph 313 Hazel St. Jane Currie has returned home after spending some time Mrs.

Claire U. Fritschi, 314 Jonquil Place, Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh 16, Penna. HAROLD S. HAMPSON, Attorney Dec.

27-Jan. with relatives in Corry. ADMINISTRATION NOTICE Letters Testamentary on the Es- 800 Penna. W. Phone 100 MILLION BOTTLES SOLD! SIMPLY GREAT FOR MONTHLY PAIN Lydia E.

Pinkhanrs Vegetable Compound DOES Mor.E than relieve monthly pain due to female functional periodic disturbances. It Mr. and Mrs. C. F.

Clark, of this i tate of Caroline H. Jefferson, late city spent yesterday in Corry the of the Borough of Warren, arren cori ilQVincr i guests of friends. County, deceased, having been this day granted to the undersign- i Mary Elliott, ten year old ed, notice is hereby given to all I daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J.

R. persons indebted said Estate to 314 East street, underwent make immediate payment, and, i an appendectorn' at Warren Gen-. those having claims nr demands! eral Hospital this morning. against the same present them to the undersigned, properly In the current issue of the Phila- authenticated for settlement, Frank W. Jefferson.

i Executor of tl.e Estate of Caroline H. Jefferson, i Stone and Flick, Attorneys. no. 1945. Ja 9-16-23 co-Feb.

delphia Observer the following tired, nervous, cranky to a former Warrenite ap- nature. Taken peared: Major Lemuel B. (Brad) Compound helps build gchofield, who once did a turn as up resLstancc again-st such distrc5.s. a.ssi.^^tant di.strict pttorney and if i-; abo a iitonmchic ionici ar.oth'-'r.yui dircf-tor of -if- Still, My By MULUN DRUG CO. The doctor may have advisee you to give your heart a rest either through reducing weight or through relieving the strair which comes from working living at high tension.

If you fail to follow this ad' vice, you invite permanent Hearts are strong and willing. They accept much abuse and often recovcr Trom abuse, if given an opportunity. The opportunity must be given at the dictum. If he advises against strenuous exercise. against over indulgence in food and alcohol or nicotine, observe his advice to the last letter.

A rebellious heart is not to be lightly ignored. Medication must be observed, too. Obtain all such iTom competent druggist. This Is the 50th of a series of Editorial advertisements appearing- in this paper each Wpdn-'pday..

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