National Republican from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 4
- Publication:
- National Republicani
- Location:
- Washington, District of Columbia
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 4
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
THE NATIONAL REPUBLICAN. TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 17, 1876 NEWS OF THE CITY THE TWO UNFINISHED CITY MARKETS NOT MUCH SHOW THEIR COMPLETION Opinion of the Attorney for the District SAD ACCIDENT AT THE POST OFFICE; Little Boy Fatally Injured-Permits to Build -A Society -Dishonest Servant-Suit Against the District Explosion of Another Coal-011 Acciden mits to Wed -Miscel. laneous graphs. Weather probabilities estimated at 1 n'elork For the New England, the Middle ani South Atlantic States, partly cloudy and tinued warm weather, with alight southeat to southwest winds, stationary or rising barometer and possibly local rains near the New England, Virginia and South Atlantic coasts. Thermometric readings 16,1875, at the Signal Office: At 7 a.
7:35 a. 739: 12 820; 2 p. 4:35 p. 830; 9 p. 11 p.
maximum, Try the B. U. cigars. They are the best of all Shillington has the Galaxy, Leslie's Lady Mag. azine and all the current periodicals.
Sherman Grant, bankers-Higbest price paid for 8-65 bonds and auditor's certificates. Six per cent. paid on deposite, payable on demand. Special rates on time deposits. J.
Squire bankers. H. D. Cooke, street, near the Treasury, do a general bauking business, and buy and sell District securities, etc. Detective Coomer, who has been rusticating about Harper's Ferry for the past ten days, returned Sunday night and resumed his duties yesterday.
Messrs. Duncanson auctioneers, sold yesterday afternoon for Joseph F. Baner, trustee, Jot 265, situated in Uniontown, D. to John H. for $400.
About one o'clock this morning an excursion party of about one bundred from the Society of Richmond arrived in this city. They wHi return home to-morrow morning. Justice S. C. Mills yesterday assumed the position of judge of the Police Court, and will preside during the absence of Judge Snell, who left this morning for six weeks' recreation in Maine.
William Collins alias Edwarde, who was Arrested on Sunday by Sergeant Acton for participating in the bighway robbery of Wm. Fitzhuxb, was yesterday committed for the action of the grand jury. The Oriental Social Club will give their second annual picnic at Analostan Island, Wednesday, August 18. A fine string band will be in attendance, and the doors will be open antil 12 sbarp, which, of course, means that there will be dancing. Thomas Mockabee, a carpenter, was knocked down and badly beaten Sunday night, on Detween Four-and-a half and Sixth streets south.
west, by two negro men. who probably mistook him for some one else, as he gave them no cause. They are known, bowever, and will be arrested. Atout one o'clock this morning fire was discov. ered in the rear of John Weldeman's bakery, on Seventh, near street northwest.
Ron. erick turred in ac alarm from box 29, to which the fire depar ment quickly responded, but the flames were extinguished without their assistance, and before any damage was done. At the evening Vespers at St. Dominic's church, corner of Sixth and streets southwest, Sunday, thirty-six young ladies were received into the sodality of the Society of Mary, connected with that church. The interesting and impressive ceremony was conducted by Rev.
Father Bokel, aud was witnessed by a large congregation. About 3:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon as Mrs. Lincoln, at the house, No. 2123 street northwest, was attempting to light a fire with the aid of coal oil the flames communicated with the oil in the can, causing an explosion, and severely horning the lady about the face and arms. Dr.
Newman was summoned and dressed the barns. An insane woman created a sensation in St. Aloysius church during the morning service Sunday, by threatening to break the skull of a gentleman seated near the altar if he did not imme. diately give up a rosette which, she, claimed, belonged to ber brother. She was finally removed from the church by the sexton and another gentleman.
The Incorporators of the Northern Liberty Chariot met yesterday to decide on the question of the adoption of Murch's chariots. Messrs. McGill, Hoffman and Moran were appointed a committee to examine into the expediency of rigging a regular bar body on March's running-gear. There will be another meeting today or this evening, at which, probably, definite steps will be taken. Mr.
Murch returns to Cincinnati to-day, having shipped his chariots last night. B. H. Warner, real estate broker and auctioneer, will sell at public auction this afternoon, at o'clock, in front of the premises, a neat threestory and basement pressed- brick dwelling on the south side of street, between Third and Fourth streets southeast. This property is in a desirable neighborhood, well built, with modern improvements, and is just the thing for a medium-sized family.
Title perfect. See advertisement in our auction columps. At about 3 o'clock yesterday morning a negro plunderer doffed his beaver garments and shoes, and attempted to break into a bouse located on Massachusetts avenue, between Ninth and Tenth streets, but deristed, on the ground that he couldn't buck against the nervous manifestations of the female inmates. The only damage done was the loss to the landlady of two boarders-1 Lueband and wife-who refused to remain longer in an insecure house. Yesterday morning two colored sneak-thieves, named Jude Tyler George Johnson, entered the book and stationery store of Mr.
Shillington, corper of Pennsylvania avenue and Four-and-a-half street, and while unobserved snatched a box of lead pencils and made their escape. Mr. Shillington dirested his store boy to follow them, and when he saw an officer to have them arrested. The boy soon saw Officer Gorman, who, on being told of the circumstance, took them in custody and to the Police Court, where they were fined $10 each, or thirty days in jail, Simple and Usefal. The s'mple, yet perfect, nose-bridge of the eyeglasses sold by 1.
Alexander, 1229 Pennsylvania avenue, is a model of ingenious mechanism. They never drop off. All danger from breaking is avoided. It is worth while to stop there and see them. Fruit Festival.
The citizens of Collingwood, have arranged for an entertainment at that place on to-morrow, which is to be known as a Harvest Home and Fruit Festival. The steamer Mary Washington will leave her wharf at 9 a. and returning, leave Collingwood at 3 p. m. A pleasant day is promised to all who attend.
Case of Forgery and Embezzlement. Philip Feldey, who was arrested on the 5th instant on a bench warrant issued from the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, and is now in jail, bas retained James P. Tustin, 88 his counsel, and an effort will be made to have him released on bail. Two Indictments were framed against the accused at the last term of the court for forgery and embezzlement. Riparian Rights.
The ownership of the riparian rights upon the river front of the city, which has attracted much attention lately, came up before the Equity Court (Judge Wylie) yesterday, in the suit of Fitzhugh and the Potomac Steamboat Company. Fitzhugh sought to prevent the company from building a wharf under permit from Gen. Ham. phreys, chief of ordnance of the army, denying the right to issue such permit, but the case went off on another point, the court refusing the in. junction on the ground that Fitzhugh's rights were not interfered with by the erection of the proposed wharf.
A Dishonest Servant. The barber shop of Paul Bonavires, on Pennsylvania avenue, between Tenth and Eleventh streets northwest, was Saturday afternoon entered by a colored servant girl named Emma Wil. liame, living with the family of Bonavires, and seven dollars in money stolen from the drawer. When the girl was missed Mrs. Bonavires made a search to see if anything else had been taken, when she discovered that between forty and fifty dollars worth of her clothing was gone.
Officer Sutton'arrested Emma Williams yesterday morning in front of the St. James hotel. She had on at the time of her arrest a silk dress and basque, which was identified as belonging to Mrs. Bonavires, and she with had just evident purchased a ticket to Annapolie, the intention of leaving the city. Death of Mr.
James Brown. Mr. James Brown, an old and respected citizen of East Washington, died at his residence, corner of Fifth and streets southeast, on Sunday. Mr. Brown was for a long time foreman of the anchor.
at the navy yard. About three months ago be met with an accident on the Potomac railroad, by which his arm Was broken. Together with that and general debility be sank rapidly, and died at the time and place stated. His funeral will take place this afternoon at 4 o'clock, from his late residence, and will be attended by Harmony Lodge No. 19 and the Grand Lodge 1.
0.0. of both of which he was a member. TO THE CAPES. Next Saturday's Excursion. On Saturday evening next, at 8:30 o'clock, the splendid steamer Lady of the Lake will leave bor wharf for her second grand excursion to the Capes.
Lookout, En Fortress route, she Monroe, stops at Piney Point, Point returning, reaches home at Vue de L'Eau, and, 6 o'clock morning, thus in making one of the finest excarsion tripe possible this vicinity. The tickets for the trip been will placed at the low rate of four dolhave lars, select and and care pleasant. be taken As to the make season the company late, those who wish to participate in a really enis getting jogable trip should pot fail to secure tickets and staterooms for the second trip to the Capes. THROUGH A TRAP. Probable Fatal Accident to a Three-Year-01d Child.
Yesterday while little Jimmy Hawley, aged three years, was playing in the ares-way on the south front of the Post Office Department, with his brother, aged six years, be fell through a coal-bole into the cellar, a distance of pearly twenty feet, striking on some old iron railings stored there, injuring himself severely about the bead and it is called thought internally. Dr. H. A. Dancanson was and dressed the wounds of the little sufferer, when he was conveyed to the home of his parents, at Eighth and streets.
The boy's condition is sued that Dr. Duncanson is required to be in almost constant attendance, and fellow serious results are apprehended. When the little met with the accident be and his brother were going is to see their father, Mr. James O. Haw.
ley, One who facs that a clerk tends in to the make Post this Office Department. sad is the fact that the mother of case the boy particularly and some other members of the family are confined to their beds by sickness. A Few Departure in Our Colored Society. Perbaps the most enjoyable, and certainly the most instructive and intellectually-elevating, entertainment ever given to strangers visiting our city WAS the "conversazione" given last Friday night by one of our prominent citizens. This meeting for literary conversation and amuset eat is bailed as a new era by those in 50- ciety who, anxious for its moral and intellectual advancement, had lived long in hopes and were well nigh ready to die in despair, and it proved to them a most timely and gratifying innovation.
This class of persons do not desire to deprive 80- cial gatherings of their amusements and diversione, from which so much pleasure is derived. They want that which simply amuses kept in its want the passport to be merit, as it is seen in the proper place, and not made the chief end. They fall and orderly development of all one's powers, and not the ability one has to whirl gracefully in the "giddy dance." At 8:30 o'clock all of the invited guests were present and had been presented by the host to the strangers in whose honor the conversazione was given. The company was small, numbering about twelve ceuples, among whom were some of our brightest "literary stare." The spacious parlors in which they met were furnished in keeping with the nature of the entertainment. Against the walls bung portraits, engravings, pencil pictures and oil paintings, many of which were masterpieces.
On the mantels and whatnots were interesting relics and curiosities. On the centretable were copies of the "Portrait Gallery of Emident Men and Women of Europe and two costly bound copies of Francis Wey's collection of wood engravings, and the works of some of the greatest poets. The attention of the guests, after the usual words of greeting had passed among the friends present--for "friends' confabulations are comfortable st all time, as fire in invited to the notice of the fine arts which had been collected by their host. Oriticisms and commendations which can be made only by such as have given time and study to the liberal arts, were heard from different parts of the room. The engravings were passed round from one group of guests to another, always leaving those from which they were taken in pleasant convers8tion on some one of the ancient structures.
One totally ignorant of Roman bistory could have gathered sufficient from the conversations on the Forum, Circus of Maxeutius, Claudian Aqueduct, Temple of Vesta, Arch of Constantine, St. The Peter's Appian Way, Palace of the and to make him feel that he, too, was historically ipformed. In one part of the room there was held a very instructive and entertaining conversation on the origin and advancement of column architecture. That the earliest columns were made of trunks of trees was questioned, but was settied by a lady, who showed from history that the first habitations in nearly all countries were made of wood. The engraving of the "Arch of Constantine" provoked quite an extended talk in another part of the room.
The "Porta Triumphalis" and quite number of the triumphal processions which parsed through it into Rome were recalled. The complications of political affairs which put Ave other emperors in the held with Constantine were intelligently discussed. Some one, who never loses sig bt of "the wrongs that men do," mentioned the putting to death of Crispus and Vonstantiss as a dark deed in Constantine's life. As the copies of the Portrait Gallery" were passing from cluster to cluster, many short and enlightened talks were started and kept up with zest. T'- portrait of Shakspeare called forth many comments on his life and writings.
While viewing Gibbon's portrait, remarks were made on the great amount of industry and genius evinced in his Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire." Disraeli was admired by one for the good things which he has said, and for his remarkable perseverance of which that wonderful prophecy of his is an example. "I have begun many things sev. eral times, and have often succeeded at last. -I shall sit down now, but the time will come when you will hear me." Another thought he excalls in personal invective and sarcasm; while a third party praised the success he has met in mixing politics with fiction in some of his novels. The Grand Napoleon of the Realms of Rhyme" called forth indignation.
He was abused for the perpicious influence exerted by his writings on the taste and sentiments of Europe. There was a very happy conversation between two ladies on the lives of Elizabeth B. Browning and Felicia D. Hemans. They boasted of the superior culture, recondite learning and keen poetic insight of the former.
Toey regretted that there was not more intellectual force in the poetry of the latter, and were almost unwilling to admit what Scott says of her style, "Too many flowers for the A lady read for the benefit of a few immediately around her a short selection from Wordsworth, commencing "Three years she grew In sun and shower, Then nature said, 'A lovelier The conversations thus far were not general, but confined to groups, some of the topics and talks of which we have briefly given. To have all engaged in the same exercise the host proposed the play known as "Proverbs," than which we know of no better social amusement for testing one's ability to construct English sentences. We discover in this, too, a wide field for the display of wit and 8 practical aid to extempore speaking. Of the seven proverbs announced six were guessed, and these after only three questions had been asked. "The longest way round is the shortest way home" was missed, probably because it does not contain any very prominent words.
For an example of the wit and the command of the English language possessed by those present we give the questions and answers made in this proverb. The lady entering the room inquires of one, "Can you tell how am to find out the proverb should like to tell you the proverb itself." To another, "Can you tell me "You should go those who have the longest tongues for your information." "My friend, can you not help should, but do not see my way elear." did you go out to drive to-day? "Yes, I drove round the Soldiers' While the person guessing the proverb, "Still waters run deep," was pondering anxiously the data already obtained (for the first three words bad been given in answers) the host announced refreshments, into which we will dive deep, exclaimed a gentleman, to help the guesser. When the company returned from the refreshment table an agreeable memory exercise was introduced, called "Poetizing." Some guest recited line of poetry; immediately after another party gave a line commencing with the last letter of the first line recited; after him a third party, and so on for quite an hour- -quoting from all the best poets. Quite a number of comic lines and lines from parodies on celebrated poems were inter. spereed; which created much merriment.
This was then varied by each in turn reciting an entire verse. Much enthusiasm was manifested in this because, perhaps, every one had an oppor. tunity to "get off" his favorite lines, which many did with ease and imposing delivery. All the reciting was done memoriter. The next and last amusement was charades, or, as the Germans call them, charades." "syllable-puzzles." They were all "acted A very great amount of inventivenees was shown by the ladies who arranged the scenes, and those who acted displayed a selfand ready talk which was highly commendable, and WaS received with the most gratifying expressions of satisfaction.
The guests at 12 o'clock bid their generous host good night, and departed. CONVERSAZIONE. BUSINESS ENTERPRISE. Proposition for a Flour Mill in Alexandria. A number of enterprising gentlemen of this city and Alexandria bave started a project to organize a stock company for the purpose of parchasing and operating the Pioneer Flouring Mill of Alexandria.
This mill, at the foot of Duke street, was built in 1855. The main building is 52 by 85 feet, four stories high, substantially built, and is in a good state of preservation, the machinery comprising twelve run of four and a half feet superior burr stones, double engine, with six boilers and attendant running gear, together with elevator and a storage capacity of 81,000 bushels. It has not been operated since the breaking out of the war, at which time it passed into the hands of the mortgagee, who resides in New York. It is now offered for sale, and can be bought for one fourth cost, and can be put into successful operation, with improved equipments, such as 18 proposed, at a comparatively small outlay. The plan proposed is to secure the subscription of a capital stock of $75,000, in shares of $100, with which to commence business, confining the operations solely to the purpose of producing the highest grade of flour, such as is now selling readily in the New York and other markets for 68 to $9.50 per barrel.
The Minnesota process will be introduced, which is claimed to be the most economical and perfect method of producing flour, preserving all the useful and nutritious portions of the wheat or as much of it as can be saved in manufacture, the loss being reduced to a minimum. A portion of the stock has already been subscribed in this city, and the prospect is very flattering for more; also, tnat capitalists of Alexandria will embark in this enterprise, which will be of great advantage to that city. A meeting was held at the Merchants' Exchange in that city last Thursday and the whole matter was discussed, all expressing confidence in the success of the enterprise. Auction Sales To-Day. By B.
H. Warner: At 6 o'clock, a neat three-story and basement brick dwelling on the south side of street, between Third and Fourth streets southeast. At 4:30 o'clock, a two-story frame house, being No. 1222 street northwest. At 5 o'clock, improved property on Thirteenth street northwest, between and streets.
By E. J. Sweet: At 5 o'clock, part of lots 18 and 19, in square No. 209. At 5:30 o'clock, desirable property on the south.
west corner of Vermont avenue and street northwest. At 6 o'clock, part of lot No. 3, in square No. 449. At 6:15 o'clock, part of lots No.
23 and 24, in equare No. 512. By J. T. Wormley: At 6 o'clock, lot numbered square numbered 841, situated on A street southeast.
By Duncanson At 10 o'clock, a lot of second-band furniture; also, carpets, matting, stoves, crockery, glassware, By Thos. Dowling: At 10 o'clock, at No. 920 Pennsylvania avenue, the large and varied assortment contained in said store. Steam Roller Accident. Yesterday afternoon, about 3 o'clock, an accident occur ed on Eleventh street east, which happily was not attended by any serious refult.
The street is now being improved by a patent pave. ment, and the beavy thirty-ton steam roller belonging to District government is being used to roll it. At the time mentioned the roller, in charge of the two men, was at work, when one of the minor belts gave way and so disarranged the machinery that an explosion followed, the shock of which threw the men from the machine to the ground, completely stunning one of them and 80- riously shocking the other. The least injured of the two, as 8000 as he recovered his senses, had courage and presence of mind enough to shut off the steam and otherwise secure the roller from and damage. As it fe, it will take several days, considerable expenditure, to make the neces.
Bary repairs. Another Suit Against the District. Suit was brought yesterday afternoon by Enoch Totten, in bebalf of the Washington and Georgetown Railroad Company, to recover from the work District and of labor Columbia done $1,618.30, with and material Interest, furnished for in the construction of the foot pavement along street The north, street to New Jersey orly nue. chargeable company to the claim District. that this work propave- Marriage Licenses.
The following marriage licenses were granted yesterday: William Oarter and Frances Lee: Nathaniel Tapley and Philena Hutchinson; Obas. Kaldenbach and Ellie Dunn; Daniel Jackson and Rachael Ann Anderson; Thomas J. Annen and Nellie V. Connor, The Unfinished -Permits to Build. Inspector Plowman issued building permits yesterday as follows: Oaptain W.
P. S. Sanger, U.S. a two-story and basement brick dwell. lag, 36.
by 40 feet, north side Prospect street, Georgetown, between Frederick and Market: $18,000. John Lyon, a two-story brick dwelling, south side between Sixteenth and Seventeenth west streets side Tenth street, between and streets northweet; $4,500. P. Doyle, a bake-house, northwest: $350. Edwin L.
Stanton, attorney for the trict, in a communication to the Commissioners, states that he bas examined the opinion of Asststant Attorney. Birney in reference to the contracts for construction of market buildings on Corcoran square, and in relation to the powers of the socalled market commission, and the papers on which that opinion is based; that he concurs with him in the conclusions that the contracts for the construction of the Seventh-street front and P. street wing of the proposed buildings on that square are not existing legal obligations binding the District, and that the so-called market commission now has no legal existence. Further, that he is of the opinion that no action ought to be taken by the Oommissioners for the erection of market buildings on that square until there have been further legislation by Congress to that end. THE K-STRET MARKET.
In another opinion, in relation to the K-street market at Twenty-first street, he states that this market was made pursuant to ensctments of the Legislative Assembly; that he Ands nothing to show that it is not a valid and subsisting agreement, excepting the third and fourth clauses of the instrument, which require the work to be begun immediately and to be completed within four monthe. The date of the instrument is August 24, 1872, so that three years have elapsed and but little work done. Whether this suspension of work and delay can be availed of as a reason for not resuming operations depends upon whether the cause of suspension and delay is the fault of the contractor or of the Board of Public Works, by whom the contract was made. if the former, then the District may fairly consider that the contract WAS abandoned by the contractor, and rescued If the latter, then the wrong of the Board of Public Works cannot be taken advantage of to defeat the claims of the contractor. It will be observed that, unlike the contract for the market buildings on square No.
446, the contract for erecting market house on square 78 was made by the late Board of Publio Works, pursuant to an act of Assembly approved August 23, 1871, all claims arising out of contracts made by the Board of Public Works must be settled by the board cf audit. So far, therefore, as the means are concerned wherewith this work shall be resumed, if it is to be resumed, the provisions of the act of Congress of June, 20, 1874, must be followed. The instrument is a contract made by the Board of Public Works as completely as though the work contemplated by it had been the paving of street. If work be resumed there should be a full understanding that the accounts are to be settled through the board of audit, and that there is to be no claim on the part of the contractor against the District of Columbia. DISTRICT NOTES, OBITUARY.
Death of Commander George Upman Morris, United States Navy. We regret to announce the death of one of the bravest officers of the American nAVy, Commander George U. Morris, of consumption, at the Alum Springs, in Virginia, on the 15th instant. He was the youngest son of the illustrious Commodore Morris, and was born at the harlestown navy yard, where his father was in command of that station forty-five years ago, and was named for his father's old friend, the gallant Colonel Upman, of Portsmouth, N. H.
Entering the navy in 1846, he served in the Gulf during the Mexican war, and was present in the actions of Taspan and Tobasco. He W88 in the Pacific from 1854, to 1857, and on the 8th of Maroh, 1862, was fist lieutenant of the Cumberland in the Hampton Roads, and temporarily in command during the absence of Captain Radford. When the Confederate Iron-clad Merrimac, commanded by Buchanan, came out of the Elizabeth river, she made a furlong onset upon the Cumberland, and was received by a vigorous and well-directed fire, which produced, unfortunately, but little effect. The Merrimac ran furiously against the Cumberland and sank her in a few minutes. She went down with a parting broadside at her enemy with her colors Aging.
Many of her off cers and crew were enabled to reach the shore, but a large number perished with the ship. Promoted to be lieutenant commander July, 1862, he commanded from 1862 to 1864 the gunboat Port Royal in the Gulf, the Shawmut in 1864-'65 in the Atlantic, and the Brooklyn in 1866. Commander Morris was twice married. His first wife, a lady of Fredericksburg, died in this city a few years ago. His second wile, a daughter of Franklin Steele, of Georgetown, is survives him.
He leaves no children. His mother still living in this city at the venerable age of eighty-three. Commander Morris was distinguished throughout his whole career as a naval officer by his rigid adherence to duty. He enjoyed to an unusual degree the respect and esteem of his brother offcers, who will regret his death in the meridian of life, as the severance of many ties of friendship and a loss to the service of which he Was AD ornament. The Anthracite Coal Trade.
There 13 a steadily increasing tonnage in the anthracite coal regions, and orders for coal continue good. The production for the week ending on the 7th instant, as footed by the Miners' Jour. nal, was 285,092 tons, and for the year 10,013,446 tons, against 11,560,261 tons to corresponding date last year, a decrease of 1,546,805 tons. The bitu. minous tonnage for the week Was 75,920 tons, and for the yesr 2,134,781 tons, making a total of all kinds for the week of 661,012, and for the year of 12,148,227 tons, against 13.415,564 tons to the same time last year, decrease of 1,267,327 tons.
The quantity of coke and coal transported over the Pennsylvania railroad for the week was 55,868 tons, and for the year 2,303,178 tons, of which 1,938,178 was coal, and 367,810 coke. This embraces all the coal carried both East and West. At Port Richmond, for the week ending the 14th instant, there were receipts of 75,000 tons of coal, shipments of 75,000 tons, leaving 55,000 tons on hand. We continue to quote freight charges to New York at 85 cents, to Providence at $1.35, and to Boston at per ton. The receipts at Perth Amboy for the week ending August 6 were 10,662 tons; total to date, 60,800 tons; shipments for same week, 10,994 tons; shipments to date, 48,481 tons; on hand, 12,359 tons.
The retail trade in this city is quite active, domestic consumers having commenced putting in their usual supply for winter use. The trade is stimulated by the steady advance in the cost of coal. It has become known that the monthly advance in prices, as agreed upon by the great carrying companies at the beginning of the year, will be strictly adhered to; hence those who want to lay in their coal at lowest prices do it at the earliest possible time in the year. The prices for the present month of August are lower than they will be in September, and lower in that month than they will be in the month of October. The last circular issued by the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company as to rates of freight and tolls is that from and after the 6th instant the allowance on lump and steamer coal for shipment from Port Richmond 18 reduced to 10 per and the allowance en the same sizes of coal by way of the canal to New York and vicinity is reduced to 15 per cent.
A revival of the iron interests and of manufactares generally is needed to make the coal trade fairly prosperous, which just at present 18 not as promising a8 could be Ledger, August 16. Base Ball. The second game between the Creighton and Rosedale took place yesterday afternoon on the Olympic grounds, and resulted in favor of the former by a score of 10 to 6, The game was hotly contested throughout, and all who attended were well repaid, as it was one of the most interesting games played in this city. The Oreightone will next Wednesday contest with the amateur champions, (the Nationale,) and this being the fourth game for the championship series, it is hoped there will be a large crowd in attendance, especially the ladies. The playing of the Oreightons was excellent, as W88 that of the Rosedales, and the game was only won by the fine batting of the former.
Among those deserving of mention are Mammie, Greason, Wall, Smart and Lewis, ot the Creightons, and Paxton, McCook, Stevens and Kane, of the Rosedales. The feature of the game was in the fifth inning, Mammie making one of the finest running foul catches ever witnessed on these grounds. It is hoped the Ureightons will endeavor to merit the confidence placed in them by their friends, as over $2,000 have been wagered on the result of the game on Wednesday with the Nationals. Appended is the score: CREIGHITON, B.O, R. ROSEDALE.
O.R.P, Birch, r. Handy, Mammie, McCook, Lenmon, 1 Paxton, Doyle, 6. 8. 08 Paige, 5. 6.
Wall, 8 20 Kane, 2 Smart, 1. Pruit, 1 Greason, p. 00 Stevens, Lewis, c. Brock, c. Whiting, 2 Riley, r.
f. 1 I 27 10 12 27 Umpire, Mr. Hough, of the Nationals. Scorers, Larner and Foy. Earned runs, Creighton 111, Rosedale 0.
AMUSEMENTS. sisters having the principal roles. The Avenue Theatre. The Theatre Comique. The patronage at the Comique last night was very large.
The programme for the week includes a female minstrel scene, with Kitty Allyne and Mollie Wilson in songs. A song and dance by La Pauline and the Fisher's Hornpipe by Lestie Carle follows. Then comes Jake Budd'8 new sketch, entitled Lucky Number," the serio-comic songs of Mollie Wilson, Frankie Christie's Fanchon shadow dance, the sketch of the "Two Roses," by the accomplished Waite sisters, grand variation dance by Antoinette Kurts, ballads by George W. Harley, Hungarian dance by Cammars and Zoerner, and concluding with burlesque of "Ixion" and the Shoo Fly bailet. The burlesque was well performed, the The double trapeze act of Nellie and Walls Leonard, the tight-rope slide for life by Prince Leo, and the act in the aerial rings by the same performers, are new and good.
It is seldom a 1e- male so graceful in this business makes her pearance. Mile. Albertassa sang several songs very acceptably. The sketches of the Two Urphans and the Hospital, Sheffer and Nelson doing the principal work in esob, are good; snd Uora Oushman and Fannie Florence, in their songs and dances, won encores. The talent of the company appeare in a concluding piece called "Keno." Equity Court -Judge Wylie.
This court made the following orders yesterday: Kelly vs. Doherty. Order for injunction to restrain defendant from receiving or indoraing any draft on the United States Treasury for the work of furnishing headstones to the graves in the mil. Rary cemetery at Fredericksburg, Va. Stanton, receiver, Vs.
Martin et al. 9 Order granting leave for dissolution on notice to defendant. Fitzhugh vs. Potomac Steambost Company. Order denying injunction.
The United States v8. Uharles Stevenson. Order fixing bail at $2,500. Adjourned. Scotland's Pastimes.
The third annual picnic and games of the Cale. donian Olab will be held at Boyer's park, Sev. enth street, Wednesday, August 18 Instant. Tickets can be had of the members af the club and at the gate: THE CAMP-MEETING. TWELFTH DAY AT GAITHERSBURG AN INDIGNATION MEETING OP TENTERS THEIR EXCITEMENT 000L8 DOWN REGULAR RELIGIOUS PROCEEDINGS Sermon by Rev.
Davis, Elk Ridge-The Holiness Meeting vice for the Children he 4 losing Hours of the CampSpirited to ners- The Penitential Altar Presented Them Prayer and tion. TWELFTH DAY AT GAITHERSBURG. Sabbath is over, and Its crowd of visitors has returned to mingle again in the avocations of life which demand daily attention. But a few remain this morning, and preparations are being made by some to leave. The grove is damp this morning, as it rained from 10 o'clock last night to well nigh breakfast time.
The rain interrupted the prayer-meeting exercises, whieh followed the sermon last night, and the congregation adjourned to the Fifth-avenne tent, where the altar work was kept up until the hour for retiring. During the exercises nine persons presented themselves for prayers, and five of these were converted. The holiness meeting at 6 o'clock this morning was what might be properly termed, in religious phraseology, A BLESSED MESTING. It was well attended; the great tent was fall, and this Itself gave an inspiration and impetus to the devotions, which soon enveloped all present. Rev.
William Burris, who conducted it, was fall of the spirit of his Master, and the entire occasion was one which those in attendance participated in with pleasure. The trains which arrived this morning brought a goodly number of persons to the camp to spend the last day. Notwithstanding the announcement made by Rev. B. P.
Brown to the multitude here on yesterday, that it was not yet definitely determined whether the meeting shouldelose on Tuesday or Wednesday, the officers of the association and the clergy have informed your correspondent that there has been no proposition by the association or the tent-holders to continue the meeting beyond Tuesday, and that the announcement was made as a kind of sharp practice to keep off the promiscuous crowd that throngs camp meeting on its last night. It is doubtful whether God winks at such proceedings, and it is equally certain that when it is known in the adjacent county it will not enhance the popularity of succeeding camp meetings. INDIGNATION AGAINST A NEWSPAPER. At 8 o'clock this morning a special meeting of the tent-holders was beld at the stand in the open grove, pursuant to a call announced at service last night. Many did not know the object until they attended it.
Dr. Howard, the popular prestdent of the association, nominated the presiding elder as chairman of the meeting, and he presided. Mr. John T. Mitchell stated the object of the meeting to be that the tent- holders might express their loud and unmeasured condemnation" of the publication by a certain morning newspaper in Washington of articles regarding the camp meeting "which no respectable paper would allow in its He did not class this journal with any other ever published in Washington, a8 be deemed it unfit for such comparison.
He deemed it the duty of those camped here to "depounce the writer in unmeasured terms." He moved that a committee of three be appointed to prepare resolutions expressive of the indignation. Matthew G. Emery moved a second. Solomon, wise man, (J. Fague,) counseled moderation, and thought this a most injudicioas method of caring the evil.
It would simply spread It infinitely more. The motion was put and adopted by a vote of 29 to 23. The presiding elder essayed to appoint the committee, but, after passing the name of John T. Mitchell, who was appointed, NO ONE WOULD SERVE. He named "Brother Tasker," of Metropolitan, who declined.
Thomas Summerville was then named and refused. B. H. Stinemetz was nominated, but refused to serve, expressing the opinion that the entire proceedings were injudicious. John T.
Mitchell then read the objectionable portions of the correspondence to the meeting. Matthew G. Emery thought the "more you attempt to stir the matter the worse it will Rev. Richard Norris, to whom one of the letters was devoted, burlesquing him as a spiritual auotioneer, said the matter had not rufiled his feelings. He had heard it read, and only prayed for the writer.
He thought, from the detailed notice, fellow must have spiritually He only "prayed for riter," and wished he could bring him into kingdom and grace of God. Rev. B. Peyton: Brown, whom and John T. Mitchell the call for the neating had originated, and who bad the resolutons all in shape, spoke against the articles which had been puDlished.
Mr. Mitchell moved that the meting adjourn; which motion was unanimously adopted. The parties then dispersed. RETURN TO DEVOTIONS At the conclusion of the indigratien meeting the bell tapped the assembiing Ar prayer and experience. Rev.
W. H. Laney, of Fletcher chapel, conducted the exercises. Joan Sailor, of Baltimore, an old-time Methodist singer and shouter, was present and led in singing a number of spiritual choruses. The meeting grew in interest and enthusiasm with the moments, and was pronounced by several who attended fu one of the most enjoyable meetings of the entire encampment.
The expressions of experience Were unrestrained and full of truth. At 10:30 o'clock Rev. James N. Davis, of Elk Ridge Landing, preached from the 560 Psalm, 5th verse: "Gather thy saints togetber unto me those that have made a covenant with me ay sarifice." He preached with much of earnestness, and the sermon was highly appreciated and well spoken of by numbers of the audience. The closing exercises were conducted by Rev.
Basil Barry, one of the oldest living preachers of the Baltimore conference. At 2 o'clock the children' meeting was held in the Fifth-avenue tent. The attendance of stele ones was not so large as previously. Some Dave gone home and others are making preparations to go. The attendance of adults was unusually large.
The singing was spirited and the exercises proved of interest. Mrs. L. Dean addreased the meeting. At the same hour a ladies' meeting was held in the Broadway tent, conducted by Mrs.
Linville. A Bible reading by the Young Men's Obristian Association representatives was held at 2 o'clock in the tent of E. F. Simpson, on Second avenue. PROCRASTINATION AND DUTY.
At 3 o'clock an audience of six hundred persons assembled in the grove to hear Rev. W. I. MoKenney, of Mount Zion church, preach. He is a young man of ability and promise, and was booked to preach on Sunday night, but courteously made place for visiting clergy.
He 18 new man 1a Washington district, and this was the first occa. sion on which 8 general representation of the churches has had an opportunity to hear him. He announced as his text: John, thou doest do quickly." These words were spoken by Christ to Judas Iscariot. The consciousness of his betrayal by one of his friends was one of the bitterest elements which entered the cup which Obrist drank. What these words mean, God only knows, but they are fraught with useful lessons which he proposed now to notice.
Human energies can 1l afford to slumber in this sin-cursed world. The volce of the Master, "Go work in my vineyard," sounds in one's ears, and a thousand energies stir the soul to work. You need only gaze upon the busy, active world to convince you that the world is NO PLACE TO SLUMBER. Simultaneously with awakening comes resolves, to let men feel that we are not dead, that the energy to shake the world 13 within us, and being brought to bear on the activities of life. But just here enters a dangerous and destructive enemy that has gone blighting, blasting and mildewing everything he touches, That enemy is the disposition to put off till to-morrow what should be done to-day.
All have felt the power of this dreadful enemy, making us postpone known and pressing duties. These undone duties lie thick around us. Among no class of persons does this enemy make such fearful havoc. as among those who have not yet repented of sin and been forgiven. Feeling the consciousness of duty they have been frequently alarmed, then said to God's spirit go till some more convenient day.
Ah! there is an echo from the tomb saying, "that thou doest, do There are MADy incentives to immediate action -the fact that opportunity once gone returns no more. God will call us to account for our opportunities. God never gives us two opportunities for the performance of one task. These negleoted opportunities form barriers in front of one which will soor. be mountain high and insurmountable.
God will call for an account from each of us for the opportunities of this camp-meeting. We go not back to repair any breaches made on the pathway. By delay we are lessening the possibilities that are beyond us. Had man measured up to his possibilities God only knows how nearly bis image we might have attained. But the end, the eterday, will come to all; the last page of life's book shall be written, and the BOOR SHALL BE CLOSED.
Many of you are only on the threshold of life. You are expecting much of the future: you think of death as away in the dim distance; be not deceived: "that thou doest do It may be that the messenger has already left the throne of God to require an account of thy stewardship. In a few hours these tents shall be struck, and this series of meetings closed; all will return to the avocations of life. There 18 no time to lose now; death is upon your track. We have bad during the meeting painful evidence of the brit.
tieness of the thread of life. Will you longer sport on the brink of eternity? Urgent appeals have been made to you. You have this last message from me. We have warned you. Prepare to meet thy God.
That thou doest do quickly. The penitential altar was then presented by Mr. McKenney, G. W. Hobbs and J.
R. Wheeler, but without any avail. No persons presented themselves for prayers. At 6 o'clock- the usual' tent services were held. The attendance as night draws on is increasing.
Many are arriving from the surrounding coun try, and the evening trains brought up a large number. Near fifteen hundred persons are on the to-night. Rev. Wilford Downs, of Baltimore, preached at 7:30 p.m. Camp closes Tnesday morning.
John Manning, advertising agent, New York, has given up the plan of conducting an independent agency, and his business will hereafter be done through the house of Messrs. George P. Rowell 0o. Mr. Manning has valtable qualities tion in everything that appertains to the preparaand printing of advertisements.
He has education, taste, and a varied experience In special Beld of activity. The new will ensble him to give even more care to the department in which De bas special excellence, while the thorough system of ordering, watching and checking Dess with advertisements, which and the marvelous prompt. they invariably meet every pecuniary obligation, cause publishers to welcome every change which enlarges the amount of busi168S coming through the house of George P. Rowell 0o. GEORGIANS IN VIRGINIA.
Reunion of the Third Georgia Regiment on its First Camping in Virginia Virginia Hospitality Extended in the "Era of Good Feeling." PORTSMOUTH, August 4, 1875. To the Editor of the National Republican: SIR: On yesterday evening our city presented one of those scenes which so fully demonstrate the attachment of our citizens to the "old regime." The veterans of the Third Georgia Confederate State soldiers arrived at Portsmouth to have their GRAND ANNUAL REVIEW on the site of their first camping ground In 1861. Long before the arrival of the Southern train the principal throughfare (High street) was crowded with men, women and children, and 85 the locomotive's whistle announced the approach to the city, the guns of the Chambers' Fire Company (a political organisation) commenced to thunder forth a salute of welcome. The streets were decorated with various flags and devices, and the Confederate "stars and bars" appeared in loving proximity to the national flag, the Star-spangled Banner. As the excursion train moved slowly into the town and through High street, the most uous objects presented to view were two of the Georgia veterans on top of the carrying of the tattered and torn, shot-riddled battle-flag the regiment, A RED SQUARE WITH CROSS AND STARS, and the other waving a beautiful new Georgia State flag.
They were greeted with cheer after cheer, and I doubt if that flag received a heartier welcome in 1861 than it did yesterday. Its appearance created an enthusiasm which is a fair mentary upon the attempt made in Congress and some of the States to remove all battle-flags from national armories and erase the names of battles from regimental flags. The Georgia veterans were received with speeches of welcome from A. S. Watts, J.
John H. Gayle, C. W. Murdaugh and D. Godwin, These speeches moderate were all short, conservative well-studied in their and prepared, and tone, and will read very well.
They were replied to by several Georgians, in mutual admiration strains, and eulogies OF PROMINENT SOUTHERN SOLDIERS and statesmen, after which they adjourned to the refreshment hall where a collation with refreshments (solid and fluid) was spread in profasion. To- morrow the veterans visit Oid Point and the capes in the steamer George Leary, and next day visit Petersburg, via Atlantic, Missis sippi and Ohio railroad. Complete arrange. ments have been made for their entertainment during the whole week, and I learn that the com. mandant at the navy yard ordered the band out to lend their assistance in making music for the occasson.
and the "Bonnie Blue Flag," with "My Maryland" by way of variation, were the favorite tunes performed. The post band was also ordered out to play at the funeral of Confederate General Pickett. The Marines were also ordered out, but a rain-storm prevented their attendance. The people may think this de all right-and it may be -but 1f 80, why not at once restore the. Confederate officers to their positions in the United States army and naVy, and provide pensions for their dis.
Sled soldiere? Let us have no half-way ackno.y!edgmente. 1 should not trouble your readers with an count of this Confederate reunion but for fact that every reunion of the National soldiers, every eulogy of a National officer has been denounced by the Democratic press 88 An effort to keep alive the animosities of the war, and every publication of THE VIRTUES OF GENERALS GRANT, Sherman, Logan or other Federal generals is treated by the Democratic press as an insult offered to our brethren of the late Confederate States, and I thought as Confederate reunions hare become so common throughout the South, with Herald correspondents prepared to make all Southern Union men appear as scoundrels for the cheap reward of a band-shake from a rebel general or captain, or an invitation 'to the vestibule of a Southern gentleman's residence, I would ask if there is no significance in these Uonfederate reunione? Don't they keep the people separate and apari? The colored people can't in them, and if a Union man attempts it he finds himself branded as a traitor, and is forced by his self-respect to retire. Take all the gatherings which have been had in the whole South since the war, or take those in the last twelve months, and you will find the only onces which ENCOURAGE THE COLOR LINE and separation of the people are Democratic meetings and Confederate reunions. I hope the Democratic and Ultramontane newspapers will go with mo so far as to admit that while it may be bad policy to encourage the keeping alive the memories of the War, or the eulogizing constantly of those who made a reputation by their connection with the army, nevertheless successful Federal generals are as worthy of consideration as defeated Confederates, and that there 1s no more harm in a reunion of blue-jackets under the Stars and Stripes than in the same sort of gathering cf gray-Jackets under a State flag and the Vonfederate ensign. God knows I have no bitter feelings, but Ithink It is time to cease reminding the country that all the virtue of the nation 18 possessed by those who rebelled against the national authority.
H. A Western Letter." CLEVELEND, OHIO, August 9, 1875. To the Editor of the National Republican: SIR: I left your city on the 20th ultimo for the triple purpose of businese, recrestion and physical restoration, upon the south shore of Lake Superior. The brat 1 did, the second I enjoyed, and the third I obtained. There is no medicine that so naturally and so magically, also, restores exhausted physical energies as the air of that Lake Superior.
One, wrapped in his winter under. wear and overwear, basks in the strongest sun heat as enjoyably there as a terrapin does on the banks of the Potomao. About every other morning fires in the hotels and business places are kindled. One morning before sunrise the mercury stood at Bitty degrees. Often an overcoat in the evening is desirable.
Languor in human limbs is outlawed at once in that Lake Superior atmosphere. Until I stopped to think about it, a few days ago, I regarded copper as king at Lake Superior. But it len't. Wby, iron, ordinarily in the pig, brings more money per ton than copper in the ingot. And Lake Superior iron is unsurpassed in quality.
Marquette is the local centre of the iron business in that region, and it is 8 bandsome town -is the largest and the finest on that great fresh water sea. Houghton, ninety miles west of Marquette, is the commercial centre of the copper mining intereste, is a fine and a business -town, but does not compare with the iron town. POLITICS IN OHIO. But a brief notice of the political situation in this State is the special purpose of this letter. The canvass is noticeably lively in the journals in the State, and it is in none more so than in those of this city.
The "old," but active, Cleveland Herald gives sturdy, telling blows from day to day for the party that saved the country in its most trying hour. Bat, as lively as the papers are, an outsider-a citizen of another State- -does not get from them an earnest, clear and un. questionable view of the coming October event as he can people. There is no publicoutburst of excitement, but in their quiet moods there is more of earnest purpose and confident trust in a triumph next fall among Republican people now than I have ever before seen in any canvass. The party in this State is sa bold as ever.
It has, in its Legislature last winter, shown the people precisely what is to be expected from It. When a party unscrupulously strikes at the fair, just, strikes at the great body of the people, and I benign and wholly unsectarian sebool law it think that they will say something about it this fall. They say, at least individually-as I have talked with -that they will. The "hard times," which had no political origin, is lugged into the canvass to bolog, if possible, the people with. It is useless to assert that a contraction of the currency brought about these times.
The minimum in the circulation was reached under McCulloch, I think, in 1867. The volume remained there for a time, when it was gradually Increased, reaching considerable incremeat before the partial business paralysis struck the country in the fall of 1873. So it was not a scarcity of- greenbacks that brought hard times; it was unsound business transactions and speculation. We are still laboring under business despondency and depression, and the cause now is the fact that the country has been over producing in almost everything. If the country should be saddled, after the next Presidential election, with the Democratic revenue tariff our over production in agricultural products will be still more than now, and the "times" still more oppressive.
L. S. A. On Northern Waters. MARQUETTE, July 31, 1875.
To the Editor of the National Republican: SIR: I left you at Detour, the outlet of St. Mary's river. I was aroused from such a sleep as seldom 1f ever refreshes any one in the last days of July in Washington, at 5 o'clock on the morning of the 20th, and hastily donning my heavy clothing went to the bow of the steamer only to retreat to my state-room for my overcoat. Whew! what a stiff, cold wind. Thermometer down to fifty, and with a droopy Think of that; ye who are sweltering away your precious existence, packed like sardines in so-called watering places of the East.
Once more I sought the bow, and instead of the broad expanse of water through which we sailed the previous day, great masses of rock bugged the narrow, swift channel on either band, and the orders of our worthy coptain, who closely scan ad the advance from the top of the pilot- house, came thick and fast, "STARBOARD HARD," "Hold her steady." "Now larboard a point," "There," We stopped for a few minutes at a place called Sallors' Encampment, where the Immense tugs and barges, with their tows, often consisting of four or five large schooners, remain over night in stormy weather. A few miles fur. ther and wo pass Anebish island, on the south, and Round island, on the Canada side; both consisting of interspersed rock, ravine and marsh. Upon these islanda we saw the primitive residences of Mr. Lo.
In fact, they are only inhab. Ited by the Indian and the mosquito; the latter being largely in the majority. There 18 no vegetation save scrubby pines that draw scant existence from the little soil caught from wind and tide. by the crevices in the rocks; a few raspberry bushes and swamp weeds. You could no more coax a stalk of corn or a potato to mature there than in you could cultivate considera tion for a claimant the bresst of an accounting officer ofthe United States.
The Indians subalat on the fish and the mosquitoes subsist on the Indians. To understand how there is enough Indian for SO MUCH MUSQUITO you must see Mr. Lo stow away five-pound trout at a meal. He makes full allowance for mosquito wastage. Even on these lone barren isles he enjoys the sweets of life, when attainable, eating st least balf a pound of sugar at each of these meals a day.
When we come to utilize our red botherations, 88 we did our sable troubles during the late war, our department will make a run on the cod and mackerel market that will set Seth Green crazy. Here we are in Lake George, and passing Sugar Island on the south, so called because they do not raise ADy of the article on 1t. You conid not find ground enough for a rutabaga to nourish a single root. Do not imagine, however, that other beats wont flourish there. Count the inhabitants; they are all beats of the dead species, who consume but do not make 1 sugar.
Now we sall from north to northwest. THROUGH LITTLE LAKE GEORGE, passing Oburchill's landing, where the proprietor, after whom it is named, prepares for market raspberry and strawberry jam by the ton. Ohurchill has a pretty residence on the beach, and I CAD vouch for his productions as jam up, to use Keystone provincialism. Our steamer taxes another turn in the tortuona channel to es. cape a jam on the rocks, and we bead due south.
While at breakfast we reach St. Maire, and disembark wrapped in all the parapheraalia 01 mid winter in Washingten. Here I leave the good steamer St. Paul and her genial, experienced and gallant captain, who Albert Stewart, to whom I commend any one may follow me in my wanderings. Still as ever yours, and A.
D. RIFT. HE PRESSED MATTERS. His Business was to Sell, and He Attended to Business. He was a little man, and he swore by all that from tuence to a beer booth.
AN IRISH LOVE SUIT. High Life in County Cork-A Lady Sues Her Second Love--He Prefers Tiger-Shooting to for Katie. was good and true that he would never purchase a book from an agent 60 long as he might live. But circumstances alter cases, and the next day a stranger, large, burly, bluff, entered the little man's office, and, bowing strongly, said, "Good morning, sir: I've got out of here, nOW; get right stong," abrieked the little man, he glanced hastily about for something of sufficient bulk to drive a man into the floor with. "You must be calm, sir, for I am about to show tell me to be calm, you drel you! Why, what do you mesa?" sod the little man jerked up his coat-sleeves and spat on his hands.
"Yes, I want you to be calm, My name is Bootes, and I'm a book- -put that cane, down, sir." "What! Insulted in my own house? Why, 1 won't stand it; 1'11" "Hold, my Christian friend. I'm Nathan's murderer, and if you don't drop that cane and listen to what I am stout to say I may kill you. I haven't destroyed anybody yet this week, and this morning is the first time that I have felt inelined to. The regular price of this marvelous book is five dollars, but owing to the fact that it has been badly soiled you can have it for four seventy-five; and right here I feel it my duty to remark that I have the skeletons of seventeen men who refused to take it at that price. If you hadn't put the cane down 1 should have charged you ten for the book, and would have taken the cane away from you besides." "Take chair, Mr.
Bootes, take a chair; but really the times are too hard, Here he looked anxiously out of the window for a policeman. "I might further add," said the stranger, "that I kidnapped young Ross, sud am well acquainted with the James brothers. The fact is, 1 feed on crime, and give the revenues of this book business to my pious mother. My right band does things so quick sometimes that my left hand can't see them. I- "Indeed, Captain Bootes, perhaps you'd take a drink?" "I never let pleasure interfere with business, and neither do 1 kill a buyer for paying me more than I ask.
I do, however, often maim and gle them for hesitating. Of course, you can give me any price you choose above four seventy-five. I make it a point not to injure my customers for such things, but don't offer me less than four sev. enty-five unless you want to be an angel. "You are very tair, Colonel Bootes, and if you should call in this afternoon you don't understand my system, sir.
There are certain periods of the day when I kill, and it might be well for you to know that it will soon be a business hour with "1 wouldn't detain you, General Bootes, for anything in the world. Here is your money. If you've got time, I wish you would drop in OD Squire Barnes. He is a great talker, and would enjoy your conversation very much. He weighs two hundred and seventy-tive pounds." And the stranger stole quietly out of the little man's presence into the sunlight of noonday, and the Liverpool Daily A breach of promise case, which, from the extreme beauty of the young lady, the position of her family, and the admitted wealth of her faithless suitor, bas been looked forward to with general interest in Ireland, has been tried before Judge Keogh, at the Cork Assizes.
It was well known that with the consent of her father, and that of her then suitor, the lady had been engaged to a son of Sir- John Arnott, the most enterprising capitalist in the sister country. It was rumored, too, that the cause of the second suitor's faithlessness was his discovery that the lady had gone back to her old love before she was off with the new, but to this the lady's counsel gave the most emphatic contradiction. The fair claimant is the second daughter of Colonel Graves, a member of a respected Kerry family. The defendant is Mr. Jonas Oliver Morris, who belongs to one of the oldest and most esteemed familles in Galway.
Colonel Graves was colonel of the Eighteenth Royal Irish, and bad served with high distinction in India and China, while bis son, volunteering for the Ashantee war, was frequently mentioned with honor in the dispatches of Sir Garnet Wolseley. The evaporated bridegroom is the grandson of Mr. Sylmer Oliver, through whom he is heir to eight thousand pounds a year. On recently becoming of age, and liberated from the control of the Court of Chancery, be had fifteen thousand pounds in his pocket, with eight thousand pounds a year. A strong friendship existed for many years between Sir John Arnott and Col.
Graves, and young Mr. Arnott was naturally thrown much into the society of Miss Graves. They were both young, about eighteen years of age, both hand. some and both spirited. The usual consequences followed.
"Katie, will never marry any one but you," said the gentleman. We do not KnOW what reply the fair lady gave, but the intimacy continued after that avowal, and at last Col. Graves and Sir John Arnott held a conference on the subject. Sir John bad no objection to the union. He merely said that the pair were as yet too young, and, entertaining a strong opinion of the example set by the Duke of Argyil, he wished his son to be fairly launched as a merchant before he brought home a young and very charming wife.
Many months after this the lady felt that what she supposed was passionate love was only a childish fancy. The close intimacy ceased, but the lady's counsel bore the strongest possible testimony to the honor and highmindedness of Sir John Arnott and his son. In 1874 Mr. Morris was introduced to Miss Graves by a gentleman who had married the lady's elder sister, and who lived at Lota, near Glanmire, one of the most delightfal and loveinspiring places in the beautifal county of Cork." The weather was warm, the scenery romantic, the place full of lovers' walks and glimpges of the sea. Morris at once became a willing captive.
His friends approved of the match, and wished him all her happiness. He wanted her to go up to Dublin with father and be married by special license. The lady wished that her nuptials abould be celebrated in her own parish with same degree of splendor. In August-very soon after the proposition about the license Mr. Morris went to Scotland to reboot grouse.
He writes to my own darling;" and incloses heaps of "love and kisses." She is always "his own dar. ling;" he gives her an engagement ring, tells her that his uncle is very jolly, and that she will find him 80. But a change came over bim. The marriage was fixed for the 10th of October, but on the 2d be wrote to defer the ceremony to January, a very cold month. His mother wished to be present, he said, and could not go over to Ireland until then.
The young lady replied, bat receired Do 00 u- nication from the lover until the 28th of Ostober. He styles her then My dearest Katie," bat tells her be is mad to kill some big game, and there 18 nothing be would like so much 88 a trip abroad." He wished to kill a few wild elephants or a man-eating tiger or two, or to bring home the horns and skins of a herd of buffaloes. He coneludes his epistle thus: "I think it would be much better for us to put it off for another year, that I might have a rare good lark before settling down, as I feel very unsettled and restless at present." In his next epistle be aaks her what she thinks about holding the marriage over for a year or two. She asks what all that means; he answerg that "he feels pow too truly that when he unfortunately entered into an engagement he did 80 under the mistaken feeling that his love would last," and then taunts the lady thus: "Remember that others change their minds, too, and after years' engagement with Arnott you gave him up, and you only know me since June last!" This was intolerable. Col.
Graves waited upon him to know his intention respecting his daughter. The lady's brother told him that as be also had fanoy for killing big game he would accommodate him, and await his presence at Calais or Boulogne." This smelt of gunpowder: the recreant lover -fled. He could not be found to be served with a subpcena. He is, perhaps, in the far West booting turkey buzzarde. Miss Graves has been repaid in her own coin.
Every one in Cork knew that she was engaged to be married to young Arnott, and also that sho threw him over. The jury at Cork gave Miss Graves a verdict of £4,000, which is some little consolation, but no compensation for a severe disappoiniment and the loss of £11,000 a year. A RELIGIOUS HEN. The Hen taat went to Church and did her Duty, and what Came of her Talking about it. Quite a disturbance occurred in a Western church, a few Sundays since, the circumstances of which are as follows: Rev.
Mr. Moody was just beginning his sermon, and had uttered the words, "Brethren, I wish to direct your attention this morning to the fourth verse of the twentieth chapter of St. when a hen emerged from the recess beneath the pulpit. As she had just laid an egg, she interrupted Mr. Moody Anpounce the fact to the congregation: and he stopped as she walked into the aisle screeching, kuk kuk-to-ko! Kuk kuk kuk kuk-to-ko The minister contemplated her for a moment, and then concluded to go on.
But the sound of his voice seemed to provoke her to rivalry, and so she put on five or six pounds of steam to the square inch, and made such a racket that the preacher stopped again and said: Deacon Grimes please remove that dis. graceful chicken from the The deacon rose and proceeded with the task. He first tried to drive her toward tha door, but she dodged him, and, still cackling vigoreusly, got under the seat in the front pew. Then the deacon seis ed bis umbrella and scooped her out. into the stale again, after which he tried to "shoo" her toward the door, but abe darted into a pow, hopped over the partition, came down in the opposite the pew and in the side aisle, and then flew over into middle aisle again, making a noise like a steam planing-mill.
The deacon did not like to climb over after her, so he went round, and just as he got into the side aisle the hen few over into the middle atale again. Then the boys In the gallery laughed, and the deacon began to grOW red in the face. At last Mr. Binns came out of his pew to help, and both he and the deacon made a dash at the chicken from opposite directions. Then she dew up, with a wild cluck, to the gallery and perched on the edge, while she zave excited expression to her views by emitting about five hundred cackles minute.
The deacon flung hymn book at her to scare her down again, but be missed her and hit Bill Jones, Sunday-school scholar, in the eye. Then another boy in the gallery made dash st her, and reached so far over that he fell on Mrs. Miskey's bonnet, whereupon abe said he was predestined for the gallows. The erash scared the hen, and she flew over and roosted on the stove-pipe that ran along just under the ceiling, tairly bowling with fright. In order to bring her down, the deacon and Mr.
Binne both best on the lower part of the pipe with their umbrellas, and about forty feet of it came down with a crash, emptying alozg4 1 807 ajbarrel of soot over the congregation. There were women in that congregation who weat home looking as if they bad been working in a coal mine, and wishing they could stab Deacon Grimes without being hanged for murder. The hen came down with the stove- and as she few by Mr. Binns he made a dash at her with his umbrella, and knocked a hole through a fifteendollar pane of glass, whereupon she landed in the street and hopped off clacking insanely. Mr.
Moody the congregation. They are going to expel the owner of that hen from the church -when they discover his Adeler. ALL SORTS. A Preebyterian minister, while marrying couple of his rustio parishioners, felt exseedingly disconcerted on his aaking the bridegroom if be was willing to take the woman for his wedded wife, by his scratching his head and saying, "Ay, I'm wallin'; but I'd rather hae her sister." The heart of the murderer Wilson, who tried to kill himself just before the time for his tion, several years ago, is kept in alcohol by a Hartford physician. The wire still sticks into it, as driven in by Wilson, and to carried to the gallows, the wound falling to cause death.
The Brighton Aquarium received whale nearly ten feet long, which was caught some distance off on the Sussex coast. It was apparently uninjared, but it only examination survived twenty-four hours. A. post mortem was made, and it was found to have died of congestion of the lungs. The other day at Vicksburg a small colored boy fell into the river and; was rescued in a halfdrowned condition.
He could have easily been pulled out by negro flouting along in a skiff, and when some one swore at the darkey for his lethargy, he replied, "Dis yere is my paper collar, and de boy was kicking water like an alligator The laboratory of the Harvard medical school 18 poorly ventilated. A physician whose son's health was impaired there says: "I would no more send a son of mine to Harvard medical school, in its present location, with its facilities of giving instruction, than I would send him to a pest house of yellow fever to teach him the best mode of treatment of the disease." A photographer in San Francisco made a likeness for a man who refused to take the picture, claiming that it did not correctly represent him. He thought it made him uglier than the reality. The maker sued to recover the pay, and in the trial the picture was put in evidence and shown to the jury. The jury, by their verdiet, decided that the defendant was as ugly as the photograph.
A woman was in a New Orleans prison, accused of participation in a robbery. One day she received notice from her confederates in the crime that the expense of her defense would be deducted from her share of the spoils. That angered her, and while resentful she confessed her guilt and gave the names of her partners, who were thereupon arrested, and all the stolen things recovered. OITY ITEMS. BRAY 174 Center Market and 109 N.
L. Market. 810 TO $1,000 invested in Stocks and Gold pays 200 per cent. 1 month. Send fer particulars.
Tumbridge Bankers, 3 Wall street, New York BE WISE TO DAY. 'Tis madness to neglect a cough, however slight. Consumption may follow, and though Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry has frequently cured this much-dreaded disease, it almost invariably cures the primary diseases of the throat, lungs and chest. Fifty cents and $1 a bottle; large bottles much the cheaper.
BUTTER DEMORALIZED I Best Virginia roll only 30 cents per pound; choicest Frederick County Creamery roll only 35 cents per pound, at THURSTON'S IVORY PRARL TOOTH POWDER used daily will keep the teeth clean, white and sound, the gums a healthy and the breath sweet, Twenty-five and fifty cents per bottle. will JOUVEN'S renovate INODOROUS soiled gloves KID-GLOVE thoroughly A sad quickly. Twenty-five cents per bottle. THOMPSON'S POMADE OPTIME 18 equal to the best French, and but half the price. Twenty-Ave and fifty cents per bottle.
WELLE' STRENGTHENING PLASTERS are atta very best. All sold by druggists. INTERIOR ADORNMENTS NO. 4391 PAPER (N0. 439 Seventh Seventh Street.
su9-1m PAINTING. CT. BOWEN. HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER AND GLAZIER, Louisian a avenue, bet. Sixth and Seventh st Tobbing promptly attended INSURANCE.
GERMANIA FIRE COMPANY. INSURANCE Of New York. Assets July 1, 1875, $1,509,564.64. We desire to notify our patrons that our former agent, Mr. E.
L. Schmidt, has resigned, and that we have appointed Mr. 1 B. F. STEIGER, No.
511 Seventh street northwest, our Bole Agent for the District of Columbis. Mr. Steiger will give due attention to all renewals of current Policies and entertain all proposals for new Insurance. RUDOLPH GARRIGUE, President. HUGO SCHUMANN, Secretary.
B. F. STEIGER, Agent, No, 511 Seventh street northwest. Washington, D. C.
JOHN President. HALSTEAD, General Managers. $100,000 00 ASSETS, JULY 31, 1875. 105, 639 89 BRITISH AMERICA ASSURANCE CO. OF TORONTO, CANADA.
8719,089.09. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY OF TORONTO, CANADA. 81,874,132.05. auto-tr HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES! Water Filters, Water Filteri, Table Outlery, Refrigerators, Plated Ware, Water Coolers, Wooden Ware Clothes Wringers, Tim Ware, Fluting Machines, GEO. WATTS 00., 14 Seventh near Pens.
JACQUES JOUVENAL'S MARBLE WORKS No, 941 Street, near Lewis son Bank. AI MONUMENTS en hand sold at a great reduce tion. All new orders made by designs of the latest styles. The best workmanship and bees ITALIAN MARBLE guarantee AMUSEMENTS. SCOTTISH connection GAMES, the August Games, 18th Inst.
with will John T. loner, of Fall River, perform his terride feat of jumping 150 barrels in 150 consecutive Games open to all. THEATRE MONDAY. AUGUST 16, EVERY NIGHT, AND WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY MATINEES. Production this week of the laughable local verston of the burlesque, in one act, called IXION, or, the Man at the Wheel.
Performance will commence with the popular Female Minstrels, and conclude with the Waite Sisters and full company in the great burlesque of IXION, introducing for the first time in this city the celebrated 8800-FLY BALLET. su16 OLD ON EXHIBITION No; Sale 439 7TH S1 AT ST. Seventh street, above Odd petween Fellows and streets doors Hall. Paintings, Engravings, Chromos, largest stock of Paperhangings, Window Pictures, Frames, Picture Cords and seis, Rings, Nails, the District, Please remember name and number. EXCURSIONS.
SECOND GRAND TEE CAPES. EXCURSION TO 01 SATURDAY, the 21st Instant, the new and magnificent steamer, Lady of the Lake will make a grand excursion to Piney Point, Point her Lookout, wharf, foot Fortress of Monroe, Vue de l'Eau, leaving Sixth street, at 8:30 p. stop ping at Fortress Monroe to afford passengers an est, opportunity and then to see proceeding the to numerous Vue de points or interfor dinner. At 3.0 o'clock the steamer will leave Vue de 1'Eau, Henry and and pass out by the Hip Raps towards Cape Cape Charles, affording the excursionlets a magnificent view of the ocean. Returning the boat will reach Washington about 6 crock Monday morning.
Tickets for this Kound 84 00 Meals and staterooms extra, For tickets, state rooms, or information, apply at the Company's Ottice, National Metropolitan Bank. aul7-5t FOR MONTEREY BLUE RIDGE SUMMIT AND SPRINGS. Seven hours in the Mountains. Scenery unsurpassed. A view of Get tysburg battle-feld and Waynesboro', 5 miles in the distance.
A grand excursion will leave more and Potomac depot at 6 a.m. August 18. for Blue Ridge Summit and Monterey Springs, Western Mar, land railroad; returning same evening. brass band has been engaged. Refreshments on the grounds.
Dinner tickets, 75 centa; for sale on the cars. Fare, round trip, only (2; children half price. Tickets at Ellis' music store, Ebbitt house drug store, Thompson's drug store, Fifteenth street, opposite Treasury: B. Salomon, 734 Seventh street: Brad. Adams', the Pennsyivania offices, Thirteenth street and the Avenue, Sixth street and the Avenue, and the Baltimore and Potomac depot.
EMERIAL CHUR EXCURSIONS. FORTY MILES DOWN THE ON THE ELEGANT IRON STEAMER PILOT EVERY MONDAY EVENING. The boat will leave Sixth-stre et wharf at 5 o'clock p. and return promptly at 11 o'clock. No llquors on the boat.
Tickets, admitting gentleman and lady, gentleman's ticket. 75 cente: lady's ticket, 50 cents. For sale at the Holly Tree Lunch Rooms and music store. 19 24-sepl TO PLEASURE SEEKERS. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT OF Steamer Pilot Boy, Capt.
W. H. Byles, After this date and during the summer months the fine Iron Steamer PILOT BUY will leave Washing ton, from Sixth-street wharf, TUESDAY SATURDAY morning, at 7 o'clock, for the cipal landings on the Potomac, including the favorite Summer Resorts of Colton's and Blakiston'8 Islands. Returning, will arrivein Washington early on Wednesday to the and above Sunday evenings. On Saturday, in addition landings the Pilot Boy will take passengers for Leonardtown, arriying there early the same evening; leaving on Sunday morning for Washington.
The scenery the Potomac Deing unsurpassed, and the Pilot Boy the only steamer affording a view of the entire route by daylight, make these most pleasant and healthial trips for families and social parties. Fare, single trip, round-trip tickets, good until used, $3. Apply to N. B. FITZHUGH, Agent, Jy2-2m Sixth street Wharf.
STEAMER "AVE' EXCURSIONS. The Elegant Iron Steamer Sue. Captain ES HARPER, Is pow making excur. stone 10 Feint Lookout on EVERY SATURDAY, stopping at Lincy Point and Marshall's, going and returning. The steamer leaves Stephenson' wharf, foot of Seventh street, at 7 p.
arriving at Point Lookout early Sunday morning. and returning to ington by 6 a. m. on Monday. All the accommodations are drst-class, and are unsurpassed by any steamer on the river.
For passage, state-ruoms, apply to Agents, Stephenson's wharf, foot of Seventh street, Je29-tf Or office, 1218 Pennsylvania ayenue. MOUNT VERNON, OF WASHINGTON. The Steamer ARROW, Capt. FRANK HOELINGSHEAD, Leaves Seventh-street wharf DAILY, (Sunday ex cepted,) at 10 a. returning about 4 p.
m. Round trip $1, including admission to Mansion and Grounds, oc19 ATTORNEYS AND AGENTS H. HEBRON, NOTARY PUBLIC, CLAIM AGENT. AND CONVEYANCER, 626 STREET SOUTHWEST. Deeds, Affidavits and other Legal Papers pared and acknowledged.
Notes protested. Office hours: from 7 to 9 a. and from 1 to 9p.m. Jy16 THEODORE KELS. ADDISON G.
STONE, Late Superintendent in charge of old material under, Board of Audit. SHECKELS STONE, REAL ESTATE AND CLAIM prosecute claims before the Beard of Audit or District Government for old material taken, work done by private parties and claims for damages to private property caused by change grade of 461 streets. Loans on real estate negotiated. Office, Pennsylvania avenue, between Four-and-a-bal? and Sixth streets northwest. WILLIAM WILLIAME.
CHAS. KENNEDY WILLIAMS KENNEDY, Real Estate Brokers and Auctioneers, Rooms--24 and 25 Le Droit Bullding. myl-tf2 JOB. T. K.
oc29-ly WOODBURY WHEELER, Four-and-a-half street, Washington, D. C. Practices in the courts of the District and Prince George's county, Md. de12-tf N. H.
MILLER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. 325 Four-and-a-ba3 street, near the City Hall, WIll practice in all of the courts of the District, In the Court of Claims, before the Departments and in the Supreme Court of the United States. noll-tt M. A. 000K, No.
ATTORNEY (Two doors north of Penn. practice in the Supreme Court of the United States, Court of Claims, Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, Committees of Congress and Departments of the United States Government. GrIn settlement of claims against the United States and the District of Columbia la associated Benj. N. Meeds, late Auditor of the Board of Pubite Works and the District.
B. D. HYAM CO, REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND 1 Street, near U. S. Treasury, (Lock Box 171.) Proposals for Loans on Real Estate Security on Marketable Collaterals (not less than for $2,000) are solicited.
An unlimited amount of capital at our disposal at various rates of interest. Large sums on real estate 1 at eight (8) per cent. per annum, On GoTernment securities at lower rates. Printed blank proposals can be had either by written or personal application as above. Real Estate for sale (improved and unimproved) by us in various parts of the city.
Especial attention is called to some fine dences in the northwestern part of the city. 1e1-3m B. D. HYAM CO. CARRIAGES.
ESTABLISHED 1844. A. J. JOYCE. CARRIAGE MANUFACTURER, 419, 414, and 416 Fourteenth Street; REPAIRING in all its branches.
All carriages left for repairs, storage, or commission are insured. AGENTS for Brewster (of Broome street, 1 Fifth avenue, New York. sug16-t HALSTED, HAINES 374 to 378 BROADWAY. New York, Sole agents for the JONES MANUFACTURING COTTON, the most perfect Cotton Goods in the market; qualities EE, 00, AA, XX, XXX and No. 1.
Sole agents for, RICHARDSON'S LINENS, 11 short lengths and three cuts in a piece, at an average discount of say dfteen per cent. from the list price. bargains In COURTAULD'S BLACK ENGLISH CRAPES. Job lots In Hamburg EdgIngs; also, a very large assortment of choice and condned patterns. TIN INVENTORS.
I have carefully ATTORNEYS prepared AND and published complete digest ALL op to AMERICAN 1, PATENTS, 1875, CONCRETE PAVING ROOFING; ary Also, 1, all English patents for up to Janu1874. Price, 010, L. W. Jel-8m Boom 11. Patent Omoe.
W. H. STEAM DYEING AND CLEANING LISHMENT. 49 Jefferson street, Georgetown, D. C.
Established, 1831. Premium awarded, 1857. larged and Improved, 1874. Ladies and Gentlemen wearing apparel of every description, Including Velvets, Crepe Veils and Trimmings, Kid Gloves, and New to. Goods, nicely Carpets cleaned and or dyed; Blankets also, cleaned Curtains dura ing Send us your address and we will call for the Summer months.
and return work at any place received in and the District returned free by of mall ax charge. express from and to any place in the Work counta.
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